#also their first meeting was iconic!
dayas · 9 months
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elizabethrobertajones · 7 months
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Oh! The headaches. Definitely the headaches :)
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And I can teach him so much more.
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wikitpowers · 5 months
kitty and merthur parallels bc i'm sad pt.1 (beware of spoilers!)
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hashipebbles · 9 months
First piece of the year!! ❄️⛄️ (version without snow and my og doodle under the cut :p )
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seriousturd · 3 months
Been doodling Rhiannon a lot lately hehe
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 6 months
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the pixie chihiro (and alter ego)
chihiro's wings are warped and damaged from birth, so flying is impossible. as such, they built and enchanted a wooden puppet to carry them around, and named it alter ego
alter ego is also sentient...in a way it is an extension of chihiro that can also think for itself? the string tied around alter ego's wrist links it to chihiro
instead of computer programming, chihiro specializes in making enchanted objects, including enchanted dolls. alter ego is not their only puppet but its the one they like the most
chihiro is self-conscious about keeping up with others given their size and inability to fly, so will usually only introduce themself when piloting alter ego. because of this most others assume chihiro is a magic, sentient doll
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mobblespsycho100 · 4 months
t4t laios toshiro exactly the same relationship but toshiro realised young that she was a girl n has never met another trans person so seeing laios transition after meeting her just continues to perplex and frustrate her (she wants to Fix laios so bad but by god she's annoying. kabru can do it instead ig)
HELPMe yeah yeah truly a t4t love story for the ages
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cxpperhead · 5 days
Icons only + meeting Waylon the first time
Send "Icons only" and something for my muse to react to And I will show my muse's reaction using only icons (1-5) and no text
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amiscreations · 1 year
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Finally got over my art block and painted Joe from Sheffield🥰 yes I saw him live and up close in this glorious outfit and it was the best day of my life x
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witchwhaat · 10 months
saw akira at cinema
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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SCARLET; the corpo -> CYBERPUNK 2077
— OCS + THE HOLIDAYS // for @marivenah and happy birthday!
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zoekrystall · 7 months
Did that fav pkmn thing on a whim and I'm sorry for all my babies I didn't choose bc I really like too many by some.
Love how it's mostly pretty ones and then there's clodsire. Even tho I got it in my team since the beginning of violet do I continuously forget its name bc I just call it by the nickname blobby (one of the rare times I didn't spend hours googling the perfect nickname but it nonetheless is a perfect one)
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And for fun without any legendaries as fav
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Reg nicknames I even write all down so I only spend decades once for each pkmn (unless I don't like the prev one anymore). Need to update that someday since it's mostly old revolution ones but hey. Blaze do I use for arcanine nowadays more and ninetails got others. Gardevoir got soteria nowadays which I prefer more. Etc.
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#a wild lux appears#(made this in december but for whatev reason left it in drafts until now. prob bc I wanted to limit non important posting idk)#Maybe you think garchomp is there bc of other reasons but I use it since dpp bc cynthia made kid me go 'woah!'#I remember having looked up as a kid to cynthia and juniper a lot and that fact n reason behind it makes me also go yeah no I was a girl wh#one day decided to be happier otherwise. Bc the reason was 'oh wow female and cool so I can indeed be that :0' most importantly with junipe#bc I never cared for battles. ye ye ignore fictional professions I was like 8. reason I loath alola tbh I missed doing non battle side stuf#I vividly remember picking my first pkmn game up (hg) and just immediately going fuck being a trainer let me be a prof and it's so funny ho#my horrendous sieve brain has that laser ingrained. Sometimes still brainstorm and I would prob study ghost pkmn tbh who by sheer luck isn'#dead yet. That and maybe being v charismatic to that type idk. Why bc I like those lil fellas.#What I also find extremely funny is having went by sonia prior to swordshield and there being a prof sonia. Wish I still went by it when it#dropped. Imagine. Kid sonia wanting to be a prof and meeting swsh sonia being on her way to be one. I either would've made her my#personality (which I think I nonetheless did I think I changed my icons to her) or would've wildly shaking her going 'it should have been#meeee'. which ig I mentally do by every rival or friend group person that takes that route like take me w you I hate battles please. Insane#that only blueberry academy me start to hate em slightly less. After over a decade of battles. Ig alpharad's n others streams w nuzlockes n#all started to also show me the appeal of actually strategizing instead of brute forcing which I did.#*that only blueberry academy MADE me#Whatev. Also no I don't got anything else that another pkmn would kickstart talking abt. Just know I drag my 2013 xerneas everywhere w me#and it is a fucking crime that I can't throw it into violet. What is this. You clearly don't mind throwing others into regions they don't#belong to at all (which I personally really dislike hc lore wise but gameplay wise whatever let new trainers catch old legendaries)#To come back to fav pkmn yes I'm in the dragonair boat. I hate evolving mine. Dragonite is fine I like it standalone but I like the#aesthetic of dragonair more. Idfc abt logic or whatever this is aesthetic talk. Yes I prefer some fan evos more.#I keep wanting to play that fusion fangame and if you want to know what pkmn I like I found out I have a huge overlap w alpharad there#Which sucks for us both! We adore pkmn that get lewded the most and I hate my life. You do you idc some are humanoid I have to admit that#but I personally would prefer to not see any art or even just jokes abt ANY of that. Humanoid or not I Do Not See.#I don't block let alone report over that just. tag and don't bring that to my doorstep thx.#What I will at most block n judge is if you touch any of the kids idc in this franchise if they're just pixels.#Can you tell I am writing this close to midnight anyways this is all. This became like a completely dif post in the tags welp
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musezieren · 1 year
@lockespindlr plotted starter
A new day, a new babysitter bodyguard.
