#choco vine cookie
quibbs126 · 1 year
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This is another one no one asked for, but it was one I wanted to do. They’re a bit high up on my list (though surprisingly not as high as I thought, they’re on the low end of my top 25), but I was struggling to come up with ideas and I had some for them, so I decided to do them
Originally it was just going to be one like my others, and I was going to do Choco Vine, but then I thought “oh hey, those molten lava cakes would work for a darkyam kid too”, and put that on my notes, but then I couldn’t decide which to do. Then later I was told about ube rolls and thought that would work for one too, so I was in a dilemma trying to figure out which to do. But then I thought, “why not do all three?” And so yeah, that’s what I did. Took quite a while, was working on this both today and yesterday, though I suppose that’s understandable given that there’s three of them
So Choco Vine is named after chocolate vines, aka akebi, which has a purplish flower hat smells like chocolate. It does have a fruit but I opted for the flower instead
Chocolate vine/akebi:
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For Lava Fudge, he’s named after molten chocolate cakes, aka lava cakes. I don’t quite remember where the “fudge” bit came from, but I thought it worked. I chose that because chocolate, and also Purple Yam tends to be associated with fire and heat, so a “lava cake” just fits
Lava cake:
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And then ube rolls are cakes made with Ube, aka purple yams. And the stripe of white reminded me of Dark Choco’s white stripes
Ube roll:
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Let’s see, their designs…I’m trying to think of things to say
Okay, so Choco Vine’s hair is supposed to be like the flower, even if it doesn’t really embody the shape. The flower has these little purple bits in the middle (they look more purple in other pictures), so I just added it at the top of her hair, and it also looks like a little bow. I always envisioned Choco Vine as a little girl, but I think when I made her and all her siblings, she became slightly younger. For context she’s around 3-4. So she’s probably a lot smaller, but I can’t really indicate that without her getting too small to draw. But she’s small enough that any one of them, even Ube Roll, can pick her up with one hand. Also she has a little cardboard tube (a flimsy one) because she likes to smack literally everything in her radius, and Dark Choco and Lava Fudge thought it was the best way to make sure she doesn’t get hurt doing it, or that she cause too much damage to the things she smacks. She can upgrade to a proper weapon once she’s older and stops hitting everything
Anyways I’m bleeding into the character section, so let’s move on to Lava Fudge. So his hair is supposed to be like the molten chocolate in the center of the cake, so it’s all liquid-y. It was originally going to look more like Yam’s dreads but chocolate, but after sketching I thought of the other idea and chose that instead. I put in the red highlights because of the whole “lava” thing. Probably should have shown that more in the other colors now that I think about it. I’m not sure why I made his armor that color, but that’s what I went with. I gave him an axe because I thought it was the best compromise between Dark Choco’s greatsword and Purple Yam’s mace. Also my first time drawing an axe, I’m realizing now that I haven’t really seen any Cookies wielding axes in these games, other than Tea Knight in his other outfit, which I used as a reference for Lava Fudge. Oh and another thing I wanted to mention, so Lava Fudge is supposed to be huge, my notes call him an “absolute unit”. He’s taller than even Dark Cacao, and as you can tell, much wider, as I gave him a body type like Yam’s. He’s the first one of these I’ve made with a particularly large frame, and I think it was a good change of pace. Though I admit with the armor, it looks like he has a small waist. Not my intention
Then with Ube Roll, so despite the name her hair’s more based on Dark Choco and Dark Cacao. I also wanted to make her thinner just because I thought that I needed that variation. Also probably because I was suggested to name Violet Sugar Cookie Ube Roll, and maybe some of her design subconsciously went into her. Anyways so she’s also supposed to be a magic user, hence the book in her hand (used Prune Juice as a reference for that), and I kind of wanted to reflect that in her outfit, with it being more cloth than armor. I also thought it’d be fun to give her shoulder pads and a cape like Dark Choco, and I think I used his Young Prince Outfit as my main model. I also gave her a sword since she’d obviously still use a weapon, even if she’s learning magic, though I made it smaller since her skills aren’t entirely strength reliant. I think I might have planned to put more red in her design, but I’m fine with keeping it mostly purple, I think it looks good
Oh yeah also regarding the things on their face, none of them are scars, they’re just markings like Purple Yam. They have them elsewhere in their body too. I just assume it’s a natural thing for him and thought it would be neat to incorporate. Though I admit Choco Vine’s were a last minute addition
So now onto their characters
So I half mentioned Choco Vine’s personality already, but basically she’s a tiny child with far too much energy. She idolizes her dads and older brother and wants to be a warrior like them, hence why she tries to pretend being a warrior with her little tube. Though she may be misinterpreting the role and she just hits literally everything. If you are in her radius, steel your legs because she will swing at them, possibly more than once. Everyone just goes with it since I mean, she’s a little kid, let her have her fun. And with the flimsy tube, no one’s really getting hurt by it. She will smack her family repeatedly and it doesn’t even faze them (which is part of the reason she continues to do it, as if she saw it really did hurt them, she’d probably stop), though on occasion they’ll play along and act as if they’ve been defeated by her attacks, meaning she’s defeated the enemy
I’m also toying with the idea that Choco Vine is actually blind, and the reason she’s always hitting things with her tube is that this is her way of figuring out the world around her. Not sure if I should keep it though
Another, somewhat funny idea I had was this idea of her getting kidnapped by the Cookies of Darkness (though for this to happen there’d have to be some timeline altering, namely that Choco Vine is baked much earlier in the timeline and is already out and about within at most a couple years of the main plot of Kingdom), only for her to be their undoing as she keeps hitting them with her tube. While I said it doesn’t hurt, to be fair the people she’s likely surrounded with are those of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, where everyone has at least some warrior training and conditioning to the harsh elements; what’s a flimsy piece of cardboard going to do? With these guys though, with the exceptions of Red Velvet and probably Choco Werehound Brute, they aren’t as immune, so her constant hits to the kneecaps do genuinely hurt, and she doesn’t care if they do because they’re villains. And so by the time her parents come to the rescue, she’s basically single-handedly taken down the Cookies of Darkness. Made even worse if in her excursion in the place, she found an actual weapon (which I feel is somewhat likely), in which they would all be screwed
Oh yeah I forgot there were others to talk about, not just her. Okay then, moving on
So Lava Fudge is probably the most cautious of the family. I tried to show that with his eyes but I’m not sure that got across. If someone wants to fight, he tries to convince the other to just talk it out and not have to fight, as he’d much rather use words to avoid unnecessary fights. This also translates to him being the voice of reason amongst his siblings, even if they don’t always listen, as his main concern is that they’re all safe. The way he acts may lead you to think he’s not a very good fighter. However, this is most certainly not the case, as he is an incredibly powerful fighter, and destructive one at that. When his axe hits the ground, it splits open the earth and even lava pours out from the cracks, even in places like the Dark Cacao Kingdom. No one’s sure how he’s so powerful, but they choose not to question it too much, given his grandfather is one of the Ancient Heroes, and the one most know for physical prowess. Most likely you will not win the fight, and possibly not survive it, as he is relentless in his attacks. He just likes to be cautious because again, he wants to avoid unnecessary fights. And he just has a relatively kind heart. But also, if you hurt one of his sisters, physically or emotionally, there will be no mercy for you. I think laying it out, he’s sort of like ROTTMNT Raphael
I’m not too sure what he does, given the armor doesn’t resemble anything from the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but maybe he’s part of a guild or something, going around helping others in need
As for Ube Roll, like I said, she’s a magic user. She started out learning swords and physical fighting like the rest of her family, but she later took an interest in magic and has since been studying it. She probably studied at Parfaedia, if she doesn’t go there now. I was thinking her magic would be like, purple flames, but I’m also considering it being ice or earth based. Maybe she has multiple. However her magic doesn’t mean she won’t still use her sword if need be. She’s probably also the most socially adept of the family, given her general vibe
Sorry I don’t have too much to say about Ube Roll in company to her siblings, since they were the ones I put the most thought into
But yeah, I think that’s about it for them, and I hope you enjoy them (and can maybe also forgive me for not posting more this week)
Oh yeah, so one more thing, so I have a request for Dark Choco/Milk, and spoilers but there I’m giving them twins, since there were two very easy ideas to go with that worked together. If this trio were to be a polycule and there also be a Purple Yam/Milk kid (hopefully I’m thinking just one), than that would mean they’d have at least 6 children, dear lord
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Dark Choco: What do you want from me!?
