#cheddar con carne
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cheddarconcarne · 2 years ago
"Who needs airships when you've got helicopter ears?" - Colby
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starchit · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 1
Noritoshi Kamo
Breeding Kink Breeding: se puede definir como el fetiche hacia quedar embarazada o dejar embarazada a alguien...
Noritoshi y tu eran colegas en el instituto de Kioto...
Ustedes dos ya se habían visto a escondidas algunas veces para simplemente tener algo como una cita o unos pequeños besos, pero nada más allá de ello...
Al ser los dos de tercer año solían pasar bastante tiempo juntos en sus practicas o iban juntos a misiones normalmente.
Un día fueron a una misión que les llevó casi todo el día y apenas regresaron por la noche, cada uno fue a su habitación y luego a las duchas correspondientes de cada género. Al terminar caminaron juntos hasta los dormitorios debido a que el suyo y el tuyo estaban uno al lado del otro.
Noritoshi: ¿fue agotador no crees?
_____: si... aun me duele un poco la espalda por el golpe que me dio
Noritoshi: eso fue mi culpa, me disculpo por eso...
_____: no te preocupes, te hubiera golpeado a ti entonces preferí intervenir...
Noritoshi: gracias...
_____: oye... mamá me preparó algo de comer ¿gustas venir a comer conmigo?
Noritoshi: tres años juntos y aun se me hace raro que Utahime-san sea tu madre
_____: aah -risita-
Noritoshi: esta bien, iré a dejar mi toalla y vengo...
El sonrió y se fue corriendo hacia su cuarto, de mientras tu entraste en el tuyo dejando tus cosas y ordenando un poco.
Minutos después Noritoshi abrió la puerta y entró dentro... Ambos fueron a sentarse en la cama en donde pusiste una pequeña mesita y empezaron a comer
_____: oh... mira... este sándwich es para ti...
Tomaste la nota y la leíste...
_____: ''Este es sin mayonesa, entrégaselo a Noritoshi, gracias por el esfuerzo Kamo-san... te quiere, Utahime'' Aww que lindo...
Noritoshi: gracias... ¿Cómo sabe...?
_____: mamá nos presta mucha atención a todos... se preocupa mucho por nosotros...
Ambos empezaron a comer y a hablar de algunas cosas mundanas
_____: hmm oye, pero entonces tu padre no es mala gente
Noritoshi: no claro que no... o sea a comparación del clan Zenin, mi padre es un ángel...
_____: jajaja, en estos tres años nunca conocí a tu padre... no sé, me lo imagino como el típico señor de cabello largo, con ropa ancha tradicional y que es el típico que si ve a los jóvenes de hoy en día se pone a quejarse...
Noritoshi: acertaste en dos cosas...
El soltó una risita y le dio un trago a su bebida...
Noritoshi: tiene cabello largo y si usa ropa tradicional pero no es de los que se quejan... ¿sabes? Hasta pensó que yo era gay porque me vio a solas en la biblioteca del clan Kamo con Megumi Fushiguro y sujetándole la mano...
_____: ¿Qué hacías con el niño de Gojo-san?
Noritoshi: me pidió unas cuantas cosas sobre unos registros y lo ayudé con ello.
_____: ah interesante... es que comprendo a tu padre, ver a dos hombres solos, callados o hablando bajito y tomados de la mano pues si da para hacerse malas ideas ¿no crees?
Noritoshi: si lo pones así si, pero yo lo hice para que haga bien la posición de las manos.
Lo miraste con una ceja enarcada y el suspiró...
Noritoshi: piensa lo que quieras, pero no es eso...
Soltaste una risa y siguieron comiendo hasta terminarlo... te levantaste para ir a tirar la basura de los empaques y guardaste en un cajón las notas que había dejado Utahime ya que siempre que preparaba algo de comer y te lo dejaba, también te dejaba una que otra nota con alguna frase o algún mensajito...
_____: ¿sabes que es lo malo de ser mujer?
Noritoshi: ¿menstruar?
_____: si, pero comer e hincharte... mira... parezco una embarazada...
Noritoshi: ¿Cuántos meses tiene? -risita-
_____: cinco... será niño... ¿quieres tocar mi pancita?
Te acercaste a él y él se rio...
Noritoshi: oh sentí una patadita ¿Cómo se llama?
_____: se llama, doble carne, doble cheddar con huevo y jamón... ¿lindo nombre verdad?
Ambos se empezaron a reír...
Noritoshi: te verías bien embarazada...
_____: ¿tú crees?
Te giraste a tu espejo viéndote y sacando un poco más la pancita
_____: pues mal no me veo...
Noritoshi se te acercó por detrás rodeándote con sus brazos y dejándote un beso en el cuello para luego verte a través del espejo...
