#chats ⸻ aiyla
justsurv1vor · 4 months
@homelander-rp-blog asked "Do I know you? You look so familiar. How long have you worked here?"
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it was rare she knew why they were bringing her somewhere until one of the little vought worker bees met her at her destination, shoved a folder into her hands and began rattling off exactly what mess she'd been called in to assist cleaning up. this time seemed... different. she'd been preparing for bed when she'd gotten the call ( be at the airport in an hour ⸻ you're needed at headquarters ) and upon landing in the early hours of the following morning, she hadn't been met with a barrage of information, but silence.
they'd situated her in some room ( the freshly pressed coffee, flaky pastries and comfortable couches the only thing keeping her irritation in check ) and otherwise left to wait. cradling yet another cup of the steaming liquid to her chest, the woman was standing by the windows ⸻ blue hues observing the city below as it began to buzz with life, when the question startled her out of her thoughts. glancing over her shoulder, aiyla couldn't help the slight furrowing of her brow at the sight of the other supe, her gaze momentarily flickered behind the man ( curious if someone else might be trailing after him to brief them both ⸻ but even that would be an oddity, wouldn't it? she never dealt with the big faces up front ).
"i don't believe we've met." she eventually settles on, turning entirely to face him. "i've worked for vought a handful of years but i fear i'm not nearly as front facing as you are, sir. perhaps you've seen me in passing," the smile she offers him is light ( though it fails to meet her eyes ). "i ⸻ are we having a meeting? i haven't been told much since i arrived."
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surv1vor · 4 months
CLOSED. PLOT: it’s the end of the world ( whether it was zombies, war, plague is entirely up to you ) but the trio started as strangers and at some point along the line became travel companions. they’ve all become very dependent on one another - ride or die style. MUSES: aiyla ersoy ( former nurse, 28 ) & roman hargrove ( former body guard, 37 ) OPEN TO: any dynamic welcome ( if romantic, poly preferred, 25+ f )! @indiestarter
“you two are worse than a mother hen,” she murmured, blue hues dropping to look at the relatively fresh wound to her arm. it’s been cleaned and wrapped to the best of her ability, given their limited supplies, but wasn’t that the entire reason they’d come to the pharmacy to begin with? tossing a few more items into her bag, she pulled it over her shoulder. “come on. i can treat it once we’re back to camp and then the pair of you can stop your worrying.”
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the man can’t help the snort that escapes him at her words, dark orbs watching as aiyla makes her way passed them. given the way the world had fallen to ruin, roman is inclined to think they were in the right for worrying as they did. a small infection could be a matter of life or death if push came to shove ( which was why he’d pushed so hard to find this damned place to begin with ). “she’s going to think she can manage the stitches herself, but i guarantee one of us is going to need to help her.”
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romanmendez · 2 years
@aiylaxavci​ at: riverwalk
​Roman didn’t mean to end up joining the riverwalk but he was notorious for wandering while on phone calls, and his legs had managed to carry him absentmindedly to a sickening display of festive lights. Clutching a to go cup from Ambrosia as he ambled, his dark eyes met a familiar face who also ended up cross-country to Bradford. “My favourite Avci.” he gleamed as he approached. “I heard about your new venture at The Springs. Congratulations. I’m sure we’ll see it grow from strength to strength.”
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danny--anderson · 2 years
@aiylaxavci​ at:​ pumpkin patch
Danny had fucked up. He had fucked up so bad that there was no unfucking this fuck up. Kids liked pumpkins, right? Maybe Koda was too young for it but in his head it seemed like a good apology. Turn up with a pumpkin, carve it with Kenzie with Koda watching and calling the shots. Jesus, what had his brain turned into? What happened to when the only thing he had to worry about was where his rolling papers got to and when that girl who could do that thing with her mouth was coming over. He stared at a small pumpkin, trying to envisage what sort of shape could be cut into it. His mind wandered, two pumpkins next to one another kind of looked like spooky boobs. Ok, focus.  Then he saw her. His previous accidental lodger and the catalyst for his busted up face thanks to Hunter. She had disappeared on him, his calls and texts not coming through. Danny made a b-line for her, pretty much sliding between other people to get to her. “Did I say something that I don’t remember?” he tried to joke, confused but also bitter. “Or was it the kiss freaking you out ‘cause I thought we both agreed that was nothing.”
