ghostlyarchaeologist · 8 months
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"This is my only chance. I've planned for months. I have eight backup contingencies."
Leverage S04E09 The Cross My Heart Job.
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autoprop57 · 2 years
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Mazda Cx 30 Nettoyage Intérieur Formules Vip Shampoing des sièges Poils www.autoprop57.com #Mazdacx30 #mazda #cx30 #Luxembourg #moselle #lorraine #grandest #moselle #meuse #meurtheetmoselle #chesny #passioncars #lavageauto #detaillingauto #carwash #carcare #lavage #frenchcars #detaillingcars #nettoyagevoiture #nettoyageautomobile #detailling #renovationsphares #nettoyagevapeur #detailingpro #mobiledetail #autodetailer #detailingboost #profossioneldetailing #nettoyagevehicule (Ecole d'Equitation de Chesny) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-1-z1LPeU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herbgerblin · 2 years
sorry I have more thoughts on this post and my previous tags
Imagine angus going to sleep in a room full of plants and aroma candles and a poster of Kenny Chesny that’s been covered up by a poster of Jeff angel, only to wake up in a bedroom full of baubles and wizard hats. And he reacts like, “Oh cool. I can Taako ask for the good blueberry pancakes today.”
Like he’s not portaling in his sleep, he just has a very large family of talented weirdos who are up for the challenge of playing extreme capture the flag with their child. He goes to sleep in his school dorm and then wakes up in Carey and Killian’s guest room for the sixth time that semester (this is usually how the game begins because of Carey’s incredible rogue skills.)
And he’s using context clues to act accordingly, because part of the challenge is leaning into the kayfabe. It’s funnier to keep the bit going: “This is the room I’ve always had and the means by how I got here were under completely normal circumstances.”
He goes to sleep in a moonbase chamber with a clear view of the stars and he wakes up in a room full of cozy quilts and hand carved action figures, and he’s like, “I hope Magnus remembered to get my socks too.”
Like they probably keep doubles of all his stuff at the various residences, because the goal is making the transfer (theft? swap??) as seamless as possible. The only rule is Angus must sleep through the entire process. There is no penalty, only the sweet joy (and boy) of victory.
It’s a bright sunny morning and Angus walks into Lup and Barry’s kitchen after certainly not being in their house when he went to sleep.
Barry: you sleep okay last night kiddo?
Angus: oh yes, like a baby. perfectly sound
Lup (into her stone of farspeech): YOU HEARD THAT, LIKE A BABY
Taako: *angry wizard noises*
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exoticebabii · 5 months
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Fit for the Kenny Chesny concert tonight.
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la-muerte-chiquita · 2 years
El jazzista de la 8
Encendí la radio para no sentirme solo en medio de la nada, el camino era largo, debía cruzar el desierto antes del anochecer para llegar a Puerto Peñasco como parada obligada. Avancé tanto como pude, tanto como dio el motor, tanto como el sol me permitió. Cansado del camino paré a vomitar.
Continué siguiendo el atardecer, le di un buen rato por la federal 8, ya divisaba el ocaso, fue en ese momento cuando todo comenzó a cambiar. La señal del radio iba y venía, las estaciones se mezclaban y extrañamente sentí que el calor iba cediendo al tiempo que un gélido frío abrazaba mi cuerpo. Casi al instante rodeando el cerro en el primer entronque estaba parado sobre el asfalto un hombre viejo y de aspecto sucio que pedía aventón; al parecer había tenido una falla en su carro, un oldsmobile rojo del 66, según me dijo unos minutos después, con el cofre levantado y sin poder hacerlo arrancar. La primera vez pasé de largo. Él se me quedó mirando cuando pasé a su lado. Hice lo mismo y lo seguí con la mirada, poseía un rostro endurecido, decadente y decrepito; las arrugas en surcos. 
