#chat; diego
franciscofontenelle · 5 months
closed event starter for: @diegoocastro
He should not have left the house. No, Francisco should have stayed in the comfort of his home, where no one would turn out to be an irksome bother to his very fragile nerves. Agitation would not magically dissipate the very moment the sun was shining and peoples' smiles were genuine. And perhaps a little tipsy. A sigh emitted as he let his eyes wander around the scene. Food Trucks and laughter and contentment and everything else that reminded him of what he was missing - lightheartedness. "Hey, you wanna cheer me up?" Cisco spoke, glancing toward Diego.
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samxbradford · 9 months
closed starter for: @diegoocastro where: mount aston lodge
Nervousness surged through his veins as his eyes were restlessly scanning the hallway, resembling all the others. Safe to assume he had found himself lost in the lodge, the place he'd never been in before and it was only now, that the realization slowly dawned upon him - there would be no leaving this place any time soon. The relentless winds were whipping against the windows and Sam was thankful to get some rest from the endless howling in these narrow confines. Fingers were slowly turning cold, as he pushed them a little further into the pockets of his jacket, before spotting a man on the other end of the corridor. "Hey," he called out, taking strides to approach the stranger. "You know how to get back to that room? You know, the one with that fireplace?" Safe to say, he was freezing.
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local-hyena · 4 months
Shoutout to the Ace Attorney character designers for making every prosecutor hot.
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godofautism · 3 months
"So what's your type"
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Don't have a photo to represent him but also @tallyhoot
(Credit to lovelyshiz for the Heart gif)
(Incase it doesn't make sense, I like really kind dudes, assholes, and pathetic boyfails)
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andrewthedeadly · 19 days
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my umbrella academy takes from ig lol icba to even say anything else about this season im just … so …. not even mad just disappointed.. ☹️ like it really gave NOTHING like 6 eps…. of nothing
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Day 354
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cheriepie111 · 1 month
guess who just re-watched all of the Umbrella Academy in a week. me!!!
that being said, i’m feeling very ✨inspired✨, so send some of your Umbrella Academy ideas my way!!
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bayfuzzball7050 · 3 months
I miss my Pinterest account
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raving-raven-writing · 2 months
The Umbrella Academy S4: Review and Thoughts--Not Spoiler Free
Okay, I told myself I wasn't going to binge this final season, but I did....so, yeah.
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This gif is honestly how I feel at the moment...which is uncertain, but I did not like the ending all that much. If you haven't caught up, do not read as this is NOT SPOILER FREE. In this, I am going to be mentioning favorite moments as well as touching on the stuff I liked and disliked about the characters this season. So, I will say that this season had a lot of good moments, lots of moments that made me laugh. And maybe I am strange individual, but the part where they all ingested (sans Klaus) the marigold and got ill was probably one of my favorite few scenes...I don't know why, don't ask. The road trip scenes in general just had me laughing like a hyena, I freaking loved it! The scene of Five and Lila time jumping to try and save Ben from dying as a teen and they end up meeting the Phoenix Academy---so cool as we briefly got to see one of the Sparrows and a new kid that could shoot fire from his hands. It was super short, but whatever. The fight of Luther and Diego vs the CIA was funny, even funnier considering that they were both wearing rip away suits. We got to see some good brotherly moments between Luther and Diego, which is nice because normally the two of them are butting heads with one another. I love the fact that Luther became a stripper--oh, excuse me, "professional dancer" as he dubs it. Even when he was dancing after he got his hairy ape like body back, I would still have watched. Just love his energy all around--very golden retriever energy.
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Diego and Lila together grew on me in the previous season, and I like that they didn't sugar coat their lives as being amazing now that they have a family and many obligations and responsibilities. I found it kind of funny how they hinted that Diego had weight gain since his kids, but with the one scene with his shirt off, he certainly does not look fat at all. And like in a previous season, we got to see some cool bullet trajectory manipulation. But Diego, honey, no mustache, please. Allison was Allison....she's never been my favorite. I did enjoy Claire and Klaus and their relationship with one another, though. And I totally understand why Klaus became so afraid of everything around him--no longer being immortal would do that to people. The bit with Klaus and his drug dealer seemed to veer slightly off course if you ask me, and the bit of him being stuck in that grave....yikes, trauma galore. At least Thunderbolt was a nice ghost doggy. I like that in this season Viktor speaks up for himself and butts into conversations to make himself heard. It is very different compared to Vanya in season one or young Vanya. i also like seeing the more frequent usage of his powers. Very cool imo. And unlike the others, Viktor seemed to be the only one that truly stayed on the "gotta find Ben" task. Ben....sweet adorable Ben in season one and two is obviously different from season three Ben. Sparrow Ben, I like him, but I think I prefer Umbrella Ben, just because he seems so much more pure. Sparrow Ben seems so mischievous, and overly stubborn as he would not listen to Viktor. But I guess that that was "The Cleanse" working through his and Jennifer's systems.
