#chessboard anon
popfizzles · 2 months
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Val and Boba actually own a physical chess set, but they don't play often. It takes a while to set up, you know?
Val's father taught them how to play a long time ago.
[Send me 🖊 and a headcanon for one of my OCs and I'll tell you what I think!]
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You're someone. You're someone I care about. Please try not to hurt yourself in the future. Please.
im no one, evidently. that's your fault. if you keep begging ill do it out of spite.
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cambion-companion · 2 years
How woud Aemond react to his wife cheating... in chess?
Every time he looks away, she steals a piece off of the board and just smiles when he looks back at her. Like she isn't even trying to win she's just doing this to mess with him a little
Oh wow, I found another drunk drabble prompt! Thank you Anon, this is a hilarious follow up to the message I answered "How would Aemond react to his wife cheating" haha
Aemond x wife!reader | tipsy reader | cheating at chess | Aemond indulging his lady, teasing ensues
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"It's your turn, Y/N."
You continued sipping on your wine, your mind already fuzzy from the drink, swirling the bitter liquid around in your mouth as you studied the chessboard in consternation.
Aemond sat back in his chair, his lips pressed together as he watched you with a mixture of impatience and amusement.
He opened his mouth to say something else, but you held up a hand to shush him. "I'm thinking."
"A demanding endeavor, it seems."
"I'm not losing to you again, Aemond."
"Perhaps more wine would help." He smirked, catching your eye as you shot him a withering look, taking another deliberate swig from your goblet.
"Fine." You moved your rook forward several spaces.
You winced as Aemond immediately took your piece with his knight. "Fuck."
You groaned, holding the rim of your cool glass against your aching temple.
A servant bearing more drink arrived, drawing away your husband's attention for a few crucial moments. You reached forward, surreptitiously removing Aemond's own rook from the board and stowing it in the cushions beside you. "Ah, thank you." You beamed at the servant as he refilled your cup.
Aemond was studying his board with a raised brow, his violet eye flicked up to your studiously neutral expression. "Your move, Y/N."
"Oh yes, of course."
This went on several more minutes; you losing your pieces to Aemond's keen strategizing and him losing his own pieces whenever he was sufficiently distracted enough for you to steal them.
As Aemond turned his head to observe a group of guards moving across the hall, you tried to take away his queen without him taking notice. Long fingers caught your wrist as Aemond turned swiftly back to you, aware the whole time of your ruse. He pulled you toward him, unseating you and causing you to tumble onto his lap, scattering the remaining pieces across the board.
"You tried to take my queen?" He rolled his eye, snorting a short laugh. "You do know cheating at chess is nigh impossible."
"I'm the only queen you need, my king." You giggled, feeling his dexterous fingers begin probing at the ticklish part of your sides.
Your face was flushed from the wine and the sudden proximity of the Targaryen prince you called husband.
Aemond sighed, hoisting you so you were more securely seated against him. "I've always thought it interesting the queen is the one with the most power over the board." You watched him with soft adoration as he continued his musing. "She is the one with the most power to protect the king."
"I'd protect you with my life too." You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, feeling the low vibration of his chuckling, his grip on you tightening slightly.
"My ember." Aemond said affectionately into your hair before placing a gentle kiss to your crown.
The warmth of his arms encircling you combined with the heady heat of the wine caused your eyes to droop with sleepy contentment. "Take me to bed, Aemond." You murmured, your lips brushing the soft skin of his neck.
"As my lady commands." He rose with you in his arms, your arms coming to grip around his shoulders as he strode toward your chambers. "Remind me to not play chess with you while you're drinking."
"You're just a sore loser." You smiled, kissing his temple. "My strategizing prowess is clearly too much for you to handle."
"Hmm." Was your terse answer, Aemond shaking his head in fond bemusement as he carried you to bed.
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 6 months
Shadow Milk Cookie. Chloroform. Yandere. Do what you will with this information.
I'm gonna put you as the anon listed above since- That's what I assume you mean?
I unintentionally put shitpost aha
Disclaimer: MC is still gender neutral, they are just referred to as queen for chess role purposes.
Tw: Eyestrain for the art that goes along with this piece, chloroform-like magic, kidnapping to a different dimension, implied future murder
You find yourself in a dark void. So black, you can't see anything through the shadows that swirl in your vision. You're not sure what it feels like. Is it threatening? Or is it a sense of peace? You aren't sure. This sense of the unknown makes you anxious.
Suddenly, a big blue eye opens in front of you, the colour glowing within the dimmed surroundings. The shade of blue reminded you of Lapis. A very bright one. But the eye itself, it was terrifying. You nearly wanted to break into pieces right then and there.
"Oh, my queen! You're finally here!" A voice eagerly chirps, a slightly maniacal tone to it. It seemed ecstatic to see you, too much so. You couldn't form an answer, still processing your odd environment.
"I've missed you~ It's been ages since I've seen your face! You don't look any different- oh, maybe you're just a little prettier, you silly thing!" The voice giggled as the eye blinked. The eye squinted upwards as if it was smiling. But wait, why did it act like it's seen you before? You don't know who this entity is. Not even what it is. Is it a cookie? A beast? Confusion swelled within you as the seconds passed.
"My sweet...What is that face?" The voice slowly faded away, as your world suddenly blackened once more.
"MC, are you okay?" You wake up to the face of Strawberry. She seems concerned, her big brown eyes down-turned. How cute. "You were shaking in your sleep."
"Um yeah, I'm okay. I just had a weird dream." You respond, still lying on the grass where you and the group are camped. You clutch onto your blanket a little tighter.
"Like a nightmare?" She tilts her head to the side.
"Not exactly. I can't put it to words..." You mumble off, trying to recall the eye that spoke to you.
"Oh okay." She glanced at the blue and violet sky, commenting, "It's almost sunrise. Do you wanna prepare jellies with me? I'm sure the others will wake up soon."
You nod and sit up before flailing your blanket to the side.
You and your friends are going through the forests of Beast Yeast, cautious of all the creatures and evil beings lurking by. That is until your group stumbles upon a random chessboard on a glass table. In the middle of the fucking path, in the middle of fucking Beast Yeast. Instead of black and white, the board is in different shades of blue.
"What in tarnation is this?" Wizard leans closer, staring at it intensely. Fidgeting with his fake beard, or in other words, his scarf.
Chili Pepper butted in, "The fuck you mean bro, this is obviously a dumb chessboard-"
"LANGUAGE!" Gingerbrave suddenly turned out to stare at Chili Pepper uncannily, before smiling again. "I'm sure it's something dangerous! Let's not touch it."
"Or it could be a chessboard and table someone decided to randomly leave here."
"Shush- I'm always right." Gingerbrave did an imaginary hair toss.
Wizard raised his hand, just like a nerd, "No? I am, thank you. By the almighty power of magic I-"
"You're an ice cream. Also, you're the one who's screaming for help half the time." Chili Pepper chuckled, poking at Wizard.
Strawberry took a breath and sharply, albeit quickly spoke, "Guys!"
The whole group turned to look at her, which made her flush with embarrassment. She pointed at the chessboard. "The pieces are moving on their own." When the gang looked back at the gameboard, they were met with a surprising sight.
The chess pieces moved by their own accord. Which revealed that the darker blue side was winning compared to the lighter blue. It was a competitive fight, with both sides making quick moves. It was mesmerizing, you aren't sure why.
You reached out your hand and touched one of the pieces in curiosity. Only to feel a sudden freezing cold gust fly at you. Your surroundings become dark, just like your dream as the yelps of your friends sound out around you. A sinister chuckle joins along, as your body is thrown into a blackened world once more.
"Honey! Honey, honey, honey, my honey."
You stand before a jester cookie, covered in eyes. He grins, his clothes like the blues of the chessboard. He swiftly goes over to you, cradling you in his arms. You can't move, overcome with a freezing cold that leaves you immobile.
"I've waited much too long on your reincarnation. We could have had a wonderful marriage by now if it weren't for that bastard Elder Faerie." He spoke softer than before but had a spit of venom for the name Elder Faerie. He leans closer, uncomfortably so. He makes a minuscule hum before pecking your mouth.
"I'll just keep you here for a bit until I have everything ready." Out of nowhere, a shadow comes for you, binding you in it. You start to feel drowsy. "We'll be so happy once more, I promise." Your vision starts to swirl into darkness, to the point you can't make him out anymore.
You fall asleep, unable to fight off the dreadful binds.
"My Queen~! Wake up! I have everything ready for you." You're nudged awake, as the binds come off you. You find yourself on a throne: cold and metal. As look forward, you are shocked to see a glowing chessboard just like the one you saw on the path. But also freaked out to see Strawberry and Gingerbrave tied up in the same binds, floating in the air.