Pomegranate: *standing in front his bed, eating a kitkat incorrectly*
Dark Choco, crying: Please...just stop
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rainbowheart324 · 23 days
my first time drawing blood that i can remember. How does he look as he dangles from thorny vines. I have the very start of a story for this but it's not very good so i am not going to share it.
You can see the art under the read more.
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rlimagi · 2 months
Can you do bridget with a villain GF. Like major Sunshine x Storm or whatever
Perfect Revenge
Pairings: Bridget x Villian! Reader
Genre: Fluff with a splash of reader being a menace <3
Warnings: evil activities?
Note: Hi!! Thank you for your request, this is a bit short but this is the first time I’m writing for Descendants so hopefully you’ll enjoy this! Also thank you everyone else for the requests, I’ll start writing as soon as I get more ideas<3
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“Sweetheart, you need to stop being so nice to people who don’t deserve it!” You frowned, voice raising higher and higher the longer you thought of Uliana who recently dropped a bucket of green paint over Bridget’s head.
It was humiliating for Bridget but she still forgave her, the thought made you more angry by the seconds.
“Calm down, baby. The school’s going to flood soon if you don’t, just…it’s fine just stop thinking about this.” Bridget being the angel she was, intertwined your hands with hers to calm you down even when she was the victim of a petty prank.
You sighed, your emotions got the best of you to the point that you didn’t realize that you summoned heavy rain upon the school grounds.
You lifted your eyes off the ground to see other students running inside the school, trying their best not to get too wet.
“Okay, fine…sorry but really, if she touches even an inch of your body again, Ursala might need to come on land to find her precious baby sister’s remains.” You said, smirking as you eyed Uliana and her gangs who were strutting to god knows where but you know it’s not to etiquette class.
“That’s well…good enough! Thank you baby, now stop sulking and go back to class!” Bridget smiled gleefully, giving you a kiss on the cheek before running off to her class before giving you a chance to respond.
Your face reddened at the sudden kiss even if it was only on the cheek. Bridget had always had this effect on you, even in the darkest of days she’ll somehow make it all brighter.
But just to your dismay, Uliana appeared in your sight again but this time she was alone. A smirk rose up your lips. “Sorry, Bridget. You’ve let Uliana off way too many times. She wants to play with fire, but I’ll give her all the elements.”
You silently followed her into the forest, waiting until she was too far from another living being aside from yourself to strike.
You stood on one of the branches of a tree, luckily the trees in the magic forest was big or else you wouldn’t have been able to hide so easily. “Uliana~” you sang out, your voice echoed into the darkness, scaring the living soul out of the villian.
“Who’s there!” Uliana shouted, trying to seem threatening but you could read her like an open book. She was trying her hardest not to tremble
“Is that how you speak to a friend?” You pouted, faking an innocent look as you jumped right in front of her.
“You!” Uliana screamed, her body fuming in anger but before she could utter another word you snapped your fingers. Then her lips was moving but no words came out.
“I?” You asked, pointing to yourself as you tilted your head to the side. “I what, Uliana?” your smile grew wider as the speed of her lips moved faster and faster, yet no words seemed to be coming out.
But clearly, Uliana wasn’t about to let you off so easily. She glared at you and was about to sprint to your way when you ordered the vines on the ground to pull her onto the ground, tying her whole body to the sharp grass.
Let’s say what happened next wasn’t very pretty.
“Yn! Guess what! Uliana hasn’t been bothering me at all lately, I think she liked the cookies I gave her!” Bridget smiled joyfully, placing the plate of cookies aside before running up to you to give the warmest hug ever.
You melted into her touch, nodding to everything she said. “Of course, who wouldn’t like my princess’s famous choco chip cookies.”
Bridget blushed at what you called her, “Your princess?” she pulled away from the hug for a bit to look right into your eyes, it was filled with love and adoration.
“Only mine, got it?” You claimed in a joking manner, grinning when she playfully pinched your cheek.
“Of course, silly.” Bridget cupped your face before pulling you in for a sweet kiss, a kiss sweeter than all the sweets in the world combined.
After pulling away from the sweetest you wished to never be apart from, you saw Uliana from the corner of your eyes. She looked like a deer caught in headlights after noticing your eyes on her, immediately she ran out of your sight.
It was you who made Uliana stop her bullying towards your girlfriend but no one needs to know about that. Especially Bridget, your girlfriend should never know that you tortured someone for hours just for her.