The young woman was dressed and ready to leave. Designer clothes from head to toe, her heels letting her appear taller than she was, but still not getting close to the man that had just arrived at her office at her family's home. Her arms crossed and dark eyes eyed him. He wasn't the usual type her dad placed to spy on her. Usually, they were... bulkier. But Nari had lived long enough in the world to know that the ones you could not instantly tell were dangerous, were the most dangerous.
"You are Mr. Spindel, right? I'm Nari... you can just call me that. I do not really enjoy being called Miss Nambu." If he ever saw an interview with her, he'd be able to tell that she sounded entirely different. No sparkly over-the-top smile. No little girl act. That was a role she played for the public, one that was impossible to keep up with a bodyguard that was supposed to be clued to her side.
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Her hand raised to her face, fingers running over her eyebrow before sighing slightly. "See, usually I'd play the good girl for a while. But I have an appointment today that is rather important to me. I figure you signed a NDA, that exempts my old man, so... whatever you see. Don't tell some journalist, okay?" Her shoulders slumped slightly. She didn't really want to take him with her.
"Do you know ANY anime? Because I am kinda undercover at my anime meet-up and cosplay group, will change clothes and all. So, I can't really introduce you as my bodyguard..." Her cheeks flushed slightly red. Her father knew of her silly little special interests. But the public didn't.
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latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
treated myself to the very short beginning section of three houses just now but i had to stop n turn off my switch when the game asked me to pick a house bc i started agonising over whether to go w edelgard first or just jump straight into the claude route
#x#fe posting#everyone and their momma says to leave verdant wind for last bc it’s the most satisfying to tie up all loose ends route#and to do azure moon or crimson flower first. bc they work better as one of the first routes#and i TOLD myself ok ok sure i’ll do edelgard first then that’s fine. i like her and a lot of the black eagle characters im sure it’ll be#fun. but meeting claude in game and giggling n twirling my hair over everything he says is KILLING MEEEEEE i can’t abandon him i can’t IM#GONNA FEEL SOOOO BAD#he’s so charming crying real tears rn. i Know what i need to do but man…. pain n suffering …#i remember seeing a take somewhere once that said smth abt how claude gets so permanently shut out of the true potential of his goals on any#route that doesn’t pick him bc he doesn’t get the chance to really establish himself / figure out all the secrets of the game#and so he’s just narratively. barred/locked out from his dreams for good. and ever since i read that it makes me wanna crawl up n DIE when#i think abt it CLAUDE. CLAUDEEEEEEEEEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭#also just in general he’s SOO funny and quirky i love him so much he only said like maybe ten lines total but he’s literally such a riot#playing the game while knowing what his entire deal is is HILARIOUS he’s so fucking funny. and painfully tragic even from the get go. AUGH#one of his first things being calling himself the embodiment of distrust is so. it’s just so!!!!! like he WANTS u to know it’s all an act#EVERYONE knows it he’s not being subtle at all BUT THATS THE POINT!!!!! bc if everyone knows it’s an act that he plays around w then they#wont go snooping around as much!!!! AUGHHHHHHHHH !!!! CLAUDE !!!!#im going crazy i shouldn’t have played this i need to finish my last assignment first. n then i can lose my mind over claude#OHHH also can i just say his + edelgards first interactions are SOOOOO funny they’re so much fun. i love their little banter n back n forth#literally iconic showstopping no one can top them EVER#anyways. it’s almost 3am i need to sleep n write my essay tmrw lol
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
okay admittedly this whole situation does suck somewhat and I definitely thought I’d be able to use this time to catch up on Real Work instead of just laying around in bed all day but there is something a little bit hilarious at watching everyone in the household struggle with all their might to open the same bottle of children’s cough syrup
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magentagalaxies · 2 years
22 days until i meet mouth congress in person!!!!
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