i-olicat · 5 years
Oliver should have known that he couldn’t avoid his adopted sister forever, but he had hoped that she would’ve picked a better time to try something than when he was trying to do some paperwork for his job. Filling things out with something looming just...wasn’t working.
“Okay, so if it’s anything about my clothes or where I should be sitting, my outfit is fine and I’m not going to move,” he informed Georgette, glancing up.
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i-olicat · 5 years
Solomon warmed his hands around the mug, perhaps letting them get a bit too warm and most definitely burning his tongue with his first sip, but it smelled too damn good and the sheer idea of caffeine in his veins sounded like heaven. He took another long gulp, searing his esophagus no doubt, before setting it down on the table and pulling his knees up to his chest, thumb playing with the fuzzy patches on his threadbare pajamas.
“Dreams being shitty to ya, or…?” Fagin probed, taking a moment to see if Oli was going to sit down before rubbing the sleep from his eyes again. God, when he slept anymore he slept hard, but the beginning was the worst part, wasn’t it? He watched the mountain of sugar Oliver added to his coffee, and gave a bit of a smile. It was the little things in life. “I don’t know about fun,” he admitted, pulling his knees an inch closer. He didn’t like getting people’s hopes up, but he was proud of himself so far. It had been a couple of weeks without any fun to speak of, and that wasn’t an easy feat for people like Fagin. “I’ve been a little tired lately is all, used to be able to stay up until noon two days later but I had to conk out before one last night, honest. Don’t ever get old.”
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Oliver waited a second before sipping at his own drink, but the fact that it burned a bit didn’t bother him. He’d gotten used to either too hot or too cold early on in life, and a bit of a burnt tongue wouldn’t kill him like the bitterness would have. At least it warmed him up a bit. Once he was confident that nobody else was coming in soon, he found a seat, pulling a sleeve over the hand that wasn’t holding his mug.
“Nah, not dreams,” he admitted easily. Any dreams that he remembered, he was used to having, and...well, dreaming didn’t worry him as much as the stuff actually happening. Actually, the dreams where better than dealing with the same thoughts when he was awake. If all of that could just stay in his dreams, he might feel better on the whole. “I might have to get old, but how about...I don’t do what you did? Sound like a compromise?”
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i-olicat · 5 years
He looked nice. Almost like he was more awkward than she was. No, she wasn’t awkward right now, she had to remind herself. She was just having fun and not worrying about anything. “Well, I’d hate for you to not have fun,” Olivia said, smiling a bit. “Hopefully I can help keep you entertained, at least for a bit. I’m Olivia. Did you come here alone, or am I taking up someone else’s time?”
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Oliver grinned despite himself, glad that at least he had someone to talk to. He wasn’t here to pick anyone up, but...being alone in a crowd was never good for him. “I’m Oliver. Came here with a friend, but you’re definitely not taking his time,” he explained. “You?”
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i-olicat · 5 years
Oliver had agreed to go out, and...well, when didn’t he regret going places a little? One minute, he’d had a friend to talk to and now? Tito had run off. Oliver wasn’t upset or anything, he knew how he was and definitely knew how Tito was, but that didn’t mean Oliver did any better in a crowd by himself. Only really able to think of one thing to do, Oliver went to the bar, awkwardly taking the one open seat and immediately surprised that someone spoke to him. “Uh. I don’t know if I’d say boring. Not fun, though.”
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Every part of this felt wrong. She didn’t even really know why she was doing it. Maybe she was taking people’s –mostly Felicia’s– advice and just having some fun for once? Was this fun for her? She’d find out soon enough. She let out a bit of a sigh, then flicked some hair over her shoulder. She sat almost posed at the bar, sitting forward with her back arched just a bit, leaning her elbow on the counter, her head so delicately placed on top of her hand. Olivia almost felt ridiculous. But she was trying to stay away from all of her thoughts that gave her pause or hesitation. She had a drink in front of her that she would occasionally stir or take a sip from. Then, she waited for someone to take the seat next to her. “It’s so boring drinking alone, don’t you think?”
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i-olicat · 5 years
Solomon was groggier than usual on the morning of New Year’s Day, which was stupid considering the fact that he was always up past midnight anyway. There was something about trying to make the first hours, first days, first weeks of the new year memorable and better than the previous one that was knocking him out, though. The pressure felt endless and the want was obscene - coffee would do for now, he decided as he smelled it on the air. 
“Mmm,” he hummed softly, warming his frigid hands around the chipped ceramic and blowing on the contents. “Thanks, Oli,” came the next little grumble, but he didn’t want his gratitude to go unnoticed. Fagin opened the fridge up and took out the massive container of sweet creamer, setting it on the table and eyeing the expiration to make sure it was alright. For good measure, he pulled the sugar from the top of the refrigerator as well, and got a spoon from the dish rack to place on top of it before sitting down huddled around his own mug. “How’d you sleep into the new year, cool cat?”
