Wagging a Tail
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
犬の口臭は改善すべし - Dogs Need Improve Bad Breath
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Dogs Need Improve Bad Breath
First of all, does your dog ​has bad breath? If you've ever been concerned about your dog's bad breath, I imagine that most of the owners had attempted to try out some products like bad breath controls for it.
However, dogs need right treatments for bad breath just like humans. Even if the odor is reduced by some of the breath fresheners or dental formulas, the oral symptoms in dogs will only worsen if the fundamental causes of the bad breath can not be solved. We, owners would be happy if the bad breath cut off, but owners should be very careful with it, because if we erase the signs of the oral abnormalities in dogs, we would be able to easily ignore treatments that our dogs are practically need.
In the first place, it is said that a healthy dog ​​has no bad breath, and if it has, the owner must know that it is a sign of health disorder or one of the symptom of some illness what the dog already has.
The cause that most of the owners disregard bad breath in dogs is what invisible symptoms, there are no change in the health conditions, and there are no reactions of dogs due to the bad breath, so it is easy to overlook it. And also, we, owners may prefer to save the costs of professional cares, such as regular dental diagnosis and scaling for dogs, therefore owners are due to disregard of dog's bad breath probably. However, if the symptoms of the diseases worsen in dogs, it would need special treatments for them and would be more burdensome for both dogs and the owners, so owners should not miss out dog's bad breath and must not be ignorant of dog's bad breath which is actually help to understand what is going on and prevent the worst case.
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My dog, Naomi apparently gets bad breath when she skipped her dental treats for a while, so when I find her having bad breath, I always check in her mouth and can see tartar developed on fangs and molars as result, so I attempt using a scaler everyday to remove the tartar off gradually until I finish removing it completely. It is not easy to remove stubborn tartar that is stuck on the teeth, and it is really dangerous to scratch around the gums with a scaler, so removing tartar at one time in a day is not a good idea as my point. If you forcibly do scaling when your dog refuse to do it, your dog could be scared and would not open its mouth next time, so giving a snack little by little and do scaling for a short time are the point which you could avoid your dog does not be scared, so this is just a reference to the owners who would challeng it in the future.
Main Causes Of Bad Breath In Dogs
It is said that more than 90% of oral abnormalities cause bad breath in dogs. The main causes are tartar, periodontal disease, gingivitis, cavities, stomatitis, residual deciduous teeth, etc, and there will be special treatments needed if the symptoms have gotten worst, so it is important that owners have early detection of these causes on their dogs, because it should help dogs reduce symptoms and reduce the costs for the treatments. If owners make a wrong decision that is "dogs have bad breath naturally", the symptoms of their dogs will only get worse and may jeopardize dog's health. I assume that bad breath is one of the health barometer, so daily oral check and daily precautionary measure, such as dental treats when it is suitable with each dogs are very effective, so I recommend owners these simple things as daily routine for a prior countermeasure of dog's health.
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No Symptoms In The Mouth But Having Bad Breath
According to a veterinarian, there is an other reason which can be caused bad breath other than the main causes that can detect by observing the abnormality in a mouth listed above. It is said that when a kidney and liver do not work properly, and substances that should have been collected were accumulated and couldn't excrete outside of the body causes a unique odor like an ammonia smell. In addition, it is said that if there is an intestinal obstruction, the contents of the intestine may not move, therefore the odor can be come up as bad breath, so if you don't see any problem in a mouth and having bad breath on your dog please see a vet to take an examine and get an early treatment if necessary.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
草を食べお敎腞犬が草を食べる蚳 -  Eating grass for improving intestinal regulation - The reason for dogs eat grass
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Eating grass for improving intestinal regulation
Recently, I've seen Naomi eat grass on a morning walk for the first time in a long time. If it is the first time to see the behavior of your dog, most of the owners might worry about why they eat grass. Of course, I was the kind of owner and had a consultation regarding the behavior with a vet. But this behavior seems actually a very natural behavior that the dog has instinctively had since living in a wild. 
In the past, when dogs hunted and lived in a wild, they ate small animals to live, therefore they had instinctively ate grass and vomited unnecessary things that could not be digested by their stomaches. This is why dogs still eat grass to keep their intestinal regulation. The dog's instinct seems to have a routine idea that eating grass can puke things in the stomach.
However, when this behavior is frequently seen in puppies and growing dogs, it is possible that parasites are infested in the intestine by placental infection from their mothers which might be caused gastrointestinal disorders. This case needs to consult to a vet to solve the issue.
In the case of Naomi, she had not vomited, but since she had become diarrhea depending on how much she eat grass, I have been adjusting at the situation so as not to eat too much.