"Wha- What is this?" You stammer, overwhelmed with all that has happened in the last few moments. Was this a joke? A jester terrorizing you and your friends, what a lovely day.
"Why, it is the moment you get to see your idiots crumble right before you by the hands of your rightful husband, me: Shadow Milk Cookie!" He comes over to you, putting a crown on your head. It was plain, just a metal crown with no jewels or anything else.
"And you're the queen! The most powerful one on the board!" He giggles, patting your hand. You tense at his touch, wanting to get away from this glorified position you were in. But time and time again, you can't move away from your spot. It's as if you were hardened glue stuck to a label that no one can seem to pry off.
"I don't know what reincarnation you talked about before, but whatever it is, stop it! My friends have done nothing! I don't even know who you are!" You plead, wanting his weird reincarnation thing to stop. You felt guilty for thinking of touching a moving chess piece in Beast Yeast. Gingerbrave was right: everything is dangerous.
"Honey..." Shadow Milk frowned, holding your face in his hands. He looked disappointed rather than enraged. "I know your memories are somewhat faded, but those cookies are distracting you. Distracting you from me, your beloved." He lightly bumps his face against yours, staring into your eyes.
"What do they have to do anything with your dead lover?" You ask, a little too harshly, but needing to get the message across.
He gasps. "They aren't dead! They're right before me!" He puts his jester hat on his head, going over to Gingerbrave and Strawberry. He glares at them briefly with his dual-chromed eyes before returning to you.
"Just let me. Just let me kill them." He hisses with a grin. His eyes scare you, the way they're wide open with insanity. "I need some desperate alone time with you and also get our marriage decided once more." Shadows started to succumb to the world, except for the light from the board.
"No! Don't you dare!" You shake your head, unwilling to let him get away with this. Your poor friends. Just what kind of madness did you pull them into?
"My Queen! When will you let me kill them? They are insignificant to our love!" He exclaims, reaching a hand out to you.
Oh, what a devoted lover isn't he? Waiting for eons for you only for you to be so disgusted with him.
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This was really fun to write. Now, I’m not quite caught up on the lore yet. I just read his profile and said fuck yeah so…mhm.
I will say, I didn’t go exactly chloroform, but the same aspect of it with his magic.
I used honey cuz I was like “Old. But also insane. Equals honey.”
Alright I’m gonna go do homework now because I’ve neglected other work (APRIL AND MAY IS HELL FOR MEEE)
- Celina
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reality-detective · 2 months
🔥 EXPLOSIVE REVELATIONS: Rothschilds and Rockefellers in Free Fall as Banks Collapse! 🔥
In a stunning turn of events, the corrupt [DS] regime of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers is crumbling before our eyes. Desperate to conceal their massive corruption, they are resorting to private banks and covert tactics. The aftermath is becoming painfully clear as hundreds of banks in the US, along with major US stock agencies controlled by BlackRock [Rockefellers], are collapsing.
💥 NATO and the UN on the Brink of Bankruptcy 💥
As the dust settles, it becomes evident that the collapse of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers has far-reaching consequences. NATO and the UN are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, with their financial lifelines severed. Shockingly, even the US military, the backbone of NATO, declines to support them in a potential war against Russia. Classified military reports reveal that without US military backing, NATO and the UN would crumble within a month.
🚫 Closed and Boarded Up: The Federal Reserve and the US Capital 🚫
Unprecedented scenes unfold as the US Federal Reserve remains closed and boarded up, while the US Capital sits behind barricades. Meanwhile, China, Russia, India, and the Middle East have abandoned the US fiat money banking system, refusing to sell oil to the US. The global financial landscape is shifting, and the implications are profound.
🛡 Inside Military Operations: Unmasking the Truth 🛡
For two and a half years, we've been warning you that we are amidst military operations led by white hats. The continuity of government is at play, with a shadow government running parallel to the facade. Patriots, Anons, and Q were the first to expose the fake White House studio where Biden is filmed. The truth is being concealed behind the fortified fences of the White House, where even the State of the Union address was never filmed.
⚔️ The Military's Silent Stand: Biden Left Isolated ⚔️
The plot thickens as it becomes clear that Biden is an isolated figurehead. The military never escorted him in Air Force One to the White House after his supposed election. He lacks access to the prestigious Cheyenne Mountain military base, and top US generals refuse to engage or brief him. Biden's presidency is nothing more than a charade orchestrated by the deep state, while the real power rests in the hands of the white hats.
📰 Mainstream Media in Meltdown: The Fall of the Cabal 📰
The fake mainstream media, controlled by BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, is in a rapid downward spiral. The truth is breaking through their web of deception, causing their empire to crumble. Meanwhile, Trump fearlessly takes on the CIA in a public showdown, exposing their covert operations to the world.
🌐 The Unseen Battles: Behind the Scenes 🌐
A whirlwind of events is unfolding behind the scenes. Nothing is a coincidence in this grand chessboard of power. The military, standing as the last line of defense for truth and justice, holds the key to our salvation.
Stay vigilant as the world transforms before our eyes. The military's silent revolution is the only path to reclaiming our freedom and dismantling the deep state's stranglehold on our society. 🤔
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heda-heather · 6 months
What does the missing pawn symbolize and mean?
oof okay, so…
“Mastermind” heavily uses references to chess
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And in the Eras tour the floor visuals during “Mastermind” look like a chess board
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(Note that the floor also mimics VSFS 2014)
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But back to the lyrics from Mastermind
“all the wisest women had to do it this way, ‘cause we were born to be a pawn in every lover’s game”
On Halloween Josh posted this pic of Karlie
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And we noticed the missing pawn…
And then here again, today the pawn is still missing…
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So where is the pawn? Who is the pawn?
Is it Karlie being the pawn in her marriage? Or the pawn in another relationship?
Is it Taylor being the pawn in her bearding?
Is someone else the pawn that they’re playing with?
Is it a reference to no longer being the pawn, getting out of the game?
Is it all coincidental? When in Mastermind Taylor makes it clear that “none of it was accidental”? 🤔
I don’t know… but it seemed like an interesting reference especially since it was Halloween and according to a certain 🎃 anon, a shift was to begin around Halloween.
and well… Karlie just flat out dresses as freakin Dorothy and this pic of her appears with a chessboard and a missing pawn…
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house-strong · 2 years
— TWO IS BETTER than one ʾ ⋆
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summary ; requested by anon.
“Can i request Jacaerys x reader x Lucerys like poly relationship, but at first they're enemies?”
pairing ; jacaerys velaryon x reader x lucerys velaryon
notes ; for the sake of this fic, jace and luke are nearly the same age. reader is the daughter of some house that was previously sworn to house hightower,, jace is more the enemy and luke is a lovesick fool who can’t choose between hating you or worshipping you,, kinda more of the boys arguing about you but if you want a part two i’d be more than happy to oblige c: this sucks i’m sorry LMAO also unrevised i wrote this at work :/
jacaerys velaryon was a boy grown who had known what being an unmarried prince meant. it meant that he would be used, at the very least, as a pawn for the chessboard known as the game of thrones. he would marry a girl, any girl, in order to soften the relations between friend and enemy and bring further peace throughout the realm.
he just hadn’t thought it would’ve been someone so close to the traitorous band that once called themselves the greens.
despite his mother winning the trust of the realm, he still felt a strange resentment churning within him as she accepted their word of fealty. if they could turn their back on their kings word, why should she trust the word of a conspirator?
alas, rhaenyra had presented jacaerys with a match that would sweeten the lords of the southernmost part of the realm. he was less than thrilled to learn about it and loathed the day that the day of marriage grew closer.
“lady (y/n), it’s a pleasure to house you in king’s landing whilst we prepare for your wedding.” it’s the queen rhaenyra who speaks to you. her eyes are soft, yet her words commanding and full of strength. “when the time comes, you and prince jacaerys will set sail for dragonstone.”
“thank you, your grace,” you speak, eyes blinking and head dipping downward as a sign of respect. “i hope i’m not a disappointment to my prince, your grace.”
your gaze sweeps across the great hall and lands on the head of brown hair who was the tallest, you assumed this was prince jacaerys. he looks at you with a hardness in his jaw.
when he realizes it’s his turn to speak, “not at all, my lady.” his words are mixed with truth and duty; words that he’s conjured up on a thoughtful whim as to not offend his family or yours. he feels dismay proliferating in his chest, spurning molds of regret in his belly and leaving distaste in his mouth.
his brother, lucerys, seemed more akin to liking your presence as a furious blush has taken hold of his cheeks and he’s sticking his chest out proudly. jacaerys was sure he would’ve been more festive if the lady was married to his younger brother. then again, jacaerys didn’t really like traitors of the realm.
