#cheap flights within Canada
metalnecklace · 1 year
There Was Heaven In Your Eyes
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Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader (plus size)
Word Count: 3358
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Threats of Non-Con, Threats of Violence
Notes: Here’s the first official chapter! Thank you for all the feedback so far. Javi isn’t in the next two chapters as much, but we’ll get there. Also in case anyone missed the tags, the reader is plus sized. She is mentioned as having curves, and later on there is discussion about her weight and clothing issues and whatnot. Other than that the only description of her is that she is female presenting.
Chapter 1
Two Years Earlier
“Fuck,” I groaned, pressing my fingers to my temples.
I had been searching for teaching jobs everywhere, and I meant everywhere. My hands were shaking as I struggled to sort through the piles of ads on my kitchen table, while I tried not to let the mix of sweat and fear bother me while it stuck my hair to the nape of my neck. At that point I didn’t care where I worked as long as I could get out of Canada. Fast.
The idea of starting over scared the shit out of me, but it had to be done. I had worked so hard to climb the financial ladder in order to get to the top of my position, which was huge for a woman in my field, and I had married a wonderful man. My future was laid out for me and wrapped with a shiny bow. Until…
I shook my head and resumed searching, as there was no point strolling down memory lane thinking about what could have been. I had to think about what was going to be.
Finally my eyes landed on an ad.
‘Wanted: Teachers with any experience, preferably English speaking.’
“Any experience?” I thought aloud as my eyes further down the page.
It was short, but sweet. Due to political tensions there was a lack of teachers in Colombia, so they had begun looking elsewhere. The one that specified English speaking ones happened to be in a place called Bogotà. I hadn’t really heard of that place before, but I kept my eye on the news enough to know what they meant by political tensions in Colombia. Everybody knew what they meant.
I didn’t have much time to weigh the pros and cons, and instead rushed to my room to pack my life into the only two suitcases I owned before I could rush off to the airport. I couldn’t seem to fully breathe until I was seated and the airplane finally took off toward my new life. It was a long flight, but I welcomed the newfound safe space where I could finally close my eyes and rest for the first time in what felt like forever.
With my newspaper in hand and my luggage tucked away in a seedy motel, I marched up to the front doors of where I hoped would be my safe haven. Turns out the school wanted to know even less about me than I had been comfortable telling them. They just wanted someone who could keep their head down, remain non judgemental toward the students and their parents, and could do their best when teaching a new language while trying to learn theirs.
It sounded too good to be true, but I couldn’t afford to turn back. I sealed my fate that morning and went about the rest of the day finding a cheap apartment that was within walking distance to my new job.
Within a few months I had started feeling more and more comfortable with my new role as an English teacher in a school that needed discretion and hope more than I did. Many of the parents were involved in situations that I didn’t even want to begin to think about, but their children got to escape and be with their friends while in my care. The only childcare experience I had previous was babysitting my younger sister's children. She was my only family after our parents had died in our teens, but unfortunately life had gotten too busy and outside forces prevented me from seeing her much. It had been at least three years since the last time we had spoken.
My heart ached when I would recognize my nieces faces in the joy and sorrow of my students, but I poured what love I could offer into them and helped them as much as I could.
One of the children in my class had a father who only showed up every once in a while, but the rumours that had spread throughout the faculty were terrifying. He seemed non-threatening, just a little too comfortable talking to the teachers, including myself, at a very close range. Personal space clearly wasn’t his thing, but apparently working for the cartel was. There were whispers that he was one of the higher ups, but I tried to keep my head down and focus on just getting by.
Until one day when he came to pick up his son. He was acting particularly flighty, his eyes shifting every which way. I usually got the chance to tell him how his son had been doing in school, even though I wasn’t sure he fully understood English, but that day he barely said hello. Almost as soon as his car sped off another vehicle pulled up just outside the front doors of the school.
From my classroom windows I could see two men getting out and making their way inside. One was a tall blonde, who looked like he came straight from the states, considering he stuck out like a sore thumb. The other was also tall, though didn’t look it next to his partner, but he definitely fit in more with the locals with his dark brown mop and matching mustache nestled above his plush lips. As they walked through the doors it was hard not to let my eyes linger down the second man’s loose button up that was tucked deliciously into jeans that fit him like a goddamn glove. I definitely didn’t miss the flash of a gun that was held snugly into the back of his pants.
I shook my head the second the door closed behind them, and made my way back to the front of my classroom. I felt ridiculous practically drooling over another man especially after everything that happened, but I just couldn’t help it. Just as I had my thoughts gathered there was a knock at the door. I turned my head and standing in the doorway was the second man I was trying to forget.
“Perdón por la interrupción, Señorita.” (Sorry for the interruption). The mustache was even more impressive up close, as were his lips, and his deep chocolate eyes that I felt could see right through me.
“Lo siento, no hablo español,” I muttered. (I’m sorry, I don’t speak Spanish). I was used to the phrase by now, even though I had picked up some of the language by now I certainly wasn’t anywhere near fluent. But even with this practiced sentence I felt as though my tongue was too thick to wrap around the letters, especially after watching the way his lips formed around each word. My knees felt weak, and not just because of the badge he held in his hand.
“Of course, my apologies,” he said, his voice smooth like hard liquor, with a hint of smoke and gravel, I was almost waiting for the bite. He held up his badge so I could see he was official. “Agent Javier Peña, DEA.”
I felt a weight I didn’t know I was carrying melt off of my shoulders. Drug Enforcement, which meant he wasn’t here for me. At least not in the way I was worried about.
“I’m wondering if you could confirm whether a certain student is in your classroom,” he spoke so gently I felt comforted, but I wasn’t going to give in.
I shook my head. “I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t give that information away.”
He smiled and leaned against the doorway, bringing his head down closer to me. At the nearly intimate movement I could feel a heat creeping up my chest that I knew would blossom into a blush. He knew what he was doing.
“Please, Miss, call me Javi.” I was almost expecting a wink to punctuate his sentence.
“Well, Agent,” I bit back, “I cannot give any information about these students to anybody who isn’t their caregivers.”
I didn’t want to be on this guy's bad side, but I also wanted to keep both the children safe and my job. They weren’t just pawns in the ugly game their parents and government were playing. It was rare that my students had a voice speaking up for them, an advocate for them. When I signed up for the job I was signing up to be just that.
He nodded and dragged his eyes down my body before snapping back up. His jaw was working with frustration over my refusal to back down, but he finally stood back up to his full height.
“Alright then,” he spoke firmly, but still gentle enough that I knew he was more frustrated than angry. “Have a good day.”
He turned to walk away but not before pausing and reaching into his pocket. In between his fingers was a thick card, which he then held out to me. I took the card with his full name stamped along the top, and what I assumed was his number printed along the middle. Even though I had grabbed onto the card he still held it firmly in his fingers, causing me to look up and once again be lost in his dark eyes.
“If you need anything, ever, please do not hesitate to call.”
I bit my lip and nodded. I didn’t miss the way his eyes left mine for a split second to glance at my lips before returning. He nodded back and left. I finally took a deep breath, feeling the stretch of my lungs inflating fully for the first time since I laid eyes on the man.
I returned to my desk and sat down to finish up marking while the remaining students continued their steady chatter while they awaited their parents. The card felt heavy in my hands, but I knew it wasn’t because of the actual weight of the paper. I reached over to the garbage can but hesitated, wondering if it really was the smartest idea to throw away what might be my one lifeline. Almost as if I could sense his eyes on me I looked out the window and saw him watching my classroom before climbing into the passenger seat of his vehicle. With that last glance of Agent Javier Peña I decided better and took out my wallet. I folded his card up as small as I could and tucked it away. I hoped I would never have to call that number, but something told me I couldn’t get rid of it yet.
