#cheeseburger I’ll definitely marry that -
barkthulu · 7 months
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Dude I’m freakin dead 💀
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wishuhadstayed · 3 years
Plus One
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Word count: 3000ish
Summary: it’s baby time y’all!
Warnings: pregnancy complications, angst
Author’s Note: to those who have been waiting, I AM SO SORRY. I hope this will be worth it! Part 8? to Begin Again. Please feel free to yell at me in the comments if you feel so inclined.
Previous Chapter
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Conversation flowed in the dining room and kitchen of the Hotchner residence as the BAU team and family impatiently anticipated the forthcoming announcement.
“It’s a boy, has to be,” Morgan mused.
“No way. Definitely a girl,” JJ contradicts.
“As much as it pains me to say, I think I have to go with Morgan on this one,” Emily admits.
“Garcia?” JJ inquires, “What do you think?”
“I have to agree with Chocolate Thunder on this one, love,”
“Are you all taking his side?” JJ asks with indignation. “I’ll bet you $50 that it’s a girl!”
“Oh you’re on, sweetheart,” Morgan complies with a winning smile.
“I don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy,” says Reid, “but I do know that I wouldn’t bet against JJ.”
“Thanks, Spence,” JJ replies, patting him on the shoulder. “Emily, Rossi? You wanna get in on the action?”
“Oh I am so staying out of this,” Prentiss responds. “Count me out.”
“I’m in with Morgan for $50,” Rossi states.
“Alright, but you’re all gonna be sorry,” JJ says with a smirk.
Overhearing the lively discussion, you enter the room.
“Children, what’s going on here?” You interject, “Don’t make me break up a fight.”
“Y/N! Just the lady I wanted to see!” Exclaims JJ. “May I?” She asks, gesturing towards your growing baby bump.
“Sure, go ahead,” you reply. “Do I even want to know?”
“We’re taking bets on the sex of the baby,” she replies placing a gentle hand on your belly. “And I am so totally going to win!”
“You can’t possibly know that, JJ,” Morgan interrupts.
“Call me crazy if you want,” says JJ, “but a mother knows.”
“I suppose you’ll all find out soon enough,” Aaron cuts in, placing a strong arm around your back and pressing his lips to yours for a quick, tender kiss. “Shall we?”
With that, everyone makes their way to the backyard, where a large golden balloon awaits.
Picking it up from the ground, Aaron asks, “Everybody ready?”
He didn’t really have to ask. The answer was unanimous.
“Jack, would you like to do the honors?” you inquire, holding out a safety pin for him.
“Can I?” he asks hopefully.
“Of course you can buddy. Just be careful, okay?”
“Yes, Mama.”
“Dad and I will count you in, okay? On three.”
Together, you and Aaron slowly count, “One, two, THREE!”
A loud pop from the balloon momentarily startles the crowd and then..... a cloud of pink confetti floats to the ground.
“YES!” JJ shouts in her excitement. “PAY UP, LOSERS! We got a baby shower to plan!”
Several weeks later found you strolling through the back door of Rossi’s home into the yard where you’d married the man of your dreams not so very long ago.
This time it’s decorated for a slightly different occasion. Pale pink lanterns and streamers adorn everything in sight. A picnic table covered with a pink flowered cloth looks like it might collapse at any moment beneath the weight of a mountain of gifts wrapped in pastel paper. Heart shaped balloons are tied to the corners of another table on top of which is a giant bowl of pink punch, more food than you thought possible, and a breathtaking cake, decorated with tiny pink roses.
A tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality and you turn to see three beautiful, smiling faces. Women that you consider to be not only friends, but family at this point.
“Penny, Emily, JJ,” you say as your eyes begin to well up with tears, “This is too much! You shouldn’t have gone to this much trouble.”
“Oh this is the least we could have done for you, doll face,” Garcia interjects. “Nothing but the finest for my very best friend.”
“Don’t worry about it, my clean sweep at the gender reveal paid for most of this,” JJ jokes.
“You look absolutely radiant,” Emily adds, pulling you in for a hug.
“Where’s the boss man?” Penelope asks. “He’s coming isn’t he?”
“Oh yes” you reply. “He was helping Jack out of the car. He told me to come on in. He’s probably inside hanging out with boys for a minute.”
At that moment, you feel a pair of familiar arms encircling you, one across your chest and one just underneath your baby bump. A soft kiss on the cheek and he turns you around to face him. The tender look in his usually stern eyes melts you as he smiles and says,
“There’s my girls.”
“I love you, Aaron.”
“I love you too, darling.”
“Alright love birds, it’s time to get this show on the road!” exclaims Morgan, coming through the door with both Henry and Jack in tow.
“Thanks for keeping the kids entertained, Derek,” you whisper. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
“Don’t you worry about a thing, Mama. I’ve got it all under control,” he reassures with a wink.
“Should we be worried?” Aaron jokes under his breath.
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Garcia offers, trailing off behind them.
Rossi and Reid bring up the tail end of the group, along with Jessica, Jack’s aunt, who had been previously supervising the kids.
“How are the parents-to-be feeling?” Rossi inquires.
“Overwhelmed, and so grateful,” you reply. “I know JJ said she covered most of it with her winnings, but I think we all know you pitched in too. And you’re a fantastic sport for letting the girls decorate your whole house pink.”
“Anything for some of my favorite people,” he replies patting you both on the shoulder.
“I’m so happy for you guys,” Reid chimes in. “This baby’s really lucky to have such loving parents.”
“Reid, stop. You’re gonna make me cry,” you squeak out, pulling a tissue from your purse.
Just then, Jessica wraps an arm around both of you.
“Jess, you know you didn’t have to come,” Aaron says.
“Nonsense!” comes her reply. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
As you go to sit so you can open presents, Morgan pulls out the chair for you, then pulls one out for Garcia as they settle in to watch the kids.
Maybe you were mistaken, but you could have sworn you saw a flirty look pass between them. A mischievous grin crosses your face. Perhaps you should do a bit of your own matchmaking.
“Jack!” you call. “Don’t you wanna help Mama open some of her presents?”
“Yeah! Can Henry help too?”
“What do you think JJ?” you ask.
“As long as it’s okay with you,” she agrees.
The kids ran up to help with their very important present duty. Jack retrieving smaller presents and helping rip the paper. Henry mostly just playing with the shiny bows. Thus leaving Morgan and Garcia free of responsibility.
When the last present had been opened, and the last game played, Aaron made his speech.
“Y/N and I just wanted to thank you all so much for being here today. We love each and every one of you like family, and we are truly grateful for all your love and support. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. Thank you again.”
As everyone was leaving, Penelope pulled you to the side.
“Did you call the kids over for help specifically to leave Derek and I alone together?”
“Penny, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” came your reply. “I’m just getting too big to be bending over to grab the presents and I thought it would be fun for the kids.”
“If you say so,” she says with a skeptical look.
As she walks away, Aaron whispers in your ear, “You are so wrong for that, you know?” with a playful shove of your shoulder.
“Oh they’re perfect for each other and everyone knows it. Besides, she played matchmaker for us and look what happened,” you reply, rubbing your belly.
“Okay, okay!” he surrenders with a grin. “You’re right. You’re always right. You win.”
As the weeks crept by, your little family was not so patiently awaiting the arrival of its newest addition. Being pregnant and taking care of a 6 year old without your husband was extremely taxing, making the moments that you did have with him exceedingly special.
Moments like today. It was nothing exciting, just sitting on the couch, enjoying each other’s company, but sometimes that’s all you really need.
Seated across from each other, You can’t help but admire the sweet look on his face as he touches your belly.
“I still can’t believe we’re having a baby girl,” he mentions.
“Neither can I,” you agree. “She’s gonna be smart,” you state, resting your hand on top of Aaron’s. “A lawyer like her daddy.”
“She can be anything she wants,” he says, looking up with his smile revealing the stunning dimples that caught your eye on your very first date. “As long as she’s happy.”
“God I love you, Aaron.”
“I love you more, angel.”
But mom duty never stops.
“Oh!” you exclaim. “It’s almost time to pick up Jack from school and I haven’t even started dinner!”
“Don’t worry about it, babe,” Aaron says. “I’ll take care of everything, you just relax.”
“But I,”
“Ssshhhhh,” he interrupts. “No buts. I will pick up Jack, I will get dinner. You deserve a break.”
“Alright, if you insist.”
“I do.”
He leans in and gently brushes his lips against yours.
“I’ll be back soon.”
What felt like an eternity later, you hear the front door open and two distinct sets of footsteps.
“Mama!” Jack yelled, scrambling up into your lap for a hug. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too, buddy,” you reassure, pulling him close to your chest.
“What’s for dinner, honey?” you ask?
A playful smirk forms on Aaron’s face, raising your suspicions.
“You’ll see. In the meantime, Jack how would you like to watch a movie with me and mom?”
You all settle on the sofa, Jack in Aaron’s lap and your head on your husband’s left shoulder. Just as you were drifting off to sleep near the end of the movie, a knock at the door startles you awake.
“Dinner’s here!” Aaron announces. “Come on buddy,” he encourages Jack. “Help me out.”
As you reach the table where the food is being laid out, tears begin to spring to your eyes.
“I got you fries and chocolate shake. And a cheeseburger. No mayo, extra pickles.”
“Babe,” you squeak out, “you remembered.”
“Of course I remembered. It’s all you talked about while I was away on my last case.”
You laugh and pull him close.
“I knew I married you for a reason.”
Around your 36 week mark, Aaron called from his hotel room to check on you.
“How are you, love?”
“Still pregnant,” you gripe.
“I know you’re exhausted, mama. I’ll be home tomorrow. Just remember the go bag for the hospital is packed and sitting right by the front door, just in case.”
“Yes, Aaron. You remind me every day. Honestly I think it’s bit overboard, I’m fine.”
“I just worry about you being alone while I’m gone is all. It never hurts to be prepared. Anyway, I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Love you too honey. Good night and be safe tomorrow.”
When Aaron arrived home the next night, he was greeted by the sight of you dozing on the couch.
Easing himself down on the edge, he swipes a lock of hair from your face. He softly kisses your forehead and watches as your eyes flutter open.
“Aaron?” you murmur. “You’re home.”
“I’m home,” he whispers. “How are my girls?”
“Better now that you’re home. I’ve had some pretty intense back pain, but otherwise fine.”
“Well sleeping on the couch probably isn’t helping,” he states matter of factly.
“Oh thank you doctor,” you reply sarcastically, giving his arm a playful slap. “I would never have known.”
“You’re welcome,” he says with a shit eating grin. “Let’s get some sleep.”And with that, he sweeps you off the couch, heading for the master bedroom.
You woke the next morning still in pain, but not wanting to disturb Aaron. You struggle to sit up, finally managing after a few tries. You pull back the sheets and immediately get a sense of panic and dread at the sight of blood on the hem of your nightgown and the sheets beneath you. As the tears begin to stream, you instinctively call out for him.
Waking up at the sound of his name he asks, “what’s wrong, baby?”
But he realizes the problem before you even get a chance to respond.
Amazingly he seems not to panic at all. The tears and hysterics don’t faze him at all. He simply grabs you out of the bed, carries your directly to the car, and buckles you in.
“Stay right here,” he instructs. “I’m getting Jack and we’re going to the hospital right now.”
What seems like an eternity later, but in reality was only a few minutes, Aaron emerges from the house with Jack and the go bag.
He peels out of the driveway and drives to the nearest hospital with no regard for the speed limit.
When you arrived to the emergency entrance, you look at him with a panic stricken face.
“I’m scared, Aaron.”
“Don’t worry darling,” he says soothingly. “I’m going to get you some help.”
The next thing you know several people are helping you out of the car and loading you onto a stretcher. As they wheel you inside he follows closely behind with Jack asleep in his arms.
“What going on?” you plead.
“I don’t know, love but they’re going to help,” he reassures.
Just then you overhear a member of the medical staff informing Aaron that he’s not allowed any farther.
“What do you mean he can’t come with me?” You wail.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but bleeding is very serious. Both you and the baby could be in danger. We need to get you treatment now and we can’t have any family in the room.”
“It’s okay,” Aaron says in a very calm and sure tone. “They’re going to take good care of you. Everything will be fine.”
“FINE? Nothing about this is fine!” you shout. “I can’t do this without you, Aaron.”
“Yes you can,” he replies, holding your hand. “You’re the strongest woman I know. You have to. Do it for her.” He says, placing his hand on your belly.
“We have to go now,” one of the nurses insist.
“Be strong for me okay?” He pleads, gaining a short tearful nod from you in response.
“I love you,” he calls out as they wheel you swiftly down the hall. Just before the stretcher is out of sight he hears your response.
“I love you more.”
Collapsing into a chair in the waiting area, mind racing with worry, Aaron does the only thing he can think of at the moment.
The phone rings, and then,
“Aaron! I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon after a case,” Rossi says. “We don’t have plans today, do we?”
“No, Dave. It’s Y/N. We’re at the hospital.”
“Wow, I didn’t think she was due for a few more weeks.”
“She’s not,” Aaron explains, his voice beginning to break. “When we woke up, she was bleeding. From what I understand, it’s pretty serious. You’re the first person I thought to call.”
“Oh my God,” Rossi breathes. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Should I call the rest of the team?”
“Yeah, I think that would be best. I could really use some help with Jack. He’s still asleep for now, but,” Aaron pauses for a moment, choking back tears. “I don’t know what to tell him when he wakes up,” he finishes quietly.
“Just hold on, Aaron,” Rossi replies. “We’re coming.”
Within an hour, the whole BAU team was crowding the hospital waiting room. Hugs were exchanged and Aaron had handed a still sleeping Jack off to JJ.
Everyone waited in tense silence, not knowing quite what to say.
��I’m scared out my mind, Dave,” Aaron confines to him. “I can’t lose her. I’ve been through too much already. And Jack, God it would crush him if anything happened to her.”
“I think he’s waking up,” JJ whispers.
“Dad?” He asks in a daze as he wakes. “Miss JJ? Where are we?” He questions now aware of the unfamiliar surroundings.
Coming over to squat down in front of him, Aaron does his best to explain.
“Well buddy, this morning mom got sick, so we brought her to the hospital, and the doctors are taking good care of her.”
“Is she going to be okay?” he inquires. “And my baby sister?”
“I hope so, the doctors are working really hard to make mom better okay?”
“Daddy, we should say a prayer for Mama,” Jack responds. “And my baby sister too.”
“I think that’s a great idea, Jack,” Aaron responds, as he quickly turns away to wipe a tear.
The whole group gathered closely around Jack and Aaron. Everyone took turns saying prayer for the health and well being of Y/N and her unborn daughter.
Moments after the last amen was said; just when Aaron thought he would die if he waited a moment longer, a doctor came through the doors.
“Mr. Hotchner?”
Aaron stood, bracing himself for the news.
“Is it alright if I speak in front of the group?”
“Yes, they’re family. Please, just— do you have news about my wife?”
“Sir,” the doctor continues with a look of concern. “You all may want to sit down for this.”
Tag list: @ange-must-die @agenthotchner @moonstuffsteve @poetsacademia @hotchners-slut @arganfics @ladyreapermc @rousethemouse @less-intelligent-spencerreid @tgibstan @themanip @word-scribbless @quillvine @glizzieborden @miss-united-ace @samayoshito
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gloriafc · 3 years
Welcome Home
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Y/N Barnes is the name you went by. You wore the name proudly, especially the day you married Bucky. He was your soulmate and you couldn't imagine living without him until the day Steve told you he disappeared with the many others in the blip. Steve stayed by your side, the two of you only having each other as you grieved your husband. A month after the blip you found out you were pregnant. "How am I supposed to do this Steve? How am I going to raise his baby without him here?" "I'll be here. It's not the same thing. But I'll try my best."
Eight and a half months later you had given birth to a beautiful babygirl. Rosalina Marie Barnes. Steve stared at the newborn in his arms, "She has his eyes." "I know. I stared at them for an hour wanting to cry." "Why Rosalina?" "Bucky always brought home roses. Didn't matter the occasion. Sometimes just because he hadn't brought me flowers in a while, but they were always roses. Even if it was just a single rose that he picked off a random bush. I had to work that in someway in his honor."
Pepper and Tony helped you as much as you'd let them, Morgan being born around the same time as Rosalina. The two girls became best friends, as they slowly got bigger. Soon they were able to walk and run causing chaos wherever they went.
As five years passed you learned how to live without Bucky. You always told Rosalina about her dad, to keep his memory, and to answer any question she may have had about him. She understood why she didn't have her dad, and as much as it hurt her to know she may never meet him she still loved him with her entire heart.
When Steve told you the Avengers were trying to reverse the blip you didn't know what to feel, thankful Morgan and Rosie were off playing unable to hear the conversation. "This is a good thing y/n." "I know." "You don't sound like its good." "Steve. I spent the last five years without my husband, grieving him. I spent the last five years as a single mother. Spending everyday looking into his blue eyes without him there next to me raising that beautiful girl. And you're telling me you think you guys found a way to bring him and the rest of the world back? Steve what happens when he comes back and he decides a kid is too much for him, or he thinks that I'm not the same person I was when the blip happened? Because I'm not. I spent five years trying to get over him just to fail everyday. I climb into bed everyday just wanting to be held in his arms and to get a whiff of his cologne but cant." You stop yourself unable to finish your train of thought, "Steve. As much as I missed him and as much as I wished he was there for Rosie growing up this is a big change."
When you go home and tell Rosie that Uncle Steve was trying to bring her daddy home she climbed into your bed with your giant photo album asking you to tell the stories of all the pictures in the book. "What's this one mommy?" "That's the day mommy married daddy." "You look like a princess." "I felt like one. Your daddy always made me feel like one." "Do you still love daddy?" "I'll always love him baby. Just like I'll always love you." "Do you think he'll love me?" "I think so. How could he not?" "He's never met me." "Doesn't mean he can't love you. I'm sure your Uncle Steve will tell him all about you."
And he did, as they were being transported back Bucky asked about you. "What happened to Y/N?" "She survived the blip Buck." Bucky could see the look on Steve's face, "What happened?" "Nothing bad. Depending on how you take it. Uh. Y/N found out she was pregnant a month after the blip happened." Bucky stayed silent as the information processed in his head making Steve continue with a proud smile on his face, "You have a daughter Buck. Shes every bit as crazy as Y/N, but shes stubborn like you. Besides your eyes shes her mini me." Steve pulls out his phone and shows him a picture of the three of you on Rosie's last birthday, "She named her Rosalina. Rosie for short. Rosalina Marie Barnes." "She kept my name?" "She couldn't bring herself to go by anything else. She loves you Buck even while you were gone. There hasn't been a day she didn't miss you, even Rosie knows who you are."
When they land Steve calls you to tell you that Tony died. "How's Pepper doing?" "You know Pepper." "Working through everything. How is he?" "Why don't you ask him yourself?" Steve hands the phone to Bucky, the sound of his voice immediately making you cry, "Hey doll." "Buck." The sound of your sniffles makes him want to tear up, "You dont know how much I missed you." "I can imagine it doll. Steve told me we have a daughter." "She's beautiful Buck. Wait until you see her."
The day of Tony's funeral you're helping Rosie get ready trying to avoid being late, but it seems she has other plans. Bucky waits nervously, for him it's only been a week since the last time he saw you, but he knows that it's been five years and you'll be with your daughter. Steve nudges him when your car pulls in and the pair watch as you climb out and go around before you're helping Rosie out as she carrys a gift bag. Pepper followed by Happy and Morgan reach you first, you quickly pull Pepper in with a sad smile "Sorry we're late Rosie had other plans." You watch as Rosie hands Morgan the bag, before she grins as she pulls out a rabbit stuffed animal dressed like iron man, "Squeeze it Morgan." You watch as her and Pepper get teary eyed when the rabbit speaks in Tony's voice, from a recording from one of Tony's voice files, "I love you 3000." Pepper looks at you, "How did you get that?" "I have my ways, theres one more thing." You reach into the bag and pull out a small stuffed cheeseburger that attaches to the bunnies hand, Pepper looks at you, "That's perfect. Thank you." Morgan hugs your legs as she looks at you unable to say anything. Happy looks at you with a sad smile, "I think theres someone waiting to see you. I can watch Rosie." "Thank you Happy."
You make your way towards Bucky and Steve, stopping in front of them as your eyes take Bucky in before you start tearing up. "Doll. You look beautiful." You can't even say anything before he takes you into his arms and you hold onto him tightly, afraid to lose him again. You both sway as you quietly cry doing the one thing you wanted to do for five years.
The three of you move to sit on the steps of the back porch, watching as Happy keeps the two girls entertained. "What's she like?" Steve chuckles as you say, "Sometimes she's a giant pain in my ass." "She's only saying that because she has her mother's attitude." You smile and shake your head, "Theres too much personality in one little body. You're going to have to find out for yourself. But she definitely takes after her dad." Bucky looks at you and Steve confused, "I've lost count of how many times I was asked to pick her up early from school because she got in a fight. A fight in preschool." You nudge Bucky, "Guess what she did?" He just shakes his head as Steve continues, "Every time I asked her she said the bigger kids were picking on the small kid so she fought the bullys." You chuckle, "Sound familiar?"