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Five still is tied for being my top favorite character. Compared to in a previous season where he and Diego had a lot of good, brotherly moments, these two are butting heads a lot towards the end. Going as far as to focus on fighting one another while there is a giant monster about to suck them out of existence. I would have preferred more friendly brotherly dynamics, but I mean, they are a dysfunctional family....so that didn't disappoint. Personally, I do not like the whole Five/Lila thing they had going on, but I mean...I understand why it formed in the first place. Seven years together on a magical subway will form bonds. But also, not including the time that Five was working for the Commission, Lila was probably the first person he got into a relationship with--Delores does not count considering she is a mannequin, so I could understand his want for human connection and happiness. The bits of them in the greenhouse I really like those scenes. Lila looks really pretty and at one point Five is wearing this sweater that is such a nice color. But compared to the first season, you can just tell how done Five is with everything--that bit in the deli showed that. Also with him just disappearing at the worst time possible during the cleanse. So...they all died in the end...so all the branch timelines were erased. At the end scene, we get to see cameos of past characters from past seasons, unless my eyes are deceiving me. It starts with seeing Lila's family and Claire, but then it focuses on three men playing frisbee...the Swedes, I think so. You also see Agnes, the donut lady. Herb and Dot from the Commission. Grace and Sloane (?) also show up in there too. I could be mistaken people's identity or just seeing thins--let me know if I am wrong. I mean, this is kind of how I would have wanted the 100 to end--everyone dies at the end. And I guess it was fitting---idk if it was accurate to the comics since I haven't caught up with them. Let me know if it was!
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The cast did a great job though! I seriously love all the actors/actresses of this show! I am going to stop writing now as this is getting really long!
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princessbrunette · 5 months
this one coat rack at my grandpas house. it’s literally tall and wears this one black coat……. :/
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dogandcatcomics · 3 months
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#repost @_gummy_beats_ Ben Crase (San Diego, California, USA, b. Montana, USA, 1976-). First image is The Mint, 2024, oil, oil stick, pigment stick, oil pastel on canvas, 40 x 30 in (101.6 x 76.2 cm). Second image is detail from Evening Star, 2024, oil, oil stick, pigment stick, oil pastel on canvas, 40 x 30 in (101.6 x 76.2 cm). I appreciate the canine and feline representation. Thanks to @annazorinagallery (New York City) for the tip.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
Speaking of Daigo this has been brewing in my head ever since I became a quarter, 2.5% doesn’t know you’re supposed to call everyone by there last names Yakuza fan, but it might be because everyone accidentally calls him Diego, but whenever I look at him I’m just like… he’s some sort of Hispanic it’s like when people looked at Ichiban and thought he was part black. Idk do you see it?
'he's some sort of hispanic' is taking me out im so sorry
anyways no i think youre the only one
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local-hyena · 2 months
Went to Japan Expo today (anime and more convention) and I had so much fun !!! I was with a friend and my stepdad, cosplayed as a male team aqua grunt from pokémon Alpha Sapphire. I really LOVE pokémon teams, and I found out that there was a WHOLE group cosplaying as various pokemon teams. There was 2 Team Galactic, one Team Skull, at least 6 Team Magma (Omega Ruby) and one Team Aqua from the original Sapphire game ! We took pictures together. At the end, my stepdad and I noticed a duo of Team Magma grunts walking in front of us, so my stepdad said loudly "so what did you say, Team Aqua is the best ?" and lf course the two Team Magmas heard us. It was fun. Also, I had my slowpoke plushie with me. It's my only water-type pokemon plushie. I also found two peiple cosplaying APH FRANCE AND APH ENGLAND WOOHOOO !!!
As for merch, as I said, I found EVERYTHING I was looking for and even more ! I was mostly looking for Pokémon stuff (Blaziken/Torchic and Rayquaza), Sonic and Ace Attorney, and I found all of that and even some Hollow Knight stuff !! Here's what I got :
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Torchic charm
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Rayquaza patch
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Rayquaza gba keychain
Ace Attorney
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This AMAZING poster (in the process of being straightened)
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THIS STICKER. I bought it because it is extrzmly funny but I honrstly don't know what to do woth it lmao
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Shadow badge. I looove the spiky collar, looks like something Shadow would actually wear.
Hollow Knight
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Ghost badge
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Hornet badge
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monkeychief1904 · 2 months
Comic con day 2!!!!
So I didn’t have a ticket for Saturday so most of the day was spent walking around with my friends. But the absolute highlight of my day was getting to go to a tf2 cosplay meetup!
I was dressed as blu Engie (here’s just me):
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And here’s some of my favorite pics from our meetup/photoshoot
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The pyro was the only one who could do the kick haha we also did the conga but I’m out of photos on this post haha. It was so cool to meet everyone and be nerd together lol
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aperint · 2 months
Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon
Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
16 DE JULIO DE 2024 Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ El día de hoy celebramos o festejamos 108 años de poder disfrutar una de las obras icónicas del ceramista, dibujante, escultor y pintor malagueño Pablo Ruiz Picasso, me refiero a “Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon” (Las señoritas de Aviñón), de la cual, existen algunas historias fascinantes comenzando por el nombre, pasando…
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orca-iguana · 3 months
Ain't no one more homosexual than 5 straight men in a house for a week.
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