#chloe lovebird
thefuchsianeko · 1 year
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just working on some more character designs
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happi-tree · 2 years
ok ill bite. 🎵 sparrow
SKDBFKHDBFHKASHKBFS hiiiii nonnie!!! hope you're having a lovely day 💗💗💗 on to my sparrow shit
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very basic of me ik. but i do like to think that this song would be sort of relaxing for him - almost meditative - even in a world where the moon no longer rises. i actually chose this cover version since it sounds a bit more melancholic to me since i think that would fit him best! the meaning behind the song - that even amidst chaos of the world, some things still stay certain - would help ground him a bit. i can picture him singing it softly to hero and normal when they're little as a lullaby 🥺🥺🥺
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this one is more of a song about him than it is one i think he would listen to. the lyrics of this song so frequently drive me insane. there's a lyric about how the endless repeating days run together like mixed-up paint and that just really reminds me of sparrow being a little art kid. "you always hide your thoughts behind a smile / even if you close your ears / there's nothing to stop the noise" my little lovewolf bearer of the curse!!! i just want to give him a hug for keeping it together for so long this poor guy just needs to be able to take a breath and RELAX without feeling like the world will explode otherwise. also it might just be my association with the artist, sparrow, and wolves but! i digress.
Send me a ♫ + a character’s name and I will respond with a song (or multiple!!!) that reminds me of them. Send a ♫ + a ship and I will do the same.
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desperately wanna write a childhood friends to lovers au w chloe and red in the timeline where bridget never goes evil and is still besties w ella
like imagine all the hangouts and sleepovers they have, crying and whining when they have to be separated because red, dear, we really must return home or chloe, love, we've been in wonderland for a week already
imagine little chloe bursting into her parents' bedroom declaring that she'll always be red's knight in shining armour, because every princess, especially a crown princess, needs a knight to protect her and ella and christopher just KNOWING that chloe is gonna stay by red's side forever and ever
so they start planning the wedding with bridget, thrilled to have the opportunity to bring their families even closer together. they're gonna be in laws! a family, just like they've always dreamed.
imagine little red telling her mum that chloe has a really pretty smile and really pretty eyes, and it makes her happy to see chloe happy, and that chloe is the bestest friend in the whole wide world and bridget has to stop herself from squealing and pinching red's adorably flushed cheeks, because her daughter was so in love already, even if it was just puppy love. that doesn't stop her from screaming gleefully into her pillow later that night tho
imagine them growing up together, attached at the hip, never straying from the other's side. imagine them going to auradon together, everyone already knowing that red and chloe, chloe and red, are a package deal. you can't get one without the other, a known fact since the duo were old enough to travel through the rabbit hole on their own
imagine chad walking in on them cuddling, watching a movie and cooing at them, snapping pictures on his phone before they notice him, yelling at him to leave them alone. alright, alright, I'll leave you lovebirds alone and red flushes in mortification and shut the fuck up chad, we're completely platonic and you know this because little miss goody-goody would definitely be rougher around the edges, growing up with red, and she'd definitely cuss up a storm at chad, but she loves him, she swears, just maybe not as much as she loves red
imagine them going through all the motions of a romantic relationship, cuddles, cheek kisses, hand holding, cute dates and all that, but insisting that it's just platonic, and that's how they've always been because they're best friends and their parents are so very done with them, just praying for them to get together, and chad has even started a betting pool for when they'll realise they love each other. he thinks it'll take them until at least their second year at auradon prep - at least, it'll take chloe that long
imagine chloe and red having matching lock screens, and having each other set as their home screens as well. imagine red baking chloe anything she asks for, like peppermint cookies and flamingo feather cupcakes and blueberry muffins, because chloe, her princess, her knight, has a raging sweet tooth that red can't help but indulge every time. imagine chloe taking red on ice cream dates, because red LOVES ice cream, and refusing to let her pay for it because red was a princess and deserved only the best treatment, thank you very much and red has to point out that chloe, you're a princess too. but, red, you're the crown princess and im your loyal knight <3
imagine red finally realising her feelings and ranting at the council of parents because holy shit aunt ella, your daughter is so dense?? and christopher can't help but cringe because he knows exactly who chloe got that trait from and he's like I'm sorry but while we charmings are quite, charming, we're also quite oblivious, especially to matters of the heart and bridget can't stop laughing because darling, you may need to hit her with glass shoes for her to figure it out, which makes ella blush because that's exactly what she had to do that night at castlecoming
god I have so many feels about this I am totally normal about glassheart. final part absolutely inspired by @strugglingsapphic's recent post bc I love the idea of oblivious chloe not knowing shit
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pitchsidestories · 7 months
lost and found II Georgia Stanway x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2044
a/n: based off this request.
“G will love your surprise visit to the England camp.”, Keira Walsh exclaimed happily. Surprised Lucy Bronze lifted an eyebrow:” Wait a second, you really didn’t tell her about it.”
Amused by the reactions of your Barcelona teammates you answered:” Not a word, otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore, right Lucia?”
“Okay, smartass. Just wanted to know if you dropped some hints.”, the defender replied. You smiled at her in amusement: “No lo hice.”
After you realized she didn’t understand what you were saying to her, you added in a teasingly tone: “I see Ona has been lacking in her Spanish lessons with you.”
“Shut up”, the older woman groaned. Clearing her throat Keira drew back the attention to her:” Girls be quiet the other lionesses are arriving.”  
For a moment you three stopped talking and were closing your eyes enjoying the warmth of the Sun which shone down on Marbella.
You were filled with excitement as the arrival of the rest of the English players meant that you were one step closer of seeing your girlfriend which you hadn’t for quite some time due to both of your busy schedules.
“Hi Kei, missed ya.”, Georgia Stanway chirmed while hugging one of her closest friends. Equally delighted Keira greeted the Bayern Munich player:” Hi G.” “How are you?”, the younger midfielder asked.