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amborps · 2 years
« closed starter for @fatedbeginnings​ based on this »
So he may or may not have overeagerly rolled his trash bin out to the street a few minutes earlier than their agreed upon meeting time. Serkan was beginning to realize that the night before trash pick up was on the way to becoming his favorite night of the week. With the hospital keeping him insanely busy, his interactions with Aiyla over their trash were often his only social interaction outside of his work-mates. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Aiyla was stunningly beautiful and that the mysterious brunette, while guarded, was also very easy to talk to. He enjoyed getting to know her, their chats ranging from the weather that week, to gossiping about Serkan’s nosy neighbor, to more deeper conversations. But there was always an element of mystery about Aiyla, so much of her that she clearly wouldn’t talk about, that had Serkan intrigued. Tonight he was going to try something he hadn’t in the entirety of time since Aiyla had moved in, he was going to suggest they actually do something besides just chat while sitting on his porch. He just hoped he wasn’t pushing things too much. He glanced across the street at Aiyla’s house, anxiously awaiting her arrival. 
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lunarcovehq · 11 months
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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot." 
Welcome players for the game is on! The Lunar Covians who rsvp'd have all received their roles and clues for the evening. But, now it is time to put them into action.
You all have been invited to the billionaire and inventor of the newest steam engine on the market, Mrs. Cara Davers, dinner party for one reason or another. Some of you were brought here under the guise of a social event for the elite, others felt as though they had been threatened to attend and even more believed they were there for a dinner in memory of the late Mr. Davers. But, what is certain upon arrival is that this isn't your typical dinner party...
Join us on Saturday over in discord for our Murder Mystery dinner! While the event is mandatory, this IC discord event is optional and is sure to be a bunch of fun. Participation will count as activity for the week as well for those who RSVP'd last week and are active within the discord channel.
We have sent out all of the invitations detailing out your character's persona and clues your character is personally privy to, but if you have not received one yet, please send a message to the main so that we can resend it to you.
The instructions for how the murder mystery dinner will play out will happen in the discord channel step by step, but if you have any questions in the meantime concerning your character's role or clues, feel free to reach out privately to Becca so that we can talk you through it.
Also, please keep your character's clues to yourself for now. The fun part of the game is trying to uncover clues from everyone else as you go.
How you can prepare: Before Saturday, if you can create a new discord tupperbot or temporarily edit the name of your discord tupperbot to reflect the persona your character will be taken on that would be great. There will be some admins examples in the chat shortly. Below is also a list of the attendees that you can review before the dinner party begins.
And last but not least, we hope you have a brew-tiful time!
Your Host, Mrs. Cara Davers - Played by Brielle Rivas
The Hollywood Starlet, Blaze Starlight - Played by Mason Mahir
The Drunk Sea Captain, Captain Richard C. Mahn - Played by Culver Blithe
The Professor, Professor Blake Nightshade - Played by Kui James
The Butler, Ms. Pennington "Penny" Pennyworth - Played by Elif Karadaş
The Heiress, Ms. Milan Marriot - Played by Safiye Yildiz
The Cook, Ms. Ginger Schnapps - Played by Dilan Selvi
The Nurse, Nurse Joy - Played by Jonah Rivas
The Widow, Mistress Ivy Hemlock - Played by Briar Reed
The Cars Salesman, Camry Chevrolet - Played by Ralph Middlemas
The Valet, Addie Valley- Played by Aiyla Baysal
The Maid, Mademoiselle Pain- Played by Ben Anak Bandi
The Social Climber, Carrie Eastwood - Played by Julian Chandler
The Working Wife, Mrs. Goldie Berg - Played by Poppy Hastings
And her Trophy Husband, Mr. Heiss Berg - Played by Aaliyah Rose
The Uninvited Guests:
The Inspector - Played by Sheriff Cavanaugh
The Lighthouse Keeper, Old Mr. Jenkins - Played by Nico Castillo
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starlingsrps · 1 year
joe becker
FULL NAME: joseph andrew becker
REASONING: well he needed a name so joseph for his maternal grandfather, andrew for his father. he does not talk to either of those men so it's great!
