#cheif Beifong
alexander-23 · 1 year
You know what, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything for lin. How about a lin beifong x combustion bender reader? I feel like that would be an interesting pair. If that’s too much then let’s have some general dating headcanons?
A/N: This took me far too long to write this little and I can certainly expand on it when I have time. Sorry it’s so short, I was just far busier than I thought I would be. To make up for it, I have put a picture of my pretty kitty at the end!
Warnings: none
Fluff-like tooth rotting fluff
Word count: 612
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Made With Love
Lin always works so hard. I love how dedicated she is to protecting the city and the people in it, but she drives me nuts when she doesn't eat enough. She skips meals claiming, ‘there's too much work to do’, but she needs to take care of herself too. With that said, I'm currently in the kitchen making her dinner. Ever since we first started dating, i’ve always seen that woman dig into noodles.its her favorite thing other than the mass amount of protein she eats. I’m making her noodles from scratch as well as the sauce. I’ve always loved cooking so I'm certainly having fun. The radio is on, music playing loudly, and me dancing around the kitchen. Sometimes, if Lin was home, she would just watch me as I got to work in the kitchen. Sometimes I'd try getting her to join me, sometimes I would succeed, and we would laugh at our inability to dance. The noodles are almost finished cooking so I start on the sauce adding just a tiny bit of heat. I pan fry the noodles, add the sauce, her favorite vegetables and some nuts for some saltiness. I pack it into the to-go containers with the fried tofu on the side. I place my food in the bag with hers, mine far spicier than hers, and place our tea in it as well. Draping the bag over my shoulder, I leave for my walk to Lin’s office.
Lin chose to get an apartment not far from the station, so the walk wasn’t very long, but I still got to feel the sun on my face. As I walk into the station, officers wave, of course recognizing me. I may not work with them, but of course they would recognize the Chief's fiance. When I knock on her door, her gruff voice comes through with a rough, “What”. I push through the door to see my darling Lin hunched over her desk and eyebrows knitted. I close the door and lock it, the click getting her attention and looking up at me.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” I round her desk and place the bag on her desk before pulling her chair out so I can sit on her lap.
“You are working far too hard and need a break,” she opens her mouth to fight on the idea, but i raise my finger to her lips to shush her, “and you will not argue on the matter”. She sighs, but smiles at me, then kisses the pad of my finger. I let a chuckle escape my lips that turned into a squeal when Lin began standing with her arms around me. My face I’m sure has turned red, and Lin has noticed.
“Why the blush future Mrs. Beifong?”
“Your strength is incredibly attractive my dear fiancé” she smirks as she grabs the bag and begins carrying us to the couch.
“Well my love, you should see how much I can lift,” she places the bag down, then takes a seat with me in her lap, “you are easy to carry”. I hide my face in her neck and feel a peck on my cheek. “Now, let’s see what my girl made for dinner,” she pulls out the boxes and looks inside, “you are far too good to me”
“Not too good, just treating you the way you deserved to be treated”. In an instant, she caresses my cheek and kisses me; soft and gentle, filled with love. She pulls away with our foreheads pressed against each other and a soft smile.
“Thank you baby, I love you”
“I love you too Linny”
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Master List
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ilovelin · 2 years
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melolord14 · 28 days
(𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧)
𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮
𝐋𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐠
𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬
Thank you all for your support and comments! I appreciate it!
Lady Dimitrescu
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For All Eternity
Part 1 Part 2
I Told You So
Lin Beifong
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Lunch with the Cheif
Good Luck Babe
Larissa Weems - still in work
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dont-mention-it-kid · 6 months
👨‍💼[ The reporter bustled up to Lin as she left the station and stuck his recording device close to her face.
"Cheif Beifong, what do you have to say about the frog allegations?"
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“Oh, I assure you, I have not been concerned with what people thought of my face for decades.” She said flatly and kept her pace down the steps to the sidewalk. ‘Frog’ was a new one but the sentiment remained. Lin knew she was once considered beautiful, but between the damage Suyin had done and the march of time, she had long accepted the fact that part of her was gone.
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lokixcroki · 2 years
Merry Christmas Chief
Hearing my stomach rumble a third time in a row, I close the file I had been reading and grab my coat, leave my office and deciding to get some takeout before I continue working.
As I walk past the break room I bump into someone thinking I was alone I let out a little startled scream taking a step back.