Beaming the Barcelona footballer told her:” Great, how are you.” Proudly Georgia nodded: “I’m alright, we’re still leading in the Frauen Bundesliga-“, when your girlfriend paused taking in your sight. She gasped out loud: ”Oh my god!”  
“Oh, look at G, she’s getting all flustered!”, Chloe Kelly grinned. Giggling Alessia Russo observed: ”She’s turning all red.” “Like a little tomato.”, Ella Toone remarked laughing.
You tried to ignore their remarks and went straight to your girlfriend pulling her into a hug:”Hello, mi amor.” “What are you doing here?”, Georgia wanted to know.
A crooked smile was on your lips:” I wanted to surprise you.” “Well, you just did that.”, the midfielder muttered, while her arms were still embracing you, as she wasn’t ready to let you go yet.
In awe Alex Greenwood hummed:” Just look at Georgia. She obviously missed her little Spanish girlfriend.” “Adorable.”, Lucy playfully rolled her eyes.
The red cheeks on your girlfriend intensified because of her teammates comments so you suggested in a low voice:” Want to go somewhere more private, Georgia?”
“Yes, follow me.”, she sighed relived. Georgia really loved the English player, but she couldn’t let the chance slip away to have a quiet moment between only the two of you.
Winking Keira shouted after you both:” See you later, lovebirds.”
“Ugh, Kei.”, Georgia groaned, her cheeks turning pink. You chuckled and put a hand on your girlfriends back; “Ignore her.” “I always do.”, she smiled back at you. “Good.”
“Let‘s go.”, she continued to lead you away from her teammates. You patiently followed; “Please.” Georgia opened the door to her hotel room and let you walk in first.
You took in the plain but chic room. A large, soft looking bed occupied most of the space. With a long sigh, you let yourself fall onto it and kicked off your shoes. Your girlfriend climbed next to you on the bed, watching you attentively.
“You‘re probably asking yourself why I‘m not back with the spanish team…”, you said into the silence. Georgias eyes widened, giving away that you were right with your assumption. “I am.”, she admitted.
You nodded wearily and explained; “The changes are not enough. The former co-coach is now our head coach… Mapi and the others including me want them to do better.” “Oh.”
“Yeah.”, you replied, a silent understanding between the two of you. Your girlfriend shook her head in confusion; “I really thought things would get better after they dropped Vilda.” “Me too.”, you agreed cooly.
Carefully, Georgia pushed the hair out of your face; “I‘m sorry.” “Not your fault, Gee.” “Still. I know you‘d want to play for your country.” You shrugged casually; “It is what it is.”
Something on your girlfriends upper arm caught your attention, letting you forget the previous topic; “Wait, is this a new tattoo?” “Uhm…” “Let me take a look at it!” You grabbed her wrist and turned her arm towards you. Sighing, the midfielder gave in; “Fine.”
“Wait, is this…? Georgia, you’re insane!”, you exclaimed, staring at your own initial under your girlfriends skin. She winked at you; “Or am I a genius?”
“Guess your lionesses teammates will judge about it later.”, you laughed, still in slight disbelief. “I‘m okay with that.” “Yes, you can handle them.” “I can.”, she assured you with a grin.
Out of words for how grateful you were to have Georgia in your life, you leaned forward and kissed her passionately. She returned the kiss impatiently.
“Jesus! Glad I didn‘t come later! Time for dinner, you two.”, Keiras voice exclaimed. You drove apart immediately, staring at the midfielder who leaned in the doorframe and grimaced.
“Kei!”, Georgia shrieked. You threw a pillow in her general direction; “Get out!” She moved out of the way, the pillow hitting the wall next to her; “Come on, girls.”
After another glare from her teammate, she finally closed the door again. Georgia laughed incrediously; “Why is she like that?”
“She loves to catch us off guard I just know it!”, you fondly rolled your eyes. “I guess we have to go know.”, your girlfriend announced, still out of breath from kissing and laughing while getting up from the bed.
With a loud sigh you got up with her:” Yeah, we do.” “Come on then.”, with a cheeky grin your girlfriend took your hand pulling you into the direction of the place where her teammates were having dinner. Smiling you whispered into her ear:” I’ll follow you.”
Once you sat down with the rest of the lionesses Lucy curiously looked at the Bayern Munich player:”Gee, did you told y/n the story of your football boots, already?” “Football boots?”, you repeated puzzled.
Slightly embarrassed Georgia explained:” I had them in my big suitcase which got lost.” “Your suitcase got lost?!”, you asked her concerned.  
Enjoying the sheepishness in the voice of her best friend Keira added:” And she was too scared to tell that Sarina, so..” “So?”, you urged her to continue to speak about it.
Your girlfriend stared annoyed at the Barcelona midfielder:” It’s fine now. I got my stuff back.” “That’s good.”, you told her relieved.
Back to her confident self Georgia said: “I trained with shoes from a U23 player for the first two days.” “You did? Nice of the fellow baller.”, amused you lifted up an eyebrow.
Giggling she admitted: “She was the only one with the same size.” “Lucky girl.”, you hummed, your lips only millimetres away from brushing against eachother.
Clearing her throat Keira interrupted the kiss before it could have happened, begging:” We’re eating now, please don’t kiss again.” “Don’t be a baby, Kei.”, Georgia told the only slightly older woman, sticking her tongue out into her direction. 
You couldn’t help but to remind your teammate from Barcelona:” Laura and you are so much worse and don’t even get me started on Lucy and Ona.”  “What do I have to do with that now? I don’t care if you make out here or not?”, the defender protested.
Happily, Georgia responded:” Thanks for understanding this Lucy. Munich and Barcelona are just so far away.” “True.”, you mumbled biting your lips to hold back all the emotions coming to the surface you were feeling because of your long-distance relationship.
