#chloe price mini series
ruewrote · 9 days
𝑎𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑎 𝑡𝑟𝑦.
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PAIRING: chloe price x fem!reader WARNINGS: unrequited love, longing, no use of y/n, jealousy GENRE: angst SONG INSPIRATION: lacy by olivia rodrigo WORD COUNT: 447 REQUESTED: yes A/N: this was requested as a oneshot but i wanted to turn it into a mini series cause why not :)
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It wasn't a lie that you and Chloe were close. 
your parents knew it and so did your friends, you hung out everyday if not then every other day. the weekend sleepovers you’d often spend cuddled up watching action movies and occasionally romcoms, of course not without Chloe's dramatic complaints but she never fails to cave in when it comes to you.
The two of you were regulars at the two whales diner. Joyce loved you, she also appreciated the way you treated her daughter, how could she ever complain about you. Well not until she has to kick you both out for being ‘too loud’, which then lands the two of you up near the lighthouse, on the bench, her head in your lap as you brush your fingers through her dyed hair.
you knew you had fallen for her, as much as chloe liked to think, it wasn't difficult to fall in love with her. not with the way she would hold you, the way she’d make you feel, in the way where you’d come a little too close where you nearly ended up kissing each other.
as much as you loved her, you couldn’t have her, not in the way you wanted to. As much as you wanted to keep your feelings a secret it was becoming increasingly difficult in doing so.
The sleepovers, the hangouts, the once chaotic friendship had started to take a slow but noticeable decline once you had dove in head first with school work to try and take your mind off of her, that’s how you found yourself doing a project with victoria chase. it had you spending a lot more time with her, a lot less time without chloe.
The pain started off as a slight ache in Chloe's chest, something that she could brush off and try to distract herself with something else, but no matter how hard she tried to ignore the growing pit in her stomach, no matter what she did you’d be everywhere. 
You with your shared playlists, with the pillow that still smelled like you, the rain where you once danced in it, the hair ties scattered on her bedroom floor, in the most mundane ways you were there with her, but were you really?
She wasn’t proud of it, but all of the not knowing led for her to stalk your instagram posts, just seeing how close victoria was to you made her skin scrawl. 
It was the same sort of closeness that the two of you used to have. The girl you both once loathed together was the one that you were now closest to? She couldn’t have it, 
she wouldn't. 
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part two: coming soon . . .
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© ruewrote 2024.
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bambinella · 6 months
Smiley days on the beach
A/N: This is the beginning of my mini series for amberpricefield! Yes they've been living in my head rent-free, so I gotta do something with them. These stories take place in the two years where Max lives with Rachel and Chloe in the alternate reality. If you haven't read the comics yet, you can read them here! Art is from the comics! Enjoy!
Summary: Max is stressed and worried about going home, and Chloe is determined to put a smile on her face.
Warnings: Spoilers for Life is Strange if you haven't read the comics yet!
Word Count: 1822
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Max sighed for about the millionth time as she stared in front of her at the sea, hugging her knees as she sat on her beach towel. It was a beautiful sunny day, and she was spending it with Chloe and Rachel, so she had every reason to be in a good mood. Alas, she wasn’t. It had been almost a year since she’d arrived in this reality, and she was not a step closer to figuring out how to get back. Most of the time she was able to keep it together, but today she couldn’t help but feel… hopeless.
And hopeless was the perfect word to describe Chloe too, at this very moment. She sat next to Rachel, a little ways away from Max, and stared at her best friend’s back. She knew something was wrong, yet Max had refused to address or even acknowledge it, saying ‘it was nothing’. Bullshit, she could tell when someone was sad right away. She knew from experience after all.
“I don’t know what to do, Rach,” She sighed, leaning back on her hands. “I want to help Max, but she’s been stubborn. How do you help someone who denies the fact that they need help in the first place?” She asked.
“I don’t know, Chloe, I didn’t know Max as a child. Was she always like this when she was sad or worried?” Rachel asked, placing a hand on Chloe’s arm. Chloe shook her head.
“No, she was very open about everything. If something was wrong she’d always tell me, but Max was usually all smiles as a kid,” She said, smiling fondly as she recalled them running around in her parent’s house with smiles on their faces. Them making plans of becoming pirates and ruling Arcadia Bay felt like a lifetime ago.
“Well, why don’t you try and make her smile then? Whatever Max is going through, I’m sure there’s a good reason for it. And I’m also sure that she’ll talk to you eventually. If there’s anyone who can pull Max out of her mopey mood, it’s you. You’re her best friend after all,” Rachel smiled, kissing Chloe’s cheek.
“Well… I know one thing that always cheered her up when she was sulky as a kid, but I’m not sure if it’ll still work now…” She said, looking over at Max. “But if it works, it’ll definitely cheer her up. I might need you as backup, though,” She said, winking at Rachel as she stood up to walk over to her unsuspecting friend.
“Whatever you’re planning, good luck!” She chuckled, tilting her head as she looked at Chloe sneaking up on Max. God how she loved her dorky girlfriend. In the meantime, Max was still staring at the sea until she felt two hands on her shoulders, pulling her backwards.
“Woah!” She yelped as she now laid on her back, looking up at the all too familiar face of Chloe Price. “Well hey there,” She said with a small smile.
“Oh hi,” Chloe grinned down at her friend, still holding her shoulders down. “What’s up, Super Max? Or should I say Sulky Max?” She asked, making Max freeze for a moment. Those familiar words had caught her off guard.
“How did you– nevermind,” She mumbled, shaking her head as she looked away. Chloe frowned and let go of her shoulders, allowing Max to sit up.
“How did I what?” Chloe asked, raising a brow at her friend. Max simply shook her head.
“Nothing, I’m just being weird, it’s nothing,” She said with that same smile, the one she always shot Chloe when she gave her that answer. Chloe sighed.