That evening as I was leaving work I realized I didn’t have a lot of groceries at home. Unfortunately that meant I had to stop at the market, even though it was later than I had wanted. I took too long marking and ended up doing some more stuff around the classroom than I usually get the time to do, but that meant I got carried away. By the time I left there was only one other car in the parking lot other than mine. Everyone else had gone home, I assumed the other car belonged to one of the cleaning staff.
The market was pretty empty, only a few other shoppers moved around with glazed over eyes clearly exhausted from their workday. I absentmindedly threw ingredients into my cart that were easy to prepare quickly that night. I was too exhausted to even think about putting effort into a full meal, grateful that at least the weekend was in a few days.
All of a sudden a cart bumped against mine. I went to apologize even though it wasn’t my fault, but the words died in my throat when I saw who the person was.
“Hola.” The father of one of my students, Luis, the one in the cartel, stood barricading my cart against the shelves in the aisle. His smile was slimy, almost oozing against his face. I didn’t trust him one bit.
“Hi, sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I said, flustered. I tried to move back to get away but he stepped forward with me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up.
“Where do you think you’re going?” His smile grew bigger, taunting.
I shook my head and stepped away from my cart. He stepped to the side of his and pulled back his shirt enough to reveal a gun nestled into the front of his jeans. My hands started to tremble and I found I couldn’t focus on anything but the hint of metal in front of me. He nodded his head toward the exit, and I found myself following him without a second thought, leaving my cart abandoned in the aisle.
He led me out to a car in the parking lot that I recognized immediately as the one that had been at the school when I left. I mentally kicked myself for not recognizing it before, but it was too common of a car to have pinpointed exactly who the owner was, especially since I hadn’t seen anyone inside of it.
I was shoved into the backseat before I had time to think about what was going to happen to me. Luis slid into the driver's seat and took off, tires squealing against the road and into the night. I sat up and tried to get my wits about me, but the sound of a gun cocking drew my attention back to the driver.
“Keep your head down and your mouth shut, mi amor,” he spoke harshly, the nickname making my stomach turn. “Eres toda mía.” (You’re all mine)
I did as I was told, but considered whether getting shot would really be the worst thing, especially compared to whatever he had in store for me. Before I could come to a final decision the car lurched onto a dirt road, away from any street lights or other cars. We were truly going to be alone.
Tears sprang to my eyes but I refused to let him see me cry. It was obvious I was helpless and doomed to whatever fate he had in store for me, but I wouldn’t let him see any amount of weakness. I would become a fortress if I could not fight.
The car finally came to a stop and Luis jumped out, running to get to my door. He threw it open and wrenched my arm out, pulling the rest of me to the ground. My skin stung where it made contact with the rough surface, but he had pulled me to my feet before I could think about it any further.
Before us laid a house that was not modest in the slightest. I had to wonder who it belonged to, considering he would probably wear nicer clothes if he could afford a mansion.
“Vamos mi amor,” he snarled, still tugging me along by my wrist, his grip bruising.
My heart was beating in my ears and I couldn’t feel my legs as they carried me closer and closer to the large wooden doors ahead of us. When we got there Luis pushed the doors open with a bang, startling the men behind them. They turned to us, raising their guns before sighing and lowering them once more.
“Oh, Luis, hija de puta,” one of the men said. (Son of a bitch/whore).
Another stepped over and looked at me. I struggled to keep my head held high under his examination and Luis' powerful grip.
“El Patrón no le gustarà está,” he snarled. (The Boss won’t like this.) “¿Dónde encontraste éste?” (Where did you find this one?)
Luis gripped my arm even tighter, in a punishing amount of strength.
“¿Por qué?¿Estás celoso?” He sneered and pulled me off to the side, toward an open door leading into a dark room. (Why? Are you jealous?)
In the middle of the room was a small bed that clearly had only been used for what I was assuming he wanted to do with me. He threw me onto it, the mattress so thin I could feel the springs under my body, and then he slammed the door. I could no longer hear anybody on the other side.
“Finally, it’s just you and me,” he nearly slurred. His accent was thick as he punched out each word. He climbed onto the bed and over me, pinning my wrists above my head. My nose wrinkled automatically as his pungent smell of body odour and bad breath invaded my senses. “Do you know how bad I’ve wanted this? To touch these curves?”
I was surprised by how strong he was as he held my wrists in one hand and stroked his other hand over my waist. I twisted my body, trying to get away but his hold was like iron.
“You don’t get to get away, I’ve worked hard for this,” he growled and slapped my cheek causing my head to turn sharply toward the thin pillow it rested on. I gasped in shock, my body suddenly going pliant. “Stay still, puta!”
The next thing I heard was the drag of his zipper as a tear slid down my cheek, and then the door busted open causing us both to jump. A gunshot rang through my ears before I felt a thick, warm liquid drip onto my face. My eyes had squeezed shut and refused to open while my whole body shook in fear.
I felt lighter once the body that had been pinning me down had dropped to the side, then onto the floor with a wet smack. I couldn’t stop shaking even then, still not opening my eyes. My breaths were ragged, ripping through my throat and getting caught in choked sobs that I couldn’t hold back any longer.
A hand landed gentle and warm on my cheek.
“Abre los ojos. Open your eyes.” The voice that spoke was unfamiliar, and surprisingly gentle. I obeyed and immediately felt a new flood of fear. I recognized the man, the monster, that knelt beside me stroking my cheek.
Pablo Escobar.
I remember seeing pictures of him in the paper and on my television before moving to Bogotà, and then seeing his face on almost everything else after. Then, he was right in front of my face.
I scrambled to the edge of the bed, trying to put distance between us, ignoring the dead body that was still lying on the floor.
“No hay que tener miedo,” his voice was rough, and rumbled through the room.
“He says there’s no need to be afraid,” another voice, higher and not as threatening, came from the corner of the room. One of the men who had been standing by the front door was still holding his gun, keeping his eyes on Pablo.
Pablo smiled at me, but I didn’t believe him. There were many reasons to be afraid, one of them was still warm and lying on the floor.
“Siento que este idiota te haya traído aquí,” he said looking in the direction of Luis.
“He’s sorry this idiot brought you here,” his translator said.
“¿Que hago contigo?” He looked at me once more, almost waiting for my reply to his question. (What do I do with you?)
I furrowed my brows and looked to the man in the corner.
“He’s unsure about what to do. Luis didn’t follow protocol. One of our lookouts could see that you were in the backseat without a blindfold, meaning you know where this place is.” He took a step toward me, his gun still held tightly. “You’re a liability.”
I shook my head frantically. “N-no I promise I won’t tell anybody, I didn’t really see much. I was too scared and it’s nighttime and I’m new here.” I could feel myself growing more and more hysterical.
Pablo reached down to the floor and lifted up my purse. It must have fallen when I was pushed onto the bed but I hadn’t even noticed. He handed it over to me.
“I heard you’re a good teacher,” he said, hesitating over a few words.
I nodded.
“Tal vez hay un uso para usted después de todo,” he smiled.
(Perhaps there’s a use for you after all.)
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msvorderofoperations · 6 months
More dream journaling.
This one was really fucking intense, and I feel pretty comfortable calling it a nightmare even if everything was fairly mundane.
It started off being about on vacation with the whole extended family. It was to be a kind of last hurrah before my immediate family moved to a different country. As has been the problem lately, my mom was causing tons of problems. She was ordering people around and getting mad at people for doing things she asked of them. Eventually it reaches a head, and I go off on her about how she has ruined any chance of this being a good time. In addition to being a completely unreasonable control freak, she has utterly forgotten a bunch of the things she has done and said. And it goes beyond selective memory, (which has long been a problem in dealing with her) it now is clearly dementia.
