#chinese medical team
tangentburd · 2 years
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TF2 x CNY 2023: Bounce your way to greater heights with the fastest classes and your knack for fun! Have a happy hoppy Year of the Rabbit everyone! 🐇🧧
// translations:
笑彈自如: “laugh and leap freely” (nonsense pun on the actual idiom 笑談自如/談笑自如 “laugh and chat freely” + synonym 彈 “bounce/spring”, inspired by Scout’s Bunnyhopper taunt of course)
刀槍不入: “invulnerable/impervious to all manner of weapons” (pun on 不入 “bù rù”, which sounds like BLU if you read it fast!)
[ 2021 ver. ] [ 2019 ver. ]
// bonus because i missed the Year of the Tiger last year:
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“Oh, so now you think I’m a cowardly cat just because I didn’t roar?! I’LL SHOW YOU”
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
1. Arizona governor Ok's over the counter birth control
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Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) has expanded access to over-the-counter birth control that will “soon be available to Arizonans,” according to a press release.
Arizonans 18 and older will soon be able to go to their local pharmacy and purchase oral contraceptives without a doctor’s prescription.
2. ‘Great news’: EU hails discovery of massive phosphate rock deposit in Norway
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A massive underground deposit of high-grade phosphate rock in Norway, pitched as the world’s largest, is big enough to satisfy world demand for fertilisers, solar panels and electric car batteries over the next 50 years, according to the company exploiting the resource. About 90% of the world’s mined phosphate rock is used in agriculture for the production of phosphorous for the fertiliser industry, for which there is currently no substitute.
3. U.S. Is Destroying the Last of Its Once-Vast Chemical Weapons Arsenal
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Decades behind its initial schedule, the dangerous job of eliminating the world’s only remaining declared stockpile of lethal chemical munitions will be completed as soon as Friday.
4. Chinese scientists create edible food packaging to replace plastic
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By incorporating certain soy proteins into the structure, Chinese University of Hong Kong scientists successfully created edible food packaging.
5. World's 1st 'tooth regrowth' medicine moves toward clinical trials in Japan
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A Japanese research team is making progress on the development of a groundbreaking medication that may allow people to grow new teeth, with clinical trials set to begin in July 2024. The tooth regrowth medicine is intended for people who lack a full set of adult teeth due to congenital factors.
6. No Longer Endangered: The Bald Eagle is an Icon of the ESA
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When the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted in 1973, bald eagle population numbers across the country showed that the species was close to disappearing. Before the ESA, in the 1950s and ‘60s, eagles were shot routinely despite the protection. The ESA listing helped bring public attention to the issue.
Through the early 1970s and into the early ‘80s, numbers increased gradually. Then, as you got into the ‘90s, there was still gradual growth. From the late ‘90s into the 2000s, the population really exploded. There was a doubling rate of every several years or so for a while.
7. Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon drops 34% in first half 2023
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Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon fell 34% in the first half of 2023, preliminary government data showed on Thursday, hitting its lowest level in four years as President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva institutes tougher environmental policies.
Data produced by Brazil's national space research agency Inpe indicated that 2,649 square km (1,023 square miles) of rainforest were cleared in the region in the half year, the lowest for the period since 2019.
That's it for this week :)
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Heyy can u do something about gavi's ear because of the match ? like the reader takes care of him something like that please 💗
Quiet times together
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When you saw the video of Pablo's bleeding ear on the overhead TV, you really freaked out getting off the chair in the box and peeking through the window to see the doctor cleaning up hi wound.
"I can't believe that wasn't a red card!" your friend said but you could really care less about any of that praying that Pablo isn't seriously hurt.
When the game was over, you couldn't wait to see him very nervous to look at his new injury. When he finished his interviews, he came to the family room and you rushed to give him a quick hug.
"No..no..don't cry princesa! We won and I'm gonna be okay!" he said holding your face and drying your tears but your eyes were glued on his stapled ear and dried blood around it.
"I got really scared Pablo!" you say and he smiled pulling you closer and kissing the top of your head lovingly.
When you pulled away and he took you to grab his clothes together, team doctor called you to say about possible sensitivity Pablo might feel for a couple of days after the pain medication he took stops working.
"Avoid any loud places for at least a week. You might feel a little dizzy if you push against your sensitivity" man explained and you took in every word promising yourself that Pablo will take it easy no matter what he says.
"Thanks doc! Ready for our date princesa??" Pablo said after grabbing his bag and you remembered the restaurant date you planned before the game this morning.
"There will be live music there Pablo, and I don't think we should do it..we can have takeout at home instead?" you suggest which of course made him whine and say how he wanted to treat you.
"And you will treat me..we are going to get comfortable and order our favorite Chinese food and watch some goofy movie together?" you say placing your hand on his face careful not to touch his wound and he smiled nodding his head while kissing your lips lovingly.
"And cuddles???" he asks adorably which made his friends tease him as they passed us but he didn't care at all. I pointed kissing his lips once more time while nodding my head.
"All the cuddles you can take mi valiente ganador!" you say and he giggled nodding his head while taking your hand walking towards the cars where you left with your friend and he took the bus with his teammates.
"Please make sure he wears these on silent mode while at the bus if it gets loud?" you said to Balde who promised on his life to take care of your boy all the way back home to Barcelona.
"There is nothing to worry about princesita mia" Pablo kissed your lips one more time before you two went separate ways but no matter what you will always worry about his health.
When you arrived home, the pain medication definitely stopped working since even your little louder greeting made his face cringe in pain. You puled him closer whispering a soft apology while kissing the side of his temple.
"I ordered the food amor. And made sure TV is on the lowest volume for the move..you want to shower?" you say and he nods clearly in a lot of pain and your heart hurt to see him like that.
When he got comfortable sitting on the sofa with your, the loud ring-bell made you both jump and him cover both of his ears in pain.
"Mierda! I got it amor! I'm so sorry!" you say but he whispers that it's alright as you went and grabbed the food from the delivery guy.
"I'm sorry we didn't go on our date amor.." Pablo was whispering while eating some rice and chicken and you smiled moving closer and kissing his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it..I would much rather be here with you anyway and I love taking care of you" you say and he blushed a little yawning and even a slight pull on the stitches made his wound sour.
"Could I lay on your chest tonight?" he asks and you smile widely nodding your head before taking his hand and walking to the bedroom seeing that he was done with his food anyways.
You both laid down and he laid his head on your chest while you placed your hand on his face caressing it gently while kissing the side of his sour temple. He smiled closing his eyes feeling so good that he didn't care about the pain coming from his ear. He nuzzled his head into your neck and completely relaxed. (gif).
"It's buzzing amooor.." Pablo whined and you told him to focus on the sound of your heartbeat instead and to try to get some well deserved rest tonight.
"Talk to me...I like listening to your voice princesa" he says and you blush a little thinking of things to say to the sleepy boy.
"I was so proud of you today Pablito..you wouldn't give up no matter what..you went back into the game and you played till the end. You're the strongest man I've ever met..my strongest man" you whisper and he listened carefully blushing at the compliment and holding onto your tightly while slowly becoming more sleepy.
"And I love you..su much cariño. Whenever I see you get hurt my heart hurts..and I just want to hold you in my arms and protect you from everything..because..you..are..my..life" you say feeling yourself getting emotional and Pablo looked up kissing your lips softly before laying back down on your chest.
"I love you too preciosa..more than I've ever loved anybody..mi vida" he spoke sleepily before finally slipping into unconsciousness and you smiled kissing the top of his head continuing to play with his hair until you also grew tired and fell asleep holding him in your arms.
Barcelona, Spain
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I'm not letting anybody hurt you mi bebé ❤️ tagged: pablogavi
pablogavi: gracias por todo amore mio ❤️❤️
y.n.bebe: siempre amorcito❤️❤️
gaviraafanzz: omg! she's so cute! take good care of him girl!!
barcafanclubs: clown for not giving that guy a red card!
fcbarcelona: our warrior.❤️
pablogavi: ❤️
pedri: come back stronger hermanito mio!
pablogavi: si hermano!
mikkykiemeney: so cute! 🥰
y.n.bebe: 😊
aurorapaezg: ❤️
He is a true warrior! What STRENGHT, LOVE and DEDICATION for the club! That's our GAVI! ❤️❤️❤️
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
How good would the bots handwriting be?
In English? In Cybertronian? Why not both?
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On Cybertron, writing anything by hand was not exactly common. Technology trimmed the process down a great deal and writing by hand was seen as something reserved for the higher castes. A written series of glyphs was a material promise, something important and made only to be used in serious events. Otherwise most everything was done digitally to save time and improve efficiency. Autocorrect most certainly helped many a struggling writer back on Cybertron.
With this in mind, as resources cut short and Earth lacked the needed materials to make a surplus of datapads, handwriting skills became very clear. More so than ever once the children decided to try and teach the bots to write for possible cover reasons. One could never be sure when one would need a bot to sign them out of school early.
Arcee has the worst handwriting by far, a surprising twist considering her dainty digits and relatively small size. One would think writing would come easy to her, but she hates doing anything like that by hand. She can type quickly, but writing out anything on a datapad, much less paper of all things? No she would much prefer being on Shockwave's operating table over having to possibly write her report manually. The glyphs of the various dialects on Cybertron are too much for her and the hatred of writing transferred over to English even though it is FAR easier to write in. The team won't say it to her face, but her writing looks like chicken scratch in both languages. The children don't know she is garbage at writing in Cybertronian too, and the team are content to leave them with the thought that she is just bad at learning English.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack share one braincell on a good day, and their writing shows this. They write exclusively in the wartime Wrecker dialect that formed over the millions of years of conflict. No one but Autobots can even begin to read their writing as its all a strange deviation from Autobot encryption. Sure they can write in mainstream Cybertronian dialects, but it looks awful and honestly the team prefer having to put on reading glasses and stare at their encrypted writing over having to get out a dictionary to even begin to parse out their other writings. In light of this, they do not write in English when asked to use an Earth language. Instead, they like Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other such languages due to the ease of which they find encrypting the writing to be. They are hated by Bot and human alike for their habit of making things more complicated than it needs to be.
Ultra Magnus writes in the most computer generated manner known to any of the bots. How he does it is a mystery. Yet somehow he got so used to manually writing out his signature that now his every written glyph comes out as if it were typed. He doesn't seem to notice or care for the team's gawking, and he absolutely refuses to write in English simply because he had no interest in relearning writing. The team don't know, but the real reason he doesn't want to write in any other dialect is because he purposefully trained his motor functions to only write in his very specific manner. To try and learn a brand new written language would mess that up and ruin his clean and crisp glyphs.
Ratchet is an odd ball in his writing. When in a hurry, his writing in both Cybertronian and English looks like the Doctor's scrawl that those outside of the medical field have no hope of figuring out. However when he's not in a rush, he has a very distinct method of writing his glyphs and letters. In Cybertronian dialects of any kind, he adds extra emphasis in places where there has been no need for further glyph usage since the age of Wrath. In English, he adds interesting swirls and excess E's absolutely everywhere as if it is an additional glyph meant to add meaning to the word. Rafael tried to correct him once. That didn't end well.
Smokescreen has never written anything in his life. He can type like lightening, but he was never schooled in traditional manual writing simply due to how time consuming it was and how unneeded the ability happened to be at his post. He can't do any writing to save his life, but he has managed to convincingly fake the ability to write when in a tight spot. He can scribble and make it look like REALLY bad Tarnian dialect. And since that particular script hasn't been used since the city was destroyed, most don't judge him for it. But Optimus knows, and when he has time, he does what he can to school the rookie. Rafael has also taken it upon himself to try and teach Smokescreen some English with limited success.
Bumblebee grew up under Optimus, and Optimus in turn grew up under Alpha Trion. The two have startlingly similar handwriting more often than not. They both know many languages and dialects and are fluent in them, they both share glyph usage preferences, and both are known for their regular language swaps in writing. The only way to really tell them apart is to look REALLY closely at either the curvature of a specific glyph in Ancient Cybertronian or to stare really hard at the way their write their O's and B's. Both write like they walked straight out of ancient eras of old on a good day and write like living dictionaries for pretty much any other dialect. The team and the children gave up trying to figure out who wrote what a long time ago. If they can't pick it up from the context of the writing, they can just assume its important regardless.
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dinoburger · 1 year
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9 masks based on the mercenaries + alternate team designs
some notes on inspiration under the cut
Chinese war mask
camouflage (paint, netting and "scrim")
based on Hermes (Greek bronze and marble statues)
wood Indonesian boar mask
porcelain mask
scrap metal and leather
cowboy themed
Celtic masks
Scottish thistle
wood/fabric German festival masks
art nouveau inspired (treated papier mache)
wood masks inspired by Aboriginal and Māori art respectively
metal eye holes inspired by Ned Kelly
fern and flowering gum
I want to note that while tribal masks were an inspiration, I didn't want to directly copy or draw anything resembling Māori face tattoos on Sniper's face, so I just left it roughly hatched with his sideburns more referencing a generic New Zealand fern. I understand that tribal masks and tattoos are very important and more so just want to respectfully acknowledge the culture than misuse it.
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I have a question
What does BEAST!BSD cast call GL? If you don't have an idea set for that yet, feel free to ignore.
- 🃏 anon
BEAST! Cast's nicknames (and comparison with OG! BSD nicknames)
Universal - Light of hope/Guiding Light (Guiding Light)
Reason: Self-awareness and Reader helped BEAST! Dazai (because now he was sure, that Oda won't die). So, he demanded for Port Mafia calling Reader that. Others equally use Light of hope and Guiding Light.
For OG! BSD Cast Guiding Light were explained here (in point 2).
And to characters nicknames.
Armed Detective Agency
BEAST! Akutagawa - Sunshine (Sparkle)
Reason: Both Akutagawas will deny it, but they adored Little Light, so they choose light related nicknames.
BEAST! Oda - Muse (Novel Luck)
Reason: Writer-themed nicknames.
BEAST! Kunikida - Perfection (Ideal)
Reason: Reader became a Perfection/Reachable Ideal for both Kunikidas, while they tried to deal with the fact, that they were fictional.