_____: mmm ¿Qué pasa?
Noritoshi: me gustaría algún día verte así...
El pasó su mano por tu vientre y luego un poco más abajo...
Noritoshi: ¿aceptarías ser la madre de mis hijos?
_____: si...
Te giraste en tu sitio y comenzaron a besarse para luego, Noritoshi retroceder hasta dejarte sobre tu cama y separarte las piernas para meterse entremedio.
Su rodilla chocó contra tu intimidad y la movió un poco de arriba hacia abajo estimulándote...
Noritoshi: te quiero hacer mía hoy...
Lo miraste a los ojos y sonreíste para luego volver a besarse...
Noritoshi: me hubiera gustado un ambiente más romántico, pero se dio aquí...
_____: no importa...
El se agachó para besar tu cuello y te fue quitando la blusa hasta dejarte sin nada... bajo por tu cuello dejando un beso en tus senos y luego siguió bajando hasta llegar a tu vientre en donde también te dejó un beso...
Cuando llegó a la parte del elástico de tu short se detuvo alzando un poco la vista para mirarte.
Noritoshi: ¿puedo?
Asentiste y el te quitó los shorts junto con las bragas dejándote desnuda... el también se quitó su camiseta y sus shorts quedando solo en boxers... El volvió a meterse entre tus piernas empezando a besarte y luego bajó hacia tu cuello pasando su lengua por ahí y luego mas abajo hacia tus senos en donde esta vez si se detuvo y estuvo un buen rato ahí entretenido lamiendo la aureola y luego pasando la punta de su lengua por sobre tu pezón haciéndote suspirar... su mano estimulaba el seno que no estaba prestando atención, apretándolo y luego pasando sus dedos por encima para luego apretar tu pezón entre su pulgar y su dedo índice...
_____: mmh...
Él chupó un poco el pezón tuyo y luego de ello dejó una ligera mordida haciéndote gemir por la sensación rara...
Poco a poco podías sentir como si miembro se había hecho mas duro por lo que ahora lo empujaba contra tu intimidad y al alejarse para erguirse notaste que tu excitación había dejado una mancha húmeda en su ropa interior... El soltó una risa y luego se quitó los boxers revelando su erección... Sonreíste al verlo, él separó tus piernas y te jaló cerca del borde de la cama para luego abrirte las piernas y quedarse en medio...
Te admiró por unos momentos para luego apartar su cabello de su vista, aunque cuando se inclinó volvieron a caerse por lo que tomó una de tus ligas para amarrarse el cabello en una coleta...
Tras ello volvió a fijar su atención en ti... pasó sus dedos por tu intimidad empujando dos lentamente dentro y separándolos en tijera para luego sacarlos empapados de tus fluidos.
Tomó la base de su miembro entre sus manos y lo acercó a tu intimidad pasando el grande de su pene por toda tu intimidad...
Noritoshi: ¿eres virgen?
_____: si...
Noritoshi: yo igual...
El sonrió y poco a poco fue introduciendo su miembro en tu intimidad. Al saber que tú eras virgen él fue un poco más despacioso, empujándolo lentamente hacia adentro hasta que tocó fondo...
_____: duele un poco...
Noritoshi: es normal...
_____: ¿Cómo sabes tanto?
Noritoshi: internet... aunque... debería hacerte la misma pregunta ¿Por qué no sangraste?
_____: me desvirgué con mis dedos...
Ambos se rieron y el empezó a moverse... movió su cadera hacia atrás para luego empujarla hacia el frente de nuevo embistiéndote... Sus embestidas empezaron a hacerse mas fuertes conforme mas notaba que tus paredes se dilataban... hasta que llegó a establecer un ritmo muy bueno que los hacia gemir a ambos...
El se volvió a inclinar hacia delante pellizcando tus pezones entre sus dedos y jalar un poco de ellos haciéndote chillar y apretar a su alrededor lo cual le encantaba...
Se agachó para besar tu cuello dejando lamidas y una marca morada en tu clavícula...
Noritoshi: estas hermosa...
Él sonrió mientras que tú te aferrabas a las sábanas, desde abajo tenías buena vista...
Noritoshi con el cuerpo ligeramente sudado, debido al movimiento algunos mechones de cabello se estaban soltando de la coleta que había hecho, su rostro con un ligero sonrojo y los labios hinchados en tonos rojizos debido a los besos que se dieron...
Y él desde arriba también tenia una vista que le encantaba...
Tú en la cama recostada para él con las piernas abiertas, tu cabello negro desordenado sobre la cama, tus manos aferrándose a las sábanas mientras que recibías sus embestidas, con los ojos cerrados boca entreabierta jadeando y gimiendo por su culpa... y sumado a ello, la forma en que se te marcaban los rollitos en el abdomen y como tus senos rebotaban ante cada embestida que él te proporcionaba...