In all the time it takes to wrest control from her and make the required arrangements for her to be given the care she needs and to stop her from doing any more damage, the vacation has ended and it has fully eaten into the time I needed to pack. In the days leading up to the move, I start having dreams (I have had multi-level dreams long before Inception made it into a meme) about being a soldier in an armed conflict.
The experience is about as bad as it can be, with awful mental conditioning, being completely unsupported during combat, the dehumanizing aftermath where we're given cheap trinkets made with slave labour to signify our deeds. And to top it all off, we weren't even paid in money for our time served: we get paid in spices, pigments, and tokens that can be exchanged elsewhere.
I eventually wake up (from the dream within a dream at least), and start working on trying to frantically get things squared away for the move. As I'm working, I see a bunch of stuff from my early life that I had completely forgotten. And as the memories start coming back, I begin to wonder if the dreams of war were in fact memories that I had suppressed. This is something that has happened to me IRL, and I'm keen to disprove the dream being real because so many awful things were done to me, and done by me.
As I randomly search through my possessions for something to either prove positive or disprove the dreams were real, I start to remember more of the war. Our last operation had been a complete clusterfuck, with many members of our unit being permanently injured and more than a few outright dying. As I more and more desperately try and find anything to prove it didn't happen, a final detail clicks in my head: the person most adversely affected by PTSD was given one final order. Kill the remaining people of our unit should anything come to light about our mission.
At this point I am just throwing out most of my possessions to try and save time and get things moving because I am now fully afraid for my life. I can't even tell anyone about my fears or ask for confirmation about my time served because that may be enough to sign my death warrant.
Eventually I make it onto the flight and it's a long one, I think from Canada to Australia. I dream once again, but this time it's benign anime robot fighting bullshit. I wake up again and move to head to the bathroom, and I see the dude who had been given the order to kill us. I try not to freak out but once I'm again seated I desperately search to see if anything I have in my carry-on can be used as a weapon to defend myself.
At this point I finally, mercifully, wake up for real.
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Ok now that my squee has calmed down, and I got verified — some thoughts.
The rest of the world (and quite frankly, the average Torontonian) really does not understand how utterly limiting it is to the Canadian public for artists to play a handful of shows in only Toronto.
Canadian geography is epic. We’re 1.6 percent larger in land mass than the U.S. with a tenth of its population strewn about. We do not have the means for affordable or sustainable transportation throughout our country (or rather, politicians do not prioritize this). There is a failing rail system that takes over a week to traverse the country at quadruple the price of flying. And our bus service? That died a few years back.
So that leaves flights.
Flying in Canada is brutally expensive and mostly unattainable for any working class (or hell at this point, middle class) person or family.
I grew up on the West Coast of Canada, and I never flew within Canada. My family could not afford it. We only ever visited our neighbouring province a handful of times. That drive was nearly 20 (!) hours, and the town we visited was on the border of the neighbouring province (that is, the closest you could get to my home province while still being in another province). Going to Toronto may as well have been the equivalent of going to the moon. As I got older, I went to Asia twice at a fraction of the price it would have cost to go to Toronto. Why? Canada doesn’t have the population to sustain cheap flights within our own country EVEN WITH a heavily government subsidized airline.
On top of all this, flights are long. Toronto is a five hour flight from Vancouver *if* you have no layovers. It can be upwards of 10-12 hours otherwise. Factor in the time difference of going that far west to east and you lose an entire day or more.
Now, I’m not saying Taylor (or other artists in her range) should play every provincial and territorial capital (but oh it would be great if they did!). But at the very least, Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver definitely have the demand and infrastructure for stadium shows (all are former Olympic host cities — you know who is not? TORONTO). Even then, there are so many folks who are too far from even those places, but it would be a (humble) start.
I know this is a post about Taylor Swift but it really does come down to concepts much bigger than this including the accessibility of art (which lets be real the Eras tour isn’t financially accessible anyways), urban-rural divides, Western alienation, and a sense of identity we cannot have as a country when a “Canadian” leg of a tour is considered a handful of dates in Toronto (but hey, don’t get me started on the problematic concept of national identity in a colonial country on unceded Indigenous territory — or do, but that will be unpacked in another post).
YoU cAn JuSt Go To A bOrDeR cItY sHoW iN tHe U.S. — Sorry no. Our dollar is much lower than the American dollar. Tickets with the exchange rate would be more horrendous than they already are AND not everyone feels comfortable visiting the the U.S. right now.
*end rant*
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a01684587 · 3 months
The Best Airlines for Pet-Friendly Travel
Book cheap flight tickets and hotels - https://trailtravelz.com/
Traveling with pets can be a delightful experience, but finding airlines that cater well to furry companions can sometimes be a challenge. Whether you're relocating with your pet or simply want to bring them along on your vacation, choosing the right airline can make a significant difference in their comfort and safety. Here’s a guide to some of the best airlines for pet-friendly travel, ensuring both you and your pet have a stress-free journey.
1. Delta Air Lines
Delta Air Lines is renowned for its comprehensive pet travel program, known as Delta Cargo. This service ensures that pets are transported safely and comfortably, whether they are traveling in the cabin or as cargo. Delta allows small pets (dogs, cats, and household birds) to travel in the cabin on many domestic flights within the United States. Larger pets can travel via Delta Cargo, which offers climate-controlled vans and dedicated staff to ensure pets are well cared for throughout their journey.
2. American Airlines
American Airlines offers a variety of options for pet travel, including both in-cabin and cargo services. Small pets that meet the airline’s requirements can travel in the cabin with their owners, while larger pets can be transported via American Airlines Cargo. American Airlines Cargo provides a dedicated team that specializes in pet travel, ensuring pets are safe and comfortable during transit.
3. United Airlines
United Airlines provides a PetSafe program designed to ensure the safety and comfort of pets during air travel. Small dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds can travel in the cabin on most flights within the United States. For larger pets, United Airlines Cargo offers climate-controlled transport and personalized care for pets traveling as cargo. United Airlines is known for its stringent safety protocols and dedicated pet handling staff, making it a reliable choice for pet owners.
4. Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines offers a Pet Travel Program that allows small pets to travel in the cabin on most domestic flights. The airline has specific guidelines and requirements for in-cabin pet travel to ensure the comfort and safety of both pets and passengers. Alaska Airlines Cargo also provides options for transporting larger pets, with a focus on safety and comfort during transit.
5. JetBlue Airways
JetBlue Airways allows small dogs and cats to travel in the cabin on select flights within the United States, the Caribbean, and Central America. Known for its pet-friendly policies, JetBlue ensures that pets and their owners have a pleasant travel experience. The airline has specific requirements for in-cabin pet travel, including carrier size restrictions and documentation requirements.
6. Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines allows small vaccinated domestic cats and dogs to travel with their owners in the cabin on most flights. The airline has straightforward guidelines for pet travel, including carrier size restrictions and health documentation requirements. While Southwest Airlines does not offer cargo services for pets, its in-cabin pet policy makes it a convenient choice for pet owners traveling within the United States.
7. Lufthansa
For international travelers, Lufthansa is recognized for its pet-friendly policies and services. The airline allows pets to travel in the cabin on certain flights, depending on the destination and aircraft type. Lufthansa Cargo also offers specialized services for transporting pets as cargo, ensuring their safety and well-being during international travel.
8. Air Canada
Air Canada provides a Pet Program that allows small cats and dogs to travel in the cabin on most flights within Canada and to select international destinations. The airline has specific guidelines for in-cabin pet travel, including carrier size restrictions and health documentation requirements. Air Canada Cargo offers options for transporting larger pets, with a focus on ensuring pets are comfortable and safe during transit.