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anitoko-17294 · 4 months
some fun facts about Bitter Cacao Cookie (Aka, Fallen-hero!Dark Cacao Cookie)
@xaytheloser @rosejigglypuff76
Providing you both some more of the goods
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His outfit is a reference to Our Lady of Sorrow, a catholic devotion and popular religious theme (Kinda fitting since Bitter Cacao is the beast of sorrow)
He has never actually done anything to harm his kingdom directly, but rather chooses to do so indirectly in order to not draw attention to himself (And yes, this has failed), one these methods of attacking his kingdom includes sending out vines covered with purple flowers that, if you made the mistake of smelling them, you too would feel an endless need to mourn
See that crescent-shaped beauty mark on Bitter Cacao's cheek? This is actually based off a headcanon I have that he had been connected to Moonlight Cookie back when he was known as Dark Cacao Cookie (And yes, Moonlight Cookie is aware of what happened to Dark Cacao, and even to this day, she is hellbent on bringing him out of his anguish-induced stupor)
His senses are sharper than usual (His hearing in particular to be more specific), so even a sudden loud noise is enough to trigger a crying jab in the king
His sense of self-care? Besides showering, his sense of self care is basically non-existent
BONUS: The statuses of the other dark cacaoians (And those who are aware of the situation)
Snowberry Cookie (Oc of mine): Yes, she still loves him, even after he made (multiple) attempts to plunge the kingdom into a literal version of the Great Depression. She tries to find normalcy in her and her husband's usual routine, even if it does mean having to be given stares of concern from the kingdom's citizens. She’s also the one who always reminds Bitter Cacao to take care of himself since he tends to forget about his own health psychically and mentally even before he became a beast
Licorice Cookie (I’m just gonna assume he lives there): Keeps an eye on the kingdom's walls (Along with calming the Licorice Monsters down if they start getting too restless as Bitter Cacao is incredibly sensitive to loud noises). Keep in mind that he’s doing this mostly out of pity for the king, as well as the fact that he had left the Cookies of Darkness alongside Affagato after hearing about the status of the kingdom (Spoiler alert: It’s not good, AT ALL)
Affagato Cookie: As per mentioned, he too had left the cookies of darkness to return to the Dark Cacao Kingdom because again, kingdom wasn’t exactly in good spirits. He’s not liked AT ALL by the other citizens, given how he had attempted to take over the kingdom, as well as nearly screwing the Creme republic over. He does at least manage to keep in contact with Cream Unicorn Cookie, so at least he’s not totally alone. He also tries to help out the kingdom by attempting to cheer the king up, and though his attempts rarely succeed, when they do, he swears that he can see the tiniest smile appear on Bitter Cacao's face
Milk Cookie (His tribe lives near the Dark Cacao kingdom territory, so it technically counts): He tries to be optimistic, but with the fact that Bitter Cacao had plunged the entire Dark Cacao Kingdom into a literal Great Depression, alongside the so-called "disappearance" of Dark Choco Cookie, he's not exactly in good spirits, though he wouldn’t ever admit so
Espresso Cookie (They’re an ancestor to the coffee tribe, so again, it counts): She had initially trekked to the dark cacao kingdom to see their ancestors (Aka, the coffee tribe), but decided to stay in the kingdom in order to find a way to bring Bitter Cacao out of his anguish-induced stupor. They stay with Affagato cookie (They’re basically roommates)
Also, if anyone asks, I hc that Espresso is a transwoman who uses she/they
Cocoa Cookie (She’s technically a cacaoian): She actually wasn’t aware about what was going on until a relative who lived in the kingdom gave her the news, and to put it mildly, she’s a nervous wreck about the ordeal
Mint Choco Cookie: He tries not to let the stress of the situation in his home kingdom get the better of him, but that’s easier said than done
Caramel Arrow Cookie: She's often quoted as the mom of the royal family, as she, alongside Snowberry Cookid, are often the ones who constantly pesters Bitter Cacao to take care of himself, with C. Arrow even resorting to dragging him to bed or the dinner table if she has to
Crunchy Chip Cookie: …he doesn’t like to talk about it
Stormbringer Cookie: She honestly didn’t even know about the situation in the dark cacao kingdom at first until she smelled one of the sorrow flowers by accident and wouldn’t stop crying for DAYS. She often tries to help the kingdom by giving travelers a stern warning about the sorrow flowers, as well as often trying to cheer up Bitter Cacao anytime he visits the Chococake tower by offering him Cotten candy clouds
Dark Choco Cookie: ………lets just say you don’t want to know
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tksavvy · 8 months
Headcannon dump brought to you by McDonald's lol.
White Lily Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie used to give each other cheer up tickles. Neither of them fight back when tickled.
Pure Vanilla Cookie is most ticklish on his tummy. He often curls into a ball. The other Ancient Cookies and Black Raisin Cookie know this.
Pomegranate Cookie is very ticklish on her lower back. Only Dark Enchantress Cookie and Poison Mushroom Cookie know this.
White Lily Cookie's worst spot is where her ribs and sides meet. She sometimes uses vines to tickle her friends.
Dark Cacao Cookie has a very particular spot on the back of his neck were the base of his head connects that acutely makes him SQUEAL. The only ones who know this are Hollyberry Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie.
Black Pearl Cookie sometimes tickles Sorbet Shark Cookie. I feel like she doesn't mind when the cutie comes by since they're pretty friendly. The worst spot for Sorbet Shark Cookie is the base of his tail connecting to the back. Black Pearl is most ticklish on her fins.
the Cacao one >>>>>
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nova-dracomon · 2 years
Vegan Kin Food Ideas
S'up! So, we've been seeing a lot of kin food posts, but the focus is always on meat. Then when vegan or vegetarian options are listed it's like salad + fruit and that's it. We've been vegan for some years now so here's a list of things we eat that we think others might enjoy too!
A piece of advice we found helpful is to think about the food item you miss and break it down into what exactly you miss. If you miss eating gems, is it the appearance? The crunch? Gritty texture or dry taste? In that spirit of that, our list will be largely broken up by texture/experience.
Crunch Crunch Snacks
This includes snacks/sides that get your jaws working or have a satisfying "snap" to them.
Roasted chickpeas
Kale chips
Ants on a log (celery, peanut butter and raisins)
Hummus + baby bell peppers/sugar snap peas/carrots
Granola / cereals (a lot of types are vegan, read the ingredients before purchasing)
Banana chips
Nuts + seeds
Popcorn (avoid "buttery" packages, buy plain or kettle corn)
Peanut butter pretzels (crunchy outside, delicious soft inside)
Smartie candies
Keep your cookies/chocolate bars in the fridge or freezer
Also, load cookies up with extra nuts/seeds/choco chips
Soft, but with some crunch
This section is for dishes/sides that are overall easier on the teeth, but with elements that still crunch or snap. If you're looking for recipes that combine different texture elements check these out.
Lentil nachos + nacho cheese sauce
"Crunchwrap" (quesadilla made with refried beans and homemade cheese sauce that we open and place tortilla chips and lettuce inside after grilling)
Tempeh bacon (we like this on a BLT or grilled cheese sandwich)
Crispy tofu sandwiches
Grilled asparagus
Apple slices with nut butter
Apple turnovers
Vegan sushi (there's a ton of recipes, check out these two collections to get started X, X)
Falafel (can be used a hundred different ways, sandwiches, wraps, on it's own, etc.)