The previous vet told me that the intestinal function could be weak in Naomi's case, so I switched dog food to the vet recommended, gastrointestinal dog food of Royal Canaan for a period of time. Since then she was doing well, so I switched to boiled vegetables and chicken meat again instead of the gastrointestinal dog food, but recently I found a new version of Purina, Beneful dog food and thought that it would be a good try, so I have been mixing the dog food with the boiled vegetables and chicken meat to feed her. I think that it has been almost two months since I switched to this dog food, and I was relieved that there was no change with her behavior and digestion, but now it seems that she has been getting a reaction from the dog food which may not suit to her digestion regarding her behavior.
By the way, I figured out some more other reasons beside improving intestinal action and digestive function on this behavior, and I think that these reasons are reasonable dog's signs that should not be overlooked by the owner, so please refer to it as an useful information.
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The reason for dogs eat grass
1. Gastrointestinal upset
As I mentioned above, it instinctively eliminates discomfort in the stomach or promotes intestinal action. However, if dogs do not have appetites, eat grass frequently and have diarrhea, they may be gastritis or other illnesses, so it is better to see a vet in this case.
2. Trying to spit out something what was ingested by mistake
When dogs want to spit out something they have accidentally swallowed, they have a routine idea what is to eat grass can puke things in their stomach.
3. Lack of fibers and vitamins
When dogs eat dog food alone, they tend to be deficient in vitamins and fibers, so they eat grass to make up for it. If they feel that their bodies are deficient in the vitamin of folic acid, which is especially found in green and yellow vegetables, dogs will naturally try to make up for the lack of vitamin by eating grass.
4. Stress
It said that dogs are also have various stresses every day just like humans. In addition, many dogs even try to eat grass when they are stressed due to lack of exercises or change of environments. If you have an idea that you haven't been able to let your dog play enough recently, or the environment has been changed around your dog, then simply give it a chance to relieve the stress.
5. Addiction of texture of grass
Particularly, puppies are same like human babies, want to eat anything, and dogs who like the taste and texture when they eat grass for the first time seem to recognize grass as delicious and eat grass repeatedly. Dogs who always like to eat grass tend to eat grass even they are short on food or when they are hungry.
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As above, these are the reasons for dogs eat grass, but it does not mean that they can eat anything on grass. Since we have various toxic flowers and house plants at our places like in homes, so it is also necessary to create an environment that dogs do not eat such things.
And also, there is a high suspicion that herbicides are being applied to roadside grasses in this modern society, so we must also consider local weed management activities and avoid dogs eating them if we are uneasy with it. After all, we may need to devise food to your dog's health as possibly as we can to avoid the risk of danger for them as a pet which may be the easiest and safest way for us to do in this modern society.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
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ペットの犬は倧䞈倫かな犬の新型コロナりィルスに察する報告ず察策 -  Is your dog OK? The Reports and Countermeasures for The Coronavirus in Dogs
ここにJBVP䞀般瀟団法人 日本臚床獣医孊フォヌラムの最新の犬の飌い䞻の為の新型コロナりィルス察凊法をたずめおみたしたので、未だ理解が出来おいない、又は察凊法が曖昧な方は是非以䞋の事を参照頂き、ペットにも安党な生掻環境で、私達も安心しお暮らせるよう努めたしょう。
䞋蚘぀をケヌスずし、それらの䞻な察策ずしお ヌ
1. 犬における感染 犬は家の䞭で隔離するのがいいずの事。幞い犬が新型コロナりむルス感染によっお人間に及がしおいるような健康を害するこずはないようなので、凊眮ずしお隔離しおおけば自然に感染はなくなるものず蚀われおいたす。尚、䜕かの症状がなければ動物病院でも察凊できる事がないのが珟状。又、人間のコロナりむルス感染者を受け入れるこずができるような病院に盞圓する動物病院の䜓制はない様です。ご自身も感染し軜症で家にいる堎合は、自分で䞖話をし、入院する堎合には医垫ならびに保健所の指瀺で刀断するようにずのこずです。
2. 人間が感染しおいる家庭に犬がいる堎合 これたでの銙枯の2頭だけの経隓では感染であっおも䜎レベルであり犬には症状は出ないようです。しかし、生きたりィルスが少量ながら䞀定期間そこに存圚するずいうこずで泚意は必芁です。䞀方、日本囜では動物に察しお人間のコロナりむルスのPCR怜査を行う䜓制は党く敎っおいないので、怜査を行うかどうかに぀いおは保健所の刀断ずの事。動物病院に出向いおも囜立感染症研究所から出されおいる感染管理ガむドラむンに沿った察応はでき無いずの事ですので、自宅にお䞖話をし、䞖話が出来ない状況であれば、医垫ならびに保健所の指瀺にお刀断されるのが適切だず思われたす。
3. ふ぀うの家庭にいる犬
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In English please click "さらに読む" (read more) down below.