Frustrated Keira pointed out:  “So are Barcelona and Rome.”  “No, the distance between the two cities is less.”, your girlfriend countered.  Pouting her friend defended herself: “It’s still shitty for a relationship.” “It’s.”, Georgia admitted.
Helplessly Lucy groaned hiding the face in her hands: “Can you stop fighting about who has the worst long-distance relationship? I’m trying to eat.” “Sorry, Lucia.”, you apologized with a crooked smile. The older woman looked up to you:”I hope you’re.”
“Love, want to share a dessert?”, Georgia chirmed.  Delighted by her question you swiftly replied: “Sure.” “Perfect.”, she beamed at you.
“Disgustingly cute.”, Keira reacted with gagging noises in the background. Immediately Lucy was calling her out:” Keira!” “What? It’s true.”, she protested.
You were ignoring the two as you and your girlfriend were too focused on the dessert in front of you. With closed eyes you confirmed:” It’s delicious.” “Agreed.”, Georgia said cheerfully.
Keira watched you attentively; “Will you watch the game against Austria?“ “Of course. Can’t miss out on it.“, you replied around a mouthful of your dessert. Georgia winked at you; “You shouldn’t.“ “I’ll wear your jersey.“, you promised your girlfriend with a laugh.
She raised her eyebrows; “You’ll?“ You grinned back at her; “Yes. Why not? Can’t go with my Spanish one.“ “No, better not. I don’t think the girls would like to see that.“, Georgia shook her head. With a wink, you gave your girlfriend a sympathetic look; “Brings back sad times. I can’t do that.“
“Please don’t.“ “I won’t.“, you promised, amused. “Thanks. I’m sure we can get you a shirt.“, the midfielder thought out loud. “Thank you.“ Georgia quickly kissed you on the cheek; “You’re welcome.“
Englands friendly against Austria was about to start when a familar voice called your name.
“Stanway looks good on you.“, Leah Williamson smirked as she took the seat next to you. “Lee, hi.“, you greeted her, a big smile on your face. “Hi.“ You pointed down towards the pitch; “Gee’s a captain tonight.“
“Happy that she gets to be captain for a bit too.“, Leah replied, clearly torn between being excited for her friend and her own frustration of missing out on the camp.
Gently, you put a hand on the defenders arm; “She was so excited to play with you again.“ “Me too, trust me. But I’ll be back for the next camp. I can’t wait to wear that jersey again.“, she said, a defiant sparkle in her eyes.
“And then it’s the three best friends and Lucy again.“ Leahs mood seemed to get better at the thought; “Lucy will hate that.“ “Yes, but she secretly loves it.“, you joined her laugh. “I’m sure she does.“
When the match ended with a clear win for England, you impatiently looked at the Arsenal defender; “Want to say hi to the girls?“ “Sure.“, Leah agreed and followed you.
Georgia was flanked by her Austrian Bayern Munich teammates Sarah Zadrazil and Katharina Naschenweng when you entered the pitch.
“Your girlfriend is here too, Georgia?“, Sarah asked. With a proud nod, Georgia replied; “She’s.“ “Hello, Kathi and Sarah.“, you smiled as you approached the trio.
“Hi y/n.“, they said in unison. “Great to see you two again. Did G tell you about her new tattoo yet?“ Georgias cheeks turned pink while Kathi nodded with a grin; “Yes, she did.“
“What is it?“, Lucy joined the group, bumping her shoulder against yours. “Girls, stop it. You weren’t that excited for my other tattoos.“, your girlfriend laughed, a bit of defensiveness in her voice.
Ella Toone grabbed her arm, turning it so the new tattoo was visible. Excitedly she yelled; “Georgia Marie Stanway, the woman that you are!“
“What? Let me see!“, Alessia Russo pushed her best friend aside to have a look as well. Georgias face turned even more red; “It’s just the first letter of her name.“
“That’s so romantic.“, Alessia cooed. Keira rolled her eyes; “No, it’s stupid.“ “Shut up, Kei!“, you and your girlfriend called at the same time.
Leah pulled your Barcelona teammate in a hug; “Come here, Kei.“ “G, Lucy and y/n need to join too.“, she demanded, her cheek against Leahs shoulder.
Sighing, you wrapped your arms around the two of them; “Come here, you big baby.“ Georgia immediately followed suit and joined the group hug. “
Ugh, not a hug.“, Lucy grimaced disgusted. Leah gave her an unimpressed look; “Don’t be a bitch, Lucy.“
“It’s okay, that’s just how she is.“, your girlfriend laughed, grabbing Lucys arm and pulling her into the direction of the growing group of football players.
Reluctantly, she finally gave in. You smiled to yourself. There was no place you would rather be right now.
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hellonpluto · 2 months
There's no fucking way season 1 adrien had no feelings for marinette 💀
Dude gets disappointed and looks chloe up and down in judgement after she interrupts his and marinette's kiss in Horrificator
He stares at photos of marinette n her family for a bonkers amount of time and even has to get snapped out of it by ladybug(cant remember ep name)
Dont even get me STARTED on him awkwardly asking for her signature on his jagged cd in Guitar Villain
I almost forgot; right after umbrella scene and plagg makes the lovebirds joke he goes "she's jusr a friend!!!!! ........a friend.... :]" but on netflix the music is labeled as [Romantic Music]. (In miraculous origins part 2 obvi)
Like ik he doesnt like her until later on(and i think him falling in love during the wax museum scene is such bs) but mannnnn there's gotta be at least a lil smth. Like the tiniest itsy bitsy bit in season 1
I'll def add on to this the farther i get into my rewatch of miraculous . Sorry if i sound dumb in my rambles
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howhow326 · 1 year
First day of college is tomorrow so
Team Miraculous Headcanons!