“Max, what’s going on? I feel like something is wrong, and I feel like you’re trying to hide it from me,” She said, making Max look down at the sand. She was right, yet there was nothing she could say to that. So she decided to lie again.
“I’m fine, Chloe, really,” She said while smiling at her, hoping it would be enough to convince her. Judging by the raised brow, it did not.
“Uh huh, sure, and my hair is pink,” She huffed in annoyance, earning a giggle from her friend. “Max, I know for sure you’re holding something back now... and you know what happens when you hide stuff from me!” Chloe declared as a mischievous grin spread on her face, slowly getting in the position to pounce. Max' eyes widened. Another familiar line, yet this time it was one that took her all the way back to her childhood. It was the one thing Chloe always said moments before she tickled her to death.
“Chloe Price, don’t you dARE!” She cried out, yet was too late at dodging the incoming attack. Chloe tackled Max back down onto her towel while shaking her hands into her ribs, making the younger woman scream bloody murder. Rachel looked up in surprise at the sudden sound, yet instantly relaxed as she saw Max laugh loudly as Chloe tickled her. So that was her plan, she realized with a smile.
“Oh but I do dare, Max. In fact, I feel it is my job as your best friend to turn that frown upside down!” Chloe teased, straddling her shorter friend as she tickled up and down her sides. She was so fucking happy that Max was still ticklish. It felt good to make her laugh.
“Chloeehehehehe! Get ohohohohoff!” Max was already giggling her head off, her hands pushing against Chloe’s arms. Why did she have to be so goddamn strong in every reality!
“Why don’t you try and make me, huh?” She grinned, swiftly and gently poking all over the front of her ribs. All the strength that Max had gathered immediately disappeared as she burst into even louder laughter. Her crop top really didn’t help her case here.
“STOHOHOP! EEHEHEHE CHLOEEHHEHE!” Max was embarrassed by the sound of her own laughter, yet she couldn’t hold it back at all. It seemed that this Chloe knew all her worst spots too, and was heavily abusing that knowledge. And it kind of made her feel warm on the inside. She wasn’t home, but at least Chloe was still Chloe.
“You know I can’t stop, Max, not before you tell me what’s wrong! And you might want to consider telling me, because we both know I haven’t even gone for your worst spot yet,” Chloe teased with a mischievous grin, making Max shake her head. Oh no.
“I caaaahahahahan’t! No! NononOHOHO! Not thehehehehhere!” Max wheezed when Chloe softly drilled her fingers between her ribs, sending her straight into hysterical giggles. Luckily for her, Chloe stopped shortly after, allowing Max to catch her breath as she frowned again.
“Max, you do know that you can talk to me about anything, right? Whatever it is, I’m here to help you through it,” She said, looking at her with a serious expression. It made Max feel guilty as hell, because deep down she knew Chloe was right. Yet she couldn’t risk messing everything up by telling her. She couldn’t. Yet she couldn’t keep doing this to her either.
“Alright, I’ll tell you,” Max said after a short silence, looking back at Chloe. “Lately I’ve been realizing how bad of a friend I actually am, and have been, to you. I should have never left you, Chloe, and I definitely should have kept in touch with you. You deserve so much better than me, and… I guess it’s been on my mind a lot,” She said. Not the truth, but not a lie either. She still felt terrible for that, especially after she’d realized that ‘Max’ had left Chloe in this reality too.
“Maaaax!” Chloe groaned at that, rolling her eyes as she folded her arms. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop worrying about that before you actually stop worrying? You were a kid! We both were kids! Sure, it sucked when you left and I was angry, but I’ve grown a lot and I look at it differently now, okay? All has been forgiven! And honestly? I’m just happy to have you back,” Chloe admitted with a fond smile. Max let out a relieved breath as Chloe believed her, and she couldn’t not smile at those words.
“I’m really happy to be back, too,” Max said honestly. “I have plenty of years to catch up to, if you’ll have me,” She said, only to close her eyes as Chloe flicked her forehead.
“Of course I’ll have you, you absolute dork,” Chloe muttered, making Max giggle.
“Who are we having?” Rachel suddenly asked, making the two of them look up at her. She smiled and sat herself down behind Max’ head.
“Max. We’ve having Max in our lives,” Chloe smiled at her, earning an approving nod from her girlfriend, before looking back down at Max to boop her nose. “Don’t you think for a second that I’m gonna let you run off a second time,” She grinned.
“Oh no, my masterplan has been foiled, what ever shall I do?” Max said sarcastically as she playfully rolled her eyes. “Can I get up now?” She asked, as Chloe still straddled her waist. Before Chloe could answer, however, Rachel had grabbed Max’ wrists and gently pinned them over her head.
“Hmm I think she should stay like this a little longer. What say you, Chloe?” Rachel asked with a grin, shooting a wink at Max. Chloe nodded with a wide grin.
“H-hey now, I told you what you wanted to know! This is mutiny!” Max playfully protested as she looked at Chloe, who merely shrugged. She tugged at her arms to bring them down, only to realize that Rachel Amber was a lot stronger than she let on. A nervous tingle filled her stomach as she looked up at her friends, who grinned evilly at her. Oh this was bad.
“It’s only mutiny if we overthrow the captain, you silly first mate. Besides, I have no actual reason to do this, Max, I just really love your laugh,” Rachel smirked at her, before looking at Chloe. “Will you do the honors, o’ Captain?” She asked, earning a laugh from her girlfriend.
“Aye aye!” Chloe replied with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows at Max as she hovered her hands over the poor girl’s bare stomach. “You ready?” She teased, knowing the answer all too well.