“jacaerys, lucerys, would you two be kind as to show the lady (y/n) around the red keep?”
jacaerys is the first to give his mother a pointed look, compared to lucerys, who looked more giddy and content at this command. instead, a huff leaves his nose and he approaches you, except lucerys reaches you first and he’s visibly eager to lead you. you take his hand tentatively and allow him to guide you.
whatever discomforts jacaerys felt, lucerys felt the exact same, but it was rather forgotten as the younger prince was enamored with your appearance. you walked with a certain grace, had a pretty voice, and you smelt of raspberries and something else he couldn’t put a name to.
“lady (y/n),” lucerys says, rather too happily as he begins to lead you through the grandeur of the red keep. his voice quivers with a certain nervousness and his hair is ruffled like a birds feathers. “how do you like it here? in kings landing, i mean.”
“she’s been here for all of five hours, i’m sure she doesn’t have an opinion yet.” both you and lucerys turn your head to glance at jacaerys. his brows shoot up, almost as if challenging you both to deny it.
you smile and duck your head, jacaerys’ comment long forgotten, “it’s far more grand than what i’m used to, my prince, but it’s a beautiful place.” jacaerys wrinkles his nose at your comment – kings landing was the farthest thing from beautiful.
“if you’re in awe of this grandeur, i’m sure you’ll find dragonstone more attractive.” it’s jacaerys who speaks again, his voice evident from behind the bodies of you and lucerys. the latter seems to peek behind him and send him a glare, though you pretend not to notice.
“i’ve heard rumors about dragonstone is the new.. valyria, is that true?” you ask, turning your head a moment to glance at the brunette haired prince behind you. “so many dragons, one could think its from a composition in a book.”
lucerys turns his head to give you a lopsided grin, “we’ll show you one day– i mean, he will show you one day.”
the warmth from your arm being held suddenly disappears and you notice lucerys flail about. you turn, eyes widening and brows shooting up as you observe what’s going on. you assume that jacaerys has pulled lucerys by the coat, for the younger brother is fixing his clothing and glaring at his older brother. they both stare at each other, gaze fixated.
jacaerys thought lucerys was a fool drunken on the euphoria of your beauty. yes, he was also taken aback when he first saw you, but being pretty doesn’t excuse the fact that your family betrayed law and broke faith with the oath of fealty sworn to his mother. jace wants to smack him upside the head and remind him of this betrayal.
jace suddenly remembers his manners in the presence of a lady, “if you’ll excuse us, my lady, my brother and i have something important to discuss.”
you look between the two, their gazes never averting from one another. you nod your head and curtsy, softly breaking the pause with two phrases of ‘my prince.’ if tucking tail and running was the best thing to do, you were doing that now.
“what was that?” jace’s voice is full of annoyance and more rebuke than he had intended. luke, despite knowing that his brother was just being a jerk, takes it to heart. luke’s facade cripples slightly and his brows knit together.
luke points a finger accusingly at jace, “me? what’s with you?” jacaerys scoffs and swats luke’s finger away from him. the hardness in his jaw is back and his eyes are lit with blackened fury.
“she’s our enemy.”
“she is your betrothed,” luke shoots back almost immediately. jace tuts and crosses his arms. he paces back and forth as if he’s thinking of some way to rebuttal what luke says. maybe it was the brotherly rivalry that pushed him to say something back, but nonetheless, jace felt annoyance pricking at his skin like little needles. “it’s not like she was in the wrong, it was her family.”
“doesn’t change the way i feel about it,” jace says, tilting his head to the side while luke shakes his head in disagreement.
luke contemplates for a moment, his forefinger and thumb grasping his chin as he looks down. there’s a silence that settles over the boys before luke looks up.
“doesn’t change that she’s the fairest lady at court.”
both the boys look at each other again, annoyance and irritation long forgotten. they both begin to laugh and jace approaches luke, slinging his arm around his brother.
“i ‘spose that’s true.” without a second word, jace pulls luke into a headlock and begins to ruffle his hair. luke flails wildly and tries to overpower his brother, but his elder brother is both stronger and taller. luke is grunting in frustration, trying to wiggle away from jace’s hold. when luke escapes, they both laugh and begin walking in the direction you went.
“maybe i’ll ask mother to betroth her and i instead,” luke says teasingly, casting a side ways glance at his brother. jace gives him a look and before he can swat at his brother or make a comment, luke begins sprinting down the hallway.
jace shakes his and takes off running after him. he didn’t like the idea of sharing his things, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
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sm-baby · 8 months
I wish I could repost the anons ask specifically, the one who had a majestic long poetic rant about being so down bad for Kinger, as I just saw it and I’d like to add on that it also DOES apply to his wife, I do not forget about Queenie one bit, no ma’am, she is in my THOUGHTS AND she is there I am a chessboard SANDWICH with those two your honor
Im starting to regret the Saytr act bros
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aemonds-warcrime · 4 months
Domestic Aemond
Anon asked: "How woud Aemond react to his wife cheating... in chess? Every time he looks away, she steals a piece off of the board and just smiles when he looks back at her. Like she isn't even trying to win she's just doing this to mess with him a little"
Aemond x wife!reader | tipsy reader | cheating at chess | Aemond indulging his lady, teasing ensues
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"It's your turn, Y/N."
You continued sipping on your wine, your mind already fuzzy from the drink, swirling the bitter liquid around in your mouth as you studied the chessboard in consternation.
Aemond sat back in his chair, his lips pressed together as he watched you with a mixture of impatience and amusement.
He opened his mouth to say something else, but you held up a hand to shush him. "I'm thinking."
"A demanding endeavor, it seems."
"I'm not losing to you again, Aemond."
"Perhaps more wine would help." He smirked, catching your eye as you shot him a withering look, taking another deliberate swig from your goblet.
"Fine." You moved your rook forward several spaces.
You winced as Aemond immediately took your piece with his knight. "Fuck."
You groaned, holding the rim of your cool glass against your aching temple.
A servant bearing more drink arrived, drawing away your husband's attention for a few crucial moments. You reached forward, surreptitiously removing Aemond's own rook from the board and stowing it in the cushions beside you. "Ah, thank you." You beamed at the servant as he refilled your cup.
Aemond was studying his board with a raised brow, his violet eye flicked up to your studiously neutral expression. "Your move, Y/N."
"Oh yes, of course."
This went on several more minutes; you losing your pieces to Aemond's keen strategizing and him losing his own pieces whenever he was sufficiently distracted enough for you to steal them.
As Aemond turned his head to observe a group of guards moving across the hall, you tried to take away his queen without him taking notice. Long fingers caught your wrist as Aemond turned swiftly back to you, aware the whole time of your ruse. He pulled you toward him, unseating you and causing you to tumble onto his lap, scattering the remaining pieces across the board.
"You tried to take my queen?" He rolled his eye, snorting a short laugh. "You do know cheating at chess is nigh impossible."
"I'm the only queen you need, my king." You giggled, feeling his dexterous fingers begin probing at the ticklish part of your sides.
Your face was flushed from the wine and the sudden proximity of the Targaryen prince you called husband.
Aemond sighed, hoisting you so you were more securely seated against him. "I've always thought it interesting the queen is the one with the most power over the board." You watched him with soft adoration as he continued his musing. "She is the one with the most power to protect the king."
"I'd protect you with my life too." You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, feeling the low vibration of his chuckling, his grip on you tightening slightly.
"My ember." Aemond said affectionately into your hair before placing a gentle kiss to your crown.
The warmth of his arms encircling you combined with the heady heat of the wine caused your eyes to droop with sleepy contentment. "Take me to bed, Aemond." You murmured, your lips brushing the soft skin of his neck.
"As my lady commands." He rose with you in his arms, your arms coming to grip around his shoulders as he strode toward your chambers. "Remind me to not play chess with you while you're drinking."
"You're just a sore loser." You smiled, kissing his temple. "My strategizing prowess is clearly too much for you to handle."
"Hmm." Was your terse answer, Aemond shaking his head in fond bemusement as he carried you to bed.
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cafeacademia · 2 years
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Matt's interest in chess leads you to surprising him one rainy, autumnal Sunday with a blind accessible chessboard and he's more than excited to learn how to play.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Mostly flirty couply stuff, fluff, a couple of mildly suggestive comments but nothing in detail.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: Approx 800
𝐌𝐲 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 | 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hello! This is my first Matt Murdock fic. I have no idea if this is OOC for him, I've been wanting to write for Matt for a long time but I always find it difficult to write for characters I've never written for before. Please let me know what you think? I hope the anon that requested this enjoys and thank you so much for requesting, honestly this was one of the cutest requests ever and I couldn't wait to write it!
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Matt was almost giddy, which was unusual for him. Not only was this date spontaneous on your part, but he’d really not expected the level of thought that you had put into this.
