jordanxporter · 4 years
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JORDAN PORTER (JEREMY SHADA) has been spotted in Crescent Hill. If you ask for their backstory, you’ll find out they were born in CRESCENT HILL and are TWENTY ONE years old. They are a WEREWOLF and this is PUBLIC. They are currently working as a STUDENT & BARISTA AT CRESCENT AND MOON COFFEE and are described as BRIGHT, DEVOTED, HEADSTRONG.
Hello there! I’m Spirit and this is my werewolf son, Jordan Porter. Yes, I will occasionally break out the ‘don’t talk to me or my son ever again’ meme, but only as a joke. I’m 19, a college student, I live in EST, and if you plot with me, I’ll talk your ears off. Now, onward to telling you about Jordan!
Full Name: Jordan Oliver Porter
Nickname(s): Jor, Jord, Jordie
Age: 21
Date of birth: February 14th, 1999
Hometown: Crescent Hill, Massachusetts
Species: Werewolf
Occupation: Barista at Crescent and Moon Coffee / College student
Born and raised right here in Crescent Hill! (If more members of his family join, then I’m always down to plot things out, so keep checking back here for more info!)
Being a werewolf was never a secret for Jordan. Sure, he was learning about math and English along with everyone else in town. But at home, he was also learning various werewolf related things (pack history and such) from his parents and older pack members.
For the most part, life has been fairly quiet as Jordan has grown up. He got through school, landed a job at Crescent and Moon Coffee, then started attending college where he’s double majoring in criminal justice & forensic science. All while doing some innocent hell raising with whoever his friend group happened to consist of at the time.
Of course, who knows if that quiet will last now that the supernaturals have come out and his mom is the new pack leader? Suppose only time will tell.
He’s got dreams of being a detective once he graduates! After all, if there’s anything he loves, it’s a good mystery and working to help solve it. So, why not put the werewolf abilities to good use and combine them with his education?
And yes, he is serious when it’s time to get serious. But Jordan is also very much a chaos goblin. He loves having fun, is very much the type of guy to come in to your place of business and just chill out in the back so he can show you memes while you’re on break then invite you to a party once you’re off the clock.
A common inside joke amongst people who know him is that maybe working at a coffee shop wasn’t the wisest decision he’s ever made. Solely because it gives him access to more caffeine.
Jordan doesn’t know it yet, but he’s got family in town! A secret cousin that is. Who is it? It’s Gabe. You didn’t hear that from me though.
Best friends & friends: This may be self explanatory, but it never hurt to have people in your corner, friends especially. Be warned though because you might find yourself a recipient of 3am memes / late night ramblings.
Mom: The new pack leader and boss lady of the werewolves! (Taken by Andie Porter, more to come!)
Siblings / Half sibling: While Jordan doesn’t know about the half sibling, he’s got a couple of full siblings. More to come as more people join and plotting happens!
Romance: Jordan’s pansexual, so he’s open to romantic connections with anyone and everyone! Maybe they’re flirty friends or exes on either good / bad terms? Either way, come give him some love or someone to be sassy with in the case of exes on bad terms.
And if nothing really floats the boat, then come slide into my messages here on Tumblr for some plots!
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chefdwight · 4 years
Welcome to Crescent Hills, Dwight Carlyle
Dwight Carlyle (Henry Cavill) has been spotted in Crescent Hill. If you ask for their backstory, you’ll find out they were born in ATLANTA and are THIRTY SEVEN years old. They are a WOLF and this is SECRET. They are currently working as CHEF/RESTAURANT OWNER and are described as FRIENDLY, GENEROUS, SHORT-TEMPERED.
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Character Facts:
FULL NAME: Dwight Alex Carlyle NICKNAME(S): Ike AGE: 37 years old SPECIES: Bitten by a wolf on a full moon three years ago  OCCUPATION: Chef/restaurant owner in Crescent Hill HOBBIES: Cooking, hiking, exercising, walking with his dog EDUCATION: Graduated from high school in Atlanta at 18. Joined military straight after school for 12 years.
