#chick run association
The Biker Sisterhood
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zriasstuff · 6 months
All because I liked a boy
Theodore Nott x reader
Before you scroll: THANK YOU FOR 314 FOLLOWERS RAHHH <<33 (the pi number is perfect) and special shoutout to @babygoddam who ALWAYS likes my shit first, you a real one. Feel absolutely free to send in requests (totally not because im running out of ideas)!!!!
Summary: Theo is dating Pansy, but is also seeing you secretly behind her back. What happens when you get sick of that and present him an ultimatum. Will it be her or you? And what if a unexpected friendship develops from all this?
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It’s your last year at hogwarts, so that makes you about 17/18 yo.
Everything about your clandestine meetups behind the quidditch field was morally wrong. As you’re walking up to your meetup spot, you feel the urge to stop yourself and go back to your dorm. You want to, and most importantly should stop making the same mistake again and again. But your lack of self control would be the eventual death of you.
Actually, no. Theodore Nott would be the eventual death of you. He was the reason for your lack of self control.
The freezing January air made it impossible to breathe, your red nose hurting from every drawn breath. Shivers ran through your body, all the way to your head where you were experiencing a first hand brain freeze. How was it possible that this is what your life has come to.
Through the foggy air, you eventually make out a tall and lean figure, approaching you with arms crossed and head down. Death has arrived.
“My bad on suggesting to meet up here in this crappy weather, but my dorm is occupied”, he breathed out while clouds of vapor escaped his mouth.
“What about the library then?”, you suggested. Any place inside would be better than this.
“No”, he decisively rejects your idea while shaking his head.
“Why not”, you ask.
“You know why”, he says, sounding increasingly annoyed.
“I don’t” You do. You know exactly why. You want to hear him say it.
“Don’t do this”
“I really don’t know”
“Stop, I really don't want to do this right now” Theo let out a repressed huff with his head lowered. One of his hands that was in his jacket pocket began ruffling through his hair. Whenever he was uneasy he did that.
“Fine”, you let it go. Truth be told, you were also afraid that you wouldn’t be able to digest what Theo would say. On one side, you knew that this was wrong. But on the other hand, admitting it was wrong meant that you would have to end it, otherwise it would make you guys horrible people.
Not that you weren’t horrible people now, but saying it just made it all the more real. Real is bad. Reality sucks. It was easier to hide in a bubble.
Theo looks you in the eyes again, assessing that this probably wasn’t a great time to do anything. But he didn’t want to make you feel like trash either.
“So how was your day?”, he awkwardly asks.
“We don’t have to do this, don’t pretend you actually care”, you sigh. His attempt was meant well, but it was futile. He could never make you feel fully cared for. And that was alright. You know you don’t deserve it anyway.
“I do care”, he exhales while nailing you with his intense stare.
“For your dirty mistress? How naive do you think i am”
“So you do want to do this right now” You thought you didn’t, but today seemed to be especially hard on you. Perhaps it was the stress from classes, perhaps it was the passive aggressive letter you got from your parents, or perhaps it was Theo barely acknowledging your existence in between classes.
“If not now, when then? I'm getting sick of not talking about it” It was time to face reality and put your fears aside.
“I thought you were okay with this”, he raised his voice confusingly.
“With being your side chick who can’t be seen or associated with you in public? Am I okay with seeing you prance around with Pansy, while I have to meet you out here like this?”
“Hey I'm not the bad guy who is forcing you to do this”
Theodore Nott wasn’t forcing you to do anything. No. He would just call you baby behind closed doors. Buy you flowers. Secretly spend nights with you. Anything a boyfriend would do, just without the emotional attachment.
And Pansy. His girlfriend he actually prances around with. His girlfriend who thinks she means the world to him. This slippery slope with Theodore down to where you were now started approximately four months ago. He had gotten into a really bad fight with her and at a party he started flirting with you. He lied about having broken up with her.
The worst part— you didn’t even find out up until two months later. In those two months he had obviously made up with her and didn’t end it, but he was sneaky. You had to give him credit for having juggled the two of you for that long without either noticing. You guess it helped that you were in Gryffindor. But after two months Theo got tired of being on edge all the time, so he decided to make his relationship with Pansy public again.
Why didn't you end it with him back then? Good question. All you remember is a bunch of unconvincing bullshit from him. But as unconvincing as it was, he gave you a sense of comfort. And although he didn’t make you feel fully cared for, he was still better than your supposed friends. Those two months you lived in the unknown were special, you had to admit. You felt special. But even the brightest spark eventually dies out.
“I know you’re not forcing me, but I'm getting fucking exhausted of this. And I feel terrible about Pansy”
“Why do you even care about her?”
“WHY DON’T YOU?!”, you suddenly burst out. Yes, he chose her over you because he had been together with her before you got together with him. Admittedly, he’s treating her better than you. But you don’t hate her. She actually didn't do anything. And unlike you, she isn't actively hurting you. It was so frustrating to know that you were choosing some guy over the “girls protect girls” vow. All because you couldn’t handle being alone again. Pathetic.
“Do you realize how ridiculous you sound Theo? Saying you like both of us, but in reality you treat both of us like shit.”
“Well what do you want me to do?”, he angrily asked.
“I'm giving you an ultimatum. Either you break up with me and stay with her. Or you tell her and deal with her breaking up with you. If she doesn’t, and if you also don’t, then I will anyway”
Perhaps it sounded a bit too extreme at the moment. You were definitely the last person to talk about morals, but it wasn’t too late yet. In the long run, it would benefit Theo too. A huge weight was finally going to be lifted off of your shoulders.
“Please, you’re not thinking straight”, he pitifully pleads in a last attempt to escape his responsibility and ultimately reality.
“I mean this works just fine. Pansy is happy, I can make you happy, and i promise you won’t feel like a dirty mistress”
A scoff is all you’re able to respond with. “You got until the end of the week, otherwise I will immediately cut off any ties with you”
Are you as important to Theo as he says you are? It’s wrong, but innerly you wish that he would break up with Pansy without telling her. That would be ideal for you. Freaking Theodore Nott, who showed you what kind of person you really were.
The next day, you caught Theo and Pansy making out in the hallways. “Ugh get a room”, you think to yourself. The day after, still no change. And on the day after that, everything was still the same. And as one could imagine, on the fourth day, still nothing.
With Friday approaching, Theo would only have two more days to make his decision according to your ultimatum. Perhaps he thought that you didn’t mean it seriously, but you did. You swore to yourself that if after two days still nothing happened, you’d break up with him. “Break up”, as in quit being fuck buddies, it wasn’t like you were in a real relationship.
Consumed by your own thoughts, you apparently missed McGonagall's announcement. Suddenly half the class was packing their stuff and getting up.
“Hey what’s going on”, you ask a guy sitting in front of you.
“Did you seriously not pay attention?”, he hisses.
“What do you think, smart-ass, since I’m asking you right now?” This was not the time to be lecturing you.
“We got a new seating arrangement, she just read out all the pairs who are going to be sitting next to each other. I think you’re with Pansy”
Shit. You swallow hard at the mention of her name.
“You sure?”, you ask dumbfounded.
“I mean she’s walking up to you right now”, he says shrugging his shoulders, “anyway gotta go”
You hope to fuck that he was wrong. But after turning around frantically, you observe that Pansy was in fact walking up to you. Out of all forty students, of course you would be next to her.
“Heyyy, looks like we’re going to be stuck with each other for a semester. Cute bracelet by the way, where’d you get it?”, she greets you in quite a chipper tone.
“You’re boyfriend actually got it for me after our first time”, is what you would say if you didn’t lie. Instead you reply “thanks, a friend got it for me but I don’t know from where”
“Y’know I actually have a really similar one”, she says as she’s sitting down next to you and pulls up her sleeve, “Theo gave it to me”. It was basically the same bracelet, just in gold instead of silver. So, what were the chances that Theo bought several bracelets in the same shop and just gave them out to whoever he fancied at the moment. Not even the slightest effort.
“How sweet”, you force yourself to say in the happiest tone you can manage.
“So what’s going on in your life?”, she continues the conversation, “I just realized that I barely know anything about you, even though we’ve known each other since year one”
You almost want to say “trust me, you don’t want to know what’s going on in my life”. Instead you say “nothing much, I’ve been thinking about maybe trying out for the quidditch team”
“Oh how cool, I’ve seen you fly in class, you totally should try out. You know during the last game between Slytherin and Gryffindor Blaise did this really funny thing where…”
What Blaise did, you’ll never know because you tuned out. But what you do know now is that Pansy is actually an incredibly nice person. In just five minutes she has shown you support, complimented you and began talking to you like you were her new friend. Perhaps she thought you could be friends. After the lesson ended, you felt almost carefree. You guys barely got any work done, but instead gossiped about anything that came to mind. Time practically passed away in seconds, and you were just hugging Pansy goodbye before going separate ways. Nothing felt weird at all until…
As you’re about to pull away from the hug, you catch Theo staring intensely from the corner of your eye. Was he suspecting something? Truth be told, you could’ve inquired more about his and Pansy’s relationship, but you decided to not be nosy. The less you knew, the better.
Later on, after you spent hours feeling like an empty shell of a human being, you slouch to your dinner table. During the day your thoughts felt like a huge, untieable knot, so you decided to ignore everything. When all classes ended, you immediately hopped into bed, rolling around, slowly rotting. Feeling nothing was better than thinking too much. There was simply too much. There was the question of whether you were a terrible human being, wondering if you should completely rebrand yourself, thinking about what Theo would do and about how it would affect Pansy, and so much more. In the end, nothing would be answered by just thinking about it.
Even while eating dinner, you have to restrain yourself from letting your most inner thoughts wander. Though, Pansy sure added fuel to the fire by smiling at you. Genuinely flashing you the purest, brightest smile. For no reason at all. Just to be nice probably. Instead of smiling back like a normal human being, you almost choke on your water.
This was it. You couldn’t pretend to be unbothered. You had to end it. You hated that option because it meant that Theo could escape from his responsibility, but it also meant that you could redeem yourself. Right? After all, you also carried some of that responsibility.
To contact Theo, you wrote “meet me at astronomy tower, important!” on a small piece of paper and slipped it into his hand after dinner was over. Hopefully no one saw that transaction. Since everyone always pushed another, it was only natural to bump into someone and touch their hand or arm.
Halfway on your way to the tower, you question if all this had been a huge mistake. Would you even have the guts to do what you had set out to do ? Theo could be so goddamn persuasive sometimes.
On your last few steps you lose a bit of balance and barely make it to the balcony, feeling like you would collapse any time soon. It even takes you a second to realize that Theo was already there. Before he turned around you just thought that it was some random guy.
“How were you faster than me”, you huff completely out of breath.
“I have my ways”, he says. “So why’d you want to meet me here”, he asks, seeming disturbingly nonchalant. As if he couldn’t guess the possible reasons.
“I want this to be as quick and painless as possible”, you begin. You gain an eyebrow raise from the otherwise collected looking guy.
“Let’s just officially end this. You and me. We are officially over.”
You were pretty sure that you didn’t sound as confident as you wish you had, but nonetheless you had done it. Officially calling the breaks would be your ticket to a normal life again. Whew did that feel freeing. But this wasn’t fully over yet.
“I thought it was up to me”, Theo sounded agitated now.
“Well i changed my mind”
“That’s not fai-“
“Seriously, Theo, you want to talk about fair ?”
“So what if i told you that I would’ve chosen you over Pansy”, he tells you while throwing his arms around. “You just want to give up like a coward?”, he spits at you, blowing up in anger and disbelief. His widening eyes and clenching jaw told you were enough to convince you that he was full on serious.
Is that what you were doing? Giving up on something genuine? You never thought about it in that way. Sure, your connection to Theo was undeniably strong, but were you ready for actual commitment?
“You don’t get to say that”, you defensively say as you take a step back. He immediately gets in your face again.
With tears forming in your eyes, threatening to spill out, and quivering lips, you try your best to curve your mouth upward and take your last stand.
“I am not giving up. We never had anything to begin with because you were a coward.”
He steps even closer, his nose touching yours. His dead brown eyes looked hauntingly beautiful in the moment. “But don’t you see, I want to give us a try”
“I CAN’T DO THIS THEO”, you yell in his face, not caring that your tears streamed down your face. All that bottled up anger came down to this. “WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND, THERE IS NO US.” Just as you say that, you frantically tear off his gifted silver bracelet and throw it in his face. “We’re done Theodore” are your last words before storming off.
When you notice him following, you run even faster, yelling “STOP FOLLOWING ME FOR FUCKS SAKE”. Eventually you stop hearing his footsteps, and you allow yourself to break down in an empty corridor. You keep muttering “it’s for the best” as a way of reassurance, but you don’t even know if that’s true anymore.
That night you went to sleep, wanting nothing but to drown out everything. Instead you got a fucking nightmare about the entire events at the astronomy tower. Only, you were watching from the third person point of view this time.
Luckily, as you wake up, you realize that it was a Saturday, so you could be in peace a little longer. Apparently you also woke up pretty late because you were alone in the dorm. Great, your “friends” didn’t even bother pretending to include you. It was always like that. They were nice to your face, but actively excluded you. What was it about you that alienated you from everyone?
