#chat: fagin
dayas · 9 months
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reneeluv154 · 10 months
It’s okay
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Hope you enjoy 🤍🤍🤍
Remember to spread love wherever you go!!!!
In this imagine you get your period while spending the night with Jack Dawkins accidentally bleeding on the bed. He calms and takes care of you.
sorry if it’s a bit long.
If you like this imagine I have a few more on my profile.🫶🏼
I was nervous, at the top of the stairs waiting for Jack to come back from galavanting around town doing only lord knows what. I had no place to stay. My parents kicked me out because I had “gone mad”. I fiddled with the lace of my dress when I heard Jack, looking up to see him walking while Fagin slumped behind him listening to his lecture. Jack came to a holt when he noticed me. “I’m sorry y/n, just trying to teach this twat a bloody lesson.” he slapped Fagin on the back of the neck making me smile and Fagin wince.
“It’s alright. I have quite a big favor to ask of you.” I was now standing with him on the top step Fagin having already gone to Jack's room. “Go on.” I was anxious. Trying to remember what I rehearsed to tell him. “My parents have kicked me out, I have nowhere to stay. I was wondering if you had an extra bed? Maybe some clean sheets I can borrow for the night?”
“I'm afraid all the beds have been taken, Hetty would there be any clean sheets left for y/n?”
She pursed her lips slowly shaking her head.
I gave a small smile. “That’s okay, thank you for your help, Jack.” I began walking away but felt a strong hand grab my arm. “No, you can stay with me. You'll take the bed I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“I couldn’t. You already have so much on your shoulders with Fagin and your patients. Lord only knows what else you’ve gotten yourself into.” But before I knew it I was sitting on Jack's bed in his night shirt with a cup of tea. Him and Fagin chatting at the table. I noticed a few books beside his bed and decided to flip through one. The pictures depicted what to do in different surgeries. They intrigued me yet worried me at the same time.
“Enjoying yourself?” Jack smirked
“I don’t know how.” Fagin murmured. I smiled putting the book back
“just intrigued.”
“Welp sleeps been calling my name.” Fagin chuckled. Jack stood walking towards his closet beginning to change. “Old hag.” He muttered making me giggle. He sent me a small smile. “I really don’t mind sleeping on the floor, Jack.”
“It’s alright, here I’ll tuck you in.” I laid down slightly blushing. He fluffed out the blanket making sure it covered me. I thanked him while he walked over to where he set some clothes out on the floor and laid down covering up with his coat. “Goodnight y/n.”
I smiled “Goodnight.” I closed my eyes drifting into sleep with slight guilt but much comfort.
I woke to the sweet smell of bacon. I stretched sitting up, the sunlight slightly blinding me. “Morning sleepy head.” Jacks voice was nice to wake up to. Fagin must have gotten an early start on shenanigans, I didn’t see him anywhere. “Good morning.” I smiled moving to sit up but feeling something wet on my inner thigh. I reached down slightly touching my thigh, maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me. I brought my hand up keeping it out of Jack’s sight. Shit! The day of my period I just had to be on Jack Dawkins’s bed, in his shirt!
“You okay? You look panicked.” He asked standing in front of me, a piece of bacon in hand. “Jack I’m so sorry. I guess I started my period. I-I promise I’ll clean it up as best I can a-and”
“Y/n.” He grabbed my shoulders.
“It’s okay. Come on let’s go ahead and get you cleaned up alright?” I nodded still wanting to cry. “Do you have any extra underwear you could wear?”
“There in my bag.” I had carried a small bag only carrying underwear and a bra or two. “Here I’ll just bring it to you. I’m gonna go out here so you can change okay? There’s a bowl of water and sponge right here if you need it.” With that he walked out closing the door behind him. I quickly changed and began stripping the sheets and grabbing the sponge making sure it was damp trying to soak up as much blood from the mattress as I could. I heard a soft knock and the sweet calm accent. “May I come in?”
“Yes.” I didn’t realize the tears rolling down my cheeks until it was to late. “Y/n, don’t cry love.” He wiped my tears before bringing me into a strong hug. “Shhhh it’s okay love.” We rocked back and forth him slowly relaxing me. “I’m so sorry.” He shook his head grabbing my face gently. “You can’t help it and I know that. Y/n I’m a doctor a little bit of blood doesn’t bother me.” He smiled giving my head a small kiss before calling Hetty to wash the sheets.
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The guest PT 16.
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It was a few hours later when Hetty arrived at the house. She said she was there to see you and was sent up to your room without question.
"Fagin has a plan. If it goes well then there will be a lot of money but he's coerced Jack into helping." She explained.
"Something about his past, he wouldn't say exactly...and you."
"Of course Fagin would do that. It's Monks. I don't know what he has on Fagin but he's the one behind all of this. Monks must have known Oliver was involved in this." You say to her, "what's their plan?"
"there will be a distraction during dinner and Jack will swap out the keys."
"Okay, easy enough I suppose. Thank you Hetty. You've been a good friend to me. I don't deserve it." You pull the nurse into a hug.
"in all honesty you're the most exciting thing to happen to Port Victory in a long time." You laughed together before she left again. Not long after a maid came in to help you dress in a pastel pink ball gown, changing from your earlier pants and shirt ensemble. You try to ignore the stabbing pain in your chest, hoping it would go away quickly.
The guests began arriving around five pm the following day. Oliver of course, captain Gaines, the professor and Sneed. He was approaching you in the parlour until Belle slipped between you.
"Y/n you simply must try Fanny's fruit punch." She said handing you a glass, "Oh I'm sorry Rainsford I only brought over two cups, perhaps you could help yourself." She gestured to the crystal bowl by the window and you mouthed a thank you to Belle.
Jack appeared at the door, his body adorned in a black suit and silken ivory waistcoat. He looked devilishly handsome in the low candle light. Edmund cooed at you both and pulled you aside to his office.
"Congratulations to you both. Now obviously I will not have our Miss y/l/n living in the hospital, therefore I have acquired an apartment for the two of you. Nothing fancy but a comfortable place for a young family."
"Governor that is very generous I-" Jack started.
"And a salary for your work at the hospital, Doctor."
"I don't know what to say." Jack answered.
"well, it's no matter. I have come to think of y/n as another of my children. She has breathed a new life into this house and I am going to miss you dearly ." He patted your hand as he held it, "I will pay for the wedding as well."
"Thank you Edmund." You say and wrap your arms around him in a hug. He gives you a few back pats before clearing his throat and turning towards the door.
"Well, tickle my cheeks with a goose's feather!" Oliver laughed as he danced over to Jack. He shook his head vigorously, "and congratulations my friend." He said with a little glance to you.
