#chiara matarazzo
theolympusrp · 11 months
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IC: Nome terreno: Chiara Matarazzo Nome mitológico: - Faceclaim: Bruna Marquezine, atriz. Nascimento: 04 de novembro de 1997 Naturalidade: Brasileira. Ser: Filha de Hécate. Tempo de treino: 0 – 5 anos. Nível: 02 Twitter: @olp_chiara Fraternidade: alpha mu épsilon Ocupação: Aluna + Encantamento.
Qualidades: dedicada, extrovertida, independente. Defeitos: impulsiva, teimosa e desconfiada. Plots de interesse: Todos.
[ tw: abuso verbal, abuso sexual, grooming, relacionamento abusivo, aborto. ]
Poderia dizer que a vida era fácil por todos os privilégios que possuía por conta da fama dos pais — atores, assim como ela — mas estaria muito longe da verdade. Estava mais para o lado menos afortunado da fama, aquele que traz olhares tortos, a inveja que transborda das bocas alheias, da vantagem que tiram na manipulação por ela se importar e se diminuir demais. O ponto mais baixo que esteve era longe demais para até se reconhecer, se diminuiu para caber em algo que nem estando pequena cabia, se submetendo a coisas que outrora criticava e que dizia que nunca aconteceria. Afinal, como alguém que ela ama poderia fazer algo do tipo?
A carreira de Chiara se iniciou quando ainda criança, um dos poucos privilégios que usufruiu pelo reconhecimento dos pais. Quando adolescente, era uma atriz mirim em ascensão, o auge de tudo o que já vivera, mas também o grande apogeu de sua queda quando conheceu o ex-namorado. Um cantor de sucesso nacional, que tocava em todas as rádios do Brasil, aparecia em diversos programas televisivos, alguém que se demonstrava ser de ótima índole.
Ainda que contra a vontade dos pais, pelo rapaz ser ao menos 9 anos mais velho que ela — que tinha 15 quando começaram a sair. No aniversário seguinte, alguns meses depois, ele a pediu em namoro. Tudo era muito mais que perfeito: passeios por todo o lugar do mundo, flores, presentes, declarações… vivia um conto de fadas, tanto que quando chegou a hora, alguns anos depois de se mudarem para morarem juntos, sequer titubeou em aceitar. Era o certo. E a grande questão de tudo isso é que Chiara nunca conseguiu encontrar um ponto de mudança, quando tudo começou a mudar. Em um momento estava no céu e, no outro, conhecia o inferno.
Se culpava. Algo a corroía de dentro para fora em uma busca insana pelo o que havia feito de errado para gerar tanta raiva no companheiro que dizia amá-la. As violências pioravam a cada ano, mas a vergonha que a acometia era grandiosa demais para haver um resquício de coragem para pedir ajuda — sequer algum espaço para que o fizesse. Percebia que quanto mais tempo passava, mais destruída estava — por ele. Não tinha um pingo de autoestima, havia declinado todos os convites para papéis que tinha recebido, não saía de casa, não tinha amigos, não falava mais com os pais. Não conseguia pedir socorro, mesmo quando percebeu que queria.
As agressões se tornaram dormentes com o tempo, os golpes estavam presentes, ela via os roxos, o sangue, tudo, mas a dor física era inexistente. Foi apenas um ano depois, quando descobriu estar grávida, que teve a coragem de pedir ajuda. Mas antes disso, rezou, para qualquer um que pudesse ouvir seu clamor e o mais inesperado aconteceu: um pequeno frasco se materializou diante de si, com uma pequena nota, escrito “beba”. O aborto fora espontâneo, mas aconteceu após já estar nos braços da sua mãe.
O acontecimento bizarro, voltou a acontecer quando o ex-namorado voltou a infernizá-la e suas crises de pânico haviam se tornado muito mais intensas. Recebia poções, com pequenas instruções, mas nada muito além até ela mesma começar a performar pequenos acontecimentos que a deixavam ainda mais desorientada. Descobriu a verdade quando perdeu o controle, aquilo que descobriu ser uma habilidade — para usar em um oponente e que usou contra si mesma — e se cortou por inteira com o próprio pensamento, que Hécate apareceu.
A promessa de que ela teria um novo recomeço ao ir para o Instituto de semideuses foi como uma benção para Chiara que, apesar de não acreditar nas palavras da divindade, aceitou de bom grado a oferta. Seus pais, que ela havia descoberto que eram seus pais adotivos, acreditam que ela está cursando artes cênicas na universidade de Nova York e ela realmente está, mas também cursa Encantamento na The Olympus. Não se arrepende de ter aceitado a proposta da mãe, que agora ela entendia e acreditava depois de 3 anos, porque a promessa se tornou uma verdade absoluta. Ainda com cicatrizes, Chiara havia dado um novo sentido para a vida e não iria olhar para trás.
1. imperceptível — chiara é capaz de ignorar completamente a dor que sente no momento, por meios mágicos. serve-lhe como um analgésico poderoso, que em segundos faz com que toda e qualquer dor seja ignorada automaticamente. lembrando que mesmo assim você sente o dano do ataque, mas se torna mais resistente aos mesmos, permanecendo na batalha por mais tempo mesmo com os seus machucados.
2. feitiços i — nesse nível, a filha de hécate tem alguns feitiços liberados em seu grimório e que ela domina com destreza, estes porém, só podem ser utilizados dois de cada vez e tem sua duração limitada a uma hora. a) destrancar fechaduras; b) arremessar objetos leves para longe sem ser necessário tocar; c) pode fazer uma pessoa sofrer ânsia e vertigem; d) consegue causar um corte pequeno em alguém sem tocá-lo, apenas o olhando;
3. visão trifocal — chiara possui uma visão panorâmica das coisas, enxergando o todo com um ângulo melhor, sua visão abrange sua frente e laterais com a mesma qualidade ocular, evitando ataques surpresa. grosseiramente, é como se enxergasse também com a esclera.
4. bicho de estimação — encantando com a sua voz mágica, chiara pode fazer com que qualquer pessoa fique domesticada por no máximo trinta minutos, a dando tempo para fazer o que bem entender. a habilidade funciona também em animais de pequeno porte, mas não em criaturas mágicas.
5. feitiços ii — nesse nível, a filha de hécate tem alguns feitiços liberados em seu grimório e que ela domina com destreza. estes porém, só podem ser utilizados dois de cada vez e tem sua duração limitada a uma hora. a) consegue destruir objetos pequenos de apenas o olhar; b) pode chorar lágrimas negras, estas que podem ser um veneno ou forte remédio; c) consegue deixar uma pessoa sem falar ou ver. d) pode conversar com mortos, contando que tenha contato com algum tipo de dna;
6. espelho — chiara ao chegar nesse nível consegue saber com exatidão os poderes de seus oponentes. é como se fosse um livro, ela consegue ver cada habilidade e cada dom de cada um deles, sem nenhuma exceção. essa habilidade não pode ser contida, pois a mesma simplesmente acontece em um piscar de olhos. uma coisa engraçada é que você também pode saber habilidades futuras de seus oponentes e até mesmo as suas, lhe preparando para um futuro. tal habilidade também torna a filha de hécate hábil para detectar descontroles de habilidades e até mesmo prever desastres causados pelo mesmo.
7. sugador — com apenas um beijo a filha de hécate consegue sugar a energia de seus oponentes, fazendo com que os mesmos fiquem fracos e incapacitados por alguns minutos. essa capacidade precisa ser treinada e pode ser letal para chiara em caso de uso demasiado, pois esse poder exige uma parcela mediana de sua magia e vai se consumindo cada vez mais, dependendo do tempo que seus lábios envenenam o seu oponente.
8. feitiços iiii — nesse nível, a filha de hécate tem alguns feitiços liberados em seu grimório e que ela domina com destreza. estes porém, só podem ser utilizados dois de cada vez e tem sua duração limitada a uma hora. a) pode destruir um osso se for de seu desejo, apenas o tocando; b) pode apagar memórias recentes de alguém; c) consegue caminhar por paredes; e) consegue dar vida a estátuas e objetos inanimados pequenos, dando uma personalidade violenta a eles;
9. arte — diz a lenda que esta magia foi criada por um artista frustrado, competente em magia, mas incapaz de produzir uma verdadeira obra de arte. qualquer ser que se aproxime a 9m ou menos de uma obra de arte afetada pela magia, não conseguirá tirar os olhos do objeto, totalmente encantada com sua beleza. com essa habilidade o semideuses poderá invocar um belo quadro ao campo de batalha, e enfeitiçá-lo com a fascinação.