Is your dog OK? The Reports and Countermeasures for The Coronavirus in Dogs
Now, the Coronavirus go on a rampage round the world, and we as dog owners may be worry about how to cope with this situation with our pets. Earlier this month, the news that there were dogs who had detected coronavirus which was infected from their owners in Hong Kong might lead some owners to worry about coronavirus in dogs more. I am the one of the kind of owner, and so I searched what countermeasures could be taken in this situation.
Here, I compiled informations and countermeasures of the new coronavirus for dog owners based on the latest JBVP (Japan Forum for Clinical Veterinary Medicine), so if you are unsure or ambiguous how to cope with this situation of the coronavirus as dog owners, please refer to the following informations to ensure that we can live calmly and can give dogs a safety living environment.
The current summary of the relation between dogs and coronavirus infections concludes that dogs have a "low level of infection" after testing by the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD). At the same time, the findings were confirmed by universities and the experts at The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) stated that "there is a high probability of human-to-animal transmission."
Dogs being tested in Hong Kong have shown no signs of the coronavirus infection like a human, and the Hong Kong government has emphasized that "there is no data that pets transmit the coronavirus". In addition, it said that we should not have too much worries about animals especially dogs becoming a source of infection.
There is three possible cases under the circumstance, and their main countermeasures were -----
1. Infected dogs
Dogs should be isolated in the house. Fortunately, dogs don’t seem to harm their health by the coronavirus like in humans, and it seems that the infection will disappear naturally during a certain time while the dogs are isolated to ensure that their owners won't be infected. And also, if there is no symptom, then there is nothing to do for them at the veterinary/animal hospital which is what it is. In addition, there seems to be no veterinary/animal hospital like human hospitals where accept patients of the coronavirus infections. If owners/you are infected by coronavirus, having light symptoms and staying at home, then the owners/you should take care of the dogs, but if the owners/you need to be hospitalized, it said that the owner/you will need to clarify what to do for the dogs with the instructions of doctors and public health centers.
2. Dogs with infected owners/family homes
So far, there are two dogs who were infected by coronavirus only in Hong Kong which have experienced low levels of infection, and what they show is that dogs don't seem to have any symptoms caused by the coronavirus like humans do. However, it is necessary to be careful that a small amount of live virus exists there for a certain period. On the other hand, in Japan, there is no system for conducting PCR tests for human coronavirus on animals, so it is up to the public health center to decide whether or not to perform the test. Even if owners or someone instead go to a veterinary hospital to check their dogs, they can not receive a specific service according to the infection control guidelines issued by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, so owners need to take care of their dogs at home, and if owner/you can not take care of own dogs, then owner/you will need to make a decision of what to do for their dogs by the instructions of doctors and health centers which may be the best solution in this matter.
3. Dogs with uninfected owners/family homes
Avoiding go out as possible. If dogs need to go outside for any reason, it will be better to minimize necessity, and owners should not take dogs to crowds. As a countermeasure, it may be a good idea to not using dog parks just for avoiding contact with other dogs. There is a canine coronavirus vaccine, but please note that this is a vaccine against only canine gastrointestinal coronavirus, so it is ineffective against the new human coronavirus even dogs has gotten with the vaccine.
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At last,
The case of Hong Kong, the dogs were good-willed third parties, and because it has happened to them unfortunately. And also, it is unclear that they were infected, because they were old-aged dogs or all dogs were so. The number of case is too small, so it seems that it is hard to define it yet by now. However, there have been no reports of dogs getting sick by the Coronavirus, even in the places with a large number of infected patients, such as in China, so owners must understand this situation, protect own dogs as a family as usual, and survive this matter, so that helps dogs will never be villains or abandoned from their owners such as the case of the violence on dogs by a lack of understanding regarding the coronavirus in dogs like the tragedy in a village in China.
In the United States where Naomi and I live, restrictions on the use of veterinary/animal hospitals are announced gradually, and it is thought that there may be differences, such as possible complete suspension of service depending on each veterinary/animal hospitals, so at this point, I think that each inquiry and investigation are necessary to veterinary/animal hospitals who are in your local areas.
The importance is that prevention of human transmission is the highest priority, so it may be appropriated to look at the situation what you and your dog have now except when the dog needs urgency and to refrain from acting as much as possible.
Also, if people are in panics, they can be caused unusual behaviors. To keep our dogs in safe and secure, we as owners should also take care of our surroundings with responsible actions and calm judgments so that we do not sacrifice our dogs for such the thing.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
䜕故そんなに倢䞭で爪を噛み噛みしおいるの - Why are you addicted to biting your nails?
