#child exploration kits
jambandatl · 1 month
Universal Development: Year One - Year Two
Expanded Curriculum Focus 1. Integrate Technology Mindfully: Utilize interactive e-books or apps that allow your child to interact with the story by touching parts of the screen to hear sounds or change images. This can enhance his engagement and make reading time even more dynamic. Consider short, child-friendly videos that tie into your weekly themes, like watching real animals for “Animal…
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crumbleclub · 1 year
What if Michael met ghost Mike?
I feel your confusion, but hear me out.
There's no time travel involved. A part of Michael died with his brother, and that concept is taken literally.
A result of trauma? Penance? A supernatural fluke? You decide.
Michael Afton's life continues. He gets older, he starts trying to figure out his father's crimes, he gets involved with trying to save the souls that are trapped.
He never questions the crying he sometimes hears, never questions the cold hand he's felt on his wrist when his life was in danger. It could have been anyone. One of the kids didn't quite leave, maybe, or his brother or sister came around from time to time. He grew accustomed to it.
Once, though, in the mirror, he sees another version of himself standing nearby. That sort of thing is hard to write off.
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zhongli-lover-69 · 9 months
#got him got him got him got him got him#at 85 pity on a guaranteed... rather late but he's HERE#i am exceedingly pleased i like him so much#he was a personality pull for me but i actually ended up liking his kit a lot? which was a surprise#so erm. SLAY#oh!! considering building him a team... likely rosaria xingqui zhongli#which gives me a reason to finally fucking build my (c6) rosaria and (c5) xingqui#zhongli of course slays the house down. i wouldn't have it any other way#means possible abyss team fenangling (IF wrio is floor 12 worthy...) but we shall see!#he'd have to outperform either alhaitham/raiden/nahida/zhongli or childe/fischl/kazuha/bennett...#oh lol would be good for an abyss rotation that prefers cryo chars. really the ultimate goal is a GOOD team for every element#i don't like running the abyss all that much but i do love making team comps for it#mostly for the primos though. it's about the grind#REALLY i'd like to make wrio an exploration team but (to me) that requires zhongli kazuha (parkour) + a bow character (sniping birds)#but idk. maybe i make a wrio exception. he deserves it#anyway. currently collecting bugs for him to eat. reminds me of fiending for scarabs for cyno#see this is why i should get itto. complete the trio. boys who eat bugs#and THEN i can run monogeo <3#anyway. back to wriothesley. who fucking named him that. dude doesn't even introduce himself by saying his name#fucking. “call me your grace.” dipshit#and his kit... really really happy that it's 1. fun and 2. actually packs a punch... perhaps he may be more than a pretty face after all!#granted my half-built wrio has a crit ratio of 8% cr and 187% cd. slightly horrific but when he slays he SLAYS#that's what a lvl 90 crit dmg weapon plus a crit dmg ascension stat will do to a mf. oh and like three lvl 20 artifacts#also love how they animated his punches -- he's light on his feet/bounces after the atk sequence. feels fluid + real#the attention to detail is so nice!!! i love these little things they're so wonderful#see i would love to compare it to heizou's atk sequence but the guy avoids me like the PLAGUE. istg i got THREE 5*S on his featured banner#no heizou. i remain heizouless. it's ridiculous. also very funny. literally what are the odds... c6 yaoyao + 6 copies of xiangling... no zo#hmmmm i'd probably wish more on wrio's banner but. erm. i will likely not use any of the 4*s here and i already got TWO DORIS. bad bad bad#sorry thoma and chongyun... i love u but u i don't want to build u </3#in short. i love wriothesley i am EXCEEDINGLY happy. he's living in my teapot and i'm gonna get him to friendship 10 so fast...
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tornado1992 · 4 months
Sonic and The Black Knight AU in which Sonic’s from that world, he’s an explorer of some sorts and he does technically live in Camelot with his brother Miles, but he spends most of his time traveling around and getting new stuff for his brother to weld and forge with.
One day while returning to Camelot and looking for minerals or cool rocks he finds a sword in a stone, great! New materials for his brother! he can surely make something better than this old blade or upgrade it.
He takes the sword out effortlessly. The sword can talk. Great(?
He brings the weapon to the town, people start to notice the obvious magical artifact and voice goes around about “the legend being fulfilled”.
Oh, that legend. Yeah, no.
He just wants to show his little brother a cool sword, not become ruler of a whole kingdom thank you very much, it doesn’t matter if he “fulfilled the sacred prophecy”, it’s just a rumor until he decides it isn’t. And he doesn’t want it to not be a rumor.
Rumors travel fast, but he is faster.
The talking sword started doubting if he was worthy of the throne after spending no more than an hour around him, not shutting up about how “you’re already running from your kingdom and you haven’t been crowned yet”. Good. Maybe he could convince the sword to tell the people he would make a terrible king if the disdain in its voice gave anything off.
They arrived at the blacksmith’s shop, his brother’s shop, he shush’s the sword down as his brother runs to hug him, instantly pulling away at the sight of the weapon, his twin tails happily wagging gentle circles behind him as he asks Caliburn (what a name) anything and everything that there is to know as a talking sword. Caliburn just asks him why does Sonic call him “Tails” (nice try of a joke mate).
The very rude sword being perplexed about how someone as “reckless and careless” as him has “such a brilliant child in his care”.
Well, not a pretty mineral or shiny rock, but a talking sword seems interesting enough to make his brother happily ramble almost all night long, taking karma in his name as he wears Caliburn’s ear(?) off as he did with him.
Well, he could tell the kid all about his latest adventure in the morning, right now he could focus on cooking his brother a new dinner dish with spices from his latest travel destiny. A small bedtime story (about the knight’s of the round table by Carliburn’s request) and a few ear scratches later and you got a snuggled sleeping fox kit ready for the night.
The sword stays near them, looking at every move Sonic made, as if analyzing him in confusion. What a rude weapon, he might not be good king material but he’s peak big brother material.
He might not have enough on him to give his brother a bigger workshop or expensive materials, but he will give him everything he has if it means keeping him happy, they may not live in a big castle or have fancy dinners every night, but he swore from the moment he met the fox that he would do everything in his power to keep him safe.
As long as his big bro was around, he would never go hungry again, he would never sleep outside again and no one would hurt him again. He won’t ever feel unloved again.
Sonic might not be able to give him the world, but he’ll give him everything else.