“What is this?” He asked, a laugh on his voice as he smiled brightly. You sat opposite him on a rainy Sunday morning inside of a warm, cosy and largely quiet cafe. There was a storm outside, the autumn leaves thick with rainwater as they piled up against the edges of the pavements and porches in a myriad of orange and red hues. In front of him was a latte and you had your own coffee too. But between you on the table was a chessboard.
“Well, I remember what you said not long after we met.” You began. “You were impressed by my amazing chess skills.” You teased. “And you said you wished you could play.” “Oh, absolutely.” He chuckled, bowing his head in amusement. “Well, I found a blind accessible chessboard online and I wanted you to be able to enjoy it with me.” You told him truthfully, all teasing and joking gone from your tone. Matt’s smile softened, hands reaching across the table to find yours. “You are too sweet, way too sweet to be my girlfriend.” He grinned. You only heated at his comment, but Matt sensed your shyness and took your hand in his. “Come on sweetheart, teach me how this works.”
“Alright,” You said, holding his hand in yours and guiding it to the chessboard. “The board has two colours of squares. One is black and the other is white. The black squares are indented.” You explained, letting him feel across the board to identify the grid pattern. “The pieces are all on pegs, so each square has a hole they can fit into.” You tell him, watching as he curiously lands on a pawn and pulls it out of the board. “All of the pieces are textured so you can tell which one is which. Mine have raised bits on the top and yours are smooth, so you can tell if it’s an enemy piece or not.” You explain and he takes it in, nodding and reaching over to get a feel of the pieces on your side of the board.
“What do you think so far?” You asked. “You really did this for me.” He’s soft now, cheeks glowing with warmth, his smile reaching high up to his eyes. “Of course, Matty.” You said. “Sweetheart,” He paused, taking your hand in his and lifting it to his lips, leaving a kiss on your hand. “What the hell did I do to deserve you?” “Hmm I don’t know but I think it has something to do with being a flirt.” You giggled and watched as Matt fell into a relaxed laugh. “Okay, okay, tell me how to play, baby.”
For the next twenty minutes, you held a tutorial game, where you did your best to slowly teach him how to play a game of chess using the new board and allowing him plenty of time to get used to the layout and how the pieces moved. Matt, unsurprisingly got the hang of chess, the pieces and their movements within a couple of tries.
“You know, for a guy who's never played before, you run a tough game.” You told him as you played through your first proper game. “That’s just beginner’s luck, sweetheart.” Matt chuckled, a proud smile tugging at his lips. “Are you sure you’ve never played before?” You asked. “I’m sure, baby. But I’ve got a good teacher.” “Oh really?” You giggled softly. “Tell me about that.” “Well, she’s got the prettiest voice I’ve ever heard, she bought me a chess board I can use, she’s super sweet and I think I want to take her out to dinner tonight.” He gave you a devilish grin and you couldn’t help but become shy and giggly over his statement.
The storm grew worse outside as you started another game, but as the morning went on, a couple of hot drinks later and you were convinced Matt was now going to get this chessboard out as much as possible because every time you finished a game, he was eager to begin another.
“Sweetheart, will you come over tonight?” You paused, drinking some of your coffee before you spoke. “I’d love to.” “When the storm dies down and bit, we should head to mine and get comfortable. I’d like to listen to some classical music while we play.” “Chess?” You asked. “Yeah, something like that.” The devilish grin made its way onto his lips again and you felt your cheeks heat intensely. What a tease.
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dccomicsimagines · 2 years
Love in the Air - Dick Grayson x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  Hi there! Do you think you could please do a dick Grayson x f!reader where it’s the first time someone has ever given her Valentine’s Day gifts and he goes all out and asks her to be his valentine? Thank you!
Author’s Note - This is very late and took off into something else...sorry.
“Wait a minute, you’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day?!” Steph shouted from across the living room. Dick sat up straighter. He glanced over from his spot at the chessboard. Tim was soundly beating him, so Dick welcomed any distraction. It was just a perk that it was about you.
“It wasn’t a big deal where I grew up,” you said, taking a sip from your mug. You and Barbara were sitting on the couch while Steph and Cass sat on the floor. Bruce invited everyone over for a family dinner. Dick had been surprised to see you, but he expected Barbara had invited you. “I don’t really see the appeal anyway.”
Steph’s jaw hung open. “Your turn, Dick,” Tim said, smirking slightly. Dick sighed, focusing back on the game only to move a pawn to another dead end. Tim’s smirk got wider at the sight. 
“Just end me swiftly,” Dick chuckled, turning to focus back on you.
“Funny that you haven’t celebrated. Didn’t you date Wally West in high school? He didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day?” Barbara laughed, leaning back in her chair.
Dick blushed. He remembered the jealousy at seeing you with Wally. One of his best kept secrets was how he was happy when you two broke up. 
“No, he’s fast, but slow brained.” You shook your head. “He always forgot, but I didn’t really care. Besides, he always remembered my birthday. Still does actually.” You laughed. “He brings me flowers.”
Dick frowned, the jealousy crawled up inside him again. Tim nudged Dick’s arm. “Checkmate.”
“You’re too smart for me, Timmy.” Dick sighed, smiling when Tim flinched at the praise. 
Tim blushed, waving his hand. “You’re distracted.” He looked at you then back at Dick. Now it was Dick’s turn to blush.
“Quiet down.” Dick swallowed hard before looking back at you. Luckily, the girls were too into their conversation to notice.
“I’m going to get more tea. Anyone want refills?” You offered, getting to your feet. 
Dick got to his feet. “Me.” He smiled, handing you his cup. You smiled back at him before leaving the room. 
Steph scoffed. “Okay, I got what you wanted.” She stretched her arms.
Dick raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t have to be so direct.” He quickly looked back at the door. “Lower your voice.”
“In all fairness, you stand a chance. (Y/N) has told me in confidence that she thinks you’re hot,” Barbara said, laughing when Dick’s jaw dropped.
“Not so loud.” Dick ran a hand through his hair. His heart fluttered. You thought he was hot? A smirk pulled at his lips. “Did she really say that?”
Barbara nodded. Cass stood up and helped Tim clean up the chessboard. “What about Wally West? Are you worried about him?” Cass asked softly, studying Dick carefully. “You are jealous of him.”
Dick pursed his lips. “I’m not worried.” He chuckled half heartedly, looking at the door again. “They broke up years ago. They’re just friends.” Dick tensed at Cass’ unconvinced look. “Don’t look at me like that. They’re not a thing.”
Cass hummed before starting another game with Tim. Dick sighed. You came back in. “Here you go,” you said, handing Dick his cup. 
Dick grinned. “Thank you.” He saw a charm bracelet on your wrist. “When did you get that?”
“Oh.” You turned your wrist to let him get a better look. “I’ve had this since I was little. My parents gave me charms for every milestone. I buy myself one from time to time too.” You shrugged. “I don’t wear it unless I know I’m not going to have to be (Y/S/N).”
Dick touched a charm of a vial. “What’s this one from?”
“Oh Wally gave me that.” You laughed. “After taking me to my first science fair.”
Dick’s heart dropped to his feet. “Aww.” He back away, sipping his tea. “That’s cool.”
You tilted your head before moving to sit back down with Barbara. Barbara got you into conversation, distracting you helpfully. Dick swallowed hard. Steph stood up, casually walking over to Dick.
“Just talk to Wally to ease your doubts. I noticed she has a lot of room on that bracelet and never celebrated a Valentine’s Day,” she whispered softly, bumping him with her hip. “Just go for it. Otherwise, why did you pay me to get you info?”
Dick snorted. He sipped his tea, listening in on your conversation while watching Cass destroy Tim at chess. “Who says I was going to pay you?” He laughed when Steph gasped, slapping his arm before going on a rant about his trickery.
Dick relaxed in his living room. He checked his phone, frowning at the time. “Wow, a minute late...a new record,” he said to himself. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the apartment. 
“I’m not late. Your phone is fast.” Wally appeared next to Dick with a case of beer and three bags of fast food. “Honestly, I got caught up with a hit and run I found on the way here.” He flopped onto the couch with a groan.
“I have four pizzas in the oven, man. You didn’t have to bring food.” Dick laughed as Wally dug into the food. He paused long enough to hand Dick a beer.
“Hey, this is my appetizer.” Wally grinned with his mouth full.
Dick shook his head, rolling his eyes. He opened his beer and took a long sip. It was cheap beer, then again Wally couldn’t afford much with his appetite. Dick reminded himself to slip some money into Wally’s bank account again. Another “tax refund”.
“So how is everything?” Dick smiled, waiting for Wally to take a breath.
“Good. Busy as usual. You?” Wally slowed down, munching on a fry. “How’s the dating scene?”
Dick swallowed past the lump that formed in his throat. “Well, I kinda wanted to talk to you about that.”