(Note: I feel like the temp heros arent fleshed out as much so im only talking about their role on the team and the difference between their civilian and hero persona.)
Ladybug & Chat Noir: you already know.
Rena Rouge & Carapace: Just like the two lovebirds up there, I think there personalities swap in their hero personas. While Alya is the more rational one and Nino the coming up with crazy ideas, Rena is the crazy idea girl and Carapace is the one that wants everyone to think things through. In combat, Carapace is a frontliner like Chat Noir but with meatshield bent. Rena rarely sees combat because she's more of a mission control/guy in the chair/Navigator and yes I can randomly make persona references that supports the team from the shadows with illusions and spying on the villain.
Queen Bee: This might contradict canon but idc, Queen Bee is nice! Like yeah, she still insults her teammates, but not to their faces anymore! Chloe's making an effort to not be bad and she's failing, but it's the thought that counts right? In battle, Chloe is just doing her best Ladybug impression and it's not too bad.
Vesperia: If Queen Bee is Chloe trying to be nice, then Vesperia is Zoe being a savage! The girl has a lot of pent up anger from living with Audrey and Chloe at the same time, so she deserves to cut loose a bit. Vesperia is one of the heroes that uses the most taunts and insults against villains, sometimes to bait them but most of the time it's just her being a little bad. She's a frontliner but with an emphasis on dodging hits and grabbing attention.
Viperion: Luka is approachable, Viperion is not. He has creepy eyes and half of Paris is convinced he's psychic and can read minds (which isn't entirely wrong, he just reads emotions). The bad rep dosen't bother Luka too much, but it gets annoying when his teammates are scared of him.
Pegasus: Despite being a nerd, Max really isn't an uptight person. As long as something dosen't endanger himself, he's open to trying new things. Pegasus isn't. He lowkey believes he's surrounded by idiots including Ladybug (but he obeys her orders cause she hasn't really lost yet). Half of Paris is also terrified by him because he's able to pull off Batman levels of big brain during a fight.
King Monkey: Most of the temp's hero personas have different personalities but King monkey really is just Kim in monkey suit. Max has lowkey sussed out his identity, Kim suspects nothing.
Ryuko: Kagami is calm, which is why no one has figured out her identity because Ryuko is cRaZy. She's like one of those middle schoolers pretending to be their favorite anime character but WITH REAL POWERS! Villains are also scared of her because she has like 3 powers for some reason.
Purple Tigress: What more can I add? We all saw her: a raging cat lesbian. She's a berserker!
Pigella: She's like that one "threatening positivity" post: you will feel better, you have no choice >:)". the Love square between her and Tigress is real also. In fight she's like those really annoying spell casters that hypnotize your party members.
Miss Hound: When Sabrina transforms she just goes full Chloe! All the years of being mistreated come out as her being 10× meaner than any other hero! Miss Hound dodges a villains attack? "And thats why your useless, utterly useless!" She and Vesperia are besties!
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pricefieldizcanon · 10 months
It's SO lovely how when Max is with Chloe, the world just stops for the 2 of them. ❤️
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Does anyone else find it SO cute, beautiful, and sweet, that when Max is with Chloe, she's just like "Fuck school, I'm staying with Chloe, she is my world!" 🥺❤️
It is so sweet and beautiful to me. Chloe is her number one priority. Everything and everyone else comes later.
Like in this scene, where Max isn't even thinking about her favorite art/photography school. She's just with Chloe and wants to savor EVERY moment with her. She doesn't care about oversleeping or even missing out on school at this point!
They're just 2 lovebirds! 😭❤️
Screenshot taken by me.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
(The First Week Of The School Year After Soqueline Graduated)
Marinette: *Thinking About Adrien*
Marinette: *Accidentaly Compares It To Her Interaction With Soqueline*
Marinette: *Record Scratch*
Chloé, eavesdropping: "YES YOU MORON!!"
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landothemuppet · 2 years
Hey, could you please write one for Nathan Drake, where they in some kind of danger, and he has to choose between Chloe and reader, and he end up choosing reader and is all love and fluffy, pretty please
a jump around our feelings | nathan drake x reader
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❥ request: yes❥ pairing: nathan drake x reader❥ count: 1.1K❥ n/a: Again, i was inspired. I love writing for Nathan Drake. I don't know why it's so easy. It's not proofread so i hope it won't contain mistakes. As you see in the pic, we have our Sam with them! It was tense to write but i really enjoyed it! So i hope you'll enjoy reading this as much i enjoyed writing it.
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There was no other choice. You had to jump. Vanesco’s men were getting closer, always after you. There were four of you, there were twenty of them. Obviously, you weren’t enough to fight against them. And no, 5 men each was not really an easy task and certainly not an option to evaluate. Your feet were close to the edge of the cliff as you stared at the body of water about 20 meters below. Your panicked look turned to Chloe trying to delay the enemies, Sam at her side. Your breathing became even more weary, already very difficult because of your race and you stepped back, fearful. Nathan seemed to see him, his body instinctively turned towards you, the boy was agitated, pressed for time but really anxious to have to convince you in such a critical moment.
"Hey.. Hey, look at me. It’s gonna be okay, all right. Let’s take a few steps before jumping. Okay?" he tried to comfort you while his masculine hands were cupped around your face.  "Nate, I can't sw-." "Lovebirds, not the time to flirt. We have to go! " Nate’s brother alerted you as he fired one last shot. 
You wanted to tell him you weren’t lovers. Since the beginning of this scavenger hunt, Sam had had the gift of parking a few remarks of this kind, raising the sexual tension that seemed to have established between you and Nate. But again, you didn’t have time for that kind of futility. This time you had no choice. The treasure hunter let go of your face and tilted his head giving you a look that sent a chill down your spine and you immediately understood what it meant: you had to jump now. It was like a look of defeat, of termination. You had no other choice. It was either this, or being captured by Vanesco’s men. And knowing the man, he was probably going to slaughter you, murder not being a problem for him. You took several steps back together before running and jumping off the cliff, your heart pounding, fearing certain death. 
