#chilean palestinians
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latin-american-diversity · 2 years ago
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A Chilean Man of Palestinian ancestry partakes in a pro-Palestinian protest
Outside of the Levant and the Arabian Gulf nations, Chile is home to the largest Palestinian diaspora in the world with up to 500 thousand Chileans having Palestinian ancestry. 
Palestinian immigration to the country began in the middle of the 19th century during the Ottoman rule. Like other immigrants from the Ottoman Empire, whether Arab, Slavic, Assyrian, or Greek; Palestinians were often called Turcos (Turks) since they usually entered the country with Turkish documentation. This denominate remains common in Chile and neighbouring Latin American countries to this day; which has erroneously lead many Latin Americans with non-Turkish ancestry and little information about family history, to be under the impression that they are of Turkish ancestry. 
Historically, the majority of Palestinians that arrived in Chile were Eastern Orthodox Christians, as most countries in Latin America barred the immigration of Muslims; for this reason there are more Christian Palestinian descendants in Chile than in Palestine itself. However, in recent times Chile has also taken in Palestinian refugees, the majority being Sunni Muslims. 
Many of the first waves of Palestinian immigrants lived in abject poverty and were illiterate. In addition to this like many other immigrant groups to Latin America, particularly those coming from the Ottoman Empire, Eastern Europe, and East Asia they were faced with xenophobia; a product of Chilean nationalism and rising post-independence ethnic/racial tensions. This xenophobia spread as far as the Chilean media, with one of country’s oldest national newspapers "El Mercurio,” writing:
“Whether they are Mohammedans or Buddhists, what one can see and smell from far, is that they are more dirty than the dogs of Constantinople...“
Despite the fact that the majority of people coming from the Ottoman Empire and Eastern Europe were Christian, the stigma of living in an empire ruled by Muslims or around Muslims was enough for them and other Christians such as Slavs, Greeks, and Armenians to be targets of Islamophobic sentiments that were prominent in Iberian American societies. 
Similar to other immigrants from the Ottoman Empire, many Palestinians began to work in commerce as merchants. This factor alongside their gradual assimilation into the white Chilean population, began their upward social mobilization. By the 1950′s Palestinian Chileans garnered a significant economic and political position in Chilean society, a good example of this is the recent presidential candidacy of Daniel Jadue.
The majority of Chilean Palestinians are inhabit the nations capital, and also the city of La Calera in Valparaiso Region, which attracted not only Palestinian immigrants but also other Levantine, Balkan, Italian, French, and German migrants.
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delarverie-moving · 1 year ago
i love my mom and my siblings god knows that but questioning my beliefs because of me having a different ethnic background is uhm. not nice? i think.
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tierras · 8 months ago
palestinian-chilean singer, elyanna, covers jeanette's "el muchacho de los ojos tristes"
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ahaura · 1 year ago
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(Nov. 13)
@QudsNen #Chilean football team Deportivo Palestino players came to a match with the Palestinian flag and Kufiyyah. #Palestine
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firstfullmoon · 1 year ago
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Palestinian poet Najwan Darwish: ‘We can’t begin to comprehend the loss of art’
“Poetry has been the colossal record of violence and. . . the colossal record of compassion,” the Chilean poet Raúl Zurita wrote in the foreword to Exhausted on the Cross [Najwan Darwish’s latest collection], and it’s a duty that the poet takes seriously.
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starlightshadowsworld · 1 year ago
On the 14th December 2023, Palestinian Chilean artist Elyanna performs her song Ghosn Zeytoun (Olive Branch) at the El-gouna film festival in Egypt.
A song about sending peace to a land that knows none while the world is silent.
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vampiricvenus · 5 months ago
Making it into a separate post from my own tags because I'm pissed at homonationalism.
I know I'm not the first to express similar sentiments, but it's honestly horrifying that Palestinians even have to clear their names regarding the assumption that they monolithically are homophobic and transphobic.
Even if every single Palestinian had any sort of bias against the LGBT community I, as a non-binary lesbian, still wouldn't fucking want them to be fucking genocided.
