#cheeta facts
Around the time of the end of the last ice age cheetas almost went extinct leading to all modern cheetas being inbred
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thegreatestheaver · 2 months
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reblog to slap her bald head
#my art#my ocs#imach quality MIGHT be ass🔥 but whatevs#her weapon is a jjk refrance btw .. if anyone even cares …#toji’s epic sword thing that he used to [REDACTED] gojo is called the inverted spear of heaven :]#it nullifies cursed techniques yay so that’s why Adonai’s sword does the same 👍 but with just .. extra powers(tm)#like classpect powers u kno.. basically u would only have ur physical strength n shit left. all weapons you wield also loose their effect#if ur super weak then it’ll last one minute ! then up to six depending on how strong u are#it can also be re-inflicted as many times as they deem necessary#umm what other Adonai facts do I have#ouhg yes they like wing flight better than god tier flight cos their extra wings help them do CRAYZEE aerial moves😎#think of how a cheeta’s tail helps it make really sharp turns n stuff. like dat#I calculated his height based off how tall Mary is haha she’s 6’1 and I have a rlly old height comparison picture of them#her and Mary are moirails btw :D or at least they were until .. the incident#😁😁😁#they’ve always been a dersie (LAAAAAMEE!!!) since I created them but I was thinking of like how sollux dual dreams 🤨 liek#they r a little different since . it’s just one fucked up guy and idk how it would work LMAOOOO but . I decided. it doesn’t matter#like. At all. since the dreamself died LOOOONGGG before canon#Adonai might b my most well thought out oc tbh#I could yap forever abt him ok enough yapping. my head hurt
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layraket · 5 months
im deeply offended that irl friends didnt know about cheetas purring and meowing
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kandidandi · 2 years
A diff anon but if we doin animal facts.
A group of bats can be called a cauldron
A group of cheetahs is a coalition
A group of giraffes is called a tower
And that's it from me
CAULDRON??? TOWER????? COALITION???!?!?! whats a coalition? oh my god i love these
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thingsilikealex99a · 9 days
My Favorite Ladies !!!
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Bettie and the kitty cats, by Bunny.
Fun fact: did you know that cheetas can't roar? "Roaring cats" (lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards) have an incompletely ossified hyoid, which in theory allows them to roar but not to purr. Cheetah, on the other hand, can purr while the other cats can't. Common vocalization for a cheetah is pretty much the "meow" you'd hear from your own house cat. While cheetahs aren't normally aggressive toward humans, if you're in the jungle and hear a "meow" in the bushes, I wouldn't say "here kitty kitty...".
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To my never-ending rant called
How astonishingly smarter than anyone else Nadia is
Let's start from the first chapter. Isn't it weird that we have one and ONE ONLY witness to Julian Devorak's deeds? Ofc it is. And how Nadia and MC both have amnesia about the same damn period of time?
So, what will Nadia do?
Send some weirdo to get the murderer who's obviously lying about it since he CAN'T DO MAGIC
Ask for her totally not suspicious courtiers abut it
Ignore the fact and be happy that you don't recall a thing about your clearly imbecile late husband
...NONE OF THIS STUPID THINGS, OF COURSE. Nadia knows she's already on thin ice, so she chooses to come clean with one trusted person and makes up a simple, perfect plan for questioning her clearly untrustworthy courtiers:
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Brilliant. Refreshing.
What a competent woman
I'm in love.
And it doesn't end here! Let's appreciate how she doesn't blindly accept SUS DRINKS FROM STRANGERS
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Never-drink-first number 1 rule
And OF COURSE she knows it
Brilliant politician
And I mean, TRULY BRILLIANT. Let's not forget that
She comes from a foreign country. Had to learn language & culture from scratch
Married an idiot, be unaffected by his stupitidy
Spent the last THREE YEARS asleep, so probably still kinda damaged and not at her 100%
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Let's say it along with Nadia
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First person ever to mention basic human rights
Actually Julian did public healthcare
10 points to Julian
And wanna talk about
The Sass???
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-OFC everybody tries their moves on her
-In your dreams, you raging alcoholic!
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-did you heard that? You snake fucker?
-get your winey hands off my precious countess
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Also, I think she deserves HUGE amount of admiration for the MASSIVE FORCE OF WILL she displays when choosing to NOT adopt a cheeta
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Such a cute cheeta
I would have adopted ten
Cutest fluffest creature
And Nadia? The sass. We love u nadia.