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● ストレスの可胜性
● 爪の䌞びすぎの可胜性
● 暇぀ぶしの可胜性
● 緊匵からの可胜性
● ニオむ
● 怪我や炎症、痒みがある可胜性
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ちなみにPAW MAGICパりマゞックずいう肉球専甚オヌガニックの保湿クリヌムは驚く皋の効果を発揮で、この冬も䜕床もお䞖話になりたした。クリヌムを塗った盎埌の舐め舐めで、せっかく塗ったクリヌムが台無しになっおるっお事は倚々あるのかなでも間違いなく効果は埗おたした。
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Why are you addicted to biting your nails?
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I was taking a break after the walking with Naomi, and there was a familiar chewing sound of nails in the living room, so I immediately thought that this must be coming from Naomi and just checked her. And yes, I was right. When I saw her, she was biting her nails madly. After observing it for a while, I was thinking about the reason for this behavior of her.
Naomi chews her nails fairly often, but there is no injury and a health problem, so I don't have a feeling that she needs to visit a vet for this matter with her therefore, I just let her do it when she does so far. But, I just had my interest on the reason for why dogs chew their nails, so I researched about it and knew that there are quite various reasons on this behavior according to a dog specialist. There is a wide range of reasons from a reasonable reason, the case of mental care needed or the cause that may require a treatment or a consultation with a veterinarian, so if your furry friend has a same behavior, this information must help, so please check what are the reasons for.
Various reasons to dogs bite their nails
● Likelihood of stress 
Dog expert says that dogs often bite their nails due to stress is the most likelihood. If the cause is stress, it is necessary to determine the factors that caused the stress at first. The major factors for this are lack of exercise and lack of communication with the owner. And also, a change in the environment or a change in temperature are seems to be related to this factor.
If these are the causes to dogs to bite their nails, reducing dog stress can be a solution to this problem.
● Likelihood of long nails
This seems to be quite often happening with Naomi. When nails are too long, and dogs feel uncomfortable with it, they bite their nails. It's a good idea to check their nails frequently and cut them.
● Likelihood of killing a time
Puppy chews nails when the puppy's teeth change, so this is because some dogs may have become habitual to chew their nails even they grew up.
As a countermeasure, it's better to give something distracting, such as a dog's dental treats, and see how it goes.
● Likelihood of under tension
When a dog is nervous about something, it sometimes bites his nails. A dog can calm his mind to doing this which has been well known as a similar behavior in human. If this behavior goes a little time and stop, it can be a temporary tension, but if dogs can not stop it, the owner must need to find the factor for this.
As a countermeasure in this case, the living environment is the key, so the behavior is going to be resolved by creating an environment with peace of mind so that the dog's feelings can calm down.
● Likelihood of Smell
If there is some smell on dog's paws or the nails, they may lick their paws or bite their nails to clean it up. This is a temporary behavior, so there is no problem. If you don't like them to do, you should wipe it out and they will soon be able to stop doing it.
● Likelihood of injury, inflammation and itching
They may lick their paws or bite their nails due to injuries, inflammations and itching, and the factors of these are usually cracking nails, have a foreign material like a prickle on paws, have a injury and feel uncomfortable or have pain, have itching due to food allergies. It is easy to determine the cause with an external appearance, but otherwise it is difficult, so there is no other way but to consult a veterinarian and determine what the cause is.
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The factors which dogs might had gotten when they are in a wild in the first place such as overgrown claws, a chewing habit, and cleaning their feet are not serious behaviors what we have to pay too much attentions even though we are their owners now, but other factors related to their stresses, tensions and itching from food allergies are what we need to be aware of which might have created by us in this society, and so this responsibility is significant.
To this, to determine the cause is the owner's duty, and we need to be serious to take an immediate action as an owner for these factors if necessary.
In addition to the above-mentioned action of biting nails, there is also an action of simply licking paws to a dog. This behavior had been seen for a moment in the winter by Naomi, and from the appearance judgment, I found that an extreme cold climate can let dog's paws to crack due to the ice and the dry air, so besides food allergies, there are a chance to dog to lick its legs due to such this factor.
Anyway, this was treated with an immediate treatment with a moisture cream for dog's paws. Like a human, a dog also can get a pain and difficult to walk if the cracks in the paws deteriorated, so treatment at an early stage is very important. 
By the way, PAW MAGIC, an organic moisturizing cream for the dog's paws was amazingly effective, and Naomi's paws had been taken care of by this cream many times in this winter. Maybe a lot of the cream I applied had ruined by Naomi's licking right after applying the cream. But, she definitely had gotten a good result.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
- A camouflage before a hunting? Or as a perfume of your own?
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A camouflage before a hunting? Or as a perfume of your own?