His little brother’s sleeping form slightly trembles in his tiny bed, curling himself in his small blanket, covering his body with his fluffy tails, (sometimes Sonic thinks he’s more “Tails than “Miles”, pun intended). it’s been kinda cold lately, their humble home not making much favors to keep them warm even with the forge still on, but he doesn’t think he’s trembling because of the cold.
It’s okay, he didn’t wanted to sleep in his makeshift bed today anyway, he’s been away from his brother for enough time and he doesn’t mind staying right beside him to fight the little fox’s nightmares away and sharing their warmth for comfort. He nuzzles beside him, the kit instinctively moving to hug him and hide his face on the crook of the hedgehog’s neck, gentle purring and soft humming filling the silence of the night.
The next morning Caliburn greets him loudly “Good morrow, king Sonic”
He doesn’t know what could’ve changed Caliburn’s opinion on him from one moment to another, but now thanks to that he has knights kneeling before him, the royal wizard offering him their nation’s secrets, a talking sword lecturing him all day long about “a king’s duty and heart”, and the whole kingdom practically demanding him to rule.
It’s not a very tempting idea to say the least. Organizing diplomacy gatherings, hosting balls and knighting warriors is not really his thing, and hell, the kingdom wants it to be his thing.
He offers the throne to whoever wins a crusade? “the winner must defeat his majesty first”. He tries to put back the sword in the stone? “The sword chose you, my liege, it is your destiny”. He tries to show the high commands how bad of a kind he would be? “His majesty is such a humble king, even in all his might”.
So, so eager to make him king. They tried to drag him to the castle so he could “know his new home”. They offered him to make changes to royalty’s way to make it “enough of his way”. They showed him the perks of having power, “a king does as he pleases”.
But what could he really offer them as a king? He can fight bad guys and make allies for sure, but even if he wanted to, would that be enough?
He kinda regrets not spending enough time around the kingdom before, maybe if he did and the people actually knew him they wouldn’t be so insistent on him of all people being king, talking magical sword be damned.
His brother knows what’s going on, he keeps mostly quiet about it, not wanting to disturb the hedgehog with the subject when he actively is trying to avoid it, his only opinion about it being shown a few nights after his return to their home. He’s tucking the fox in for the night, Caliburn silently watching them from the other side of the room, a sleepy squeaky voice fading with a yawn in a last effort to reassure his big brother while he runs his finger’s trough the fox’s bangs.
“You could give this kingdom anything… you already gave the world to me”
That’s all it takes.
Alright, he’ll be their king, but he will not sit on a fancy chair all day, won’t have a personal army following him around and definitely won’t be educated in “proper royalty manners”, you want him to be the king? The king does as he pleases.
The high council or whatever can take care of the bureaucracy, alliances and all the boring stuff, they’ll have the control over most of the kingdom (just how they like it, right?)
His first decree? Right after his coronation, the only time he actually stays in the throne room longer than five minutes, he actually wears his crown, he’s bearing the sacred sword when he calls his brother to the center of the room “I dub thee Miles “Tails” Prower, the crown prince of Camelot”.
He’s the king now, it’s only logical for his little brother to be the prince, the crown prince, direct heir to the kingdom’s throne.
He’s the prince, and the prince can get whatever the hell he desires, so bring him all the minerals and heavy armory, and show him the secret library! Little bro needs stimulation and there’s only so much he can do with a blacksmith’s mediums. His room? Bigger than the king’s! His food? Get him all the neighbor kingdom’s candy if he asks for it! His education? Give him all the books known in the world, get him all the minerals and bring his workshop inside the castle!
What he had was enough for his little brother before, but it might not be enough for him just yet. Time to give him the world that he already promised him.
Prince Miles does have a nice ring to it.
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w1ngedv01d · 2 months
Imagine Narinder trying to raise Baal and Aym while he is Literally Chained In Place.
Especially when they're little toddlers wanting to explore everything
Imagine he literally uses unwanted offerings/weaponds/etc from old failed vessels to create "barriers" to prevent runaway kitten debacles
Imagine babies learning how to climb in desire to get OVER the kitten obstacles
Imagine Narinder LITERALLY SENDING old vessels on missions to get baby-appropriate things as offerings because someone (Shamura) presented Only Kittens and no Solutions
Heck, imagine him trying to explain to toddler kits what the "outside world" is because they sure as fuck don't have clear memories of it
Imagine him spending every day half-worried Shamura will appear with another child
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occasionallyprosie · 3 months
So I'm trying to incorporate more nicknames for the boys, so here's what I got so far, any additions or ones I've missed?
Little One (by Time)
Little Guy (by Triple Threat)
Healer (post Life Spell reveal)
Calatian (country of origin)
Hoarder (by Warriors and Twilight, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Apple (by Twilight and Wind)
Kid (by Wind)
Kit (by Twilight and Sky)
Skyloftian (shortens to Sky)
Sky Knight (shortens to Sky)
Lover boy (affectionate, by Downfall Duo)
Old Man
Sprite (by Warriors)
Ancestor (by Twilight)
Fairy Boy (post meeting Malon, by Downfall Duo and Wind)
Goat Herd
Ordonian (town of origin)
Pup (by Time)
Country Boy (by Warriors, derogatory)
Forest (by Legend and Wind)
Captain (or any other military form of address)
Pretty Boy (by Legend, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Soldier Boy (by Twilight, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Wild Child (affectionate)
Cub (by Twilight and Time)
Ocean (by Legend and Twilight)
Kid (by Twilight and Warriors)
Conductor (by Legend)
Tune/Tunie (by Time and Warriors)
Whys for some:
Rulie and Chosen (Hyrule and Sky) -> Both make the mistake of telling the group their hero titles, Hyrule is eventually nicknamed Rulie by Legend and Wild as a result (nobody else calls him that), and Sky gets Chosen from everybody.
Apple, Forest, and Ocean (Legend, Twilight, and Wind) -> Nicknames from Triforce Heroes (from my hc of them being the Triforce Heroes)
Kid (Legend) -> Another nickname from Triforce Heroes, Wind is the only one who calls him that in LU though (Twilight takes too long to realize Apple and the Veteran are the same person)
Kit (Legend) -> Sky and Twi start calling him that after the bunny incident, Twi does it first and Sky joins in after because he's a gremlin and both know Legend hates (eventually likes) it
Conductor (Wind) -> Caused by music night when Wind leads the music with the Wind Waker and just sticks
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animatedjen · 4 months
Cal slipped.