You suddenly jolt up and watch Pansy come through the door. She looked furious and extremely messy. You notice her heavy eye bags and smeared mascara.
“YOU WANT TO TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOUR BRACELET WAS ON THEOS NIGHTSTAND?!?”, she shouts, probably loud enough for everyone in Gryffindor to hear.
“What are you talking ab-” It was mid sentence when you realize that you in fact threw your bracelet in Theo’s face yesterday and that Pansy recognised it from McGonagall's class.
There was no point in lying. “Pansy please I can explain”, you desperately choke out, feeling a knot in your throat.
“Fuck you. I actually liked you, but i guess you are just another snake”
Before you can actually explain yourself, she already left. All by yourself, you begin to sob. Perhaps your “friends” were right in excluding you. You wouldn’t even want to be friends with yourself.
This mess you were in— what if you never went to that party where you met Theo? But that wasn’t even the most important part. You had to find a way to make it up to Pansy.
Argh this is it…for now ? So if you read the deleted original fic “Baby”, you will recognise the first part, but not the rest. I asked if you wanted a pt.2, but then i realised i could just make all of it into one, longer part. I really really hope you found this if you read “Baby”. And who knows maybe this storyline will continue.
Also thank you for the people who commented, i tagged y’all (except for two i couldn’t find), so you could find this more easily. @onyxwingsandcrowblackdreams @princessofsilverandserpents @pumpkinchee @laur20a23 @ladyblablabla @the-mrs-malik-styles @boomdolle @mmeskywalker
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REQUEST : “Hey, can i request a hcs of be Dean Winchester or Jensen ackles wife? and be super sweet and pure girl that is younger than them” — anonymous
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : fluff, angst (if you squeeze your eyes together, til you make a crescent moon shape), a little bit of nsfw at the very end bc it’s hilarious
A/N : uh, yeah, here’s a little gift! I didn’t wanna do university work so i did this instead ☺️ anyway, i think this is just a list of things i love about dean… LMAO XXXX
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he will just stare at you for no reason
well, the reason is actually that he thinks your lovely to look at LOL
all those chick flicks he secretly loves to watch? yeah, he’ll recite the romantic stuff because he’s literally down bad for you
… he’s cringing on the inside but also knows he means every word
he’s so pathetic for you and he doesn’t even care
he loves to give you forehead kisses
and he wants them, too, but your lips need to linger a bit, and he’ll close his eyes and just release all the tension in his body because he’s touch starved
he plays with your wedding ring when your hand is right there in his line of sight
he will hold your hand and just stare at the way the ring shines in the sunlight and he will grin like a gigantic dork
ex : if your talking to him or someone else, he’ll just take your hand and gently run his fingers over the ring
he likes when you hold his head against your stomach
when he’s sitting and you’re standing and you move between his legs just to hold his adorable little face close to you, HE LOVES THAT
you’ll let him talk for hours about things he likes, things he wants to share with you
and when you admit you have no idea what he’s talking about when he makes references to old pop culture stuff, he’ll show you everything
.. if all that stuff he references was associated with something else, now it’s all associated with you and him
it’s like THERAPY, to redo stuff with you, to make it his again, and yours
teaching him how to use technology because he’s an old man (affectionate), and he learns fast bc he’s SMART
LOL, witnessing firsthand how genius and resourceful dean is when something breaks [yeah, I can’t stop thinking about him making his own EMF and Sammy being a complete NIPPLEHEAD (affectionate) about it ! as a STEM girly that was so sexy of dean]
or he’ll just sing randomly and not even notice that you’re listening to him
silence, comfortable silence, not sad, just.. peaceful
he likes not having to say anything sometimes, just being there with you
he plays with your hair A LOT, he’ll take strands and just feel the texture of it between his fingertips, he’ll even try to do your hair if you let him, if it’s long enough
CUDDLES, he needs that, too.
but he’d rather be on top when you cuddle, with his cute face on your chest, listening to your heartbeat, to your breathing, falling asleep if you run your fingers gently along his back or if you play with his hair
Dean starts mumbling a lot against your chest or shoulder when you’re just relaxing and having lazy conversation as you cuddle
how about KISSING HIS LITTLE DIMPLES??? idk about you but I just wanna kiss his little dimples when he does that specific SMILE or POUT, ya know what I mean! •ᴗ•?? or •~• ???
he flirts with you because you blush so easily
he gets flustered when you flirt back, BC HE’S NOT USED TO IT
he looks like a strawberry, just eatable, with the tips of his ears all red, then the pinkish hue pouring across his freckled cheeks and down his neck in cute little splotches 😭 ALRIGHT YEAH I THINK ABOUT THIS OFTEN
teasing him ABOUT EVERYTHING because that’s hilarious, and he’s indignant but also knows you’re so right and he’ll roll his eyes at you and pretend he’s mad
he can never be mad at you, only playfully!
squeezing him very tightly when you hug and just holding him until he’s practically putting all his weight over you like a willow tree
he’ll bother you on purpose, especially if you’re serious
ex : he takes strands of your hair and will put it in your ear LMAOO or tickle your face with it bc he’s never gonna let a single moment be boring
he grins like the cutest idiot in the world and you can’t be mad at him because he looks LIKE THAT, like the cutest idiot in the whole universe
wearing his clothes and pretending to be him, he thinks it’s cute and funny
he’ll hold your face a lot
and kiss you all over bc you’re cute and pure and deserve all the affection he can offer
and his hands are big and calloused, but he’s so tender and gentle, and warm
hugs from behind
smashing your face into his back and taking in the smell of his body (Mrs Butters lied, Dean smells good)
he’ll love the smell of your hair when he nuzzles into your neck, or the smell of your skin, or the softness of it
going on cute dates, like picnics, watching movies, going to the cinema, going to comic book stores
watching Disney movies together and he can recite the Dory movie by heart because HE LOVES THAT FISH FR
he’ll make you playlists of songs that remind him of you
He takes lots of photos, Polaroids are his favourite because he gets to put them anywhere and everywhere so he can smile and see you if you’re ever busy
you’ll always dress up on Halloween or just for fun whenever he wants
✨healing his inner child✨
grocery shopping together, he pouts when you don’t let him be unhealthy
if you’re short, he’s making fun of you for being shorter than him when he has to reach for stuff on shelves that you can’t reach even on your toes
he teaches you how to cook if you don’t know how to
and you eat the crazy food combinations he comes up with, like those marshmallow mac and cheese he said he made for Sam when they were kids , I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT TASTES LIKE
he teaches you how to fix cars! he’ll stare at you when you’re being silly ANYWAY PLS TEACH ME DEAN PLS
HAHAHAHAH but like hahahahah as in, 👀 the cute little names he calls you, and you thought they were cringe when couples said them to each other but actually when HE says it to YOU it makes you swoon and you blush, but you pretend you hate it at first because you’re not used to it but he can see through you, you love it
(I’m convinced that if he calls me darlin’, I will die on the spot, or my illnesses will be cured idk idk, I just know something spontaneous or magical will happen)
sharing everything, as in food
he’ll eat your leftovers, if there are any
or if he likes your stuff better than what he’s got, he’ll eat it when he think you’re not looking, but you are definitely aware, you’re just pretending because he’s so cute
trying all the Starbucks drinks together
having to deal with his grumpiness in the morning
even better, you’re not a morning person either so you’re both grumpy
he’s so cute when he’s had his first cup of coffee in the morning :’)
when you shower together, you both play with the shampoo on you heads LMAO
he gives really good massages, like MIND-BLOWINGLY GOOD, I know them hands are magical
BUYING EACH OTHER JEWELLERY, he’s too pretty to not wear jewellery
kissing his freckles BC HES CUTE AND he blushes
kissing his scars (flashback of emo memes) NO, not saying anything about them, just gently pressing your lips on his sensitive skin so he’s not insecure about all of them
he throws you over his shoulder and then walks around to bother you
butt smacking, that’s it, imagine the possibilities
pretending he’s picking you up at bars (like Claire and Phil from Modern Family 😭)
he’ll throw out his best pick up lines and you have to hold in your laughter at the faces he makes ALSO it works bc that’s your husband
being the best husband when you’re sick
making the yummiest foods and making sure your taking natural vitamins along with medicine
hanging out with you the whole time, not caring that you’re sick even though he’s kind of a germaphobe
whining a lot when he’s sick, but he’s partially just messing with you bc he wasn’t allowed to whine about anything as a kid (I’m right behind you, John)
he’s holding your boobs for comfort LMAO
I feel like he likes to bite, so he bites you a lot for no reason, and then goes about his day
pretending to have accents
more importantly, Dean knows how to speak Spanish, supernatural lied (all that porn and all those novelas and nothing stuck? nah, he’s very good at Spanish)
so he’ll try to seduce you with his Spanish speaking skills (and if you’re Latina/hispanic like me, you think it’s so sexy or it’s just plain cute, idk yet)
playing video games together and being very competitive
he’s very clean and very neat so you never have to tell him to clean up after himself !
he’s very protective of you, but never oversteps bc he knows you can handle yourself
he likes introducing you as his wife
it’s probably not even necessary but he’ll say it very loud and with a gigantic smile and he’ll embarrass you but it’s okay bc it’s Dean
he lies and says he’s your sugar daddy when people comment about the age gap
dude, dude, he’ll tease you a lot like… 🤣 he’ll copy your moans, or repeat stuff you said to him during sex. he’ll tell you very descriptively about how it all went down and the faces you made and the sounds you made.. you know, like in rock and a hard place [09.08]
especially if you’re shy
you wanna strangle him, but you don’t bc he’s the love of your life !
did I do this right? :( doesn’t matter, add some headcannons in the tags or comments 😭 i love husband!dean
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@rominaszh @lanassmarty @murdockscumsock @zepskies @candy-coated-misery0731 @lyarr24 @spnfamily-j2 @globetrotter28
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main masterlist
dean winchester masterlist
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do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or republish my work on another platform
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•▪︎Modest Violet•
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- "In Christianity, violets are sometimes associated with the Virgin Mary's humility and purity."
Bucchigiri!?! / Reader
[You and Arajin didn't expect to meet a genie. ]
Arajin Tomoshibi / Senya
The two of you eye the classroom, bowing politely. You glance at Arajin and freeze, his eyes trained on a lone girl who had a listless expression. You look away, frowning meekly.
You and Arajin had been given a strange fate.
Chased by gangsters, running into a shrine as he found gun inside.
Yet as he pressed the trigger, you were grazed by the bullet as it lodges itself in his head.
You stood frozen as the genine.. Or, Senya for short. Had circled his body around your frightened form. Yet he grins in a friendly manner, meeting your unsure gaze.
You and Arajin eagerly question the genie and realize he was stuck with you, too.
Yet when Arajin told his wish, the thought of Mahoro Jin in his mind...
"Hmm.. What is it you wish for..?"Your eyes widen, mouth parting slightly as you trace the bandaid on your cheek. "Your friend wants to lose his virginity." Senya stated as you blink, face blank but nodding.
You knew your wish..
"I-I..." You take a timid breath of air, making sure Arajin wasn't in the room, you spoke.
Senya watches eagerly as your gaze became... Determined.
"I... Want to fall in love."
Matakara Asamine
"... (Y/N)?"
You pause in your footsteps, turning around. Facing the familiar teen in quiet suprise. "Matakara..."
Meeting your old childhood acquaintance, which shocked you.
You smile strainfully as his eyes shine intensely
His friends smile as they eye you as well, whispering to each other
"Ah, I can't belive this shrimpy-chick is Matakara's-" "-Shuuush! I wanna see this play out!"
You watch as your friend turns away and throws a look at his friends. Senya yells excitedly in your ears.
You gulp, walking away quickly.
He calls out your name urgently, yet you just start running as Senya screams.
"Oi! Why are you running!" Senya screams as you run into the girls' restroom. Holding your chest, breathing heavily.
Marito Jin
"Eh~?" The leader drawls out, gazing at your features. But.. You didn't back down, merely holding out your arms to block Arajin from his sights.
You really didn't want your friend to go on that date with Mahoro...
You made yourself sick with worry, so..
"Follow them!" Senya exclaimed brightly, poking at your shoulder as he pushes you after them.
Leading you into the situation of hiding in bush as you watched Arajin and Mahoro on their date..
Senya kept giving you pep-talks as you try to focus your brain on anything else.
That was until.. Mahoro' brother showed up.
"Ha..." Marito breathes out, the fierce look you had given him.. It was raw, as if your eyes managed to land a hit on him.
Senya couldn't help but smirk, enjoying your confidence.
Before aiding Arajin into fighting the green haired delinquent.
Unfortunately, you as well.
"What is it exactly you wish for...?" Senya yells as you and Arajin scream together.
"I want to lose my virginity!"
With a small breath, you join.
"I want to fall in love!"
[This Fandom needs fan-fics! So.. If anyone is interested in me writing for this again! Let me know! I might even make this a series! What other characters should I add? Let me know!]
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Digimon Adventure 01x33 - Pump and Gotsu are Shibuya-Type Digimon / Out on the Town
Previously on Digimon Adventure: In the middle of a blistering summer day, DeathMeramon showed up to make things even hotter. Internet contrarianism at its finest. Bet he's also one of those clowns who retools their truck to produce more emissions and trigger Libs. Fortunately, the youth of the nation turned out and voted to throw him off a building so it's all good.
