#child-me would be ECSTATIC to know I would eventually get my own BC who also enjoys hiding
megpricephotography · 2 years
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Spot the collie! 
Did you find Flynn?! He’s watching you! 
Daft dog has given more than one passing hiker a bit of a fright while walking on this track... I see people, plodding along down the hill, quite unaware & relaxed & then, there’s a moment when they obviously register the fact they’re being watched & they do a double-take at the sight of a stripy little *face* peeking out at them from the trees. 
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anne-i-write · 4 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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decided to post some of my ideas for a ninjago/atla au besties. tell me whatcha think
under read more cus its kinda long lmao
some background first…
here, the first spinjitzu master is smth that doesn’t actually exist in avatar bc i couldn’t for the life of me figure out what to make him so now he’s like… he’s basically the child of all the original benders: the badgermoles, the sky bison, the dragons, and the moon spirit combined. he was born of their powers, and he was the first avatar, kinda like this au’s version of raava i guess?? so this au’s version of vaatu is the overlord, and like in ninjago, they have this never-ending rivalry. and the overlord is an avatar, too, but more of a dark one. it only cares about corruption and evil.
the first bending master, as he’s called in this au, manages to banish the overlord into the spirit realm, but he knew that one day, it would return. so he creates a land called ninjago and fills it with people of all kinds, each corner of the world having one type of bending. he gave the humans bending, but only one type for each person.
he didn’t want a repeat of the overlord.
so then he has two sons: wu and garmadon. he hemmed and hawed over what elements to give to them, but eventually he chose. wu gets airbending, the element of life and serene and calm. garmadon gets firebending, rough and harsh and the element of destruction. his fire is violet and incredibly hot.
everything goes fine, and the first bending master manages to keep balance of the world as its avatar. except the overlord does indeed return.
garmadon gets corrupted by its spirit and is bitten by the great devourer. he becomes obsessed with power and wanted to be the avatar more than anything in life. he believes that his father was holding his powers back because he didn’t trust him. and he believes that his father was going to hand over his power to wu after he died. and he couldn’t have that.
wu notices his downward spiral and suggests that he take a trip to visit the mortals. maybe that would help him realize that there is reason for their father being the only avatar in the world.
so garmadon goes down into the mortal plane. and meets fire lord chen and his second in command clouse.
fire lord chen is quite interested in an old legend of what is called the serpentine: ancient tribes of snake people said to have been born from the hatred and despair of the overlord, led by the toughest and the greatest, the great devourer. chen wants to bring these serpentine back, and at first garmadon agrees to help him, if only to get revenge on his father.
but he snaps out of it, because he realizes that its the great devourer’s fault in the first place that he’s like this. he betrays chen and clouse and warns wu of their plan, but without telling him whose plan it is. together, the brothers manage to gather together an alliance of the greatest bending masters in the world. garmadon wants their father to help, but wu gives some unfortunate news.
the first bending master is near his deathbed. he is very, very ill, and he is thousands of years old at this point. he wants rest.
so, naturally, garmadon is conflicted about this. he’s ecstatic bc he thinks that he can gain the powers of the avatar once his father passes, but also he’s sad, because, well, thats still his dad after all.
but anyway, the bending alliance manages to defeat the serpentine and seal them away in the spirit realm, like the first bending master had done to the overlord. this… turns out to be a bad idea.
fire lord chen and clouse both manage to shift the blame away from them, and since garmy was the only one who knew they caused the plan, he lets it happen. because he still is a bit evil.
something happens that gives him hope, though: he meets misako, who might be the love of his life. (also in this au that weird love triangle shit don’t happen) they get married, and for a while, garmadon seems perfectly sane. but.
the first bending master dies.
lloyd is born almost right after.
no one makes the connection, though, thankfully, but it is enough for garmadon to lose whatever sanity he had left. he completely goes insane.
he races back to their family monastery believing that he can and will gain the powers of the avatar, somehow, but he doesn’t. and that is too much for him to take. all of this… all of this… waiting… for nothing?
garmadon stares at himself in the mirror. he looks down at his hand, at the bite mark blemishing his skin, and grabs a ceremonial knife. he laughs to himself and places his hand on the mirror, slowly raising his knife towards it… he thinks he can stop all this pain in one easy swoop.
garmadon, sneering at himself: maybe… maybe this will fix it… if i just cut off the damn thing…
first bending master, in the mirror: i would not recommend it, son.
garmadon, face falling: why are you here?
first bending master: i came to speak with you. and to try and help you.
garmadon, snarling: don’t pretend like you care about me! i know what you really think. you think i’m a monster.
first bending master: i think you’re conflicted. the part of you that wants to be the avatar so badly you are willing to kill for it… that part of you clashes with the real you. the one that wants everyone you care about to be safe. your brother, your friends, your wife… your son.
garmadon: *laughs and turns around* why should i care about them, father? they don’t care about me! not my brother, not my wife, not my so-called friends, and certainly not you! the only one who does care about me is my son, and thats only because he doesn’t know any better. he’ll leave one day too.
first bending master, solemnly: you are wrong. i do care about you. i always did. i love you, garmadon. i do.
garmadon shakes, his hand gripping the knife tighter. his mouths trembles, and eventually turns into a scowl. he whirls around to face the mirror and slams his knife into it, shattering it into pieces.
he gets worse from there on. he begins to attack people left and right, villages and cities, even going so far as to consider breaking the serpentine free. he doesn’t get that far, though, because his brother interrupts him.
wu is very concerned, bc, well, garmy was a bit weird but never straight up insane like he is now. so he heads over to his family’s old monastery. there, he finds garmadon, seething and stewing. garmadon doesn’t take his arrival well.
garmadon: ugh! for once, can’t you just leave me alone?!
wu: no, i cannot. this isn’t you, brother! you must snap out of it!
garmadon: this is me! this has been me for my entire life, wu! i can’t change it now, and i can’t even be the avatar. what’s the point?
wu: the point is that father trusted us to take care of ninjago once he passed on. we have a duty.
garmadon: father was a fool, and father was selfish! i am remaking the world in my own image, an image that won’t let anyone have the kind of power that he did, except for those who are worthy!
wu: that’s crazy! you can’t just pick and choose who gets to be the most powerful bender in the world!
garmadon: isn’t that what father did, though, when he died? who is the new avatar, wu?! tell me!!
wu: i don’t know. and neither will you, if you keep this up.
garmadon: *laughs* are you threatening me?
wu: i am.
garmadon: fine. you want to take control of ninjago over me? fine. fine. fine. i challenge you to an agni kai! the battle that was always meant to be.
wu: very well.
garmadon: for the record… i’m sorry it had to end this way, brother.
wu, sadly: no. you aren’t.
cue final agni kai type fight, light vs darkness. fire vs air. obviously, wu wins, and manages to chain garmadon up so he can’t attack anymore. garmadon then has a complete psychotic breakdown like azula, complete with the spitting fire and sobbing hysterically while wu watches sadly.
wu banishes garmadon to the spirit realm, because he doesn’t think there’s anything else he can do.
ninjago is saved.
or so he thinks.
see, chen and clouse are still around. as are the serpentine, biding their time in the spirit realm. they meet garmy and decide that they should work together. garmadon, so torn up by hatred and despair, agrees to help them, if he gets to destroy his brother.
meanwhile, everything is going good.
lloyd is the avatar, obviously, but he’s only like. thirteen when he finds out. he’s an airbender avatar and lived with koko (bc its my au and i get to pick the mom i use) in one of the air temples (idk which one tho). he’s raised believing that he’s just a random kid who happens to serve the avatar, kinda like kyoshi.
that avatar he believes he serves is none other than morro, the adopted son of airbender sage wu. morro is four years older than lloyd, and he was just revealed to be the airbending avatar. morro, of course, is thrilled. but he also gets an incredibly big ego over it, believing that he is better than other people bc he is the avatar. the reason he was thought to be the avatar was because he appeared to waterbend at one point, but it is later revealed to have been simple airbending that pushed the water.
but morro doesn’t realize or know this until its too late. and when he does… its a shitshow.
basically, lloyd and morro are sent to meet with fire lord chen and his daughter skylor, along with wu, koko, and some of the other air sages. skylor is a chi blocker, an incredibly talented one who has mastered all of the different bending fighting styles even tho she herself is a nonbender.
ok so clouse is obviously there. he recognizes lloyd via koko and is fucking pissed. he’s like my ex-boyfriend rival’s son is here?? what the hell?? so he keeps a close on eye on lloyd bc he doesn’t like him. morro, meanwhile, is treated like a king at the palace bc chen wants to get into the avatar’s good graces.
and uh. well, as it turns out, morro isn’t the avatar…
they’re attacked by the serpentine, bitter at the bending masters for having locked them underground. morro is excellent at fighting, but lloyd has more adrenaline.
and lloyd firebends.
cue shock and horror and anger from all sides.
wu is the most horrified of all. the son of his brother… the man he banished… is the avatar?
so yeah thats the background AT LEAST. i dont really know what happens after that but lloyd runs away or something. i will write more i promise!!!
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
My headcanons about Sir William the Good
This is like my Angelina II post, so be sure to check that one out too
Oh! And be sure to check out this fic, because it talks about a few of these situations ^^
As always, if you have any questions/requests about them, my ask box is always open :)
Buckle up, because I have a lot of thoughts
Early life: 
His mother died not long after he was born, so he has no memory of her
His father’s name was Alan, and he loved William dearly, and William loved him too
His best friend growing up was Heloise Nerz (more better known as Hello Nurse)
They ran around Acme Falls like little rascals and were mostly adored by the town
She was always a lot smarter than him though, so whenever they got into trouble she’d have to usually get them out of it, though William was always very apologetic and felt very guilty when he did something wrong
Despite what the townspeople whispered and joked about, William never had a crush on her and vice versa. They were both just really good friends
His father got sick of a mysterious illness when he was eight, and died in less than a year, and William missed him terribly
He wandered around Acme Falls for jobs, and while most folks were willing to give him work, he felt unfulfilled and tried to search for the perfect job
No less than a year of searching, a royal knight came into town looking for a squire, and William jumped at the opportunity
He was young for a squire (he wasn’t even 10 yet) but the good natured knight liked his spark and took him under his wing. 
It was hard for William to leave Acme, but he promised to write to the town when he could, and so he left. 
For the first few years he did more of chores than actual knight training- but William never complained. He looked up to the knight quite a lot, to the point where he was basically a second father figure
However, once he turned 12, the real training began, and it was intense.
William never really complained though, knowing what he had signed up for
He was best at sword fighting, though he was a terrible equestrian
When he was 15, he was taken to the royal palace for further knighthood training, and he met Angelina on his first day by making an utter fool of himself (tripping over a bucket of water)
To his surprise, this didn’t push Angelina away, and William fell in love instantly. 
Often, she’d watch him during his horseback riding lessons and would laugh when he screwed up and cheer for him when he succeeded, which made him work harder and harder for her. 
Sometimes they even rode together, which was fun (though she beat him every time, but William was a very good sport about it- which Angelina greatly appreciated)
However, their favorite activity to do was to stroll and plant in the garden. Often the two were busy with their lessons, but they’d try their darnedest to squeeze in the time together
The queen, Angelina the First, strongly disapproved of him, but since William hadn’t really done anything wrong, he couldn’t find good reason to send him away, so he remained at the castle. 
William knew how much Angelina hated the suitors and would always try to get the next day off to spend it with her to help her feel better
When he saw the bruise Salazar had left on Angelina he nearly cried out of empathy for her and her situation, and swore that he would never let anything like that happen to her ever again
(That was when Angelina realized she was in love with him too)
They began their secret relationship when he was 19 and she was 18. 
He proposed two years later, right before gaining his knighthood, and Angelina didn’t hesitate to say yes
William was prepared to stay engaged as long as it took, but luckily for them, Queen Angelina the First died a month after he proposed and they were married shortly thereafter. 
William had always wanted to have children, as he was an only child and loved the idea of raising and having children, and when Angelina told him she was pregnant he was over the moon
However, he was a bit nervous when he realized that his father died when he was eight, and he had few memories of how he was raised, so he studied and read up on every parenting book he could find and studied like a madman before Yakko was born
William fell in love with Yakko instantly
He was really nervous to hold him though, as he was terrified he’d drop him (which was odd, because being a knight made him very strong)
However, he did relax and eventually he was able to hold him without being nervous, and it soon became his favorite thing
He loved to read bedtime stories to Yakko when Angelina was too exhausted to sing a lullaby, and Yakko seemed to really like them, especially as he got older
Angelina said he got his talkativeness from William, and William couldn’t help but agree, he did have a tendency to ramble (especially when he was nervous)
He wanted Yakko to learn how to horseback ride, but Angelina forced him to promise to wait until he was at least eight because of how dangerous it could be
However, she didn’t stop him from getting Yakko a wooden sword, and William proceeded to try and teach him to sword fight, though it clearly wasn’t his forte. Still, Yakko seemed to have fun, and liked to act out the bedtime stories of William’s knighthood to Angelina, who also seemed to find it adorable. 
William had been utterly delighted to find out that Angelina was pregnant again, loving the idea of a big happy family, which Angelina liked too, as she was also an only child
Yakko was curious about what being an older brother would be like, so this time both Yakko and William were studying to prepare themselves
When Wakko wasn’t born crying or breathing, William nearly had a heart attack and died right there
However, the doctor quickly fixed it, and he cried tears of relief and joy
William noticed Wakko had a lot of similar features to his own father, and so made his middle name Alan
It was really hard to get Angelina to let go of Wakko to let him get a chance to hold him (not that he blamed her in the slightest) so he had to wait until she fell asleep to hold him
Again, he fell in love instantly
He was really nervous whenever Wakko was out of his sight, but recognizing that someone had to be the sane one (as Angelina was having terrible separation anxiety) he stayed strong and reminded Angelina that they had done this before and that it was gonna be okay
Helping her helped him a lot, and soon enough their worries were down to a normal level
Wakko was a lot more energetic and wild than Yakko, which reminded William of himself when he was younger, running around Acme Falls. 
William often had to chase Wakko around countless halls of the castle because of how much he loved to run and toddle around
Wakko had less patience for William’s stories- often interrupting with questions or little comments, much to Yakko’s annoyance. William didn’t mind though, as that was when Wakko was the most talkative with him
Again, William was ecstatic upon hearing Angelina was pregnant again
However, his confidence and optimism wavered a bit when King Salazar started causing problems on purpose
He was determined to protect Angelina from him though, intent on keeping the promise he made as a teen
He was determined to not let Angelina worry herself to death though, remaining optimistic about having a little girl (hopefully) and how great it would be when they could all relax with the new baby after this Salazar nonsense ended
He often had to watch the boys as Angelina went to diplomatic meetings and so when he found out that he had actually gone into labor during one and continued to the end anyway he was both in awe and amazement at how strong Angelina was (though he also did have a fairly short lived freak out about how dumb of an idea that was)
When Dot was eventually born though, they were both so tired that they both cried, especially because of how cute she was
William had been in love with the idea of giving her Angelina’s name, and was happy she agreed to it, as he never thought of her name as her mother’s name
He did also like the name Dot (Lena’s suggestion), so he suggested that they call her that for short, and Angelina agreed. 