You felt the water seeping into your clothes, hitting your body, sneaking hard into your ears, your nostrils and also your windpipe. You came up to the surface to feel yourself again at the bottom. Your head struggled to find the necessary air but every time you were out of the water, you would swallow the cup. Your attempts to wave your arms to stay afloat became futile and you became more and more breathless. 
"Nate" you managed to scream between strangulation.
He had already been in this situation: finding himself underwater, fighting for his own life while saving his teammate. Except this time it was a little different. Chloe had hit her arm against a rock while jumping, fortunately it was only her arm. But she was struggling to swim, blood was flowing around you. And you were literally drowning. 
He had a choice: Chloe or you. Nate changed the situation. Each of you was drowning, but you were geographically closer to him, and in a pretty critical state. His chocolate look looked for the eyes of his brother who was barely rising to the surface. He was the last to jump. 
"Sam! Take care of Chloe! I'll take Y/N"
You didn’t hear anything after that. Your head again dipping into the water, the salty burn still passing through your windpipe before you lost consciousness. Nate didn’t wait another second before swimming in your direction, diving to your rescue. The cliff had an underground cave that would allow you to take shelter. 
He dropped your body on the ground while Sam was in charge of Chloe’s first rescue, their worried looks on you two. The sand stuck to your clothes, but what mattered. At least you had a few minutes, maybe a few hours before Vanesco’s men found you... That didn’t mean you had any time. Nate was kneeling iin front of you, slightly panicked not to see you regain consciousness. Hell no, you couldn’t die here... he wouldn’t let you die.
"Come on Y/N. Breathe"
The treasure hunter first slapped your cheeks multiple times, unsuccessfully. It had to be quick but effective. And although he had followed some resuscitation courts at the orphanage...he had not really been able to put them into practice since then. His hands landed on your chest where he started CPR.
"That’s not how I imagined our first kiss, love... Come on, breathe," he partly joked while he was giving a first breath, under his still worried but amused brother’s eyes. 
You had no reaction and Nate was trying to keep up with his CPR without breaking any ribs. He put his strength and conviction into it. Sam exchanged a look with Chloe, really worried about the situation. 
"Come on, treasure. Breathe, damn it!" he almost cried over your unconscious body "Nate..." "NO! I won’t let her die here, Sam, do you hear me?" Nate shouted with rage to his brother.
One more push, one more breath. It seemed like a long time before your body produced a violent burst as you spewed up the accumulated water in your lungs. 
The treasure hunter fell back a little, sighing with relief. You were alive. One second later, he was on top of you, with your face in a cup in his hands, his eyes filled with worry and a warm glow that you greatly appreciate.
"Y/N. I’m here…I’m here. Breathe, slowly… here, take your time".
Your eyes looked into his, and your heart doubled. Your hands have passed the barrier of his arms to take his own face in a cup. Your lips landed on his in a frenzy. Was it because he saved you? Because you almost died? Or was it just his chocolate eyes that were calling you so much and you’d been dying to do that for weeks... But here you were kissing Nathan Drake. The warmth of his lips was flooding your whole body, making you forget your wet clothes. Surprise passed, the treasure hunter deepened the kiss while Sam bent his head, little impressed, a little puzzled but the sneaky, playful look in front of the stage. Nate’s hands slipped on your side and it was too much for the oldest Drake.
"Okay. Still no time to flirt, lovebirds." 
You separated from Nate with cheeks inflamed with shame by your burst of defiance in front of your teammates. You smiled timidly to Nate knowing that this kiss was probably the first of a long series...but that a discussion would be necessary at a more auspicious time. The treasure hunter rose to venture a little further into the cave, Sam has his side.
“So, kid. Was that what it was supposed to look like? Your first kiss with Y/N?” Sam laughed a little, the dimples of his cheeks dug by mischief. "Fuck off, Sam." Nate pushed him away from him, falsely bothered by the joke because he was secretly too happy with this kiss you just shared with him. 
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
your hc for your vivian and roy
I only watched the first 3 episodes of "Fairly Odder" before it was pulled, but Roy is my absolute favorite <3 I've drawn some doodles of him, but I don't know where they are atm.
So obsessed with the popular boy who literally wanders around with a broken leg and all he does is wish for stuff like golden pants. Everybody loves him and he'll happily leave his own party - or cancel his party - to check up his beloved stepsister. He adores her. He's everything I want in a character.
The whole back-and-forth wish set-up followed by Roy immediately withholding his wish so that Vivian couldn't use hers to get away from him was hilarious. I think he was a great "second take" on a "perfect fairy stepsibling that the other envies" after how Chloe's introduction ruffled so many feathers.
I really didn't like the love interest girl who hung around him with a camera for the "school paper," but I did think it was funny that she ended up being Viv's friend... Now Viv has a friend in a scary new town and the new girl has a way to get close to Roy that's a little less stalker-ish. Also the "Don't you think Roy is hot?" / "He's my stepbrother" / "Mm. Too bad for you" was pretty funny.
I've always interpreted Timmy and Chloe as fairy stepsiblings, so having literal stepsiblings was amazing. I enjoyed them as a duo, but a lot of the writing for the show was flimsy and I couldn't get very far into the show- strong pilot, awful 2nd episode, blatant low budget during the....... "wolf" appearance on Midas, and I lost interest and they removed it before I saw any more episodes.
I do regret not watching a little more, but those were really long episodes that were a struggle for me. I've never been into shows with laugh tracks before, so it was jarring for me, and I usually like more fantasy in my fiction, and "Fairly Odder" did struggle a ton on that end since it was live action (i.e. not even showing the "wolf" onscreen while everybody looked towards the "cameras" and cowered over how scary the wolf was, I think they even narrated what it was doing like "It's getting closer" and... yeah).