Sin duda tenían a Noritoshi al borde del clímax así que el solo se mentalizaba en no correrse tan rápido... pero en algún punto ya no pudo aguantarlo así que empezó a perseguir esa sensación de querer llegar a su clímax... Aumentó un poco el ritmo haciéndote gemir más seguido por la velocidad y la fuerza, pero no te importó. Tiempo después Noritoshi llegó a su clímax, lo escuchaste gemir cuando se corrió dentro tuyo...
El se alejó de ti y como aun no te habías corrido se acercó a ti besándote y luego bajo su mano empezando a tallar círculos sobre tu clítoris haciendo que eventualmente también llegues a tu orgasmo... Noritoshi bajó un poco más sus manos dándose cuenta de que su semen se salía de tu intimidad por lo que empujó dos de sus dedos hacia adentro
Noritoshi: no desperdicies...
_____: fallaste en tu intento de embarazarme...
Noritoshi: ¿Por qué?
_____: estoy en ciclo infértil esta semana...
Noritoshi: aún puede haber fallo
_____: ¿ese 5%? Es casi imposible...
Ambos se siguieron besando momentos después...
A lo mejor ahora evitastela idea de Noritoshi, pero mas a futuro no podrás evitar que te haga un hijo...
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lacasaderosi · 3 months ago
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4 tortillas grandes de harina 🌯
300 g de carne molida 🍖
4 lonchas de tocino, cocidas y desmenuzadas 🥓
1/2 taza de queso cheddar rallado 🧀
1/4 taza de queso mozzarella rallado 🧀
2 cucharadas de jarabe de arce 🍁
1/4 taza de cebolla picada 🧅
Sal y pimienta al gusto 🧂
Aceite o mantequilla para cocinar 🧈
1. En una sartén grande, cocina la carne molida a fuego medio, añadiendo sal y pimienta al gusto. Cocina hasta que esté dorada y bien cocida, luego escurre el exceso de grasa. 🍖
2. Agrega el jarabe de arce a la carne cocida y mezcla bien. Añade el tocino desmenuzado y las cebollas picadas, y cocina por 1-2 minutos adicionales. 🥓🧅
3. Calienta una tortilla en una sartén a fuego medio y espolvorea un poco de queso cheddar y mozzarella en la mitad de la tortilla. 🌯🧀
4. Coloca una porción de la mezcla de carne sobre el queso y dobla la tortilla para cubrir el relleno, presionando ligeramente. 🍖🧀
5. Cocina la quesadilla por 2-3 minutos de cada lado, o hasta que esté dorada y el queso esté derretido. Repite el proceso con las tortillas restantes. 🔥
6. Corta las quesadillas en triángulos y sírvelas calientes. 🍽️
Tiempos de preparación:
15 minutos
Tiempo de Cocción: 10 minutos
Tiempo Total: 25 minutos
Calorías: Aproximadamente 350 por porción
Tips: Puedes agregar un toque de salsa picante o mayonesa para una variación deliciosa. 🌶️
La frase de hoy: "La comida es el ingrediente que une a las personas." – Desconocido
#Quesadillas #Cheeseburger #Tocino #RecetaFácil #comidadivertida
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whatsonmedia · 7 months ago
5 Unmissable London Offers: Grand Organ Festival, and More
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Explore the best 2024 offers in London, featuring discounted tickets to the Grand Organ Festival at Westminster Cathedral, fusion cuisine at KiliG in Deptford, gourmet tasting menus at The Light Bar in Shoreditch, and more. Enjoy unique experiences and savings on food, drinks, and entertainment across the city. Don't miss out on these limited-time offers to make the most of London's vibrant culinary and cultural scene. Tickets for the Grand Organ Festival in 2024 are available for £5, down from £15. Experience the Grand Organ Festival 2024, a blend of sensational music and historical ambiance at Westminster Cathedral. Marvel at the Grand Organ played by Europe’s top organists with performances including Holst's Planets, Widor's famous Toccata, and Danse Macabre by Saint-Saëns, along with works by J.S. Bach, Alain, Langlais, Reubke, and many others. Highlights - Exciting Line-Up: Features renowned organists like Thomas Ospital, Peter Stevens, Simon Johnson, and more. - Historic Venue: Held in Westminster Cathedral, the largest Roman Catholic church in England and Wales. - Discounted Tickets: Save £10 on the regular price. Performers Schedule - September 4: Thomas Ospital - September 11: Peter Stevens - September 18: Peter Holder - September 25: Simon Johnson Need to Know - Voucher Validity: For a ticket to the Grand Organ Festival 2024. - Dates and Time: Every Wednesday in September, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm. - Booking: Present your booking confirmation at the box office upon arrival. Seats are allocated by the box office/organisers. - Location: Westminster Cathedral, Victoria Street, London, SW1P 1LT. - Cancellation Policy: Tickets cannot be cancelled, amended, exchanged, refunded, or used with other offers. Days of Reward: Maximize Your Impact This Muharram     Don't miss out on the incredible rewards of giving during Muharram. Muslim Aid's Days of Reward platform makes it easy to maximize your charitable impact by splitting your donation across the 9th, 10th, and 11th days of this holy month.   