However, he did panic momentarily as he realized he had no idea how to raise a girl, until Angelina said “just raise her like any other kid- being a girl hardly makes a difference” and William realized he was being stupid, and relaxed.
Since she was born in the spring around the time all the flowers in the gardens went in bloom, William loved to dress her in flower patterned clothes and hair pieces. 
He loved dressing her up (perhaps even more than Angelina did)
He also helped Wakko with advice on what to do as a big brother, and watched him as he watched Dot, finding his curiosity and newfound tameness around her adorable and admirable. 
However, as tensions were rising and Angelina being too exhausted and busy to go to meeting, it soon became William’s job to attend the meetings. William decided it was a good idea to bring Yakko along to help prepare him for when he’d be king, but he realized his mistake when he noticed how nervous he looked as they started discussing war. William promised he wouldn’t let that happen though, which helped Yakko to relax. 
However, Salazar and his army invaded the castle that night, and William wished that he just had more time with his kids, having never wanted them to be orphans like he was, but unfortunately he had no say in the matter and he was killed
Misc. (bc that’s a depressing end)
Hello Nurse was the “best man” at his and Angelina’s wedding
He didn’t realize Lena was only a nickname special people got to call her until after they were married, and he said “it was his greatest honor” when she pointed it out. 
“William, we’re married” “You could’ve married anyone you wanted, but you let me call you Lena”
He’s just... a big ol’ softie. A big teddy bear. He loves cuddling, hugs, crying, and just- he’s impossible to hate
However, like a bear, he gets very protective of his family, and died honorably while trying to protect them
The knight who practically raised him died before Yakko was born, and William held a huge funeral in his honor
He nearly cried when Yakko told him that his favorite story was the story of how he and Angelina met
He taught Yakko how to read and do math, as well as how to sword fight (though it was a slow process since he was only 8 when he died and all)
He grew a mustache bc he thought it made him look more like a king
He loved to just sit and think about all of his and and Angelina’s traits that he could see in the boys (like his optimism in Wakko, Lena’s love of reading and learning in Yakko, etc.)
He loved his children and Angelina with everything he had in him
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imlostinsantacarla · 4 years
Anonymous said: Hi! What do you think the Outsiders(including Tim & Curly) ideal girl would be like personality-wise and/or looks-wise
(a/n: heya lovely! i’m just letting you know that i wasn’t comfortable writing about the ideal looks they went for as i’ve seen a lot of these types of imagines posted and most of them are blonde haired, blue eyed white girls. i really want to begin ensuring that my writing is inclusive to as many people as i can, and i also don’t think the boys would be too knit-picky on their partners looks. so, i’ve mainly focused on the “ideal” personalities instead, which btw are just my own opinions on how i view the characters, as well! - admin kat🌙❣)
DISCLAIMER: i would like to give an ENORMOUS shoutout to @the-outsiders-blogg for their help in creating this piece! they helped me come up with some initial ideas (which i used) for what each of the boys would find ideal in a partner personality wise, as well as editing this piece and helping me add some new parts in. this is especially the case for steve, whom i find the most challenging to write for! but now i feel like i have a better grip on his character. so thank you so much for all of your help hun! also you all need to follow them bc their imagines, gifs and memes are just the most spectacular! ❤
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Gang + The Shepard Brothers Ideal Types Personality Wise Preferences:
Darry Curtis:
° I think that it’s a no brainer that Darry would date someone who’s got a more mature outlook on life and mindset in general. He doesn’t really have time or energy to invest into a relationship with someone who’s going to throw tantrums and storm out like a child. Darry has two kid brothers and a gang of friends who are pros at that, he needs someone who can keep their cool.
° He’s also going to be looking for someone who is much more grounding and soothing since he’s stressed 25/7 from raising two kid brothers, paying the bills on time and having his buddies crash at his house almost everyday.
° I believe as well that Darry would be looking for a more stable relationship, particularly one that’s long term. Darry doesn’t have the time to invest in something short term that doesn’t go anywhere. If he’s going to be with someone, he’s going to be very serious about it.
° He needs someone who’s good at communicating. Sometimes he holds in all of his emotions until they explode out messily. He needs someone who can communicate their points of views in an adult-like fashion. Also, by you speaking about your emotions it tends to open the door a crack to allow him to open up emotionally to you also, which is initially quite challenging for Darrel to do.
° Darry will need to be with someone who isn’t too sensitive. In his eyes there’s nothing wrong with sensitivity, it’s just that his words can come out rather brashly, especially when he’s high with emotion and often he’ll say things in the heat of the moment that he truly did not mean. So in other words, he needs to be with a partner that won’t take what he says to heart and will take things with a pinch of salt.
Sodapop Curtis:
° With all of the listening and diligent advice giving that this boy hands out, he’s going to need a significant other that can also do the same for him. I mean, the poor boy is only a human, he has troubles, insecurities, fears, worries, hopes and dreams just like the rest of us. He’ll also need them to be a bit patient with him because he’ll often feel guilty when he comes to you with his issues, it makes him feel weak. So all in all, he is looking for a partner in which he can develop a strong emotional connection to.
° Sodapop is definitely an adventurous and spontaneous young man and is eager to find a partner that is up to having fun with him, at least some of the time. This could be when you sit on his lap during a drag race, attending rodeos with him, going to parties and having a blast of a time by dancing the night away, the list goes on! As long as you’re up to doing some fun things with him, he’s down to be with you.
° Introversion, ambiversion or extroversion really doesn’t matter to Sodapop. He will love his partner to their very core, warts and all! As long as you’re a good person, Sodapop doesn’t really care. He’s understanding of everybody and will ensure that you’re comfortable no matter what when you’re dating him. 
° Obviously he’s going to want to be with someone who’s both trustworthy and honest, for obvious reasons regarding his ex Sandy. There’s also going to have to be some patience coming from your part. I mean, he’s over her now, but the insecurity of someone breaking his heart again like she did is a pretty intense fear of his. But that’s okay, because you naturally help soothe that insecurity of his: When you say you only have eyes for this dreamy guy, you mean it!
Ponyboy Curtis:
° Ponyboy would definitely lean towards being with someone that is more in touch with their femininity and their sensitive qualities. This is surely due to the fact that he too is quite sensitive. He wants to share sunrises and sunsets, along with his thoughts of movies and books with his partner, since he can’t exactly share that much with anyone else in the gang.
° Ponyboy also loves creativity and sports, so he’s going to look for someone with either a passion for creativity or sports, maybe even science. He enjoys practicing your sport with him and bouncing creative ideas off of you. You two would make the perfect study partners!
° He’s also going to look for someone who’s a good listener because he has a lot of intense thoughts swirling around in his noggin most of the time. He’d be super grateful for it and shyly thank you, returning the favor tenfold. Pony believes in making sure that what he receives he puts out back to you just as handsomely.
° Ponyboy is definitely an introvert and that’s awesome! I feel that he’d be down to be in a relationship with another introvert, but he’s also going to need someone that will bring him out of his shell a little. He’s going to be with someone that he feels he can trust and fully relax around, which is why he’s able to share his interests and thoughts with you so fluently. So, regardless, his emotional connection to you needs to be strong in order for him to speak more and open up.
Johnny Cade:
° Johnny has a whole host of issues mentally and emotionally, so it’s incredibly important that he is with a significant other that displays qualities of compassion, patience and support. Having someone he can go to is an important step in him allowing his walls to slowly break down. If he’s talking to you without having to be forced to, you know that he’s comfortable around you.
° Again, Johnny is going to need someone who is an excellent listener. It may take some time for him to open up to you, but when he does he’s honest. And you best believe that he’s incredibly grateful to have you. Just like Ponyboy and Sodapop, he’ll also listen to you. He believes that a relationship is a two way street as well.
° Johnny is pretty introverted and shy, there’s no doubt about that. I personally feel that he would be with someone who’s much more independent and enjoys making the decisions in general. It’s going to take some time for him to be comfortable enough to communicate what he wants and why. But your patience comes in handy and eventually he’ll tell you he wants to go see a new movie at the drive-in, etc. Yet initially he’s going to let you make most of the decisions.
° Like Ponyboy, he’s definitely ecstatic to be around another introvert, vibing off of each other would be amazing for him. Silences wouldn’t be awkward and things would just be over all chill. But, I still believe that Johnny needs a partner who can get him to relax in any situation and bring his feisty nature out a little more, since it’s definitely there and we’ve all seen it! The gang find it endearing that Johnny speaks more when you’re around, it makes them happy to see how joyful he is, because that beating from those Soc’s had really left him jumping at the sight of his own shadow. Poor baby!
Dallas Winston:
° Dallas Winston is going to be into someone who is more care-free. Being with someone that’s constantly anxious leaves him feeling on edge and he wants to feel on top of the world, all round relaxed. Especially when it comes to respecting his boundaries. The whole idea of someone attempting to change who he is makes it difficult for him to take them seriously as a partner. He’s Dallas Winston, he’s going to do what he wants!
° Like Sodapop, Dallas is looking to be with someone who likes to have fun and bend the rules. Dally is a rule breaker himself, often going out of his way to break the law. He’s not asking for his partner to start shoplifting or pulling crazy stunts like he does, but even minor things will get his adrenaline pumping. Although, he’s not opposed to dating a goody two shoes either!
° In Dally’s eyes, he doesn’t care whether you’re a tomboy, a girly girl or somewhere in between! He picked you because he loves your style and the person that you are, despite how mushy that sounds. He’s never going to admit it though. Maybe he’ll tease you endearingly about it, but that’s about it. There’s something about you that caught Dally’s eye and he knew he just had to have you all to himself.
° Dallas often prefers girls who are confident, headstrong and know what they want, even if they cuss him out in the process. Just take Sherri Valance for an example! She was having none of his crap and her feisty nature really sparked interest in him. So there has to be something personality-wise from you that he also feels he connects to. However, he also has no issue with being with someone who’s quieter and less confident, Dallas is going to make you feel like the luckiest and most breathtaking girl in the world when you’re with him. His louder nature will coax you to relax over time and you’ll start to blossom a little in confidence. He’s not looking to change you, just to get you to relax, because he finds you swell just the way that you are!
Steve Randle:
° In Steve’s books, he prefers individuals with a more masculine energy, regardless of whether they’re male or female. He’s not opposed to being with someone with a more feminine energy to them. It’s just that he really wants to be able to share his passion for both automobiles and sports with his partner. He’s kind of a dork like that.
° This teenage boy is most likely going to need someone who’s able to calm his highly intense energy down. He’s in a constant state of tension, itching to let out his emotions in often brutal ways such as fighting or drag racing. He’s hyperactive and finds it a challenge in itself to soothe that high energy he’s feeling most of the time. So someone who’s more grounding and calming is a sure way to help him unwind. Obviously, you’re not looking to change him because that’s not your job! It’s just that your aura tends to level out the high emotions that pulsate throughout his entire being at full throttle.
° Yet also, it’s very important for Steve to have a partner that he can also have fun with. Much like Soda, he enjoys participating in rodeos, drag races, attending parties, etc. Doing fun activities with his significant other helps them to bond with one another and creates particularly fond memories, this is also vital because it makes him want to be around his partner more. Family and home life is genuinely a drag for Steve, which is why he spends a lot of his time at the Curtis house. To have a partner that will also do spontaneous activities with him, it helps him move beyond his broken family life, and into a space where he can really flourish as a person.
° Once again, this young man will need someone who’s good at listening to him. He’s got a lot of daddy issues, considering he fights on nearly a daily basis with his father, getting kicked out too! This obviously creates a lot of anger inside him, which is why he’s so smart mouthed and quick to jump the gun and invest in a fist brawl, instead of talking things out with someone or letting it go. He feels that he needs to be tough in order for people to not only take him seriously, but also not to step on him. His father steps on him and his emotions too much which has erected a sturdy wall that he let’s few people through. It’s like his defense mechanism.
° This boy is going to love someone who smiles brightly at him. It’s cheesy I know, but there’s nothing better on this planet than his partner being happy. When you smile, all of his worries dissolve!
Two-bit Matthews:
° It’s a no brainer that Two-bit will flock to blondes. They’re his favorite! But what really makes him a sucker for someone is their ability to laugh right along with him. Yes, even at his crummy puns and terrible jokes! The sound of your laugh is genuine music to his ears, he’d do anything and everything to hear it a thousand times a day. The only time he enjoys you crying is when you’re crying of laughter.
° This boy is a bundle of the finest chaotic energy™ known to man, so he too will need someone more grounded to keep him down on the ground. Otherwise, he’d be on Mars by now! His partner would definitely teach him that it’s perfectly okay to feel other emotions that aren’t joy and excitement, and that it’s equally just as important to face those feelings.
° He strives to be with someone who is passionate about something. Anything really! He may not be the brainiest out of the bunch, but he’ll listen to you for hours on your passions. It makes him grin silly and honestly, he likes to at least attempt to learn some things about your interests. For him, a big passion of his is Mickey Mouse! He’ll talk to you about it for hours whilst he watches the television show with you.
° Two-bit also values honesty in relationships. Yes, he’s a grade A liar, but he feels crummy when he lies to his partner or is lied to by his partner. So he always does his utmost finest to ensure that he’s being as honest as possible. This is especially the case when a joke of his upsets you in any way, shape or form. If it goes too far then he wants to know. He can be a bit scatterbrained and may forget, but he wants you to be comfortable with and around him. He won’t settle for anything less.
Tim Shepard:
° Funnily enough, I believe that he would go for someone a lot softer than him since he likes the contrast. He’s all about that opposites attract trope, even sometimes his own gang have to bat their eyelids to make sure they weren’t imagining who they were seeing with their gang leader. They don’t necessarily have to be a goody-goody, just not as harsh as he is. It makes him hopeful in the world when he can bag someone kinder than him.
° Nevertheless, Tim wants to be with someone who has a mind of their own as well as having the capability to stand up for themselves. He loves protecting them, but he also wants to breathe easy when he’s not around you, comforted silently in the fact that you can handle your own. I mean, it’s a turn on for him when his partner can run their mouth, despite looking innocent. Like hands down, it’ll probably get him in the mood asap!
° Although Tim isn’t sold on expressing many emotions, he’s aware that they’re there, bubbling under the surface. So, Tim will definitely be with someone that he feels he is able to emotionally connect with. He doesn’t even have to vocalize this, it’s just something that he knows inside of his head and can feel when he’s around the person. It means that you’ve both got a strong connection together, which he’s not really got with many people in his life, considering how brutal his home-life really is.
° He also wants to be with someone who is trustworthy and honest. Tim doesn’t have the time to waste on two-timers. Usually when he settles into a relationship, it’s for the long term.