There's plenty of vicious fucking deranged homophobes and transphobes in the US and other imperial core countries. Does that warrant a genocide? Should we nuke the UK for being the world's capital of virulent TERFism?
My own parents are barely like 0.1% reformed homophobes. I still wouldn't fucking want them to suffer a fucking genocide.
And regardless. For any society to include homophobes and transphobes, there has to be [dramatic pause] gay and trans people in it too! A society that includes homophobes and transphobes cannot exist without there being gay and trans people present to react to.
Do LGBT Palestinians not matter? They're the only ones who'll ever be actually affected by homophobic and transphobic Palestinians anyway. No matter how intensely bigoted any Palestinian might be, Twink Connor from Seattle, Transgender Francesca from Milan, Bisexual Heidi from Munich, and Non-Binary Sock from Melbourne will never be affected by them, it'll only be LGBT Palestinians who'll be facing those bigots, and it's clear they don't want this genocide either.
I know for sure that if Chile ever got couped again like it happened in 1973 on the basis of ~*homophobia*~ I'd be against it because what the Chilean LGBT community would need wouldn't be extreme violence and death like that, what we'd need and want is a chance for an actual better future in which homo/transphobia can be overcome so we can exist freely and safely among our own people in the country we were born in. I know LGBT Palestinians feel similarly because they've made statements expressing as much, REPEATEDLY, both as individuals and in a more organized manner.
And bombs and bullets don't discriminate! LGBT Palestinians are being genocided too!
Fuck, I'm so pissed. Fuck pinkwashing. Fuck homonationalism. Nothing but liberation for all oppressed peoples of the world, whether you personally fancy them or not.
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livelaughlovepedri · 10 months ago
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CD Palestino showing support for Gaza at the start of one of their latest league matches 🇵🇸
‘Club Deportivo Palestino’ is a chilean football club founded in 1920 by Palestinian immigrants in Chile.
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ghostatrandom · 8 months ago
It fills me with rage how can people be such fucking hypocrites when it comes to defending third world countries, WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR SYMPATHY FOR THE LATINOS AND ESPECIALLY FOR THE VENEZUELANS WHO SAW HOW LITTLE THEIR VOTE COUNTS IN A COUNTRY CONTROLLED BY A DICTATOR
You cannot pretend to care about Palestinians while trashing Venezuelans, just shows how little you actually care about the lives of people and how much you take a political stance as a be all end all of morality WHICH IS JUST A RESULT OF YOU BEING UNABLE TO SEE AND CRITIQUE THE DIFFERENT PARTIES OUTSIDE OF WHAT FUCKING COLOR THEIR FLAG IS.
I'm Chilean, so I have met Palestinian and Venezuelan refugees and inmigrants. Let me tell you they would be DISGUSTED by your hypocricy and performative activism. If Israel claimed to be a leftist country you would no doubt support them even with all their crimes against humanity.
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leftistfeminista · 1 year ago
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From Gaza to Chile, revolutionary women's brassières hanging like hunting trophies
Reflecting on the haunting imagery from Gaza of IDF thugs displaying the bras of Palestinian women as obscene trophies, I'm reminded of an art exhibit by the Chilean artist María Verónica San Martín. Basing her sculpture on the first hand testimony of women political prisoners who survived Pinochet's camps. How Junta guards relished in a hanging gardens of shame, the bras of arrested Marxist women hanging from above. It was designed to intimidate and demoralize newly arrived detainees with the sheer scale of the mass of stolen bras of their compañeras. Each bra telling a lurid story of how a proud militant activist woman stripped it off or had it torn off by a leering Junta guard. A macabre spectacle of degradation and humiliation.
It was a show of force boasting just how many socialist women had been captured, and gloating their bodies were now owned. Later seeing your own bra you were arrested in hanging, it would be a cruel reminder of your old life in your current hell. As Marxist women we share a sisterhood with Islamic women suffering the same mockery, in both our cases our underwear has been used to taunt our seriousness.