Roasted chickpeas again, but with a caveat**: You can roast them at 350 F for 30 mins and they'll be cooked enough to pop between your teeth, but soft in the center. We like to either eat them as-is or top our salads with them. (We season with salt/pepper before going into the oven, nothing else) **Must be eaten after baking, they will not keep
For the foragers in the crowd
These dishes focus more on having either multiple different foods in a visible way or a tactile element to how you eat them.
Chia pudding
Smoothie bowls
Overnight oatmeal
Trail mix
Pumpkin bars (We replace the egg with a flax egg and use vegan butter)
Chocolate chip banana monkey bread
Corn on the cob
Grilled veggie kebabs
Cranberry cilantro quinoa salad
Bush's beans and rice
Salads topped with sliced fruit, nuts, grains and/or beans
Edamame (a favorite, we love pulling out the insides with our teeth, you can get ones without the pods if they bother you)
Plant-based burgers, the kinds with the chunks of veggies (our favorite is dr. praeger's black bean quinoa burgers)
Chewy Foods
This section is for foods that work your jaw, but more in a "needing to chew" way.
Potato gnocchi
Dried fruit (comes in all different flavors, not just raisins)
Swedish fish, red vines, skittles or sour patch kids
Granola bars (a lot of types are vegan, read the ingredients before purchasing)
Thick bread-y pizza (our favorite dough recipe)
Chewy chocolate chip cookies
Peanut butter cookies
Baked oatmeal
Potato skins
Meat Substitutes
The most obvious way to make a dish vegan is to sub in the appropriate mock meat. We've eaten quite a few and we won't sugar-coat it: a lot of them are either going to match the taste, texture, OR look. It's hard for mock meats to copy meat 1:1, some get way closer than others, but if you go into this expecting no difference you will be disappointed.
Our two favorite brands are Impossible and Gardein. We've tried a lot of their products and have yet to eat one we don't like.
These aren't your only options though!
Falafel (deep-fried balls of ground chickpea)
Tempeh (fermented soybeans)
Seitan (made from wheat gluten)
Jack fruit
You might have guessed based on the recipes shared, but we usually opt for beans. We haven't eaten much seitan or jack fruit, but they are options. At our local grocery stores they're sold in the "free from" section and can be brought pre-seasoned and ready to cook with. Jack fruit in particular is a popular replacement for shredded pork.
The trick with a lot of these is to marinate them. Tofu in particular so you can infuse it with flavor. Here's a few recipes we love:
Lentil and sweet potato loaf ("Neat"loaf)
Marinated tofu
Crispy tofu sandwiches
Tempeh bacon
Chili (our mom's recipe that we modified)
Soft / Squish
For things that are soft or squishy and you can slurp up.
Seaweed salad
miso soup
Pico de Gallo Black Bean Soup
"Nice" cream
Chocolate mousse
Brownie batter hummus
Chia seed jam
Lavender syrup (to flavor other drinks, we use it in coffee)
Lavender lemonade (final product will be a light brown color)
Mashed potatoes + Gravy
Slow cooker apple cider
Tofu scramble
JUST egg
Non-dairy mac and cheese (our favorite brand is the upton's)
Smoothies (if you're looking for a protein powder to include, we recommend Vega)
**Just a reminder to supplement for B12 if you're consuming a vegan diet. There are some foods that are fortified with it; however, a supplement is cheap, easy to find and all-around a more reliable way to ensure you are getting enough.
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Kingdom Headline, 2/7/24: Beast-Yeast Episode 2 - “Theater of Lies”
⚙️ Sheesh, 3 years already? Guess their economic outlook in this era of gacha saturation’s gotten them very far, especially with the amount of burnout that hit the upper management Cookies here last Cookiemas. This is actually the 3rd Cookie Run 3rd Anniversary that Meringue’s been through. And if you think my count’s off, think again. Puzzle World’s also more than 3 years old, but that anniversary (and their 4th) went silent because essentially nobody but me talks about that game. But since we’re all here, why not make a month out of it?!
Estimated Duration for all Undated Events and Banners: 2/7 - 2/29
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Main Events (Including Part 1)
3rd Anniversary Festival - Step right up and join the party with a myriad of games filled with prizes!
White Lily Cookie’s Daily Gifts - 14 days of valuable rewards and new resources. Log in every day to get resources that get you closer to meeting White Lily Cookie: one of the Anniversary’s main prizes.
Mystic Gold: Midsummer Night’s Forest Spirits - A Temporary Shop featuring Mystic gold variants of the two new Legendary Costumes
The new resources, Emerald Pins and Brilliant Rainbow Crystals, are withheld behind other events and in packages
Emerald Pins will be converted into Brilliant Rainbow Crystals after the season ends (10 pins -> 1 crystal)
Brilliant Rainbow Crystals can be spent on returning Mystic costumes in any season
Explore Beast-Yeast! (Ends 3/27) - Clear stages in World Exploration’s Beast-Yeast continent for milestone rewards with new resources up to 75 stages cleared!
Beascuits Event - Get acquainted with the new Beascuits with some new tasks to get ahead!
Lovely Choco Boxes - Mystery boxes filled with random rewards. Open them using Melting Sweet Hearts you can get from your friends!
Melting Sweet Hearts! - Send gifts filled with Melting Sweet Hearts to get milestone rewards featuring a new icon and title!
Silver Kingdom Adventures (Permanent Until Finished) - Get Crystals for clearing stages in the first two episodes of Beast-Yeast for the first time in any difficulty!
Bounty Missions - Today’s Bounties have been updated! Win battles to get milestone rewards including one Star Jelly Concentrate Level 80 to max out a Cookie to the new level cap of 80!
Seasonal Modes
White Lily Pass - An Event Pass with missions and rewards. Includes a premium track including White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones for $14.99
Skirmish Raid - Circus of Shadows - Dare you step into this twisted circus of dark fantasy and illusion? Form three teams and brace yourself for a show unlike any other!
Kingdom Arena - New Frontiers Season 1 (Ends 2/20)
Gift Month - 🫖🗡️ Tea Knight Cookie (Ends 2/21)
Guild Battle - Destiny’s Wrath Season 10
10-3 (2/7 - 2/13)
10-4 (2/14 - 2/20)
Cookie Alliance Season 2-3 (Ends 2/12)
Cookie & Gacha Features
❔ White Lily Cookie - Light of Freedom Nether Gacha
A theory deemed impossible because of the witnessed events from the Tower of Sweet Chaos, the fact that this skill was teased in the TUTORIAL said otherwise. Her skill does area damage that increases with every buff she has, and ensnares enemies in immobilizing vines with bonus aftereffects and extra damage once dispelled or if the target is immune. Her passive can heal and purify her entire team after getting enough debuffs, although activating the buffs gained with this passive is linked with using her skill.
