#chekov x jaylah
bearsinpotatosacks · 5 months
I've got to share a star trek idea, call it an idea for AOS 4.
We open on the crew nearing the end of the five year mission. Jaylah’s on the crew, having finished the Academy in record time (Chekov’s still here because this is a fanfic idea not an actual movie).
Uhura goes to Bones after getting dizzy after falling off her chair during a bit of turbulence during a mission. She goes over her symptoms, talking about her feeling sick and exhausted, getting dizzy and weird cravings. He asks her when she last had her period, she says she can’t remember but thinks it's due to stress. It only clicks what he’s on about Spock going through Pon Farr, and how the precautions they used weren't made with a Vulcan (who can't return to Vulcan no less) going through his first Pon Farr in mind. They do some tests and oops, she’s pregnant.
They keep it a secret, she’s going to keep it but she’s not sure how Spock'll take it with his strange relationship with his species now they're endangered and all. To hide the check ups, they start a ballroom/latin dancing club, they're both pretty proficient. Bones even gets to jokingly flirt with Uhura to annoy Spock.
Spock starts to suspect something, he's about to make a logical investigation when they beam down to a planet for a Prime Directive mission and forget everything.
Jim wakes up remembering who he is, in a house he doesn't own, late for a job he doesn't have. Technology is ancient, like something from a noir film. And he can't find his friends anywhere.
He goes about his life and finds out he's an English professor, Chekov is one of his students but he doesn't know him as Captain Kirk, just his pushy but nice professor. When he goes to remind him, he doesn’t know what he’s on about and walks away.
Jim’s car breaks down, he calls a number and Scotty arrives, a mechanic in debt to a local gang who helps him out. It's only in talking to him that he mistakenly wakes Scotty up from his dream and realises who he is. They realise that they've got to wake everyone up to help them get out.
We cut to Bones, who's an ER doc helping another person after they've been beaten up. Whenever someone asks questions, one Hikaru Sulu comes in, slips money in their pocket, and the questions go away. But not Bones. He’s the only person in this damn hospital you can't buy off, but knows this is known, as he's never allowed on these cases, where people come in battered and bruised and they're too scared to say who did it. The closest he's come is with some scottish mechanic, but even he hadn’t said much apart from a debt being owed.
He sighs, signing out, and goes home, another day of not helping as much as he would want, another day of fighting off the growing corruption in this city. Little does he know, that Scottish Mechanic is sitting nearby, watching him leave and following him home with James T Kirk by his side. They’ve found Dr McCoy and now need to wake him up.
They follow him home, see him go inside and get changed into a freshly pressed suit and walk into town, entering a dark club. They follow him and see how he’s treated like the owner, they take his coat, give him a cigar and light it, his drink is already poured by, wait is that Chekov at the bar?
And who is the singer in this bar? Uhura. She crunes a smooth song (i imagine smooth operator by sade) as he sits, smoking in the darkness and watching her every move. When the song's over, she invites him to dance before she sneaks him backstage. Jim thinks of Spock’s suspicions before shaking them off and sending Scotty to try and work on Chekov, succeeding.
Backstage, Bones helps Uhura, who'd pregnant with the owner of the club's baby. One Mister Spock, who owns most of the town, and has everyone in his pocket. Well, almost everyone, she thinks, looking at Dr McCoy as he gives her more iron tablets and tells her to rest.
They talk about how she’s going to get out. There's only so long she can hide this, there's only so much she can throw Spock off the scent with how much Bones questions the people sent into his ER after Spock orders his men to beat them up.
She talks about trying to run but there being nowhere she can go that he won't follow. She wants her career to go further but knows if she stays in the country, she'll be found.
He tells her that he'll keep trying and leaves, just in time too, as Spock walks in, confidence and cold, cool logic oozing off him.
The plot is a little thinner from here. I know we cut to Jaylah, in someone's office, she’s their every woman, their gun for hire, she's the person Spock sends when things get too dark or difficult for his usual men. In this case, he needs her to get Dr McCoy on his side, be that through violence or sex or blackmail, he doesn’t care, he's become a nuisance and needs stifling.
Jim tries to wake Sulu up but gets beaten up, ending up in Bones' care, who he also fails to wake up. Bones sees to Uhura again, but gets distracted when Jaylah talks to him, they get along, he buys into it and ends up going home with him. They start something, she gets him in bed before threatening him, blackmailing him and bringing up his dead wife and daughter, before getting him to swear that he'll leave Uhura alone and get his nose out of Spock’s business.
Jim meets Jaylah outside and, with Scotty’s help, manages to wake her up. They get her on side and get her to play her role and get to Uhura.
When Bones doesn’t show up for the next few days, Uhura knows Spock’s got to him too. Jaylah walks in, Uhura threatens her but Jaylah, under pressure, lies and, after trying to wake her up and failing, offers to help her get out for a price, saying she's gotten tired of it all.
They make a plan, Uhura will meet Jaylah at the docks, Bones will meet them and they'll go together, all three.
Jim realises they’re running out of time, Spock finds out about the plan. Jaylah fights Sulu and manages to wake him up, Jim gsts through to Bones by mentioning how Joanna and Jocelyn are live. But Spock gets to Uhura first, it's only when she tells him she's pregnant that they both wake up and it all stops.
I think there's also some other element to it, maybe if they don't get off the planet in a week or something then they all get trapped there with their fictional memories?
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Twenty-Four
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Four: Making a Plan
Summary: Bones and Spock reunite with Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov to make a plan. (Y/N) isn't standing by, either.
            Bones looked around himself wildly as he appeared in a strange, old-fashioned Transport Room. His eyes widened as he spotted familiar faces looking at him.
            “Good to see you in one piece, Doctor,” said Scotty, grinning.
            “Oh, am I?” said Bones, touching his chest, unsure. “I feel like my innards have been to a barn dance!”
            “Aye, well, these old transporters were only ever used for cargo, but a few modifications seem to do the trick,” said Scotty. “I thought it best to beam you up one at a time, though. You know, in case you got spliced.”
            Bones looked at Spock. Kirk was supporting him, and, seeing as they were both alive and out of immediate danger, Bones could go back to his usual gruffness.
            “I couldn’t imagine a worse scenario,” said Bones.
            “Good to have you back,” said Kirk, smiling. “You alright?”
            “Yeah, I’m fine.” Bones waved a hand. “He’s hurt.”
            “I am functioning adequately, Captain,” said Spock.
            “In a pig’s eye, you are!” said Bones.
            Spock ignored him. “Captain, we discovered that the stolen artifact appears to have come from this planet.” He stumbled, and Bones and Kirk caught him.
            “Damn it, Spock,” huffed Bones. “Are there any medical supplies on this thing?”
            “This way,” said a woman with white skin and black markings.
            “Alright, lie down,” said Kirk, putting a blanket down on a seat for Spock to rest his head. “There you go.”
            Blood had begun to seep from his wound, and his shirt was wet with green blood once more. Behind Kirk and Spock, Bones rifled through the supplies Jaylah—that Altamid woman—had brought them, and Scotty and Chekov looked on nervously.
            Kirk gazed at Spock. “How are we going to get out of this one, Spock? We’ve got no ship, no crew. Not the best odds…”
            “We will do what we have always done, Jim,” said Spock, the name slipping from him in delirious blood loss. “We will find hope in the impossible.”
            “You sound like (Y/N),” said Kirk, smiling faintly.
            “I hope so,” said Spock. “They are the strength I need.”
            Kirk nodded. “Then we better get you patched up so you can help them,” he said.
            “No, Captain,” said Spock sternly. “You must focus your efforts on helping the crew.” Helping my t’hy’la.
            “Well, that’s why I need you around, Spock,” said Kirk.
            A spark lit up the room, and everyone stared warily at one of the devices in Bones’s hand. He shrugged.
            “These things are from the dark ages,” he said.
            Kirk waved him forward and grimaced. Bones crouched beside Spock and looked at him, holding the strange device.
            “I’m pretty sure this is a protoplaser,” he said. “Should stop the hemorrhaging. At least I hope…”
            “ ‘The miserable have no other medicine but only hope,’ ” quoted Spock as Bones lifted his shirt to examine the wound.
            Kirk looked at Bones in confusion, and Bones sighed.
            “Death’s door, and he’s quoting Shakespeare,” he said, shaking his head incredulously.
            (Y/N) pushed their friends back as best they could as they felt Krall’s angry, burning aura approaching. They had been moved to a cage outside so they could always be watched, and, now, they were trapped with Krall’s wrath.
            “You will tell me where it is!” he roared. “Now!”
            Viciously, he grabbed (Y/N) by the neck and pulled them forward. They fell to their knees as they felt his strange power and devices pulling their energy from them. Uhura and Sulu cried out, and screams and gasps went up through the crowd.
            “Stop it!” said Uhura desperately.
            “Let them go!” said Sulu.
            “Tell me where it is,” snarled Krall.
            Honestly, (Y/N) had no idea where the artifact was, and, even if they did, they wouldn’t tell him. They glared at him with no fear. They had already faced death. It would take a lot more than a threat to their life to scare them.
            “No,” said (Y/N).
            Krall’s grip on them tightened, and more energy seeped from them. In an instinctual reach for strength, (Y/N)’s empathy surged forward. They didn’t like another’s aura reaching into their own, and the sudden pressure in Krall’s mind forced him to let out a roar of pain. He let go of them, and (Y/N) fell to their knees. Quickly, Uhura and Sulu pulled them back as Krall took an angry breath and refocused. Clearly, he hadn’t expected a psychic or a psychic attack. It appeared he was slightly weaker against those.
            (Y/N) was exhausted, but they stored that observation away carefully.
            Krall rounded on them and reached out for another officer. (Y/N) tried to pull their friends back, but Krall got a hold on Sulu and dragged him forward.
            “No!” cried several officers, and fear surged forward at full strength once more.
            (Y/N) winced as their own exhausted energy felt terror press in around them.
            “Tell me where it is,” snapped Krall.
            “Please!” cried an officer. “Let him go, and I’ll give you what you want!”
            “No, Syl, don’t!” said Sulu, staying strong and gritting his teeth.
            But Syl couldn’t let her friends be hurt. The opposable mandible-like formations on her head opened up, and, resting on her head, sat the artifact. Sulu dropped to the ground as Krall let him go, and Uhura crouched by his side to take care of him. Krall reached out and pulled the artifact away. (Y/N) was sickened at the joy that rushed through him. He had another thing he wanted.
            “Lieutenant, unity is not your strength,” sneered Krall. “It is your weakness.”
            He turned and stalked out of the cage. (Y/N) narrowed their eyes as they watched him go.
            “We should wait until we’re absolutely sure,” said Scotty.
            Dressed in an old uniform and properly healed, Spock paced beside Bones. Chekov and Kirk sat on consoles, and Jaylah leaned against a wall. They were all debating what the best course of action was now that they were together and knew the crew was alive—if captured.
            “No, we have to get the crew back now,” said Kirk. “Chekov has the coordinates that can lead us to Krall’s base, so we go!”
            “With respect, sir, how do we know that Krall was at the base when they called him?” said Scotty. “Even if he was, we don’t know that the crew is even with him.”
            “Or even if they’re still alive,” murmured Bones, but, upon seeing Spock stiffen, he quieted on that front.
