#chart of accuracy 2.0
anil-1234 · 5 months
#share market
#chart of accuracy 2.0
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grga77 · 8 months
How do I get Gemscode premium indicator in TradingView?
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In the realm of online trading, having access to powerful and accurate indicators is crucial for making informed decisions in the dynamic financial markets. Gemscode, a state-of-the-art trading indicator, offers premium versions that provide advanced features for traders seeking a competitive edge. If you're wondering how to access these premium Gemscode indicators on TradingView, read on to discover the steps to enhance your trading experience.
Understanding Gemscode Premium Indicators:
Gemscode, known for its accuracy and reliability in generating buy/sell signals and trend change alerts, offers a range of premium indicators designed to cater to the diverse needs of traders. These premium versions, such as Gemscode 2.0, Gemscode 4.0 , Gemscode Spike, Gemscode Premium [5.0], and Gemscode FK , introduce advanced analytics and tools that go beyond the capabilities of the free versions.
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Steps to Access Gemscode Premium Indicators:
Visit the Gemscode Website:
Start by visiting the official Gemscode website at https://www.gemscode.io/. The website serves as the central hub for all things Gemscode, providing information about the various indicators and their features.
Explore Premium Indicators:
On the Gemscode website, explore the premium indicators available. Each premium indicator caters to specific trading needs, from advanced analytics to specialized tools for navigating market spikes.
Select the Desired Premium Indicator:
Once you've identified the premium indicator that aligns with your trading requirements, click on the respective link provided on the Gemscode website. This link will redirect you to the TradingView platform.
TradingView Platform:
TradingView is a widely used platform for charting and trading analysis. If you don't have a TradingView account, you'll need to sign up for one.
Access the Premium Indicator Script:
Upon reaching the TradingView platform, you'll find the script for the selected premium Gemscode indicator. The script contains the code necessary to add the indicator to your TradingView account.
Add the Indicator to Your Chart:
Copy the script and return to your TradingView account. In the TradingView interface, navigate to the "Pine Editor" where you can paste the script. Once pasted, click on "Add to Chart" to incorporate the premium Gemscode indicator into your trading view.
Configure Indicator Settings:
Depending on the premium indicator, you may have the option to configure various settings and parameters to tailor the indicator to your specific trading strategy.
Utilize Premium Features:
With the premium Gemscode indicator added to your chart, you can now take advantage of the advanced features and tools it offers. Leverage the insights provided by the indicator to make more informed trading decisions.
Accessing Gemscode premium indicators on TradingView is a straightforward process that involves visiting the official Gemscode website, exploring the available premium indicators, and adding the desired indicator to your TradingView account. By incorporating these advanced indicators into your trading strategy, you can unlock a wealth of features designed to enhance your ability to navigate the complexities of the financial markets with precision and confidence. Explore Gemscode premium indicators today and elevate your trading experience to new heights.
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parveenydv · 8 months
Lal Kitab 2.0- The Synergy of Tradition and AI
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"Lal Kitab,"is a set of astrological texts with roots in traditional Indian astrology. This unique system is renowned for its unconventional and pragmatic approach to astrology, distinguishing itself from classical Vedic astrology. 
The origins of Lal Kitab are shrouded in mystery, adding an air of intrigue to its teachings. While some attribute its authorship to Pandit Roop Chand Joshi, others believe it was penned by an unknown Muslim saint. 
Lal Kitab emphasises the significance of Rahu and Ketu, the lunar nodes, and suggests practical remedies, often involving rituals, charity, and specific items to be donated or used.
It continues to be consulted by individuals seeking insights into their lives and looking for simple and affordable remedies to address challenges and improve their fortunes.What sets Lal Kitab apart is its departure from the conventional use of complex horoscopes and birth charts. Instead, it focuses on the placement of planets in different houses and their influences, employing a symbolic language and metaphors to convey astrological principles.
Introducing Lal Kitab 2.0:
Lal kitab 2.0 is really not a book to publish, it is a synergy of Astrology with AI. IT is a combination of two different ages, it is a combination of art and science, no doubt astrology is pure maths but maths is still like an art. You need to learn this to be the master of this art. We believe that lal kitab 2.0 is more accessible, understandable and useful for every generation. When two most powerful sciences come together it creates a miracle to the normal world, though the astrological world is not a normal world, no no no we are not saying this is abnormal or something out of the ordinary it is an extraordinary art that can be learned with some attention and focus.
 Now we do not have time to go to an astrologer and we don’t know who is right or who is wrong. When it comes to trust we trust the calculator more than our own mind, even though humans invented the calculator and it can never be as smart as the human brain but it is more accurate than the human calculation. Sometimes even the slightest mistake can change your birth chart completely. Use of AI saves your calculation, gives you perfection in timings and birth charts and the positions of stars, planets and everything you want to know.
Data Analysis:
You need to know a few things to create a perfect birth chart, Place of birth, Time of birth, and date of birth. If you have these things accurate then you will definitely have a perfect birth Chart without mistakes and AI improves the chances of accuracy to 100%. Astrology data analysis with AI involves leveraging artificial intelligence techniques to process, analyse, and derive insights from astrological data.