FACE CLAIM: Henry Cavill  HOMETOWN: Born in Atlanta TIME IN CRESCENT HILL: Seven years, moved to town with his parents after the army. PRONOUNS and GENDER: he/him and Cis male POSITIVE TRAITS: Friendly, generous, wants to help NEGATIVE TRAITS: Short-tempered
Dwight, known as Ike by friends and family was born in Atlanta in 1983. He was a human child, happy, confident and loved by his parents and family. He was a gentle and good-natured boy, he grew up close to his mom and had many friends in his small community in Atlanta. His childhood was busy, he helped his mom in the kitchen and he grew his passion for cooking. Even working in a bakery in his hometown during high school. Dwight was an only child but he he was happy with his life, he grew up with his cousins and they were all extremely close. He never had to play alone. He was always a loving child. He grew into a modest but confident young man, he knew he was attractive, he was charming and he was a naturally athletic young guy. He found he was a good at sports and his life in high school progressed in that direction. He was a caring young man, however, he found he often struggled with his temper, especially when he saw something was wrong. In his senior year, his impulses led him to defending a younger guy being bullied and he got into a fight. He lost his football scholarship due to this incident but he managed to finish high school.
After losing the scholarship, Dwight didn’t really know what to do with himself and eventually decided to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and joined up to the military. He was in service for twelve years, before getting wounded while overseas. He was shot in the leg and side, falling unconscious before he was found. Though he’s aware that he was lucky, there are so many men that didn’t make it home. After being discharged, he moved to Crescent Hill where his parents had retired to. He struggled after the military but soon took a job at the diner cooking. The hours were long but he didn’t mind any job when there were other people around. Working kept his mind busy.
He enjoyed living in Crescent Hill, it was peaceful after everything he’d been through and eventually he bought an abandoned building, opening his own restaurant which has now become a town favourite over the last five years. He continued to exercise despite the pain his wounds caused him and he got a dog, enjoying walks with him. However, on a full moon three years ago, he was bitten by a werewolf during a late walk. Unknown to him at the time he had no idea what had chased him through the trees. He managed to make it home, even in his confused state and the pain was almost unbearable as the wolf gene spread through his body. When he woke hours later, he was soaked in sweat, his skin hot but weirdly... the pain from his previous war wounds were gone. His body had healed itself. No evidence of the bite and no evidence of his bullet wounds that had bothered him for four years.
Three years on and Dwight still doesn’t know who bit him, though he is cautious of every wolf he meets in town. He generally keeps it secret, he hasn’t told his friends of family. He tied himself up the first few moons before he was approached by someone from the town pack. He is still wary it was them who turned him, though he accepts the help every full moon. He doesn’t have much choice. He still suffers from night terrors and symptoms of PTSD both from the military and his attack that night, but he tries his best to enjoy life. To get by without complaining or showing other people the cracks. He gives most of his time to running his restaurant, he feels more himself keeping busy. He has some good friends in the town and that all keeps him going. He is aware of the recent coming out of the supernatural like everyone else but he has no plans to come out himself yet. 
Wolf: The wolf who found him after he turned. Dwight is suspicious he is the one who turned him. (open - fc utp)
Employees: Work at his restaurant. Can be any species. 
