#check-in online Ryanair
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viaggipartime · 15 days ago
✈️ Viaggi con Ryanair nel 2025? Attenzione alle nuove regole! 🚨 Ci sono importanti cambiamenti che potrebbero costarti caro se non sei preparato! 😱 Per scoprire tutte le novità su bagagli, check-in e puntualità, leggi il post sul blog e assicurati di evitare costi extra! 💼📱⏰ 📲 Leggi qui 👉 🔄 Condividi con chi vola con Ryanair! #Ryanair #Viaggi #NuoveRegole #BagaglioAMano #CartaDImbarco #Puntualità
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nordic-language-love · 1 year ago
So many people saying online check in isn't reliable but literally I have never had issues checking in online before which is why I'm stressing to high heaven lmao
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airlinespoliciess · 2 months ago
¿Cuáles son las medidas de la maleta de cabina en Ryanair?
Viajar con la familia o amigos puede ser un entusiasmo. Por eso prepararse con bagaje, check in y Asientos de vuelo puede hacer su viaje sin complicación. El problema más común durante el vuelo es el Equipaje. Algunas personas tienen dificultades de sobrepeso al facturar porque desconocen las dimensiones del Equipaje. Antes de realizar el check in conoce medidas de maleta en Cabina de Ryanair. En este Artículo le Proporcionará todos los detalles de maletas como medidas, tamaño y peso. Para Conseguir medidas Permitidas en Ryanair seguir leyendo.
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badlywritingmagazine · 6 months ago
Wanna help a by-and-for transfem journal?
Wanna get involved?
Thank you everyone for your interest so far! If you have a sec, I’ve written a quick post about a few ways you can help. 
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Lili Elbe, painted by Szív királynő, serving “journal reader” realness Do you have trans female mates?
Let your girl friends know. Share it amongst your networks. 
Can you read? 
Wonderful. Subscribe to this substack to be notified when an issue is released. 
Can you think?
If you’re a trans woman and you have feelings about something, send it to us. If you’re developing an idea, come chat with us over email (or arrange a phone call) and let’s figure it out together. 
Do you sell books and zines? 
Wonderful. Email me. Stock it. Perfect. I can also send you a poster version of our invitation to submit to print out. 
Have you written?
If you’re a trans woman who writes about things relevant to our lives, send it to me. If it is online and you worry that it won’t stay up forever, it’s affecting your job and life prospects, or that it is a reflection of its time and not 100% wise anymore, send it to me and get it archived. Archiving is part of the goal here. We’re not uncurated, but that doesn’t mean you should shrug and let the internet, time, transmisogyny and linkrot eat your hard work. 
If you’re a trans woman with jobs and obligations and you don’t like having your essay ‘Why dickgirls should commit more assassinations’ or ‘transgender materialism: towards a de/coterminous understanding of post tipping point transmisogyny’ or whatever attached to your name then send it to me and get it re/published under a pseudonym.
If we get a large number of submissions like this we will publish it as a separate supplement, but else it will come as a section within WBM.
Do you know grants?
Rates for unfunded zines and pamphlets suck. We want to pay the women well. Let us know if you know of funds or grants you think we fall under. We’ll be sending off applications. 
Can you help us host a launch party in a major city?
We envision low-cost evening events with discussion, trans women, and piles and piles of essays to talk about. (Can we crash on your couch?) We’re based in the UK, but are happy to come anywhere Ryanair goes where there’s a willing audience. 
Got an idea I don’t have? 
Ultimately, I want to keep this dirt simple. Essays come in, paper goes out. No columns, shite graphics. Couple core editors. Schedules loose enough to spend half the year depressed and still get it out. Stolen printer paper. Something that won’t collapse after two years. Posterity. 
That said, if you have an idea (and maybe if you want to do it), email us. Think you know enough people to get this translated and shipped somewhere else? Can you translate and know of a non-English language transfeminist text that’s not got much attention in the anglosphere? Maybe we can submit an application for a grant and distribute your translation? Understand distribution better than me? Do you have the wherewithal to manage a personals board? Something else? Anything except an agony aunt section. I’ve called dibs on that one. 
Do you have agonies? Issues? Want bad advice?
Write to the agony aunt. writingbadlymag snail symbol gmail dot com.
Do you have something to say which won't make a whole essay but is still worth saying?
Write a letter to the editor. Same email.
Addendum: Can you help us set up a website?
Websites we think are beautiful are dirt simple. Low-tech Magazine has a beautiful low-energy website. Filmmaker Margot McEwan has a lovely fitting website. Any thoughts or suggestions should be sent to the same email.
(update: we're all set now! Check out badly.press!)
See a good stack cutter?
If you see a cheap paper stack cutter for cheap, let me know. :)
Thanks all!
Forthcoming posts: information for writers, extracts from the issue.
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lanainbarcelona · 2 months ago
The modern climate of airline travel frays the mind and will drive even the most resolute of men to eventual madness...