Remedy Recommendations:
 Lal kitab always provided extraordinary but easily available home remedies to its followers but with the help of AI and its accurate calculation we believe we will be able to provide tailored remedies to every individuals, 
Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
The process where AI models learn from new data or experiences continuously, allowing them to update their knowledge and improve performance.The ability of an AI system to adjust its behaviour or model parameters based on changing conditions or new information. Regular updates based on new data lead to performance improvements, allowing AI models to provide more accurate predictions or make better decisions. Many Astrological scenarios are dynamic and evolve over time. Continuous learning enables AI systems to stay relevant in such dynamic environments.
Ethical Considerations:
Astrological data often includes personal information. Clearly communicate to users how their astrological data will be used and obtain informed consent before collecting and analysing their information. AI ensures robust security measures to protect sensitive data from unauthorised access and breaches.AI systems should avoid imposing specific cultural perspectives.AI algorithms used in astrology are transparent and explainable.
AI Astrologer:
AI Astrologer is the synergy of the Lal Kitab and AI, The inventor of the AI Astrologer Gurudev GD Vashishth has put all of his knowledge of his earlier addition Lal Kitab amrit in AI Astrologer. AI Asrrologer is a revolution in the astrology world as this will save people from frauds and fake astrologists. AI is claimed to be 100% perfect in its predictions. AI Astrologers respects its readers privacy and understands that these question and answers can be private, When you use the kiosk or the AIAstrologer.com you may ask anything you want and everything is categorised in the app and you get the answers at your whatsapp in the Pdf form.
The synergy of AI and astrology offers a new dimension to the age-old quest for understanding celestial influences on human life. Embracing this collaboration with ethical principles at its core will contribute to a trustworthy and responsible evolution of astrological practices in the digital age. As we navigate this uncharted territory, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom remains a constant, guiding both traditional practitioners and technologists alike toward a harmonious coexistence of tradition and innovation.In conclusion, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with astrology marks a fascinating intersection of ancient wisdom and modern technology. As we delve into this evolving field, it is crucial to navigate it with ethical considerations, transparency, and respect for cultural diversity.
Visit : https://www.aiastrologer.com/
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Kakashi & Da Boyz: Lab Updates
Approximately two years ago, I wrote this pairing lab report which compared Kakashi’s manga interactions with his top five AO3 pairings (excluding sensei/student and original character pairings). Since the numbers have shifted a lot for AO3, here’s what they look like in 2020. 
2018 Lab Report Data
A vague understanding of how math works 
A slowly dwindling grip on my own life
See prior work for methods on manga interaction count as published in Keepyourpantsongohan, 2018. 
It is worth nothing in this section why AO3 was chosen rather than FF.net or any other fanfiction website as a point of comparison: AO3 has the ability to filter character relationships by romantic pairings. While FF.net has developed this filter in recent years, its history and use is much more sporadic and would be unlikely to produce a representative sample. 
See prior work for raw data of manga interactions as published in Keepyourpantsongohan, 2018. Only total interactions are included as a comparison point. 
Total Interactions with Kakashi 
Iruka: 4
Obito: 37
*Obito’s interactions with Kakashi under an assumed identity as Tobi: 11
*Total (if including Tobi): 48
Gai: 50
Yamato: 29
Itachi: 6
Total Number of Interactions for Any Pairings Listed Above: 126
*Total: If including Tobi: 137
AO3 Pairing Story Count (as of 08-June-2020)
Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka: 3,453
Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito: 1,808
Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai: 888
Hatake Kakashi/Yamato | Tenzou: 669
Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Itachi: 151
Total Number of AO3 Stories for Any Pairings Listed Above: 6,969
Figure 1: All Pairing Interactions by Percentage (exc. Tobi) 
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Figure 1 Numbers:
Iruka: 3.2%
Obito: 29.3%
Gai: 39.7%
Yamato: 23.0%
Itachi: 4.8%
Figure 2: All Pairing Interactions by Percentage (inc. Tobi)
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Figure 2 Numbers:
Iruka: 2.9%
Obito: 35.0%
Gai: 36.5%
Yamato: 21.2%
Itachi: 4.4%
Figure 3: AO3 Pairing Stories by Percentage (as of 08-June-2020)
(Note: Figures 2 and 3 marginally exceed 100% in order to both round and maintain the same degree of accuracy as the previous chart. For Figure 3, all figures will be rounded down to control the excess of 100%.)
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Figure 3 Numbers:
Iruka: 49.5% = ~49.0%
Obito: 29.5% = ~29.0%
Gai: 12.7% = ~12.0%
Yamato: 9.6% = ~9.0%
Itachi: 2.2% = ~2.0%
Percentage Difference from Manga Interactions (Fig. 1 Numbers) to AO3 (Fig. 3 Numbers raw data)
Iruka: +46.3%
Obito: +0.2% (or Fig. 2 inc. Tobi: -5.5%)
Gai: -27.0%
Yamato: -13.6%
Itachi: 2.6%
Figure 4: Annual Rate of Growth in Fics from Aug 2018 to June 2020
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Overall Increase in Fics on AO3 Since 2018 (Npast - Npresent)
Iruka: 3,453 - 2,298 = 1,155
Obito: 1,808 -  667 = 1,141
Gai: 888 - 391 = 497
Yamato: 669 - 371 = 298
Itachi: 151 - 111 = 40
Annual Rate of Growth (((Npresent - Npast) / Npast x 100) / Number of years) 
Iruka: ((1,155) / 2,298 x 100) / 2 years = 25.1%
Obito: ((1,141) / 667 x 100) / 2 years = 85.5% 
Gai: ((497) / 391 x 100) / 2 years = 63.5%
Yamato: ((298) / 371 x 100) / 2 years = 40.1%
Itachi: ((40) / 111 x 100) / 2 years = 18.0%
As compared to the 2018 analysis, Iruka, Obito and Gai all got closer to proportionally matching up with their manga interactions, though this is most significant for Obito, who is nearly on par with his manga interaction percentages. In other words, Obito is almost exactly as popular as you might expect him to be based on number of chapter appearances interacting with Kakashi. The annual rate of growth for Obito (85.5%) is also by far the highest. I would be curious to know what factors made this increase so high. 