Wally’s eyes widened, dropping his fry. “Dude, I love you, but not that way.” He blushed as red as his hair.
“What?” Dick choked. He almost dropped his beer. “No! I’m not asking you out, Walls. You forget I have seen you eat.”
Wally scoffed. “Rude. I’m a catch.” He looked down at his fallen fry before reaching down to pick it up and eat it. 
Dick wrinkled his nose, guffawing. “Right, a catch. You nerd.” He shoved at Wally’s arm. Wally chuckled himself. “I can’t believe you were able to date (Y/N) for two years.”
“In high school.” Wally took out another burger. “I don’t think that counts as an achievement.”
“She talks about you a lot.” Dick ran a hand over his face. Part of him was losing his nerve. Could he survive being the reason you and Wally got back together? His chest wanted to burst at the thought.
Wally stopped, mouth open with burger halfway in. He looked at Dick carefully before setting his burger down. “Are you acting on your crush on (Y/N) finally? Dude, it’s been years.”
Dick’s heart skipped a beat. “What?! You knew?!”
“Dick, I’m your best friend.” Wally rolled his eyes, leaning back with his hands behind his head. “Come on. I knew you liked (Y/N) from the start, but I liked her too.” Wally pursed his lips. “But after we broke up, I thought you would make your move, but I guess you were too into Kori at the time.”
Dick bit his lip, looking out the window at the skyline. It was quiet for mid afternoon. “I guess I was.”
“Well, go for it. (Y/N) always thought you were hot even during the disco years.” Wally snorted, clapping a hand on Dick’s shoulder. “And that means something, I don’t even think Kori was a fan of that suit.”
“Shut up.” Dick let a smile tug at his lips. “She mentioned how you still give her flowers on her birthday?”
Wally picked up his burger. “And I always sing you happy birthday on yours. I do stuff for my friends on their birthdays as most people do.” He took a big bite. Dick picked up his beer, sipping at it as he thought. He remembered you checking him out, but he never thought much of it at the time. 
“And you really didn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day with her?” Dick asked after a long moment. A cloudy plan slowly formed in his mind.
Wally blushed, finishing his burger and licking his fingers. “Oh yeah, I didn’t. Kept forgetting. I was sixteen and dumb.”
“Still dumb.” Dick laughed when Wally pushed him gently. Wally pouted, but Dick’s plan was suddenly becoming clearer. 
You yawned as you woke to the sound of your phone ringing. “I knew I should have turned that off,” you mumbled, reaching over to grab it. You hit the answer button blindly, keeping your eyes closed. “Hello?” You yawned again.
“(Y/N)? Sorry, is this a bad time?” Dick’s voice sounded shaky and...nervous. You opened your eyes, frowning up at your bedroom ceiling. 
“No, it’s okay.” You swallowed hard. “What’s wrong?”
Dick choked. “No, nothing is wrong,” he said quickly. In your mind’s eye, you could see him running his hand through his hair. Signature Dick Grayson move. You almost laughed, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. “Sorry, I realize I don’t normally call you without it being an emergency.” 
A real laugh bubbled out of you. “It’s okay, Dick. What’s up?” You looked around your room, noting your vigilante suit was still on the floor. It was dirty. You wrinkled your nose.
“So I...” He cleared his throat. “Bruce got an invitation to try out this new restaurant that opened by Wayne Tower. He doesn’t want to go, but gave it to me and I have a plus one...” 
You smiled. “A plus one huh?”
Dick paused. “Yeah, so you want to go? Tonight?” 
“I’m game. What time?” You bit your lip. It was strange for Dick to ask you to dinner. The two of you never hung out alone before.
“Six. I’ll pick you up at your place.” Dick’s tone brightened. You heard a bang followed by an ouch. “Stupid ceiling.”
You laughed. “Six o’clock. I’ll see you then.” Hanging up the phone, you shook your head and threw back your covers to start your day.
Dick adjusted the collar of his blue button-down shirt in the mirror before turning around. “What do you think? Sexy, but causal?” 
“It looks nice,” Tim said. Tim was seated on Dick’s bed, flipping through Dick’s old yearbook while Dick attempted to find something to wear. Dick knew this wasn’t Tim’s thing, but appreciated that he was trying. Tim frowned suddenly. “Wait, do you know what (Y/N) is going to wear? You don’t want to clash.”
“I think I’ll be fine, Timmy.” Dick chuckled, turning back to the mirror. 
“Did you order flowers?” Tim asked, going back to the yearbook in his lap. 
“Yes, I got her favorites.” Dick turned to go into his closet to search for his dress shoes. He tossed clothes and shoes over his shoulder, making his room a disaster. 
Tim hummed, grunting when a shirt landed on top of his head. “So you’re nervous?”
“Why would you say that?” Dick found his dress shoes and sat on the floor to put them on. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but there was a few butterflies in his stomach. Maybe you didn’t like him that way anymore? It could be too weird for you. After all, you dated Wally. Maybe it would be strange for you?
“Well, you don’t normally throw your clothes around the room or take this long to get dressed or invite me over to check your outfit?” Tim chuckled, yanking the shirt off his head and tossing it on the floor with the rest. “Besides, you should have asked Steph over, she’s better at this sort of thing.”
“Yeah.” Dick snorted, struggling with a knot in his laces. “Steph won’t let me have any peace until I pay her money for her services.”
“I warned you.” Tim pursed his lips, setting the yearbook aside. “If you buy her waffles at some point, she’ll forgive you. Just make sure they are good ones.”
Dick nodded. Tim held up his hand for the shoe. Dick tossed it over. “Thanks Timmy.”
Tim worked at the knot. “What did you do to this thing?” He muttered under his breath. 
Dick chuckled, getting up with only one shoe on. “I don’t know. Last time I wore these was...probably when I went undercover at that wedding.”
“That makes sense.” Tim rolled his eyes as he pulled the right lace and undid the knot. He tossed the shoe back to Dick. “You should be leaving soon. There might be traffic.”
“I will.” Dick hopped on one foot to put on his shoe. He grinned, flicking his head to get his hair out of his eyes. “Am I good? Anything else?”
Tim studied him, pursing his lips. “I think you’re good. Don’t forget the flowers...you still have to pick them up.” 
“I know.” Dick grabbed his wallet and keys. “Thanks Tim. Help yourself to anything. I’ll be back late.”
“If at all,” Tim mumbled so softly that Dick missed it. Dick swallowed hard, goosebumps from anticipation and nervousness appeared on his skin. He shivered, pushing away his nerves as he flew out the door.
You whined, stretching your arm at an awkward angle to try to zip up your dress. It was a beautiful, yet sexy one, but the only problem with it was the zipper. You always needed help with it. 
Sighing, you gave up after your arm ached. You put on your charm bracelet. “Oh well. Dick can get it for me.” You stood in front of your mirror, checking yourself. “Good enough.” It crossed your mind earlier that day as you replayed the conversation with Dick that this might be a date. The realization made you spit out your morning coffee. 
Of course, the first thing you did was call Wally.
“Hiya, (Y/N). Isn’t this early for you?” Wally answered, chuckling. You heard wind in the background, knowing he was probably patrolling Keystone. 
“I think Dick asked me out.” You ripped off the band-aid, wincing when you heard Wally trip and stumble on his end. 
He swore softly. “He did? Wow, that was quick. And on Valentine’s Day too.”
“So it is a date?!” You dropped your coffee cup. It shattered, spilling hot coffee all over your feet. “Damn it.” You stared at your feet, feeling the burns as you couldn’t move due to the glass.
A gust of wind ruffled your hair. “Oh dear.” Wally picked you up, zooming you to the bathroom and putting your feet in the bathtub. He turned on the cold water. You hissed, but stayed where you were, trying not to feel too dizzy from suddenly appearing in the bathroom. 
“Thanks Walls.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Wally sped out of the room only to come back with a fresh cup of coffee. He handed it to you. You smiled, taking a sip.
“I cleaned up your kitchen too.” Wally sat on the edge of the bathtub. “So...you okay knowing it’s a date?” His eyes were wide, waiting. It reminded you of when he first asked you out. He stared at you until you answered. It was the awkwardness minute of your life and the reason you told him no at first.
You took a big sip of coffee. “I mean...sure...but it wouldn’t be weird? For you?” You studied him, waiting for the sign that he was uncomfortable. However, Wally just grinned.
“Nah, I mean.” He ran a hand through his hair. A move he got from Dick. “We both liked you back in the day, but I got to you first. The only thing I beat him at actually.”
You snorted. “Really?” You blinked, thinking back to those days. 
Everyone flirted with each other. Teenage exploration and all that. Dick did always seem to watch you and you always made him blush. 
