#chilean angelshark
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shark of the day: chilean angelshark, squatina armata
the chilean angelshark is a rare species of angel shark thought to be extinct but has been recently redescribed. they can grow to be at least 1 metre(~3.3 ft) long and may grow larger. chilean angelsharks inhabit the muddy and sandy bottoms in the southeastern pacific along the western coast of south america. they feed on a variety of bony fish, smaller elasmobranchs, molluscs, and crustaceans. the tips of their pectoral fins and part of their head are covered with enlarged, hook-like dermal denticles. they are considered critically endangered.
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Here’s some shark breads tha no one asked for but I’m doing anyway!:
African angelshark
African dwarf sawshark
African lanternshark
African ribbontail catshark
African sawtail catshark
American pocket shark
Angular angelshark
Angular roughshark
Antilles catshark
Arabian carpetshark
Arabian catshark
Arabian smooth-hound
Argentine angelshark
Arrowhead dogfish
Atlantic angel shark
Atlantic sawtail catshark
Atlantic sixgill shark
Atlantic sharpnose shark
Atlantic weasel shark
Australian angelshark
Australian blackspotted catshark
Australian blacktip shark
Australian grey smooth-hound
Australian marbled catshark
Australian reticulate swellshark
Australian sawtail catshark
Australian sharpnose shark
Australian spotted catshark
Australian swellshark
Australian weasel shark
Azores dogfish
Bahamas sawshark
Bali catshark
Balloon shark
Banded houndshark
Banded sand catshark
Banded wobbegong
Bartail spurdog
Barbelthroat carpetshark
Barbeled houndshark
Bareskin dogfish
Basking shark
Beige catshark
Bigeye houndshark
Bigeye sand tiger
Bigeye thresher shark
Bighead catshark
Bighead spurdog
Bignose shark
Bigeyed sixgill shark
Birdbeak dogfish
Blackbelly lanternshark
Black dogfish
Blackfin gulper shark
Blackgill catshark
Blackmouth catshark
Blackmouth lanternshark
Blacknose shark
Black roughscale catshark
Blackspot shark
Blackspotted catshark
Blackspotted smooth-hound
Blacktail reef shark
Blacktailed spurdog
Blacktip reef shark
Blacktip sawtail catshark
Blacktip shark
Blacktip tope
Black wonder catshark
Blind shark
Blotched catshark, two different species
Blotchy swellshark
Blue-eye lanternshark
Bluegrey carpetshark
Blue shark
Bluntnose sixgill shark
Blunt-nose spiny dogfish
Blurred lanternshark
Boa catshark
Bonnethead shark
Borneo broadfin shark
Borneo shark
Bramble shark
Brazilian sharpnose shark
Bristled lanternshark
Bristly catshark
Broadbanded lanternshark
Broadfin sawtail catshark
Broadfin shark
Broadgill catshark
Broadhead catshark
Broadmouth catshark
Broadnose catshark
Broadnose sevengill shark
Broad-snout lanternshark
Brownbanded bamboo shark
Brown catshark
Brown lanternshark
Brown shyshark
Brown smoothhound
Brownspotted catshark
Bull shark
Burmese bamboo shark
Campeche catshark
Caribbean lanternshark
Caribbean reef shark
Caribbean roughshark
Caribbean sharpnose shark
Caribbean smooth-hound
Carolina hammerhead
Cenderawasih epaulette shark
Chain catshark
Chilean angelshark
Chilean lanternshark
Clouded angelshark
Cloudy catshark
Coates' shark
Cobbler wobbegong
Collared carpetshark
Combtooth dogfish
Combtooth lanternshark
Common smooth-hound
Comoro catshark
Cook's swellshark
Cookiecutter shark
Copper shark
Coral catshark
Creek whaler
Crested bullhead shark
Crocodile shark
Crying catshark
Cuban dogfish
Cuban ribbontail catshark
Cylindrical lanternshark
Cyrano spurdog
Daggernose shark
Dark freckled catshark
Dark shyshark
Deepwater catshark
Deepwater sicklefin houndshark
Dense-scale lantern shark
Disparate angelshark
Draughtsboard shark
Dumb gulper shark
Dusky catshark
Dusky shark
Dusky smooth-hound
Dusky snout catshark
Dwarf catshark
Dwarf false catshark