Iruka, like in 2018, is most prevalent as a pairing, and furthest from manga parity (in the positive direction). It is worth noting that the pairing no longer represents the majority in Kakashi’s top five pairings, going from representing 56.7% of fics, to 49.5% of fics. This seems to be a consequence of the rate of growth, because while there were the largest number of fics for Iruka in the past two years (1,155), there was also the second lowest annual growth rate at 25.1%. Even so, the raw numbers do speak to the popularity!
Gai has moved slightly closer to manga parity, with a 2.5% increase in representation. However, the pairing still experiences the largest percentage decrease in presence from manga to AO3. Still, the rate of growth for Gai is significant, being the second highest at 63.5%.
Yamato moved slightly farther away from manga parity, but only by a difference of 0.3%, which means the pairing has more less maintained the same level of popularity as two years ago. The rate of growth is middling, not anywhere near as high as Obito or Gai, but significantly higher than Iruka or Itachi. 
Itachi was as almost close to manga parity as possible in 2018, so the pairing will likely only get further away with more fics being written. But as there have been such a small amount written (20 per year) it would be a slow increase in discrepancy. 
Having acquainted myself with the commentary on the prior report, it might be theorized that “attractiveness” is a factor in popularity of character ships. However, this premise is flawed, because in my experience as a reader, the act of loving a character makes them handsome. See: The Once-ler phenomenon, as described by Ed Helms on Funny or Die (Fealasy 2012):
“I heard there are people who have a sexual predilection for my character in the Lorax [...] And that is very odd, because he’s not a real person. I do agree, however, that he’s extremely sexy. But I don’t condone sexual fantasy about the Once-ler. I don’t condone it.”
So in this case, we can assume attractiveness is a relative condition, superseded by the way that readers choose to love their characters. Personally, I think it’s very sexy of me to love Tenzo. All this to say, don’t worry about it. Who cares? I just made you read a quote about people wanting to have sex with the Once-ler. Think about that. 
The number of fics at the time of my making these charts was 6,969 though, so I think we’re all winners here. 
As I used the manga interaction counts from 2018, bias in my methodology then is still present here. 
In my original calculations, I actually had Obito at 35.8% instead of 35.0% for Figure 2, in a case of human error of inputting 49/137 instead of 48/137 in my calculations. This error has been noted and changed, but the potential for more human error is present in all of my calculations. 
I am aware of there being an event going on for Kakashi and Iruka as I write this, so it is possible that by the time this data is analyzed the number of AO3 fics will have increased. 
I will reiterate that I exclude sensei/student pairings (Sakura and Naruto being two of Kakashi’s top five pairings on AO3 in general; currently third and fourth respectively) because of my own discomfort and the fact I am making a comparison with their manga interactions, which take place when both students are 12-16 and Kakashi is 26-30. Minato would currently be the next highest after original characters, excluded for similar reasons. I also include Itachi with reluctance due to their age gap, but as he is at the very least 18 when returns to Konoha to speak to Kakashi, and he is the next highest in Kakashi pairings, he acts as the fifth pairing. So, in short: I am most certainly biased in what I included and excluded in my 2018 and 2020 data. 
Again, this analysis does not examine a number of variables, like the Naruto anime and ongoing sequel anime, other types of pairing content, etc. But it’s still very interesting to see the tide of fic on AO3. I would like to look at the anime specifically at some point, but this was already an incredible waste of time. 
Seriously, why would you read this? Why would I write this? Are we human, or are we dancer? We will never know. 
Literature Cited
Keepyourpantsongohan. (2018, Aug 19). Kakashi & Da Boyz: A Lab Report. Tumblr. https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/177174079767/kakashi-da-boyz-a-lab-report
Fealasy. (2012, April 26). Once-ler. Know Your Meme. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/once-ler
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theshinobiway · 5 years
you’re literally my favorite naruto blog i love your stuff so much!! you write and understand team gai better than kishimoto!
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THAT IS SUCH A HIGH COMPLIMENT?? Thank you so much for that anon! 
I’d hesitate to say I understand any character better than the original author, but I certainly put more focus on those characters more than Kishimoto--hence the Team Gai blog. In one way, I understand that Team 7 was always the flagship on the series, but I certainly disagree with Kishimoto when it comes to their decided endings. 
As an author, I know that it can be overwhelming to manage multiple characters and to neatly tie up hundreds of plot points, but for characters that “broke out“ like Lee and Gai, I wonder sometimes if Kishimoto stifled his own creativity with those characters to keep Naruto in the focus. It would certainly explain why the ending didn’t seem to fit the original premise for many of his characters.
If I could give anyone general advice for writing any character that isn’t your original work, it would be the following:
If you are intending to keep their characterization as close to canon as possible (which is what I do to preserve the authenticity of the character that everyone already loves) I would like to stress the importance of looking for character qualities through a non-biased lens. 