10. fascinação — entrando em um estado ainda maior de paz em seu corpo o filho de hécate pode desprender sua alma de sua casca, fazendo com que você possa andar por todo o mundo sem ser visto ou notado por qualquer pessoa que não seja um necromante. durante o processo de uma projeção, o projetor fica com seu estado físico completamente paralisado, enquanto sua alma ganha os atributos de um fantasma. essa habilidade possui suas vantagens e suas desvantagens. uma desvantagem é que você não pode usar essa habilidade perto de necromantes, pois os mesmos podem muito bem te manipular como um fantasma – mas, a vantagem, te permite viajar por qualquer lugar sem sofrer danos.
11. absorver — é a capacidade de absorver qualquer dano causado por poderes mágicos que o atinja. essa habilidade é bastante útil pois torna chiara imune a qualquer tipo de magia. uma vez com o dano absorvido pela sua própria magia o ataque criado pelo seu oponente acaba se transformando em energia mágica para você. a energia ganha tem a duração de 10 minutos para ser reutilizada.
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youngfcs · 2 years
Olá, desculpa incomodar.
Eu tô criando uma história da onde a família da personagem principal aparece bastante só que eu não consigo pensar em ninguém para interpretar os irmãos e o pai.
Tinha pensada na Emeraude Toubia como personagem principal e a personagem principal teria um irmão gêmeo. Salma Hayek como a mãe e Ben Barnes com o irmão mais velho. A família teria descendência brasileiro da parte da mãe e italiana do pai
Poderia me indicar atores que poderia interpretar o pai e os outros irmãos que seriam: Um irmão gêmeos de 27-30 anos, uma irmã de 23-26 anos, um irmão de 20-25 anos, um irmão de 18-22 anos e nele eu pensei no Louis Partridge, um irmã de 18-20 anos e um irmã mais nova de 12 anos.
Desculpa se ficou confuso
Olá, anon! Não é incômodo nenhum <3 Eu, particularmente, não gosto muito de colocar pessoas não-latinas em papéis de pessoas latinas, então eu vou dar opções latinas e/ou italianas assim como a família, certo? Espero que goste <3
Pierfrancesco Favino (48-55)
Adriano Giannini (47-54)
Joe Mantegna (60-70) [ele é descendente italiano]
Raoul Bova (46-53)
Irmãos gêmeos: (vou dar exemplos de pessoas que tenham características parecidas, e você pode escolher se serão bivitelinos ou não-bivitelinos)
Simone Susinna (23-29)
Michele Morrone (25-32) [no filme 365 dias, ele faz papel de gêmeos]
Rodrigo Simas (24-31)
Humberto Carrão (25-31)
Irmã (23-26):
Bruna Marquezine (18-27) [tem ascendência tanto brasileira quanto italiana]
Valentina Bellè (22-30)
Bianca Bin (24-32) [tem ascendência tanto brasileira quanto italiana]
Benedetta Gargari (19-28)
Irmão (20-25):
Damiano David (18-24)
Henry Zaga (20-29) [tem ascendência tanto brasileira quanto italiana]
Giorgio Belli (20-27)
Gabriel Leone (21-29)
Irmão (18-22):
Eduardo Borelli (18-27)
Andrew Matarazzo (17-25) [tem ascendência tanto brasileira quanto italiana]
Lorenzo Zurzolo (16-22)
Federico Cesari (16-25)
Irmã (18-20):
Alice Pagani (17-24)
Chiara Scelsi (17-25) [tem ascendência tanto brasileira quanto italiana]
Rayssa Bratillieri (16-25)
Julia Dalavia (16-24)
Irmã mais nova: (por favor, não use fcs menores de idade em cenas maduras)
Annalara Prates (10-15)
Giada Gagliardi (09-14)
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niconote · 5 months
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SUONO DOMENICA | Dodici ore di musica di ricerca Domenica 21 aprile 2024, ore 12-24 Conservatorio di Musica “G. B. Martini”, Bologna
Una vera e propria maratona sonora, un viaggio lungo un giorno che se da un lato ha lo scopo di presentare il capillare lavoro della Scuola di Musica Elettronica, dall’altro si relaziona con la città e con realtà diverse del panorama italiano, spaziando dall’audiovisione, all’improvvisazione, dalla sound art alla composizione acusmatica, interrogando ospiti e musicisti anche extra-accademici sul significato dell’arte sonora di oggi. Il tutto esplorando gli spazi incontenibili del Conservatorio di Bologna, sottolineati da allestimenti e proposte in grado di dialogare con l’architettura e la tecnica. “Suono Domenica” non è quindi un festival o una vetrina: può essere visto più come una festa, o magari come un “orologio sonoro” che scandisce il tempo della giornata attraverso il fare musica e lo stare insieme.
Ore 12 > OPEN/Cortile, scalone e piazza Rossini Giuseppe Chiari, Improvvisazione libera. Esperienza musicale per 70 solisti
Ore 13 > Apertura Installazioni/Consbo (le installazioni terminano alle ore 23) • Sala Respighi > Sequenzer Kammer, a cura di Enrico Cosimi, con Maru Barucco, Dario Boccato, Bruno Cusumano, Tommaso Michelini • Aula 9 > Pierpaolo Ovarini, this could be us, installazione multimediale interattiva; in collaborazione con Home Movies-Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia • Corridoio I piano > Daniele Carcassi, Nuova terra, installazione sonora per tre totem di altoparlanti (tecnica a cura di Gerarda Avallone) • Saletta area Banda > Lorenza Ceregini, Tu mi vedi?, installazione audiovisiva
Ore 14 > Sala Fugazza Audiovisione Bologna Francesco Di Stefano, Stripping Away Reality (2022) Tommaso Marzini Della Ragione, Unfortunate event (2023) Lorenzo Mostura, Nomo Echoes (2024) Fulvio Daviddi, Ground (2023) Lorenza Ceregini, Riccardo Tesorini, Dissimmetrie (2023), video di Elena Bianchini, Giulia Pellegrini, Mika Sollecito, Serena Ugolini In collaborazione con Fondazione Zucchelli e Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna-Corso di linguaggi del cinema e dell’audiovisivo
Ore 15 > Aula Banda Acusmatica Camilleri Lelio Camilleri, Apostrophe (1995), Summer 2018 (2018), Parallel (2000), Beat (2024) - prima esecuzione assoluta Ore 16 > Sala Fugazza Audiovisione Cipriani Naufragio-The Last Shipwreck, Due movimenti dalla trilogia audiovisiva Shipwrecks Naufragi (2020-2023) Video Giulio Latini; Musica, sound design e testi Alessandro Cipriani Memoria d'Utopie, opera audiovisiva multischermo (2023-2024) da un testo di Alberto Gianquinto Video Giulio Latini; Musica Alessandro Cipriani e Alessandro Sbordoni; Sound design Alessandro Cipriani; Voci recitanti registrate Roberto Herlitzka e Virginia Guidi
Ore 17 > Aula Banda Concerto Improvvisazione Silenzio Direzione: Walter Prati Performer: Andrea Brutti, Andrea Fabris, Andrea Giorgelli, Salvatore Miele, Francesco Paolino, Dino Piccinno, Erica Ruggiero, Leonardo Vita
Ore 18 > Sala Fugazza Audiovisione Coslovi The Wrong Side of the Tracks (2020-) Progetto fotografico: Marcello Coslovi Performer e progetto sonoro: Gabriele Andrisani, Andrea Cardellicchio, Matteo Coceva, Stefano Corino, Tommaso Grandi, Chiara Matarazzo, Davide Ricchi, Valerio Timo
Ore 19 > Sala Bossi Concerto Mantra Karlheinz Stockhausen, Mantra, per due pianisti (1970) Pianoforte: Stefano Malferrari e Franco Venturini Live electronics e regia del suono: Francesco Vogli (con Vijay Comino e Alessandra Giachetti)
Ore 21 > Sala Fugazza Audiovisioni Camera Ludens. Il gioco della memoria, per video e quattro performer (2023) Performer: Francesco Giomi, Simone Grande, Salvatore Miele, Andrea Sanna Selezione e montaggio: Michele Manzolini ed Enrico Riccobene Camera Ludens è un progetto di Home Movies-Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia BSCRZCLL732NN, improvvisazione audiovisiva per tre performer e quattro videomaker (2023) Performer: Antonio Ciaramella, Andrea Fabris, Nicola Venturo Videomaker: Andrea Boschini, Silvia Campostrini, Giulia Costantini, Chiara Vitofrancesco In collaborazione con Home Movies-Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna-Corso di linguaggi del cinema e dell’audiovisivo, Fondazione Zucchelli, Mast
Ore 22 > Aula Banda Acusmatica Bologna Federico Inzerillo, Grid grips (2023) Alessandra Giachetti, Verrières (2024) Francesco Interlandi, Var hälsad du Maria (2023-24) Jacopo Casasola, Scenario possibile (2023) Fernando Hester, Zooming (2023)
Ore 23 > Sala BossiConcerto Bologna Filippo Giuffrè | NicoNote | Stefano Pilia
Ingresso libero a tutti gli eventi fino a esaurimento posti
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aureliahillshqs · 9 months
¿que caritas les gustaría ver por acá?