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Today is sunny, a perfect, clear day of spring. Is spring coming earlier than usual, because we have a warmer this winter? The air was warm and refreshing, and we had a long walk naturally in this morning. Naomi was also enjoying smelling, running very happily and rubbing her back on the lawn fairly often. Sometimes, she just pushed her nose into the ground and slid her chin, cheek and then the body, and other times, she dug a ground where she found something into it two or three times with a paw and slid into the ground with her face and then the body. This behavior is quite familiar to dog's owners, and it is something that the owners want their dogs to stop doing it when there is a choice.
By the way, it sounds that there are two major reasons on this behavior. The one of the reason is the instinct for a camouflage of hunting, and the other one is their desires to simply wear their favorite smells, but besides that, there are some more different meanings on this behavior.
Other 1: The ownership
This case refer to dogs rub their secretory gland of the odor on the heads against things what they love, and this is possibly have a meaning of their claims that the thing is "mine".
Other 2: Message
There is a theory that this is a handover from the wild age, because it is possible to give a group an information on hunting by returning to the flock with the smell of a prey. It seems that rubbing the body on an animal fece for instance which thought to be a way to efficiently communicate with a group for an information about prey.
Other 3: Identification
Body odor is same like a self-promotion for dogs, and it is an important information that can be used for like and dislike of dogs each other among them. From this, there is the case that rubbing a body and face is also the act of removing another smell from themselves and regaining their own smells. The reason why dogs rub their bodies on a carpet or a floor after shampoo is probably the action that they want to regain their smells quickly.
Other 4: Attract an interest
Dogs instinctively rub their bodies with the smells what they like as attracting male or female or their peers to get attentions by wearing an exciting smell just like a perfume in human society. By the way, the odor of the earthworm's carcass is the best to become a popular dog in the dog society:((
Other 4: satisfaction
After fun events for dogs, such as after a meal or a walk, they lie back and rub their backs or faces on a floor or a ground which case is they usually show a happy, smiling face.
Other 5: Sensuous excite
This case may not be for an identification and may not be for a mating or the case of attraction of their peers. This may be because they are simply seeking sensuous excite. For instance, some dogs rub their bodies on the snow madly or on the feces in some cases on this.
Other 6: Skin diseases
Dogs may be rubbing their bodies due to skin diseases such as fleas, mites, or itching due to allergies on food, so owners must be very careful on this. If this is the case, dogs need immediate vet visit to get a treatment if necessary.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
犬も日光济で健康促進 - Sunbathing promotes a health for dogs too! -
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ヌ 日光济による犬の健康促進効果 ヌ
獣医さん曰く、倪陜の光を济びるず“幞せホルモン”ずしお知られおいる「セロトニン」ずいう物質が分泌され、粟神状態を安定させる効果や䜓内時蚈を改善する効果が期埅されるようです。 セロトニンの分泌が悪くなるず情緒䞍安定になり、ムダ吠えしたりする犬もいるようなので、犬にずっおもずおも重芁なホルモンのひず぀だそう。
ずは蚀え、珟代の真倏のゞリゞリず照り぀ける倪陜の䞋での長時間の日向がっこずなれば、飌い䞻ずしお泚意しなければならない事もあるずは思いたす。 基本的に犬は自分で暑くなれば涌しい堎所に移動するずは思うので、自由に移動できお日陰もあり、氎が飲める環境であれば、真倏の日光济でも「熱䞭症」や「脱氎症状」を起こしたりするこずはないずは思いたす。でも、もし感芚が鈍くなっおいるシニア犬、又はケヌゞの䞭で動く範囲が限られおいる等の堎合は勿論飌い䞻さんが偎で管理しおあげないずいけないですよね。
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In English please click "さらに読む" (read more) down below.
Sunbathing promotes a health for dogs too! 
It is the relation for the change in the orbit of the sun which makes us feel a spring is coming, and the area where sun brightens a room got extensive than before as a afternoon sunshine. Naomi seems to be happy with the sunshine as a soft spring day appears on a carpet in the living room where the sun has never entered in the winter time.
The sunbathing is very grateful and pleasant for dogs too. This is same thing like an everyday free pass for a natural hot spring of human for Naomi especially who gets cold easily. It gives her warm, peaceful time and let her be relaxed, and when she find the spot where the sunshine comes in even if it is any small area, she immediately takes the place. It just looks like she is telling me why not do that.
When a dog is sunbathing, it feels more like relaxing in a warm place than it is enjoying the sunshine. However, this simple activity of sunbathing has some elements that are very effective for dog's health, so I realize that it cannot be neglected.