            “Mr. Chekov,” said Spock. “Can you reconfigure the search parameters in order to compensate for this formula?” He programmed a formula into the computer, and Chekov looked at it.
            “Aye, Commander, but what is this formula?” asked Chekov.
            “It is Vokaya, Mr. Chekov,” said Spock. “A mineral unique to Vulcan which emits low-level radiation.”
            “I will have to filter out all other energy emissions,” said Chekov, programming the computer accordingly.
            “Spock, what the hell would a Vulcan mineral be doing way out here?” asked Bones, furrowing his brow.
            “Where are you going with this?” wondered Kirk.
            “(Y/N) wears a Vokaya amulet which I presented to them as a token of my affection and respect,” said Spock matter-of-factly.
            “You gave your partner radioactive jewelry?” said Bones incredulously.
            “The emission is harmless, Doctor. I would not put (Y/N) at risk,” said Spock. “But its unique signature makes it very easy to identify.”
            “…You gave your partner a tracking device,” amended Bones.
            Everyone stared awkwardly at Spock, who paused as he processed Bones’s words.
            “That was not my intention,” said Spock. Which was the truth. Though, now that he thought about it, it was good that he could track (Y/N) since every time they were left alone they decided to sacrifice themself for others, which was not a healthy habit.
            “I’m glad he doesn’t respect me,” said Bones.
            Spock raised an unimpressed brow.
            The computer behind them beeped, and everyone faced it. The new formula had a precise location.
            “Huh. I am detecting a trace amount of Vokaya,” confirmed Chekov.
            “Does the location match the coordinates you acquired from Kalara, Mr. Chekov?” asked Spock.
            “It is a match, sir,” said Chekov.
            “Its presence suggests that (Y/N) and thereby the rest of the crew are being held at Krall’s base of operation,” said Spock.
            “Can you beam them out?” asked Kirk.
            “No, sir, there is some geological interference that is blocking the transporter signal,” said Chekov regretfully.
            “Well, I guess we’re gonna have to go in and break them out the old-fashioned way,” said Kirk.
            “You cannot go to this place,” said Jaylah harshly. “Everyone who goes there, he kills.”
            “You’ve…You’ve been there? You’ve seen it?” said Kirk.
            “Well, why didn’t you say something, lassie?” asked Scotty.
            “Because I know you will ask me to take you there,” said Jaylah. “If your friends are there, then they will die, just like my family. And I will not go back to that death place!”
            “Aye, but if you escaped, then you can show us the way in and the way out,” said Scotty, as gently as he could.
            “No! That is not the deal we made, Montgomery Scotty!” said Jaylah. “If you choose to do this, you do it on your own.” She brushed past them.
            “Wait!” said Scotty.
            “Let her go,” said Kirk.
            Scotty faced him and shook his head. “She’s lost people, too, Captain.” He followed Jaylah out.
            Kirk, Bones, and Spock exchanged looks.
            “Do you think we can do it, Spock?” said Kirk.
            “With enough information, we will have a chance, although it will be very, very small,” said Spock. But he didn’t care how small it was. He was going to get back to (Y/N).
            “We’ll save them, Spock,” said Kirk firmly. He knew what Spock was thinking about—who he was thinking about.
            Spock nodded. Although he knew the chances were slim, his heart refused to give up on (Y/N)—and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
            Luckily, Scotty was convincing, and, after Jaylah also got a moment to speak to Kirk, she willingly decided to help them. She clearly remained hesitant, but she also seemed to believe that they out of all people had a chance to stop Krall.
            “The digging machines uncovered a tunnel that goes into the crater,” explained Jaylah, gesturing to a makeshift diagram. “That’s how I got out.”
            “So that’ll be our way in,” said Kirk. “An away team will beam to the other side of the tunnel, follow it to Krall’s base, get inside the building, and break out the crew.”
            “Uh, Captain, we cannot lock onto anyone inside the crater in order to beam them out,” said Chekov.
            “Oh, I could rig up pulse beacons as pattern enhancers,” offered Scotty. “That’d get the signal out of the crater.”
            “Alright,” said Chekov, smiling.
            “How many people can the Franklin transport at a time?” asked Kirk.
            “With a wee bit of modification, twenty max, but I’m not sure how long it would hold out,” said Scotty.
            “Bones, Mr. Chekov, Jaylah, you’re with me on the away team,” said Kirk. “Mr. Scott, modify that transporter and then do everything you can to get this ship operational.”
            “Captain, Mr. Chekov’s technical acumen makes him more valuable aboard the Franklin with Mr. Scott,” said Spock. “It is thereby logical that I would replace him.”
            That was a decent argument, but…
            “How is that logical, Spock? You just got back on your feet,” said Kirk.
            “(Y/N) is in that facility, Jim,” said Spock, voice softer than Kirk had heard it. It was a barely perceptible change, but it spoke volumes for his feelings regarding (Y/N).
            Bones smiled slightly and nodded to Kirk. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”
            “Understood,” said Kirk, nodding and giving his acceptance of Spock going with the away party.
            “But his soldiers are everywhere,” said Jaylah. “We won’t pass unseen.”
            “What we require is a diversion,” said Spock.
            Kirk paused as everyone considered. Then, he smirked. “I have an idea.”
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thesconesyard · 6 months
got sum star trek questions for ya :)
🌀 If the holodeck was real, what would be the first thing you'd use it for?
🖖 First Trek media you encountered?
👋 What's n actor, writer or creator on the show you'd love to meet?
❤️ What are your ST comfort character/s?
Oooo! Giddily clapping over here 😁😁
🌀If the holodeck was real? First off, five minutes of quiet peace all by myself, alone, no hubs or little or kids from work or coworkers or random grocery store people, just ME and ME only. Probably a nice beach scene, waves rolling in quietly, warm sand between my toes, just the right amount of warm, little palm tree shade maybe. Then, after my five minutes of wonderful solitude, maybe something fun like a tea party (with sausage rolls from my favorite tea house that shut down 😫 [boo covid] and that prosecco I had at The Empress). Who’s coming to my tea party? Number one invite? Graham Chapman. I want to pick that man’s brain. After that maybe some fictional characters (can I have a Benji Dunn meets Scotty moment? lol!)
🖖 First Trek Media encountered? So back a few years when I actually went to the gym to go running (and when I actually still ran… maybe I should try that again…) I decided it was easier to run if I was watching something. Cutting to the chase, after I finished The X-Files again, I wanted something that would occupy most of an hour and decided why the hell not watch The Original Series of Star Trek. So I did. Then I got lazy and had a kid and quit my gym membership cause kids be expensive and that money was better used elsewhere and outside is free to run in. Long story to say The Original Series 😁
👋 Who’d I want to meet from the shows? All of them? DeForest Kelley for sure, Simon Pegg definitely, Nichelle Nichols, I think it’s obvious Karl Urban.
❤️ Who’s a comfort character? Dr. McCoy, Scotty and Jaylah. Oh and why not throw in a bit of Chekov. He’s a fun little guy.
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dawnquafam · 5 years
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Cheylah in Star Trek Beyond (2016)
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incorrect-star-trek · 4 years
Jaylah: He wants to talk about his feelings... I’m not good at that.
Chekov: I’m just... Feeling so hurt and shocked and I don’t know how to react and... Are you climbing out the window?
Jaylah (climbing out the window): No.
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annoyedfanfiction · 5 years
Jim Kirk x fem!reader (18/could be read as part 1 of its own story)
“I have a question,” Bones announced to the table at breakfast. The other four of you raised an eyebrow at him. “Ooh that’s creepy. Anyway, you two–” he gestured between yourself and Spock, “–are what, distant half-cousins? How come (Y/N) doesn’t do any of the freaky Vulcan voodoo?” “Romulans and Vulcans evolved from the same ancestors,” Spock answered, evenly, “However at the time that Romulans left Vulcan after choosing to reject the principles of Surak, telepathy was highly frowned upon. It is likely that the split was clan-based in some way, given the militaristic nature of our ancient society, and therefore it is possible that none of the clans that left possessed the genetic material required to develop and pass on telepathy.” “Basically,” you shrugged, “Although, given the taboo, it was difficult to know who was telepathic and who wasn’t as no one with any sense admitted to being telepathic. There are undoubtedly some telepaths on Romulus, or at least, those capable of being telepaths with significant training, but the Tal Shiar isn’t exactly keen on difference or dissidence, so the majority would keep quiet about it.” Here, Spock turned on you, quizzically. “Undoubtedly seems an inaccurate assessment, Ambassador,” he hedged, frowning, “There is a 76.4% chance that given a clan-based split and the intrusive nature of the Tal Shiar government there would be no telepaths on Romulus.” You smiled, distantly, and sank back into your chair. “The majority of them keep quiet,” you admitted, eventually, too quiet for the rest of the table, but you knew Spock could hear you. “My mother left.”
“Fascinating.” Spock tilted his head, curiously.  “What’s fascinating?” Jim demanded, eyes flicking between the two of you. “What did you say?” “My mother was telepathic.” You picked awkwardly at your lunch. “That’s why she left Romulus.” “Are you telepathic?” Uhura inquired, as Bones delighted over Spock being wrong for once. “Strangely, yeah,” you huffed, rubbing the back of your neck. “My Dad’s side, though almost entirely human, had a weird kind of run in with Betazoids in a few of my great-great-grandfather’s many affairs. We’ve never really been sure who was whose kid, but I had a DNA test and apparently Dad passed on the Beta genes. That made me extra-receptive to telepathic genes – with and without touch. I shield all the time, don’t worry! I’m not reading anyone’s mind.” “Woah wait I’ve been kissing a telepath for three years without knowing it?” Jim interjected, incredulously. You winced, finally looking over at him apologetically, but finding only blatant amusement in his blue eyes. “Is this why you always beat me at chess?” “You are currently on an eight match winning streak,” you pointed out, not even trying to keep the relief from your voice. “And since you don’t plan your strategy ahead anyway, what would be the point of reading your mind?” He grinned, and threw an arm over your shoulders. “Hang on, hang on,” Bones interrupted the peaceful moment, yet again. “More important than your bloody chess, does this mean you’re gonna have to do the bonding shit if you ever want to get married?” “Thinking ahead as always, Bones.” Jim rolled his eyes. “Bonding is not part of Romulan culture,” you answered, simply, “And I’m not exactly the epitome of Romulan culture anyway. I theoretically could bond or mind meld with someone, but I don’t need to any further than humans bond.”
“Fascinating,” Spock repeated. “You don’t need any of the telepathic connections Vulcans require from infancy?” “Not in the sense of “bonding” in the Vulcan manner. We form them naturally, the same way humans do.” The whole table stared at you, blankly. “Humans don’t form telepathic bonds,” Bones pointed out, eventually. You blinked. “Of course you do,” you frowned, folding your arms. “They aren’t as strong as those of psionic species, obviously, but natural ties form between the minds of close humans. Friends, family, crew members. You can’t communicate with one another, or even detect them, necessarily, but they contribute to your intuition, interpersonal connection, and emotional responses. Have you not experienced this phenomenon, Spock?” “I made the assumption that the formation of a bond was unique to the combination of psionic and psi-null individuals,” he mused, placidly. “Although, given the nature of Vulcan bonding, they did not form spontaneously, possibly due to my shields, but were easily cemented through conscious bonding.” “So you’re telling me the reason I can tell when Jim’s being an idiot–” Jim opened his mouth to protest, but shut it pretty quickly when Bones shot him a glare. “–is because we have a telepathic bond?” “Well, it’s not necessarily telepathic in the connotative sense we use it, but following the strict definition of telepathy as ‘a communication by means other than the known senses’, then yeah.” Bones hummed, thoughtfully, though he didn’t look convinced. “And I’m not an idiot!” Jim grumbled, as you all stood to start your shift. Bones scoffed, but refrained from commenting.