Choosing the Right Airline for Pet Travel
When selecting an airline for pet travel, there are several factors to consider:
Pet Policies: Check each airline’s specific pet policies, including size and breed restrictions, health requirements, and whether pets can travel in the cabin or as cargo.
Safety Measures: Look for airlines that prioritize pet safety with climate-controlled cabins or cargo areas, experienced pet handlers, and clear procedures for pet care during transit.
Booking Process: Understand the booking process for pet travel, including required documentation, fees, and any additional services offered by the airline.
By choosing one of these pet-friendly airlines, you can ensure a comfortable and safe journey for your furry companion. Whether you’re traveling domestically or internationally, these airlines provide reliable options for bringing your pet along on your next adventure.
#petfriendlyairlines, #travelingwithpets, #bestairlinesforpets, #pettravelguide, #airlinesthatallowpets
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dopetidalwavesong · 3 months
The Best Airlines for LGBTQ+ Travel
Book cheap flight tickets and hotels- https://trailtravelz.com/
Traveling as an LGBTQ+ individual often involves considerations beyond typical travel concerns. Choosing airlines that prioritize inclusivity and respect for diversity can significantly enhance the travel experience. Here are some of the best airlines that stand out for their LGBTQ+-friendly policies and services:
Virgin Atlantic - Known for its proactive support for LGBTQ+ rights and initiatives, Virgin Atlantic ensures a welcoming environment for all travelers.
Delta Air Lines - Delta has consistently shown support for the LGBTQ+ community through its policies and employee diversity initiatives.
Air Canada - Recognized for its inclusive policies and efforts to support LGBTQ+ travelers, Air Canada is a popular choice for many.
Qatar Airways - Despite its location, Qatar Airways has made strides in inclusivity, offering services and policies supportive of LGBTQ+ travelers.
United Airlines - United has been vocal in its support for LGBTQ+ rights and offers inclusive policies and training for its staff.
Lufthansa - This airline has received praise for its efforts in creating an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ travelers.
British Airways - British Airways promotes diversity and inclusivity, making it a favored choice among LGBTQ+ travelers.
Choosing an airline that supports LGBTQ+ rights not only ensures a more comfortable journey but also contributes to promoting equality within the travel industry. Whether you're planning a vacation or a business trip, these airlines stand out for their commitment to inclusivity and respect.
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coreytravelogue · 8 months
Montreal, Quebec, Canada - January 28, 2024
I know what you may be thinking, normally you talk about a pending trip before you take it, you don’t leave us hanging here till the end.
Well the thing is 2 weeks ago I pre wrote my pre flight blog because it was a long story. I assumed that saving it as a draft on my computer in tumblr would allow me to use it on my tablet using tumblr. 4 days ago I was just too damn tired to write it all down again so here we are at the end of it all. Maybe it is better this way because this trip was 9 months in the making full of twists and turns and so on that maybe telling it all in one blog is enough.
It all started in May 2023, that is normally when I start to plot my travel for the year, usually the Newfoundland part to try and save money. After booking my Newfoundland portion I was eyeing Japan in October given how stat holidays lined up for me. During this time I found out that Aerosmith was doing a farewell tour. Vancouver was oddly omitted from it especially given it come back albums were made in Vancouver. Their only Canadian dates were Toronto and Montreal. The Toronto would not have been manageable for me but also I just came back from Toronto not long ago, I felt like I saw everything and done everything one could do in Toronto. Montreal seemed much more doable and also I wanted to see Montreal again, I had lots of fun there last time.
So with that I booked the concert and booked round trip with Flair Air at a very affordable price, all set and done early. Surely nothing will be fucked with, oh was I so wrong. I booked with Flair Air because my trip to Calgary was more or less good despite a 4 hour delay. My flight to Toronto was needlessly hairy but I decided to let that slide. I assumed that with 9 months away they should be able to navigate changes. Within one week I was proven wrong when they cancelled my flight and moved me to arrive in Montreal around when the concert would start. So I had to cancel the round trip and find a new way to get in and out of Montreal. I wound up having to book with Porter getting there and Flair back. The credit Flair gave me covered the one flight, bastards. So a cheap trip now cost me even more but I thought it would be done. Nope.
Not long after Flair cancelled that flight to moving the trip to make it completely unworkable. When I request a full refund they told me they do not do full refunds from credit. That is why I went to Edmonton to burn that credit because I wanted no part of having anything with Flair air and I still had to pay a bit more for that Edmonton trip, bastards.
So then I booked getting back with Air Canada, surely there would be no more changes right?
Well Steven Tyler then injured his vocal cords and the concert postponed. In that show’s place though it became Montreal VS the NY Islanders so used the refund for Aerosmith to see that hockey game and give myself VIP treatment.
Just when you think that should be it, Porter calls and cancels my flight. So now you know why I was hesitant to do a big trip last year, 3-4 different airlines in a span of 10 months all took turns jerking me around. At least Porter gave me a full refund but I had to use that refund to pay for Air Canada losing more money in the process. At this point I didn’t care, I was determined to have to trip no matter what.
Thankfully that was the last of the changes. Wednesday night I arrived at the airport and hoped I could sleep through the flight, I was wrong. My body decided it was time to be jittery and gassy. I arrived in Montreal tired as fuck. After having a good breakfast and confirming that I still don’t like bananas after all these years I checked into my Airbnb. I had a hard time with getting in, the checkin instructions had 2 different door codes only to discover both were wrong and there was a 3rd messaged to me that I did not notice. I when my host messages it is usually a rehash of their check in instructions, my fault for not reading the mail but then they should have more accurate check in instructions as well.
After a much needed shower I headed back downtown to have a beer and poutine. The poutine was meh and so was the beer but oh well. While on my way to the stadium with a full bladder of beer I slipped on the ice and smacked my head on the ice layer concrete. There was a lot of freezing rain over the night so downtown Montreal was a ice rink. Thankfully I watched enough wrestling over th years to know how to protect myself when I fall. I tucked my head in and made my body as wide as I could to break the fall and thankfully I didn’t get hurt though I probably looked like I could have. My head smacked the ice but thankfully no headache or anything. The only thing that was sore was my neck from the whiplash.
After emptying my bladder for the up tinth time I made it to the VIP thing. It was me, some guy and his son who was big Habs fan. I a, not really a Habs fan, if I was a fan of any NHL team it would be Edmonton but I wanted to experience a Montreal game for awhile but the funny twist of fate with this game was that in between getting there and the ticket bought, legend Patrick Roy became the coach of the Islanders and this was going to be his first time back making this game a awful lot more meaningful that it was originally. I am not going to act naive but I was sort of hoping that I could meet Roy or even St. Louis but I didn’t, I did meet the mascot, the organist and all of the people involved in making the game happen which I found to be very interesting. We even met a former Habs player who apparently won 10 cups. I didn’t do anything I let the boy and dad do much of the stuff I just wanted to soak in the atmosphere being hockey’s modern cathedral.
To be honest it wasn’t as big as I thought it would be and structurally it looked a lot like the Saddledome but just more well kept like if the owner actually gave a shit to keep a stadium up and running. I got to watch the pre game warm up from ice level, sit in the penalty box, got a pre game puck and Fanny pack.
The game did not disappoint but again I went for the atmosphere, I wanted to experience a Habs game and how Montrealers do it and it did not disappoint. They were loud and boisterous throughout, easily the best in game experience I have seen. Bell Centre is not my favourite stadium though, favourite crowd yes but in regards to stadiums Rogers Place is still the best, of course it is given how new and modern it is but Edmonton crowds are also loud. Only stadium I have not been to that does nhl is the one in Winnipeg.