¡cualquiera que deseen traernos! pero de todas maneras, dejo algunas sugerencias a continuación: anya taylor joy, zion moreno, banita sandhu, ross lynch, jenna ortega, sydney sweeney, lee dohyun, lili reinhart, alexa demie, lily rose depp, joey king, maitreyi ramakrishnan, yara shahidi, kim jiwoong, tom holland, cai xukun, kiernan shipka, wolfgang novogratz, dylan minnette, thomas doherty, maude apatow, xolo maridueña, alisha boe, nam joohyuk, rudy pankow, metawin opasiamkajorn, lee taemin, froy gutierrez, kanawut traipipattanapong, maya hawke, esme creed miles, felix mallard, chiara aurelia, meg donnelly, diana silvers, austin abrams, toby wallace, olivia holt, emily alyn lind, hirai momo, choi chanhee, talya ryder, jeon somi, kim mingyu, maxence danet fauvel, nam yoonsoo, maia reficco, lee juyeon, joshua hong, yoo jimin, nakamoto yuta, greta onieogou, georgina amorós, thomas weatherall, josh heuston, huh yunjin, katie douglas, asahina aya, milly alcock, kim wooseok, park jihoon, asa butterfield, choi yeonjun, jayden smith, jackson wang, dew jirawit, axel auriant, song kang, timothée chalamet, jacob elordi, keiynan lonsdale, andrew matarazzo, lee seokmin, ahn hyoseop, choi youngjae, darren barnet, kento yamazaki, jaren lewison, chittaphon leechaiyapornkul ( ten ), george mackay, lee dohyun, nam joohyuk, tyler lawrence gray, jack mullarkey, alex aiono, archie renaux, chase liefeld, nam yoonsoo, roque ruiz, zack nelson, lorenzo zurzolo. si repetí a alguien, pido perdón.
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giancarlonicoli · 4 years
7 gen 2021 18:36
Chi è il padre di Domenico Arcuri detto Mimmo, commissario straordinario per l’emergenza Covid. Non ci sono molte tracce dell’albero genealogico di famiglia ma un indizio lo fornisce un passaggio dell’intervista concessa dall’ad di Invitalia a “il Venerdì di Repubblica” il 3 settembre 2020 (https://rep.repubblica.it/pwa/venerdi/2020/10/04/news/re_arcuri-265974647/): “[…]
Arcuri ha una sorella, Francesca, che è psicologa, ed è figlio di Aldo, poliziotto, e di Caterina, casalinga. "Mio padre era uno di quelli operativi, quelli che arrestano i criminali". Il suo ultimo incarico? "Questore di Bari, ma io non abitavo più con lui. Sono cresciuto spostandomi per tutto il Meridione. Elementari e medie le ho fatte a Palermo, a Napoli, poi a Roma e quindi di nuovo a Napoli […]".
Era questore a Bari, dunque. La geografia sarà utile per provare a ricostruire la nostra storia. Sul sito “Assopolizia” (http://www.assopolizia.it/scheda_defunto.php?id=347) c’è una scheda di un tale Aldo Arcuri che recita: “Prefetto di 1^ classe in quiescenza. Presidente Onorario della sezione A.N.P.S. di Salerno e Questore della provincia di Salerno dal 20 marzo 1980 al 5 giugno 1983. Nato a Palizzi (RC) il 28/08/1923, deceduto a Roma il 02/07/2016”. Basta chiedere e Google maps risponde: Palizzi è in Calabria, a soli 24 chilometri da Melito di Porto Salvo dove il 10 luglio 1963 è nato Domenico Arcuri, supercommissario.
Nell’intervista a “Il Venerdì di Repubblica”, Domenico Arcuri racconta di essere cresciuto spostandosi “per tutto il Meridione”. E cita Palermo, Napoli, Roma e poi ancora Napoli. E cita anche Bari, dove il padre ha rivestito l’ultimo incarico di questore.
Nella mappa però manca una città: Benevento. E che c’azzecca nel nostro racconto? C’azzecca parecchio, perché nella lista degli iscritti alla loggia massonica P2, c’è anche un Aldo Arcuri, operativo a Benevento, con tessera numero 4. Un caso di omonimia? In rete si può recuperare un interpellanza del deputato radicale Massimo Teodori, datata 24 settembre 1981, in cui si chiedevano - all’allora presidente del Consiglio Spadolini - chiarimenti sui funzionari dello Stato pizzicati nelle liste di Licio Gelli. Tra quelli citati c’è anche Aldo Arcuri, allora questore di Benevento.
Ricomponiamo il puzzle: nelle liste della P2 c’è un Aldo Arcuri, operativo a Benevento. A Benevento c’era un questore di nome Aldo Arcuri, tra l’altro oggetto dell’interpellanza di Massimo Teodori come appartenente alla loggia. Domenico Arcuri racconta che suo padre era questore e si chiamava Aldo e ha lavorato nel meridione. Unendo i puntini c’è solo una domanda possibile: il padre del supercommissario Domenico Arcuri era iscritto alla loggia P2?
Estratto dell’articolo di Francesco Merlo per https://rep.repubblica.it/pwa/venerdi/2020/10/04/news/re_arcuri-265974647/
[…] Arcuri ha una sorella, Francesca, che è psicologa, ed è figlio di Aldo, poliziotto, e di Caterina, casalinga. "Mio padre era uno di quelli operativi, quelli che arrestano i criminali". Il suo ultimo incarico? "Questore di Bari, ma io non abitavo più con lui. Sono cresciuto spostandomi per tutto il Meridione. Elementari e medie le ho fatte a Palermo, a Napoli, poi a Roma e quindi di nuovo a Napoli".
Estratto dell’articolo http://www.gazzettabenevento.it/Sito2009/dettagliocomunicato2.php?Id=120909
[…] Sopraggiunta la morte gli chiusi gli occhi e porgendo a lui una carezza per l'ultima volta gli sussurrai: Don Emilio, la citta' le rendera' giustizia. Tutte presenti le autorita' alla cerimonia del realizzando Centro "La Pace" tranne l'arcivescovo Raffaele Calabria che, sin dal primo momento, non gradi' l'iniziativa ostacolandola con ogni mezzo. Lettera aperta di De Lorenzo a mons. Accrocca
Don Emilio spirò tra le mie braccia, in ospedale ed io ebbi la ventura di accogliere il suo ultimo anelito di vita. Bene. "Non c'è fede senza carità e vera carità senza servizio", con queste parole, don Emilio Matarazzo aprì i lavori di un incontro con la comunità sannita, da lui voluto il 23 giugno 1978, inteso, quest'ultimo, ad illustrare gli scopi precipui dell'allora realizzando centro di spiritualità e cultura "La Pace", in località Monte delle Guardie, alla Pacevecchia.
In quella occasione, lui, con tanta passione, intese illustrare la finalità umana di quella complessa iniziativa alla folta platea, in una esposizione chiara e precisa, infondendo nelle sue parole umanità ed entusiasmo, dote insite nel suo carattere passionale.