Dwarf gulper shark
Dwarf lanternshark
Dwarf sawtail catshark
Dwarf smooth-hound
Dwarf spotted wobbegong
Eastern angelshark
Eastern banded catshark
Eastern highfin spurdog
Eastern longnose spurdog
Eastern spotted gummy shark
Edmund's spurdog
Elongate carpetshark
Epaulette shark
False catshark
False lanternshark
False smalltail shark
Fat catshark
Fatspine spurdog
Fedorov's catshark
Filetail catshark
Finetooth shark
Flaccid catshark
Flagtail swellshark
Flapnose houndshark
Flathead catshark
Floral banded wobbegong
Formosa swellshark
Freckled catshark
Frilled shark
Fringefin lanternshark
Frog shark
Galapagos bullhead shark
Galapagos shark
Galbraith's catshark
Ganges shark
Garrick's catshark
Gecko catshark
Genie's dogfish
Ghost catshark
Ginger carpetshark
Goblin shark
Graceful catshark
Graceful shark
Granular dogfish
Great hammerhead
Great lanternshark
Great white shark
Green-eye spurdog
Green lanternshark
Greenland shark
Grey bamboo shark
Grey sharpnose shark
Grey smooth-hound
Grinning catshark
Guadalupe lanternshark
Gulf catshark
Gulf of Mexico filetail catshark
Gulf smooth-hound
Gulper shark
Gummy shark
Halmahera epaulette shark
Hardnose shark
Harlequin catshark
Hasselt's bamboo shark
Hawaiian lanternshark
Hidden angelshark
Highfin dogfish
Hoary catshark
Honeycomb Izak
Hooded carpetshark
Hooktooth dogfish
Hooktooth shark
Horn shark
Human's whaler shark
Humpback catshark
Humpback smooth-hound
Iceland catshark
Indian swellshark
Indonesian angelshark
Indonesian filetail catshark
Indonesian greeneye spurdog
Indonesian houndshark
Indonesian shortsnout spurdog
Indonesian speckled carpetshark
Indonesian speckled catshark
Indonesian whaler shark
Indonesian wobbegong
Izak catshark
Izu catshark
Jaguar catshark
Japanese angelshark
Japanese bullhead shark
Japanese catshark
Japanese roughshark
Japanese sawshark
Japanese shortnose spurdog
Japanese spurdog
Japanese topeshark
Japanese velvet dogfish
Japanese wobbegong
Kermadec smooth hound
Kermadec spiny dogfish
Kitefin shark
Knifetooth dogfish
Lana's sawshark
Largenose catshark
Largespine velvet dogfish
Largetooth cookiecutter shark
Leafscale gulper shark
Lemon shark
Leopard catshark
Leopard epaulette shark
Leopard shark
Lined catshark
Lined lanternshark
Lined lanternshark
Little gulper shark
Little sleeper shark
Lizard catshark
Lollipop catshark
Lombok highfin spurdog
Longfin catshark
Longfin mako
Longfin sawtail catshark
Longhead catshark
Longnose catshark
Longnose houndshark
Longnose pygmy shark
Longnose sawshark
Longnose sawtail catshark
Longnose spurdog
Longnose velvet dogfish
Longsnout dogfish
Longnose sleeper shark
Lowfin gulper shark
Magnificent catshark
Mandarin dogfish
Mangalore houndshark
McMillan's catshark
Megamouth shark
Mexican angelshark
Mexican hornshark
Milk-eye catshark
Milk shark
Mini gulper shark
Moller's lanternshark
Mosaic gulper shark
Mouse catshark
Mud catshark
Mukah river shark
Narrowbar swellshark
Narrowfin smooth-hound
Narrowhead catshark
Narrowmouthed catshark
Narrownose smooth-hound
Narrowtail catshark
Natal shyshark
Necklace carpetshark
Nervous shark
Network wobbegong
New Caledonia catshark
New Zealand catshark
New Zealand lanternshark
Night shark
Ninja lanternshark
Northern river shark
Northern sawtail catshark
Northern spiny dogfish
Northern wobbegong
Nurse shark
Oakley's catshark
Oceanic whitetip shark
Ocellate topeshark
Ocellated angelshark
Oman bullhead shark
Onefin catshark
Orange spotted catshark
Ornate angelshark
Ornate dogfish
Ornate wobbegong
Pacific angelshark
Pacific nurse shark
Pacific sharpnose shark
Pacific sleeper shark
Pacific smalltail shark
Pacific spadenose shark
Pacific spiny dogfish
Painted swellshark
Pale catshark
Pale spotted catshark
Panama ghost catshark
Papua shorttail lanternshark
Papuan epaulette shark
Pelagic thresher shark
Peppered catshark
Phallic catshark
Philippines angelshark