BEAST! Yosano - Suama (Dango)
Reason: Both Suama and Dango are Japanese desserts/sweets. And both Yosanos think that Reader are sweet and nice.
BEAST! Tanizaki - Mystic (Rice Cracker)
Reason: For BEAST! - from Tanizaki's Illusion. For OG- from Tanizaki's love of Chinese food. With a bit of "me" lore, ever since I was little I loved Chinese rice crackers. I still love them.
BEAST! Ranpo - Trusted Assistant (Best Assistant)
Reason: Both Ranpos see Reader as their future assistant.
BEAST! Fukuzawa - Purrfect (Kitten)
Reason: Cat lovers
Port Mafia
BEAST! Dazai - Eranthis Flower (Iris Flower)
Reason: here and here
BEAST! Chuuya - Melody (Symphony)
Reason: From Chuuyas' love of music.
BEAST! Atsushi - Chamy (Beacon)
Reason: For BEAST! - From Atsushi's love of chameleons.
For OG! - The first week of self-awareness, that OG! Atsushi has to live alone in a fictional world, surrounded by empty husks of his friends were a pure torture for Atsushi. But, when he learned, that Reader were here, despite him not feeling their gaze, Reader immediately became a "beacon" for him. Because, he wasn't really alone.
BEAST! Gin - Cloud (Tea Leave)
Reason: Came from the fact, that Reader's presence is calming for Ryunosuke. While BEAST! Gin simply use something soft, OG! Gin use her and her brother's favorite drink.
BEAST! Higuchi - Pumpkin (Honey)
Reason: Higuchis are more "traditionally romantic" and picked up traditional nicknames.
BEAST! Tachihara - Pencil Prodigy (Hyacinth)
Reason: From Tachihara's likes (pencils and hyacinths).
BEAST! Ango - Butterfly (Almond blossom)
Reason: Both Butterfly and Almond blossoms are symbols of hope.
Angos were in hacker teams, reason for BSD Cast having an access to Reader's phone. For BEAST! Ango Reader became a symbol of hope for a new world. For OG! Ango Reader became a hope for a new life and repairing of old friendship.
BEAST! Fyodor - Myshka (Myshonok)
Reason: BEAST! also called Reader Myshonok, but, after a long talk/near fight with OG, he agreed to call Reader Myshka instead. The difference:
Myshonok is baby mouse in Russian.
Myshka is an "affectionate" form of the word "mouse".
BEAST! Shibusawa - Green peridot (dragon's jewel)
Reason: Green Peridot stone is a symbol of strength, creativity, vibrance, energy, and a naturally curious nature. BEAST! Shibusawa, who didn't become a singularity, saw Reader as someone interesting.
OG! Shibusawa view Reader not only as interesting, but the most valuable jewel in his "collection" [of people he knew].
BEAST! Mori - Helping Heart (Sweet Bean)
Reason: For BEAST! - medical themed
For OG! - from him liking sweet red bean chazuke
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
"In a significant medical milestone, Chinese scientists have successfully cured a patient's diabetes using a groundbreaking cell therapy. This pioneering treatment was developed by a team from Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, the Centre for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Renji Hospital, and was detailed in the journal Cell Discovery on April 30."
"The new therapy involves programming the patient's peripheral blood mononuclear cells, transforming them into "seed cells" to recreate pancreatic islet tissue in an artificial environment. This approach leverages the body's regenerative capabilities, an emerging field known as regenerative medicine."
"Our technology has matured and it has pushed boundaries in the field of regenerative medicine for the treatment of diabetes," Yin stated."
This is GROUNDBREAKING and incredible recent news. I've been seeing some US news sources cry 'but what about capitalism,' and it's disgusting. The US among any country without universal and accessible healthcare see cures and prevention as threats. There's WAY more business in sick people and keeping people sick, right US Government? Deplorable.
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svt-luna · 1 month
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Bae Jiyeon ❨ 배지연; born January 30, 1997 ❩ known mononymously as Luna, is a Korean-English singer. Born and raised in Kensington, London, United Kingdom. Luna lived in the United Kingdom for fourteen years before returning to South Korea in 2011. She is a member of the South Korean co-ed band SEVENTEEN and its fixed sub-group the Vocal Team.
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Birth Name: Bae Ji-Yeon ❨ 배지연 ❩
English Name: Luna Bae
Stage Name: Luna
Birthdate: January 30, 1997
Birthplace: Kensington, London, United Kingdom
Nationality: Korean-English
Ethnicity: Korean
Spoken Languages: Korean ❨ fluent ❩, English ❨ fluent + English accent ❩, Japanese ❨ intermediate ❩
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Godly Parent: Hades
Height: 169cm ❨ 5’6" ❩
Weight: 43kg ❨ 94lbs ❩
Blood Type: O+
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Body Modifications:
Piercings: Lobe ❨ 3 on each ear ❩, Conch ❨ right ear ❩, Helix ❨ 2 on each ear ❩, Flat ❨ left ear ❩, Tragus ❨ both ears ❩, Rook ❨ both ear ❩, Daith ❨ right ear ❩, Forward Helix ❨ right ear ❩, and Belly button piercing
Tattoos: The number 17 ❨ side of right wrist — dedicated to the band ❩, Crescent moon ❨ side of left wrist — dedicated to her name ‘Luna’ ❩, The letter J in cursive ❨ inside her left ring finger — her initial from her name ‘Jiyeon’ but some fans theorize it’s for ‘Jeonghan’ ❩, A ribbon/bow ❨ on the back of her right hand — her trademark love for ribbons and bows ❩, ‘Lady of the Moon’ calligraphy ❨ by her right rib cage — a nod to her name once more ❩, ‘eventually’ calligraphy ❨ inside her right middle finger — just like she said, “Eventually everything that is for me will come.” ❩, and ‘lovebug’ calligraphy ❨ on the back of her neck — the nickname her grandparents had given her ❩
Unique Features: Dimple on right cheek, piercing siren eyes ❨ cat-eye/ foxy shaped ❩, beauty mark on right cheekbone and left cheek, smirk smile
Medical Conditions: Anemic and has a former collarbone fracture caused after falling during a ballet routine when she was 10 years old
Face Claim: Jang Wonyoung ❨ IVE ❩
Singing Voice: IU
Speaking Voice: Jang Wonyoung ❨ has a naturally deep voice when she speaks, however gets higher when she whines and unironically and unknowingly does aegyo ❩
Dance Style: Momo ❨ TWICE ❩ — SEVENTEEN performances, Kazuha ❨ LE SSERAFIM ❩ — Ballet performances
MBTI: INTJ ❨ The Architect ❩
Personality Traits: As an INTJ, often referred to as ‘The Architect’, Luna embodies a unique blend of intelligence, strategic thinking, and an independent spirit. Her personality reflects a deep understanding of the world around her, often viewing situations through a logical and analytical lens. This makes her an exceptional problem-solver, able to assess challenges and devise effective solutions with ease.
Growing up in Kensington, London, Luna was immersed in a world of creativity and intellect. As an only child of a retired ballerina and an anthropologist, she was exposed to the arts and sciences from a young age. Her mother encouraged her to pursue ballet, starting lessons at the age of three. This early training not only honed her physical abilities but also instilled in her a sense of discipline and dedication. However, Luna often felt the pressure to excel, which led to her developing a strong work ethic and perfectionist tendencies.
Despite her outward confidence, Luna struggled with feelings of isolation. Her intimidating features and talent sometimes made it hard for her to connect with her peers, leading her to seek solace in books, art, and music. These experiences nurtured her introspective side, allowing her to develop a rich inner world filled with creativity and imagination.
During her training period, Luna’s INTJ traits truly shone. Her analytical mind enabled her to quickly grasp complex choreography and vocal techniques, allowing her to excel in evaluations. She was often dubbed the ‘Ace’ among her fellow trainees for her versatility and ability to adapt to various tasks effortlessly. However, this did not come without challenges; she faced moments of great pressure to live up to the title and of self-doubt, particularly in a competitive environment where she felt the weight of expectations.
Luna’s leadership qualities emerged during her training, as she often took the initiative to help fellow trainees improve. Her strategic mindset allowed her to navigate the often chaotic training schedule, and she quickly learned to manipulate situations to her advantage, especially during group activities or evaluations. While she maintained a somewhat aloof demeanor, her ability to connect with her peers through shared interests— such as crafts with Joshua or dance challenges with Hoshi— showed her capacity for forming meaningful relationships.
Now as a world known idol, Luna’s INTJ personality manifests in her strong presence and charisma on stage. She is known for her meticulous approach to performances, carefully analyzing each aspect of her shows to ensure they are executed flawlessly. Her strategic thinking allows her to anticipate audience reactions, making her a master at captivating crowds.
Luna’s intelligence also extends to her interactions with fans and the media. She navigates interviews and public appearances with ease, often using her wit and charm to leave a lasting impression. However, she remains somewhat guarded, finding it challenging to open up fully about her feelings, particularly in the context of her somewhat complicated relationship with Jeonghan.
While she is often seen as intimidating due to her ‘resting bitch face’, those who take the time to know her discover her warmth and loyalty. She is protective of her fellow members, particularly the youngest ones, and values the deep connections she has formed within the group. Luna’s ability to balance her independent spirit with her caring nature makes her a unique and multi-faceted character in the K-Pop industry.
Positive Traits: Independent, disciplined, versatile, charismatic, protective, strategic, analytical, ambitious, intelligent, loyal
Negative Traits: Perfectionist, aloof, stubborn, overly critical, reserved
1997-2011: Luna was born in Kensington, London, into a well-off family that nurtured her artistic inclinations. Her mother, a retired ballerina, introduced her to the world of dance, leading Luna to begin ballet training at the tender age of three. This early exposure fostered her love for performing arts and instilled a strong work ethic in her. Academically gifted, she attended Southbank International School Kensington, where she excelled in her studies and developed a deep passion for music. Despite her wonderful childhood, Luna often felt isolated due to her personality, seeking solace in her artistic pursuits and immersing herself in the creativity that surrounded her.
2011-2012: At the age of fourteen, Luna made the pivotal decision to move back to Seoul, South Korea, to pursue her dream of becoming an idol. This transition marked a significant change in her life, as she entered the competitive world of K-Pop. She initially trained at YG Entertainment for a year, where she faced the rigors of idol training and learned to adapt to the intense environment. Throughout this time, she was constantly approached by PLEDIS Entertainment, a smaller company that offered her a chance to further her dreams. After much consideration, Luna trusted her instincts and made the bold decision to switch companies, believing it would ultimately lead her closer to her goals. She has mentioned in an interview that her leaving a huge and well known company for a smaller one was one of the riskiest thing she has ever done and yet she does not regret it.
2013-2015: Luna trained for another two years at PLEDIS Entertainment, honing her skills as a lead vocalist in preparation for her debut. During this time, she faced various challenges, including rigorous practice schedules and the pressure to excel among her peers. However, her determination and talent shone through, allowing her to form strong bonds with the other trainees. She was supposed to either debut in a girl group or as a solo artist, however, in 2015, Luna finally achieved her dream of debuting as a member of the co-ed band SEVENTEEN, alongside thirteen talented male members. This milestone marked the beginning of her journey in the spotlight, showcasing her versatility and dedication as an artist.
2015-Present: Since her debut, Luna's life as an idol has been a rollercoaster ride filled with both challenges and triumphs. She has navigated the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, facing public scrutiny and the pressures of fame. Despite these obstacles, the joy of being with her fellow members, whom she considers family, has been a constant source of strength. Together, they have achieved remarkable success, creating unforgettable memories and sharing their passion for music with fans worldwide. Luna's perseverance and commitment to her craft continue to drive her as she embraces the journey of an idol, always striving to achieve her goals and dreams.
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ೃ⁀➷ comment or message me to be added to the tag list :)
: ̗̀➛ requests are always open ♡ - lunaఌ
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Taglist: @yeoberryx @minminghao @angie-x3
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WIBTA for not helping my brother unlearn some hate?
I (16F) and my brother (9M, let's call him K) are both from a third world country with some less-than-friendly general views, most of which my parents agree with. I couldn't care less if my mom is vividly disgusted at Chinese/Korean products/music or if she wholeheartedly believes that having crushes on your female friends is "normal" and "not homosexuality", because she's a really kind and sweet person and I just love her, you know? She never voices these thoughts around people who are that way and even has Chinese friends herself, but once I ask her "what do you think your friends would feel if they knew you said things like that sometimes?" to which her response was basically "it's not like I'll ever say it to their face, that's rude, and I don't think they're any less humans than us, their country taking over the industrial world and music is just disgusting". Or she immediately demands the channel be changed if the tv is showing an LGBT couple (this is illegal in our country, we connect to foreign satellites which don't censor this).
Anyway. Sorry for the ramble. This leads me to two problems:
My brother is kinda short and skinny due to genetics. And when I say "kinda", I mean like, he's really, really small and tiny for his age and often gets mistaken for a preschooler or first grader. My mother worries over the fact that the boys at his school (since we're all being raised in the same toxic society, huzzah) bully him for being smaller than them. And K has a tendency to easily cry at insults, furthering this issue. I've talked to him several times on how he'll get a growth spurt and it's fine, but my mom's talks mainly consist of how he's a grown boy now and it's not nice for boys his age to cry in public like that. She also doesn't really like me getting "involved" in K's bullying issues. Please, PLEASE don't send any hate to my mom, okay guys? She's one of the best people I know.
The other issue here is that K technically IS growing up, but he's also learning some of the really uncomfortable aspects of this society by repeating things like "the referee for this soccer game probably let the other team win because he's Chinese" (to which I had to correct him and say the referee was actually Filipino, but never mind) or asking me with GENUINE curiosity if I, as a girl, play soccer at my school (he loves soccer so so much, I try to encourage this love for him).