“Go for it. See what happens. Dick and you deserve a chance.” Wally kissed your cheek. “Of course, I will have always got you first. Make sure he knows that.”
You punched his arm hard. Wally whined, flinching. “I’m not a piece of meat, West.”
“Nope, you’re not. You’re just the most amazing person in the world and Dick better be good to you or I’ll come after him.” Wally grinned. 
You pulled him into a side hug and kissed his cheek. “Thanks Walls.” Wally blushed. 
A loud knock from your front door brought you to the here and now. You shook your head, smiling at the thought of Wally’s approval. Taking a deep breath, you made your way to the door and opened it.
Dick flicked his head, getting his hair out of his eyes. A big grin grew on his face at the sight of you. You couldn’t help, but smile back at him, taken back by his sparkling blue eyes. Did they always sparkle like that?
“Hi.” You said after a long moment. Shaking your head, you stepped aside to let him in. It was then you noticed the flowers in his hands. “Are those for me?” 
“Yeah.” He handed them to you. His hands shook slightly. You took comfort in the fact he seemed as jittery as you. 
“Thank you. I’ll put them in water.” You went into your kitchen. 
Dick followed you. He cleared his throat. “Do you need me to zip you up?” 
You turned to look at him, almost laughing at the blush on his cheeks. “If you could, thanks. As much as I’m sure the world wants to see my bare back...” You turned back around.
Dick’s fingers tickled your skin as he grabbed the zipper and gently pulled it up. Your skin buzzed at the touch. You threw him a smile over your shoulder and went to grab a vase from the cabinet. Dick stayed where he was, almost transfixed in place. 
You filled the vase with water and careful arranged the flowers inside, glad to have something to do with your hands. “Should we get going?” You glanced back at Dick only to find him watching you with an intensity that sent sparks straight to your abdomen. 
Dick jumped. “Yeah.” He cleared his throat before painting a charming smile on his face. “You ready?”
You nodded, stepping into your shoes and grabbing your purse. “Ready.” He offered his arm. You took it happily.
Dick pulled up to the restaurant. You played with the strap of your purse. The radio played softly, narrowly avoiding awkward silence. You blinked when you saw the red hearts decorating the front window of the restaurant. “Oh, is today Valentine’s Day?” you asked as Dick parked the car. You barely remembered Wally saying it was today.
“It is? Guess I didn’t notice?” He chuckled too quickly. You eyed him, knowing he definitely knew it was Valentine’s Day. 
Humming lowly, you started to get out of the car. “Wait,” Dick said, jumping out his side and running over to open your door for you. “My lady.” He bowed slightly and offered his hand. A cheeky smile on his face.
“Nerd.” You laughed, taking his hand and getting out. “But thank you.”
“Wow, first time I’ve been called a nerd.” Dick squeezed your fingers gently. He guided your hand to his arm. “At least by you anyway.”
You let your hand stay on his arm as he led you to the front of the restaurant. “Right, I used to call you killjoy.”
“Hey, I grew up.” Dick chuckled, holding restaurant door open for you.
“You did. Somewhat.” You smirked, his jaw dropped in fake surprise. The restaurant was busy, but had a calming atmosphere. 
“Do you have a reservation?” The hostess asked, smiling at your interaction.
Dick cleared his throat. “Yeah, under Grayson.” You raised an eyebrow at him. Dick narrowed his eyes at you. “Dick Grayson.”
“Oh yes, Mr. Grayson. Right this way.” The hostess led the way through the restaurant to a private booth in the back. “Your server will be with you shortly.” She set down the menus and left you and Dick alone. 
Dick gestured for you to sit first. You slid into the booth, making yourself comfortable. A small smirk pulled at your lips as Dick hesitated. He glanced between you and the other side. Finally, he chose to sit across from you. 
“So...this place is nice,” you said, looking around the restaurant. When you looked past the somewhat tacky Valentine’s Day décor, it was beautiful. You sighed, turning back to Dick to find him watching you with a somewhat dumb expression. “You okay, Dickie?”
“Fine.” He cleared his throat, running a hand over his face. “You’re just...really pretty, (Y/N).”
Your face burned. A giggle slipped out of you. “You don’t look bad yourself.” You winked at him. “So, can I ask why you decided to ask me out now?”
Dick opened his mouth, but the server appeared. You ordered your drink and when Dick failed to speak, you ordered one for him too. The server walked off.
“Thanks.” Dick whispered, clearing his throat. “I haven’t been this speechless since I was a teenager.”
You laughed. “Yeah, I think I remember you being this speechless when you first saw me in a bikini.”
Dick’s face was almost as red as the hearts that decorated the restaurant. “You noticed that, huh?”
You nodded, smiling big. “Yeah, I did. To be fair, Wally was pretty speechless too.” You froze when you saw Dick’s face fall slightly. “Sorry, I shouldn’t mention him.”
“It’s okay. He’s still our friend. Part of your history.” Dick bit his lip. “You know, I wanted to ask you out that day, but Wally beat me to it.”
Your jaw dropped. “Really?” You reached over to take his hand. “I didn’t know.” Now it made sense why Dick left in a hurry after Wally finished the most awkward ‘asking out on a date’ you had ever experienced.
Dick squeezed your fingers. “Although, when I think about it, I’m glad that I didn’t.” He looked up at you. You gasped, taken back by his beautiful blue eyes. “Because I got to ask you out now and we’re both older. We aren’t kids anymore.”
“That’s for sure.” You laughed as the server came back with the drinks. Dick chuckled with you. Both of you ordered your food quickly and the server left you alone. 
Dick sipped at his drink. His hand still in yours. “So...”
You blinked at him before giggling. “So...”
He laughed. “I guess I don’t really know what to say now.”
You hummed, letting go of his hand to take a sip of your own drink. “How about we play a game?” You smirked when Dick raised an eyebrow. “Like what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?”
Dick rubbed his chin. “Orange swirl.” You tilted your head at him. “It was one of the flavors we had back at the Circus. Mom and Dad would let me have one after a successful show. Funny enough, it was the one flavor that didn’t sell as well, so we could get it for free most of the time.” He licked his lips. “Best I’ve ever had.”
You cradled your chin in your hand. “Wow.” You smiled softly. “You know what mine is, of course.”
“I do.” He smiled back at you. “Now do I ask you a question? I assume that’s what we’re doing, right?”
You wiggled your eyebrows. “Ask away.”
Dick sat back in the booth. The two of you slowly learned more about each other as you waited for your food.
“You’re joking.” Dick almost spit out his food. He grabbed his napkin and covered his mouth just in case. “They didn’t.”
“They did.” You giggled, taking a sip of your drink. “Roy and Donna are a thing. Walked in on them myself.” You shivered. “A sight I never wanted to see.”
Dick snorted, putting his napkin down. “Roy’s ass isn’t a pretty sight. I had to share a locker room with him.” He smiled when you looked away. His heart fluttered. He had to pinch himself to make sure he was really here with you.
The food was good. The restaurant had a nice atmosphere, soft music in the background, not too loud, but not too soft either. Dick knew he’d have to leave the place a nice review.
“I never asked you about your work. How is the police station?” You looked back at Dick. Dick’s heart skipped a beat.
“Oh, it’s okay. Lots of corruption. I’m making some headway, but it’s going to take a while.” He let his eyes drop to your chest before forcing them back to your eyes. You didn’t seem to notice. “I found some allies though. What about you? How’s the retail business?”
You rolled your eyes. “Dick, I’m an art dealer. I wouldn’t call that retail, but sure, it’s good. Sold a painting by a newcomer for four million to a well-known mobster.” Dick’s eyes widened in concern. You waved your hand. “It’s taken care of.” You winked. Dick sighed in relief. 
“Good.” Dick went back to his food. “Do you enjoy being an art dealer?”
“It has it’s good days and bad days, but I like it. Being around artwork is a joy for me.” You took the last bite from your plate. “Thank you for bringing me here. This might become my new favorite restaurant.”
A smile pulled at Dick’s lips. “I’ll remember to take you here more often then.”
You grinned back. “You better.” Slowly, you slid out of the booth. “I’ll be right back.”
Dick nodded, watching you head over toward the restrooms. He reached down to pull his phone out of his pocket. There were several encouraging text messages from Tim, Steph, Cass, and Barbara. Even Bruce sent a good luck text. Dick smiled, sending them all a thumbs up. 
He scrolled through to find one message from Wally. ‘I have it on good authority that your date is going well.’
Dick frowned. He looked around the restaurant, but didn't see anyone he knew. ‘Who’s authority?’ 
‘The most important one.' Dick swallowed hard, confused yet delighted at the same time. He looked back up suddenly enough to give himself whiplash. You returned from the restroom. 
“What happened? A crisis or is everyone checking in on you to make sure I haven’t sunk my teeth into you yet?” you teased, taking your seat and sipping your drink again.