Curly Shepard:
° It’s canon that Curly Shepard isn’t the smartest kid out there in the world, so he probably seeks out someone who sees past that and can really get him as the person that genuinely cares deeply about him and wishes to get to know him. Because Curly is actually quite fun to be around, he’s always got some sort of idea to kill the time!
° In all honesty, Curly’s going to be most attracted to an individual that will be prepared to cause at least a little bit of trouble with him. You’re usually the one who ensures that you both don’t get caught. The whole experience is such a rush that you’re both grinning widely at each other afterwards.
° He’s most likely going to go for someone more extroverted or at least someone who is an ambivert as Curly would have a challenging time when it comes down to understanding someone who’s more introverted and shy. It’s not to say he wouldn’t like them, he just will assume that they’re quiet and withdrawn because they don’t like him, even if they do. But he definitely doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong with introverts! I mean, Ponyboy Curtis is one of his good buddies, after all.
° Curly is quite spontaneous himself, enjoying it when he switches things up. He becomes bored with little effort, so he needs to keep himself busy, and what better way to do that when he can cause all sorts of trouble! You low-key do have to remind him that climbing a telephone pole again would result in another broken arm, but he does it anyway!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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requests: open!
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hello i have returned 🥺 may i request a runner fic where a female reader helps him out with his injuries? 🥺 i need to pump the pacific serotonin in my veins and you’re the best at these 🤍🤍
Picking Favorites; Wilbur “Runner” Conley
Fandom: HBO War; The Pacific
A/N: whew child, this took me... too long. Far far too long. And for what?? Anyway, I was ecstatic for a Runner request bc we love and appreciate PFC Wilbur Conley in this house. Also “the best” 🥺🥰 you’re gonna make a homie cry. Thank you for the request sweet pea and I hope you like it!! 💕
(important side note for anyone: if you changed your user, would you mind letting me know so I can change it on the Taglist doc? I just want to make sure I’m tagging the ppl who want to be tagged)
Warnings: nope :)
Taglist: @liebegott @stressedinadress @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @teenmagazines @hbohmygodx @meteora-fc @punkgeekchic @vintagelavenderskies @hoosiers-hoe @mavysnavy @inglourious-imagines @sara-hbowar @alienoresimagines
You had seen many faces come in and out of the hospital. Many of them were despondent—missing appendages, limbs, and worst of all, hope—but of course, there were also the guys that mostly just needed some patching up and time to readjust. You were glad to see your latest patient was responsive enough to notice when you walked in.
"You can call me Wilbur," he said after you politely referred to him as Mr. Conley. "Or Bud. My buddies in my unit called me Runner."
"Runner, huh? Do I get to guess why?"
A wide smile spread across his face. "They weren't the most creative bunch."
That worked a light chuckle out of you as you checked his arm. "So you run. You ran track, I'm assuming."
He hissed a bit, but his smile returned when your eyes met. "Yes, ma'am. I hope to continue when I get home."
"Sorry," you mumbled, moving your fingers to another spot. "Does this hurt?"
Though his jaw clenched a bit, he shook his head, still managing to look amused. "Nope. Feels like rainbows and butterflies, nurse."
"Are you calling me nurse because that's what I am or because you've forgotten my name?" You continued to inspect his injuries as you spoke.
"I'm not so creative either," he replied, sort of shrugging with one shoulder. "And I don't exactly recall you introducing yourself."
"I didn't, did I?" was all you said as you wrapped his arm back up. "Now, if this starts to hurt on its own or you have any other concerns, you make sure to let me know."
"I do have a concern, actually."
You raised your eyebrows. "What is it?"
"You still haven't told me your name." His face showed no desperation or insistence. Like he was just pointing it out.
You hesitated, your mouth beginning to form the first sound. "My name is Y/N."
"Alright, Y/N," he began, testing out how the name felt on his tongue. "I'll let you know if I have anymore problems."
It was almost a mistake telling him your name. At any given moment if he thought you were in earshot, he would be calling for you.
“I thought you were in serious pain,” you had scolded him after you took off from the other side of the hall to him. You had found him grinning ear to ear, smoking a cigarette.
“I was,” he declared. “My feelings were hurt that I hadn’t seen you today.”
After that, you let him yell a little before going to check on him. The other nurses found it endearing at first, but when they realized he wouldn’t let anyone else check on him, they urged you to talk to him.
“We can’t let him wait for hours when you’re not here,” one of them said.
Another one nudged you with a teasing smile. “Just tell him you’ll marry him, so maybe he’ll shut up.”
“I’ll talk to him,” but you ignored the last suggestion. As you stopped at the foot of Runner’s bed, you exaggeratedly sighed. “You’re obnoxious, you know that?”
He appeared unfazed. “What I am is tired. I’ve been calling you forever.”
You gave him a dry look. “Really? I had no clue.” You drew to his side, once again checking the state of his healing arm. “Why won’t you let any of the other nurses check on you? You know I’m not here all the time.”
He waited until you met his eyes. “I like you best.”
The heat that rose to your face felt like fire, and you were almost sure he knew that he’d flustered you, despite your relatively even expression. “I do the same job everyone else does, Runner.”
“That’s why I like you best.” The quizzical look on your face encouraged him to elaborate. “You think every nurse that comes in here does the same thing as you, but they don’t.”
“Well, that’s a little concerning, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can’t go the hours I’m not here without getting checked. We need to make sure you continue to get better.”
“I am. I’m always fine when you check on me,” he argued, still not backing down. “It’s more fun when you’re worried about me.”
“You’ll have to leave eventually,” you sighed. “What will you do for fun then?”
“Run,” he answered. “I’ll run everywhere. I’ll run back here just to see you.”
You just shook your head wearing a small smile.
“I know you’d miss me.”
“Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“That means you would definitely miss me.”
“I’d miss that smile,” you mumbled under your breath, though you knew he could hear.
His silence only embarrassed you further.
“Oh, goodness,” you nervously laughed. “Did I really say that? I say some silly things sometimes.” All you could think about now was how dry your mouth was.
Before you could take your hands from his arm, he took hold of one with his own. “You know why you’re my favorite. It has nothing to do with how well you do your job.”
“But that’s really all this is supposed to be,” you reasoned. “I’m supposed to do my job, and you’re supposed to get better. Then you leave, go back home to whoever you’ve got waiting for you, and I get the satisfaction of knowing I sent someone’s boy home.”
Something in his eyes softened as his grip on your hand slightly tightened. “Do you have someone waiting for you at home?”
“No one but family.”
He nodded, thinking his next words out. “Marry me.”
Before you could even muster up an answer, you heard gasps from behind you. “Don’t be dumb. Say ‘yes’!” one of the girls encouraged. No doubt the same one from earlier.
You weren’t sure how long they had been eavesdropping, but you were starting to understand what Runner had meant about them not doing the same job.
A million and one things ran through your mind, and saying yes was one of the more prominent thoughts. But...
The sincerity in his eyes and the slight falter in his hopeful smile made you so sure in your reply.
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shingia · 4 years
hiii may i request a match up with a male reader if that’s okay with you!
um i’m around 5’5/5’6 and i have a thick build. i’m non-binary and use both she and they pronouns! i have caramel colored skin and black shoulder length curly hair. i have dark brown eyes and i have my septum pierced, both sides of my nose pierced, and my belly pierced. i’m queer if that helps any! my mbti is an intp and my ennegram is an 8w1. i kin both oikawa and kenma and possibly tsukishima. (if you give me one of them as my matchup i’m completely fine with that lol).
i’m a sagittarius sun, cancer moon, and leo rising! my love languages are definitely words of affirmation and gift giving. i’m a lover of music except country and my fashion style is in between y2k 00s, goth, and a bratz doll all in one lol. i also dabble in lots of other aesthetics because i can’t choose just one to save my life.
i love both autumn and winter and my favorite type of weather are thunderstorms and snow where it’s like 6+ inches of it. um about my personality it’s really all over the place. i can switch and change it depending on how i feel that day. i’ve been described as ambiverted, i’m somewhat blunt to a fault, and i’m a big daydreamer.
i am somewhat egotistical and i experience my emotions very intensely but i also hide them well. i’m very independent and reserved. i keep to myself and only interact with people i want to. i’m always looking for the next best thing and i’m very big on traveling. i’m sarcastic and i’m not afraid to bite back at anyone.
i’m someone who will stay up all night and sleep in during the day the night time is my favorite! i’m also an artist. i can draw, do poetry, dance, etc. i’m more of a listener rather than a talker because i’m very big on observing and feeling out ones energy. i am moody as well (sadly) and really enjoy my time by myself so i’m able to recharge.
i really hope i did this right cause i feel like i didn’t give a lot of information 😭but thank u for ur time!!! <3
🖤 a/n : hi~~ ! oh and also, you’re welcome😁💕  
i ship you with…
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(i’m glad you said i could match you up with one of your kins bcs tsukki just makes a lot of sense)
ok first of all : the TASTE of your aesthetic would make him fall head over heels. and that’s no small thing to say for the ceo of pushing his feelings away :))
obviously music would be a veeery strong bond between you two (i’m pretty sure he doesn’t listen to country either lmao). he might even switch to earbuds so that you can listen to music together between classes <33
gift giving might come pretty early in the relationship, mainly little trinkets that would make him think of you every now and then
words of affirmation might take a bit longer tho, but i have hope in this boy, i know he’ll get there eventually
also PLEASE be blunt, i think he would be absolutely incapable of dating someone that’s not honest and straightforward !
ngl the fact that you two tend to hide your feelings might make the beginning of the relationship a bit slow, but that’s just because you need to get used to the idea of having someone to share your life with. and it’s totally ok, actually it’s probably more healthy that you two feel the same about that
i have the feeling that tsukki would be the kind of guy who tries super hard to pretend he’s not ecstatic at the sight of snow, but deep down he’s a literal child with stars in his eyes
so once he sees that you’re very much of a snow enthusiast, he’ll drop the mask and just enjoy it with you. same goes for thunderstorms, he’s definitely the kind of guy that looks at the sky by the window because he thinks storms are very soothing
i have already said that in a previous matchup but tsukishima is definitely a big daydreamer, you guys could probably spend afternoons together while being both deep in your thoughts and just enjoying each other’s company
bonus point if you start to draw while he’s there, he would definitely steal glances at your work and maybe even ask to keep the drawing (please let him 🥺)
also your independence and need for some alone time would not be a problem at all. that’s probably why your relationship would be so stable : because you respect each other’s boundaries
and please, tsukishima dating someone who’s more of a listener than a talker ? i’m not saying you’d be his therapist, but like, kind of ? i think he’d just feel very comfortable talking to you because he knows you have many similar personality traits
oh and, sign him up for traveling! he probably often thinks about what life would be like in another country every time he listens to music on his own at school. like i said : hugeee daydreamer
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dear-yandere · 5 years
lots of ilya q&a below - part 1
tw ... mentions of noncon and murder.
[ part 2 ] 
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question:  so Ilya wouldn’t like a cop out of principle but what it,, Ilya had a darling but a (yandere?) cop investigating his case,, ALSO likes ilyas darling.. (obviously this would only be fun if the cop is rly competent and an actual threat)
answer: ilya believes that because he’s suffered, he should have a “free pass” to inflict suffering onto others, so of course he isn’t fond of having someone on his tail that constantly gets in the way of his fun. still, anything that staves off boredom is a plus in his book.
whether the cop is yandere or not, ilya isn’t fond of sharing his darling with the likes of an officer. simply put, this rival poses a threat to taking darling away (basically being a cockblock). ilya’d be sure to use the cop’s feelings to mock him, such as mentioning how wonderful darling is in bed, what a wonderful shade their skin turns when he chokes them to near-death, or – worst of all –  how popular darling’s pictures / videos have become on the dark web.
in reality, ilya has the upper hand in this situation. he’s avoided the cops for so long, what’s another one? then again, this devil-may-care mentality will surely be his downfall if the cop is competent enough to catch him.
question: Also sorry for spamming u I’m just in a mood rn- If Ilya likes hurting adults but wants to protect kids, how does he feel abt teenagers? Cause i feel like if I was an adult I’d see teenagers as kids so like are teenagers more like kids or more like adults to him? Also I thought it was rly funny that ppl seemed 2 prefer being ilyas partner in crime over being his darling but like if I had to interact w him I’d want him to protect child me lol cause I just want someone to watch out 4 me,,
answer: considering the amount of distasteful and illegal things he comes across involving minors on the dark web, anyone under the age of consent (or that looks too much like a child) is a kid in his eyes. even if he met an adult that looked young enough to be underaged, he’d feel uncomfortable with assaulting / killing them even after learning their age.
and i agree! ilya would’ve actually made a wonderful kindergarten or elementary teacher had his life played out differently. i was a bit shocked people preferred being his partner in crime, but it makes sense since they’d be prolonging their lifespan should they have the misfortune of meeting this man.
question 1: Can I ask how Ilya would react to a darling who cant die? Or dies but comes back to life each time? I’m torn between thinking he’d be frustrated because his ultimate show of love won’t stick or ecstatic that he has someone he can kill over and over again
question 2: I wonder how Ilya would react to a darling he COULDNT kill, maybe because they were immortal or simply always managed to stay just out of his reach. Perhaps they even returned a bit of his feelings but never as much as he wanted, never enough to die for it. - jinxdere
ilya would probably go through the stages of “grief”.
he’d be angry and distraught at first, adamant about maintaining his denial toward the situation. he’s never encountered a darling who couldn’t die; the moment he slit their throat, he expected them to never come back, to never question his love in such a way as to live. 
during the bargaining stage, he’d distance himself for a while, at least until he comes to terms with it and decide what to do.
during the depression stage. rather than be ecstatic that he can kill his darling over and over again, he’d feel an equal amount of anger as he does love. above all else, ilya wants to have fun, to cope with his problems by hurting as many people as possible. to him, killing others is his way of spreading his twisted version of love; he wants to kill as many people as he possibly can because he wants to love everyone. really though, this is an excuse to make as many people suffer as he possibly can. because he was wronged in his life, he wants to drag others down to his level. therefore, he’d rationalize his options and eventually decide to begrudgingly accept his darling’s immortality.
during the acceptance stage, he’d be willfully ignorant. he’d abandon this darling, sending them far away and telling them to never seek him out again; and if they do (especially if they fell in love with him), he will make every death more painful than the last. he wants nothing to do with them simply because they represent something he can’t overcome in life; ilya is fascinated by the marriage between death and love, and this particular darling is challenging his entire world view. he’d rather remain ignorant.
so basically, while he isn’t fond of having more than one darling at a time, he’d shun this immortal darling and no longer think of them as his. this seems counterintuitive, but a big part of ilya’s character is his hypocrisy and ignorance. they define who he is and act as a reminder of his past and innate psychopathic tendencies.