Le autorità cittadine furono tutte presenti. Il sindaco, Ernesto Mazzoni, il procuratore della Repubblica, Giuseppe Faraone, il questore, Aldo Arcuri, il prefetto, Filippo Mastroiacovo, il comandante dei Carabinieri e tante altre figure istituzionali della città. […]
Da http://www.assopolizia.it/scheda_defunto.php?id=347
Luogo ed anno di nascita: Palizzi (RC) il 28/08/1923
Luogo ed anno del decesso: Roma il 02/07/2016
Note: Socio benemerito. Prefetto di 1^ classe in quiescenza. Presidente Onorario della sezione A.N.P.S. DI Salerno e Questore della provincia di Salerno dal 20 marzo 1980 al 5 giugno 1983.
Sezione: Salerno
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lasposadieugenia · 5 years
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architectnews · 3 years
Graham Foundation Grants 2021: architecture
Graham Foundation 2021 Grants, Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts USA, Individuals
Graham Foundation Grants 2021
Funding for individuals and organizations in the Fine Arts, USA
post updated June 2, 2021
Graham Foundation 2021 News
Graham Foundation Announces 2021 Grants to Individuals
$585,000 awarded to individuals exploring innovative design ideas that expand contemporary understanding of architecture in the context of this transformative year
The Graham Foundation is pleased to announce the award of 71 new grants to individuals worldwide that support projects on architecture. Grantee projects represent diverse lines of inquiry engaging original ideas that advance our understanding of the designed environment. Selected from nearly 700 proposals, the funded projects include research, exhibitions, publications, films, digital initiatives, and other inventive formats that promote rigorous scholarship, stimulate experimentation, and foster critical discourse in architecture.
“This year, as the pandemic forced communities, cities, and countries to close down, the inequities of design and the built environment only intensified,” said Graham Foundation director Sarah Herda. “Through this dynamic grantee cohort, the Graham continues its 65-year commitment to supporting individuals to realize ideas that have the power to change the field of architecture.”
The individuals leading these projects are based in cities such as Ahmedabad, India; Milan, Italy; Mexico City, Mexico; Durban, South Africa; and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Projects focus on locations such as Accra, Ghana; Caracas, Venezuela; Knoxville, TN; and Chicago, IL where the Graham Foundation is based. The innovative projects are led by eminent and emerging architects, artists, curators, filmmakers, historians, and photographers, among other professionals. The 2021 Grantees projects represent a broad range of disciplines:
Historian Shantel Blakely looks at the living legacy of under recognized Black architect Charles E. Fleming (b. 1937) and his prolific practice, concentrating on his work in the St. Louis, MO area
In the book Green Obsession, Milan-based architect Stefano Boeri and his studio sound a call to action to the field around climate change
Amaxiwa | Embodied Archives brings to life architectural histories at heritage sites across Africa, led by Russel Hlongwane and Sumayya Vally—who was included on the 2021 TIME100 Next list of emerging leaders
The exhibition deposition by artists Marissa Lee Benedict, Daniel de Paula, and David Rueter, transports and transforms the last pit floor from the Chicago Board of Trade to Oscar Niemeyer’s Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion for the 2021 São Paulo Biennial
The new grantees join a worldwide network of individuals and organizations that the Graham Foundation has supported over the past 65 years. In that time, the Foundation has awarded more than $41 million dollars in direct support to over 4,800 projects by individuals and organizations.
The complete list of the 2021 individual grantees follows. Please find descriptions of the awarded projects beginning on page 3. To learn more about the new grants, click on any grantee name below to visit their online project page, or go to grahamfoundation.org/grantees.
Juliana Rowen Barton, Michelle Millar Fisher, Zoë Greggs, Gabriella Nelson, and Amber Winick
Marissa Lee Benedict, Daniel de Paula, and David Rueter
Parsons & Charlesworth: Jessica Charlesworth and Tim Parsons
Stanley Cho, Elisa Iturbe, and Alican Taylan
Gabriel Cira and James Heard
Felecia Davis, Marcella Del Signore, Sheryl Tucker de Vazquez, and William D. Williams
Kevin Hernandez-Rosa, Nicholas Serrambana, Arien Wilkerson, and Marisa Williamson
Sean Lally
Farzin Lotfi-Jam and Mark Wasiuta
Vernelle A. A. Noel
Constance Owl
Kelly Walters
Can Altay
Adil Dalbai and Livingstone Mukasa
Russel Hlongwane and Sumayya Vally
Brockett Horne, Briar Levit, and Louise Sandhaus
David Huber
John Lin
Sharon Lockhart
Jamila Moore Pewu
Regner Ramos and Kleanthis Kyriakou
Fred Scharmen
Elisa Silva
Noam Andrews
Pierre Bélanger and Pablo Escudero
Nana Biamah-Ofosu, Mark El-khatib, and Bushra Mohamed
Stefano Boeri Architetti: Stefano Boeri, Fiamma Invernizzi, Maria Lucrezia de Marco, Simone Marchetti, Sofia Paoli, Maria Chiara Pastore, Luis Pimentel, and Livia Shamir
Susan Buck-Morss, Kevin McCaughey, and Adam Michaels
Susana Caló and Godofredo Pereira
Anthony Carfello
Katherine L. Carroll
Peter H. Christensen
Patricio del Real
Gareth Doherty
Giulia Foscari
Pedro Gadanho
Kersten Geers, Stefano Graziani, Joris Kritis, and Jelena Pancevac
Vanessa Grossman
Marisa Morán Jahn and Rafi Segal
Tim Johnson
Steffen Kunkel
Paulo Moreira
Adriana Salazar
David Schalliol
Mindy Seu
Pier Paolo Tamburelli
Marc Treib
Anahi Alviso-Marino and Neïl Beloufa
Adjoa Armah
Shantel Blakely
Jerald “Coop” Cooper
Felicia Francine Dean
Farhana Ferdous
Gabriel Fuentes
Meredith J. Gaglio
James Graham
Sara Jacobs
Ishita Jain and Ankita Trivedi
Theodore S. Jojola and Lynn Paxson
Ladi’Sasha Jones
Elizabeth M. Keslacy
Wanda Katja Liebermann
Thandi Loewenson
Joanna Merwood-Salisbury
Joe Namy
Enrique Ramirez
F. Tierney
Nick Tobier
Amanda Russhell Wallace
Charisse Pearlina Weston
Kiyan Williams
EXHIBITIONS (12 awards)
Juliana Rowen Barton, Michelle Millar Fisher, Zoë Greggs, Gabriella Nelson, and Amber Winick Croton on Hudson, NY; Edgartown, MA; Philadelphia, PA; and Providence, RI
Designing Motherhood: Things That Make and Break Our Births Center for Architecture and Design, Philadelphia, PA A first-of-its-kind exploration—realized through several partnerships across the Philadelphia area—of the arc of human reproduction through the lens of architecture and design.
Marissa Lee Benedict, Daniel de Paula, and David Rueter Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Ann Arbor, MI deposition
34th Bienal de São Paulo, Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, São Paulo, Brazil Deposing violent power dynamics that shape global space, this exhibition relocates an obsolete seven-tier commodity trading pit floor from the grain room of the Chicago Board of Trade to the center of Oscar Niemeyer’s Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion for the 2021 São Paulo Biennial.
Parsons & Charlesworth: Jessica Charlesworth and Tim Parsons Chicago, IL Catalog for the Post-Human
17th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice, Italy
Presenting a satirical collection of sculptural works and animations that provoke conversations about the impact of surveillance and human enhancement technologies upon an increasingly contingent workforce, this iteration of the installation by the same name is presented at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale.
Stanley Cho, Elisa Iturbe, and Alican Taylan New York, NY Confronting Carbon Form
Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Gallery, The Cooper Union, New York, NY This exhibition looks at the climate crisis through the lens of space and form—artifacts from the scale of the city to that of household objects are considered in relation to the energy paradigm that has given them form to shed light on the spatial and cultural foundations that confront architecture’s central role in the formation of carbon modernity.