The effect of sunbathing for the promotion of Dog's health 
According a veterinarian, when body exposed to the light of the sun, a substance called serotonin which is known as the "happy hormone," is secreted, and it seems to be expected to have the effect of stabilizing the mental state and improving body clock. Poor serotonin secretion can cause emotional instability, and some dogs may have an unnecessary barking, so it is one of the most important hormones for dogs.
With these reasons, it says that senior dogs who have symptoms such as strolling a room at night or crying at night can be refreshing change of mood or less susceptible to symptoms by taking sunbathing.
In addition, it also says that the effect of promoting the secretion of growth hormone can be expected, and the effect preventing and defending aggravation of the skin disease can be expected by the bactericidal action of ultraviolet rays contained in the sunlight.
A dog can produce less vitamin D in the body than human, but vitamin D performs an important function in dog, such as absorbing calcium and maintaining muscle strength. In order to maintain enough of it, it is important not only to eat but also to get the sunshine.
Now we know, there are so many good things for dog's health by sunbathing, so if you have a difficulty to let your furry friends out in a daytime, let's pick a place where your farry friends can sunbathing while you can't deal with them or you are out in a daytime. That way they can maintain their health naturally, moreover they will enjoy it and will be happy with it. You would realize how important sunbathing is, when you see the peaceful, happy sleeping face of your furry friends after all. 
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But, there should be some attentions that an owner has for furry friends if they spend a lot of time on sunbathing in a hot summer especially these days. Basically, if dogs get hot, they will move to a cool place naturally, so if they can move freely, have a shade and can drink water anytime, there won't be an issue something like "heat stroke" or "dehydration" by sunbathing even if it is in a hot summer. But, if a dog who are a senior with a lack of sensation or a dog who have a limited range of movement in a cage, definitely the owner will have to manage it overall.
I think that each has a different environment and situation, so as an owner, we must know what is the condition of own dogs and have to do the right thing what it should be in its situation.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
匷い狩猟本胜 - Strong Hunting Instinct -
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そもそもナオミはアメリカンラットテリア ずメキシカンチワワの掛け合わせずあり、小動物に察しお狩猟本胜が目芚めやすく、動くものに敏感に反応しお远いかける犬皮。スむッチが入ったらもう止たらないずころはチワワ犬皮ならではず思われる野性味が匷く独立心が匷い所。これは本圓、他犬皮に比べるず半端ないです。
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Strong Hunting Instinct
Today is a warm weather in here, and walking with Naomi was so nice even it was an evening. On this day, the small animals that living in the park also seemed to be active, and many squirrels were playing, chasing and enjoying their meals.
However, the peaceful moment was too short to enjoy. Naomi's hunting instinct increased intensely by smelling the squirrels, and she became more active than usual and became too excited. I had to be worry about the stopper on the leash which may be broken by Naomi pulling it so hard. 
It was just same as you can feel the speed and sound of the fishing line being pulled from the reel when a big fish hits the fishing rod.
I have well known what Naomi does in the next as her behavior, so this is what I always to be sure that there are no bicycles or people around us before her behavior actually happened. Otherwise, she does run around with a terrible speed and in an unpredictable direction which could be a disaster involving people.
To begin with, Naomi is a mix of American Rat Terrier and Mexican Chihuahua, and her hunting instinct has gotten easily by seeing small animals, and it is the dog breed that responds sensitively to moving objects. It is the factor what I can not stop her once her hunting switch turned on is the character of Chihuahua breed regarding a strong wildness and a strong sense of independence. This characteristic what I have been talked is really different and more strong than the other dog breeds when it is compared.
Anyway, she was barking at the squirrels who evacuated on the tree for while and then, she started whimpering that she wants to catch them to me.
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I imagine that it was just a nightmare to squirrels who were disturbed such a peaceful time by Naomi. But sometimes an courageous squirrel who seems to be a boss appears and handles this situation which may be familier with him.  It seems that he says "no problem" and teases Naomi by attracting on the ground at first and escape to a tree just like playing a game of tag. This is really funny.
Of course I got used to with this Naomi’s behavior, so I led her away from squirrels by giving her bacon cheese strips which she loves as always and left the park safely.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
狭くお少し暗い空間を奜む犬 - Dogs prefer a little dark and narrow space to relax -
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A Dog prefers a narrow and a little dark space
I can check if Naomi sleeps on her bed circumstantially while I am preparing meals, so I often see the spot where her bed is, and if she doesn’t sleep on her bed, I search her where she is and usually find her in a futon in a bedroom. Today was the day also, and I searched her and just laughed about where she was, because she was under the pillow in this time. I put the pillow roughly on the bed after I changed its pillowcase, so I guess that the pillow was the perfect thing that Naomi can hide easily and sleep.