Rock shattered under his foot and skittered down towards the treeline below. His knee and face took most of the impact, crimped handholds biting against his fingers. On his back, BD readjusted his grip with a whir of concern. Twice he’d told Cal this idea was stupid, both times after Cal fell into loose shale while approaching the wall. After that the droid hunkered down and kept his opinions to himself, if only to prevent throwing Cal off balance.
“It’s okay buddy,” Cal grunted the assurance as he looked for new footing. He tasted dirt and maybe blood, his arms were completely spent, and yet somehow it was the best Cal had felt in weeks. He shifted his hips lower and let his weight settle over his left foot, then inched his right up the wall to another toehold. Not great, but it should be enough.
He'd first found the crag while exploring with Mosey. “This path would take us all the way round Raider territory ‘cept for that bluff in the way,” she explained, steering her nekko away from the large outcropping. Cal remembered looking it over, instinctually tracing a line up through the various shapes and grooves in the basalt rock face. A project for another time, after they found Tanalorr.
Now halfway up the cliff, Cal can’t think about hidden planets or fallen friends or a looming Empire. All he can do is inch sideways and slot his hand into a nearby crevice, adjusting until the meat of his palm is wedged firmly into the gap. The next hand follows, then he finds his feet. Instinctually Cal matched his breath to each movement, a soft inhale followed by a deep hiss of an exhale. It’s a form of meditation that he’s never truly found while on the ground.
At the temple he climbed everything. The other younglings in his creche turned it into a game, pointing out interesting walls or columns that could potentially offer a challenge. Wynne once dared Cal to climb to the top of the Archive without touching the floor, and he made it over the railing and onto the second story bookshelves before a bewildered librarian sounded the alarm. His punishment was to dust those same bookshelves, which was wildly boring aside from the ever-present audience: Cal made sure every passing Jedi knew why an eight year old padawan had been assigned cleaning duty. Master Catrine called him a tree-goat and it became Cal’s nickname for the rest of the year.
Learning more of the Force only improved his physicality. Master Tapal had taken one look at his tiny human padawan, bouncing around the halls of the Albedo Brave, and immediately added aerobatics to the training regiment. “You won’t be able to overpower your opponent,” he would say while Cal learned to dash across walls and flip higher into the air. “Use your size and speed to maneuver through your surroundings, adapting to the environment and using it to your advantage.”
Years later, Cal scaled the hull of a half-scrapped Star Destroyer faster than anyone on his shift. The rusting, jagged pieces of metal were nothing like Venator-class training halls or the trees in the Temple meditation gardens. These ships were covered in tragedy, rotted by war and the incessant Bracca rain. He learned to climb with rigging gear, climb with too many pounds of scrapper kit, climb with gnawing emptiness in his stomach and torch burns across his knuckles. The Force was no longer an aid, only a dull, haunted reminder of his past. But years of training were etched too deep into his muscles to be completely forgotten, and the Guild valued those skills enough to employ a destitute liability of a child.
Above, two relters cut across the late afternoon sky, their shadows racing each other along the rockface. Cal tucked his knee against a well-placed indent and ground his foot into the wall until each side felt secure. The kneebar in place, he released his hands with a sigh, shaking out tension and letting the breeze wick away sweat. Guilt gnawed at Cal’s consciousness– he should be at the saloon with the others, helping pack supplies for their next trip through the abyss. The Raiders would likely be wiped out by the Empire anyway, and that’s a problem that no new climbing line can fix.
The Force hummed softly. Cal continued to the end of the fissure, finding another rest point just off to the side. He pressed a hand against a flat portion of the wall, testing its integrity.
“Ready BD?” he called. One beep later, a metal spike launched over Cal’s shoulder to his waiting hand. It would’ve been easier to rewire the entire Mantis than convince BD to swap out his stim canisters for pitons, but Cal didn’t want to risk losing any of his hardware mid-climb. He lined up the spike and let the Force gather around it, then with a Push drove it into the wall. The impact echoed across the treeline below with a satisfying boom.
That was the last piton, BD trilled as Cal added a carabiner. Leaning back, he checked the dangling rope below, tracing it through the previously embedded spikes. Everything’s holding. He checked in with his body. Everything’s hurting. Great. A stim would’ve been nice right about now.
The rope was threaded up and through the final anchor as Cal scouted the last section of the ascent: two sloping holds and a column that juts up over the top of the cliff. He moved his hands to each sloper, mantling up and to the side until there was enough space for his heel to meet his hand. Both hands shifted to the left sloper, and his other foot met them there. Slowly, achingly, he rotated upwards.
BD launched from Cal’s back with a whoop, his thruster carrying him just high enough to disappear over the cliff’s edge. Immediately the whirr of his scanner filled the quiet evening air. Cal laughed despite his weariness, reaching up to grab an edge on the column. Another reach, another foothold, and he had made it. Scrubby grass poked out from gaps in the basalt while thick clouds silhouetted the distant rock formations in pink and gold. In the valley between them lay Rambler’s Reach, just barely outlined in the sunset. 
Everyone Cal loved was in that tiny speck of a settlement. Everyone else was gone. He sunk to the ground, keenly aware of each complaining muscle as he wiped the dust off his face. BD finished scanning and joined him at the ledge.
“What a view, huh BD,” Cal said quietly. Together they watched the rest of the sky fade to dusk.
One relter ride later, Cal was collecting leftover gear at the base of the cliff when nekkos trotted up from the ravine. Mosey emerged first, a lantern swinging from her pack. To Cal’s surprise, Merrin was following her.
“We thought that was you,” Merrin said, dropping from the nekko to greet BD. He immediately asked if she brought stims. “Toa and Zee set up a telescope on the roof of Pyloon’s. We wanted to see what was drilling into the mountains. Thankfully, just a Jedi.”
“Shoot, you really sent that.” Mosey was staring wide-eyed at the rock face, the rope carving a thin brown line to the top of the outcropping. “Incredible. I knew you were good in a fight Cal, but this is something else.”
“With the anchors in place, you should be able to add additional aid,” Cal said. “Make it as easy to climb as possible.” He imagined Turgle dangling from a rope ladder while somehow completely wrapped in another rope ladder. “With some help,” he added.
“This could be huge.” Mosey examined the approach, kicking shale and other loose rocks to form a potential new path. “What’s the backside look like?”