Gabriel Cira and James Heard Cambridge and Somerville, MA The Architects Collaborative 1945–1995: Tracing a Diffuse Architectural Authorship
pinkcomma gallery, Boston, MA An exhibition and accompanying digital wiki tool that documents, maps, and contextualizes the vast output of The Architects Collaborative—a Massachusetts firm founded by Walter Gropius and seven other equal partners—that normalized postwar American vernacular modernism for mass society and, over the course of its 50-year history, mainstreamed the corporate model of architectural practice.
Felecia Davis, Marcella Del Signore, Sheryl Tucker de Vazquez, and William D. Williams Cincinnati, OH; Houston, TX; New York, NY; and University Park, PA Hair Salon: Translating Black Hair Practices for Architecture Using Computational Methods
University of Houston College of Architecture and Design, Houston, TX This exhibition looks to natural Black hair texture and maintenance practices to generate novel building materials and architectural structures using computational design processes in an exploration of Blackness as an intellectual and aesthetic force in American cultural and built landscapes.
Kevin Hernandez-Rosa, Nicholas Serrambana, Arien Wilkerson, and Marisa Williamson New Haven, CT; Philadelphia, PA; and South Orange, NJ Vault
Keney Park Sustainability Project, Windsor, CT An interdisciplinary and collaborative space-making project that transforms a shuttered public school in the North End of Hartford, CT into an outdoor exhibition space through dance, performance, and monumental public art.
Sean Lally Lausanne, Switzerland Shaped Touches
17th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice, Italy
This full-scale installation at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale takes the form of a multi-player video game platform to explore the relationships between architecture, people, and communities, to illustrate opportunities and implications for urban public space.
Farzin Lotfi-Jam and Mark Wasiuta New York, NY The Machine at the Heart of Man: Doxiadis’ Informational Modernism
Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece A study of the Doxiadis Associates Computer Center in Greece, its role in the formation of Doxiadis’ informational modernism, and its importance for the consolidation of the tools and techniques that have evolved into our era’s computational urbanism.
Vernelle A. A. Noel Gainesville, FL Design and Making in the Trinidad Carnival: Histories, Re-imaginations, and Speculations of Computational Design Futures University Gallery, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Showcasing previously unseen photographs of making practices and dancing sculptures in the Trinidad Carnival between the 1940s and 1960s, as well as new, reimagined, physical and digital artifacts, drawings, and architecture based on the traditional carnival craft of wire-bending, this exhibition illustrates how computing can remediate and reconfigure dying crafts for new design pedagogy, practices, and architecture.
Constance Owl Palo Alto, CA ᎠᏂᎩᏚᏩᎩ / Anigaduwagi / People of Creator’s Land
David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries, Stanford, CA
Mountain Heritage Center, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC Through an indigenous reading of historic maps and settlement patterns, the exhibition explores Cherokee strategies of placemaking and how notions of sacred stewardship, belonging, community, and language have been used in the creation and reclamation of Cherokee spaces.
Kelly Walters New York, NY With a Cast of Colored Stars
Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, New York, NY This exhibition examines visual representations of Black identity found in the print design of African American cinema, television, and music.
Can Altay Istanbul, Turkey Ahali Conversations with Can Altay: A Podcast on the Future of Cultural Production and its Spaces (Season 3) A podcast series that investigates current and critical matters regarding cultural production, focusing on how cultural practice and institutions position themselves, form communities, and generate spaces—especially with respect to contemporary art, design, and architecture in the twenty-first century.
Adil Dalbai and Livingstone Mukasa Berlin, Germany and Rensselaer, NY Africa Architecture Network This project establishes an online community of practice—composed of researchers and architects who are passionate about architecture in Africa—building from the more than 300 authors who collaborated to develop the first comprehensive architectural guide to sub-Saharan architecture, aiming to increase visibility to the continent’s built environment and enable exchange among practitioners, scholars, and others.
Russel Hlongwane and Sumayya Vally Durban and Pretoria, South Africa Amaxiwa | Embodied Archives Working from the idea that sites of memory are sites of imagination, this project takes the form of a set of speculative histories and archaeologies on sites in Benin; Senegal; Accra, Ghana; and Zimbabwe, to counter otherwise erased, silenced, or invisible architectural histories and imaginaries.
Brockett Horne, Briar Levit, and Louise Sandhaus Baltimore, MD; Ojai, CA; and Portland, OR The People’s Graphic Design Archive A crowd-sourced virtual archive of graphic design history built by everyone, about everyone, for everyone.
David Huber Urbana, IL Entangled: Shorelines An open-access educational podcast series that explores historical and contemporary entanglements between design, environment, technology, infrastructure, and urbanism by focusing on distinct conceptualizations of the shoreline across Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia.
John Lin
Hong Kong
Renovation Toolbox : A guided tour of innovative houses by self-builders in rural China
The project develops a series of films corresponding to four vernacular housing typologies, bringing into critical focus the adaptation of traditional houses in rural China.
Sharon Lockhart Los Angeles, CA Baumettes Led by the voices of female inmates in Baumettes prison in Marseille, France, this film, named for the prison, is a meditation on the effects of carceral architecture and isolation, and how a diverse group of individuals cope and find agency behind prison walls.
Jamila Moore Pewu Fullerton, CA Art of the Matter This project documents, preserves, and critically engages the spatial narratives and public art practices that emerged during the 2020 protest for Black lives and racial justice by capturing both artworks and streetscapes in a crowdsourced, deep mapping application and discovery platform.
Regner Ramos and Kleanthis Kyriakou London, United Kingdom and San Juan, Puerto Rico Coloso: A Factory of Queer, Digital Monuments for Puerto Rico A web-based, virtual factory that produces digital monuments commemorating closed LGBTQ+ spaces and buildings in Puerto Rico, thus inserting them in the island’s architectural history, its cultural infrastructure, urban memory, and political future.
Fred Scharmen Baltimore, MD How to Make and Un-Make a World; an Incomplete Catalog of Questions and Answers Italian Virtual Pavilion, 17th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice, Italy
Produced as part of City X by curators Tom Kovac and Alessandro Melis, and creative director Ed Keller for the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale, this piece—equal parts text manifesto and animated object lesson—distills knowns and unknowns about world-making as a practice.
Elisa Silva Caracas, Venezuela Nothing Out of the Ordinary: a space for the arts, celebration, acknowledgement and sancocho in the barrio La Palomera
Based in Caracas, Venezuela, this program engages the community to collaborate on renovating an abandoned structure, using art, culture, and events to guide the transformation.
PUBLICATIONS (24 awards)
Noam Andrews Ghent, Belgium The Polyhedrists: Art and Geometry in the Long Sixteenth Century
(MIT Press) Told through the transformation of the Platonic solids in the hands of late Renaissance artisans and architects, this book offers a material history of the development of geometry in the early modern period.
Pierre Bélanger and Pablo Escudero Cambridge, MA and Quito, Ecuador The Quino Treaty: Renewing Territorial Relations with the Cinchona Plant at the Center of the World by Decolonizing Quinine and the Global Discourse on Conservation
(ORO Editions) This book charts the 497-year global, urban, history of the cinchona plant from South America, whose bark offers a key contribution to contemporary civilization as it contains the only known cure for malaria: the drug quinine.
Nana Biamah-Ofosu, Mark El-khatib, and Bushra Mohamed London, United Kingdom The Course of Empire: A Compound House Typology
(Register Research Group) A book documenting the development of the Ghanaian compound house, from traditional types—such as Kumasi Shrine House—to modern iterations found in urban centers.
Stefano Boeri Architetti: Stefano Boeri, Fiamma Invernizzi, Maria Lucrezia de Marco, Simone Marchetti, Sofia Paoli, Maria Chiara Pastore, Luis Pimentel, and Livia Shamir Milan, Italy Green Obsession
(Actar Publishers) This publication on the work of architect Stefano Boeri and his studio, Stefano Boeri Architetti, puts forth an urgent call to action to the field to fundamentally address climate change through design.
Susan Buck-Morss, Kevin McCaughey, and Adam Michaels Ithaca and Ridgewood, NY; Los Angeles, CA
Architectures of Thought: Imagining Philosophy / Not Philosophizing Images
(Inventory Press) By studying and enacting the principles of montage, this project offers a means of thinking through how images and ideas work in today’s hyper-visual landscape.
