#childrens choir
lkeke35 · 2 years
I guarantee this will make y’all tear up!
Love these babies!
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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Young members of a Black Jewish congregation in Harlem, ca. 1955 .
Photo: Archive Photos/Getty Images Instagram
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underthecitysky · 4 months
I finally watched the Rupert and the Frog song (We all Stand Together). I still see people (mostly older, mostly on Facebook) dunking on “the frog chorus” and it’s just so clearly an outdated notion for it to be lame for a musician to make content explicitly for children. It’s so common now for artists who’ve become parents to make something their kids will enjoy. Jack White sang a song with the muppets on Sesame Street because he loves his fucking kids. It’s so normal now.
I get where Mary Had a Little Lamb released as single by a rock band went down wrong .. but this is creative, whimsical content explicitly *for* kids. The SONG, in particular, is beautifully composed, imaginative. Lovely! I keep listening to it.
He was 20 years into his career. The Beatles were never Led Zeppelin. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around people still being so weird about this. He such a well rounded musician; it’s all like an exploration in another part of his creativity. There are elements of the classical composing that would come later… and the playful, experimenter who made Robber’s Ball (my beloved), McCartney II, the Fireman records.
But anyway, watching this today reminded me of this moment from Behind the Scenes of BBC Radio where someone presented Paul and Mike with their childhood Rupert book. The title page filled in by their parents reads “This book belongs to Paul McCartney and Michael McCartney”.
It was either Paul or Mike who said they didn’t get many gifts as kids and for Christmas they’d usually get one toy addressed to Paul and Michael from Father Christmas. It makes me really consider why this Rupert project was so important for him that he held onto it for 15 years, always sort of considering ideas for it. There were those RAM era songs that were specifically for the “Rupert project”. It comes up so much in the McCartney legacy book.
Then there’s the element of the frogs and his history with frogs, from growing the tadpoles in his own hand made frog pond in the backyard and checking on them every day until one day they were frogs that hopped away. Then there was the dark, frog killing episode that shocked his brother and he probably felt some shame about.
But here, in this story, there are guard frogs on duty protecting their mostly undisturbed world. Happy and content, it’s the frogs that create this magical chorus.
There’s even a father and son frog pair who’ve come to see this event that only happens every couple of hundred years.
The father is rather Jim McCartney-esque with his pipe and 1940s style hat and manner. There’s a moment where the son inadvertently annoys his father and instantly recoils like he’s about to get hit and momentarily it looks like the father is considering it but gets a hold of himself.
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But later, wrapped up in the music together, the father hugs his son.
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I don’t know what I’m saying exactly but I think there’s some exploration of his childhood here and something about Rupert and the frog chorus that’s particularly meaningful to him.
Maybe he’s reconciling the dark, frog killing episode of childhood with the vegetarian, animal lover he’d become by giving the frogs their own hero’s story. Rupert, Jim, the threat of violence, the presence of love, the frogs he loved but also was violent toward.. and music at the center of everything. Unifying, healing. We all stand together.
For anyone interested, the full BBC clip is here
The full Rupert short is here
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sexhaver · 7 months
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i knew Do You Realize?? was the official rock song of Oklahoma for a few years but didn't realize why it took so long to get approved after the online vote + didn't get renewed in 2013 lol
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antigonenikk · 3 months
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Band of Brothers- Ep. 7 The Breaking Point
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noctude · 9 months
fucked up being tricked into enjoying a traditional childrens song bc theres no good recordings of them that arent clearly for babies. im a freaking Adult can i not enjoy a good melody in canon once in a while....
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itstimeforstarwars · 1 year
Xanatos is so funny for treating Obi-Wan as a full-grown adult and hardened criminal on Telos IV and all of Telos was funny for going along with it. Xanatos says "Arrest these men!" and everyone assumes he means the pipsqueak thirteen-year-old and not. idk. The literal adult thief and hacker behind him.
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buttfrovski · 1 year
i thought craig and tweek were confirmed to be together in canon. Sure they were just pretending in Tweek x Craig, but the next time their relationship was explored was in Put It Down where they always talked like they 100% were together. Just because they officiated things off screen doesnt mean they arent a serious couple
literally. people just love to poke holes in this shit. they're threatened by the unwavering power of yaoi and blind to its fortitude. but boy love will always prevail.
