skunkox-fics · 2 months
Until He Gets Tired Of Me Part 1
Edited version of this fic
“Until he gets tired of me.”
That was Darlin's answer anytime someone questioned their relationship with Sam. A piercing but deep pain would shoot through their chest every time they said it. But it was always said in a joking tone and a movement to distract the other person from their face. No one needed to see how that thought may have hurt them. They knew what they were getting into from the jump. 
Vampires don’t age. They don’t make a habit of keeping long connections with humans if any at all. Despite knowing this, Darlin' felt safe. Safer than they had felt in a long time. They found that safety in Sam and were grateful for it. Nothing is ever truly guaranteed, and to have had Sam in their life at all was a blessing and a mercy. He made a promise to stay by their side.The man was no liar and they loved him for that. Him staying was all they could ever hope for.
As much as they hated the thought of Sam ever leaving them, Darlin' could never blame him. They'd fucked up so many times in their life. People’s well being were tested and some had gotten hurt. His Progeny, their friend, and the countless others Quinn had gotten ahold of before his capturing by the Department. They were reckless. In being so, caused Sam to strain himself to care and worry for them.
There were day they wished Sam would just pack up and go. To rid himself of the headache being their presence. But whenever they woke, he was always right there, holding them close and tightly.
He'd never do that, though. It was obvious to anyone who actually bothered to see them together. The tenderness in his eyes. The gentleness of his touch. The vampire was beyond sprung for the wolf. He was happy. Like he was finally healing. Sam wouldn't be going anywhere. Sam learned that about himself very quickly after the first couple of meetings. 
Darlin' knew as well. A part of their brain screamed to believe otherwise. They hadn't done anything to deserve his grace. His patience. His love. Love that was promised to them until the end of their time.
"Do you think Count Yee-Haw will stay?"
The question had been asked once again. This time, by a young boy named Carlos. He had gotten attached to Darlin' as a toddler and was one of the few pack members that was genuinely happy to see them back.
Count Yee-Haw was the nickname the pack kids had given Sam. Only they could call him that, though. It was a name bestowed upon him after the collective decided to put his vamp strength to the test. The poor man was literally dog piled and left to hold and stumble around with a minimum of 8 kids hanging off his frame like ornaments. It was a title he was growing fond of.
"Probably. At least until he gets tired of me." Darlin gave the boy a half-hearted smile and pulled the hood of his jacket over his face. He didn’t need the soured expression on their face. 
Carlos struggled against Darlin’s had that was still on top of his head and growled playfully. Truth was, he knew Darlin’ better than he let on. He had picked up on their scent on the edge of wooded areas before David knew of their return to town. He would always be loyal to the pack, but if Darlin didn’t want to be seen, he wouldn’t rat them out. Not before they were ready.
"I heard some of the adults talking. They said that he wouldn't stay when you get older."  Carlos admitted, irritation all too clear on his voice. "It's stupid. He obviously loves you. And you're happy now. Isn't that enough?" His voice was just above a whisper
The words spoken came from a place of care. Carlos had missed his favorite rebel and defender of Asher's antics. Truth be told, he was worried Darlin' would become uneasy around the pack and got MIA again. They were more stable with the southern vamp at their side.
Darlin' was about ready to hug the kid in an attempt to soothe his nerves. He typically didn’t get openly upset. But a single thought ran through their head. Carlos was a sweet kid, but what he said was just nice? Too nice to come from a tween.
"Besides. I don't think you'll ever stop being weird. And he already talks like an old ma-." Darlin' cut him short with a smack to the back of his head.There it was. Darlin’ couldn't help but smile to themselves. It's not like he was lying. 
"If you think that, why even ask?" They pulled the hood from over his head and he turned to face them.
"Because I know you hear them too. And I don't want you guys to go anywhere."
Sam and Milo were coming back to the main hall. The casual conversation came to a halt when he heard his nickname. The following sentence fell from lips he was all too familiar with. Every vocal cue and tone. And today, it tugged heavy at his heart.
“Sam. Hey, you feelin’ alright? I didn’t think Vamps got sick, but uh…. You’re not lookin’ too hot.” Milo had caught the hurt across Sam’s face before he had the chance to sort himself. 
The vampire was brought back and forced himself to focus on the shifter next to him. He would have to talk with his Mate after they had gotten home. Sam forced a small smile and waved off Milo’s concern. Milo knew not to push too hard with Sam. He was recluse by nature and finally coming out of his shell to the pack. Pushing Sam could very well mean him closing up again. Not to mention that if he did, there was no reason to believe Darlin’ wouldn't either.
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