Ten minutes later she runs up to you, cuddling into your side as she peeks at the man shes called her dad in photos. "Mommy." Bucky can feel his heart thump as the word leaves her mouth, he's always wanted to experience having a child with you he just never imagined you'd do it without him. "Come here." You pull her onto your lap facing Bucky and Steve as she tries to hide in your hair. Not even a second later she's pulling something out of her jacket pocket. "These are yours." She hands Bucky his dog tags, you've told her they were something he never took off, but they fell during the blip and Steve brought them to you. She loved to play dress up with them, always being careful and returning them to their spot when she was done. Bucky looks at the spot where her hand touched his before slowly handing them back to her, "I believe you've kept them safe for this long." She smiles as she holds them to her chest and you kiss the top of her head.
When it is time to go Rosie grabs your hand before stopping and looking at Bucky and reaching for his hand, "Come on Daddy." You couldn't hide your smile, hearing her call him that and him actually being there and not just a picture. Steve nudges his best friend, "Go with your girls." Bucky smiles, "My girls. I like the sound of that." He grabs onto Rosie's hand with his giant hand compared to hers, the three of you walking back to your car. He watches as you help her into her seat before shutting her door, "I'll drive. We had to find a bigger home once she started walking. It's not too far from here."
As you drive Bucky finds himself smiling as you hum along to the music, something you've always done, what makes him stop and look in the backseat is the voice of his daughter singing along to the music as she kicks her feet and stares out the window at the passing trees. He can't hide his smile when he sees your smirk, "Like mother like daughter huh?"
When you park in the driveway Bucky stares at the house as Rosie runs inside, "Tony built it. This is his land, well Peppers now. I couldn't stay in that small apartment anymore. I needed a fresh start but couldn't bring myself to leave completely. After Morgan was born Pepper took over everything Tony did and gave me her old job as assistant. It let's me afford more than we needed without making me work all the time." Bucky still looks at the place you call home, you grab his metal hand, the cold metal having a familiar homey feeling to you, "Come on. There's so much she's dreamed about showing you." As soon as you step foot into the house and lock the door you smile hearing Rosie rummage around in her room, "You got this Buck. Trust me." You lead him to where her room is. When she grabs his hand to pull him further into the room and makes his seemingly giant frame sit on her little bed, handing him her favorite stuffed animals and telling him about each one you cant help but start to tear up, the life you always imagined for her happening right before your eyes.
Your phone buzzes and pulls you out of thought as you read the message from Pepper smiling at the picture attached. She managed to capture a picture of the three of you as you were leaving, Rosie in the middle as you held hands. Your backs were to the camera but its quickly become one of your favorite pictures. You quietly leave the room knowing Rosie is easy to entertain and good at playing host. You quickly open up your computer and after a few short minutes the picture Pepper sent you is printed out and you're sticking it in your photo album. As you close the book you stop remembering the bins you've kept in the garage all these years. You find the one you'd continuously dig through when you were pregnant and couldn't fit any of your clothes, and carry it inside. You stop when you see Rosie and Bucky standing in the hall, "There you are Mommy. I want to show daddy the pictures." You smile and nod, "How about we let daddy get into some more comfortable clothes while I make dinner?" She quickly let's go of his hand, "Can I help?" "Always Love."
Rosie becomes preoccupied with going through the pantry trying to find what she wants for dinner as you lead Bucky to what would now be your shared room. "You'll find everything easy. These are all your clothes. The rest of your stuff is in the garage, but that can wait until tomorrow." Bucky takes the box from you his hand finding the side of your face and you cant help but lean into his touch your eyes quickly finding his. "You kept everything?" With a nod you answer, "I couldn't bring myself to throw anything away. Or donate it. The thought of someone else wearing your clothes, making the smell of you go away was too much for me. And it helped that when I was pregnant and to big to fit in my own clothes that I had backups." For the first time in five years Buckys lips meet yours as you both get lost in the moment. It isn't until you hear a tiny "Eww" that makes you break apart. You both chuckle at the disgusted look on your daughters face as she stands in the doorway holding onto a box of macaroni and cheese, Bucky can't help himself, "What? You don't like this?" He gently turns your face so he can kiss you again, making you laugh into the kiss when Rosie pretends to gag. He let's you go and is quick to grab Rosie making her drop the box and let out happy giggles as he spins around. You immediately know what hes going to do as he stops in front of you, "How about this?" Before she can question anything you both press multiple kisses to her cheeks making her giggle even harder as she tries to push you both away, "That tickles!"
Just hearing the sounds of his daughter's giggles makes him immediately become protective. Even though he just met her he already knows how much he loves her and how he'd do anything to keep a smile on her face. The fact that you gave him a child makes him fall even more in love with you. When you both head to the kitchen to make dinner he can't shower fast enough, not wanting to miss a single moment with you both. As he walks down the hall he finally takes notice of the different pictures that line the walls. There's some of the two of you, some with Steve, with Tony, Pepper, and Morgan. He can see that you continued to live your life but stops at the ones with him in them. He sees your wedding picture and cant stop himself from touching the frame, next to it a picture of you pregnant, then one of you holding Rosie as a newborn. He gets taken out of thought when he can hear two giggles coming from the kitchen, he smiles thinking how much his daughter is exactly like her mother, and wouldn't change a thing.
Bucky slowly eases into your nighttime routine, and being around Rosie. Anytime he needs reassurance about what to do he'd look at you and you'd simply nod or shake your head. He watched as you tucked Rosie in for bed, her refusing to be tucked in unless he helped making you laugh. After you turned off her light he followed you to your room climbing into bed alongside you. "This side feels unslept in." "It should. I can't sleep on that side, when Rosie would climb into bed with me she always managed to sleep on top of me."
As soon as you feel yourself start to fall asleep you feel an all too familiar weight on top of you, "Rosie what are you doing out of bed?" Bucky reaches over to turn on the light in his half-asleep state shocked to find Rosie on top of you and under the blanket, "There's a monster under my bed." "And there's a gremlin under my blanket." Bucky can't fight the smile on his lips as he watches the mother-daughter duo. "Mommy, I need daddy to fight the monster." "Liar." "You don't know that." "Mmm i think I know my own child Rosie. You just want to sleep in here." She looks between you and Bucky with a smile he knows he'll end up giving into everytime, "Can I?" You look at Bucky, "It's up to you Sergant." He can only shrug, "She's already under the blanket." Rosie grins before snuggling in-between you both.
After Rosie's fast asleep Bucky feels her weight shift until he feels her weight on top of him, not even a second later he hears you quietly say, "I told you. Welcome home Buck."
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(of the Caribbean? Sort of? I guess?)
(please understand that by AU, I mean they share an incredibly small amount of things in common with the original source material which I barely remember BUT the “story” takes place in the setting of the books/films) (not to be misleading or anything :p)
(BEWARE: abuse, murder, pirates and all of their violent shenanigans, etc.)
(If you can handle watching Umbrella Academy, this will be fine for you.)
Luther is the captain of the guard, and pirates are the bane of his existence. He hates Diego most of all, the man who’s stolen unspeakable amounts of gold from Reginald, Luther’s employer. But as annoyed he is at all of the theft, he purposefully never catches Diego, because he knows Klaus loves him. And Luther may be a man of the law, but he’s also Klaus’ beloved brother-in-spirit, even if Reginald wants them to marry each other for some idiotic reason. (Something about getting Klaus to settle down - ha, he can try.) When Klaus disappears, Luther follows him, having no connections left here - and that’s when he meets Allison. And there are copious laws against getting involved with married women and outlaws alike… so Luther starts to think that maybe bending the rules wouldn’t be so bad. (Klaus is so proud.)
Diego grew up poor, and became a pirate in his early teens when Grace took him in. When she fled the colony, Diego went with her, leaving his childhood best friend Klaus behind. He’s got his own fleet and crew now, and mostly uses his scores as excuses to flirt with Klaus, who’s still just as drawn to him after all these years and often sneaks him into his bedroom when Diego’s in town. Diego’s kept in close touch with Lila and Eudora, both of whom he grew up with once Grace took him away, and they both help him when it comes time for him to crash Klaus’ wedding to Luther (fuck you dude) and steal Klaus away for a life at sea. (Klaus absolutely LOVES this. They kiss a lot. They swing from ropes. Klaus is screaming at all the guards as Diego carries him away bridal-style (ha, I’m so funny). It is delightful.) (His ship is a terror they call The Kraken. Ha, get it? Get it - because Diego’s name - and the monster from legend - okay yeah I’ll shut up now.)
Allison is a badass goddess, covered in colorful tattoos with gold in her hair. She was a prostitute for awhile, stealing a bunch along the way, but one day one of the pirate captains who approached her tried to take more than he paid for. She broke both his hands and killed him in cold blood, then defeated his entire crew in a sword fight single-handedly, earning their respect. She now rides with that same crew as their captain, in one of those off-the-shoulder poet-blouse-corset dresses and high brown boots. Ray is a leutinant who’s been chasing her for years, the two of them flirting back and forth forever… but he’ll never catch her. It’s bad form to arrest your wife.
Klaus is the governor’s bastard son, a totally wild spirit who wears dresses all the time, drinks his weight at parties, and has slept with half the town (marriage is not a problem for him, this is Klaus, we all know he is very down for threesomes). He’s stolen half of Reginald’s shit for Diego over the years, and has been sneaking off to see him just as long, completely in love with his pirate king. Though he’s loved others before - Dave, for example, a soldier whose death broke Klaus into give in to Reginald’s plan to marry him off to Luther (who Klaus loves, just, Not Like That™). The day Diego kidnaps him from his own wedding is the best fucking day of his life - okay, no it wasn’t. That was second best. The best day of his life was the day he and Diego watched Diego’s ship and treasure burn and sink into the sea, and Klaus asked him if he was alright, and Diego just shrugged. Said, You’re the only treasure I need, and kissed him like the world was ending. Yeah. That was the best day of his life, because Diego is the best anything in his life.
Five was a pirate queen until he transitioned a few years ago, though only by word of mouth. No one’s ever seen him. Anyone who works for him doesn’t make it a month outside of the job, usually by his own hands, but people keep coming because nobody knows who he is. He sails alone, though he offers Klaus refuge on his boat for a few days under the moniker Aidan, because he knows Diego loves him, and Five actually respects Diego (if only because he respects Lila who he only respects because he respects Eudora). He hates the Handler for leaving him stranded on an island when he was just a child, an unwanted product of her crew’s hard partying, and has vowed to kill her one day for leaving him alone for so long, ageless in misery. He talks to the mermaid on the front of his ship named Dolores and kills without mercy, and when he finally reveals himself as this skinny pale thirteen-year-old with the grandpa haircut, he revels in the looks on his family’s faces as they try to rebuild their blown brain circuits.
Ben loves Klaus more than life itself, which is, in hindsight, probably why he’s dead. Oh who is he kidding, it’s definitely why he’s dead. Klaus is sort of, kind of, maybe, just a little bit a witch, and they hang witches where they’re from. So when they needed someone to blame for the odd happenings Klaus had caused recently, Ben had taken the blame and worn the noose proudly. Klaus still talks to him all the time, his ghost anyway, and it’s fine - but Klaus lives on the sea now, with Diego, and Ben gets seasick like all the time. (And then he steals Davy Jones’ heart and gets trapped as a tentacle monster, which is honestly not that bad. It helps him scare birds, and Ben likes scaring birds.)
Vanya works as the blacksmith’s apprentice, sad and lonely. She’s been having an affair with the duchess Sissy for years, also working as her maid and a nanny for her son Harlan when asked, but mostly she’s alone, with no one else to care for in the world. (And that creep officer Leonard keeps asking her to marry him, which, just. Ew.) When Five shows up, his hands in his pockets, and offers her a way out, well - what else could she possibly do?
Lila is a badass pirate princess who don’t take no shit from anybody. She wears bright pink ballgowns while skewering people like kabobs, which is funny because she’s a well-known maneater. Literally. (Yes I included a Hannibal character in here because it’s my AU and I can do whatever the fuck I want.) She fell in love with Eudora, and thought she had corrupted the kind sergeant until she found out Eudora had been an undercover pirate the whole time, helping Diego smuggle Reginald’s gold and goods in and out of port. (That’s hot as fucking hell, she blurts when she realizes. Fuck, I’m gonna marry this woman.) She has a serious rum problem she will not be addressing and a collection of pet parrots that will forever prevent her and Ben from becoming friends. When she and Eudora get married, it’s in the middle of the pouring rain while thunder and lightning and gunshots crack around them and they’re killing people and shooting canons left and right (because I may not have shipped Will and Elizabeth but by god if their wedding wasn’t the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen). Now if only she could find the king of the pirates… she’s been hunting Five for years, hoping to prove herself to him, but he just… won’t show up.
Eudora is the sergeant in Reginald’s legions, and has been using her position to help Diego pirate goods since before he even left with Grace. She makes a lot of deals with him, having him carry her cargo and speak with her connections in exchange for her keeping an eye on Klaus for him, which to be honest they both know she’d do anyway. She helped Diego get to Klaus’ wedding and kidnap him, confusing the soldiers in pursuit of the bride, and follows them off to sea, finally home. She feels she owes an eternal debt to Klaus for not being able to save Ben from execution, though she tried, almost desperately. She flirts with Lila all the damn time, and believes in magic, wanting to travel the world looking for it. Most importantly, you should know that she will and has killed for a cheeseburger. (I know they weren’t invented yet shut up.)
Reginald is the governor of the colony, and Klaus’ father. He’s an asshole, one who constantly hunts the pirates because his wife Grace left him to be one. He only has one eye because Grace cut the other out viciously in their last fight, and he’s an abusive piece of shit who lives to terrorize and tax people. Pogo is his assistant / advisor / let-me-stand-here-and-give-you-good-advice-that-we-all-know-you’ll-ignore person. Reginald refuses to die before he catches Grace and sees her hanging in the square - something that seems more and more likely by the day. (HA, Grace says. He wishes.)
Grace is the original pirate queen, and lives in legend. She faked her death after living a double life for years, leaving Reginald and taking her son Diego with her. She knows Reginald doesn’t believe in her death, because she cut his eye out and nearly killed him right before she left, but everyone else believes it. She jumped from the bell tower and Klaus himself “went mad with grief” at the sight of her body, though he of course knows she’s alive and keeps up the story for her benefit. She injured Reginald so severely because he killed Ben, knowing that he wasn’t guilty, and that the witch in question had done nothing wrong anyway. She is known to be fiercely protective of her children, and kind in nature despite her ability to kill you using a historic number of methods. Her crew is made up of refugees who she offered shelter and a better life in exchange for their servitude, including Five, for awhile, who was running a scam. She knows who he is, and remembers his face well - but she keeps it to herself. Though she could match him in a fight easily, she has no interest in battling the boy she has grown to love as a son. (She’s also the one who officiates Diego and Klaus’ wedding, but that’s unrelated.)
The Handler is another pirate queen, and Grace’s greatest rival. She has two pistols at her waist and is not afraid to use them, having such deadly aim that she’s never missed a target - except Diego, which she hates him for. Also for encouraging her first mate and daughter Lila to mutiny, but that’s a whole other can of worms. Her ship is followed by an entire shiver of sharks, who let her use them like water skis whenever she wants. She abandoned Five on an island when he was born into her crew, as she hates children with a burning passion. (There are rumors she eats little boys’ bones. They have yet to be disproven.) Hazel is her snivelling first mate and Cha-Cha is her willing servant and second captain, a master at the wheel and with a sword. Agnes is an old psychic (ha, she’s faking it. She’s got no fuckin’ clue where Five is and will continue to lie whenever asked) she keeps in the brig after kidnapping her years ago, hoping to get a read on Five, who the Handler hates for constantly stealing her goods before they even make it to port. (She has no idea he’s the same boy she left on that island all those years ago - he’s certainly not the only child she’s done that to. But countless are out for her blood… almost every person Grace has rescued was left to die on an island by the Handler.) She eventually dies at Klaus’ hand, who plunges a sword through her heart in defense of his family, who she made the fatal mistake of coming after. (It happened in the same rainy battle where Lila and Eudora were married. He was wearing a yellow ballgown.)
Also Jack Sparrow is super great friends with Lila and he’s married to Will Turner who’s honestly so exhausted but gets along great with Ben and Elizabeth is their ace-aro friend who is a goddamn queen and who Diego has a lowkey crush on and Klaus can geek out with for hours. It’s awesome.
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anika-ann · 4 years
Errare Humanum Est: Bonus
God Is Not a Woman (but He’s Plotting Anyway)
Type: series, soulmate AU series  (part 1, part 2)  x Supernatural
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader   Word count: 2910
Summary: Bucky’s trying to fit into the Tower and some might be trying to make it easy for him. And then he drops the bombshell on you and things get even crazier than before.
Warnings: swearing, brief talk on religion, fluff, crack-ish humour
A/N: Admittedly, this is some kind of a strange one-shot of which I’m not sure it exactly fits, but… enjoy? 
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Story masterlist
Things weren’t all sunshine and rainbows only. Bucky’s return to the world was… tough. You only knew little of what had happened to him through the decades, but it was enough of a horror story even without the details.
Bucky’s relationship with the team of Avengers was complicated too. Steve was as ecstatic and heart-broken as when you had popped up alive and that was all that needed to be said. Clint was a rather easy-going guy with a reputation of not judging people by their worst mistakes and as a man who had once been mind-controlled by an alien (…what?), he was willing to accept Bucky with a strange kind of sympathy.
As it turned out, Bucky and Natasha had actually crossed their paths before briefly, but once again, that was all you learned, both hers and his moments in the past too dark to share. Bruce was keeping his distance, more of a shyness than fear or disgust if you could take a guess and Thor was off the planet, not meeting the other supersoldier just yet.
Tony… Tony wasn’t fond of Bucky. He found a footage of another Winter Soldier killing his parents and while it hadn’t been Bucky himself, Tony’s hatred needed an out and despite trying, he simply couldn’t manage treating Bucky exactly nice. He still let him live in the Tower though, so that definitely counted for something; for a lot, actually.
There were many people with trust issues when it came to Bucky and that included himself – he didn’t trust his mind still, even with the mysterious man helping him and he most definitely didn’t forgive himself for the lives he had taken. The ghosts of his past haunted him at night, in his dreams the most. But he was slowly healing.
Steve was helping a lot, sometimes trying too much maybe, which was why the former assassin sought Sam Wilson rather than his best friends at times. He came to you occasionally too; however, he seemed to feel as if you were off limits, because you were Steve’s gal. He was gradually losing that stupid attitude though and his teasing side came out to play, making you blush becoming his new hobby. Exactly what you needed with all the mess happening around, i.e. the aftermath of your resurrection.
It took Bucky about two months to mention the name.
It happened casually, just dropping the bombshell no one had seen coming. Bucky was actually showing Steve how to upgrade the newest version of some software you weren’t entirely sure what was for; both supersoldiers had to do their fair share of adjusting and while for Bucky it often was people, for Steve it was sometimes… technology despite him being able to pick up on things very quickly.
Steve thanked him and for the millionth time, you heard the ominous sentence: “It’s good to have you back, Buck. Whoever that guy was, I’ll always be grateful.”
“He told me to call him Chuck.”
The words were simple, really, nothing out of ordinary for untrained ears. Except it had you both you and Steve choke on your own spit.
A frown appeared on Bucky’s face, confusion with a hint of alarm before he rolled his eyes at your antics. “What? I know, it’s kinda dorky-“
Yeah, that was not it.
A chilling suspicion crept up your spine and while it was not necessarily ominous, it sure as hell felt like the ground was shaking under your feet, proving you that a sense of control over your life was nothing but a ridiculous illusion.
“Steve? How about we make a phone call?”
Five minutes later, you were video-chatting with the Winchester duo, explaining them your concerns. Bucky was with you and Steve but didn’t engage that much since he never really met either Sam or Dean, rather wary of them.
A photo of a dorky looking man indeed, with cute dark curls around his head and a full beard, appeared on the screen, replacing the video-feed.
“Did he look like this?” Sam asked, tension audible in his voice. It still had nothing to the disbelief in Bucky’s.
“Yeah, that’s him,” the supersoldier confirmed, narrowing his eyes, which didn’t quite disguised how incredulous he was. “How did you-?”
“Is it… him?” you interrupted them, strange tingling sensation in your fingertips, light nausea tickling your stomach.
Was there any coincidence in his world left? What the hell did all of this mean? Was Steve just a lucky guy, God’s favourite, or… or was there a larger scheme, one you weren’t able to see just yet?
It reminded you of the talk you had had with Sam Wilson what felt like ages ago, about people having two soulmates, you coming back from the death and about things that were beyond your understanding happening more and more often. This might actually prove your silly theory right. Not to mention the fact that the death of Tony’s parents was delivered by another Winter Soldier, conveniently at the same time Bucky had been having troubles with the mechanics of his metal arm, hence not being suitable for the task – what were the chances of that?