“Not sure, there wasn’t enough light by the time I got up there. But–” Cal glanced over to Merrin, weighing her expression. “We could probably get a rappel system set up, if we stayed on Koboh a little longer.”
Merrin tilted her head. “You said we should establish the Sanctuary as soon as possible,” she said. “Staying on Koboh would delay that.”
“That’s right." The gnawing guilt crept back to his mind, and immediately he wished he was back on the wall again, which only increased the guilt. 
“But,” Merrin cut into his thoughts. “Our goal is to help those who need it. That includes the people here.” She looked up at the cliff, now a shadow against the emerging stars. “I think a new pathway away from Raiders and Empire could be very helpful, and would give Greez time to finish packing the saloon. He’s collected too many trinkets these last few years.”
The dust was back in Cal’s eyes again. “Would that work for you, Mosey?”
Mosey grinned. “Sure does. It might even be fun.”
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monpalace · 1 year
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ships .. (skyward sword) link/reader, (linked universe) sky/reader
content .. what sky is like when he's in love, skyloftian culture regarding romance, and how miscommunication is inevitable when the two involved are from two differing cultures.
warnings .. miscommunication, but not in a dramatized way. written with linked universe in mind. they/them pronouns used for reader. i came back to this at different levels of tiredness, so a few thoughts left me and never came back (including the ending). not beta-read. remember the original ramble? ignore that.
notes .. based off this request, but i've never touched skyward sword aside from tauberpa's abridged videos, plus i wrote that original proposal thoughts while sleep deprived, so inaccuracies may or may not be present?? i focused on the romance/relationship culture of skyloft since i'm so unfamiliar with the game
but on the subject of feather proposal i think i got the original idea from cloudninetonine??? i truthfully don't remember because when it was first put in my head it felt like a fever dream
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Sky had always been, and will always be, a hopeless romantic.
His Zelda, Sun, had shown him more than enough stories that included romance as they grew up. She had exposed him to just enough that it had molded and cast what he thought the perfect romance would, permeating his dreams with his other half and the blank spaces of his papers with what he could remember they looked like.
(For some time, Sun was all that he coveted. They had spent so much time together, he had felt as though she was The One, but after years of exploring his tastes, he had learned better.)
Loftwings had a large influence on Skyloft. Even someone taking their first step on the sky islands could tell.
Not only were they said to be borne from their rider's soul, destined to carry their Hylian counterpart through the waves of the wind; but they also mated for life, until the flames of their conjoined souls finally diminished.
Of course that would bear heavily on Sky's interpretation of romance (— alongside how a Loftwing's choice in mate more often than not influenced who their rider would choose to spend the rest of their days with, and how divorce between riders was often seen as taboo).
(But who was he to comment on that? He's soundly sure he and his other half would never part.)
On Skyloft, disposing all but one of a Loftwing's shed feathers was to be expected from residents once they hit puberty lest someone pick one up and get the wrong idea. Even those in relationships need to keep the habit to keep away suspicions of adultery.
Sky kept two of Crimson's feathers on his person at all times since he was a child.
One had been plucked from the plume of his head when they had first bonded as a sign that their souls were one and the same. It's always within sight of both himself and others, dangling freely from his left ear with the same amount of pride Crimson has when he soars through the air.
The other had naturally fallen from Crimson's breast not long after they had both matured. He keeps it close to his heart, tucked underneath his layers and layers of clothes, kept overtop his chest where his heart beats strongest by a form-fitting undershirt or a prick of his skin if it's something looser.
Because he's much better at working with wood rather than metal, Sky would always keep his whittling kit on him. It's not as large or extravagant as the one he keeps in his room on Skyloft, but it's small enough to fit alongside his other utilities without issue and he's able to use it just fine without any issue aside from the usual knick or two.
He always keeps the kit and a piece of raw wood on him in the event he meets his other half on his travels. He knows he wouldn't pop the question right after meeting them, but he doesn't want to be ill-prepared in case they ask for something.
Whether it be practical or for aesthetics, he's always willing to deliver the highest quality product.
Upon meeting the one he wants to spend the rest of his days with, Sky is a mess by his standards.
(It takes him weeks to determine whether or not he really wants to dive into the deep end and give his all to someone who may or may not like him— in a non-creepy way, of course. He knows better than to do most of what characters do when pursuing someone.)
He sleeps less, he and his items are constantly in order, and his usual appearance that screams “just got out of bed,” is cleaned up.
He strikes himself with the question of whether or not he should be this out of sorts when in love (no one in the stories he read was), but he accepts it.
If he were to find his dream person in his Hyrule where everyone knows him, it'd be obvious to everyone that he's interested in that certain someone.
If he were to find his dream person outside of his Hyrule with the other Links, it'd still be very obvious he was in love regardless of how long they'd been traveling together.
Prior to his supposed proposal, Sky would court his love interest with at least a gift a day; one every week or so if he's busy. It's always more intricate the longer he takes to finish.
The gifts are never something they have to imply they want. He takes what he hears from the grapevine and from what he's heard his interest said in passing and takes it from there.
On Skyloft, physical affection (both platonic and romantic) is an accepted practice because of how open Loftwings are to giving and receiving it with their riders.
Naturally, it carries on outside of the sky islands.
Sky had always slept closer to others than what was typically deemed acceptable. He gingerly knocks his head against those he considers family, grooms others when they have a leaf in their hair or wipes away a smudge on their cheek, presses kisses to their face when they look like they need it, and covers most of their body with his own when they speak of being cold.
Physical affection comes first nature to Sky, so he wouldn't put it past who he's interested in to think of it as them being good friends only.
The only thing is; he can't help but wonder whether or not he and the one he's been courting can consider each other more than friends.
There was no point in time either Sky or his interest ask to date or whether they were dating.
Eventually, their kisses drifted closer and closer to their lips, their hugs got longer and longer, and they had begun pressing against each other when sleeping to the point where almost melded as one.
When the time came Sky felt it was appropriate to propose, your response was lackluster, in his opinion.
You had said your thanks, held it up to yourself and asked if he thought it looked good on your person, kissed him on the cheek, and then went off to Wind because he usually had a colorful assortment of knick-knacks to decorate with.
Nothing else changes after that.
You still hold each other while asleep, you still walk shoulder-to-shoulder with each other with intertwined hands, you still press kisses to the other without shame, and you still accept any type of affection the other offers.
