775 posts
This is a blog for my original universe, as seen in the perpetually-unpublished novel I've been working on for over twenty years. It probably won't make much sense to anyone but me. (My main blog is katieskarlette.) All related characters and designs are my intellectual property and cannot be used without permission.
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kavrillia · 2 hours ago
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Text post memes with Sicara and Xorax: One that made me LOL and two more serious/sentimental ones
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kavrillia · 1 day ago
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Vazali's parents meet
Above, Crown Prince Xeres meets Council Member Vizada in the halls of the capitol. She thinks he's way too laid back for a future emperor and not taking his duties seriously. He actually is quite devoted to the Empire, but he tries to stay calm as much as possible to avoid having an asthma attack in public. Too bad the new representative from Valoh is so pretty that his pulse speeds up in her presence...
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kavrillia · 2 days ago
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Text post memes with Bronzar and Vazali
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kavrillia · 3 days ago
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Text post memes with Abarok and Zadie
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kavrillia · 4 days ago
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My last finished art of 2024 was of Sicara and Xorax making out, because why not?
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kavrillia · 17 days ago
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 50 likes!
I was surprised to get this notification from Tumblr because there are so few people following this blog! I mean, 50 likes out of 769 posts isn’t a ton but considering this blog is all about OCs that nobody really knows it’s still impressive. A huge thank you to anyone who interacts with this blog!
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kavrillia · 17 days ago
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This picture of Xeebec and his youngest son illustrates how Kavillians' antennae are only stumps when they're first born. The stalk grows in during the first weeks of life, with the original stump gradually turning into the bulb on the end.
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kavrillia · 18 days ago
I added a bunch of entries to the Kavrillian history timeline over at World Anvil: marriages, births, deaths, promotions, relocations, and other odds and ends.
And that timeline still isn't nearly as detailed as the one I have in a word processor document for my own use. That one is six double-spaced pages long. It also includes all the spoilers, including things that happen fifteen years after the main novel.
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kavrillia · 18 days ago
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I may or may not color this at some point (it's been sitting around for months), but here's Empress Vazali in coronation regalia.
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kavrillia · 18 days ago
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The sandcastle never stood a chance. Luckily her dad doesn't mind making new ones over and over for her to smash while giggling adorably.
(Never mind who the characters are. This takes place years after the main plot/novel.)
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kavrillia · 22 days ago
My muse listened to me and I got 13 pages of Xeres and Vizada relationship development and Council stuff written yesterday. Woohoo!
I work tonight and tomorrow so I won't get to keep up the momentum, but I'll take the progress!
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No, muse, I want to be brainstorming and writing about Xeres, Vizada, Ontaz, Xarax, Delzon, et al. I don't need to have my brain keep giving me thoughts about Xorax instead.
He's already got a full story in the main novel and I even wrote a mini-sequel to get the rest of my ideas about him out of my system. His story is told.
I want to think/write about Vazali's parents meeting, and the Great Civil War breaking out, etc. Granted, the last two times I sat down to write I got interrupted in ways that ruined my inspiration for the rest of the day, but I have two days off now and I should be typing away on that. Instead I'm watching YouTube and doodling Xorax making out with his love interest. Why, brain? Why?
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kavrillia · 24 days ago
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No, muse, I want to be brainstorming and writing about Xeres, Vizada, Ontaz, Xarax, Delzon, et al. I don't need to have my brain keep giving me thoughts about Xorax instead.
He's already got a full story in the main novel and I even wrote a mini-sequel to get the rest of my ideas about him out of my system. His story is told.
I want to think/write about Vazali's parents meeting, and the Great Civil War breaking out, etc. Granted, the last two times I sat down to write I got interrupted in ways that ruined my inspiration for the rest of the day, but I have two days off now and I should be typing away on that. Instead I'm watching YouTube and doodling Xorax making out with his love interest. Why, brain? Why?
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kavrillia · 1 month ago
Holidays in Kavrillia
The biggest holiday for the Lanarians is the New Year celebrations that start on the first day of spring (in the northern hemisphere) and continue for one week. There are fireworks, music, street festivals, picnics, carnivals, etc.
The biggest holiday for the Vincarans is Tromar Anzhat, which is the day the brightest star in the southern sky becomes visible, signaling the start of spring. In ancient times the priests of Kalak would sacrifice a condor to thank the sun god for the return to warmer weather. That tradition did not survive the conquest (thankfully for the birds), but in modern times they still celebrate with dance, music, feasting, and exchanging gifts.
Those are the only holidays in the novel as it stands, but as part of worldbuilding I've thought a bit about how Vincarans view the equinoxes and solstices.
Their god of the sun (and leadership, judging of the dead, and justice...they multitask) is Kalak, and Kalak's consort is Ainia, the goddess of the moons (and oceans, and weather). When they were creating Kavrillia, they argued about the land/water ratio the planet should have. In Her fury, She plucked out one of His eyes, and they have been estranged ever since.
The Vincarans interpret the change of seasons as the balance of power shifting in Kalak and Ainia's eternal fight. The equinoxes are the only two days of the year when they are evenly matched and call a truce. Thus equinoxes are auspicious days for proposals and marriages.
The summer solstice is when Kalak is at His strongest, and the Vincarans would flock to Ainia's temple to show Her extra support, lest Kalak grow too strong and fry the world. At the winter solstice, the reverse is true: Ainia is at the peak of Her power, so people go to rally behind Kalak so He can keep Her from freezing the world. People light extra candles and string up bright, shiny baubles to evoke Kalak's fiery eye.
In other words, if Earth was Kavrillia, the shrine to Kalak would have been really busy the last few days. Ainia have mercy on us all. ;)
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kavrillia · 1 month ago
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Xorax in pursuit
Like the Delzeena I posted yesterday, this was drawn to be part of the new cover image.
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kavrillia · 1 month ago
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Delzeena running for her life
I drew this for the new cover image but it's going to be too small there to see any details so here's the full size version as a teaser. Xorax is still in progress.
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kavrillia · 1 month ago
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Vazali and Bronzar's first dance
Original art: 2002 Redone in paint program: 2024
This was always one of my absolute favorite pictures of these characters, and it held up pretty well after 22 years, but the image quality was poor so a digital facelift was definitely called for.
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kavrillia · 1 month ago
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It's been awhile since I uploaded a WIP update of my new cover image, so here's a look at the current version. I still think I'm going to put Xorax and Delzeena in the dark hallway in the very back, but I haven't drawn them yet.
I'm glad I decided on a manual background instead of just sticking it all in front of a stock photo. The rug is from a royalty-free image, but I changed the color and saturation quite a bit. The stonework around the two arches is also from a royalty-free image, but the stone floor is 100% original.
I still need to deal with the layout (i.e. where the title and author are going to be) and the white space along the left, right, and bottom edges, but it's coming along well.
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