What I mean is this: In fandom, we often like to create caricatures in our head of what characters are like based on a few of their major qualities. Hence, this is why Team Gai is always SO out of character when I see them written in the fandom. If we’re being honest, here’s a comparison chart of how Team Gai is portrayed versus how they actually are; Be warned that I was extremely blunt with these.
“Fandom” Team Gai vs. Reality:
Fandom!Might Gai: Springtime of Youth! TALKING IN ALL CAPS! KAKASHI, RIVAL! Portraying this man with sex appeal, ever? Either you mean it as a joke at his expense or you’re REALLY into KakaGai.
Real!Might Gai: Goofy, but with Sagelike Wisdom. Youth is a theme of his teachings and a catchphrase, but he acts like an adult most of the time. EXTREMELY Emotionally literate--Gai is not oblivious! He can read people really well! Will know if you’re hiding something, even if he can’t remember your face. Can lose his temper if his loved ones are threatened or if his direct teachings are disobeyed. Gai gets tired too--Lee can wear him out! Goofy old sensei who combines humor and wisdom with some of his eccentricities. 
Fandom! Rock Lee: Springtime of YOUTH, 2.0! Very Stiff Ways of Speaking! Lovesick! ‘Creepy’ if he’s not the love interest of the work. Cinnamon roll who would never get mad, ever. Feels like Gai 2.0. Woah when he takes off his weights he’s really cool!
Real!Rock Lee: A SERIOUS CHARACTER. Lee can be goofy with his friends as much as anyone, but Lee’s usual expression is serious! He’s self-motivated to an unreal degree. Diligent, tidy, and disciplined. Hopeless Romantic. Very gullible! Extremely idealistic, to the point of possibly deluding himself. Minor codependent behavior exhibited towards role models. Hot-Blooded. Adores cute things. Secretly envious of those around him. Lower self-confidence. Seeks approval.
Fandom!Tenten: Loves weapons, but does she have a personality besides that? Let me just fill one in. Portrayed often as either uptight and like a bully, or as a slightly more tomboyish Sakura. “The Tomboy” archetype. Tenten wants romance just like every other girl, what do you mean? Lovesick/heartbroken over Neji, stays single for the tragic romance. She was Neji’s training partner! She can’t stand Gai or Lee and looks down on them. Often has weak characterization because she gets sidelined into being a love interest. (...and then her entire character revolves around her (male) love interest.)
Real!Tenten: Loves weapons of all kinds, especially Kunai. Impulsively buys weapons she likes. Doesn’t understand many of the girlish inclinations like love and delicacy, but is not anti-feminine. Has canonically stated that she has never been interested in love or relationships. Has never had a crush on anyone. [Also, she was not Neji’s exclusive training partner, she was simply his training partner for the third round of the Chunin exams. ALL of Team Gai regularly trained together or in different pairs at any point in time. This was a comment that was taken way out of context by shippers and has spread false information ever since. This fact is no more real than Lee "balding."] Is tactless, but definitely not a bully. She loves to investigate and play pranks, especially when older. Balances work and rest. Is the “glue” of her team. Cares about her self-image. Has deep insecurities about how others perceive her, and constantly compares herself to her team.
Fandom!Neji: “Destiny Boy.” Either a brooding, calloused douchebag or a brooding, “bad boy” douchebag. Goes out of his way to say mean things OR doesn’t utter a single word for the entire story. His and Shino’s personalities are indistinguishable. No emotion. Stiff. Not empathetic in the slightest. Unhealthy portrayal of his personal relationships, even his friendships. Who would want to be around this guy? I’ll just make him the ‘strong and silent’ type with anger issues and snarky one-liners and call it a day.
Real!Neji: Disciplined and traditional. Reserved, not emotionless. Has a WIDE range of emotional expression and communicates primarily on the nonverbal level. Speaks in either metaphors or to the point--it depends. Some modicum of patience for foolish behavior. Master of projecting his problems. Is only a ‘bully’ pre-exams, but was already on the comedown by the time we’re introduced to him and his team. Deeply emotional at the core, but can be overwhelmed in his by own emotions, especially when it comes to his ego. Learns to maturely manage himself later on. Very perceptive of his surroundings. Cares very deeply for Hinata, his team, and his close friends. Hinata is his closest female relationship whether you like it or not. Witty and sometimes blunt, he doesn’t go out of his way to be a jerk once he’s older. Fits into the respected "big brother" role for both Hinata and his friends.
The Conclusion
When reading through characters and their actions, I cannot stress enough that you often have to let go of your preconceptions of a character and actually look at what they are thinking and doing and how. Your idea of a character's canon personality should be measured up against their canon. Do not measure a character’s canon against your caricature.  
Again, fandom will always do what it wants and take creative liberties where it chooses--as is their right as an audience--but discussing canon and ‘accuracy’ of a portrayal is another thing entirely. 
My assertions about Team Gai focus on their canon portrayal of their personalities and the goals they had within the story of Naruto. My headcanons are always kept separate, and my assertions about their character arcs and endings have to do with how to approach--through the literature--their internal/external conflicts and to reach an appropriate resolution that makes sense within the story.
Thanks as always for contributing to the blog!