How it works: - Choose your cause: Select from our vital appeals, including Palestine Emergency, Need is Greatest, Zakat, and Safe Water. - Set your donation amount: Decide how much you want to contribute overall. - Split your payment: Let us automatically divide your donation across the three most rewarding days of Muharram At Choppaluna, get any hot signature dish for just £6. Experience healthy, affordable, and satisfying meals at Choppaluna with their hot signature bowls. Choose from the flavour-packed Korean Beef Bowl, Harissa Chicken, Chilli Con Carne, or Thai Peanut Curry. Each bowl is made fresh and perfect for a guilt-free, on-the-go meal. Highlights - Freshly Prepared: Watch skilled choppers make your meal on the spot. - Three London Locations: Conveniently located in Bloomsbury, Holborn, and Wembley Park. What's on the Menu? - Harissa Chicken: Steamed white rice, harissa chicken, thyme roasted vegetables - Chilli Con Carne: Steamed white rice, beef chilli, avocado, cheddar cheese, tortilla chips, kidney beans, yogurt, tajin spices - Thai Peanut Curry: Steamed white rice, roasted seasonal vegetables, Thai coconut curry, salted peanuts, coriander - Korean Beef: Steamed white rice, sesame beef, beansprouts, carrots, cucumber, sesame seeds, Korean BBQ sauce Need to Know - Voucher Validity: Any hot signature bowl from Choppaluna. - Availability: - Bloomsbury: Monday to Sunday, 11 am - 9 pm - Holborn: Monday to Friday, 11 am - 4 pm - Wembley Park: Monday to Sunday, 11 am - 9 pm - Redemption: Present your voucher upon arrival. - Expiration: Voucher valid until August 15, 2024. - Menu Changes: Subject to change. - Dietary Requirements: Contact Choppaluna to confirm accommodations before purchasing. - Allergen Notice: Orders prepared where nuts, sesame, and other allergens are used. Products may contain traces of these allergens. For more information, ask a staff member. Locations: - Bloomsbury: 87 Marchmont St, London WC1N 1AL - Holborn: 314 High Holborn, London WC1V 7BN - Wembley Park: 16 Wembley Park Blvd, Wembley Park, Wembley HA9 0HP Linux Hosting: Your Website’s Powerful Engine Imagine your website as a car. The operating system (OS) is like the engine – it controls everything that makes the car run. When it comes to web hosting, Linux is the most popular engine choice, and for good reason! Benefits of Linux Hosting: - Cost-effective: Since Linux is free, web hosting providers can offer competitive pricing. - Flexibility: Linux is compatible with a wide range of popular website building tools and programming languages like WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Ruby, Python, and SSH. This gives you more freedom to create your website exactly how you want it. - Security: Linux is generally considered a secure operating system, making it a good choice for protecting your website. - Reliability: Linux servers are known for their stability and uptime, which means your website is less likely to experience downtime. cPanel with Linux Hosting: cPanel is a popular control panel that simplifies website management on a Linux server. It provides a graphical interface for tasks like: - Uploading files - Managing databases - Creating email accounts - Setting up security features Get a bubble tea or bubble tea with snack at Pürcha for just £3. Pürcha is the go-to spot for bubble tea enthusiasts and newbies alike. With locations in Holborn, Croydon, and Charing Cross, you can indulge in delicious bubble teas like Mango Roasted Oolong Tea and the unique Purple Sweet Potato Latte. Customize your drink with your preferred level of ice and sugar. Pair your bubble tea with tasty popcorn chicken or a bubble waffle, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside. Highlights - Multiple Locations: Holborn, Charing Cross, and Croydon - Pure Ingredients: 99.9% pure, contaminant-free water; milk alternatives available - Limited Time Offer: Enjoy now! What's on the Menu? Toppings: Coconut Jelly, Honey Boba, Aloe Vera Fruit Teas: - Pineapple Paradise Passion: Jasmine Green tea with pineapple, passion fruit, and lychee coconut jelly - Lychee Rose Oasis: Jasmine Green tea with lychee rose and aloe vera - Mango Tango Coconut: Roasted oolong tea with mango puree and lychee coconut jelly - Passion Lychee Delight: Jasmine