No avancé mucho, recordé las razones de mi viaje y decidí volver. Di vuelta en u y me estacioné delante de su auto. Se acercó a pasos lentos, con caminar casi eterno, pero con seguridad. Me pidió llevarlo al siguiente pueblo con un mecánico. La noche comenzaba a asomarse así que decidí llevarlo, correría el riesgo. Al pedirle que se suba hace un gesto con las manos y me pide esperar.
 “Wait” -me dice- y corre rumbo a su carro. 
Siento miedo por primera vez, regresa y en su mano izquierda carga una trompeta. Sube a mi carro y terminando de acomodarse en el asiento se asoma en su rostro una sonrisa discreta, después me muestra el instrumento. 
-¿Por qué la trompeta? -pregunté-.
-Nunca viajo sin ella, si lo hiciera sería como alejarme de mi vida y entregarme a la muerte. Entregaría mi alma a la mismísima muerte. -repitió-. 
Me pareció poético y también patético. De la aprehensión culpé a su edad.
¿Cómo te llamas? –pregunté nuevamente-. 
Chesny -me dijo- Pero mi madre me dice Henry. 
¿Qué le pasó a tu carro? -No lo sé, supongo que es un modelo tan viejo, del 66, que tengo suerte que me haya traído a este último viaje. 
-¿Por qué no llamas para que vengan a asistirte? -No tengo teléfono. Un viejo como yo no sabría qué hacer con un aparato de esos-. 
-¿Y hacia dónde vas?
A Phoenix, allí me espera mi banda. Tocaremos en un bar. ¿Y tú? 
-A Tijuana -le dije, después me arrepentí, sentí como un error revelar mi destino a un desconocido-. 
¿De qué huyes? -me dijo- 
De nada -respondí-.
¿Así crees olvidarla? -preguntó nuevamente-. 
No sé de qué me hablas mejor duérmete y te despierto cuando hayamos llegado al pueblo –respondí en tono visiblemente molesto-. 
-Yo también soy hombre de semblanzas, ambos vamos en sentido contrario del lugar al que verdaderamente queremos llegar. Es por eso que este viaje nos parece tan utópico que cuanto más avanzamos hacia un nuevo destino más deseamos regresar al lugar del cual partimos-. 
-Ya cállate si no quieres que te baje aquí en medio del desierto y de la nada -le grite-.
Frunció el ceño y se mantuvo callado no más de 5 minutos, cantó la estrofa final de un blues que sonaba en ese instante, apagó la radio y comenzó a tocar la trompeta. Me perdí en el sonido hipnótico. El ambiente a oscuras, en la carretera no había luces ni señalamientos, todo parecía sin vida; aunque es sabido que la noche, aunque no las veamos, esta siempre llena de criaturas nocturnas. 
-¿Regresarás con ella? -me preguntó-. 
¡No! -le dije- con voz firme y si dudar. Sin apartar la vista del volante. 
-Yo siempre lo hice, siempre volvía. Pero es cierto, tú nunca lo harás-. 
Cuando llegaron los paramédicos una aguja colgaba de mi brazo, una liga estaba amarrada a mi antebrazo arriba de mi codo, el carro desecho con el cofre levantado, contraído, sumido por el impacto. Sobre el asiento trasero, intacto, como si hubiera sido colocado después del accidente, encontraron un estuche negro, al parecer de una trompeta, con la inscripción C.H.B.Jr en el lomo. Dentro de éste había varias dosis de heroína, un par de jeringas, una dentadura rancia y una boquilla ennegrecida. En la radio, que aún seguía transmitiendo, se escuchaba almost blue interpretada por Chet Baker.
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waltcade · 2 years
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Sister Chesni’s here! Great to have her visit! (at The Wild Texas Ranch) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkPbNIiO5IK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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huntymades · 5 years
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。・゚゚・ like or reblog if you take ・゚゚・。
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antifainternational · 6 years
No marines for nazis!
