astroaurastuff · 2 years
hidden samsung chihuha
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hiveswap · 3 years
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First contact with the kitten, ft. My mom's hand
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kcnnarys · 4 years
Happy birthday queen !! You’re one of the few people in this nasty ass fandom with brain cells AND humor so we have to stan
omg monica queen of twitter tysm ❤❤
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waggingatail · 4 years
何故そんなに夢中で爪を噛み噛みしているの? - Why are you addicted to biting your nails?
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● ストレスの可能性
● 爪の伸びすぎの可能性
● 暇つぶしの可能性
● 緊張からの可能性
● ニオイ
● 怪我や炎症、痒みがある可能性
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ちなみにPAW MAGIC(パウマジック)という肉球専用オーガニックの保湿クリームは驚く程の効果を発揮で、この冬も何度もお世話になりました。クリームを塗った直後の舐め舐めで、せっかく塗ったクリームが台無しになってるって事は多々あるのかな?でも間違いなく効果は得てました。
In English please click "さらに読む" (read more) down below.
Why are you addicted to biting your nails?
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I was taking a break after the walking with Naomi, and there was a familiar chewing sound of nails in the living room, so I immediately thought that this must be coming from Naomi and just checked her. And yes, I was right. When I saw her, she was biting her nails madly. After observing it for a while, I was thinking about the reason for this behavior of her.
Naomi chews her nails fairly often, but there is no injury and a health problem, so I don't have a feeling that she needs to visit a vet for this matter with her therefore, I just let her do it when she does so far. But, I just had my interest on the reason for why dogs chew their nails, so I researched about it and knew that there are quite various reasons on this behavior according to a dog specialist. There is a wide range of reasons from a reasonable reason, the case of mental care needed or the cause that may require a treatment or a consultation with a veterinarian, so if your furry friend has a same behavior, this information must help, so please check what are the reasons for.
Various reasons to dogs bite their nails
● Likelihood of stress 
Dog expert says that dogs often bite their nails due to stress is the most likelihood. If the cause is stress, it is necessary to determine the factors that caused the stress at first. The major factors for this are lack of exercise and lack of communication with the owner. And also, a change in the environment or a change in temperature are seems to be related to this factor.
If these are the causes to dogs to bite their nails, reducing dog stress can be a solution to this problem.
● Likelihood of long nails
This seems to be quite often happening with Naomi. When nails are too long, and dogs feel uncomfortable with it, they bite their nails. It's a good idea to check their nails frequently and cut them.
● Likelihood of killing a time
Puppy chews nails when the puppy's teeth change, so this is because some dogs may have become habitual to chew their nails even they grew up.
As a countermeasure, it's better to give something distracting, such as a dog's dental treats, and see how it goes.
● Likelihood of under tension
When a dog is nervous about something, it sometimes bites his nails. A dog can calm his mind to doing this which has been well known as a similar behavior in human. If this behavior goes a little time and stop, it can be a temporary tension, but if dogs can not stop it, the owner must need to find the factor for this.
As a countermeasure in this case, the living environment is the key, so the behavior is going to be resolved by creating an environment with peace of mind so that the dog's feelings can calm down.
● Likelihood of Smell
If there is some smell on dog's paws or the nails, they may lick their paws or bite their nails to clean it up. This is a temporary behavior, so there is no problem. If you don't like them to do, you should wipe it out and they will soon be able to stop doing it.
● Likelihood of injury, inflammation and itching
They may lick their paws or bite their nails due to injuries, inflammations and itching, and the factors of these are usually cracking nails, have a foreign material like a prickle on paws, have a injury and feel uncomfortable or have pain, have itching due to food allergies. It is easy to determine the cause with an external appearance, but otherwise it is difficult, so there is no other way but to consult a veterinarian and determine what the cause is.
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The factors which dogs might had gotten when they are in a wild in the first place such as overgrown claws, a chewing habit, and cleaning their feet are not serious behaviors what we have to pay too much attentions even though we are their owners now, but other factors related to their stresses, tensions and itching from food allergies are what we need to be aware of which might have created by us in this society, and so this responsibility is significant.
To this, to determine the cause is the owner's duty, and we need to be serious to take an immediate action as an owner for these factors if necessary.
In addition to the above-mentioned action of biting nails, there is also an action of simply licking paws to a dog. This behavior had been seen for a moment in the winter by Naomi, and from the appearance judgment, I found that an extreme cold climate can let dog's paws to crack due to the ice and the dry air, so besides food allergies, there are a chance to dog to lick its legs due to such this factor.