I correct him on this stuff as much as I can, but honestly... sometimes I just don't. Sure, I think it's bad and all, but I (probably, I don't remember much) grew up being the same way considering the way our society is. And if I turned out nice enough, I'm sure he just needs to be the right age for some more technical guidance and all I can do here is randomly tell him he's wrong when he says this stuff. My mom just... she thinks it's a huge stretch to "call everything racism nowadays", which I think REALLY depends on the context! My brother says this stuff very, very rarely, but I don't think he really... gets /why/ it's bad, you know? Again, I'm mostly planning on giving him advice on occasion and letting him figure it out by himself, but I don't want him saying racist/antisemitic/sexist jokes by accident in public, less so because it might humiliate the family and more so because it might actually upset someone.
Again, WIBTA? Don't call my mom the asshole here, please. She's super extremely polite to everyone, calls for action against our dictatorship of a government, and gives medical care to her less financially stable patients for free (she's a doctor). She just has some little views here and there that are the result of her upbringing, same as ours are the result of what we experienced. I can wholeheartedly forgive her for that.
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love bites, love bleeds
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pairing: re6 chris x reader
cw: p in v (unprotected! wrap it before you tap it, folks!), mentions of blood, medical stuff, death, needles, mention of piers :(, brief mentions of body and weight, angsty sex
summary: very vague about how you met chris in fic (but imagining reader was experimented on in china during the events of re6, and is saved by chris), you patch up each other's wounds and then have sex
a/n: in my angsty era (always, mentally, this is what happens when i "write for myself"), also i played re6 not even that long ago but i straight up forget half of what happens so hopefully this makes sense still, and yes, title after the def leppard song 'love bites' (which oddly enough reminds me of my irl father, but we're going to ignore that bc it slaps)
wc: 2.7k
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I feel sorry for all the men who died believing in you.
Piers, I feel sorry, too. Chris sighed, fist hitting the wall softer than the last time. 
“I’m sorry. I feel like it’s my fault,” you say.
“It’s not.”
“If you hadn’t stopped to help me, you could’ve-”
“Don’t. This is the job. We’re supposed to protect people.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. He was right, at least in theory, the BSAA’s mission is to stop bio-terrorism, and the agents who go into the field know that they might not come back, but it doesn’t make their lives disposable. They were just as valuable as you. It could’ve been you, maybe should’ve been. Chris lost the last member of his team to save you, a woman he doesn’t even know. 
Once he calmed down a bit, finally taking a seat next to you, you held out your hand, unsure of its use, and said, “I know I’m not… anyone to you, but I owe you my life and if I can do anything to help, I will.”
“Thank you,” he said, grabbing your hand in acknowledgment, “I appreciate your kindness.”
He let go of your hand and stood up. 
“Chris?” You said. 
“I meant what I said. I know you’re more experienced in these things than I am, and I don’t know how much help I can be, but at the very least, if you want someone to talk to, I’m here.”
He smiled, small, but real. “Me too,” he said.
You couldn’t tell if it was just a courtesy, but nonetheless, you accepted. 
“We should get out of here,” he said, “Get to some place safer. We can get patched up while we wait for evac to come.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
He held out his hand to help you up and you took it like a promise, a token of friendship. 
Staying in Lanshaing was not an option. Chris was able to get you both to Beijing where it was safer. You found a place to stay the night in a tourist-friendly area, since neither of you spoke any dialect of Chinese. As it turned out, Chinese McDonald’s is different from American McDonald's and quite tasty, especially after not eating for at least 24 hours. Its hours are similar to that of the operating hours in America, though, which was convenient. 
You assumed the language barrier would not be as much of a problem since most of the people in the city spoke quite a bit of English, but somehow your words got lost in translation and you ended up in a hotel room with one bed, rather than two. With all the hotel staff had gone through that day, you felt it would be rude to complain and ask for another room. Chris agreed. All you both wanted was sleep. You’d sleep on the floor if you had to. 
“How about we wash up a bit and then patch you up?”
You stood up—or tried to—limping towards the bathroom to shower. 
“You need help walking?”
“Do you mind?” you asked, holding onto the wall to keep yourself steady. 
“It’s not a problem,” he said, swiftly making his way to your rescue. He let you put your weight on him. He didn’t even break a sweat, and taking one look at his muscular physique, it made sense. You barely weighed anything to him. Especially since you’d been surviving off scraps for the last few weeks.
“Are you able to shower on your own?” he asked. 
“I think so.” Really, you didn’t think so, you just hoped so, feeling awful about the thought of Chris having to wash your naked body after all he’d done for you. Guilt flowed through your veins along with whatever they’d injected you with to stop the infection that tried to take over your body. You didn’t need shame to accompany it. You felt like a middle-schooler again, scrutinizing your acne in the mirror, except the marks on your body were gashes from claws and bruises from a fall you barely survived.
“Okay. I’ll wait out here for you.”
You shut the door, but didn’t lock it, preparing for what you knew was inevitable. You slipped on the tile, knocking over the shampoo and conditioner and making a ruckus. 
“Are you okay?” Chris called, somewhat panicked. 
Hearing you whimper in pain, he opened the door. 
“I’m sorry for barging in, but-”
“It’s okay,” you said with tears in your eyes, “I’m sorry I’m basically helpless on my own.”
Chris helped you up, trying not to touch—or even look—at the most intimate parts of your body. 
“It’s okay to need help. I shouldn’t have let you go in here alone. I just wanted you to have some privacy, but I think I made the wrong call.”
He left out the ‘as usual’ part of the statement, but you could hear it in his tone. He’d lost so many men, some he couldn’t recall the names and faces of, that you were a consolation prize – not even a prize, really, saving your life was something that allowed him to pretend it was worth the sacrifice. You knew, counting the numbers, that you were not worth the sacrifice.
“It’s okay. I hope it’s not too awkward for you.”
“No, no, with the things I’ve seen, a naked woman is not even close to the most gruesome.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
“It wasn’t supposed to be an insult.”
You tried not to let yourself get flustered. But what else was there to feel? You swore you saw a hint of attraction peek through the grief in his eyes.
“How about I hold you up while you scrub yourself down?”
“Sounds good.”
Your team effort was successful. You were much cleaner than before. Chris grabbed you a towel and wrapped you in it before walking you back into the bedroom to get you patched up. 
“Do you not want to shower first?” you asked.
“No, my mission is to get you to safety, so you’re my priority.”
You felt guilty, but knew Chris well enough by now—even though you’d only met him hours ago—to know that he wouldn’t back down on this one, so you didn’t argue. He refused to acknowledge that his stubbornness was his fatal flaw.
He grabbed an antiseptic and a cloth and said, “This is probably going to hurt a bit, but it’ll just be for a second.”
“Okay,” you said, though you knew your wavering tone made your nerves known. 
He pressed the towel to your skin, being as gentle as possible, but it stung. You winced, unable to control your reaction to the stinging pain.
“You’re doing great,” he reassured you, and it should have gone to your brain or your wounds or your heart, anywhere else than where you felt it. Between your legs.  
Chris wrapped your wounds in gauze and gave you over-the-counter painkillers, the best he could manage. 
Chris was able to shower on his own, and you couldn’t help but be a bit jealous that he got to see you naked, and you didn’t get to see him in the same state. 
You waited for him to come back, sprawled out on the soft duvet, still wearing your towel when he returned. 
“Do you need help treating those wounds?” you asked.
“Not sure. I’m going to try to do it myself, but I’ll let you know.”
“Okay. I’ll be right here. I’ll turn away, though, for privacy.”
“Appreciate it.”
You could hear him grunting in frustration, trying to patch himself up. 
“Are you okay?”
“Any chance you can help me? I’ve got most of it done. There’s just a spot on my back that I can’t reach.”
“Yeah, of course. Mind if I turn around?”
“Yeah, go ahead. I’ve got underwear on, so you don’t have to see anything too graphic.”
“I don’t think looking at a naked man would scare me, but this is probably less awkward.”
He directed you to the spot on his back in question, and you helped him bandage it. 
“Do you have a medical background?”
“No. Why?”
“You’re pretty good at this,” he said as you finished up.
“Thanks. I think it’s all the years I spent taking care of kids. They get a lot of boo-boos.”
“Are you a mom?”
“No, no way, not ready for that yet. I’ve just had jobs as a nanny and a teacher.”
“Saving the world one boo-boo at a time.”
“Well, it’s a little bit easier with them. You just put a bandaid on it and kiss it all better.”
“If only you could kiss it all better.”
“I can try.”
He laughed. “You’re welcome to give it a shot.”
You couldn’t tell if he was flirting back or joking in a friendly manner, but you gave him a kiss over his bandage regardless.
“All better?” you asked. 
“A little, but if you could hand me the Advil, that’d be great.”
You obliged with his request, handing him the bottle. He took two down his through without any liquids to wash it down.
“Do you have any extra clothes?” you asked.
“Unfortunately, no. Do you?”
“They might have robes somewhere in here… or we can try to wash your other clothes. It might take awhile, though.”
You sighed. “I think my underwear is the only thing without blood on it.”
Ironic, you thought, considering how often your underwear was the only bloody article on your person. Finally, a pair was spared. 
“Did you leave it in the bathroom?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I was going to go get it for you.”
“Oh, thanks.”
You were a little bit nervous about the idea of Chris holding your used panties, but this was a unique scenario. He returned with a pink thong, which he handed to you, clearly trying not to touch it too much. 
“You act like it’s a biohazard. It’s just panties.”
“I’m not afraid of your panties. I just wanted to be respectful.”
But, Chris, would it really be so disrespectful if you just-? 
You slipped on your underwear casually with a ‘thank you’ thrown his way. 
You were already in the sheets when he came to bed. He climbed in hesitantly, making sure to keep an appropriate distance between the two of you. There could only be so much distance, though, when Chris took up such a significant portion of the bed—he’s a large man, nothing he can do about it. 
You found yourself getting closer to him, until you were breathing in the same air, mouths nearly touching. He captured your lips in a kiss. And you accepted it like a gift. 
“Tell me when to stop,” he said.
“I don’t want you to stop. I wanna forget about everything right now.”
Me, too, he thought.
“Fuck me until I forget,” you said. Fuck me until I forget the fluorescent lights of the lab, fuck me until I forget the man’s face when he tied me down, fuck me until I forget the prick of needles and the smell of death.
Chris laid there, silent, mouth moving, but unable to form words. One of his hands cupped your cheek and the other trailed down your arm—respectfully. You didn’t want it respectfully. You hooked one of your legs between his, entangling yourself while you prompted him to come closer. I want you on top of me. I want your body to encase mine. I want to feel small, weightless for a moment. Fuck me until I forget.
When his hands wrapped around your waist, he noticed how much of you he could fit in only two hands. 
“Are you sure about this?” he asked. Still too respectful. 
“Very. I wouldn’t have asked for something I don’t want.”
He mumbled an affirmation into your neck. He was already kissing you. You felt a scrape of teeth against your skin and received an apology when you gasped. “Sorry. Got carried away.”
“No,” you said, “I want more.”
“I don’t want to leave marks on you.”
“I want you to.” Cover the ones I already have. Fuck me until I forget.
You made the orders in bed. He nipped and sucked at the flesh on your neck and collarbone until you got antsy and pushed his head lower. 
“Relax,” he said. “Do that again and I’ll pin you down.”
“Don’t tempt me.” 
His breath was warm against your skin when he laughed. The sensation trailed down to your breasts. He took one of your nipples in his mouth, flicked his tongue over it, while he used his thumb to play with the other one. The soft suction of his lips had you writhing against the sheets—it was the only thing you can do to avoid moaning. The language barrier didn’t mean shit when it came to sex noises.
Soon, Chris pressed one finger into you, then two. 
You hadn’t shaved in a bit—it wasn’t necessary, nor possible, really, in the past week or so. “Sorry I-” But you were cut off by your own moan when Chris’ lips latched onto your clit. You forgot about the embarrassment you felt over the hair that was growing back when you felt Chris laugh into your core when you moaned. That was far more embarrassing. He came up for air and lazily ran his fingers up and down your folds. 
“Stop teasing me and fuck me already.”
Chris scoffed and stripped himself of his underwear. “Thought I was being nice by getting you wet enough before I fuck you.”
Looking down at your naked body, before lust took over his mind entirely, reason stepped in. 
“Shit—uh, do you have a-”
“I don’t want one anyway.” I want to be full of something other than poison and its antidote.
“Fuck, okay.” He took a sharp inhale of breath. A nagging voice in the back of his brain told him this was a terrible decision, but he was just a man being led by his dick. 
Chris was pushing 40, he hadn’t completely lost his sex drive but he wasn’t a horny teen anymore. It had been a while since he’d been this hard. His dick twitched when he attempted the first thrust inside you, making the head of his cock rub against your clit.
All sex is rough sex when you’re injured. You couldn’t do anything fancier than missionary, but when Chris grabbed your ankles and wrapped your legs around his hips so he could fuck you deeper, you thought you might pass out – for all the right reasons. He sat back on his knees so you could see the bulge in your tummy with every thrust. His tip was pressed firm against your cervix as his palm was on your abdomen. You choked out a sob, all words had left your mind.
Chris cradled your head as he increased the pace of his thrusts, so that your head didn’t hit the headboard, which knocked against the wall behind it. Fuck me until I forget meant temporarily. He wasn’t going to leave you concussed. He knew what amnesia felt like and all it meant was reliving the horrors you’d forgotten.
You’d bled and been bandaged. The pain had mostly subsided, and whatever was left- you cried it all out while you were being pounded into the mattress.
Your screams were echoes from that morning. “Help me!” turned into “Fuck me!”. “Please, I need you, fuck—oh my god—I’m coming” you overwrote the pain with pleasure and the meaning of it all changed. All the panting, groaning, cries of each other’s names, his arms wrapped around your fragile frame as he carried you out into the sunshine before the explosion. The relief and then the realization.
The pounding of your heart at a record rate was reassurance that you were alive. You placed your hand on his chest to make sure he was real and this wasn’t really the afterlife, despite feeling like heaven. You’re alive. Fuck me until I forget everything except for your name, except for your warmth, except for the smell of sex. Shaking and sweating in the corner of a burning building, his steady hands lifting your tiny body. Trembling legs as your orgasm approached in the comfort of a hotel bed in Beijing. You screamed his name to let everyone know of the man who saved your life.