She usually wakes up by the indication as soon as I get closer, but this time, she seemed to fall soundly asleep. Perhaps, the smell of the dinner affected to her dream, and she caught by a food something tasty in the dream and simply wanted to stay in there.
Anyhow, this Naomi's habit of "hidden sleeping" has been seen since she moved to Colorado, so it is probably when she has discomfort with a cold situation and has a feeling that she wants to stay calm or wants to sleep calmly.
A narrow and a little dark space is a place where is safe and instinctually preferred for dogs, so it may be the expression of their desire to sleep in a comfortably calm state as the case of under a futon or under a pillow like in this case.
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This particular Naomi's behavior usually occurs during cooking, so it sounds that she seems to be disliked and scary with the sounds of cooking, especially frying or stir-frying.
When you see that furry friends who are hiding in a futon, being wrapped up with something what you love or sleeping under something please talk to them softly and let them do whatever they are doing until when their discomfort relieved instead of scold them. 
Dogs may be trying to calm themselves or even it is just for a relaxing, but their actions have reasons and are always meaningful for them. 
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
犬の聎力 - Dog’s hearing ability
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ヌ 耳の圢ず倧きさによる聎力の差 ヌ
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Dog’s hearing ability 
Today, we have a biting cold in here. It is cloudy moreover, it is windy. The wind brought us feel like more cold, so Naomi didn’t have a mood for a walk. I called her many times to go for a walk in the evening, but she had not quite ready for it. It appeared to me that it was a real deal for her to go out for a walk today. 
I am also the person who gets cold easily, so I understand her feeling. The air was really cold and the temperature was around -3°C in the evening, but the effective temperature was lower like -10°C according to the weather news.  
Naomi has a fear of the sound of wind especially when she is at home. At this time, the wind was too strong, so maybe she heard some noises what the windows created by the wind, and if so, this might be effected to the dim response which was not only because outside was too cold.
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By the way, it said that dogs can hear sounds up to approx. 50,000 Hertz according to a dog specialist. In other words, dogs can hear higher sounds than humans. For instance, the sound that humans hear in daily life is up to about 4000 Hz in everyday conversations, and something noisy like an airplane sound is up to about 13,000 Hz only. 
In addition, dogs are good at hearing higher sounds than low sounds which means that our daily conversation is about 4000 Hz therefore, the high sounds around 8000 Hz is much easy for them to hear. For this reason, raising a voice tone can be affected to get a better response when calling or talking to your furry friends.
About a distance for dogs can hear the sounds is more than 1km, and in an unobstructed space, they can hear sounds at a greater distance than that.
In everyday life, dogs live in such a world of various sounds that we can not hear, so when they do not hear what their owners say, it may be because they are simply disturbed by something other sounds out there.
Hearing differences due to ear shape and size
One of the experiment that examined hearing differences showed that there was no significant difference in hearing or a frequency between chihuahuas with upright ears and other breeds with drooping ears. And also, there was no relationship between dog size and hearing difference in frequency.
I have been talking about a specialized hearing ability of dogs, but here is one more thing that there is a certain tendency for sounds they like or dislike. Their favorite sounds are related to food, sounds of toys, calls and compliments from their owners, etc., but this doesn't mean that they like the sound itself. What they like about these sounds is that apparently, dogs recognize the sounds what are usually great things happen on them, and they get used to like the sound itself and become more sensitive about it.
When we are aware of this world of the sounds based on dogs in everyday life then, we can enjoy more with them together! 
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
匂いを嗅ぐのが犬の散歩 - Sniffing is about a walk of dog
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Today, we got a sunny, nice day in here, and the sun just gave us a shiny evening. Naomi was enjoying a walk while the sunshine brought us a bright scenery and a warmth, and it simply led her more active. 
A snow has melted, and Naomi can smell anywhere, anything she likes, so I had a difficulty to handle a leash where she goes.  I understand that how much dogs can sniff while they're walking is all about the meaning for them to walk, so I don't blame her.
By the end of the walk, she was staring at me unsatisfactory, but there was a limitation for a time, so I led her back home by managing a treat what she loves.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
犬の前脚クロスの意味 - The meaning of dogs to cross legs
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犬によっおはただ楜な姿勢だからクロスしおいるのかもでもそのずきの衚情を芋るず本圓にリラックスしおいるように芋える。 犬の専門家曰く、この姿勢をずる事で飌い䞻が喜んだりするのを芚えお、前脚をクロスするようになる犬もいるんだそうですよ。
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When I wake up and open the blinds, it was snowing in this morning, and I feel that it is no more rare case in here recently. My hometown where has less snowfall in Japan, and I lived in Texas for while since I came to the USA therefore, I had been so excited to see a snow every time since I located in Colorado. It is a little over a year now since then, and snowfall is not rare in here, and I feel that it is becoming a normal sight of it these days.