I'm glad the new series will be animated because "Odder" was pretty painful. Like I said, mixed feelings about what's to come, but if they're doing this then I'm glad it's animated. I think they also changed Wanda's pants color, which I like because it gives her just a slightly more unique design.
From what I recall, Viv is the daughter of Tyler, who is the younger brother of Timmy's Dad - with Tyler spontaneously racing back to Dimmsdale to marry his high school sweetheart and hopefully open a dance studio with her, and all those two lovebirds like to do is dance around when they're together and that's big "cartoon parent" energy and I love that - and Viv is Timmy's younger cousin by 5 years. The name I gave Timmy's Dad also starts with a T, so I think Tyler is a great name for him.
I've outlined WIPs for stories about Timmy's extended family (both sides), and Viv might get mentioned a few times if I ever decide to go through with those pieces, but Roy probably not since they're stepsiblings.
I love Timmy as much as any FOP fan - he's a good boy - but his suburban life doesn't capture my imagination as much as the Pixie lifestyle and Anti-Fairy government and all the magical politics, so we probably won't see them in my 'fics, and I don't have a lot to say about Viv or Roy because I haven't seen them in a long time and only scratched the surface.
That said, I did appreciate how Timmy and Viv had a close relationship and I thought Roy was hilarious. Refusing to fix your broken leg because "I'll do it later" and then refusing to fix it because "You'll wish to be away from me" was so funny and I ended up watching the pilot twice just for that. I really liked him.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 9 months
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thefuchsianeko · 2 years
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more inktober
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morphomixz · 9 months
Eclipsed in Paris (Miraculous x Reader) Pt 6
"You mean to tell me this is all because she thinks you're dating??!" I partially shout-whispered to Chat. 
"Would that be such a bad thing if we were?" he questioned but soon shut it given my expression showing I was less than pleased with the feline masked crusader.  Then my attention was turned back to Ladybug when her voice broke the tension. 
" A superhero never lies! We won't admit to something that's not true." Ladybug exclaimed which made Chat Noir's face drop. Prime Queen is visibly angered by this statement as she demands, "I want my scoop!" while accelerating the train somehow. In a corner, the three of us huddled to determine our course of action.
"I'll use my cataclysm." Chat Noir said in hushed tones, to which Ladybug replied, "No wait, we might need it for an emergency." which was honestly smart. It's better only one of us risks de-transforming at one time. Though Chat did argue back with an indignant tone saying, "Yeah, like right now!" Clearly trying to play mediator I said, "Calm down, arguing will get us nowhere, and we have to get Chloe off this train. Chat mayhaps Ladybug has an idea. Your cataclysm may do even more damage to the train." Turning to Ladybug, we both listened to her when she said, "We have to lure her over here first or we'll never capture her akuma! So let's just play along with her, at least it'll buy us some time." Now that I couldn't completely agree with it. Breaking one's principles and lying on a worldwide stage isn't the best idea, which is something I learned personally, so I offered another solution. "Or I could always lure her over with the identity of a new super. You know, since I used my special ability a while ago now." I said knowing the likelihood of it working now that Prime Queen has two scoops to go for. 
"It'll be easier for you to slip away and feed your kawami if we do this quickly. You're running low on miraculous energy and Chat Noir doesn't mind," Ladybug whispered to me. So, now we have some form of plan... 
Moving towards the back of the compartment where Chloe was, I stabilize her by holding her upright, while Ladybug "confesses", "Okay Prime Queen" she says while holding a shocked kitty's hand, "You win. I confess, Cat Noir and I are dating like you said. We are.." she starts to hesitate, " in..love." which led Prime Queen to abruptly stop the windowless train and sending Chloe as well as myself tumbling onto the floor. Ladybug and Chat Noir go flying into the wall with her landing on his chest, and he made a purring noise.
" Did I just hear you purr?" Ladybug questioned him clearly not liking that he was enjoying their predicament. Nervously, Chat Noir answered with a weak, "Uh, no way!" I smirked lightly, and teasingly I said "Oh, he so did," earning myself a micro glare from the cat. 
Anyways, cyber tech crazy lady decided she wanted something more. Typical reporters. "Our two heroic lovebirds are saving their fan's life and their new partner's by admitting their true feelings. Our viewers are going crazy! But, our TV ratings haven't maxed out yet. You must do better!" she said.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THEY ADMITTED THEY'RE IN LOVE BUT YOU STILL NEED MORE PROOF?!" I yelled at the screen only to be ignored by the crazy lady with the iPad. Stupid iPad adults. 
"Then come and join us, Prime Queen. You're the host and the star of the show after all. Then you'll have your ratings." Ladybug taunted the cyber lady. I dare her to come here, I'll kick her halfway to Lousianna if she does. Then a purple butterfly surrounded her eyes, and a voice quiet enough to talk to her only, but hearable if you have ultrasonic hearing gave her instructions, "Order them to give you their Miraculous!" the sinister voice commanded. Then Mrs. Roboto said, "My show, my rules, Ladybug! To prove that your feelings are genuine, you're going to have to take off your masks, which means you must all give me your Miraculous! Even you newbie." 
"Yeah, that's not happening lady." I said nonchalantly, which was followed by Ladybug's "Not a chance, Prime Queen!" I just happened to glance over at the kitten, only to see a strange smile on his face. Does he know how creepy he looks when he does that face? He grabs Ladybug by the shoulders while exclaiming, " Wait, I know how we can prove our feelings." giving her a wink, while I step away from that situation, "Pucker up!" which has Prime Queen at the edge of her seat. Again, typical reporter and fangirl behavior. Though Ladybug was thoroughly unimpressed by Kitten's antics, she declines with a, "Not a chance, kitty." I'll admit, he tried, and his disappointment was evident so I gave him a quick hip bump with a small demure smile. Then the screen turned black. "Is the show over?" Chat asked while knocking on the previously lit-up screen. This is bad...