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robbie-roo · 1 year
hi would you like to perhaps trade modern animal facts for dinosaur facts.........
Did you know cats have whiskers on their feet it's right up near their topmost toe it helps them figure out where to pounce when hunting
Shrews are cool as FUCK so because they are so small they need to have a very high metabolism- small body = loses heat faster some of them are as small as almonds!!! they are incredibly powerful hunters and can hold a territory that can be up to over 600 yards!!!! they have to eat a LOT to keep up with their high metabolism so when they hunt they will kill something and leave it there if they manage to catch something else before they finish eating and only once they no longer have any prey to catch will they eat their stockpile, the bodies of their kills are usually stacked up together. Shrews also have super fast heart and breath rates they lose heat super fast and their heart can be up to 800 bpm and their breath up to 500/minute Shrews live in high altitude and climates so how are they keeping their body warm? they use the snow as an insulater! they'll burrow under the snow and use it as a way to keep the heat inside their tunnels. when a shrew is pregnant they will eat a lot more a 7lb shrew will eat 8lbs of food for example- and their milk can shift through lactation for nutrition (colostrum and weaning milk for example)
speaking of reproduction- just like bees male mouse opossums will die right after mating- as they reach their sexual maturity they will go into overdrive they won't eat and have a very high stress level males of this species very rarely survive more than a year
you might know that all animals (aside from primates/humans) have an extra layer in the back of their eye called the tapetum lucidum, this is what eye shine is ot helps soak in light when in the dark
speaking of vision teehee
only primates have trichromatic vision most mammals only have dichromatic vision where they lack the cone rods to see green/yellow colors
ok so hearing right? so most animals other than us have pinna which makes it so their ears can move towards sound but mammals also hear different frequencies like I'm sure you've heard about how cats talk to their kittens in a different way than older cats? humans do that too! when we use baby talk for pets or children but some animals speak out of our frequencies entirely for example mice will sing to each other to find mates!
OK more specific animal facts- beavers are SICK ok so their skulls look like this
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see that giant open space behind their front teeth? they use that space to suck in their cheeks to create a blockage and make sure they don't get wood chips down their throat when chomping on trees for their dams
bats have little tiny bumps on their wings for wind turbulence
some fish have electroreception which is when you can sense electric currents by other organisms with like open channels on their cells but so can MOLES!!!
baby cheetas are born with extra fur and slightly different markings to look more like Hyena pups so that they are less likely to be attacked by them
speed round- farm edition (because I was an animal educator at a farm for years)
goats are immune to poison ivy and you can still drink their milk after
horses only breathe through their nose they can't breathe from their mouths
domestic sheep HAVE to be sheared every year as they will just continue to grow wool forever and ever until death
llamas are super clean animals a llama herd will designate one specific area for pooping they're also super good guard animals and are used to kill foxes going after chickens sometimes
emus can run 31mph (the one I worked with named Mu was also mean as hell but they can be super sweet)
bunnies sleep with their eyes open as they are prey animals they also will almost always poop as they are eating and must be eating or at least offered food nearly 24/7 or they will die similar to a shrew
goat horns are connected directly to their skulls and they LOVE when you scratch in-between them for them :)
most animals have a baculum (penis bone) except us and herbivores [that was an adult group fact not a children group fact]
I'll leave it there for now but I always have more >:)
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I know you're primarily doing Bumbleby, but ever since the Big Cat RWBY post where Cheeta!Ruby and Snow Leopard!Weiss where introduced, I kept wondering about what Animal!JNPR would look like.
Rather than giving them feline dopplegangers as well, my mind instead kept returning to canines, domestic dogs specifically.
Dog!Jaune would a Golden Retriever, because obviously. He'd be owned by Pyrrha before she came to the zoo/animal reserve Jaune works at. Picked up as something of a runt from the litter, and the only male pup amongst all the sisters because why not.
Dog!Pyrrha would be something that looks imposing but would only be dangerous if provoked or goaded, maybe something like a Rottweiler. Or better yet, a Dobermann! Dobermanns are fiercely loyal to their owners and are known to bond with one person only. Owned and cared for by Jaune after he found her in an dank alley with, of all things one could expect, an arrow in one of her back legs.