It seemed that every single thing happening had played an important role in something, ending up with your trio sitting right here and now and… that was not a very comfortable discovery.
“Oh yeah, that’s God,” Dean hummed casually and when the picture disappeared, revealing the brothers again, you saw him take a bite of a cheeseburger as if this was a talk about the fucking weather.
“God?” Bucky parroted dully and you bit your cheek, feeling guilty for not quite having explained to him why you wanted to talk to the Winchesters and what had been your suspicion; now proved right.
“Yeah,” Sam supplied helpfully, only to have Bucky repeat the word as if he was testing the taste of it on his tongue.
“A god.”
“The God, actually. Our Lord is one of kind,” Castiel appeared on the screen as well, offering a small wave that you reciprocated, too shocked to say hi.
“Except he has a sister, apparently,” Steve stated, checking with the hunters and they nodded in approval. “So you’re not denying it? You think… ugh, that The Chuck saved him.”
You made a face at his wording, but… yeah. The Chuck. The God named Chuck had saved both Bucky and you. It was official. But why? What the hell was your life anymore?
How cute and bold of you to call your life yours, you thought darkly.
“H’d weed’l,” Dean mumbled with his mouth full and shrugged. With effort, you translated it into ‘heard weirded’, which was… fair.
“You think God, capital G, saved me. Why the heck would he do that?” Bucky spitted out exasperatedly, clearly not happy about the revelation.
Eh. Revelation.
Steve tensed at your side at Bucky’s doubts, but said nothing.
“Why not?” Sam questioned, offering a small smile. Dean remained quiet, while Castiel tilted his head, seemingly curious.
“What’s the matter? Don’t you think you deserve to be saved?”
“Yeaaaah, let’s not go there,” you interjected when you noticed Bucky’s chest heaving and words in Russian spilling from his lips soundlessly.  Steve sighed, but apparently assessed it was better to let Bucky deal with the facts alone first. “Thanks for confirming our suspicions.”
“Did I do something wrong?” Castiel asked, sounding adorably confused and guilty.
“No, Castiel. It is just a lot to take it.” Understatement of the fucking year. “Speaking of which – I have a question.”
“Shoot,” Dean encouraged you, but his eyes narrowed in suspicion as the corners of your lips twitched.
“When you told me about the, eh, lovely things that walk this world... you didn’t mention a scarecrow.”
Their confusion seemed pretty real to you, but you had to admit you were probably being too vague. So you decided to ask a direct question.
“Alright, sorry. This might sound stupid, but… there was this series of books Jarvis found online? I wouldn’t think much of it, except the characters are named Sam and Dean, they do hunt monsters and if I’m being honest, they definitely do act like you. So I just thought… you know. Stranger things happened…“
During your ramble, the friendly faces of the brothers gradually twisted into a disgusted grimace and you had your answer, much to your astonishment.
“I swear, Sam, I’m going to murder Becky. I’m going to kill her and kill her dead,” Dean sputtered and Sam just closed his eyes, his lips a thin line. “I can’t believe you almost married-“
Wait, what? That sounded even more interesting that the books! Though kinda private. Then again, the books described Winchesters’ lives in awful detail as far as you knew. And ended when Dean literally went to hell, so…
“How much of that thing you read?” Sam asked tiredly, his expression screaming annoyance.
You shrugged. “Not much. Kinda changes the experience when you have a good reason to believe it’s all true. Clint’s hooked, though,” you admitted, hoping it wasn’t showing how much you were enjoying the teasing.
On one hand, this was hilarious. On the other, well…
“Did you sell your story to the writer?” you pried, simply out of curiosity. No judgement there; they had enough shit in their lives as it was, being short on money was not helping, so why not use what they got.
“No!” Sam blurted out too eagerly, then cleared his throat. “No. But you’re going to like this. Carver Edlund is a penname. I give you one guess on what his ‘real’ name is.”
You squinted at the screen, not following why Sam made the air quotes.
“No clue...?”
“Chuck Shirley,” Dean announced, grinning, somehow managing to balance smugness and annoyance on his face.
“Wait—Chuck? Why do I think this isn’t a coincidence?” Steve stepped in, which caused your head to snap at him.
Surely, he wasn’t implying that-
“Oh yeah. It’s exactly what you think,” Dean assured you, finishing his burger while you and Steve remained silent, simply at loss of words. What…? “You know, when people say God works in mysterious ways, they have no friggin’ idea,” he added resolutely, wiping his mouth, balling his napkin and throwing it direction of what you assumed was a trashcan; judging by the disappointed frown on his face and the hands thrown up by Sam, he missed.
So. God was a writer.  
God went by a penname, writing about Sam’s and Dean’s lives to make his living at some point.
It actually made sense; this whole thing, the grand scheme you were thinking about earlier, it sounded awfully like a plot of a freaking novel. No, scratch that, not a novel – an epos about Steve’s life, with features of a soap-opera. You did not enjoy being one of the characters, but apparently you had no choice.
There was literally nothing that would surprise you at this point. Seriously.
“Great. I don’t think I actually wanted to know that,” you stated, shaking off your thoughts. “Anyway. How is your week going so far?”
“Wonderfully. We ran into Rowena again,” Sam announced, obviously happy to change the topic. “Well, I called her. Dean lost his memory.”
Dean what?!
“Because of a spell!”
“Well, yeah. Doesn’t change the fact you called a lamp a light stick,” Sam mocked him, but you could see the relief in his features when he was able to do that. Because that meant Dean was okay. After all, you were talking to him and he appeared as always; with no manners, grinning, bickering with Sam and with all the knowledge of the hunting world he needed.
Your eyebrows rose anyway. A light stick?
“Dude! It’s a stick that produces light,” Dean exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air animatedly. “I was still a genius.”
That made you smile; hundred percent Dean. Yeah, he was just fine, fully recovered.
“I’m sure you were, Dean. You okay now?”
“Yeah. The Wicked Witch actually used some of that soulmate magic to heal-“ Sam started and stopped when he saw Steve’s face – something you had no courage to look at, because you had kinda… you had been vague when it came what exactly the witch had done – mainly because you had very little knowledge of it. “-never mind. I guess he can just cross out ‘amnesia’ from his bucket list.”
“Mm. Not pleasant. Been there. Done that,” you mused, your expression no doubt as bitter and wry as you felt.
“Well, so did I,” Bucky supplied darkly, his first words since the big discovery of who had been his salvation.
Duh. Salvation. You really should start thinking about your choice of words. This was not funny at all.
“Me as well,” Castiel joined the club.
“I don’t think I have…”
“Maybe you just forgot,” Dean nudged Sam, offering a lopsided grin.
“Why are you insulting each other…?” Castiel demanded, confused, and you laughed when Dean rolled his eyes, waving at you in goodbye, signalling to leave them be so they could explain the angel how humans worked sometimes.
You obediently ended the call, chuckling. They would have to visit one day – you missed them, despite calling them on a regular basis.
You eyed the two supersoldiers keeping you company in the common room, wondering what to do next.
“Alright. Now that we established we all deserve to be saved,” you stated, glaring at Steve, because you were aware of him questioning his survival of ice too – rarely, but still – and at Bucky, the man who had been frozen, unfrozen and mind-controlled, took lives against his will and had his own life taken away only to be rescued and question his worth.
“I think we know what we need now. Ice-cream!” you called out, raising your arms above your head theatrically, earning a chuckle from Steve.
“You scream?” Bucky looked at you, pretending to be confused.
“She does. Why would you scream, doll?”
You rolled your eyes fondly. They were lovely pieces of work when they teamed up to troll anyone. You were happy for it though, mostly for Bucky who was still struggling to adjust to his new life.
“Yeah, okay, I get it. We all scream, okay? What I’m saying is that we all scream for some ‘I scream,’ now give me my cookie crisp or I’ll show what moves Natasha taught me.”
You were not kidding. Natasha had learned you some basics of self-defence; Steve’s request, supported by you wholeheartedly. And by Tony. And Ryan. And everyone, to be honest.
“You should leave your moves for Steve to show only, sugar.”
“Ah, screw you, Barnes!” you spitted back, rising to your feet, and stuck your tongue at him.
“Such language! And again, I really think you should hide your tongue and do that only with St-“
You grabbed Steve’s hand and pulled him towards the kitchen as Bucky’s snicker sounded behind you. You never even opened the freezer, parking your backside on the counter, tugging Steve for a kiss instead. He laughed at first, but reciprocated the affection, slowly melting into it.
“Your friend’s such a little shit,” you hissed, but giggled into his shoulder. You felt… full. Happy. Right. You didn’t want to think about grand schemes anymore. You wanted to live and you had every opportunity. You were not going to waste it.
“I know,” Steve hummed, his chest shaking with hushed laughter, and he kissed the top of your head, while he wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you closer, stepping between your legs.
“You got that from him.”
“I think it was the other way around.”
You huffed and looked up again, finding Steve’s brilliant eyes twinkling with mischief. It was as adorable as stimulating; he always had this look in his eyes when he was up to no good and it often resulted in it being very good for you, usually tangled in the sheets. Or pressed against a wall. Or a table. Couch. Counter…
You wrapped your fingers around his nape and he obediently gave up to the pressure, bowing his head to meet you lips.
“Doesn’t matter. Kiss me like you mean it,” you requested lowly and you knew, just knew, that he would never deny you, definitely not that.
“As you wish…”
You barely had time to truly sink into the kiss, a sweet and passionate dance of lips, teasing teeth and tongues when an exasperated voice of a man arriving to collect his ice-cream interrupted you.
“Guys! Come on! Not in the kitchen! We eat here!”
So would Steve, flashed through your mind, but you withdrew a fraction, Steve’s mouth having frozen on yours anyway.
“Shut your piehole and let me follow your own advice!” you called out.
“I hate you,” Bucky deadpanned and you sent him an air kiss, hopping off the counter to have another sweet treat instead. After all, it was ten in the morning and you were in the kitchen. You could talk Steve into taking a ‘nap’ later.
“And that’s exactly why they compare you to the grumpy cat memes,” you threw back at Bucky, basking in the mock-insulted face the poor supersoldier made. You had introduced him to the meme after Clint had mentioned it. It was glorious. And very fitting.
“Punk, get hold of your bratty gal!”
Steve just shook his head at the childish behaviour – both yours and Bucky’s – and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. A fraction of second later, he grinned.
“I was doing just that until you interrupted,” he pointed out while he was pulling out three spoons.
Your laughter and the slap of a high-five you exchanged with Steve was probably heard in the whole Tower.
You had no care in the world.
S.R. masterlist
Just a silly fluffy thing maybe, but hey… I thought I could share... to fill the time till December meaning an Andy fic :)
Thank you for reading!
Also, the last instalment will be ‘What I’d Never Say and Do (If I Was in My Right Mind)’
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mr-chrisevans · 4 years
for the drabble requests could you do number 8 with chris please!
Here we go! I actually had a great time writing this so I hope you enjoy it! More to come tomorrow in all likelihood but check out the original post here for more prompts.
Title: Happy Holidays, I Guess
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Prompt: “Look, I only came here for the Christmas cookies.”
You sat in your car outside the house for a few minutes, trying to find the will to go inside. The last thing you wanted to do was go to a holiday party filled with people from your hometown, but Chris insisted you come with him. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you quickly pulled it out to see a text from Chris.
I can see your car outside.
Get in here or I will pull you out of the car myself don’t try me.
God you are the worst.
You sighed heavily and finally got out of the car, carefully making your way up the driveway in the snow to make it to the front door. Before you could even knock Chris was standing in the doorway beaming.
“Y/N, you are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met, but I’m really glad to see you.” He pulled you inside and shut the door behind you.
“Look, I only came here for the Christmas cookies.” You shrugged off your coat and let him hang it up for you in the coat closet. “The fact that I let you convince me to do this is a testament to your skills of persuasion.”
“I know our hometown friends aren’t exactly your favorite people, but we can spend tonight making fun of all the people who were really shitty in high school and are now horrifically boring.”
“With that I guess I’m not only here for the cookies.” You joked.
Chris laughed and wrapped an arm around you and lead you into the kitchen. “Let’s get you something to drink because I think you’re going to need it.”
The second you got to the kitchen you were bombarded by hellos and questions about how you’ve been doing since you moved and a million other questions that you had absolutely zero desire to answer but had to be nice. Chris discreetly handed you a beer as you started talking to Kelly, the girl who hated you for two years because you beat her out for the lead part in the fall play sophomore year. “Yeah, I really love New York it’s a fantastic city.” You smiled at her. “How about you, what have you been doing?” You asked politely with no actually interest in what her answer was going to be.
“Well, George and I got married earlier this year so that’s been the most exciting thing ever.” She beamed at you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Chris mouth ‘Not surprised’, and you tried not to laugh as she kept talking. “Not nearly as exciting as being a writer in New York though.” She said with the tiniest edge of sarcasm in her voice.
“Well, you know, everyone’s got something don’t they. It’s been great talking to you Kelly but I think we’ve got to make some rounds and say hi.” You quickly excused yourself and grabbed Chris’ arm and pulled him with you into a corner of the living room. The fake smile you had plastered on your face quickly melted off. “I’ve been here all of fifteen minutes and it is already insufferable.” You took a long sip of your beer and looked at all the people sitting in the living room. “I don’t even see any cookies here.”
“Wait here, I will be right back.” He walked back into the kitchen and left you leaning on the back windows by yourself, observing the people you went high school with as they steadily got drunker and devolved into their high-school selves. “Voila!” Chris exclaimed as he walked back over to you, an entire tray of decorated cookies in hand. “I promised cookies and now I have delivered.”
“Oh thank god.” You took a cookie off the tray and bit into it immediately. “That’s a damn good cookie.” You said as you chewed.
“Well thank you, I made these myself.” He said with a smile on his face.
“You are such a liar I saw these exact cookies at the grocery store the other day.”
“Okay, maybe I didn’t make them, but I did buy them so that counts for something.”
You chuckled at him and continued eating your cookie. “How come we never got invited to parties like this in high school? I mean, we weren’t that weird, were we?” You asked.
“We definitely weren’t weirder than any of the other theater kids, but I’m pretty sure Kelly had you on the party blacklist after the Midsummer Night’s Dream debacle. And since I was your best friend they stuck me on there too.”
“I fucking knew it.” You laughed. “She never could have pulled off Hermia though, let’s be honest.”
“Being Hermia was probably your finest hour of high school theater. Perfect performance, if you ask me.”
“I can’t believe her and George are still together. How on Earth did that happen?”
“I know, it makes literally no sense.” Chris said. “I swear I heard he cheated on her when they were in college with some girl he met when he went abroad for a semester.”
You laughed. “I would not put it past him, I mean look at him now.” George sat perched on the arm of the sofa talking very animatedly with a girl who was definitely not Kelly. “What a prick.”
Chris looked at his watch for a second, sighed, and turned to you. “I think we’ve been here long enough, shall we go for an Irish exit?”
“I would love nothing more.” You agreed excitedly and quickly finished your beer before following him out to the front hall. You both pulled on your coats as you walked out the door. “Shit.” You said, stopping on the driveway. “I should have grabbed another cookie.”
Chris stopped for a second and looked down the street, thinking. “Toss me your keys, I have an idea.”
“You want to drive my car?” You asked skeptically.
“Oh come on. I’m a much better driver than I was in high school.” You hesitated still before finally tossing him the keys. “Thank god, it’s fucking cold out here.” He ran over to the car and threw himself into the driver’s seat.”
“So where exactly are we headed?” You asked as he started the car and pulled back on to the street.
“It’s a surprise. Trust me you’ll love it.” The two of you drove for a few minutes in a comfortable silence while cheesy Christmas songs played on the radio. Before too long, Chris pulled into the parking lot of the old diner in town and turned off the car. “Well, surprise!”
“Shit, I haven’t been to Jack’s in ages. I don’t even remember the last time I was here.”
He got out of the car and gestured for you to do the same. “Let’s go, I’m starving.”
You walked inside the building, the warm air and smell of coffee greeting you. “Go ahead and take a seat anywhere, we’ll be over to help you in a second.” The woman behind the counter told the two of you. You both smiled and made your way to a booth. There were only a few other people there so it was pretty quiet and you managed to snag the booth you used to always sit at. 
“I don’t even have to look at a menu, I know exactly what I am getting.” You said as you slid into the booth opposite Chris.
He grinned. “I knew you would love this. You can never beat a late night trip to Jack’s”
“God, we used to do this all the time. No wonder my acne was so bad, Jesus.” You joked and the two of you laughed.
“We were definitely here way too often. That’s probably why everyone thought we were weird. They were out getting drunk in someone’s unfinished basement and we were here trying to see who could drink a milkshake the fastest.”
“And I beat you every time.” You said proudly.
“I was just very sensitive to cold, it’s not my fault.” He responded, trying to defend himself.
“Excuses, excuses.” He tried to continue his defense but the woman behind the counter had made her way over to take your order. 
She set down two glasses of water on the table before pulling out a little notepad from her apron. “What can I get started for you two tonight?” Her thick Boston accent made you feel even more at home in the diner.
“I will have the classic grilled cheese and tomato soup please.” 
She turned to Chris. “And for you?”
His eyes lingered on the menu for a moment before he looked back at the waitress. “I will have the cheeseburger and fries and we will split a chocolate milkshake.” He looked at you and smiled as she wrote down the order.
“I’ll be right back with all that. Anything else I can get for you besides water?”
“No I think we’re all set,” you replied. “Thank you.” 
“I think we’ve talked enough about the past tonight, it’s time to move on to the present.” Chris said, holding his glass of water between is hands as he leaned into the table. “How’s New York been lately?”
You sighed and played with your straw. “I mean, don’t get me wrong I absolutely love the city, but sometimes it can be a lot.”
He nodded along with you. “I totally get it. Work has been okay though, right?” He continued. You chewed on your lip a little and stared into your glass of water. “I take that as a no.” He added and leaned back into the booth.
You stared up at him. “No, it’s definitely not given that I no longer have a job.”
“Shit, Y/N. I’m so sorry.”
You tried to shrug it off. “It’ll be okay. I’ll figure something out soon.”
“That’s why you didn’t want to come to the party, wasn’t it?”
“And he puts the pieces of the puzzle together.” You lifted your glass to him in mock cheers. “I wasn’t exactly chomping at the bit to tell people here that I was now officially unemployed.”
“Right before Christmas too. Fucking rough.”
“We always knew my boss was a dick and now we have the ultimate proof.” You joked.
“If he didn’t live in an apartment in New York I would say we should egg his house.”
“Damn, that would’ve been amazing.” You both laughed.
“Well, let’s toast,” he said, gesturing for you to lift your glass with him, “to things being even marginally less shitty next year.” You clinked your glasses together and took a sip of your water. 
“That is definitely something I can drink to.” 
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castiel-barnes · 4 years
Help me!
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x fem!reader (Y/N).
Summary: Both you and Whiskey were on a mission together, when one of you get injured.
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: Brief mention of fun times. Mentions of blood. Injuries. Swearing. Angst i think. Fluff. Most likely medical inaccuracies. Mentions of amputation.
A/N: I know I do a lot of Fem! Reader, but that's cause I'm confident with writing that. I will in the future at some point do other types other than Fem.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @scribbledghost
You and Jack had been seeing each other for a while now. Both adoring each other and having nice little dates and looking after each other. But at work you both kept a professional relationship, except when you snuck off to Jacks office during your lunch times.
This mission did not go how you or Jack expected. It was meant to go so smoothly that you were meant to be back on the jet within the hour. But. That didn't happen. At all.
The two of you were pinned behind some trees. You behind one tree closest to the warehouse and Jack behind you at another tree. The task that Champ had given the two of you had been completed with ease, but the situation was getting back to the plane.
"WHISKEY! WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE WE DO?" You shouted over to him over the gun fire,
"WE'LL HAVE TO COVER FIRE FOR EACH OTHER!" He shouted back at you. You gave him the nod for him to cover you whilst you were meant to run past him. As you started to run towards him, you felt a hot sharp pain going through your knee which then suddenly buckled just a few metres from Whiskey.
You hit the ground with a dull thud, trying to save your fall without hitting yourself with your own gun. Looking down at your leg, you see the crimson liquid seeping onto your trouser leg surrounding your knee.
"S-shit. WHISKEY!! HELP! Help me!" You called out to him, seeing him glance quickly down at you in a state of panic.
"I'm gonna get you darlin' don't you worry" he replied. You then heard him shoot off all of his rounds that he had in his revolvers, and then the lovely low hum of his electrified lasso. By this time, you were trying to concentrate on your breathing, which definitely wasn't helping the pain. There was a sudden silence, and Whiskey came over to you worried.
"You couldn't have done that earlier?" You chuckled wincing,
"Hey now. You know what I'm like. Shit honey" Jack looked at your knee, "I'm gonna wrap you up and we're gonna get you back to the plane okay" he continued getting out the medical kit. You nodded and let him get to work on wrapping a bandage around your knee.
"FUCK! Jack shit ahhh." You almost screamed in pain, trying to wiggle away from him,
"I know honey. I know, just a lil longer." He replied to you. Jack had finished wrapping up your knee, and was starting to help you up gently.