Regardless its an evironment I braved manys a times, this piece is a little something I drafted up while I was waiting in the boarding hall in alicante last september, presented here in its entirety for friends to appreciate:
6:18am, 19th september 2024, international speak like a pirate day. I embark on a grim journey to the land I, in a prior age called home. In this entry I feel compelled to engage in the time-honoured tradition of authors to complain about the state of airline travel. My woes naturally start long before the clock struck midnight marking the beginning of this most dour day, wherein i had to strike a fine balance in booking my passage. I was in no short supply of options in terms of times, airlines and spans of my visit, but the constraining factors of: being present for a long distance cycle my mother had planned, being present for a sufficiently long time to compensate for the months i have spent in spain away from her doting presence, not staying so long that i might cause my beloved to expire from a broken heart, and the ever-present question of money. Sadly, all these constraints, combined with my choice of departure airport, Alicante, and eventual destination, Dublin, coalesced into a singular grim realisation, that I would have to travel with the airline known as ryanair. Even as I write this passage the feeble of mind, and weak of will, queue in the priority boarding line for my flight...no matter, I shall air my grievances with them at a measured rate. The process of booking a ryanair flight is an exercise in observation, focus and force of will, their website (being the sole avenue by which you can reliably aquire a booking) is a veritable labyrinth of additional charges, extra luggage, travel insurance, in-flight meal pre-orders, shoe-shining services, proprietary travel insurance, novelty ryanair airplane models, giftcards, snowglobes, at-destination car rentals and priority boarding options. If you can navigate this gauntlet of extra charges you will be asked to give the company a scan of your face via webcam to verify your identity and sell onto third party data brokers, and only then, will you be offered the ticket of your dreams at an affordable price. And for now you are granted reprieve, until the day of your journey.
5am is not an hour I voluntarily awake to any engagement, nay, it is a mark of the clock i reserve for stumbling home after a night of frivolities cut short, or the midway point of an average session of Sid Meiers Civilization. Regardless, this was the time whence I was roused from my slumber. I awake to the sound of hatsune miku singing melodious lyrics over the sound of a percussive instrumentation. I silence the phone alarm and take in the surroundings of the sitting room of a friend of the family who lives nearby. Two hours to take-off, cutting things pretty close in the grand scheme of things, but i am already checked in online to keep check-in desk operators to a minimum, my boarding pass is on my phone to save the cost of ink and paper, and cabin luggage is heavily encouraged to curb the cost of luggage handlers. Indeed with such a barebones itinerary 2 hours might just suffice. Instant coffee, a perfectly fine breakfast, exchanged pleasantries, a short car ride and a sincere adieu. I am on my own, with just my purse and a small backpack to carry me through this journey. One last deep breath of crisp morning air and I enter the terminal. Air travel has changed in hops and skips over the 20 something years ive been cognizant of it, never had the privilege of flying pre-9/11 when you could board a plane with a machette, a loaded gun, a lit cigar and a caraffe of double-proof rum. No no, in this day and age I find myself wondering if security is going to take exception to the baking paper-wrapped bowl of homemade marmalade i intend to take aboard.
And so, bloated with the oversized second coffee i took moments after entering the terminal, i waddle towards the waiting xray machines. My boarding pass persuades the electronic gates, which mercifully stand eight-abreast, as six of them are giving no end of trouble to my fellow travellers, unyielding in their cold logic, that the crumpled piece of home printed paper clutched in hand does not constitute a proper boarding pass. I throw my bag and purse into a scanning tray, just as it is picked up by the rubbery grasp of the conveyor belt, i remember to toss my phone in too, and moments before i walk through the metal detector gate i am beckoned to place my "jacket" in too. I flail my jumper, which contains no metals to speak of, over the plastic divider and cleanly into my second scanning tray, moments before it dissapears into the dark maw of the x-ray machine. I step through the metal detector gate and am spared the indignity of a randomly selected cavity search this time. A hapless gentleman in front of me is halted as his satchel contains contraband, the security officer spends a full eight minutes searching the satchel which seemed to contain a total of three pens, before producing a swiss army knife no bigger than a fig, the officer takes the contraband aside, a beloved family heirloom no doubt, dangles it above the disposal bin, looking towards the man, and with a shrug as if to convey "sorry, we are just doing our job, like the gestappo were" drops the knife into the void. The man seems to utter some words, in protest or resignation, i cannot tell, for his voice seems distant and muffled from the depths of his own personal orwellian inferno. After this charade has held up the line for the better part of half an hour, my bag finally emerges from the machine, a second security officer, perturbed by the queer orientation of my bag and the grey ovoid cast by the silhouette of the marmelade on the x-ray image, enters a prolonged groping session with my luggage, their practiced hands capable of ascertaining the presence of class 5 drugs and plastic explosives alike through up to 20cm of clothing and flesh, with nought but an authoratative squeeze. Seemingly unsatisfied by the thorough molestation of my bag, it is taken to the mouth of the machine and put through again at a more neurotypical angle. And with one final squeeze for the Jansport to remember them by, my luggage is relinquished, and i am set free into the purgatory of duty-free.