You held each other in grateful silence.
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burnmarksofficial · 1 year
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❨ series masterlist | request | taglist ❩
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★ birth name ─ jae-eun lee ★ hangul ─ 이재은 ★ nicknames ─ jae, jj, jae-bear, jennington, lilo
★ birthday ─ 5th november 2003 ★ age ─ 20 (int.) 21 (kor.) ★ zodiac ─ scorpio ★ chinese zodiac ─ sheep
★ birth place ─ seoul, south korea ★ home town ─ seoul, south korea ★ current residence ─ seoul, south korea
★ nationality ─ korean ★ ethnicity ─ korean ★ languages ─ english (100%), korean (100%), japanese (100%), french (100%), chinese (97%), spanish (97%), italian (96%), german (96%), thai (54%)
★ gender ─ cisfemale ★ pronouns ─ she/her/hers ★ sexual orientation ─ bisexual ★ romantic orientation ─ biromantic
★ height ─ 170.18 cm (5'7) ★ weight ─ 72kg ★ blood type ─ o negative ★ eye colour ─ black ★ hair colour ─ black
★ occupation ─ formula one driver
★ team ─ oracle red bull racing ★ position ─ 1st driver ★ race number ─ 13
★ sponsors ─ the hwang corporation ★ helmet ─ bell
★ podiums ─ 65 ★ grand prix entered ─ 67 ★ points ─ 1562 ★ highest race finish ─ 1 (x53) ★ highest position ─ 1 (x3) ★ world championships ─ 3
★ manger ─ jin sehun  ★ opertaions manger ─ do-yun park ★ personal assistant ─ yana rintarou  ★ trainer ─ rin hiniki  ★ press officer ─ moon dan-bi  ★ race engeriner ─ claudia lao
★ debut race ─ 2021, bahrain gp ★ debut age ─ 18 ★ first podiums ─ 2021, bahrain gp (1) ★ first points ─ 2021, bahrain gp (25) ★ debut race win ─ 2021, bahrain gp
★ fans names ─ j-nation ★ offical colours ─ black and white
★ instagram ─ jaeeunlee ★ twitter ─ jaeeunlee ★ youtube ─ jaeeunlee ★ tiktok ─ jaeeunlee ★ twitch ─ jaeeunlee ★ facebook ─ jaeeunlee ★ personal website ─ jaeeunlee.com
★ role modles ─ ha-ru lee, ayton senna, michael schumacher, kimi raikkonen, sebastian vettel, lewis hamilton
★ signature ↓
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★ mbti ─ intj-a
★ strengths ─ organised, creative, well-rounded, calm, realistic, naturally gifted, smart, introvert, quiet, logical, planner, open-minded ★ weaknesses ─ perfectionist, temper, self-critical, serious, detached, guarded, cold
★ family members ↓ min-jin hwang ─ mother ha-ru lee ─ father (deceased) ari lee ─ older sister ye-jun hwang ─ younger brother dea-eun hwang ─ younger sister saja lee ─ younger brother
★ hobbies & skills ─ photography, cinematography, art, fashion, racing (formula one and others), sports, reading, music/playing instruments (specifically guitar), skateboarding, working out, traveling ★ habits and mannerisms ─ headphone tapping, order in which she wears her jewellery, lip biting, picking at her nails, rolling her eyes, resting bitch face, speaking extremely monotone
★ likes ─ family, friends, her dog loki, woking out, music, playing guitar, skateboarding, art, fashion, photography, cinematography, reading ★ dislikes ─ rude people, racists, homophobes, basically any one that doesn't stand for human rights, people that abuse their power, mclaren
★ medical history ─ depression and anxiety ★ phobias ─ atychiphobia (fear of failure)
★ favourites ↓ number ─ 13 colour ─ black animal ─ dogs emoji ─ 😭🫡✨💀🫶🏼🏎📸 season ─ summer
★ favourites food ─ pizza, kimchi, soft tofu stew, samgyeopsal, sushi, instant noodles, tteokbokki, bibimbap, naengmyeon, bulgogi, korean bbq ★ favourites desserts ─ chocolate, mochi, cheesecake, crepe, red velvet cake, basically anything sweet ★ favourites drinks ─ coke, soju, strawberry milkshake, engery drinks, tea, coffee, milk, water, red wine
★ personal playlist ─ here
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hoedamn-eron · 8 months
baby, please - part 21
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It's time.
Warnings: Long, (looooong) chapter. Labour (all labour is different for each person!). Hospitals, doctors. Medical jargon again, I researched as much as I could and from what I remember from my own birth experience, but may be inaccurate (I am from the UK, so it will probably be different than the US). A little angsty, but it's fine. Reader calls her friends 'guys' but it's used in a group setting. Not proofread at all, because it was huge, so there will be mistakes. Some swearing. Word count: 5,414 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
Part 20 ● Series Masterlist ● Part 22
Apologies again that this is 1 whole day late!
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You’d been…busy.
You had needed to keep your mind off of Santiago, because if not, you would just sit and cry all day (which made you feel extra pathetic, and you were not pathetic). So you had dived headfirst into finishing decorating, and unpacking, your house, and getting it ready for your babies.
And even though you had taken some paid PTO to get a head start on your maternity leave, you’d found yourself checking your emails (again, just for something to do). You’d somehow managed to get involved in some feedback for the most recent marketing launch, signing off on some final designs and helping out the team with some final bits and pieces.
Your friends (and one surprising day, Emily) have turned up at your house under the guise of helping you out with the house and shower you and your babies with more gifts.
But you know they were there to check on you and make sure you hadn’t had a breakdown.
So yes…you’d been busy. And you should probably start taking it easy, since you’ve started cramping for a few days. Although now they’re starting to hurt.
Jennifer and Dr Montgomery had both said that you were carrying two babies that were very quickly going to run out of room, and with your placenta issue, you were bound to feel aches and pains, so it wasn’t abnormal. Uncomfortable, yes, but not unusual. You just needed to relax, and you will. Eventually, but today wasn’t the day, because your new mirror had just been delivered and you’d roped your friends into helping you lug it up your stairs.
“Why did you get one so big?” Beth asked, huffing as she and Courtney took a break just outside the nursery.
“It was cute,” you say. “And the frame is nice. It adds to the blank wall in my bedroom.”
“It’s not a hanging mirror, is it?” Courtney asked, just as out of breath as Beth.
You shake your head. “No, it’s a standing mirror, it leans.”
“Oh good, I was debating having to call Andy.”
“Do you guys want takeout?” Gabrielle asked, suddenly appearing behind you all. She was looking at her phone, typing away. “I’ve managed to convince Matthew to watch the kids a little longer.”
“Sure,” you reply.
“Let’s just get this mirror in here first,” said Beth, before counting down again for her and Courtney to heave the mirror into your bedroom.
After a few more choice words thrown at each other, and the mirror finally in place in your bedroom (not smashed to smithereens, no matter how many times Beth threatened to demolish it), you all decide on Chinese for takeout. Once the food arrives, you settle at your dining table, dividing the food between the four of you.
You wince again as another twinge in your abdomen causes another wave of pain flows through you. You take a few deep breathes until it passes, and you turn back to your food. Your friends haven’t noticed, their conversation flowing as if nothing had happened.
Until Courtney asked how you were doing.
You shrug, digging around your food. “So-so.”
“Have you heard nothing from him? At all?” Beth asks.
You shake your head, not looking up from pushing your food around with your fork. “Nope. I don’t really think I want to, either.”
There’s a moment of heavy silence before Gabrielle bites her lip, then clears her throat lightly. “I uh…I heard from Ben that he’s leaving for South America in a few days.”
You look up at her, not sure how to feel, or what to say. You settle on an, “Oh.”
“Ben didn’t say where, he was messaging to check up on you, mostly,” Gabrielle says.
You shake your head, suddenly not feeling so hungry. You place your food on the table. “He can do what he wants, he made it perfectly clear what he wanted out of this.”
“I’m sorry this has happened to you,” said Beth, reaching over to give your hand a squeeze.
You give her a sad smile. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” replied Courtney firmly. “It was a shitty thing for him to do to you.”
You give her a small grin. “I mean, yeah, it was a shitty thing, but he’s entitled to his own opinion. I’m not going to force him to do something he doesn’t want to.”
Your friends go quiet at they merely stare at you, mixture of sadness and anger on their faces. You feel a warmth flow through you at your friends. You appreciated them so much, how protective they were of you, how you know that you wouldn’t be truly alone in this, that they were your chosen family, and they were your chosen family for a reason.
“I’ll be fine,” you say, giving Beth’s hand a squeeze back before pulling away. “Really. I’ll be the best mom these babies deserve.”
“And they’ll have the best aunties,” said Gabrielle, giving you a smile.
“She’s right,” said Courtney, pointing at Gabrielle then at yourself, giving you a look.
“We know what you’re like, and we don’t want you to think that you’re bothering us if you ask for help,” said Beth. “Or call us if you just need to have a talk. Or a meltdown. Or anything.”
“And one of us will take you to the hospital next week,” said Courtney firmly. “Don’t you worry about it.”
“And we’ll be there with you when your babies come into the world,” said Gabrielle.
Beth nodded in agreement. You sucked in your lips as you felt the tears flood your eyes, and you nod, looking down. You hear the shuffle of chairs and then you’re suddenly surrounded by a warm hug from your friends, and you grip onto them tightly, the warm feeling of love and companionship continuing to flow through you.
You give a small laugh before pushing them away. “Come on, you guys. You know everything is making me cry nowadays, don’t become another reason.”
They adhere to you eventually, and you continue to eat your takeout together. They offer to help clean up, but you usher them out the door, since it was getting late, and they had to leave you alone at some point. With a few good-natured grumbles, your friends eventually leave, with promises to check up on you again tomorrow. You roll your eyes but wave at them from your front door as they drive away.
You go into your house and close the door behind you, sighing as you lean against it. You stroke your bump, smiling at the swift kick you receive to the palm of your hand. It’s as if they knew exactly where you were. You make your way to your kitchen-dining room, and clear up the takeout containers, putting the leftovers in the fridge. You wash the plates, and when you put the last plate in your draining board, you let out a sharp gasp as another cramp hits you.
You lean against the counter, taking a few deep breaths to steady yourself.
“Okay,” you say after the pain subsides. You rub at your bump, feeling how tense it was. “I hear you. I’ll take it easy. I’ll go to bed.”
You check again that your windows and doors are locked before you turn your lights off and make your way upstairs. You walk into your bedroom and into your en suite bathroom, before washing your face and brushing your teeth. You change into your comfiest pyjamas and settle into your bed, sighing in bliss at the feeling of the fresh sheets you’d placed on that afternoon. You stroke at your bump again, wishing your twins a goodnight, before you turn off the bedside light.
You’re exhausted, and the last week was catching up with you. It doesn’t take you long to fall asleep.
However, you wake up suddenly, groaning in pain, not feeling at all rested. You immediately curl in on yourself, your hands wrapping around your bump as the pain spreads through to your back. You try and breathe through it, but you find yourself gritting your teeth and cursing loudly. You shake your head, tears filling your eyes and threatening to spill over.
You couldn’t ignore the pains now, you needed to go to the hospital. You wait a few moments, the pain calming again as you slowly sit up, trying to gather your thoughts. You take a look at your phone, seeing that it was nearly 4am. You stand, a little wobbly on your feet, and turn on your lamp. You make your way to your bathroom again, throwing some cold water onto your face.
You look at yourself in the mirror as you pat your face dry with a hand towel. You look a little flushed. And...your bump has dropped. It's definitely dropped.
Holy shit. Maybe they weren’t just cramps from overdoing it.
You practically run to your phone as you call the hospital, then asking to be put through to labour and delivery.
“Hi, yes,” you say as a man picks up, and you quickly introduce yourself. “I’m...I’ve been booked in for a C-section next week but...but I think I've started labour.”
You let him know how Dr Montgomery had diagnosed you with placenta previa, and how for the past few days you’d been feeling tightenings, and that the cramps had gotten worse. You were advised to come in as soon as possible. You swallow back the urge to burst into tears as you thank the man over the phone before you hang up. You stare at your phone for a moment, your breathing a little strained as you try to process what was happening.
You might be in labour. Your babies might be here in the next day.
You feel sick. What do you do now? Were you even ready for this?
You mentally slap yourself. It’s a bit too late for that. You have to be ready!
You take a few steadying breaths, before making a note of the time you woke up as you make your way back into the bathroom. You make yourself look somewhat presentable and you go to change into some comfortable, all the while keeping an eye on the time in case another contraction (because they must be contractions) comes along.
You’d already packed your hospital bags in preparation for next week and you thank whatever Gods are looking down on you for having them ready for now.
You call a cab and wait patiently (or impatiently) for it to arrive. You can’t call your friends now, it’s far too early in the morning, and you’ve been relying on them for a while, no matter how many times they tell you that they’re happy to help. You'll update them once you’re in the hospital and settled in.
You go over your things one final time, making sure you haven’t forgotten anything as your Uber turns up. After explaining to your driver, he helps you with your hospital bags as you climb into the car, another contraction (because really, that’s what they are, you have to accept it now) overcomes you. You check the time on your phone as you breathe through it.
Fifteen minutes had passed since your last contraction.
That was a very short amount of time.
You time it as your driver pulls away, making the journey to the hospital. It wasn’t a long contraction, around thirty seconds, so you make a note of it for when you arrived at the hospital (which, by the speed you were going at, won’t take too long – the driver must be scared you’ll give birth in the back of your car).
You make it to the hospital, where the driver very kindly takes you and your bags to check in, where a nurse quickly prompts you into a wheelchair. You thank your driver again before he leaves, fully intending to give him a great tip.
You rattle off your timings for contractions to the nurse pushing your wheelchair, where she said she would make a note of it on your chart for Dr Montgomery. You thanked her, before she brought you to your room, getting you all set up.