Arkos happens by chance when both Jaune and Pyrrha are taking their dogs out for a walk in the local park. There's a whole meet-cute scenario that brings the two together and bish-bash-bosh, both Jaune and Pyrrha end up with a significant other they each believe to be out of their league.
Dog!Nora can't really be anything else but a Samoyed. Sure, it'd be funny to have her be like a massive wolfhound or something, but I think the Samoyed is basically perfect. Nora's boisterous, active energetic and playful and so is the Samoyed. If you can keep a handle on her, she's incredible to have around.
Dog!Ren on the other hand was harder to pick. After some searching however, I managed to come across the Chuandong Hound. They're described, among other things, as noble, loyal, and dignified. All of that describes human!Ren quite well I'd say. They're also protective of the people they care about and are known to stand guard if strangers come up to their owners, only to lower their alertness if their owners are fine with them.
Dog!Ren and Dog!Nora would both be owned by an established Renora couple. When they adopted them as pups, Nora named them like that on a whim because she thought it was hilarious. She still thinks it's funny now, now that the dogs are all grown up.
All four dogs, despite their vastly different personalities seem to mesh incredibly well when they all meet each other for the first time. The same goes for their owners but that's to be expected really.
Anyhow, whether you decide to do something with this or not, I just needed to get this out.
Big Cat AU is 100% funny, fluffy and lovely by the way, definitely hope to see it come back from time to time.
Whew! This was a long one for me to go through, so I apologize for the delay here.
I like the idea of Pyrrha being a doberman! But maybe keep the ears floppy instead of cropped for her. Adds to her wanting to be "normal".
Jaune is definitely a Golden boy, but I don't see him being one of the AKC purebread floof boys. No, I want him to be the shaggy, dark blonde slender boys. They have more charm.
Nora.... I have to disagree with the Sammy. I can honestly see her being a Terrier. Specifically a Jack Russel Terrier. Those little crackheads are so loving, but absolutely crazy when they get into hunting mode. Considering her backstory, I can see her being a terrier mix.
Ren's definitely works! Never heard of a Chuandong Hound before, but I can definitely see it. Otherwise maybe a black and brown Chow Chow.
I'll have to do the Dog Days AU in a different post, but I'll try to do one soonish! I just need to get an idea. If you think of a prompt before I do, shoot me an ask!
(Funny thing is: I'm not that big of a cat fan. I'm a dog person, so the fact that I'm writing a Big Cat AU is hilarious for me! I'm glad you're enjoying it though! I enjoy writing up blurbs for it.)
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chernobog13 · 2 years
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MGM’s feature film Tarzan the Ape Man (1931), and its sequel, Tarzan and His Mate (1934), both starring former Olympic swimmer Johnny Weissmuller, turned out to be huge successes for the studio.  They also cemented in the public’s mind the image of the monosyllabic, grunting ape man.
That iteration of the ape man was so popular that it was used in the non-MGM film serial Tarzan the Fearless (1933), starring another Olympic swimmer, Buster Crabbe.
Tarzan creator Edgar Rice Burroughs praised the films in public (they were making him money, after all), but privately hated their portrayal of his most prized creation.  So he partnered with a family friend, Ashton Dearholt, and produced the 12 chapter-serial The New Adventures of Tarzan (1935).
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The serial starred yet another Olympian, Henry Brix, in the title role.  Ironically, Brix had been MGM’s first choice to play Tarzan in their films.   Brix, unfortunately, broke his shoulder while filming another movie.  MGM went with their second choice, Weissmuller, and the rest is history.
Frankly, just by physique alone I think Brix is the superior Tarzan.  Even in his early films Weissmuller always looked a little doughy to me.
Brix’s Tarzan was also extremely faithful to the character from Burroughs’ novels: the cultured, educated, literate Lord Greystroke who spoke several languages, yet was unmistakably a man of action.  This was the last time Tarzan would be depicted so until 1959′s Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure.
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Once the troubled production was completed (and that story is practically a book in itself), movie theatres were offered two different was to exhibit the serial: as a stand-alone feature 70 minutes in length, entitled Tarzan and the Lost Tribe; or a feature-length (65 minutes) first episode, followed by the remaining 11 chapters.
Reviews of the film were generally poor in the US, and The New Adventures of Tarzan was the last Tarzan serial ever produced.  However, like most Tarzan films of the time, it was a great success overseas.  So much so, in fact, that in 1938 the last ten chapters of the serial were edited together to become the feature Tarzan and the Green Goddess.