question: if u say Ilya has always had psychopathic tendencies, would he still be where he is rn if he had a good childhood? And I wonder like.. apathetic ppl/characters are often into morbid stuff and don’t care about hurting others but when u strip that down isn’t that just following your desires? Like are people like that obligated to be into violent stuff? Cause if Ilya just really liked collecting fish there’d be no issue.. I kinda think it’s a way to lash out at the world without letting it get 2 u
answer: i hope i understood this question correctly.
i can’t speak for actual psychopaths or serial killers obviously, but ilya is willfully ignorant and hypocritical. it’s his way of ‘lashing out without letting it get to him’ – his way of coping, basically. if he had a good childhood, it’s certainly possible he wouldn’t have treaded this path. however, childhood is only one factor that can push psychopaths over the edge. people who are apathetic or into morbid stuff aren’t obligated to be into violent things, especially as there can be some other mental issue at play; take narcissistic personality disorder for example. i personally know someone who likely has this disorder, but they are not into morbid / violent stuff even though they may lash out violently or disregard hurting others at times. i agree that your evaluation is probably correct in this situation too: lashing out is a way to cope.
now, if ilya’s parents had been more attentive, they would’ve noticed their son’s unsettling tendencies. killing animals is a big indicator of something greater at play and i’m sure they would’ve taken him for a psychological screening. i’m no doctor or psychiatrist (i’m not even in the medical field), but i imagine that with early detection and proper therapy, ilya might’ve been a normal person. would he still be into morbid things and have all the extreme kinks he currently does? yeah probably, but to a much lesser extent.
question: okay so u said Ilya knows he’s fucked up which is why he can’t have a kid BC he wouldn’t want them involved in that life so like.. if he knows he’s fucked up but still enjoys doing what he does, does he justify it to himself? Does he just not think about it? Like I often see evil characters be like “the world hurt me so I’m allowed to hurt others” - is it like that? Cause u said he’s a hypocrite and that’s quite hypocritical imo (if u know how bad it can be why make others suffer too yk?)
answer: part of it is that ilya is naturally sadistic and psychopathic, he doesn’t care if others suffer. even if he hadn’t become a serial rapist and killer, he would’ve had a clear disregard for others. he does justify himself and ignores his obvious hypocrisy. he realizes how much of a hypocrite he is, so it’s not that he’s an idiot or blind; it’s more of that he doesn’t give a damn about how selfish or contradictory he’s being.
you’re right that he thinks that he’s allowed to hurt others because the world hurt him, but it’s a bit beyond that. so for your question ‘why hurt others if you know how bad it can be’ – he gets off on it. even if he wasn’t the one committing crimes, he’d still get off on it. he’s similar to an incel that just stays in his room, complains about how the world is unfair, and watches porn all day, except more attractive, less whiny, actually gets sex bc he’s charming and doesn’t show his misanthropic side, and is into way darker porn than most incels probably are.
question: How would Eu-jin handle Illya taking an interest in his darling? I feel like things would get ugly fast.
answer: luckily, ilya doesn’t exist in the same universe as eu-jin or any of my other ocs! he’s human, so he’d get ripped to shreds pretty fast, especially by the overly-obsessive and protective supernatural (gumiho) eu-jin who hasn’t seen his darling in literal millennia. 
yuu wouldn’t even bother cannibalizing ilya, as he usually does with his prey; he’d find the Ripper far too disgusting to put in his own body, but he would torture ilya as painfully and slowly as possible. ripping off his fingernails one by one, removing his tongue so he can’t scream (much like the way ilya chokes his darlings), etc.
...so yeah, as soon as the hyper-aware eu-jin realizes that ilya is looking at the former’s darling with interest, it’d get ugly real fast.
question: What if when Ilya tried to kill one of his darlings but they manage to fight back and escape? I just see that throwing him for a real curve ball so I was curious to how he'd react.
answer: he’d be furious at first. to him, running away is the ultimate act of denying his love -- but, he’s a man that appreciates some fun every now and then. while he isn’t fond of darlings that fight back (especially when he’s about to kill them), having a darling who spices his life up every now and then is exhilarating. he’ll decide to play along with this darling’s little game of cat and mouse, and to be honest, he finds the increased risk of getting caught by authorities (should the darling get that far) fun. as i’ve mentioned before, ilya knows how much of a hypocrite he is and has long come to terms with his inevitable karma and death, he just doesn’t care enough to change his habits.
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lunasantcs · 4 years
hi hi! it me, leonie ( mariangels mun ), with my second muse luna! unlike mari who’s a total lawful good, luna is more of a mixture of chaotic good and chaotic neutral who’s very much just starting out in life because her mom’s a cray cray rich lady. more on that below, pals. feel free to leave a LIKE and i’ll come to you for plots! OR! feel free to message me on discord at ( emeravdes#9932 ) since i’m not in the gc bc i get overwhelmed very easily. thanks for coming to my ted talk & feel free to read this ridiculously long essay i’ve come up with. <3 @frostfordstart​
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full name: luna raquel santos
nicknames: lu, lulu or raquel (but only her grandparents call her that bc they hate the fact that her parents named her luna lol)
birthday: april 30th
current age: twenty six
sexuality: bisexual, panromantic
personality (+): benevolent, adventurous, free spirited, appreciative, energetic, fun loving
personality (-): sheltered, reckless, outspoken, stubborn, envious, attention seeking
luna was born and raised in frostford to yuliana and marcos santos - both of which are of brazilian roots but their families have been living in the us for decades. her family is rich rich and it stems back for a few decades. don’t ask me how they made their fortune because i actually have no clue as of right now. we working on it.
she was the youngest child and only daughter to yuliana and marcos which meant that she was instantly their pride and joy. their princess. their doll. 
she has two older brothers - jax (32) and santiago (35) - who love their little sister to pieces and have never really been a big fan of the way their mother treats luna,
yuliana was the kind of girl that wanted to be in pageants growing up but her family never allowed her the chance because they valued education over anything that had to do with glamour despite having the money to blow on the fancy aspects. so! the moment yuliana found out that she was having a daughter, she was ECSTATIC. she could finally get to live the life of pageants that her parents robbed her of and she was thriving.
so comes my baby luna
from the moment she was born, her mother had her in fancy dresses and from the moment that she could walk, yuliana made sure that her daughter could perfect the pageant walk before she could perfect walking like a normal human being. if she did something right, she’d drown luna in affection. if she did something wrong, she’d scowl and tell her to do it again. often times this resulted in her crying - especially when she was still a toddler.
over the course of her childhood, she continued with the pageant life and slowly it became something that she lived and breath. she felt like it was the best way to connect with her mother and a part of her really did have a love for the whole ordeal. for a while. by the time she was eight, her mother essentially had the picture perfect pageant girl and she’d completely forgotten that this girl also needed love and a mother to help her through life.
but her dad? a sweetheart, a gem, the most affectionate dad that she could have ever asked for and she loves him to pieces. calls him every single day. or texts. santos fam group chat is her, marcos, jax, santiago, and her maternal grandparents. ANYWAYS! WE CONTINUE!
despite yuliana’s instance that her kids go to private school, her parents convinced her to just send her kids to public school because it would offer the kids a chance to actually get to know people around town that weren’t in their parents circle of rich idiots. this was luna’s saving grace. in school, she made genuine friendships and she finally found a sense of comfort. 
not that that lasted long because yuliana was instantly up her ass telling her that those kids from school weren’t real friends and that she had to focus on her priorities aka pageants. only pageants. always PAGEANTS. so... that’s exactly what luna did. 
can you tell that her mom is a demon yet? ‘cause we got more!
moving on to high school! things were essentially always the same. luna would go to school, live her life, make some friends but eventually she’d lose said friends because of her mom or because luna put up a wall since she knew that she’d lose them anyways. 
she was in a car accident with her older brother jax when she was sixteen which resulted in her missing a pageant which made yuliana BIG MAD. 
it was in her senior year of high school that yuliana set luna up with one of her friends sons and essentially forced her to be in a relationship with someone she had no connection w/at all. 
she dated this person for a while (again, to make her MOM happy, not herself) up until her mother started talking about getting married which was when luna was like LOL ABORT MISSION and broke up w/the dude. did she like him? sure. but she wasn’t going to get married after high school. no thanks. 
yuliana, naturally, was furious. got mad. was mad for a while. oscar the grouch mad 24/7.
THEN CAME COLLEGE! LUNA WAS FINALLY FREE! well... not really because her mother picked her school for her as well as her major; columbia university with a major in business. why? because she knew people who worked at the school that would be able to keep an eye out on her daughter. 
SOMEHOW? luna still managed to find a sense of freedom the moment she stepped foot onto campus and was away from her mother. she was studying something she hated but she finally could live a life where she didn’t feel like she had to constantly please her mother or worry about falling out of line. it felt amazing.
this was where she discovered hook ups and friends w/benefits and BOI OH BOI was she thriving!
it was in her senior year of college that she had a long talk with her grandparents about what she wanted for herself and where she saw herself going. they wanted what was best for her and that meant getting her out from their own childs clutches who only saw luna as someone to parade around. it took her a while but the words from the talk stayed with luna until she was twenty two and she finally stood up for herself and told her mother NO MAS. 
yuliana was like BITCH WHAT but luna was like YOU HEARD ME even though it was a bit less... blunt that i just made it seem. 
at twenty two, she stopped competing in pageants and went off on an adventure to europe with her grandparents. her grandparents were really only with her for a month as they settled them into a nice place in italy but after that, she was finally happy. 
she lived in italy and traveled around europe until she was twenty five which was when she moved back to frostford because she missed her grandparents, dad and older brothers. when she moved back, her grandparents helped her find a cute little home and she even got herself a red husky named kida - since she’d never been allowed to have a pet before in her life. 
her dad still gives luna anything and everything she could ever want bc we stan a man who watches out for his child but luna also wants to make a life for herself outside of her parents money so she went and got a job. it was harder than she expected but she finally was willing to get one thanks to june diaz so now she’s a waitress at the whole enchilada and has been since she got back a solid year ago. 
did i mention she’s been back one year? i feel like i should have mentioned it somewhere above but oh whale. 
her new found freedom (its new even after four years OKAY) has also left her with a bit of a reckless streak. she is, in fact, a lot to handle at times and there’s other times where she falls back into that docile behavior her mom basically morphed into her. so... yeah!
she wanted to be a cheerleader in high school but her mother was like NOT ON MY WATCH YOUNG LADY
her very first shift working at the whole enchilada resulted in her accidentally dropping a customers food on the floor and getting yelled at which resulted in her hiding in the bathroom to cry
she’s fluent in english, portugese, italian and french
she’s a flirty drunk which means she will probs try to get w/you if she’s drunk. unless you’re taken bc she knows her boundaries and she says NO to taken men. 
anything she does regarding men is mainly to spite her mother bc she doesn’t really think she’s capable of falling in love. thanks to her mom basically making her feel worthless all her life :)
she’s a harry potter nerd and spiritually identifies as hufflepuff with slytherin tendencies even though pottermore told her 12 times that she is, in fact, a gryffindor. but she refuses to accept that. nope. not happening. 
her hair is currently dyed a lavender purple. it’s almost always lavender purple. just assume it’s that color 24/7 lol. 
i put together a wanted connections page for luna but it’s probs gonna get reworked like... two more times because i’m a perfectionist and am obsessed with providing too much detail. too much for my own good imma be hoe-nest. but feel free to hit me with anything! KTHNXBYELOVEYOULOTS<3
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everyone shut the fuck up and CONSIDER trans girl iida
she supposes she always knew unconsciously that there was something different about her but she never rlly put much thought into it until some ppl in the class come out as trans* (like aoyama’s genderfluid, tokoyami’s a demiboy, nd tsu and jirou are trans girls)
and as class rep, but also (and arguably more importantly) their friends, iida wants to make sure she can make them as comfortable as possible abt coming out so she does some research nd stuff. like she knew trans people existed and were valid nd such before but she wanted to get more than just the basic facts
and shes happy for her friends! shes glad they trusted their class enough to tell them, shes glad she can be there for them. but she also notices that she feels rlly...weird? and she keeps doing research just because.......its interesting. but she doesnt know why she finds it so interesting?? and she gets kinda insecure abt that
so she keeps diggin into it and reads posts that trans ppl have made abt their experiences and just classic shitposts nd all that. she thinks the community is great!! and also she finds some fresh wholesome memes to share w her friends so its all the better. right?
but eventually she finds a community of trans girls specifically and she just absolutely COMBS through that. reads every single post there that she can find. but coincidentally she also feels even more insecure now bc shes starting to unconsciously question her gender nd stuff and lets be real folks. an identity crisis is not fun
couple this with the fact that she doesnt experience the traditional dysphoria(tm) that other trans girls seem to universally share, iida gets rlly down abt it. nd it gets to the point she rlly raaaaags on herself for still lookin thro these posts nd stuff and still subtly questioning herself and shes just rlly unhappy at the time :[
nd she doesnt wanna like make tsu or jirou uncomfortable so she doesnt wanna ask them abt it but shes so confused nd frankly hurt and she doesnt know what going oooonnnn with herself
so shes just in this complete funk for a while nd it starts to affect her grades and performance in training. her friends know smths up but iida doesnt know how to even explain how shes feeling so its not necessarily that she doesnt WANT to go to her friends but she literally does not know how to. anyway eventually aizawa keeps her after class and is like “ok iida smths up im gonna call tensei if u dont talk to me”
iida feels absolute HORROR at the prospect of tensei somehow finding out abt this bc oh shit what if he doesnt want her carrying on the name of ingenium anymore??? what if he thinks shes a freak??? what if he thinks shes not really a girl and shes just faking it to be special?? what if- and oh shit thats the first time iida rlly consciously thought to herself “im a girl but what if others dont think i am?”
so she kinda bursts into tears and aizawa internally is like “oh jesus what the fuck” but externally hes like “iida?? r u ok?? was it something i said?? oh fuu- is something wrong with tensei??” and iida just kinda speaks thro her cries like “no nothings wrong with tensei something’s wrong with me” and ill be real folks its real sad girl hours for a bit
anyway iida doesnt rlly elaborate much beyond that bc shes so ashamed and embarrassed but aizawa is like “u’ve gotta talk to someone iida ur friends r worried and frankly i am as well” and iida eventually promises to talk to someone
soo she comes to terms that since she so confused it would be best to ask tsu and jirou abt it even if shes,,,,so v concerned,,,abt making them uncomfortable. but she manages to convince herself that she rlly does need some guidance here and better to ask ppl who know her than ask on the internet sooo
thankfully while iida is working up the courage to ask tsu and jirou to talk, she finds posts derailing terf and truscum shit so she feels. a lot lot better abt everything but particularly the lack of any intense dysphoria she had after reading stuff like that, esp the more verified(tm) articles from the more verified(tm) authors (like doctors and psychoneurologists and such)
so she figures out how she wants to word her questions nd asks tsu nd jirou to meet up. tsu nd jirou agree right away bc all of class 1-a is worried abt their class rep at this point :[ so theyre happy shes finally reaching out
iida is kinda a disaster when tryin to talk but she gets her point across. like “uhh this is a rlly bad way to ask but how did u guys know u were,,,trans?” nd tsu immediately catches on but jirou is only a lil suspicious until further into the conversation
anyway eventually jirou catches on the same as tsu and thats when tsu asks “iida do u think ur trans??”