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avaxsinclair · 4 years
Character Bio:
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Ava Sinclair (Katherine McNamara) has been spotted in Crescent Hill. If you ask for her backstory, you'll find out she was born in Brooklyn, and is 24 years old. She is a witch and this is public. She is currently working as a forest ranger in training and is described as loving, stubborn, and dreamy, adaptive. (Wanted Connection for Cas and Camille Sinclair)
Ava was born in Brooklyn, two years before her younger sister Camille. They were five children at home (two older brothers, Camille and her twin-brother). After their parents divorce they moved with their mother to Crescent Hill. Ava was fifteen at that time and struggled with both, leaving her friends behind in NY as well as finding new ones in CH. In New York City she had close connections to other young witches, even though her mother did not want her to have any kind of magic before the age of 18. In Crescent Hill she took to the woods and soon learned every deer trodden path within the local forest. It was the easiest decision of her life, starting training as a forest ranger. She does try her best to get along with the local werewolves, but social interactions are not her strong suit.  Ava’s magic is closely linked to the element of fire, which sets her apart from her sister. She believes in the strength and justice of nature though, for fire can be cleansing and is always the beginning of something new, like the eternal cycle of nature. Her anger sometimes gets the best of her, she does have a fiery temper.  Nature knows no mercy, as Ava often reminds herself, and she herself always strives to be her best self, to evolve and grow. Standing still is death. She fears that she will be one day cursed, like a powerful witch she was once told about. Her fire needs to be fed in order to burn and all though her energy comes from nature she does not wish to feed on nature, draining it of all life. So she is always careful to not overuse her magic. When backed into a corner she can be rather powerful. As a child she used to recite the Song of the Witches from the scottish play, she read a lot of Shakespeare’s plays for his words were like spells, powerful but not quite what they seemed to be. Her grandmother taught her how to write her own spells when she was 18 and Ava always makes sure they have some kind of rhythm to it.
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rileyscampbell · 4 years
;; hello! my name’s rye! i’m 22. my pronouns are he/him or they/them. i’m super excited to be here and try group rp on tumblr again! i haven’t really rped on tumblr in a long time, so bear with me as i relearn things. 
i’m a bit of an insomniac, so although i live in the est, it’s debatable if i’m awake at a normal time in the est. i have class today but i’ll be posting my starter as soon as that’s through! i can’t wait to get plotting and writing with everyone!
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ladyxlucille · 4 years
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Lucille ‘Lucy’ Cota (Tessa Thompson) has been spotted in Crescent Hill. If you ask for their backstory, you’ll find out they were born in NEW YORK in 1783 and are 237 years old. They are a VAMPIRE and this is KNOWN BY MANY. They are currently working as WHATEVER SHE PLEASES and are described as CONFIDENT, SARCASTIC BUT LOYAL.
Character Facts:
FULL NAME: Lucille Mariana Cota NICKNAME(S): Lucy, Luce AGE: 237 years old (born 1783) SPECIES: Vampire (turned in 1818 age 35) OCCUPATION: Whatever she feels like HOBBIES: Cooking, hiking, exercising, walking with his dog E
FACE CLAIM: Tessa Thompson   HOMETOWN: Born in New York PRONOUNS and GENDER: she/her and Cis female POSITIVE TRAITS: Confident, loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: Short-tempered, sarcastic
If there was one thing Lucy always wanted, it was a family. Born in New York as Lucille Mariana Cota in the late 18th century, her life was that of a simple servant, controlled by her family’s employers and filled with the prejudices of the time. Though Lucy was a determined and bold young woman, she refused to let anyone see what they did to her. She masked her thoughts, her feelings, smiling on the outside. She wanted to be strong in a cruel world.
She lost her father at a very young age, though he had very little to do with her. He worked a lot and wanted nothing more than increasing his status. Her mother was a positive influence on her life and she helped Lucy face the challenges that women like them dealt with daily. They both worked for a wealthy household and it was the only life she knew. Though losing her mother at only thirteen, left the girl alone in a world ruled by rich and powerful. It left her more closed off than she had ever been. And very alone.
However, the lord’s eldest daughter took pity on her and kept Lucy on as her personal servant. Lucy felt trapped in her life with little education and no status but she knew she was lucky to have a job. She wasn’t hurt, she had food and shelter and her lady wasn’t unkind to her. Though this didn’t stop her from wanting more. She wanted a purpose in this world. She wanted a family.