"Thank you. It is good to see you Oliver."
The rounder man clapped Jack's shoulder a few times. You stood beside Jack, mostly silent as the gathered party chatted away.
There is a tinkling of a glass from a servant at the door. "Dinner is served."
You all shuffled into the dining room. You sat across from Jack beside Oliver.
"I'm intrigued as to how a man of your background, Mr. Twist, met a man of his." Gaines asked. Oliver's eyes shot straight to Jack's before moving to Lady Jane.
"Please, may I have some more?" Oh you couldn't help but giggle at those words. How often you had heard a young Oliver say them, bowl in hand.
"But of course. Your third helping." She remarked.
" I love the crunch of crackling. The whiz and pop in one's mouth." Oliver takes more crackling onto his plate and takes a bite. His eyes narrow in on his childhood friend. "Well, this is such an interesting story going back many years. Eh, Dodger?"
" I doubt they really want to hear about that." Jack answers.
" Probably not. Please don't let me stop you." Sneed rolled his eyes
" I'm most interested." Gaines interjected.
Jacks eyes could not stop flicking between Oliver and you. You had dropped your head down and breathed slowly.
"Well, in a time of great personal turmoil and peril, this man, but a boy then, took me in, sheltered me, saved my very life." Oliver's words were sweet and Jack took a sigh of relief.
"But why do you call him "Dodger"?" Gaines asked.
"I was just very quick as a boy." Jack answers, his eyes trained on you.
Your breath hitches and wheezes and you feel that all too familiar clench. As Jack watches you he sees how no one else appears to notice. This must be what Hetty was talking about. Jack reaches his foot across to touch yours and you look up at him. Your body seems to correct itself and you meet his eyes. Though your chest was still tight you felt a grounding having even just his boot clad foot touching yours.
Oliver fiddled with his food, before wiping his greasy fingers on the napkin and standing.
"I apologise. But I have to speak a truth I can no longer hold inside! It's only been a day or so, but I must speak the truth." He rounded the table as he spoke. You watch as fear paints Jack's face until Oliver takes one knee in front of Fanny. The younger woman shit up from her seat.
"Yes! A hundred times, yes!"
"I haven't asked yet." He laughed.
" Sorry, yes, go ahead."
"Lady Fanny I-"
An explosion cuts him off. You stand with the others and start trying to guide them all out of the room. Playing your part in the scheme. You rush with them up the stairs into one of the guest rooms. The strain is too much for your heart and your chest tightens harder than you'd ever felt it. your legs become weak and you drop to the floor.
"Y/n!" Belle grabbed for at the same time as Sneed. You shrug him off.
"Don't touch me." You hiss at him.
"Get her to her room." Lady Jane commanded. Belle and Fanny help you into your bedroom.
"Get this dress off me." You request breathlessly. Both girls work quickly together to pull the silk bodice off you and whip the corset off. Belle threw it to the other side of the room and helped to guide you onto the bed. She ran quickly back to her room and grabbed her stethoscope before rushing back to you.
"Let me listen." She says and you oblige her allowing Fanny to take your weight.
Belle's eyes fill with tears as she listens to the uneven pumping of your heart.
"It's my heart."
@fandomfan-102 @deanstolemydragon @mydeputyghostwagon
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jknerd · 1 year
Oliver Twist in NYC AU: Nancy
(Based on original "Oliver Twist" character, Nancy. I know Rita was based on this character, but I decided to put Nancy in this AU as separate character^^)
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Full Name: Nancy
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Other names: Sykes’ Mistress, Rita’s sworn sister
Occupations: Prostitute (formerly), pickpocket (formerly), VIP member of Jazz Dance club,  Mistress of Sykes house (eventually defected)
Residence: Bill Sykes’ Warehouse (formerly)
Family: Unnamed son (estranged) Relationships: Rita (sworn sister), Bill Sykes (sugar daddy/lover; eventually betrays), Roscoe (acquaintance), DeSoto (possible love interest), Fagin (friend), Dodger (friend), Tito (friend), Einstein (friend), Francis (friend), Oliver (son-figure)
Likes: Drinking and chatting with Rita, visiting Fagin’s to see Oliver, spending time with Oliver, children
Dislikes: Roscoe and DeSoto’s mistreatment towards children, Bill Sykes’ cruelty, Edward “Monks” Leeford’s plan to kill Oliver and Jenny
Nancy was a prostitute, lover of Bill Sykes, and Oliver’s second mother-figure. She is also an object of DeSoto’s unrequited love. Born from strictly religious and abusive family environment, she left home and become a street prostitute. In age of 20, she was pregnant with a child and was supported by Fagin. But due to lack of financial and environmental support, she had no choice but put her baby in adoption. This caused her to get depressed for a while. One day, in age 22, she was found by Bill Sykes and eventually become his lover, residing in his place much to Rita’s chagrin. Nancy then got acquainted with Bill’s henchmen Roscoe and DeSoto. Most of time when Sykes wasn’t present, DeSoto was placed as her guard if she needs to be in outdoor activities, such as jazz dancing. Either she was aware or not, DeSoto developed romantic feelings for her.
Few years later, she was seen in the warehouse and noticed DeSoto’s broken nose. Believing he received the wound by one of Fagin’s gang, she chastised them for causing the fight. Days later, as she was permitted to visit Fagin’s under excuse of checking on them, she met Oliver who was playing by himself. Nancy quickly developed a motherly affection towards him, noticing his age would be around her baby’s and seeing his body having injuries from abuse. Out of instinct, she took Oliver to the city street to spend time with him, found by Rita. Since then she occasionally visits Rita to see the boy, beginning to see her son in him. However, when she noticed his absence and heard of Oliver taken in wealthy house of Foxworth’s, she was disheartened once again. Her depressed state caused Sykes to lose interest in her, neglected her eventually. DeSoto takes this as an opportunity to get close to her, learning of her past with giving up her child for his better future. This interaction caused DeSoto to grow a gradual conscience colliding with his past cruel treatment towards children and feared of her reaction if she learns of this as he sees her strong maternal affection towards Oliver.