green tea with lychee puree and passion fruit popping boba Bubble Milk Teas: - Pürcha Bubble Tea Milk: Roasted oolong milk tea with boba pearls - Bubble Thai: Thai tea with boba pearls, evaporated and condensed milk - Assamazing: Bold freshly brewed Assam milk tea with boba pearls - Rooibliss Boba: Caffeine-free rooibos milk tea with brown sugar agar boba pearls Lattes: - Matcha Mochi Magic: Premium grade matcha from Japan with mini mochi - Sweet Potato Swirl: Sweet potato extract with tofu pudding - Osmanthus Oolong Delight: Roasted oolong milk tea with osmanthus flavor - Chai Surprise: Chai milk tea with brown sugar agar boba pearls and crème top Need to Know - Voucher Details: Valid for a bubble tea with popcorn chicken or a bubble waffle at Pürcha. - Availability: - Holborn: Monday to Sunday, 12 pm to 9 pm - Charing Cross: Monday to Sunday, 12 pm to 9 pm - Croydon: Monday to Saturday, 11 am to 7 pm; Sunday 11 am to 4 pm - Redemption: Present your voucher upon arrival. - Expiration: Voucher valid until September 30, 2024. - Locations: - Holborn: 9 Kingsway, London WC2B 6XF - Charing Cross: 82 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0BA - Croydon: Wing Yip Superstore, 544 Purley Way, Croydon CR0 4NZ To get more offers & deals related updates visit Whatson Tickets for the Grand Organ Festival in 2024 are available for £5, down from £15. Days of Reward: Maximize Your Impact This Muharram At Choppaluna, get any hot signature dish for just £6. Linux Hosting: Your Website’s Powerful Engine Get a bubble tea or bubble tea with snack at Pürcha for just £3. Read the full article
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horrendoushag · 7 months ago
does anyone want to get me a bowl of spicy chili con carne with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese on top
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hamburguesas · 11 months ago
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Hamburguesa de chuleta de vaca, El Jardín de Arzábal, 18€
Ingredientes: filete de chuleta de vaca con queso cheddar, bacon, pepinillos y salsa casera en pan tipo brioche. Acompañado de patatas fritas.
Carne: ★★☆☆☆
Pan: ★☆☆☆☆
Resto de ingredientes: ★★★★☆
Acompañamiento: ★★☆☆☆
Combinación de ingredientes y sabor: ★★★☆☆
Relación calidad / precio: ☆☆☆☆☆
Atención y servicio: ★★★★★
GLOBAL -  ★★☆☆☆
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years ago
Cheesy Baked Chili Con Carne
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On a chill --much chillier than these last days!-- Winter night, this Cheesy Baked Chili Con Carne is a hearty, tasty, and simply scrumptious way to warm up! Happy Saturday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon Red Chili Flakes
1 ½ teaspoon paprika
1 red onion
1 large garlic clove, minced
a small bunch Garden Cilantro
350 grams/12.5 ounces beef mince
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
1 cup red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
4 Whole Peeled Tomatoes +1/3 cup of their juice
1 1/2 cup Beef Broth, warmed
1 tablespoon demerara sugar
Mature English Cheddar
Parmesan Cheese
In a large, deep skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. 
Add ground cumin, ground coriander, Red Chili Flakes and paprika, fry, 2 minutes. 
Peel and finely chop red onion, and add to the skillet. cook, 1 minute. Add minced garlic, cook, 1 minute more.
Finely chop Garden Cilantro, and stir into the skillet, saving a few leaves for garnish.
Stir in beef mince, and cook until completely browned. Season with coarse sea salt and black pepper.  Stir in kidney beans, until combined. 
Roughly chop Whole Peeled Tomatoes, and stir into the skillet, along with their juice. Stir in warm Beef Broth.
When the mixture starts boiling, reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer, 25 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, until slightly reduced. Stir in demerara sugar, cook a further couple of minutes, and remove from heat. Let cool, 15 minutes, at room temperature.
Preheat oven to 205°C/400°F.
Spoon slightly cooled chili con carne into two large bowls. Using the coarse side of a box grater, generously grate Mature Cheddar and Parmesan on top of each. Bake, in the middle of the hot oven, 15 minutes at 205°C/400°F.
Serve Cheesy Baked Chili Con Carne hot, sprinkled with fresh Cilantro.
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mr-outcast · 2 years ago
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Here is the illustration that I’ve made for Cheddar Con Carne: Colby’s ODDyssey, an indie game that I’ve been working on in my spare time for the past couple years.