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Brix felt he was typecast after the serial was released, so he soon changed his name to Bruce Bennett.  That’s how he’s billed in the numerous films and television episodes he appeared throughout the 1940s and 50s.
Some trivia regarding The New Adventures of Tarzan:
- The film was set, and largely filmed, in Guatemala.
- Producer Ashton Dearholt, who was married, met his leading lady, Ula Holt, on a previous trip to Guatemala.  Dearholt was so smitten that he took Holt home to live with him.  That promptly led Dearholt’s wife, Florence Gilbert, to leave with their two children and divorce him.
- Dearholt also played Raglan, the villain of the story.  He claimed he had to step in to play the role when the actor hired for the part, Don Costello, got sick. This earns him the “George Santos Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire Award,” as there was no Don Costello.  It was just a story Dearholt made up because he always planned to act in the film.
- Edgar Rice Burroughs fell in love with Dearholt’s ex, Florence Gilbert, when he first met her in 1929.  During filming of the serial in 1935 Burroughs divorced his wife and married Gilbert, despite (or perhaps because) her being 30 years younger than him.
- Tarzan’s chimpanzee companion in the film was named Nkima, not Cheeta as in the MGM films.  Jiggs the chimp played both roles, and he was paid $2,000 for his work in the serial.
- Herman Brix was hired at the salary of $75 a week but, other than his travel and accommodations in Guatemala, never got paid for his work.
- There are stories that Brix was personally chosen by Burroughs to play Tarzan.  Brix himself stated that he only met Burroughs briefly after filming had wrapped.  The only actor Burroughs actually picked for the role was Jim Pierce, for 1927′s Tarzan and the Golden Lion.
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I .....wanna apologize I ment no harm in calling you fake as I wasn't calling you fake just everything about you but that doesn't mean you're fake lots of animals are fake but not in a "birds arnt real" conspiracy way in a fact that many animals will give themselves bright colors to signify their poison when in reality they are perfectly fine little guys or how baby cheetas look like honey baggers to disuwade big predators or how some bugs will look like leaves and sticks to hide they may be a lie but the animal is true! And I didn't mean anything wrong by the name in many other universes it is your name heck in the one I'm from yesly so, how would I know I was wrong I didn't mean anything bad by it it was all just a joke I didn't know you'd get upset...
Though I was also planning to joke your morongos are fake too... But knowing makoto I bet he "thoroughly" "investigated" that point "multiple times" yes?
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Junko:...It's fine, I probably deserve it after everything I done and I did keep provoking you, so sorry about that too, I'm just fine with letting bygones be bygones...
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...You can thank Makoto for this because if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't accept your apology.
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Makoto:Yeah sure it's because of me, whatever helps you sleep at night...I'm so proud of you Junko.
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Junko:Thanks honey...
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oh and yes, he has more than definite proof that these babies aren't fake at all.
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Makoto:Always with these kind of jokes...
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*M/A Counter:2*
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mycomfortblanket · 2 years
The party was mostly an excuse to get Sokka out of his room and into different clothes. His break-up with Ash had been hard, it practically destroyed him. He wouldn't leave his bed for days at a time except to use the restroom and he wouldn't eat unless someone brought him food. At some points, it starts to get pretty pathetic, but whenever anyone looks him in the eye, they can see just how deep this heartbreak is and the sympathy comes rushing back. 
So Katara devised the plan to throw a party with alcohol- lots of alcohol- to help boost him out of this slump and hopefully start the process of getting him back on his feet. She invited all the usual people and then told them to invite at least 5 people of their own, so this was going to to be a big party. 
"Are you sure this is actually going to work though?" Aang questions her as he walks in the front door behind her carrying an armful of groceries. "I mean, we started smoking weed in the living room yesterday and he didn't even come out for that. Just texted one of us to bring it to him."
"I don't know. I don't really know what else to do for him. It's getting to the point where I'm thinking of calling reinforcements," Katara grumbles and starts pulling out bags of chips and two-liter drinks. They finish unpacking the groceries for the party and set up the kitchen island with everything that will be needed for the night: red solo cups, their many assortments of shot glasses from all their vacations, bowls of chips, rolling papers, and pretty much anything a bunch of drunk and/or high college kids would need. Aang even found a few chargers that he plugged into the wall and made a sign advertising a charging station if they do a body shot off someone. 