“Chloe no! No dohohoOHOHON’T! AAHAHAHAHA!” Max arched her back and immediately burst into loud laughter as Chloe went for her most ticklish spot, playfully clawing her nails all over belly. She threw her head back and kicked her legs wildly, making sand fly everywhere, yet nobody really cared about possibly having sand in their hair. They were simply having fun. The rest of the afternoon was filled with loud laughter, and all worries had disappeared to the background for at least one day.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 years
Marvel Descendants OCs
Acknowledgment: When Marvel Descendants was first written in 2015, one year after I joined Tumblr, at the time I wasn’t aware of how bad certain things were and while I am aware this is a bad excuse for what I’m about to acknowledge, it’s all I have really for what I wrote into Marvel Descendants at 14-15 as back then, I was into DC’s Kingdom Come and when I saw them ship Nightstar and Ibn al Xu'ffasch (pre-Damien Wayne), I didn’t see anything wrong with it and as a result, used the adopted family excuse for shipping Locket Lokidottir and Theo Thorson. Now that I am older and know more over the years, I wish I had known back then, but I wasn’t deep into Tumblr until December 2014 and even then, it took me until a while back to realize Marvel Descendants was wrong for that, but by that point, book 5 confirming the ship two married in the future, was out and while its too late to fix canon, I try to fix it in AUs and ship the two with other characters.  Any other issues within Marvel Descendants, I am trying to fix and hope to avoid in the future as I continue writing. 
Description of Marvel Descendants: Marvel Descendants is a marvel version of Disney Descendants that follows The Isle of the Lost, Descendants 1 and Wicked Wold in first two books and mini-spin off and goes on its own plot in book 3, with it now being tied @disneyfan50​ ‘s series, Descendant of Loki, starting from the team up/crossover, Daughters of The Trickster, with the series continuing on right now with planned future installments and AUs. 
Timeline so far: 
Book 1: The Area of The Lost. Summary:  Twenty years ago, all villains from Loki to Doctor doom were sent to the lost part of asgard with a shield around it to keep them there and them from ever escaping. The villains and their children now live in total isolation, forgotten by the world. But now there is a price for grabs, Loki's sceptre, could be their chance of escape, but they have to prove their more then willing to do anything evil to get hold of it. In their quest, they also learn, that being good can also help and isn't so bad at all sometimes. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6739788/The-Isle-of-the-lost-Marvel-Version/1
Book 2: Descendants: Marvel Version. Summary: Thor's daughter is about to be crowned goddess of lightning when she suddenly requests for the children of the villains to be given a chance at redemption. When their parents give them a task to get hold of the Tessaract so they can take over the world, the children of Loki, doctor doom, Sabertooth, the leader and the Mandarin and the granddaughter of red skull, have their own choice to make, be good or be evil like their parents. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6677501/Descendants-Marvel-Version/1
Book 3: Marvel Descendants: The Art of Mischief.  Summary:  Its been a week after tori's crowning of her title and the attack of doctor doom and the villains kids have been living a normal half term, well, as normal as they could get anyway, but now school is on again, but also, a old enemy is rising in the darkness of asgard, and he is out for revenge on asgard and earth. Sometimes, heroes are born at different points and sometimes, its not a good move to judge someone based on their look or their background.... Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6814801/Marvel-Descendants-The-Art-Of-Mischief
Mini-Spin Off: Marvel Descendants: Wicked World. Summary:  The marvel descendants are back, and good is the new bad in this case, with drama and pranks and mischief and of course, the children of the heroes and villains, this is wicked world. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6924709/Marvel-Descendants-Wicked-World/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ : The Daughters of The Trickster.  Summary:  When a portal opens unexpectedly in Locket's room, another girl falls out. Her name is Lilith Lokidottir, the daughter of another Loki from and alternate universe. The tides of evil are rising, and at their helm is none other than the Queen of Darkness herself. Can Locket and Lily stop this menace together? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6859006/The-Daughters-of-the-Trickster/1
Book 4: Marvel Descendants: The Trickster’s Curse.  Summary:  Life is starting to go back to normal for Locket lokidottir, daughter of loki, the battle against mariana over, but that doesn't mean that there is not a effect in all of this. There is a curse on the school coming out, and it may be lockets and theos fault, when Loki though falls to it next, locket, theo, tamora and a new ally, lucy selvig, have to find the cure and put a end to this curse before it continues, but who set it? who left it? why is it affecting locket and her father the most? and why does darkness and poison come with it? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/6984816/Marvel-Descendants-The-Tricksters-Curse/1/
Book 5: Marvel Descendants: Sins of The Past. Summary:  Its the year 2032- and things have changed. The X-Men have failed in their one mission: to get human acceptence. Now mutants, metra-humans, off world people and even humans who were assoicated with mutants or could have mutant kids, are either in prison, on the run or killed. Jackie Haller leads a group against this and they have a plan- go back in time to save the future. In 2016, the past is about to commit the one act that makes this happen without knowing it..... The resistance in the future are on a ticking time bomb to stop this event with the pasts help.... ....Or its game over. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/8099153/Marvel-Descendents-Sins-Of-The-Past/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ : Untitled. Summary: TBA.
Agent of Asgard: Volume 1:  Summary: Well now i have done it- i never thought that in my life, that i would work for heroes- But here i am, Locket Lokidottir, working as a agent for Queen Jane of Asgard, but now, now im in the deep end, i got a crazy version of myself after me, im meeting weird people and theres some plot going on- Why cant i just go back to being normal yet? Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/8471877/Agent-Of-Asgard-Volume-1/1
Crossover with @disneyfan50​ and Entity High: Untitled.  Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 2: Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 3: Summary: TBA. 
Agent of Asgard: Volume 4: Summary: TBA. 