Several years past and her life kept her busy. She moved with her when the lady was married and learnt to read and write at her request. She replied to letters for her, carried out errands for her and eventually looked after the pregnant woman. Though this saddened her more than anything, she wanted to be a mother. She found herself drawn to a man who worked at the market, every week she’d go to his stall just to talk to him. The talks becoming longer and longer and she’d even pay for returning home late. She was falling for him, she wanted to spend time with him.
After a few months of meeting him in secret, she gave him her virtue and he asked her to run away with him. To be his wife. That was all Lucy had ever wanted. To make a family. To be loved. She agreed though it was never to be so. The master caught her sneaking out and told her lover would pay if she left. She never saw him again. Though she realised she was with child. She kept this secret for as long as she could but the lady soon realised. She struggled to work as she grew but she had to. She needed to survive. Lucy held her child once before she was take and that was the moment that broke her. 
The woman grew unhappy, lost without her love, without her baby. She was miserable. She tried to find her daughter, though she didn’t have the money or resources to do so.  Feeling sorry for her, the lady told her that there was a man who could help her. However, she did not know just what his price would be, nor did Lucy. Her life. He turned her into a vampire, she was now immortal. Invincible. She could find her child. 
Lucy embraces everything about being a vampire, never wasting a day of her immortal life. Never wanting to be that servant girl from all those centuries ago. She continued her search for her every day, until finding out her daughter had died as an infant. In her anger, the vampire lost control, giving into her impulses and spending decades losing herself. Though one thing she began to feel was loneliness… her whole human life gone. Though she did not dwell on these emotions, she was determined to make a new life. She soon came across a young girl who peaked her interest. The girl was selling bread in the market but Lucy knew there was something special about her. She seemed to be in the right place at the right time when she saw a fire in the market place and she pulled the girl from the flames… turning her into her first progeny. And as the years past she turned more, finding people like her. Alone and unloved. 
Lucy is intelligent and good with words and she usually has a plan. In her human life she was a dreamer, she wanted more, she wanted a family. She continued to travel over the years and in recent decades she found a real family with a wolf and a young girl who needed a family. She became fond of them both, loved them. They became her family. Though the wolf later pushed her away and she hasn’t settled since. She feels anger but she misses them. She keeps in touch with her vampire progenies despite often living their separate lives, they can easily stay in touch thanks to the 21st century technology. However, she has recently found the small town Crescent Hill and she intends to stay a little while.
First progeny: First girl she ever turned. In late 1800s.  Progenies: Vampires she has turned over the last 150 years.  I am open to connections. 
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jamesxharrisonx · 4 years
Welcome to Crescent Hills, Nathan ‘Nate’ Harrison 
Nathan “Nate” Harrison (Joe Keery) has been spotted in Crescent Hill. If you ask for their backstory, you’ll find out they were born in LONDON, ENGLAND and are TWENTY EIGHT years old. They are a HUMAN and this is KNOWN. They are currently working as MUSIC TEACHER and MUSICIAN and are described as OUTGOING, RECKLESS, LOYAL.
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Character Facts:
FULL NAME: Nathan Charles Harrison NICKNAME(S): Nate AGE: 28 years old OCCUPATION: English teacher HOBBIES: Guitar player/songwriter in a band, fishing, dog walking EDUCATION: Boarding school till age 14, graduated Crescent Hill high at 18, English and teaching degree from Chicago University.  FACE CLAIM: Joe Keery HOMETOWN: Born in London, England and grew up in boarding schools around America. TIME IN CRESCENT HILL: 14 years apart from his time at college. PRONOUNS and GENDER: he/him and Cis male POSITIVE TRAITS: Outgoing, friendly NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reckless, easily distracted
Nate was born in England. His family came from money on both sides, though they seemed to use this money to keep him far away from them . His parents were vert young when he was born; his mother only 18 and his father 21 years old. He grew up with a sick mom, who was in and out of remission with cancer, a lot of time with her was sitting by her bed. He travelled to America often with his dad and grandparents for their work. Though most of this time was in boarding schools. His dad had very little interest in him, all he cared about was working and making money.