One day, when Oliver was brought back to Fagin’s barge, she was present in warehouse when Fagin and Dodger visited to pay the debt which was 1/3 not enough. She overheard Dodger’s warning to Roscoe and DeSoto of their crimes against children in underground orphanage. Upset and disappointed, Nancy refused to interact with DeSoto and was afraid for Oliver’s life when she heard Edward “Monks” Leeford plan to lure Oliver by kidnapping Jenny in order to kill the boy and force Foxworth Family to give up their business to him. During several days Jenny and Oliver were kidnapped, she was horrified of Edward angrily beating up the boy out of hatred. Nancy was put to care for Jenny and Oliver. Feeling guilt and determination to help them, she contacted Fagin and the gang a plan to help the kids escape, even rushed to Foxworth Residence to inform the family. In that process, she shown couple of evidences as Minerva’s mother Beatrice was present in meeting with Jenny’s mother. Returning back, she was confronted by Bill Sykes who had noticed her absence. She bravely defied him and said everyone will know the true face of his business. He attacked her with his switchblade, causing her to get injured at the back as she ran from him, but he pushed her downstairs causing her to fatally injured on the head unconscious. Oliver witnessed this and screamed, alerting DeSoto who was close by and saw what happened. Witnessing Sykes running from the scene of crime instead of helping Nancy, DeSoto ceased his loyalty to his boss. When the police came by call of Foxworth’s and Fagin’s, her fate remained unknown. But her death has become one of factors Roscoe and DeSoto eventually betrayed Sykes as they left him to die alone when he was severely injured from brutal traffic accident.
When Roscoe and DeSoto were trialed 20 years of DeSoto asked for Nancy’s whereabouts and conditions as he was informed the woman in warehouse was found by police. Feeling a bit upset, Oliver replied in tears that she died. However, her survival was known only by him, Fagin and Mr. Leeford as she was recovering but lost her some parts of memories. Whenever Oliver visited her in hospital, there were times she treated him as her child she had given up years ago. Luckily, the doctors informed she will recover. Time to time as she recovered, she was able to have new life but noticing signs of pregnancies, causing her to remember DeSoto as the last man she interacted with.
In Epilogue, she was almost due and at one point she walked the street to hospital but the water breaks and she fell unconscious, alerting Fagin and the gang as the gang were surprised to see a woman who resembled presumably dead Nancy. But, with their help, she was taken to hospital safely, possibly able to give birth and raise her child in this chance.
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Episode 8: Eric Johnson on manuscript fragments, Ohio, and the ethics of collecting
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Folio 1r of a bifolium from a Missal, from the collection of Eric Johnson
In Episode 8 of Inside My Favorite Manuscript, Lindsey and Dot chat with Eric Johnson about two manuscript fragments from his own collection. We talk about the ethics of collecting fragments, Ohio’s place in the history of book breaking, and how manuscripts were used - both in their own time and through their afterlives.
Listen here, or wherever you find your podcasts.
Below the cut are more page images from the manuscript, and further reading.
The first fragment, from a Missal (book used for the Mass)
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The Missal bifolium is two attached leaves, formed by taking a sheet of parchment and folding it in half down the middle. The front (recto) of the first leaf is on the right, and the back (verso) of the second leaf is on the left.
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Here the bifolium is flipped over, so the verso of the first leaf is on the left and the recto of the second leaf is on the right.
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Leaf 1 recto
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Leaf 1 verso (little face drawn in the red Q at the top left column!)
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Leaf 2 recto (with water stain)
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Leaf 2 verso (with water stain and floppy-eared pig-dog on the top right)
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A close up of the floppy-eared pig-dog on Leaf 2 verso.
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A close up of the little face in the red Q
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And here is Eric holding up the second bifolium. It’s much smaller than the Missal fragment, from a manuscript that was designed to be carried around.
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Leaf 1 recto on the right, Leaf 2 verso on the left
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A slide that Eric put together pointing out all the various texts written on this bifolium. Even if you don’t know Latin or Paleography, you may be able to tell that a few different people wrote different sections of text.
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Leaf 1 verso on the left, Leaf 2 recto on the right. On these two pages the different scribal hands may be more obvious (note the lighter areas on the top left of both pages)
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And here are the texts identified.
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Leaf 1 recto
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Leaf 1 verso
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Leaf 2 recto
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Leaf 2 verso
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Some projects mentioned during our conversation:
Fragmentarium: Laboratory for Medieval Manuscript Fragments
Lisa Fagin Davis, Reconstructing the Beauvais Missal
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i-olicat · 5 years
First day of the new year, and Oliver woke up at the gang’s place. He was the first one up, unsurprisingly, which meant he was putting himself in charge of coffee and not looking miserable. It wasn’t like he had a hangover, since he’d only had two drinks the night before, he just...still did so badly with holidays. It felt like everything was just a final show before he was never invited back.
Sighing to himself, Oliver was just finished pouring a cup of coffee before someone joined him in the kitchen, and he found himself setting it aside for them before he even realized it was Fagin. “Hi.” He would’ve said good morning or afternoon, but he wasn’t sure which it was. “You can have that one.” Fagin probably needed a coffee more, to be honest.
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tinkcrbells · 6 years
The blonde had been up for about an hour now. She’d decided not to wake her companion, seeing as they already were going to be spending longer with each other than originally planned. She was sat cross legged on her couch flipping through a magazine when she finally heard him stir and come into the room. “Hey. Looks like we had some bad timing. Storm’s happening so we can’t leave. I’d offer you a tea, but I’ve got no electricity.”
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karihighman · 5 years
An Upstead timeline
Because I was thinking about how far Jay Halstead & Hailey Upton have come, and I just wanted to be nostalgic for a moment. Enjoy my ramblings! (:
The beginnings: season 4
Ah, yes. Hailey’s debut. I loved 4x21 “Fagin” for that reason. Also, Jay’s first impression of her seemed to be like “dang this girl is sassy...but I’m not complaining” haha.
Also we can’t forget the sass Hailey displayed in the survelliance van. 😂 Legendary. And Jay kept up w/it too. We love a sarcastic duo - even before they were partnered up!
Anyway, the next episode was when Hailey officially joined Intelligence. A moment of awkward silence for the two of them trying to shuffle around each other when Voight gave Hailey Jay’s desk because she was now partners w/Erin. Oops. Too funny.
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Then of course, the season 4 finale saw Hailey be invited out to Molly’s with Jay, Adam, Kevin, & Will. She had the memorable “I’m Greek, we see tragedy in everything” line, along with that first of many looks she’d give to Jay after a conversation - longing & wistful. 😔
The new divide: season 5
Season 5 saw Hailey and Jay become partners & already they were there for each other when Jay had a tough case. While we didn’t see it air in the actual episode, there was a deleted scene from 5x01 that showed Hailey telling Jay that she’s “got his back.”
As the season progressed, we saw them continue to be there for each other as a source of support. Remember in “Fallen” when Jay kept checking up on Hailey’s “relationship” with fellow officer Sean McGrady?
“Is this really about the case?”
“See ya tomorrow.”