🌷🏹 Silverbell Cookie - Featured Banner
One of the Faeries of the forest. His skill provides DMG Resist and healing over time that scales with buffs held by his teammates while also providing a DPS/stun debuff on enemies damaged by his skill.
Activates bonus passives when Mercurial Knight Cookie is on the same team.
🧚‍♂️🥄 Mercurial Knight Cookie - Featured Banner (Ends 3/13)
The Commander of the Silver Tree Knights. Gains new powers when using his skill. While his skill is active, he heals extra damage (plus damage relative to Max HP for Cookies) and inflicts Mercury Poisoning with each attack. His Final Strike at the end of his skill deals big damage that increases based on his targets’ stacks of Mercury Poisoning (this is damage relative to Max HP for Cookies).
His passive gives him a stack of Amalgamation every second and whenever he gets a debuff. After gaining 60 stacks, he dispels all his debuffs and enters Mercury Storm mode for temporarily increased ATK, ATK SPD, and Max HP. He can’t gain Amalgamation stacks while Mercury Storm is active.
Activates bonus passives when Silverbell Cookie is on the same team.
3rd Anniversary Deluxe Gacha
Anniversary gacha with increased odds for Super Epic+ Cookies and a guaranteed Super Epic+ Cookie every 150 pulls. Only accessible with special gacha tickets found in events and the shop.
Pure Vanilla Cookie’s Viridescent Daydream & White Lily Cookie’s Moonflower Faerie Legendary Costume Gacha
Features a special Title for collecting both costumes
Lunar New Year Special Hanbok Costumes
The Lunar New Year Hanbok Special Costumes for Almond Cookie, Dark Choco Cookie, Oyster Cookie, Moon Rabbit Cookie, Cherry Cookie, and Macaron Cookie are back again! They’ll disappear again with the banner once this update ends.
👻 Blackberry Cookie - Buffed
Blackberry Cookie’s skill now grants an ATK SPD buff and HP Shield in addition to her existing CRIT% buff. This further cements her status as one of the best Rare Cookies in the game!
Major Update Features (Includes Part 1)
Beascuits - Adds extra bonuses to your Cookies
Today’s Bounties - Updated and organized to include new rewards.
Each boss now has a different reward… Skill Powders now stand solely with the Labyrinth Tactician!
Daily attempts increased from 3 to 6, Kingdom Pass increases this cap to 9
Bonus rewards awarded on a given boss on a given day of the week (Sugar Gnome Laboratory technologies that increase rewards apply their bonuses after the daily bonus)
New/Returning players have an extra, temporary bonus on top of the existing bonuses
Added 2.5x Game Speed to standard and arena battles
Cookie and Skill max level increased to 80
Level cap is reachable after achieving Kingdom level 45
Simplified animations for Tree of Wishes, Bear Jelly Balloon, and Bear Jelly Train
Added Cancel button for Balloon Expeditions
You won’t get your Stamina Jellies back if you cancel an expedition
Added scroll bar on the Cookie list screen
Arena Fast-Forward
Allows you to advance to the tier group below last season’s highest tier
Tower of Sweet Chaos now CLOSED.
Searing Keys converted to 500 Coins per key
Related events & achievements now closed
TOSC Package contents will be delivered in full regardless of Tower progress
Unlock TOSC BGM by clearing World Exploration - Crispia, 4-12 in Story Mode
Sugar Gnome Laboratory: Maximum Searing Keys & Searing Key Recharge -> Bounties: More Star Jellies & Bounties: More Coins. Technology levels and costs remain the same.
All TOSC cutscenes in Pastry Cookie’s story are now immediately unlocked for all players in the Tower of Records for free
Added customizable Profile Backgrounds and Badges
Crème Brûlée Cookie and Linzer Cookie’s Soulstones are now in the Mileage Shop
World Exploration: Beast-Yeast
The biggest feature of this anniversary is the new addition of the Beast-Yeast continent. Unlock it by clearing stage 8-30 on Crispia (the preexisting level series through Goddess of Eternal Gold)
Level Explanations coming soon
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religiousbats · 4 months
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by ReligiousBats
Note: All of my ocs will be put I'm here (with the exception of parts), decided to showcase all of my ocs I've done over the years and also will have some little more of who they are and what they are. In a form of voice claims, and yes I'm including my cookie run ocs. So yeah! Have a nice peak of all of my characters! (And their voices)
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" Beelzebub, the Gluttonous Beast. A name that strikes fear into the Cookies, once a mortal cookie who had abandoned all reason to continue coexisting with His fellow Cookie, because due to the cannibalistic nature of Him, He was banished away from the kingdom. after finding a strange red substance, he drank the red substance before it morphed him into a unholy being of teeth and maw... "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/cTnYhyasNzA?si=R5IPqIu6fiaGQ93Z
The Darkin blade - Aatrox voice lines (League of Legends)
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" A creation from Motcha Cookie on The Laboratorium. A failed experiment had occurred from the like substance being unstable to the host, before creating Lime Jello Cookie, a childish and curious (yet slightly dumb) Cookie who likes to learn new things, and he's also actively a student of Red Velvet Cookie, unaware of Dark Enchantress Cookie's true intention.... Also a good friend of Dark Choco Cookie! "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/gLfxBMc-7j4?si=4_80FgYbYpQKRtk2
Twitch Voice (League of Legends)
(𝐌𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐜)
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" When the first light came into the universe, when there was Light.. There was darkness.. And when there's darkness.. There was the void, a dimension created by GOD as a way to balance both light and dark.. Heaven and hell.. And before Jesus was born... There was Ki Titus, Ki has sworn to protect mankind from any dangers and evil who dared to threaten his holy Fathers work. He wears human clothing to try to blend in.. Kinda fells.. A lot.. Also he secretly likes memes "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/vEjrwItHjt4?si=QhdTuUOlaC0n8PXG
Sisyphus - Hades
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" A sight of sore eyes, once human but now tortured and morphed into a monster who blames them self's for becoming such beast, turned by a mysterious organization. Wrath is a hot tempered brute with unstable strength, the red substance that enjects into his vines only makes the mechanical half human beast stronger.. "
VOICE CLAIM! : https://youtu.be/lKY-T5ONOQU?si=LE1yYj_bThxWZFqv
FAITH - Michael voice (or SAM voice-)
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rosejigglypuff76 · 1 year
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[Cookie Run Warriors AU 🍪] Herb Kimura (aka; Herb Cookie) 🪴
Birthday: November 30 🎀 Age: 15 🎂 Gender: Male ♂️ Sexuality: Homosexual 🏳️‍🌈 Occupation: Young God of Nature, Shimmering Ocean Village's Botanist 💫 Family: Sea Fairy Kimura (Mother), Silver Birch Kimura (Late Father), Moonlight Nightlight (Secondary Mother Figure) 💧 Relationships: Dark Choco Watanabe (Boyfriend, Secretly) 🍫
Rarity: Super Epic 🎖️ Class: Support 📖 Position: Rear 💙 Skill Title: Growing Compassion
Skill Info: Turns the ground into a wonderful little garden, removing all debuffs and restoring some HP for the whole party. Summons vine tendrils to bind two opponents with the least amount of HP, inflicting strong light damage for 7 seconds.