He spent most holidays with his mum in England, though the sicker she got, the harder he found this. When he was just fourteen, she passed away. His father shut him out even further and Nate was sent back to boarding school. Though he found himself not coping. He had never been allowed time to grieve. He’d never felt like he fit into school, he was bubbly and more creative than academic. He loved music, something he shared with his mum. After having a breakdown at school, his mom’s sister offered to take him in with her and and her partner in Crescent Hill. They were only ten years older than Nate but for the first time in his life, the young teen felt free. 
Being in the small town was good for Nate, he made friends easily and he finally felt like he was finding himself. He joined a band with some friends, tried out for the school performances and even got his grades up. He managed to get by in school, realising he could do more when he put his mind to it. Though his uncle was young, he was the father figure he needed as a teenager. He worked hard in school, securing a place at Chicago university. He had a close relationship with his aunt and uncle they managed to keep him on track. Things were good despite all the changes in his life.
As he grew older, he continued to make friends, he dated, and found his passion for music and writing. When he turned 21, he inherited money from his family, though he wanted to do something for himself. Moving back to Crescent Hill, Nate became a music teacher. He doesn’t need the money but he enjoys what he does. He has his close family and friends in the small town and it is the place that feels like home. He plays at the open mic night and can often be seen with his dogs. He rarely speaks to his dad or his grandparents but he’s polite, it’s always in his nature to be. He’s worn his mum’s necklace since her death and he knows she’d be proud of him. 
Nate is aware of the recent coming out of the supernatural, though he hasn’t really witnessed anything from himself. Though with everything he’s seen on the news and the stories of the vampire bars, he finds himself feeling paranoid from time to time... anyone in his life could be supernatural. 
Jazz (best friend): Jazz has been his friend since he moved to Crescent Hill. She’s always been there for him and he couldn’t imagine his life without her. At times he’s pretty sure... they could be more. 
Uncle (suggested FC Matt Smith) - 38 years old - took Nate in with his wife when he was 14. They are close.  Aunt (suggested FC Alexandra Breckenridge) 38 years old - Nate’s mother’s younger sister. She moved away to build her own life after meeting her now husband. Although she does have family money, she enjoys working for herself. Open - work colleagues at the school           - friends/band members
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oh-jazzy · 4 years
Meet Jazz Morel
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Species: Werewolf Occupation:  Pronouns/Gender: She/Her, Female Face Claim: Jane Levy
Jazz is fun loving, witty and goofy. She enjoys the outdoors and loves camping, fishing and anything she can do to be outside. However Jazz does tend to overthink things. She looks back and reflects on the past and can’t help but wish she could change things.
As a child, Jazz was loud and would always be out playing in the street. She loved being outdoors. She loved fishing, hiking, anything that meant she could be outside and not in her old dusty house. It’s not that Jazz didn’t have the perfect childhood. She did. She had a father that doted on her, a mother who wanted her to be the perfect daughter. She had a sister that she adored and spent a lot of her time with. But for Jazz, something was always missing. When Jazz was fourteen she found out what a small part of that was. Jazzdiscovered she was from a long line of werewolves. Although the family turn with the pack, they do their best to remain at arms length. Jazz had no idea why. Jazz’s father died when the girl was just fifteen, they’d only just started getting closer. But some sicknesses even a werewolf can’t heal from. His death hit Jazz hard despite their lack of closeness. He was still her father. She spent a few months coming to terms with it and getting on with her own grief.
However once her father was dead, her mother became more inclined to talk about the past. Jazz’s uncle had been a violent man, both in human and werewolf form. He had been kicked out of the pack and brought great shame on the Laurent name. For the next decade, Jazz’s father had spent time trying to make amends and distance the family from the stories of the past. Jazz began to understand why her father had been so distant and now looks back on him with a different memory. After finding this out, Jazz left Crescent HIll to find some sense of self. She found this at the University of Michigan where she studied mathematics and economics. Jazz was a sociable young woman and her very active social media is just proof of that.