"I've got you darlin'. Put your arm around my neck." He said again, and you complied. The two of you made it the majority of the way back, but then you started to feel tired and everything seemed to spin around you. You was losing a lot more blood than either of you had expected.
"Jack? I ain't feeling so good." You confessed to Jack, your movements starting to slow even more.
"Hey, hey! You're alright sweetheart. Come on darlin' need ya to stay awake for me. Y/N, come on stay awake." Jack started saying as you went completely limp in his arms as he scooped you up.
"Ginger we need medical on the ground when we get back ASAP. Gin is losing a lot of blood." Jack said over comms to Agent Ginger,
"Copy that Whiskey, med team is on stand by." Ginger replied.
On the plane, Jack had wrapped your knee in another bandage keeping the pressure on it. You came too slightly.
"Jack?" You whispered,
"I'm here darlin' don't you worry. We're 5 minutes from HQ, Gingers already got the Med team on stand by." Jack replied worriedly stroking your hair hair back. You leant into his touch slightly and passed out again.
Once you had got back to HQ, you were pale as a ghost. The medical team instantly set to work as you went into the operation room, to remove the bullet from your knee. Jack paced nervously outside the room, if Champ hadn't of got him to sit down. Jack would've worn through the floor.
Day and a half later:
You had been unconscious for the past day and a half. You didn't know when you got back to HQ, or even how you managed to get to the medical Wing. But you were there.
Jack had been sitting next to you since you had come out of the operating room. He stayed there the whole entire time with you, reading to you occasionally while you laid there. Coming too slightly, you could hear Jack singing quietly. Sounded like American Pie by Don McLean, it was one of your favourite songs a special song for the two of you.
"I like when you sing honey." You croaked, opening your eyes squinting at the bright light.
"Hey darlin'." Jack stated moving towards you and kissing you on the forehead. "How you feeling?" He continued asking.
"Like shit. How long was i out for?" You confessed, as you smiled when he kissed your forehead.
"Day and a half. Your knee kinda bled quite a lot. You were so pale darlin', you got me scared sugar." Jack admitted, stroking your hair back out of your face,
"I'm sorry I scared you Jack. What did they do to my knee?" You asked feeling the hefty brace on your leg.
"It's ok baby, but please don't try scare me again. I don't know if this old cowboy heart can handle scares like that. And your knee, well basically they got the bullet out. But your actual kneecap." Jack looks down and sighs squeezing your hand. "Your kneecap practically shattered when the bullet hit it. Which kinda damaged a bit more than just your kneecap, so you might have to get a complete reconstruction of your knee." Jack continued looking at you.
"Oh... okay." You replied in a small voice, not knowing what to think or say.
"It's all gonna be okay i prom-" Jack started to say before you cut in,
"Jack what if I have to amputate my leg? I mean reconstruction would be good, but I also don't want to be in pain for the rest of my life. But with amputation, I won't be on pain but I probably won't be able to go on missions." You started ranting with tears slowly down your face. Jack wiped away your tears and cupped your face to make you look at him.
"Hey, hey honey. Y/N! look at me." You looked up at him sheepishly. "It's what you decide sweetheart. If you want to get reconstruction or get it amputated, it is completely up to you. I'll be with you the whole time." Jack continued making sure you kept looking at him. The two of you sat there for a moment and you leant over the best you could to hug him.
"Thank you Jack. I love you." You whispered in his ear,
"It's okay sweetheart. I love you too so much." He replied kissing you gently on the lips. You always liked his kisses, always so nice and soft except when one of you came home from a rough mission and craved each other.
"You hungry darling?" Jack said upon hearing your stomach grumble,
"Yeah, just a little bit cowboy." You responded smiling.
"What do you want?" He asked. You sat there for a moment thinking and then you came up with what you wanted.
"McDonald's please Jack. Chocolate milkshake and a double cheeseburger with fries please." You looked at him with puppy dog eyes. He chuckled and pulled you gently back into a hug.
"Ok darling, McDonald's it is. I'll send one of the younger agents to go grab it." Jack said giving your forehead a kiss. "I'm gonna send someone to get the food okay? But I'm quickly gonna run up to my office to grab something." He continued smiling and giving you a deep kiss.
“Okay.” You replied to him smiling.
Jack’s office:
Jack stood there behind his desk briefly looking into his draw. There laid the box, the one he had hidden from you for months. The times you had been sat in his lap or bent over his desk, you were none the wiser of the gift that he had for you. Pulling out the box he opened it and examined the ring. There were only two people that knew about the ring Champ and Whiskey himself. 
"You gonna do it?" Champ asked standing in the doorway to Jack's office,
"Yeah. I can't waste anymore time, especially after what happened on that mission. I just can't waste time." Jack responded closing the box.
"Do you think she'll like it?" Jack asked looking up at Champ,
"Y/N will love it Whiskey. Don't you worry. Now go do it son, don't want her waiting." Champ replied with a smile.
"Yes sir." Jack said smiling and placing the box in his pocket and then grabbing the current book you're reading. Walking over to the lift, Jack straightend his tie and stetson. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He was shitting himself. He knows you love him with everything you have. And before he met you and before he joined Statesmen, he was married to his high-school sweetheart. He knew what it was like to propose to someone, but that didn't help the nerves.
Arriving back in the medical wing, he walked in to find you doodling on a random notepad Ginger had given you to keep yourself occupied.
"Hey honey, how you feeling?" Jack asked kissing your head,
"Better than I was earlier thanks baby. What have you got there?" You responded asking him with a slight tilt of your head. Jack smiled and passed you the book.
"I got your book for you. And I have something to ask you." Jack started pulling out the ring box without you noticing. "Darlin' I have loved you since the first day I met you, and yes I know it's been a long time since I first met you. The past couple of days, I've realised that I can't waste anymore time without asking you. Y/N Y/L/N will you do the honour of being my wife?" Jack continued opening the ring box, presenting the ring to you.
You sat there stunned for a moment, tears welling in your eyes. Looking down at the ring and then back to Jack.
"Really?" You asked Jack. Smiling he nodded and looked at you hopefully,
"Yes! Fucking yes." You said with tears now streaming down and hugging Jack as best as you could. Jack hugged you back and kissed you.
"I'm glad you said yes sugar. I couldn't waste anymore time." Jack confessed finally slipping the ring onto your finger. “I was gonna take you to your favourite park and all and set up a little picnic for us. But when I saw you laying there pale as a ghost, I was so scared darlin’ so scared.” Jack continued with a slight crack in his voice. You pulled out of the hug from him and smiled cupping his cheek with one hand whilst the other held onto his hand.
“I’m so sorry I scared you baby. But just remember that I love you with all of my heart and will never leave you ever. Understand?” You replied, getting him to look into your eyes. He nodded and kissed you gently on the lips, pulling you into another hug.
The two of you stayed in the medical room for quite a while, and Jack laid on the bed with you so the two of you could cuddle more easily. Eventually, Champ had come down from his office to check in on the two of you.
“Well. Did she say yes?” Champ asked. You smiled and held up your left hand to show him the ring. He smiled and came over to give your forehead a kiss and pat Jack on the back. Champ had been like a father figure to the two of you for a long time now, and he knew that before the two of you had even gotten together or even before the two of you realised that the you both had crushes on each other. It was only right that Champ knew first.
“Well it’s about time ain’t it son? Whiskey has had that ring in his desk draw for months now.” Champ continued. You felt the heat rise in Jack as he blushed, because you never realised that whilst making love to him in his office that he had an engagement ring for you.
“Oh did he now?” You asked playfully rubbing his arm because you knew he was embarrassed.
Over a little bit of time, the two of you went home and started to discuss things about the wedding and the recovery for your leg. And one thing you were glad for was that Champ gave Whiskey some time off to help with recovery and to be the Statesmens best lovebirds.
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Destiny Has Other Plans |Loki x OFC (Alexis Randall) | Chapter 2
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Pairing: Loki x OFC
Summary: When Loki goes to ask his father for permission to marry, he is shocked to discover his destiny has already been made for him.  He is already betrothed to Sjofn, the daughter of the King of Vanaheim.  An arranged marriage to bring the two kingdoms closer together and strengthen the bond.  Never mind that Sjofn and Loki can’t stand each other.  
After The Battle of New York, Loki is sent to live at Avengers Tower as punishment for his misdeeds.  But it doesn’t mean he has to like it.   A year later, he has adjusted to life on Midgard but has avoided any romantic or emotional entanglements, still bitter over his lost love.  Dr. Alexis Randall is skilled at helping others fix their relationships as a couple therapist, but can’t help her own love life.  A chance encounter with Loki in a dive bar has life altering consequences for both of them.  Now, Alexis and Loki must figure out a way to co-habit without killing each other in the process, plus navigating impending parenthood and other roadblocks along the way.
This Chapter:   One month has passed since Alexis and Loki “met” at the bar, Loki has moved on but is confronted with harsh reality of Alexis and the consequences of his cavalier attitude towards relationships, hookups, and birth control. He does not react well.
Warnings: Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Smut, Angst,  Semi-Public Sex, Mentions of law enforcement, Oral Sex, Cursing, Vaginal Sex
Taglists are Open, please let me know if you wish to be added.
One Month Later
“Dr. Randall?” Rachel, Alexis’s receptionist, called out.
Alexis’s head snapped up from her desk, where she fell asleep between appointments.
“Yes?” She smoothed back her hair behind her ears and took a sip of her third cup of coffee of the day.
“Your 2 o’clock is here. The Masons? Can I show them in?” Rachel gazed at her boss with worry. Alexis never napped during the day and stopped drinking caffeine by 11 a.m.
“Yes, please.” Alexis stifled a yawn before composing herself.
The rest of her appointments dragged and she pushed her last appointment out the door rather than allow the Clarks to linger like they do after most sessions. Alexis wanted nothing more to go home and crawl into bed. And then her phone rang.
“Hello?” she answered with a weary tone.
“Tough day?” Hannah asked on the other end. One of Alexis’s few friends.
“I am so tired. And hungry. Tired and hungry.” she groaned.
“Well then, let’s make dinner a quick one. You are still meeting me?”
“Shit! I completely forgot. I don’t understand what is going on with me. Give me five minutes and meet me at the diner down the street?”
“Deal. I’m already almost there. Meet me inside.”
Alexis straightened her desk, grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Hannah was waiting in a booth inside as she slid in.
“I waited for you to order.” Hannah commented.
On cue, the server appeared.
“I’ll have the mac and cheese bites and the bacon cheeseburger with fries.”
The server wrote everything down, nonplussed, while Hannah stared at her friend. “Anything to drink, hun?”
“Strawberry milkshake. Oh, and a Diet Coke.”
“Got it? And you?” The server turned to Hannah.
“House salad with grilled chicken, dressing on the side. And water with lemon.”
“Thanks, hun.” The server grabbed the menus from Hannah, walking away.
Hannah leaned across the table. “That’s some order.”
“I told you I was hungry.” Alexis settled into her seat.
“If I didn’t know you so well, I would say you’re pregnant.” Hannah commented off hand.
Alexis froze, staring at Hannah with wide eyes. Hannah giggled.
“But Eric broke up with you and you’re always so careful with birth control.”
The blood drained from Alexis’s face as she flashed back to that stupid encounter in the bathroom with Loki. She scrambled through her purse, digging out her Filofax, flipping the pages until she saw the note a few weeks ago.
“Fuck! No, no, no, no, no…” She cradled her head in her hands as the server returned with their drinks.
“But you’re on birth control?” Hannah grew quiet.
“I was having some issues, so on advice of my doctor I stopped before trying an alternative. Eric and I were using condoms. Not that we were having sex at the end.”
“So no problem…” Alexis glared at her friend with tear brimmed eyes. Hannah stopped speaking.
Alexis’s hands twisted on top of the table. “There was an… encounter. When Eric and I broke up.”
Hannah let loose a low whistle. “Who would have guessed that uptight little Alexis was secretly a harlot? Details.”
Alexis’s cheeks burned red. She told the sordid tale of meeting Loki at the bar, to sex in the bathroom, and Loki’s disappearance.
“THE BATHROOM?!” Hannah yelped, wrinkling her nose.
Alexis shushed her. “Not my proudest moment, Hannah. And keep your voice down.”
Hannah leaned back against the red vinyl booth, taking in that Alexis, the most dependable, responsible person she knew, fucked a guy. Not just any guy, but Loki in the bathroom of a seedy bar.
“Say something, Hannah.”
“I am in shock. What are you going to do?”
The server appeared with their food, which they left untouched.
“I am not sure. This was not exactly planned.”
Hannah leaned over and flipped through her Filofax. “Nope, definitely not planned.”
“Your humor is not wanted right now.”
Hannah shrugged. “Just trying to lighten the mood.” She stabbed her salad. “First, you need to eat and then let’s find a pharmacy and get a test.”
Alexis pushed her plate towards Hannah. “I’ve lost my appetite.”
Hannah pushed the plate back at her. “Eat. You might be eating for two.”
Alexis groaned.
The annoying chime of JARVIS disturbed Loki’s peaceful lunch within the confines of his apartment. Over the past year, he curated a living space he enjoyed with artwork and textiles that brought him joy. What he didn’t enjoy were the intrusions by Stark’s electronic butler.
“Master Loki. There’s a young woman in the lobby asking to see you.”
Loki placed his utensils down. “Did she give a reason?”
A pause.
“It is of a personal nature.”
Loki waved his hand in the air. “Send her away. Tell her I’m indisposed.”
“Yes, sir.”
Loki returned to his lunch. It was probably one of the women he slept with looking for a serious relationship, he mused. That was one thing Loki was not interested in. Lust, not love, ruled his heart these days. And he had no intentions of changing his ways anytime soon.
The next morning JARVIS chimed again, at the hour of 7 a.m. well before Loki woke up on days where he wasn’t due anywhere.
“Master Loki, the woman is back. She is most insistent she needs to speak with you.”
Loki groaned, rolling onto his back. “Leave me be!”
“Should I send her away?”
“Yes.” Loki grabbed the pillow and covered his head, falling back asleep.
The morning wake up call was gone and forgotten as soon as Loki got going for this day. Until he headed out that evening, walking through the empty lobby of Avengers Towers on his way to hopefully meet a new conquest.
“LOKI!” A female voice called out.
Loki turned to see a young woman step out from behind a pillar. Her short, light brown hair and blue eyes vaguely familiar.
“The building’s been closed for hours. How are you even still here?”
“I hid in a supply closet.”
“I shall tell Stark his security is lacking.” He turned his attention to the girl. “You need to leave.”
“No,” She pressed her hand against his chest. “I need to talk to you. It’s important.”
Loki crossed his arms, tapping his foot. “What is it?” He spat at her.
Her composure crumbled. Loki only then noticed the tears in her eyes and the envelope in her hands.
“You don’t remember me, do you?” she muttered. “Of course not. Why would you? Here.” She shoved the envelope in his hand. “I thought you had a right to know.” She walked away, shoulders shaking. “And in case you fucking care, my name is Alexis, ass!”
The name triggered Loki’s memory back to the Whiskey Front Room. He opened the envelope and it contained a single sheet of paper with lab results.
Pregnancy Test: Positive
Loki stared at the door where Alexis exited a minute ago and then back at the paper before laughing. His plans of going out forgotten. He followed her, his long legs catching with Alexis easily.
“Is this some sort of joke?” He called out after her.
She stopped in tracks before spinning on her foot. Black trails of mascara marred her cheeks. “Does it look like I’m fucking joking?!” She snapped, spitting towards him.
Loki took a step back before smiling. He handed the paper back to her. “It’s a false positive. It is impossible.”
Alexis shoved it back at him. “I took three home tests, and that is a copy of my lab results. Do you realize how rare a false positive pregnancy test from a lab is?”
Loki wrinkled his nose. “No. But it’s a mistake.” He nodded his head. “I cast a spell to prevent this thing from happening. So your little scheme isn’t going to work. What is it you want? Money? I don’t have any.”
Alexis jabbed a finger into his chest. “You can drop the condescending tone. I am not here for money or anything else. I just thought you should know… in case you ever wondered if you had a kid out there. You do.” She sniffled.
Alexis slumped her shoulders and walked away. Loki reached out for her.
“Listen, I still don’t believe it, but I can’t have you leaving until we straighten this out.”
“You want me to stay… with… you?” Alexis stuttered. “No fucking way! You just called me a liar.”
“I said it was an impossibility, which is. I’m afraid you need to come with me. Just for one night. You can stay in my quarters.”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“I wasn’t asking. You can sleep in the bed and I will take the sofa.” Alexis crossed her arms and stared at Loki. “If you try to leave, I will forcibly return you to the tower. I prefer you coming willingly. I apologize for the inconvenience, but if what you say is true, you may be in danger.”
Alexis’s jaw dropped. “Why would my life be in danger?”
“I have many enemies. Now come.” Loki cradled his arm around her.
“Okay, but we are discussing this whole enemies, life in mortal danger thing some more once we get back.”
Loki nodded. “After we have the doctor examination tomorrow and she confirms you are not pregnant, I will answer all questions you want. But for now, let’s return.” Loki’s confidence Alexis was not pregnant faltered each time he mentioned it. There was no way his magic failed. But something itched at the back of his head. He pushed it away.
Alexis allowed Loki to guide her back to the Tower and into the elevator. Once they reached his quarters, he disappeared into the bedroom.
“Here are some clothes to sleep in.” He offered a t-shirt and shorts of his. “They might be a little big. I could ask around if you want—”
“No!” She yelled, causing Loki to smile. “The shirt and shorts are fine.” Alexis snatched them out of Loki’s hand.
Loki nodded in agreement. “Are you hungry? I can cook or order something in?”
“I appreciate the offer, but I think I just want to sleep and get this over with so I can return to my normal life.”
He rose and grabbed a spare pillow and blanket from a closet. “If you are up before me, please wake me. The sooner we settle this, the sooner you can get on with your life.”
He stretched onto the couch and Alexis’s heart sunk. She wasn’t sure why, perhaps she expected more from Loki than indifference. A hint he cared for the unborn child she carried. She turned over and settled in for a restless night’s sleep in a strange bed.
“Brother… Brother…” Thor whispered, shaking Loki out of his slumber.
“What is it, Thor?” He waved off further assault from his brother.
“There is a woman wearing your clothes asleep in your bed.”
“And that requires assault? Have you never seen a woman before?” Loki rolled over, hoping to catch more sleep before facing the nightmare of Alexis and this impossible pregnancy.
“I am still responsible for you here on Midgard, Loki. And I have a right—”
“—You have no right to my personal life!” Loki sneered. “There are things that are mine and mine only. Now leave me be!”
Thor held his hands up in defeat. “Fair enough. But when you are ready to talk… I am here.”
“A small comfort.” Loki forced a smile.
Alexis stepped out, wearing Loki’s t-shirt, which came down to her mid thigh. “What’s going on?” She rubbed her eyes, hair sticking out.
“My brother was just leaving.” Loki rose and shoved Thor out the front door before he could ask questions of Alexis.
She pursed her lips as Loki turned and chuckled nervously.
“So… does anyone know about me?”
“Not yet. I would prefer to keep this between us until we settle things.”
“They’re already settled for me.” she muttered, tucking her chin to her chest.
Loki’s face softened. “Forgive me for being a skeptic. My magic has never failed me before.”
“Maybe you wanted it to fail.”
“Why would I want it to fail?” Loki squinted at her.
She shrugged her shoulders and smirked. “Maybe you like me.”
“I’m not looking for emotional entanglement. And I am certainly not looking to be a father.” Loki moved to the kitchen to fix some coffee and a light breakfast.
“Doesn’t mean you don’t need it.” Alexis moved to watch Loki in the kitchen. She marveled at the efficiency of his movements. No wasted energy, no extraneous steps. This was a man who pre-planned every aspect of his life. No mistakes, no room for error. Until her.
“Can I have some of that?” She asked as Loki fixed a caramel mocha.
Not as good as the one from the coffee shop, but it sufficed for days when he couldn’t be bothered to leave the Tower. He invested in a top of the line espresso machine for just such purpose.
He sized her up with a questioning glance but prepared a second serving and handed it to her. “Dr. Cho is expecting us at 8. Are you hungry?”
“Famished.” She sipped the coffee after blowing on it to cool, it verged on too sweet for her tastes.
Loki rummaged into the fridge. “I have eggs or… eggs.”
“Eggs, please. Scrambled.”
Loki prepared the eggs as he did the coffee, meticulously.
“I’m glad you don’t fuck the way you cook.” Alexis mused, taking small sips of the sweet coffee.
“Meaning?” He tucked into his eggs, adding buttered toast to both his and Alexis’s plate.
“Precise. Cold. Clinical. Sex should be messy.”
Loki couldn’t resist a smirk. “Isn’t that how we ended up here?”
“Touche. Do I have time to shower before I get poked and prodded to satisfy you that I am pregnant?”
Loki glanced at the clock. “Use whatever you want. If you would prefer, wear one of my shirts rather than your clothes from yesterday.”