“What do you mean we’ve lost contact?” Sulu sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That asteroid storm is travelling 30m/second and if we don’t move now it’s going to hit the ship as well as the planet!” “We need to get out of orbit,” you pointed out, voice calmer than you felt. “Ze storm is producing an unprecedented amount of electromagnetic energy, sir,” Chekov added, from the scanner, “If ze ship is hit, zere will be interference with the working of ze warp core and engine.” “We can’t just leave them all down there!” Sulu protested. “That’s not what I was suggesting.” The ship lurched against an incoming wave of electromagnetic energy again, and Sulu sprang from the Captain’s chair to take over the helm from the petty officer who’d replaced him. “You have the conn,” he instructed you, taking his usual seat. “What are you planning?” “Scotty!” You crossed the room and pressed the comm on the Captain’s chair. “Wha’ can I do fer ya?” His voice was strained, but the familiar lilt was reassuring nonetheless. “I need you to try and diffuse the electromagnetic interference well enough to manage long-distance transport. I’m sending Chekov down.” Chekov stood and made his way to the turbo lift quickly. “Aye. I cannae make any promises, lass, but we’ll try.” You could hear him already tinkering in the background. “That’s all I can ask, Mr Scott,” you smiled, warmly, flicking off the comm. “Sulu, I need you to move us into orbit around the second moon.” “Aye.” He programmed the console expertly as you folded your legs into the Captain’s chair, sitting criss-cross and watching the ship turn away from the planet. “Ensign Taylor, continue trying to make contact with the landing party,” you instructed the young comms officer. He nodded, turning back to his console, and you straightened your posture in the Captain’s chair, reaching into the depths of your mind to pull out your bond with Jim.
“Nothing,” Uhura sighed, again, snapping her comm closed. “Captain, we’re completely out of contact.” “There is an unusual amount of electromagnetic interference which is not constituted by the planet’s atmosphere, Captain,” Spock informed him, tricorder beeping in his hands.  “Electromagnetic storms are rarely planetary,” Jim pointed out, scanning the dry, flat landscape around them. “Uhura, keep trying.” You pulled at the back of his mind, and he frowned, scrutinising the empty landscape once again. –Not there, in here, idiot! – you snapped, pulling at him once again. –James Tiberius Kirk, I swear– –(Y/N)?– You visibly relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief that had Sulu raising an eyebrow as he finalised the orbit. –Anything high near you? Convenient mountain? Heck, even a boulder?– you questioned, brusquely. –We’ve had to leave orbit- – “You what?” He didn’t realise he’d said it out loud until Spock looked up from his tricorder. Uhura had already noticed his sudden silence and was watching him curiously.  –Say hi to Spock and Uhura from me– you laughed, feeling him sigh. –There’s an asteroid storm headed your way, it was going to hit the ship. It’s producing a weird amount of electromagnetic radiation which is interfering with our comms - and our transporters. Chekov, Jaylah, and Scotty are working on beaming you up. I’ve gotta go, we’ve got a scanner alert coming in. Just shout if you need me. Mentally, of course, wouldn’t want to damage Spock’s sensitive ears– “Well, apparently the source of our problems is an asteroid storm.” Jim refocused on his companions, noting somewhat more disappointedly that there was no cover on this stupid planet. “Asteroid storms do not typically produce significant electromagnetic radiation.” Spock tilted his head, as close to a frown as ever. “Scans show that the electromagnetic radiation is emanating from a generator in the centre of the asteroid storm,” the petty officer – Hanson – explained. “That generator can only be artificial, but there are no known species this far out that are technologically capable of producing it. The closest society capable of that would be–” “–Romulus,” you finished, grimly. Her ponytail bounced as she nodded. “I just love family reunions.”
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unicat-w · 7 years
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hogwarts au is always awesome
Does anyone ship khan/scotty? because I am.
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illogicalpunkwrites · 4 years
What Water Gave Me
Hello everyone! This one is...interesting. I dunno, have fun! Thank you for reading and please let me know if you would like to be tagged!
Pairings: Leonard McCoy x Kirk!Reader
Rating: M (18+)
Warning: Sex pollen, smut, ABO dynamics, cursing, angst
Words: 4.4K
Tags: @bloodangelballerina @theweepingvulcan91
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None of you found out about it until it was too late. Visiting a new planet was always exciting, especially when it was far different from Earth. None of the biologists knew what would happen when the crew drank the water until the first person started showing symptoms. That first person was none other than
your brother and the captain, Jim Kirk. He started behaving erratically, nearly pushing over other people to make sure Carol wasn’t messed with. She started to sweat and you hurried over to pull them away from each other. While you and Jim used to rough house in your younger days, you weren’t used to him actually trying to fight you. He got a couple of hits in, some of them really hurting you before you were able to gather yourself.
“Jim!” You yelped as he swung at you again, ducking just in time. You swept your leg out from under him, sending him to the ground so some members of your security team could hurriedly incapacitate him.
“No! Let him go!” Carol sobbed.
“Get Jim to his quarters and lock him in using the override!” You barked. You made a hysterical Carol sit down in the Captain’s chair and wiped her forehead. She started squirming in the seat and you kept trying to ask her questions, but she only called for Jim. Calling him…alpha?
“Uhura, call Bones and tell him what’s going on. Tell the same thing to Science Division.” You didn’t hear a response and looked over the top of the chair. “Nyota?” She was fanning herself, looking at Spock whose knuckles were blanched white as he gripped the console. “Sulu, can you leave your station for a minute and get Spock to his quarters? He might try to fight you but he seems okay right now.” He was the right person to ask. With what information you gathered, anyone who had any sort of partner was susceptible to what was going on. Luckily, his was back on Earth.
“What do you think’s going on?”
“I’m not sure, I’ll get those two back to their quarters and call medbay-”
“Sciences to Bridge.” The console beeped in and you sighed.
“This is Commander Kirk, report.” You demanded, already overwhelmed with what little you had dealt with in such a short amount of time.
“We’ve tested some samples from the planet and found something interesting. The water contains some sort of hormone that-“
“Drives people insane?”
“It establishes A/B/O dynamics within the population.”
“What the hell does that mean?” You asked incredulously.
“Alpha, Beta, and Omega dynamics, Commander.” Spock explained, his voice strained as Sulu led him to the elevator.
“No don’t take him!” Nyota got up to head towards the elevator but you jumped over to grab the back of her dress. “No! Alpha!” The doors closed and you let her go to nearly paw at them. Her dress was soaked through with sweat and a puddle of…something was forming underneath her.
“Medbay to bridge!” Leonard’s voice came through, sounding frustrated and tired.
“Bones, it’s (Y/N)! What’s going on?”
“I’ve got people trying to kill me down here on one side of the room and people crying on the other.”
“Are they all couples?”
“Most of them, their partners came and found them. I don’t think they liked me being near ‘em”
“We need to get everyone affected in their quarters, apparently the water establishes A/B/O dynamics.”
“My god.” He groaned. Normally, you would’ve laughed but you were highly stressed.
“I’ll send a security team down there to help out. Kirk out.” You explained before switching over to the ship wide intercom. “This is Security Commander Kirk, I need all personnel that drank water from Ni-bu to go to their private quarters immediately. If you do not follow orders you will be forcibly moved by security. I repeat, leave your stations and return to your quarters immediately.” You ended the call and grabbed Nyota and Carol. You got into the elevator and pulled out your communicator. “Kirk to Sciences division, please tell me there’s a cure for this thing.”
“We’ll have to go to K-7 for that, good thing is we’re not the only ones that have dealt with this. There was another planet like the one we were at that The Pegasus had to deal with.”
“Alright, I’ll tell Chek-“ You stopped and shook your head, knowing how flirtatious the Russian was. “I’ll get back up there and set the coordinates.” Pulling your friends along was like pulling two feisty Chihuahuas: they kept pulling away from you, kept yelping for their alphas, and at one point Carol actually bit you. Once that chore was done, you sprinted back up to the bridge to put in the coordinates and called for Sulu.
“Hikaru, you alright?”
“A little scraped up but I’m fine. Security’s doing a good job down here, some of your workers are affected by it though.”
“You think you can stay down there and help them out? I’m working on getting Bridge settled down.”
“You got it, but you owe me big time.”
“Next round’s on me when we get to K-7.” You chuckled before calling out. “Alright Chekov, let’s-“
“ENGINEERING TO BRIGE!” Jaylah screeched and your blood left your body. You had nearly forgotten about engineering. A large section of them went to Ni-bu to help fix some of the infrastructure and technology.
“Jaylah, are you alright?”
“Everyone down here is going crazy! Security is here but there is not nearly enough of them! I need help!”
“Where’s Scotty?”
“He went to go find Lieutenant Mira!” You groaned and grabbed Chekov by the back of his shirt while some other people from security grabbed most of the bridge.
“I’ll be down there as soon as I can, keep doing what you’re doing!”
Hours later, the whole situation was defused with everyone who was affected locked in their rooms. Those who didn’t seem affected, the Betas, roamed around the halls like dead men walking. Sanitation swept and mopped the halls where puddles of “slick” had been left. You dragged your feet and nearly your entire body ached by the amount of times you had either been rammed into, hit, or bit by your crew mates. You saw Sulu and you gave each other a congratulatory hug.
“You owe me so much more than a round of drinks. This is not in my job description.” He mumbled, making you laugh.
“Thank you so much.” While most of your team had been okay, it had dwindled down severely by the time engineering was wrangled off. Scotty surprised you with how wily he was, giving you a run for your money. Thankfully, Jaylah helped you out and you threw him into his office.
Sulu pulled away and looked up and down at you, you had some cuts here and there and were bruised up. While it wasn’t the worst your body had faced, you’d still seen better days.
“Go to Medbay, Kirk. Your job is done for now and I’m sure McCoy could see a friendly face.” You smiled weakly and made your way down. When you came to the door it didn’t slide open so you knocked instead.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me! Lemme in!” After a few beeps on the PADD, the door slid open and you hurried in before it locked back behind you. You saw Leonard at his desk with a bottle of whiskey. His shirt was torn in some places and you could see the beginnings of a black eye. “Well, Doc, you look like you had an eventful day.” He snorted in response and poured you a glass.
“Please tell me we’ll get to K-7 soon.”
“We should be there by tomorrow morning. Sulu’s gonna get some rest before so he can get us in. I think the plan is for medbay to come to us to give us the hypospray.” You explained and took a large gulp, feeling the burn go down your throat. Leonard looked at the bruise on your jaw and you shrugged.
“It was Jim, nothing I can’t handle.”
“And the bites?”