nd iida is sooooooooo tired of feeling ashamed bc damn. she does think shes trans! she does. she shouldnt feel guilty for how she feels she cant help that. so after takin a moment to steel herself she says “yea” as confidently as one can in the situation
tsu nd jirou r immediately supportive nd ask iida for more details abt how shes feeling nd iida is just,,,so happy,, since shes already on an honesty streak that afternoon, shes able to roughly get her wack emotions into words nd tsu and jirou are like “yea thats valid ur valid iida. it doesnt matter if u dont have the trademark dysphoria or that u didnt know until later in life like ur still young. u say ur a girl, ur a girl” iida cries but only a bit bc damn months of agonizing over this. we stan one trans girl trio.........
anyway tsu and jirou ask her how she wants to move forward i.e. transitioning or telling anyone, and iida hadnt even considered transitioning before bc it felt so out of reach but shes absolutely ECSTATIC at the thought of bein able to look more feminine and it Shows. tsu and jirou r like “ok mood we were like that too right before startin estrogen”
so the first unofficial trans girl trio club meeting ends w tsu and jirou promising to help iida ask recovery girl abt hormones and iida sayin she doesnt want to come out just yet to the class/anyone else in general and tsu and jirou respectin that. i love them yall
anyway after a few months, iida is ready to try hormone treatment so tsu and jirou help her ask recovery girl for a meeting nd r moral support for her while they go thro the process of like figuring out what dosage she should start w/, how long should she take it, when a check up appointment should be, if recovery girl should tell iida’s parents yet or nah, all that stuff. anyway after that,  recovery girl gets her started on hormone treatment which iida is SUPER EXCITED abt and tsu and jirou tell her stories abt when they first started estrogen and AHHH I LOVE MY GIRLS SO MUCH FUCK
anyway eventually after some support from tsu and jirou via the unofficial trans girl club meetings and getting back on her feet confidence-wise, iida comes out to the class :,,,]]] theyre all super supportive and iida cries just a bit. tsu and jirou r so proud of her. aizawa is just glad his problem child #9 is feeling better
ashido and yaoyorozu get together and take iida shopping so she can have more feminine clothes which iida has a lot of fun w......shes never been necessarily big on shopping before (even if she is a part of the rich kid’s club lmao) but this trip is so EXCITING and ashido and momo r so happy for her and so ESCATIC to help her find some clothes and just oh my heart.......
the girls also have a sleepover during which they indoctrinate iida on all things traditionally feminine like makeup nd hair so that she knows the basics should she ever wanna mess arnd with that stuff. but also they just have fun doin normal things and just include iida in on being one of the gals nd iida is,,,so happy. tsu and jirou in particular r arnd her the whole night and wow my uwus they own them the unofficial trans girl club owns my uwus-
anyway so coming out and being accepted and transitioning is going so much better than iida thought it would be. she feels so safe and happy im crying.....anyway eventually some time later iida also gets permission to visit her family during a long weekend/short holiday w/e. nd while there she shakily but steadily comes out to her fam ofc her parents r so proud (her mom’s like ‘’ive always wanted a daughter yes!!! ily tenya’’) and tensei loves her all the same nd she cries a lil bit bc damn,,,,,,shes been fearing the exact opposite reaction for months
specifically she talks to tensei abt it for a little while and mentions her particular fears abt not being good enough to carry on the name “ingenium” nd he smiles at her nd is like “i would rather no one else but my little sister to carry on the name of ingenium” and bruh shes absolutely floored
nd yea. midoriya and uraraka absolutely love love love iida shes still their absolute fav. she joins the unofficial class 1-a trans* club as well as accidentally forms the unofficial class 1-a trans girl club. we love her,,,,
but yeah thats it. this post is so fucking long but oh well. stan iida!
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Our Little Secret Part 7 (Merlin & Child!Reader)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Summary: (Y/N) and Mordred reunite. Spot and Mordred reunite.
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: this entire chapter is fluff fuck you, mentions of injuries Word Count: 2,260
Note: okay now happy reunited times. Also some fun fluff bc i want more mordred content and if no one will give it then i will make it
(Y/N) could not believe her eyes when she entered the throne room, helped onwards by Percival. It was not the ceremonial one in which she had been knighted, but rather the throne room where Arthur held private audiences.
She spotted the regular crowd; the knights, Arthur, Gwen, Merlin and Gaius in the corner-- but there was a new person. Black locks covered the back of his head, seeing as he was turned away from her, but she knew by instinct alone that it was Mordred. She could have sworn he was a figment of her imagination at first.
Everyone turned to look at them as they entered, which made Percival feel small. (Y/N) ignored most of them, but the gentle giant couldn’t escape the glares.
When Mordred turned, his bright eyes were wide as was his stance, unsure of her presence before he processed the fact that she was there. He almost tilted his head out of confusion, looking her up and down.
“Mordred!” She exclaimed, pushing away from Percival to put her arms around the young man’s neck.
He hesitated at first, but smiled and hugged her back.
Meanwhile, everyone gave Percival dumbfounded looks. He shied away from their glares. “Sorry,” he muttered. “She threatened me.”
As they all considered the concept of such a giant being threatened by (Y/N), the young woman pulled away from Mordred just for a second, to look at him with a small smile. She put her hand on his cheek, which made him flush red, though he would never admit it.
“I can’t believe it,” she whispered. “Are you alright?’
He nodded. “I’m fine-- but you’re not. You should be resting,” he said, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Yes, you should!” Piped up a voice beside them.
They both turned their heads to see the disappointed expression of Gaius, who crossed his arms and glared at (Y/N) specifically. Merlin followed behind him, sharing a similar look, though his was pointed more at Mordred, for whatever reason. (Y/N) could understand Gaius being upset at her, but Merlin’s face confused her.
“This is ridiculous. You couldn’t have waited until he came to see you?” Gaius huffed.
“No,” (Y/N) answered firmly. “I absolutely could not have.”
Merlin rolled his eyes violently and stepped up to her. “You’re going to kill him one of these days. C’mon.”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to protest, but Mordred got there first. “Er-- I’ll take her.” He sheepishly looked to Arthur. “If you allow it, my lord.”
Arthur glanced at the others and Merlin sent him an exasperated look, but he nodded. “Of course. I think we’re finished here.”
Everyone watched with great interest as Mordred held out his arm for (Y/N), which she took gladly. They left the throne room, chattering like children. It made a few smile to themselves, but others were simply befuddled. Merlin, Arthur, and Gwen had yet to share the story of Mordred in the castle, or at least mention that (Y/N) had been included in the boy’s rescue.
“Tell me everything,” (Y/N) gushed. “Where have you been?”
Mordred helped her up a staircase as he shook his head. “It’s nothing interesting. Travelling, mostly.” He gave a sweet smile. “Things have been exciting here from what I’ve heard.”
“You have no idea,” she laughed. “It’s been too exciting if you ask me.”
“So...first lady knight of Camelot?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. “That’s quite the achievement.”
She avoided his gaze slightly, rather awkward yet proud of herself deep down. “It took ages. Greatest accomplishment of my life.”
His voice lowered to a whisper. “What about your magic?”
“Well, I know the basics,” (Y/N) said, sure that no one was around to hear them. “Merlin’s taught me well.”
“And is he still the only one that knows?” Mordred inquired as they entered the young warlock’s chambers, where (Y/N) would be staying as she healed. “Besides Gaius, I mean.”
She sighed. “Lancelot, one of the knights of the round table. He died a while back, though. Morgana-- Morgana knew. She saw me move a boulder for his memorial with my magic.”
“Did she know about Merlin?” Mordred’s eyes were wide as he asked.
“No,” (Y/N) said, shaking her head. “She couldn’t get it out of me.”
“Speaking of Morgana,” Mordred said as he helped (Y/N) climb into bed. She hissed in slight pain, but was comfortably under the blankets in no time. “You should rest. You need to heal.”
(Y/N) shook her head again, this time more firmly. “How can I rest with you here?”
“I could leave--” Mordred teased.
“No, wait,” she whined. He sat back down in the chair beside her bed with a fond smirk, letting her continue. “I’ve just missed you, that’s all.”
He tilted his head. “We knew each other for barely a week, (Y/N).”
“It felt like years, didn’t it?” She stared off into space for a little as he nodded, agreeing with her. “You were the only other child in the castle, the only friend my age.”
Mordred leaned onto her bed with his elbows, eyes bright with reminiscence. “You were my only friend period. You saved my life. I don’t know how I can ever repay you for that.”
(Y/N) scoffed. “I didn’t do any of the work.”
“Not the heavy lifting, no,” he chuckled. “But you kept me company. You were the only one I would talk to. I think I needed that more than anything.”
“Well,” (Y/N) smiled shyly. “If it makes you feel any better, I think you just saved my life, too.”
Despite Mordred’s insistence that she should rest, he couldn’t force her to do so. He didn’t have it in him to stop her from talking, telling him about all he had missed after he left. They had known each other for merely days back when they were children, but reunited as adults, it felt like they had been friends for decades.
Eventually, as the sun began to set that night, he bid her a quick goodbye upon Gaius’s instruction.
“How do I know you won’t be gone in the morning?” (Y/N) questioned.
He smiled at the fact that she hadn’t heard his earlier conversation with Arthur. “I have a feeling I won’t be leaving any time soon.”
“Promise?” She asked him in a whisper.
He kissed her hand in a gentlemanly way, squeezing it reassuringly. “Promise.”
For the next few days, (Y/N) was still resting in Merlin’s room, since she had yet to be released by Gaius. He claimed that she needed extra rest because of her ‘expedition’ the first day back. During these few days, Mordred was there more than Merlin himself. He and (Y/N) would talk for hours and when she went down to sleep, he would disappear to continue getting settled in the city.
When (Y/N) found out that he was going to be a knight, she was ecstatic, as everyone assumed she would be. The day Arthur came to check on her, she could not help thanking him profusely. He thought her excitement was quite amusing.
For the ceremony itself, (Y/N) wore what most of the other knights did; ceremonial armour. It was a bit of a pain, but it was required of them. Arthur said she could be exempt due to her injury, but she refused to go in regular clothes.
As a knight, she liked to be prepared and dresses were not ideal for that, so she kept a collection of men’s clothing. To be honest, she had swiped most of them from her friends, though they didn’t care. Percival’s were too big for her and Leon’s slightly so, thus she mostly took Elyan and Gwaine’s, considering they were of the smallest stature. Her nicest set of men’s clothing was from Sir Leon, because he had the best taste.
Mordred’s ceremony was just like her own. Gwen sat on her throne while Arthur stood, putting his sword to each of the young man’s shoulders.
“Arise,” he said. “Sir Mordred, knight of Camelot.”
As soon as it concluded, Mordred departed to a back room to remove his ceremonial garb. (Y/N) did the same, donning regular clothes before taking off to find her friend. Percival was attached to her by the hip, trying to make up for earlier by keeping a close eye on her for Gaius.
“I'm so proud of you!” (Y/N) said as she hugged Mordred.
He couldn't wipe the grin off his face as she gushed to him all about the duties of a knight and all the training he would have to go through. They talked for a long time before Mordred suggested something else.
“I haven't seen Camelot in forever,” he said as he glanced out a window. “I barely remember it.”
(Y/N) gasped as if he had committed a heinous crime. “Oh, now I'll have to show you around!”
“Absolutely not,” Percival spoke up. “Gaius will murder me.”
“A walk won't kill me,” she protested. “Besides, I have Mordred to make sure I get home. And I need to find Spot before he starts to worry. I haven't seen him since we got back.”
With all the convincing she did, Percival had to give in. He warned her to be back by sundown and Mordred made that promise for both of them.
So, they wandered about Camelot, stopping by all the must see places. Mordred remembered some from his visit as a boy, but most of them were unknown to him. (Y/N) knew the place like the back of her hand.
When they made it down to the lower town, (Y/N) had them turn a corner to an old house that she knew well. Before moving to the castle, she had lived next door to this house. Whenever she was on a trip because of her knightly duties, the old woman who lived there took care of Spot. He loved that little old lady and her cat, who was ironically named Stripes.
Barely two seconds after (Y/N) knocked on the door, a scuffling of paws could be heard and violent barking sounded from the other side of the door.
Mordred grinned at the sound, turning to his companion. “Is that who I think it is?”
The door creaked open a bit and Spot came tumbling out. With a single sniff at Mordred, he leapt at the young man, burying him in affection.
“Oh, (Y/N), you’re here!” The old woman, widowed Mrs Miller, crooned.
(Y/N) nodded between laughter at Spot’s reaction to Mordred. “I’m so sorry I left him here so long, Mrs Miller. I--”
“You’re fine, sweetie. Sir Leon came by when you got back and he told me you were hurt. He wanted to take poor old Spot to see you, but Gaius wouldn’t let him.” She pinched (Y/N)’s cheek almost painfully. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“You’ve gotten old, Spot,” Mordred muttered.
Looking down at Spot, one could tell he was an old thing. White hairs were spread amongst the grey ones on his muzzle and the brown spot around his eye was faded. He had as much energy as he did when he was a puppy. (Y/N) expected him to never die, seeing as he was fed and taken care of so well by the royal kitchens. The cooks there adored him.
“I guess he remembers you,” (Y/N) laughed, looking at Spot lick Mordred’s cheek.
Mordred gently shoved the dog away, wiping at the point of impact. “Disgusting.” He couldn’t help smiling at Spot, whose tongue lolled out of his mouth.
“He never forgets a face, I tell you.” (Y/N) interrupted their little bonding moment. “Saw Gwaine for the second time ever and tackled him.”
“I would have loved to see that,” Mordred laughed before glancing up at the sky. “It’s getting late. We should get home or Percival will kill both of us.”
He stood and let (Y/N) take his arm before they strolled toward the palace again. Spot followed loyally at the latter’s side, yipping happily as he went. On the way there, they spoke of many things, most of which they didn’t care to remember when they made it back, except one.
“Arthur wants to throw a ball,” (Y/N) said casually.
Mordred looked over at her with wide eyes. “No. No, he doesn’t really. Does he?”
“He wants to celebrate our safe return and your knighting.” She laughed when his expression failed to change. “You look terrified, Mordred!”
“I’ve never been to a ball,” he whispered.
“No! You must have!” (Y/N) gasped.
He shrugged. “I’m a druid, remember?”
“Oh, this will be so much fun,” she gushed with a devious expression. “I’d suggest getting one of the knights help for outfits, but luckily they require you to wear your armour.”
“I’m glad for that,” Mordred laughed. “But...what do you do at a ball?’