🍪 Cookie Character Info 🍪
Born from a special flower that Sea Fairy planted and still takes great care of, created from the prayers of the Sugar Swan just like her.
Herb is a polite little botanist and a lovable cookie that wields the Clover Soul Jam, caring for his team, friends, and mother who cherishes him with sincere love and passion.
Often the young nature god will roam around Earthbread helping everyone out, mainly when they need some advice on plants and nature, or if they need someone to heal them from a brutal attack.
Despite being out and all over Earthbread, Herb will always come back home at the end of the day in the Shimmering Ocean Village, using his Pastel Seashell, to help its inhabitants, and especially Sea Fairy for the same thing or to simply have a wholesome family bonding together.
- - - - - - -
Note: This variation of Herb Cookie appears in my upcoming Cookie Run Warriors AU, and is actually the same Herb Kimura albeit in a different setting 🪴
Fun Fact: Herb Kimura can still break the fourth wall in the Cookie Run Warriors AU 🪴
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quibbs126 · 11 months
Actually you know what, I may as well just do a part 2 of fankids I would like help with
These’ll mostly be concepts instead of names
Some may repeat from last time, especially since I don’t remember every one I asked about. I’ll try not to repeat though, except for the ones I want to
Eclair/Cream Unicorn: I’m calling the kid Rainbow Cookie (after actual rainbow cookies), but that’s all I got
Mont Blanc/Madeleine: I think I’ve finally settled on a name, that being Marron Madeleine (of course I could end up changing it yet again), but I’ve focused so much on the name I haven’t thought about the character themselves
Twizzly Gummy/Currant Cream: I’m calling this one Gooseberry (based on the red ones specifically), but yet again no clue
Clotted Cream/Caramel Arrow: Either Caramel Cream or Creme Caramel (aka flan), but I don’t know what to do for their concept
Black Raisin/Clotted Cream: I recently came up with the name Scotch Bun, and I like it and want to work on them, but I’m stuck with no clue for the concept
Oyster/Captain Caviar: Well I do have the name Zebra Mussel, but I’m not sure about it and I’m open to changing it, though I don’t know what to. And also no concept idea
Also fun fact, when I first got the request, I put Abalone as one idea, only then months later we got actual Abalone Cookie. But I forgot to delete that, so it gave me some confusion when I saw it recently. It has been deleted now
Anyways moving on
Cherry Blossom/Werewolf: I have the name Pepper Flower, but the only thing I have is that she has relatively short white hair, nothing else
Dark Cacao/Affogato: Okay, I know I’ve already asked about Dark Mocha, but I am again asking
Earl Grey/Rose: I’m calling them Rose Tea (originally I had RT as a girl, but now I’m wondering if I should change that). I had attempted Rose Tea before but didn’t like it, so I’m asking now
Spinach/Blueberry Pie: the name I’m using is Rhubarb Pie, but I don’t know what to do for her. All I have to go on is that apparently she’s the sister of Strawberry Cookie
Eclair/Latte: this is one I actually don’t have a name for, but also I don’t have concepts either
Black Raisin/Cherry Blossom: I have the name Grape Vine, but nothing else
Dark Choco/Milk: again, I’ve said Choco Milk and Milk Choco, but I still want help. Also I’m willing to change their genders
Milk/Purple Yam: and once more, I’ve asked about Taro Milk, I just want to do this one but have no ideas
Almond/Captain Ice: I have the name Tortoni Cookie, but nothing else
Dark Cacao/Pure Vanilla: I have her concept down pretty well, my one thing is that I’m not sure about the name. Currently her name is Choco Wafer after KitKats, and while I will be using them in her design, I don’t think I want that to be her name. I mean Dark Choco isn’t named after Oreos
Strawberry Crepe/Cream Puff: I think I’ve landed on a name, that being Strawberry Cannoli, though I’m unsure if it’ll stick. But yeah, another one I don’t know what to do
Rockstar/Kiwi: I have the name Key Lime, but I don’t have anything else other than they have light green hair
Clotted Cream/Bumbleberry: tentatively the name is Bumbleberry Jam, but I don’t know what else to do
All right, I should probably stop now. I basically just listed a very large chunk of the ones I’m having trouble with. But yeah, any of these would be good
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bellatheinkdemon · 1 year
Cookies who I've made family for in the form of Ocs (as far as my memory gos)
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Here's the list:
Prune Juice - Ivy Vine Cookie (Adopted little sibling) Inky Cap Cookie (Identical twin brother)
Kouign Amann - Blueberry Cheesecake Cookie (uncle)
Crowberry - Nevermore Cookie (Little sibling)
Royal Margarine - Choco Croissant Cookie (Older half brother) Macadamia Cookie (Sister-in-law, Choco Croissant's wife)
Yoga and Butter Pretzel - Salted Pretzel Cookie (Unknown how he is related)
Incase you're wondering every Oc except Choco Croissant and Macadamia are canon to my Headcanon Au (which is basically the Canon universe, but with my headcanons, hence the name)
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pasteltechno · 1 year
I’ll Stay With You Till The Break Of Dawn (angst oneshot)
⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️
Hurt/comfort, memories of religious abuse, childhood trauma, thoughts of suicide, hypnosis, nightmares, self blaming, mentions of age regression.
Pastel Techno x Licorice
Pastel Techno (🎤)
Licorice (💀)
Poison Mushroom (🍄)
Pomegranate (♦️)
Aunt Mahalabia
Toxipop (🍬)
Cream Unicorn (🦄)
That night, Pastel Techno Cookie came back to the dark table room feeling defeated from losing another argument with Toxipop Cookie. Since Toxipop Cookie broke out of jail, all of her friends and fans mocked Pastel Techno Cookie for being successful, then they attacked her supporters as revenge too. She sat down on her chair and looked down at the table. Eyes darkened as she thought to herself: "Maybe she's right, maybe I am just an attention seeking brat who deserved nothing." But then she heard a voice coming behind her.