“Ooookay.” — yeah okay Jay we see u.
The next few episodes were Jay’s big arc in s5 where he dealt with being undercover while dealing with PTSD. Hailey was “neutral” at first, because she didn’t know Jay well enough to know how this would affect him, though she’d see it soon enough when he pointed a gun in her face at the end of 5x07. Even after that incident, she still called him to check on him. Now that’s a quality partner.
Another telling moment for their partnership was when Hailey went to bat for Jay with Camila. She knew if she talked he’d be in big trouble, so she had to do something to help him. She still made sure to remind Camila that she would “bury her” if she didn’t keep her mouth shut about Jay. Damn, remind me not to get on Hailey’s bad side. 😯
She even convinced Jay to go to therapy — how amazing is that? She helped him get help.
There were a few lighter, fluffier moments for their partnership as the season progressed, which you can see below —
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And then came my favorite episode for them - Ghosts.
Hailey got tangled up with Booth who got her old partner killed. Jay, being her new partner, was concerned about how close Hailey was getting...not only to the case, but to Booth, as Booth was bordering on obsessed w/her.
He bailed her out, but then then two argued at Hailey’s UC apartment (hello, married couple moment haha) - But despite that, he still helped her go on w/the undercover plan.
Cue Jay going under as Ryan, a dealer that Hailey (as Kelly) knew. Things got even more awkward for the trio when Booth asked “Ryan” how many times he screwed “Kelly.” Yikesarama.
Towards the end of the episode, Booth got handsy with Hailey, which put Jay in an awkward position. He tried to keep his cool, but then the deal was blown. Hailey being the badass that she is fought off Booth, but it was Jay who brought her back down to reality to keep her from doing something stupid (even though let’s be honest, Booth deserved a few more kicks in the head).
The kicker of the episode came when Jay went to check on Hailey, and the two would start what would turn out to be “their thing” aka - drinks and long conversations about their cases & the feelings surrounding them. Hailey opened up about Booth and Garrett, and Jay listened. He was there for her, and that’s when they really started to form something special. Something that was more than just a typical partnership.
The rest of the season would only build on that momentum, bringing out little pieces of Jay and Hailey’s pasts, as well as how they dealt with things amongst the team. Jay lent Hailey a supportive hand (literally) when Al died in the season 5 finale, & in a deleted scene, the two offered comfort to each other at the vigil Intelligence held.
Care & being there: season 6
Jay and Hailey’s partnership grew even more so during s6. Their first major moments came in the crossover episode, when Jay was shot. Hailey was distraught, but it was more than that. She thought he was dead, & she thought she’d lost him forever. Her emotions were running high and she pushed down all those feelings that had come bubbling up to the surface. But they were there.
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(Unfortunately she compensated by sleeping with Ruzek, thus beginning Upzek. Ugh. Anyway).
Even though she started a fling-turned-semi-relationship with Adam, Hailey & Jay still leaned on each other.
When Hailey dealt with a tough case, Jay was there for her. He made sure she was okay. Heck, even Adam noticed & told her, they should talk you know, “partner to partner.”
The following episode saw Hailey help Jay when his judgement was colored by his war past. She then reminded him of the famous “thing that works between them” and offered to buy him a beer to chat. He accepted.
When Jay found out about said romance, he was taken aback and you could tell by the look on his face that he was hurt...but honestly, maybe a little jealous. I think this solidified his feelings for Hailey, even if she didn’t wanna admit her own to herself yet.
“We’re good. And we’re always gonna be good.” -Jay to Hailey
6x12 has them do another heart to heart conversation, only for it to be interrupted by Ruzek, who called Hailey. Jay told her she should go, and even though she said okay, you could tell she didn’t really mean it. Just like Jay didn’t really want her to go. But these two have gotten good at hiding their feelings by now.
*forgot to add 6x14 when Hailey was kidnapped (along w/Kim). You could see the look of complete distress on Jay’s face when he & Kevin raced out to the truck, just missing it. Then when Adam told him they “should’ve been all over them” Jay went on the defensive, telling Adam “he didn’t know what went down” because he wasn’t there. Ruzek, Ruzek, Ruzek...as if Halstead wasn’t beating himself up enough! Even though later in the ep, Adam and Antonio were the ones to find Hailey & Kim, you saw Jay later ask if she was okay; and you saw the camera pan to both of their expressions when Voight gave the “work things at work” talk. Jay felt bad knowing he didn’t do his job at protecting his partner; Hailey was starting to debate her relationship with Ruzek on the job.*
6x15 offered us the iconic scene of “if I was gonna follow someone blind, I’d follow you” which we now know is essentially Hailey-speak for “I love you.” Because she told Jay that she’s trusted him from the day she met him. How freaking adorable is that?
Fast forward to the s6 finale & you’ve got a whole lot more feels between these two. From Jay’s line of “I’m going where you go” meaning he to would follow Hailey; to his protecting her FIRST without regard for his own life (actually literally using himself as a human shield!); and then of course, their heartbreaking conversation in the break room.
“We’ve only been partners a couple years...you’ll forget about me just fine.”
“Hailey... [no].”
aka - Hailey was scared of losing him again & not knowing if they’d be partners again, so she bit down on her feelings and brushed it off. Jay did the same, although he looked as if he was going to spill any second of that scene. You know what I mean.
You could see the looks in their eyes — they were saying everything without actually saying a word.
This episode was when the both of them seemed to accept their feelings of each other to themselves — as in, they admitted it to themselves, even if they weren’t ready to share them with each other. 💙
Deeper feelings: season 7
And now we’re onto s7, where even in the premiere, you could see how in sync Jay and Hailey were. The two worked together to help their boss, and they relied on each other more than ever to get the job done. Hailey supported Jay, even if she didn’t always agree with him.
Later on in the season, we saw him do the same thing. Although, when Voight split them up in 7x03, they weren’t happy about it. Jay showed his emotions with a look, while Hailey vocalized hers to Voight. Hailey = 😠 there.
In the crossover, we saw a concerned Jay over Hailey being quarantined, but also a concerned Hailey when Jay was taken hostage by Seldon. She even went all Sniper to save him! Go Hailey go!
They continued to work alongside each other, mainly in surveillance (apparently those two have a thing for vans 😉) to help the unit solve cases.
Jay had another tough case in 7x06, and Hailey noticed how much it affected him, even if she didn’t say it right away. Jay would do the same for her in the next episode when her CI was shot, with looks and a concerned voice like she had done with him.
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And now we’re at 7x09, aka the fall finale from hell because Jay’s life is in the balance.
