#childhood revelations
a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
unfortunately i think watching the road to el dorado as a child did something to me, and it wasn't seeing chel, or tulio and miguel, or the chief, or tzekel-kan, or anything understandable like that
it was seeing that one guy get stepped on by a giant stone jaguar
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this did something to me
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💖💗 💘💖💖🌹🌈!
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Remember how it took a Skill bond with Fitz for the Fool to realise that Fitz actually loved him and hadn't just been humouring him all these years out of pity I'm gonna fucking vomit
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simplykorra · 1 year
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i'm really here...i'm alive
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backonrepeat · 7 months
It's a bit annoying how little reactivity Gortash has in game to anything having to do with his past. Speaking to him after meeting his parents doesn't give you any additional dialogue options, neither does finding out about his time in the House of Hope
Like... Shouldn't we at least be able to bring it up in conversation? At that point Raphael has been stalking the party and pushing his wonderful "deal" for three acts, finding out about the connection between him and Gortash should give us *something*. If you ally with Gortash maybe you can mention Raphael and Gortash cautions you against trusting him. And if you antagonise him, maybe you could tell him something along the lines of "Raphael sends his regards".
Same with Raphael and Korilla, we find out he basically raised one of the main villains of the game and can't say anything about it (we can't even ask him to show us gortash baby pictures).
After Larian introduced Gortash as the "politician raised by a devil", I kind of expected something more to come out of his backstory.
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samasmith23 · 8 months
THIS right here is the Spider-Man guidebook that I’ve not only owned since Elementary School, but it is also where I had first heard of the infamous Spider-Man: Clone Saga. The way this guidebook described the saga really piqued my curiosity about the event due to how interesting it sounded here, and ironically, my curiosity and desire to check out the Saga for myself was piqued even further years later when I was in high school & college and learned about just how infamous and controversial the entire event was. That made me want to judge The Clone Saga for myself and see if I could find any diamonds in the rough!
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And since having read that entire era of Spider-Man comics, The Clone Saga has easily become my personal biggest guilty pleasure! While I freely acknowledge that The Clone Saga has A LOT of problems (i.e. it went on for WWWAAAYYY too long, suffered heavily from marketing and editorial interference, and contained some awful storylines like Smoke & Mirrors & Maximum Clonage), but there are several story arcs from it that I legitimately love such as The Lost Years miniseries & The Exile Returns arc to name a few, and I’m a diehard fan of both Ben Reilly & Kaine as characters!
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hydrxnessa · 1 year
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can't believe fuckign gamers in early day scp: secret laboratory made me question my own identity. thanks fellas 👍
anyways when i was obsessively playing scp (u need a mic to play), i can't even COUNT how many people came up to me and were like i can't tell if ur a girl or boy ?? SO MANY PEOPLE. AT LEAST ONE EVERY MATCH EVEN. and i was like .. uh, yes? sure. i am a boy today. always have been. what's a woman. never heard of her.
. fellas i don't think i'm normal. no norm. no conform. just me being confused as FUCK !!!!
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whatudottu · 4 months
Absolute theory/headcanon/analysis/general idea legend whatudottu character arc of slowly becoming one of the four (4) Cerebrocrustacean fans in the entire fandom (even if Petrosapiens will always be #1 in its heart, which, you know, completely understandable NGL) let’s gooooo!
Also I can’t believe I haven’t made this connection until now but:
Cerebrocrustacean: “My people have a rich and complex history and culture, but most of the galactic audience boils us down to being nothing but ‘the violently bigoted xenophobes who keep destroying their own planet’ and it frustrates me to no end.”
Gourmand who’s been forced to hear the same “I can excuse cannibalism but I draw the line at marrying outside of your own race” joke over and over again: “Yeah, welcome to the club, pal.”
Me and my homies (4) being cerebrocrustacean fans: If cerebrocrustaceans have 0 fans we are dead, haha- Would buy merchandise to convince CN that Brainstorm is a cool transformation *looks over my shoulder to see the playdough brainstorm with removable brain toy that either I or my sibling got millions of years ago*
It's very evident when I don't think about a particular species when I have to look something up like the gourmand cannibalism, but seeing as though they have a collective pocket dimension where their stomach goes (at least that's where the logic got them in the show instead of being consumed food expelled in energy reflux), if cannibalism didn't implode the two gourmands like how bag of holding inception works then I suppose it's far better than *shudders* perk murk relationships. Got a whole 'house divided' 'alike in dignity' situation over here, Perkulet and Murktague having asses-
...You know what if I get a chance to think about gourmands in more detail I might turn that pocket dimension into a magic thing instead of a xenobiology thing that's just overall bullshit- comes free with potentially real cannibalism but like they've eaten 11 planets I think cannibalism just in general pales in comparison to what they could do-
Well, whatever cannibalism gourmands excuse and all the jokes they have to deal with about perk murk relationships being somehow much much worse, at least they don't get shoveled with 'violent bigots' that 'aren't smart enough to support their lifestyle without destroying their own planet' which well- I don't have any present headcanons as to why Encephalonus is on it's 4th edition yet but let me tell you, when cerebrocrutaceans found out the galvans lost their planet (admittedly to the Highbreed Invasion) and then galvans WEREN'T immediately assumed to have fucked up somewhere, you can bet that Dr Psychobos was one in the crowd that went absolutely livid.