Loki finished up his food and cleaned up the dishes and his bedding off the couch. Alexis emerged with wet hair, wearing one of Loki’s black button-down shirts, tied at the waist, the top buttons undone. Loki swallowed hard.
“You said I could borrow one.”
“It’s fine. You look good. Give me a few moments and we can go.”
Loki showered and dressed for the day in jeans and a t-shirt, joining Alexis in the living room. “Ready?”
She nodded, and Loki took her hand. He glanced down the hallway before slinking them out and towards the elevator. He froze a voice called out.
“Is this a walk of shame?” Tony commented.
Alexis turned bright red as Loki pulled her close. “Go to the elevator and wait for me.” She mumbled and walked away.
“No need to be embarrassed. She’s cute. Kind of quiet. Frankly, I was wondering.” Tony smirked at Loki.
Loki resisted the bait. “She is just a friend in need of some help. Once she is settled, you’ll never see her again and you can go back to speculating.”
“Whatever, Reindeer Games. Seems like an awful lot of trouble for a friend… wearing your shirt.” Tony averted his gaze.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Now if you excuse me, I have a previous engagement.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Tony called out as Loki beelined for Alexis, who was holding the elevator.
“Was that Tony Stark?” Alexis whispered once the elevator doors closed and Loki punched in the number.
“Unfortunately, yes. But once we confirm you’re not pregnant, you won’t have to worry about him.”
Alexis grew quiet. “Still convinced this is a mistake?”
“I’m never wrong and my magic never fails.”
One hour later, Dr. Cho pulled Loki aside.
“She is pregnant.”
Loki chuckled, which turned into nervous laughter. “You must be joking. There’s no way—”
“I did two blood tests and an ultrasound. I heard the baby’s heartbeat.”
Loki’s jaw dropped. “But my magic—”
“—failed. Now you can either accept reality or live a life of delusion. Right now there is a young woman in there who is scared and you calling her a liar is not going to help. I am going back in there. Are you coming with me?”
Loki nodded in shock and followed Dr. Cho back into the examination room. Alexis’s eyes met Loki’s with fear, the tears threatening to fall with a blink of her eye or a swipe of her hand.
Loki smiled a crooked smile at her and sighed. “I guess we need to talk.”
14 notes · View notes
searchingwardrobes · 4 years
The Convenient Groom: 10/14
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Well, here it is everyone! One of the chapters I have been really looking forward to! There’s no kissing, but I give you platonic bed sharing plus emotional hurt/comfort with a side of jealousy. Enjoy!
Summary: Killian Jones just happens to be there when Emma Swan gets the phone call that changes everything: her fiance is leaving her at the altar. The thing is, it could also mean the end of her career. Convenient that Killian has nothing better to do that day. Convenient that he’s secretly in love with her. Not that Emma has to know that. Written for @spartanguard​​ .
Rating: M
Words: about 5k in this chapter
Also on Ao3
Tagging:@snowbellewells​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​ @kmomof4​​ @let-it-raines​ @teamhook​​ @bethacaciakay​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @tiganasummertree​ @shireness-says​​ @stahlop​​ @scientificapricot​​ @welllpthisishappening​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @thislassishooked​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @kday426​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​ @lfh1226-linda​​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @nikkiemms​ @distant-rose @optomisticgirl​​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @carpedzem​ @ohmakemeahercules​​ @branlovestowrite​ @superchocovian​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @vvbooklady1256​ @hollyethecurious​​ @winterbaby89​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @jennjenn615​ @snidgetsafan​
Emma sighed as she polished off another piece of toast. She brushed the crumbs from her lap and relaxed into the comfortable chair on the back porch. She enjoyed the view of the ocean and the soothing sound of surf. It felt wonderful to be out in the fresh air after days cooped up inside sick. She contemplated going back to the kitchen for something more substantial, but she had given Killian her word. Besides, she’d already pushed her luck by spreading an extremely thin layer of butter on her toast.
Her cell phone started ringing on the patio table, and she jumped as if Killian had some sort of sixth sense about the butter. It was Ruby calling, however, not Killian.
“Hey, Rubes.”
“Hey, Ems,” Ruby’s simple reply was laced with meaning, “sooo, how’s it going being married to Mr. Hottie? Please tell me he leaves crumbs in the bed or smells really bad when he first wakes up in the morning. Otherwise I’ll be depressed over the state of my love life.”
Emma laughed as she flicked a few more errant crumbs off her pajama pants. “Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he’s annoyingly neat. As for what he smells like when he wakes up, I wouldn’t know.”
There was a fumbling sound on the other end and a muttered curse from Ruby. “I’m sorry, I almost dropped my phone. How the hell do you not know? Please tell me you’re not -”
“Making him sleep on the couch? Well, yes. This isn’t the fifteenth century where I sold my body for a goat or something.”
“So the poor man has to sleep on the couch indefinitely?”
“Well, technically, I’ve slept on the couch the past couple of days. I had some sort of stomach bug.”
“That sucks, Ems, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Killian took good care of me.
“Did he?” Once again, Ruby’s voice was laced with unspoken meaning.
“Don’t start, Ruby, he was just being nice.”
“If he took care of you when you were sick, I personally think you should let him back in the bed.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “I can’t let him back in bed if he was never in it to begin with.”
“Girl, I would change that arrangement ASAP.”
Emma just laughed and shook her head. “Ruby -”
“Emma,” her friend countered, “if you’re going to be married to that for a year, you might as well enjoy it.”
“And the purpose of this call is exactly . . . “
“Fine, fine,” Ruby muttered, “straight to business, if that’s what you want.”
“Yes. Please.”
“Okay, well Regina asked me to call and go over your itinerary for the book promotion.”
Emma rose from her chair to go back inside and find her laptop so she could pull up her calendar. “That’s good. I feel so out of the loop. I mean, I’m back to normal at my practice, but the new book has honestly been the last thing on my mind.”
“I don’t blame you with that fine piece of -”
“Ruby,” Emma cut her off, “focus.”
“Right, right, okay . . . so, we’ve got that interview set up on The Tiana Show. And Regina did tell you that will also have a Q&A segment with the audience, right?”
“Mhm,” Emma said as she scrolled through her calendar, “yeah, I made a note of that.”
“They also requested that Killian be there, and Regina okayed it.”
“Wait - what?”
Ruby’s voice was reassuring. “They just want him in the audience. You know, so they can pan to his reactions and stuff.”
Emma slouched back on the couch and wearily rubbed her forehead. “Ruby, how could the two of you not check with me first? Killian has a business to run. He might not be able to take off to New York in the middle of the week.”
“I don’t know, the man seems pretty willing to come running when you call.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, never mind,” Ruby said hurriedly. She changed the subject to the next item on Emma’s itinerary, and Emma didn’t press it. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what her friend meant by the comment.
When Killian came home from work, he had a huge pot of chicken noodle soup that Elsa had made. It made Emma wonder if the woman cooked anything but soup. She was also grateful for something to eat that wasn’t toast. Personally, she could go for a cheeseburger, but she doubted Killian would agree.
He did, however, agree to eating outside on the back porch. He also said nothing when Emma slathered a hunk of French bread with butter. The bit she had at lunch hadn’t bothered her stomach, not that she would tell Killian that.
“Why do you look so nervous?” Killian asked her after blowing on a spoonful of soup.
Emma jabbed at a chunk of chicken with her spoon rather than looking at him. “I just have to ask you something, and I’m a little nervous you’ll be pissed.”
His forehead creased. “Why would I be? Emma, seriously, you can ask me anything.”
Emma gave him a tentative smile. “That’s sweet, but it’s just . . . well, my agent kind of agreed to something for you.”
Killian rested his elbows on the table. “Okay, I guess that was inconsiderate of her, but I’m not going to blow up about it or anything. Especially not at you.”
Emma let out a breath of air. “Good, and I told Ruby that they need to ask first from here on out.”
Killian tore a piece of bread from the loaf and dipped it into his soup. “So, what is it? I may have to tell them no, depending on what it is, but . . . “
He trailed off and shrugged as if to say he would have an open mind about it.
“They want you to go with me to do a talk show in New York City in a couple of weeks. Not to be interviewed or anything,” Emma rushed to add, “just to be in the audience. The show wants you there for like, reactions or whatever while they’re interviewing me.”
Killian nodded, completely calm, and it honestly threw her more than if he’d gotten pissed. “That’s fine with me. When is it?”
“A week from this coming Wednesday?”
He shook his head at her as a smile lifted the corner of his mouth. “You don’t have to phrase it as a question. I don’t bite, love. Unless you ask me to, that is.”
He punctuated the innuendo with a wink, and she rolled her eyes as she laughed. “You think you’re cute, don’t you?”
“I try.”
“So can you do it?”
“I don’t see why not. I don’t have any plans.”
“But isn’t this your busy time of year? I mean, with all the tourists around.”
He reached out and took her hand. “Not so much that I can’t take one day to support your career.”
Emma felt her jaw drop slightly, and her gaze flicked to where his thumb was caressing her knuckles. When he saw her expression, he quickly pulled his hand away and cleared his throat.
“I mean, that’s the whole reason for this arrangement, aye?”
“Right,” Emma said with a nod, “to save my career.”
Silence fell between them as they continued eating their soup. Emma drained her bowl with a sigh, almost embarrassed at how ravenously she had eaten.
“Did that hit the spot?”
“Definitely,” she replied, patting her stomach, “I just hope I don’t regret it later.”
“I’m sure if your appetite has returned that you’ll be fine. Besides, it was soup.”
She nodded, regarding him thoughtfully as he continued to leisurely eat his own dinner. “So,” she finally worked up the courage to ask, leaning her elbows on the table, “your half of the bargain was that I would casually help your brother out with his marriage. But from what I see, they’re fine.”
Now it was Killian’s jaw dropping as he paused his eating, spoon held in midair. Emma arched one brow at him.
“Well,” he finally said, resting his spoon on the table, “they do love each other tremendously, and Elsa’s good for Liam -”
“But, there’s been some tension lately.”
Emma searched his face intently as she rested her chin on her clasped hands. She didn’t know why in the world he would lie about his brother needing her help, but it felt like he was grasping for words. “Tension?”
“Aye, tension. Elsa’s ready to start a family, you see, and Liam -”
“Doesn’t want kids?”
“No, no, it’s not that. He does. It’s just . . . he wants to be sure they’re ready. Financially speaking.”
“That’s wise. Having children isn’t something you do lightly.”
“And Elsa understands that, but she -”
Emma lifted a hand. “If you say anything about her biological clock, I might dump the rest of that soup over your head.”
His eyes widened at that. “Okay, I sense a touchiness -”
She gave him a withering glare. “I just don’t like women being treated like they have a shelf life, that’s all.”
Killian leaned back in his seat, his arms crossed, his brow furrowed. Uh-oh. “So you’re going to deny basic biology?”
“What basic biology?”
“That there are a certain number of years -”
“Choose your words very carefully, buddy.”
His hands dropped to the table, and she noticed that his hands were now clenched in fists. “All I’m saying is that Elsa’s waited the first five years of their marriage for something she wants deeply, and my brother is being way too practical. As usual.”
“You have to be practical - it’s a lifetime commitment!”
“But no one can ever be one hundred percent prepared!”
This had quickly gotten out of hand, both their voices rising slightly, and Emma wasn’t even sure where the conversation had gone off the rails. She took a deep breath and when she spoke again, she used her professional therapist voice.
“It’s a big decision that you shouldn’t rush into.”
Killian leaned across the table, his eyes flashing. “Or it’s something that scares you to death, scares the hell out of you actually because you never had a good example of what a father should be. So even though you want it more than you ever wanted anything, that fear holds you back. So you wait, then wait some more, until one day you’ve waited too long!”
He rose from the table then, so forcefully that the chair behind him flew backwards and wobbled, almost toppling over. Then Killian turned and left, the screen porch door slamming behind him as he headed down the beach.
Emma just sat there for a moment, processing what the hell just happened, and suddenly understanding dawned. She didn’t have a phD in psychology for nothing.
This had nothing at all to do with Elsa and Liam.
Killian came to a dead stop halfway down the beach when he realized what he was doing. He leaned over his knees, taking big gulps of air. It wasn’t from the exertion of his run - he was in better shape than that - it was the sudden fear washing over him. How could he be this stupid twice? And Emma was just getting over being sick. What if she tried to follow him, got dizzy, and . . . and . . .
He couldn’t finish the thought. Instead, after one more deep breath, he raced back the way he had come. The fear was even worse when he saw how far he’d run. The house seemed so far away . . .
Finally, he slowed down right at the back of the house. In the distance, he saw Emma by the fire pit talking to Anna. Relief flooded through him, and he suddenly felt like he’d run a 10k in less than a minute. Once again, he was leaning over, bracing his hands on his knees. Emma turned towards him, but he couldn’t tell from here if she was angry or not. Then she turned back to Anna, gesturing in his direction. Anna nodded, then turned around and went back into the house.
Killian straightened as Emma drew closer. Her arms were crossed, holding a sweater around her frame, and the ocean breeze tugged at her hair. Even when she got close, her expression was unreadable.
“I’m sorry.”
Seemed as good a place as any to start.
She tilted her head at him. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t know.”
Killian blinked, then looked back over Emma’s shoulder at his brother’s house. He sighed, “Anna told you?”
Emma nodded, then her expression changed, and her eyes widened. “Wait - did you race back here because you were worried about me?”
Killian ran a hand wearily over his face. “It was just so eerily the same. A fight, me running off -”
Emma stopped his words with a gentle hand to his arm. “Her death wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. It was just a senseless accident.”
“You don’t understand, Emma. We fought about . . . “ he swallowed the sudden lump in his throat. “We were renovating our house, on the other side of Storybrooke. We added on a new master suite, giving us three bedrooms instead of two, and then Milah suddenly starts referring to one of them as a nursery.” He turned to look out at the water, his hand raking through his hair. Emma said nothing.
“I always brushed her off with a joke or something. Finally, we talked about it, and I told her I wasn’t sure we were in a good place financially. The truth was, I was scared.”
“Of what?”
He turned to look into her green eyes. “Of failing. As a father. My dad left us when we were kids, you see, and . . . well, how was I supposed to know what a good father looked like?”
Emma just nodded. “I understand that fear.” She settled down in the sand and motioned for him to join her. He did, knowing she might still be weak from being sick.
Killian shook his head and sighed before continuing. “But it meant so much to her. Her first husband never wanted kids either, was really volatile about the issue, and it got to be a touchy subject between us.”
Emma said nothing, just looked at him with an expression that made him feel it was safe to go on. No wonder she was so good at her job.
“One day, we were in the middle of working on the house, and she confronted me about it, wouldn’t let me deflect. We ended up getting into a huge fight, and I took off in anger. Just like I did tonight.” He struggled to go on, lowering his head so she couldn’t see the tears starting to form.
“You don’t need to explain the rest if you don’t want to. Anna told me.”
“If I had been there, she might not have fallen off that ladder.”
“You don’t know that.”
“She might have lived.”
“Killian,” she said in a soft voice, “Anna told me what the coroner said. She broke her neck. Even if you had been there, you wouldn’t have been able to save her.”
He shook his head, clenching his jaw. “But she might not even have been on that ladder if I hadn’t taken off. She might have been more careful. She was probably so distracted . . . “
“Killian look at me,” Emma knelt down in front of him in the sand and took his face in her hands. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I was only gone for ten minutes. No one expects their life to change that much in ten minutes.”
Emma gave him an encouraging smile. She had also started to stroke his face, and he wondered if she even realized she was doing it.
“Exactly. Ten minutes. How could you have possibly known what would happen? You left for a few minutes to calm down. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I . . . I didn’t . . . it wasn’t my fault.”
Emma nodded. Liam had told him the same thing a thousand times. So had Elsa. And David. Yet for some reason, here on the beach with Emma’s soothing voice and gentle hands, the truth of it finally washed over him like the waves crashing against the shore. Something broke inside of him, and his head fell forward onto Emma’s shoulder. She wrapped one arm around him while she stroked his hair with her other hand. He waited for tears to come, for sobs to shake his body, but instead he felt lighter somehow. He supposed he’d shed an ocean of tears for Milah over the years, and nothing but a shaky sigh was left.
“She wouldn’t want you to blame yourself,” Emma told him.
He pulled back and took Emma’s hands in his. “You’re right. She wouldn’t.” He stared down at Emma’s hands for a minute, rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles. The sound of the ocean surrounded them, and he slowly breathed in the salty smell of it, then exhaled.
“Better?” Emma asked.
He nodded, feeling slightly sheepish all of a sudden. He rose to his feet and offered Emma a hand, which she took. Once she was up, he turned towards the house, but she didn’t relinquish his hand.
“You know,” he told her, “I never scheduled a session.”
She laughed. “Lucky for you I had an opening.”
“How much do I owe you?” he teased, bumping her hip.
“This one’s on the house, Jones.”
Despite their fight and the intense conversation on the beach, they spent the rest of the evening the way they normally did - on the couch with Netflix. Around eleven, Emma stretched and yawned.
“You’ve got me falling into the sleeping habits of an old man,” she told him, poking his leg with her toe.
“Hey, I may have a few years on you, but I’ve retained my youthful glow.”
She laughed and rolled her eyes as she rose from the couch, wrapping an afghan around her. “What about you?”
A yawn cracked his own jaw as he rubbed at his tired eyes. “I think I’m ready to turn this couch into my bed for the night.”
Emma chewed on her lower lip as she regarded him carefully. “Why don’t we just share the bed?”
He arched a brow at her. “Seriously?”
She shrugged. “Yeah, why not? I mean, we’re both adults.”
Killian rubbed at his jaw as he thought it over. He wouldn’t lie, he was sick of the couch. And as long she was comfortable with it . . .
“Come on,” Emma said, giving him a playful kick, “don’t make a big deal out of it. You know you miss sleeping in a real bed.”
“Well, if you’re sure -”
“One hundred percent.”
“Okay then.” He tossed aside the remote, got up, and followed Emma down the hall. She had already changed into her pajamas, so she brushed her teeth while Killian changed in the bedroom. He went ahead and slipped under the sheets and flipped off the light before Emma came in. Why was his heart pounding like a fifteen year old?
He heard Emma shut off the faucet and flip off the bathroom light. “Whoah, it’s dark!” Emma cried as she stepped into the room. “Why are you hiding? Do you sleep in the nude?”
“No,” Killian protested, “well, not totally. I mean, I’m wearing boxers.” Shut up, he reprimanded himself, you sound like a nervous idiot.
Emma swore under her breath as she tripped over something on her way to the bed. Knowing her, it was a pair of shoes. He felt the bed dip as she got in and wrapped herself up in the covers. He tried to make her out in the dark, but all he could see was her hair.
“Good night,” Emma whispered.
“Good night,” he whispered back.
Killian was awakened the next morning because something was tickling his nose. It was Emma’s hair - spread all over her pillow and his. He brushed it out of his face as he rolled over. Emma was curled up on her side, her back to him. He took the opportunity to admire her creamy shoulders on display. One strap of her tank top had slipped, and the sight had him getting hard. He was just about to slip out of bed before she noticed how - er - excited he was to see her, when she suddenly rolled over to face him.
“Hey,” she said groggily.
“Hey,” he answered, his voice strained. He tried to inch farther away from her without making it obvious.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed.”
He blinked. “Uh, why would I be embarrassed? Like you said last night, we’re adults.”
“Exactly,” Emma replied through a yawn. She arched her back and stretched both arms over her head, which definitely didn’t help his erection. “And I’m also an adult who counsels couples and has extensive knowledge of sexual physiology and psychology.”
“Are you bragging, Swan?”
“No. I’m just trying to explain why I understand your situation. After all, it’s extremely normal for a healthy man to wake up with an erection.”
She smirked at him as he coughed. He wished he had control over the red creeping up his cheeks. He quickly recovered, however, and winked at her.
“That confident that I’m happy to see you?”
She shrugged, that damn strap still teasing him. “Guess it’s good I’m not a cuddler, or there would be no doubt.”
“Oh trust me, love,” he told her, dropping his voice an octave, “when I jab you with my sword, you’ll feel it.”
Now she was the one blinking rapidly as a blush stained her cheeks. He laughed as he flung the sheets aside.
“Now look away, darling, unless you want an eyeful. My boxers have never been able to contain my prodigious manhood.”
She didn’t respond at first, and he chuckled again. But when he reached the door of the bathroom, his pillow hit him in the back of the head.
Sharing a bed was changing Emma’s sleeping habits. She was getting up earlier for two reasons: one, she had lied to Killian. She apparently was a cuddler. Every morning her eyes flew open before the sun was up when her body sensed something warm, solid, and hairy beneath her cheek. She always extricated herself from his embrace before he woke up. Second, Killian had convinced her to ditch her treadmill and join him on his jogs. She had to admit, she looked forward to her morning workout more with the combination of the gorgeous setting, Smee’s encouragement, and Killian’s company.