Now we turn our attention to another pair of kids. The recap offers a bit of extra information to set the stage for what's happening.
(Oh fuck me, it's this one. I am not ready. I am not ready.)
Narrator: On the night of the same day they fought DeathMeramon, Yamato escorted his younger brother Takeru to their mother's place and they headed in the direction of Shibuya.
Thit bit of setup doesn't make it into the dub's recap, which simply tells us what happened in the previous episode as usual.
As the episode begins, a CGI readout informs us of the date: It's August 2nd, 1999. The children still have about a month left in their summer vacation.
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To put our current location into perspective, here's some of those familiar map markers from last episode. Black circle is Vamdemon's lair at Daiba Park. Green is Shibaura. Blue is Tokyo Tower. We are now one city over from Minato City in Shibuya.
Shibuya is well-known for being, as they say, hip with the youngsters. Imagine if a stereotypical American shopping mall in the 90's with all its associated teenage memes was a city. That's Shibuya. It's like the capitol of youth fashion trends in Tokyo.
So these two Digimon roll up on the roof of a car.
Pumpmon: (excited) This place is even famous in the Digimon World: Shibuya!
The narrator wastes no time going into their rundowns.
Pumpmon is a Perfect-stage Data-type Puppet Digimon. Did you guess Nightmare Soldier? Because he's a Nightmare Soldier. He's kind of a catch-all. Any Nightmare Soldier can evolve into Pumpmon as a Jogress Evolution but no Nightmare Soldier directly evolves into him.
His name is, unsurprisingly, derived from "pumpkin" for his pumpkin head.
Narrator: Pumpmon. A stuffed doll with a pumpkin for a head. His scary but cute appearance is popular with girls. Tonight, he plans to run wild in Shibuya as if it were Halloween. His special attack is Trick-or-Treat.
That little guy next to him is Gotsumon, a Child-stage Data-type Ore Digimon. Gotsumon is a Nature Spirit and the mid-tier evolution for Mochimon. He evolves into a few Digimon you may recognize such as the Monochromon from File Island, Gekomon, and in the 0.5 update, Tailmon - though Tailmon would later receive a more official pre-evolution.
Gotsumon: These are Shibuya-type humans! Narrator: Gotsumon. His body is tough, but he's a cheerful and playfully naughty Digimon. He goes with the flow and was made for Shibuya! He plans to rock out tonight! His special move is Angry Rock. Pumpmon: Something exciting is about to happen! Gotsumon: Let's have fun! Ahahahaha!
Gotsumon and Pumpmon bound off the car roof and disappear into the city.
The dub adds some silence-breaking dialogue to their intro. It also somehow thinks those two are driving the car even though they're clearly on the roof of it.
Gotsumon: Let me drive! You're going the wrong way. Pumpkinmon: How do you know which way to go? You've never been in the real world before. Gotsumon: What's the difference? I've never driven a car before either! Pumpkinmon: Well, it's my first time too! Both: Ahahahahaha!!! Pumpkinmon: Whoa, check 'em out! Uh-huhuhuh Uhuhuhuhuh! Gotsumon: Ew! Pumpkinmon: So these are city people in the real world. They don't look like much fun. Gotsumon: (rundown) Well, Pumpkinmon? You're the right guy to teach them what 'fun' really is. You are, without a doubt, the most rockin' creature to ever have a pumpkin for a head. Remember: Chicks dig evil Digimon. Gotsumon: At least that's what I keep telling myself, anyway. Pumpkinmon: (rundown) Gotsumon, you are the mon! We're going to have such a blast here in the real world; They might even name a building after you: The Gotsumonument, where they keep all the party supplies. Pumpkinmon: 3... 2... 1... LET'S GO!!!
Dub Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are weirdly judgmental about the Shibuya people's party qualities. Though I will say: "Chicks dig evil Digimon" is a surprisingly pragmatic adaptation of Pumpmon having a "scary but cute appearance that's popular with girls." That's not what they said, but... it's not not what they said either.
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While Pumpmon and Gotsumon disappear into Shibuya, we join Yamato and Takeru on their way to say goodbye to one another. The brothers sit in silence while the music of Yamato's harmonica plays in the background.
From the luggage rack, Tsunomon and Patamon discuss their situation for the audience's benefit.
Tsunomon: Yamato and Takeru's parents divorced four years ago. Patamon: So even though they're brothers, Yamato lives with his dad and Takeru lives with his mom, right?
Now that we've laid down that reminder, Takeru checks the time on his Digivice. It's 7:07 PM.
Takeru: It's late. Onii-chan, you should get off at the next stop. Yamato: No. I'm taking you all the way to Sangenjaya. Takeru: It's okay-- Yamato: (firmly) Takeru. Takeru: What? Yamato: Let me do this. Takeru: Okay.
Rip my heart in half, and the episode's only just started.
The purple circle on the map is Sangenjaya. As you can see, it's a bit of a trip from the red circle Odaiba. Depending on your timing, it's about an hour to an hour and a half one-way by train. Takeru's worried because Yamato isn't going to get home until like 9. Which is pretty late for an 11-year-old.
We're about to come up on Shibuya Station, which means another 20 minutes to Sangenjaya. For Yamato, that's another 40 minutes added to the length of his round-trip if he goes all the way.
The dub adds a silence-breaker to this scene that completely kills the tone of the boys sitting in awkward, strained silence.
T.K.: How much longer, Matt!? Matt: Relax, T.K. You're almost home.
I guess T.K.'s getting impatient to split up. Their faces are onscreen for most of the extended silence, so the dub still has to go through with Matt and T.K. sitting there unmoving and not speaking. But the vibe is completely killed by T.K.'s whining.
Tsunomon: Matt and T.K.'s mom and dad aren't together anymore, Patamon. So even though they're brothers, they don't live together. Patamon: So T.K. lives with their mom and Matt lives with their dad? That explains why they try so hard to stay together all the time. (T.K. checks Digivice for the time) T.K.: It's sure late. Matt: Yeah? So? T.K.: The next stop's good enough. Matt: No. I'm gonna take you all the way home, little brother. T.K.: You don't have to. Matt: I know I don't have to but I'm going to, okay? I've got my reasons! T.K.: What reasons? Matt: You're my brother. T.K.: Thanks Matt.
This part's pretty well adapted. Matt uses a lot more words to explain where he's coming from, whereas Yamato captures basically all of that in the four words "Let me do this." But he still gets to the same point.
Things are pretty tense here in the train car. But then Patamon asks a question that's more insensitive than he realizes.
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Patamon: Are you upset because you're splitting up (wakareru)? Takeru: Shut up! Yamato: (surprised) Takeru! Patamon: You don't have to yell at me like that! Takeru: Even if it's you, Patamon, you shouldn't talk about us brothers like that! Patamon: Fine! I won't talk anymore! Tsunomon: Patamon!
To understand why Takeru lost his shit all of a sudden, you need to understand the nerve Patamon struck. The word he used, wakareru, means to divide or to separate. He was trying to politely ask if the fact that they're going to go their separate ways soon is what's causing all this tension in the train car.
But it's also the word for divorce. Patamon accidentally brushed on Takeru and Yamato's mutual insecurity, that their parents breaking up has broken them up.
Meanwhile, in the dub:
Patamon: Ahhh, nothing like sweet brotherly love! Tsunomon: That's a Digi-mouthful! Patamon: We like when you guys get mushy! T.K.: Hey, quit it! Matt: Easy, T.K.! Patamon: You don't have to be mean about it. I thought what you guys said was ni-- T.K.: MIND YOUR OWN BEESWAX!!! Why ya listenin' to our conversation anyway!? Patamon: FINE!!! If you don't want me around, I'll leave! Tsunomon: Patamon!
Patamon abruptly starts talking about how cute the boys are, and T.K. gets so embarrassed that he snaps at Patamon about it.
The anime's always been uncomfortable talking about the divorce. So uncomfortable that they initially posed these two as half-brothers but I think we've officially done away with that. But they did bring it up a second ago, so I'm a little surprised they suddenly back down from it here.
Patamon's feelings are so hurt by the argument that he bails as soon as the train doors open.
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Patamon: I'm getting off here! Yamato: Patamon!
Yamato and Tsunomon try to chase Patamon, but only get as far as the door. He's gone.
Yamato: Takeru! Patamon flew away! Takeru: (bristling) Who cares.... Tsunomon: The door's about to close! Yamato: (firmly) Takeru....
Right as the doors are about to close, Takeru's anger breaks. At the last possible second, he and Yamato jump out onto the platform of Shibuya Station to go find Patamon.
In the dub:
Patamon: I know when I'm not wanted! Matt: Patamon, don't! (Patamon's gone) Matt: Patamon got off the train, T.K.! Don't you want to go after him? T.K.: Who cares about him!? Tsunomon: I think you care about him. Matt: Don't you? (beat) Tsunomon: T.K.? Matt: Better decide, T.K.; The door's closing! (T.K.'s anger breaks and he jumps off the train with Matt) T.K.: Where'd he go!? Tsunomon: Where are we!?
Again, it's wordier but it hits all the important points. Tsunomon and Matt having to spell out T.K.'s inner turmoil might be a bit over-expository but it doesn't feel intrusive to me. The scene still flows pretty well.
Leaving the station, the brothers hit the streets of Shibuya to find Patamon.
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Tsunomon: Where could Patamon have gone? Yamato: This is your fault for yelling at him, Takeru. Takeru: (snaps) I couldn't help it! Yamato: Hey, don't take it out on me.
Takeru stops walking suddenly. His eyes soften.
Takeru: Onii-chan, I'm sorry.... Yamato: You went too far with Patamon. Takeru: I know, it's just.... He wasn't wrong.... Yamato: (gently) I know how you feel. Tsunomon: Let's go look over there!
Tsunomon's doing a pretty terrible job of being a plushy, I gotta say.
The dub, I guess, adds a timeskip as the brothers exit the train station?
T.K.: Seems like we've been walking around for hours.... Tsunomon: Yeah, I'm tired! And I don't even have any feet or legs! Matt: You shouldn't have yelled at him like that, T.K. T.K.: Hey, it's not my fault! Matt: Well, actually, it is. (T.K.'s eyes soften and he stops walking.) T.K.: Oh, I'm really sorry.... Matt: I understand, T.K. I know you didn't mean to hurt his feelings. T.K.: Well, I thought he was making fun of us.... Matt: No way, dude! You know Patamon better than that. Tsunomon: Hey, why don't we try looking over there.
Well. Uh. Glad we got that resolved. T.K. was making mountains out of molehills and he gets that now. Emotional drama: Over.
While Yamato and Takeru search for Patamon, they pass a pachinko parlor. We pan inside, where Pumpmon and Gotsumon are spending their night on the town not gambling.
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Pachinko is a pretty huge industry in Japan, proving not-gambling entertainment services. Comparable to a slot machine, pachinko is an easy way to burn through your disposable income by turning a knob and seeing what you get.
The reason I keep saying not gambling like that is because pachinko exploits a legal loophole to dance around Japan's strict gambling laws. Legally, it's simply classified as entertainment. This is because you can't win any money from the machines.
When you play pachinko, what you win from it are balls which are then exchanged for prizes at a nearby prize center. Sort of like an arcade. Those prizes can then be sold to a vendor in exchange for money.
See! It's not gambling! You're winning prizes, not money. And then turning those prizes into money. Not gambling!
So. yeah. These two are basically in a Japanese casino. It's an open secret that pachinko's cheating the system but it's also a pretty major industry, puts a lot of money into taxes, and the law still restricts minors from playing so everyone sorta goes along with it. There's stuff like that in every country.
We join Pumpmon inside as his machine pays out a ton of pachinko balls. Behind him, he has five separate trays filled with balls.
Pumpmon: This is really fun! Gotsumon: Hey, give me some. Pumpmon: Again!? Gotsumon: Don't be selfish! Pumpmon: But I am selfish. Gotsumon: I'll pay you back. Pumpmon: Promise? Gotsumon: Promise.
Before Pumpmon can turn any balls over to Gotsumon, a casino worker finds them.
Worker: You two. You're kids wearing costumes, AREN'T YOU!?!?
He drags them both from the casino and throws them out onto the escalator.
Worker: Next time I see you in here, I'm calling your school!
Once the two Digimon hit the bottom, they get up and yell back at him.
Pumpmon: WE'RE NOT CHILDREN!!! Gotsumon: We're just short! Worker: WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!?!? Both Digimon: WAUUUUGH!!! (flees)
The funny thing is, he's half-right. Gotsumon is a child.
In the dub:
Pumpkinmon: Haha! Alright, another winner! Gotsumon: So will you give me a few? Pumpkinmon: What, again!? Gotsumon: I'll pay you back, I promise! Pumpkinmon: You'll pay me back with what!? Gotsumon: With what I'm about to win! Pumpkinmon: But you never win. Gotsumon: I'M HOT TONIGHT!!!
I don't think Gotsumon knows what that phrase means. Also, sad that we dropped "But I am selfish."
Nonetheless, pleasantly surprised that they correctly adapted the pachinko parlor as a casino by any other name. This is casino dialogue.