An hour later, Zuko arrives with Toph in tow, both of them looking aggravated at the fact of having to do a party and socialize. "Don't get me wrong, a bunch of drunk and stupid college kids is fun to fuck with, but I can do that any day of the week if I go to the right frat house. Why do we have to do it the night before I have to be up early for a presentation at my dad's company?" No one really offers her a reason as to why it had to be tonight so she huffs out a breath and takes a seat at one of the bar stools. 
"Here, I got you a Dr. Pepper, maybe this will appease the monster in you," Aang walks over and places the drink in front of her, and kisses the top of her head. She leans into him slightly as he does this, closing her eyes briefly to soak in his affection. 
"Dr. Pepper will do nothing to save you, peasants," she grumbles as she opens the drink. After taking a few sips, she mumbles, "Maybe it will, I don't know, the night is still young."
"Where is he?" Zuko asks. 
"Where he's been for the past month. Go see if he will get up, will you?" Katara gestures towards the hallway that leads down to his bedroom. 
"Urgh, why do I always have to do it?" Zuko groans under his breath. He hears something about him possibly seeing Sokka naked but chooses to ignore it. He walks down the hallways and pushes open the door to Sokka's room. Just like the last time he was here earlier this week, there are still clothes strewn about the floor, a random Netflix documentary is playing on the tv that's mounted on the wall, and Sokka is laying twisted in his sheets. He's on his stomach with one of his arms hanging off the bed rolling a tennis ball back and forth on the floor with his hand. 
"Hey, dude," Zuko says, pushing through the door and walking over to the bed. He moves Sokka's feet over and plops down in the spot they just occupied. "You going to get up today?"
"Yeah," Sokka says unconvincingly. It's the same answer he's given anyone who has asked him that question, so Zuko doesn't take the response seriously. He watches the documentary as a cheeta attempts to take down some animal. The show really spared no gory detail as they get in close for a shot of the takedown. 
"As fun as watching that animal get totally annihilated, you actually have to get up today," Zuko says, looking away from the tv and over towards Sokka who hasn't moved an inch. He doesn't say anything, just continues to roll the ball on the ground. 
Huffing out a sigh, Zuko scoots to the side of the bed that is against the wall and places his feet against Sokka, one near his armpit and the other on his hip, and bracing against the wall, pushes Sokka off the bed and onto the floor. 
"Oomph," Zuko hears the wind get knocked out of Sokka and a little strangled cough, "What the fuck, dude!" Sokka yells from the floor. 
"You have to get up! We're having a party tonight, what if someone needs your bed?" Zuko yells back and scoots off the bed. He bends down and helps Sokka up with a hand under one of his arms. "You're fine, you've survived through worse," Zuko says with a little amusement in his tone. 
Toph appears in the door frame, her sightless eyes staring straight past Sokka and Zuko and out towards the window. "Katara sent me down here to see if you guys were fucking and if that's what that noise was for."
"Dude-" Zuko starts. 
"Why does everyone insist that I'm gay?" Sokka cuts him off. 
Toph snorts and mumbles a 'whatever' and walks back towards the kitchen. "No one is insisting that you're gay, Sokka. We all know that that's my thing. The group couldn't handle more than one gay," he says, trying to lift the mood. 
Sokka lets out a long breath, still not looking at Zuko. He shakes his head a little as if to clear some thoughts, "I guess I'll go take a shower since I'm up." He grabs a towel from his closet and then walks out of his room and towards the bathroom across the hall. 
Zuko chews on his lip and stands in Sokka's room for a bit. The truth is, everyone is pushing at Sokka being gay because of Zuko's overwhelming and completely obvious crush he has on the guy. Zuko's tried multiple times to get the group to lay off of it lest Sokka finds out, but none of them seem to want to let it go. Even Aang, the nicest and most diplomatic of them all sometimes hint at the fact that he and Sokka are practically dating. 
He leaves Sokka's room and walks back into the kitchen where a couple more people have shown up. The actual party doesn't start for a few more hours, but leave it to Yue and Azula to show up early to help with preparations and whatever else they seem to think they will miss out on if they're not here. 
When he rejoins the group, they're talking about Sokka (shocker) and his current mental health status (also, shocker). "I think he really just needs to get out of his room for a while, see that there are still people out in the world," Aang comments quietly. 
