xiueryn · 3 years
🏆 fic youre most proud of?
i'm gonna say midnight daughter!! around that time (mid 2020) i started writing a lot more and became more... comfortable?? i had all this free time, completed the life-consuming hurdle that was éphémère, i think i just really started to have a style that i liked around then.
midnight daughter's a fic where i finished it and thought yeah i'm actually proud of this batshit idea and i think it's turned into something neat!! (*^▽^)/it’s not anything special, the plot’s mostly crack, but it makes me happy.
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anubis-005 · 3 years
happy birth!
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Ah omg! Thank you my friend 🥺❤️ Good to see you again! 🙏💕
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mardimari · 4 years
Happy birth~
Thank you bean!
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soniatera · 4 years
happy birthday~
Thank you so much!!! ^-^
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frostedpuffs · 4 years
ayyy we got a correct answer! nice
though most of the time i forget i have over 20k followers because that’s a lot of people but i barely get any interaction ever since i stopped drawing ml fanart akfasdlflasdflsd
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bananagreste · 4 years
17. a bath, shower, beauty or toiletry product that makes you feel revived, or that you always re-order when it’s running out
Shokubutsu Shower Foam, either Floral Bloom or Sakura Whitening.
Send me numbers for a soft, stay at home ask game!
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Happy borth
ahhh thank you!!
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jacquesthepigeon · 5 years
You should put a restraining order on people trying to argue through your ask box 🤣
Honestly yeah
Maybe one day I'll get over the urge to answer almost every ask
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rubyblackmoon · 5 years
oh noooo.... i missesd ytour birthday (ಥ﹏ಥ) I'm sorry i was busy with life... happy belated birthday! I wish you and your family good health, for you to have better luck and overcome the struggles you face (´∀`)♡
awwwz is not a problem, really. Thanks very very much for the good wishes (≧∇≦)/ I really appreciate that you're still there xD ily♥ *hugs*
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simplystefanie-rae · 5 years
maribug + uhhh..... sleeping
The obvious headcanon is that since she’s an artist that means she’s a night owl, hence why it’s tough for her to get up in the mornings. It’s almost canon at the point though because of her mounting responsibilities keeping her busy and up later, but in my mind she always had trouble sleeping at night because she just has an active mind and always needs to create something. 
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theluckiestlb · 5 years
➸  After her great uncle’s visit, Marinette starts taking more of an active interest in her Chinese heritage and doubles down on learning Mandarin. She struggles quite a bit at first—but eventually becomes proficient enough to hold basic conversations. It really excites Sabine, as it’s been a while since she’s been around her native language. Sabine is incredibly supportive and starts conversing with Marinette more frequently in Mandarin. They have cute inside jokes and switch away from French to irritate bakery customers when they’re being rude.
➸  Before Marinette, the ladybug miraculous hadn’t been active for around one hundred years or so. As such, Tikki isn’t all the way up to date on cultural and technological changes. Marinette has had a wild time introducing her to new things, especially gen z humor and memes. 
➸  Marinette thinks Gucci is overrated.  
➸  Even though she’s not on board with Ladybug being put on a pedestal or made into a celebrity, she does try to use her platform for good. She raises awareness for important issues, encourages people to be active citizens and vote, promotes charities and NGOs that do good work, and visits children in schools and hospitals.
➸  She trains with Chat at least twice a week in the evenings or early mornings. She brings fresh pastries from the bakery and he shows up with her favorite latte. 
Message me a character and I’ll tell you five headcanons I have about them.
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xiueryn · 4 years
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Summary: With demons possessing victims around the city, Marinette has to hide her identity and live as the superhero, Ladybug. The chance to connect and trust someone opens up when she meets Adrien, a fan who's strangely immune to demons. AU.  Rating: T.
(a wholesome ladrien au that has adrien as a rich kid.)
read @ 「fanfiction 」 or 「AO3 」
“Does it really count as a confession?” she questioned. “It's more like making my feelings known to avoid any awkward situations.”
He frowned. “When you know I have a crush on you.”
“Yes?” It came out sounding like a question. “To avoid you—I don't know, kissing me out of nowhere?”
“How would I do that?” Adrien exclaimed. “I'm not just going to pull your mask down! And doing that without consent is awful.”
@cheklmn​​, i hope this satisfies your ladrien needs!! (〃▽〃) i didn’t intend for this to be so serious at first, so it sometimes skirts the line of being light-hearted before some demon attacks happen;; i tried coming up with a different name than ladybug but superheroes are so... lame??? so i gave up and said fuck it
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anubis-005 · 5 years
Your art is great :) keep it up
;o; My friennndddd!!
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tourmei · 5 years
uhhhh......... favourite pasttime
the ones that are most creatively fulfilling or fulfilling in general are writing and bullet journaling, but lately day to day it’s just watching asian dramas XD
i only let myself watch an episode or two after i’ve finished all my studying for the day (it’s a reward for being productive) so it’s a really nice feeling
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ladybeug · 5 years
happy birth~
thank :3
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marinettechenged · 5 years
happy birth! :D
Thank you❤
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