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borisbubbles · 5 years
Eurovision 2010s: 75 - 71
75. Valentina Monetta - “Crisalide (Vola)” San Marino 2013
The middle chapter of one of Eurovision’s most epic saga’s. God, I may be an insane book nerd for looking for ~THE BEST STORY~ every year, but Valentina had one forreal and it was legit a great one. While the first chapter established Valentina as a universally beloved backstage darling, and the third rewarded her previous struggles with a spot in the finale, it’s the second that I hold dear the most: It put Valentina on the mark as an artist who mattered. Like a butterfly emerging from chrysalis, if you will? 🦋
Needless to say, it comes down to Valentina’s song, which is again, one of the better Siegel compositions: “Crisalide” has all I need in my Eurovision anthems: emotional imput, a great beat (made to resemble an irl heartbeat), a eurofriendly message about spreading wings and flying away, topped off with a KILLER KEY CHANGE. Like, this moment:
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is one of spine-shivers. What a great entry. My 2013 self was DEVASTATED when she NQd, but my 2019 self is thrilled Valentina got to return and write history as Stan Marino’s first qualifier.  🦋 ALL HAIL THE LEGEND THAT IS VALENTINA MONETTA! 🦋 VOLA! INSIEME A MEEEEEEEEE 🦋
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And that concludes San Marino! It’s pretty weird that I’m usually into “STANNING SHIT FOR THE SHITTINESS” movement, because San Marino is a country formed AROUND being deliberately bad. However, intentional humour is very often less funny than unintentional humour and because of this I find it very hard to get into the San Marinese shitfests. They’re capable of greatness though, and hopefully can capitalize on Serhat’s qualification to serve us some delicious campness in the future. 
74. Greta Salóme - “Hear them calling” Iceland 2016
ANOTHER gut-twisting NQ. 😭 To be fair, I can sort of understand why Greta 2.0 flopped? The act is very similar to Sergey’s, but not as eye-catching, and the lighting is a bit too dark, making it dificult to connect with her.
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However, having said that... what a STUPID reason to NQ one of the best songs in 2016 o__O. “Hear them calling” is a great song: It has a truly haunting atmosphere, a visually stunning act and infectuous melody. The only wish I have is that Greta had stuck to the Icelandic version though because that one is even more epic. 
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Another thing I really like about “Hear them calling” is, well, Greta herself. I think she’s one of the most talented Eurovision songwriters, consistently churning out magical music, but at the same time is held back as a performer by her stagefright. Seeing her overcome it and ~blossom~ into a murder of crows the confident woman she deserves to be makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. BRING HER BACK (as a songwriter lol).
And with Greta’s elimination, HATARI are now the sole Icelandic rep standing. Love has won!
73. Miki - “La venda” Spain 2019
LMFAO it truly was a crazy ride with Miki. When “La Venda” was first selected, it was a massive burst of uncoordinated positive energy, in desperate need of taming. A revamp polished off all the raw edges, pre-packaging it for greatness. “So it happens” BorisBubbles thought, taking an indifferent sip of cold coffee from a bone china mug. “Spain are going to break their flop streak :slurp:” 
Silly me, I had completely forgotten that, oh hello, this is fucking SPAIN and Spain doesn’t *do* competent whoops. Thank fuck they went all out with “La venda’s” staging because the results were fucking GLORIOUS. From the giant manikin rocking the dollhouse
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over the go-pro,
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to the technicolour explosions,
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"La venda” sent a pyroclastic flow of party energy all over Europe, covering our faces with celebratory soot when we didn’t expect it. This... was fucking AWESOME though, because the eruption of Mount-St.-Nuñez was one of unbridled fun, but it also overloaded the maximum capacity of ownage energy, which short-circuited the jurors.😭 May next year’s jurors grow themselves a stronger tolerance for kickassness.😭 Nevertheless, Miki and his friends capped this decent Grand Final off in great style, turning what was a fun competent reggaeton into an EXPERIENCE. 
That leaves RUTH as highest ranked Spanish entry:
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“SOY YO? SOY YO??” -“RUTH!” -“AAAAAAA!!!!!”
72.  András Kállay-Saunders - “Running” Hungary 2014
I will just plunge into this write-up in medias res because “Running” is one of those songs that feels like the “perfect” Eurovision entry on many levels. It’s a great example of a dark, contemporary hit single that would hit the charts on its own. 
It also tackles the issue of child abuse with grace and elegance, addressing the topic head-on, but NEVER trivializing it. This PSA is supported by András who makes for a very convincing narrator and a sublime dance act portrayed where the pain and terror is portrayed with harrowing accuracy.
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Which brings me to why I’m booting it now, and not like, in the top 20. “Running” suffers from the fact that it is *too effective*. I think that, on an academic level, "Running” is probably one of the ten best entries in this decade. On a practical level however, “Running” is still an entry that gut-punches me into contemplative silence, but... it’s also very serious, distubring and saddening at the same time. It does not have the same level of replayability or likability that the upper tier Eurovision entries do. Ergo, I have to boot it now. bye. 
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71.  Sofia Nizharadze - “Shine” Georgia 2010
“Shine” was one of my intensely random faves back in 2010, so there is a lot of nostalgia resonating in dragging it this high. With that caveat out of the way though, I will say the deal is very similar to that of “Running”. Like, “Running”, “Shine” feels like a ‘perfect’ entry on an academic level. Like “Running”, it is kind of lacking on a connection level despite getting everything right. However, unlike “Running” it has a lot of heart seeping through the performance. Yes, Sopho is a notorious “slrrer vf wrds” 😍 which is just the endearment I needed.
