chicagomedfans · 2 years
Chicago Med Appreciation Week is Coming Up Soon!
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Hey, everybody! I hope your new year is off to an amazing start! Are you happy our little show is back from hiatus? I am & I can't wait to celebrate the series next month with all of you. What are you doing to prepare for Chicago Med Appreciation Week in February? I hope you're busy brainstorming some posts, creating some pretty gifs, or even penning some fanfics! Whatever you can offer up to help celebrate this show; well, I can't wait to see it all! :) For all the details about the week, check out this post.
Reminder: The appreciation week will run from February 12-18th. Please hashtag all your posts #chicagomedlove & #chimedaw23 so I can find your posts easier. See you soon!
Please reblog to help share this post with your fellow One Chicago lovers!
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chicagomedfans · 2 years
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Hello there, my friends. Is it just me or does it sometimes seem like Chicago Med is the proverbial red-headed stepchild of the One Chicago franchise? There are far less m-vids, fanfics, and overall discussions circulating about the show than there are for Fire & PD, which is disappointing to me since I personally see a lot of merit in Med. Don't get me wrong here. I absolutely love the other One Chicago shows too (I was even into Justice! Yep, you heard it here!), but I have to admit I have a certain affinity for Chicago Med. I can't even really explain it. I am just oddly addicted to it & the characters on it. I wish more people enjoyed it the way I do, or at least chatted about it a bit more.
It got me to thinking, wondering how I could help encourage people in the ChiMed fandom to engage with each other more while also spreading positivity for the series & all the while possibly gearing up interest from potential new viewers to check out the program. And then I had it! Why, create an appreciation week event, of course! So, that’s exactly what I’m doing. If you're a Chicago Med stan or just a sorta fan, please feel free to participate in this fun event coming soon! It will run from Feb. 12-18, 2023.
Please hashtag your posts with #chicagomedlove & #chimedaw23 so we can find you and see all your awesome posts. There are two types of prompts. General question prompts & fan fiction prompts. You are welcome to do both sets if you'd like. I know I'm going to try to do both, but hey, no pressure to you. I hope we get a great turn out for this. Go forth and create please and thank you! :)
*** General Posts/Gifs/Pics:
Day 1. Favorite character Day 2. Favorite couple (canon or otherwise) Day 3. Saddest moment Day 4. Favorite friendship Day 5. Favorite Nurse Maggie moment (Let’s face it. Gaffney is still standing because of her. Plus, Marlyne Barrett deserves all the love!)  Day 6. Favorite season Day 7. Your favorite cast photograph
** Writing Prompts:
Day 1. Gonna Party Like It’s 1999: Write about a story about a party that happens at the hospital. What goes on? Are there presents? Does someone spike the punch? Are startling truths revealed? Do people start hooking up in the linen closet? You decide!
Day 2. Valentine’s Day: Write something about the characters celebrating or not celebrating Valentine’s Day, as the case may be.
Day 3. I Don’t Know Nothin Bout Birthin’ No Babies: Write a story about someone having a baby. It can be a patient. Or even one of the doctors themselves.
Day 4. You Got a Friend in Me: Write a story about your favorite friendship on Med. Or about two characters you wish had a close friendship.
Day 5. We’re Going to Need a Bigger Band-aid: Write a story where someone is really sick, and things get dicey. Will they live or die? I mean, it’s Chicago Med. It’s anyone’s guess!
Day 6. It’s a Nice Day for a White Wedding: Write about your favorite ChiMed couple on their wedding day. (Pairings do not have to be canon! Crack ships and fantasy ships totally count!)
Day 7. I Missed You: Is there a character who left the series that you really miss? Write about their return to Chicago and show you would bring them back to the fold.
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