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exposedxrp · 6 years
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seguin-absorbed · 3 years
movie night | mat barzal
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A/N: hi this is my first ever hc and i wrote this originally for my friend chesni. i hope you like it and i don't know if i'm doing any of this right.
pairing: mat barzal x reader
warnings: none
mentions: connor mcdavid
summary: you and mat wanted a movie night but your friend and her boyfriend joined you.
word count: 1k
tagging you my hoe @intobarzal because you're the best!!! 💫
you were just finishing up your work for the day when your phone notified you that you received a text from your boyfriend.
love: movie night?
you smiled to yourself. this is exactly what you need after a tiring day.
you: sure. should i cook or order food?
but you didn't get a reply because a minute later, you hear your door unlock, revealing your boyfriend in all of his post practice glory.
apparently, he was already in the neighborhood when he asked if you wanted a movie night, so sadly there's no food yet.
you frowned at the thought. you wanted pizza. and ice cream.
mat dropped his bags on the floor and walked up to you while removing his shirt, "hi babe. how's your day?"
you reached up around his neck and pecked his lips, "it was good. i'm hungry though. why didn't you buy food?"
"sorry, i missed you so much that i had to get home quick."
"oh, knock it off."
he smiled at you. as cheesy as it sounds, that smile always ignites all the butterflies in your stomach, you can't help but say, "i love you, pouty face."
he was about to say it back when you hear a knock at the door.
mat looks down at you [damn his height] with a confused look, "are we expecting someone?"
you shook your head, "no, none that i know of."
"huh," he went to the door and unlocked it to reveal connor and y/f. "hi barzy! hi y/n! jesus, put a shirt on, mat. by the way, we brought food." she looks between the two of you, lifting the bags with food in them. "this is okay, right? i know it's pretty abrupt but connor and i just want some company."
"of course," you and mat said at the same time. he sneaked a loving glance at you.
"hi girl," y/f said giving you a hug. connor gave you a hug, too. sweet guy. and then the two guys did that weird bro hug. but not too weird, they're hockey boys anyway.
the other couple then proceeded to walk to the kitchen island to prepare the food, but not before connor kissed y/f's temple. again, sweet guy.
you followed the two to help them and then smell of pizza instantly hits you. the telepathy between you and y/f is getting weird. she just knows what food to buy, and when too.
"what's up my hoe, you doing good?" she asked.
"yeah. you?"
"i'm on my period, everything hurts." she groaned.
"you'll be fine babe," connor assured y/f. you swear she is red as a tomato. "y/n, we got ice cream too. can i put it in the freezer?" he asked. "sure," you replied.
instead of responding to her man, y/f shouts, "hey, pouty face! help us over here. where are the glasses? y/n? is it in the cupboards?" oh no she called him pouty face.
"pouty face?!" mat retorts from your bedroom doorway, he just changed into some comfy shirt and sweatpants. "babe? what is she talking about? i thought you're the only one who calls me tha—are you two talking behind my back? wow. okay. i don't even pout that much."
"yes, you do, dramatic boy." said y/f as she opens some pizza boxes. wow that smells really good.
"yeah, man." connor added.
"you do, babe. you're pouting right now." you snickered.
mat sighs, looking defeated. he went on to help prepare the drinks that y/f and connor bought and you tried to reach for some plates in the cupboard. as you were tiptoeing to get some, you felt hands snake up on your waist. "i love you too, by the way," mat whispered in your ear as he didn't get to say it back before the two lovebirds knocked at your door. and then you felt him kiss your cheek. it lingered there for quite a bit.
you turned around in his arms and gave him a peck on his lips and said, "good. now go grab the plates for me."
smiling, he reached up behind you, "sure, madam." you rolled your eyes at him.
you sneaked behind mat's back and asked the couple that were in the middle of a conversation, "hey guys, you wanna watch a movie?"
"sure!" they both exclaimed.
you guys headed to the living room carrying the pizza, drinks, glasses, and plates. barzy headed to your bedroom to go grab some blankets and extra pillows.
the four of you are now all cozy on the sofa so you started playing the movie.