Before I am permitted to even gaze upon my boarding gate, I am funneled through a winding path of liquor, cigarettes and chocolates, my senses blinded by the lights of images of naked, impossibly muscled men and cloying scent of their advertised fragrances, allegedly akin to what these bearded millionaires' perspiration must actually smell like. I resist the urge to lick the lcd projection of Adrian Brody's photoshopped abs long enough to escape the duty-free labyrinth. As I make my way towards my gate I pass a sign advertising a meal deal of a sandwhich, drink and packet of crisps for €23.99, and I begin to ponder the feverish pasageway i just exited. For once upon a time, airside retail was a wonderfully novel idea, exploiting a loophole which permitted travellers bound for foreign countries to be sold luxury products without the need to apply value added tax, at least that is my understanding of the practice. For decades, family members arriving from abroad would brandish colossal toblerone bars, 5 liter bottles of gin, and 1000-count cartons of cigarettes to fend off the hordes of encroaching relatives, all at a price that would be foolish to turn down. But at time of writing, i know this to be a mere fantasy, and the duty-free section a relic of a bygone era. Previous excursions would have me noting prices of whiskeys, and calculating value ratios down to the alcVol/ml€^2. But now, not only is it no longer worth it, it is actually more expensive than simply buying the products from your local supermarket. Regardless, I drift into the boarding gate hall.
The term "liminal spaces" has garnered a reputation in recent times as abandoned office buildings crawling with entirely tangible dangerous monsters. But a liminal space is by definition, just an area that you pass through. In this moment, walking the length of the vast boarding hall of Alicante airport, I feel its liminality soothing, the stalls and stands of business and enterprise fade from my mind as the polished tile floors pass beneath my feet, and I in turn pass beneath the grand cupolas of the terminals ceiling high above, as the travellator carries me along like some new fangled machine from turn of the century futurist novel. I pass through a passport check, the man in the booth does not look at either my face or the photo in my maroon passport booklet, simply holds it to a scanner that detects the digital chip in its binding. An obfuscated security system notes my presence in the terminal, and I am allowed through. Before I know it, I am in front of the ryanair boarding gate, and i am once again thoroughly grounded in reality.
Michael Oleary is the worst thing to happen to air travel since George Bush. Me and my ilk have tangled with ryanair and their ways in the past, and we have not always come away unscathed. They will humiliate you in front of your loved ones, tear down any semblance of dignity and pride you once held. They will charge you for checking in late, checking in early, not printing your boarding pass, and they will tear you to shreds if you so much as dare to speak out against them. You see, flying with ryanair is not just a test of your administrative ability in procuring a ticket at the advertised price from their labyrinthine website, it is a test of charisma, deception and self-control. "Why yes I believe its quite reasonable to wear a rainjacket, scarf and jumper in these exotic climes. Well what does it matter that I just took them out of my bag? Speaking of, lets check it fits in the sizing box...yes, yes that looks like a good fit, and with minimum groping too." The snootiest of the discount airline flyers have finished their priority boarding, and after a time I step to the line at the boarding gate. My eyes dart frantically from one overburdened boarding staff person to the other, thoughts of 'Does my fanny-pack count as a bag?', 'Surely it would count as a personal item...' and 'Shit, which pocket did I leave my boarding pass in?! Oh right its on my phone...' "I know I was asked to print this out, but I think if I just turn up the screen brightness it-" the staff do not care...this time... I join the masses on the slow march down the finger and into the fuselage, but wait- whats the meaning of this? The finger is cordoned off by a fabric belt!? The crowds descend a stairwell to the barren tarmac below, the finger lies limp and unpiloted as we are ushered through lethal traffic of tarmac buses and luggage trains, to our awaiting aircraft.
Approaching the stairs up to the aircraft doors, I furiously fight the urge to pose alluringly for a photo-op within the aircraft's turbine intake, or to pet the underside of the plane like a beached whale. After another eternity of waiting for everyone in front of me to finish their shuffling about and stowing their seats, I am finally permitted to take my seat in the most cramped space three people have ever been seated abreast in, since the trans-atlantic slave trade. By the end of the flight my leg muscles will have cramped into a gordian knot, that will take months of physiotherapy to recover from. Regardless, it is not too long before we are taxi'd and ready for takeoff. As the turbines engage I feel pressed into the tiny seat by the sudden g-forces of takeoff, I glance out the window as the wings catch the air beneath them. I guess no matter how harrowing they make the experience to get here, I can never get over the novelty of the ground pulling away beneath us. As we ascend to cruising altitude we veer out over the meditteranean in cloudy conditions, and we ascend into the cloud cover of this dreary grey morning. But then, moments later a most curious sight appears out the window. A vista of fields made of clouds like cotton balls, and the colours of a sunrise in dream-like pinks and pale yellows, an incandescing red eye peers through the clouds, the sky above turning a light turqoise as I gaze at this wondrous sight, the alto-stratus clouds in the far distance are painted a gleaming silver, the sun peaks above the cloudline in a blinding flare, the light of its incorrigible fusion reaction uncontested by the overcast sky, the interior of the cabin, moments ago, illuminated by nought but some scant blue LEDs, is now painted by rays of otherworldly gold, ryanairs signature gaudy mustard-stain-yellow on cigarette-smoke-stained-blazer-blue interior furnishings, almost looking good in this majestic illumination. The sunrise continues with a divine indifference to the joy and suffering of the world below, and for a time all the snark and snide is knocked out of me, seemingly left on the tarmac far below, as I beheld the sights no human was ever meant to see, riding on the wings of a man-made miracle.