Philippines ribbontail catshark
Philippines swellshark
Pigeye shark
Pink lanternshark
Pinocchio catshark
Plunket's shark
Pocket shark
Pondicherry shark
Porbeagle shark
Port Jackson shark
Portuguese dogfish
Prickly dogfish
Prickly shark
Puffadder shyshark
Pygmy lanternshark
Pygmy ribbontail catshark
Pygmy shark
Quagga catshark
Rasptooth dogfish
Redspotted catshark
Reticulated swellshark
Roughback catshark
Rough longnose dogfish
Roughskin catshark
Roughskin dogfish
Roughskin spurdog
Roughtail catshark
Rusty carpetshark
Rusty catshark
Saddle carpetshark
Saddled swellshark
Sailback houndshark
Sailfin roughshark
Salamander shark
Saldanha catshark
Salmon shark
Sandtiger shark
Sandbar shark
Sarawak pygmy swellshark
Sarawak smooth-hound
Sawback angelshark
Scalloped bonnethead
Scalloped hammerhead
Sculpted lanternshark
Seychelles carpetshark
Seychelles gulper shark
Seychelles spurdog
Sharpfin houndshark
Sharpnose sevengill shark
Sharptooth houndshark
Sharptooth smooth-hound
Sherwood dogfish
Shortbelly catshark
Shortfin mako
Shortfin smooth lanternshark
Shortnose demon catshark
Shortnose sawshark
Shortnose spurdog
Shortspine spurdog
Shorttail lanternshark
Shorttail nurse shark
Sicklefin houndshark
Sicklefin lemon shark
Sicklefin smooth-hound
Sicklefin weasel shark
Silky shark
Silvertip shark
Sixgill sawshark
Slender bamboo shark
Slender catshark
Slender gulper shark
Slender sawtail catshark
Slender smooth-hound
Slender weasel shark
Sliteye shark
Smallbelly catshark
Smalldorsal catshark
Smalleye catshark
Smalleye hammerhead
Smalleye lantern shark
Smalleye pygmy shark
Smalleye smooth-hound
Smallfin catshark
Smallfin gulper shark
Small-spotted catshark
Smalltail shark
Smalltooth sand tiger
Smoothback angelshark
Smooth hammerhead
Smooth lanternshark
Smoothtooth blacktip shark
Snaggletooth shark
Sombre catshark
South China catshark
Southern African frilled shark
Southern dogfish
Southern lanternshark
Southern lollipop catshark
Southern mandarin dogfish
Southern sawtail catshark
Southern sleeper shark
Spadenose shark
Sparsetooth dogfish
Spatulasnout catshark
Speartooth shark
Speckled carpetshark
Speckled catshark
Speckled smooth-hound
Speckled swellshark
Spined pygmy shark
Spinner shark
Spiny dogfish
Splendid lanternshark
Spongehead catshark
Spotless catshark
Spotless smooth-hound
Spottail shark
Spotted-belly catshark
Spotted estuary smooth-hound
Spotted houndshark
Spotted wobbegong
Springer's sawtail catshark
Starspotted smooth-hound
Starry catshark
Starry smooth-hound
Steven's swellshark
Straight-tooth weasel shark
Striped catshark
Striped smooth-hound
Sulu gollumshark
Taillight shark
Tailspot lanternshark
Taiwan angelshark
Taiwan saddled carpetshark
Taiwan spurdog
Tasselled wobbegong
Tawny nurse shark
Thorny lanternshark
Thresher shark
Tiger catshark
Tiger shark
Tope shark
Triton epaulette shark
Tropical sawshark
Variegated catshark
Velvet belly lanternshark
Velvet catshark
Velvet dogfish
Viper dogfish
West African catshark
West Indian lanternshark
Western angelshark
Western gulper shark
Western highfin spurdog
Western longnose spurdog
Western spotted catshark
Western spotted gummy shark
Western wobbegong
Whale shark
Whiskery shark
White-bodied catshark
Whitecheek shark
White-clasper catshark
Whitefin dogfish
White-fin smooth-hound
Whitefin swellshark
Whitefin topeshark
White ghost catshark
White-margin fin smooth-hound
Whitemarked gollumshark
Whitenose shark
Whitesaddled catshark
Whitespotted bamboo shark
Whitespotted bullhead shark
Whitespotted catshark
Whitespotted smooth-hound
Whitetail dogfish
White-tip catshark
Whitetip reef shark
Whitetip weasel shark
Winghead shark
Yellowspotted catshark
Zebra bullhead shark
Zebra shark
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Are there any cool sharks that have sadly gone extinct? Or are in danger of going extinct?