“Are you okay? You Look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
I look up and realise that I just bumped into Chief Beifong. I just look at her dumbfounded. She has her ‘Chief’ mug in hand with steaming coffee inside. I look at her again and realise I have never been this close to her. She looks stunning up close. Her lips look so soft and her eyes look like fine jade.
I’m pulled back to reality when she snaps her fingers in front my eyes.
“Hello earth to detective are you there?”
“Uhhh… yes sorry I just didn’t expect to run into someone.”
“Well you did. What are you still doing her detective?”
“Working I guess?”
“Hm… go home spend the evening with your family.”
“Thank you Chief but I think that’s not possible, except you can teleport me to the fire nation.”
“I don’t think I can do that. But still go home enjoy your evening you shouldn’t work on Christmas Eve.”
“Oh no it’s fine really I enjoy working when the station is empty usually I have someone run into my office every five minutes.”
“Whatever you say.”
With that she walked past me and makes her way to her office before I can ask if she wants to eat anything. I shrug and make my way to the small restaurant a few blocks from the station I and other officers often go to.
As I’m about to order I remember Assistant Chief Saikan mention to another detective that he is amazed how spicy the Chief likes to eat her fire noodles. So I order two fire noodles with Komodo Chicken, I have them pack the Chief’s Komodo chicken in a separate container in case she doesn’t like it just like some extra fire sauce so she can pimp her noodles to her own liking.
As I enter the station and make my way to Chief Beifong’s office a wave of nervousness overcomes me. What if she doesn’t like the noodles at all?! I ignore my intrusive thoughts and continue making my way to her office and knock on her double doors.
She says in her usual grumpy tone.
“Uhh… I got some takeout and got something for you too if you want Cheif.”
I can hear some shuffling and she suddenly opens one of her doors.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know but I wanted to. Here!”
I hold out the takeout bag with her noodles and she excepts it hesitantly.
“I got you fire noodles with extra fire sauce in a separate container in case they are not spicy enough and in the other extra container is some Komodo chicken.” I explain smiling up at her.
“Thank you detective.”
I almost pass out when she smiles back at me. She should do that more often she’s looks so beautiful doing it.
“Your welcome Chief! And call me Y/n.”
I was in the process of walking away I heard her ask: “Mind joining me detective?”
I turn around and see her motioning towards the seating area in her office.
“No, not at all.”
I smile as she steps aside holding the door open for me.
I sit down on the couch at the wall and set my takeout bag on the metal coffee table.
I expect the Chief to sit on the other couch on the other side of the coffee table but much to my surprise she sits next to me.
“Thanks again for the food Y/n. But how did you know I liked fire noodles and extra spicy too?”
“A week ago or something I heard AC Saikan talk to detective Cheng in the break room talking about how amazed he is that you are able to eat extremely spicy. He said and I quote ‘She has a stomach of steel’ while I was making myself some tea.”
I can hear the Chief chuckle.
“He really said that?”
I hum and nod my head yes.
“Well I suppose I do.”
I look over and see her pour the entire extra fire sauce over her noodles. My eyes nearly pop out of my head.
“Uhhh… I honestly don’t know. It just tastes weird if it’s not super spicy.”
Gaping at her with my chopsticks hovering over my noodles I watch her take a first bite.
“Ahhhh yes perfect.”
She looks over and laughs at me gaping at her. She takes her hand takes mine in hers and guides my chopsticks closer to my mouth so I start to eat to. When the chopsticks are an inch away from entering my mouth my brain finally caught up on what has happened in the last two minutes. I lean forward to take my fist bite.
“Good I thought I had to feed you.”
I pretend as if she didn’t just almost feed me and try to hide my blush. I try to focus more on my noodles than on the Cheif next to me while we eat in comfortable silence.
After we both finish our food we collect out trash. I grab the takeout bags now filled with empty containers I head for the door. As I am about to step out of her office I turn around to look at her now seated behind her desk.
“It was nice spending Christmas Eve with you Cheif. We should do this again on new year’s if it’s okay for you?”
“It was nice spending Christmas Eve with you too Y/n. Yes we should, but then dinner is on me. And call me Lin.”
“Okay Lin. I’ll see you tomorrow or in the break room later if I need coffee to survive. I promise not to scream if I bump into you.”
“Good that scream was very high pitched I thought you’d give me a tinnitus.”