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digimolay123 · 2 months ago
Prepare la mejor pizza con hamburguesa con queso en casa: no es necesario realizar entrega a domicilio
Por qué funciona Preparar las cebollas en rodajas y la carne molida con anticipación garantiza que estén lo suficientemente cocidas y frías como para apilarse sobre la pizza, eliminando el exceso de líquido y evitando que el pastel se empape. Una mezcla de salsa de tomate, mayonesa y mostaza crea una salsa dulce y picante para la pizza. El uso de una mezcla de mozzarella y queso cheddar con bajo…
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candy-floss-crazy · 3 months ago
Jacket spuds, baked taters, call them what you will. Definitely one of our favourite catering options. Especially as in the current quest for healthier options these are quite easy to use. We take a look at some of our most popular jacket potato filling, as well as some others available throughout the world. 1 Beans and Cheese This one is oh so simple, and oh so delicious. Heinz beans of course with a nice mature cheddar. Not high on the excitement stakes, but easily our most requested filling. Unless we are dealing with Eastern Europeans. It seems that this isn't a natural combination for them. And we have heard that the Yanks don't go a bundle for it either, but looking at their cuisine we aren't too upset by that. 2 Chilli Con Carne Our MD's favourite. Ground beef chilli, with plenty of peppers topped with avocado, sour cream and chives. Almost as popular with our clients, again excluding the Eastern Europeans who are worried by the word chilli, they expect it to blow your head off. 3 Tuna And Sweetcorn Our top rated cold filling. Juicy tuna, sweetcorn all mixed in a mayonnaise base. A pinch of radish for seasoning and a little side salad. Much healthier than the usual burger and chips. 4 Vegetable Curry This is one that the Eastern European guests actually enjoy. In fact on the recent series of jobs we did where the bulk of the staff were from that part of the world we couldn't make it fast enough. So now we know their favourite jacket potato filling. Only mild, but with a nice range of veggie ingredients. 5 Chicken Curry One for the carnivores this time, another fairly mild curry, but with juicy tender chicken pieces. Add a little coleslaw and a side salad and you have a nice balanced meal. 6 Bacon and Cheese Bacon and cheese, two of our favourite things. What's not to like. Nice smoked bacon, mature cheddar, mixed up and lightly roasted a second time to melt the cheese. Yum. 7 Prawns Prawns in a prawn mayo sauce. Another cold topping that it healthy and delicious. Add the obligatory side salad and you have a winner. Unless of course you don't like prawns. 8 Cottage Cheese And Pineapple A fusion of tastes here, sweet chunks of pineapple, with lashings of cottage cheese. A milder flavour than our use mature cheddar this one is high in proteins and essential nutrients. 9 World's Most Expensive Jacket Potato Not one of ours, though we would be quite happy to add it to your menu if you are happy to pay the premium. This one was created by the chef at the Cary Arms in Babbacombe Devon. Most of the potato is spooned out and replaced with a mixture of creme fraiche, lemon, chives and spring onions topped by Italian Calvisius caviar. Served with balsamic roasted vine tomatoes and a glass of champagne. £40 lets you try this culinary masterpiece. 10 Sweet Jacket Potato With Roast Grape, Goats Cheese and Honey Again not one of ours, but this in definitely on the list to try at the next event. Sweet potato with a mixture of roast grapes honey and goats cheese. These are only a sample of what is available. If you are holding an event and require a jacket potato stall we can work with you on a customised menu just for you. Read the full article
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littlefeatherrrecipes · 4 months ago
Tex Mex Enchiladas with Chili Gravy - Flavor Mosaic
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cheddarconcarne · 2 years ago
How I make my parallax maps
In my game, Cheddar Con Carne: Prelude to Whimsicality, a lot of the custom made maps are done through the process of parallax mapping. It is basically where you use a picture that was made outside of RPG Maker. In this post, I'll explain my process for making the parallax maps that I use in my game.
00:Coming up with ideas: First, I need to figure out what kind of map I want to make. Does it have to big or small? Is it for a cutscene or for gameplay purposes?
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Sometimes I like to make either a piece of concept art or a reference board so that I have an idea of the vibe that I'm going for.
01:Sketching out the map:
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The first thing I do when making a map is I would make a sketch layer in Krita where I make a rough version of the map. I use the "Grids and Guides" docker with the grid set to 32 by 32 so that when I'm putting in the collision tiles, I'll know exactly where to put them in.
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When I was working on my game earlier on, I used to make a rough version of the map using the default tileset, but then I found out that by making the rough map outside of the engine made the maps look a bit less blocky and more unique.
02:Adding in colors:
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Next, I would make some paint layers in Krita and by using the trusty "Bezier Curve Selection Tool", I add in some colors onto my map. A useful thing I like to do when making my maps is that I would import the character sprites onto the document so that I know which colors to use. I find this very important because you wouldn't want the characters to blend in with the backgrounds.
03:Adding in details and shading:
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Then I finally put in the details to make the maps look more complete. I would turn the "Alpha Lock" on the layers and paint in the shading and lighting. After I'm finally done with that, I would save my map on the Parallax folders of my game.