Several naughty images played through Dick’s mind. He let out a slow breath, trying to calm himself down. “No, more like cheering me on.”
You looked slightly surprised. “Really? Wow.” You giggled softly, looking around the restaurant for a moment. Dick admired how lovely you looked. The lighting in the restaurant highlighted you just right. “So, did you want to get out of here? There’s something I wanted to show you.”
Dick nodded. “Yeah, sure.” He waved for the server, wondering what you wanted to show him.
You threw a smile back at Dick. Dick smiled back, despite the dark hallway you were leading him down. “Where are we going?”
“My workshop.” You unlocked the door at the end and pushed it open. Dick followed, stepping inside just as you flicked on the light. He gasped at the sight.
The room itself was bare bones, but artwork was all over the place. Some on the walls, others leaning against other canvases on the floor. A few were covered up with sheets. In the center of the room was a desk and two chairs along with a cheery fuzzy rug. 
“So this is where you work? I knew it was around this part of town, but wow.” Dick crossed his arms, studying a piece on the wall. It looked like it was an abstract Batman.
You hummed, walking to the other side of the room. “This is what I wanted to show you.” You picked up one of the covered canvases and walked over to an easel. Propping it up, you turned to look at him. “You can keep this one if you like it.” You pulled off the sheet.
At first, it didn’t register with Dick. Just colors and shapes. However, he tilted his head and it clicked. “It’s a trapeze. Wait a minute, that’s...that’s our colors. My parents’ colors.”
You nodded, leaning gently into Dick’s side. Your hand rubbed his back, grounding him to the here and now. “There’s a new artist, he’s a retired hockey player who went into painting. Anyway, he must have seen one of your parents’ shows and painted this one in their honor.”
Dick could see the painting come to life. He knew the routine by heart. His father’s confident laugh filled his ears. His mother’s giggles followed. “How did he remember it so well?”
“I guess he’s like Tim. The one performance stuck in his head.” You leaned forward to study Dick. Dick swallowed hard, meeting your eye. You smiled. “It took me a while to find it. I had to give up two Damien Hirst paintings to get the guy to sell it to me.”
“Did you get this for me?” Dick looked back at the painting. He blinked back the tears threatening to fall. It saddened him, yet filled him with pride at the same time. His parents would be happy to know that people still loved their performances to this day.
You rested your head against his shoulder. Dick reached for your hand, squeezing it tightly. “I did,” you whispered. “I was going to save it for your birthday, but...well, then you asked me out on Valentine’s Day.”
“Thank you.” His shoulder felt wet. He peeked to find you with tears on your cheeks. A laugh slipped out of him. “I feel so dumb. All I got you was a charm for your bracelet.”
“You did?!” You quickly wiped your face with your free hand. Dick dug into his pocket, pulling out a small wrapped jewelry box. 
He handed it to you, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. “You know if I gave this to you at the restaurant, everyone would have thought I was proposing.”
You snorted. “I wouldn’t put it past you.” You opened the box, smiling at the beautiful delicate heart charm inside. 
Dick chuckled. “Right. I would propose on the first date just to see what the others would say.” He shook his head, taking the charm out and carefully putting it on your bracelet. “Bruce would have a heart attack. Tim would spit out his coffee. Steph just might drop dead.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Well, in that case, I give you permission to tell them I said yes.” You shook your bracelet, holding it up to the light. The charm shined. 
Dick grinned, looking back at the painting. “I still can’t believe this. It’s almost from my memory. I used to stand on the platform, watching the show from above, waiting for my chance to join.” He sighed as he felt you take his hand again. “Thank you so much.”
“Thank you for the charm. My first Valentine’s Day.” You squeezed his hand gently. “I’ll get this framed for you before you take it.”
Dick looked back at you. You met his eye after a moment. Slowly, you sat down on the rug, pulling Dick to sit down beside you. You kissed the corner of his mouth. “Wow,” Dick hummed, smirking at the kiss. You turned back to the painting, a hint of a blush on your cheeks. Dick chuckled. He leaned back on his hands and studied the painting along with you.
After a long while, Dick’s butt started to hurt. He fidgeted. You giggled and looked over at him. “You want to get out of here?”
“Yeah, let’s do something fun.” Dick grinned. You got to your feet and held out your hand. Dick took it, eager to follow you anywhere.
“Are you sure about this?” Dick asked, watching you walk your way past the line to get into the club.
“You said you wanted to get out for some fun and this is fun. For you anyway.” You glanced back at him with a wink. Dick swallowed hard when you stopped to talk to the bouncer. It looked like you knew the bouncer and soon you were gesturing for Dick to follow you in.
The club was decked out in red and white decorations. Music was loud with a good beat. Dance floor wild and crazy. Dick reached out to take your hand as you led him through the madness to the bar.
“Yo, Mickey. You got your specials still?” you asked, catching one of the bartenders as he walked by. Dick admitted he was a bit shocked that you seemed comfortable in this scene. Maybe there was a lot he didn’t know about you? He wondered if Wally knew you were into the club scene.
“For you, babe. Anything.” Mickey winked, turning to fix up two drinks. Dick watched in slight awe.
“I didn’t know you like clubs,” Dick shouted in your ear, squeezing your hand. 
You smiled. “Not all. Just this one.” You slipped Mickey a twenty once he laid the tropical-looking drinks before you. You picked up yours, nodding for Dick to do the same and started to lead him back through the crowd.
Dick’s curiosity grew as you led him through the stage door and down a flight of stairs. “Please tell me this isn’t a sex dungeon or something?” Dick blushed. “Not that I’d mind, but I don’t think that’s a first date thing.”
You laughed, sipping your drink as you rolled your eyes at him. “Settle down, Dickie. I’m not going to take your innocence.” You pushed open the door.
Dick lost his breath as you reveal a huge, colorfully lit room with a trapeze set in the center. “How?” He looked at the setup. It was professionally done. You two were the only ones in the room.
“I’m honestly surprised you didn’t know about this. This used to be a strip club and they had a trapeze act, but when the new owners made things more all-ages friendly, they left this space open for rent.” You smirked, eyeing Dick from over your drink. Your fingers wiggled in his hand. “But I’m glad I could surprise you with this.” You gestured to his drink. “Take a sip.”
Dick sipped it. His eyes widened at the orange, vanilla taste. “Wow, it’s almost like orange swirl.”
You smiled. “Glad you like it. Mickey always makes the best.”
Dick took another sip. “You know I thought I was going to spoil you, not the other way around.” He pulled away from you to check out the trapeze set. 
You hummed, following him. “Well, who says you’re not spoiling me? You’re driving me around the city, paid for dinner, got me a pretty charm, and now you’re going to take me flying.” Dick’s head snapped to look at you. “Aren’t you?” You pouted.
“Anything for you, princess.” Dick grinned, setting his drink down on the table. He walked over to test the ropes. Feeling your gaze on him, Dick’s chest swelled with pride. 
You took a seat and watched him prep the trapeze. It was a nice sight. You licked your lips, admiring the view as Dick bent down to pick up a fallen cord.
Of course, you would never admit how many strings you pulled to set this up for him. Honestly, you were amazed how fast things moved with one call from the bathroom at the restaurant. 
You checked your phone. There was a text from Wally. ‘Having fun? I heard about the favor you called in.’
‘From Barbara, I’m sure. You snoop.’ You smiled and watched Dick again. He was hanging off one of the ropes, testing it’s durability. ‘It’s going well.’
‘Good. I’m happy for you both.’  You tilted your head, hoping Wally was as okay with this as he acted earlier. He and Dick always had a bit of a rivalry. 
“You ready?” Dick’s voice brought you away from your phone. 
“Of course.” You kicked off your shoes, leaving your phone on the table along with your drink. Dick’s shoes and shirt were off. You let your eyes linger before going back to his face.
A smirk played on Dick’s lips. “Like what you see?”
You kissed his cheek. “What do you think?” He chuckled, blushing. Stepping back, he let you climb the ladder first before following. You knew he probably looked up your dress, but you found you didn’t mind.
At the top, your blood raced. Dick wrapped his arm around your waist once he joined you. “It’s like swinging through the city,” Dick said, taking the flyer bar out of it’s holder. 
“Just more muscle and coordination. No grapple gun to correct the mistakes.” You nodded, holding onto Dick tight. A lump formed in your throat. Truth be told, you mostly drove on your motorcycle when you went on patrol.
He chuckled. “You want to swing together first? Just to the other platform. I know it’s a little scary for the first time.”
“I’ll say.” You snorted. Dick tightened his arm around you. You, in turn, held him like your life depended on it. 
Dick laughed, lifting you slightly and jumping off the platform. A little scream escaped you as you were suddenly flying. Your stomach dropped to your feet. You looked down before going back to Dick’s face. His confident grin brought your stomach back to where it was supposed to be.