Worker: Hey, you two! You kids just don't get the message! Get out and STAY OUT!!! (Worker throws them out) Worker: If you have to try sneaking in here dressed as cartoon characters, at least get a decent costume! (Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon hit the ground floor) Pumpkinmon: Boy, it's a good thing we were just about to leave! Gotsumon: Or we'd teach you some manners! Worker: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!? Pumpkinmon: Uh-oh! Gotsumon: Oh boy! (They flee)
These two are clowns in both versions. I love it.
Fleeing from the casino, the two Digimon run into a young woman, knocking her to the ground.
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Gotsumon: IT'S A SHIBUYA-TYPE GIRL!!! Pumpmon: Let's hit on her to celebrate our first night in Shibuya! Gotsumon: What's up, babe? Woman: What do you want!? Gotsumon: Do you know what time it is? Woman: (checks her watch) Hey! Don't come any closer! You two look like rejects from "Kinchan no Kasou Taishou"! Pumpmon: What is that? Gotsumon: I don't get it. Pumpmon: You're dressed funny too!
Pumpmon demonstrates the peculiarities of the woman's attire by yanking her out her nose stud. This proves to be a terrible mistake, as the next we see of them, they're fleeing for their lives while she chases them in a blood fury.
Needless to say, their attempt at hitting on the woman they knocked down did not go well.
The TV show she brings up is a Japanese variety show that's basically a professional talent show. People would come on and do their own skits, then be rated by a panel of judges.
In the dub:
Gotsumon: Whoa! I think you knocked over a monster! Pumpkinmon: Even worse, I think I knocked over a teenager. I've heard about these strange looking creatures. Woman: Hey! It takes one to know one. Gotsumon: Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Pumpkinmon: TIME FOR NEW CLOTHES AHAHAHAHA!!! Woman: Get lost, you creeps! And what's with the costumes!? Aren't you guys a little late for Halloween!? Pumpkinmon: What's Halloween? Gotsumon: I don't think I like these teenage things! Pumpkinmon: Me either. Maybe I can reprogram her if I pull out her safety mechanism. (Pumpkinmon tugs the woman's nose stud, provoking the fury) Woman: COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE MUTANTS!!! THIS 'TEENAGE THING' IS GONNA TEACH YOU SOME MANNERS!!!
It's August, so we're more early for Halloween than late.
Pumpkinmon talks like a grumpy old man in this scene and it's weird. His lines here are generation-gap Boomer Humor, and it feels bizarre coming from what are supposed to be two fun-loving imps having a night on the town.
I mean, he is an Ultimate Digimon so maybe he is a boomer but it doesn't fit the tone.
That said, the payoff in the woman's final line is hilarious. XD
Fleeing the infuriated teenager, Pumpmon and Gotsumon's trajectory brings them down an alley and straight towards Yamato and Takeru.
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Tsunomon is not playing. The second he lays eyes on these two coming down the alley, he evolves to Gabumon.
Gabumon: Pumpmon! Gotsumon! Takeru: Do you know these Digimon? Gabumon: I think they work for Vamdemon. Pumpmon: We're being chased by a Shibuya-type girl who's much scarier than Vamdemon-sama! Gotsumon: You should hide too!
The pair grab Gabumon by the arms, dragging him away to a hiding place.
In the dub:
Gabumon: Hold it right there! Why are you two in such a hurry!? T.K.: Do you know these guys? Gabumon: I sure do! They work for Myotismon. Pumpkinmon: You're right! But, right now, we're being chased by something even scarier than Myotismon. Gotsumon: There's a really mad teenage human after us! Come to think of it, you'd better hide too!
Losing the repeated references to these humans as "Shibuya-type" doesn't seem like that big a deal, but it does take a bit of the unique characterization and charm away from Pumpmon and Gotsumon.
While the Digimon take cover, Yamato faces the furious Shibuya-type teenager.
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Woman: WHERE THE HELL DID "KINCHAN NO KASOU TAISHOU" GO!?!? Yamato: (points) They went that way. Woman: Thanks! (runs off)
Classic misdirect. Once she's gone, it's time to find out what's going on with these guys.
Gabumon: Did Vamdemon order the two of you to come here and find the Eighth Child? Pumpmon: That's right.
Yamato tenses up at the confirmation. The music takes on an ominous tone as Gabumon and Takeru withdraw to Yamato. Steeling themselves for the--
Pumpmon: But Shibuya is much more fun! (Tension killed instantly) Yamato: (lost) Shibuya is much more fun?
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Both: (dramatic pose) We've become Shibuya-type Digimon! Takeru: Shibuya-type Digimon? Gabumon: What is going through your heads? Both: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon all exchange weary glances over whatever the hell this is. But when they look back, the Shibuya-type Digimon are gone.
In the dub, the teenager opens this scene with a valid point.
Woman: YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE DRESSED IN THOSE STUPID COSTUMES WHERE ARE THEY!?!? Matt: (points) Uh, they went that way. Woman: THANKS!!! (runs off) (The Digimon come out from hiding) Gabumon: I think I know why you two troublemakers are in the real world. Did Myotismon happen to send you here to find someone? Pumpkinmon: Yeah! That Eighth DigiDestined kid. Matt: Huh! Then you're our enemy! Pumpkinmon: No, we're not! We just want to cruise around the city and have some fun! Matt: Well, we thought you two were evil Digimon. Gotsumon: Evil schmevil! We love it here! In fact, next stop: Hollywood! (dramatic pose) TA-DA!!! T.K.: (flatly) They're not ready for TV. Gabumon: Typical. Everybody wants to be in show business. Both Digimon: Lights! Cameras! And action! (The trio all exchange glances and disgusted noises) Gotsumon: Hey! There's some lights! Pumpkinmon: YEAH!!! (Everyone looks back and they're gone) Matt: What are they doing up there!?
The dub's aversion to quiet moments prevents it from even competing with the original. Also, the nonsequitur about Hollywood is clearly written in there because they had no idea what to do with the Shibuya-type animations they were saddled with.
Now, where did those two get off to?
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Gotsumon and Pumpmon jump onto a streetlight, shaking it and scrambling its signals. The ensuing confusion causes a traffic calamity.
Suddenly, police sirens start up in the distance.
Takeru: Police sirens! Yamato: They'll arrest us if they see this! RUN FOR IT!!!
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon cheese it before the bacon patrol can arrive. Gotsumon and Pumpmon consider their options.
Pumpmon: They're running away. Gotsumon: Let's go too. Both: WAIT UP!!! (flee)
Wise decision.
Over in the dub, Matt yells at them as soon as they jump on the streetlight.
Matt: HEY!!! GET DOWN!!! (Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon cause a pileup) Gabumon: That's enough! That's not funny; It's mean! (Police sirens) T.K.: Sirens! Matt: Get down or the police will arrest you! We'd better get out of here, guys; Let's run! (T.K., Matt, and Gabumon flee) Pumpkinmon: Did he just say let's run? Gotsumon: Sure did! Both: WAIT FOR US!!! (flee)
Mostly the same, though Gabumon's gentle admonishment isn't as fun as original Gabumon's furious outburst.
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After cheesing it from the cops together, the brothers realize they've misplaced the Shibuya-type Digimon.
Yamato: H-Hey, what happened to Pumpmon and Gotsumon? Takeru: They were keeping up with us a minute ago. Gabumon: Those two are so impulsive... ACK!!!
Gabumon suddenly spots Pumpmon and Gotsumon trying on outfits inside a clothing store through the display window. Pumpmon is rocking a pink dress while Gotsumon's trying on blue shorts and a white shirt.
Brothers: ...those guys.... Pumpmon: I think this dress would look better on you. Gotsumon: I agree!
They swap instantaneously.
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon enter the store to confront them.
Yamato: Pumpmon! Gotsumon! Gotsumon: Oh, did you want to dress up too? Pumpmon: PUT THIS ON!!!
Gotsumon and Pumpmon dress Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon each up in goofy outfits. The camera lingering on each in turn.
Gotsumon & Pumpmon: YOU LOOK GREAT!!!
Right at that moment, Patamon flies past the window.
Takeru: AH! PATAMON!!! Yamato: AFTER HIM!!!
The trio throw off their costumes and frantically exit the store, chasing after the lost Patamon.
Pumpmon: Should we follow them? Gotsumon: Sure!
In the dub, Gabumon takes this as an opportunity to be zen.
Matt: Hey, where are Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon? T.K.: They were right behind us. They must have gotten lost or something. Gabumon: Those two... Even when they're found they're lost. AUGH!!! (Gabumon spots the pair in a storefront window) Matt & T.K.: Man oh man.... Pumpkinmon: I think this one makes me look fat. But what do you think? Gotsumon: Well then, let's switch! (Brothers and Gabumon enter) Matt: You guys need to change your attitude! Gotsumon: You need to change your clothes!
XD "You need to change your clothes" got me.
As the camera pans over each of the dressed up protagonists, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon get some silence-breakers.
Pumpkinmon: (on Matt) This look says you're not afraid to think big! Gotsumon: (on T.K.) Here's a sporty look! Course, I haven't figured out what sport it is yet. Pumpkinmon: (on Gabumon) And finally something nice and a little teddy. Well, what do you think? (Patamon flies by) T.K.: OH!!! PATAMON!!! Matt: HEY!!! PATAMON, COME BACK!!! (The brothers run out) Pumpkinmon: ...so, should we follow those guys? Gotsumon: And why not?
XD Again, they got me. "I haven't figured out what sport it is yet," was a solid follow-up to the innocuous seeming setup, and the timing on that line was pretty good.
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Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon chase Patamon to a nearby park, but then they lose him.
Takeru: We lost him again.... Yamato: Patamon must still be upset. Gabumon: He's not usually this stubborn.
Suddenly, Pumpmon and Gotsumon show up with ice cream cones.
Pumpmon: Now now, cheer up! Gotsumon: Have faith that you'll find him eventually.... Pumpmon: ...and have some ice cream!
Yamato and Takeru both gasp with alarm when they see what the pair are holding.
Gabumon: Where did you get that ice cream? Both: WE STOLE IT!!!
As if on cue, the ice cream vendor comes running into the park behind them.
So the whole group has to start running once again.
Yamato: Why do we have to run!? Gabumon: She's seen us with them! Gotsumon: Want some ice cream while we're running away? Takeru: GET RID OF IT!!!
Once they've evaded yet another Shibuya-type pursuit, Yamato and Takeru stop to catch their breath.
Pumpmon: (holding out the cones) Want some? Yamato: Not me. Takeru: Me either. Gabumon: ... (Beat) Gabumon: I'll eat. Yamato: HEY!!! GABUMON!!!
XD Yamato's trying so hard to present a unified front here but it's ice cream. I mean, no point letting it go to waste; Damage already done and all that. You can't unpop that cork.
In the dub:
T.K.: Do you see him anywhere, Matt? Matt: No. Looks like we lost him again, T.K. Gabumon: Patamon doesn't usually hold a grudge but he was mad as a bull with a Black Gear.
It's funny to me that they're still bringing up Black Gears. That was more than half the series ago. On the one hand, new viewers are going to have no idea what that's supposed to mean. But from a writing perspective, I kinda like that their initial File Island adventure left a mark on everyone's psyches.
Like they're just waiting for Black Gears to become a thing again.
Pumpkinmon: Hey now, don't look so bummed out! Gotsumon: Yeah! I'm sure you'll find your little flying pig friend somewhere! Pumpkinmon: Maybe some ice cream will cheer you all up, huh? Brothers: !!! Gabumon: You guys don't have any money so how did you get ice cream? Both: WE STOLE IT!!! Vendor: (running into the park) YOU CROOKS!!! COME BACK HERE WITH MY ICE CREAM!!! (Everyone runs) Matt: I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO!!! EVERYWHERE YOU GUYS GO, THERE'S TROUBLE!!! THE NEXT TIME YOU TWO GET SOMEONE ANGRY, MAKE SURE THEY CAN'T RUN VERY FAST!!! (Everyone stops to catch their breath) Pumpkinmon: So, want some ice cream? Matt: Not me. T.K.: You stole it! Gabumon: ... Matt: Gabumon won't take it either. Right? Gabumon: Ice cream... Ye-- Brothers: GABUMON!!!
Not sure why Gotsumon knows they're looking for a flying pig; He hasn't laid eyes on Patamon. But they did say Patamon's name so he's probably familiar with the species. That's fine.
The dialogue exchange while everyone's running is replaced with Matt scolding the pair of troublemakers for the entire sequence. Though, funnily, he seems more upset that they got caught than that they stole the ice cream in the first place.
The Gabumon joke at the end is slightly different but still nails the landing.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning from the stormy sky strikes the road in front of them, kicking up a cloud of dust. And then everything stops being funny.
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Vamdemon: Pumpmon. Gotsumon. Both: Y-Yes, sir!? Vamdemon: Why are you eating ice cream with the Chosen Children? Both: Y-you see.... Vamdemon: Weren't you supposed to be searching for the Eighth Child? Both: We haven't found them yet! Vamdemon: Then why haven't you taken the Crests from these children!? Both: We were just about to do that! (Pumpmon and Gotsumon turn on Yamato and Takeru) Gabumon: RUN!!!
Gabumon shields Yamato and Takeru with his body and the three of them run for it. Gotsumon and Pumpmon let out adorable little battle cries and give chase.