"scoot closer," mat said softly. and when you did, he put you across his lap. "is this okay?" he asked.
"very," you blushed.
"okay, you want some pizza?"
your friend snorts and said, "you put her on your lap and you ask her if she wants pizza. how are you going to grab one then?"
"i'll ask you to do it, of course. that's why you're here."
y/f gasps and connor just laughs behind her. "y/n. your man. oh my god." she grunts jokingly. but she does grab a pizza anyway for all of you and handed you all your drinks.
you sigh in content and look around the room. connor and y/f are all cuddled up, focused on the movie, and then you turn to your boyfriend who is already looking at you and suddenly you feel shy.
"what?" you asked.
"nothing. it's just... i love you so much, babe." he smiles brightly at you and connected his forehead to yours.
you swear you just melted right then and there. this man is incredibly sweet. you can't really form the words in your mouth yet so you resorted to threading your hands through his soft hair.
when the butterflies finally calmed down, you kissed the tip of his nose and said, "i love you, too."
should i do part 2 from connor x reader's perspective? let me know
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kippinitrl · 5 years
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*•.¸ WHO YOU GONNA CALL!? ¸.•*
Chesni Zaveri, your superhero name is:
Fog Woman - You are an immortal being who has wandered the Earth for thousands of years, acquiring many ancient mystical techniques that have transformed you. Now, you must fight to save humanity, while searching for the truth behind your immortality!
Transformation into Mist - You can change yourself into a mist-like form at will, enabling you to pass through any barrier!
Now, you protect this city of Osaka , while also battling the evil plans of Cold Henry!
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autoprop57 · 2 years
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Bmw 420d Nettoyage Intérieur Extérieur Formules Vip www.autoprop57.com #bmw420d #bmw #420d #Luxembourg #moselle #lorraine #grandest #moselle #meuse #meurtheetmoselle #chesny #passioncars #zeroemission #lavageauto #detaillingauto #carwash #carcare #lavage #frenchcars #detaillingcars #nettoyagevoiture #nettoyageautomobile #detailling #renovationsphares #nettoyagevapeur #detailingpro #mobiledetail #autodetailer #detailingboost #profossioneldetailing #nettoyagevehicule (Chesny, Lorraine, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc8OEJoNv9I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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angualupin · 5 years
i’m about half way through the Battersby biography of Fitzjames and i keep thinking, “Chesny was a fucking idiot and the Euphrates Expedition was an epic disaster, why did Fitzjames sign up for the Franklin Expedition, aka Euphrates mk ii?” but the reality is probably that Fitzjames thought to himself, “well, Franklin is a fucking idiot and this is probably going to be a disaster, but Chesny was a fucking idiot and the Euphrates Expedition was a disaster, and most everyone was fine! i was fine! this is going to be fine!”
oh, who am i kidding. he didn’t think anything of the sort. James Fitzjames never spent that much time in self-reflection in his life.
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bienvenuechezvero · 6 years
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[ H O R S E ] Je vous présente "Innocent". Il est né il y a environ 2 semaines et il est trop chou vous ne trouvez pas ? Sinon ce week-end c'est Pâques et on fête ça en famille histoire de se retrouver. Je vais donc m'atteler en cuisine... Des nids de Pâques sont prévus pour le dessert... miam. Et vous vous faites pâques aussi ? #horse #poulain #pâques #nids #blogueuselorraine #bienvenuechezvero #chesny (à Ecole d'Equitation de Chesny)
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huntymades · 5 years
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like/reblog if you take, thanks.
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crowleplays · 8 years
I love the Band of Horses trolls even tho I hardly talk about them
Each one is based on horses I’ve ridden for long periods of time and built really fucking close bonds to, to the point where I might as well have owned them, so they’re v sentimental to me. (I mean I DO own Asriel and I was going to buy Chesney before he died but shhhh)
I’m v particular with how I want to write them because like, all of them have/had incredibly distinct personalities that I really want to get right.
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