i draw one (1) shark every daythis is my autism sideblog, main is mbumblebuzz :]
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shark of the day: greeneye spurdog, squalus chloroculus
the greeneye spurdog is a medium sized dogfish shark named for the bright green colour of their eyes. they can reach lengths of around 85 cm(~2.7 ft). greeneye spurdogs inhabit the deep water continental shelves and slopes off the coasts of southern australia. they feed on small fish and invertebrates.
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shark of the day: whitetip smoothhound, mustelus widodoi
the whitetip smoothhound is a small species of houndshark. they can grow to be around 1.1 metres(~3.6 ft) in length. whitetip smoothhounds inhabit the shallow tropical waters of the central western pacific ocean around indonesia. they feed on small fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans
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shark of the day: pacific spadenose shark, scoliodon macrorhyncos
the pacific spadenose shark is a small species of requiem shark named for its flat head and wide, pointed snout. they typically grow to be around 60 cm(~2 ft) long, though they can reach lengths of up to 80 cm(~2.6 ft). pacific spadenose sharks inhabit shallow inshore waters, often near freshwater outflows, throughout the western central pacific. their diet consists of small fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
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shark of the day: green lanternshark, etmopterus virens
the green lanternshark is a small species of lanternshark. they only grow to be around 26 cm(~10 in) long. green lanternsharks are found in the deep waters throughout the gulf of mexico. their diet consists heavily of cephalopods, as wells as small fish and crustaceans
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shark of the day: japanese topeshark, hemitriakis japanica
the japanese topeshark is a medium-sized species of houndshark. they can grow to be up to 1.2 metres(~4 ft) long. japanese topesharks inhabit inshore and offshore shallow waters on the sea floor of the northeastern pacific. they feed on small fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
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shark of the day: brownspotted catshark, scyliorhinus garmani
the brownspotted catsharks is a small rare species of catshark. they can grow to reach lengths of around 36 cm(~1.1 ft). brownspotted catsharks may be found throughout the indo-west pacific, though they are typically seen around the philippines and indonesia. they feed on small crustaceans, fish, and cephalopods.
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shark of the day: little sleeper shark, somniosus rostratus
the little sleeper shark is a small species of sleeper shark. they only grow to be around 1.4 metres(~4.6 ft) in length. little sleeper sharks are found in cold, deep waters throughout the mediterranean sea and central eastern atlantic, as well as the western pacific around japan and new zealand. they feed on small bony fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
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shark of the day: mandarin dogfish, cirrhigaleus barbifer
the mandarin dogfish is a large species of dogfish shark named for its long whiskery barbels. they can grow to reach around 1.3 metres(~4.2 ft) in length. mandarin dogfish are found along the deep water continental slopes in tropical and subtropical waters of the western pacific ocean. their diet consists of small fish and invertebrates.
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shark of the day: flathead catshark, apristurus macrorhynchus ------------------------------------------------------------
flathead catsharks are small deep water catsharks. they can grow to be around 66 cm(~2 ft) in length. flathead catsharks can be found along the deep water continental slopes and shelves of the northwestern pacific ocean around japan and taiwan. they feed on small bony fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
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shark of the day: western angelshark, squatina pseudocellata ------------------------------------------------------------
the western angelshark is a small poorly understood species of angel shark. they can grow to be at least 75 cm(~2.5 ft) long. western angelsharks inhabit the outer continental shelves and upper slopes of northwestern australia. they feed on a variety of small fish, cephalopods, crustaceans, and smaller elasmobranchs.
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shark of the day: boretzi dogfish, squalus boretzi
the boretzi dogfish, also called the emperor dogfish, is a large species of dogfish shark. they can grow to lengths of around 95 cm(3.1 ft). boretzi dogfish inhabit the deep waters surrounding the emperor seamount chain in the northwestern pacific. they likely feed on small fish and invertebrates.
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shark of the day: harlequin catshark, ctenacis fehlmanni
harlequin catshark is a small species of finback catshark known from only the holotype. the specimen was a female measuring 46 cm(1.5 ft) in length. harlequin catsharks are presumed to inhabit the lower deep water continental slopes off the coast of somalia. they likely feed on small fish and invertebrates.
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shark of the day: sicklefin houndshark, hemitriakis falcata
the sicklefin houndshark is a small rare species of houndshark named for its curved, pointed fins. they only grow to be about 75 cm(~2.5 ft) long. sicklefin houndsharks inhabit the continental slopes of northwestern australia. their diet likely consists of small fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
#shark of the day#sharks#sicklefin houndshark#houndshark#sorry im so late on these ive been absolutely exhaused recently
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shark of the day: shorttail lanternshark, etmopterus brachyurus
the shorttail lanternshark is a small species of lanternshark. they can grow to be around 50 cm(~1.6 ft) in length. shorttail lanternsharks are found along the deep water continental slopes of the northwestern pacific ocean. they feed on small bony fish and invertebrates.
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shark of the day: tawny nurse shark, nebrius ferrugineus
the tawny nurse sharks is a large species of carpet shark. they commonly grow to be about 2.5 metres(~8 ft) long, but some have been reported to be as long as 3 metres(~10 ft). tawny nurse sharks commonly are found on shallow coral and rocky reefs and grassy flats throughout the indian and western pacific oceans. their diet consists primarily of cephalopods including octopus and squids, various crustaceans, and small fish. they are nocturnal, usually feeding and moving during the night and spending the day in underwater caves and crevices, often piled up with other sharks.
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shark of the day: arabian catshark, bythaelurus alcockii
the arabian catshark is a small poorly known species of deep water catshark known from only a single specimen. it measured 30 cm(~1 ft) long. arabian catsharks likely can be found in deep water throughout the arabian sea. their diet probably consists of small fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
#shark of the day#sharks#arabian catshark#catshark#note that this drawing may or may not be accurate since i couldn't find any proper reference images#i based this off written description and images of other members of the genus
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shark of the day: finetooth shark, carcharhinus isodon
finetooth sharks are medium sized requiem sharks named for their small, needle-like teeth. they can grow to be around 2 metres(~6.6 ft) in length. finetooth sharks can be found in temperate and tropical shallow coastal waters of the eastern atlantic. they feed on a variety of small bony fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
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