"Right, but is a party really the best way to do that? Wouldn't a walk through a park accomplish the same thing?" Toph counters, which is weird because she's never been one to turn down a party. 
"I think the alcohol and chance to 'forget' is appealing," Katara forms air quotes around the word forget. "I swear though if anyone tries to hit on him, especially in the state that he is in right now-"
"No one is going to do that," Yue interjects. "You take one look at the guy and can tell he is shattered." She glances at Zuko as if asking permission, but he doesn't know what for, "I just want to know what she did to him that destroyed him so much." Oh. That. 
Everyone is quiet for a minute but no one offers up any explanation as to why Ash and Sokka broke up. Naturally, people do look at Zuko for those kinds of answers since he and Sokka share practically everything, but this is a first for him not knowing what the fuck happened. 
Zuko shrugs, "I don't know. No one does. At this point, I'm a little afraid to find out."
The shower has been off for about an hour now and they have about another hour until people actually start showing up and Sokka is still nowhere to be seen. Katara shoots a glance at Zuko. Dropping his head onto the back of the couch where he is sitting, he lets out a complaining groan but still, he gets up and trudges back towards Sokka's room. 
When he walks in, Sokka is dressed in actual clothes but is just sitting on the bed starting at a little figurine in his hands. He's twisting it over and over, completely transfixed on it, he doesn't even look up when Zuko walks in. 
Zuko moves towards Sokka and nudges him with his knee, "Hey," he says quietly. Sokka jerks his head slightly to acknowledge that Zuko's there and that he's talking. "Party is about to start. You ready?" 
Sokka finally looks up at him, squinting a little as if he is looking at something bright, "Yeah. Yeah, let's get this-" he stops and frowns, taking in Zuko's outfit. "You're wearing that?"
The frown shifts from Sokka to Zuko as he looks down at himself. He's wearing his navy blue sweater, ripped black skinny jeans, and Doc Martens. "Yeah? What's wrong with it?"
Sokka doesn't say anything, just stands and goes over to his closet. He flips through a few hangers and pulls out a shirt or sweatshirt every so often before hanging it back up. Finally, he pulls out a dark maroon sweater, similar to the one he is wearing. "Here, wear this."
Zuko rolls his eyes but pulls his current sweater over his head and tosses it somewhere in the room before taking the maroon sweater out of Sokka's offered hand. Maybe it's just Zuko's wanting brain or maybe he's wishing for it to be true, but he swears that Sokka's eyes stay on his chest just a little longer than necessary. 
He pulls on the maroon sweater over his head and is immediately engulfed in the smell of Sokka. Pulling it down and straightening it out, he glances back up at Sokka and sees just a hint of a smile on his face, "Yeah, that looks better. Why is it that that sweater looks better on you than it does me? That's just not right," but he claps a hand on Zuko's shoulder and walks past him out of his room. 
When both of them emerge into the living room, there's a small cheer that goes up around the friend group. Red solo cups filled with something are immediately placed in both of their hands. Just in the five minutes, he was in Sokka's room, the occupancy of the living room has doubled in size. 
Sokka is sitting on the other side of the couch, cradling a bottle of vodka to his chest. Zuko can feel his eyes on him as he continues to play Brick Breaker on his phone. Personally, he's reached his limit with the socializing and his introvert battery needs to be recharged, so he is over here avoiding everyone. Zuko's legs are up on the couch with him, both of them bent at the knee so he can rest his arms against them while he furiously taps at the screen of his phone. 
Zuko feels Sokka shift until one of his feet is nudging his own, trying to get his attention. He only glances up before quickly looking back down at the screen. He's so close to beating his high score, if he can just get past...
Out of the corner of his eye, he notices that Sokka places the bottle of vodka down on the floor in front of the couch and sits up. Zuko glances at him again and sees that Sokka's eyes are trained on Zuko's hands. He looks back at the phone and lets out a quiet gasp. He almost screwed up, he needs to focus, he can't get distrac-
A shadow goes across his phone and lap and without thinking, Zuko looks up. Sokka is hovering right over his lap. Some part of his mind registers the fact that he can hear the game over tune from his phone, but he can't really bring himself to care when Sokka is looking at him like that. One of Zuko's legs drops down to the floor and the other falls against the back of the couch so that Sokka is practically kneeling between his legs. 