I must have seemed drunk to everyone but I wasn’t I was just running off of 1 hour of sleep so I was just in a daze all through that game and VIP thing. As soon as the game ended I couldn’t have gotten back to my room fast enough. I wanted to sleep and sleep in, sadly I didn’t because my nose decided to be a asshole keeping me plugged all the way through the night.
Friday was all about Jayne hatting. All the ice that was there on Thursday was not water and slush. For 16 hours I walked all around Montreal, most of the statues I found wound up not being Jayne hattable. I was able to get one statue that I wanted to do for years and one I thought I could only do in LA. I got to Jayne hat Maurice Richard who to me epitomizes fearlessness and not very far away Jackie Robinson who would also epitomize it too so the day was not a complete waste. By the end of the day walking for 12 hours straight my shoes were soaked to the bone and my feet were fucking raw. I was hoping the exhaustion would equal out to sleep but nope nose bothered me again.
Saturday the mud and slush was gone but my feet were still sore and shoes wet but it all was fine. I went to my second hockey game, this time PWHL which I attended after a morning of Jayne hatting. The game itself was great and fun, got to try Molson Export for the first time. I drank way too much at the hockey game though. I normally don’t purchase shit at a game but I felt like I should for this one. The game was awesome. With some energy left in the tank I went to a brew pub and had some beer before heading back to my room. I slept better this time but I think it probably had more to do with the alcohol than exhaustion. I was so sleepy I fell asleep on the train which sort of freaked the people on it. They must have gotten weirded out by some ugly BC kid suddenly snoring and farting in front of them. I missed my stop and had to take the train back to finally get to where I needed to go.
I appreciate the transit system in Montreal a whole lot more this time around than before. Vancouver has a good transit system but I think Montreal’s has to be the best in Canada, you can get anywhere you want easily and quickly. Well everywhere but the airport but the 747 runs often enough to get you there fine but I do find it weird there is no train there given how close it is to a train station.
So here we are it is Sunday and I am waiting for my flight home. All things considered despite all of the shit just to get here and the minor mishaps or shit here I do not regret this trip one bit. It was needed and continued to remind of how important travel is for me and how much I love doing it, to get lost in a place and just soak in culture.
Only regrets I have is not Jayne hatting as many statues as I wanted to, many were either inaccessible or I simply couldn’t due to being to big or tall. With all that said I feel like I have experienced all I needed to experience with Montreal, like with Toronto I do not think I need to go back again any time soon. If I do then when there is no snow to Jayne hat what I missed but if I return to Quebec it will be to Quebec City next time.
I love Montreal, it is my 3rd favourite city to visit. Edmonton takes 2nd because of my personal connection to it but Victoria is still #1. Whitehorse is probably 4th and I guess Calgary would be #5.
So the next question is what is next. I am planning on going to Victoria in April which angers me because I can go there anytime and I am using a four day long weekend on it. There are reasons behind it, one is because travel is expensive right now and all the flight around that time were unreasonably pricey. I mean look at how much grief there was with getting to Montreal. I also need to save money for Japan if I can. Also because there is so much uncertainty right now with me, uncertainty at work and where I may be in th Ernest couple of months.
Victoria is quick, cheap and I know I can have fun there. Traveling there during the off season I think is better than during the on season anyway. 4 nights at the Ocean Island in April cost what would be 2 nights in the summer. I have friends there, stuff I can always do and I know I can have a time but also it could be the last time. Doubtful but I have to be mindful of it.
After April though more should be known. This trip as much of a pain in the ass as it was to arrange and get to filled my bucket and reminded me that it is worth it if I can stick to it. I will be traveling again, when and where outside of Victoria I do not know yet but it will happen as we reach the 10 year anniversary of this blog and 10 months before I turn 40. You will hear from me soon and hopefully often.
Shazbot nanu nanu
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traveltoflight · 1 year
A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Cheap Flight Tickets from India to Canada
Imagine exploring Canada's picturesque landscapes and lively cities without stretching your budget to the limit. Your dreams are within reach! This blog will unveil a host of strategies and insights to help you find cheap flight tickets from India to Canada, making your travel aspirations come true.
Plan Ahead for Early Booking Perks:
Unlocking cheap flight tickets from India to Canada starts with meticulous planning well in advance. Airlines often introduce discounted fares during the initial booking phase, which typically spans 2 to 3 months before your departure date. By taking action early, you can secure lower fares and sidestep the eleventh-hour frenzy.
Flexibility with Travel Dates:
Embracing flexibility in your travel dates is a pivotal factor in uncovering affordable flight options. If your itinerary permits, utilize fare comparison platforms to pinpoint the most economical days for flying. Midweek departures and off-peak seasons often house wallet-friendly flights, allowing you to make the most of your travel budget.
Harness the Power of Fare Comparison Tools:
Maximize the potential of online fare comparison tools to your advantage. Platforms like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Momondo provide a comprehensive landscape of prices across diverse airlines and travel agencies. These tools empower you to decipher the finest deals for your India-to-Canada voyage.
Stay Informed with Fare Alerts:
Stay steps ahead of the competition by enlisting fare alerts on a range of travel platforms. These alerts act as your travel ally, notifying you when flight prices from India to Canada take a dip, enabling you to seize the opportunity for discounted rates. Register for alerts on various platforms to boost your chances of securing the most pocket-friendly tickets.
Exploring Connecting Flights and Routes:
While direct flights may be convenient, considering connecting flights can translate into considerable savings. Opting for flights with layovers or via diverse cities often leads to reduced airfares. Despite potentially extended travel durations, these flights can significantly trim your overall travel expenses.
Dive into Budget Airlines and Leverage Promo Codes:
Delve into research to discover budget airlines servicing the India-to-Canada route. These carriers frequently offer lower fares compared to their full-service counterparts. Furthermore, keep a vigilant eye out for promo codes, special offers, and spur-of-the-moment sales that airlines periodically unveil. Subscribing to airline newsletters is your ticket to staying abreast of these money-saving prospects.
Nabbing cheap flight tickets from India to Canada is an art that requires a blend of strategic foresight, adaptability, and leveraging online resources. By taking advantage of early booking, embracing flexible travel schedules, employing fare comparison tools, setting up fare alerts, considering connecting flights, and exploring budget airline options, you're primed to embark on a memorable and affordable adventure of a lifetime.
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easypeasyflytravel · 1 year
Easy Peasy Fly- Cheap Flights From Denver
Finding cheap flights can be an art, and when it comes to Denver, the Mile High City, the same applies. As a Colorado-based traveler, I consider myself an expert in finding the best flight deals from Denver International Airport (DEN). Whether you’re planning a domestic getaway or an international adventure, I’ve got you covered with all the tips, tricks, and tools you need to snag those budget-friendly flights. Let’s dive in and discover the ultimate guide to finding cheap flights from Denver!
Denver International Airport (DEN) — A Hub for Adventure: Denver International Airport (DEN) is one of the largest and busiest airports in the United States, making it a hub for travelers from all over the country. It serves as a major gateway to the Rocky Mountains and beyond, with airlines offering flights to destinations across the United States and around the world. As a result, there are plenty of opportunities to find great flight deals from this bustling airport.
The Best Domestic Destinations from DEN: Airfare prices are ever-changing, but after years of tracking the trends, I’ve identified some consistently cheap domestic destinations from Denver. Keep in mind that prices may fluctuate due to the time of year, events, and other factors, but these destinations have historically offered budget-friendly options:
Las Vegas (LAS): Sin City is a popular destination for Denver travelers, and with competition from multiple airlines, you can often find roundtrip fares for under $150.