He wasn’t chatty on the morning runs, for which she was grateful. She preferred getting in the zone when she exercised. However, they were talking over breakfast and coffee each day. Now that she was up earlier, she had time for more than a bagel as she dashed out the door. She could honestly say that they were friends now, and she enjoyed his company. She had hopes that things wouldn’t be weird after all this was over, and they could still hang out. Especially since they worked in the same building.
Emma was far more aware of the sounds coming from below her than she used to be (heavy metal music aside). She now knew the difference between the sound of the table saw versus the sander, for example, though both were faint by the time they reached her ears. Her clients probably didn’t even notice.
She also knew when he was meeting with a client. The sounds in his workshop ceased and the pleasant timbre of his voice drifted up through the vents. Not enough for her to eavesdrop, but enough to bring a smile to her face. He was talented at what he did, and she wanted him to succeed.
Right now, she could hear the buzz of his table saw as she listened to her current client talk about finally setting boundaries without apologies with the man she had just started dating. Emma was encouraged by her progress, and honestly proud of the young woman. When she first started seeing Emma, she was broken and filled with social anxiety after going through a very public breakup. It had taken a year for the woman to even accept a date from a man who had already proven himself as a good friend. Now, here she was speaking up for herself without apology.
“You know, Jasmine,” Emma told her, “I think you are at a very healthy place. How about we try meeting every six weeks instead of monthly?”
“Really?” the woman asked, beaming. “I think that would work. Does that mean I don’t need the citalopram anymore?”
“No, I think you should still take it. Talk it over with your doctor, but it’s a really safe medication, and ten milligrams a day is a very small dose. Besides, remember what I always say?”
“Medication is just another of my tools to help me cope and nothing to be ashamed of.”
Emma grinned. “Exactly.”
They both rose, and Emma showed Jasmine to the door at the top of the stairs. Over the brunette's shoulder, she saw Killian welcome in a smiling redhead. The woman flipped her hair over one shoulder as she laughed, then she laid a hand on Killian’s bicep. Killian smiled back, then - Emma’s breath caught - he reached up and scratched behind his ear! Emma’s lips pressed together in a thin line. That was his tell when he was nervous - usually sexually nervous. Emma barely heard Jasmine’s goodbye as her head spun. She leaned over to try and see the pair, but Killian led the redhead further into his shop and out of sight.
Emma went back into her office and started pacing in the small waiting area. Ariel! That was the woman’s name. Killian had made an arbor for her wedding to Eric, similar to the one he had made for her. Well, this Eric might want to know that his wife was flirting with other people’s husbands.
As soon as the thought entered her brain, Emma tried to put on her therapist hat and remind her subconscious that the woman’s red hair had triggered memories of Walsh’s infidelity with Zelena.
Her subconscious was hearing none of it.
Emma stilled her movements and cocked her head as she tried to make out the low voices from the first floor. Were they laughing again? The woman sure was smiling a hell of a lot.
Maybe she always smiles a lot. Therapist Emma tried to say.
Her subconscious ignored Therapist Emma.
Emma marched over to the floor vent near the door so she could hear better. All she could make out was Killian’s accent and Ariel’s more bubbly voice, but not what they were saying. She rolled her eyes and let out a huff of breath before getting down on her hands and knees. Wait, was that more laughter? She leaned closer, turning her ear to the vent and concentrating. She thought she heard Ariel say Killian’s name. In her mind’s eye, she saw her smiling brightly at him, flicking that unfairly beautiful shade of red hair over one shoulder, and gushing, “Oh Killian, you are just so funny.”
Emma snapped back to reality and realized that it had gone quiet. Why were they quiet all of a sudden? What were they doing? Emma’s ear was practically pressed to the vent at this point, and -
“What the bloody hell are you doing?”
Emma let out a strangled yelp as she jumped up from the floor. Killian was standing there in her doorway, looking at her with confusion etched on his brow and barely contained humor teasing the corners of his lips. She blinked and suddenly wanted the floor to open up and swallow her. She had been acting like a complete fool!
“Umm . . . I was . . . looking for something. What are you doing up here?”
He arched a brow at her and struggled to keep a smile at bay. “It’s lunch time. We were going to go over to Granny’s - remember? What did you lose?”
“You said you lost something,” he said, gesturing to where she’d been on all fours like a dog.
“My earring,” she lied quickly, “I thought maybe it rolled into the vent.”
“Oh,” he said, “well let me help you -”
“No that’s okay!” she told him hurriedly. “I found it, see?” She held up an empty hand with the fingertips pinched together as if she were holding something, then she pretended to fiddle with her earring. Thank God she wore studs!
Killian arched a brow at her, then sauntered close. So close, his chest almost brushed hers. She had to tilt her head to look up at him. He leaned down, his lips almost brushing her ear.
“You mean this earring, love?” he purred. He reached up and caressed the ruby stud with his calloused fingers. “The one you were already wearing when you first stood up?”
He pulled back just enough so he could look her in the eye, and the sinful smile upon his face should have made her furious.
But it didn’t. Damn him, it almost made her melt into a puddle of goo on the floor.
HIs eyes scanned her face, and for one thrilling moment she thought he would kiss her. Kiss her with absolutely no one watching. But then he pulled back and walked backwards towards the door.
“You coming, love? Grilled cheese at Granny’s?”
“Uh . . . yeah,” she muttered.
Emma wanted a way to wipe that shit eating grin off his face, but she couldn’t figure out how to do it.
“Oh and Emma,” Killian said before she could head down the stairs, “Ariel was smiling and laughing because she and Eric need me to make them a cradle. For their new baby.”
His satisfied smile as he sauntered past her down the stairs made her want to kick him in the ass as hard as she could. Mostly. But another part of her was too busy being relieved about Ariel’s order.
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itismarvelicious · 5 years
In some kind of Jumanji way, Tony comes back in the far future, like very far future after some kids found an infinity stone. Doesn't really matter how or which one, it's the far future so we don't know any of it cause we don't know how many things happened since Tony died and the present. So Tony comes back in a world he doesn't recognize anymore. In a world the people don't even know him anymore.
"Who are you?", one of the kids ask.
"Tony Stark".
The kids remain silent like okay, that doesn't help us at all.
"Iron Man?"
The kids: ?
"The universe's savior? I defeated Thanos?"
"Who's Thanos?"
"Isn't that a villain in a comic book?"
Tony frowns. "I'm on earth, right?"
"What year is it exactly?"
Tony stumbles.
"Wow. You're okay?"
"Nope. What city are we in?"
"New York."
"It doesn't look like New York."
"So are you like, a genie? We found you and freed you and that makes us your masters? Can we give you three wishes each?"
"1, I'm a genius but not a genie; 2, I'm the one who's gonna be giving the wishes and I want you to take me to the NY sanctum, that thing must still exist AND I want you to buy me an American cheeseburger."
"What's that?"
"You gotta be kidding me."
Anyway, they go to the sanctum. The new guy there says he can't help him go back to his time but he knows of someone who can help. Thor arrives. He's super happy to see Tony.
"How long has it been, like a hundred years?", he says as he hugs him.
"Ugh, more or less."
Thor puts a heavy hand on Tony's shoulder. "So. I thought you were dead."
"Yeah. Turns out death isn't that peaceful."
"It only is when its time has truly come."
"Something Loki taught me. Come, I'll give you a glimpse of your legacy."
"No one knows who I am, apparently."
"But your impact lives. It's okay, you know, no one remembers the name of the shortest-reigning Asgard king in history. Valkyrie totally eclipsed me."
So anyway, Thor shows Tony around. That night Tony sleeps at the hotel under the name of Howard Potts. Can't fall asleep. Remembers his conversation with Thor at dinner.
"How did they live?", Tony asked in the middle of a silence.
Thor dropped his fork, had a little smile, knowing what Tony meant. "Long", he replied.
Thor sighed. Tony looked down.
So he gets up and takes a car, I don't really care whose, let's assume they borrowed a car during the day. Arrives some time later at the lake house. It's empty and dark, doesn't look inhabited. As he gets out of the car, memories fill the place like ghosts. He sees the happy times of Pepper, Morgan and him, until his own memory slowly disappears and three becomes two and the happy place becomes this dark and empty place again.
In the sanctum, where the stone the kids found is now hidden, the stone glows brighter and brighter. From outside, the sanctum trembles.
Thor finds Tony in the lab. It's dawn.
"Been working, huh?"
"Yeah. The mind's busy. There's still a lot of things I can use in here. Anyone else lived here after us?"
"Yeah. Parkers."
Tony raises an eyebrow, then chuckles. And goes back to whatever he's fixing on his workbench.
"You're planning on going back, are you?", Thor asks.
"I don't belong here."
"There might... Be one thing we need your help with before."
They're at the sanctum. There's a big hole in the roof, like when Hulk fell from the sky.
"We suspect whatever was there came out of that stone you came out of yesterday. Any idea what it could be?"
"Yeah. It's a chitauri."
The sorcerer squints. "The chitauris have been extinct for two thousand years."
"Well I guess I've been running away from them for two thousand years."
It's Thor's turn to squint. "When you said death wasn't peaceful..."
Tony paces the room, sits on the armchair in a corner. "When I snapped and died... I found myself in this world. I supposed that was the afterlife. Except I took everyone else with me. All those who were snapped and me, we didn't really die. And even when we died in that world, we... Couldn't die. I fought at first and when I realized that, I hid. And planned my way out. Looks like they found my way out."
"The stone."
"Yeah. I guess it would've never worked had no one found it to activate it on the other side."
We see the arc reactor floating down the water after Pepper slips it on the lake at the funeral, floating further and further away until it sinks to the bottom of the lake and rolls down slowly, passing the various weathers and passing time, disintegrating slowly, forming a smaller round shape, until someday that small round shape glows again, still travelling for some time until finally, a kid picks it up, drawn by this underwater glow.
"Tony. You created an infinity stone. A ressurection stone." Thor looks more proud than surprised.
"I created a portal. And I didn't close it."
Thor snorts. "Yeah, it's just chitauris, this should be solved in a minute."
There's a crack sound and a blinding light. Loud steps are heard. Tony breathes loudly.
"I told you I'd always find you, Stark."
There's shrieks and other deafening sounds around there, coming in louder and quicker like a flood. There's a lightning and Tony's projected backwards as the sanctum blows up. Among the flames, Thanos. In the grey smoke around him, his alien army.
"How interesting does the game become when it's real", Thanos says, walking forward slowly. "How should I kill you this time? Crush your skull against the wall? Tear your heart out of your body again? Cut your head off?"
"The only head off will be yours", Thor says, throwing stormbreaker. "Run!"
Tony runs, but towards the sanctum as Thor fights Thanos one on one. There, he looks for a weapon and finds a sword. Just as he takes it from the wall, something arrives behind him and Tony blocks the alien's pointy arm with his sword. Tony's become good at sword fighting just because I love sword fights and I want to see sword fights in superhero movies. So Tony's become good at it because he's got two milleniums of self training.
Anyway then Thor and Tony meet again, fight side by side, and then there's more noise coming, people in superhero suits appear, and lights in the smoky sky - iron armours.
"What's this?", Tony asks.
"Your legacy", Thor says with a proud smile.
Carol, Valkyrie and Nebula show up too. Loki too, as a frost giant because I'm mad we didn't see that in Endgame. There's webs being cast around Tony to protect him, a captain America shield being thrown, etc etc.
Tony keeps looking for something in the sanctum, still sword fighting the villains who come in his way, until he finds it again, the arc reactor stone, and he holds it in his fist, squeezing tightly. "Come on, please work". The walls collapse around him and in front of him, revealing Thanos behind it. Thanos smiles and with rapidity, throws a dagger at Tony, that hits his heart just as the nanosuit finishes wrapping itself around his body. The dagger falls to the ground. And Tony rises.
"Well hello, Mr Stark", a voice says in his helmet.
"Who are you?"
"A Stark."
Anyway, the fight ends with Nebula killing Thanos as it should be.
Once the fight is over, everyone is on the ground. Every iron people nanotech their suit away, I don't know how to say that. There's a hell lot of them. "So which one of you is a Stark?", Tony asks.
Several of them raise their hands, then step to the front. Among them, there's Riri Williams. Well that's up to you, I don't know much about her but I liked the idea that she could have very old Starks ancestors. Oh oh, or maybe she could have Rhodes ancestors! Maybe a Rhodes and a Stark at some point got more than friends. And then the daughter married a Williams, really whatever you want.
"The Iron Army is one of the most famous and respected in the universe", Thor explains.
The kids at the beginning just didn't really know about it because Earth has been one of the most peaceful planets in a long time.
Also there's a spider kid who introduces himself as a Parker and he looks exactly like Peter. Or he looks like the Peter Parker from into the spider-verse, that could be fun. Up to you.
Anyway. After that Tony manages to build the time travel stuff again and Thor helps him go back in time. "Have a happy life, Tony".
Tony arrives in 2023 right after his funeral. Everyone's gone. Tony knocks at the door. They reunite properly, with tears of happiness and kisses and then Tony says, holding them in his arms, "we're gonna live long. And happily." The end, I have no idea what I just wrote and I'm sorry for the plot holes, I definitely got carried away.
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maybe cliffdiving can be our always || oidai
this is an oidai fic i’ve already posted to ao3 and wattpad, but hasn’t gotten much traction.  it’s established relationship fluff, and has background tensuga.
I based this fic off of a playlist I made! Here's the spotify link ;)
“Daichi! Are you crazy!”
Tōru shrieked through his laugh, fear mixing with elation as Daichi held onto him on their way down. The pair were in the US for a trip, and Daichi had claimed he always wanted to go cliff diving, so here they were.
The fall was freeing. Tōru felt on top of the world, like he’d never even had a lick of pride in his life because this was the moment he felt most in control- even though he had absolutely none. His hair floated in the wind, ears popping as the air pressure changed.
He looked to Daichi, molten chocolate eyes blown wide but filled with so much joy, a smile bold enough to stop the turn of the Earth itself.
He’ll never regret this.
Daichi promised to hold Tōru on the way down, to wade in the water until he was sure that he was safe, to help him back to shore if needed. It had taken a lot of convincing to get Tōru to even agree to these terms, so he didn’t want to test his luck.
“Yes! But you love me for it!”
The two laughed, Tōru’s still filled with some slight screaming, and Daichi told Tōru to take a breath less than two seconds before they hit the water, bubbles filling their ears.
Tōru opened his eyes wide, hair floating around his face, and started kicking his way to the surface. He would never tell Daichi, but that was so fucking fun.
Daichi was already on the surface by the time Tōru got there, water dripping from his hair and a wide smile on his face.
“I told you it was fun, Tōru!”
Tōru didn’t even have the energy to fight back- it was fun. It was so, so fun, and he already wanted to do it again.
“Race you back?”
“You’re on.”
“Dai, do we really have to go back to Japan?”
“Do you want to stay in Washington?”
Tōru thought for a moment. There was a kind of quiet chaos here. It was almost like he and Daichi could discover something new every day for the rest of their lives and still not find everything Forks had to offer.
“And if I said yes?”
“I would do anything for you, princess, you know that.”
Tōru blushed at the nickname.
“You deserve to be happy too, ‘Chi.”
“I’m happy wherever I am with you. We can always go back to visit. I’m sure we can find jobs here. Besides, Iwaizumi said you needed to stop playing, at least professionally.”
Tōru agreed silently, his knee twinging, though he was still bitter about it. It wasn’t like he only excelled in volleyball, but it was the only thing besides his boyfriend that made him happiest.
“What about-”
“Tōru, look at me.”
He felt a strong hand grip his chin, turning his face to meet Daichi’s eyes.
“Stop worrying about everyone else for once. You don’t owe anyone anything. What would make you happy, first and foremost?”
Fuck. Daichi always knew when Tōru started spiraling, which he was about to do.
“I guess we should start looking for jobs and a new place, huh?”
Their lips met, Daichi smiling through their kiss.
He wanted this too.
Moving across a city or two is stressful enough, but moving countries is a whole other story. It wasn’t the worst thing Tōru’s experienced, not by a long shot, but it was definitely wearing on his nerves. He gripped the mug full of tea so tightly it made his knuckles whiten, the ceramic warm enough to burn anyone else’s skin.
Getting jobs was hard enough- and Tōru was immediately grateful that Daichi had made him go to college, or he’d be stuck working a minimum-wage job.
He’d secured a job as a trainer at a local gym, and he already had seven clients booked by the time he got home from his first shift- everyone wanted to work with the Olympic gold medalist.
Daichi got a job as a fireman, his toned muscles being an easy sell. The two were constantly busy and massages had become a regular thing in the shitty motel they’d called home for the last few weeks.
Tōru was going to need so many fucking massages when they finished moving everything into their apartment.
“Sacchan!! Guess what?”
“What is it, Oi?”
“I can marry Dai here!”
The line was silent for a few seconds. One of the biggest barriers of their relationships had been the laws against their marriages in Japan. Satori and Kōshi had moved to France, for the redhead’s dreams of being a chocolatier and the silver-haired man’s dreams of living in the city of love, and they’d gotten engaged there recently.
“Does Daikkun know that?”
“I don’t know, but I just saw a same-sex wedding on TV, so I had to look it up!”
Tōru heard a sigh on the other line, followed by some shuffling. A new voice responded, though a welcome one.
“Tōru, love, we both know Daichi is a dense man. You might have to drop hints, or he’ll never get it.”
“Kō, I want him to be the one to figure it out. All I know is that I’m going to be late for our date, so I’ll talk to you later! I love both of you, so much!”
“We love you too, Tōru. Have fun on your date.”
The line clicked. Tōru knew Kōshi was right, that his boyfriend wasn’t the smartest sometimes, but Tōru knew their love was completely genuine. Daichi would do anything for him and Tōru would do the same.
Dress comfortably, Daichi had told him. They’d been in Forks for two years now, but still Tōru hadn’t a single clue what the two would be doing for the evening. He tugged on a pair of his own jeans and one of Daichi’s worn-out band tees, opting for comfort over style.
The tee hung loosely from his body- Daichi had always been the more built one of the two- and he looked fucking phenomenal. Tōru grabbed Daichi’s second leather jacket, knowing they’d be taking his bike tonight.
When Daichi got home he didn’t even bother to come inside, opting instead to honk at Tōru, shocking him out of his thoughts.
“Hey babe,” Daichi greeted Tōru, sealing it with a kiss. “You look amazing.”
Tōru blushed, still not accustomed to the way Daichi genuinely meant every compliment he gave.
Tōru nodded, putting on his helmet and climbing behind his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around him.
“You bet.”
The two rode out of the city, towards the coast. They took the highway that stretched for miles against the beach, sunset casting beautiful orange and pink tones to the sands. Daichi pulled to a stop near a small 50’s themed diner, grabbing Tōru’s hand and leading him inside.
“We came all this way for a diner?”
“Patience is a virtue, Tōru.”
Daichi ordered food for the both of them; he’d always seemed to know what Tōru would like best. They chatted and locked their legs under the table, tossing the occasional fry at each other and filling the nearly empty diner with their combined laughter.
After he finished eating, Tōru rested his head in his hand, staring at Daichi who was paying their bill before returning with a huge smile on his face.
“I love you, ‘Chi.”
“I love you too. Let’s go, we have one more stop before we go home.”
“Let’s get going then.”
Their final destination was back near Forks- leaving Tōru even more confused as to why they travelled all that way to eat some greasy diner food- though he wasn’t complaining. The food had been amazing, after all.
They pulled to a stop at an all-too-familiar stretch of cliffs.
“Remember this place? We went cliff diving on our first day in Washington, two years ago today. You were so scared, I told you it would be okay but you still screamed the whole way down. When the first jump was over, though, you asked to do it again and again. You even complained when we had to go back to the hotel.”
Tōru stared at his Daichi, who was staring out into the water. The last remnants of sunshine clung to his tanned skin, made his eyes sparkle.
“We had so much fun. You tried your first American-style cheeseburger that night, because you refused to eat them with me until you were too tired to argue anymore. I fell even more in love with you when the ketchup sat in the corner of your mouth and you wiped it away.”
Tōru grimaced a little- he hated having food anywhere on his face.
“Tōru, I don’t just love you. I’m in love with you. I’m in love with you and all of the beauty that comes with it. I’m in love with the way you scrunch your nose when you don’t like my joke, I’m in love with your bedhead, I’m in love with the way you look in my clothes. I’m in love with the way you always smell like freshly brewed coffee even though you hate the taste. I’m in love with the way you begged me to take you to Roswell for the aliens. I’m in love with the way you are so passionate about everything, from politics to your favourite kind of sweeteners to add to different kinds of tea. I’m so hopelessly in love with you, Tōru.”
Tōru stayed silent, processing everything his boyfriend just said. It was a lot to take in- all of the things his past lovers had complained about were the same things Daichi loved about him. Exactly how the hell did he get so lucky?
“I’m so fucking in love with you, I know that and you know that and our family knows that. We all know that but still, I can’t help but want to make everyone know that.”
All of a sudden, Daichi was on his knee, holding Tōru’s hands in his own. Tōru gasped slightly, blush rising furiously onto his face.
“I’m in love with you, Tōru, and I want to share everything with you- especially my last name. Will you take it, like you took my heart?”