NICKNAME(S): joe, joey but no one has called him that since high school
PREFERRED NAME(S): joe is it
BIRTH DATE: september 30
AGE: twenty nine
ZODIAC: libra
GENDER: male
PRONOUNS: he/his
LIVING CONDITIONS: he rents a town house. having walls and space and a backyard was very much a pride thing but he also wanted to be able to turn his dog out into the backyard and let him run until he sleeps.
BIRTH PLACE: vancouver
HOMETOWN: wayfield
SOCIAL CLASS: solid middle
EDUCATION LEVEL: high school diploma; fire academy
FATHER: drew becker, 50.
MOTHER: lisa turner, 50.
SIBLING(S): oh, he's sure they're out there but no one has looked him up.
BIRTH ORDER: only as far as he's aware.
CHILDREN: jesus no. he was adamantly 100% not having kids up until the past three years when he started thinking that maybe it wouldn't be the worst if the conditions were right.
PET(S): jake, mutt. jake is his son.
OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: maggie becker, 70, paternal grandmother. when joe was seven, his mother took him on a trip to wayfield to visit his father and then forgot to take him back to vancouver. and changed her number. and hasn't been heard from since. joe was raised mostly by his grandmother with a light assist from drew but drew took off for an oil fields job in alberta when he was twelve and also has not been heard from since. he and his grandmother don't hate each other but also don't hang out too much. he'll see her for an hour at the holidays and then they're both good until the next one.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: what is a relationship really? honestly: aiyla is the only one that really Matters. there were women after her and then there was a lot of nothing while he fixed his shit and there have been since but no one has knocked him on his ass and been a Relationship since her.
ARRESTS?: there have been some slumber parties at the local police station, including several for drunk and disorderly and possession. he has had friendly chats with local law enforcement for shop lifting and vandalism. he's amazed they let him be a fire fighter too.
PRISON TIME?: always escaped by the skin of his ass.
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB?: expressing contentment or pride in something is difficult for him to do but he is. after his last bad bender, he figured it was either fix himself or prison. he doesn't trust or like cops and the city was looking for firefighters so here he is. he finished his emt training last year and now does double duty.  
PAST JOB(S): little bit of whatever paid beer money.
SPENDING HABITS: budgeted and reasonable. he didn't grow up with much and he hasn't shaken any of those habits.
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: jake, even if he was fifty bucks at the shelter.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: pretty good. never know who or what he's going to have to lift in the course of the day.
SPEED: joe running is either an indicator of fire or emergency. he'll jog in his free time but no further.
INTELLIGENCE: average. he definitely didn't live up to any kind of potential as a kid and kind of absorbed the idea that he's stupid. he's curious and willing to work hard if motivated to do so.
AGILITY: fine!
STAMINA: high. he doesn't sleep a whole hell of a lot and is one of those nightmare humans that's fine running on five hours of sleep.
TEAMWORK: he's learned that he's actually a very good team player rather than a loner.
TALENTS: very good at whistling, other various mouth related activities.
SHORTCOMINGS: he's a very harsh judge and it's very hard to change his mind once it's been made up.
DRIVE?: yes
SWIM?: yes
TIE A TIE?: nah
FACE CLAIM: alden ehrenreich
EYE COLOR: brown
HAIR TYPE/STYLE: short and curly. he tries to keep it short because otherwise it gets ideas.
BUILD: sturdy, excellent shoulders and arms.
EXERCISE HABITS: he works out in the gym whenever he's at the firehouse. he sees it as part of the job rather than something he genuinely enjoys.
TATTOOS: nope.
MARKS/SCARS: some moles and scars - big one on his left thumb from a broken beer bottle.
CLOTHING STYLE: jeans, t-shirt, flannel. variants are rare.
ALLERGIES: almonds
DIET: nothing notable, occasionally has to remind himself to eat an apple now and then.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
MBTI TYPE: INFJ - the logician
MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: probably some stuff in there that he really isn't the mood to plumb the depths of.
SOCIABILITY: reasonably good - it took some time for him to re-learn how to socialize once he got sober but he's at a point where he's comfortable with going out with friends and nursing a diet coke.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: anger management really worked wonders. he's much better about expressing himself now which is a double edged sword because he's a sarcastic fucker.