The only new thing is that, from his perspective, you're engaged and he doesn't know whether to feel giddy (you're engaged!) or anxious (did you even know?).
Whenever the topics of significant others, marriage, proposals, ideal type, and anything else relating to romance, during nights when everyone was tired and curiosity ran rampant, Sky's eyes are consistently drifting to you during the conversation.
When he brings up how riders present the feathers from their Loftwing's breast during one of those nights when the campfire is flickering down and it's hard to make out anyone's facial expressions, he knows something clicks when your eyes lighten and widen before relaxing.
You pull him away when the topic changes to Warriors and his stories of a younger Time (who swears none of them are true).
"You proposed?"
Sky has to lean in when you speak. Your voice is so low as though you were scared of the others hearing even though you were far enough you couldn't hear the belly laughs from the others.
And he returns the same energy.
"Not if you didn't want me to."
"I thought we were dating. Was the feather not supposed to be us making it official?"
"Dating?" It was a foreign concept in Skyloft. Most relationships went from courting to marriage. "Do you want to date?"
When you bite the inside of your cheek and shake your head, Sky watches as you finger the feather that hung loosely from your person. "We're already this far in. I don't see why we have to now; I just have a few questions of my own."
Sky answers all questions to the best of his ability. He's shocked that you aren't mad he swindled himself into a relationship (no less, a relationship), but he'll easily give you confusion.
Most of the other Links are asleep by the time you both return (Sky's halfway there himself) and those who are still awake know better than to say anything when they see the way you both wear your feathers in matching styles.
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Platonic Yandere Bakeneko Erasermic and Shinso
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(Yes, you read that right. I’ve seen people suggest that I do nymphs or nagas for this lovable trio. (Fanon wise) But why not Bakenekos?)
Aizawa and Mic are pretty ancient creatures who’ve lived in this forest for a good while, Shinsou was an orphaned kit they adopted.
They are respected and merciful, they’ll help travelers and explorers but they aren’t afraid to wack a bitch.
Aizawa has personally tangled with Shigaraki and Dabi, mostly for territory and cause Shiggy is a little shit.
You came across them after fleeing from some sort of threat. Mic straight up adopted you, you’re his kid now.
Aizawa is slightly more skeptical to have you since you’re human and related to hunters until you bring up the fact that Shigaraki and Dabi kidnapped you and made you their child.
You’re not permitted to leave their section of territory as Shigaraki is a pretty dangerous naga who is currently causing multiple deaths to occur. It’s basically his way of guilt tripping.
Hitoshi is your protector now, he doesn’t want you to get hurt. Out of everyone on the roster, Tokoyami, Ochako, Kai and Eri and the Erasermic fam are the most mentally stable of the bunch.
If Deku or Shigadabi do end up dying in some way, then your best bet is with them.
But on the bright side, Erasermic are pretty damn good parents. They provide for you and teach you in their ways of survival. Also, they’re cats!! Aizawa and Mic can purr AND LOAF!
Hitoshi loves to fuck with you and has earned honorary big brother status. He comforts you and will not hesitate to protect or defend you. If you have a nightmare or have a panic attack, he’ll reassuringly chuff and purr as a way to soothe you.
All in all, they good kitty cats.
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barn-anon · 3 months
The Salamander is sitting down on the ground as his human's child runs around with a dragon plushie in her arms. Though the bulk of his attention remains on his human's child, he's still on the alert. Centuries of being a Salamander is tough to shake off, no matter how cozy his new life is.
Eyes narrow at the flash of metallic blue in the distance and he quickly puts his helmet back on. He doesn’t know why they’re in the area but he knows that his human’s child could become a target if one of them realised she’s familiar with Space Marines but unbonded. He's on his feet and at the little girl's side. She's wiggling and smacking him the best she can when he picks her up. He quickly rubs her back as he starts making his way back towards the large building a few streets down. He, his brothers and a group of Crimson fists hold control over that area.
His human isn't back yet, he knows that, making his way towards the small base that he and his brothers have made in this part of the city. He breathes a sigh of relief once within the safety of the base, setting the little girl down. She's sulky to have her outing cut short but he can make it up to her later on. Her safety comes first before her fun.
It’s easy to coax a smile from her though, he sighs in relief when she quickly stops her sulking to explore the base. He follows her closely, hunching over so that she can hold his armoured hand. Uncomfortable but never a problem when it’s for his human’s family members.
Tagged: @kit-williams • @egrets-not-regrets • @bleedingichorhearts
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ficsbyuzi · 1 month
All the ways lead to you - part 1
Characters: Aemond Targaryen, Inara Maegyr (Original female character) in a Modern HOTD AU
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Warnings : FICTIONAL PLOTLINE. Established relationship. Me swooning over Aemond Targaryen and writing this🤭 Inara being a sweet and awesome girl.
Note: This post and that a mutual of mine (@/elegantsplendour) remarked that this fic series has 'Succession' vibes. I wasn't aware of the show when I wrote this last year, and I still haven't watched it. Any resemblance to its plot is purely coincidental. Everything that is going to be re-posted here, comes from my delulu mind.
Inara's thoughts and a little background about her are in italics.
Word count - 1.2k
"You know me, mom, I can't just start working in some random hospital as a junior doctor," Inara spoke to her mother on phone, cradling it between her ear and shoulder as she watered her kitchen plants on a Saturday afternoon, “I am trying to find a job where I can practice both medicine and my art.”
"Where on earth will you find such a job, Inara?" Her mom questioned disapprovingly. "You will soon be a licensed doctor and able to practice medicine. You should start with a clinician job and save up for your MD tuition."
"Let me at least try, Mum. Maybe I can join some makeup manufacturing labs or intern with those big-shot skincare providers."
Inara heard her mom sigh and tut in response to her plans, a reaction she was quite used to by now. Yet, the conviction in her voice didn't falter as she continued, "I will definitely enroll in an MD program. Don't worry.”
As long as Inara could remember, she had always loved makeup. Even as a child, she would rummage through her mom's makeup kits and spend hours in front of the mirror, painting her own face and sometimes her mother's.
Her parents always wished to see her in the white coat of a doctor - a dream she shared with them. Cracking the medical entrance exams straight out of high school was a cakewalk, her sharp intellect paving the way for her.
Despite plenty of medical schools in Essos, the allure of studying abroad was too strong and liberating. The prestige of the renowned Citadel Medical School in Westeros had captured her attention long ago, and securing a seat there felt like destiny fulfilled.