The ring, though simple, was gorgeous. Even so, it held nothing to the way Daichi looked. Tōru has it bad for the man currently beneath him.
“Of course I will.”
Maybe he underestimated Daichi, and so did Satori and Kōshi.
He didn’t need to drop any hints.
He just needed to live the rest of his life with his overly warm fiancé.
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chyrstis · 4 years
FC5 GFH Tag!
@sharky-broshaw​ and @shellibisshe​​ were lovely enough to tag me to see what my Dep would say as a formal FC5 Gun For Hire, and after spending most of the day thinking this over instead of writing, I think I’ve mostly nailed her down! ;)
Deputy Hana Vao
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With Fangs for Hire
Boomer: “Whoa there, buddy! Aren’t you a sweetheart? God, I...I really wish Rae-Rae were here to say hi to you too, and see how good of a boy you’re being.”
Peaches: “I’m a cat person. I’m not a hundred percent sure it extends to being a big cat person, but I’m willing to try.” / *in a ridiculous voice while sneaking through the brush* “Who’s an adorable murder machine, yes, you are!”
Cheeseburger: “Whoever decided it’d be entirely possible and plausible for me to spend my free time hanging out with a bear, I’d like to give the biggest high-five to, because this? This is really fucking awesome.” / “I’ve always wondered if I’d have the chance to meet a local celebrity, and now I’ve met two! What are the odds of that?”
With other Guns for Hire
*after inviting him* “Oh, now it’s a party.”
“So, apparently karaoke night at the Spread Eagle used to be a thing. You’ve been holding out on me! *both start trading stories about signature songs they used to pick, until they both settle on one and start singing along to it* *some of it’s good, most of it isn’t*
*after a fight* “That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Do it again.” / “Hey, Shark? How about you dial it back a little next time? It kind of got a little too close for comfort there.”
“You know what they say about any big bads, right?” *along with Sharky* “If it bleeds, we can kill it! *laughs* God, you’re the best.”
“Hey, Grace? I know you mentioned last time that I really need to work on the whole sneaking, and being quiet, and-” “Not throwing a block of C4 at every problem you see?” “...Shit. I knew I might’ve forgotten something. Let me get back to you on that.”
“Grace? If I offered you twenty dollars to shoot [a hat off of a scarecrow, a can off of a fence, the helmet off of a Peggie, etc]. Would you do it?” *Grace asks if she’s that willing to go broke* “Maybe. I still think that would be pretty cool to see.”
*calls Hana Ms. V* “Hurk! I thought we agreed not to go with that one!” *he throws out a slew of nicknames each one more absurd than the last* “...Um, okay. Maybe that one’s not so bad after all.”
“Hey, I have to ask. What’s with the chimps?”
*calls Hana Depu-Vee and pretends to relay a top-secret message* Hurk, hon. We’re face to face. I’m looking right at you. We don’t need codenames right now.
“I...that’s definitely a description I never thought I’d ever hear. Or visualize.”
“Okay, so I’m only going to say this once, but...” *speaks at a mile a minute* “Fuck John, Marry Faith, and Kill Jacob, and there’s nothing left for Joseph, so just fuck him in general. Done and done.”
“I swear to God, if you ever ask me to fly Carmina again I’m going to crash her. Not on purpose, I’m just that damn bad at it, so please. I beg of you, don’t.”
“How’s Kim doing? If you two need anything at all, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
“Jesus, you’re a hell of a shot. Shooting an apple off of someone’s head would probably be nothing, huh?” *Jess asks if she’s volunteering* “It’s not that you aren’t a badass, because you totally are, but you know how some ideas look fun at first pass, but are probably a disaster in the making? That? That would be one of them.”
In Combat
Seeing an enemy: “You got eyes on them?”
Sneaking:*snaps a twig* “Shit! ...Um, shit. Sorry.”
Killing an enemy: "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!” / *if you score the hit* “Holy shit, that was a shot!”
Reviving: “It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” / “Hold on! Can’t have you dying on me now.”
Hurt: “Ow, motherfucker!” / “Jesus, walk it off. Just walk it off.” / *flamethrower, or Sharky* Shit! Nearly singed my hair...
Downed: “Really, really pissed that they made me bleed my own blood here.” / “Keep moving! Don’t worry about me! *pained sound* “Fuck!”
If asked to drive: “You sure? Well, buckle up and hold on tight. I promise I’ll try and be gentle.” / “God, this is really making me miss my bike.”
Reckless driving: “Jesus, now I know how Grace feels.” / “And here I thought you’d leave the stunt driving to old Clutch. I’m game if you are.”
Changing radio stations: *starts singing along if Barracuda’s playing* / *’if Oh John’ starts playing* “...Fucking asshole.” *sings an off-key, ‘bold and brave’ before making a sound of disgust*
“Hey, hon. How’re you holding up? Better than me, I hope, because I could really go for a cigarette. Might have to bum one off of Sharky the next time I see him.”
“You know, I’m not from around here. I’m from Detroit. Moved around a lot when I was young, so I don’t remember it well to begin with, but my mom took a lot of photos of it. Kept them all in a photo album for me to look at when I was older, and always told me we’d head back there someday to check them out again ourselves. ....Well, I’m about 95 percent certain that when the cult burned my apartment down, it might’ve taken that album with it. Pictures of those places. Of her. All of it up in smoke, just like that. So, here’s hoping there’ll be a Detroit left after all of this, depending on whether or not Joseph’s talking shit, or actually right. Because I’d really like to have a second chance to see all of that. And have a chance to honor her too.”
“I’m a city girl, so the silence out here is...it’s a little overwhelming. But I’d gladly take it over the sound of gunfire. This place is beautiful, and the kind of peaceful you don't really appreciate until it’s gone.”
Hard to believe I wouldn’t have ended up here at all if the Sheriff hadn’t taken a chance on me. He’ll say differently, but there’s a reason why Staci called me-calls me Rook, and why Joey always took the time to answer every single silly question I had. I didn’t have a whole lot of experience before heading here, and...they made it all worth the risk on my end too. Made me feel welcome when anyone else would’ve just shown me the door, and I’ll do damn near anything to get them back.
By any body of water: *voice pitched higher than normal* “Hey, you’re not-that’s looking pretty deep. Think I’ll um, hang close to the shore just in case.” *wanders around it, but never enters it*
At the Spread Eagle: *hanging close to either Mary May by the bar* *Mary May jokes about Hana spending more time talking to her than drinking* “Hey, I’m sparing you both the bad dancing and the bad flirting! Trust me, you don’t want to see either.” / *if by the jukebox in the back, can be found swaying to whatever’s playing*
After liberating the Radio Towers: “I really need to talk to Wheaty about getting Queen on the radio here, because we’re suffering from a real lack of that. Tell me you wouldn’t be ready and willing to kick all kinds of ass after listening to them for a bit.” / *near a Wolf Beacon while it’s blaring* “Jesus, Jacob really took a page out of every horror movie here, didn’t he? Note to self, stay far, far away from these at night.”
In the Henbane: “You want to trust your eyes. You also want to trust your ears, and every last bit of sense you’ve got, but here? You can't. And that honestly scares the shit out of me.” / “You see Faith too, don’t you? Right at the corner of your vision before you blink and she’s gone? Word of advice? Don’t approach her or talk to her. You’ll like what she has to say at first, but...not so much the wolverine taking a piece out of you afterwards.”
At Seed Ranch by the Boat Launch: *if present when Sharky drops the dingus line, she starts giggling until she snorts*
In Holland Valley: “Can you do me a favor? If you ever decide to do a little redecorating - like, say, make modifications to a giant, white three-letter sign up in the mountains - take me with you. Because pissing John off’s really what keeps me going, and lighting that ‘Yes’ sign up would be a thing of beauty.” / *later when John calls post-destruction she mouths, ‘Oh shit’ while 100% making this face:
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Tagging: @amistrio @ma-sulevin @shallow-gravy​ @foofygoldfish @guileandgall​ @ofravensandgenesis​ @fadedjacket​ @seedlingsinner @teamhawkeye​ @redroci​ @risenlucifer​ @tomexraider​ @finefeatheredgamer​ @narcis-the-monk​ @scarlettkat86 @hawkfurze @raisinghellinotherworlds @fromathelastoveritaserum @shelliechen and anyone else that’s interested! I’d love to see your GFHs, so totally tag me if you do!
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Eek! I requested but tumblr was being dumb, so I dunno if you got it or not! I remember it though! - I'm happy to have made your day! I relate to you on the insomnia, especially sleeping at 4 am. I hope you get some sleep! I think I just need some fluff right now, (it's 4:19 am and I'm playing with my piercings while reading and listening to music, so perhaps something involving the insomnia we share? I dunno) and who better to be fluff with than Marko? Right? The boy just needs some love 🥺❤️
Sounds perfect! I just so happen to have some perfect fluff in my handy dandy notebook!
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Marko is my sweet baby, I adore him, I'll take any excuse to write more about him!
Marko gets a tad fidgety before bed, very similar to a toddler with that sudden burst of hyper just before the sun comes out. He'll take a good few hits of Paul's wacky tobacky to curve his energy. He knows the sun is rising, he should be tired... but he can't help it, his mind is going a million miles an hour! The best way to describe it is a loopy kind of tired, he'll usually either get giggly, or try to keep the other boys from falling asleep so he's not awake alone, or start asking the most ridiculous questions. Just hanging upside down in the cave with his hands behind his head as something will randomly pop in his head
"Psst, Paul. Paul. Hey man, you still awake?"
"Yeah dude, what's up?"
"Do you think pigeons get nightmares?"
"I dunno... maybe? Probably I guess. Like cats and stuff?"
Cue David in the most half asleep, mumbled monotone he can muster through his teeth.
"I'm going to give you two ten seconds to shut the fuck up and go to sleep"
He does secretly miss the sunset, the way it used to light up the whole sky in fire. It's one of the few things he misses about being human. Thankfully with the plethora of cinema now he can be content with watching movies. The beach waves really help him sleep, it's something he could never be bored with. The seagulls trying best in their cave, that gets old quick. When he first turned he would still try to peek at the sunset, but of course any glimmer of sunlight would char his undead skin. Cue him sulking for a few hours in the cave, arms crossed with a pouting lip.
Wrestling is pretty common amongst the 4 boys when bored out of their skulls. Marko is quick with a headlock, laughing like an idiot when Dwayne lifts him by his belt and flings him over his shoulder. Doesn't stop him from flying onto the ceiling then dive bombing Paul. Noogies for all, beware! Four teenage guys under one toppled, hole filled roof? Roughhousing will ensue, and furniture is not against the rules. Well, really there are no rules at that point. 
"Dudes, boardwalk's having a movie night we gotta go!" Waves flyer as he runs into the cave, leaves out the part he only found it because the wind slapped it up against his head on his way back from a food run. He'll beg to go, which doesn't take much convincing since it always got slower around winter time. Popcorn is a must, and he'll plop down in the comfiest spot. It's gotta be just right, middle not too close, not too far away. Definitely one to shush you if you try talking over his favorite scenes. His favorite movie is probably either Aliens or Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Who doesn't love cartoon violence? I absolutely picture him being a secret scifi nerd, like loving all the futuristic space stuff , "buying" tabloids with the most ridiculous titles (ie "I Married a Wolf Man"). He's not really a conspiracy theorist or anything, but he's definitely curious what else could be out there
When Chinese food grows old, his next favorite food is a good, classic burger. Honestly he's a bit of a foodie, he loves trying whatever weird concoction they have brewing on the boardwalk. He'll ride down to the nearest burger joint and order a chocolate shake and a double bacon cheeseburger with chili fries- hold any garlic. He'll of course get something for everybody, carrying a little scrap of paper with the various requests. You don't tell him what you want, fine it'll be a surprise. Paul of course has to steal some fries, to the point that Marko will get him an order even if he says he doesn't want any.
"My fucking fries count as wanting fries, man."
Believe it or not he does read when bored, but even better if someone reads to him. Hopeless romantic is too strong a word, but he does secretly wonder about how it'd be to have a mate. Laying on their lap, listening to them read aloud while playing with his hair. The thought always makes him smile. His favorite book is Lord of the Flies, second being The Crucible, it makes him wonder if there really are witches. He figures if vampires exist, why not other things? David is the first to dismiss said questions. It's not like knowing would make much a difference, he's content with what they already know. Fair enough, but he still keeps his little questions locked in his own mind. On lazy nights he'll lounge on a torn up couch with his feet propped up zoning out to a good read, sinking until he's practically being eating by the cushions. He'll definitely fall asleep on the couch with the book covering his face if you leave him there
Red hands is a favorite boredom game he'll challenge Paul to. Rock, Paper, Scissors was too predictable. Both are pretty evenly matched and snicker like idiots every time to other flinches. Lots of cussing whenever they lose, and you bet they count flinching as a reason to lay down a quick SMACK!
"Two for flinching!"
"It's only one you ass!"
Eventually try to challenge Dwayne to it and pester him until he agrees, only become increasingly frustrated when he repeatedly loses. When he finally gets a hit in, he definitely gets over excited and it's like being slapped by a bear. They've since stopped bugging him to play. Paul was ballsy enough to try and challenge David, and Marko had never seen him move so fast. Paul lost five times in a row and just rage quit by that point.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella? Peanut butter. I don’t get the Nutella hype to be honest.
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? I refuse to choose cause I love both.
What is your oldest sibling’s middle name? I’m not sharing that.
Do you like breadsticks? Yes. The more cheesy-garlicky, the better. <<< Yesss. With marinara or some kind of olive oil sauce for dipping.
What are your favorite things to spend money on? Food and clothes.
Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Puppy. 
How old will you be on your next birthday? 33. 
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Yes. I’m a picky and particular eater, even when it comes to how I eat. Plus, I take forever to finish my food, so I’ll still be eating longgg after everyone else and I just feel awkward and rushed cause I don’t want to keep anyone waiting.
When you opened your eyes this morning, what were your first thoughts? What time it is is generally my first thought. 
What is one thing in the room you’re in that reminds you of somebody? A framed photo of my dog, Brandie, who passed away December 26, 2016.
Would you ever want to be a supermodel, or date one? I have no desire to be one. Not like I’d be cut out to be one anyway, so it works out. As far as dating one... I don’t know if I’d want to date anyone in the spotlight like that. That kind of life is not for me. 
Honestly, have you ever made fun of somebody so bad they cried? Nooo. I don’t make fun of people or purposely try to hurt someone.
Honestly, would you rather be complimented on your looks or intelligence? Intelligence.
Have you ever purchased a pregnancy test, for yourself or otherwise? No.
You can get one thing, anything, for free right now. What do you pick? Why? All expenses paid vacation.
Honestly, have you ever danced naked? No.
What was the first illegal thing that you did? Did you get caught? Take candy from the candy bins at the grocery store when I was a kid. I was a big rebel, I know. 
What is the home page on the computer you’re on? Google.
Do you like to write poetry? I don’t write poetry. I’m not a poet and I do know it. 
Are your ears pierced? Yeah, my earlobes.
If so, were they pierced with a piercing gun, or with a sterile needle? I’m not sure, since my mom had them pierced when I was a baby. I would guess piercing gun, though. <<<
Do you wear makeup regularly? No. Prior to my brother’s grad party back in May it had been like 4 years since I wore any makeup. I haven’t worn any since then. 
Did you eat cereal for breakfast today? No, I made a microwave breakfast egg scramble thing with these microwave mini pancakes. 
When was the last time you tripped over something? My doggo likes to leave her toys right in the way so it’s not such a rare occurrence. 
Who was the last person you yelled at? Not yell, but had to get stern with my doggo earlier when my aunt brought her doggo over. Mine was getting too hyper and excitable and wanted to play of course, but her dog is a tiny chihuahua and was scared. My dog forgets how big she is sometimes lol. To be fair, she hasn’t had a lot of interaction with other dogs, which is something we should have tried to do more.
Why did you yell at them? ^ That.
Favorite type of apple? The brand, ha.
Ever seen live horse racing? No.
How about live greyhound racing? No.
What’s one thing, besides the obvious, that you couldn’t live without? I need my coffee, ha.
Have you ever touched a giraffe? No, I wish!
What does your mom call you? She often calls me “Sis.” What stresses you out the most in life? My health.
Do you play any PC games? What is your favorite? Yeah, The Sims 4. I’ve been obsessed again lately. I go through phases with it.
If you were pregnant, how would you tell the father? Well, that would depend on the circumstances. Did we want a baby? Was it a bad surprise, a happy surprise? I can't answer this with just one idea. < Yeah. <<<
What’s the hardest level you can play on Guitar Hero? I rocked out hard on easy mode, ha.
What ever happened with you and your first boyfriend? I realized I wasn’t ready for a relationship and he was moving too fast for me so I ended it.
What’s your favorite country song? I like several, but the first that just randomly popped into my head is “Rainbow” by Kacey Musgraves.
What is the worst thing a former boyfriend/girlfriend has done to you? Use and play me.
What were you for Halloween last year? I stopped dressing up a few years ago.
Are you feeling guilty for something? Yes, a few things. 
Are you usually quiet or loud? Most definitely quiet. No one would describe me as loud.
How many hours do you spend on the computer a day? It really varies. Some days definitely more than others.
What is the show that you watched when you were little, and you still do? Rugrats, Hey Arnold, and Doug to name a few.
Do your siblings text you? My younger brother does.
Do you want a small or big wedding? I don’t plan to ever get married.
Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Of course. That was like the first thing everyone did when it came out, which is quite funny because you could search anywhere and we chose our own house haha.
Who is your ex dating/talking to? I have no idea nor do I care to be honest.
Ever kissed someone who smokes? No.
Does it take a lot for someone to annoy you? No, especially not nowadays. I’m so moody and irritable.
Do you own your own computer? I do.
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? No.
What noises in the room you’re in, do you hear at the moment? The ASMR video I’m listening to, my fans, and myself typing.
Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? No.
What’s the biggest upcoming event for you? I don’t have any.
What do you typically order from Wendy’s? Meh, I rarely go to Wendy’s but if I did I’d just get a cheeseburger, fries, and a frosty.
Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No.
What do you love most about yourself? :/
Have you ever received a hickey from the last person you kissed? No.
What are you doing right now? This and listening to an ASMR video.
What’s bothering you right now? My stomach.
What was the last thing you drank? Water.
Be honest, do you like people in general? I’m not a people person.
Do you want your tongue pierced? No.
Do you change your phone background a lot? I change it for the season or holiday. Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? Not that I know of.
Have you ever been strip searched? No.
Do you have a funny last name? Does anyone make fun of it? No, a lot of people have said they like it.
Ever have a drug overdose? What did you OD on exactly? No.
Do you get sick of people who call themselves bipolar all the time? People do throw that term around too loosely. That one and OCD.
Describe your day so far in three words: My stomach hurts.
What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school? There had been many.
Choose one- Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers: Butterfinger.
Have you ever stepped in dog poop? Ugh, yes.
What was the last thing you spent money on? Food.Yeah.
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed? No.
Is there a guy that knows a lot about you? Yeah.
Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without? My parents and brother.
Do you prefer Starbucks coffee or small cafe coffee? Ooooh, both. I love coffee. <<<
Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? No.
Do you enjoy being outdoors? At the beach, yes.
Do people tell you that you have an accent? No.
Do you enjoy watching fireworks on the 4th of July? I wish they weren’t so damn loud.
What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? Meh.
Is there anyone you would take a bullet for? My parents and brother.
Do you enjoy tanning? I don’t mind if I get one while I’m at the beach, but I don’t actively go tanning or get tanned.
Are you a virgin? Yes.
Who’s your celebrity crush? Alexander Skarsgard.
Did or do you get good grades in English class? Yep. English was always my best and favorite subject.
What part of your body are you self-conscious about? All of it.
Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner? No. I like doing the appetizers, though.
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? No.
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? No.
When was the last time you got a shot? It’s been many years.