Spin Off: Siege Perilous: Summary: Being a dragon should mean you should always be able to soar through the air, no matter what- the skies your limit. But what happens when someone tries to clip your wings? Jayla Del'Tazar thought her troubles ended with Mariana Malora- she was wrong. As soon, Jayla finds herself in her own battle against a man named Draeko, a pureblood dragon determined to take her out for her relations, in any way possible. Travelling to Wakanda with Princess Kiara and Jayla's girlfriend, Peregrine Wilson, Jayla soon finds that when pushed to the edge of possible surrender and near death, that sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire...and in this case, that fire is discovering hidden abilities she never knew she had until then, and things only change from there on. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/11017793/Siege-Perilous/1
Agent of Asgard: Volume 5:  Summary: TBA. 
Untitled Sequel to Siege Perilous: Summary: TBA.
Book 6: Untitled.  Summary: TBA.
Untitled third book to Siege Perilous: Summary: TBA.
Book Set in the Future: Marvel Descendants: Up From the Depths: Summary: Its the year 2032, and the Area of the Lost has existed for more then 20 years as the grandchildren of the villains and heroes now exist and the previous generation have grown up. But soon enough, after a crack appears in a dome and a poisoning of the villains grandchildren at SHIELD Academy happens, its a adventure that soon leads to a truth about the Area and its residents...and how unlike the heroes....not everyone has a good path in life....and may need help more then ever at this point. Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/9912322/Marvel-Descendants-Up-from-the-Depths/1
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Locket Lokidottir
- daughter of Loki-
India Eisley. 
Richard Creed
- son of Sabertooth-
Jason Scott Dolley. 
Victoria Von Doom
- daughter of Doctor Doom-
Raffey Cassidy. 
Alex Sterns
- son of The Leader-
Ferdia Shaw. 
- son of The Mandarin-
Ryan Potter. 
Schmidt- granddaughter of Red Skull-
Sadie Sink.
Torunn ‘Tori’ Thordottir
- daughter of Thor-
Chloe Grace Mortez.
Theo Thorson
- son of Thor-
Landon Liboiron. 
Lila Creed
- daughter of Sabertooth-
Mia Talerico. 
Johnny and Jessica (formerly Olivia)
- twins of Juggernaut-
Lizzie Octavious
- daughter of Doctor Octopus-
Frigga Thordottir
- daughter of Thor-
Abby Ryder Foster.
Ravan Darkholme
- son of Mystique-
Andrew and Ally Amoradottir
- twins of Amora-
Nathan Osborn
- son of Norman Osborn-
Thorn Sifson
- son of Sif-
Spencer Boldman. 
Amanda Amoradottir
- daughter of Amora-
Sabrina Carpenter.
Devlin Kilgrave
- son of Kilgrave-
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*Maria Stark- daughter of Iron Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *James Fury- son of Nick Fury- Faceclaim: Tyrel Jackson.  *Poppy Coulson- daughter of Phil Coulson- Faceclaim: TBA. *Snow Banner- daughter of the Hulk- Faceclaim: TBA. *Luke Walters- son of She Hulk- Faceclaim: TBA. *Riley Jones- daughter of A-Bomb- Faceclaim: TBA. *Mark Hill- son of Maria Hill- Faceclaim: Bradley Steven Perry.  *Margaret ‘Peggy’ Rogers- daughter of Captain America- Faceclaim: TBA. *Andrew Wilson- son of the Falcon- Faceclaim: TBA. *Harry Pym- son of Wasp and Giant Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *Nick and Jade Barton- twins of Hawkeye and Black Widow- Faceclaim(s): TBA. *Lauren Howlett- daughter of Wolverine and Storm- Faceclaim: TBA. *Joy Summers- daughter of Cyclops and Jean Grey- Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy. *Gwen Parker- daughter of Spiderman and MJ- Faceclaim: TBA. *Jessica Storm- daughter of the Human Torch- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Lynn Richards- daughter of Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman- Faceclaim: TBA. *Atli Volstaggdottir- daughter of Volstagg- Faceclaim: TBA. *Heleo Fandralson- son of Fandral- Faceclaim: Ross Lynch.  *Vio Fandraldottir- daughter of Fandral- Faceclaim: TBA. *Ty Hogunson- son of Hogun- Faceclaim: TBA. *Andrea ‘Andy’ Barnes- daughter of Winter Soldier- Faceclaim: TBA. *Gordon Maximoff- son of Scarlet Witch- Faceclaim: TBA. *Millicent Maximoff- daughter of Quicksilver- Faceclaim: TBA. *Techna- daughter of Vision- Faceclaim: TBA. *Tee Strange- daughter of Doctor Strange- Faceclaim: TBA. *Kiara (formerly Ann)- daughter of Black Panther- Faceclaim: China Anne McClain. *Mick Gold- son of Mockingbird- Faceclaim: TBA. *Charles Danvers- son of Captain Marvel- Faceclaim: TBA. *Brooke Murdock- daughter of Daredevil- Faceclaim: TBA. *Willow Rhodes- daughter of War Machine- Faceclaim: TBA. *Destineva Heimdalldottir- daughter of Heimdall- Faceclaim: TBA. *Jake Amaquin- son of Crystal- Faceclaim: TBA. 
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*Danielle Rand- daughter of Iron Fist- Faceclaim: TBA. *Toby Masters- daughter of Taskmaster- Faceclaim: TBA. *Kasey Parker- daughter of Spiderman and MJ- Faceclaim: TBA. *Maxine- daughter of Electro- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Alastair Quill- son of Star Lord and Gamora- Faceclaim: Bradley Steven Parry.