When the supernatural came out Jazz was shocked, shocked that maybe what she was didn’t have to be a secret anymore. But her family believe in keeping quiet about what they are and so she’s followed the rules.... for now. 
On completing her degree she returned home and took a teaching job - which was thankfully arranged from the pack. Jazz has been living home for five years and most of her old friends are still in town. Sometimes it feels like time stops in Crescent Hill. Jazz attempts to become more involved in the pack for the memory of her father. But with the recent death of the pack leader and the allegations surrounding it. She can’t help but want to be more distant. She doesn’t know how people she has loved and grown up with could do that to humans in town. Despite all of this, Jazz can’t help but feel like she’s still searching for something.
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remy-irving · 4 years
Valentine, 29, CT, She/Her || Remy Irving (Richard Ayoade) has been spotted in Crescent Hill. If you ask for their backstory, you’ll find out they were born in Washington D.C. and are 36 years old. They are HUMAN and this is PUBLIC. They are currently working in BOOK/ART RESTORATION and are described as CAVALIER, a SCHEMER, and BITTER. (IC Male & He/Him). 
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FULL NAME: Remy Aml Irving
AGE: 36 years old
OCCUPATION: Art and Book Restoration
HOBBIES: Reading, Crafts, Poetry, Drawing
FACE CLAIM: Richard Ayoade
HOMETOWN: Northern Virginia/ Washington D.C. 
TIME IN CRESCENT HILL: He lived in Crescent Hills from 13-18. Then returned when he was 26.
PRONOUNS and GENDER: he/him and Cis male
POSITIVE TRAITS: Fastidious, Passionate, Knowledgable
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Schemer, Cavalier, Bitter
Remy Aml Irving was the middle child of Troya and Denver Irving an influential couple that worked in DC. His father working as a defense attorney and his mother in as an artist. They were also witches, his mother coming from a long line of witches. From a young age Remy, along with his siblings, would visit their grandmother over the summers to learn about their ancestors and prepare for the day their magic awakened fully. His grandmother, would tell them that this knowledge was powerful and they were going to be initiated into the family coven to continue the tradition.
First his older Sister gained her powers, taking to the Earth like roots from a growing tree. Then his little brother fulfilled his mother’s nightmare and gained an affinity for starting fires. Remy while disappointed to be last, just studied harder and stuck to his Grandmother and Mother to learn all he could. Becoming a petulant teenager he grabbed more and more books, even finding the way to steal away the ones that the coven kept behind lock and key. Learning to do basic potions that he’d then pass off to witches with magic to finish for him, but keep them in the dark as to what he was concocting.
Finally, he crossed the line and disturbed the resting place of an old witch. It brought misfortune to the Coven and nearly lost his family their position within. His parents made a drastic decision, appease the Coven and to keep him from the wrath of some of the Mother, they sent him to live with his Great Aunt in Crescent Hills. She was older than his grandmother and they hoped with her influence and knowledge she would be able to guide him and help coax out his powers.
But on meeting him the old Witch knew what was wrong. She cackled and just poked him in the chest, “You’re human. You have no connection to the fade, my dear.” Remy was furious and confronted his parents about it, but they always denied not knowing he had not been born with the gift. He didn’t know what to believe.
He graduated High School and studied abroad for his art degree. He’d been adamant to leave all the time he’d wasted on witchcraft behind, but the world was full of it. He was still fascinated by it all, and deep down he still hoped one day he’d find a book that would tap into a deep seeded power. He wanted to prove his Great Aunt wrong. He wanted to prove the very fade wrong.
After his studies were through, he returned to Crescent Hills and has been living their ever since. He works with the local government on conserving local and Historical landmarks as well as running a book restoration shop. He offers his services for free to the local coven.