"If we can't get to her, we'll never be able to capture her akuma!" Ladybug exclaimed in a worried tone. Just then, the screen turned back on, and displayed Prime Queen in the Louvre., particularly, she was with a sarcophagus. "My dear viewers, you are in for the reveal of a lifetime!" she said with a cackle opening the sarcophagus to reveal a tied-up Alya within.  Or at least I think her name's, Alya. "Ladybug, help me, please!" she pleaded despite not seeming all that scared. Just how messed up are Paris teens if situations like this don't give them PTSD? Then the robo-chick started asking facetious questions, "Oh wait, isn't this the girl who started the famous Ladyblog? The first one who ever filmed Ladybug?"
I turned to Chat and whispered, "What's a Ladyblog? Is it some kind of women's health forum?" I don't quite understand why he laughed at first, but then he blushed before he explained it to be a blog dedicated to Ladybug mostly, but sometimes showcases himself as well as other superheroine content. So, I guess it's not a women's blog... Anyways, back to the battle, seeing Alya bound in the glittering tomb, Ladybug clearly was distressed given her cry of "No, Alya!" I guess she cares about her fans.
"Next trial, your Miraculous! Or else your biggest fan will be mummified!" the cackling cyborg-esq woman declared, then the screen turned bright like it was devoid of anything. Chat almost fell through it, and my miraculous beeped indicating I had a mere few minutes left before I assume I detransform. I really should have paid more attention to Bazoo's instructions. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, I may have to stay behind a few minutes to feed my kwami. Hope you don't mind." I told them before Ladybug turned to Chat to say "Let's leap in before she runs! Come through when you're fully charged!" The two disappeared into the abyss leaving me and Chloe.
"Hey! Ugh, wait! What about me? Someone get me out of here!" Chloe complained. I forced her out of the train, before de-transforming completely while ducking down below the windows, as the train began moving again. 
"Bazoo, eat up. Looks like we're going to have to third wheel this venture," I said handing the bat creature a few blackberries from my bag. Once she was full, it was time to strike. "Bazoo! Spread my wings!" 
It's not so strange the second time around when the latex leather takes over my original attire. Though I will say it feels better to no longer have the mask on. Leather masks aren't the most breathable material. With that, I step through the white screen only to be met with Chat Noir and Ladybug in a freezer. 
"What'd I miss?" I asked aloud. "Not much," Chat replied. "She hasn't said anything since we arrived, so I assume she was waiting for you too," Ladybug informed me. "Well, clearly we're not at the Louvre," Chat said. While struggling to open the freezer door, Ladybug managed to deduce, "It was a double-cross!" Then the backing returned. Cackling alongside the crackling of the broadcast. "Uh, Cataclysm?" Chat Noir suggested. Ladybug being frustrated wasn't the best at handling the situation, yelling at Chat saying, "There's no point! We're probably far away from the Louvre! By the time we get there, it'll be too late to save Alya!"  
"So, are you two going to kiss or what?" I asked getting tired of this business. I just want to go home now... Huh, home? Do I mean New York or the Grand Hotel? Eh, I'll figure it out later. Chat leaned in closer to Ladybug but she stopped him with a simple "Still not a chance, Cat Noir." which disappointed him causing me to pat him lightly on the back in solidarity which he leaned in to.  
" The time has come to push those ratings sky-high! Let's try this again. Remove your Miraculous and reveal your true selves! The whole world is watching you!" came a command from Prime Queen. Like hell, I'm going to do that. I don't know these people. Then the blue-purple butterfly outline showed up...again. Ultrasonic hearing allows me to listen to the instructions. 
"The perfect plan, Prime Queen. They're cornered! Their Miraculous are mine!" came the gravelly voice. I swear I've heard it before, but who?
Pulling on the sarcophagus holding Alya up, Prime Queen said, "There's no use looking for a way out!" and I think she may have rattled Alya a bit because I heard a faint "Ow." from within. "Unless you want to see your biggest fan in deep water." came from Prime Queen's side of the recording. Little to say, we all gasped at that. "Hurry up, you three. Don't wanna keep your audience waiting." taunted Prime Queen while sliding Alya's coffin further over the water.  
"You're right! Lucky Charm!" called out Ladybug before a red-bespeckled tape roll appeared out of nowhere. I'm guessing she knows what to do with it.  "A tape roll? What am I supposed to do with this? Hmm... " Ladybug said while looking around. You've got to be kidding me... She doesn't know what to do with it yet?! Apparently, she decided what to do because she began pulling out random drawers in the freezer. Anxiously, Chat Noir said to her without regard to my existence, "Hurry up, she's about to push Alya into the water!" "I need a minute" "Give her a minute," we both said to him at the same time as she pulled out yet another drawer only to be met with a whiney, "That's too long!" from Chat.
"Listen to the cat." came the condescending voice of Mrs. Roboto as she pushed the sarcophagus further through the screen. Just then, Ladybug found what she was searching for apparently, as she pulled out... a pizza box? "Voilà! " Ladybug said while handing the box to Chat and taping it over the screen, effectively covering Prime Queen's view. Smart idea, and it draws her to us instead of accepting the ultimatum. Based on the audio, it appears to have worked given the resounding, "What's happening?" that came from Prime Queen's side of the broadcast. 
From behind the blackened screen, Prime Queen hears Ladybug say, "Fine, you win, Prime Queen. We'll remove our Miraculous. The whole world will see us without our masks!" Looking over at Chat, we made eye contact and had one singular thought between the two of us. Teasingly, Chat and I call out "And We're about to kiss! Shame you're missing it!" "And They're about to kiss! Shame you're missing it!"