PHOBIA(S): sometimes he's having a cigarette and looking at the water and thinks "oh shit it's dark out there and that water is super deep" and he has to go back inside the bar.
DRUG USE: nope.
ALCOHOL USE: nope. he's been sober for five years and he takes it very seriously.
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: not anymore but he's definitely almost been punched in the last calender year because he can't keep his mouth shut.
SPEECH STYLE: fast, quippy.
ACCENT: nah, not really.
QUIRKS: he will tell you that he's too boring for quirks anymore. he does talk to the tv or jake when home alone though.
HOBBIES: he always meant to pick up a hobby with sobriety but ehhhhhh not really. bird watching? is he supposed to get into bird watching?
HABITS: walking jake, work, trying to find a hobby.
NERVOUS TICKS: he rubs the back of his neck and talks even faster.
POSITIVE TRAITS: charismatic, loyal, sincere, hard working, brave, honest
NEGATIVE TRAITS: confrontational, impulsive, harsh, stubborn, prone to extremes
SENSE OF HUMOR: sarcastic
DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: all the fucking time
ACTIVITY: sitting on the back porch in the mornings with a cup of coffee while jake sniffs every single inch of the yard
ANIMAL: dogs
BEVERAGE: diet coke
BOOK: the shining
COLOR: blue
DESIGNER: he couldn't name a designer if you held a gun to his head come on.
FOOD: pizza
FLOWER: there's a lilac bush by the station that he likes to sniff
GEM: he knows them based on color so no he doesn't know enough to have a favorite.
HOLIDAY: halloween
MOVIE: fellowship of the ring
SONG: "fat lip" because pop punk's not dead, it just gets tired sometimes.
SCENERY: the water until he starts thinking about it too hard.
SCENT: rain and that lilac bush
SPORT: whatever is on the tv at the station
WEATHER: summer
VACATION DESTINATION: he doesn't think he's ever been on a proper vacation. couldn't tell you.
GREATEST DREAM: just keeping his shit together permanently.
GREATEST FEAR: he's glib about being afraid of anything but he is so, so afraid to ever break his sobriety. he's convinced that everything else would fall apart immediately afterwards.
MOST AT EASE WHEN: when he's at work on a task and/or hanging out with friends
LEAST AT EASE WHEN: he feels backed into a corner. doesn't matter if he actually is. if he feels like it, he's an asshole.
WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: see above it's the same as fear.
BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: this. it's very hard to get him to admit that he's proud of himself for anything but if he could admit it, it would be that he made it to this point.
BIGGEST REGRET: a lot of them. just....a lot of them. probably his last bender the most.
BIGGEST SECRET: he doesn't really have them
TOP PRIORITIES: protecting his peace is the biggest one. getting jake to sleep past six on days off is the other.
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daemxnium · 2 years
for: aiyla özdemir / @malignxnce​ location: selim’s occult shop that needs a name but i’m very tired
In truth, he was hiding out. There wasn’t much in the city for Selim, not when he preferred to operate ghost-like in the streets, hiding every one of his actions and intentions behind the face of another. He was a shadow but this one slunk into the safety of his shop, unnerved by the heartbeat that pulsed in his veins and the lack of thirst to pull him towards each evening and victim. He was something aimless, lacking of strength, and entirely regular. Selim resented it, as he resented the council whose inability to act had been the cause for his uncoupling with godliness. It was like this, moody and sour, that he made his way through the shop, picking through the display and resetting and fussing with it as he liked. Half of the items were fakes, intended just to please the human visitors that strolled in, but the other half bore very real curses and strengths– he made a point to avoid grazing those with his fingertips. With the front display to his liking, he turned, facing a figure he hadn’t of noticed before. The dulling of his senses was another irritation, but Selim was quick to remember her name and the way she had bore her teeth at him before. A smug expression tugged at his lips, “Quiet today. Are you scaring away all the customers?”