After being examined by more doctors, and meeting the labour team, you were informed that it might be best to settle you in for monitoring and have Dr Montgomery talk you through the next steps. You were settled into your room and strapped up to all sorts of machines when Dr Montgomery came in, a clipboard in her hand. She grins at you from your place in the bed. “Couldn’t wait until next week, huh?”
You give a laugh. “Well, I could, but my kids had other ideas.”
“Well, you’re all checked out, and we think it’s best that we move your C-section forward, so we can see if we can organise one for you today. Since you’re not at 37 weeks, your babies may need to stay in the NICU for a few days, but we’ll monitor them, see how they do.” She looks at your chart before glancing around the room. “Santiago not joining us?”
You tense at her question, before awkwardly clearing your throat. “Uh…no. No, he won’t be.” You give a light shrug. “It didn’t work out…for him.”
“Oh,” said Dr Montgomery, before she gives you a sympathetic smile. “Well, these things happen. You won’t be the first single mother to come here, I can assure you.”
You feel a pain in your chest, and your throat close up as tears flood your eyes. You don’t know what to say, so you nod at her.
After she checks over your monitors, she tells you that she’ll go and get you booked in for your C-section as soon as possible, and gives you some drugs to slow down your contractions, in case she couldn’t get you sorted for another day. She gives you some words of encouragement and recommended you try and get some more sleep before she leaves your room.
There was a fat chance of you getting back to sleep after all of this.
You had packed a book that you had had for well over a year that you had every intention to read. There was no time like the present, since most of your time now would be taken up by two newborns.
And you eventually need to tell your friends that you were, in face, in labour.
You grab your phone, sending a quick message to your group chat. They wouldn’t see it until they woke up anyway, and it’s barely 5:30am.
Hey all. Just to let you all know, I’m in the hospital. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine! My C-section may be moved forward for today because the twins decided that it was time to make an appearance.
Your eyes widen as Courtney’s messages come flooding in.
Why are you awake!?
C: THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT C: ARE YOU OKAY? C: I AM SO EXCITED C: DO YOU NEED ME THERE? C: I don’t care what you say I’m coming anyway.
You laugh at her, telling her that she really didn’t need to, but she was already on the way. You send her your room details, before settling down to read your book, reading Courtney’s updates as she sends them over to you. You’re about half an hour into your book when Courtney shows up, bursting into your room, breathless, with her own overnight bag in her hands.
“How fast did you drive?” you ask her, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I slowed down for speed cameras,” she replied. Immediately making her way over to you and checking you over. “How are you? Are you okay? Are you in any pain?”
“They’ve given me some drugs to slow down my labour,” you reply. “Contractions are less painful now, and a little more spaced, so it’s definitely done the job.”
“Have you…have you contacted…”
You give her a look. “No, I haven’t.”
Courtney nods. “And your parents?”
You snort. “Same story.”
She gives another nod, more firm. “Okay. Just you and me then.”
It was nice, to have Courtney around. She took a few selfies with you and sent them into the group chat, and when Beth and Gabrielle finally saw the messages. You were immediately bombarded with questions of your wellbeing, when your C-section was planned for (that was still to be confirmed, but Dr Montgomery had been checking in with you throughout the day and your labour hadn’t progressed much further), and that they could be with you if you needed it.
But you were fine. Your nerves had settled, you were now even excited to meet your babies. Everything was running smoothly, and Dr Montgomery was due back in the hour to let you know if your C-section was happening tonight. You are a warrior, a fighter, and nothing will break your spirit. Whatever the outcome, you know that you will face it with courage and grace, for you are a woman, fierce and resilient, ready to conquer whatever lies ahead.
Courtney had stepped out to call Andy about half an hour ago, and was going to grab some food from the cafeteria. You had almost finished your book when the door to your room opened.
“Did you get lost coming back?” you joked, not looking up from your book.
With no answer, your brow furrows. You look up with the intention of asking Courtney if everything was okay, but your breathing stopped as you looked into the soulful and intense eyes of Santiago Garcia.
You slowly close your book, letting it fall to the bed. You had to be dreaming. You’ve fallen asleep reading your book, there was no way he was here. Not after your conversation last week, where he told you he didn’t want to be a dad, that he had no intention of being involved, how meeting you was practically a mistake.
“Hi,” he says, almost breathlessly.
You don’t know how to respond. Your mouth suddenly feels dry. You're sitting there, in the sterile scent of the hospital room, looking at the reason you’d been so damn miserable this last week. Your heart pounds like a drum against your ribcage, each beat echoing the anticipation that fills the room. Your hands, all of a sudden clammy and trembling, clutch onto the medical standard bed sheets draped over you.
The minutes stretch into eternity as you stare at him, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. Fear and rapid anger grip you like a vice, squeezing your chest with each passing second.
Finally, you ask, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Santiago holds his hands up in surrender. “I know, I’m an asshole and you probably don’t want me here – “
“Damn right I don’t want you here,” you snap at him, eyes glowering. “I’m in the right mind to call security!”
“I know, I know,” he hurriedly says, taking a step towards the bed. “Just please, please, hear me out for a second.”
“I heard you out last week and you told me – “
“I know what I said last week,” Santiago said quickly, finally lowering his hands. “And…I was an idiot. I am an idiot.”
“How did you even know I was here?” you demanded.
“Benny told me,” Santiago replied.
You don’t ask how Benny knew (because honestly, you had a clue, and you’ll be having some choice words with a certain someone). You merely stare at him before shaking your head at him. “If you’ve come to tell me you’re leaving for South America, I already know, you didn’t – “
“I cancelled it,” he said, giving you an intense stare. “I needed to be here. With you.”
“No, no, you don’t,” you reply, already shaking your head. “I have Courtney, Courtney’s here with me.”
He flinches at your words, the guilt flickering across his features like a shadow. “I couldn't live with the regret of not being there for you, for them,” he says. “Knowing you were going through this...I couldn't stay away. I have to be here.”
You don’t say anything, merely stare at him and let him continue.
“I know I said I didn't want to be involved,” he begins, his voice quiet but filled with sincerity. "But...I made a mistake. I got scared, scared of messing up, of not being enough for them and for you and I thought…I thought leaving would fix it, but it hasn’t.”
“You’ve realised this now?” you ask him, tears in your eyes. “You…you left me alone, and worried about the future with my kids, and we had an amazing few months together…”
Santiago shakes his head at you, tears in his own eyes. “I’m sorry. I know I can't change the past. But I'm here now, and I want to make things right. I want to be here for you, for our kids.”
You study him for a moment, still gripping the hospital sheets tightly. The tears start to fall as the moments stretch into a long silence, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. You try to push away the thoughts of what could go wrong, but they linger, hovering at the edges of your consciousness like unwanted guests.
“Just because you cancel your trip – “ you cut yourself off, before you finally let out a sob, looking at him. “I don't know if I can forgive you.”
His shoulders deflate as he slowly nods at you. “I understand, corazón, I do, but please...let me be here for you now. Let me make things right. I miss you,” he says.
You open your mouth to reply but you’re interrupted by Courtney, making her way in with a brown paper bag.
“The line was huge at the cafeteria, so I went to Walmart down the street…” she goes quiet as her gaze lands on Santiago, before her jaw sets and her eyes harden. “What are you doing here?”
“I just came to apologise – “
“Yeah, well, she doesn’t need it,” Courtney snaps. “She’s fine. She’s been fine without you, and she can raise these kids herself. She doesn’t need you.”
Santiago turns to look back at you, but you can’t find the words to say. You want to believe him, to let go of the hurt and anger that have consumed you for the past week. But the wounds run deep, carved into the very fabric of your being. You meet his gaze, searching for any trace of sincerity amidst the turmoil of emotions that swirls between you.
He takes your silence as a rejection. He gives a sad sigh before nodding. “Okay. I understand.”
Courtney steps out of the way, motioning to the door.
“I'm sorry,” he whispers to you, his voice barely audible. “I was wrong. I’ll go. But I just want you know that I’ll be there for you, and for them, whenever you need. I’ll come to every doctor’s appointment and every school play, or sports game, and I’ll take them overnight whenever you need. I’ll help out with anything. Okay? I want to be their dad.” he gives you a look of longing and love before he turns to leave.
As you watch him leave your life again, you feel the panic overtake you. Your breathing quickens as you follow him with wide eyes. And in that moment, you realise that despite everything, despite the pain and the hurt, a part of you still longs for the connection you once shared. And your children deserve to have a father, whether you’re together or not. “Wait, wait!”
Santiago pauses, just as he gets to the door and looks back at you, his eyes wide. Even Courtney was looking at you with confusion.
“You can stay,” you say, nodding quickly. “I want you to stay. But we’re going to have a damn long talk after this.”
Santi’s shoulders sag again, this time in relief. He quickly makes his way over to you, and you throw the covers from you and swing your legs over the bed. With a quick order from him to not even think about getting out of the bed, he envelopes you in his arms. You feel a sense of warmth and security envelope you, all that matters is the connection between the two of you.
Your arms wrap around each other, pulling each other in tightly, as if trying to bridge the gap of all the time you've been apart. You can feel his heartbeat against yours, a steady rhythm that reassures you that he is real, he is here. In that moment, all your worries melt away, and you are left with nothing but the simple joy of being together again.
Courtney clears her throat awkwardly, causing the two of you to pull apart. “I can go home, if you need me to.”
“I don’t want you to,” you say. “I have a feeling that Beth and Gabs might show up and I need you to keep them tethered.”
“Good news!” Dr Montgomery called as she walked into the room, faltering slightly before smiling widely at the sight of Santi. “Good to see you, Santiago, I’m glad you could join us. I was just about to let you all know that your C-section will be in an hour.”
Your heart skips a beat as you look at her. “I’m sorry, I think I just blacked out for a second. Did you say an hour?”
She smiles at you again as she nods. “Yes. In one hour, you two will be parents.”
You look at Santi, who was looking at you with an equally nervous look on his face. You bite your lip before smiling and looking back at Dr Montgomery. “Okay. One hour.”
“Santiago, we’ll get you scrubbed up just before you all go in,” said Dr Montgomery, checking your chart and noting your current heart rate and the babies’. “Will you be staying?” she asks Courtney.
You answer before Courtney could get a word in. “Yes, she will be. She might be with some other friends of ours though, in the waiting room.”
“The guys are here, actually, I better tell them to wait up,” said Santi. He looks back to you. “I’ll come back.”
You nod at him as he leaves. Courtney watches him and turns to you as the door clothes. “Are you sure about this?”
You take a breath before sighing. “Yes. I am. If not for me, then for our kids. We don’t have to be together as long as he’s there for them.”
“And if he decides again that he doesn’t want to be their dad?”
You want to snap at her, to tell her to have some faith, but she was right, it might be a possibility. What if he does change his mind when the twins get here, when they’re out in the big wide world, and need all the protection they could get? What if in a few years he does find a girlfriend who wants a family with him, and he prioritises them over your kids?
You shake your head. You can’t think that now. Santi’s a good man. He doesn’t make the same mistake twice. “I trust him.” You say to Courtney.
Courtney gives a sigh before nodding. “Okay. And I trust you.”
You nod before looking back to Dr Montgomery, giving a nervous smile. “So, what now?”
You’re prepped for surgery, Courtney on the phone with Beth as she keeps her and Georgia in the loop. Gabrielle had to stay at home with the kids, but planned to FaceTime when Beth finally made it to the hospital.
“Traffic is horrendous,” Beth snapped down the phone.
You faintly heard Georgia screaming in general at the traffic, causing you to laugh. They had time, it was fine. And Santi was pacing your hospital room, on the phone with one of his sisters. You could hear here reprimanding him about something or other in Spanish, and you grinned in amusement.
In no time at all, you were being wheeled out of your room, Courtney giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek, wishing you good luck, and that she will be in the waiting room with Beth and Georgia (and from what Santi said, Frankie, Benny, and Will too).
You nod at her and give her a teary smile and you and Santi are led into the theatre. You take a deep breath, looking around at the doctors and at Santi, who was already staring at you, giving you a gentle smile. You give him a small laugh. “The scrubs suit you; you should study to be a doctor.”
“Can’t stand for long hours with my bad knees,” he teases back.
You give a small laugh before you turn to look at him. “Dr Mongomery said they might need to go to the NICU for monitoring.”
Santi inhales sharply for a moment before nodding. “Okay. I’m sure they’ll be fine.”
“Do you have an overnight bag?” you ask him, eyes wide with concern. “It’s an hour back home, I don’t want you going back and forth all the time.”
“I do have a bag,” he says, grinning. “I left it in my car.”
You freeze, your eyes widening at you look at him. “In your car?”
“In my car,” he replied, giving you a pointed look. “Went to a dealership this afternoon.”
Your eyes filled with tears as you looked at him. “Really?”
“I still have my truck,” he said, giving a small laugh. “Might give it to Benny. His truck is always breaking down and he relies on Will to take him everywhere.”
You could cry. You were crying. You were ugly sobbing as you laugh at yourself. “Couldn’t truly part with it?”
“At least it’ll be going to good hands,” said Santi as you’re finally brought to your operating room.
Dr Montgomery explains to you the procedure, and the risks it may come with as the other surgeons set up the partition and prep you for surgery. You nod along with Dr Montgomery, and you’re thankful when Santi places his own hand into your shaking one. You grip him tightly as Dr Montgomery smiles at you.
“You’re in good hands. The best hands,” she says, before she disappears to prepare herself.
You take a shaky breath before looking at Santi. He takes a seat and sits by your head as you hear the doctors talk about your epidural. He leans down and starts stroking your hair.
“Everything’ll be okay,” he said, the repetitive movements of his hand soothing you.
You nod at him, trying to calm your thundering heart. You don’t take your eyes from Santi’s as he squeezes your hand, smiling at you. You give him a nervous smile back. Santi lifts your hand to his lips and kisses the back of it, trying to calm your nerves.