You see, “Shine” may be a generic love ballad, pleasant and little else, but I actually think the act is the real showstopper. I could watch Sopho getting flung around for hours and never get bored. LK THE TDS GNA TRN YO ANOW
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100% deserving of being the best scoring Georgian act in Eurovision!!! But not this ranking because “Midnight Gold” is not of this fucking planet. Congratulations Nikangel Kocharov!!
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fossadeileonixv · 3 years
Coppa Italia Quarters: Milan 4 Lazio 0
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Ratings and words... here we go!
MAIGNAN 8 Near perfect in the back. Saves and save percentage only show a tiny bit of his impact. His quickness and accuracy in distribution deserves a stat of it’s own. We can just call it a ‘Maignan’. 
CALABRIA 7 Not called into service much. Did have some time on Immobile as he kept oddly drifting wide to his side. 
KALULU AND ROMAGNOLI 8 Fantastic again.  This is 3 straight starts now for Kalulu/Romagnoli against Juve, Inter and Lazio. In those games Milan have conceded 1 goal on a set piece, 0 from open play and a total of 3 shots on target. Amazing. 
Also watch that goal by Leao again. Kalulu backs up to receive the ball and draw Lazio forward, he squares it to Romagnoli who then takes a touch and ping a perfect 50 yard through ball to Leao who buries it. 5 touches to move the ball 80 yards and put it in the back of the net. Fucking brilliant.
THEO 8 Quickly becoming the most hated player in the league and I love it. drawing the yellow on Felipe was textbook shithousery. One of his best all around games. 
TONALI 7.5 Another solid performance. starting to make it look easy. 
KESSIE 8 Pocketed SMS once again. Basically owns him now. The mortgage is paid off. The landscaping is perfect. Curb appeal off the charts. 
MESSIAS 7 By doing almost nothing (just staying wide) does everything that Saelemaekers doesn’t. Love when he cuts in and let’s a shot rip. 
DIAZ 8 Not sure you can play a better game without actually recording a goal or an assist. He and Giroud are really clicking. 
LEAO 10 Hard to watch that performance yesterday and not put him amongst the top tier of attackers. Amazing stuff. that finish to slide it under Reina’s arm? perfect. The pass to Giroud? Perfect. That’s why he gets a 10. Perfect. 
GIROUD 9 New rule: We only sign strikers 35 and over from now on. Good lord. 
REBIC still doesn’t look right. Maybe 70%?
SALAD SHOOTER Terrible. A card waiting to happen at any moment. Flamini 2.0 
MALDINI Runs on the field like that kid on your U10 rec team that always forgets his shin guards. Just happy to be there...
TOMORI Looks great. Such a relief. 
PIOLI Called on his best XI to get a result and they came out and crushed it. Pushing all the right buttons now. Great stuff. 
-Tomori-Kalulu or Tomori R13?
- Was yesterdays lineup, including Tomori, our best XI? Do we have a best XI? Does it matter? I DON’T KNOW!
- Lunch today was a bowl of yogurt, raisins, blueberries and granola. How about you? 
- I just wanted to see who was still reading. 
0 notes
sRs Trend Rider Pro review 2021 | sRs Trend Rider 2.0 review 2021 | sRs Trend Rider Pro | forex trader guide | the complete guide to forex trading pdf free download | how to learn forex trading for beginner | how to start forex trading
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sRs Trend Rider Pro review 2021 is the flagship Forex trading system of Vladimir Ribakov, a well know Forex trader and mentor. It is based on the time-tested, proven strategy of joining a trend already in progress. This improved version has been created by updating the original sRs Trend Rider strategy after 6 years and 1512 trading days and includes some excellent trading tools. The sRs Trend Rider Pro have generated almost 6,000 pips since its inception. There is huge performance gap between sRs Trend Rider 2.0/ sRs Trend Rider Pro and other trend-oriented trading systems.
This is sRs Trend Rider Pro review 2021. By reading this forex trader guide article you can learn more regarding the recent performance, valuable sRs Trend Rider Pro trading tips, and more. This is the complete guide to forex trading pdf free, where you will get detail information about how to learn forex trading for beginner and how to start forex trading.
Table of Contents sRs Trend Rider Pro review 2021 :
1. Characteristics and Features of the sRs Trend Rider Pro
2. sRs Trend Rider Pro Trading Tools
2.1 sRs Trend Rider Pro Dashboard
2.2 sRs Trend Rider 2.0 Control Panel
3. Performance of the sRs Trend Rider Pro
4. Tips to use sRs Trend Rider Pro
4.1. Money Management
4.2. TradeLimit and Stop Loss Method
5. Advantages and Disadvantagesof the sRs Trend Rider Pro
5.1. Advantages of the sRs Trend RiderPro
5.2 Disadvantages of the sRs Trend Rider Pro
6. Is sRs TrendRider Pro worth It?
7. Conclusion: sRs Trend Rider Pro review 2021
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1. Characteristics and Features of the sRs Trend Rider Pro.
There are many unique characteristics of the sRs Trend Rider Pro. Out of that some characteristics that make this system ideal for at-home Forex traders:
Ø sRs Trend Rider Pro is a “Hybrid” Trading System that Combines The Best Of Manual And Automated Trading.
Ø sRs Monitors – Autonomous system integration which scans and gauges the momentum on the 5 most recent candlestick formations, optimized more specifically for longer timeframes.
Ø News Headlines – A strong defensive system integration for traders where the sRs scans incoming news and alerts traders to when these announcements are published.