♦️: "Is something troubling you?"
It was Pomegranate, only checking if she was okay. She lifted her head to look at her.
🎤: "Toxipop Cookie is back, and she's still getting on my nerves. She's corrupted my mind with these thoughts she casted, and I don't know why..."
Pastel sighed, Pomegranate knows how hurt she is. But she know what she can do to help.
♦️: "Is she really? Is she making you feel this way? ...Perhaps my mirror shall reveal what your fate shall be if the situation you're in keeps going."
Pastel nodded as she looked at Pomegranate's mirror, started to feel hypnotized. Then it magically revealed something horrifying. An image of her "hanging" in flower vines, and flowers blooming from her dough. Tears of sorrow and fear stream down from her hypnotized eyes, softly sobbing as she saw it.
♦️: "I see, so you do feel unsafe around her. These thoughts she fills you leading you to your fate as I see the tears of fear streaming down. Did you really think ending yourself would make cookies the smiles upon their faces? Hm... perhaps I can help you change your fate somehow."
Pomegranate said as she lifts Pastel's chin gently.
♦️: "Choco Berry Cookie, your love for Licorice Cookie is one the ways to help, even though it disturbs me many times. And I sense your mental health is running thin. Whatever happens to you, we cannot let you fall in the same fate like what our master did in the past. I pray for your safety as we speak. Either way, we might be able to find our way to get rid of these thoughts."
More tears streaming down, sobbing slowly gets louder.
♦️: "Hush now, Choco Berry Cookie, I shall sooth your mind with a lullaby spell."
Pomegranate said as she casted a lullaby spell on Pastel. She stopped crying as her eyelids are getting heavy.
♦️: "Rest well, Choco Berry Cookie. I'll soon get Licorice Cookie to hold you until the break of dawn."
Pastel finally starts to fall asleep, just then Poison Mushroom walked in to check on the two cookies.
🍄: "Pomegranate Cookie..? Is Pastel okay..?"
Pomegranate turns around to see Poison Mushroom being concerned.
♦️: "Oh, your dear friend is having a hard day on herself, and her rivals were so very cruel to her. So I decided to help clear her mind."
She told them as she carried Pastel to her room
🍄: "Poor Pastel Techno Cookie, I hope she gets better soon. I found lots of Raspberry shroomies from the the Hollyberry Kingdom, I'll give some to her when she wakes up."
♦️: "That's wonderful, Poison Mushroom Cookie."
She said as she puts Pastel down to bed. As the two leave the bedroom, hours past as the soothing lullaby spell starts to wear off, and Pastel Techno began to dream about the horrors of her childhood past and her fate. And the thoughts kept coming back.
Aunt Mahalabia Cookie: "Such a disrespectful child, always reject the following rules of our Monastery. If she keeps up with her unacceptable behavior, she will never see the holy light of our godly makers!"
Mille-feuille Cookie: "Maybe she still has a childish mindset. If he can refresh her mind, she'll be as kind, truthful, and obedient."
🎤: "No... stop...!"
Aunt Mahalabia Cookie: "What an excellent idea, mother. I shall bring her, and we'll clean the filth of her mindset."
🎤: "Stop...! no more..!!"
Toxipop Cookie: "Aw, what's the matter, "Princess"? Jealous of my victory over you? Ahahaha!!"
The voices of her Aunt, grandmother, and Toxipop kept spouting into her head. She stepped back in fear then bumped into something behind her. She screamed and collapse as she saw a frame of her future death. It's staring at her so soullessly with pitch black eyes. She gets up and runs away from the frame and into a pitch black room. She got tired of running, so she lays down and sobbed. Back outside her dream, her Unicorn plush doll is sitting there on her mirror dresser, and it starts glowing. In her dream, the pitch blackness starts to fade to a purple dreamy world. She stopped crying and looked around. Purple fluffy clouds are below her feet, and the sky is full of stars.
🎤: "Wh... what is this..?"
Suddenly, she heard a clip clops sounding like a horse behind her. She turns around to see a white and colorful unicorn with a sparkly cape and butterflies surrounding them. A silence between the two for a minute or two, then she sighed.
🎤: "Why would I deserve this place? All I did is to make things worse. I deserve nothing but becoming crumbs, not this. Everyone would be better off without me, Toxipop Cookie was right after all..."
She said as she sits down with tears flowing down. The unicorn sat down in front of her.
🎤: "I'm such a horrible cookie..!! I deserve to face the consequences of my existence..! Even though I wanted to go back to be young again..."
More tears keep streaming down. The Unicorn changes to their cookie form, and walked to her. Wiping her tears away and holding her hands gently.
🦄: "You don't have to feel this way, Choco Berry Cookie. And I know how you feel too."
They said in a gentle tone. She looked up to see the unicorn as their form of a cookie.
🎤: "W-what do you mean."
🦄: "You are such a wonderful cookie through the years of your hometown, the Hollyberry Kingdom. Your parents, your cousin, your fans, even you lover Licorice Cookie. They all love you, and everything you do for them. Even Licorice Cookie had the same problems like you do, and you knew how to show your love and kindness to him."
🎤: "Wait a minute... you're the plush I got from my birthday and came to life in my dreams, right?"
🦄: "Why yes, I am!"
They said as she starts to have a sudden realization.
🎤: "So you're... Cream Unicorn Cookie..!?"
🦄: "Yes, you do remember me!"
They quickly gave her a hug as she finally remembered them. She hugged back sobbing.
🦄: "Look at you, all grown up! I could've been more proud of you! The first time I saw you, I couldn't imagine how precious you were back then!"
They both break the hug holding both hands.
🦄: "Maybe someday when you start dreaming again, I'll take you to a place where you feel safe and happy, Cookieland.”
🎤: "Y-yeah, that's sounds nice."
She sniffled as they hand out her childhood blanket, and she wrapped the blanket around her body as they both lie down.
🦄: "Remember that your inner child will always love you no matter what. Don't end your life this way, and embrace the warmth and comfort of your childhood."
🎤: "Th-thank you, Cream Unicorn Cookie..."
They said as they both cuddled in each other's arms.
(Small time skip)
An hour has pasted til midnight, Pastel wake up to see Licorice Cookie waking her up all worried sick.
💀: "Pastel, w-wake up! Are you alright..?"
She can tell he's worried for her. She teared up and hugged him.
🎤: "*sniffle* L-Licorice Cookie..."
💀: "Hey, shh.. I'm here. Everything's okay now.. I'm so sorry that Toxipop Cookie made you feel this way, Pomegranate told me you've been hurt mentally."