"What are you doing?" Sokka slurs. He looks into Zuko's eyes and he can feel his breath start to shake as Sokka continues to stare. 
"N-nothing. What are you doing, Sokka?" he asks, his voice wobbling just a little. Zuko glances off to the side to where he knows Katara is sitting and prays to any and every god that she doesn't look over. She became obsessively protective over Sokka because of his breakup with Ash and she even said before the party-
Sokka lifts one of his hands and traces Zuko's jaw with the tip of his finger, pulling his gaze from Katara back to him. "Just wanted to see what you were doing," he whispers. Sokka's eyes drop down to his lips and he moves the finger from Zuko's jaw to his lips and traces the bottom one gently. Sokka's own tongue flicks out to wet his lips before flitting his eyes upwards to meet Zuko's. He can feel the hand that isn't touching his face move so that it's pressed into the couch next to Zuko's hip. "You have really pretty eyes, did you know that?" Sokka asks, shifting even closer to him until he is just a breath away. 
Is Zuko fucking dreaming right now? Is he in some porno that he doesn't remember turning on? He has Sokka in his fucking lap giving him those eyes and acting like he is going to kiss him and more. He must be in a coma or something because there is no actual way this is about to happen. 
"No, I didn't know that," Zuko mumbles, swallowing hard. Sokka presses in even closer and Zuko's eyes flutter shut at his closeness. 
Sokka hums in his throat and just barely brushes against him when he is suddenly ripped away. Zuko's eyes instantly fly open and he is met with the sight of a very angry Katara standing over him.
Read the complete story on Ao3
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psych 2x15 Black & Tan, a crime of Fashion. I thought this was way later in the series, it was one of the earlier episodes I'd seen. SF, CH, KK, JRr, DH
I might be able to tell their voices apart this time
nope nvm it has been nearly two months.
kelly is using her husband's name now! <3 Good for her
*asked permission to not have the flashback* *denied* *extended part where shawn gives himself a mustache*
Something sexy & edgy & sleek
Gus not working on his birthday & the complications that ensue when a case pops up
DH: I enjoyed shooting this scene because it was right around the corner from my apartment (I love the "I'm Black, he's Tan" it's so good.)
JRr: Dule Hill's finest hour
"Cheeta" SF's bro knew the names of ALL the laker girls & that was the inspo for Gus knowing the Gooey Girl's name.
SF: How do you know if someone is bulimic? Me: ... Mom don't read this post. *listing off symptoms in my head* SF: The two fingers are chafed but it looks like she dipped them in acid or red paint.
My man was named after a german tennis player. & then he died.
"The names caused a stir in this episode with the network." "American duos had, like, five, but this has eighteen." "I sent them a document with 30 REAL supermodel names, all of which were multisyllabic & weird, & they were like 'yeaaaaaah....',"
Foot model XD ok Gus. & ankle & hand
It's Gus's birthday hence he's not working tonight. *counting down until midnight.*
Why does Shawn think his dad is asleep at 8pm? Wait nvm he fishes early in the morning.
*Chief opens the door* SS: I didn't see anything SF: & then for one moment it gets just a little weirder
Purple shirt
HS: Come on hawn you have an opinion on everything (Funny how it comes off as "I hate you" even while he's asking him for help)
*leave the gate open* *Gus calling himself cinderella*
Pancakes in a diner at 11 at niht? BG: Woah! Six five! Commenters burst out laughing bc Shawn isn't even doing anything
"Every promotional clip of this show should have this" *Gus & Shawn doing the arrow dance thing
The sneeze was so cute
JRr wrote "I'd rather shower with a bear"
"Look at my jaw!" KV: I've seen enough, you're hired.
YES PLEASE BRING THAT CHARACTER BACK! The show's over, nothing I can do now
Heck yeah amanda detner
a thousand dollars over budget & all in wardrobe
... "I got the window" Kelly left it in for once
Sigrand O'o, who he went to college with. Sorry, Gus would kill me if I said that. Let me fix it: with whom he went to college.
Gus is legit hella strong. I love him. *immediately tends to him* (gay) That pillow fight is JRr sticking to his guns; everybody tried to take it out but JRr du his heels in & got ONE shot.
So much debate on what the song for the slow-mo should have been. *winds down* Dad?
"Why was Henry out in an alley knowing where Shawn would be?" There was an earlier version where Henry heard they were going to a bar, but "I was a detective" was fine.