“Carol, Scotty, and some others I can’t even remember.”
“Scotty bit you?”
“I had him in a choke hold.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “The female Alphas gave me a run for my money.”
“I think I can add this to the list of reasons why I hate space.” He finished up his drink and went to go grab a med kit to sterilize the wounds. You’d have to wait a couple of days to get the scars removed.
“Because it makes people unbelievably horny?” He laughed at that one, making you smile. “I’m glad that it wasn’t a free for all though, people were focused on either their partners or the people they’ve had a crush on.”
“My god I don’t even want to imagine what it would’ve been like if it’d been a free for all.”
“But I’m surprised, Len. You struck me as an Alpha.” You joked.
“I thought you’d be an Alpha.” He retorted. “You’re the one the one that fights everything.”
“I do not! I only fight when it’s needed!”
“Which is why you’re in here so often.” You finished off the whiskey and held out your left arm where one of the bites was. “You need to be more careful.”
“Hey, I didn’t know Carol would bite me!” You replied with a smile.
“I wonder why though? No one tried to bite me.”
“I’m the hotter one of the Kirk siblings?”
“Okay, I’m with you there.”
“I have to say, I like you a little roughed up. You look like an action hero.” He chuckled and knelt on the ground in front of you, antiseptic in hand.
You felt something when he touched you, something stirring within you. You tried to shake it off but you couldn’t as it grew. As he cleaned your wounds you could feel your body temperature rising and you became incredibly uncomfortable. As you looked at him you could see him tense up with his brows furrowing even more than they usually did and his grip on you tightening. You started squirming in your seat, your inner thighs becoming coated with something as you looked at Leonard. Oh god, was that slick? Once he was done with all of the open wounds he put his kit to the side shakily. You realized, even in your foggy state, he was trying to maintain composure. Your slick dripped down to the floor, making it hard for both of you to ignore. Now you realized what you both were and why neither of you had experienced symptoms all day. He was an Alpha, and you were his Omega.
“Leonard.” You whispered, nearly whined. He looked back at you and then to the bruise on your jaw. He brought his fingers to it and pressed on it gently, making you wince.
“You’re burning up.” He stated softly, his breathing picking up and voice gravelly. “You need to leave.”
When he said that, everything in your system freaked out. You leapt on him from the chair, wrapping your arms around his neck and straddling him. He caught you with his fingers against your ribs.
“Leonard, please.” You started kissing his neck, making his fingertips dig into you. He smelled so good, like something homey and warm with a splash of whiskey,  and you couldn’t help but grind yourself against his hard cock. He let out a stuttered moan, his composure melting away as he felt your unbelievably wet pussy against him. “Alpha!” You cried softly.
That’s when it snapped away, Leonard picked you up and you wrapped your legs around him. He hurried over to his private office and you two fell onto his little cot, his lips smashing into yours. You moaned and arched your body into his, wanting as much contact as possible. His tongue slid into your mouth as you kicked your boots off and worked on his shirt.
“Off.” You whimpered. He sat back away from you and pulled down the zipper on your dress before sliding it off of you. You pulled his shirt off and pulled him back to you as he worked on the clasp of your bra.
“Such a pretty little ‘mega.” He slurred before laving his tongue down your bruised jaw, pain not even resonating with you at this point. He dropped your bra to the side, kissing and nipping down your neck and collarbone. His tongue circled around your nipple before sucking it into his mouth, kneading the other one with his hand. He was rougher than you thought he would be, teething at your pebbled nipple. You wondered if he was like this all the time. You rocked your hips up against him, wanting more than just that.
“Alpha, please!” You whined, making him chuckle. His hands drifted down the sides of your body to grip the elastic of your panties and pull them down your legs. He started pressing wet kisses down your stomach as his hands spread your legs to slot himself between them. You felt his breath against your pussy and you squirmed towards him, thighs enclosing around his head.
“God, you look-“ He didn’t even finish his sentence before burying his head in between your legs, his tongue circling your clit and tasting your slick. You arched your back and wove your fingers into his hair as an unruly moan escaped you. You felt your pussy growing even wetter and he groaned against you, the vibrations sending ripples through you. He sucked your clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue against it.
“Fuck! Alpha!” He looked up at you as you pulled his hair. “Please, need your cock, need your cock!”
You’d never begged like this before and you were sure you wouldn’t have if you weren’t in this state. He crawled back up your body and you pulled his head down to yours to kiss him, tasting yourself. Your hands shot down to his work pants and you palmed his straining cock, making him gasp into your mouth. You shakily undid the button and zipper before pulling them down and seeing his erection bob against his stomach. Your breathing got even heavier as he helped pull his pants off the rest of the way, his shoes thudding as they hit the ground. You leaned up to kiss and nip at his neck as you stroked his cock, trying to lead him to your pussy.
“Shit darlin’, Omega-“ He cut himself off with a grown and pulled your hand away, taking his cock in his hand and rubbing it against your pussy to coat it in slick. You needed more. You locked your legs around his waist and pulled him as close to you as you possibly could. “You ready, my Omega?”
“Please, Alpha.” You whispered as he kissed your forehead. Then you felt his cock enter you slowly, stretching you perfectly and making you keen against him. He breathed out loudly and slowly as he seated himself fully inside of you, your fingernails digging into his back. The both of you stayed just like that for a moment or two, foreheads against each other and breathing heavily. He leaned down to kiss you and you swore you had never felt so loved and protected. You started rocking your hips against his and he took the hint, rolling his hips back so that he was almost completely out of you before rutting back in. “Yes!”
“Feel so good, ‘mega” He slurred against you, starting a slow rhythm. But still you needed more. Your head lolled to the side, exposing your neck to him and he leaned down to suck your pulse point into his mouth. He started thrusting faster into you, hitting that spot inside of you that made you let out high pitched noises into his ear. His pubic bone rubbed against your clit deliciously and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer. You felt like you couldn’t even speak anymore as your pussy started tightening even more around him, making him quiver a little. He looked down at you and you brought your hands to his face and neck to caress him more as your body bounced with his thrusts.
“Close, Alpha.” You warned and he leaned down to kiss you. The coil in your lower belly tightened even more and one more perfectly angled thrust did you in, a puddle of slick soaking into the sheets as you felt tingling flood your body. You cried out into Leonard’s mouth as your entire body stiffened with the intensity of your orgasm. Leonard’s thrusts started becoming sloppy and his grip on your body tightened. As you rode your high, something in the back of your mind still wanted more.
“Cum inside me” His eyes widened before gripping your thighs to put your legs over his shoulder, leaning towards you so you were folded. You shrieked out and threw your head back at him suddenly being so unbelievably deep. His arms wrapped around you as you bit his tanned shoulder, making him gasp into your ear and his hips stuttered against yours. With one final deep thrust, you felt his hot cum coat your walls. You whimpered at your oversensitivity but finally felt satiated, almost complete in a way. His body went limp against yours but you didn’t loosen your grip, neither did he. Your fever went away and the slick seemed to have stopped, but you wanting him didn’t.
You knew it was early when you woke up, but you weren’t sure how much longer you had before you docked at K-7. You felt sore all over, sticky, and still beyond tired. However, your head was fairly clear and you weren’t feeling feverish. You looked behind you and saw Leonard still asleep with his arm around you. You felt your heart drop as you realized that the night before really did happen, it wasn’t some hormone ridden dream.
You’d always been attracted to Leonard, even if he was a bit neurotic (something you still adored about him). However, you wanted to respect Leonard as a friend, coworker, and best friend of Jim’s. You couldn’t imagine how Jim would feel if you and Leonard started dating. There was also always the dreaded what ifs. What if you two broke up? How would your friends and Jim deal with that? You were also in a high stakes job. What if you seriously got injured, or worse? What if he never even felt the same way?
Also, being completely overrun by foreign hormones was not how you want you two to get together anyway.
So, as you Kirks do, you decided to get out before more awkwardness could come or having to face the difficult consequences of your actions. Luckily, Leonard seemed to be a heavy sleeper but you could feel a fever beginning to creep on you again as his arm tried to tighten on you. You felt your heart ache as even the non-Omega part of you wanted to stay. But if you did, what happened wouldn’t be just between the two of you. Someone would walk in and know what had happened. You didn’t even bother putting on your underwear or shoes, just your red dress before unlocking the doors with his PADD and sneaking back to your quarters to lock yourself in. You were breathing harshly, the fever hitting you pretty hard, and you slid down your door to the ground.
“Computer, air conditioning at full capacity.” The fans whirred around you as you tried not to think of Leonard.
Leonard woke up with a groan and stretched against his cot. He felt around his bed for you, but shot up when he didn’t find you. He looked around the room and saw that your underwear and boots were still in his room. He kind of wanted to laugh, thinking about how you probably bolted out of there. He thought you were probably embarrassed about the whole thing. A nagging part of his brain said it was probably because you regretted it entirely. He had always liked you, but for the sake of Jim he kept it more friendly and professional. Perhaps it was best to just forget about it. Better that than a repeat of another failed relationship.
“Dr. McCoy? This is Nurse Chapel from the K-7 research lab. We’re here to give you the hypospray.” He hurriedly put on his clothes and kicked your things under the cot before letting the nurse in.
A couple of days later, you hurried to the bridge to return some reports of the events to Jim. You had avoided medbay like the plague and unbeknownst to you, a couple of friends took notice. As you handed the PADD to Jim, he looked at your healing jaw and cringed once again.
“I’m sorry.”
“I know, asshole, you say it every time you see me.” You chided playfully. He looked at the rest of the scars left on your body from the others and raised an eyebrow at you.
“You can probably get those taken care of, y’know?”
“I know, I just haven’t found the time with writing this shit up.” You replied and he chuckled, waving you away. You smoothed out your skirt and went to the elevator, but Sulu slid in before the doors closed.
“Oh hey! What’s up?”
“What’s up with you? You always get your scars fixed up and Uhura knows for a fact that you’ve had enough time.”
“Are you two gossiping behind my back?” You replied and he crossed his arms at his chest. “Maybe I want to keep the scars.”
“You want to keep scars in the shape of bite marks?” He replied flatly and you shrugged. The doors opened again and He grabbed your arm. “That’s it, I’m taking you to medbay.”
“No!” You panicked and pulled away from him.
“What in the world’s going on?” He asked incredulously, and you looked around. “Did something happen the day we went to Ni-bu?” You opened your mouth but quickly shut it.
“I’ll tell you what happened, just not here.”
“C’mon!” He pulled you into a nearby closet and locked the door behind him. You paced what little you could in the space and he sighed. “Would you just tell me?”
“I thought I was okay. I didn’t have any of the symptoms so I thought I was a Beta. After everything settled down I went to medbay like you told me to get my cuts cleaned up.” Sulu quickly put two and two together, especially after days of suspicion.
“You weren’t a Beta and neither was he.” You shook your head. “And, lemme guess, you left in the morning?”
“I didn’t know what else to do.” You nearly whispered. “I fucked up.”
“Yeah, you did. Kirk, you gotta fix this. You have to talk to him. You can’t avoid medbay forever.”
“I can try.”
“I know you’re right! I just don’t know what to do.” He wrapped an arm around you and you leaned into him.
“Just go in there.”