Recently his Grand Aunt died. While she was quite a crone, she was always straight forward with him despite being wary of his quest for knowledge. Remy moved into the old woman’s house and has been going through her things with an old urge to continue his teenage experiments again and mess with magics that should be left well enough alone.
Coven Members: Witches who were close to his Great Aunt or who go to him with old books or trinkets to work on. They can be friends or enemies. Remy can be pretty dismissive about magic, since he has no connection to it himself and sees it as mere power he was denied.
Friend or Acquaintance: Remy is looking for someone to teach him how to mountain climb or become a better hiker.
Sibling: Remy has an Older and Younger Sibling.
College Friend or Old Flame: Remy lived for some time abroad for graduate school and met a lot of different people.
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littlexjoey · 4 years
Welcome to Crescent Hills, Josephine ‘Joey’ Fairfield.
Josephine “Joey” Fairfield (Brittany O'Grady) has been spotted in Crescent Hill. If you ask for their backstory, you’ll find out they were born in TOWN and are TWENTY FIVE years old. They are a WITCH and this is SECRET. They are currently working as A COVEN MEMBER and HOSPITAL RECEPTIONIST and are described as COMPETITIVE, RESERVED, GENTLE.
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Character Facts:
FULL NAME: Josephine Jane Fairfield NICKNAME(S): Joey, Jo, JJ AGE: 25 years old SPECIES: Witch OCCUPATION: Hospital receptionist  HOBBIES: Very into astrology and star signs, playing guitar and piano, hiking, photography. EDUCATION: Graduated Crescent Hill high at 18, Management course at community college. FACE CLAIM: Brittany O’Grady
HOMETOWN: Born and raised in Crescent Hill TIME IN CRESCENT HILL: Whole life PRONOUNS and GENDER: she/her and Cis female POSITIVE TRAITS: Gentle, hardworking NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reserved, competitive 
Joey was born and raised Crescent Hill and has always been a part of the Coven in her small hometown. She’s a small town girl and she’s never had any desire to live anywhere else or be anything else. She was gentle and reserved from a young age. She wasn’t a child who enjoyed riding a bike or climbing trees, she could always be found writing, doodling and using an old camera to take pictures. That nature continued into her adult life.
Her parents raised her to be proud of her family bloodline, to be proud of their magic. Though she was always taught to take precautions to protect herself, which has been enforced considerably since the recent outing of the supernatural world. The Fairfield witches believe the magic inside of them is beautiful and makes them special. That is why they must keep it secret from the human world. Joey bought into this from a young age. She has always been proud of who she is and she has always loved magic. It has always been a defining part of her personality and how she sees herself. 
Joey has always been pretty content with her life. She has close relationships in the small community she grew up in. She enjoyed her life in the coven and her every day life in town. Her parents supported her unconditionally and the choices she made as a teenager. She enjoyed school, she was creative, smart and had a tight-knit group of friends. She never had any interest in leaving town after high school, she didn’t want to leave the coven or her family and friends. She settled on going to community college and eventually got a job as a receptionist at the local hospital, where she has been for the last three years. 
Though as smart as Joey is, she often holds herself back. Her often reserved personality means she doesn’t always fight for what she really wants. She has secretly applied for a nursing course for next year and she is already doubting herself. Her gentle nature often holds her back in the coven too. Joey has a strong bloodline and a natural affinity for magic. She knows she has precise spells and yet, she doesn’t fight for a higher spot in the coven. However, deep down she wants it. 
Joey is slightly nervous about the recent coming out of the supernatural world, she has many human friends and she is afraid of how they’d see her. Though she hasn’t admitted that to anyone. Part of her believes it’s a good thing, that they shouldn’t have to hide away, though she still has the fears that the coven and her parents have always built into them. However, Joey hopes that one day she’ll have the courage and confidence to show the elders in the coven what she is really made of. She’s got magic bubbling inside of her and she can feel it.
Open suggestions-
-Colleagues from the hospital  -Childhood friends/friends from school -Ex boyfriend
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