Phoenix (PHX): Airlines like Southwest, United, and Frontier compete fiercely on this route, frequently offering flights for less than $200 roundtrip.
Chicago (ORD): The Windy City is a popular destination with multiple carriers flying the route, leading to competitive fares often under $200 roundtrip.
Dallas (DFW): Frequent competition on this route from Southwest and American Airlines results in occasional fares under $200 roundtrip.
Seattle (SEA): With multiple carriers offering nonstop flights, Seattle is a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts, and fares can drop below $250 roundtrip.
The Cheapest International Destinations from DEN: For those seeking international adventures, Denver offers some attractive options for budget-conscious travelers. These destinations have often provided affordable flights from Denver:
Cancún, Mexico (CUN): With frequent nonstop flights from Denver on carriers like Southwest and Frontier, you can find roundtrip fares to this popular beach destination for under $300.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (PVR): Another Mexican gem, Puerto Vallarta offers nonstop flights from Denver on airlines like Southwest and United, with fares often below $300 roundtrip.
Vancouver, Canada (YVR): Head north to beautiful Vancouver with nonstop flights on Air Canada or United for fares around $300 roundtrip.
Mexico City, Mexico (MEX): Explore the vibrant capital of Mexico with nonstop flights on carriers like Aeromexico and United, with fares sometimes under $350 roundtrip.
San Jose, Costa Rica (SJO): Experience the natural beauty of Costa Rica with nonstop flights from Denver on Southwest, United, and other carriers, with fares occasionally under $400 roundtrip.
Top Tips to Find Cheap Flights from Denver:
Be Flexible with Dates: Allow for some flexibility in your travel dates, as adjusting your departure or return by a day or two can lead to significant savings.
Use Fare Comparison Tools: Take advantage of powerful fare comparison tools like Google Flights to explore various airlines, routes, and dates to find the best deals.
Consider Nearby Airports: If your destination is within driving distance, check fares from nearby airports like Colorado Springs (COS) or Fort Collins (FNL) to potentially find better deals.
Sign Up for Fare Alerts: Stay updated on the latest flight deals by subscribing to fare alert services or following travel deal websites and social media accounts.
Book at the Right Time: There is no magic day or time to book cheap flights. Prices fluctuate constantly, so when you find a great deal that fits your schedule, don’t hesitate to book.
Join Frequent Flyer Programs: Join airline loyalty programs to earn miles and enjoy perks like free checked bags, priority boarding, and access to airport lounges.
Conclusion: Denver is a gateway to adventure, and finding cheap flights from this vibrant city is absolutely possible with the right strategies. By staying flexible, using fare comparison tools, and keeping an eye out for deals, you can uncover budget-friendly flights to both domestic and international destinations. So, whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or an epic overseas trip, use this ultimate guide to find cheap flights from Denver and start your next journey without breaking the bank! Happy travels!
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How can I talk to a live person at Air Canada?
How can I talk to a live person at Air Canada?
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While planning the trip, passengers look for the airlines that make their travel more convenient. Air Canada is the leading airline, and it provides good services. If you have any queries while booking a flight ticket with Air Canada, you can use multiple mediums to contact the customer service representative. 
How can I speak online with Air Canada?
You can reach out to the customer service representative with the help of the Live Chat option. You can contact Air Canada within a few minutes with the help of Live Chat. To start the communication by using the Live Chat option, you need to follow the steps as per mentioned below: Find Cheap Flight Tickets
Open the official webpage of Air Canada.
Click on the Contact Us option that is available at the bottom of the homepage. 
Now select Ask Ana on the Messenger tab.
Select the language and press the Start Chat option.
Drop your questions and tap on the option send. 
The virtual assistant will help you in connecting with the representative.
How do I call back someone at Air Canada?
If you are calling the customer service representative and, due to a long wait time, your call did not get connected, you can get a call back from Air Canada by filling out the online form. To submit the form, you need to follow the instructions as per described below:
On the website of Air Canada, you will get the Contact Us option. Click on that.
It will take you to the next page, and you will see the Contact Form.
Enter all the details in the form and also attach your contact details with it.
Press the send option.
You will get a call back from the customer service representative within 4-5 business days.
The Air Canada Group Reservation Number is 〔1(818) 337-2383〕@@@@. When you call this number, you’ll be connected with a customer service representative who can help you with all your needs. Whether you’re looking to make a new reservation or modify an existing one, the customer service team at is more than happy to assist you.
In addition to being available by phone, the Air Canada reservation number is also accessible online. If you prefer to make your reservations online, simply visit Air Canada .com and follow the prompts. You’ll be able to search for flights, select your seat, and even check in for your flight all from the comfort of your own home or office.
So what are you waiting for? Give the Air Canada reservation number a call today and let us take care of all your travel needs!
The Air Canada Ticket Reservation Number is 〔1(818) 337-2383〕####. This is the number that you can use to make a reservation with Air Canada. You can also use this number to change or cancel a reservation, check in for your flight, or get help with any other issue you may have with your travel plans.
How do I speak to a live person at Air Canada? 
You can contact Contact Air Canada Customer Service by using the calling process. You need to give a call at 0800 800 2672, and the representative will aid you regarding your concern. After dialing the number, your call will be routed to an automated voice that will provide you with directions for IVR options. You need to choose from the options, and then the call will be directed to the representative. The steps you need to follow are mentioned below: Travel Deals & Offers
Press 1 for flight reservation.
Press 2 to report the lost and found.
Press 3 for accessibility assistance.
Press 4 to check the pet policies.
Press 5 to cancel the flight.
Press 6 to get the representative on the line.
 How Can I Contact Air Canada?
You can use Social Media platforms if you are wondering how To Contact Air Canada. It is the quickest way to contact the customer service representative. There are various platforms are listed below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Air Canadaairlines.
Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/Air Canadaairlines.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Air Canadaairlines.
You can use the above-mentioned ways to contact the customer service representative. If you are still searching for How do I Contact Air Canada? you can also visit the official website. The representative will assist you by solving all your queries and making your traveling experience hustle free.
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paypant · 1 year
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krystal-copy · 2 years
How to Find Cheap Flights Right Now in 2023
Finding cheap flights is a top concern for many of us when planning a trip. After all, flights can be expensive. Finding cheap flights, whether for leisure or work, can help you save a lot of money.
I'll give you 5 effective strategies to help you find cheap flights right now in this blog post. Save money on plane tickets and make your trip a reality. Let's get started!
1. Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Hiding your location from airlines, a VPN can help you in finding cheaper flights. You can change your virtual location to a different area where flights may be cheaper.
Airlines offer different prices based on their location and browsing history, so using a VPN can help you get the best discounts. Some VPNs you could use are NordVPN, ExpressVPN, and CyberGhost.
2. Use Flair or Swoop Airlines to Book Your Tickets
Flair and Swoop offer cheap flights within Canada and some locations in the US. Booking with these airlines often has cheaper rates than traditional airlines. But, keep in mind that these airlines may have hidden fees and restrictions, so check the fine print before booking.
3. Book Your Flights in January or February
January and February are usually the cheapest months to fly. During these months, airlines offer discounts to entice travellers to schedule flights. You can often find huge savings on airfare by being flexible with your travel dates and flying during the off-season.
4. Subscribe to an Email Newsletter
Many airlines and travel companies offer exclusive deals and cheap flights when you sign up for their newsletter. This allows you to remain up to date on the newest sales and promotions, and be the first to learn about cheap flights.
Scott's Cheap Flights: Scott's Cheap Flights gives you alerts about cheap flights from different airlines. Sign and you can choose to receive alerts for your region or preferred airline.
The Flight Deal: The Flight Deal gives you alerts about cheap flights, often with savings of up to 90% off regular airfares. The newsletter includes flights from different airlines and destinations.