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*Lucy Selvig- daughter of Eric Selvig- Faceclaim: Saxon Sharbino.  *Aidan ‘Acrylic’ Lokison- son of Loki- Faceclaim: Eka Darville.  *James Selvig- son of Eric- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Leela Theodottir- future daughter of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Grace Kaufman. *Leonardo ‘Leo’ Theoson- future son of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Logan Williams.  *Luna Theodottir- future daughter of Theo and Locket- Faceclaim: Lauren Boles. *Daniel Creed- future son of Richard and Joy- Faceclaim: Carter Hastlings.  *Roxanne ‘Roxie’ Thorndottir- future daughter of Thorn and Tori- Faceclaim: Caitlin Carmichael.  *Vanessa Wilson- future daughter of Andrew and Victoria- Faceclaim: Kyla Drew. *Jacqueline ‘Jackie’ Xavier- granddaughter of Charles Xavier- Faceclaim: TBA. *Elsbeth Wagner- daughter of Nightcrawler- Faceclaim: TBA. *Zelina Lebeau- daughter of Rouge and Gambit- Faceclaim: TBA. *Octave Lebeau- son of Rouge and Gambit- Faceclaim: TBA. *Cerise Wilson- daughter of Deadpool- Faceclaim: TBA. *Feliks Rasputin- son of Shadowcat and Colossus- Faceclaim: TBA. *Max Summers- son of Havoc and Polaris- Faceclaim: TBA. *Derek Worthington- son of Angel and Psylocke- Faceclaim: TBA. *Paige McCoy- daughter of Beast- Faceclaim: TBA. *Alix Drake- daughter of Ice Man- Faceclaim: TBA. *Screech Cassidy- daughter of Banshee- Faceclaim: TBA.
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*Jayla Antoine- adopted daughter of Colin- Faceclaim: Skai Jackson.
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*Ella- granddaughter of Elsa (in Auradon)- Faceclaim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee.. *Jamie Sterns- daughter of Alex and Snow- Faceclaim: Eve Moon. *Nike Stark- son of Maria and Lucas- Faceclaim: TBA.  *Dove Wilson- daughter of Andrew and Victoria- Faceclaim: Millie Davis.  *Tracy Octavious- daughter of Lizzie- Faceclaim: Bailee Madison.  *Misty Darkholme- daughter of Ravan- Faceclaim: Morgan Lily. *Alan Allyson- son of Ally- Faceclaim: Ty Simpkins. *Ava Allydottir- daughter of Ally- Faceclaim: Maggie Elizabeth Jones. *Renee and Brandon Creed- twins of Richard and Joy- Faceclaim(s): Kennedi Clements and Jacob Trembley.  *Kol Amandason- adopted son of Amanda- Faceclaim: Oakes Fegley.  *Usagi Del’Tazar- twin daughter of Jayla and Peregrine- Faceclaim: Sofia Wylie.
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ruewrote · 9 days
𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑦 𝑖 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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one. at least ive gotta try
two. coming soon . . .
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soloragoldsun · 4 years
Pride Month Recommendations- Days 9-18
No, I didn’t forget this! I just haven’t had the strength to do long-ass posts of this nature. Hopefully, things will be better when I switch shifts at the end of the month.
Anyway, I’m going to go through my Steam Library for this list...
9. Angels with Scaly Wings by Radical Phi is a dating sim/mystery/sci-fi game where you can romance a dragon. As you can probably imagine, it is an ideal game for me. You are an ambassador from a dying Earth who has been sent through a portal to a world populated by sentient dragons. There, you uncover a series of murders and get close to certain dragons while trying to save their world and yours. The characters are very in-depth with largely tragic backstories. Get ready for some feels. Your character is referred to by they/them pronouns, leaving their gender open to your interpretation. You can develop a relationship with all five dragons, regardless. It’s a wonderful game with great worldbuilding and incredible characters!
10. Coming Out on Top by Obscurasoft is a game that I willingly purchased TWICE. The first time was when it was still in development, which I almost never do. Even when it was incomplete, I got an amazing experience from it! When I lost access to my old email and the game came out on Steam, I bought the completed version. The premise is simple in theory: You are a college senior who has just come out as gay, and can romance one of several guys over the course of the game. What makes this game stand out is the likeable characters, the zany settings you can find yourself in, and the hilarious dialogue! Each romance is unique, and even the non-romanceable side characters are memorable. It has good sex scenes, if that’s what you’re into, and you can even customize things like facial hair on your character and the bachelors. There are even mini-dates you can go on if you don’t feel like playing a whole route. This game has it all, and you can easily get several hours of gameplay out of it. I mean, did I mention that I willingly paid for it TWICE?
11. Dragon Age: Origins by Bioware was a gamechanger for me, literally, as it heightened my standards when it came to games in general. To this day, it remains on my top five list of greatest games of all time. You play as a character who eventually becomes a Grey Warden, whose purpose is to defeat creatures known as Darkspawn and stop a Blight that is descending upon your homeland. How you go about that fight, who you choose as allies, and your overall actions in the world are up to you. You can play out one of several backstories for your character, customize your class, and, of course, romance one of four characters. Two of the romanceable characters, Leliana and Zevran, are bisexual. In later games, you get even more romance options, but I feel that Origins is the best game overall. I could play it again and again, and have done so several times. Also, it’s on Steam, which means you can buy it and all DLCs without dealing with the annoying Origin platform.
12. Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator by Game Grumps has been talked about so much, I almost feel like I don’t need to. I will anyway. It’s a game where you play as a single dad who moves into an area that, conveniently, also has a bunch of single dads. As the title suggests, you get to date the dads you meet over the course of the game. This game is awesome because, among other aspects, it’s super inclusive. You can decide whether your dadsona is trans or not, whether your daughter is adopted, whether your previous spouse was a man or woman... The characters themselves are wonderfully-developed and three-dimensional. There are also many Dad Jokes. Also, Damian is best dad.
13. Gone Home by Fullbright is another game that is often talked about in LGBTQ circles. It’s an exploration game where you return home to an empty house and learn by going through different rooms, reading letters, and finding items, the story of your character’s family, particularly your sister. I love games that force you to explore and work for the whole storyline, because it feels so much more fulfilling when it all plays out. Gone Home does this brilliantly! I will say that it’s a short game for the price, so I’d recommend waiting for a sale.