Over in the dub, Myotismon opens by telling these two what he really thinks.
Myotismon: Losers! Failures! Both: No no! Don't say that! Myotismon: Instead of causing pain and suffering, I find you here eating ice cream! Both: ...well, it is stolen-- Myotismon: I DON'T CARE ABOUT ICE CREAM!!! Have you found the Eighth DigiDestined Child yet? Both: Well, we were about to find him! Myotismon: Redeem yourselves by stealing the Crests from these children OR ELSE!!! Both: No problem, boss! That's just what we were about to do! (Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon turn on Matt and T.K.)
Gabumon doesn't say anything when they run this time. He lets out some scared vocalizing like Matt and T.K. are.
Different openings to the same result. Honestly, both openings have merits. I prefer the first one, because Vamdemon's stonefaced "Why are you eating ice cream with the Chosen Children?" is a beautiful Oh Fuck moment. There is no possible answer they can give to that question that won't incriminate them further.
But also, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon pointing out to Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain Myotismon that the ice cream does qualify as a crime, only for him to scream "I DON'T CARE ABOUT ICE CREAM!!!" is hilarious. XD
So, in the original, Vamdemon opens the conversation with an impossible-to-defend accusation in what is very much the voice of a boss catching an employee goofing off at work. Meanwhile, in the dub, they get him. They win that verbal joust and he's livid about it. Both versions are so good.
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Takeru: Why did they attack us all of a sudden!? Yamato: It can't be helped. They were working for Vamdemon from the start! Gabumon: But I can't bring myself to fight those two!
Pumpmon and Gotsumon are troublemakers, but there's no malice in it. They've sort of become the kids' friends, in an odd way.
In the dub:
T.K.: Can you believe those two turning on us!? Matt: And I thought Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon only wanted to have fun, not fight! Gabumon: I suppose they'd rather fight us than fight Myotismon.
Gabumon's line in the original is an expression of his own personal feelings towards Gotsumon and Pumpmon. He's asserting his growing fondness for the pair. In the dub, he explains their motive for the betrayal, which we saw for ourselves half a minute ago, so it's not as interesting.
Cut to Patamon hunkering down on top of a streetlight. He's finally run out of angry and is starting to have post-fury regrets.
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Patamon: I left in the heat of the moment, but I wonder what Takeru's doing now?
Down below, he overhears a pair of girls in school uniforms chatting.
Girl 1: Yeah, if you want to meet up with someone, it should be in front of Hachikou's statue. Girl 2: Hachikou's statue is the best place to meet up! Patamon: Hachikou's statue....
Patamon takes to the air again, his mind set on a destination.
For context, Hachikou was a dog whose owner brought him to Shibuya. His owner would take the train to work, and every day Hachikou would wait at Shibuya Station for his owner to return.
His owner died one day from a medical complication at work, and never came home to Hachikou. From then on, every day for the next ten years, Hachikou would come to Shibuya Station and wait, unaware that his owner would never return. He kept this up until the day he died.
(Yeah, that Futurama episode that made you cry is based on a real event that happened in Japan.)
In his memory, a statue of Hachikou was erected outside the station. He's been immortalized in movies, anime, and video games. There's even an annual memorial in his honor.
So. Y'know. Lot of cultural significance to using Hachikou's statue as a place to meet up with people. Which isn't going to translate into the dub very well.
Patamon: I just can't stay mad at T.K. anymore. Besides, I really miss him! Girl 1: So I told Rebecca and Sarah to just find us at the park later. That'll work. It's like... It's so easy to find somebody at the park! Girl 2: Yeah! It's totally easy to find somebody there! Patamon: Oh, in the park!
(sigh) They could have at least used the statue as a landmark. Even if kids don't understand the cultural significance, that's fine. Neither does Patamon. Someone said "Hey, Hachikou's statue is a great place to meet!" and that's all the context he has. It's fine if that's all the context the audience has.
"The park"? This is a metropolitan city. Which park?
While Patamon's heading to Hachikou's statue, Yamato and Takeru find themselves cornered by the formerly friendly Gotsumon and Pumpmon.
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As they round a corner, they see Pumpmon ahead, cutting off their exit.
Yamato: AUGH!!! Takeru: PUMPMON!!! Pumpmon: This is as far as you go! Gabumon: He cut us off from the front. Yamato: Get behind me, Takeru.
Gripping Takeru by the shoulders, Yamato moves him back towards the rear. Unfortunately, it's not safe from that side either, as Gotsumon brings up the rear.
Takeru: (spots Gotsumon) Ah! Yamato: (turns) Gotsumon! Gotsumon: This is as far as you go.
I like the symmetrical taunting from Pumpmon and Gotsumon as their trap is sprung. These two are such a double-act, even as the enemy.
The pair backs Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon into a vacant lot. Nowhere to run now.
In the dub:
T.K.: Hey, how'd you do that!? Pumpkinmon: Aren't I amazing!? Gabumon: Well, you might make a nice pie. Matt: Come on! Let's turn around! (moves T.K. behind him) T.K.: Whuh!? Gotsumon: (approaches from the rear) Hehe, I don't think so! Matt: We're surrounded! Gotsumon: Sorry we have to do this to you guys, but orders are orders. You understand.
"You might make a nice pie." Holy shit, shots fired. Gabumon threatens to eat Pumpkinmon.
Matt's also given a tone-shifting silence-breaker when Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon back them into the lot.
Matt: Alright, if it's a fight you want, LET'S DO IT!!!
This is one of those lines the dub likes to use when the kids are in extreme peril to make it seem like it's not so dire.
With their backs against the wall of the lot, Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon prepare to have to defend themselves. Pumpmon and Gotsumon slowly advance on the Children with determination and menace in their eyes. Then, at last, Pumpmon--
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Pumpmon: I quit. Gotsumon: Ugh, me too! Pumpmon: Playing around in Shibuya is way more fun than fighting the Chosen Children! Gotsumon: Yeah yeah! Come hang out with us! Group: Huh!?
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon have tonal whiplash over how this night has gone. But the tension's been deflated, our new friends are still our friends, and--
A bolt of lightning suddenly strikes nearby.
Pumpmon: V-VAMDEMON'S COMING!!! Gotsumon: Go hide!
Things may have de-escalated with these two, but there's still the big guy lurking around. It's not safe to be out in Tokyo at night.
In the dub:
Pumpkinmon: Uhh, I quit. Gotsumon: Yeah, me too. Group: Huh? Pumpkinmon: Why should we fight? Somebody always gets hurt. Besides, it's way more fun just hanging out and cruising around the city! Gotsumon: That's for sure! Hey, why don't you guys hang out with us? Group: Huh!? (Lightning bolt strikes nearby) Pumpkinmon: Whoa, Myotismon's coming! Gotsumon: You should all hide!
It's worded a little different but mostly the same. I like Pumpkinmon's new point about how violence sucks, actually. Like. Unless you're Son Goku, on a scale of 1 to Fun it's a 0.
Takeru, Yamato, and Gabumon all hide while Pumpmon and Gotsumon go out to confront their boss.
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It does not go well.
Vamdemon: Where are the Chosen Children? Pumpmon: Unfortunately, they got away from us. Gotsumon: We almost had 'em! Vamdemon: You LIARS!!! I have no further use for you. NIGHT RAID!!!
Pumpmon and Gotsumon's deception confirms Vamdemon's suspicions, provoking a rare break from his typically cool demeanor.
We're going to see in a moment that he does know where the Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon are. It's too late to hide. He's giving Pumpmon and Gotsumon an opportunity to tell him and prove that they haven't deserted their posts. A test that they fail.
In the dub:
Myotismon: Where are the DigiDestined!? Pumpkinmon: Uh, they were here just a second ago! They must have got away! Gotsumon: Yeah! You can't believe how fast they are! But we almost had 'em, boss. Myotismon: Yes. I can imagine. You had your chance; Now I'm condemning you to my dungeon in the Digi-World! GRISLY WING!!!
...yeah, we'll. Uh. We'll talk about Myotismon's dungeon in the Digi-World in a moment.
The acting for Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon is so good in this scene. They do a fantastic job selling these claims as pathetic excuses from dipshit minions.
There is, however, a bit of a narrative shift here. Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are lying to protect their friends in both versions. However, in the original, Vamdemon sees through their lies and attacks them for betraying his side. Myotismon is just executing them for failure. This was their opportunity to "redeem themselves" for not finding the Eighth Child, and they bungled it.
Well. Shit. Vamdemon's on the attack, as his bats swarm Pumpmon and Gotsumon. Nothing to lose now; Go for the Hail Mary.
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Pumpmon fires off his Trick or Treat, conjuring a colossal pumpkin above Vamdemon and dropping it. The Night Raid bats quickly return from their attack, moving into defense and catching the pumpkin. They ravenously devour Pumpmon's best move.
While his bats are distracted, Gotsumon tries to blindside Vamdemon with his Angry Rock attack. But. Like. It's a rock being thrown by a Child-stage Digimon, and Vamdemon's Perfect. He telekinetically stops the rock with a sharp gaze, then shatters it in midair.
The dub calls these moves Pumpkinmon Power and Rock Fist Attack respectively.
Once the bats have finished eating Pumpmon's pumpkin, they go back on the attack. Pumpmon and Gotsumon have nothing left to defend themselves.
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Vamdemon's Night Raid descends upon Pumpmon and Gotsumon once more. They both let out the most bloodcurdling screams, and we pan away to Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon in a nearby alley.
Gabumon: Pumpmon! Takeru: Gotsumon!
Yamato throws himself around Takeru and pulls him away, using his own body to break Takeru's line of sight.
Yamato: Don't watch, Takeru!
The axe from Pumpmon's head and one of Gotsumon's rocks clatter to the ground. Then they dissolve into pixel dust. The incorrigible pranksters are dead. Vamdemon takes a step forward, his boot landing where these parts of the prankster pair had dissolved, as if crushing their bodies underfoot.
There is no change in the dub. Even their bloodcurdling screams as they die are retained. This is because the dub already changed the context of this scene a moment ago. This is where "My dungeon in the Digi-World" comes in.
They pre-emptively altered the context of Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon's disintegration so they could present the death scene in all its gory detail, unhindered by the need to appease the censors. They went to the dungeon, so it's fine for them to die screaming while Matt yells at T.K. not to watch.
...honestly, clever. Points to the dub for managing to make the censors happy and preserve the emotional punch of this scene. Though if you're hoping for a follow-up episode where we spring them from Myotismon's dungeon, I... Uh... I have some bad news.
(Now that I think about it, his entire castle and the mountain it's situated on got obliterated the day after he left. He doesn't know about that. So... I guess they're fine. Dub Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon popped into existence in a vacant lot in the Digital World, then ran merrily off into the woods. The joke was on Myotismon in the end.)
With the deserters disposed of, Vamdemon next advances on the alley where Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon are hidden away.
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Vamdemon: The three of you are next. Yamato: (voice breaking) They were good people.... Gabumon: Yamato.... Yamato: YOU HAD NO REASON TO KILL THEM!!!
To understand how big a deal this eruption from Yamato is, you need to understand something. Much like children's media in the U.S., children's media in Japan generally frowns on the word kurosu, meaning "to kill". It's considered vulgar and inappropriate for young audiences.
Like western children's cartoons, Children's anime will generally favor other terminology. "Defeat him. Destroy him. Take him down."
Yamato here uses the word. We are not pulling any linguistic punches. This motherfucker murdered Pumpmon and Gotsumon.
Gabumon evolves into Garurumon, slamming Vamdemon against the wall of the storefront across the road. He gets a hit in, but Vamdemon easily punches him away.
Garurumon keeps up the assault while Yamato shakes with fury.
Yamato: Those guys... It may only have been for a little while... (voice breaks) But they were our friends! GARURUMON!!!
Vamdemon catches Garurumon in his Bloody Stream, whipping him away and tossing him at a building. Just then, Yamato's grief activates his Crest, pushing Garurumon into Super-Evolution.
In the dub, Myotismon is cruelly dismissive of Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon.
Myotismon: (Advancing on the alleyway) Well, that wasn't very difficult. Now it's your turn. Matt: (voice breaking) Those two... They were really trying to save us. Gabumon: You're right! Matt: Rrrrgh! And you just condemned them for no reason at all!
The dub does not have the nerve to say kurosu here. Though they have dropped in some "kill" words in the past. I think this is contextually too dark for them.
Garurumon attacks Myotismon, and Matt's speech here is:
Matt: Go get him. He should pay for what he did to those two! Those guys just wanted to be our friends! GARURUMON!!!
Tonal shift. Yamato's speech is a furious eulogy centered on Pumpmon and Gotsumon, while Matt's is a vindictive battle cry against Myotismon. As usual, the Americans are more comfortable in the realm of aggression than emotional sincerity, which often gets put on display with Yamato/Matt specifically.
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WereGarurumon catches himself, landing on his hind legs on the building and then springing back at Vamdemon. Kicking off the most public Digimon fight we've had yet right here in the streets of youth culture center Shibuya.
We cut briefly to Patamon resting in a tree at Shibuya Station above the statue of Hachikou.
Patamon: Aww... Those girls said that if I wait here, I'd find Takeru...