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tocitynews · 8 months ago
A Widespread Microsoft Outage Disrupted Flights, Banks, Media Outlets And Companies Around The World On Friday And Highlighted Dependence On Software From A Handful Of Providers – New York City reporting
The issue affected Microsoft 365 apps and services, and escalating disruptions continued hours after the technology company said it was gradually fixing it.
Microsoft 365 posted on X that the company was “working on rerouting the impacted traffic to alternate systems to alleviate impact in a more expedient fashion” and that they were “observing a positive trend in service availability.”
Major disruptions reported by airlines and airports grew. Flight tracking website Flightaware reports more nearly 1,000 flights canceled and over 12,000 more are delayed. Chicago O'Hare, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta, Newark , La Guardia and Boston Logan International Airport lead Flightaware's "misery map" with the most delays and cancellations.
In the U.S., the FAA said the airlines United, Delta and Allegiant had all been grounded. American Airlines lifted its ground stop just after 5 a.m ET, saying they were able to "safely re-establish operations."
An earlier ground stop for Frontier Airlines was lifted just after midnight, and the carrier said they had resumed normal operations, for now.
Travelers at Los Angeles International Airport slept on a jetway floor, using backpacks and other luggage for pillows, due to a delayed United flight to Dulles International Airport early on Friday.
Across the pond, Edinburgh Airport said the system outage meant waiting times were longer than usual. London’s Stansted Airport said some airline check-in services were being completed manually, but flights were still operating.
The budget airline Ryanair said they are "experiencing disruption across the network due to a global third party IT outage which is out of our control. We advise all passengers to arrive at the airport at least three hours before their scheduled departure time.”
Widespread problems were reported at Australian airports, where lines grew and some passengers were stranded as online check-in services and self-service booths were disabled. Passengers in Melbourne queued for more than an hour to check in, although flights were still operating. Airlines Virgin Australia and Qantas were severely affected by the outage.
News outlets in Australia — including the ABC and Sky News — were unable to broadcast on their TV and radio channels, and reported sudden shutdowns of Windows-based computers. Some news anchors broadcast live online from dark offices, in front of computers showing “blue screens of death.” Telecommunications providers, banks and media broadcasters were also disrupted as they lost access to computer systems. Outages reported on the site DownDetector included the banks NAB, Commonwealth and Bendigo, as well as internet and phone providers such as Telstra. The New Zealand banks ASB and Kiwibank said their services were down.
Television stations in the United Kingdom were being disrupted by the computer issues.
Hospitals in Britain and Germany also reported problems.
Israel’s Cyber Directorate said that it was among the places affected by the global outages, attributing them to a problem with the cybersecurity platform Crowdstrike. The outage also hit the country’s post offices and hospitals, according to the ministries of communication and health.
In South Africa, at least one major bank said it was experiencing “nationwide service disruptions” as customers reported they were unable to make payments using their bank cards at grocery stores and gas stations.
Numerous European airlines are using manual check-in.
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tinyexperttragedy · 3 days ago
10 Ways to Save Money on Flights: Travel Tips
You daydream about international travel despite feeling restricted by expensive air ticket prices during your dreams. You’re not alone! Travel expenses are mostly determined by the cost of airfare.
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When I planned my initial international journey to Thailand, I vividly recall my situation. I felt uncertain because my budget was limited, while flight costs remained expensive at the time. After prolonged research and multiple tests, I managed to purchase a round-trip ticket for less than $400.
This post includes my selection of the ten most effective strategies for finding affordable flights and decreasing travel expenses. This article begins now without additional delay.
1. Best Time to Book Flights
Why It Works:
Prices vary with the airline’s demand. Fruiting on less-demand days (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays) can help you achieve a 20-30% shroud.
How to Do It:
Use Google Flights’ Date Grid:
Go to Google Flights.
Enter your departure city and destination.
Click “Date Grid” to see prices for an entire month. Example: A mid-week flight from NYC to Paris might cost 450 vs. 450,700 on weekends.
Try Skyscanner’s “Cheapest Month” Tool:
Search your route on Skyscanner.
Select “Whole Month” or “Cheapest Month” to find the lowest fares.