04:Putting in collision tiles:
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After I exported my custom-made map into VX Ace, I would use my custom parallax tileset and put in the collision tiles. The X tiles represent the tiles you can't walk on while the O tiles represent the tiles that you can walk on. Then, I use the invisible collision tiles to clear off the X and O tiles. Then I finally test out the map to make sure the collision detection works properly and I'm done with making my map.
So as you can tell, making parallax maps can take a lot of thought and effort to put into. But even after all this hard work, it’s really satisfying to see my creative vision come to life through the power of the VX Ace engine.
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jimmyfalpal · 5 months ago
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Indulge in the ultimate comfort food with these irresistible chili cheese fries. Crispy golden fries topped with melted cheddar cheese and savory chili con carne, finished with a sprinkle of fresh green onions.
Ingredients: 4 large potatoes, washed and cut into fries. 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese. 1 cup of chili con carne. 1/4 cup of chopped green onions. Salt and pepper to taste. Cooking oil for frying.
Instructions: Preheat the oven to 425F 220C. Spread the potato fries in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle with cooking oil and season with salt and pepper. Toss to coat evenly. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until crispy and golden brown. Once the fries are done, transfer them to a serving dish or platter. Evenly sprinkle the shredded cheese over the hot fries. Pour the chili con carne over the cheese-covered fries. Garnish with chopped green onions. Serve immediately and enjoy!
Clarence P
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lacasaderosi · 4 months ago
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- 500 g de carne molida de res 🥩
- 8 rebanadas de tocino cocido y desmenuzado 🥓
- 1 taza de queso cheddar rallado 🧀
- 2 dientes de ajo picados 🧄
- 1/4 taza de queso parmesano rallado 🧀
- 1 cucharadita de ajo en polvo 🌰
- 1 cucharadita de perejil seco 🌿
- 1 paquete de masa para galletas (refrigerada) 🥐
- Sal y pimienta al gusto ❗️
- 1 huevo batido 🥚
- 2 cucharadas de mantequilla derretida 🧈
1. Precalienta el horno a 180°C (350°F) 🔥.
2. Cocina carne molida 🥩 con ajo picado 🧄 y sazona con sal y pimienta ❗️.
3. Mezcla carne con queso cheddar rallado 🧀 y tocino desmenuzado 🥓.
4. Coloca mezcla en cuadrados de masa para galletas 🥐 y cierra bordes.
5. Pincela con huevo batido 🥚 y unta mezcla de mantequilla derretida 🧈 y queso parmesano rallado 🧀.
Tip: Hornea durante 12-15 minutos o hasta que estén doradas y crujientes.
Tiempo de cocción: 15 minutos ⏰.
Tiempo total: 30 minutos ⏰.
#BombasDeHamburguesa 🍔
#RecetasConQueso 🧀
#AperitivosDeliciosos 👌
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sakuraswordly · 6 months ago
The reason why Peter Pan became more of a mother in this group.
(Only Peter can make this special medicine recipe that can clean all malevolence for every non-human)
Gilgamesh: No!
Peter: Gil! Don't be a child! You can't be so finicky all the time!
Punch: What's wrong? Mr Gilgamesh? Peter?
Peter: Gil won't eat anything! He's so picky!
Punch: It's fine, he doesn't have to eat anything he doesn't want to. Right, Mr Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: Yeah!
Peter: Punch........you knew King Gilgamesh could be sick anytime if he didn't have this medicine.
Punch: Mr. Gilgamesh has my mana that can protect him from the darkness and malevolence. So don't worry about it!
Peter: Punch you too. You must eat this medicine that I made by myself too! This is very important because you two aren't human!
Gilgamesh: As Punch said, we really do not much care.
Punch: Yeah! I really do not care much!
Peter: Ugh.....Punch! You coddle him too much! You two aren't children anymore! What am I going to do with you two? *Sigh*....so what do you want from dinner anyway?
Punch: How about Mabo Curry?
Peter: I suppose you want it mild.
Punch: Yeah!
Peter: Why don't you two make it by yourself!? You're both such children!
Gilgamesh: But we want the recipe that is made by you then!
Peter: Huh!?
Punch & Gilgamesh: Then how about Chilidog!!!!!
Peter: Seriously?!!
Pit & Periwinkle: (I feel sorry for Peter a lot)
Gilgamesh: Chilidog.
Ephemer: Huh?
Gilgamesh: I miss Chilidog a lot.......
Ephemer: You mean a hot dog served in a bun and topped with a meat sauce, such as chili con carne.
Gilgamesh: Yes, Chilidog. I love it so much.
Ephemer: Is that right? Well, I guess my favorite food is--
Gilgamesh: Chilidog.
Ephemer: Uh no, it's not chilidog.
Gilgamesh: It should be! Chilidog is the finest food in the world.
Ephemer: What?