In the dub:
Patamon: Aww... Those girls said the park was the place to find someone, but where's T.K.?
The spirit of Hachikou is strong today, however, and Patamon will be reunited with Takeru. The sound of screaming alerts him to something happening nearby. He looks up in time to see glowing signs on distant buildings destroyed by WereGarurumon and Vamdemon's fight.
(We aren't retreating this time; Yamato's out for blood. Also, fun fact: I'm sure I brought this up before but WereGarurumon himself is a Nightmare Soldier.)
The public below look on in horror as werewolf and vampire duke it out in Shibuya. WereGarurumon dodges away from a stabbing Bloody Stream and counters with Kaiser Nail. His claws form an X-shaped projectile that slams Vamdemon back through the wall of one of the neighboring buildings.
Startled humans inside leap to their feet as the fighting progresses indoors. WereGarurumon jumps in through the hole, but Vamdemon's back on his feet. A Night Raid hits WereGarurumon dead-on; The bats lifting him through the air and crashing him through a neon sign.
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Though the fight started off promising, the neon sign costs WereGarurumon dearly. Vamdemon now has the upper hand. Before WereGarurumon can recover and get back to his feet, Vamdemon lashes him with Bloody Stream.
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The fight has completely turned. Vamdemon has the unassailable advantage now. WereGarurumon finally makes it back to his feet, holding his stomach, badly hurt. Only to take another Bloody Stream to the face and knock him back down.
Yamato and Takeru watch in horror while Vamdemon lifts WereGarurumon into the air on his Bloody Stream whips, shocking or burning or doing something to him. WereGarurumon screams in agony.
While the violence unfolds, Takeru isn't even thinking about it. He's buried in his guilt.
Takeru: (thinking) If I hadn't gotten so mad, Patamon wouldn't have left us. We never would have met Pumpmon and Gotsumon in Shibuya. And Pumpmon and Gotsumon... wouldn't have been killed by Vamdemon!
Holy shit, that is a lot to lay on the shoulders of an 8-year-old. Takeru believes his mistakes got Pumpmon and Gotsumon killed. He's... he's not right but he's not wrong either.
I love that he calls out Vamdemon as the killer. That's vital perspective that people struggling with guilt don't always have. Vamdemon killed them, not Takeru. He is not to blame. It's good that he recognizes that.
But the chain of events that led to their deaths did begin with him exploding on the train. He's not to blame, but he's still going to be telling his therapist about this when he's forty.
In the dub:
T.K.: (thinking) WereGarurumon's in big trouble and it's all my fault! If I hadn't been so mean, Patamon would still be with us and we would never have met Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon! And if those poor guys had never met up with us, they wouldn't be stuck where they are now! Ohhhhh....
Good effort. Doesn't land quite as strongly, but that's mainly because there's only so hard they can go on T.K.'s trauma when Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are simply in a dungeon cell somewhere. They still put in as much effort as they can to sell this.
Takeru's grief and trauma and fear is so overwhelming at this point that it all comes crashing in together, pushing him over the edge for the second first time. Patamon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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FINALLY, a full 19 episodes following his death and reincarnation, Angemon is back in play. Patamon doesn't even know what's happening when the surge of Takeru's emotions hit him all at once and bring him into the fight.
Angemon soars over the onlookers in the streets below and straight on into battle. Vamdemon notices him at the last second, swerving out of the way of Angemon's swing - but the attack still goes through. Angemon's staff crashes through the whips of Vamdemon's Bloody Stream, breaking the bonds that are holding WereGarurumon down.
Angemon's intervention buys WereGarurumon a moment to finally catch his breath and get back up.
WereGarurumon: Angemon!? Angemon: Are you okay, WereGarurumon? WereGarurumon: Uh, sort of? Takeru: Angemon! Yamato: Takeru's feelings reached Patamon!
It's great that Angemon is back in the fight, but WereGarurumon's still hurting. We're not out of the woods yet.
Though the dub ratchets up the positivity.
WereGarurumon: Angemon.... Angemon: Are you alright, WereGarurumon? WereGarurumon: Yes. Thanks to you, I am. T.K.: Angemon rules! Matt: Well, I guess we don't have to look for Patamon anymore!
Matt, is that the most pressing matter right now? Dracula is still right there.
WereGarurumon gets his second wind while Angemon stares down Vamdemon.
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Vamdemon: So you're the one who possesses holy powers. WereGarurumon: Let's go, Angemon. Angemon: Right.
In the dub, Myotismon is weirdly dismissive of Angemon?
Myotismon: Hmph. Angemon. They must be desperate if they sent you! WereGarurumon: Angemon, shall we take him? Angemon: Let's go!
Uh, Angemon is kind of a big deal? I mean, he's still only Adult-stage; He'd get wrecked in a straight fight. But Myotismon is talking about him like he's the team bottom-feeder.
Angemon doesn't even respond to Vamdemon. He and WereGarurumon go straight on the attack as soon as WereGarurumon's recovered.
Angemon goes high, raising his staff for an overhead swing, while WereGarurumon goes low. WereGarurumon feints with a spin kick. Just as planned, Vamdemon dodges upwards to evade, coming straight into Angemon's attack range. He's forced to raise his arm to block the follow-up from Angemon.
With Vamdemon momentarily pinned down in melee with Angemon, WereGarurumon rebounds off the building that was behind him and comes in for his real attack. He throws himself up into the fray, coming straight up at Vamdemon's defenseless back.
And then I guess we ran out of time and budget because a big blue light blob conceals the entire rest of this fight.
Vamdemon retreats, attempting to save face with a parting taunt and his weird robotic monotone laugh.
Vamdemon: I'll finish this fight later. Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
So fucking creepy every time he does that. He laughs like a Text-to-Speech generator with a reverb played over it
Myotismon continues to have a much less Uncanny Valley laugh.
Myotismon: It's time I take my leave; We will fight again! HuhuHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Myotismon has a villain laugh and Vamdemon has this eldritch thing masquerading as mirth.
Now that the fight is over, WereGarurumon and Angemon revert to Gabumon and Patamon. (Not Tsunomon? Odd.) Yamato and Takeru race over to check on their Partners.
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Yamato lifts Gabumon into his arms as much as he can.
Yamato: Gabumon....
He looks concerned, but Takeru is distraught, with tears in his eyes. Considering what happened to Patamon last time he evolved, you can understand why he's freaking out.
Takeru: Patamon!? Are you.... Patamon: Yeah. I'm okay, Takeru. Takeru: T_T I'm sorry for getting mad.... Patamon: Don't cry, Takeru.
Of course, Takeru's fears are misplaced. The reason Angemon died last time was because he channeled the full holy might of all seven Digivices through his body at once. It was that desperation play that killed him.
But Takeru has had a fucking hell of a night and he can be forgiven for thinking he was about to cap it off by watching Patamon die again.
In the dub:
Matt: I hope they're alright! T.K.: Me too! (Both boys grab their Digimon Partners) Matt: Gabumon? T.K.: Ohhh... Patamon! Are you okay? Patamon: Yes. I'm alright now, T.K. T.K.: I'm sorry, Patamon. I'm sorry I got mad. Patamon: Don't cry, T.K. It's alright.
There's some extra dialogue leading into it but it's otherwise the same.
Yamato and Takeru walk back through Shibuya with their Partners, headed for the station. Along the way, they can't help but see the ghosts of the memories they made tonight, with two friends who paid a tragic price for it.
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They were Shibuya-type Digimon to the very end.
Takeru: Onii-chan, over there....
Takeru points out the storefront where Pumpmon and Gotsumon dressed up, and the memories flow in from there. Thirty seconds of silent flashbacks while a mournful piano melody plays in the background.
Yamato: (quietly) ...let's go home. Takeru: Yeah.
As the boys leave, a pair of shooting stars twinkle by overhead. A parting symbol of the lives that were lost tonight.
The dub tries to keep things light and upbeat, which really doesn't work for this scene.
T.K.: Hey, look in that window! That's where those crazy Digimon tried on all the clothes, remember?
Due to the dub's aversion to silence, the flashbacks contain voice lines from Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, of the various things they said in those scenes.
T.K.: Aww, they were funny. Matt: I know what you mean, T.K. I miss them too.
Yeah, you can't lighthearted a scene about grief. T.K.'s lines end up underselling the severity of what's happening in this scene. Though I guess that's to be expected since Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon went somewhere else.
While Yamato finally takes Takeru back to Shibuya Station to drop him off, we turn our attention back to Odaiba.
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The camera pans across the Rainbow Bridge, passing over Daiba Park where Vamdemon's base is located.
Narrator: The children saw the cruelty Vamdemon is capable of with their own eyes.
Then we cut to the Yagami home from outside. Hikari is in her room doing homework. The camera slowly pans up to reveal Tailmon on the roof. Watching.
(What she is watching, I have no idea. All she can see from her vantage is the balcony of the apartment above Hikari's.)
Narrator: Soon they would realize that this was only the prologue to the great battles ahead. Once the Eighth Child discovers their destiny, the flames of battle will flare in an instant and devour everything.
Then we close on a shot of Hikari's Digivice lying in a nest made from stolen hangers. Because crows.
Narrator: There's not long now until that time arrives.
Since the dub has no narrator, Matt takes the mic and uses it to spell out the Moral of the Episode.
Matt (V.O.): I guess we shouldn't take our friends for granted! T.K. nearly lost Patamon's friendship and who knows if we'll ever see Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon again! (Shift to the Yagami home) Matt (V.O.): But one thing's for sure; I know Myotismon isn't through with us yet! His henchmen are out there right now searching for the Eighth DigiDestined! Gatomon: (thinking) You may be sweet, little Kari, but next time I will get my claws into you. Narrator: Will Kari survive her next encounter with Gatomon, Myotismon's most loyal servant? Find out on the next Digimon: Digital Monsters.
Oh fuck me, I guess we DO have a narrator all of a sudden.
Remember, kids: Treasure the friends that you have. Because you never know when Dracula will murder them lock them in a dungeon.
The dub still doesn't quite understand what's going through Tailmon's head right now. She wasn't thwarted in her attempt to kill Hikari; She ran away because Hikari makes her feel feelings that are freaking her out.
She's fence-riding. Trying to monitor Hikari because she's pretty sure Hikari is the Eighth Child, but using "We don't know FOR SURE" as an excuse not to take further action.
But the dub's still playing Gatomon as super determined to kill Kari, but struggling to find an opportunity. Even though she had a perfectly good opportunity that she fled from.
Assessment: Fuck me, this episode. Hahahahaha hi shit is dark today. Between this and Angemon's first outing, Takeru will be in therapy until he's ninety.
This episode's a bit of a cheater. Like, it's kinda bullshit that Tsunomon can go straight to WereGarurumon in the same night he recovers to Gabumon after how much time was spent building up the drawbacks of Super-Evolution - and then revert back to Gabumon instead of Tsunomon.
I'm not sure if this is going to be the new standard going forward. The Digimon do get stronger over the course of the series; It was a plot point on File Island that practice made them better at being able to evolve to Adult-stage more frequently and consistently. So it may be that we're getting better at Super Evolution too. We'll see if this sticks. But it's still weird that he can hit Perfect in an episode he starts out in Baby.
Of course, Pumpmon and Gotsumon tore my heart in half like I knew they would. And Takeru, just... Just... Takeru. It's not exactly the episode from Fullmetal Alchemist (both versions, you know the one) but it's brutal nonetheless.
The dub... This is another one of those episodes where they were screwed from the outset. The censors were never going to let them do this episode justice. It's dark as shit. They didn't want to deal with angry parents calling because their children are screaming and crying over a pumpkin boy.
But for what they'd be allowed to do, they did a better job with it than I expected. It's still a pale imitation of the original, but there's more definition to that imitation than I thought I was going to see. A C for the overall product but an A for effort.
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almightyhamslice · 2 months
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Tarta redesign! I've talked a bit about him already, so it's about time I showed you what he's really like. He is as protective of his family as he is in canon, but my version has absolutely no compassion or regard for anyone OTHER than Opila and their chicks. He's a wild animal and WILL scratch and bite anyone outside his family.
To keep him in check, he was fitted with a harness that turned his mask into more of a muzzle, and his legs were cuffed together so he couldn't kick or scratch (at least, not without falling over). As you can see by the darker stains on his face, the harness rarely came off & caused him to develop rashes. Due to his cuffs, he also can't climb like Opila can. He's more ostrich than flamingo, so he runs faster and is physically heavier and stronger than Opila (not that it's very apparent, the cuffs often make him trip when he tries to run).
I imagine he was meant to be utilized similarly to Opila, but had to be strictly monitored so he wouldn't hurt anyone. He is NOT a guardian and can only be posed with and pet by park guests if he is sedated and a handler is present. You can see from his wall art that he didn't always have red spots on his chest. If you're not careful around him, he might gain more.
Ramblings abt Tarta's design under the cut!
I wanted my version of Tarta to look like the opposite of Opila! He has no sense of warmth and is sorta rooster-ish, with a sharper beak, undersized wings, and sharp red plumage that juts out of the opposite side of his tail compared to where Opila's plumage is. I wanted him to give the impression of an aggressive bird who puffs out his feathers to seem scarier to predators. I'm also particularly fascinated by his origins as "The Haze", an unused cyan Opila Bird found in the files of Banban 1 and Banban 2. The name "The Haze" alone is so mysterious and cool sounding I feel like I have to do something with it, but I just don't know what I'll do yet!!!
