#check the link at the end of the post :)
lovely-menza · 2 months
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Art trade with @lil-hater 🖤🖤 (thank you so much for your drawing too :'')) Ig post: X
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danmei-action · 17 days
Announcing the Danmei Gotcha for Gaza!
Hello, danmei fandoms! If you'd like to create or prompt fanworks for your favorite novels and original manhuas to help raise funds for Palestine, now is your moment! The Danmei Gotcha for Gaza is currently running interest checks (open until June 30) for all danmei fandoms except for 2HA and MXTX. Follow this account or our Twitter for updates; or alternatively, check out the event Carrd here.
Creators are welcome to contribute any type of fanwork, such as fic/podfic, cold reads of novel scenes, art, video edits, and moodboards or aesthetic gifsets. Donators will be asked to select a preferred type of fanwork so their prompts can be matched to the creators most suited to them.
In keeping with previous fandom Gotchas, we will be following the same pricing structure of $5USD for S/FW prompts and $8USD for N/SFW prompts.
Please consider joining as a creator, submitting a prompt (especially if you're part of a smaller fandom!) or sharing this post if you can’t do either. Creator sign-ups will be open from July 1-21, and donations will open on August 1.
We will not have an official list of fandoms until creator sign-ups are over, but you can find a tentative list of fandoms taken from the interest check here.
For this event, we have chosen to support the following fundraisers:
Care for Gaza
Direct Aid For Gaza
eSIMs for Gaza
Feminine Hygiene Kits for Gaza With the Asad Sisters
Life for Gaza (support for municipality projects such as access to clean running water and sewage systems)
Any verified fundraiser on gazafunds.com
Note: if you would like to participate in a Gotcha event for a non-danmei fandom, check out the live list of fandom Gotchas here.
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n0bluev · 3 months
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(eyes only 4 u)
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alto-tenure · 5 months
10 Fic Recs for International Fanworks Day
In honor of this year's Feedback Fest and 10 years of International Fanworks Day, have 10 fic recs! Multifandom, and in no particular order. I tried to keep this as spoiler-free as possible so you can be here for any of the fandoms included.
1) and to those gods, i will speak bluntly by @argentsunshine
Zero Escape, Clover & Snake, Snake/Santa, 44.3k words
Canon divergence AU in which Snake and Clover go through door 5.
2) Rough Waters by Sinna
DCU, Tim/Bernard, 1.7k
In which Tim struggles to reconcile his sexuality with the fact that his parents would not approve of it.
3) Ensemble by @celesticnova
TWEWY, Eri/Shiki, Eri & Hazuki, 33.6k
Eri plays the Game, with Hazuki as her partner.
4) Totez Flaming Trainwreck Re:past by Darkblaw & oddvector
TWEWY, Coco/Tsugumi, Shiba/Hishima, Coco & Hishima & Shiba & Tsugumi, 41.8k
Title font not copied for screen reader compatibility. Post-NEO. The Shinjuku reapers try to get along with each other, some more successfully than others.
5) Tenacity by @sixtyfourk
Professor Layton, Flora & Katia, 2.5k
Wherein Flora comes with Katia to Folsense and helps her uncover the mysteries within.
6) inside the timeless cage by @detective-piplup
Professor Layton, Layton & Luke, 8k
Where Luke is stuck in a timeloop surrounding the week Unwound Future takes place in.
7) Batman for Dummies by @havendance
DCU, Tim & Helena, 38.5k
Canon divergence AU focusing on No Man's Land where as a result of Helena and Tim having a closer relationship, Tim is Robin for Helena's Bat.
8) Six Minutes by @nirvanai
AITSF, Date & Ryuki & Tama, 7.5k
Between the end of the final confrontation and the credits, Date Psyncs with Ryuki.
9) lingering at dawn by elijah_was_a_prophet
DGS, Susato/Rei, 6.1k
Post-canon. In which Rei is the one to leave.
10) Self-Inflicted Immolation by Kitisonfire
Ace Attorney, Miles & Larry & Phoenix, Miles & Gregory, 33.9k
A study of Miles Edgeworth, from childhood to Turnabout Sisters.