While medical school required her to focus entirely on classes and books, her creative side yearned for exploration. Her love for makeup never faded, and after dedicating half her life to studying, she decided to follow her heart. A heart that always danced between two worlds, two passions, yearning to embrace both simultaneously.
As soon as she adjusted to her new life on a foreign land, she enrolled into a weekend certification course near her medical school. And, thus began her journey towards becoming a rare combination of a licensed medical practitioner and a trained makeup artist.
Days blurred into nights as she balanced the demands of medical studies with the pursuit of her passion.
Six years flew by in a whirlwind of learning and she was now nearing the end of her curriculum. After the sixth and last month of her hospital training and formal graduation, she would be a licensed medical practitioner. Thanks to her dedication to both medicine and makeup, she now stood as a certified makeup artist, with an expertise in skin care and prosthetics.
After freelancing a bridal makeup assignment a couple of months ago, she decided to take a detour from a predictable route towards advanced degrees or clinical positions straight after college. She planned to give herself a year of exploration into other career options before enrolling into an MD in Dermatology. And so she made up her mind on freelancing or finding a job that could extend her stay in Westeros, thereby allowing her to save up for her MD.
"Anyway, you've been so busy with everything else, you haven't even thought about finding someone. You're not getting any younger!" Her mom steered the course of the conversation to the topic she dreaded the most.
Oh boy, here it comes!
The inevitable discussion about her biological clock and society's expectations for single women was about to begin.
"Mom, please, I'm twenty four, not forty four!"
"Yes, and about time you started thinking of settling down!"
Rolling her eyes, Inara let out a sharp sigh.
"I have chores to do, mum. I gotta go," she cut the conversation short, trying her best to hide her rising impatience, “Bye! Love you!”
"Fine, But please think about what I said. Love you. ”
After ending the call, Inara continued staring at her phone's home screen. Smiling faces of her family stared back.
Her mom’s words still lingered in her mind, as she made herself a cup of chamomile tea and settled herself infront of her laptop.
She sipped her tea, smiling and recalling her mom's statement about doing tons of different things at a time. She had always loved to hustle. And, she loved how chimeric her career goals were. It wasn't an easy road, but she was determined to make it work somehow. Career satisfaction had always been her first priority; finding someone to date or marry, wasn't.
Inara's attention snapped back to her laptop screen, her eyes widening as she noticed the fourth and fifth unread emails from the top. Both arrived around the same time from the job search website she had signed up for.
The subject of the first email read:
Requirement of an assistant make-up artist on an upcoming TV Show.
The second one read:
Requirement of a physician / medical officer(s) on a TV production.
Universe works in the strangest of ways. All you have to do is ask.
She quickly opened both emails in separate tabs. They were from the human resources department of a television production house in King’s Landing. A period drama based on mythological history was in pre-production, and the HR team was hiring people on contract basis.
As someone who rarely watched television,or movies, she chuckled at the thought of working on a TV production house. Nevertheless, she decided to give it a try. With a few quick clicks, she accessed the links for both the positions and uploaded her resume. As she crafted cover letters for each position, wishful thoughts surfaced again. She let out another exhilarating chuckle, as a wave of nervous excitement crawled down her spine.
How fun and cool it would be, if I could somehow do both the jobs simultaneously.
A week later, as Inara was on her way home from the hospital where she interned, her phone rang. Seeing a number with the King’s Landing code, she gasped.
With her heart alight with anticipation, she answered the call. Clearing her throat, she adopted her sweetest and most professional tone before greeting the caller.
"Hi, Dr. Maegyr, this is Stannis calling from the HR department at Red Keep Productions. We've shortlisted your resume for the opening we posted about. Will you be available for an interview next week?"
"Hello, Mr. Stannis. Sure, I...I will be available!" She tried her best to mask the excitement in her voice. "Uh, I applied for two positions. May I know which one I have been shortlisted for?"
"Dr. Maegyr, your profile is one of the most interesting we've received so far. You have been called to interview for both positions. I can't say with certainty right now if you'll be hired for one or both roles as that will be decided based on your performance in the interviews." She could sense his smile through the phone.
"Thank you," she mouthed, looking up, her amber eyes sparkling with gratitude.
Part 2
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neometalsilver · 8 days
i wrote a fic for the @sthbigbang !! it was my first multi-chapter AND my first time writing something other than h/c so i got to push myself waaayyyy out of my comfort zone which was super super fun and rewarding. honestly i actually feel as though i learnt a lot about writing while doing this, i've never done an event like this before so everything was very new. thank you to fenn, ellie, summer, joy, frosti, and chaz for hosting and modding the event! yall did a wonderful job <33
i got paired with three artists: @0vergrowngraveyard, @aqspec, and @soupsnspoons! they all did SUCCH a wonderful job and their pieces are so incredibly fantastic. i will link their art as it is posted but pls do check out their other works as well!!! thank you as well to @axtrip27 for being my beta reader. the patience it must have took to not go crazy when i threw scene after scene at you 24/7...... your edits and suggestions were absolutely vital to this fics completion.
aqspec’s art
overgrown’s art
soup’s art
summary below:
A character and relationship study explored in 5 snapshots. - Tails is, in many ways, a surprising child. As a small child living out in the woods, it’s easy to underestimate exactly what he is capable of- a mistake even the most well meaning of people make upon first meeting him. Whether they underestimate his intelligence, his insightfulness, or even how far he will go to protect the people he loves, there is always something new to learn about the kit. As he grows, each person he meets will make a discovery about him that changes how they view him, for better or worse.
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suspiciousbluejay · 8 months
Random theories, head cannons and predictions for Roots of Chaos books
I have been rereading both "Priory of the Orange Tree" and "A day of Fallen Night" and have been noticing new things and creating my own theories and head cannons. I'm listing these theories from the ones I consider most likely to the lest likely/ones that have the least evidence.
1.) The Earl of Honeybrook (Kits dad) or one of his ancestors was a practitioner of sterren. Samantha Shannon has confirmed that Kabala's last words "beware the sweet water" refers to Kits family. At the beginning of the book its revealed that "The Earl of Honeybrook stood with the other members of the Virtues Council. He did not look troubled by the absence of his son, who he resembled in every way but the mouth, which never smiled.". We know that the use of Sterren affects offspring by making them look identical to the parent. I believe that at some point after A Day of Fallen Night when Kabala regained her strength she decided that she wanted a child to train but instead of taking another child from the priory she chose and Inysh child and taught them how to use sterren.