(Y/N) tightened her grip around his arm in her excitement. “They’re wonderful! You dance, you talk, you eat, you drink-- anything your heart desires.”
“What if my heart desires sleep?”
She hit his arm lightly, though she could not resist laughing. “You’ll have plenty of fun once you get there. I promise.”
“I’m trusting you,” he warned. “Just don’t tell the others I’m so clueless. I don’t need more hazing.”
(Y/N) reached down, taking Mordred’s hand in hers. “It will be our little secret.”
Merlin Tags: @pearlll09
Part 8
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dcngereuse · 5 years
Kathryn Merteuil, 24, bisexual, demiromantic, cisfemale, ENTJ Enneagram Type 3w2; model, heiress, socialite, entrepreneur is it just me, or is that literally Kathryn Merteuil from Cruel Intentions?
Do you think I relished the fact that I had to act like Mary Sunshine 24/7 so I could be considered a lady? Fuck that. If I had been honest about myself before the age of politically-correct twitter, Mœurs would’ve never made it big. I was the Marcia fucking Brady of the Upper East Side, and I still wanted to kill myself. There's your psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud. Now drop the People Magazine, and let’s just do what we came here to do. I’m depressingly sober, and I wanna fuck. Tell me — are you in, or are you out?
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full name: kathryn odette merteuil
birthday: 2 april 1995
signs: aries sun, cancer moon, leo rising
love language: quality time, physical touch
soundtrack: “ still sane ” by lorde ( alt: if u seek amy by britney spears )
Bio Points — addiction tw, drugs tw
born and raised in paris, france, kathryn is the daughter of xavier merteuil, chairman and CEO of a multinational luxury goods conglomerate, and as his only child, she is also the sole heir to the corporations. when the french billionaire married the a-list actress margaret simmons, attention stuck to them and never left. born to a life under the spotlight meant it followed kathryn around, too
kathryn’s parents were a mess and the press loved them. she was thirteen when her parents divorced. her mother got custody of her due to a minor allegation against xavier and his company — one of mommy’s brilliant plans, kathryn soon realized. after that, she went to live with her in new york, seeing her dad in paris from to time. not long after that, her mother remarried and suddenly, kathryn had a two new men in her life
kathryn has been modelling both couture and commercial ever since she was born. the media liked featuring the disaster couple, but they adored the little princess that charmed her way into everyone’s lives — the french sweetheart beloved by all
at 18, she started her own fashion empire, mœurs — a luxury brand that sold high end everything from accessories to lingerie. convinced that she held nothing but promise, her her father supported and funding it all the way. his only condition was that she get a business degree to solidify her hold on his corporations which she did
when kathryn was 14, she started to develop a not-so-loving relationship with drugs. she started with mj and eventually worked her way up until she owned a a little crucifix that doubled as a vial for coke and had it with her at all times
she hit rock bottom late last year. drug scandals, celebrity drama, twitter stans and haters — all that stuff. it was a mess, and everyone loved seeing how the kathryn merteuil fell from her gilded throne. as punishment, her parents made her take a break from new york, so she ended up in shermer. her inheritance, her contract with her modeling agency, and her time in the spotlight was all put on hold. she had to recover and get on the wagon. now she’s trying to clean up her act, still somewhat torn whether or not she’s doing it for show or for real this time
actually a smortie — kathryn’s got p big brains ok, she just never bothered to showcase it in school or wtvr bc she don’t need it; she hot n rich. she kinda has some principled views on things, but they’re also shoved in the dark and end up twisted because of what she wants to preserve n achieve. her love for how people see her superceded all that wordy brainy jazz. so long as they know she’s pretty and business smart, she was golden
image-obsessed as sheet — the list of things kathryn wouldn’t do for the sake of preserving her name is barely a list. she did everything she could since ‘95, and then it all went to shit. still, she remains as charismatic and strong-willed as ever. things may have fucked up, but she’s still confident in herself. it’s other people that’s shitty, not her
manipulative as phuck — she doesn’t care how she gets there or who she hurts, she has to get there. makes sense bc she doesn’t handle emotions well at all. kathryn has slept, lied, and, twisted her way to get what she wants, and she always got away with it. the pretty rich girl always does in her world
Possible Connections
the pop culture savvy — it’d be cool to see someone sorta fangirl about her. good way or bad way, but just someone who has kind of actually Knows Her yknow ? do they love her mom who has been in a bunch of diff genre films but were gr9 ? do they hate her father but love his brands ? do they think she’s a crazy hottie or a business icon ? do they love her and stan all that she is and about ? come @ me, boiz n gals n nb palz
kathryn who now ? — opposite of the first one, basically. someone who rlly dk who she is. “ u look familiar but i cant put my finger on it ” typa shit thatd make kathryn go a lil bitch wtf but idk maybe they wanna know her and it strokes kathryn’s ego to talk abt the good shit abt herself or wtvr ? i aint sure but lets discuss 
lil’ devil — mayhaps someone who is sorta urging them to hop off the wagon ? sleep around again, manipulate people, flip off the press ? idk just smth !
savior complex personified — basically someone who thinks they can right all that’s wrong w her. romanticized her to the nth degree and just wants to love her woes away
Established Connections
step-brother, sebastian  valmont — tbd soon, but they a mess, wbk
( a lotta holes here im not ecstatic abt it but thnx for reading, ya sweets. again, this what i get for birthing twins. as always, i’m open to anything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love & plots & rainbows x )
( also ! she’s supposed to be really popular, think kardashian-jenner goes thru britney’s 2007, so if you would be so kind as to have your muse play along and at least recognize her unless they rlly dont follow pop culture, i would be ur bitch. tysmily )
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inazuma-art · 7 years
Why my favorite characters are my favorite characters and what makes them special to me:
For whoever is interested in this, read on! This is a pretty big rant and it also contains a lot of personal stuff so, I know a lot of you won’t be interested in reading this, that’s why I’m just gonna continue under the cut.
My favorite characters have changed over the years, so I’m gonna start with the one who was the very first!
Fubuki Shirou
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So, Fubuki is a very likable character from the very start. He’s badass, kind but also very mysterious. During the arc where he is introduced you get to know him better, and that’s when he became my favorite actually. The show very clearly describes that he is mentally ill but what is also very important is that he is lonely.
The first time I watched Inazuma Eleven I really related to him because of that last thing. I didn’t have friends and was alone most of the time in school, it sounds stupid and dramatic but you all know that kid that doesn’t really socialize with anyone or maybe that’s you, well around that time that was me as well.
The great thing was, and I still find it crazy that it happened till this day, when I came around to watch the episodes where the match against The Genesis is happening I went to a new school. And right from the very first day, I had friends! And I remember thinking it was crazy how I had just watched my favorite character realizing he wasn’t alone anymore and the same thing happening to me just a day after I saw it! Fubuki isn’t my main favorite character anymore, but he still holds a spot in my heart because of it.
Second up, the one I know that I will relate to till the very end of times.
Midorikawa Ryuuji
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In the FFI arc we get to know the real Midorikawa and the show made it very clear what kind of character he is, what he struggles with and so on. His biggest struggle at that time in the show was not being good enough for the team, feeling the need to show off every time because he was insecure about his own abilities. (He was amazingly blessed with Hiroto as a friend)
More about me: I have done field hockey for over 10 years. I’ve been the worst player, the best or just an average one on my team throughout the years. I’ve played many different positions and learned a lot of things, made amazing friends that I hope are for life and much more. I played at the biggest club of the country, the amount of teams they had in my age group went up to over 12 teams. Team 1 ranking the best and the team with the highest number the worst. Team 1 to 3 were called ‘the selection’ and if you were a part of them you belonged to the best players of your age group of the entire club. So making it to the selection was a big accomplishment, especially when you played at the most well known club of the country.
Mostly in my younger years I was always in team 3 and didn’t really have to worry about anything, until they dropped me to team 4. It was one of the most frustrating moments ever because my entire family had a history of being in the selection, my brother was a part of it as well and knowing that you are this close to being one of the best, to being good enough, it’s the worst feeling ever! Whenever they were short on players they’d invite me to play for team 3, so I wasn’t good enough to play for them normally, but only when they needed the extra player.
Whenever the year was over they would divide all the players of your age group into 3 groups again, group 3 being the worst and ‘the selection group’ being the first and best. Now why is this relevant? At the end of each year I spent in team 4 they would call me and say “Your plays look amazing! You can join the selection group and we’ll see if you can join us next year!” I was ecstatic after receiving the call, knowing that I could play with the best people again.
But whenever the results came in of in which team you would be a part of the upcoming year, I saw the number 4. And each time I was remembered of the fact that I just wasn’t good enough. I could keep up with those people, I could score against them, stop their attacks, but I wasn’t good enough to be a part of them. So I completely related to Midorikawa’s character when he was first introduced as Midorikawa instead of Reize. Not everyone gets to have their happy ending, because when people do they forget that there are people whose dreams get shattered.
Eventually, I found my place in team 4 with an amazing coach and teammates that made a huge difference to me. It’s because they made me forget about wanting to be the best, to be a part of the selection, they made me realize that it was so much more fun to play with these people that understood me and that I could play freely with. I never felt the pressure ever again to perform well and to show off because they made me forget about the selection and I could just have fun while playing my hockey with my team.
I don’t think I’ve ever related more to any fictional character than Midorikawa Ryuuji and I am super thankful that Inazuma Eleven included a character like him.
One of the last but not least:
Fei Rune
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Oh, Fei means so much to me. He too, starts off as a mystery to every watcher of the show and again he’s awesome, kind and likable. Fei was abandoned by his father as a child, leaving him to grow up on his own. He is also lonely. He hides his pain behind a strong and cheerful facade, and he pushes through any hardship because he doesn’t want to open up or be seen as weak.
I was definitely not abandoned as a kid, my parents are the best actually. Although in my younger years they weren’t at home very much and I had a hard time getting to know them as people, all of that is fine today even when my relationship with my father can be rocky sometimes. Like I explained in the part about Fubuki I know loneliness like no other. I believe loneliness is one of the worst things an individual can feel, and I hope that if you don’t relate to the feeling you never will.
But Fei doesn’t want to share his feelings or wants others to see him as weak. Me. So me. I’ve always thought that crying in front of others is stupid while in fact it isn’t stupid at all, it’s completely normal to feel emotions but I always thought (and still kind of do) it’s a sign of weakness for myself whereas I don’t think it’s stupid at all when I see others cry. I dislike sharing my thoughts or feelings with others as well, it’s probably because I’m scared they’ll use it against me in some way possible. And I have great friends who I can trust, so only a single individual in the world (or two) know everything about me.
However, Fei also encouraged me. Other than relating to the characters like before, Fei inspired me. He’s mature for his age and throughout his story he learns to forgive, he pulls himself through any hardship he encounters and something also very important: he never gives up. And I know there are a lot of characters who have the same mentality, but Fei was the only one who managed to get that message through to me and I’m thankful for it.
This guy is gonna end this way too huge post right here.
Fudou Akio
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And yes guys, I relate with this guy even from his crazy Teikoku days. I know a lot of fans like him bc he’s an ass and honestly same but I could actually really understand where he was coming from. He wanted power, to get back at people and with that especially the ones who hurt his family. Now this is actually a thing that his mother told him to do, you could call it some family pressure or whatever or a thing he just misunderstood in a way.
Now, I know all about family pressure and shit- it’s why Kidou is also relatable to me but I’m not a genius so he isn’t on my list (no jk there are more than enough other reasons for it that I'm not gonna go into detail for). Anyhow, like I mentioned before when talking about Midorikawa, my family had always been successful in the hockey world. My mom is a former world champion, my cousins both compete on national level and my brother as well. So I always felt like I needed to be good as well, I needed to be strong because I felt like I owed it to my family. Other than that I wanted to be a stronger and better player to get back at the people that called me a bad hockey player in the past (I actually succeeded once but it didn’t last long).
So I get where his want for strength comes from. He’s also an ass which is less relatable although I get where he comes from with that behavior as well, cause he thinks that almost everyone is an enemy. Relatable? Yeah, everyone on the entire club was my enemy when I was still trying to make it to the selection. Luckily I passed those days long ago just like Fudou’s character has.
I feel like he has been a bit misunderstood throughout the entire show actually, not saying that I know everything but it’s just what I think.
And that sums up why my favorite characters are special to me and why. They’re relatable to me and helped my through difficult times. I don’t care if Inazuma is a kids show, the characters will forever be in my heart!
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Could you do headcanons for how the paladins might react to their s/o telling them theyre going to have a baby and what gender their baby will be?
Round 1 in the pregnant S/O series!!!! More to come after vacation!
Also I’m adding Pidge to this under my HC of her as a trans woman so that’s that.
This would take place when each paladin is about 22-25. I ain’t about to advocate teen pregnancy (i’m a result of one so don’t worry, I’m not shaming. I just want what’s ideal for the smol children)
Under the cut bc it’s long
You looked at the offending stick in your hands, to scared to turn it over and reveal the truth. Maybe your period was just super late? Like 6 weeks late…Unlikely, but totally possible. Also, who knew what space did to the human body? Being in anti-gravity could totally mess with your uterus, right?
You groaned and dropped your head. You knew better. There were only two options here, either you were pregnant or you weren’t. “Fuuuuuuck!”, you groaned before quickly flipping the stick over before you lost your nerve, again.
A smiley face looked up at you. A purple, offending smiley face. The audacity! How can it be so happy when it was going to turn your weird space life upside down! You sighed out your nose and flipped the other three tests sitting on the counter, maybe this one was wrong?
But nope, not today. Three purple smiley faces looked up at you. Well, four for four. It was time to find your boyfriend/girlfriend. There was definitely a baby on board.
you found him tinkering away in his workshop, fully occupied with his work but he acknowledged you with a quick nod so you sat down and waited. You’ve been dating for 6 years now and you still never tired of watching him work. You’re heart swelled with pride at the knowledge that he was going to be your baby’s daddy
he finished up within a few minutes and turned towards you
“What’s up, Cupcake? You’re looking a little…” he didn’t finish the sentence but held up his hand and wobbled it in the universal “eeeh” gesture.
You took a deep breath, this was going to be like ripping off a band-aid. “Hunk, Sweetness? I’m…I’m pregnant…” You held up the four tests for him to see.
He looks to the sticks. He looks to your face. Then he looks to your lower stomach; he thought it was growing but he didn’t think anything of it. Sometimes space was stressful. 
Then he faints. Like straight up faints and falls off his chair with a solid smack onto the floor.
You immediately rush to his side and attempt to wake him up by shaking him, this was not the reaction you wanted and now you were Panicking
He comes to pretty quickly and gingerly sits up, a little dazed until he spots the innocent tests sitting one the floor where you tossed them.
“Holy quiznack. You’re pregnant?”
“I’m gonna be a daddy?”
You smile, “Yeah, yeah you are.”
“Oh my god,” he starts rubbing his hands together, “We’re gonna be parents!?” He smiles and pulls you to him with a laugh, careful not to squeeze you too tight, he’s not sure what’s okay or not with a pregnant lady.