Susana Caló and Godofredo Pereira London, United Kingdom CERFI: Militant Analysis, Institutional Programming and Collective Equipment
(Het Nieuwe Instituut) The first publication on the legacy of the collective CERFI in France (1967–85) and its experimental work on the institutional programming of collective equipment.
Anthony Carfello Los Angeles, CA La città capitalista (The Capitalist City)
(Skira Editore) Italian architect Giovanni Brino’s little-known 1978 survey of Los Angeles architecture, advertising, and lifestyle, published for the first time in English.
Katherine L. Carroll Delmar, NY Building Schools, Making Doctors: Architecture and the Modern American Physician
(University of Pittsburgh Press) A timely investigation of early twentieth-century American medical schools, this book argues that medical educators, donors—namely John D. Rockefeller’s General Education Board—and architects—including Shepley, Rutan, and Coolidge—called on architecture to define science; promote modern medicine; and institutionalize professional identities, which intersected with constructions of race and gender.
Peter H. Christensen Rochester, NY  Materialized: German Steel in Global Ecology
(Penn State University Press) Linking architectural history and critical ecological studies, this new study provides a touchstone in a material-centered approach to the history of architecture.
Patricio del Real Cambridge, MA Constructing Latin America: Architecture, Politics, and Race at the Museum of Modern Art
(Yale University Press) Through examination of select architecture exhibitions in the first half of the twentieth century, this book presents how The Museum of Modern Art’s Department of Architecture and Design constructed an image of the world to manage the American Century.
Gareth Doherty Cambridge, MA Landscape Fieldwork
(University of Virginia Press) This book provides insights for understanding and designing landscapes based on experiential knowledge gained from landscape fieldwork.
Giulia Foscari Hamburg, Germany Antarctic Resolution
(Lars Müller Publishers)
A transnational and cross-disciplinary project that presents critical research on Antarctic geopolitics, science, and architecture, conceived to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the first sighting of the continent in 2020.
Pedro Gadanho Lisbon, Portugal Climax Change! Architecture’s Paradigm Shift After the Ecological Crisis
(Actar Publishers) An overview of how climate change and the current environmental emergency affects the practice of architecture—in terms of direct impact on design philosophy and on the opportunities to transform the course of the discipline’s aesthetic, ethical, and professional principles.
Kersten Geers, Stefano Graziani, Joris Kritis, and Jelena Pancevac Brussels, Belgium; Paris, France; and Trieste, Italy The Urban Fact: A Reference Book on Aldo Rossi
(Buchhandlung Walther König) A collection of projects by Aldo Rossi from the 1960s and 1970s that suggests that each project reflects the broader context of the architecture of the city itself.
Vanessa Grossman Delft, the Netherlands A Concrete Alliance: Communism and Modern Architecture in Postwar France
(Yale University Press) An examination of the remarkable flurry of architectural activity that resulted when the French Communist Party (PCF)—one of the foremost Western communist parties of the twentieth century—became a patron for the designs, discourses, and organizational efforts of a distinguished circle of French modern architects, which found their most fertile terrain in the banlieue, the formerly industrial peripheries of France’s major cities.
Marisa Morán Jahn and Rafi Segal Brookline, MA and New York, NY What is Ours: Art and Architecture Towards Mutualism
(Columbia University Press) An anthology of conversations with leading thinkers, designers, entrepreneurs, and activists whose perspectives on collectivism and mutualism engender communal self-determination, wealth, and well-being.
Tim Johnson Marfa, TX Al Rio/To the River
(Hatje Cantz)
Conceived and edited by the poet Tim Johnson, this collaborative publication comprises two artists’ books—a photographic volume featuring recent works by the artist Zoe Leonard; and a reader with contributions by artists, journalists, poets and historians, including C.J. Alvarez, Ariella Azoulay, Cecilia Ballí, Remijio “Primo” Carrasco, Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, Natalie Diaz, Dolores Dorantes, Darby English, Álvaro Enrigue, Catherine Facerias, Josh T. Franco, Esther Gabara, Adolfo Guzman-Lopez, Aimé Iglesias Lukin, Elisabeth Lebovici, Jose Rabasa, Nadiah Rivera Fellah, Cameron Rowland, and Roberto Tejada.
Steffen Kunkel Wiesthal, Germany Gottfried Böhm and the Pilgrimage Church Mary, Queen of Peace
(Spector Books) Based on several years of research, this richly illustrated book is the first in-depth study of the pilgrimage district of Mary, Queen of Peace—by German Pritzker Prize Laureate Gottfried Böhm—and features a plethora of previously unpublished drawings, photos, models and archival material as well as in-depth interviews with Böhm and project-related architects and collaborators.
Paulo Moreira Porto, Portugal Critical Neighborhoods: The Architecture of Contested Communities
(Park Books) This book explores informal architecture and urbanism, analyzing recent actions in Africa, Asia, and the United States with contributions by Matthew Barac, Julia King, Elisa Silva, AbdouMaliq Simone, and Ines Weizman.
Adriana Salazar Mexico City, Mexico Water Spells
(Pitzilein Books) This project gathers a diverse range of voices which reveal the entangled relations between humans, water, and the built environment within the context of Mexico City today.
David Schalliol Minneapolis, MN Social Landscapes
(MAS Context) Drawing from two decades of globe-spanning photographic projects, this book articulates a visual sociological perspective on the relationship between people and place—from how inequality manifests in the vernacular architecture of the Midwestern United States, to how social and environmental changes interplay to radically reshape Japan’s Tōhoku coast.
Mindy Seu New York, NY Cyberfeminism Catalog
(Inventory Press) This sourcebook of radical techno-critical activism from 1990–2020 gathers hackers, scholars, artists, and activists that reimagine the history of the internet and guide its future.
Pier Paolo Tamburelli Milan, Italy On Bramante: Forty-three Theses
(MIT Press) A book on contemporary architecture comprised of 43 theses on the work of Italian architect Donato Bramante (1444–1514).
Marc Treib Berkeley, CA The Aesthetics of Contemporary Planting Design
(ORO Editions) An international survey of the understudied subject of planting design aesthetics in contemporary landscape architecture.
RESEARCH (24 awards)
Anahi Alviso-Marino and Neïl Beloufa Paris, France Monument Stories: Cities of the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula through Monument Biographies This project establishes an interactive website, featuring a multimedia map of the Arabian Peninsula and Gulf cities, that charts monuments from the 1970s until present day that were designed to embellish public space and commemorate events and political figures.
Adjoa Armah Cape Coast, Ghana and London, United Kingdom In our language the word for the sea means “the spirit that returns” An illumination of the cartographies of African spiritual life, geographic articulations, and spatial consciousnesses through the forts that dot the Ghanaian coast.
Shantel Blakely St. Louis, MO Charles E. Fleming, Architect Photographic documentation of the built architectural works of Charles E. Fleming, focusing on projects in the St. Louis area—including houses, schools, dormitories, health clinics, and several park and recreation areas, including a velodrome.
Jerald “Coop” Cooper Cincinnati, OH Architectures of Abolition Using the Underground Railroad networks of Ohio as an anchor for contemporary conversations in defense of Black lives, this exhibition delves into the events, people, and places of the mid-nineteenth century escape routes to situate the built environment as a matter of life and death.
Felicia Francine Dean Knoxville, TN
Perception of Misconceptions: Intersecting Stone and Fabric Material Identities A study of the transference of biracial identity, and the intrinsic methods of self-discovery, to the intersections of stone and fabric’s architectural material identities—at a furniture scale—based on the vernacular of Gramollazzo, Italy and Knoxville, TN.
Farhana Ferdous
Washington, DC The (pathogenic)-CITY: A Segregated Landscape of Urbanization, Urbanicity, and Wellbeing in American Landscape (the 1900s to present) A chronological history of racial disparities in American landscape that argues how urbanization and planning movements have transformed minority health and well-being from post-industrial society to the present.
Gabriel Fuentes
Union, NJ White Gold / Black Energy: Architecture, Sugar, and Oil During Revolutionary Cuba’s Gray Period The study of Cuban revolutionary architecture and its entanglement with colonial histories of slavery and global histories of energy during the Gray Period—during which Cuba strengthened geopolitical and ideological ties with the Soviet Union in the 1970s.