#ask#anonymous#cerebrocrustacean#gourmand#ben 10#also i wasn't kidding when i said i had that toy he's kinda sitting on a bench that admittedly has a lot of other ben 10 toys#childhood stuff mostly but hey just means i've been into ben 10 for a while... but there's no diamondhead to speak of#<- joined ben 10 on complete dvd set of os + started af with a disc from a kids magazine with a season 1 sneak peak#anyway today i learnt that gourmand physiology has some bullshit in it so now that's potentially on my mutants and magic list to change#potentially since the revelation was a shotgun blast to the face of 'oh right yeah THAT'#maybe gourmands can be a little bit termite in addition to being amoeba and frogs- the queen being bigger than them would make sense#and then because peptos has been eaten like 11 times now we know what constantly keeps happening to gourmand's planet#not to be a killjoy nerd here but a quick solution to encephalonus iv's name is to be the 4th planet to the star encephalonus which-#would be how cerebrocrustaceans may consider naming the planets in their solar system#as opposed to coming up with more creative names like greek gods- anatomy- and dirt#and like it would make the stereotype just absolutely worse because cerebrocrustaceans don't even have a dead planet let alone 3#'why do you assume we destroyed our planet we're just the 4th planet in the solar system' they shout#but really i'm just positing that as my way of saying 'i haven't thought it through yet'#maybe they've been experimenting with artificial planets- the mega-ist of megastructures#it's just that the 4th one is the most recent and hopeful not inefficient model#maybe they have farmed up all the resources of their several planets- draining them dry like how billionares on earth want to#idk maybe it's both- they went too far with the first- tried to delay the second- decided to make a third but it broke- 4th time's the char#so far- at least#you know what i think i just answered my own question yeah i'll do that one#shortterm thinking got the first planet destroyed- forgot longterm thinking for second- made a shortterm solution the third-#and now the fourth time they're really hoping that history and longterm planning helps them this time around
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cyeayt · 7 months
Mormon Hell!
I have stuff to do tonight but why would i when i could make a post explaining the mormon afterlife (as i was taught it)
we all lived with god in heaven in our heavenly bodies, until lucifer and the exodus n all that
we travel through the veil and lose our memories of our heavenly families and bodies
we have free will! yipee! you have a few different options here. live according to the principles of the gospel, be baptized at 8, be a missionary and a productive worker and raise children after being sealed with your spouse in a temple, teach and lead if you get the chance. do all that but with less enthusiasm dont get sealed. be aware of god and be baptized and be mediocre. be baptized and leave the church. be baptized, leave the church and disavow it, dedicate your life to disproving it, torment members of the faith. die before you're 8. die before you learn what mormonism is. know what mormonism is but never participate and be a decent person. know what mormonism is but never participate and be a bad person. die and get baptized by your descendants after death.
die. what happens next?
purgatory. or spirit prison. theres two versions. one is where you just chill (and i once heard you get to be a holy ghost and help guide people), or go to jail where they teach you how to be good and you have the change to redeem yourself.
the second coming! mormons will never take any war or disaster seriously or try to do anything about it, because strife and hardship mean the second coming is near!
zion! (yikes) 1000 years of heaven on earth, the resurrection of christ was like a free trial of this. everyone is alive again and everything is perfect. supposed to happen in the garden of eden, which is in missouri. yeah i know. the church is helping fund the genocide in palestine also. we suck, go to protests n keep posting.
judgement day!
where can you be judged to?
the celestial kingdom! beautiful sunny top tier heaven, for eternal families sealed together in the temple! people who go here are the ones who will supposedly eventually get to be gods of their own universes.
the telestial kingdom. second tier heaven. kinda boring, better than earth and you get to talk to jesus but not god. you go here if you were pretty good but never got sealed with an eternal family. i assume that unbaptized babies and people who were baptized after death also go here.