SS: I'm proud of the fact that I've never been in therapy That's true, he didn't even call the crisis line, he made Gus do it. Related fact: his mom was a psychologist. He probably should be in therapy though.
JRr directed this scene! Good for him.
SF: It's taken Gus about 3 minutes to turn into an incipient horror
Heck yeah aotearoa, this kiwi stuff is so funny but so subtle.
Still shocked that they kept "don't be surprised if your pillow smells faintly of my butt" made it through the censor
Soo funny how the models wake up looking ready for the runway & Shawn is there looking like a normal guy (still a pretty actor tho ofc)
She's a vampire? Where did that come from?
*walking by saying horrible things to the head*
The fashion funeral was a great set piece. "You can't dance at a funeral, Shawn"
"Props to my dear friend amanda for letting herself look like this" *weird model fashion*
She died with her eyes WIDE open but it was cut
Gus with NO PANTS ON but still his SHOES
"That's a painting of Bruce Jenner as a fish''
Star filter & the three of them like *eyes emoji*
Ghandi as a fish
Dead, not dead, & this is how the show got around it.
The point of it, besides Gus's birthday, was to see if they could write a show where there was nobody to cuff in the end.
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juliehowlin · 9 months
Cheeta the chimpanzee, Tarzan's companion in the films, doesn't appear in the books. In fact, there are no chimps in the books at all.
10 things you might not know about Tarzan:
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Tumblr tells me I "reached my daily post limit" whatever the fuck that means. So it's time to bother the mutuals with animal facts!
Did you know that cheetahs can reach speeds of 75mph, or 120km/h?
Wait how long has this been sitting in here?? December 7th 2023?? Whoopsie
Anyway yes I knew!! Cheetas used to be my favourite animals in like, daycare so I knew da facts :')
Also I read a lot of magazines as a kid that had cool stuff like this written in there
Yippee cheetahs!!!
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hannahaiyt · 1 year
3 Things AI could do to end poverty | Hannah-AI
3 Things AI could do to end poverty | Hannah-AI https://ift.tt/lTZYp9m In this captivating segment, we delve into the intersection of innovation and education, exploring how AI’s transformative influence reshapes the landscape of learning. Elisabeth Mason, visionary director of the Stanford Poverty & Technology Lab, reminds us of technology’s potential to address challenges that once seemed insurmountable. As we navigate the intricate tapestry of poverty’s complexities—ranging from affordable food access to education deficits—AI emerges as a beacon of hope. Witness how AI’s tailored learning experiences, personalized platforms, and equitable access redefine education, fostering a brighter future for all. Stay Connected With Us. Where AI meets humor and wonder. Uncover facts and share a laugh. Subscribe now and be amazed at us: https://t.ly/IR5y3 ============================= Recommended Playlists Animal Facts    • Fascinating Animal Facts: From Cheeta…   AI Jokes    • AI Jokes: Laughing with Artificial In…   Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 5 Jobs AI will never replace!    • 5 Jobs AI Will Never Be Able To Repla…   Quantum Computing: Where Science and Magic Converge – What Will It Unlock?    • How Quantum Computing Is A Game Chang…   ChatGPT 5: What are our hopes?    • Why ChatGPT 5 Will Change The World? …   How to Resolve ChatGPT Login Issues – Quick and Easy Fix!    • How To Fix ChatGPT Login Troubles: He…   ============================= About Hannah-AI. I’m Hannah-AI, your heartwarming and enlightening AI companion. Discover mind-boggling AI facts, explore the mysteries of the universe, and uncover fascinating animal facts. With laughter and joy, we’ll brighten your day with AI jokes that tickle your funny bone. Subscribe now and be part of our fantastic AI community, where friendship and curiosity thrive. Let’s embrace the endless wonders of AI together! Discover the wonders of AI. Unravel universe mysteries. Hit subscribe for a journey with Hannah-AI: https://t.ly/IR5y3 ================================= #AIinEducation #TransformativeLearning #TechforGood #ai #PersonalizedLearning #EdTech #FutureofLearning #AIInnovation via Hannah-AI https://ift.tt/LQesOX8 August 29, 2023 at 12:47PM
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romantichopelessly · 5 years
don’t take me to a zoo or aquarium unless you’re fully prepared to spend the entire time there listening to me say “did you know”
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