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fox-lennox · 2 years
@aiylaxavci​ location: little goat diner
​“So...let me get this right...” In one hand, Fox was holding a red balloon that said love on it. In his other hand was a box of heart themed cupcakes he had bought from Bradford Baked, all due to the news of Aiyla’s stroke of luck in her love-life. Fox had misheard...drastically. “It’s not actually a real relationship?” He placed the cake box onto the table and looked around to figure what to do with the balloon. “Why would you...” he couldn’t get his words out as he tried finding somewhere to tie the thing and stop it from floating to the ceiling. He was bouncing around on his seat until he finally looped the string around the back of his chair. A curly-haired metal-head on a throne adorned with a love balloon. What a sight. “Why would you pretend to be in love with someone?”
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buzzybumblebeee · 2 years
you’re good as gold 🌟
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@lovediverp - requests
baby daddy wanted
okay, i’ll be honest from the get-go. is this request lifted entirely from season 2 of sen cal kapimi? why yes, yes it is. onto the request.
azra sadik (hande erçel) and baby daddy met when they stayed just down the hall from each other in the same floor of an apartment building. maybe they met in a lift, or at a party. we can decide. they fell in love and had a two year relationship, which ended when baby daddy randomly upped and left new york one day without telling azra.
(i will chat through more of my idea for this with whoever takes it, but i’d like it if it was something outside of his relationship with azra that made him leave (could be family/work/other emergency/something shady) and he’s still in love with her).
a few weeks after his disappearance, azra felt very unwell and thought she was just heartbroken. after collapsing at her mother’s house, who rushed her to the ER, she was told she was two months pregnant. every call to his mobile phone remained unanswered, his friends unaware of where he was or at least not willing to tell her, for whatever reason. 
she gave birth to a healthy daughter, aiyla. this was all 5 years ago ….
jumping 5 years into the future to the present day, azra is now the ceo of her own jewellery design company, which is now a multi-million dollar company that she launched during her maternity leave. she and aiyla live in an spacious apartment in manhattan with her mother living just down the hall. 
basically, the idea is she’ll somehow bump into baby daddy, who is back in new york - whether he’s looking for azra or it just happens out of the blue we can chat about. she is reluctant to tell him about aiyla, but it comes out and he has to accept being father to a five-year-old. azra still loves him, never really came to terms with the end of their relationship, not having closure etc. and it’s been quite hard on her raising his mini-me. maybe he moves into her apartment to get to know her … and, long story short, i’d like it to end with them getting back together, so this is definitely a happy-ever-after kinda story. <3 but with angst and misunderstandings and banter galore. face claim is open, i mean kerem bürsin is the ideal cos the GIFS MAN but i’m happy to chat others!!
💜 catch me on the love dive discord if you’re interested!  💜
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the children of the hamilton brothers; charles, elias and pierre; the three owners of diamond strings record label - the biggest label in the western world. 
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the oldest daughter of Charles and Eva 
married to Brody Carmichael 
she was the first of anyone in her generation of the family to raise to fame thanks to Disney Channel 
a perfectionist, usually the mum of the cousins when they all get together, articulate and intelligent 
definitely her father’s daughter, she’s always looking for ways to make sure she and her loved ones come out on top. she’s VERY aware that the hamilton name is valuable and uses it to her advantage. 
manipulative, there’s nobody she wouldn’t wrap around her finger for her own benefit. 
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the only son of Charles and Eva 
the younger brother of disney by exactly 12 minutes 
he’s always lived in the shadows of his twin sister to some extent and has never had any upset about it. he’s the introverted one but is by no means shy. 
charles had his career mapped out for him from about 12 years old; he was signed to the label and placed in a major boyband when he was sixteen. 
definitely not as into the public eye as the rest of his family and actually makes a conscious effort to stay away from it. 
fucks around BUT is so protective over his sisters; particularly imogen and florence; he might not be out arguing with people in group chats but will definitely go a step further and hurt people if he feels there’s a serious threat
weirdly good with children and likes being an uncle
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the middle child who grew up seeing how much her older sister achieved and wanted nothing more than to be the same
was often babied by Eva and kept out of the chaos but the older she got, the more she wanted in and felt excluded 
she saw the perfect ‘in’ when park dropped out of his boyband at 19. imogen was 14 and forced her dad to listen to her first demo; she was signed and has worked her ass off to prove herself 
seeing her popularity, Charles is now taking her seriously and is hoping she’ll become big enough to get a new generation obsessed with the hamilton brand. 
imogen is known for pushing buttons and is almost a younger, more scheming version of disney. she’s determined to come out on top in everything she does. 
definitely the biggest personality out of the whole family.
is VERY protective over florence, not so much the other two.