You think back to yourself not even a year ago, finding out you were pregnant by a complete stranger, and going through the journey together; through the ups and downs of accepting the pregnancy, and having to rearrange your lives to begin this new chapter, and dealing with the loss scare, and Santi’s uncertainty. You want to tell him how much he means to you, how much you love him, how happy you were that he was here, now.
You open your mouth to tell him, but you’re interrupted by Dr Montgomery.
“Are you ready?” she asks from over the screen.
You pause for a moment, just staring at Santi who gives your hand another reassuring squeeze. You take a deep breath and sigh it out before looking away from him and staring up at the ceiling. You give a nod. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready.”
“Then let’s get started,” Dr Montgomery replies, smiling before disappearing behind the partition.
It was an odd feeling, having the doctors rummage around in you. You tried to focus on anything; the feeling of Santi’s hand in yours, what Dr Montgomery was saying to her team, but the blood rushing in your ears drowned out anything and everything around you. You bite your lip, feeling your chin quiver with unshed tears and your grip on Santi’s hand tightens, threatening to never let go.
Your eyes flutter closed at you concentrate on your breathing…
Until your eyes snap open at the sudden, high-pitched sound of a baby crying fills the room.
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @superficialfeelings, @othersideoftheparadise, @beezusvreeland, @itsmytimetoodream
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whatevergreen · 1 year
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Korean Atomic Bomb Victims Cenotaph, Hiroshima - 샷타임 2023
A memorial to the 10,000s of Koreans injured and killed by the American atom bombing of Hiroshima in 1945.
Estimates vary but there were around 70,000 Korean victims of the attack, at least 35,000 of whom died. Days later 10,000s more suffered a similar fate in Nagasaki.
Over 10,000 of those killed were slaves, forcibly taken from occupied Korea to work in Japanese industry.
These bombings were a war crime which indiscriminately killed Japanese civilians and 10,000s of the victims of Imperial Japan's own war crimes.
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Another view, by 'Real Equator', May 2022
An old (1993) but still relevant article by WISE:
"Japan is the only officially recognized country to have been subject to bombings with nuclear weapons. However, the victims of those bombings were not just the Japanese. There were some Allied Forces who were prisoners of war in both cities at the time, along with many Chinese and Koreans from Japanese-occupied countries who were also victims. In fact, nearly 10 percent of the total victims were immigrant Koreans."
... "A citizens group for Korean victims estimates the number of Korean victims at Hiroshima to have been seventy thousand, of whom thirty-five thousand died. At Nagasaki there were thirty thousand victims with fifteen thousand dead. Although everybody faced equal risks at the time the bombs dropped, most Koreans found the aftermath much harder than the Japanese. For example, many of them had no place to evacuate to without any relatives to go to, thus they had to return to the contaminated and devastated cities. Even people who had evacuated were forced back to the cities to help with the cleaning up there. If medical teams found that a patient was Korean, he or she had to stand at the end of the lines of people seeking help.
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On 15 August 1945, Korea finally became independent and Korean people in Japan were free. But they lost everything in Japan as well as their homeland. After they returned to Korea, they had to start their lives all over again from nothing. To add to the losses and the agonies of radiation disease, poverty and discrimination, the Korean War broke out soon afterwards. Some of those arriving in Korea had been born in Japan or lived so long a time there and spoke little Korean. Many of them had no opportunity or access to education and training for a good job so that they could only get jobs subjecting them to terrible physical conditions. One side-effect of the Korean War was that the diseases and after-effects caused by the radiation were hardly known in Korean until the 1960's. If a victim had money to go hospital, doctors put the name of disease as something else. One man whose fingers and toes swelled abnormally was thought to have leprosy and he had to leave his village with his family.
The answers to a questionnaire by the citizens group for Korean victims in 1979 shows that 80% of them are suffering from various illnesses, though just 19% of them can afford to go hospital. One third of have no jobs and 80% live in poverty."
This article also mentions that when the monument was originally built in 1970 it wasn't allowed to be situated in the Hiroshima Peace Park, but was erected in a street. Even in 1993 it hadn't yet been moved to it's current location in the park after years of protest.
A related recent news article:
"Yoon is the first South Korean president to meet with the survivors, a presidential spokesperson said.
As many as 100,000 Koreans suffered during the U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, half of them dying that year while about 43,000 returned to the South and 2,000 went to the North, the Korea Atomic Bombs Victim Association says.
Of the 2,261 victims registered with the association, fewer than 2,000 were still alive by late 2021."
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Bobby Nash x reader
Warnings: 18+ readers only. Mentions of abortion, and smut soo 18 +only.
The echoing sound of birds chirping outside woke you up. Bobby was the one that liked to stay in and sleep the day away more than you anyway. Usually you’d take the time to go for a run before work. It wasn’t public that you and Bobby were in a relationship and the two of you like to keep it that way. It simply was easier that way. After your history with bad men it was nice to know there was a good one out there. You were happy to be home after your visit to your cousin's house, she had asked you to help out with two of her children while she was in the hospital giving birth to her third. You loved your cousin like a sister, but those children were devils, and the best birth control you could ever get was to spend a week with them. You cling against his hot skin, as you try to think the nausea away. His big arms wrapped around you in his hazy awakening. “Morning” he said, his low voice sounded like he was seconds away from falling asleep again. He pecked a soft kiss against your skin, allowing his hand to move over your stomach placing his hand on your side. The second his warm hand moved over your skin the nausea became more present, and the dire urge to throw up rose. You pushed his big arm away and ran for the bathroom. The contents of your stomach ended up floating in the toilet bowl. Those evil kids must have given you some kind of stomach bug. 
Most of your ‘relaxing’ morning had been spent next to the toilet bowl. Bobby had brought you some juice though you didn’t drink any. You thought about telling him you were too sick to go to work though nearing eleven it wasn’t as bad.The next couple of days the nausea hadn’t been bad, sometimes the nagging feeling of wanting to throw up whenever you were around certain smells, such as Buck after the gym. 
It wasn’t raising too many alarm bells until the team responded to a 911 call near a place that sold greasy foods, and you couldn’t help but barf on the side of the street hiding away from the patient. Bobby walked over to you when he knew the patient was in good hands with Hen. “Do you need medical attention?” He said, handing you a sympathetic look. You shake your head. “No, it 'll pass just like last time.” You said, referring to the other call the other day that caused you to puke your guts out. “You think you are maybe pregnant?” he asked softly. You looked at your boyfriend in disbelief. No way. NO freaking way your thoughts entered your mind as you try to do the mental math about how many weeks ago your last period was. The others were standing near the victim attending his care. “You still have swimmers?” You asked in a mocking shock. You were on birth control. It would be absolutely ridiculous for you to even think about being pregnant. “Hey! my swimmers go for olympic gold okay.” He defended. A little too loud for what he intended probably, as Hen looked up, and gave you a strange look. “I don’t think I am.” you tell him. He just said you’d talk about it at home. 
It took you the entire afternoon to think about you having the possibility of it being a child. You had never thought of yourself as a mother. You never enjoyed spending time with children, and then all the complaining other parents do…. It just didn’t seem like something for you. However, the thought of the possibility of having a child with the man you love seemed different. The two of you made it home after the shift, and the take out dinner was set on the table. He was digging into his chinese food while you were stirring your food through your noodles, hesitant to start eating. “We were careful.” You mumbled as you could tell Bobby had barely spoken to you. He looked up from his plate. He raised his eyebrow. “No we weren’t.” he said, gulping his coke. “Okay well I don’t know I just thought at your age it was unlikely.” You tell him. He nodded and shoved another bite of food in his mouth. “We don’t know anything yet.” he said, you look at him. He had that look on his face when he tried to look happy but you could see past that. “If I am, I know we have options” you opted. Though your heart sank in your chest as you said that. He dropped his fork with a clatter on the plate. “A child is a blessing, y/n”  He said, it was almost like he said it out of his belief as a catholic. “I would understand if you don’t want one.” you argued. “I mean after everything you’ve been through.” He stood up from his seat like he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to act. “ I can’t believe you want an abortion.” he said, looking like he was about to yell or scream or hit a wall or something. “ I just don’t think either of us have what it takes.” you said, the two of you stared at each other trying to think of the words. He didn’t even respond to the last thing you said. “Bobby-” you started. He didn’t want to hear it. “I’ll go get one of those damn tests.” he said, he rushed out of the apartment with his keys jangling as the last notable sound came from him. Tears rushed to your eyes, and the sound of sobbing was the only thing that echoed through the room. 
You had been crying on the couch for a while now waiting for him. You wanted for him to comfort you, and tell you it was okay. Though this time you didn’t think you knew what to say or how to make it alright. His doubt for this baby made you want it even more. Somehow the thought of him not wanting it made you protective over your unborn baby. You finally hear the door unlock, and see Bobby walking in. This time the anger had turned into sadness. Neither of you had wanted to say anything to one another. Though as you wiped the tears from your cheek he gestured for you to join him in the bathroom.
The two of you sat on the bathroom floor. Neither of you were saying anything after the words the two of you spoke to each other earlier. The feeling of sadness as this was a milestone in life to be happy about, and instead you were worried how you would feel after knowing what that stick said. You had been getting lost in your thoughts, while Bobby was staring at the test on the ground that was there upside down. You sat in a cross legged position while he had one leg lying on the ground while his other knee was up resting his hand on the knee. The timer went off, and Bobby reached for it. “I love you” You said, as he touched it. “I love you too.” He said, a faint smile appeared on his face. 
You moved closer to him till you were close enough to feel his breath on your skin. He flipped the test to show the result. Pregnant. The two of you looked at each other. The silence was deafening. He reached for you pressing his lips forcefully against your lips. You kiss him back it felt like all the emotions of this day were in that kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck and he is pressed against the wall of the bathroom. He pulls you against his chest. You start to reach for his buttons on his blouse that he was wearing exposing part of his chest. You start to suck at the base of his neck, as he starts helping you out of your shirt, exposing your bare breasts to the cold air. Your sensitive nipples hard, as he glides his hands over them. You let your head fall back, as he helps you to the ground of the bathroom floor. The cold tiles cause you to shudder from the temperature change. Bobby licks at your nipples, seeing how you respond so intensely to one touch makes you feel his hard cock pressed against your leg. Normally he would take his time to get you ready for him. Tonight he seemed too eager. He helps you out of your shorts, and touches your core, feeling the wetness coat his fingers. His eyes had darkened, and he seemed out for only one thing. Fucking out his frustrations. He doesn’t even bother taking off all clothes, instead he lowers his pants to allow his cock to flop against his stomach. It looked painfully hard, as he started to rub it against you to prepare you for him entering. With one push he glides his cock through your wet folds. “Bobby” you mewled. He didn’t give you much time to adjust to his size before he started trusting. His thrusts were hard as he started rubbing your clit trying to get you off. He let his hand glide to your stomach. “I always thought you couldn’t get more beautiful.” He grunted. The thrusts didn’t slow down; instead each time he pulled out you felt empty and wished he would pick up his pace. “You’ll be so beautiful pregnant with my child.” the words coming from his mouth caused your walls to tighten around his cock. You moan his name over and over again as you come around him. “That’s a good girl, cum for me.” he grunted as he quickened his pace, it didn’t take long for him to release inside you. 
Afterwards, Bobby had turned on the bath for you. The warm water engulfed your body while he was sitting next to the tub, simply looking at you. “Thank god i’m already pregnant, this would be a terrible way to conceive.” you said, this queued a genuine laugh from Bobby. “Sure this is a much better story to tell our child.” he said, you slap him against your arm. There fell a silence between the two of you. “Are you happy?” you ask him. There never had been so much said in the silences between you two as today. “I am” he said: “I was- you were trying to be understanding for me.” he didn’t look at you instead he focused on the ripples of the water. “I took it wrong, I realized that a little late.” He took your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles. “I’m happy too.”
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misirosekisiro · 9 months
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Toshio and the boy.
In Japan, beneath Tokyu, lies a highly secretive underground prison. Contrary to what the outside world may believe, the inmates confined within its walls are exceptionally dangerous individuals. These are the most perilous offenders, incarcerated here covertly. Many were captured and detained without trials or public disclosure. The government understands their danger; some are deemed so hazardous that the world might be safer if they were eliminated. However, the government holds a different perspective; even the most dangerous individuals can sometimes be valuable. Some are utilized by the government for specific purposes, while others become subjects of scientific study.
Toshio, a new guard, has recently been assigned to this facility. He is a member of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) and gained recognition for his remarkable actions during earthquake events. This commendable display earned him a promotion and an invitation to join the guardianship of this clandestine prison. But he have one weakness in his perfect resume. That he never tell someone, he was gay,  fetish on smell , underwear and uniform.
His first day in the office is spent receiving instructions from his superior. There is a strict protocol and the inmates must be watched with the greatest of caution.
"The inmates are highly intelligent. They're all experts in their respective fields, and have unique talents that have made them dangerous to society. That's why they're being held in such an isolated location. We don't want any of them escaping and getting out into the world. If they were to escape, the repercussions could be enormous."
"How many people are in this facility?" Toshio asked.
"There are 166 individuals currently incarcerated."
"What's the breakdown?"
"We have 45 females and 121 males. 137 are Japanese. The rest are foreigners, and of those 50 are Caucasian. There's only one person of Chinese descent."
"There are so many foreign people!"
"Well, yes. You'll see more of the specifics later. For now, the main thing to keep in mind is to be cautious. The inmates here are intelligent and can be quite cunning. There's no such thing as dropping your guard around these people. If you make any sort of mistake, the consequences will be dire."
"I understand."
"Good. Now let me introduce you to the head warden."
Toshio followed his superior officer down a long corridor, until they came to a stop at the end. There, a man stood waiting.
"This is the warden," said the officer. "Warden, this is Toshio. He's the newest member of our team."
The warden shook hands with Toshio and greeted him politely. He was a middle-aged man with graying hair, a receding hairline, and glasses. He wore a suit and tie. His expression was stern and serious.
"Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you." Toshio answered, "I hope I'll be able to help you."
