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Freedom is being able to breathe again.
Inhale. Exhale.
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agnestaiwo · 2 years ago
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Hallelujah!!! #f7funmicollections #wearemorethanconquerors #amazinggrace #gratefulheart #tfolc #childrenofthemosthighGod #childofgrace #childofGod https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYCRk6j71S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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emmanuelilemobayo · 4 years ago
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My Good Friday Gift For Us.#PKS #GoodFridayForUs #FunLifeOfEI #ChildOfGrace #ChristLifeIsMe #MyLifeIsArt #LifeOfAnActor #LifeOfEI #AfricanActorE #IAmTheAMA #TheActor #TheArtEI #TheJourneyBegan #BeastModeCode #MySNOP #Emmanuelilemobayo07 #MyJamesBondRitaual #OscarLomo #GodsFaithfulnessIsCelestial #TCNTriber #My2021IsSet #Emmanuelilemobayo #Onowu #EOI #ProffaletiSpeaks #EI #NollywoodHollywoodActor #Laff4Smile #MyLookOfFreshness #MyJobIsNotForLazyPeople https://www.instagram.com/p/CNKDGOwHD7W/?igshid=1vm0gsalilu47
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nollywoodmoviesreview · 4 years ago
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Smile.... If God be for you who can be against you! Its a brand new week! May amazing doors open unto us all. Amen! 😍😍😘🇳🇬🖤🖤❤❤💯 Forging ahead...God dey with me... #newweek #brownskingirl #femaleproducer #nollywood #keepingitreal #blackbusinesswoman #blackgirlkillingit #oluwaisinvolved #childofgrace #thankful (at Lagos Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrDqqsHcip/?igshid=m3c34w7sf6uf
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sappholovesemily · 2 years ago
Music Shuffle Tag!✨️🎶
I was tagged by @kladivonacarodejnice
Rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist from spotify or the music service of your choice and post the first 10 tracks.
Ralph Wiggum- Bloodhound Gang
Gothic Girl- The 69 Eyes
The Spell- Cellar Darling
Morning Star- King Woman
Protection- Emma Ruth Rundle
Jupiter- Donna Missal
You Don't Own Me- Lesley Gore
Rust- Monolord
Who Taught you how to love- King Dude
Broken Mirror- Trees of Eternity
I'm tagging: @solomonar-culbec @birdamnesiadetective @caseyslappedyouintheface @dumbbunnii @the-ghost-of-jetstream-tormod @elagantcat @xfleshismynamex @taletreader @david-tyrannosaurus-rex-thomas @flowers-by-the-bed @valley-of-sacrifice @vvitchy-succubus @env0 @childofgraces @a-human-cryptid @thatsuccubabe
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tessacolasworld · 5 years ago
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Happy wonderful Easter Sunday to you all, Jesus is alive. The tomb is empty! Death could not hold Him down! Death will not hold neither you Nor Our Nations Down , Christ is Alive and so is the Nations of the Earth Globally Alive and Active in God, and Partakes Of His Devine Blessings, protection and Grace. Happy Easter to you, God bless you'll! Amen. #resurrectionpower #jesuschristisalive #healingtotheworld #emptytomb #covid_19defeated #yesjesusisrisen #thechurchismatchingon #Eastersunday #childofgrace #cheerstoFreshnessyouattractthelifestyleyoulive #tundeenut #southafrican #usa #canada #Nigeriagovernment https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4X2BOA0Qb/?igshid=zniesp2tmjps
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#childofgrace #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nVLYql7CO/?igshid=zn4nm8pbe8db
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patobilor · 6 years ago
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1. “Make mistakes, take chances, be silly, be imperfect, trust yourself and follow your heart.” Anonymous 2. “Follow your heart. Life is too short to be sidetracked by things everyone else wants you to do.” Anonymous 3. “Don’t think too much, you’ll think your whole life away. Just stop, close your eyes, and follow your heart. I guarantee you, it knows the way.” Anonymous 4. “Follow your heart, and listen when it speaks to you.” Susanna Tamaro Good morning dear friends #gratitudejournal #childofgrace #patobilor #dailyguide #patobilorlive #lifeofamediagirl #standoutwithpat https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKoVaKgrTF/?igshid=h3388btvd3qs
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goldmynetv · 6 years ago
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@funkejenifaakindele I beg make I feel sexy jare! #icantcomeandgoandkillmyself 😛😛😛 #happygirl #childofgrace #funkeakindelebello https://www.instagram.com/p/BwIDUYonMXh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13dmfwxc5nvrv
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emmanuelilemobayo · 4 years ago