Ever since his inception I was curious why Tarta is depicted with opposite-facing pupils in his wallart! I kept that design feature since it's striking, but I figured I'd give it a real explanation. I suppose his mask was painted first & meant to look like he's looking backwards, but then the designer realized that it looks very silly from the front. It's like... the design was made 2D like it was only meant to be seen from one angle, only to gain a new unintended meaning in 3D space. Like, I've seen it on MLP toys before! Like the old Zecora blind bag figure that appears to have been redesigned for this exact reason!
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I thought of her first because I had this exact figure as a kid! both of her eyes face backwards. I've also seen this same oversight on a Rarity figure, though I'm not sure what specific line that Rarity figure was from!
Anyhow, Tarta's eyes staring in different directions were kept/canonized because the mascot designers are desperate to make general audiences not feel terrified of their mascots lol. And he can't hurt you if he can't look at you, right? (WRONG)
unrelated! I was thinking abt how all the birds are cake themed and how each of the chicks has their own associated type of cake. I wonder what Opila and Tarta's are? I think Opila would be fruitcake and Tarta would be red velvet.
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aemiron-main · 5 months
A Boy Like Me- Over A Shot Of Karen Wheeler? Ft “Henry” Creel is Not A Chick & Swapping Places: What’s With Lipstick and Gender Swaps In ST?
So, these shots of Karen are very interesting to me:
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Because why is the lyric “a boy like me” playing over Karen Wheeler while she puts on lipstick?
Especially with the TFS scene where Walter says that Henry Creel “isnt a chick/hes not a chick,” versus Henry complimenting Patty’s lipstick (which is the same colour as Virginia’s lipstick and as Karen’s lipstick here) right after that “not a chick” scene. (and then there’s also the whole “henry vs henrietta” swap in fringe where a character named henry becomes henrietta due to a timeline change)
So, right now, we have two instances of lipstick being connected to weird gender swap references- we have Henry’s line about how he “likes Patty’s lipstick,” right after Walter says that Henry “isnt a chick,” and then we have Karen putting on lipstick while the lyric “a boy like me,” plays.
And then further connecting the lipstick to weird gender swap stuff, we have Patty’s lipstick scene versus the whole “Patty” vs “Patrick,” thing- so that’s three instances of lipstick being connected to gender swap stuff.
And just regarding gender swaps in general, not only do we have Owens mistaking Max for a boy, but Max also has a whole scene associated with a song about a man and a wonder swapping places (Running Up That Hill), versus Karen’s gender swap scene also involving a song/the “a boy like me” lyric.
What’s going on??? What kind of weird timeline gender swap Matrix-esque trans allegory stuff is going on here??
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rainbowdaisy13 · 5 months
Ok I finally took some time to check out the website since Swifties are freaking out about the no merch yet—which *is* interesting but I digress
I noticed the Bonus Track special editions come with patches and that 3 of the 4 are animal themed songs
The Albatross
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The Bolter (it’s a hare)
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The Black Dog
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This got me thinking about these 3 creatures in terms of their nature/folklore associated with them
*Albatrosses* one of the largest seabirds, 11ft wingspan, they mate for life, and focus on raising a smaller number of chicks over their lifetime to insure success. They are known for being able to travel 500 miles in a day through gliding. Check out this *poem* on the Albatross Wiki
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So the French poet Charles Baudelaires Wiki says
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*The Bolter—a Hare or Rabbit* A trickster👀associated with witches, magic, the moon. Also associated with anxiety, running from problems, hiding
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*The Black Dog* Super Natural entity that has been seen/documented throughout time—usually associated with fear/and crossroads 👀euphemism for depression
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Just some interesting choices being made for TTPD
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thelampisaflashlight · 11 months
*sitting cross legged on your floor and hands you a cup of tea*
The ghouls working in agriculture/farm and ranch supply
Mountain is your seed agronomist/soil sciences expert. He's gonna tell you exactly what type of grass mix you want and when to plant it. You want to plant orchard grass in a fast draining sandy soil? No ma'am you need something hardier than that.
Dew and Swiss are in the back working the loading bay and the forklifts. Dew got teased and shit on for being so small and not being strong enough until he loaded an entire trailer bed with alfalfa bales by hand.
Rain is your irrigation expert. He can definitely tell you if you need center pivot irrigation or if you can get away with wheel lines. For the love of God, don't talk to him about over watering your lawn. Conserve water dammit!
Phantom is the new associate they put in charge of the rabbits, ducks and chicks during Chick Days. He's so sweet with them but he's had to be told multiple times that no, the kids cannot reach in to hold the animals.
Aether is in charge of the animal husbandry/veterinary supply section. He also helps with the quarterly spay/neuter pop up clinics that they host in the store.
Cumulus and Sunshine are in charge of the clothing section. They can tell you for sure what brands are more affordable but still just has sturdy as Carhartt. And no, that cut of boot cut jeans does not work for your body shape but we will find you something that makes you feel great and your ass look fabulous.
Aurora is in charge of the nursery section. Her plants are the healthiest and come with a life guarantee. She and Mountain work...very close together.
Cirrus is the store manager. She's fair, she runs a tight ship, but you better be respectful to her employees or she will ban your ass.
*takes the tea and slides you a plate of pastries*
Dew getting teased/people not thinking he's strong enough to do his job is highkey relatable, but also him hauling ass and getting shit done is very satisfying. (I have The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy stuck in my head, and you just have to imagine Dew flipping Swiss off on the truck.)
He's probably also had to answer the question, "Is this first cut or second cut hay?" but no one has told him, and, hell, it could be third cut his late in the season-
His intuits it, and he's always right.
Also the image of Aether helping with the pop up clinics; How many times has he looked at the other guys passing by and joked, "That one's not up on his rabies shot, so look out!" and it's Mountain, who's busy carrying flowerpots, so he nudges Aurora to flip him off for him.
I feel like they all wind up dirty somehow, it just happens, but it's a gradient of filth.
On that note, today's one of my long day at the barn; It's seed restock day.
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msfbgraves · 1 month
I wish CK would end with Daniel giving up Miyagi-do and teaching, leaving LaRusso Auto to Amanda, and just becoming a full time stay at home dad. He loves family life and homey stuff, and he always seems happiest and most content when he’s at home with his family 💕 I genuinely believe Daniel isn’t ambitious and would have been perfectly content being a househusband. I don’t think Amanda would mind either since she seems to be the one who runs the business and Daniel there just to help her out and charm the customers.
speaking of careers johnny needs to go back to being a handyman and like, actually try and be a dad to robby. his “karate” is better off as a hobby and certainly not something miyagi-do needs to be associated with.
So you feel there was zero character development for either of them Nonnie? Pretty damning on the writers 🤭 I didn't use to think Johnny was a bad sensei, but contrasting him with Miyagi-Do doesn't bring out the best in him. Sam and Miguel said they wanted the All Valley to be able to compete safely, to prevent injury, with the possibility to safely back out of a fight and if Johnny doesn't understand that Tory was at serious risk to hurt herself and Sam, after what had already happened to Miguel when Robby got like that, he's no better than Kreese.
As for the business - Amanda needs Daniel there as a front man. It's cars, the sexism must be rampant. I'm sure he already gets as much time as possible at home but without him, they would lose out on customers and contracts. I said what I said. The likes of Cole would really be like: "You're buying your cars from a chick???" The presence of a man legitimises a woman to those kinds of people. There also must be a reason why they focus on foreign brands, Daniel probably feels familiar and less aggressively Murican to those suppliers. I know for Americans, Johnny Lawrence may feel mainstream but to Europeans at least all the flag waving and bigger-is-better feels pretty foreign. Daniel of course to us is still very obviously American, but less loud, so he can close certain cultural gaps more easily. As long as he defers to Amanda behind the scenes, this model works very well. There would simply be too much stigma if Daniel stayed home permanently. I bet Amanda always closes up and comes home to a home cooked meal with Daniel having picked up the dry cleaning. It's the best this culture will allow.
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM Manga Update 230 Review: Updates
This is the sort of chapter we've not had in too long: the sort that zips along, catching us up on what's been happening. Finally, the long, dark nightmare of Tatsumaki's tantrum begins to fade. (No, it's not that it's that bad, but 2 chapters would have been plenty).
We start with Flashy Flash trying to find God. No, Manako, who's the next best thing to God. By asking monsters. He's getting nowhere fast, which is anathema to our speedster so he decides to enlist Saitama's help, after he polishes him up. Because what Saitama truly needs in his life is a random drop-in master.
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Anyway, on we go. Much less inflated, in both ego and body, we have Tank Top Master. He has finally worked off the fat (phat?) boost that Fubuki gave him. He misses the strength it came with but the rest of the gym like s him back to his old shape. Speaking of the reset, there aren't many Tank Toppers left: many have retired in the wake of the Monster Association showdown. Tank Top Rockabilly starts to curse their cowardice, but Tank Top Master stops him, pointing out that what mattered were those who still showed up. Besides he had a feeling about tank tops -- and on cue, three C-Class heroes come in to sign up as new recruits.
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Also in a gym but much less happily, we see Super Alloy Darkshine trying to do what he's done so many times before: work off his insecurity. It isn't doing much for him, and, as he peels off his shirt, we see the livid scars left on his torso and hands. He reflects that he simply cannot quell the fear he feels at the rethought of fighting again. We close out this scene with Captain Mizuki watching him with concern.
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The camera moves again (yes, yes, I know -- bear with me; there's method to my madness) and we watch the biggest, fuzziest chick mascot you ever did see help little children cross the road safely. Yes, it's Phoenixman, or Chick Man as he's now known. He catches sight of Child Emperor across the road and the two repair to a cafe. He explains to a very wary Child Emperor that even though he's no longer a chick-sized man, but a man-sized chick, his powers haven't returned and he ekes out a living doing good. Kids love him! It's not too bad at the moment, so what does Child Emperor want with him? Child Emperor wastes no time getting to the point: he wants to know what the monster knew about the bad things happening at the HA, and how.
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Feels like just a few days ago since we left Monster Chick Man cheeping in the rubble -- don't they grow fast? Speaking of fast-growing things, we have a problem in City Y. Yes, this is the city where Child Emperor has his lab -- looks like he's too busy interrogating monsters to look after his patch, and in his absence, we have an invasion of trees. Sentient moving trees announcing their divine purpose to restore the Earth's soils to their former fertility -- by using people as fertilizer. We see three heroes trying to cut them down (or blow them up), setting up a smokescreen to confuse the monsters but they're quickly snared by the tree roots. It looks bad, but then Tank Top Master and several of his Tank Toppers come barging through. Tank Top Master urges the heroes not to sit there but to join them in their charge. They charge forward, sending tree monsters flying and it's all looking good until...
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...obscured by the smoke, they run straight into the Forest King himself. The monster wastes no time picking up the heroes and, starting to squeeze the lives out of them, announces the arrival of new fertilizer.
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Of course, a hero always knows how to pick their moment, and in that moment, all the plant life in the boulevard, even the vines choking the buildings disappear in a flash. Out of that smoke appears a very familiar silhouette. Declaring himself satisfied with Dr Kuseno's work, Genos tells the monster and heroes that he wants a new spar with Saitama (talk about non-useful information!) But first, he had some trash to get rid of. And that is the end of the Forest King, gone too fast to be worth panelling.
We close with a very excited Genos showing his nice new parts to Saitama, who appears to just about have noticed there's something different about his disciple again.
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Correction: we close to the Tank Toppers working out frantically to catch up to machine power. Can't call Tank Top Master a quitter.
Meta below the cut.
Meta: So much to catch up on
You know, I was happy to see Flashy Flash looking for Manako... at least until I heard his reasons for it. If he'd protested to someone that he was just looking for her as a witness too valuable to let some random hero kill, I'd have smiled and called him tsundere. As this is him musing to himself, I'm much less reassured. There's something I find deeply untrustworthy about that ninja.
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People are like tea bags: you never know how strong they are until they're in hot water
Another chapter, another hero group, another shakedown. Earlier, we had seen the Blizzard Group shaken down to the few members who truly believed in what Fubuki did and were willing to seek to grow stronger in their own rights rather than just propping her ego up. This time, we're seeing a shakedown of the Tank Toppers. The good thing about the Tank Top Army is that with its policy of hard work, wearing tank tops, and just doing one's best, it's not as politically scheming as the Blizzard group and has the advantage that people there really do want to work together to do some good. However, a lot of them have also been hiding behind a Class S hero to get points (and wins) easily. With the long night of the Monster Association raid and all it pulled out of them, it looks like many have honestly looked at themselves and realised that they aren't going to be able to give the world what it needs. Tank Top Master respecting that a hero can only give what they can and letting them leave without rancour or ill word is a real credit to the man.
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I've seen Tank Top Master called the Mumen Rider of the S-Class. I don't know if I'd go that far, but he's certainly the sort of guy one could describe as having no side. He's very much of the what-you-see-is-what-you-get persuasion. I loved how he shone in the Monster Association raid. For me the single most impressive thing was him cutting through Mumen Rider's self-deprecating routine and making him the de facto leader of the local rescue operation. And Mumen rose to the occasion without question. Tank Top Master really does know how to pull the best out of people.