 "So unlucky!" came Ladybug's reply. It was silent for a few moments following our comments when Prime Queen said, " If you're lying, you're going to regret it." she punched through the screen with the pizza box covering effectively bringing her into the freezer with us. She fell right into our trap. Chat broke the screen with his staff while effectively making sure our trap snapped shut saying, "And now you're stuck with us." Like a caged animal she tried to attack us, only to be subdued by Ladybug's yo-yo, hit in the head with my boomerang, and her watch broken by Chat's staff. A little purple-black butterfly flew out of the crack in her watch, which I assume is the akuma.
"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir announces and his hand is suddenly surrounded by black floating particles. When he touches the door with that hand, the particles appear to go into it at a molecular level, destroying it completely to the point where it crumbled right before our eyes. "Ladies first!" I stepped out first saying nothing to Chat but smiled to myself. The Ladybug declared,Thank you! No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" before catching the butterfly within her yoyo, exclaiming, "Gotcha!" She releases it and it had become pure as snow white. She bid it farewell before throwing the tape dispenser into the air where it became millions of magical ladybugs thatput everything back to how it was. I assume Chloe was sent back to her room, Alya to wherever she was prior to Prime Queen absconding her, and Prime Queen herself turned back into the reporter. Though by the sound of it, it appears being akumatized may be like sleepwalking since she was confused when she stammered out, "W-w-what just happened?
Ladybug and Chat Noir held out their fists in the middle, gesturing for me to join in, saying "Pound it!"
Ladybug had to run, though I know she had questions... Questions I think may pertain to my becoming a superhero. She ran off leaving Chat Noir and I alone. "So Rogue, mind telling me how you gained a miraculous?" he asked. "I'd let you know, but it appears you have mere minutes left, kitten" I replied with a smirk before heading out myself. "MY NAMES CHAT, NOT KITTEN," he yelled as I ran away.
 Ducking into an alley near the hotel, I de-transformed. Hurrying quickly through the back stairwell, and back to my room. I requested some blackberries for Bazoo and fell back onto the couch in my room. Scrolling through my phone I note three missed calls, 1 from Auntie which she's likely displeased at, I need to call her back quickly, and two from an unknown number. I called my Aunt back, only to get berated for not picking up when she called the first time. She wants at least one demo song before the end of the month, my appointment to formula-test the makeup line in on Friday, my clothing line sketches need to be started by next Tuesday, and I have a modeling gig for Mr. Agreste's new line in the park on Sunday. I wish she'd understand that things take time and effort to be good. The unknown number left a voicemail the second time around.
"Um, hi Y/N. This is Dante. I know you blocked my number and that you said you never loved me, but I'd like to try to be friends if nothing else. You know, considering we practically grew up together... Anyways, I'll be in Paris in a few months to film a new movie. I'll understand if you block me again, but if you don't, I'll take that as you being open to seeing me again... Um, yeah that's it. Bye."
Seriously? Dante is coming to Paris?! Did Auntie set this up so there could be a huge reunion? Or does he actually want to be just friends? You know after everything I put him through, I thought he'd hate me. Maybe it's time to start a new chapter, one that's real. I turned off my phone, not blocking him, at least for now. It' been a long day, and running around as some kind of superhero burns a lot of calories, not to mention energy. I changed into my pajamas and headed off to bed. Of course, I checked on Chloe first to make sure she was okay. 
A few days later, there was a new version of the reporters show "Face to Face" only this time with Alya. 
 "Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Hi, I'm Nadja Chamack, and this is Side by Side. Today, I'm joined by Alya Césiare, who created the Ladyblog! Together, we'll be looking back over Cat Noir and Ladybug's greatest feats. As well as new hero Rogue's debut." Nadja said. "Hello Nadja! Hey fans! So, first of all, I gotta set the record straight. Cat Noir and Ladybug are not a couple! Well, not yet at least. Sorry to break the news." Alya stated to the camera. 
I think Paris is going fine, though its a bit strange, and now I'm a superhero. Friends were a new thing for me, being a superhero's allowed me to express part of my personality that I've hidden away, but I still don't know if this is home. Huh, Face to Face... I think I may have found a new song idea...
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millepied-legacy · 1 year
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~ ON MY OWN ~ 3 /4
Gen 2 beginning / previously / next
[TRANSCRIPT] under the cut.
You can translate the dialog from here if you want!
— See you tomorrow then? — You bet. — Alright. — You sure I can’t convince you to stay a little longer? — Please don’t.
— I would very much like to sleep on my couch. — Shane- what are you doing out here? — Hey- — Waiting for you two lovebirds to split. — What?
— Night’s pretty much over for me. Didn’t wanted to interrupt- whatever you two were doing. — Right. — Well, I’m leaving. You can have it now.
— Yeah, thanks. — He’s sleeping on your couch? — Long story. I’ll tell you some other time. — Alright. — No big deal man.
— Okay you. It’s kinda cold out here. You should head inside. — Only a little. I’ll be here a couple of minutes. — I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. — Alright. Good night. — Good night Chloe.
— You have a good night. — See you man.
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superlustersnew52 · 30 days
open to any gender chloe is a post-op trans woman!
joy & jasmine are best friends that clearly have feelings while chloe is the third friend in the group
"Sometimes you gotta wonder how those two are so...clueless," Chloe hummed, watching Joy and Jasmine on the dance floor of the club. They certainly looked to be much more than friends with how they were dancing with each other, eyes only on each other. "I mean, I know they've been fucking for years, but I always feel like a third wheel whenever we're out together for a friend night," she hummed as she sipped her drink, before glancing at the person next to her, "So, thanks for joining us tonight. Keep me company while the clueless lovebirds are distracted by each other."
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ladysunamireads · 9 months
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