"We'll see. First, you should know that all communication with the outside world is strictly forbidden. Do not contact anyone, including your family. We've got a special line for emergencies. It goes directly to the police. In case of an emergency, we'll call for reinforcements. We've also got a medical facility on site. There are a number of doctors and nurses here. If any of the inmates require medical treatment, it can be done here."
"What about visitors?"
"We do not allow any. The prisoners are not official be lock down here. They're being held in secret, so we don't want to draw attention to ourselves. The fewer people who know about this place, the better. Of course, in case of an emergency, the government can step in, but that's very unlikely."
"Are there any rules I need to follow?"
"Just keep in mind what I've told you. The most important thing is that you maintain a healthy distance from the prisoners. You're not allowed to approach any of them. And do not allow them to approach you. Also, you must keep an eye on them at all times. You're not allowed to take breaks."
"I understand."
After finishing his orientation, Toshio started his job.
He went to the guard room, The prison was sperate to 4 wings form A to D, each wings delare to more and more dangerous criminals, he took a deep breath before entering the first wing, A, which is a general prison.
The guard room is a simple white-walled space, furnished with a few chairs and a desk. A single fluorescent light illuminates the room. It smells like cleaning fluid.
At the far end of the room, a door leads into a long corridor lined with cells. The cells are separated by thick iron bars. Most are occupied. The prisoners are dressed in white jumpsuits and wear ankle shackles.
As he walked through the corridor, Toshio noticed that some of the inmates were watching him intently. He tried not to make eye contact. He also notice that some inmates was in differest clothes, some even was tight in leather's strap suit same one that use in mental hospital.
In one of the cells, a man was lying on his bunk. He looked up at Toshio and smiled.
"Hey, handsome. How about a blowjob?"
Toshio ignored, He will station in Male, A zone. All women inmate was on sperate floor with women's guard.
"Hey, how about you come in and let me suck you off? I bet you'd love that. You could shove your dick in my mouth and fuck my face."
"Stop talking."
"Or what? You gonna punish me? Huh? I'd like to see you try. I'm a tough guy. You're not going to hurt me."
"No need to talk to him" another guard comming and said. "He's not worth it. He's just a piece of shit. He's a fucking pervert. That's all he's good for."
"That's not true. I can do lots of things. I can give you a good time. I bet you've never had a blowjob before, have you?"
"Ignore him, that is best way to do here" the other guard said in calm voice.
"Make me! You think you can make me do anything? I'm stronger than you are. I could take you out. Come on, let's go! You and me, right now. Let's fight."
Toshio ignore, he walked away.
But the man continued to taunt him.
"Hey, you chicken shit! Why don't you turn around and look at me? Are you too scared to look me in the eye? What a coward! I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid of anything!"
Toshio ignore.
"Hey, hey! You can't walk away from me. I'm talking to you. I'm not done yet. Hey, are you listening to me? I'm not done talking to you. Don't ignore me. You're ignoring me. Don't ignore me. I said, don't ignore me!"
Suddenly the man started screaming and cursing at him. He was shouting obscenities and hurling insults.
"Fuck you! Fuck you! You're a fucking coward. I'm going to kick your ass! I'm going to make you wish you were dead. You're not going to ignore me. You're going to listen to me. I'm not going to shut up. You're going to listen to every single word I have to say."
Toshio continue walking away. He doesn't know why the inmate act like that.
"Fuck you! You're a pussy! You're a fucking pussy! You're a coward! I'm going to kick your ass! I'm going to destroy you. You're a fucking pussy! Come here and fight me, you coward! Fight me! Fight me, you coward! Fight me!"
He kept walking. He could still hear the man yelling at him.
"No worry, This place not like other prison. Most of them can't step outside that case until the end of the world. But they are still human" The other guard said in calm voice. "Some have unique talent, some are scientist and genius, they could help the government in secret, like this prison is exist in the first place"
"You should ignore him. He's just a fucking retard. He doesn't know when to stop. He'll keep doing it until he gets bored. It's best not to give him the satisfaction. Just keep walking."
"Thank you, sir."
"No problem. Don't let him get to you. It's not worth it."
They keep walking and leave the man behind.
Toshio feel relief, But he have one worry, the man's face. The man was young, and have handsome face, but something weird, he have red eye. Like his eyes were bleeding, and the other is black.
"Who is that?"
"He is one of the foreigner" The guard said. "His name is Sigma, and he is a Russian"
"Russian? What did he do to be put here?"
"He is a hacker, he hacked into a Russian bank and stole money. They sent him here after he got out from his jail"
"Why is he have red and black eyes?"
"He is a special case, and he is the first and only inmate with two color eyes, the doctors and scientists are testing him, and they are the one who have control over him"
"I see, so they're treating him like a lab rat"
"Yes, he is a special case, because of his eye color, his power and his brain"
"I see, what's his ability?"
"I don't know, they said it is a secret, and we shouldn't talk about it, so they don't leak the information"
"Okay, thank you"
They keep walking and arrive at the guard post.
"Well, I'll leave you here. Take care of yourself. We have not much guard here, Most of system was automatic unless was override by control key." He point to a key in the box on the desk. "It's only use while some case. And need to report before use it. Most of time, inmate will be in their cell. even food also have automatic system on provide it.  As you may know, you need to do patrol on alley ways at least once each hour. I suggest you to just keep eye on them, ignore any request or talk to them. "
"Okay, thank you."
"You're welcome. Just relax and enjoy. It's not so hard"
The guard leave, and Toshio is alone. He look at the key in the box and remember about the rule.
He look around the place, and the cell have one way to open, a small window, the same one that the food was serve.
He look at the monitor, and the screen show a list of all inmates in each cell, and he could see their faces, age and sex.
"Let's see, what have we got here"
"Hmm, 35-year-old male, 174 cm, 60 kg, Caucasian, Russian, hacker, 397,710.23 USD theft"
"What an amount, no wonder he was locked here."
"Hmm, 37-year-old male, 166 cm, 59 kg, Asian, Japanese, serial killer, 677 counts murder, 48 counts rape"
"Damn, a mass murderer, what did he do to deserve that title?"
"Hmm, 42-year-old male, 167 cm, 84 kg, Asian, Korean, scientist, 280 counts child abuse, 10 counts child murder, 100 counts illegal human experiment, 500 counts illegal drugs deal, 1000 counts torture, 10000 counts rape"
"Holy shit, this is a big list."
"Hmm, 28-year-old male, 168 cm, 58 kg, European, German, serial killer, 125 counts murder, 23 counts rape"
"Not a big deal compared to the first one."
"Huh!, 20--year-old male,165,52 kg, Asian, Japanese, - Data consealed - unaviable permission rank to access this data"
"What, why can't I see his data?" His attention was shift to this one. "He is only 20 years old, why is his data blocked?"
He look at the other info and find out that all other inmates are 30 and above. All others data was showed, just only one.
He think for a moment, and then realize something, this cell is not the normal one.
"Why is he locked there? He is so young. What did he do to deserve being here? He is so young. And the system doesn't even show his name."
He think for a moment.
"Could he be one of those 'special cases' the guard was talking about?"
He change the mornitor to this man's cell. then he notice. That cell is one that wear a tight leather straping suit. his face also masked with lether mask. his eye was blined with red strap, and his hand and feet is tied with same leather.
"This is so strange. why is he tied like that? This is not a normal cell. What did he do to deserve being there? Could it be his ability that dangerous enough to be locked in this special cell?"
He look closely at the screen, and notice something else.
"Hmm, why does he have a bulge on his pants? Could he be erect?"
He zooms the image and sees a big bulge in his pants.
"Why is he erect? Could it be his ability has something to do with sex? That could be the reason why his data is blocked."
He also notice that this man got an feeding tube, It's like they not want someone go near him even to feed him.
"Maybe that's it, his ability is so dangerous, and they can't risk it, so they have him locked up like this."
Toshio was curious, the boy is handsome, even his body is covered with leather, he can still see the outline of his abs. And his cock is very big, the biggest Toshio ever seen.
Toshio decide to investigate it more later, right now, he will have to do his job.
Time passed, and soon his shift is over.
He go home and relax.
In his mind, he can't forget about the boy, He was very young, and his face was covered with a mask. Toshio is very curious about him.
And also, he was curious about that man who had the red and black eyes. Why was he so angry?
He was curious about the boy's ability, and why he was locked up. He decided to investigate the matter further.
Toshio's curiosity was growing.
He knew he was breaking the rules.
But he was curious.
The next day, Toshio goes to work as usual.
He starts his shift, and his first task is to check on the inmates.
He checks the monitor, and he sees the boy is still there. He looks at the other cells, and none of them are occupied.
"Hmm, the cells are all empty, but the boy's cell is not. I wonder why. Maybe the boy is a special case. I'm curious about him."
Toshio is still thinking about the boy.
He decides to check the boy's cell.
He approaches the cell, and sees the boy is laying down. He's not moving.
"Huh, he is sleeping."
Toshio watches the boy for a while.
Then he decides to enter the cell.
"I'm going to check on him."
He enters the cell, and sees the boy is laying still.
"Hmm, he is still asleep. I'm going to check on him."
Toshio touches the boy, and sees the boy doesn't react.
He feels the boy's body, and sees the boy's face. He sees the boy is wearing a mask, but his eyes are covered by a red blindfold.
He looks at the boy's body, and sees the boy has an athletic build.
"Hmm, he is a good-looking boy. I wonder what he is like under the mask."
Toshio decides to check.
Toshio touches the boy's face.
"His skin is soft. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
Toshio takes his finger and touches the boy's lips.
The boy doesn't move.
"His lips are soft. Hmm, he is a beautiful boy. He is very handsome."
Toshio decides to check on the rest of the boy's body.
He checks the boy's neck, and sees the boy has a muscular neck.
"His neck is very strong. Hmm, his neck is muscular."
Toshio moves his hand and feels the boy's chest.
"His chest is muscular. Hmm, he is a strong boy."
Toshio feels the boy's chest.
"He has a muscular chest. Hmm, he is a good-looking boy."
Toshio keeps moving his hand.
He feels the boy's abs.
"He has a nice six pack. Hmm, he is a handsome boy."
Toshio feels the boy's stomach, and sees the boy's navel is visible.
"He has a cute navel. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
Toshio reaches the boy's crotch.
He sees the boy's cock is still hard.
"Hmm, his cock is still hard." Then he notice a smell coming from the boy's crotch.
"There's a musky scent coming from his crotch."
Toshio sniffs the air.
"It's a sexy musky scent. Hmm, it's a manly scent."
Toshio is getting aroused.
He decides to touch the boy's cock.
"Ammm Ummm" The boy moans a little.
Toshio touches the boy's cock and feels the boy's shaft.
"Hmm, his cock is long. Hmm, he is a hung boy."
Toshio grabs the boy's balls.
"His balls are big. Hmm, he is a heavy-balled boy."
Toshio massages the boy's balls.
"Ahhh Ahh" The boy moans louder.
Toshio feels the boy's ass.
"Hmm, his ass is round. Hmm, he is a beautiful boy."
"Ahawammam" Boy try to talk something.
Toshio moves his hand down to the boy's ass.
"He has a nice ass. Hmm, he is a cute boy."
"Uhmmam" Boy mumbles.
"What is it, boy?" Toshio asked.
"Amawww" Boy mumbles again.
Toshio doesn't understand what the boy is saying.
He then remove a gagged form boy mouth.
"What are you doing, boy? Are you trying to say something?"
"Yea" Boy said.
"What is it, boy?"
"Who are you, mister?"
"My name is Toshio. I'm a guard here. Who are you, boy?"
"My name is Kaito. What are you doing, sir?"
"I'm checking on you, boy. Why are you tied up like this, boy?"
"They was kidnap me!, bring me here and lock me inside this suit"
"Kidnap? What do you mean, boy?"
"They kidnap me, tie me up, and then lock me in here. I don't know why."
Toshio may not understand, but he feel he can trust the boy, his voice is so soft and so reliable.
"Okay, I believe you, boy. But how did you get in here?"
"They put me inside this suit and blindfolded me. Then they brought me here and locked me in here. I don't know why, sir."
Toshio doesn't know what to do, he can't let the boy go, but he also can't leave him like this. he feel that his head was half blank. He really feel that he need help him.
"What should I do, boy? Should I let you go or should I leave you here?"
"Please, help me, sir."
"What can I do, boy?"
"Can you please take this mask off of my face? I can't see anything."
Toshio takes the mask off of the boy's face.
The boy's face is covered with a leather blindfold.
Toshio then takes the blindfold off.
"Ahhh, I can see again." boy eyes was gaze on Toshio face. their eyes was meet each others.
"So beautiful eyes" Toshio thought.
The boy's eyes were a beautiful emerald green. They were a beautiful green color.
"Boy, you have such a beautiful eyes."
"Thank you, sir. If you like it, may you gaze deeper in my eyes?"
"Sure, boy."
"Ahhh" Boy said.
The boy's eyes were hypnotized.
Toshio gazed deeply into the boy's eyes.
"Ahhhh" The boy moaned.
"Ohhh, ohhh" Toshio was moaning.
The boy's eyes were glazing.
"I know you love my scent, right?"
"Yes, boy. I do. Your scent is so manly."
"My scent is so manly, isn't it?"
"Yes, boy. It is." Toshio fill his face with boy's smell.
"You want to inhale more deeply in my scent right?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Then inhale more deeply."
"Ohhh, ohhh" Toshio is inhaling the boy's scent.
The boy's scent is intoxicating.
"Ohhh, ohhh, it's so strong. So manly."
"My scent is so strong, isn't it?"
"Yes, boy. It is."
"I'm glad that you like my scent, sir. Then why you not take my suit, it's fill with my sweat and odor. You must love that smell."
"I will."
"Take my suit off, sir. I want you to inhale more deeply in my smell."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio started removing the boy's leather suit.
The boy's suit is made out of leather.
"My suit is made out of leather. Do you like it, sir?"
"Yes, boy. I do. I love the smell of leather."
"I'm glad that you love the smell of leather, sir. Then why you not take a deep sniff in my suit."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio started sniffing the boy's leather suit.