“Yeah sorry about that.” I rub the back of my neck.
“No, no I was just messing you.” She says laughing lightly.
I smile back and turn around stepping out of her office. When I let the door go I wave at her with my unoccupied hand and just as the door is about to close I see her wave back.
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kingwuko · 2 months
Not Wuko, but since you're a reader of the Avatar RPG, what do you think is Mako's dynamic with Xiaobo? It says that Xiaobo sees Mako as the biggest obstacle to overthrowing the Cheif position. Meaning he knows of him enough, if not have directly interacted with Mako.
Oooooh okay I LOVE talking avatar legends and I love all the new NPCs I get to play around with both in my game and in my fics.
Xiaobo is a member of the metal bending force, and used to see Beifong as a mentor. However he is a believer in the absolute authority of the law, and over time he became jaded with Beifong's actions (she's been known to bend the rules!).
I think the Beifong-as-a-mentor thing is at play here. I love to think that Lin is grooming Mako to eventually replace her someday. I think Lin ACTUALLY mentoring Mako would make Xiaobo even more jaded. Not only is she not mentoring Xiaobo, but she's been "soft on crime" AND her mentee that she has chosen is a former criminal himself!!!
I think Mako doesn't have a super friendly relationship with many of his coworkers—he strikes me as a "I'm not here to make friends I'm here to work" no nonsense kind of guy. I think he doesn't spend that much time with the metalbending police force either, since he's a detective and the metalbenders seem like they're more special ops. So I think Mako probably doesn't think that much about Xiaobo until Lin gets suspended and he suddenly has to deal with Xiaobo essentially trying to take over the police force.
Here's Xiaobo 's NPC sheet and more tidbits about him if anyone is interested:
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hii!! I saw that you liked legend of korra :)) do you have a favorite character? Besides korra (love her!!) I love cheif beifong too lol (also a mako enjoyer ngl)
yes!!!! i love legend of korra it’s probably my favorite show actually! and mako is my favorite:)) he gets so much hate he doesn’t deserve it. my man didn’t do all that. he did a ton of other stuff tho. anyways lololol yes i love mako, korra, suyin, asami, and all the villains i think are super well written and compelling!! i like amon a lot his backstory is one of the most interesting things in all of avatar tbh.
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bendingmuses · 2 years
@redridcr cause I can
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"Badass Beifong is the most correct way to refer to you outside of Cheif. Well, that and Aunt Lin, but I don't get the pleasure of that one. At least not how mine or Suyin's children get to."
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loklove48 · 2 years
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Needed some Kyalin today
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umbrum77 · 2 years
Late at night a phone rings in the dark
Lin(growling as she wakes up): WHAT?!?
Izumi (on the phone): Lin! Your ok! I had this dream and it was so real. You where going after someone and you where chasing someone and they turned down this ally and you followed down the ally and they ambushed you and you fought but there was to many of them and-
Lin: Hey! Hey...it's ok. I'm fine it's just a dream. Do you have any idea what time it is here?!
Izumi:...I yes I do I'm sorry I know. I just get so worried sometimes. What would happen if something happens to you. How would I explain to the kids and-
Lin: nothing is going to happen to me. I'm fine.
Izumi: right of course. I'm sorry for waking you up. I will...I will talk to you later then.
Lin; wait. You don't have to hang up. You know I like hearing your voice.
Izumi: I love you lin
Lin: love you to. Thank you for caring.
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nightlybirdie · 2 years
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Getting close to the end of Mermay. Just felt like drawing Lin. 🖤
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airstripyaks · 4 years
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“Sir those are my emotional support lesbians”
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ilovelin · 3 years
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Lin is so pretty
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Bumi ii: I don't think Lin is pleased with you.
Tenzin: Why do you say that?
Bumi ii, reading aloud: "dear Tenzin, I hope this message finds you before I do..."
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no-f-left-to-give · 3 years
Brain dump about the cheif
From the series of wips I will never finish because of my lazy ass.
I actually didnt liked this one for some reason but going through my wips today I was like "Wow I did that?"
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Also I like to imagine that Lin uses her hair down at home all the time just because se likes to feel free from the image she has to put for the world (dont get me wrong, she loves being the chief of police, but at home she just want to be her entire self without having to keep a perfect image for the press)
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respectwomenjuice · 3 years
i’ve got some uhhhhhh, newly scared, young lin beifong for the lin simps?
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