All too soon, you and Dick landed on the opposite platform. “That was...awesome!” You giggled, letting go of Dick to hop in place. 
Dick watched you, beaming. “See? It’s not too different from swinging in the city.”
“It’s better.” You took the bar from him. “Let’s go again.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Dick took hold of the bar. His hand brushed against yours as his arm wrapped back around your waist. “Ready?”
“Always.” You grinned at him before you both jumped off together. 
Over the next hour, you grew more reassured with the trapeze. Dick walked you through more complicated moves. There were a lot of falls onto the safety net below, but it only added to the fun. 
“I think I understand more about the painting now,” you said as you flipped up to sit on your flyer bar. Dick flipped up on his bar too, sitting to face you. “It’s magical.” You leaned back, pumping your legs to swing gently. 
Dick chuckled. “I’ve never experienced anything else like it. My parents were so lucky to do this for a living.” You looked up at him to see a sad smile on his face. “Of course, what I do for a living is far better for society.”
“Stopping crime and corruption. Your parents would be proud.” You swore there was a sparkle of tears in Dick’s eyes. Swinging closer to him, you nudged his foot with your own. 
Dick smirked, catching your leg with his to keep you close to him. He looked into your eyes. You sighed at his pretty blues, heart melting into a puddle of goo. “You know, I never asked you the big question.”
“Oh, so you were going to ask me to marry you?” You leaned forward to touch your nose to his. 
He chuckled, pulling away enough to press a butterfly kiss to your forehead. “No.” His eyes sparkled with youthful excitement. You felt like a teenager all over again. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you be my valentine?”
Your heart pounded. Goosebumps grew on your skin. You leaned forward until your lips were centimeters to his. “Yes, Dick Grayson. I’ll be your valentine.” Dick gasped as you pressed your lips against his. 
You never believed the stories about fireworks and seeing stars when you kissed someone. Kissing Wally was nice, hot at times. Other kisses you shared with others never had that earth shattering moment that the media always described.
However, your heart stopped. Your lips tingled from the pressure. All you could feel was him. His hands in your hair, lips molding to yours. Everything faded away.
You leaned forward to get more of him only to suddenly find yourself free falling. “(Y/N)!” Dick shouted. You screamed, hitting the net below. Soon, Dick landed on the net, bouncing you. He crawled over to your side. “Are you okay?”
Looking up at him, you found yourself hysterically giggling. Dick’s brow furrowed in concern. You waved at him, trying to speak, but the laughter wouldn’t stop. 
“I didn’t think kissing me would be so funny,” Dick mumbled, blushing. He looked away. 
“No.” You hiccupped, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I loved it.” You cupped his face and pulled him back to you. He moaned before melting into you. This time, you saw stars. 
Dick sighed, pulling the warm body curled beside him closer. He opened his eyes to take in the sight of you. You were still fast asleep, hair a mess against your pillow. He kissed your cheek, looking around the room. 
Your bedroom was very much yours. Dick could see the little touches, learning more about you just from your décor choices alone. Plus your bed was surprisingly comfortable.
He chuckled. Contentment filled him as he snuggled back to you. It felt right, being here with you. Last night was perfect. He kissed your cheek again, smiling when you smiled back at him in your sleep. 
Dick took his seat at the table. He nodded to Bruce before filling his plate from the spread on the table. It was the batfamily’s monthly brunch. Everyone had fallen quiet when Dick entered the room. 
“So...you and (Y/N)?” Bruce asked, sipping his coffee. 
Dick smirked. He looked around the room at his siblings. All with smug expressions. He wished he could record this. You would get a kick out of it. 
“She said yes.” Dick took a bite of bacon. The food went dead silent. Bruce’s eyes almost popped out of his head. Tim and Steph had dropped jaws. Barbara shook her head in disbelief. Cass frowned, studying Dick carefully.
“Master Dick, it isn’t polite to tease.” Alfred clicked his tongue, pouring juice in Dick’s glass.
“I’m not teasing. She said yes to being my valentine.” Dick laughed when the entire room breathed a sigh. “What did you guys think?”
Bruce rolled his eyes, relaxing. “Dick, that was mean,” Steph groaned, throwing her hands up in the air. “I was so excited to plan a wedding, then Tim could help with the divorce two weeks later.”
“Good for you, Dick.” Barbara elbowed his side hard. “And you’re lucky (Y/N) tells me everything.”
“And that (Y/N) lowered her standards even more than they already were,” Tim mumbled, grinning when Dick glared at him. 
Dick shook his head, taking another bite of bacon as he checked his phone. He had a text from you, asking if he wanted to meet up for dinner and patrol. His heart fluttered as he quickly texted yes back. 
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Hi! Hope you’re well. Not sure if you keep up with their socials, but Cait has followed a few new accounts in the past few days which means she’s been on instagram, probably lurking about. What do you think her absence lately has meant? She hasn’t posted anything in ages! Any theories?
Dear (returning) Moment Anon (?),
You remember correctly. I only keep up very superficially, if at all, with the kardashianesque side of the Narrative. Sometimes, I stumble upon things and connect some dots. But if I went dyspeptic every single time S shows us his pectorals in dubious company, I would have rather harsh questions for myself: how low can you go, etc.
I cannot but observe that her silence is always deafening. It's all about stage effects, with C. If this confuses or overwhelms you, take a side step and try to see things from a different angle. I fell for this old trick many times, when I was a lurker. Then I realized she doesn't give a damn about what we think. And she goes on with her life the same way she probably goes shopping at Waitrose (random pick of mine, by the way) completely undetected.
So try and be grateful for small mercies, Anon. You know what I mean, I hope. If she wanted to be loud, she'd do it in a heartbeat. She doesn't, for the time being.
No news? Good news. And (sweet as you might be, which you are), I never infer or theorize at juncture points of the plot. This is one of them, I think. But it's all good. Trust them, not me: I am, at best, a benevolent (and pixelated) soundboard.
Also, if you start to give credit to their socials, you're fodder for the Narrative. On this tampered chessboard, try to be a Bishop - not a pawn.
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Sorry, just saw that you responded to my last ask. Yeah, it's me.
Sorry people are being. Much.
Wow, I'm really not good at being nice, am I?
Oh no need to be sorry, I 100% deserve it. Tbh im just wondering if it was prompted by anything or the guy just Found me
and dw, honestly who even is? wait thats rude isnt it. uh. oops
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dhl-au · 7 months
Can we talk about Kinger pillow fort???
I think if he has this here, there's definitely something of Queenie in it. You said Queenie isn't quite dead, right? Perhaps during the 'day of horror' Kinger tried to save something that was left of her, her cloak, head or even her dead body.
I know they don't have empathetic feelings for other people and living things, but you can't play chess properly without a queen, right?
I think if my theory is right, Kinger's pillow fort would be an almost inaccessible area of the game, you would have to make specific moves during the battle with Kinger, or even get a sequence of items to be able to release this 'extra' on the game.
Inside the pillow fort there would probably be something that reminds him of Queenie, as I said earlier.
Or perhaps a small chessboard, except without the queen piece, you would find it lying next to the board, like what happens with dead pieces in chess. Considering another theory I made, that maybe Kinger doesn't even remember who Queenie was after he was corrupted, I think he would miss her in some way, not empathy but, he would wonder why the enemy team has a queen and he doesn't(Considering that the scenario where his battle takes place is on a chess board and that you probably play with the 'enemy' pieces).
And anyway, starting a chess game with one piece less is disadvantageous, isn't it? Even more a powerful piece like the queen..
-The wild anon
We have a chess castle, my friend~
[From master-post]
Chess castle
Chapter 5: The chess desk [A giant chessboard inside a majestic castle divided in half by two colors - old, slightly faded platinum and dark copper. There is weak lighting around the field from torches attached to holders.] [The danger inside - the chess. The Pale King] Boss: Kinge
But yes, theres a lot of things that remind kinger about queenie... the one of it right next to him in opposide side of desk.
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ro--lal · 23 days
heyyyy could u make icons of 0001 from DoS (dungeons of sunnydale on mspfa) with a chessboard/checkered pattern theme?
-🦚 anon :)
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what a dapper lookin lil guy
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I guess I should make a pinned post, everyone else is on here. My name is Bellamy, I live in Unova.
Here are my pokemon:
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Dan, Chessboard, Bam-Bam, Lovelace, Charles, and Beatrix Kiddo (Bea). I also have a Zoura named Waffles.
Despite my blog name, I don't like ice types. Keep them away from me.
Ooc: silly! She was in fact affiliated with Team Plasma, feel free to mess with her.
No real warnings for right now, I might add some later
Do whatever except magic anons, don't be weird.
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