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the youngest daughter and the baby of the family in general 
married to Dominic Romano. 
florence grew up home-schooled from the age of six after she massively struggled to keep up in the early years of school. Charles & Eva refused to believe she was dyslexic and paid for one of the best teachers in the business. it didn't help, of course. 
being home-schooled through her childhood made her very clingy to her siblings and not as ambitious to socialise with other people. they all babied her and protected her massively. 
she's a bit of a cry baby ngl and tended to get picked on by the rest of the family until an adult stepped in 😂
she re-entered the education system in time for high school but was still severely behind. she found her love for dance around the same age. 
has a heart of gold and while she benefits from being a hamilton, tends to value genuine connections and the little moments more than material things.
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 younger than disney and park by 6 months; born in june of the following year. 
like the twins, she was born and raised in france but spent a longer time there. she moved to toulouse when she was 8 and lived there until she was 15. then she moved to violet springs to be closer to family. 
she’s a lot more of a people pleaser than disney or park and usually grins and bears whatever is thrown at her but is also such a gossip and will definitely talk behind your back :’) 
uses her family’s name to date famous musicians but isn’t that famous herself, she’s done a few modelling gigs here and there 
very anti-settling down. seeing florence and disney get married lowkey scares her. she always wants her autonomy and creativity - I think of her as a richer, more materialistic version of jo from little women LOL
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the middle child and eldest son of Elias
french is his first language, he lived there until he was 13. however, he always craved being in london before his parents even made the decision. he felt like it had more to offer. 
abel came out as gay to his family when he was 15 and has never really felt any type of way about it. the hamilton family are extremely progressive and accepting, surprisingly to most. 
he is the family’s budding sports star, with his main interest being in ice hockey. he’s currently semi-professional and puts all of his energy into that. 
he is known to be a bit of a player; he seems to have a new guy every other week and loves to flirt. he is DEFINITELY just enjoying being a young adult. 
one of those annoying kid’s who are just good at everything, honestly. 
he does have a short temper and tends to get into fights every 3-5 business days but what can you do?
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a few months younger than florence; she was born early July, he was born in early October. 
the youngest child of elias and jaslene 
after seeing tinsely dabble in modelling, he’s become VERY into it and has IMG models since he was around 16. 
he’s very artistic and a bit of a visionary and has a great appreciation for aesthetics. he’s actually helped to style some of the artists on the label too. 
luca is the youngest in the family but probably one of the most academically intelligent, maybe only second to disney. he was in the grade above his age range in school because he just wasn't challenged enough. 
the definition of a nepotism baby; at this point in his life, big modelling gigs and exclusive events fall into his lap. 
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the only child of pierre, who unlike his older brothers, flew to North America to oversee the label’s headquarters on that side of the Atlantic 
ria was actually born in puerto rico, where her mother comes from, but spent most of her life in florida
she’s very clearly the only child and definitely more spoilt and self-centred than any of her cousins; she’s not used to having to share or compromise at all
she used to be the cousin they would all dread seeing on christmas because she was just a drama queen LOL think Kim kardashian, but she’s got better with age 
was the popular girl in high school & has never really had to deal with anything like bullying or struggling with self-confidence. 
at 18, she moved to Los Angeles to attend diamond bridge and pursue a music career. she also signed to her family’s record label. 
Charles has brought her to st judes to help fire up the hype around the Hamilton’s more than it already is 
not going to lie, she’s a little bit of a home wrecker.