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Let hear story. Be real .be fearless.be open. #PKS #MyLifeIsArt #EI #TheJourneyBegan #BeastModeCode #LifeOfAnActor #LifeOfEI #BeAnInspirationToEI #AfricanActorE #NollywoodHollywoodActor #Onowu #ProffaletiSpeaks #Emmanuelilemobayo07 #IAmTheAMA #MyJamesBondRitual #MySNOP #My2021IsSet #MyBloodIsRoyalBlue #ChildOfGrace #EOI #Mastah #Emmanuelilemobayo #OscarLomo #MyJobIsNotForLazyPeople https://www.instagram.com/p/CNH1pwSHVn_/?igshid=1r645ypc0kn1t
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dococt86 · 6 years ago
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That's right....glory and happy Thursday. Reposted from @unapologetic_pisces - #blessingsonblessings #blessings #blessed🙏 #blessed #childofgrace #ChildOfGod #thelord - #regrann (at Cleveland State University) https://www.instagram.com/p/ButgP6hFTsF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dnqc49paz02q
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share4560 · 6 years ago
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“Hold fast to the love of God. Let your heart and your mind rest in His comfort and His peace.” ~CMW #blessed #poetry #faith #positivequotes #affirmations #positivity #poetsofinstagram #godsgrace #trustgod #quotes #womanoffaith #christianquotes #faithblogger #positiveaffirmations #calm #childofgod #childofgrace #godcan #smileandbehappy #dailyquotes #inspiredaily #faithquotes #cmelitawebb #trustingodsplan #soar #instaquotesdaily #qotd #quotestoliveby #inspiredliving #prayerworks https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsj11vbn6Ah/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xl2s4uy2q4b8
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nollywoodmoviesreview · 4 years ago
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Good Morning! ❤❤❤❤🖤🖤🖤🇳🇬😘😘😘😘Prov 3:5! Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Amen HAVE A BLESSED DAY 🙌 #faith #trustgod #oluwaisinvolved #childofgrace #blackbusinesswoman #filmmakerslife #femaleproducer #millionairemindset #melaninpopping #brownskingirl #lagos #nollywoodmoviesreview #keepingitreal (at Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFeSa_KHwx-/?igshid=6pihm7o3irz
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warriupdate · 8 years ago
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These #FantasticFour cooking something awesome! #watchoutforit ♻️♻️♻️ from @ufuomamcdermott . . Good morning mi lovelies 💃💃💃I woke up to this beauty to behold....If I may say so myself. The #FantasticFour @chiomakpotha @uchejombo @omonioboli and i @ufuomamcdermott My hot and intelligent #Sisters Looking like rich creamy ice cream 💘 @wowmagazine Thanks @babyjuleswow 😗 Style by @theorangenerd Design by @ejiroamostafiri Face by @houseoftara_intl @rhemahot @bizlee Hair by @onaturals1 Photo by @emmanueloyeleke Grace by #Jesus #TheFantasticFour #Sisterhood #BlessedByGod #ChildOfGrace #YummyMummy #Actor #Producer #Greater2017 #OkaforsLaw is around the corner too 😁🤗😍 #SomethingMAJORisComing #WarriUpdate #WUP #Warri @tomesadeoye (at Warri, Nigeria)
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godshideouscreation · 3 years ago
Hi. Was just wondering if you could suggest some people for me to follow? I just made my blog today and I'm trying to find good blogs to follow. 😊
For sure! My back up is also updated daily/different @thegodshideouscreation but I love a lot of blogs tbh so get ready for a LIST ❣️
@gabbigabriella @kittenbre @thelusciouslibraa @switchysadboi @brownsugarhunnny @highbidontcry @king-crochet @waytogopaul @hollowgutz @deadd-flowers @sublunaryorchid @mandalorianmercenary @cherry222baby @thecasseejoseph @peachy9b @poeticallyperverse @baemaxbby @blvkvvolfe @alphafemvle @honeymanor @518301174 @baby-shesalabama @shoobadawoop @freakkybbygirl @the-original-astr0zombies @pinkstyracosaurus @hauntinggr0undx @jezebelleeeeee @kit-icarus @ariesaurora @ariesmoonbby @saaraahka @lionfloss @c4c4ine @brujadelsur @angelicjadamv @hnnnyy @spookycerezacola @abductedxbeaten @dinedwithwolves @kissesfromkenz @rosicheeks @lesbianstonerprincess @empathwitchliv @childofgraces @smouldered @grungi--fungi @xulme
It only lets me tag 50 people, but I'm sure there are some people who are attacked here who would have some great recommendations as well! Or if you want me to I can reblog this and keep adding to it. My dash is pretty busy because I follow almost 5,000 blogs (the max for Tumblr)
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patobilor · 6 years ago
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When you are about to fulfill purpose, when you are about to achieve your dream, you will be afraid most of the time and you will feel like a nuisance. At those times, things will begin to work for/against you so that you can ask the “WHY” question... why do I need to do this? Then that “Why” question will reenergise your need for speed, passion and result. Good morning family and friends❤️ #gratitudejournal #childofgrace #patobilor #dailyguide #patobilorlive #mediaentreprenuer #mediagirl #whomissedmeonair? #thewhyquestion https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZnskFgh4y/?igshid=2uav55cby9vi
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