Pro Tip: Pair flexibility with shoulder seasons (e.g., Europe in May or September) for double the benefits to maximise your savings.
2. Book in Advance (But Not Too Early)
The Goldilocks Window:
Domestic Flights: Book 6–8 weeks out (e.g., a Chicago to LA flight booked 2 months early averages 200 vs. 400 last-minute).
International Flights: Book 3–5 months out (e.g., NYC to Tokyo booked 4 months early: 800 vs. 800 vs. 1,200).
Tools to Track Trends:
Hopper predicts price drops with 95% accuracy.
Google Flights Price Graph: Shows historical trends for your route.
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3. Use Flight Comparison Websites Like a Pro
Step-by-Step Guide:
Skyscanner’s “Everywhere” Feature:
Type “Everywhere” as your destination.
Filter by budget (e.g., “Under 500”). Example: You might find 500 round-trip flights from LA to Costa Rica.
Google Flights’ Multi-City Tool:
Kiwi.com’s “Nomad” Feature:
Enter your budget and travel dates for a surprise destination.
Pro Tip: Always check incognito mode to avoid dynamic pricing tricks.
4. Set Up Price Alerts Strategically
Tools & tactics:
Google Flights:
Search your route.
Toggle “Track Prices” to get email alerts.
Secret Flying & Scott’s Cheap Flights:
Subscribe to error fare newsletters (e.g., $250 round-trip to Europe).
Real-Life Example: I tracked NYC to Lisbon for 3 weeks and saved $200 when prices dropped during a mid-week sale.
Pro Tip: Use multiple devices (phone, laptop) to check prices—some airlines show lower fares on mobile!
5. Master Budget Airlines (Without the Hidden Fees)
Baggage Fees Tip Ryanair Europe: $25 checked bag. Pre-book meals to save 50%. AirAsia: $15 checked bag Book during mega sales (e.g., $10 flights!). SpiritAmericas $45 carry-on Use their “$9 Fare Club” for discounts.
How to Avoid Fees:
Bring a 40-litre rucksack (folds under seats).
Pre-register for bags online (receive 20% savings above airport fees).
6. Turn Layovers into Adventures
Flight: NYC → Istanbul → Bali.
Savings: $400 vs direct.
Layover Hack: Use Turkish Airlines’ free Istanbul city tour during a 6+ hour layover.
AirWander: Finds layover flights and calculates savings.
LoungeBuddy: Access to airport lounges is available for 30 (compared to 50 at the door).
Pro Tip: Use the chance to plan overnight layovers to save on accommodation for a night!
7. Hack Frequent Flyer Programs
Step-by-step point maximisation:
Sign Up for Dining Programs:
Link your credit card to airline dining portals (e.g., United MileagePlus Dining) to earn 5x points at restaurants.
Credit card bonuses:
Chase Sapphire Preferred: Earn 60,000 points (worth $750 in travel) after spending $750 in travel after spending $4,000 in 3 months.
Transfer Points:
Convert Chase points to United Miles for a 20% bonus value.
An example of actual life is that I used 50,000 Amex points to book a $1,200 business class seat in Tokyo.
8. Book Connecting Flights Separately
How to Do It Safely:
Route Example:
NYC → London (300) + London → Athens (300) + London → Athens (80) = $380 total.
Traditional multi-city ticket: $600.
Leave a buffer:
You can book at least 4 hours between the flights to Amsterdam with no risk of missing your connections.
Tool: Kiwi.com’s “Nomad” and “Multi-City” search.
9. Travel Off-Peak Like a Local
Off-Peak Calendar:
Cheap Avg. Flight Europe Jan–Mar, Nov $500 round-trip Japan Late April (post-cherry blossom) $600 round-trip Hawaii Sept-Oct $350 round-trip
One can locate off-peak flight specials on Google Flights through its “Explore” map tool.
10. Clear Cookies & Use VPNs
How Airlines Track You:
Dynamic pricing algorithms raise prices if you search repeatedly.
Fix It:
People can use Incognito Mode along with DuckDuckGo to conduct their searches.
When using a VPN service, set your geographical location to a country like Mexico or India to find cheaper prices.
Real-Life Example: A flight from LA to Sydney dropped from 1,200 to 1,200 to 900 when I used a VPN set to Singapore.
BONUS: Combine Tactics for Maximum Savings
Example Itinerary:
Flexible Dates + Budget Airline Layover:
NYC → London (Tuesday flight on Norse Atlantic: $250).
London → Marrakech (Ryanair: $50).
Total: 300 vs. 300 vs. 600 direct.
Tool: Use Rome2Rio to mix flights, trains, and buses.
