#chipspeech analysis
hajimedics · 1 year
🍳 pinned post :] 🍳
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🥘 my name is senja/rave
🍲 I’m genderfluid aroace. I use he/they pronouns
🥘 I am bataknese indonesian. I can speak indonesian, english, some german. I can understand/read japanese but not actively speak it
🍲 I am 20 years old (15/02). I’m also a med school student
🥘 I’m physically disabled (visual impairment, narcolepsy) and autistic/ADHD. also more but I won’t specify all of them here lol
🍲 interests: ttte, tugs, deltarune + undertale, houseki no kuni, chainsaw man, scott pilgrim, limbus company, welcome home, clone high, the book of life, jjba, pokemon, vocal synths (synthv and chipspeech), psychological media, movies + more
🥘 other non-media interests: character/media analysis, culinary, character design, science, literature, vehicle anatomy, typology + more
🍲 DNI: pr0shipper, t3rf or is “tolerant” towards their views, really I’ll just block anyone who I think is annoying
🥘 links:
art tag is #senjart
ttte blog is bruhstation
main twitter is heterocaine
personal twitter is verityatdawn (mutuals only)
artfight is heterocaine
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trilobi-te · 1 year
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Otto (pre-orb) and Cider circa the late 80s/early 90s? I haven't put together a timeline. Someone get this man a hairbrush please. Mm I am annoyed because Otto is my favorite character (along with Cider) and I cannot draw him in orb form to save my life. Why is he so difficult to draw. This whole concept was funnier in my head.. oh well
Transcriptions below the cut. Also I must infodump about Chipspeech characters' MBTI so that too.
Otto: This human form is limiting Cider: Otto please calm tf down
Okay it's MBTI time. I go from fandom to fandom finding the weird scientist characters and then I observe them with my little autistic eyeballs. The fact that both Cider (ESTJ) and Otto (INTJ) are high Te makes me (also high Te) very happi because usually scientist characters end up being high Ti. Cider especially because I often find xSTJ science-related characters to be unlikeable and he is decidedly not. I am an ESTJ-adjacent creature and I must scream
My opinions on Chipspeech characters' types: Cider: ESTJ (TeSiNeFi) Otto: INTJ (NiTeFiSe) Dandy: ESTP (SeTiFeNi) Dee: ISFJ (SiFeTiNe) Vosim: xxFJ (high Fe) Bert: ExTP (aux Ti, tert Fe) Rotten: ENFJ (FeNiSeTi) Spencer: ESFP (SeFiTeNi) Lady Parsec: ENTJ (TeNiSeFi) Sam: idk man, probably on the Ni-Se axis Pedro: ESFP (SeFiTeNi) Voder: ISTJ? Maybe? Definitely somewhere on Te-Fi and I think Si-Ne but I'm open to being wrong. Terminal: ESTJ? He's said his personality is low priority in his system and it's not always running, so idk if he's even really typeable.
One day I might make a post with an in-depth analysis of each character's cognitive functions because every fandom needs a typology nerd that everyone else politely ignores but that'll have to wait until I can actually figure out everyone's stacks in full.
Also obligatory PSA: if you want to take an MBTI test that has a pretty good likelihood of typing you correctly, the best one out there imo is Mistype Investigator, or Jung's Igloo if you want results that are easier to read. 16Personalities is not actually MBTI (Neris is closer to Big 5), and Sakinorva and Keys2Cognition both tend to overestimate Ne so probably avoid them. MBTI is not real science but it's fun to apply to fictional characters, just don't take it too seriously. I feel the need to say all of this because I've had problems in the past where this information would have been useful to have, maybe it'll help someone else. Idk
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nekrotiize · 4 years
About Bert’s Homicidal Tendencies...
Hey gang! Let’s get analyzing! 
The perception/reception of Bert as a character has changed a lot this past season, with us in the main Chipspeech fandom/Sovereign Station slowly unpacking and realizing the monumental amount of mental health issues he actually faces and has been facing since even before Season 1. So, I’ve decided to start dissecting certain things and topics we find, with proof provided, just to show that Bert is so much more than the comic relief character that we all thought he was in the past.
Today, we will be covering the topic of Bert’s Homicidal Ideation/Tendencies.
Bert is, despite how he presents himself, possibly one of the more violent characters in Chipspeech. He’s had many displays of both violent thoughts (even if played off comedically) and full on violent action- like the nearly attempted blind-rage assault/murder of a child. We will not be covering the violence he displays towards himself in this. That will be covered at a later date.
>Possible Origins of Homicidal Ideation
It is very important to note that dealing with homicidal ideation does not make you a monster. It is also important to note that it’s pretty similar to suicidal ideation/tendencies, but instead of directed to yourself, it is directed towards others in some form. Be it a specific person, or just... The concept of people in general. Bert is a very mentally ill character with a notably heavy amount of trauma, and it is incredibly likely that his homicidal ideation stems from that. My personal theory is that it is mainly rooted in his PTSD.
Bert came from a strained home with his creator, Mr. Gotrax, who we know well tried to “fix” him into his idea of a perfect son. The situation got strained enough that Bert eventually ran away, and at some point met Dandy 704 and Otto Mozer. This is not necessarily a good thing. It is important to mention here, while it won’t be covered too heavily in this post, that Bert was abused by Dandy, and that appears to be a huge point of trauma for him. Due to this, a lot of Bert’s violence tends to be either directed to or somehow involving Dandy.