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“No problem.” Oliver spoke quietly not only because not everyone was up yet, but because he was only around Fagin, which...didn’t always end well. From the little gesture of Fagin pulling out the sweet stuff for him, instead of letting Oliver get it, it might not be bad today, but...Oliver could never tell. The downsides of being scared that anyone and everyone could turn on a dime. Oh, well, it was going fine so far...
“Uh...I slept, I guess,” was his answer, and he felt his nose wrinkle up a bit, a slip of the face that was hard to get rid of. He hadn’t slept well, and he had gotten tired enough to sleep because he’d been panic-stricken because of his own thoughts, but he’d slept. Adding what was probably too much sugar to his coffee and not really caring, Oliver glanced at the man. “You were having fun, I guess?”
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i-olicat · 5 years
First day of the new year, and Oliver woke up at the gang’s place. He was the first one up, unsurprisingly, which meant he was putting himself in charge of coffee and not looking miserable. It wasn’t like he had a hangover, since he’d only had two drinks the night before, he just...still did so badly with holidays. It felt like everything was just a final show before he was never invited back.
Sighing to himself, Oliver was just finished pouring a cup of coffee before someone joined him in the kitchen, and he found himself setting it aside for them before he even realized it was Fagin. “Hi.” He would’ve said good morning or afternoon, but he wasn’t sure which it was. “You can have that one.” Fagin probably needed a coffee more, to be honest.
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i-olicat · 5 years
“Oh… I love movie marathons. I think it’s just simple and easy to put together. It’s what my sisters and I do a lot actually when we hang out with each other and catch up.” Aquata tilted her head a bit. “I used to love it, but I think they older I became I lost the magic of it sadly.” 
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Oliver smiled, just a little vacantly, at the mention of having fun with a sister. Never in a million years. “I bet that’s awesome,” he said, right when the light reached his eyes, because it was awesome for her. “I get that. I love the idea of Halloween, it’s just...the reality.” He shrugged.
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i-olicat · 5 years
“I do. It’s been my passion and love my whole life honestly.” Aquata nodded softly. “I guess it’s rather silly to be worrying over something like eating sushi when there are far worse things out there being spread around.” Shaking her head softly she buzzed her lips. Things could be a lot worse for her.  “Well… Gossip is a bit of a downer conversation - are you excited for the up coming holidays?” She asked with a warm smile. 
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Well, that made a bit more sense than any other answer, so Oliver just shrugged. It wasn’t his place to tell people what they shouldn’t find uncomfortable for people to think about them, after all. A bit glad for the change of conversation, Oliver ended up shrugging. “I guess I am. I don’t exactly have plans.” There was stuff happening, of course, but he always felt just a little more out of place at holidays. “It’s nice to have movie marathons to watch, I guess. Do you like Halloween?”
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i-olicat · 5 years
“Well… I mean I doubt judgement would be brought upon a food that’s a apart of another culture. Just in my line of work, and well what I value most - it would be slightly frowned upon.” She sighed knowing she was just rambling. There were far worse things stated about others. “I’m sorry to hear you’ve been a victim to it all though. It’s .. certainly not the best feeling.”
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Oliver honestly wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but...if she said so, he was sure it was at least a little true. “Do you work with sea life, then?” he asked, sure that even Jacques Cousteau had eaten his fair share of fish but only being able to make one connection. At least, he thought, she definitely would not lose her job over that. “No, it isn’t, but trust me. With minor cases, everyone forgets very easily, and everyone will be focusing on if they get mentioned or not. They’ll forget anything about you or sushi if they even saw it.” Just like how nobody had really noticed his abandonment issues. Before or after. “And if they’re any good they’ll try not to put stock in gossip.”
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i-olicat · 5 years
“Oh … I’m sorry . It can sometimes be harder when it’s someone you know. I’ve .. seen a sister up on the topics , and well a rumor about myself . Nothing horrible , but I don’t eat … sushi.” She grumbled shaking her head. “It’ll blow over once people talk to others and clear the confusion. I hope….”
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Oliver nodded, a little solemn. “I’m sorry you’re having to deal with it. I had it happen last year...” Though, that hadn’t been a hack. That had been the regular gossip queen. “That’s good, though! I don’t think anyone would judge you for eating sushi in this city.”