Licorice knows what he learned from his beloved girlfriend, love and comfort. Pastel calmed down a bit.
💀: "Now, do you need anything? You've been crying so much, I could get you something to drink if you'd like."
Suddenly he noticed the unicorn plush doll sitting on her mirror dresser. He grabbed and hand it to her.
💀: "I think you need this, right."
🎤: "Mhm.."
She hugged the unicorn doll, then Licorice grabbed his baby blanket he's been keeping for some time, and wrapped it around her body. They both lay down on the bed cuddling.
💀: "I'll Stay With You Till The Break Of Dawn, okay? I love you, Pastel Techno Cookie."
🎤: "Okay, I love you too."
He kissed her forehead went to sleep with her in his arms cradling her. She thought to herself: "Cream Unicorn Cookie... I thank you for being here in my dreams with me. I never knew you were watching over me this entire time growing up. And at this age, I haven't felt so...
(P.S damn I'm getting so emotional writing this oneshot 🥹)
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gurlbur · 4 months
You didn't get to see my list of how I made PV better in my au(ask clear) so here's the list again (somehow had it saved)
Strong enough to pick up DCa and Custard and do squats with them (never skip leg day) (or arm day)
Fucking insane and would have killed Elder Custard if DCa and Holly didn't hold him back
Main weapon of choice is an axe that he named Orchid and that he commonly weilds when his curse makes him blind
If you insult his friends or family, be ready for death glares
Legally, his kill count is 3
Illegally, it's about 374 if he remembers correctly
Got cursed by the gods(they were bored) and occasionally(every couple decades or so) his forehead and chest stars will bleed, his staff won't let him touch it and lash at him with vines, then, when the stars on him fully open, he turns into the AoD and has to be either beat the fuck up, or Vampire has to suck out his hp(or energy in this au) to be turned back
Is Cocoa, DCh, Carrow, Crunchy, Custard, and a snow lion(upper mountain sphinx)'s papa :3
Would say something like "What is this, the dark ages? Since you asked, no you can’t. Beat me in a duel first." If Mint Choco had asked him for Cocoa's hand (Mint foolishly thought PV was the chill dad)
Like, two-three inches shorter than DCa but still bullies the hell outta him sometimes
PV with a goatee plagues my brain i need to see this ,, question tho, who did he kill, why, how, and why so many. and why don't they legally count, Idk him being a father to so many cookies is cute tho i like that :3
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sleepyfaolan · 6 months
\\Prev: here//
Zenithine snickers to himself as he continues to get lost in a forest, leaving sporadic marks to signal where he's been in the least helpful way possible,' marking only where I've turned is fucking funny, fuck you, Matt!' He wheezed as he turned left and marks the tree to his right, taking ten steps forward to mark a different tree before turning left again.
'Awoof!' A living cake barked as it bounds up to Zenithine, catching the human off guard,' you good there?' He asked the cake as he kneels to look at it a bit better,' woof!' The cake barked again, a small portion of its behind wagging,' hmph, cute,' Zenithine snorted as he gently pats the cake's head.
Smiling a small bit as he looks around at his surroundings,' now I'm regretting getting lost out of spite... shit' Zenithine growled as his face turns to a scowl, and starts scuffing the heel of his right shoe,' do you have a home or owner?' He asked the cake, which barks as it bounds back the way it came.
Zenithine follows the cake in the direction it's heading.
○ ○ ○ Meanwhile, with Matt ○ ○ ○
Screaming at the top of their lungs, Matt calls for their friend,' ZeeeEEEN!' No reply, Matt groans in annoyance at their friend's innate need to wonder and explore the surroundings to avoid interacting with other living things.
'Damn it, Zen, where are you?' Matt huffed as they scan the surrounding trees for any evidence that Zenithine has been in the area, mainly the marks on the trees, which he could've easily forgotten to do if something interesting had gained his attention, which after an hour, has become the obvious thing that's happened.
○ ○ ○ An hour and a half later ○ ○ ○
'Zen has been paying attention to something that isn't marking trees in unhelpful ways.' Matt sighed as they pinch their forehead in frustration,' meaning what exactly?' Gingerbrave asked as he looks at the person to his right,' meaning he's following something, it's happened before' Matt groaned as they move to sit down on the ground, Wizard Cookie hummed as he looks at Matt,' if we go back to the kingdom, we will be able to gather a search party and search for Zenithine.'
Matt takes a deep breath as they hang their head between their knees,' I'm not a fan of doing that, but it makes sense, and our only option' Matt groaned in defeat as they brace themselves to stand back up to follow the cookies back to where it is they came from once the group is out of the forest. 'Great! Oh! And you'll love our little kingdom, it's awesome!' Gingerbrave exclaimed in his excitement about everything that is happening so far.
So, off the group trots, for roughly four and a half hours until they come upon a clock tower,' well, this is it! Our little kingdom, we're not quite sure on what to call it,' Gingerbrave admitted with a sorry smile, chuckling softly Matt smiles, knowing what Zenithine would say as a name,' what about... Mythpoint?' Matt suggested with an awkward smile, Gingerbrave's eyes shine as he looks at the four other cookies with him,' Mythpoint?' Chili Pepper Cookie questioned as she side-eyes Matt. 
Matt looks at Chili Pepper Cookie with an icy look to his face,' and do you have a problem with it?' Matt asked while Custard Cookie III nods at the name in approval, Strawberry Cookie smiles sweetly as she nods, and Wizard Cookie smiles with a curt nod of approval,' then it's settled, my wondrous kingdom shall be called Mythpoint.' Custard Cookie III announced after Gingerbrave pumped his crispy fist in the air with a big smile on his face.
○ ○ ○ Now Zenithine with the Cake Hound ○ ○ ○
A giant cake surrounded by slanted and tilted candy cane thorns, tainted vines, and melting choco trees sit in the middle of what looks to be a wasteland of sorts with a path lit by candy cane torches leading to a round table not that far away from it. Zenithine hums as he continues to follow the cake hound towards the giant cake, catching a glimpse of a pack of them playing tug-o-war with a vine.
'So, this is your home, huh? It seems rather barren,' Zenithine muttered to himself as he looked at the landscape around him,' Chiffon, who is this?' a soft sounding voice questioned from just up ahead of the cake hound and human,' awhoo, woof' the cake barked with a small huff as it sits down in front of Zenithine,' he's a new friend you found?' the owner of the soft voice asked as they approached the two, Zenithine looks, and it's another cookie, but one of its arms is cake.
The strange cookie looks up from the cake hound and studies the human's face carefully,' well, you don't look like a cake, what are you?'
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optimusprime3000 · 2 years
Devil, holding out a balloon: I have no soul, have a nice day.
Dark Choco, taking the balloon: I don't have one either.
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