Leonard was reading from his PADD in his quarters when he heard a knock on the door. He put it down on his bedside table before letting it open and saw you. His black eye was healing nicely, but he winced when he widened them in surprise.
“Uh, hey.” You started, already wanting to punch yourself.
Fuck, this was awkward.
“Can I come in?” He stood to the side and you stepped in, the door closing behind you.
“If you’re here for your clothes and boots there under my cot in my office.”
“Thanks but that’s not why I’m here.” You stood there, trying to keep from fidgeting. “I wanted to talk about what happened, and before you say anything I know I shoulda stayed. I wanted to stay but-“ You broke off and sat down in his arm chair. You felt like if you kept standing then you’d pass out.
“But what? I’ve been wonderin’ why you didn’t stay, myself.” He said and you nodded.
“And I shouldn’t have done that to you.” You looked down at your clasped hands and tried to swallow the nervousness radiating in your body. “Leonard, I’ve always liked you. I’ve always been attracted to you.” You didn’t see the surprised look that crossed his face. “But I was always afraid of what would happen. I mean, you know me and Jim: we’re both terrified of relationships and I know that you’re wary of them after how things went in your marriage. I’ve always wanted to respect that.” You didn’t realize you had started to ramble. “And Jim is another thing! That ass is always so protective over me and you’re his best friend! That’s a conundrum just for him! Does he kick your ass or lock me in my cabin or both?! Not to mention we’re in space and it’s probably one of the most dangerous places ever!” You finally looked at him and saw him chuckling, hiding his face behind his hand. “Why the hell are you laughing? I’m pouring my heart out here!”
“Because you sound like me, dammit!” He smiled and you stared at him incredulously. “Go on, finish up. I gotta talk some time.” You shook your head at him and stood up.
“Fine, you want me to finish? I didn’t want to wake up and hear you talk about how it was a mistake because just thinking about that fucking kills me. I wanted it to happen, maybe not like that but I wanted…something like that to happen. There, I’m done.” You stood there and waited for him to say something, but he didn’t. “Well you said you had to talk.” You looked back up at him expectantly and his eyes had softened, he wasn’t smiling anymore.
“I didn’t know you felt that way and...as much as I didn’t think that this is the way things would happen, I don’t regret that it did. I’ve wanted to be with you for so long but everything’s complicated. But I wanna give it a shot because I can’t imagine not being with you.” Tears welled in your eyes at his confession and you threw yourself at him, taking in his warmth.
“I want to be with you, Len.” 
“As long as you promise you won’t run away again, darlin’.” You smiled up at him and kissed him softly.
“I promise…Alpha.” He stiffened against you and you laughed. He smiled and captured your lips in his, holding you tightly against him. “You think you could get rid of my scars first?” You squealed as he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around him.
You two would just have to deal with everything else later.
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wilderyorkes · 7 years
Sunflowers [p.c.]
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This is also kind of a soulmate au where if you see each other’s tattoo, they go from black & white to color.
Summary: Stranded on Altamid and running out of time, Jaylah decides it’s the perfect time to talk about your love life.
“The bubbly one, he is your mate yes?”
You sat up straight, banging your head on the console you were trying to fix. “What?”
You put down your wrench as you reached for your sonic driver, rummaging through your bag before Jaylah handed it to you.
It was time to put Jim’s plan in motion and save the crew, but first, you, Scotty, and Chekov had to modify the old beam pad so that it could transport people.
Jaylah had joined you, curious to see how her ship was being modified, when Chekov and Scotty darted away, being needed in another part of the ship.
“He is your mate no?” Jaylah asked again.
You flinched as you absentmindedly rubbed at your wrist, where your sunflower tattoo was carefully hidden under your sleeve.
“I don’t know,” you muttered, picking up the sonic driver.
“How you not know?” Jaylah questioned. “Have you not seen his?”
“No Jaylah,” you sighed. “I haven’t. And no one on this ship has ever seen mine, except for Dr. McCoy.”
Jaylah seemed surprised at your words. “I assumed you two were mated. You look at each other the way only mates do.”
You didn’t answer as Pavel walked back and joined you. Instead you shot him a smile and ducked back under the console, missing the way Jaylah smirked as she noticed Pavel watching you.
“You ready kid?” Jim asked you.
You didn’t respond, instead choosing to tighten your arms around his waist as he took off.
The shots came immediately as Krall’s men tried to get rid of you. You immediately took out your phaser, shooting back at them before leaping off the motorcycle.
Everything was a blur, and you could feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you ran around, fighting for both yours and the crew’s life.
You eventually found yourself face to face with one of Krall’s henchmen.
You pulled out your comm, shouting for Scotty. “How many people are left Scotty?”
“They are almost clear,” came the tinny Russian accent.
“Pavel?” You questioned.
“Okay, how is everyone else?”
“You have your beacon, all you need to do is get to Jaylah and the Captain.”
You nodded slightly before hiding your comm, barely dodging Krall’s friend.
You turned and shot your phaser, missing the shot and causing your opponent to growl.
He aimed his own weapon at you and you shot at him in a panic, nicking the weapon and destroying it.
You smiled smugly, but it didn’t last long as he pulled out a knife.
“Oh, you have to be kidding me.”
“Kirk to (L/N).”
You shot your phaser once more, hitting your target as you turned and ran, pulling out your comm. “(L/N) here.”
“Get to Jaylah,” Jim yelled. “We gotta get back on the ship!”
“Got it!” You shouted, yelping as you were pulled back. Your phaser went off again, but was knocked out of your hand.
You threw your arm up to block a punch, your other arm swinging to throw a punch of your own.
You cried out in pain as it was blocked by the knife, cutting deeply into your forearm.
Before anything else could happen, there was a shot and your opponent collapsed as you were pulled away by Jim. He pulled you along, your arm cradled against your chest, as you made your way towards Jaylah.
“ Scotty, you have everyone?“ Jim shouted, well aware of the deep cut in your arm.
“Aye, sir. Everyone except you, (Y/N), and Jaylah,” spoke Scotty.
“Open the beacon and we will grab you,” Chekov spoke. You fumbled for your beacon. “Captain, your beacon!”
“There he is,” Scotty called.
“Energize!” Jim called as you both lunged for Jaylah. “Jaylah!”
You reached Jaylah just in time, the beacons activating and beaming the trio back aboard the Franklin.
“Let’s not do that again,” Jim groaned as you landed on the pad.
“I agree, James T.,” Jaylah spoke.
“Bones!” Jim yelled, dragging you off the beam pad and setting you down. “BONES!”
“Goddammit man, what-” Leonard’s complaints died down as he noticed you lying on the ground where Jim had placed you. “Oh.”
Leonard quickly got to work, making sure that the wound was clean as you moaned and complained about all the fussing because you ‘were okay and nothing was wrong and goddammit Bones leave me alone.’
Bones dutifully ignored you, making sure to use the protoplaser to fix the cut as much as he could, eventually sewing up what couldn’t be healed.
It was when he was wrapping the sutures that you gasped, noticing the bright yellow and green that now filled in your tattoo.
“Bones!” You gasped, causing him to look up at you.
“It ain’t me darlin’,” he mused, a teasing smirk on his face.
“Well it’s someone on this ship,” you whispered. “They had to have seen it.”
Leonard chuckled softly as someone else cleared their throat. You lifted your head, meeting Pavel’s brilliant blue eyes before trailing your own to his wrist, which he was holding up.
One his wrist was a pretty little sunflower, filling with color before your eyes.
You sat with Jaylah on the couch, empty glasses scattered all around you.
“Did you drink all of these yourself?” Jim’s voice broke the silence.
Jaylah glanced up. “They told me it would take my edge off. My edge is still on.”
You chuckled and got up, nodding at Bones and Jim before making your way to the bar.
You sipped at your scotch absentmindedly, watching the Enterprise being rebuilt in the distance.
“Did you know that scotch was actually invented by a little old lady in Russia?”
You grinned at the question. “No I did not.”
Pavel slid into the seat next to you, ordering his own drink. “Are you excited to get back out there? Explore?”
You couldn’t help but glance down at his exposed wrist before smiling. “Yeah, yeah I am.”
Pavel gave you a blinding grin, intertwining his hand with yours and pulling you to the window.
Still on the couch were Scotty, Jim, and Jaylah, all watching you and Pavel.
Downing yet another drink, Jaylah scoffed. “I knew the bubbly one was her mate.”
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starfleetimagines · 4 years
Star Trek AOS/TOS Imagines
Character x Reader (Romantic):
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “Have you lost your damn mind?”
Jim Kirk - “I can’t explain it right now, but I need you to trust me.”
Jim Kirk - “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Mismatched Uniforms
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - You Get Hurt
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Medical Anxiety
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott - “That’s a promise.”
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Flirting in Sickbay
Pavel Chekov - Period Cuddles
Pavel Chekov - Moving Forward
Jim Kirk - Family
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Shore Leave
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott - Open Waters
Dating Leonard “Bones” McCoy Would Include...
Being Pavel Chekov’s Betazoid Wife Would Include...
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Study Date
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Dance Practice
Pavel Chekov - Set Up
The Enterprise (TOS/AOS) Crew Finding Out You’re Bisexual Would Include...
Spock - “To say that was unexpected is an understatement.”
Spock - Fireplace
Spock - Hot Chocolate
Spock - Christmas Carols
Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “I won’t tell if you won’t.”
Jim Kirk - Study Buddy
Character x Reader (Platonic):
Being Leonard “Bones” McCoy’s Younger Sister Would Include...
Being Jim Kirk’s Twin Would Include...
Character x Character:
Spock and Uhura’s Wedding Would Include...
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott x Jaylah - Graduation
Spock and Uhura Having a Baby Would Include...
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thedreamsmith · 4 years
How (Not) To Seduce a Blueshirt (Chapter 2)
@atc74​ @alleiradayne​ @arrowsandmixtapes​ @captain-s-rogers​ for #OC appreciation day 2020
Warnings: Swearing
Pairing: Jim Kirk x OFC
Chapter summary:  Reyne goes to Spock for help in deciphering the captain's motives and wonders why she's on this godforsaken starship.
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The next comm from the bridge came through while she was between shifts, perched on a Jeffries tube beside Keenser, watching Jaylah and Scotty argue over the finer details of warp core technology.
‘No lass, you don’t understand-‘
‘No, you listen to me, Montgomery Scotty.’ Jaylah was planted before the Scotsman, jaw thrust out in an look Reyne had learned meant ‘tell me I’m wrong again and I’ll punch your lights out.’ That particular expression had made an appearance on several nights out during their academy days, most often before she tapped out some asshat who had been getting a little too cocky.
Not that Jaylah would ever hit Scotty – she considered the man an idol, even if they frequently butted heads. She had ripped through the engineering track at the academy even faster than Starfleet golden boy Jim Kirk had completed the command course, and she loved to point it out – especially if she was losing an argument.
‘If you rerouted the warp core power to the secondary drive, it would produce enough power to double our speed at warp.’
Evidentially at the end of his leash, Scotty threw his hands up, and glanced to his second-in-command for assistance but only received a mute shrug from the taciturn Roylan.
Reyne opened her mouth to intervene on the Chief Engineer’s behalf, before the insistent beeping of her comm cut off her train of thought.