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A bra is a deeply personal intimate garment to women, and a girl's first bra is a defining moment of her life. The frat boy humor of stupid men sees it as a hunting trophy to show off. Robbing a woman of it as a way of robbing her of her dignity. With both Communist and Islamic women there is an obscene fascination from the political enemy, that women who take themselves seriously wear underwear and yes sometimes fashionable sexy underwear. The grotesque IDF wall of bras hanging from barbed wire echoes this forced juxtaposition of the serious political and the frivolous feminine. Political prisoners wrote about how there was almost a brute natural animal dignity and seriousness in complete nudity, but keeping proud women in lingerie stripped them of all dignity. María Verónica San Martín's artwork turns it into an act of pride. Yes we are revolutionaries, and we are women and we wear bras. And for women leftists who were abused especially for our female traits, these hanging bras is a gendered memorial and symbol of our gendered ordeal.
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eretzyisrael · 4 months ago
by Giulio Meotti
With Hague’s Court mandates to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant we are witnessing the collapse of the free world.
Hamas celebrates.
Iran rejoices.
Turkey is ready to do its part with Sultan Erdogan who always gets away with bombing Kurds, Armenians and other peoples sacrificed to his Ottoman expansionist aims.
The European Union, through the mouth of the useless Spanish socialist Josef Borrell, says it is faithful to international law.
China is tempted to celebrate, but cannot do so fully since it has not signed the Rome Statute on the Court of The Hague.
Donald Trump, who is putting together the most pro-Israel administration in American history, has already made it known that he will impose sanctions on the Hague Court.
Orban’s Hungary is the most pro-Israel. Orban also invited Netanyahu to Budapest.
Belgium, with its subjugation and Qatari penetration, is for arresting him (there is something rotten in Brussels).
Norway, with its progressive quislings, is the country with the fewest number of Jews in Europe and is the most pro-Hamas. The Norwegian Foreign Minister, Espen Barth Eide, is more pro-Hamas than the Arab countries and was photographed alongside the daughter of the Palestinian Arab terrorist involved in the Paris attack in which six people were killed at the Jewish restaurant Jo Goldenberg.
In Vichyist France, Islamogoscism will play its part.
Holland, with its pogroms, is for arresting Netanyahu. But Geert Wilders distances himself and writes: “The world has gone mad.”
Dhimmi-Labour England is for arresting the Israelis. London has enough problems with Islamists to alienate them even more. Not only because the Muslim population of the United Kingdom is growing ten times faster than the general population. Prime Minister Starmer also fears the rise of the “Communists for Islam” party led by Corbyn.
Social-communist-Eta Spain is for arresting Netanyahu. The Spanish left is with Cuba, Iran and Hamas.
Germany and Italy are taking their time.
The Canada of the super woke Trudeau wants to arrest Netanyahu (the Conservatives are against). In the streets of Canada, people are marching now shouting “Jihad Jihad Jihad”.
The Argentina of the heroic Javier Milei is with Israel. Afuera!
The Brazil of the communist Lula is for the arrest (when will Jair Bolsonaro return?).
The Colombia of the communist Gustavo Petro is for the arrest.
Chile too. “Forward to the Bolivarian revolution!”. This is how the young and woke Chilean president Gabriel Boric supported the regime of Nicholas Maduro in Venezuela. “I die as I lived... my respects, Commander”, wrote Boric upon the death of Fidel Castro. The same Boric who promised to “bury liberalism”. Like when he calls Greta Thunberg “the best thing that has happened in a long time.”
Everything is connected: wokists, socialists (welfarists are natural allies of Islamists), Peronists, multilateral sepulchres, radical ecologists, useful idiots of the BRICS.
And so in the end, what the mainstream media calls the “populist international” (Milei, Wilders, Trump, Orban etc) in the end turns out to be the last political trench in defense of a people who refuse to be subjugated by Islamic terrorism and the alliance between Eurabia, communist remnants and satrapies. And the Western dhimmis who fall to their knees.
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fairuzfan · 11 months ago
I’ve been really into Elyanna’s music lately. she’s Chilean-Palestinian. She like uses reference to classic Arabic poetry and SWANA culture and music in her work and blends it with modern beats and aesthetics and it feels like the most loving homage and it’s just soo good. Her song Al-Sham is one of my favourite ever
Oh I love her song "yabn El eh" also. But you're right she's really an interesting musician, I'd like to hear her collab with Dounia I think they'd make a good song.