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This chapter is no exception when he refuses to berate the heroes who have been trapped by the tree monsters and urges them to get up and press on. Life is been tough for Tank Top Master, but heroism isn't measured in wins and losses: it's not a game, but a belief in doing the right thing whatever the odds. I would like things to go well for him sooner rather than later, but as long as his tank top is strong, let's watch him and cheer him on.
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It's all in how you see it
Something that's too big and too long a topic to deal with here is the role of the subjective in One-Punch Man. ONE did set out to make OPM not a story with a single definitive narrative, but rather one told through multiple viewpoints, and it seems to exist at all levels of the story. Even the idea of a person turning into a monster is based on that person's subjective view of themselves and their place in the world. So it shouldn't be surprising that there appears to be a lot of characters with body image problems, one shown most graphically by Darkshine. Whether the scars on his body are as livid as they appear to him to a third party is irrelevant: to him, they're there, and all the trauma and shock of having the skin he trusted to keep his fragile self safe being breached is right there in front of him. His donning a t-shirt so as not to see it in the gym mirror is painful to see indeed.
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I'd love to say something about Phoenixman/Chick Man but it escapes me for now. In the meantime, I have only questions. How the hell did he grow back to man-size so fast? What exactly has happened to him to so comprehensively depower him? Why is he able to be accepted as a mascot in society? Are there no background checks? Like Child Emperor, I find myself very curious but not one whit trusting.
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Back to the grind
I'm not going to say Genos is back. He's been around in the aftermath of the Monster Association raid, helping Saitama find their old apartment, terrorizing the Hero Association, and just hanging out. He's appeared in reasonably good spirits and decent health, and yet, this is a return of sorts. It's more like he's come off sick leave and returned to work.
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I know people like to pretend to know nothing for argument's sake, but if you've ever burned wood, you know that wet wood is not easy (or advisable to burn): you need dry wood to get a fire going. Living wood is 60% water and takes a lot of energy, such that to get a forest fire you need high temperatures, prolonged dry weather conditions, and a lot of dry underbrush to keep the fire going… and even there many trees don't burn fully. So for a forest of living trees to not just burn up but to be ASHED in a flash, like they're made of gun cotton speaks to a truly terrifying power.
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I'm unsurprised that Genos can do that, and crush a dragon-level monster like it's a bug -- it's been clear he's got the power for a while but it's nice to see him consolidate his hard-won gains.
That said… what the heck is he so keen to show Saitama? I have no idea what Genos thinks he's got to show Saitama that will impress the latter. If nobody else knows, he knows the absurd heights of power from which Saitama looks down on the world. He knows too that Saitama sees him and thinks well of him. And yet he's eager to spar him. Okay, kid. Just don't embarrass yourself, that's all I'm asking.
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cykward · 8 months
I feel like Amy and Bibi's animal reps are switched and that's so cute to me
1. Cats are predators, Bibi basically was hunting Peter down(and later Amy) in the way a cat would stalk it's prey
2. Cats tend to be pretty possessive similar to how Bibi is. She doesn't want to share her person of interest with anyone else and will protect that at all costs(one of the earlier scenes where someone said she stabbed someone with a fork for talking to Peter, how she kidnapped Amy because at first she presented as a threat as well, and the How to Kill a Peter chapters)
3. Cats are generally independent animals. Bibi is capable of living on her own both socially and fundamentally, her uncle is never really home so she assumingly has been living alone for a while and it's stated she never really had friends before Amy.
4. Amy is specifically represented by a black cat, and the superstition of black cats works with Bibi. Those scenes of her walking around school causing chaos around her, how people generally are just creeped out by her, and specifically how Camilla talks about her to Amy.
5. Cats are stereotyped to be apathetic and selfish, Bibi is both of those things.
6. More of a shallow reason but cats are associated with wealth/luxury, Bibi is filthy rich.
Now, Amy=Bunny
1. Bunnies are typically timid and stuff, Amy is generally a timid person. She runs away from her problems and generally just scares easily. She doesn't like confronting stuff head on and pushes people/opportunities away because of her own anxiety about how things may end out, like with Camilla before the story starts and later with Bibi when she confessed.
2. Bunnies are associated with youth, similar to Amy. For youth, Amy never fully recovered from the trauma surrounded with the childhood and mother. She still frequently has flashbacks and stuff but still has that childish connection to her mother despite that. And with how Camilla sometimes still sees Amy as her younger self, in general she's seen more as her younger self.
3. Bunnies are seen as weak/fragile, Amy constantly has some sort of injury and is known as accident prone. And how other people describe her, I forgot the exact quote but she's occasionally referred to as 'that scrawny Asian chick' or something along those lines. She's just overall deemed pathetic. She also let's people take advantage of her, she doesn't stand up for herself at all(Bibi in the beginning when she was trying to get to Peter and that scene in Amy and Camilla where Camilla's team mates were making fun of her)
4. Bunnies are associated with innocence as well, Amy is typically seen as overly gullible. Especially those scenes where Camilla is overprotective over Amy being around Bibi, she's assumed to just not be able to see Bibi's true nature and whatever because of that assumption.
5. Bunnies are prey, Amy gets kidnapped basically every other episode.💀
Also how they're perceived by other, Amy isn't noticed as much as Bibi is but yet people would still generally want to trust/be around Amy rather than Bibi. Similar to how generally most people would rather be around a bunny than a cat but it's more likely they'd notice the cat first(if they were both in plain sight, obviouly).
Already talked about this on my tiktok but it won't leave my head so..
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seabeck · 1 year
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Went to TSC because I saw in the local group there was a singular chick, all alone in a brooder, with pasty butt. Luckily it looks like someone bought her but there was this buff orp in a brooder full of straight run barred rocks (barred rocks are big bullies) and her eyes wouldn’t open. Thankfully the associate let me buy just one chick (I have a broody hen who is mother of the year two years running) and it looks like she was just being picked on a bit, she’s not blind, and she’s very active and happy
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aleatory-eyes · 2 years
Moment of discovery
Yandere hawks x fem reader
Summary: every relationship experience a 'moment of discovery'. Is when you realize a side of the other person that you didn't see at the beginning. Could be...that he secretly has feelings about you, maybe a weird kink or something darker.
Tw: yandere, explosion, being chased?
You are a first year college student, fresh out of high school. Discovering your likes and dislikes, hanging out with a ton of new people and enjoying your classes.
Back in your hometown your quirk was quite known, your white wings definitely stranded out from your peers. Did that mean you were popular? No, quite the opposite, your shy nature and geeky interests separated from your classmates.
You still maked some friends of course. But after high school everyone went on different paths. You would missed them for sure but your own dreams were also waiting in a big city.
That's why upon your arrival to Musutafu city, you had been working in you social abilities as much as possible. You were dead set on making friends and maybe ... a boyfriend? You blush a litle at that last statement.
Every thing was working out so well, you were in your dorm chatting with Sophie (your roommate). When suddenly you heard a big explosion and not even a minute later the sirens starts going off. The both of you grabbed your most important belongings, in your case your ID and your phone, and run off to the closest emergency exit.
All of a sudden, a big nomu appeared in front of you. "Damm it" you muttered under your breath. Quickly you extended your wings and picked up your roommate before flying in the opposite direction of the threat.
Fuck.fuck.fuck. Your heart was going a 200 mph but you couldn't stop, not if you valued your life and the one you were carrying."SOPHIE?" You screamed at her, but she had already passed out. This was hard, you didn't know how much longer you could keep up escaping . Especially with some extra pounds.
As if God had listened to your players, a hero showed in front of your tired body. With Big beautiful crimson wings that adorned his built. He gave you a comforting smile prior to landing a kick in the face of the villain behind you. That gave you enough time to get out of the building and withdraw far away of the battle.
Few hours had passed, and Now safe in a hospital's room, you watch over the unconscious Sophie while listening to the tv. It seems that your campus was attacked by a famous villain association , yet they were no match for the heroes. Later you discover your savior went by the name Hawks, it defently fits him you think.
Someone knocks on the door "come in" you said lazily, expecting a doctor to check on your roommate and maybe yourself as well. You eyes wide open in surprise as you see him again. Immediately you rise from the chair, almost knocking it over. "Thank you so much for savings us this morning sir!" You enthusiastically voice out your gratitude with a deep bow to your savior.
He has a siniester smile plasted in his face, not at all suitable for a hero. But you didn't get to see it, since you were bowing so low that the only thing about him you could discern was his shoes. You lift your head and meet his gold eyes, the dilated pupil catches your attention. "Its nothing, rescuing cute chicks like you is the best part of the job" he says with a small chuckle. Out of embarrassment you look away. You were about to mutter another "thanks y-" but the hand approaching your wings stops you. "you didn't get hurt while escaping that monster, right angel? " he express his concern while he stars to caress your feathers. You freeze.
"What are you doing?" You try to say but the words won't come out of your mouth. Instead you ruffle your wings a litle, and take a few steps back. He catches the indirect and apologizes grabbing his head with his hand. "Ow! Sorry cutie! Your feathers seemed really soft and curiosity took the best of me" he sighs giving you puppy eyes. "Oh, is alright ... I guess it was a bird instinct " this time you where the one chuckling trying to ease the tension.
He... he was just curious, relax Y/N you're overthinking you try to convince yourself. But deep down you know something isn't right. You don't have time to dwell in the thought much as you hear a pained moan from behind you "ugh, what ... is happening?" Sophie manages to utter.
You rush to her side and give her a bear hug. You sight in relief prior to letting her go and focus your attention in the man you've ignored a few minutes. "Well...you probably known him. And he also is the one that saved us from our certain death" you speak, leaving the poor girl at shock.
"Actually you should thank your friend." He said to your roommate with a stern face almost angry "she refused to leave you behind and flew with you. She saved you just like an angel" a stange glow appeared in his eyes when he pronounced that last word.
You weren't sure before, but now...you're convinced that something is wrong with him. Your instincts begging you to leave. "Well..., Let's move on! The past is the past and we are all here safe and sound." you state with a cheerful tone and picking up your things (you didn't over did it with the enthusiasm, right?) "Its getting late and we should go home. And I don't want to take more of your precious time sir.Hawks" you continue with a big fake smile.
"Sorry Y/N, I don't feel very well. My family is probably coming soon and I would prefer to stay one night in the hospital just in case." Sophie declares and your plan to get away from this man as fast as posible with her completely crumbles. And what's worse is that your savior ( is not as comfortable calling him that now) seems to have a better idea. "What about I take you to a shelter to get a good night of sleep? You must be tired." he is right, you're tired but your wings are in good condition maybe you could fl- "And for security reasons only heroes are allowed to use their quirks tonight. That means no flying cutie" he winks at you. He knew what you were thinking all along.
And after some back and forth, Sophie manages to convince you that is safer to let the hero accompany you. "Please Y/N, think about it logically" her words making you reconsider, and you finally accept. Your instinct could be wrong after all.
Or did you accidentally catch a glimpse at a evil side of him ?
This is a part 1
Part 2 is already up
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onedivinemisfit · 7 months
Ranma? May I ask how you got into that? Who's your favorite character? What's your favorite ship? What's your favorite ship for Ranma? (Fanon or canon is fine)
Oh boy. Okay here we go
1. It was the year 2003. My uncle, who was my family’s version of “that eccentric who lives in the Big City and has Connections” at the time, was visiting us poor north-western plebs in late summer. He was always big on cartoons. He collected The Phantom, Hardy Boys, Donald Duck, and so on and so forth - so we kids associated him with cartoons to read. Uncle was even friends with a magazine editor lady, so he usually got his cartoon batches at discounts.
This particular afternoon I wanted to read his Nemi magazine. Nemi was cool. It’s a still-running, monthly cartoon magazine about a silly goth chick and her shenanigans - it wasn’t actually in my age group, being like eight at the time, bc Nemi dealt with sex, drugs and uuuh, irresponsible adult behavior lol. But it also focused on environmentalism, human kindness and funny everyday moments. And it wasn’t like my family monitored my reading material much anyway.
As I reached for the magazine, in my grandparents’s living room, a small pamphlet fell out, and to the floor. It was a bright orange front, with a character in black-and-white. It introduced itself as being a ‘manga’, a series that would launch the coming autumn, and this was a free sneak peek of chapter one that came with every purchase of Nemi. I picked it up out of curiosity. And it was hilarious, I loved it.
Some weeks later, after school resumed, I spotted a bright orange pocket on the magazine shelves at the grocery store. I remember pacing back and forth, bc I wasn’t very good at asking for things as a child if they cost money, I was very money aware you could say. But the pocket was 49 crowns so I dared pick it up and held it in front of my father with “can I pls” eyes.
The rest is history.
2. Akane. Gimme the body-insecure, bumbling, temperamental lil baby who is so much more like teenage girls in her behaviour than any of the other female cast.
3. Canon: Akane x Ranma. Fanon: Ukyo x Ryoga
4. See above ^ I prefer AkaRan for many reasons, but if we’re being ranma-specific, it’s because she’s the only one of the girls to actually accept all facets of him, even the ones that come across as gnc. None of the other girls show the least amount of romantic interest in fem!ranma.
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