14. Life is Strange by DONTNOD Entertainment is one of the greatest games I have ever played, period. I will never be able to say enough good things about it. You play as Max Caulfield, a photographer who has recently moved back to her hometown to attend the prestigious Blackwell Academy. There, she reunites with her estranged best friend, Chloe Price, falls into a mystery surrounding a missing student, and learns that she has the ability to rewind time. It’s a game where choices in the first episode will impact what happens in the fifth. All of the characters are memorable. You will absolutely fall in love with Arcadia Bay and get sucked into the mystery surrounding it. I played this game over the course of three days when I first bought it, because I just couldn’t stop. It remains one of the most emotional experiences I’ve ever had. As for LGBTQ aspects, both Max and Chloe are bisexual, and you can play Max as having feelings for Chloe and/or her friend Warren.
15. miraclr- Divine Dating Sim by Woodsy Studio is a fun little game about falling in love with an angel via group chat. Your character has been chosen to communicate with the seraphim (and Lucifer) concerning the implementation of the first miracle Earth has seen in ages. Most of the game involves chatting with the angels, deciding on a miracle, and entering private group chats to develop your relationship with the angels. You get to choose your pronouns, and Gabriel goes by they/them pronouns. I’ve only played one route, but it was pretty cute! The one annoying aspect is the fact that it’s modeled after a mobile game and sets chats for certain times. You can easily bypass that, however, by choosing to power through or rewind.
16. Nekojishi by Team Nekojishi is...a mixed bag, if I’m going to be honest. The likeability of the characters fluctuates a lot, and the True Ending had A LOT of issues for me. Still, I played the thing for nine whole hours! It’s a game about Liao, a college student and aspiring dancer whose third eye is suddenly opened, giving him the ability to see gods and spirits. Among these spirits are Guardian Tiger, a family guardian spirit who wants Liao to return to his family’s temple and use his abilities there, Clouded Leopard, who wants Liao to become a go-between for him and his worshipers, and Leopard Cat, who has possessed one of Liao’s classmates in order to convince him to create a temple for an earth god he’s connected to. Obviously, Liao isn’t so keen to abandon his own life in order to fulfill any of these wishes, but the spirits decide to remain by his side until he makes a choice. You can romance one or all of the characters, leading to different endings which, again, vary in quality. Still, the art and music are great, there are many tidbits on Taiwanese folklore, and it’s free! If you’re into gay beastmen and folklore, this is a good game to check out.
17. Night in the Woods by Infinite Fall is another game that played with my emotions. Like, it got so real, I needed to take frequent breaks during my first playthrough. You play as Mae Borowski, a college dropout returning to her hometown for reasons unknown to the player for most of the game. Falling into her former, aimless life, Mae reconnects with her friends while learning of the darker secrets of Possum Springs. Mae is pansexual, and two of her friends, Gregg and Angus, are in a relationship that is further explored if you choose to get closer to Gregg over the course of the game. This game delves into heavy subjects like depression, helplessness, the slow death of a town, and growing apart from the people you once knew.
18. I’m ending this list with a game everyone should know about: Stardew Valley by Concerned Ape. This is the peak of all farming simulation games! You play as a character who inherits a farm from their grandfather and moves there to escape their meaningless office job. Once there, you can develop your farm, fight monsters, explore, and befriend the townsfolk. Whether you play as a male or female, the romance options are all open. You can marry, have kids, and raise a family together. All of the characters have great events, but my favorite has to be my goth boi Sebastian.
Phew... Remind me not to let this go for nine days again. That took awhile... Anyway, I hope you find something you like. See you tomorrow!
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selinker · 5 years
Some welcome changes for me and Lone Shark, part 3
If you read part 1 and part 2 of this mini-series on changes in my life and Lone Shark’s, you know that I resigned the presidency of the company in favor of remaining its chief creative officer. It’s a good move for me. That move creates outcomes that are worth exploring. Here’s one of them now.
PART THE THIRD: It’s about to get loud in here
Me not being president means that I don’t get to unilaterally set policies. When I changed my job title, I agreed to dynamite my most cherished policy on the way out the metaphorical door. A set of online horrorshows prompted my teammates to request a company meeting to evaluate our policy of maintaining neutrality online.
Now, if you read my political blogs and follow the actions of Lone Shark’s sister organization Basket of Adorables, you might not think of us as neutral. Depending on your views, you might in fact think of us as pretty damn mouthy. Basket of Adorables was a silly thing Gaby and I thought of to stop from screaming all the time, and it’s turned into a political rallying campaign, a comic book, a game theory book, and 40+ political game theory columns.
One positive development was that nearly all the Sharks came on board. While we keep the two groups separate on a corporate level, I’ve been delighted to see Shane managing Basket’s website and store, Liz and Skylar building new prototypes for Basket, Trevor running Basket’s Kickstarter feed, and everyone rallying around us. I think having people that are too like-minded can be dangerous, but when it’s about this administration and this time, there’s only one correct response: everybody to the battlements. We’ll keep doing what we can, including a crazy thing which we’ve been working on for a couple months.
Now, I’m not going to tell you what that is yet, because you wouldn’t believe me. It will cause your jaw to drop, I expect. You also definitely wouldn’t believe it’s from Lone Shark, and that’s because it isn’t. Basket’s first game will be like nothing I’ve ever produced. And it will have a subject matter unlike any game I’ve been associated with. Just you wait.
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With all that said, I want to talk about that policy of neutrality. It’s been a useful thing. We made this commitment as a team that we would not take sides when the game and entertainment industry fought amongst itself. With clients in every corner of the game and entertainment industries, we felt a Switzerland stance would help us be a friend to everyone. We worked for everyone, so everyone could always trust their friends at Lone Shark. When conflict occurs, we have a general agreement to button our lips and let it sort itself out without us.