You can achieve affordable flight bookings through well-planned strategies that do not require luck. Your combination of travel flexibility, technological tools, and artistic thinking will reveal affordable flight options for more significant travel opportunities and reduced costs. Ready to test these tips? Applying the date grid feature from Google Flights will help users discover meaningful savings. Your successful findings should be shared in the comments section. Post navigation
A complete Guide to Bali trip Cost
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airlineofficedetails · 4 days ago
Ryan Air LGW Airport Terminal
If you're flying with Ryan Air LGW Terminal, you might be wondering which terminal to use and what to expect. As of recent operations, Ryanair primarily operates from the South Terminal at Gatwick. However, it's always a good idea to check your booking details or the Gatwick Airport website for any last-minute changes.
Check-in and Security
Ryanair encourages passengers to check in online before arriving at the airport. If you need to drop off checked baggage, you can do so at the designated Ryanair check-in desks in the South Terminal. Security at Gatwick is generally efficient, but during peak hours, allow extra time to avoid any last-minute stress.
Facilities and Dining
The South Terminal offers a variety of dining options, including fast food, cafés, and sit-down restaurants. Popular choices include Pret A Manger, Wagamama, and The Nicholas Culpeper. There are also plenty of shops if you need to pick up last-minute travel essentials.
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traveljunctioncanada · 16 days ago
Limited-Time Offer: St. Patrick's Day Flight Discounts You Can't-Miss 
Hey, travelers claim St. Patrick's Day travel offers and experience fun on March 17, 2025. It is a famous holiday that Canadian citizens celebrate with parades and melodies. If you want to enjoy your own St. Patrick's Day experience, you have plenty of choices for destinations like Montreal, the primary epicenter of celebrations; Halifax to watch the river dyed green; or visit Winnipeg and New York, each having its historical traditions. Now that you can feel the bustle of St. Patrick's Day excitement, don’t waste much time and plan your dream escape. Right Now!
Top Destinations for St. Patrick's Day Celebrations
Montreal, Quebec
Montreal is the home of Canada's longest and largest annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. Every year since 1824, the city has offered marching bands, and the streets are filled with spectators. Here, unique menus are drawn up over the tables, comprising delicacies, pastries, stuffed items, and drinks.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
St. Patrick's Day is the largest celebrated festival in Halifax, where tourists get to enjoy marching, Irish heritage, and culture. The amazing destination has a range of events like musical shows, cultural performances, and pub parties in various areas within the city. Go sightseeing at ancient sites, have some seafood, and dance all night with your loved ones!
Winnipeg, Manitoba
The St. Patrick’s Day Festival is a vibrant event featuring a grand parade, lively music sessions, and a variety of cultural events that attract visitors from around the world. Food lovers can indulge themselves in diverse culinary events.
New York City
New York City proudly holds the oldest and largest St. Patrick's Day parade, an experience like no other. The city offers multi-flagged events ranging from Irish traditional concerts to every contemporary act imaginable. Tourists will enjoy visiting famous sites and relishing first-rate dining experiences in some prime retail districts.
Limited-Time Flight Discounts
Experience the excitement on 17th March with some airlines and travel platform services offering St. Patrick's Day flight deals. This does not mean that it would not have numerous different kinds of prices since there is a standard for almost significant slash-offs. Some of the very worthy deals would include:
Aer Lingus: Get estimated discounts on round trips to Toronto with your loved ones and take away some beautiful memories forever. Now, travellers can easily claim limited-time discounted tickets in economy and business class.
Ryanair: This airline is separately running special short-term promotion campaigns for cheap flights for St. Patrick's Day within Canada so travellers can experience a comfortable trip at a lower price.
Other Airlines & Travel Platforms: Both international and domestic airlines are coming up with discounted rates for travellers during St. Patrick's Day. Air travellers can save on tickets bound for major Irish or American cities.
How to Make the Most of Your St. Patrick’s Day Trip
Your trips can be more pleasant by just booking discounted airfare for St. Patrick's Day. Here are some ways to further enhance your trip:
Go to local parades and celebrations.
Every city that celebrates St. Patrick's Day has something in particular that defines it. Montreal is famous for its unique menu that gathers thousands of foodie travellers, and Halifax has its famous parade with marching bands and floats showcasing their skills. So, check online for events to create an itinerary for your next trip.
Experience Traditional Irish Cuisine and Beverages
Irrespective of parades, authentic Irish food and drinks are a must-have on St. Patrick’s Day. Make sure you sample the regional dishes, including Irish stew, soda bread, colcannon, and even seafood chowder. Of course, no celebration would be complete without Guinness beer or Irish whisky.
Look for Local Community Activities
Interacting with locals makes a journey more colourful. One can go to Irish pubs to enjoy traditional folk music, play live, attend community functions, and get an insider’s explanation of St. Patrick’s Day to celebrate it with pride.
Preserve Your Experience
Make your trip remarkable with numerous lively celebrations, elaborate parades, and stunning scenery. Capture photographs and videos to help you remember that special time with your friends and family.