And Hailey Upton is livid over it. She was so desperate to get Jay back safely that she pushed the limits to find him. And just when she FINALLY did, he was ripped away from her yet again. Heartbreakingly tragic for these two...almost like a Romeo & Juliet vibe. 💔
Here’s hoping Jay will be okay in 7x10 when Chicago PD comes back in January, because Hailey really can’t lose the man she loves. I think this made her realize just how much she cares. And he cares so much for her.
Upstead ship captain Jesse Lee Soffer said it best: if you were to ask Jay or Hailey, “do you love him/her?” They’d say yes. As for what kind of love that is, they aren’t 100% sure yet...
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because they haven’t even admitted their feelings to each other yet. But anyone can see that they are there. Pure and genuine feelings. Love. Respect. Admiration. 🖤
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abookmaybe · 5 years
I HAVE SEEN IT 3 TIMES NOW AND I AM GOING TO SEE IT TWO MORE. Everything is just so exciting and every song is catchy as all hell. I've been singing to the tune of multiple songs just randomly though my house. All the singers are so talented, I am blown away every single time I hear someone sing. Also, it seems like everyone has good chemistry onstage and it's so wonderful to see how well it flows together.
I. Love. Bill. I remember the Purple Grape talking to me before I left and saying that she was so interested in seeing me be Bill Sykes and honestly it probably would have been my favorite role. I have been practicing my own deep menacing voice the whole week. Both Olivers have very similar character work but deliver lines with slightly different energy and they really make the character their own.
I was not expecting to see your Nancy yet so it was a surprise for sure but a welcome one. Typing this in all caps is lightyears away from even being close to expressing how enthusiastically I am really meaning to say it but YOU WERE SO FUCKING GOOD. Let alone your chorus stuff is so smooth and well orchestrated so I expected a stellar performance but goddamn girl. You were phenomenal. The second I heard you chatting it up with Fagin and the boys with that big smile and just wonderful cheerfulness I knew the songs were going to be absolutely delightful, and I was so right. I couldn't stop smiling the whole time you and her were singing and prancing around just so effortlessly. Oh and how you reacted to Bill whenever he was threatening you or Oliver, the way you shouted so defensively and passionately was just awesome. I could go on forever about the emotion you put in "He Needs Me" from the way you made clear that Nancy is protective over Bill and does care deeply for him while using a tremble in your voice and with tears in your eyes to show that her heart aches from the cold abusive hostility that comes from Bill's aggressive infatuation. I was hooked in so well by how sad yet powerful you delivered that song. Your general consistency though the show is something I have always noticed of you, you just always have strong and continuously progressive characteristics when you play a specific role. I would have killed for an encore. I hope I get to see you perform again the next time. You really were fantastic.
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deeisace · 6 years
1am now, time for sleep
Got in at like 12.30, had a chat with my brother (he's doing lots of d&d and dm'ing, and his rent is stupid high cs London, and also reading sci-fi things)
I'm finally eating my airport sandwich and then I'm going to sleep
Fagin got my normal room this time to I'm in what is technically a bathroom but actually only a bit smaller than my flat, and it has a cool windowsill, so it's cool even if I'm not sleeping under the stairs this time
V gd to see my brother!
And my dog! Jed was so excited to see me, and he's got a bit fat as well, which is v gd cs he was skinny before
Oh, other news, Alf has a new forge! A gas one! He wants to see about making knives, I think that'll be tomorrow cs Fagin wants to do blacksmithing too while he's here
I think I'll go and like, watch, but idk about making anything. I just like watching and listening tbh
Last I made something with Alf was the cast aluminium U unknown Pokémon when we were like 13 (Fagin made one too but I forget which letter)
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jmsa1287 · 7 years
More New York Stories Told in the Warm 'High Maintenance' Season 2
a thing i wrote about the very good second season of “High Maintenance,” which starts tonight!
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Times have changed since "High Maintenance" jumped from webseries to HBO. The Season 1 finale aired at the end of October, about a month before the world was rocked when Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Though the comedy is often a character study, featuring a plethora of diverse people who pop in-and-out of the life of weed dealer The Guy (played by Ben Sinclair, who co-created the show along with Katja Blichfeld), politics has always lingered behind the puffs of pot smoke.
Tensions are high in the sophomore season of "High Maintenance," which airs Jan. 19 on HBO, and political strife is presented front-and-center. The tough political climate is inescapable and that's made clear in the first episode of Season 2, "Globo." It chronicles The Guy delivering pot while the New Yorkers around him react to some world-altering news. Though it's never said what this breaking news actually is, it's made clear what's going on thanks to characters' distraught reactions to text messages and breaking news blasts they read on their phones.
"Oh shit. Something bad happened," The Guy's girlfriend (played by "Orange is the New Black" actress Yael Stone), says as she stares at her phone in the first moments of the episode.
"Fuck, no!" The Guy adds after checking his phone.
After a few more moments of silence the pair take a hit of a bong and The Guy is off to work. As it turns out, the bad news happens to be... good news for him. With the stresses of the world barring down on his clients, The Guy finds himself extra busy delivering weed to wound-up New Yorkers.
As in most episodes, the narrative eventually splinters and focuses on The Guy's clients or people in his clients' life. In "Globo," this includes a client's roommate - a man struggling to maintain his weight loss. The episode also follows two men and a woman who spends the day locked away in a hotel room having sex - completely unaware of the world-changing news - and a busboy who spends a lovely night on the subway with his son.
Like its first season on HBO, pot, and the selling of, is a backdrop to explore the lives of various New Yorkers from all walks of life. In the interesting second episode, "Fagin," the show follows an older out-of-state married couple visiting their cool and hip daughter in the Big Apple. The episode strikes that special tone that has resonated with "High Maintenance" fans - a celebration of humanity and relationships, especially relationships formed between unexpected people.
Played by the excellent Marcia DeBonis and Ray Anthony Thomas, the couple are fish out of water but remain in good spirits during their stay. Their Airbnb, which may be illegal, contains a python and their bed is only accessible by ladder. Things turn around, however, when they meet their daughter and her friends... and get high together. It's a wonderful bonding experience that allows the couple to let loose in the city.
"Namaste" is a wild ride that follows a realtor (played by the excellent "Orange is the New Black" star Danielle Brooks) as she hustles in her neighborhood and eventually calls up The Guy for a relaxer. The episode then spills over to a couple, who win an affordable-house lottery and move into a new apartment complex out of their price range. Things seem great at first but the culture shock highlights classism in this small pocket of New York.