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weedgay · 2 months
[infomercial voice] do you like OMORI? do you like trauma narratives and horror elements? do you like FREE SHIT?
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play END ROLL today !!!!
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gramophoneturtle · 9 months
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"It will be alright, Mini-moto..."
No context here. I needed some background texture, so I went to back these shapes. Maybe pretend they're glitches or something?
And where is his cap? Good question!
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bakageta · 9 months
MOAR from the blue beetle fic! We're still building up to stuff! but things are happening!
A day or so later, Jaime’s vision went blurry.
It happened gradually, building over hours until he was rubbing at his eyes more and more and more while accomplishing nothing. Eventually, he gave up and left the auto shop where he’d been helping Rudy go through the paperwork. With the house now theirs and paid off, it was looking promising that they’d be able to keep the shop. It was good news, but still stressful. Jaime figured between that and the poor sleep he’d been getting was reason enough for his tired eyes so he waved off his uncle’s concern and went home.
Once home, Jaime went to his room to take a nap. He landed face down on his bed, fell asleep quickly, and didn’t wake up until his mother shook him awake for dinner. His clothes had gotten twisted around him as he slept and he sat up to straighten them out.
“Mijo, are you okay?” Rocio’s brows furrowed with concern.
“As I can be,” Jaime admitted. “I haven’t been sleeping great.”
“Oh, Jaime…” His mother sat next to him. She tried to put a soothing hand on his shoulder, but he moved away before she could, disguising the motion as a stretch. No one else needed to know how tightly the scarab had anchored itself to his body. “Jaime?”
“It’s sensitive, mamá.” Jaime rose to his feet. His vision was still blurry, though at least it wasn’t any worse. There was a weird congestion in his throat 
“Does it look any better? It’s not infected, is it?” Rocio asked as she herded him out of his room and towards the dinner table.
“Of course, of course! Khaji wouldn’t leave it like that. My back’s all healed up, really.”
Rocio sighed. “Just get to dinner, mijo.”
Jaime got to dinner. 
The Reyes family was as gregarious as ever during their meal, only stumbling over the empty seat at the table a few times. They grinned and laughed and talked and dealt with their grief and troubles as best they could. By the end of dinner, Jaime’s throat had tightened. He couldn’t swallow, couldn’t cough, could barely speak loudly enough to excuse himself from the dinner table in spite of his mother's concern. 
Back in his room, exhaustion settled over Jaime like a wet blanket: smothering and cold. He burrowed into his bed. There was a pair of weird twinges in his arms, twanging from shoulders to elbows to wrists. He couldn’t get comfortable.
"Khaji," Jaime rasped, nearly silent. The scarab, of course, understood him. Not because it could read his mind, but because it read the movements of his body and signals traveling on his nerves. "What’s happening?"
Secondary optimization of host body.
"Sure, but what does that even mean, Khaji?" Jaime was cold and tired and miserable, he didn't feel very optimized. 
The initial synchronization brings the host to a minimum standard of ability. I am improving upon that.
Jaime groaned. "It's not gonna be like that always, Khaji. My life isn't that exciting." The scarab was traumatized by their first days together. Fair enough, Jaime kind of was too.
I would rather be prepared.
It was comforting, Jaime decided after a moment. Khaji wanted them capable, wanted them safe. After Victoria Kord, he couldn’t help agreeing with it. “How long’s it gonna take?”
Current modifications will be completed in approximately thirty-six hours.
That wasn’t too bad. It’d be just like a flu or something. Jaime flipped his blankets completely over his head and curled into a ball. His back, and Khaji’s sensory nodes, faced out towards the open air of his room. Eventually, Jaime drifted towards something like sleep.
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nxctern · 3 months
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trying to find a way to doodle faster/be more productive without completely obliterating my joints
Right now I'm doing csp on the ipad (using it as a second monitor with sidecar)+using a joycon and a pirated software to use shortcuts w my left hand
Not super used to it yet but i think it'll help me a bit
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gramoturtle · 1 year
From Twitter: An announcement for a NEO: The World Ends with You livestream with the voice of Rindo, tomorrow (Friday, April 28) at 11am PDT/7pm BST on Twitch.