Even though it was snowing this morning, the temperature was not too low, so Naomi also relaxed on her bed after getting up. She raised her head and greeted to me by chance from her favorite blanket.
The meaning and reason to cross legs
It says that when a dog sleeps with legs crossed, apparently it is relaxing, because the posture takes time to get up, so it may be an alert position and may not take this position in situations where it feels uneasy.
Maybe some dogs are crossing their legs just because the position simply gives them comfort. But when looking at their faces with this posture, it seems to be really relaxed. A dog expert says that some dogs cross their front legs, because they learned that the owners are happy with this attitude and remember it.
Obviously, each behaviors show their emotions and characters at a time, and what important is that dogs are always appealing to their owners to understand them well. As we know, owners should be specialized with own dogs and must not miss out their signs.
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
錻を芆っお寝る犬 - A Dog who is Sleeping with a Covered Nose
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チワワずラットテリア のミックスでラッチャず蚀われる犬皮のナオミは、暖かい地域での生息に適したショヌトコヌトのシングルコヌトなので、ずにかく寒がり。自分のベットで専甚の毛垃を被っお寝るのは圓然、冬堎のこの時期の就寝時には垃団の䞭に朜り蟌んで来おはリラックスモヌドの暪向き寝するのが圓たり前。
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A Dog who is Sleeping with a Covered Nose
Naomi often sleeps in such a unique style like covering her nose with front legs, and here is an another shot of it in this morning. 
Nose is a very sensitive part and important for dogs. In general, covering nose is the one of the action that it attempts to shut out the cold air around it and relieve its coldness by doing it. I prefer do not use a heater more than I need in my house, and the dry climate in Colorado tends to feel the air too cold especially to Naomi in this case.
The dog breed called Ratcha in the mix of Chihuahua and Rat Terrier has a short coat with a single coat which is suitable for living in warm areas, so it gets cold very easily. It is too basic that she sleeps on her own bed with her special blanket, and it is so natural to come into a futon and sleep with a sideways in relax mode while a bedtime at this time of season.
Dogs often sleep with a rounded shape which also we called “Wan-monite”* as a joke of Japanese of its similarlity to ammonite and protect their belly from a coldness. The shape simply leads dogs produce a small area where touch the air around and reduce losing a warmth. It is a very practical and perfect style for them to keep warmth while they sleep when it is cold. But Naomi’s sleeping style is unique to compare to this. Her sleeping style in the picture is a state of caution which case is face-down in sleep basically, and it allows her to protect her belly where she has less hair to keep warmth instinctively, in addition, covering her nose to create wamer air around is absolute her perfection of sleep which was created by her own.
When dogs sleep in face-down posture is a very natural, and it is standard sleeping pattern what is a state of caution in case of it can get up quickly for any reason as their instincts.
Also, to attach their chins to a ground is a little meaningful. In fact, dogs feel their enemy coming with the sensation of the chin coming from a ground. Dogs that instinctively protect themselves from enemies even when they are asleep demonstrates that how hard to live in such a natural harshness surely.
* ”Wan” for Wan-monite is the imitation of dog's bark in Japanese
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waggingatail · 5 years ago
犬の生態、習性ず反する生掻環境 - Dog’s Living Environment Contrary to the Original Ecology and Habit
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Dog’s Living Environment Contrary to the Original Ecology and Habit
According to the people who live in Denver, winter is actually just about the beginning right now, and here we got a powdery snow from yesterday morning through the night again which is snow covered all over the town. 
It was still lightly snowing at night, and it seemed that Naomi was too excited running around on the fluffy powder snow, because the freezing cold temperature drove her hyperactive. Moreover, she was crazy about dipping her nose into the powderly, shallow snow to sniff something that she likes. She got lumps of snow on her whiskers in the end of the walk. She seemed nothing problem with it, so that made me a little laugh.
However, she doesn’t have a way to live in a snowy country like other dog breeds who are specialized to a cold climate, has no idea how to deal with a snow and has not have a defensive capability of a cold climate like people have, therefore this simply leads her keep doing whatever she does unless when she feels weird or gets something wrong with her body, so it is important to be careful with the situation that is under the different environment of its original ecology and habit.
A Chihuahua is originated in northern Mexico and apparently be ignorant of living in snowy areas. Even it can instinctively determine the natural dangers as a dog, it needs to learn and have an experience for the way to live from the beginning if it lives in an environment that differs from its original ecology and living habit.
In this modern society, dogs move anywhere where their owners go and live anywhere as a pet in living environments that are completely different from their original ecologies and habits, so what I realize with this situation is that they may get unknown fields to living, therefore we as owners have to handle situations and manage their secured lives in this world.
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