"High Maintenance" explores culture clash again in "Derech," where an ex-Hasidic man (Luzer Twersky) strikes up a relationship with a writer, who may have ulterior motives. He eventually ventures outside his world and ends up at a nightclub where the story shifts narratives and follows a drag queen, one of The Guy's clients. The plot ends in a surprising way with one of the most exciting moments of the series.
In one of the most daring, and personal, episodes of the series, "Scromple" digs into The Guy and his personal life - a rare move for a show that takes the time to spotlight people not often seen on the small screen. Still, it's a rewarding episode: After The Guy gets into a car accident and is stuck at the hospital, "High Maintenance" introduces his sister (Kate Lyn Sheil), an out brand strategist who is struggling with her perceived addiction to pot. The Guy and his sister have an emotional chat while he's in the hospital, a truly moving moment that reveals more about The Guy's character.
These touching moments are bound together under the omnipresent strain of the current presidential administration. There are mummers, one-liners and suggestions that refer to Trump, but the show's characters never mention his name; it's a powerful device uniting a group of people under a common threat. And as "High Maintenance" heads into its solid and warm second season, the Trump administration is taking aim at the marijuana industry. In it's possible third season, "High Maintenance" could be a completely different show. If that's the case, Sinclair and Blichfeld have proven themselves that they'll be able to adapt.
"...[W]hat I wish for people to take away [from Season 2] is a reminder that change is inevitable," Blichfeld told Entertainment Weekly. "We can count on so few things, but we can all count on the fact that change is going to happen in big and small ways all the time, and it's going to be okay. Even when it feels painful, ultimately it's okay, and it's one of those realities of life and, you know... [laughs] It's okay! I just want people to feel like things are going to be okay."
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libertasrpg · 4 years
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We welcome Francis Einstein to the city. He’s 32 years old and is a community theatre actor. Francis is often mistaken for Scott Eastwood. He’s open.
→ Background Information
Miss Einstein never knew who the fathers of William and Francis were, so both boys were bought up without a Dad. It was a very happy life though. They were short on money, but managed to get by. The boys enjoyed the simpler things in life like reading or cooking. Francis would much prefer a new book for Christmas than a fancy game. This is something that hasn’t changed over the years. Francis has always been one to keep his head down. Despite a messy home life, Francis got top grades in every class in school. There was even talk of him going away to college. However, his dedication to his family meant it was an idea that he quickly brushed off.
→ Living Situation
Lack of funds meant that Francis and his brother wouldn’t be able to enter Libertas through official channels. It seemed like a nice city though and when he came across the deal with Solomon Fagin, Francis just had to take it. The pair wanted to get out of their home city asap. Obviously it wasn’t ideal to be living with so many people but Francis and William had kept to themselves for the majority of their life. So Francis figured it’d be good, for his brother especially, to have some new people in their lives. Even if his bedroom his small, Francis really actually quite likes his little room. It’s neat and tidy, and his. As children, Francis and William had always shared a room so Francis was grateful to finally have his own room.
→ Relocation Explanation
Francis adored his mother. Being brought up by a single parent taught him many many lessons that he’s eternally grateful for. So when she passed away, it was a real kick in the ass. Neither him or William could bare walking the same streets they’d walked with her. So, they looked for ways out of the city. Unfortunately the Einstein family wasn’t really one of money. Finding a new place would be tough. Then Francis came across a guy, called Fagin, in a city, called Libertas. The city only usually accepted people with applications but Fagin was willing to accept people without them. The rent was good, the place was decent, and the city was nice. So - They took it.
→ His Personality
Francis really is a classic gentlemen. He enjoys reading Shakespeare in his spare time, and loves reciting a sonnet or two to whoever will listen. People have long teased him for being so old-fashioned. He just thinks things were better back then. Generally though, he’s a very warm soul. He loves those around him - But that doesn’t mean they don’t get on his nerves. Francis can have a short fuse, especially interrupted during rehearsals. Rehearsal time is holy time. Acting has long been a comfort for Francis so anyone who disrupts him will be reprimanded. After all, Francis is a brilliant actor. He needs to get his practice in to make sure he shines on stage. 
→ His Qualities
Funny, kind, caring
Strict, irritable, boastful
→ His Relationships
Oliver Twist (Acquaintance): Oliver has started appearing around the house more and more. He seems like a sweet kid. He’s stayed out of their way for the majority, most of his time being spend with Dodger. Oliver brings a nice happy energy to the house though. It’s an energy that Francis appreciates and he’s a fan of anyone who helps with his work.
Solomon Fagin (Landlord): Francis is incredibly grateful that he found somewhere to stay, even if it was off the books. Fagin’s an okay guy. Francis could tell immediately that he has some issues. He’s always very caring when they actually have a chat though so Francis can’t fault him too much. He’s just got a rough past, that hopefully stays in the past.
William Einstein (Older brother & housemate): As any siblings do, William and Einstein have their fair share of arguments. They’re quite different people after all. But they have each other’s back through thick and thin. Francis would never let anything bad happen to William.
Jack Dawkins, Rita Morales & Ignacio de Tito (Friends & housemates): The one thing that Francis loves about his flatmates is how interesting all of them are. He could study their personalities for days. Also, Francis is a fan of that regardless of how busy everyone is, they all sit down for dinner at the table together at least once a week. Francis also appreciates the support from them. As an actor, he can’t  always make and so he reluctantly joins his housemates on con jobs.
→ Possible Connections
Jennifer Foxworth (Friend): Jenny is incredibly mature, and also cares a lot about Oliver. Francis enjoys a good chat with her. He knows that, unlike his friends, she won’t tease him for sounding too old-fashioned.
Georgette Foxworth (Acquaintance): Francis understands why some of the others aren’t hugely keen on Georgette. But, she’s the only other person who appreciates the finer things in life almost as much as he does. So, you might find them sharing some caviar together occasionally.
Roscoe Dobermann & Miguel de Soto (Enemies): Everyone in the house is aware of Fagin’s past. They spend every second that it doesn’t catch up with him - Because it definitely will not be pretty.
Francis is based on Francis��from Oliver & Company.
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reneeluv154 · 10 months
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I truly apologize for any grammar mistakes or if it’s just a bad imagine,this is my first one.🤍🤍
In this imagine Thomas accidentally burns you with his cigarette.
If you like this imagine I have a few more on my profile.🫶🏼
⚠️Tw: cigarettes/burn⚠️
I sat in the cozy log cabin with the heater by my feet and a quilt wrapped around my shoulders. Thomas sat beside me smoking his cigarette and chatting with two of his new cast members for the Artful Dodger, David who played Fagin and Maia who played belle.