Ø sRs Sentiment – Powerful system feature that automatically scans the sentiment of price action behavior across multiple time frames.
Ø The Dashboard of the system allows user to Know When To Trade, What Direction To Trade And How Strong The Trade Setup Is.
Ø sRs Trade Manager – Ultra comprehensive tools that provide traders assistance with entering trades above trend lives, tackling support and resistance levels while providing absolute support coverage on pending orders.
Ø Main Control Panel helps user to Setup Automated Trade Entry, Lot Sizing and Trade Management.
The sRs Trend Rider Pro is a semi-automated trading system that dominates the trend trading arena with the best accuracy and continues to generate success rates over 70% for three consecutive months in a row.
2. sRs Trend Rider Pro Trading Tools
There some very important and user friendly trading tools and strategy that user get with the
sRs Trend Rider Pro and that make it a unique way of trading. I personally believe that, these tools are going to be responsible for more Forex success stories than other similar trading strategies. These tools and proven profitable trading strategies helps user to trade perfectly at home.
Here are some of the trading tools Vladimir Ribakov provides in the sRs Trend Rider Pro…
2.1 sRs Trend Rider Pro Dashboard
If you have little bit experience in trading then you might have face problem while reading clumsy charts and that creates lack of confidence in you. This lack of confidence creating the trading strategy can destroy your chances to book profits in the trading business.
In the sRs Trend Rider Pro, Vladimir eliminates all doubt when identifying trade setups. When ALL the rules are met, you will see it on the Dashboard. The trade rules are in place to identify high probability areas to join a trend in progress, and the Dashboard lets you know exactly where those areas are taking place.
2.2 sRs Trend Rider 2.0 Control Panel
Control Panel is the best ever trading tool. Control Panel increase your mobility and make you free from having to sit in front of computer for long hours. It also increase profitability by making sure user to stick with exit rules.
Once user identify a setup then system will direct him to the Dashboard. User then set up the trade using the Control Panel. User have to draw a trend line that must be broken in the direction he want to take the trade and put “buy” or “sell” as the Name of the trend line in the properties window.
Once user set the trend line, 3 horizontal lines will be placed on the chart. Then he move the lines around until he have the trade setup like he want.
The Control Panel allows user to take out partial profits at Take Profit 1 and let the rest run to Take Profit 2. When setting up the trade, it is important to take into consideration the Risk to Reward Ratio at Take Profit. The Control Panel has a feature that let user to see the risk to reward ratio at TP 1 when he move the lines around.
This is an excellent feature that can help to identify the trade setups with the best risk to reward and increase your profits. There is nothing more to do, once user set up the trade. If the trend line is broken, he will immediately be entered into a trade with the proper lot size according to your setting. Then the trade will be managed perfectly on autopilot.
Hey Guys, Click to read full article!
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charger-batteries · 4 years
Epson WorkForce Pro WF-4830 Wireless All-in-One Printer Review
Replacing our 2017 Best of the Year WorkForce Pro WF-4740, Epson's WorkForce Pro WF-4830 Wireless All-in-One Printer ($199.99) is a midrange multifunction (print, copy, scan, and fax) printer aimed primarily at small offices. This year's model comes with similar paper capacity, volume ratings, and features as its predecessor—and boasts a $100 price reduction. Its large, auto-duplexing automatic document feeder (ADF) and two 250-sheet paper trays make it well worth its modest price if you're printing and scanning every day. Overall, the WF-4830 is a fast, feature-rich, business-ready AIO that gives great value for its purchase price.
Tall and Powerful
The WF-4830 is the middle model in a recent five-machine WorkForce Pro refresh. The WF-3820 and WF-4820 are less expensive and less robust; the WF-7820 and WF-7840 are wide-format machines (printing pages up to 13 by 19 inches) that are otherwise similar to the WF-4800s. Assuming you don't need poster printing, the WF-4830 is the obvious choice for most offices with moderate printing needs, as it delivers much more value than the WF-4820 and WF-3820. (I'll talk more about how these machines differ in the sections below that cover relevant productivity and convenience features.)
The WF-4830 measures 13 by 16.7 by 19.8 inches (HWD) and weighs 26.2 pounds. That makes it about two inches taller and 3.3 pounds heftier than the WF-4820. It's about the same size and girth as the HP OfficeJet Pro 9025. The most similar printer that Canon offers is the smaller and lighter (and not nearly as capable) Pixma TR8620.
A much more expensive Epson AIO, the EcoTank Pro ET-5850 (also on our 2017 Best of the Year list), has a notably larger footprint and weighs almost 20 pounds more than the WF-4830 unit. And Brother's MFC-J6945DW (on the 2019 Best of the Year list) is bulkier and heavier still, mostly to accommodate tabloid-size printing. I'm including comparison machines that cost up twice as much as the WF-4830 because I couldn't find recent AIOs in the $200 price range that come with two paper trays, a feature that really makes the WF-4830 stand out in its class.
Another perk of the WF-4830 is a 50-sheet auto-duplexing ADF that automatically scans both sides of two-sided multipage documents. Manual-duplexing feeders, such as the one on the WF-4820, can't capture both sides of two-sided documents without a human standing by to flip the stack. If you're regularly scanning two-sided documents that are more than a couple of pages long, auto-duplexing makes a big difference in convenience and saved time.
Of the other AIOs mentioned here so far, only the Pixma TR8620's 20-sheet ADF is manual-duplexing. The two OfficeJet Pro machines come with 35-sheet feeders, and the ET-5850 and MFC-J6945DW both have 50-sheet ADFs.