Anyway, this was treated with an immediate treatment with a moisture cream for dog's paws. Like a human, a dog also can get a pain and difficult to walk if the cracks in the paws deteriorated, so treatment at an early stage is very important. 
By the way, PAW MAGIC, an organic moisturizing cream for the dog's paws was amazingly effective, and Naomi's paws had been taken care of by this cream many times in this winter. Maybe a lot of the cream I applied had ruined by Naomi's licking right after applying the cream. But, she definitely had gotten a good result.
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princessozera · 4 years
Highlights of my sister playing Obey Me
First of all, she liked Beel before even beginning the game
"I can't lie, this intro was always a banger" - shows her the sinful indulgence mv- "HATSUE MIKU???"
"Oh he's kinda ugly" -looks over- "DIAVOLO???? DIAVOLO'S UGLY????"
"Is he trying to shake me down? Come get your man before I shake HIM down, meet me in a dark alley fool"
"Oh. Ugh, I don't like any of these options." "Yeah you should get used to that. It's a common reoccurance."
"Hi Beel UwU"
"I know we just met Satan but I like his energy. He's already in my top 3" "You laughed when I told you how he proposed in the last event! With the picture book!" "Heh, loser"
"Is your man like, all there?" "Why do you ask?" "He was just laughing about me being able to get a pact and that the demon must be dumb as hell. Dude, YOU'RE the demon, this happed YESTERDAY"
*3rd day playing* "I got a UR card!" "Congratulations, but fuck you"
"These defend Mammon/ praise Mammon choices are giving me hardcore 'YES MR.ZEN SIR YOU'RE PERFECT I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D ACKNOWLEDGE ME' vibes" "I've never played mysmes but I feel like I should be offended"
"I finally figured out the energy I was getting from Mammon: ' The inner machinations of my mind will remain an enigma *fake paper toss* milk cartoon'"
*rewatching shrek 2* "THAT'S IT! THAT'S WHAT I FEEL LIKE WITH DIAVOLO!" "????" "' HELP! I've been kidnapped by a demon who's trying to relate to me!!'"
"I hate Lucifer so much." "Oh did you already get Beel's pact?" "I CAN GET BEEL'S PACT? oh but no, because he LITERALLY froze the credit card, what kind of-"
"I should have bullied him" "LEAVE MY SON ALONE 😭" "This chihuha is what? 3 ft tall? I can punt him across a football field"
"They all share 2 braincells, passed around every hour on the hour, don't they"
"Share Beel's room? Huh, don't gotta tell me twice 👁👅👁"
*threw phone at me when she got to the secret room* "Where's Mammon when you need him? I need to break the seriousness, please, let me laugh at some stupid antics 😭"
"I'm more concerened that they have tombs under the house. Wait, what book?"
" Am I gonna die?" " :D good night!" "OZ??? DONT JUST SAY THAT THEN NOT ELABORATE??? OZ WAKE UPPPPP"
"Oh, shit. Fine, I guess I'll save both of them" "You were gonna sacrifice Luke weren't you 😭" "Without hesitation 😂😂, I was already pressing the button for Beel before he even finished his question. He's small, he can wiggle out of Lucifer's grasp. Or don't they sweat holy water or something? He'll be fine probably"
*After TSL event and Luke staying over* "MC cares TOO much about staying alive ;I'd be causing fights, snitching on Lucifer, sneaking out-"
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
Power Trip had so many lines that took me out like I have such a good girl complex and I absolutely loved the amount of condescending praise and also the little bit of nervousness like this is feral and makes no sense but 🥺 “you wanna keep me forever?” And “you’re still my good pet, good girl” you know the meme of the chihuahua biting with all the edited hearts around it?? Just wanna be a pet 🥺 be good 🥺 Also gojo understanding why people love their pets was so funny and cute
No but also the “I bet you’d eat out of my hands if I asked” and there was just so much UGH and how you described the hands cupping your face just??? I will be rereading this over and over I can tell
this is so NICE im gonna start crying my eyes out THANK YOU SO MUCH!! i too have an insane good girl complex like. truly to the nth degree i need someone to give me praise until i die. preferably someone like gojo or eren who's kinda mean about it they make me so crazy. TRHE CHIHUHA MEME YEAH. YEAH I KNOW WHAT U MEAN.
the eating out of your hand thing was inspiried by @nanamimizz bc we were talking about gojo feeding u gusher or rlly she said that to me and then i was never the same. THANK U FOR READING!!