Apart from being a celebration, St. Patrick's Day is an opportunity to experience great cultural traditions, meet new people, and make great memories. Whether you enjoy marching in Quebec’s lively parades, walking in the history-filled streets of Halifax, watching the extraordinary tourist attractions in Montreal, or participating in New York City’s grand celebrations, the St. Patrick's Day festivities will attract travellers easily. Multiple stunning places and exciting new memorable experiences are waiting for you.
Take advantage of the flight deal promotions at the correct time for your St. Patrick’s Day celebration, and don’t forget to prepare for the festivities. Planning within your budget is key to cherishing the celebrations without spending too much.
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badlypackedtraveller · 25 days ago
Sri Lanka
SRI LANKA Jan/Feb 2025
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21/01/2025. London to Delhi then Delhi to Colombo with Air India. The flights have been a comedy of errors. When Sue booked them she navigated her way through the online booking and then right at the very last point of the checkout was asked if wanted to pay a further £90.00 each to sit together. Not the sort of thing you expect from Long Haul, Ryanair of Easy Jet maybe but not on top of a £500.00 fare.
48 hours before the flight when we are checking in online the price has gone down to £6.50 for one and £19.50 for the other to be moved from our allocated seats to adjacent seats.
At Heathrow we still have to check in at the desk where the lovely lady allocates side-by-side seats at no cost. Veggie meals are requested.
We take off three hours late. I have two excitable young girls beside me but unlucky for Sue the seat next to her is filled, fully filled, by a man who soon commandeers all the elbow room and sits legs akimbo for most of the flight. If he’s not large enough already he adds to it by keeping his bulky parka on too. Tough on him but he has met his match. Sue has a firm word and space is restored.
When the food arrives we are amongst the first to be served by perplexed cabin crew with our special Jain dishes. We have no idea why we have been given a Jain diet and it turns out to be the first of three curries bereft of onion, garlic or carrot. Pretty good as far as airline food goes.
The in-flight entertainment is very Bollywood heavy but I manage to pass the time watching Beetlejuice and a documentary of a 20-year reunion of the cast and crew of the Harry Potter films. The three stars were just 8 and 9 years old when the series started.
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saltybarbarianrebel · 2 months ago
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There are ways to find cheap one-way flights that wouldn't normally involve a lot of work. With a few tips and tools, you'll find money in your pocket and a good excuse to travel. Here are a few hints aimed at getting you an all-important deal:
 Shift Flight Comparison Websites: Websites such as Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Kayak compare divers prices of several airlines. They will assist you in pinpointing the quickest cheapest options.
 Flexible Dates and Times: Travel midweek and try off-peak times to save big. Check flights for different days and see what is cheaper.
Set Price Alerts: Most flight websites will allow you to build alerts when prices decline. That way, you will know as soon as your flight becomes cheap.
Book in Advance: Last-minute flights are usually very expensive. Always try to book a few weeks beforehand if you want better deals.
Take Budget Airlines: Spirit, Ryanair, and EasyJet are some of the airlines that offer cheap one-way tickets. Do not forget to check their charges for luggage and other extras.
Leverage Airline Mileage/Points: Often enough, if you have some travel rewards or points on a credit card, you can, in essence, score free one-way flights through their help.
Be Open to Nearby Airports: Sometimes flying out of or into a smaller airport can be a better way to save some cash. Check out all options in your area.
Clear Your Browser Cookies: Since most flight booking sites track your searches, they may increment fares accordingly. Try an incognito session to search or delete cookies in case you're not aware.
The above hints should get you on their way towards finding cheap one-way flights in no time. Good travels!
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pollicinor · 3 months ago
L'intervento dell'Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato aiuterà chi negli ultimi anni ha sofferto la politica aggressiva di Ryanair
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foggykryptonitepeanut · 3 months ago
Solo Travel: How to Book Flights Safely and Economically
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Solo travel has become an increasingly popular trend among adventurers seeking new experiences and personal growth. However, one of the most significant concerns when planning a solo trip is booking flights in a way that is both safe and economical. The good news is that with careful planning and research, you can save money and ensure that your flight experience is smooth and secure. Here’s how to book your next solo trip flight safely and economically:
1. Start Early and Be Flexible
One of the most effective ways to find cheaper flights is to start searching early. Flights are often cheaper when booked in advance, sometimes up to 6-8 weeks before departure. Additionally, being flexible with your travel dates and times can make a huge difference in the cost. Flights on weekdays, especially Tuesdays and Wednesdays, tend to be more affordable than those on weekends.
2. Use Flight Comparison Websites
Take advantage of online tools like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Kayak to compare flight prices across multiple airlines. These websites often provide useful filters to customize your search according to budget, travel times, and flight duration. Setting up alerts for price drops is also a smart strategy, allowing you to monitor and book when prices decrease.
3. Consider Budget Airlines
Budget airlines like Ryanair, EasyJet, or Southwest offer low-cost flights that can significantly reduce your travel expenses. However, when flying with budget airlines, be mindful of potential extra charges, such as fees for checked luggage, seat selection, or even onboard food and drinks. Always check these costs before booking.