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septembersung · 27 days
The four day (book)work week was the best decision ever. Four days of lessons, one day for out of the house learning.
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hanakihan · 5 months
me, hitting a floor with my first: I’m suffering from image of ruler salieri lifting a side of his coat to see tiny avenger salieri and a bunch of ruler’s minions (who take form of even smaller bunch of children similar to children choir) hiding here
i see Salieri’s minions and my brain goes ‘that symbolizes his teacher and mentor nature to many bright people in his life and the fact he’s kinda good with children’ so why not to make them actual murdering choir of children who follow ruler and avenger salieri like a bunch of little chicks
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apopcornkernel · 3 months
doomreed choir conductor x pianist au,,,, reed as choir conductor (with the wild gestures & microcontrolling tendencies & mouthing along the lyrics exaggeratedly) and doom as his pianist/accompanist (moodily banging away on the keys, staring holes into the black lacquered wood of the piano trying not to look at richards even though he'll eventually have to bc his playing also depends on the conducting)
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strange-doll-child · 1 year
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So, like, the SLG version of the Organist scares me, but I do like drawing him
Edit: Totally forgot to mention but shoutout to these ghosts in this specific frame
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thewingedwolf · 3 months
The outrage for the gender swapping by the black community is justified in my opinion. Using a monoracial darkskin black woman as the gender swapped version of a white man is downright malicious. We have been facing constant racism if we're given some role that is desired especially on netflix. And there has been an ongoing trend (a pattern mainly us black women have noticed) to use the darkskin black woman as the queer character that's also masculine (or the sassy best friend, the mammy type, oversexualised). The actress will not only be a subject to homophobes but the not so quiet racists that plague most fandoms these days. It's quite funny when a white man is seen chasing after a 'black' woman, she is a light skinned biracial (Ruby Barker in season 1 who was still subjected to racism and was given a storyline was quickly written off the show).
i mean sure and i'm not trying to be rude here but have you actually looked at who is complaining the loudest about this? it's almost exclusively white women (mostly straight at that) who are specifically really mad because "the best guy" was taken away for "diversity." i'm not discounting that the racial politics of this show are wild and god awful but
they've been like that since season one and got significantly worse with it by treating the sharmas and young danbury Like That, this casting doesn't really change that or make it more obvious, it's just more of the same weird tone deaf shit
michael doesn't do anything particularly heinous but he is a dime a dozen rogue with a heart of gold in an incredibly typical regency romance, and i understand why they've decided to change that a bit when their whole schtick is diversity and stunt casting. the complaints are all about how michael is the best and it's silly because he literally makes several comments about baby trapping francesca, he's not any better than benedict or anthony or simon (he IS better than colin and phillip tho but that's not a high bar to clear).
i don't think fandoms being racist or queerphobic is a good enough reason to never include queer black women in these stories? it's about whether the production team and the cast stick up for her as the harassment inevitably ramps up. i do understand feeling like this poor actress is being thrown to the wolves (especially because shonda doesn't have a particularly great track record with this and ruby barker has talked about how upsetting it was to do the show) but i think if the cast and production make a good faith effort to defend her and warned her to like, turn off her comments on social media, there's no reason to bend to the complaints of racists and queerphobes if you want to tell a regency romp story with a black queer main.
cannot stress enough that the bulk of the criticism is bad faith nonsense using the word "diversity" like a slur against black women and queer women because the white women that watch this show don't want to see two women kissing and That was the backlash i was talking about. i'm sure there Are people talking about the colorist and generally annoying way they like to racebend the characters, but i also feel that acting like the bulk of the criticism is good faith when it so clearly is just straight white women having a breakdown is silly.
also.....can we not use square quotes around the word black when talking about a black biracial actress, it's weird. just say black and biracial, or black and light skinned.
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So apparently Miami Boy's Choir is TikTok famous now??? After all these years of goyim making fun of Jewish music????? What????
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faerynova · 1 year
on a social level i like my current choir more than the previous one. im actually getting to know people and enjoy talking and going to social events outside of choir which i havent done since my first choir. but also i definitely miss the music taste my last director had
current choir has a focus on north american composers. obviously theres baller stuff in that selection pool. but listen. listen i wanna sing bulgarian folk music again.
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deermouth · 9 months
im so happy that choral crystal castles cover showed up on my dash. i had totally forgotten it and it genuinely makes me so happy i love youth choirs
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