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therewasabrowncrow · 1 year ago
The British Poem
Take some Picts, Celts and Silures And let them settle, Then overrun them with Roman conquerors. Remove the Romans after approximately 400 years Add lots of Norman French to some Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, then stir vigorously. Mix some hot Chileans, cool Jamaicans, Dominicans, Trinidadians and Bajans with some Ethiopians, Chinese, Vietnamese and Sudanese. Then take a blend of Somalians, Sri Lankans, Nigerians And Pakistanis, Combine with some Guyanese And turn up the heat. Sprinkle some fresh Indians, Malaysians, Bosnians, Iraqis and Bangladeshis together with some Afghans, Spanish, Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese And Palestinians Then add to the melting pot. Leave the ingredients to simmer. As they mix and blend allow their languages to flourish Binding them together with English. Allow time to be cool. Add some unity, understanding, and respect for the future, Serve with justice And enjoy. Note: All the ingredients are equally important. Treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter unpleasant taste. Warning: An unequal spread of justice will damage the people and cause pain. Give justice and equality to all.
Benjamin Zephaniah
RIP 🕊️
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atopvisenyashill · 2 years ago
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The Ruling Princes and Princesses of Dorne
Leaders of Dorne During the Dornish Wars
Meria Nymeros Martell - Teresita Reyes
She’s Chilean and Palestinian, and I thought “casting” a few Latino Palestinians would be a fun little nod to Pedro Pascal, hah.
Nymor Nymeros Martell - Sami Bouajila
Deria Nymeros Martell - Iman el Deeb
she looks so much like the Deria art to me!
Voren Nymeros Martell - Motaz Malhees
We have several instances of Dornishmen with names that end in the -en sound. Doran, Oberyn, Llewyn, Yoren, etc. It seems like a common naming quirk in Dorne.
I thought Voren sounded the most like a real name, hah.
Morian the Mad - Mena Massoud
Mara Nymeros Martell - Salwa Nakkara
Explanation on her age is here in my Dornish Rulers Timeline.
Ellario Nymeros Martell - Hani Al Naimi 
We have Elia and Ellaria so I figured there should be a male version of the name.
I didn’t want to use Elio, so Ellario was born.
Qoren Nymeros Martell - Mahesh Jadu
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huariqueje · 1 year ago
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In these critical times, it is essential that we raise our voices against genocide and war crimes in Palestine. We call on everyone to participate in a powerful demonstration in the heart of Rotterdam. Further information will follow: see RotterdamVoorGaza.nl.
The Rotterdam Palestine coalition supports and co-organizes this demonstration. These are the collaborating organizations: AFD International, AGD, BIJ1, Chilean Community Rotterdam, Denk, IGMG-Milli Görüs ZH, NIDA, Palestinian Community Netherlands, Palestine Komitee Rotterdam, Palestine Solidarity Rotterdam, Plant an Olive Tree, Rood Rotterdam, Rotterdam for Gaza, Samidoun, Socialisten 010, Palestine Foundation, Spior, Centrum de Middenweg, Charity from the Heart Foundation, Kifaia Foundation, Project Ummah Foundation, Stg FIO, SIORH, XR Rotterdam, 010 against racism.
12:00 – 17:00,
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jaycee-penny-art · 1 year ago
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"In the land of peace, peace is dead."
ID: A digital illustration depicting Palestinian-Chilean singer, Elyanna, performing her song, “Olive Branch.” A ray of blue light shines behind her, subtly projecting images of various Palestinian heroes. These people include photojournalist Motaz Azaiza, journalist Bisan Owda, and grandfather Khaled Nabhan with his deceased granddaughter Reem. There are also white kites flying in the background, olive branches, the Palestinian flag, and Palestinian sunbirds. Additionally, there is a caption of a lyric from the song that reads, “In the land of peace, peace is dead,” written in Arabic.
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