He definitely starts crying. He’s gonna be a daddy! And you! You beautiful creature you! You’re gonna be carrying his child!? Truly, you are the pinnacle of creation!
his sobbing causes you to start sobbing and now you’re both sitting on the floor, clutching each other and sobbing into each other’s shoulders
he eventually moves a large hand to your abdomen, truly enthralled that there’s a little bean in their that’s going to be his kid!
he tells you to sit on the bed so he can plant kisses all over your tummy
for good luck
he celebrates by cooking all your favorite meals and throwing you a small party
cries a little every time someone mentions he’s going to be a daddy
You end up having a girl, a very chubby and adorable baby girl with skin like her daddy and your hair and eye color
You found Lance sleeping soundly in his room, clearly tired from the day’s training. You take a moment to take in his handsome face, how it’s changed from when he was a pointy chinned-teen to the strong jawed adult he was now. Now he rivaled Shiro in the looks department and you really couldn’t believe your luck.
You sit on his bed and run your hands through his short hair and it doesn’t take long for him to blink sleepily up at you, his face lighting up like it always did when he saw you
“Heya, beautiful. Wanna join me?” He yawned and rolled over to snuggle into your lap.
“Actually, I have something to tell you Lance.”
“Could it wait? I’m ssooooo tired. Shiro might be getting on in years but he still can kick my ass.” He yawned as if to prove his point.
You bit your lip, “Actually Lance, sweetheart, it can’t.”
The seriousness in your voice causes him to immediately sit up. He’s very concerned and places a comforting hand on your cheek, “Yeah, ok. What’s wrong babe?”
“You nuzzle his hand with a chuckle, “Well, it’s nothing wrong per se. It’s just…well, Lance…y-you’re gonna be a daddy.”
A pause, “A wha-at?” his voice cracks.
“You’re gonna be a daddy, Lance. I’m pregnant.”
He takes the four tests from your hand and stares at them in disbelief. And then the floodgates unleash, he’s a sobbing mess and he’s pulling you into his arms and talking to you in rapid Spanish and you only pick up enough to understand the key words “happy” and “father”
he’s ecstatic! he’s always wanted to be a dad and have a big family just like his own
he might have liked to be a little older than 23 but if he wants to get his 4 kids in before 30 then there’s no time like the present
Then he’s running to his door, popping his head out to scream at the top of his lungs, “I’M GOING TO BE A DADDY!!!! AHAHAHA! YES!!!!!”
then he returns to you, dipping you in his arms to give you a sloppy kiss
he’s so happy, so so happy and excited!
“Is this why you’ve been throwing up so much?”
“You know about that?” You were trying to hide that.
“Babe, where you’re concerned, I know everything.”
Celebratory sex (which wow, sex is really freaking good when you’re pregnant as you two find out in the coming months)
He’s calling himself ‘Daddy’ every opportunity he can, he just loves it!!!!
“You just got straight up murdered by this dad!”
“This is Lance, Blue Paladin, Defender of the Universe, Best Father in Space, expert marksman, at your service.”
“Hey lover boy, get in here.” “That’s lover DAD to you Pidge.” “I’m not calling you dad.”
“Move over Shiro, there’s a new Space Dad in town!”
Pidge and Keith take to carrying a little bean launcher and shooting him every time he calls himself a dad bc his child isn’t even born yet
You end up having a little boy, a little on the small side and he looks just like his daddy
He’s on the training deck when you find him, like always, but he stops the droid the moment he notices you.
“Hey you, wanna spar?” He walks over to give you a small chaste kiss and nuzzles your nose with his.
You look up at his handsome face, remembering when you used to be the same height before his last galra induced growth spurt at 22. “Uhm, actually Keith, I have something to tell you. Something important.”
“Yeah, ok. You wanna talk about it now, or can it wait until I shower?”
You agree to wait for him in your room while he showers. 
He comes back quickly to you pacing back and forth, biting your lips and holding your hands behind your back, clearly nervous. Which makes him nervous too. 
“You’re scaring me Y/n.”
His voice pulls you back and you stop pacing, “Right. Sorry. It’s just I have something very important to tell you. And I’m a little worried. But it’s going to be ok! All ok!”
“Riiiiight.” Keith remains unconvinced and slips his hands into his back pockets.
“Ok, so…I don’t really know how to say this. So I’m just gonna say it. Ready?” Keith nods. “I’m pregnant! Ta-da!” You show him the tests.
He looks to you, to the tests, back to you, back to the tests, back to you and the panic comes creeping in
“Oh no,” he moans and sinks into the nearest chair, “Nononono, Y/n! This can’t be happening!”
he’s taking it exactly like you though he was going to
He’s scared. He still doesn’t know who his mom is. His dad abandoned him to the foster system and is still MIA. He’s terrified he’s going to be just like them.
he doesn’t want to abandon his kid and he’s terrified he’s going to be an awful father
when the tears start up you move to comfort him, rubbing his back in soothing circles and kissing the top of his head, letting him cry it out as he clings to you, mumbling constantly about how he’s not ready for this
it takes a long time, but eventually he calms down enough to realize how hard his reaction must be on you since you’re the one growing a living being in you
*sniffle* “I’m sorry, Y/n, that was–I shouldn’t have reacted like that.”
“Well, it wasn’t ideal, but I figured this would happen. You’re not going to be like your dad Keith. You’re going to be so much better than him. You’re going to be a wonderful dad.”
“Dad?” His voice is a little broken when he looks up at you. 
“Yeah, Keith. You’re going to be a dad. We’re going to have a little child calling us Momma and Poppa.”
That brings a smile to his face, “I think I like that. Poppa.” He tries the word and likes the feel of it on his tongue, “I’m going to be the best damn Poppa in space!”
A tall order, but if anyone can do it, Keith can
still panics whenever his future fatherhood is mentioned but he’s got this, totally, he’s not worried at all (lies)
You end up having a boy who’s average weight and length, but has white hair
shocked, you both agree it must be from his Galra heritage
You find him in his favorite alcove in the library, going over the most recent proposal from planet Amalthea who was petitioning Voltron to join their Alliance
he doesn’t notice you at first, so you take the time to enjoy his profile. He’s still just as handsome as the day you met him but the 2 years of battling Zarkon and Lotor had taken a small toll on him in the form of white now appearing in his sparse 5 o’clock shadow. 
eventually he looks up, smiling as his favorite person in the world walks over to him. You’ve been glowing recently and he loves it. He’s been meaning to ask Lance if he gave you a new face mask, because he wants in on it.
“Hey you, are you busy?” Shiro shakes his head in response and opens his arms for you to crawl into his lap, giving you a small kiss as you get comfy. “Great! Because I have some news for you.”
“Better than petitions?” His voice is a low, proper library voice as he rubs a thumb along your cheek.
“Well I hope so.” You pause and Shiro hums thoughtfully, waiting for you to continue, “So, you know how everyone calls you Space Dad? Welp, it’s going to be true now. In about nine months.”
He’s confused, looking like a lost puppy until you whip out one of the pregnancy tests and wave it in his face. Then it clicks. Space Dad. Nine months.
“You’re pregnant?” His voice is hopeful, “I’m going to be a father?”
When you nod and smile in response and he releases a deep laugh in shock and pulls you tight to him
He’s very excited! At first. After the initial makeout and gentle touches to your abdomen it really starts to hit him what pregnancy actually means
“Oh my god. What if I’m a bad father? I’ve killed people, Y/n, I can’t be a good father!”
It’s up to you to shush him and convince him that he’s going to be a wonderful father because he’s so sweet and considerate
he remains on the fence but is definitely excited throughout the pregnancy
he’s probably just as eager as you are to have the child out of you because he want’s to hold his precious child!!!!!!
Just to make his life hell you have twin girls, because he needs more stress
You found her with the green lion, busy typing away on her keyboard. You smiled at her, enjoying the way her laptop highlighted her profile. This was going to be easy.
“Excuse me ma’am? Have you seen my girlfriend? She’s super short, wears glasses?”
Pidge looked up from her work with a smirk, “Nope, but she sounds like a keeper. Please, describe her more for me.”
With an opening like that, this was going to be a piece of cake. “Sure! She’s super smart, has cute curly hair…she’s gonna be a mom.”
Pidge.exe has stopped working and she slowly turns to you with wide eyes, “Say that again.”
You smile, “You’re going to be a mom. I’m pregnant.” You hand her the pregnancy test and she holds it like the holy grail herself
“It worked…artificial–it WORKED!” She jumps up and down and latches around your neck, screaming in your face, “WE’RE GOING TO BE MOMMIES!!!!”
She’s practically vibrating as she kneels down to be eye-level with your stomach, as if she could see through you to her precious bean inside
“This is amazing. You’re amazing, Y/n.”
She’s truly astonished, and from this moment on she is at your side 24/7
she’s got all your health checkpoints down, she’s constantly making sure you eat correctly and stay properly hydrated, she’s become a true mother hen.
she’s enthralled with your body changes and also she’s not missing out on one movement of her child
Matt of course, is the godfather, Allura the godmother 
You end up having a girl who’s the perfect mix between you two, albeit a little on the chunky side. 
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parkjmini · 7 years
fam(ily) - four | pkjm
parent!au: park jimin A single father of twins show you the true meaning of family and what it takes to love like a parent, even if they aren’t your own. word count: 2,652 genre: fluff// future angst? ?? warnings: explicit language one | two | three | four | five
[A/N]: i wrote this in one sitting so i APOLOGIZE for any typos bc i know they’re going to be a lot of them
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“That was their mother’s aunt. Don’t worry about it, (Y/N).” Jimin rubbed the back of his neck out of nervousness. He tried to smile to reassure you that things were going to be fine, but he could hardly get himself to.
You stepped towards him and hugged him. Your wet hair clung against his shirt, soaking through the cloth. His familiar sweet strawberry scent hit his nose, but for some reason, it smelled better on you. He pulled you in closer, to the point where your torsos were touching and your warmth from the shower wrapped him as well.
Jimin has never felt such serenity in his life. Embracing you calmed his waters, like all his worries suddenly vanished. That was what you did. You did that, his solace. 
You pulled away and merely blinked at him. He couldn’t read your expression — possibly a mixture of emotions. Confusion. Compassion. Sympathy. You were searching him, finding any way to understand what had happened. “Bad blood?”
“Something like that.” Jimin shrugged, dropping eye contact and still holding you in his arms. He was afraid to let go, thinking you might never come back to him.
“I won’t push it.” You smiled. That incredible, infamous smile. You didn’t need the explanation, you just simply understood and he loved it. He wouldn’t know how to tell you, maybe when the time was right. “I got your shirt wet..”
He looked down at his white tee and laughed at the water patches. Jimin grabbed the ends of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He was use to walking around the house without a shirt, so it didn’t occur to him how strange it may have been for you. His eyes landed on your bright pink cheeks — a notable signature that you had — and your wide eyes.
“You’re really cute.” He chuckled, and pinched your hot cheek lightly. He walked to his room to grab another shirt, leaving you stunned at him in his living room.
You had moved back into your apartment and Kim was finally back. You weren’t sure how many more days you could last without strangling Ingrid. Your uncle’s vitals were stable and he was recovering quickly. Kim was glad she was back too. 
She was back on her feet after two hours of settling back in, it was extraordinary. You aspired to be someone like her. She was admirable and you were proud to be related to such a strong woman. 
You and Jimin contacted frequently after you moved out, he texted you often and invited you over for dinner almost every night. After leaving the small family, you realized how much you missed them.
You wandered your massive apartment and felt lost in it. An eerie silence always lingered in the air and it was cold. There was no warmth or happiness around every corner. There was no Jimin or the twins. It was quiet and you had to stop yourself from running back to them every night.
Minseo and Minjoo would ask you when you were coming back. They would plead for you to stay and even go to the extent of begging you to move in with them. You couldn’t let yourself get greedy and often tried to frown upon their behavior. It helped with your impulses of agreeing with them.
If they just pleaded you a little more, you would’ve packed your things and moved in with them. The problem was that you couldn’t. Jimin and you weren’t exclusive or anything official. You were his friend, even if you two had feelings for one another.
Jimin went back to work, so you no longer saw him after school. However, mornings were different. He made the effort to hold your hand as you two chatted. Kim almost ripped your head off to immediately explain what was going on. She demanded to know everything she missed during her trip.
Months passed by as you slowly integrated yourself in their family. You and Jimin started to meet on the weekends because he made you promise that you’d see him once a week outside of school. In some strange way, you were able to convince Wes to give you less hours. It was the start of something new.
“Guess who’s going on a date today.” Jimin paced around the living room with a small sock in his hand. He didn’t look quite happy. You two were scheduled for one of your weekend plans.
He was dressed in a nice button up, tucked into his black jeans. His hair was neatly parted and his skin glowed. You showed up in something a little different today. It was a simple pastel pink sundress that fell mid-thigh. 
“Judging by your face, it’s not us?” You questioned as you leaned against the door frame.
“I didn’t know we called our plans dates.” Jimin peered up to finally look at you. He paused, sharply taking in a breath. His eyes widened as he scanned you from head to toe. He gulped, “are you going to be cold? Did you bring a jacket?” 
Your shoulders fell along with your hopes and dreams. You thought he was going to be surprised at your outfit change, instead you only triggered his parental instincts.
“You are such a dad, Jimin.” You sighed and rolled your eyes. 
“Maybe because I am one?” He chuckled and walked towards you. He held your forearms and smirked at you before pulling you into a hug. “You look beautiful, honey.” 
His words of affection no longer caught you off guard. You were use to it, something you didn’t think you would be accustomed to. He called you pet names a lot and your heart trembled to every one of them. You still couldn’t get yourself to call him anything yet, merely his name. You were always too shy or embarrassed, thinking it would sound weird if you were the one who said it.
“Well, you didn’t think so a second ago. The first thing you literally asked me was if I was cold. Turn Dad Mode off for three minutes.” You pouted, but obviously melted in his arms. He pulled away and his devilish smirk remained on his face. His eyes turned dark while raising a curious eyebrow. He embraced you once more.
You felt his sneaky hands roam their way under your dress. His skin brushing your under clothed thighs. “Turn Dad Mode off, you say? I can do that.” His voice was low and sensual. You held onto his wrist before they could reach to your butt.
“Jimin! That was not what I meant.” You giggled, flustered at his actions. He laughed and kissed your cheek. His hands retreating from under your dress. “Anyways, what were you rambling on about before? And where’s Jen?”
Jen baby sat during the weekends for you and Jimin to enjoy yourselves. You have gotten to know her over the course of the months and you adored her joyful nature. You two got along harmoniously. She would tease you and Jimin a lot, knowing you two liked each other quite a bit.
“That’s the thing. Minjoo’s going on a date.” Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms as the two girls ran out from their rooms. They were wearing cute little onesies.