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cautious-sins · 4 years
Yū Nishinoya x Reader
Warning:18+ Sexual content and violence 
Write with @simplydanii she is an absolute queen go check out her page for  chapter two. Chapter two is more smut than fluff 
Mostly fluff here :))
You woke up to be greeted by a shower of kisses. You couldn’t help but giggle as your husband rapidly places small kisses all over your face. “Noya!” You exclaimed through your giggles “Noya stop that tickles” you started to squirm. “What was that peaches?” Noya grinned “You want more kisses so I shouldn't stop? By all means say less mommy.”  he placed another dozen or so kisses on your face before you pushed him away. Once you caught your breath you just looked at him and smiled “Good morning handsome.” “Good morning beautiful” his words came out as a purr as he placed one last kiss on your forehead. A rush of happiness ran through you as you two laid there just looking at each other. It was hard to believe you two had been married for 2 whole years now. Just the fact the man that laid in front of you was all yours made you grin. Noya took notice and arched a brow “what has you grinning so early Peaches?” You wiggle over to him “Oh I don't know, just the thought that I married the most amazing person in the world” he chuckles as he wraps his arms around you pulling you into a warm cuddle. You buried your head into his chest. He smelled like clean laundry and ax body spray. Eventually he let you go and rolled out of bed. You pout slightly making him smile. “Come on Peaches we have been in bed all day let's go make some dinner” You quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. Noya eventually joined you, giving you a hug from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. “So whatcha thinking Peaches what do you want to make?” You flip through a cookbook you two often cooked from and stopped on a lasagna recipe “How about this?” He looks at the page for a second then smiled “We’ll have to run to the markets for a few things but it's definitely manageable” He pulled away and placed a firm slap on your ass “Go get dressed, I’ll let you drive if it takes you less than 15 minutes to get ready’’ You glare at him and walk off into the bedroom. You quickly grab a pair of shorts and decide to grab one of his old jerseys. You look in the mirror grinning before meeting him in the living room. As soon as he sees you his face turns red. “Look what the cat dragged in, Peaches you look ravishing” You twist your hair into a bun and give him a grin “I know I do, does this mean I can drive?” He laughs a little and nods “Yes, yes of course” he tosses you the keys then opens the front door. He gives you a little bow as you walk by him and to the car. The drive to the market was fun, the two of you sang along to the radio until y’all arrived. As soon as you parked, Noya jumped out of the car and raced to open your door. “M’lady” You giggle and took his hand. The two of you went inside and grabbed a buggy. As always the two of you pushed it together. It was something Noya liked to do. He would let you get the cart then push from behind you so he could ensure that no one bothered you. It was slightly clingy but you didn’t mind because this opened up the opportunity to steal a few kisses. As the two of you were looking at tomatoes Noya remembered he forgot to grab the basil and left you to grab some. You knew if you moved he would have trouble finding you again so you just moved down the aisle to look at some peppers for dinner another night when a tall man came up to you. “I couldn’t help but notice you were alone, are you going to need any help carrying your groceries to your car?” You looked at the man confused but before you could say anything he spoke again “That was kinda direct for me being a stranger. “Name’s Kuroo” He holds out his hand for you to shake but you don’t take it. “I’m not alone, I’m here shopping with my husband” Kuroo rolls his eyes. “So that rock isn't fake that's too bad I would have liked see you with a little less clothing” He looks you up and down. You feel repulsed. “Feeling’s one sided” You scoff and that's When you hear Noya’s voice  “Hey Peaches, whos the fuck boy”  He immediately comes and wraps his hands around your waist. Kuroo shifts his weight and lets out an arrogant laugh. “What is a pretty woman like you doing with this chihuahua?” “This is my husband” You take his hands that were getting too tight around your waist, Kuroo scoffs “Pretty but stupid I see”  Noya leaps for Kuroo without hesitation causing the two off them to fall too the ground. Noya had the upper hand landing most of his hits. Then Kuroo lands a clean hit to Noyas left eye as Y/n takes Noyas waist, pulling him off before security arrives. You and Noya get thrown out without the groceries you needed; this just upsets Noya more. The two of you just grabbed a cheeseburger from Sonic and headed home. The car ride was quiet. You kept your eyes on the road but heard a slight sniffle, you looked at Noya. His eyes were red and there were tears rolling down his face. You could tell he felt bad about what he did, you knew he was worried you were mad at him. And he was right you are mad there was no reason for him to react the way he did. You love him, married him, does he really think you would leave him so easily? These thoughts cause you to tear up a bit yourself. As you pull into the driveway Noya breaks into a full out sob “Please don’t leave me. I’m so sorry I know I overreacted and I know it must seem like I don’t trust you, but it's not that. I’m just so scared one day you will meet someone cooler and better than me and leave. Please Y/N give me another chance”  You give him a small smile placing your hand on his cheek. You wipe the tears from his face “I’m never going to leave you because you are my soulmate. You’re my one true love no matter what happens or what we go through. I said yes to you, for forever and always” you place a soft kiss on his lips``Lets get inside so I can ice that black eye of yours.`` The two of you go up to your apartment, you grab a bag of peas out of the freezer. “Go sit on the counter in the bathroom. I'll be there in a minute to patch you up.” He nods and does as he was told. You grab a rag and run it under some warm water before meeting him in the bathroom. He meets your eyes when you enter the bathroom “Does the black eye make me look tough?” He gives you a bobcat grin. You roll your eyes and laugh a little. You start by wiping his face off removing any dirt and tears that were there. He sat there and just stared at you. His eyes were full of love and passion “What?” You felt your face heat up. He takes you by the chin and pulls you into a deep kiss. He pulls away for just a second “I love you so damn much peaches” This time he wraps his legs around you pulling you as close to him as possible before laying another passionate kiss on your lips. He pulls away giving you yet another devilish grin “What's gotten into you tonight?” you ask, breath shaking slightly.  He firmly grasps your chin “I'm just making sure there is no doubt in your mind who you belong to” You get butterflies and try to steal another kiss but he stops you. 
For Chapter two head to @simplydanii page PART 2 IS SMUT 
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all1e23 · 5 years
Astrophile [Pt.7]
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Chapter:  Per Aspera ad Astra ‘Through hardships to the stars’
Summary:  Bucky is not handling Y/n’s date with Tony very well at all. 
Warnings:  Fluffy fluff. Some upset Bucky but no angst. 
A/N: Thanks to a certain Anon for the chapter title. Don’t get all cranky with me after this chapter. There’s some soft Bucky in this and it’s all moving in the right direction. It’s a good thing if you look at certain moments. Trust babies. Trust. Send me love because i”m needy, okay?!  Plus all your comments make my day. Beta’d by the beautiful and talented @lokissoul I love you 3000.
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are welcomed! Thanks!**
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They have never seen Bucky this upset. Sure, they have seen him angry, pissed even, but this? No, they haven’t seen this. He’s spent their entire shift sulking, pouting like an eight-year-old and now? He’s throwing cereal boxes, towels, and wooden spoons all over the counter with a scowl on his face that could easily stop someone’s heart. The more those little black hands on the clock ticked closer to seven the worse he got. Clint looks over at Sam and grins as Bucky kicks his chair out from the table and slumps down. Bucky is throwing a full-blown fit, and they have to admit it’s pretty funny.
“What’s up your ass?” Sam finally asks after thirty minutes of nothing but slamming cabinets and aggressively loud sighing.  
“Nothing,” Bucky grunts.
“So you always throw shit around the kitchen? You know this is a shared space right?”
“He’s mad because his girl has a date with someone else,” Clint adds with a toothy grin.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Sam rolls his eyes as Bucky continues, “I just can’t believe she’s going on a date with him. You all know what Stark is like. For God sake, he’s taking her Masa. Does she seem like the type of girl that would like that? The last time we went to dinner, she picked the place. We ate at a food truck. A. Food. Truck. She ordered four tacos and then made me buy her and Ori churros and ice cream.”
Sam exchanges a look with Clint and peeks back at Steve behind him who throws his hand up, he wasn’t getting involved in this one. The triad stays quiet letting Bucky’s rage-filled rambles resume, “And yeah, okay. He’s in publishing, and she has her book store, but do you know she doesn’t even like writing? We talked about it. She doesn’t want to get published, and he’s all Manhattan and she’s… Brooklyn. She wears overalls and those little white tennis shoe things! Do they seem like a good fit to you?”
Clint shrugs as he leans back in his chair setting his feet on the table and stretching out. “I mean, yeah. She’s the sweet to his smart ass. She’s the soft and kind to his… dick?” Clint jerks his feet off the time just in time to dodge the spoon that flew by his head.
“I didn’t mean his actual dick. Jesus Buck.”
Bucky turns his hard glare onto Clint and crosses his arms over his chest. “When Y/n gets hurt your wife is the one that’s gonna feel bad.”
“Who says she’s going to get hurt?” Sam asks, humor filling his voice, doing anything he can to push Bucky’s buttons. “This could be it. They could get married. Have kids. The whole nine. We could have little Starks running around in a few years.”
Bucky chews his bottom lip as he lets Sam’s words swim around in his head. He hates it. He hates more than he’s ever hated anything. He truly loathes the idea of Y/n marrying Tony. And the thought of them having kids together? No, just no.  Where does that leave Ori… and him? He knows how selfish that sounds and as much as he wants to be happy for her, he can’t.
“I’ll take it by the queasy look on your face you’re ready to admit you’ve got a crush on the girl?” Sam punches Clint in the shoulder and holds his hand out in front of his face. “Pay up! I told you he was crushin’ on her. Trying to tell me I don’t know my boy.”
Clint shoves his hand away but digs a twenty out of pocket and tosses in Sam’s direction.
“They just met!” He grumbles. “He’s always going on and on about finding the right woman. I didn’t think it would happen that fast.”
These two, Bucky considers them his best friends, his brothers. They watch his back in the midst of the worst and look at them now. Betting on whether he has a crush? Bucky is simply worried about a friend, and they have to try to turn it into some big deal? It doesn’t mean anything. There’s nothing between him and Y/n. Clearly, since she’s on a date with another man.
Further proof he’s right, and they are all idiots.
“I don’t have a crush on her.” Bucky clarifies, and Clint snatches the twenty out of Sam’s hand, grinning victoriously.  
“Oh, okay. So we are pretending you’re not in love with her,” Sam’s voice is dripping in sarcasm, and Bucky is so close to kicking the legs of his chair out from under him. “Just so I know how to act. She in on it? Because I have to say she seems pretty smitten on you for some reason I can’t figure out.”
“That’s Ori man.” Clint pipes up. “She loves peanut because my niece is the cutest.”
“First off, I know how cute my niece is. No one is denying my niece’s top tier cuteness. I’m sayin’ there is somethin’ else there. He’s been brooding around the station all day because she has a date.”
“I’m not in love with her,” Bucky says through gritted teeth. It’s annoying he has to have this conversation again. For the second time this week. “I barely know her, Sam. We’ve only known each other a month or so.”
“You talk every day. You’re always grinning all stupid at your phone when she texts you.”
“I’m not in love with her!” Bucky shouts, startling everyone sitting around the table but Sam and Steve.
“We. Are. Just friends.”
Sam drops his spoon back into his bowl of milk and raises a brow at Bucky looking thoroughly unimpressed, “Are you being this stupid on purpose? If not, this is a real issue, and I don’t know if you should be protecting our city.”
“Steve,” Bucky says, looking over Sam’s shoulder at the blond standing behind Sam, brows furrowed in annoyance after listening to all the bickering. “So help me if you don’t get your husband away from me, I’m gonna bury him behind my house.”
Steve takes a deep breath and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Alright. Enough. You all have jobs to do. Just because we don’t have an active call right now doesn’t mean there aren’t things to do. Finish up and move your asses.” Bucky relaxes a smidge and stands up from the table. “And stop teasing Buck about Y/n. He’s not ready to admit his feelings.”
The entire table, excluding Steve, immediately breaks down into a fit of laughter.
“Jesus Christ,” Bucky grumbles. “I’m done with every one of you.”
The guys, mostly Sam and Clint, are shouting for him to come back but he ignores them and heads straight for his locker. He needs to take a break from all this crush talk, or he is going to string them up to the back of the truck and leave them there till morning. The last thing he wants to think about is Y/n on her date with Tony, and he definitely doesn’t want to talk about it. His phone vibrates against the harsh metal of his locker and despite everything he can’t help but smile when he sees who’s texting him.
[Beck]: How do I look? Good enough to date a billionaire?
The picture takes a second to load, but when it does, it’s as if all the air has been punched out of his lungs. Y/n’s wearing a black tulle knee-length dress that is covered in little gold stars. Spaghetti straps rest of her shoulders showing off the shooting star necklace she’s wearing and the neckline, well it dips a bit too low for her to be wearing that and going out with Stark. God, those black heels? Shit, they made her legs look incredible. She looks stunning, but the only thing he’s looking at is the tiny pink and teal bracelet on her wrist, made of glittering plastic stars.
The bracelet she made with Ori.
[December]: Billionaire or not you’re way out of his league.
This is not the kind of date Y/n was used to. Her idea of a good date? Tacos from that food truck by Bucky’s house. Then maybe ice cream after. That’s her idea of the perfect date. This, though? This is weird food she doesn’t recognize and a fancy atmosphere that makes her feel out of place and… inadequate.  Y/n wrinkles her nose as a plate of some kind of raw fish is placed in front of her, there is literally nothing on that plate that looks remotely like something she would pick out for herself. This is not something she ever wants to eat.
Tony looks up over the bottle of wine that had been placed between them before they had arrived and laughs the instant he sees the expression on her face. He knew Nat was off when she told him to take Y/n someplace elaborate and expensive.  He sensed it the moment he laid eyes on her. Tony tosses his napkin down on the table and rises from his chair.
“I don’t know about you, but I could go for a greasy ass cheeseburger,” he says, grinning, hand held out for hers. Y/n looks up to meet his soft brown gaze and slips her hand into his. He looks down at her plastic bracelet, and his grin widens as he tugs her up out of her chair.
“Let’s blow this popsicle stand gorgeous.”
Twenty minutes and limo ride later, Y/n and Tony are laying on the hood of the limo with cheeseburgers, fries and chocolate milkshakes. This is infinitely better than whatever the hell was put in front of her at that weird stuffy restaurant. Although a view of the stars would make it perfect. She purses her lips as she tries to spot their twinkle through the haze of the city lights, but no luck.
“So,” Tony says through a mouthful of cheeseburger. “I know I don’t have the best reputation. I’m sure Nat told you. Or you saw the tabloids. They do love a good Stark scandal.”
“I try not to pay attention to gossip.” She reaches over and wipes ketchup out of his goatee with her thumb, grinning at the faint blush that pinks his cheeks, “But, I may have heard a thing or two. Did you really date three women at once? That seems messy and exhausting.”
“It was both of those things in more ways than one.” Y/n sticks her tongue out like she’s gagging and Tony chuckles setting his fries back down in the inch or so between them.
“At least I know it was money well spent.” He grins as her face twists from utterly grossed out to confusion. “Some of it’s true but most of the more scandalous things… I paid a lot of money to get that reputation. I didn’t want anyone thinking they could tie me down for my money or my fame. If someone was going to get close to me, I wanted it to be because they wanted to spend time with me regardless of what the papers said. Not land a billionaire.”
“That must be lonely.” Y/n whispers, soft, as if it was a secret he didn’t know. It’s a secret she knows more about than she wants to admit. “Keeping everyone at arm’s length so you don’t get hurt?”
“Nah. I’ve got Rhodes and then there is Pep! She’s the light of my world. If it weren’t for her, my company would fall apart, and I probably would have worked right through our date.” Y/n lifts her brow grinning at him, and he smirks rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Probably shouldn’t have said that huh?”
She laughs and shakes her head. “No. Probably not.”
“I didn’t know you lived above your shop.” Tony nods towards behind them gesturing at the steps they had just climbed up, the ones that led back down to her shop. “That Aquila painted on the front?”
Her hands freeze as she pulls her keys from her purse, her mouth falls open in shock, and he just grins back at her.
“No one ever spots that!” She mumbles completely and thoroughly blown away. Tony is just full of surprises. She leans back against the front door to her tiny two-bedroom and sighs, “Thank you for tonight. I had a really great time. It was nice to laugh for a bit.”
Tony moves in closer, resting his right hand against the wall by her head, and the other finds its way to her hip squeezing against the soft material.
“You don’t laugh very much?” Tony asks softly, his eyes watching her lips like they have been all night.
Y/n shrugs holding her breath as he inches closer and closer to her, their noses bump softly making her smile, “Not– I don’t –Just with Ori and Bucky.”
He halts short of finding out just how soft her lips are and tilts his head to the side “Barnes, huh?”
She laughs and draws her bottom lip between her lips teeth in embarrassment before releasing it to give him an apologetic albeit cheek grin.
“Probably shouldn’t have brought up another man on our date, huh?”
“No. Probably not.” He mirrors her words from earlier with a grin.
Tony takes his chance and leans forward placing a soft kiss to her cheek. A pang of disappointment hits her as he pulls away and let’s go of her hip. No kiss then. “I should let you get some sleep, and I’m sure I have a million emails to answer. Dinner again this week? I promise you can pick the next place. Scouts honor.”
“It’s a date.”
Y/n slips her old NASA hoodie on as her phone pings from her vanity. She half expects it to be Tony sending her another goofy video, but to her surprise and delight, it’s Bucky. She smiles and sits down as she opens it.
[December]: How long does it take someone to piss their pants after you put their hand in warm water? Asking for a friend.
A second later a picture comes through half of Bucky’s face, a huge smirk and in the distance behind him, Sam is asleep on what looks like the most uncomfortable bed in the world and his hand in a bowl of what she assumes in a bowl of warm water. She snorts and shakes her head. These are the men protecting her city from disasters? She’s feeling really safe right now.
[Beck]: What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be putting out fires?
[December]: No fires. You’re safe. I made sure.
[Beck]: I have no doubts I am safe with you.
Bucky held his breath and another message quickly followed.
[Beck]: Princess Orion is looking out for me after all.
Bucky chuckles lowly eyeing his idiot friends before responding, they are all busy or asleep thankfully. He wants to ask about the date. He wants to know if it went good – No. Actually, he doesn’t want to know. Or, does he? If it went well she might be canceling movie night, but she wouldn’t do that, would she? Ori would be crushed, and he’s already picked up The Martian for after bedtime.
[December]: Still on for movie night this week?
[Beck]: Of course. The two of you are the best part of my week.
Y/n hearts flips when her phone vibrates in her hand with ‘December’ lighting up her screen. She swipes up and grins when Bucky’s face appears before her eyes.
“What are you doing?” She whispers softly. “Don’t you have things to do?”
“Nah,” Bucky murmurs in a hushed tone as he gets comfortable on an ugly brown and orange sofa and slips his arm behind his head as a makeshift pillow. “Why are you whispering? I have headphones in.”
“I don’t know,” she whines playfully. “I felt weird talking loud. It looks like everyone is asleep and you’re whispering!”
“You’re pretty damn cute you know that?” He says adoringly, chuckling under his breath. “Tell me about your day?”
“Okay, but you have to watch me take my makeup off while I talk. I was getting ready for bed.”
“I don’t mind, Y/n.”
Y/n beams in response and props the phone up where they can see each other, but she has use of both hands. She starts to wipe her makeup but keeps her eyes on Bucky, for the most part. “Um, what was my day like… Well, the shop was busy, and I found this thing I want to do in the bathroom. I want to paint dark blue above the tile and then do gold–”
“–Stars on the ceiling?”
“How did you know!?” She asks, ear-piercingly loud, an excited grin on her face. Guess she’s no longer worried about being quiet.
“Just a wild guess, doll.”
He watches her remove the dark shadow on her eyes and then move onto her pink lipstick. It was strange seeing her like that. Not that she doesn’t look beautiful every time he sees her because she does, but this is different. “I liked the lipstick you wore tonight. It worked good with your skin tone and made your smile brighter. If that’s possible.”
“I only wear it on special occasions…” Y/n stops wiping the blush from her cheeks and looks at the camera with her head tilted in question. “Where the heck did you learn about skin tone and all that?”
“Nat and Ori,” Bucky replies quickly.
She giggles and shakes her head, “Okay, enough about my lips. Tell me about your day. What happened? Save any kitties from trees? Did you work on your abs for the next calendar? Better keep them firm, so you don’t disappoint the ‘charity’ that likes sexy men posing shirtless.”
“Oh, you’re in for it the next time I see you darlin’.” Bucky pauses and slowly sits up. “Wait. You think I’m sexy?”
Y/n breaks down into a fit of giggles and hides her face behind her hands mumbling, “I do have eyes.”
“So that’s why you liked the calendar so much. You think I’m sexy. This changes everythin’ doll.”
Just like that, the date is forgotten.
“Aunt Nattie?”
“Yeah?” Nat asks eyes on what she was doing, tucking her blankets around her legs and putting all twelve of her stuffies around her in their proper places around Ori. For her protection of course and her unicorn gets tucked in next to her where Ori can snuggle to her heart’s content.
“Did daddy tell you we saw Y/n?” Ori asks, voice tight, unsure of how to bring up what she really wants to ask.
“He did. He said he fixed Y/n’s door and that cracked front window. Dad also said you got dinner together.” She stares at her niece catching something off in her eyes, and the way she’s gripping sparkles has her worried. “Spill. What’s going on in that cute head of yours?”
“I think daddy likes Y/n…”
Nat smirks and peppers Ori’s forehead with kisses. “I think you’re right, peanut. Anyone ever tell you that you’re pretty smart for an almost five-year-old?”
“Yeah, Y/n tells me I’m smart.”
“Go to sleep.” Nat ruffles her curls and gives her one last kiss before switching off the light on her side table “We can scheme in the morning. Dad needs help planning your birthday, and I think Y/n might be perfect for the job. Good night my sweet.”
Before Nat can make it to the door, she can hear Ori shuffling around and when she turns around Ori is sitting up in bed clutching sparkles to her chest.
“Auntie Nattie?
“Yeah, baby?”
Ori’s arms tighten around her unicorn and she mumbles through the rainbow mane hiding her lips,“I just want daddy happy.”
Natasha smiles.
“Me too, baby. Me too.”
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