That policy has served us well in some cases. It’s good, for example, to support our friends when they’re under attack. When we’d see something go sideways, our friends knew we weren’t going anywhere. They could count on our support even while they were dealing with the complexities of being public figures.
But that principle of neutrality failed us in many other cases. It failed our friend BJ Hensley when she reported harassment at PaizoCon. It failed our friend Jessica Price when she called out that incident and when she stood up for colleagues at ArenaNet. It failed our friend Renfamous when she took on Comicsgate, and our friends Zoë Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian when they were attacked by Gamergate, and our friend Chloe Dykstra when internet mobs attacked her over a difficult essay about a relationship. It failed our former CEO Marie Poole when she ran into an old boys’ network buzzsaw at GAMA. We expected and got our friends’ support when we stood up for what we believed, but when they did, we were often on the sidelines. Our policy meant we couldn’t move forward without all of us agreeing to do so, so if some of us wanted to speak and others didn’t, we defaulted to doing nothing.
It is not an accident that all the people mentioned in the above paragraph are women. Lone Shark’s commitment to gender diversity is one of our hallmark principles; we’re well known for having one of the most gender-diverse design teams anywhere. But when it came time to reconcile that commitment against the realities that women and transgender people face in the gamer community, we fell short. That time has come to an end.
Led by our outreach manager Trevor Kidd, we had a tension-fraught meeting where we rebuilt our policy from scratch. The main principle—that we would remain neutral when our friends disagreed—stayed in place, but would now be overridden if the situation involved a violation of one of our core values (how people of different genders and races are treated in the industry, say). In that case, every member of our team is empowered to speak out in whatever way they want, even if it is against one of our clients or colleagues. We will stand by our colleagues’ right to call out injustice wherever they see it—with the caveat that we care about getting our facts right. As long as a Shark has done the research, they’re free to speak out when their conscience demands.
This starts with me, of course. I have to teach myself to not just be willing to call out injustices when I see them committed by evil people in Washington DC. I have to train myself to speak up when my friends and people in gaming are in trouble, no matter who troubles them. Neutrality has its value. In times like these, there are higher values that need addressing.
Part the Fourth comes soon.
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replicapurse96-blog · 5 years
For Their Hermes Duplicate Purses Date
Duplicate Chloe Purses nile bracelet bag, the ring design may be no exaggeration to say that the unprecedented fashion has dominated the fashion circle, no one. You are not prone to discover any that are so fastidiously crafted that they move for the authentic handbags, sporting the designer name the best way bags from another shops do, but they might have just what you want in the event you're looking for a loose reproduction of a bag because you merely like the type of a number of the costlier pieces (relatively than the status and superiority the standard designer baggage are likely to have). Saint Laurent Monogram Baby chain Reproduction bag is the brand new sequence of the season bag tote, her dimension is small, however no lack of practicality, light and compact bag physique can maintain more than sufficient belongings, sufficient to satisfy the fashionable girls carry luggage for journey necessities Saint Laurent Monogram Child silver quilted grained leather-based materials, metallic chain bag chain bagSaint Laurent Monogram Baby born in Los Angeles, held in Paris and on the 2015 early autumn series of conference debut. On the problem of Hermes Duplicate Purses private whereabouts, Natsuki has not disclosed particular info later within the day, the Faculty formally conveyed the directive Division of the Navy, and then introduced the personnel arrangements: low cost hermes reproduction purses on-line near graduating college students assigned to the fleet line and staff departments, has been in School training Hermes Replica Handbags college students went to two years every Naval Base Command and reserve forces, and Natsuki this group getting into school freshmen have lower than one year, have largely been organized to the naval fortress. Though only temporary as probation officers assigned to every naval forces might as soon as warfare broke out, the casualties could not hermes duplicate purses outlet be avoided, don't worry Hermes Replica Handbags suddenly flooded away from the scenario in the elegant and quiet campus, face and tears to spend a sincere hug Bibi in every single place, there are numerous college students also took to organize for graduation booklet, please companions parting phrases in a letter. People aware of upscale luxury merchandise will instantly discover a distinction within the stitching and element of a pretend handbag when in comparison with their genuine counterparts. The choice of replica Rolex watches discovered here is comprised of not solely the very best-identified models coming from the Swiss model, like Daytona, Submariner, GMT Master and Milgauss, but in addition limited editions, for a timeless, inexpensive look. Welcome to eepurse At you should buy designer replica handbags,purses,wallets, designer clothes, and extra model identify items that you really want ,Out of all 4 seasons, Fall fashion is Your favourite. Should you're trying to your native drycleaner to get carried out the cleansing, it's worthwhile to ask usually if the company information cleansing designer bag. In addition to this spring and summer time tassels cash was about to stage a comeback to grow to be fashionable favourite, this was originally used to carry the bag champagne derivatized popular section of the bag tote, with the handsome look of breaking the formal sense generally rectangular bag, reveal romantic uninhibited wild model, and this yr the favored Seventies wave coincide.
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In the wholesale market, you'll be able to acquire affordable prices for objects reminiscent of designer baggage and designer garments. The Ladies's Mini Digital camera Crossbody Purse from A New Day (about $20.00) is available in four totally different colours and some look extra like one designer while others look extra like something from another designer. Hermes is famend for their luxurious items and happen to famend for promoting products to people like John P. Kennedy, Ingrid Bergman and even Sammy Davis. Many manufacturers now offer private customization services, and Chloe's bags can do the identical. The supplies used to make the branded purses are way more expensive and higher in high quality, this additional reinforces the fame of the branded. wikipedia We already know there are counterfeit purses out there — even super fakes or AAA fakes (that is what we within the industry discuss with as really, really good fakes”). It is said that these bags are mirror picture of the real bags. The legality of shopping for faux purses online and in person is at present a bit bit iffy. Give your character the needed type carry by filling your wardrobe with these trendy vogue duplicate handbags. Your designer handbag will give different an impression that anyone might need a good taste in relation to style. If you're a fan of the brand, you most likely know a couple of issues about genuine Louis Vuitton purses and what sets them except for others. Given these causes, I have absolutely no remorse or guilt for buying reproduction baggage. Authentic Burberry purses are made with excessive-high quality leather-based and materials. https://papyros.io When the Nile purses had been launched, fashion bloggers started to carry out. Inspired-by replicas have a slightly completely different graphic, pattern, or design than the original. One boutique in Bali, Indonesia had rows of sweet-colored leather-based Hermes” luggage for $500.