‘Doctor Lyall here.’
‘There eez an alien creature on the bridge again, doktor.’ Chekov’s voice was carefully neutral, lacking the hysterical note that had been present from the last time.
‘I’m not on shift, Mr Chekov.’ Reyne bit back a sigh, mentally erasing the number of days that she had gone without an incident on this ridiculous starship. ‘I think Murray is in the menagerie at the moment, along with Nurse Phillips.’
‘The keptain asked-‘ The young ensign’s voice cut off suddenly, followed by what sounded like a short scuffle on the other end of the comm.
‘Mr Chekov?’
‘Yes, doktor. The signal must have cut off for a moment.’ Reyne lifted a brow at the trio of engineers listening intently to the strange exchange. ‘As I was saying, Commander Spock has specifically asked for you to deal weeth the alien, as he holds your skills in high regard after having worked closely with you for the last six months.’
‘Does he now?’ Reyne flashed Jaylah a soft smile as she extended a hand to help her down from the Jeffries tube. Despite her protests over the years, her friend still believed humans to be fragile creatures. Landing lightly, she took a deep breath before replying to the young ensign. ‘Alright, Mr Chekov, I’ll be right up. And please tell the Captain not to approach the creature. I don’t care if someone has to hypo him into unconsciousness. Lyall out’
She shook her head as she disconnected the comm.
‘Looks like I’m heading to the bridge.’ She grabbed her bag from a nearby workbench, already heading from the turbolift as she waved farewell to her friends.
Scotty turned to Jaylah as Reyne swept out of engineering and earshot.
‘Jim’s a right smart lad, but he ain’t gonna get anywhere unless he stops pulling on Ree’s pigtails an’ starts tugging summin’ else!’ He winked at his third-in-command but was only met with a blank look.
‘I do not know this phase - explain this to me, Montgomery Scotty. What else should the captain be pulling?’
Scotty threw a pleading look to Keenser, still balanced on a Jeffries tube overhead. But the Roylan just shook his head at the mortified Scotsman, jumped down from his perch and wandered off to find somewhere less awkward to be.
Reyne collapsed into her desk chair. At some point her neat, regulation hair-do had come undone, leaving her dark hair to frizz around her shoulders.
After almost two hours of chasing a hummingbird-griffin around the bridge, Reyne found that she didn’t have the energy to care.
‘Computer, locate Commander Spock.’ While asking the Captain directly about the seemingly accidental incidents on the bridge would prove fruitless, his First Officer may be more forthcoming – especially when presented with flawless logic.
Reyne glanced at the bottle of gin she kept in her bottom desk drawer but reasoned that the Commander would likely frown upon day drinking, regardless of whether she was on shift or not before she got dragged into the shit-show on the bridge.
‘Commander Spock logged into Lab nine approximately thirty-three minutes ago.’
‘Thank you.’ Thanking the computer system had become a habit that she couldn’t bring herself to shake – a product of her upbringing, manners instilled into her by her mother. Who had sought to grant her some semblance of ladylike behaviour in between the martial arts and bug collecting and video gaming that had so entertained her while she grew up.
Reyne groaned as she rolled to her feet, massaging the countless angry scratches that the panicked creature had inflicted upon her arms as it sought to escape.
Hopefully, Commander Spock would be able to shed some light on the situation.
The door to Lab nine beeped softly as she entered her code into the security pad. The Vulcan commander was hunched over a microscope, the image of a botanical sample projected onto the screen before him.
‘Commander?’ Although his sensitive hearing had undoubtedly picked up her arrival, it took several seconds for him to drag his attention from the slide in front of him.
‘Doctor Lyall, how may I help you?’
‘I’m sure you’re aware that in recent weeks, there have been several incidents of alien creatures getting loose on the bridge?’
‘Yes, I am aware. I have read your incident reports on the matter. Do you have further information?’
Reyne caught herself fidgeting with the sleeve of her uniform and tucked her hands behind her back. Despite being a fully qualified science officer, not a green academy Cadet, it was difficult not to quail under her former instructor’s piercing gaze.
‘Not exactly. On each occasion, it was reported that it was Captain Kirk who was responsible for the release of the creatures onto the bridge, and each time he has provided an explanation as to how it occurred, but there have been multiple discrepancies in his stories.’
‘I see.’ Although the Vulcan’s expression did not change, she noted a sharpening of his gaze and felt a faint pang of guilt for throwing Kirk under the bus.
‘For example, with the Lethian rat, Captain Kirk reported that the rodent must have slipped out of his sleeve once he returned to the ship. This theory is entirely unlikely, as the rat was too large and vicious to have not been noticed by the captain. At the very least, he would have been bitten multiple times. It is also unlikely that the creature would have voluntarily hidden in his clothing.’
Commander Spock was silent for a moment, the cogs in his brilliant mind ticking as he processed this new hypothesis.
‘Your logic is most sound, Doctor Lyall. I shall speak with the captain this evening.’ He nodded slowly, ‘Thank you for informing me of your thoughts, if I receive any further information, I shall update the incident reports on the ships database.’
‘Thank you, Commander.’ Reyne bobbed her head, offering a small smile but the commander had already turned back to his plant sample.
Turning on her heel, she strode from the lab, already thinking of a hot shower and one of her favourite vids. Gods knew what the captain was up to, but hopefully his First Officer would be able to weasel it out of him.
‘Captain, have you been releasing alien creatures onto the bridge with the purpose of spending more time with Doctor Lyall?’ This area of the bridge was mostly deserted, and his First Officer had him cornered. ‘She has reason to suspect your motives and I find her logic most sound.’
‘Does it really matter, Spock?’ He was decidedly uncomfortable with this conversation and was already eyeing the gap between Spock and the nearest science console – judging how quickly he’d need to move in order to get past before his First Officer caught him. ‘Only the Lethian rat was dangerous, and even then, I was the only one who got bitten!’
‘Your discomfort and avoidance of the question indicates that my hypothesis is true. And as Doctor Lyall has asked me to enquire further about this matter, it is logical to assume that she will ask me about my findings sometime soon.’
‘Are you going to tell on me, Spock?’ Jim’s tone was light, but there was tightness in his throat that refuse to budge. Spock’s face was impassive as he studied his captain, but what he found there, Jim couldn’t tell. Damn Vulcans and their poker faces. He made a mental note to never invite Spock to the card nights that the bridge crew sometimes held. He got cleared out by Bones and Chekov enough as it was.
‘Vulcan’s cannot lie, Captain. If Doctor Lyall asks me about this discussion, I will simply tell her the truth. But I suspect that she would prefer to hear it from you.’
‘I can’t!’ Jim threw his hands up, almost taking out a screen in the process. With a yelp, he withdrew his hand and cradled it against his chest. He was not pouting, because that would be undignified.
‘Would I be incorrect in stating that you have had numerous sexual encounters both at the Academy and while on shore leave?’ Spock raised one eyebrow slightly, which, for a Vulcan, was the equivalent of a wicked smirk.
‘No! But Reyne is just… different. She’s clever and doesn’t sleep around and is utterly unimpressed with me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been turned down before – not by many people, mind you. Has Uhura ever told you why she rejected me, by the way?’
‘No, she has not.’ Cool amusement glimmered in Spock’s eyes as he subtly moved a few inches to his right, effectively cutting off Jim’s escape route. ‘Your efforts to change the subject will not divert me from the matter at hand, Captain.’
Jim made an inarticulate sound of frustration and narrowed his eyes at his First Officer.
‘She reminds me a little of Uhura, but with a much better sense of humour – no offense intended. Scotty is always complaining that she and Jaylah have been helping Keenser get into even higher places in engineering when she’s off duty. He’s threatened to resign twice in the last three weeks. Leonard talks about her sometimes, ‘cause they work together, so I know she’s kind and patient and I’m so confused Spock.’ He inspected his already bruising knuckles, finding any excuse to avoid his friend’s gaze. ‘I’ve never wanted anything more than a little flirting and a quick fuck. I don’t even know how to go about finding anything else. What if I’m not enough?’
‘Captain, while I may not be particularly adept at navigating human social interactions - especially romantic ones – but if being romantically involved with Lieutenant Uhura has taught me anything, it is that learning to accept your partner’s flaws is paramount to the happiness of both partners.’
Jim deflated, relationship advice was the last thing he had ever expected to hear from his stoic First Officer. Bones would have a field day when he heard this.
‘Alright Spock, I’ll speak to her tomorrow. I think she’s on Alpha shift in the menagerie.’
With any luck, the rest of the veterinary staff wouldn’t be around to overhear the possible humiliating rejection of their captain.
‘Very good, Captain.’ The pointy-eared bastard had the nerve to look smug as he stepped aside, allowing Jim to escape.
‘Yeah well, we’ll see about that.’ He muttered under his breath, and if his First Officer heard the choice comments he made about meddling crew and where they could stick their nosiness, he chose not to respond.
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wickedsingularity · 5 years
What Makes You Different [One-shot]
Fandom: Star Trek Pairings/characters: Jim Kirk x reader (but not really) Words: 2351 Warnings: Disapproving parents, mention of bullying
Summary: Three scenes from Jim and his significant other's lives, showing their progress from friends to marriage.
Note: For @thefanficfaerie‘s Backstreet's Back challenge. Sorry this is so late! Moving is exhausting... I had the song "What Makes You Different". I wanted to do so much more with this, but lack of time and energy and living in boxes came in the way.
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When I look at you, I see something rare A rose that can grow anywhere And there's no one I know that can compare
She had been in his Warp Theory, Basic Warp Design and Astrophysics classes at the Academy. Jim hadn't paid much attention to her at first. To him, she was just the same as what the rest of their classmates saw her as, the mining-spawn that didn't belong in Starfleet.
She had come from basically nothing. Her parents were third generation miners on a struggling moon that had been colonized right before the Federation was founded. She had been expected to join her two brothers in the family mining business – brothers who had too big ambitions about how to make the business flourish, but she had always looked to the stars.
Only when they had been paired together for a project in Astrophysics towards the end of the first semester, did Jim's eyes open up to her. Her determination to do well, and how well she actually did. How she was able to turn a deaf ear to their classmates' whispered remarks or a blind eye to the eye-rolling whenever she gave solid answers to their teachers. How effortlessly smart she seemed to be. Something about it felt familiar to Jim and they made fast friends, and towards the end of the first year of the Academy, she was one of his closest friends.
After celebrating yet another aced end-of-year exam, Jim came back from a bar in the city centre, a bit unsteady on his feet from one too many Andorian ales and found her lying across a bench near campus, arms behind her head, staring up at the sky.
"What're you lying here for?" he asked, stumbling over and leaning across the back of the bench.
She hadn't even turned to look at him, but just nodded gently upwards.
He looked up at the dark sky, littered with stars and the occasional blinking light from a shuttlecraft on the way to one of the many space docks up there.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked, a small smile on her lips.
Finding it hard to stand there and look up in his state, Jim sauntered around and unceremoniously lifted her legs and plopped down on the bench, letting her rest her legs in his lap.
"It is," he replied. "But why're you lying here in the middle of the night staring at it?"
"It's the reason why I'm here," she said simply. "I just got so tired of studying for the exams and feeling like I'm constantly walking uphill, I needed to get out here and be reminded of why I'm here. I used to spend countless nights sneaking up to our roof at home and just stare at the stars. Have I ever told you about that?"