Airfarewatchdog: Airfarewatchdog specializes in locating low-cost flights and other travel deals. Sign up and receive alerts about ticket deals from different airlines. You can also tailor your alerts based on your preferred departure city or travel dates.
5. Book Your Tickets Early
In general, the earlier you book your ticket, the lower the price. This is because airlines give lower rates for advance-purchased flights. Booking your flight early often leads to better deals than waiting until the last minute.
6. Use Online Travel Agencies to Find Cheap Flights
Online travel agencies (OTAs) allow you to book flights, hotels, rental cars, etc. They have advanced search features that allow you to filter by price, flight duration, layover time, and other criteria.
Using an OTA can help you find cheap flights in a few ways:
Offer you exclusive flight deals and promo codes that are not available through the airlines' own websites.
It allows you to compare prices and find the cheapest flights among different airlines and travel dates.
Many of them offer price alerts when prices drop flights, allowing you to book at the right time to save money.
Using an OTA can be a convenient way to find cheap flights and save money on travel. Here are a few to pick from:
Skyscanner: Skyscanner allows you to search and compare flights from different airlines. You can also set up price alerts and use the "Everywhere" search feature to discover the best deals on flights to different destinations.
Google Flights: You can use Google Flights to find flights based on your chosen date, destination, and airline. You can also use the price tracker function to receive email notifications when the prices for your chosen flight change.
Expedia: Expedia allows you to search for and compare flights from many airlines. You can also reserve hotels, rental cars, and vacation packages on the website and earn reward points for future bookings.
Getting a cheap flight requires you to be flexible and creative. But, if you're willing to put in the effort, you will save a lot of money. Use the tips above to find your next cheap flight and have a safe trip!
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fareosky · 2 years
Cheap Flights to Toronto Pearson International Airport
Cheap Flights to Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) 
Searching for flights to Toronto international airport? Book flights to Toronto, pack your bags and get ready for a trip unlike any other you've ever taken. When thinking about your next vacation, we understand that most of the pleasure is in planning.  
Three factors help make memories—deciding where you're going, thinking about what to do and searching for cheap airline tickets.  
Whether you're looking for an exhilarating holiday with your loved ones or a tranquil getaway in solitude, you'll find ways to customize your journey with our great bargains and simple booking process when you use FareOsky to plan your trip to Toronto airport. 
Budget Airlines Flying into Toronto Airport 
We want to assist you in finding affordable travel to this destination that won't drain your wallet. You would prefer to visit Toronto in January—the cheapest month when hotels and airlines drop their prices.  
To ensure that your travel plans to Pearson airport stay cost-effective, we offer an excellent selection of the cheapest flight tickets, including both round-trip and one-way. However, if you book and travel between February to May and September, you might save a few dollars and witness an array of events, even spotting your favorite celebrity. 
Air Canada, United, Air Canada Jazz, Delta, WestJet, American Airlines, Republic Airways, Cathay Pacific and SkyWest Airlines all fly non-stop to Pearson airport. For the best travel deals, look no further than FareOsky. Call our travel experts at + +1-855-738-3494 to book top flight deals. 
Transportation from Pearson International Airport 
One of the best ways to get from Toronto Pearson International Airport to Downtown Toronto is the Union Pearson Express train. You can also take the airport taxi or limo, rental car, airport express bus, or Toronto transit.  
Take in the local atmosphere while on vacation in Toronto by pampering your appetite with local cuisine and taking in the outdoor attractions. Visit CN Tower, Riverdale, Bloor West Village, Niagara Falls, or St. Lawrence Market to eat, shop and tour.  
After landing at Toronto International Airport, take some time to see the famous sites while you're there and take in the scenery. It is simple to understand why many visitors from all walks of life are drawn to this fascinating city. 
Book Cheap Flights to Toronto Pearson with FareOsky 
We at FareOsky are dedicated to assisting you in booking budget-friendly travel options to Toronto. We know you would rather spend your hard-earned money on seeing the sights than just air travel.  
To ensure your vacation plans stay within your budget, we offer you a huge selection of low-cost airline tickets to Pearson Airport, including roundtrip and one-way reservations. Benefit from our cheapest airfares to save extra cash for tour activities and adventure. 
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Fall travel season: what to expect when it comes to deals and delays
After a summer marked by long lines, lost baggage, and flight disruptions, experts say the fall could see savvy travelers scoop up deals on cheap airfare before the end of the year.
But these travel woes could continue if staffing shortages persist and unseasonably high demand keeps airports busy through the typically slow fall.
Global News spoke to travel and aviation experts about when they expect things to shape up at Canadian airports and how travelers can find the best deals on airfare.
Long lines to clear customs and security at hubs like Toronto's Pearson International Airport have irritated Canadian travelers this summer, on top of flight delays or cancellations.
Staffing shortages have been identified as a chief cause of these headaches, as the removal of pandemic-related restrictions spurred a rush back to summer travel that overwhelmed airlines and travel services.
"The airlines were very, very anxious to get people to fly," says John Gradek, head of the aviation management program at McGill University.
“They put a lot of flights up for sale." They sold out very quickly, and all of a sudden, people showed up. And guess what? "We didn’t have enough people at the airport to handle it.”
Air Canada responded to the system shock by slashing its summer flight schedule, and most airlines, as well as federal agencies in charge of customs and security at airports, have also been ramping up their staff levels to run flights and speed up processing times.
Transport Canada said in an update last week that 86 percent of flights left the country’s top four airports within an hour of their scheduled departure times between August 8 and 14, up from 75 percent in the first week of July but below the pre-pandemic bar of 92 percent.
In that same week, 87 percent of passengers at those four airports passed through security in 15 minutes or less, up from 79 percent in the first week of July, according to Transport Canada.
There were 42 aircraft held on the tarmac at Pearson for that week in August, compared with the peak of 373 planes held in the last week of May.
Air Canada, meanwhile, said in an update last week that it expects to run flights at 79 percent of its pre-pandemic capacity in the third quarter of the year.
The company’s CFO, Amos Kazzaz, spoke Tuesday at a conference hosted by Raymond James in New York City and said the airline had a “great week” in terms of cancellations, delays, and baggage delivery last week and that he expects similar performance for the rest of the year.
"We certainly don’t expect to see this level of disruption into 2023." "We think it will continue to improve," he said. Gradek says there’s been "marginal progress" from the peak of the issues in June and July to now, but says there’s still a "major gap" between the service Canadians would normally expect and what they’re getting at airports.
“That’s still a question mark in terms of, are the airports really going to be able to flex their muscles and be able to handle the volume that’s expected over Labor Day?”
Experts and stakeholders are divided on whether the fall will see a significant drop in demand or whether the summer’s travel boom will persist through the typically slower season.
September and October usually mark a downturn in travel volumes as kids return to school and parents return to work. But Tori Gass, a spokesperson with Pearson, says the busy airport isn’t expecting the "typical drop" after Labor Day this year.
“People are still traveling." There’s still pent-up demand for that. Maybe people put off their summer travel, and now they’re going to go in the fall. "So that’s something that we’re preparing for,” she tells Global News.
Lesley Keyter, who runs The Travel Lady agency in Calgary, Alta., says that while she usually sees a summer slowdown for new bookings, the demand has been “nonstop” through the past few months, especially for people booking “last minute” and hoping to get flights in the coming weeks.
"The demand levels are completely unusual generally for us in the travel industry when it comes to booking travel," she says. Travel expert Jennifer Weatherhead told Global News Morning on Wednesday that if Canadians are planning travel in September and October, the safest bet is to continue arriving early at the airport and expect delays.