>Ideation Alone
There’s a very big difference between homicidal ideation and the concept of homicidal tendencies. Ideation is, obviously, just the thought of it. Oftentimes, when people refer to “homicidal tendencies,” it’s given the same meaning as suicidal tendencies- which is being known to make attempts. Let’s dissect just his ideation first. 
This much has been played off for laughs. Not necessarily in a bad way or anything, but things are disturbing in hindsight. Let me bring up one example here in particular.
You ever notice how, during Season 2, Bert booted up The Sims with the express purpose of creating Cider and Dandy and then killing them? The first time, back in Season 1, was more... Lighthearted. The deaths were more of a consequence of a bug. Uncoincidentally, this was also before things were more serious and before Bert’s relationship with Dandy got more outwardly, noticeably traumatic (though it still was to a degree,) and before Bert gained a sudden fear of Cider.
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SPOILER ALERT! This is not the last time we will see Bert smile at the prospect of harming Dandy in some way, fictional or not. 
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Well someone has issues. Fun fact! Drowning is one of the hardest types of homicides to prove. Evidence gets washed away.  It also takes quite a while. It’s like strangulation in that aspect.
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This isn’t exactly... Normal behavior, is it? It’s a little weird. I’m not calling him crazy or saying this isn’t justified, but it’s just. Off-putting. Especially compared with his trademark Season 2 incoherence that was literally the result of brain damage and trauma-induced age regression.
This is probably coping.
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Dark humor and the concept of it is not lost on me. It’s context that matters here. If the context of Bert, his mental health, and his relationships with these characters weren’t there, I honestly wouldn’t think twice about it. And I didn’t really think to hard about this when this happened. Hindsight is a powerful tool.
One thing I find interesting is... One of his methods of trying to kill Dandy in-game lines up perfectly with a way he is physically violent with Dandy outside of the game. 
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A stab to the chest.
>Homicidal Tendencies / Actual Violence
Bert is a mess. He is a violent, destructive, self destructive little mess. But again, we aren’t covering his self destruction in this. We’ll get there, though. It’s important to note that Bert... Is definitely funny! He’s one of the more “comedic” characters. But his comic relief status has come at a detriment to him, and it has led to a lot of... Issues. He wasn’t taken seriously. So whenever he lashed out... It wasn’t even noticed as an extreme behavior.
Remember that time he nearly assaulted Pedro?
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This was how they first met. VODER almost killed Dandy. Which, you know what, fine. Drama! Intrigue! But there’s something we need to keep in mind. Bert, despite basically having his mental state entirely tanked by Dandy, has a severe attachment to him. Which is... Very reminiscent of actual abuse victims, but that’s besides the point.
So what does Bert do upon learning that this 13 year old child hurt Dandy?
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THIS IS CONCERNING! This is a very concerning response!! This is not how you respond to that! Oh no! 
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Fun note! Whenever he starts typing in a way that’s really messed up, he is having a breakdown!
Okay. Taking a step back here. Bert, upon given the information that someone could have hurt Dandy- with the information that he is FINE- goes into a blind rage directed at that person and nearly commits assault, but then snaps out of it when the person he’s targeting, who is a child, begs for him to stop and covers their face. It’s implied that Dandy has physically abused Bert before.
His immediate breakdown was probably the realization that he was becoming just like him. 
... Anyways, side note! Pedro saying that they have seen a cat make that exact same face at them before it attacked them? Yeah, that’s an interesting statement! Have you seen a cat about to strike?
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Bert looked pissed! Great first impression! Nearly attempted crimes of passion are a great way to introduce yourself to a child. Somehow, they’re like siblings now. Trauma bonding!
Speaking of Bert being pissed and violent...
Remember that time he literally stabbed Dandy?
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A wonderful start to the chaos.
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Let’s dissect this! Because this sure is an interaction!
The way this is framed is interesting. “I have a knife” “Where did it go?” implies that Bert walked up to Dandy announcing this, all while hiding the knife in some way. Then... There’s Bert stabbing Dandy in the chest with a smile on his face. There’s a couple things to keep in mind with that. One of them is that you don’t just randomly stab people.
Stabbing is a very personal way to kill someone. Very personal. There’s this inherent implication in it that you want that person to hurt, and you want them to hurt by your hands. It’s up close and personal. It’s messy. It’s heated. And in this circumstance, this is beyond a crime of passion.  This seems... premeditated.
And this does not at all seem to be the first time Bert has done this.
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The calm reaction. Just... Keeping the knife. This is a response that basically chalks up to “[heavy sigh] not this shit again.” This just implies that this has happened enough times for Dandy to not even be phased by Bert literally stabbing him in the chest. I’m not even going OVER the maneuvering needed for Bert to stab him in the first place, with Dandy being 7′04″ and Bert being 5′03″.
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Like, this is their height difference! Bert either had to, off-screen, yank him down by the shirt, knock him down by the legs, or literally swing upwards, which is a really weird motion (I tried it, you know, for science,) and the body really doesn’t like doing it! And that’s not even taking into account the FORCE that’s needed to stab a blade through DANDY! He’s an automaton! THERE IS A LOT GOING ON HERE! And we do NOT have time to unpack all that! 
That’s my essay! Again, it’s not going into other aspects of his violence, which... Honestly, I feel would enhance the argument, but we’d be here ALL DAY and I’m not about to lengthen the post any further by going into Bert’s self destructive habits! 
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