"Don't think you have..."
She went quiet for a bit, still gazing upwards. "My parents always said I was a dreamer who had her head stuck in the clouds," she said finally, quietly. Jim looked away from the diamond studded black canvas and down to her face, barely lit by a nearby streetlamp. "That's why I started sneaking up on the roof at night. Didn't want to sit on the porch or in the garden anymore. They said I had to keep my feet on the ground. Stop wasting my time in the clouds and join my brothers with the mining. But I never wanted to be stuck underground, in the dark. I wanted to go up, into the light."
"Space is dark," Jim then said, humour in his voice. "There's no light up there."
"It's light to me. Stars, suns, planets, all emitting light." She got quiet again.
Jim rested his hands on her legs. His thumbs moved absentmindedly over her smooth skin until she spoke again.
"I studied on my own. And then I ran away and took the entrance exam. My parents were not happy, to put it mildly. But I longed for the stars. I can't remember a time when I didn't long for them."
Jim hummed. "I think I've longed for them too."
She looked at him. "But it still took being beaten senseless and a dare from a Starfleet Captain to make you sign up."
"Gotta play hard to get." He flicked the skin on her ankle, right above her well-worn flats.
"Hard to get aren't exactly words I would use to describe you, Jim Kirk." She lifted a leg as if she was about to kick his face.
Jim chuckled, but then they fell silent again, looking back up at the night sky. Jim felt like he sobered up as his admiration for her grew.
And when they graduated a few years later, after the destruction of Vulcan, when he watched her from the crowd as she gave her speech as the top of her Engineering class, he felt so proud. Knowing where she came from, knowing how most of their classmates had ridiculed her and talked behind her back and said that "mining-spawn had nothing to do in Starfleet", and yet she had surpassed them in almost every class and had earned the right to speak for her division at the graduation.
He never told her though, how proud he was. Not until many years later.
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You don't know how you touched my life Oh in so many ways I just can't describe You taught me what love is supposed to be
From the second Jim landed on Altamid in his escape pod, he worried for his crew. He was thankful Chekov was with him, that was one crew member accounted for. But the rest... He had seen so many pods being captured by swarm ships as he fell towards the atmosphere and it had given him a sick feeling in his gut.
How many were dead? How many had made it to the surface? What had they met there? More danger?
He tried not to let his worry cloud his judgement as he, Chekov and Kalara made their way back to Enterprise's saucer section. As he exposed Kalara's true intentions. As he and Chekov blew up the saucer to save themselves. As they found Scotty and Jaylah and made plans to rescue the others.
Thinking back on it all, it was all a blur to Jim. Finding out about the Franklin and Edison and what he had planned. The whole rescue operation was just blank, with the occasional flash of memory here and there. Grabbing Jaylah's hand in the air and being beamed back, the moment when the first swarm ships exploded, and Edison being ejected into space. Those three memories stood clear in his mind. Not even the aftermath – the medical check-up and the reports and the counsellor session he was required to have, all of it seems like a blur when he thinks back years later.
But like a bad classical movie, the blurry out of control world seemed to clear up and right itself the moment he laid his eyes on her at the birthday party Bones had arranged for him. He hadn't seen her during the rescue mission but trusted that she had been beamed onto the Franklin if she was alive. He had enquired about her after everything was said and done, but there hadn't been time to find her. It was a relief though, to see her safe and sound, albeit a bit tired and with a small bruise on her jaw. They had just started exploring the possibilities of a romantic relationship, and he was glad he still had the chance to pursue it.
She met his eyes and the classical movie-clichés continued, as his heart skipped several beats and he felt his face flush. He only hoped Bones didn't notice because the good doctor would think he was getting sick and would start pressing that wretched tricorder to his face again.
Jim flashed her a quick smile, regretting that he was stuck in a conversation with Spock and not able to go talk to her. But when she smiled back and raised her glass in a greeting, he turned to Spock.
"I'm sorry, Spock. But we have to continue this conversation later, there's someone I have to see." And without even waiting for an answer, Jim rushed through the crowd to where she leant on a table near the windows at the back of the room.
"Hi," she said. "Glad to see you're okay."
"You too," Jim said, feeling a bit breathless. The relief of seeing her alive and well was greater than he realised. "I've heard great things about how you held your own against Krall's men."
She flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sure it's all lies."
"I doubt it. And Scotty says that you averted a crisis on the Franklin, while we were falling to the ground."
"Oh, it was nothing. He could have handled it."
"No, he said he wouldn't have seen it. And if you hadn't redirected the power, Sulu would have never been able to take off."
Silence fell between them. Then she raised her glass to her lips, a playful expression crossed her face. "You come here just to embarrass me with praise?"
"No. I'm just proud of you. But... Can we talk later?" Jim asked quietly, staring into her eyes, watching them go from crinkly and smiley to worried at his question. "It's nothing to worry about," he hurried to add. "Nothing bad, I hope. I just... need to talk. About us."
"Okay, yes, we can talk." Her smile came back. "By the fountain out in the centre square? Or somewhere more private?"
"The fountain is okay. And then we'll see how it goes." Jim winked and was pleased to see her face flush again and her eyes blink rapidly for a moment.
Then she nodded with a small smile, recovering quickly. "Happy birthday, Jim," she said, laid her hand on his arm and leaned in to kiss him quickly on the cheek. And before he knew it, she was gone.
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Love you give shines right through me Everything you do is beautiful Oh, you're beautiful to me
The room was packed with colourful and exotic costumes and dresses. Tables along walls with bright and flavourful food from most of the different members of the Federation. Flowers one could never find on Earth were set up in tasteful centrepieces on all the round tables, each one high and grand enough to strike awe, but each one restrained so as to not block the view of the other guests around the table. It all brightened up an otherwise bland ballroom on New Vulcan.
Jim had to admit it was strange seeing all this materialistic beauty, and frankly, a little bit of gluttony, on New Vulcan. But the Federation felt it was politically necessary to have this banquet there to show off how far the Vulcans had come in the years since Nero destroyed their planet. And it showed how adaptable they were, without losing themselves.
Movement at the table Jim had just left in order to get a plate of fruit caught his eye. In a dress in a shimmering colour that reminded him of the oceans on Risa at night, his wife grabbed Uhura's hand and pulled the communications officer up and to the dance floor.
Wow, wife. It felt too strange. They'd only been married for a month, and Jim was still getting used to the thought of being a husband, being tied down to one person for the rest of his life. He had never thought he'd get to that point, but he was happy he had. And thinking back, he should have known it would happen since the day he was paired with her for that project in Astrophysics at the Academy.
Jim watched his wife dance with Uhura, hypnotized by the way she moved. And he realised he hadn't yet danced with her that evening. So, he set the plate of fruit down and navigated between the other dancers and tapped Uhura on the shoulder, his eyes on his wife.
"May I cut in?"
Uhura glanced between the two, a small smile on her lips. "She's all yours, Captain. It's about time I get Spock onto the dancefloor anyway."
"Hello, husband," she greeted as he took her hand in one of his and laid the other low on her back. "I never get tired of saying that."
"And I never get tired of hearing you say that, wife." He dived quickly in for a quick kiss. "Enjoying yourself?"
"Meh, these events are so dull. It's much better now though." She winked.
They danced in silence, eyes only on eachother. As far as they were concerned, there was no one else there.
How far they'd come, Jim thought. She, from a cadet from a mining-colony to Commander-rank and Scotty's Assistant Chief Engineer. Assistant, because becoming just Chief meant being transferred to another ship. Jim, from a hot-headed too young captain who could never settle, to a diplomatic explorer with a crew he would die for and would die for him.
And the two of them, from good friends to her running scared when he flirted with her for the first time, to best friends years later and then husband and wife. Jim knew without a doubt that he wouldn't be the man he was without her. He had been ready to give up the life of captain, he had lost his way and his purpose. That talk by the fountain on his birthday on Yorktown all those years ago... He told her how he felt about her, and how he felt so lost in his life. She had taken his hand, and kissed him for the first time. And it fell into place for him. She tasted like space, she belonged in space. And so, did he. In space and with her.
Jim halted their dance.
"What?" she asked, looking concerned.
"I just... love you," he said, the hand on her back pulling her closer and his lips meeting hers.
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Permanent tags: @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @geeksareunique @iguess-theyre-mymess @neeadinghugs @earinafae @mattmurdocksgirl @joulien @imaginesofdreams @brewsthespirit-blog @lemonlime799 @reading-in-moonlight
Star Trek tags: @feelmyroarrrr @somethingwitty-somethingsweet @resistance-is-futile81
Tag lists are open! Just let me know if you want on or off!
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grandtheftstarship · 5 years
Way Out There (Leonard McCoy x Reader) [Songfic]
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A/n: So this started off really small for the song and then it ended up going nearly 1000 words on after the song ends... oops. You don’t really need to listen, the lyrics just relate to the idea of the fic and are written in, but Lord Huron is a bop and I really recommend it :) If you want to play the song, start the music at the bolded sentence. 
Summary: [y/n] finds out that the Enterprise crashed on Altimid and rushes to save Leonard, her boyfriend.
Word Count: 2226 Warnings: none :) Posted: Tumblr, Wattpad Requested: no
Link to Way out there by Lord Huron.
U.S.S Enterprise Missing.
The headline mocked you, grinning evilly from the page. Your eyes brimmed with tears, one person on your mind.
He was on the damn ship, and if you weren't recovering from Andorian Fever you would be too. Your chest tightened with grief at first, then loneliness then anger.
You readjusted your heading, now walking briskly towards Starfleet headquarters instead of the local Starfleet medical center. You knew Commodore Paris personally, she was a family friend, so hopefully, you could get in quickly and easily.
"Lieutenant {y/f/n] to see Commodore Paris," you told the receptionist, rapping your fingernails on the marble countertop.
"She's in a briefing, but they will be on break in a few minutes," she nodded at you, returning to her computer.
You thanked her and paced lightly in the adjacent waiting room. Five agonizing minutes later, the Commodore and several other Starfleet officials left the room, heading for the small cafe across the street. You rushed to her side, greeting her quickly.
"Do you have any information regarding the Enterprise?" you asked hastily. "Do you know who attacked them?"
"Nothing yet," she replied. "Do you have someone out there?"
You sighed looking down. "Yes. My boyfriend, Doctor Leonard McCoy."
"I see," she patted your shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," you returned, fire burning in your eyes. "Commodore, I'm requesting a ship to go after them."
"Are you crazy?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "I'm not letting anyone out there until we can confirm a safe way through the nebula."
"But Ma'am-"
"No, [y/n]," she said firmly. "Your request is denied. It's not safe."
The commanding officers returning to the briefing room caught her attention.
"I have to go now," sympathy softened her face. "I'm sorry."
She removed her hand and walked back towards the open door. You looked on after her, the heavy feeling of defeat settling in your chest.
Then a crazy idea hit you. An idea so insane, it fell into Jim Kirk crazy. And it could 100% get you fired.