I will admit it was a little boring given I had nothing to talk about with either his friends and he was having a full conversation with them. I watched him take a drag from his cigarette, mesmerized by his looks. His golden fluffy hair looked gorgeous in the light from the fireplace. He wasn’t wearing a shirt leaving me to notice his chest and how toned he actually was. The veins on his hands and arms, I just wanted to trace them for hours. He looked so comfortable and relaxed. Effortlessly gorgeous.
He went to tap the ash of his cigarette onto the tray on the table but slightly missed leaving the hot ash to land right on my hand. I moved my hand quickly, as it burnt and slightly gasped. “You alright?” Thomas asked. “Yeah, you accidentally missed the ashtray.” My eyes almost watered but I stopped myself.
“Did I burn you?” He asked setting his cigarette in the tray making sure it was out before asking for my hand. “It’s just a little burn no big deal.” I mentioned looking down at my pointer finger where the burn was. I will admit it was quite nasty looking but I didn’t want him to feel bad. “Let me see, love.” I set my hand out and he gently grabbed it looking at the burn. I could tell he felt bad from the look on his face. “I’m so sorry, I should have looked at what I was doing.” He said while softly caressing my hand. “It’s okay, I should have paid attention to where I had my hand.” I gave him a small smile. “You have any peroxide I could put on it and maybe a bandaid?” He nodded “Yeah of course it’ll be in the bathroom cabinet.” I nodded making my way to the bathroom.
Later that night layed in bed I felt him wrap his strong arms around my waist. “How’s you finger?”
“Doesn’t hurt a bit.” I held it up.
“I’m so sorry y/n, I know that hurts.”
I rolled over to face him. “It’s okay, accidents happen. Let’s go to sleep I’m so tired.”
“Okay.” He smiled stroking my hair with one hand and my waist with his thumb. I gave him a kiss and drove my face into his neck smelling his wonderful scent of leather and old spice with just a hint of cigarette smoke.
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Lets have a little chat. #oliversvba #sheffield #SVBA #billsykes #nancy #fagin
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jknerd · 1 year
Oliver Twist in NYC AU OC: Beatrice
Full Name: Beatrice Pinscher (nee, Feathers)
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Other names: B, Trixie, Mrs. Pinscher, Minerva’s mother
Occupations: Shopping Mall worker (women’s department)
Residence: Penthouse
Family: Roscoe Pinscher (husband; eventually, divorced), Minerva Pinscher (daughter), DeSoto Pinscher (brother-in-law) Relationships: Georgette (best friend; regular customer), Rose Maylie-Foxworth (friend), Fagin and the gang (her daughter’s lifesaver), Oliver (her daughter’s friend; frequent guest)
Likes: Her husband’s affections, Minerva making friends, chatting with Georgette
Dislikes: Her husband’s infidelity (suspected->confirmed), lies and betrayal, her daughter in danger or bullied, Edward “Monks” Leeford threatening her daughter’s life, Roscoe and DeSoto’s child-trafficking business
Beatrice Pinscher (nee, Feathers) was a wife of Roscoe, mother of Minerva, and sister in law of DeSoto. She is working in a shopping mall as a shopkeeper in women’s department. In early 20s, she had a blind date with Roscoe who was introduced as an accountant. Immediately, she developed romantic attraction due to his good looks, witty sense of humor and gentleman-like behavior. After several dates, Roscoe proposed to her as she accepted, soon got married as he resides in the penthouse with her. Year later, she gave birth to their daughter Minerva.
Although Roscoe had lingering feelings for the former prostitute Rita, Beatrice does her best to balance her work and her role as a mother. There were times she internally questioned his fidelity whenever he came home late with different scent, slightly unkempt hair, and occasional disregards of her need of affection. It didn’t help when she told the fellow workers how she met her husband, they remarked he is type of a “Casanova” or a “playboy” due to his appearance and mannerisms. However, her suspicions temporarily dies down when he showers her with affection. At one point, as their daughter Minerva was turning 5 and prepares to be the 1st grader, she encountered Rita and finds the same scent Roscoe had when returning home. While enraged within, she decided to focus on her role as a mother as she had no living evidence her husband cheated. At first day of school, Beatrice was relieved when her daughter made a friend with a boy named Oliver. Unbeknownst to her, Roscoe’s remaining feelings for Rita disappeared as he spent more time with her and their daughter, growing to love them as he become genuinely in love with Beatrice.
When Oliver and Jenny has been absent, Beatrice expressed concern as Minerva misses them. Another day, when she was with Jenny’s mother Rose Maylie and other mothers, Nancy came with evidences regarding of Oliver and Jenny’s disappearance, including the ones involving child-trafficking and illegal business by Sykes, Roscoe, DeSoto and Edward “Monks” Leeford. Initially, Beatrice was shock and unable to handle the horrifying truth, but with her suspicion of her husband’s infidelity was believed to be true along with said evidences that her husband was a criminal, she made a heartbreaking decision for the sake of her daughter’s future; divorcing and renouncing Roscoe. When her husband returned after the death of Sykes, Beatrice demanded explanation of his “business”, his involvement with Fagin and the gang (especially, Rita), and of child-trafficking. As Roscoe reluctantly admitted all, she wrecked their framed wedding photo, shredded her wedding dress, and forcibly took off a wedding ring from his finger, claiming she can’t have a husband and her daughter’s father to be a criminal before tossing it at the burning fireplace. She walked from the house as Roscoe—in a disoriented, broken heart and remorse—picked the ring from it, causing his hand to get burnt yet he kept it in his burnt left hand even when he was arrested, revealed she has called the police to arrest him.
She was not present in the court when Roscoe and DeSoto were trialed for their crimes and sentenced 20 years. With Roscoe’s crimes revealed to the public, many students refused to befriend Minerva due to a fear of her being a daughter of child-trafficking criminal. However, Beatrice was grateful of Oliver, Jenny and other students for remaining friends with her daughter. Beatrice also personally apologized to Fagin’s gang, including Rita, for the misdeeds Roscoe has done, later becoming friends with Rita. One day, Beatrice once thought of visiting her ex-husband, but witnessed her daughter destroying the dresses Roscoe bought for her and asked why she was destroying the gifts her father bought. Minerva replied that Roscoe is no father of hers for abusing her friend Oliver, breaking her mother’s heart and ruining her life. This caused Beatrice to hardened her heart to never trust men again and decided not to visit Roscoe. Although her sympathetic colleagues offered a blind date for her or several men asked her out, Beatrice rejected them all to be a strong woman. 
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orphanbrigade · 8 years
Home Alone
Orphan Brigade [Baby Years]: The story of how an infamous crime lord became the guardian of three children and a teenager. 