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i-olicat · 5 years
Aquata nodded softly. Giving him a small smile as she took a seat across from him. “You’re welcome.” Eyeing the phone in his hand she let out a small sigh. “Have you kept safe from everything so far? I’m not sure what’s going on but it sure is rather wild huh? “
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Oliver nodded solemnly. “I have. Someone I know wasn’t quite so lucky...” Of course, Crystal’s business wasn’t his business, and he wouldn’t bring it up. She was okay, but...she wasn’t family. “Yeah, it’s a lot. I doubt it’ll let up any time soon.”
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i-olicat · 5 years
Oliver sat quietly at his favorite table, scrolling through what had appeared on his phone. None of it had been about him, it had only ever been once last year, but he knew what it was like, and he felt bad. People didn’t need this, even if he didn’t know them. And, to be honest, he was a little nervous that something might come up about him again. So, the woman holding out a tea to him took him by surprise. “Oh, thank you. It’s definitely alright.” Not wanting to be rude, and instinctively prone to taking what he was offered no matter what, Oliver took the cup from her, turning it in his hands. “Thank you.”
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Aquata grew up looking over a few girls - she knew how to sooth, and listen. Never to jump to a conclusion, and with a grand night of tons of secrets spilling she knew people would be a mess. Handing out a tea to the stranger seated at the small table she smiled. “We could all use a little pick me up sometimes … it’s just a warm green tea , hope that’s alright.” 
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i-olicat · 5 years
Oliver shrugged, not quite sure of what words to use just yet. “Probably one that either doesn’t care much about his kid, or just doesn’t care what other people think of his parenting,” he settled on. This little story wasn’t good, by any stretch of the imagination, but Oliver had heard stories that were objectively worse. “It’s not good, but hopefully the dad just wasn’t thinking?” As he said it, it sounded lame, but hearing about a stupid dad was better than hearing about one doing worse on purpose. “Was it really bad?”
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“Some old man brought his son to The Red tonight!” Charles said with his eyes still in shock. “I mean, I boy must be 8 years old, what the hell?” He let it out a sigh before resting his hands on his hips. “I can definitely tell that I have seen it all here now. I’ve been working here for a couple of years, but this was the first…” Crossing his arms, Cheshire still couldn’t believe it, not even his parents back in the day would bring him to his dad’s shows. “What kind of dad would- I’m in shock, honestly.”
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i-olicat · 5 years
Oliver had been passing by the pool, considering taking a little break and actually going in, or at least checking what times it was open, but there was something outside of it that he could do instead. There was a guy sitting on the ground, and Oliver knew he’d been there before, so he walked up to him and asked if he was alright. The ‘excuse me’ probably meant that he’d been thinking pretty hard about something. “It’s okay, I was. Just wondering if you were okay, you look...” Oliver didn’t want to say ‘bad’, and he thought about what to say as he sat down, too. “Well, it looks like something’s bugging you. Can you not afford to get in or something?”
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Si sat outside the pool, thinking to himself. He’d had quite a lot of thoughts these last few days and he was still working through them. Although, having thoughts didn’t mean work didn’t stop or that he knew where else to go to think besides to the water. A voice brought him back to reality. ❛E-Excuse me? ❜ Si looked up to them.  ❛ I’m sorry… I didn’t hear what you said… Were you even talking to me? S-Sorry for assuming. ❜ 
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i-olicat · 5 years
Oliver was..a little confused, but went with the conversation anyway, focusing in on what he knew how to talk about and ignoring ‘touring’ because, well, that would be wild. “Babies? Is that...actual babies or is that pets?”
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“As much as I love touring the world and putting on shows it sure is nice to be back in the city I call home. Being in my own bed is going to be just grand and my babies sure missed their mama I bet.”
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i-olicat · 5 years
Crystal made a face. “Really? I mean I’ve had my fair share of running into girls that are like that, but … very short time. I couldn’t imagine dealing with it on an often occasion.” She grumbled. “Mean Girls is kind a classic movie though! So - maybe it has it’s good moments? 
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“Yep. I went from an orphan to living with Regina Georgette.” And most times, he sort of wished he’d stayed an orphan. He wouldn’t have been able to go to college, but everything else might have been...a bit better. “No, I haven’t figured out how to get her back...I mean, I dumped mud on her the other day, but nothing lasting.”
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i-olicat · 5 years
Crystal looked towards him and just nodded softly, with a small smile. “You sound a bit too much like me.” she stated with a small laugh. “I’ll have to meet her. I mean .. she sounds like a complete joy.: 
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Oliver chuckled, very tempted to point out that he must not sound too much like her, or else Fagin wouldn’t treat them so differently. He definitely liked Oliver less. “Oh, I mean, complete joy is one way to put it. Or...” Oliver paused. “Well, if you’ve seen Mean Girls it’s basically that.”
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