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"Join us for a very special live stream as we play NEO: The World Ends with You with the voice of Rindo, @PaulCastroJr! Tune into the show at http://twitch.tv/squareenix tomorrow at 11am PDT/7pm BST or to the official Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1647550/NEO_The_World_Ends_with_You/"
Check the RB for the links!
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yeleltaan · 5 months
//Alright, I can finally say it: I'm done with exam season!
While the next semester will start very soon, it's going to be (at least in theory) a very different experience for me going forward. Much less uni work to do, more time to work on my health, my habits and my personal projects. I expect the greater amount of spare time and a (hopefully!) better state of mind to translate into my hobbies.
Like I've mentioned before, I'm making a new blog for ER Cayin, while all interactions and headcanons for other verses (including main/Bloodborne) will remain here. I also expect to start writing here more often soon, though I'd like to focus on the blog first.
As always, feel free to message me if you want to plot, I'm always down for that. See you soon, have a nice day!
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n7punk · 1 year
alright so Children of the Crystal is already nonlinear, right? and i have a whole plan of the "intended read experience" which will be the series order on ao3. but how weird would i be if i didnt always post it in that order
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samarecharm · 2 years
Personas having bonds with their users is SUCH a good concept I wish was explored more in canon and the moral ambiguous nature of the Phantom Thieves' personas just make it so much more interesting. Like the leader literally has SATAN as the incarnation of his soul has got to mean something. I could go on for HOURS about it. and loki isn't evil!! he's on the same level as any other persona (perhaps a bit more fucked up, but its part of his charm). He's not driving Akechi to kill people, because he is still Akechi!!
also I would like to remind everyone that Joker was 100% down to kill Kamoshida if Ann had chosen to do it. Joker can have a bit of moral ambiguity too, as a little treat.
Yes yes yes i think so much of the game skimmed over some very interesting mechanics! Thats unfortunately what happens w AAA titles; certain fun concepts are simply introduced, never explored. I wouldve loved to see Arsene talk to you, or have Akira consult him every once in a while. Thats HIS persona! The intro sequences for each of the Main personas is them reminding each thief of what they stand for! They are quite literally bonded and in this together ! One doesnt exist without the other, so i think it is safe to say that personas have their users best interests at heart (literally!)
And u are so right; the moral ambiguity of the thieves is almost NEVER addressed in a way that felt satisfying. The only person who called it like it was, was Goro! I dont think he had an issue with WHAT the thieves were doing; he was more upset with how they were framing it. Goro had no problem using his powers to fuck people up, but he also wasnt pretending he was doing people a favor by doing this. This wouldve been SO good to dig deep into! Akira clearly wants to Help people but he also wants criminals to get what they deserve; theres a pull between ‘just doing the right thing’ and ‘making sure bad people have bad things happen to them’. I dont think this is a negative trait at all tbh but its acknowledging that you can have an Akira who is Spiteful and motivated by vengeance….like goro…
Anyway i think that just adds some confirmation that Satanael is a bit more fitting for Akira than youd think. None of the thieves are goody two shoes (NONE of them!). The police have done nothing to make their lives better, and so they take justice into their own hands.
Ill leave this persons tags here too bc i thought it was relevant to ur thoughts 🤔🤔🤔
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raatopaikka · 9 months
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I’m not even doing Inktober but the day 17 prompt is “Demon” so… you know. the most demonic man in kpop.
Day 16 angel prompt Taem here👼
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splinters was at 9998 views the other day, and today its at 10021. thanks yall but also what the fuck happened there
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Dream’s dnf fanart likes
April 28th
Dream and George with the snapchat devil horn filter
George and Dream as kids. George giving Dream a piggyback
various little drawings of George and Dream as kids
the DTeam sitting together, Dream patting Patches with his arm around George, George asleep against Dream’s side, Sapnap asleep over George’s legs
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furiouskettle · 2 years
why are people reblogging the tpoh/unbecoming fundraiser post. specifically how can i stop them from doing that the post is OLD and OUTDATED the thing got funded months ago!!!!!
is this what i get for not typing out any fundraiser end dates.
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