The smell of the leather is intoxicating.
"Ahhh, it smells so good, sir."
"I'm glad that you love the smell, boy."
"My suit is soaked with my sweat. You want to taste my sweat, don't you, sir?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Taste my sweat, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio tasted the boy's sweat.
The taste was delicious.
"Your sweat is so tasty, boy."
"I'm glad that you like the taste, sir. Then why don't you take a sip from my balls?"
"Okay, boy."
Toshio drank the boy's sweat.
The taste was amazing.
"It's so good, boy. I love your taste."
"I'm glad that you love it, sir. Now why you not take of your uniform and fill yourself in my suit. I'm sure you love the feeling of my sweat on your skin."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio was completely naked now.
He was wearing only his tight spandex brief.
"You no need that brief. You want to feel your cock soak in my sweat, right?"
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Take it off, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took his brief off.
Now he was completely naked.
"Ahhh, I'm so naked, boy. I feel so free."
"I'm glad that you like that, sir. Now take a seat on the chair and feel my suit upon your body. I'm sure you love the feeling."
"Yes, boy. I love it."
Toshio sat down on the chair.
He could feel the boy's sweat on his skin.
"Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. I love the feeling of your sweat on my skin."
"I'm glad that you like it, sir. Now why you not feel your cock in my suit. I'm sure you want to feel my warmth around your cock."
"Yes, boy. I want to."
"Feel your cock in my suit, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio put his cock in the boy's suit.
"Ahhh, I can feel your warmth, boy. It's so nice."
"I'm glad that you like the warmth, sir. Now i will lock this strap on you. I'm sure you love to be locked inside my suit, right?"
"Yes, boy. I do."
"Then take this lock, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took the lock from the boy.
"Lock my suit, sir. I'm sure you love the feeling of being locked inside my suit."
"I love the feeling, boy. The suit was so tight on my body!"
"I'm glad that you like the feeling, sir. Now i think you want to taste my salivar, this gag is soak with it. And you will suck the drool from the tube. You must love the taste of my drool, right?"
"Yes, boy. I love the taste."
"Take the gag, sir."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio took the gag from the boy.
"Put the gag in your mouth, sir. I'm sure you love to have your mouth full of my drool."
"Yes, boy. I love it."
"Then put the gag in your mouth, and feel my drool."
"Okay, boy."
Toshio put the gag in his mouth.
He could feel the boy's saliva in his mouth.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos..fyooogodyoo (Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. I love the taste of your saliva.)" Toshio was said in muffed form gagged.
"Wow i can't understand what you said.  But I'm sure you love the feeling, sir."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you like it, sir. But it's will not complete if you not feel my sweat in my mask, right?
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)."
"Let's me help put my mask on your head. I'm sure you love the feeling of your head be full with my smell, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
Toshio put the mask on his head.
He could feel the boy's scent all over his head.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos..fyooogodyoo  (Ahhh, it feels so good, boy. Your scent is intoxicating.)"
Toshio's cock was hard inside the suit.
"Your cock is hard, isn't it, sir?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you're so aroused, sir. Now i think you want to hear the sound of my voice, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you love my voice, sir. Then why you only heard only my voice, and obey it, love it. And feel the sensation of it. Your body is completely in my control."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
Toshio felt the boy's words.
His mind was full of the boy's voice.
"Ammhmmamammmu sos...my...boyyys (Ahhh, it feels so good, my boyyys.)"
"I'm sure you not mind, if I will fuck your ass. right, sir?"
"Yeaggaas (yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you want to have your ass fucked, sir. Then let's me put my cock in your ass."
"Ammhmmamammmu sos, boy yyyy (Ahhh, it feels so good, boys. Your cock is huge!)"
"I'm glad that you like having your ass fucked, sir. And don't worry I will not stop. I'm sure you will come from having your ass fucked by me, right?"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)"
"I'm glad that you want to come, sir. Then feel my cock in your ass, feel it moving inside your ass, and filling your ass with my come."
"Ammhmmamammmu sos...my....boys.....yeees! (Ahhh, it feels so good, boys. I'm cumming!)"
"I'm glad that you came, sir. Now you will continue to serve me. And your ass will always be ready for me. My cock will always be inside your ass. You will always have my come inside your ass."
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy. Please, Master!)"
"I'm glad that you want me to use your ass, sir. Now let's us taste each others cum"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, boy)
"Good, now suck my dick. I'm sure you will love the taste of my cum"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, Boy)"
"Suck it. Suck my dick"
"Yeaggaas (Yes, Boy )"
The boy pull unzip a leather strap crotch and start to suck Toshio's cock.
Toshio was sucking the boy's cock.
They were both enjoying the taste of each others cocks.
"Hmmm, you are a good cock sucker, boy"
"I'm glad that you enjoy it, Sir. Your cock taste so good. And the way it fills my mouth, I just can't get enough. Good to know that this trade is not bad at all."
"What trade are you talking about?"
"Soon you will know"
The boy continues to suck Toshio's cock.
They both enjoy the taste of each others cocks.
"You make me horny, boy. I can't resist the temptation"
"That's what I'm talking about. I'm sure you will enjoy this trade. "
"I'm sure I will"
"Then cum, flood it in my mouth"
"As you wish, boy"
"Oh yeah, flood it with your cum. Flood my mouth with your cum. Yes. yes, fill my mouth with your cum"
Toshio shot his cum inside the boy's mouth.
The boy swallowed the cum.
"Hmm, you have such a tasty cum. I can't wait for you to do the same thing to me.
"Hmm, you are a naughty boy. And I love naughty boys."
"Thank you, Sir. Then drink my cum, take it."
Toshio sucks the boy's cock.
"Ahhh, the taste of your cock. I can't get enough.
"I know, you can't. And the taste of your cum, I can't get enough. So keep sucking it. Keep drinking my cum."
"Hmm, you are a naughty, slut. I love a slut"
"I'm glad that you do. So drink it all. Drink my cum."
"Ahhh, I will"
Toshio drinks the boy's cum.
"Hmm, the taste of your cum, hmm, it's so good. I can't get enough. "
"I know. I'm glad that you do. Now just wait.. ah i can feel it."
"My body it's start to morph... Also your."
"My what?"
"Your body also start to morph. Ohhh. Ahhh"
"Oh my god! What is this?!"
"Your body start to morph into my body."
The boy body was growing, his figure was morping to be Toshio.
"No, no, what is this?!"
"Don't worry, It's will not hurt"
Toshio was looking at the boy, his eyes was widen. He was shocked.
"You are me, now, Sir."
"I'm who?
"You are me. and I'm Toshio now"
"How? Why? What did you do to me?"
"It's simple. This trade. You get my body, and I get your. We exchange our body, But you still my slave, right?"
"No! No! You can't do this to me."
"Of course, I can. You are my slave now, Sir. And you will serve me." The boy which now Toshio gaze to Toshio's eyes in shape of the boy, he whipser with slow, calm voice.
"You will serve me. You will obey me. You will do everything I say." Real Toshio eyes was start to blank.
"You will do everything I say." The boy whisper in Toshio's ear, Toshio mind was completely blank.
"I will do everything you say." Toshio said, his mind was full with the boy's word.
"You will do everything I say. You will be a good slave." The boy whisper in Toshio's ear.
"I will do everything you say."
"You will be a good slave."
"Yes. Yes. I will be a good slave. I will do everything you say.
"Good. Now kiss me. Kiss yourself."
"As you wish."
Toshio kisses the boy, he could taste his own lips.
"Now suck yourself. Suck your own cock."
"Yes, Master."
Toshio starts sucking his own cock.
"Good slave. Good slave."
"Thank you, Master.
"Let's stop for today, I'm sure i will enjoy with you later. Now your cock will keep hard but can't release, unless i'm allow you to.
"Yes, Master."
"Good slave. Good slave."
"I'm glad you have a good slave. I will take care of your body"
"You will. Now I will leave you here"
"As you wish."
New Toshio put a gagged back and check the boy's leather strap suit that was seal as normal. Then he look at Toshio's guard uniform. He pick Toshio's brief and smell it. He loves the smell. Think he got Toshio's fetish too. New Toshio took off Toshio's brief and put it on. He could feel his hard cock in the tight brief. New Toshio took Toshio's shirt and put it on. Then he put Toshio's pants on. Then New Toshio put on Toshio's shoes. He could feel the leather rubbing against his body.
New Toshio stood up and looked down at his new body. He was wearing Toshio's guard uniform. His new body was covered in tight uniform.
"Damn, I look hot in this uniform." New Toshio said.
New Toshio smiled and then walked out of the room.
New Toshio walked down the hallway. He was excited. He had a big day ahead of him. He was going to explore his new body and see what he could do with it. He had never been so excited before. He couldn't wait to start his new life.
Toshio, the old one, now was a no name boy, was laid on the bed watching his new master walk out. Toshio can only think he need to be a good slave and obey his new master.
"Yes, yes. I will be a good slave and obey."
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svt-sunnie · 9 months
! ♪ . *. ⋆ say the name : *✧・゚: ?
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BASIC INFO . . . ✿
birth name — bei yu ming (贝玉明)
korean name — bae yu-min (배유민)
name meaning . . . ✿ —
yu ming : from chinese origins meaning ‘jade brightness’ formed with chinese characters,
玉 (yú) meaning ‘jade, gem’ and 明 (míng) meaning ‘bright, clear, light’ .
nicknames . . . ✿ — sun ( by seventeen ), misun ( by seventeen & carats ), ming ming ( by her siblings ), worldwide beauty ( by knetz ), carats older sister ( by carats )
birthdate . . . ✿ — march 7, 1998
zodiac sign . . . ✿ — pisces
birthplace . . . ✿ — wuhan, china
hometown . . . ✿ — wuhan, china
ethnicity . . . ✿ — chinese
nationality . . . ✿ — chinese
languages . . . ✿ —
. mandarin : 97%
. korean : 75%
. english : 63%
. cantonese : 58%
height . . . ✿ — 172 cm ( 5’8 )
blood type . . . ✿ — A+
hair color . . . ✿ — black (natural)
eye color . . . ✿ — dark brown
claims . . . ✿ —
. face : handong (deukae), cheng xiao, other chinese idols
. vocal : ningning ( aespa )
. rap : irene ( red velvet )
. dance : yves ( loona )
gender . . . ✿ — female
pronouns . . . ✿ — she/her
sexual orientation . . . ✿ — unlabeled
relationship status . . . ✿ — dating ( est. 2020 )
! ♪ . *. ⋆ network love: *✧・゚: ?
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CAREER . . . ✿
stage name — sunnie
hangul — 수니
company . . . ✿ — pledis ent. (2012 - 2024) diva labels (2024 - present)
trainee period . . . ✿ — 3 years (2012 - 2015)
debut age . . . ✿ — 17 (int.) 18 (kor.)
group . . . ✿ — seventeen
subunits . . . ✿ — vocal team
position . . . ✿ — main vocalist, dancer, fotg
representative emoji . . . ✿ — 🍓/☀️
fandom name . . . ✿ — ttalmingies
ranking . . . ✿ —
. vocal : 10/10
. rap : 5/10
. dance : 8.5/10
. stage presence : 8/10
. acting : 8.9/10
. producing : 7/10
. songwriting : 8.6/10
. leadership : 1.5/10
. public speaking : 4/10
! ♪ . *. ⋆ darl+ing: *✧・゚: ?
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PERSONAL . . . ✿
MBTI types — logistician ( ISTJ )
description — a logistician is someone with the introverted, observant, thinking, and judging personality traits. logistician’s tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. they compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose.
strengths . . . ✿ —
. open-minded, creative, patient, curious, sarcastic, sweet
weakness . . . ✿ —
. sensitive, indecisive, people-pleasing, anxious, self-critic
family . . . ✿ —
- BEI FEI-YU ( father )
. birthdate : august 27, 1971
. age : 52 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : real estate agent
. status : alive
- BEI YIREN ( mother )
. birthdate : february 13, 1974
. age : 50 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : teacher
. status : alive
- BEI YUXUAN ( brother )
. birthdate : december 8, 2000
. age : 23 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : model
. status : alive
- BEI YICHEN ( sister )
. birthdate : may 1, 2006
. age : 18 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : student
. status : alive
- BEI HAOYU ( youngest brother )
. birthdate : october 25, 2008
. age : 15 years old
. ethnicity : chinese
. occupation : student
. status : alive
! ♪ . *. ⋆ moonwalker: *✧・゚: ?
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TRIVIA . . . ✿
habits — copies other people’s actions or words, kicks feet when she sits down, blinks a lot when shes lying/nervous
phobias —
. necrophobia - ( fear of death )
. basophobia - ( fear of falling )
medical conditions . . . ✿ —
. anxiety
. insomnia
INTERESTS . . . ✿ —
. likes : video games, ballet, baking, gardening, animals, fashion, & movies.
. dislikes : sickness, hot weather, rude people, crying
. favorite movie : 10 things i hate about you & legally blonde
. favorite artists : snsd, kara, red velvet, twice, ariana grande
FACTS . . . ✿ —
. she was originally going to stay training with pristin and was planned to debut with them but pledis decided to make her debut with seventeen instead
. while training she attended an arts school which she learned ballet at, and the members would always come to her recitals
. she earned the title ‘carats older sister’ due to younger carats always talking about how she always felt like an older sister to them
. in 2020 she gained alot of attention from doing a cover of frozen’s ‘into the unknown’ and was praised for her vocals
. she currently lives with jun and minghao
. she started dating jun in 2020
. she is massively praised for taking part in the entire making of her solo mini album
. she has 3 dogs, bambi and gamie who live with her, and jian who lives with her family in china
. is barley on social media and always says she never wants to be on it much because she hates seeing negative things about her and her members
. she was in orange caramel’s ‘catallena’ mv and in orange caramel’s ‘my copycat’ mv
. used to be way more talkative during debut era but got way quieter and more reserved from all the hate she got from antis
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
layout inspired by @svt-rosalie ♡
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