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susieandhercamera · 4 years
chihuha reblogged your post:I don’t know why this fandom cannot see the...
Then why can’t he just say that *if* that’s his intention? Why does he have to support not one but TWO organizations...
This is not fair.  “if” that’s his intention?  When did he ever make you think it wasn’t his intention to change the minds of ignorant people?
You all are just...somethin else.
And just so we’re clear, this is not an NFL thing. 
I wonder If Beyonce caught this much hell when she did the halftime show with Bruno Mars.
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fromfattolessfat · 5 years
3000 Squats January update
Hello Squat Squad!
1 week down, only 3,5 to go! How is everyone doing? Staying accountable makes it easier to stick to goals so don’t be shy and share your progress (don’t forget to tag Squat Squad 2019).
Here’s my progress so far
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I’m so happy to see the daily average needed to achieve this goal to drop from 100 to 90. 
Pro tip: do 10-20 squats each time you go to the bathroom. If you drink as much water as I do, you won’t even notice how those add up. It will also help to speed up your heart rate a little during the day (which I really need because I sit for 8-9 hours at my desk at work)
@crystallized-honey @settledtravels @confidenceis-thenewblack @dosedinthewetsand @lescalierdelesprit @wickedlyhealthy @chihuha @profoundlyunlikedrainbow @justalittlejiggle
P.s. let me know if you are not doing the challenge so I don’t spam you with tags
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t-archived · 6 years
im like that chihuha and pitbull meme when it comes to leo. and im starting to seriously get up in arms with these anons ://////
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dontewanknowanymore · 6 years
Your 10 fave TV shows in gifs
Omg thank you @creative-chaos-in-my-head for tagging me in this!
Annnddd if you’re interested in doing it @skyeviking @birbtobewild @hairringtonsteve @chihuha @feministhes @remusmoopin
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hendroda · 6 years
Put your music on shuffle and write the first 13 songs that come up and then choose 13 people to tag! I was tagged by @justharried. Thank you for tagging me!
1. 2Pac - California Love
2. Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight
3. Pearl Jam - Jeremy
4. Shanice - I Love Your Smile
5. Kings of Leon - Fans
6. The Naked and The Famous - Young Blood 
7. Better Than Ezra - A Lifetime
8. Florence + The Machine - Kiss With A Fist
9. Kip Moore - Hey Pretty Girl
10. Led Zeppelin - What Is And What Should Never Be
11. Adele - Rolling In The Deep
12. 1D - Change Your Ticket
13. Little Mix - Touch
Tagging @rocketmommy, @magicalrocketships, @katiebabie6, @louche-laid-back-glory, @ourheroictommo, @a-moment-of-emotion, @falloutlouie, @gloryhalleloujah, @haesthete, @landingatheathrow, @iaintoverniall, @chihuha, @alveronian
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peachypetalhazz · 7 years
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@zquadislaw tagged me to post my home screen, lock screen, the last thing I listened to, and a recent selfie. ✨✨ thank you!! Ummm I’m not sure whose done thing yet, but I’m gong to go my usual and tag the last five in my notes. (You don’t have to do this, esp. if you’ve already done it) @lousmymind @bemycalm @teeko907 @chihuha @onedirectlon
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cupcakelirry · 7 years
Y for the letter thing and C
Y - @yeshaddy @yeshaddyido @yvessaintlirry
send me a letter and i tell you my 5 favorite blogs starting with that letter!!
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fromfattolessfat · 5 years
Squat Squad 2019
Hello! I’ll go ahead and assume that everyone who liked, reblogged and replied to my post “3000 squat January“ is going to join in on the challenge.
I’ll tag my posts with “squat squad 2019“ and you can you use it to show off your progress (I’ll be following this tag). Looking forward to seeing everyone succeed!
In case you get bored easily, here is a nice article: 38 Different Types of Bodyweight Squats.
Let’s do it!
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@crystallized-honey @settledtravels @confidenceis-thenewblack @dosedinthewetsand @lescalierdelesprit @wickedlyhealthy @sternenblumen @chihuha @profoundlyunlikedrainbow
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t-archived · 6 years
iliyovunjika replied to your post: im like that chihuha and pitbull meme when it...
Shhh paps gently. They’re just inquiries!! No harm done! ❤
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vargabettina3-blog · 6 years
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My everything ❤️🐶
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