I'm a long way from the land that I left
I've been running through life and cruising toward death  
If you think that I'm scared you've got me wrong
If you don't know my name, you'll know it now
I belong bodily to the earth
I'm just wearing old bones from those that came first
There are many more flames when mine is gone
They will build me no shrines and sing me no songs
Upon leaving the now empty waiting room, you made your way hastily towards the shipyard. You knew that there were a few small scout ships that were manned by one pilot. Filled with a newfound determination, you knew you would do anything to save your boyfriend. You swiped your keycard at the entrance. It was late and you didn't have much time before officers working there noticed a stray engineer attempting a case of "Grand Theft Starship". You tiptoed on board one of the survey vessels, shutting the door and getting straight to it.
I'm a long way from the one that I love
I've been tending old flames, lamenting what was
Drifting in a land time forgot
If you think that I've changed, you know me not
I belong bodily to the earth
I'm just wearing old bones from those that came first
I been unraveling since my birth
Gonna wander out there and see what I'm worth
Find me way out there
There's no road that will lead us back
When you follow the strange trails
They will take you who knows where
If I found a way to stay with you tonight
It would only make me late, for a date I can't escape
The vessel hummed to life, panic spiking through your core. You worked quickly, getting systems online like there was no tomorrow. As you engaged the thrusters, you began hearing the confused shouts of Starfleet officers trying to get you to land. Once you finally left the atmosphere, you cursed Bones and his stupid job. Rescuing his ass was so going to get you fired, and when you found him you were going to give him a piece of your mind. You were able to reprogram the maneuvering capabilities of the small vessel so you could get through the nebula unscathed. At warp three, you carried on.
Navigating through the nebula was one of the hardest things you had ever done. You managed to get through with only small damage to the hull, but your victory was short-lived. You eased the craft out of the cloud, jaw hitting the floor.
Find me way out there
There's no road that will lead us back
When you follow the strange trails
They will take you who knows where
If I found a way to stay with you tonight
It would only make me late, for a date I can't escape
Two nessels were floating aimlessly in front of you, the destroyed body of the ship not far from them. Tears brimmed your eyes as the saucer was nowhere to be found. You were distracted from your astonishment by the small beep of your sensor.
You couldn't believe your eyes. Your scan of the planet below showed you three groups of life forms. One was large, seventy-five to one-hundred or so life signs, while the other two were much smaller. You decided on landing near the group of four, praying the small dots on the screen were your friends and crewmembers.
"Keptin!" Chekov shouted, scrambling over the rocks towards Jim, Scotty, and Jaylah. "There's a scout ship heading straight for us."
He slowed down to catch his breath, having caught the captain's attention. "It's federation, sir."
"Are you sure?" he asked, moving towards Chekov and his tricorder.
"Yes sir," he replied, pointing to the small figure on his tricorder. "I am picking up Starfleet frequencies."
The low hum of your thrusters and the low crackle of you entering the atmosphere drew the group's attention from the small device. You maneuvered the stout vessel to a bare plot of land not far from them, landing softly on the patch of rock. Jim led his miniature crew towards your stolen ship, all anxiously waiting for the metal hatch to open and reveal who was behind the sudden change in dynamics.
The door thudded open whilst you finished shutting down the power to save the small amount of fuel you had left in case you needed it. You nearly threw yourself out of your chair when you finished, anxious to see who was outside.
"[y/f/n]?" Chekov gasped, rushing to the front of the small pack. "Боже мой, это действительно ты!" (Oh my god, it's really you!)
He rushed forward, nearly tripping on loose stones, and tackled you in a hug. Pavel was your best friend, besides Bones of course.
"How are you doing? How did you get here? Are you okay- are you still sick? You should be recovering-"
"Slow down!" you laughed, nudging his shoulder slightly. "I'll explain everything, but you have some things to tell me too, mister."
"Okay, so here's what went down," he began, already waving his arms around enthusiastically. "Basically, I was expertly navigating through this nebula when these teeny little ships caught my attention-"
You smiled at the captain, waving slightly as Pavel babbled on about the attack while leading you across the jagged terrain.
"That would explain the torn up ship floating about up there," you nodded towards the sky. "Thank god this planet is class M. I can't even think about how horribly worse this could have gone if you had crashed on a planet full of toxic gas or something."
"It is already quite a terrible situation," he followed your eyes up into the wispy clouds. They reminded you of those on Earth. "I mean, the attackers took all the crew members that managed to get into their Kelvin Pods. If I had used mine any earlier, I would have been taken as well."
You shuddered at the thought.
"Who are you?" an unknown voice spat from behind you, the hostility dripping from the spoken words catching you off guard.
"This right here is [y/f/n] [y/l/n]," Scotty clapped you on the shoulder. "The best assistant chief engineer one could ask for."
"Aw, shucks," you punched him lightly on the shoulder. "I try."
"[y/n], this is Jaylah," Scotty gestured to the white-faced alien, looking a little ruffled. You waved.
"Is this another one of your mates?" she asked, a little less harshly. Scotty nodded.
"You betcha."
By now, your little group had reached Jaylah's house. They explained to you how it got there, how Jaylah found it, and why nobody else had stumbled across it.
You brushed your fingers over the ancient technology. "Wow."
"There's not even a sickbay?"
Jim shook his head. "Nope. Bones would be pissed."
You giggled. "Speaking of, where is he?"
You knew instantly something was wrong.
"Jim," panic rose in your chest. "Where is he?"
He avoided your eyes.
"H-He's fine, right?"
"We don't know where Bones or Spock are," Jim said finally. "They were in the turbolift when the saucer was separated."
"We will find him, [y/n/n]," Chekov patted you on the shoulder. "Somehow, one way or another, we will find him."
You, Chekov, and Scotty worked for the next several hours to reprogram the transporter modules to allow a person to be beamed aboard.
"Done!" you called from underneath the transporter pad, a low hum of electricity proving your statement.
"Ура!"(Hooray!) Pavel cheered.
"Well done, lass," Scotty congratulated you as he helped pull you out.
"It was nothing," you replied, brushing yourself off. "I mean, you guys helped too."
Pavel interjected before Scotty could respond. "Hold on, I'm reading some... life signs?"
You and Scotty hurried to the panel he was looking at, and sure enough, two life signs blinked back at you.
"Beam them," Scotty muttered.
You turned to him. "What?"
"We can beam them here!"
"But what if they're hostile?" Chekov asked, fear flashing through his eyes.
"Then we'll... beam them back?"
"Wait, there are more coming!" you pointed back to the screen.
"What if they're crew members?"
"That wouldn't make sense, lad!"
When the two of them started arguing, more signs of life began appearing.
"What the hell," you murmured, locking on to one of the signals. The transport sounded a bit more static-y than you were used to but as you and the boys turned towards the pad, a familiar face greeted you.
"Lieutenant [y/l/n]?"
Before you could hug him (even if he protested), he hobbled off the pad as urgently as he could.
"You must beam the doctor out of there."
Without missing a beat, you thrust yourself back at the panel and locked on.
Once the strange noise faded, you felt your stomach drop in relief.
"It feels like my innards have been to a barn dance," Leonard said, looking a bit green.
"These old transporters were mainly used for cargo, but a bit of maintenance did the trick," Scotty explained, slapping him on the shoulder. "Sorry, we had to beam you one at a time, to avoid being... misplaced."
"I couldn't imagine a worse scenario," Bones looked around the room before letting his eyes fall on your worried-slash-relieved complexion.
Your legs moved on their own accord, propelling you into Leonard's waiting arms. He held you so tight you weren't sure how much longer you could breathe.
Suddenly, he pushed you out of his arms, brows furrowed in a grimace.
"What the hell, [y/n], you're supposed to be recovering!"
His face melted back into worry and he pulled you back into his embrace.
"I'm so happy to see you, love."
You giggled. "I'm so happy you're safe."
He then, more gently this time, released you from the hug and grabbed your hands.
"I'm still mad at you for trekking all the way to this goddamn planet," he scolded, wearing worried and frustrated expressions simultaneously. "Thank god you weren't on the ship or I'm pretty sure I would have died from a damn heart attack."
"I'm fine, you big silly," you reassured him. "But, I'm pretty sure Spock isn't."
His face paled. "Shit."
He placed a quick, chaste kiss on your lips before rushing off to treat his patient.
You smiled sweetly as he rushed off, simply ecstatic he was alive and well.
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thesconesyard · 2 years
Wherever You Are, I Am
Part 13
Spock and Uhura left. Life at Yorktown continued on. Jim and Chekov were back on Altamid on another salvage run. Scotty and his engineers worked away on the new ship. Patients came and went through Yorktown’s hospital. And faster than they wanted, time slipped past.
McCoy had just gotten home and greeted Scotty and Jaylah. Before he could head to the bathroom for a quick shower there was a knock at the door. Scotty went to answer it.
“Captain! I dinnae know ye were back,” Scotty exclaimed. “And Pavel lad, how are ye? Come in.” Scotty moved aside to let the men in.
“Hey Bones,” Jim called, as he and Chekov carried a large container in between them.
“What the hell is that kid?” McCoy asked.
“Hello James T.”
“Hey Jaylah,” Jim replied.
“Hi Jaylah,” Chekov waved his free hand.
Jim and Chekov sat the container down next to the coffee table. Scotty, McCoy and Jaylah gathered around to see what it was. On the top of the box was writing. It read “Personal effects: CMO Leonard H. McCoy & CEO Montgomery Scott.”
“Jim… you didnae…,” Scotty trailed off.
“The keptin insisted we get as many of your things as we could,” Chekov answered.
“You’re leaving Bones,” Jim said quietly. “I know we weren’t scheduled for officer’s quarters yet, but what’s the point of being in charge if you can’t bend the rules for your friends?”
“I got things from your office Mr. Scott,” Chekov said. “The keptin did your office, Doctor.”
“We did your quarters together. With the crash and the ship ending up upside down, many things were broken, but we got what we could. What we thought would be important to you that you’d want,” said Jim.
“Jim… I… thank you,” McCoy finally managed to get out.
Jim nodded. “I wish I could do more and keep you here.”
“Thank you Jim,” Scotty said. He moved to clap a hand on Jim’s shoulder. “And you lad,” he said to Chekov and pulled him in for a hug.
“We’ll get out of your hair now,” Jim said as Scotty released Chekov.
Scotty looked over at McCoy. McCoy nodded slightly.
“No, no. Come on now, stay for dinner lads. There’s plenty. And Jaylah is becoming an excellent cook,” Scotty said.
“Thank you Montgomery Scotty,” Jaylah replied.
“It does smell good,” Jim said. He looked over at Chekov. “Ok, thanks.”
“Have a seat,” Scotty said. “What can I get you to drink?”
Jim and Chekov answered as McCoy looked at the container now sitting in their living room. What would it contain? What had they found to bring home?
“I’ll be back,” he called over his shoulder and headed off to the bedroom.
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dawnquafam · 8 years
Chekov: *starts quietly singing* Try to embrace the lines on your face...
Jaylah: *grabs nearest soft object and shoves it into Chekov's mouth as a gag without ever looking up from the report she's reading*
Kirk: I told you not to make that pun again.
Bones: Actually, I told him not to do it. You, on the other hand, now owe the kid some time off, Captain Gambler.
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incorrect-star-trek · 6 years
Jaylah: I did.
Chekov: -out with me sometime? We can get more fries.
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