2.) There is a 4th Siden tree. In A day of Fallen Night, Wulf mentions rumours that there is a valley in the north beyond Hróth where the eversnow melts (I can't find the exact quote -sorry). I believe that this is because there is another siden tree located in this valley and the fire from the siden causes the snow to melt. Apart from this rumour this theory doesn't not have much proof in the book but I believe it because one of the major themes is balance and having 4 trees, one in each main location (North - Hroth, South - Lasia, West - Inys/Nurtha, East - Komoridu) makes sense from a narrative perspective. Also Samantha Shannon has hinted that later books will explore the Hurin in more detail and as we know that there are Hurin in the north beyond Hroth.
3.) The lacustrine legend of "The little shadow girl" will appear as a narrator character/a character in a future book and tells us that the balance of the universe has been disrupted before. The legend of the little shadow girl tells the story of a little girl who "‘In the time before the Great Sorrow, a fire-breather flew to the Empire of the Twelve Lakes and ripped the pearl from the throat of the Spring Dragon". We do not know how much before the great sorrow this legend takes place but as it features a wyrm it means that this wyrm is either the Nameless one (which is not likely as we know when the nameless one first appeared he stayed in the South) or a new wrym which we have never met. We also know that "As the Spring Dragon mourned for her pearl, a most unnatural winter fell over the land". This makes me think that in the very ancient times when the balance was disrupted a diffrent wyrm was created (possibly from one of the eastern volcano's instead of the Dreadmount) stole the pearl which either caused a "unnatural winter" or coincided with the times that sterren was in power (which caused the "unnatural winter"). I think that this legend will play a large role in a future book (possibly the very ancient book with Siati the Dreamer).
4.) The "Melancholy King" for who the "desert of unquiet dream" is named, was affected by sterren not a desert mirage. The king first sees the mirage when he is in his palace which is in the middle of a city. In real life mirages only tend to happen when you are in the middle of a desert not when you are in a city environment. Because of this and the Kings steadfast belief that he is in fact in a dream makes me believe that he was seeing an illusion created by someone using sterren. I don't know who or why someone would do this though.
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orion4ever · 8 months
Hello! This is my first time requesting something (like ever), so please forgive me if I did something wrong :)
Could I request a step 1 Qiu x MC where MC is super interested in ghosts/paranormal things/haunted dolls, and is considered offputting/scary because of it (when in reality they're a total sweetheart)? Scenario/prompt is up to you! If it's not too specific to add on, MC could be super shy/only really open to him and Tamarack.
Thank you, and have a good day/night! ♡
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Author’s note: Hi, Thank you for requesting! The step 2 stuff is being delayed rn so It's good that I have a step 1 request rn! I don’t like keeping people waiting! This is a short scenario! Hope you like it!
Pairing: Step 1! Qiu Lin x Paranormal Fanatic MC
It was a week before Halloween, MC and Qiu were standing around Mrs. Murray’s room after school and talking about anything new, Qiu told MC about a sticker his dad bought for him and how he decided to put it on his bike helmet.
“It's super cool , it's a black cat with galaxy sunglasses!” he described, his finger drawing a cat shape in the air to further elaborate to his friend.
“That's nice of your dad to get it for you, You have to show it to me later.” MC replied, earnestly. Earning a bright smile from the young boy.
“I will , I can promise that!…What about you? Anything interesting you wanna show?” Qiu asked , curious.
Qiu and Tamarack were aware of MC’s interest in the scary and paranormal. With permission from both of them , MC had showed them lots of interesting little wonders that they had acquired: tiny bones you found in woods, ghost stories your mom bought etc.
MC showed some of their other classmates these trinkets sometimes too, but they would get scared and find the peculiar child off-putting or a little scary; wondering why you would even suggest playing Ouija board for indoor recess instead of coloring in a cute character or playing heads up seven up.
“Oh, uh! I do! Can I show you..?” MC asked , already slowly itching their little hand towards the zipper of her bag.
“Go ahead!”
MC dug both hands into their bag, using their knee to hold the bag high enough to retrieve this mystery item. The child pulled out a raggedy old doll, its once presumed brunette hair was tangled and covered in a mix of twigs and dirt, it had on an old style dress and a big bow on top of its head.
The first thing Qiu notes in his head is the singular shiny blue glass doll eye, the other eye is missing.
“I found this doll under a tree, I really hope it’s haunted” MC said with excitement , cradling the doll like if they shook it wrong it would curse their entire family for eternity.
“Pfft, why would you want it to be haunted?” Qiu asked with a bemused smile on his face, he didn’t ask to be judgemental; just curious.
MC shrugs. “I think it be cool.. , maybe the ghost could be somebody funl.” They answered with a small shy smile.
“Fair” Qiu replied. Qiu Lin wasn’t easily deterred and he enjoyed how passionate MC was about the paranormal and all the weird things that come with it,
“Hey! I have an idea, So there is this house up the hill, a few blocks away from Baxter’s house that is completely abandoned. It has families of spiders living in it!” He paused for a moment to gauge MC’s star-struck expression before continuing.
“Why don’t You, me, and Tamarack go and explore it? Show your new doll the house you know?”
MC answered. “Yeah, uhm maybe I can take my ghost-hunting kit and everything.”
“That would be smart, Never know when a ghost might decide they wanna eat us!” Qiu joked.
“…I don’t think ghosts can eat?”
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owenwillsons · 1 year
nice, noah schnapp came out. so can we PLEASE stop talking abt “straight” kids playing gay roles.
the amount of discourse i’ve seen about literal children playing lgbt roles is fucking ridiculous. i am so glad noah came out on his own terms because his other counterparts were not as lucky. kit connor was literally forced out of the closet because of this bullshit discourse. being lgbt is not a box you have to tick off when you are a literal child or teenager playing a queer role. reminder: noah was TWELVE (or younger!) when he was cast as will. and yet before noah came out i saw discourse saying an lgbt kid should’ve played will’s role!!! even if noah was straight, for fuck’s sake, he was a CHILD when he was cast. do you really want literal child actors to be asked if they are lgbt?
wanting queer actors in young roles MIGHT, if i look at it kindly, have a good basis. queer rep is important and it should be authentic. but we are talking about children. wanting queer child actors will always end up being harmful and invasive, and it comes with mass assumptions - and it DOES end up in outing against someone’s will, as seen with kit. wanting queer child actors, no matter what, has more potential for harm than good. if the actor is straight, they deserve to be able to explore their own relationships individually without guilt of the roles they play. if the actor isn’t straight - and thank god noah managed to come out on his own terms - they deserve to come out freely, and explore their relationships without fear of their private life being invaded.
i hope in the future when child actors come out the environment is welcoming - not hostile and venomous like we have seen in the past. i hope that despite the basis on which he came out, that kit finds a good place where he is able to openly explore his sexuality. i hope that noah is able to freely talk about his sexuality whenever and however he pleases after his coming out - and i pray that the next young queer role will not have this sexuality hounding and guilt tripping like i have seen too many times.