the terrestrial kingdom. third tier heaven. basically more zion. no jesus or god but maybe angels. i think most people go here.
and finally
perdition! the outer void! eternal suffering! well actually as i was taught, eternal suffering is only for the souls who followed satan out of heaven in the exodus before any of our lives on earth. even if you really really sucked, youd get thrown into the outer void, which to me always meant your soul getting ripped apart by the vaccum of space and your eternal spirit ceasing to exist. you have to be really really bad to get here. even like murderers and whoever get to go to the terrestrial kingdom. so, souls who followed lucifer out of heaven, and people who were allowed to be born but who dedicated their lives to serving satan. souls here are the only ones who will not be allowed to receive the glory of god, even after they are resurrected.
in other words, who wants to be a child of perdition with me?
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canislupusangelus · 2 months
I realized I've ALWAYS had creature autism. It was fairies and mermaids when I was younger and now it's werewolves and vampires.
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retrorevelations · 1 year
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It's Throwback Thursday, so here's a shout out to the goofy but lovable Godzilla vs. Megalon! https://retrorevelations.blogspot.com/2021/09/godzilla-chronicles-godzilla-vs-megalon.html
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dumbegglife · 3 months
losing my mind over fruits basket bc it really sincerely makes me want to think the best of everyone and just be as cheery as possible because the thought of someone returning that energy and sentiment and becoming a friend is so compelling, makes me want it so bad that i believe in it
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house-rat · 8 months
“I can’t wait until you have kids and they treat you just like you treat me, only then you’ll understand.”
— No well-adjusted parent ever
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blahwithasideofblah · 2 years
Just came to the horrifying revelation that I have had depression for at least half of my life and I don’t actually remember a time before that which means that what I’ve been trying to get back to doesn’t actually exist because adults are not children and I don’t actually know who I was as a child anyways.
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julieverne · 1 year
Had a minor revelation today that everything about the pandemic has fed into my coping methods I developed as a child.
Being alone is safe. Being alone all the time is amazing because I'm not anxious. There's no one to be anxious about and I'm safe. Anything I want to do, I'm free to do.
And going out? I need a mask as I have allergic asthma on top of allergies. So that plus the heat and the sensory issues and the difficulty breathing under normal circumstances is a lot. Factor in loud noises and unpredictable movements and I am very close to having a melt down.
I am sending my best friend I made when I was 18 a care package, and I went to the store, and I can see, if it was the other way around, if I was someone who liked people and liked crowds and children and didn't mind screaming and occasional body blows from small children, then being alone would be devestating.
But when you're taught from a young age that socialising ends in punishment, and that anything you do will be held against you, when you're taught that other people think you're worthless and useless, and that any comment about you is going to be negative, there is such beautiful peace in solitude. A hundred years of it? No, I want more than that. Give me all you have.
And because I have this precious downtime, I'm much more relaxed when I do see people I like. I still get all up in my head and assume they hate me, but I'm getting better at not projecting that.
But I am home now. It is quiet here, and I am safe. No one is coming to hurt me. I will pack and send my care package, and I will have interactions at the post office and it will still be hot and hard to breathe but waiting for me at home is 400 grams of pink and grey cotton candy cockatoo and she is all the company I need.
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seancamerons · 8 months
i really don't want to be in an argument with a girl i've known since elementary school and brownies - who i'd literally get in arguments with over who could 'date' justin if britney/justin broke up way back in 2000-2001!! we loved them both. she claims brit (she totally said some shit i will not repeat and brought britney's kids into the convo after saying all that - justifying that she has kids herself now, and like saying in the same hypocritical thing oh leave jessica and her son out of this when i literally said NOTHING about their child, i just don't really 'get' jessica defending justin when he did her dirty too but that's another conversation!)
so now, fast forward a bunch of time - she's fighting so hard for him it's sickening, and f it - she can have him married or not. i'm team britney, not that there are 'sides' or whatever. god i'm so glad i saw the light. yikes. big yikes.
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psychomorphary · 1 year
Coming to terms with the fact that my parents were flawed and didn't know how to deal with life, let alone show a child how to deal with life.
The older I get, the more I can see them from different perspectives. It's not nearly as black and white as I thought it was when I was a child.
They both had generational trauma and didn't know how to get out of that cycle. Then, my mom died, and my dad was lost in that grief. And if he didn't know how to deal with it, how was he supposed to show a child how to deal with it?
I mean, they shouldn't have had children before figuring their shit out. But they did. And I've made mistakes, too, because generational trauma is very hard to break.
I was so stuck on finding someone to blame, but in reality, it's a lot more complicated than that.
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