4. Book Round-Trip or Multi-City Flights
Booking a round-trip flight can sometimes be cheaper than booking one-way tickets. Similarly, if you're planning to visit multiple destinations, consider booking a multi-city flight, which might offer more value compared to booking separate one-way flights for each leg of your journey.
5. Secure Payment and Safe Booking Platforms
For a safe and secure booking experience, always use trusted flight booking platforms or the airline’s official website. Look for signs of security, such as “https” in the URL, to ensure that your personal and financial information is protected. Avoid booking through suspicious third-party sites that may lead to hidden fees or fraud.
6. Sign Up for Airline Newsletters and Loyalty Programs
Many airlines offer exclusive deals and discounts to subscribers of their newsletters or members of their loyalty programs. Signing up can give you access to promotions that are not always publicly advertised. Additionally, frequent flyer programs can help you accumulate miles for future savings on flights.
By following these tips, you can successfully book your solo travel flights safely and affordably, ensuring you have more funds to explore and enjoy your destination.
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airlinespoliciess · 2 months ago
¿Cómo hacer el check-in online en Ryanair?
Si tiene una reserva de Ryanair, su primera prioridad debe ser Adquirir informaciones de check-in. Porque esto le permitirá obtener la tarjeta de embarque, que es la cosa más Importante para embarcar un vuelo. Esta Aerolínea ofrece distintos modos de realizar el Ryanair check in online. Vía su sitio web y aplicación móvil, permite completar el proceso de facturación. Si le apetece saber los Procedimientos, Considere leer cada Información que estamos proporcionando aquí. 
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adicunazionale · 4 months ago
Grazie all’ attività dell’AGCM, Ryanair rimborserà i consumatori per i costi extra del check-in
L’Autorità aveva contestato le informazioni fornite sulle condizioni applicabili al check-in online e sul possibile aggravio di costi in caso di mancato check-in online. Ryanair si è impegnata a rimborsare oltre un milione e mezzo di euro ai consumatori che hanno sostenuto costi extra del check-in. L’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato ha chiuso con impegni l’istruttoria avviata nei…
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azcarsae · 6 months ago
Ryanair lost Property
 How to Find Ryanair Lost Property Online
Losing personal belongings during your travels can be frustrating, especially with budget airlines like Ryanair. However, the good news is that you can often locate your lost items online. Here’s a handy guide to help you navigate the process of finding lost property related to Ryanair flights.
For Claiming your Ryanair Lost Porperty
 Step 1: Know Where You Might Have Lost Your Item
The first step in retrieving your lost property is to determine where it might have been lost:
- On the Plane: If you believe you left your item on the aircraft, the process may differ slightly from airport lost and found.
- At the Airport: Items can be left at security, gates, lounges, or baggage claim areas.
 Step 2: Visit the Airport-lost-and-found Website
Airport-lost-and-found website is your starting point for reporting lost property:
1. Navigate to the Help Section: On the homepage, scroll to the “Help” or “Customer Service” section.
2. Find Lost Property Information: Look for links related to lost property or lost items. This section will guide you on the next steps.
 Step 3: Use the Online Lost Property Form
Ryanair provides an online form for reporting lost items:
1. Fill Out the Form: Include essential details such as:
   - Flight number and date
   - Description of the lost item (size, color, brand)
   - Your contact information
2. Submit the Form: After filling in all required fields, submit the form. Make sure to keep any confirmation you receive for reference.
 Step 4: Check Airport Lost and Found Services
If you suspect you left your item at the airport, it’s a good idea to check the airport’s lost and found services:
1. Visit Airport-Lost-and-Found.com: This site consolidates lost property information for various airports.
2. Select Your Airport: Find the airport where you traveled and check their lost property page.
3. Report Your Lost Item: Many airports have their own reporting systems where you can describe your lost item.
 Step 5: Monitor for Updates
After submitting your report, be patient but proactive:
- Check Your Email: Keep an eye on your inbox for any updates from Ryanair or the airport regarding your lost item.
- Follow Up: If you haven’t heard back in a week, consider contacting Ryanair customer service or the airport’s lost property office for an update.
 Step 6: Retrieval Process
If your item is found, you’ll receive instructions on how to retrieve it:
- In-Person Pickup: You may need to visit the airport’s lost property office.
- Shipping Options: Some airports offer to send your lost items to you, though there may be a fee involved.
 Tips to Avoid Losing Items in the Future
1. Label Your Belongings: Use tags with your contact information on all bags and valuable items.
2. Keep Essentials Close: Always keep important items, like your passport and wallet, in a secure and easily accessible location.
3. Do a Final Check: Before leaving any area—whether it’s your seat on the plane or a waiting area—do a quick check of your belongings.
While losing property during your travels can be stressful, knowing how to navigate the lost property process with Ryanair can make it easier. By using their online resources and the airport’s lost and found services, you stand a good chance of recovering your belongings. Remember to stay calm and organized, and happy travels!
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