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idalenn · 3 months
Lillian Kyo - Lore Details
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Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to talk @elliewiltarwyn!! One day I'll write my way to some of these.....someday.
Under a read more because it's, uh, long.
--B A S I C S--
Name: Lillian Kyo
Nicknames: None given, unless you count "hero" and "kit" (though that last one is a bit of a Gridanian slur)
Age: Late twenties in ARR, just considered early 30s by the end of Endwalker. Stormblood takes up a good chunk of this time. (She's a year younger than she should be: Seat of Sacrifice and time spinning out of control because of Elidibus/The Crystal Tower/the flow of time between shards cause her to miss a year on the Source. The Scions' bodies sure don't, though)
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Gender: Transwoman. Will never outright state so
Orientation: Pansexual, though more in theory than practice
Profession: Member of the Conjurers' Guild, member of the Botanists' Guild (on indefinite, and unpaid, sabbatical). Warrior of Light and current holder of the Soul of the White Mage
--P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S--
Hair: Grey as storm clouds. Starts off short and unkempt in ARR, growing to her shoulders in Heavensward where it stays that length until Stormblood where she quickly learns combat and longer hair do her no favors. Once Temulun cleans it up, it goes to about neck length. However, Lillian has no experience in maintaining the Xaela-influenced appearance, so she keeps the general shape but leaves the beads, complex braiding, and oils out. She keeps this look until her story's end.
Eyes: a soft golden hue, often called "piss yellow"
Skin: a brownish-grey
Tattoos/scars: Oh boy. Lillian's most noticeable set are the ones across her face, the edges of her face, and striping her throat in service to some purpose others can't discern - the result of attempting facial feminization before the events of ARR with a knife, a hot flame, a basic grasp of healing magic, and a book on anatomy she could barely read with diagrams interpreted increasingly wrong as the night went on. The end result was mostly a success, though.
Other than those, she collects several over time. Notable ones include burns from dragon fire, being impaled on Zenos' sword at Rhalgr's Reach, being skewered on his sword again later but - unable to pull it out - instead pulling her body away so it cut it's own way out, and another across her front from shoulder to hip in their final fight (somewhat mitigated by a timely application of Benediction)
Healers can take a lot of abuse. No tattoos though.
--F A M I L Y--
Parents: Being a Keeper of the Moon, she has no knowledge of her father. Her mother, however, taught her child what she needed to survive in the world beyond the reach of the tribe knowing the day would eventually come where she'd walk that path and explore the wide, open world. Not seen since the day of Lillian's leaving.
Siblings: Grew up among a litter of siblings in which she was the youngest of all. Hasn't seen a single one since leaving the tribe.
Grandparents: The closest person to a grandparent was her Elder Mother, whom she much respected and loved and continues to be a source of inspiration. Taught Lillian the ways of the Conjurer and of faith in Menphina and the elementals. Likely found the same fate as the tribe.
In-laws and Other: Scions count, right?
Pets: Scions count, right?
--S K I L L S--
Abilities: Being born and raised in the wilds of the Twelveswood have made her specially attuned to the elementals to the point that she's often confused for a Hearer. While naturally a Conjurer/White Mage, the events of Rhalgr's Reach encouraged her to learn from Lyse in putting on some muscle and to take on pugilist training.
Hobbies: Dancing, but moving in general. Tribe life didn't allow her much freedom to dance in general and she was never allowed to take part in the rite of passage other girls enjoyed in which they sang and danced to a certain enchanting tune. Enjoyed playing the flute while living with her tribe, but hasn't done so since leaving.
--T R A I T S--
Most Positive Trait: Will always try to seek the best possible solution to any given problem, even at cost to herself.
Most Negative Trait: The most petulant woman you'll ever meet in her worst moments; absolutely taking pleasure in your pain. Uses the idea of "the logical choice" and removing herself from emotions as a defense mechanism, simultaneously confuses the believed results of these choices with the "greater good".
The decision she makes in Ktisis Hyperboreia is THE nail in the coffin for Meteion's outlook on life.
--L I K E S--
Colors: Different shades of greys and blacks with splashes of blue. The white associated with healers and White Mages does not appeal to her.
Smells: Overpowering floral scents. Lillian uses these to keep herself sweet-smelling in place of showering (unless forced) until Shadowbringers. Also enjoys the aroma of burning and ash in small amounts.
Textures: Woolen clothing and thick, inflexible metal plates. The heavier, the better.
Drinks: Spiced strawberry wine
--O T H E R    D E T A I L S--
Smokes: Not at all. The colored smokes of Radz-at-Han are appealing at first, but she can't be around them for too long or her eyes start to water.
Drinks: None at first, but she picks up the habit during celebrations at the end of Stormblood, which becomes a bigger problem at the end of Shadowbringers as she tries to cope with being a woman out of time and seeing how much the world has progressed and how much she's lost (The resolution of the Bozja conflict, peace with those formerly known as the "beast tribes", the twins' comatose bodies being carried off back to Sharlayan by their father, Y'shtola's being taken by Matoya to better care for her, etc.) By Endwalker she's thinking about picking up a glass of water and tasting wine before she knows what's happening.
Drugs: Not a whole lot of interest.
Mount Issuance: Unicorn babbyyyyyyyy
Been Arrested: Charged with regicide and, later, heresy; they didn't stick.
For tagging (apologies if you get double-tagged by me) the OCs I haven't seen yet are @zoroarkthief @viiioca @candycryptids @sylaurin @reconditerune @amalthea-felsblood @arinaxiv @dreadwyrmz and YOU reader for making it this far!
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