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wearebadcode · 6 years
Bechloe mini-fic series: ‘Frank Turner universe’
A Bechloe fic that follows Beca and Chloe's relationship through Frank Turner's music, which will include multiple situations throughout time. Such as title and lyrics' songs inspiration to write simple one shots and mini-fics regarding one concrete topic.
I find Frank Turner's lyrics and songs are such a great and potencial source of inspiration to think and write about Bechloe, so I guess I'll jump on it. This first part will be a mini-fic series based in that poster Beca has in her atic room at Bella's House and we saw in Pitch Perfect 2. My idea is to set the two of them through the attendance of 4/5 Frank Turner's live shows throughout the years she shared in Barden to the ones they share in their present life (set between 2013 and 2018), so it will be a short chapter-fic. I hope I achieve my purpose. 
Frank Turner related: I will be linking all the songs I mention on the posts to Spotify's link so you can listen to them if you feel like it. I will also link Frank's profile on Spotify. I invite you to listen to him in case you didn't know him. If I was the one who discovered him for you: it's a pleasure. Share his music and his talent, he's really awesome. Share, be kind to each other. Everything I mentioned was thoroughly searched, so it's all well documented. Everything (Atlanta show, venue, price of the ticket, etc) happened as you read it.
Being serious now. First of all: it's the first time I write something this long in English, which is not my native language. I struggle with a lot of insecurities when it comes to write or express myself in English, so sorry for the occasional typos in case there are any.
And second: thanks for taking the time to read my random shit and thanks for reaching this far! Also, feedback is much appreciated! 
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onegirllis · 6 years
What inspired you to write TRNT? And how do you feel knowing that there are a bunch of people who read and LOVE your story?
Thank you so much for your kind words and those questions!
To be perfectly honest I started with “The Talk That Never Happened” set in an alternative universe where our beloved characters speak their minds instead of making a mistake after mistake to the point when their fate is doomed. It was just a short story (10k words maybe), one scene, very simple setting and I wrote it during one, lazy evening and posted it, perfectly sure that my affair with Amberprice fanfiction came to an end. The more I thought about it though, the more I wanted to write more, and when my editor said she wouldn’t mind working on more chapters, I decided to write a mini-series called “Postcards from Arcadia”. The original idea was just to publish one scene per chapter - similar to “The Talk That Never Happened” showing different aspects of Amberpirce’s life. An idea a little bit similar to the one behind Afterlaughs’ commissions, but more insightful and obviously spicier (it’s way easier with words, not pencils). The whole concept of “Postcards” went to shit when I started to work on Chapter 1 and randomly decided that I want to have Max in this story. I want Max to meet Rachel. I want Max and Chloe interact in a reality when they are not forced to interact because of Rachel going missing. Before I finished the first chapter had the whole story organized in my head and so many notes on my desk, that I couldn’t find my zippo for over 30 minutes. Instead of random scenes, I discovered that I have so much fun writing those characters and want to create something way more complex. That’s how “The Road Not Taken” was born and remains alive to this very day. I still should revisit first 4 chapters and probably change them a little bit, since I was looking for the best way to tell the story, discovering new ways and trying different options (I’m perfectly aware that they do stick out a little bit, but that’s the price for publishing chapter by chapter instead of one big thing at once). 
The main motivation to create TRNT the way it is going now was based on an interview with Zak Garris. One of my Tumblr friends amberpricenation had an opportunity to talk to the lead writer of BTS and kindly asked me if I have any questions that I would like him to submit. I had one indeed: Despite Rachel’s terrible faith do you think that Amberprice would have a chance to strive and Rachel and Chloe would survive as a couple? What would have to happen for them to save their relationship and make it stronger?
Zak, in the private conversation with my friend, responded that he believes so, yes, but Rachel would have to change as a person. If she acknowledged how selfish some of her demands were and how much she hurt people around her through some actions, Amberprice would have a chance. He also agreed that Rachel, as the character he and his team brought to life, had an opportunity to achieve that goal and change indeed, alternating her action and coming to terms with her conflicted personality. I don't remember the quote exactly though since I wasn't present and it wasn't recorded but memorized. Anyway, it got me thinking that if some of the events from the game happened during this change or after it, how would the story look like? Also, what would force Rachel to start this transformation? How would Chloe react? Would her change influence the blue pirate, forcing her to change too and how much? What about their whole world, friends, family? And then here we go, with 14 chapters and yet another started, with 20 more planned. Mind you, that I started to write the story when episode 3 wasn’t released and I had no idea how BTS would end (that was additional fun, so much fun, when “Hell is empty” hit us and I had to change some ideas here and there). 
About your last question - I seriously don't know how many people read it and how many of them liked it. I seriously assumed that only a few fans (mostly people who I know lol) would survive going through this monstrous amount of text. I'm very grateful and still in awe that I received so many messages from fellow amberprice fans, who still keep up with the story. It’s really overwhelming since I’ve really started to write it because I HAD TO and I’m doing it only for my own personal pleasure. And yeah, I will keep writing ;-) This story demands to be told and be finished, even if I will be the only one who'd have enough time and patience to reach the ending. 
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