“Ms. (Y/N)!” They cheered and hugged your legs. “You look so pretty. Daddy, I want to wear a dress like Ms. (Y/N) too!”
“Yeah, Daddy! I want to match with her too.” The twins begged and pulled at Jimin’s arms. He sighed and nodded. They squealed and hurried to change.
“Isn’t she like six?” You laughed, but Jimin wasn’t. He had a frown and his eyebrows were knitted together.
“Yeah, but Jen said it was a harmless child play date. It was going to be like just two children playing around.” He grumbled, still gripping the sock in his hand.
You rubbed his arm, completely entertained by how fumed he was. “Aw, Papa Beaw, are you mad your wittle daughter is finally growing up?” You teased. Jimin narrowed his eyes at your banter.
“I’m worried for her, (Y/N). The male specimen are animals. I can’t let a demon boy tarnish my angel.” He whined and complained. He was really protective over his daughters and you found it ridiculous, but adorable.
“If the male specimen are animals, what does that make you? Am I tainted now that I have gone out with you more than five times?” 
“I’m different. I asked you to go on dates after several months of getting to know you. This boy probably didn’t speak to her for more than twenty minutes before asking her out.” Jimin talked with his hands occasionally, flinging them around to prove his point.
You crossed your arms, “I thought we don’t call them dates. Also, who is this boy? They might be in the same class.” 
“We’re calling them dates now that you called them dates. His name is Jihoon.” 
Your eyes lightened up at the name, more ecstatic than you were before for Minjoo, “Jihoon? They’re like super close. That’s adorable. I didn’t know they liked each other.” 
“What do you mean?”
“Besides Minseo, Jihoon’s really the only other person Minjoo talks to. They sit next to each other all the time and I see them talk a lot. Jihoon is such an obedient child and he’s very nice, you don’t have to worry about him.”
Jimin wasn’t giving up his stance, “that’s what they all say. Boys eventually grow out of that and they’ll become heart rippin-”
“Daddy, do we look pretty!?” Minjoo twirled in her little dress. A smile beaming on her face.
Minseo stepped out and join her sister in a curtsy. The sight was absolutely unbearable. You wanted to scoop them up in your arms and pamper them with small kisses. The feeling of love was overwhelming, like seeing puppies cuddled up next to sleeping babies. It made you mushy and you knew that’s exactly what happened to Jimin too.
He crouched down and fixed their stray hairs, “my princesses are growing up now, they’re pulling at the heart strings of little boys.” 
“Daddy, don’t cry. We’ll always be your girls.” Minseo jumped and gave Jimin a squeeze. 
“We’re going to be late! I don’t want Jihoon to be waiting.” Minjoo nagged and didn’t forget to put on a jacket. Minseo reached out her arms for you to carry her, and you picked up the young girl. Her face immediately cuddling up against yours.
“Do I look just as pretty as you, Ms. (Y/N)?” She asked. 
You nodded, “even better.” 
The date was mellower compared to your usual dates with Jimin. The girls were with you because Jimin had to supervise. You guys had dinner and gone out for ice cream. Later on, you five went to the park where Minjoo and Jihoon chased each other endlessly. Minseo happily played with the other kids there.
It was simple, but nice. It helped wrap up the fast paced week you endured on a regular. “I’m sorry we couldn’t go somewhere else.” Jimin apologized as you two sat on a bench, observing the playground in front of you two.
The night was settling in slowly and the tonic blue hung low over the park. The warm breeze tickled your bare arms and danced with your hair. You rested your head on Jimin’s shoulder. “I had fun, honestly. This was really calming and it was just the thing I needed to end my hectic week.” 
“But we have to watch the kids and I feel like it should’ve been our time—”
“Jimin, I wouldn’t trade this in the world. I’d go anywhere with you.” You whispered, knowing he was the only person who would be able to hear you.
He picked up your hand and placed it on his chest. You felt his quick, irregular heart beat and you heard him sigh. “You see what you do to me?”
“Oh, you’re worse, Park Jimin.” Your hand fell from his chest to cup your warm cheeks again. You didn’t know you made his heart do that. He mainly made your heart skip, not the other way around.
“I think you’re about the same, you just don’t know it.” He had his arm around the bench. You sat up and faced him.
“Then tell me what I don’t know. How do I make you feel?” You asked. He blinked back at you, unsure what to say. The tables have turned, Jimin stared at you, flustered.
Jimin leaned forward, tilting his head to fit your face. His eyes gradually came to a close and yours did the same. You felt his hot breath against your lips. He was so close, you could smell the scent of the shampoo you two had shared. His hand came up to caress your skin, to hold you steady. Your heart was pounding so loud, you heard and felt it in your ears. 
“Daddy!” A bloody scream interrupted the moment. You were so close. The same feeling from the first night at his house reappeared, it was all too familiar. Deja Vu.
Both of your eyes shot up and you were able to see every pore on his face. You cleared your throat, and got up. Jimin did the same as Minseo ran over. She looked distressed.
“What is it, baby?” Jimin sounded concerned. 
“I can’t find Minjoo and Jihoon.” She panted, tears spilling down her face. Your mouth went dry and you searched the playground right when those words came out of her mouth.
They weren’t anywhere. The last time you saw them, Jihoon was pushing Minjoo on the swings. Your heart started up again, but for a different reason. You were scared out of your mind. 
You scooped the crying girl in your arms, unsure what was happening. “Jimin.” 
“(Y/N).” You both sounded panicked. Jimin’s chest heaved up and down. He looked like he had the life sucked out of his system. You were petting Minseo’s hair, hoping she’ll stop crying. It was a mess.
“Jimin, search the trees.” You grabbed your purse from the bench. “I’ll look in the garden.” 
The park had many attractions addition to the play structure. It was next to a small wood area with tall trees that cut into the massive baseball field and recreational center. On the other side, there was a huge garden filled with a variety of lush plants and flowers. All of which was open for the public to get lost in.
“(Y/N), fast. It’s getting dark.” Jimin sprinted off into the direction of the trees and you walked quickly to the garden.
Minseo was bouncing in your arms and you mindlessly spoke to her. “It’s okay, Monkey. We’ll find them. Don’t cry. I’m here and your Daddy is here too. We’ll find them in no time.” 
“I was too busy playing with the other kids, I wasn’t paying attention to her. I’m sorry, Ms. (Y/N).” She wailed. You felt guilty that she blamed herself because it was partly your’s and Jimin’s fault. If only you two weren’t so immersed in yourselves, things would’ve been different.
“Monkey, it’s not your fault. We’re all going to be fine.” You weren’t sure about anything you were telling her. Frankly, you were so worried that you weren’t thinking straight and Minseo was getting heavy in your arms.
The garden seemed quiet and still. It was much bigger than you remembered. It spanned across a gigantic field, with bushes that lined the paths. You hurried into the abyss and called after the children’s names. Minseo helping you. 
“Minjoo! Jihoon!” The sky turned dark as you were running out of time. Your anxiety grew as you knew it wouldn’t be long until you were unable to see. Your hopes of finding them seemed slim and you grew weary. 
[A/N]: I’m horrible guys i know…… im leaving you AGAIN with ANOTHER cliff hanger im sorry IM TERRIBLE ughuahfuhURHGUHUHG!!! 
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
well....today was overall alright I guess, for a Monday. period days just aren’t very pleasant overall. but today was alright. I woke up to my alarm at 11 to find this morning’s situation I previously posted about (so. much. blood.), took care of that and hooked up my new period pain reliever device thing called Livia. It was on kickstarter months ago, and came a few weeks ago, so I stopped taking bc and here we are. it’s a little square thing that connects to a wire which splits in two and has an electrode attached to a gel pad on each end. you put the electrodes on your stomach (or wherever you’re having cramps) and turn it on, and increase the level until you feel a tingly feeling going on. it operates off the theory of something called TENS, basically with electric nerve stimulation or something like that (I’m a law person, not a science person). But as far as keeping cramps away it’s doing pretty good, I used it for most of the day and was good, so that was good. But yeah, I got ready, had instant mashed potatoes for breakfast because I was out of cereal and didn’t have any other substitutes, then took the bus to the train to the other train because it was in the single digits outside today (brrr). made it to school and stopped in the PAD office briefly to dump my stuff and spend a few minutes on my laptop typing up case briefs for the cases I read on Saturday (when I didn’t have my laptop with me so I hadn’t written briefs for them) because I knew, I just knew I was going to get called on, I can always tell, so I wanted to be prepared. somewhere in between all of this I checked my email and discovered a request for a second interview with the organization I interviewed with back in December and is currently my first choice job option, so I was fairly ecstatic about that. they wanted it to be in person, not over Skype, so I ended up scheduling it for the Friday directly preceding spring break, I’ll fly to NY on Thursday (skipping my Thursday night class) and do it the next day, so I was happy about all of this. I booked flights as well so that’s good to go. I made it all the way to the end of the period, even when he kept coming up with absent people and then had to pick someone else for a chain of like 5 people, and then on the last case of the day I get called on, which was fine because I was prepared, and we only had a few minutes left so I didn’t get any too difficult questions. Went back to the PAD office after that and started working on my Remedies reading for this evening. The reading assignments have always been super long (this week’s was 85 pages) but last week he basically said you don’t have to do all of it, just at least skim the cases, so instead of actually reading I read the case briefs of them off lexis and copied those into my notes, so that worked. Then I worked on the rest of my civil rights assigned reading for Wednesday so I could leave the book at school and not have to lug it back and forth again. I was really craving like, cake or something, but didn’t want to go anywhere outside because it was snowing again and still freezing, so I didn’t do anything until guy who hangs out in the office who has been growing on me came, and I mentioned it, at which point he offered to go grab it for me like I hoped he would and I said I’d buy his coffee, so I ordered the two things from the starbucks app (I got the iced lemon pound cake) and he ran down (the starbucks is across the street) and returned a minute later with them, so I was pleased with that. Class time rolled around, so I went up to class. Sort of tuned in and out for a while, still taking decent notes and keeping up with the conversation at least. Lots of talk about damages, which is to be expected being that it’s a class based on Remedies, and damages make up a huge portion of remedies for cases. So just stuff like consequential damages and liquidated damages and when they can be counted as a penalty that won’t be enforced by the court for being against public policy, and fun stuff like that. He let us out around 7:30, an hour early, because he knew some of us have long commutes (I didn’t raise my hand when he asked; mine takes about an hour but I know those who live outside the city have much longer ones) and he wanted to make sure we all got home okay with the snow, which was of course greatly appreciated. So I took the red line to the brown line, but then when I went to check when the next bus was coming to the brown line stop the next bus was 30 minutes out (they’re only ever supposed to be 20 minutes apart) and I was like oh fuck no, I’m not waiting for half a fucking hour when the remaining distance is relatively small (though would not be a pleasant walk, especially in current conditions, a bit too far for that). So I sucked it up and got an uber for the last mile or two, which got me home at a decent time at least. Got home and got some food, then turned on tonight’s episode of Supergirl, which I thought was super interesting. I loved their whole plot with Julia/Purity and that climax scene when Alex basically talks her down and gets her to fight it off, and suddenly this innocent person is back, and offers herself to save Alex (which, while very noble, sadly played right into Reign’s plan). I then loved Kara’s line at the end about saving them instead of defeating them, because I sooooo badly want that to be the solution to this season and not end up with a dead Sam and abandoned Ruby, so I really hope that’s the path they go down. but yeah, I enjoyed the episode, which is always good. after that I wound up calling my dad, which lead to a somewhat tense discussion over job options, where he was telling me he has connections with the people conducting the interviews at the DA’s office, and I told him I’d really prefer to get a job that I got on my own merit, not his, not like how my brother did, and he wasn’t happy to hear that because he was like “what have I been working my whole life for then?” and like, my dad has made a great reputation for himself. but when people see my last name I want them to think of the things I’ve done to give it meaning, not the things my dad or brother had done. If it works out like that I will take a job in the DA’s office, but I’d much prefer a position that I knew I got on my own merit, not who my father is. because I’m well-qualified, dammit, I worked my ass off to get in the top 15% of my class, working 16 hours a week in addition to being a full time student for a full year to gain the experience and training I needed to excel in the area I want to go into. I want to get offered a job because it’s something I earned, not because I was born into the right family and can get a job through nepotism. There’s a reason I decided to go to law school halfway across the country, where nobody knows my last name, and I have a blank slate where I can make a name for myself. of course, job options in Chi are not looking great right now. I emailed my former prof about a position in the PD’s office in the juvenile division, but I’d have to apply to the general office and then wait to get transferred to the juvenile division once I’d gained enough seniority (it’s relatively low on the rotation, maybe the second or third stop after things like traffic court and DV court) to get to the juvenile division. but of course that also risks the chance that I’d be assigned to the child protection division, where I would have to defend the parents in abuse and neglect proceedings, something I never intend on doing. Like, honestly, I would have no problem defending in criminal cases. I would have no problem defending someone who was guilty of murder. But I will never defend an abusive parent, because the parent’s lawyers are the only players in that system who have an objective that differs from the best interest of the child, and I never ever want to be in a position where it’s my job to argue something that is not in the best interest of a child because it’s what my client wants. So yeah, give me murderers or death row cases, I’ll happily do that defense work (my dad is a criminal defense lawyer primarily after all, so it’s not like I haven’t had plenty of exposure to it), but don’t ask me to defend an abusive parent to the detriment of their child. that I will never do. but anyway. We talked it out a bit and eventually hung up, at which point I decided to start watching Game of Thrones, which I was told to watch as much as I can this week because apparently we’re going to a GoT themed con on Saturday. I tried to get HBO Go to work through my roommate’s apple tv, but the thing is so old it doesn’t function very well and kept stalling on me to the point where it wouldn’t even play the episode i just said fuck it and paid the two bucks to get the episode off Amazon prime video. I’ve been reading Daenery’s page on the game of thrones wiki so I had some idea of what happened with her, but everything else was fairly confusing, though I think I had a pretty good grasp of what happened. Definitely not used to the nudity and the gore (so many beheadings, ick) but hopefully I’ll get better with that. I didn’t realize Sansa was so young at the beginning of the series, I definitely thought she was older. They all looked pretty damn young, and the adorable small child I was informed is named Bran Stark did a great job of being very cute. Daenery’s storyline was of course hardcore cringeworthy, getting married against her will (even if it is to Jason Momoa) after dealing with her gross asshole of a brother, and then getting legit raped on her wedding night was just pretty damn horrifying to watch. I like her character a lot though, so I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes. And yeah, when that ended I started getting ready for bed and here we are. I don’t have to do anything tomorrow until PT at 1, but I’m gonna try to get up at 11 and make a target trip beforehand to pick up a prescription and grab some groceries, because if I wait until afterwards I probably won’t have enough time to do my secured transactions reading and be done in time to watch The Flash and Black Lightning, so I’ll try to be somewhat more productive, even while still sleeping in a while. so hopefully that will go well. And yeah, that’s it for now. Goodnight my loves. Hope your Monday didn’t suck. 
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