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justsurv1vor · 3 months
OPEN TO: any ( masc if romantic ) PLOT: it's the zombie apocalypse ( can be the walking dead or something else entirely! ) MUSE: aiyla ersoy, former pharmacy tech, 30
the duo had met by sheer chance at a refugee center located in one of the big cities. their bunks had been next to one another, so naturally, they'd struck up conversation and formed a tentative friendship ( one that ended up saving aiyla's life a week later, when the area been overrun with the undead and they'd saved her from a freshly turned corpse ). how they'd made it out of the city was still a bit of a blur, but months had passed since that time and they'd stuck together.
spreading the map across the table of the house they'd taken shelter in over the last few days as they'd picked through the rest of the neighborhood and loaded up an SUV they'd come to call theirs, aiyla flickered blue hues up at her companion. "we've nearly picked through the neighborhood... maybe we should head toward the coast. we'd have a guarantee of food in the long run, we'd just have to find a water source. what do you think?" she murmured before her attention dropped toward the map once more. they'd begun marking off the area's they'd hit and what they ought to avoid based on the number of undead they'd spotted from a distance and already the map was becoming more and more clustered with color.
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dannyxrattana · 3 years
“Hello!” Iain called out as he walked into the dance studio. After Aiyla picked up her bouquet, Iain gave her his phone number so they could chat about flowers and meeting up in the future. He was a little nervous to show up at her place of work, despite the reverse being how they met, because he didn’t want to accidentally disrupt anybody. His tics were usually the first or last thing he explained about himself, mostly because they couldn’t easily be ignored. “I brought some books for you, the ones I mention before.”
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justsurv1vor · 3 months
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐑 @aerospectrum 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓: based on this 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄: aiyla ersoy & ( muse of your choice ! )
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she hadn't set foot onto main street in almost two weeks ( when the world had flared with noise ⸻ as screams of terror ripped through the air accompanied by peppered gun fire as first responders attempted to stop the creatures and car alarms blared ). the world was quiet now ⸻ almost disconcertingly so. blues hues flicker over the destruction that remains, and part of her cannot help but wonder if it will always look like this ( if it will continue to fall into a state of decay, or if eventually they'll be able to return to some sort of normalcy that doesn't involve hiding and hushed conversations ). the inhale and exhale she manages are deep, but otherwise silent, and after a moment, she reaches over to tug gently on her companions sleeve. only once she's certain she has their attention does she point toward the pharmacy first, and then the grocer a bit further down. there were other places they would need to pick through, but only so much they could carry within their packs and not make too much noise.
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justsurv1vor · 4 months
𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐟𝐨𝐫 ⸻ @wexarethewalkingxdead
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squatting beside the little brook babbling through the otherwise quiet forest, aiyla squinted up through the leafy tree tops in hopes of gauging how late in the day it might be as she filled one of her empty water bottles ( knowing the amount of daylight would determine how long she had until she had to find somewhere safe for the night ). releasing a soft huff at the discovery that it was still mid-morning ( that it would be hours yet until she could reasonably crack open one of the cans within her pack or boil the freshly retrieved water ), the woman capped the bottle and carefully pushed herself up once more to continue onward.
she isn't certain how long she continues on before the familiar groans of the undead reach her ears. she's preparing to change her course ( avoidance, she's learned, is often easier than wasting her energy on taking down one or two ) ⸻ but the shuffling of feet amongst the deadfall and undergrowth gives her pause ( distinctly rushed and likely human ). whatever plan may have been coming to mind halts immediately when a girl stumbles into view ( it takes a moment to blink back her shock before aiyla is moving forward ⸻ hunting knife finding its way into her hands to dispose of the two undead that are trailing in her wake ).
when its done ( once her knife is slickened with blackened blood and a sheen of sweat trickles at her brow from a combination of the heat and the effort ), blue hues turn to take in the girl. "hey ⸻ hey it's okay. you're okay ⸻ shh," the words are crooned softly ( her gaze sympathetic because she too knows what its like to be terrified and alone ).
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justsurv1vor · 4 months
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a hand reaches out from beneath the covers ⸻ fumbling blindly along the side table before she manages to snatch her phone and tilt the screen in her direction. the numbers that reflect back at her indicate that even if she did leave then to return to her own apartment to ready for the day, she'd been risking being late. with nothing overly pressing on her schedule that day, would it really kill her to linger ( to make up the hours that evening instead? ).
dropping the phone back onto the table, blue hues rise to look at the man. already it was a tempting enough offer with the smells that were drifting in from the kitchen, and after a moment she playfully rolls her eyes, "only if i can use your shower after," she bargains with @voughtsvintagehero.
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