"As a traveler, I would be prepared for those lines to be there into the fall," Weatherhead said. On the side of dampening demand, Gradek notes that in addition to seasonal shifts, the continued pressure of inflation will limit Canadians’ appetite for travel in the fall.
"The one factor that’s going to really see whether we, in fact, get the increased levels of traffic in the fall is going to be inflation and the price of travel," he says. "And it's not just the airfares; it's hotels, car rentals, and all that."
Global News reached out to Canadian airlines this week to get their projections for the fall travel season. A WestJet spokesperson told Global News that demand from the summer is holding strong, though the Calgary-based airline did say a seasonal slowdown is still expected. As it rebuilds, the company expects its flight capacity to remain below pre-pandemic levels, though it is increasing service to destinations such as Hawaii ahead of the colder months.
Air Canada did not provide direct responses to Global News’ inquiry, but the company signaled in its second-quarter earnings call earlier this month that rumblings of a possible economic slowdown are not yet affecting travelers' appetite for travel. The airline stated at the time that fourth-quarter bookings are holding steady and are trending in line with 2019 figures.
Air Transat spokesperson Bernard Cote said in an email to Global News that the travel industry is still facing uncertainty related to staffing shortages, lingering public health measures in the COVID-19 pandemic, and the high price of fuel.
While the airline is still seeing demand through the fall, Cote said many travelers are not booking trips far in advance, arguing that consumers are also wary of an economic downturn.
"Travellers’ uncertainty is reflected in the high proportion of last-minute bookings," he said. In an email to Global News, Flair Airlines CEO Stephen Jones said the carrier is preparing for a busy Thanksgiving weekend, citing demand from travelers who waited in long lines during the summer rush.
He projected, however, that those long queues “peaked” in the summer and said passengers shouldn’t expect delays to that degree through the fall and winter.
"That summer crush is, to some extent, in our rearview mirror," he wrote. "Blue skies ahead, I hope," he added. Fellow low-cost carrier Lynx Air also told Global News that it expects demand to hold up through the fall slowdown, citing the allure of "competitively priced" fares in the domestic market.
Gradek says that airfare prices typically drop in the fall to offset the seasonal declines in demand. Airlines push deals for lower airfare in an attempt to “stimulate” demand, and competition among providers ends up driving costs lower for passengers, he says.
Weatherhead noted that the emergence of low-cost carriers such as Lynx and Flair Airlines will drive prices even lower this fall. While she typically sees prices drop around 10 percent in late September and early October, she says airfare could get even cheaper this year.
"When we have more options, that’s going to be more competitive in terms of pricing," she said. But again, Keyter notes that ongoing "confusion" in the travel industry could play a role in pricing.
Seats are becoming more scarce as airports such as Heathrow impose passenger caps to restore service levels. "When it comes down to it, it’s supply and demand." "So if there’s more demand than there are seats, then obviously the airline is going to try and recoup some of their losses and put the prices up," she tells Global News.
It’s not just airlines; Keyter says the tour operators that she works with have also been hit by staffing shortages and are scaling back their offerings. Prices on packages that she would’ve sold pre-pandemic are “somewhat more expensive” now amid the inflationary environment, she says.
Keyter and Weatherhead are in agreement, however, that if you’re looking to travel anytime between Labor Day and the end of the year, now is the time to book.
“It’s a really, really great time to travel and get those deals and also avoid crowds, depending on where you’re going,” Weatherhead told GNM.
Travelers should expect the biggest discounts on Canadian and U.S. destinations but fewer price cuts on European and Caribbean destinations, she said.
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emmatheronus · 5 years
Find many attractions & amazing things to do in #Delhi to make you want to extend your stay. From exploring the city's top tombs and monuments  
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lowestflightfares · 2 years
Ultimate Bucket List: Things To Do In Costa Rica
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Costa Rica is a country, famous for its tropical beaches, marvelous volcanos, rich biodiversity and the no army policy. Yes, you read it correctly. After the bloody civil war of 1948, the country decided to not have an army but they do have police for protection. And according to the 2012 Happy Planet Index, it is the happiest country in the world. It is a perfect vacation destination specially for beach lovers, so below is a list of things to do in Costa Rica to help you prepare the vacation itinerary so that you don't miss anything. If you ever visit Costa Rica, you will hear the phrase “pura vida” a lot, which basically means pure life in English.
(1) Visit the beaches
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Located between the shores of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, Costa Rica is home to many beautiful beaches making it a dream vacation destination for a beach lover and you can save some money by booking cheap flights to Costa Rica. You can enjoy your time the way you like, if you want to have a peaceful time then you can watch the sunset by the sea or you can also do adventurous water sports like surfing, snorkeling, horse riding, scuba diving, rafting etc. Some of the must visit beaches are Playa Tamarindo, Whale Tail Beach, Playa Conchal, Playa Flamingo etc.
(2) Take a day trip to the National Parks & Reserves
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The citizens of Costa Rica have protected their national parks and reserves to save flora and fauna of the country. Thanks to this great initiative, they have a rich marine life and wildlife. It is considered to be one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world with the most interesting and beautiful places to visit like Manuel Antonio National Park, Corcovado National Park, Arenal National Park, Cordillera de Talamanca, Isla del Cocos Island National Park and many more.
(3) Thrill tour to the volcanos
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Costa Rica is home to around 60 volcanoes, which are considered to be extinct and safe to visit. They also have national parks plus there are six volcanoes that are still active which means that they have erupted within the past 10,000 years. There is an array of adventurous activities which can be done with great heights which are one of the most fun things to do in Costa Rica. Some of the must visit volcanoes are Arenal Volcano, Irazu Volcano, Poas Volcano, Rincón de la Vieja Volcano and Tenorio Volcano.
(4) Chase the waterfall
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Living up to its name “Costa Rica” which translates to “Rich coast” in English as it has drop-dead majestic waterfalls. Located between the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean, you will really miss out on the fun if you don't visit at least one of the many gorgeous waterfalls.  It might be a little difficult to find them, so it is suggested to hire a guide. There are some waterfalls that are ideal for swimming and other activities while some are not, so it is best to have the knowledge beforehand. Some of the waterfalls that are worth a visit are The Diamante Falls, Nauyaca Falls, Montezuma Falls, Rio Celeste Falls and La Fortuna.
(5) Explore the country while hiking
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Costa Rica has endless opportunities for adventure lovers, from diving and surfing to hiking and biking. And the beauty of Costa Rica can not be enjoyed by sitting in our cars, your trip will be incomplete if you don't take a walk while observing the heavenly beauty of nature. You can do skydiving, cliff diving, hiking etc. Some of the best trails for hiking in Costa Rica are Tenorio National Park, Cerro Chirripo, Santa Rosa National Park, Estación Biológica Pocosol and Rincón de la Vieja.
(6) Relax at the Spa
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There is nothing better than relaxing at a luxurious Spa after a tiring day of hiking through the trails. There are so many Spa retreats and you can choose according to your budget. The prices of spa and retreats are relatively low in Costa Rica, in comparison to Canada and The United States.
(7) Try the local cuisine
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The list of things to do in Costa Rica will be incomplete without trying authentic food. The easiest and the fastest way to learn about the culture of a country is through its food and it also helps you connect to the local people. Some of the many delicious dishes that you should try here are gallo pinto, Black Bean Soup, Palmito Cheese, Picadillo and Tres Leches.
Costa Rica is the choice of millions of people to spend their vacations as it has so many things to offer to its visitors. From beautiful beaches and picturesque scenery to thrilling adventure and rich culture, here you will find tons of things to explore. The best part is with such high scale tourism, the country has still managed to not harm nature. The country is everything one can ask for in an ideal vacation or holiday destination.
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