Meredith J. Gaglio
Baton Rouge, LA Life Arks: Science, Spirituality, and Survival in the Work of the New Alchemy Institute This project considers the ways in which members of the 1970s experimental collective, the New Alchemy Institute, integrated scientific innovation, mysticism, and left-libertarian values into their sustainable bioshelter designs.
James Graham Alameda, CA The Household Modernism of Paulette Bernège Research on the French journalist and activist Paulette Bernège (1896–1973), whose writings offer a vision of architectural modernism centered on women’s work.
Sara Jacobs
Vancouver, Canada
Landscapes of Racial Formation: Warren Manning in Atlanta, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama
This research examines how landscape architect Warren Manning’s white supremacist atlas A National Plan (1919) reified racial formation in Birmingham and Atlanta through city plans implemented by Manning for those cities in 1919 and 1922, respectively—illuminating how racialized spatial logics are enacted through the making of urban space.
Ishita Jain and Ankita Trivedi
Ahmedabad and Sonipat, India Sites of Indie-Futurisms: Traditional Board Games of India Work towards an illustrated scholarly monograph using speculative world-building to catalogue traditional Indian board games as enmeshed ecologies of sites of production, sites of participation, and sites of generation of multiple Indie-futurisms.
Theodore S. Jojola and Lynn Paxson
Albuquerque, NM and Ames, IA Contemporary Indigenous Architecture–The Pueblo Worldview Expansion of the discussion and scholarship of what is ordinarily seen as architecture stuck in prehistory, to the contemporary and transformational.
Ladi’Sasha Jones
New York, NY Black Interior Spatial Thought Both a text and sculptural system that proposes a geometric typology towards Black interior spatial conditions—the communal, private, and performative—and the everyday movements in sociocultural production.
Elizabeth M. Keslacy
Oxford, OH Concrete Leisure: Design and Public Space in the Wake of Urban Renewal
An exploration of post-urban renewal landscapes of public leisure in the American Midwest, built under their cities’ first Black mayors, that examines the agency and limitations of architecture to combat the urban crises of late twentieth century American cities.
Wanda Katja Liebermann
Oakland Park, FL Architecture’s Problem with Disability
The first scholarly monograph to critically analyze the complex relationship between architecture and disability rights in the United States across pedagogy, policy, and practice in order to understand the discipline’s narrow response to disabled access, and to explore creative alternatives.
Thandi Loewenson
London, United Kingdom Lumumba in Space: African Space Programs and the Project of Liberation Culminating in a series of performance lectures addressed to the United Nations’ Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, this project investigates the role of Space Programs in the struggles for liberation from colonialism in six African countries—from late 1950s to present day—towards developing an understanding of how these programs contribute to emancipated constructions of Black self, Black statecraft, and Black people in relation to Earth and its resources.
Joanna Merwood-Salisbury
Wellington, New Zealand Veblen’s Chicago: The Urban Origins of the Leisure Class
Although acknowledged as influential, the Chicago economist Thorstein Veblen (1857–1929) remains a spectral presence in the historiography of modern architecture—this research situates Veblen’s work in the urban and intellectual context in which it was written and investigates its value for architectural history and theory into the twentieth century.
Joe Namy
London, United Kingdom Songs for a Set Research exploring the extended archives of Arab American composer Halim El Dabh (1921–2017), also known as the godfather of African electronic music, and the impact of architecture on his oeuvre.
Enrique Ramirez
New York, NY Lines of Least Resistance: Architecture, Aeronautics, and Other Airs of Modernity A study of how architectural and aeronautical cultures in eighteenth and nineteenth century France relied on line-making and line-drawing to construct new, modernized ideas about air and the natural environment.
F. Tierney Berkeley, CA Racializing Risk: The History of Ladera Housing Cooperative Ladera Housing Cooperative, a postwar interracial housing cooperative in Portola, California, provides a compelling look at 1940s housing policies, exposing cultural norms of race in state lending structures.
Nick Tobier
Ann Arbor, MI Small(er) Building Types An illustrated compendium of vernacular buildings—such as bodegas or gas stations—accompanied by interviews and writings that meditate on the typology and role of these buildings in daily life.
Amanda Russhell Wallace
New London, CT The East Texas Oilfield as an Architecture of Memento Mori This project proposes an alternative to the narrative of the early twentieth century Great Migration by conflating the open and expansive architectural structures of the East Texas oilfield and the often secluded, rural cemeteries as a point of departure for a multimedia installation.
Charisse Pearlina Weston
New York, NY (Riot) Through: The Fold, The Shatter Linking the use of glass as a material representation of power and simulated intimacy in architecture with the long history of anti-Black violence, surveillance, and policing—reified by the “Broken Window Theory”—and media representations of resistance to that violence, this project utilizes folded glass sculptures and concrete architectural forms to put pressure on anti-Black protocols and politics of movement, sight, and being seen.
Kiyan Williams
New York, NY Unearthing: Toward a Black Feminist Ecology in Contemporary Earth Art In this text, the creative practice of Kiyan Williams is connected to a tradition of practitioners who use soil as a material and metaphor to unearth decolonial histories and fugitive futures.
Founded in 1956, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts fosters the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture and society. The Graham realizes this vision through making project-based grants to individuals and organizations, and by producing exhibitions, events and publications.
The Graham Foundation was created by a bequest from Ernest R. Graham (1866–1936), a prominent Chicago architect and protégé of Daniel Burnham.
2022 Grants to Individuals inquiry form deadline: September 15, 2021
Application available: July 15, 2021
2022 Carter Manny Award: November 15, 2021
Application available: September 15, 2021
Buildings funded by Graham Foundation Grants 2021
– Gottfried Böhm, The Pilgrimage Church Mary Queen of Peace, 1963–72. photo : Steffen Kunkel, 2015
From the 2021 individual grant to Steffen Kunkel for Gottfried Böhm and the Pilgrimage Church Mary, Queen of Peace
– Elizabeth Suina (Cochiti) of Suina Design + Architecture (Formerly Garret Smith Ltd), Valle Vista Elementary School, Albuquerque, New Mexico. photo : Courtesy Suina Design + Architecture
From the 2021 individual grant to Theodore S. Jojola and Lynn Paxson for Contemporary Indigenous Architecture–The Pueblo Worldview
– David Schalliol, Stateway Gardens (Chicago, Illinois, USA), 2007. Photo: David Schalliol
From the 2021 individual grant to David Schalliol for Social Landscapes
Adriana Salazar, View of River La Compañía, Chalco Valley, Mexico, 2019. Photo: Adriana Salazar – From the 2021 individual grant to Adriana Salazar for Water Spells
– Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Baby Drawer, ca. 1950s. (A nurse tending to a sleeping infant in a mobile bassinet at a Kaiser Permanente Hospital, California, 1950s.) Courtesy Kaiser Permanente Heritage Resources From the 2021 individual grant to Juliana Rowen Barton, Michelle Millar Fisher, Zoë Greggs, Gabriella Nelson, and Amber Winick  for Designing Motherhood: Things That Make and Break Our Births
– Atelier Masōmī and Studio Chahar, Hikma Religious and Secular Complex in Dandaji, Niger, 2018. photo : Courtesy Atelier Masōmī. Photo: James Wang From the 2021 individual grant to Adil Dalbai and Livingstone Mukasa for Africa Architecture Network
– John Lin, The Seasonal House, 2019. ShangriLa, Yunnan, China. Photo: Rural Urban Framework
From the 2021 individual grant to John Lin for Renovation Toolbox: A guided tour of innovative houses by self-builders in rural China
– Archival Slides of Charles E. Fleming House, Town and Country, Missouri. Courtesy The Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. Photo: Eric P. Mumford
From the 2021 individual grant to Shantel Blakely for
– Charles E. Fleming, Architect
Bushra Mohamed, Lobi House Plan, 2020. Digital drawing, 6.4 x 6.5 in. Courtesy Bushra Mohamed
From the 2021 individual grant to Nana Biamah-Ofosu, Mark El-khatib, and Bushra Mohamed for The Course of Empire: A Compound House Typology
– Thandi Loewenson, Studies of the Zambian Space Programme: A Taxonomy of Flight. The Flag, 2020. Graphite on paper. Courtesy the artist
From the 2021 individual grant to Thandi Loewenson for  Lumumba in Space: African Space Programs and the Project of Liberation
Previously on e-architect:
Mar 16, 2018
Graham Foundation 2018 News
Graham Foundation announces Fellowship program
We are so pleased to share that the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts has announced the organization’s new Graham Foundation Fellowship program
Aug 3, 2017
Graham Foundation Grants 2017
Graham Foundation Announces 2017 Grants
photo – helloeverything/SelgasCano, Kibera Hamlets School, 2016, Nairobi, Kenya. Courtesy of architects. From the 2017 organizational grant to New York Foundation for Architecture-Center for Architecture for “Scaffolding”
Madlener House, 4 West Burton Place, Chicago, Illinois 60610, USA Telephone: 312.787.4071 [email protected]
Graham Foundation
Every Building in Baghdad: The Rifat Chadirji Archives at the Arab Image Foundation Design: Nomad Studio, landscape architecture Madlener House, Graham Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, USA September 15 – December 31, 2016 photo – Rifat Chadirji, IRQ/315/186: Offices, Central Post, Telegraph and Telephone Administration, Baghdad, 1975. Photographic paste-ups, 8.27” × 11.69”. Courtesy of the Arab Image Foundation Exhibition at the Graham Foundation
Architecture of Independence: African Modernism Jan 29 – Apr 9, 2016 photograph © Iwan Baan Graham Foundation Exhibition This exhibition explores the legacy of modernist architecture in Sub-Saharan Africa during the 1960s and 1970s. Featuring commissioned photographs by Iwan Baan and Alexia Webster and archival material, “Architecture of Independence” imparts a new perspective on the intersection of architecture and nation-building in Ghana, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, and Zambia following independence.