Trigger Warning: Violence and guns 
The penthouse was utter chaos. No-one was packed despite the fact that Geoff had warned them of the trip weeks ago, the boys were hyper (Gavin and Michael were running around duelling with plastic swords) and worst of all, there was a police officer stood in the doorway.
Geoff let Jack deal with the officer while he rushed around throwing things into the boys backpacks. He overheard little snippets of the conversation. Luckily the cop wasn’t after them; he was there to warn them about a string of burglaries in the area. Geoff struggled not to laugh at the idea of the infamous Fake AH Crew being burgled.
Regardless of the non-existent threat, Geoff was still in a hurry to leave. The less time spent near a police officer, the better. He scooped up all the bags and hurried the boys towards the door.
“Sorry officer. Love to chat but we’re on vacation. See you around!” He grinned fakely as they hurried out.
Jack chuckled, locking the door behind them.
“Don’t worry!” The officer smiled, waving as he watched the family leave. “Your home is in good hands.”
Hours later, Ray had finally beaten his DS game and emerged from the bed room, hunting for a snack.
The penthouse was bizarrely quiet.
He searched the entirety of the penthouse, becoming more and more panicked as each room was revealed to be unoccupied.
“Gav?? Michael?!”
Ray stared at the empty living room, tears pricking his eyes. His worst nightmare had become a reality. Ray had been left all alone.
Geoff could finally relax once they were on the road. They were miles away from home with the whole family. The ultimate road trip. The music was blasting and the boys were singing along happily.
They made their first stop to pick Ryan up. He was way on a school trip and Geoff was standing in as Ryans father (somewhat inspired by Ferris Buellers Day off) to pick him up early. Ryan climbed into the car, glad to get away from his class mates.
“How you doing Ryan?” Geoff asked as they pulled away.
“Good I guess.” Ryan paused as he looked at the boys sat next to him. “….. Hey Geoff?”
“Yeah buddy?”
“When was the last time you did a head count?”
“What do you mean?” Geoff turned around. “….. SHIT!!!”
Ray was doing everything he could to keep himself calm.
Luckily the power had been returned after a big storm the night before, but the phone lines were still dead. With no way to contact his family, Ray was resigned to the fact that he would have to look after himself.
Ray climbed the counter to pull down as much junk food as he could carry and sat on the sofa to watch his favourite film; Oliver and Company. He had to turn it off after a while though. The film normally gave him comfort but now it just upset him more. Fagin always reminded him of Geoff; a man making his own little family by collecting strays off the street. He sighed and found a new game that he hadn’t started yet. He curled up on the couch, hidden under a blanket, as he played his DS. After a while he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Ray was roughly awoken by the noise of people talking outside the front door, rattling the handle.
“What the hell are you doing Kovic?” A voice hissed from the other side of the front door.
“It’s a complex system okay? Shut your face Bruce. I’d like to see you hack this security.”
Panic gripped Ray as he ran to the nearest bedroom, hiding under Jacks bed. He knew that Ryan had improved the penthouses security, but he also had no clue who was trying to break in and how good they were at hacking systems like the one guarding the AH apartment.
Ray took a deep breath to steady himself. “Only a wimp would hide under a bed.” He told himself firmly. “And I’m not a wimp. I’m in the Fake AH Crew.”
The small boy crawled out from under the bed, listening carefully to the noise outside. “This is my home.” He stated as he pulled Jacks drawers open to find the hidden guns. “I have to defend it.”
Ray set up as many booby traps as he could while the men squabbled outside over the security system. Once he was content that he had done as much as he could, he took his place under Jacks bed and waited, a controller in hand.
The door opened with a click and Ray smirked as he heard a crash as the men stood on the marbles that he had scattered across the floor. He listened intently as he heard various traps around the penthouse activate. His personal favourite was the screams of terror as the flame thrower blasted into action.
Unfortunately, Ray didn’t hear the man enter Jacks bedroom and suddenly a hand grabbed his leg, yanking him out from under the bed roughly.
“There you are you little shit.” The man hissed, half of his face burned by the flames.
Ray panicked, his hands clamped down onto the controller in his hands which sent a small RC car shooting out from the wardrobe. It crashed into the men’s legs, knocking his off balance. The man dropped Ray, who crashed to the ground.
Scrambling to his feet, Ray dashed towards the door. But he found the taller man stood in the doorway, blocking his escape.
“I don’t think so.” The man smirked, placing his boot firmly on Rays shoulder and kicking him across the room.
Panicked, Ray turned and ran towards the window, yanking it open and climbing out of it. He scrambled for the fire exit and climbed up towards the roof, figuring that he could hide up there.
He stood on the roof, legs trembling as he pulled out the gun that he had stashed in the pocket of his hoodie. “This is it…” He told himself, aiming the gun where the men would appear from the ladders if they had followed him. “Don’t get scared now.” His hands were shaking so hard that he almost dropped the gun.
The second someone’s head popped up from the ladder, Ray fired. Luckily he missed by a wide margin as it wasn’t one of his attackers who had climbed the ladder. It was Ryan.
“Ry…” Ray dropped the gun, tears welling up in his eyes.
“It’s okay buddy.” Ryan ran forward and scooped Ray up, hugging him tightly. “It’s okay. We’re home now. You’re safe.”
“Wh-… where’s Geoff?” Ray sniffled miserably.
“Well, he slipped on the marbles in front of the door. So he can’t climb the ladder.”
“He’s taking care of the burglars right now. He’s going to make sure that they can’t hurt anyone anymore.”
“Gav…. Michael?”
“They’re in your room. Waiting for you. Everyone’s home.” He smiled softly. “Come on. Let’s go.” Ryan climbed one the ladders, one hand wrapped securely around Ray.
As they entered the penthouse, Ray spotted Geoff on the couch, his foot propped up on a pile of cushions. Jack was tying the two injured burglars up with rope, a vicious expression on her face.
Ryan passed Ray over to Jack. “I’ve got this.” He assured their matriarch, a murderous glint in his eye as he grabbed the pair and roughly dragged them out of the apartment.
Jack sighed as she sat down next to Geoff, Ray in her lap.
“How you doing little guy?” Geoff asked, trying to remain calm despite the throbbing pain in his ankle.
“…. Not good.” Ray admitted, tears streaming down his face.
Jack wrapped her arms around Ray, cuddling the little boy who clung to her desperately.  “We’ve got you.”
“I’m going to make this up to you.” Geoff promised him. “You’re going to be spoiled as fuck for the rest of your life.”
“I don’t want that. Just… don’t leave me again okay?”
“I promise Buddy.” Geoff assured him. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
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