So I've actually gone and signed up for an account on the IUCN website to look into this specifically without spending ten million years trying to find the answer. A short summary of those at risk of extinction and those already extinct below :)
According to the IUCN’s Red List (which basically gives you a run down on how close or far an animal is to extinction), searching “sharks” and narrowing down the search to CR (critically endangered), EN (endangered), and VU (vulnerable), I got 420 hits. Of those, it will include animals that have “shark” in their name; which may include non-shark fish. But I can at least narrow it down a bit further using taxonomy as a means to filter out non-shark animals. This means, for taxonomy, we look for “Chondrichthyes” as a class of animals; aka sharks and rays.
The result then narrows down to 416. These are sharks. And now I can sort the order of results from VU right the way down to CR (lower to high on the concern scale). Since we want to know the most at risk first, I can reverse this sorting so it’s most to least in danger.
There’s been no recently extinct sharks, according to the IUCN’s list, but that’s not to say shark species aren’t at great risk of extinction, or aren’t critically endangered because of a range of reasons.
So, at the top of the list we have:
Scalloped Hammerhead
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Hidden Angelshark
Argentine Angelshark
Chilean Angelshark
Humpback Smoothhound
Indian Swellshark
Daggernose Shark
Ganges Shark
Dwarf Gulper Shark
Reticulated Swellshark
Striped Smoothhound
Scoophead Shark
Sarawak Pygmy Swell Shark
Pondicherry Shark
Pacific Smalltail Shark
Borneo Shark
Shorttail Nurse Shark
Lost Shark
Smoothback Angelshark
I’ve excluded rays from this list since they’re a different sub-branch of the Chonrichthyes class to sharks. That gives us 21 sharks classed as critically endangered (aka at risk of extinction) so far on the list. This is only from the first page, by the way.
Out of the list, one shark is potentially thought to be extinct which is the Lost Shark (good name). Only 3 specimens of the species have been found in Borneo, Thailand, and Vietnam; all are over 80 years old. They were mistaken for a species of Smalltail Shark at first, but now they’re considered to be their own species. As a result, IUCN’s Red List classifies the Lost Shark as CR or possibly extinct.
This made me sad. I need to go cuddle Greg the Mako Shark who lives on my bed to feel better now.
#sharks#shark facts#education#information#shark asks#animal conservation#marine biology#iucn red list
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Species Profile No. 39: The Chilean Angelshark (Squatina armata) Today we’re featuring another incredibly mysterious shark, the Chilean Angelshark. Listed as Data Deficient, the IUCN page of this species states that “nothing is known of its biology.” These sharks don’t seem to be caught very often, but the only fisheries information about them comes from Peru, and nothing is known of their value to fisheries in any other country. While it’s a bit disappointing to make a post with so little information, we want to give you all a chance to learn a little bit about every angel shark species! Learning about how many shark species are poorly understood is also important, as it highlights the pressing need for more shark research. Remember that the best way to support species like the Chilean Angelshark is to donate directly to research groups/funding bodies, such as the Shark Conservation Fund. To help support angel sharks, make sure to support @angelsharkproject, the Angel Shark Conservation Network, Shark Advocates International, and the Shark Conservation Fund. ••• Big thanks to our Patron, Clay Herber! ••••••••••••••••••••••••• #angelsharkprofiles #shark #sharks #angelshark #disparateangelshark #mexicanangelshark #squatina #diversesharks #sharkeducation #savesharks #savethesharks #helpsavesharks #bycatch #overfishing #stopoverfishing #replacefearwithfacts #stopsharkfinning https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WeTk2BW48/?igshid=gvp78lxzq4q7
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