Location: 4 W Burton Pl, Chicago, IL 60610, United States of America
Chicago Architecture
Chicago Architecture Design – chronological list
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Recent Chicago Buildings
Ryan Center for the Musical Arts in Chicago Design: Goettsch Partners photo from architects
Aqua Tower Chicago Skyscraper Design: Studio Gang Architects
860-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments Design: Krueck & Sexton, Architects
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Place is the Space – Unprecedented Collaboration with Museum Architect Brad Cloepfil Design: Brad Cloepfil + Allied Works Architecture Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis – CAM Exhibition
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Green Air, a kinetic living sculpture at Contemporary Art Museum of Saint Louis, USA. Summer 2016 photograph : Alise O’Brien Photography Green Air, Contemporary Art Museum of Saint Louis
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Nelson Atkins Museum of Art – Extension, Kansas Design: Steven Holl Architects Nelson Atkins Museum of Art building
American Museum Architecture
Comments / photos for the Graham Foundation Grants 2021 page welcome
Website: Madlener House Chicago
The post Graham Foundation Grants 2021: architecture appeared first on e-architect.
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tmnotizie · 6 years
ANCONA – Questi i risultati delle elezioni per i Centri Territoriali Permanenti del 23 febbraio.
lista n. 1 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 5 seggi :   voti 180
Santoncini Patrizia – Mangani Lidia – Campanella Valeria – Donati Daniele -Matarazzo Gabriele
lista n. 2 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 7 seggi:  voti 224
Piccinini Carla Maria – David Andrea – Nocchi Marco – Maurizi Marina – Zolotti Fabiola – Colonna Pierluigi – Bevilacqua Davide
lista n. 3 NOI CON ANCONA 3 seggi:  voti 107
Tombolini Maria Elisabetta – Paolini Federico – Giacobbe Michele Marco.
lista n. 1 QUARTIERE IN MOVIMENTO 1 seggio:   voti 112
Sparapani Enrico
lista n. 2 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 3 seggi:  voti 210
Talevi Patrizia – Scerre Stefano – Carletti Mauro
lista n. 3 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 8 seggi:  voti 480
Dameno Maria Cristina – Dotti Andrea – Gagliardini Rolando – Oddi Sandro – Massaccesi Romina – Nicoletti Lino – D’Amora Maria – Gaddoni Giorgio
lista n. 4 NOI CON ANCONA 3 seggi:   voti 188
Picciafuoco Loriana – Benvenuti Ambretta – Bevilacqua Davide
lista n. 1 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 4 seggi:  voti 115
Boni Loretta – Mariotti Silvia – Gnemmi Giacomo – Vietri Raffaele
lista n. 2 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 6 seggi:   voti 144
Marzoli Valeria – Moretta Davide – Wade Omar – Manetti Carlo – Karafile Kajo – Semenova Iana Olegivna
lista n. 3 QUARTIERE IN MOVIMENTO 2 seggi:   voti 47
Fiara Oriana – Stampella Massimiliano
lista n. 4 NOI CON ANCONA 3 seggi:  voti 79
Novelli Francesco – Lupacchini Angelica – Esposito Vincenzo.
lista n. 1 QUARTIERE IN MOVIMENTO 3 seggi:   voti 94
Caporelli Walter – Cantarini Albalisa – Mignone Antonio
lista n. 2 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 4 seggi :  voti 130
Dubbini Michele – Lodolini Paola – Pavani Alfio – Gradara Norma
lista n. 3 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 6 seggi:   voti 200
Lorenzini Marco – Cardelli Valeria – Lucchetti Diego – Finaurini Fabrizio – Romagnoli Daniela – Boscaro Maddalena
lista n. 4 NOI CON ANCONA 2 seggi:  89
De Caridi Alessandro – Moroni Maria Chiara.
lista n. 1 QUARTIERE IN MOVIMENTO 1 seggi: voti 85
Molinari Graziella
lista n. 2 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 8 seggi:  voti 409
Pini Annalisa – Verardi Alessandro – Sanna Daniele – Bianchelli Cecilia – Bastianelli Paolo – Pistelli Sara – Impiglia Osvaldo – Longo Alessandro
lista n. 3 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 2 seggi:  voti 152
Orlandini Pier Paolo – Moglie Alessio
lista n. 4 ANCONA NUOVA 0 seggi   voti 21
lista n. 5 NOI CON ANCONA 4 seggi:  voti  243
Latini Orlanda – Perticaroli Tommaso – Bernini Giuseppe – Pasquini Gianluca.
lista n. 1 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 3 seggi:   voti 113
Frattini Chiara – Forte Antonio – Gabbianelli Stefania
lista n. 2 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 10 seggi:   voti 288
Messi Egildo – Samuele Anna – Maiolini Marco – Ridoni Benedetta – Sollitto Dania – Ausili Giulia – Battistoni Gilberto – Ausili Claudia – Lanari Cesare – Scuterini Renato
lista n. 3 NOI CON ANCONA 2 seggi:  voti 70
Canafoglia Matteo – Sargentoni Paola.
lista n. 1 DIFENDI ANCONA 1 seggio:   voti 73
Di Maio Michele
lista n. 2 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 8 seggi:  voti 336
Urbinati David – Ceselli Sabrina – Bramucci Fabrizio – Principi Anna Lisa – Bolognini Alessandro – Moretti Maria Rita – Polverini Ivan – Campa Sergio
lista n. 3 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 1 seggio:  voti 64
Fanfarillo Antonio
Lista n. 4 QUARTIERE IN MOVIMENTO 1 seggio:   voti 57
Palumbo Angelica
lista n. 5 NOI CON ANCONA 4 seggi:  voti 200
Rossi Nicola – Censi Massimo – Perugini Francesco – Perugini Elena.
lista unica CONERO D’AMARE 10 seggi:  voti 398
Giovagnoni Raffaela – Chitarrini Guglielmo – Casaccia Diego – Ottaviani Naomi – Polidori  Federica – Battistoni Alessandro – Cuccaroni Valerio – Dubbini Franco – Vitrini Stefano – Conti Giuseppina.
lista n. 1 INSIEME X I NOSTRI QUARTIERI 8 seggi:   voti 354
Pistelli Fiorenzo – Sabbatini Marta – Giaccaglia Federico – Gullì Carmine – Tripoli Donatella  Di Bitonto Caterina – Benedettelli Alessandra – Baiocchi Flavio
lista n. 2 ALTRA IDEA DI QUARTIERE 1 seggio:  voti 61
Crispiani Stefano
lista n. 3 NOI CON ANCONA 1 seggio:  voti 79
Ferrini Fabrizio.
0 notes