Gilgamesh: SONIC's Premium Beef Chili Cheese Coney is an All-Beef hot dog topped with warm chili and melty cheddar cheese served in a soft, warm bakery bun.............also there was a Chili Dog Fest that includes non-stop music, chili dogs and drinks!
Ephemer: (He's like a whole different person....😶)
Punch: Generally, drill pipe used for the drill string is made from tempered steel. Drill pipe, is hollow, thin-walled, steel or aluminium alloy piping that is used on drilling rigs. For cost and transport reasons, sections of drill pipe rarely exceed ranges of 30 to 33 feet long. I can't imagine what it must have taken to construct all of this.
Peter: Stop it, Punch! A person could really get hurt if they fell from this height!
Punch: Peter? Did you worry about me?
Gilgamesh: Wow.......look at all the shiny stars in the pipe.....maybe I can put my head in that pipe.........
Peter: See? I knew Gil'd end up copying you!
Punch: I should have known that was the reason😑
Gilgamesh: Say Punch you were once born a human girl right? So What Are the Most Common Breast Shapes?
Punch: Huh!? Why are you asking me this topic?!
Gilgamesh: The archetypal breast, which is round and full, with a point at the nipple, may be the most common. But many people with breasts have other shapes, including bell shape and conical, among others. Breasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. No two people have breasts that look exactly the same. So, what’s “normal” when it comes to breasts? How do your breasts measure up?
Punch: Hmm.....in Medical Science book. The answer is that your breasts are unique, and it’s perfectly OK that they have their own distinctive shape and size. The only thing that isn’t normal is unexplained pain and sensitivity.
Gilgamesh: So how hurtful? Is it so hurtful to be a mother too?
Punch: Overall, women's breast healthcare involves a comprehensive approach that includes regular self-examinations. That's why I hate to have a big breast. Yeah, you can say being a mother is painful.
Gilgamesh: So the memory of your body can't connect to me clearly.....I didn't think that mammals today would suffer this much. This is why mammals are terrible at being mothers because they have to hold the milk in their breasts.
Peter: Wait just a sec.......King Gilgamesh......where are you learning that sentence from?
Gilgamesh: Dr Eggman did tell me "Mammals are terrible at being mothers because they have to hold the milk in their breasts."
Punch & Peter: EEGMAN!!!! 💢
Freya: King Gilgamesh......next time.....you should ask us before asking more weird questions.
Ephemer: Wait......we should tell Syaoran's group about this right? Remember......Sonic didn't know about this "Breast".
Skuld: The good news is Sonic never understands these lewd words…even their mind are connected to each other.
Punch: Mr Gilgamesh! Don't ever tell Sonic this stuff! That's an oath between us of all eternity, okay?! Also, becoming a mother can involve a range of painful experiences, both physical and emotional.
Gilgamesh: ??????????
Peter: I'm so tired of taking care of both Punch and PUNCH.......
Freya: I feel for you King Arthur......this is why becoming a mother is painful.
Punch: Also this has nothing to do with breasts! Being a human mother, Childbirth itself is a significant source of physical pain for many women. Labor and delivery can be intense, with contractions and the process of giving birth often causing discomfort. Even with pain management options like epidurals or medications, some level of pain is often involved! Many women also find the experience of becoming a mother deeply rewarding and fulfilling, despite the difficulties they face. The support of partners, family, friends, and healthcare professionals can make a big difference in navigating these challenges.
Gilgamesh: So then, what is a "mother"?
Skuld: The essence of being a mother lies in the care, support, and love provided to a child. Peter always takes care of both Punch and PUNCH every time, right? So now, Peter is a "mother".
Peter: Wait what??!! I Am Not!!
Gilgamesh: I understand. Okay "Mother", go make me some dinner.
Punch: I'm counting on you too, "Mother".
Peter: Punch!! 💢 Go explain clearly ag----
Freya: Good luck, our "Mother"
Ephemer: We count on you, Peter, leader of this group and servant who serves our King, "Mother"
Peter: I am being bullied by my own group.....man.......
Peter got a new title "Mother of Beach Brigade: Sunscreen Rangers... GO!"
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hamburguesas · 3 months ago
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Cheese Nugu, Nugu Burger, 12,99€
Ingredientes: filete de 180 grs. de ternera a la parrilla con doble de queso cheddar, bacon crujiente y cebolla caramelizada dentro de cobertura de pan hecho en el momento. Acompañado de patatas fritas.
Carne: ★★★☆☆
Pan: ★★★★★
Resto de ingredientes: ★★★☆☆
Acompañamiento: ★★☆☆☆
Combinación de ingredientes y sabor: ★★★★☆
Relación calidad / precio: ★★★★☆
Atención y servicio: ★★★★☆
GLOBAL -  ★★★★☆
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