The WF-4830's paper input capacity is 500 sheets split between two 250-sheet cassettes. That's 250 sheets more than its closely priced sibling, the WF-4820, and comparable to the higher-end ET-5850, which adds a 50-sheet multipurpose tray that pulls up and out from the back of the machine.
The OfficeJet Pro 9025's paper capacity is the same as the WF-4830's, while the Premier comes with only one 250-sheet cassette. Brother's MFC-J6945DW boasts two 250-sheet cassettes and a 100-sheet multipurpose tray, making it the most versatile of this group. The Canon TR8620's meager 200-sheet capacity is the least robust.
The WF-4830's maximum monthly duty cycle is 33,000 pages, and its suggested monthly volume is 1,600 prints. At that rate, you'll refill the paper trays three to four times a month. Those numbers are comparable to the OfficeJet Pro 9025 and MFC-J6945DW, which are rated at 30,000 pages maximum and 2,000 prints suggested, and the OfficeJet Premier, rated for 25,000 pages maximum and 1,500 prints suggested. Canon doesn't share volume rates for its consumer-grade printers. If your printing volume is considerably higher, the ET-5850 can handle double the WF-4830's workload.
Versatile Controls
Aside from Home and Help buttons residing on either side of the screen, the WF-4830's spacious 4.3-inch color touch-screen control panel controls all its functions. You can set up and execute copy jobs, scan to local drives or cloud sites, monitor ink levels, configure security parameters, generate usage reports, and a lot more. You can also use the WF-4830's built-in web portal from any web browser, including the one on your smartphone or tablet.
The WorkForce Pro AIOs all ship with the same standard interfaces: Ethernet and Wi-Fi for networking, and USB 2.0, Wi-Fi Direct, and Bluetooth LE for direct connections. There's a USB port in a covered compartment to the left of the control panel that lets you print from or scan to USB thumb drives.
Android Print, Apple AirPrint, and Mopria make it easy to connect to the WF-4830 from your mobile device. Epson throws in its Epson Connect suite of utilities: Epson iPrint, Epson Creative Print, and Epson Smart Panel (all compatible with iOS and Android); Epson Email Print; Epson Remote Print; and Scan to Cloud. You also get TWAIN drivers for scanning directly into desktop apps.
For faxing and scanning, you get Epson Fax Utility and Epson's two outstanding scanner interfaces, Scan 2 and ScanSmart, as well as a newcomer to the bundle, the Smart Panel App. Scan 2 has three modes—Home, Office, and Professional—that provide access to features according to expertise levels. ScanSmart is a modular scanner interface that supports plugins, such as Epson's ScanSmart Accounting Edition for gleaning data from receipts, invoices, and other financial documents and converting it for use in bookkeeping programs. ScanSmart also integrates well with document management applications, including Epson's Document Capture Pro.
The newcomer, Smart Panel App, is a remote control panel that runs on your smartphone or tablet. It only works with the latest generation of WorkForce Pro AIOs. I installed it on my Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone and fooled around with it for a while, but the jury is still out as to how necessary it is. I suspect it's mostly a response to HP's Smart App, which is touted as a universal interface that allows you to configure and manage all HP printers and scanners across Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS platforms.
One Quick Inkjet
Like the WF-4820, the WF-4830 is rated at 25 monochrome pages per minute (ppm). During my tests, it performed slightly faster than its rating and its WF-4820 sibling. I put it through its paces over an Ethernet connection to our Intel Core i5 testbed PC running Windows 10 Pro. On the first part of the benchmark regimen, I timed it as it printed several copies of our standard 12-page Microsoft Word text file and came up with an average score of 27.5ppm, or 1.1ppm faster than its WF-4820 sibling and 1.2ppm slower than the ET-5850.
The OfficeJet Pro 9025 beat the WF-4830 by 2.2ppm and the speedy OfficeJet Pro Premier came in ahead of the WF-4830 by 10.1ppm. But the WorkForce Pro turned around and trounced the Brother MFC-J6945DW by 9.2ppm. The Canon Pixma TR8620, at 13.7ppm slower than the WF-4830, ate everybody's dust.
The next part of the testing routine entails printing our collection of colorful and complex Excel spreadsheets with accompanying charts and graphs, PowerPoint handouts containing intricate graphics and fonts of varying sizes and colors, and graphics-laden Adobe Acrobat files. I then combined these scores with the results from printing the text document above and came up with 12ppm, a negligible 0.4ppm faster than the WF-4820.
The other Epson, the ET-5850, beat this one by 6.3ppm. The Brother MFC-J6945DW and the two OfficeJets, the Premier and 9025, had speeds almost identical to the WF-4830's. The Pixma TR8620 managed a paltry 4.7ppm.
To finish up, I clocked the WF-4830 as it churned out several instances of two brilliant and detailed 4-by-6-inch snapshots in an average time of about 13 seconds, 1 second slower than the WF-4820 and near average for this group of inkjets.
Superior Text and Image Printing
Epson's WorkForce Pro AIOs are built around PrecisionCore Heat-Free Technology printheads that utilize ink chips with small, dense, and tightly clustered nozzles that produce some of the best detail and color accuracy in the business-oriented printer space. Granted, nearly all inkjet printers churn out good-looking output these days, but the WorkForce Pro family is clearly one of the best for detail and color accuracy that stand up to close scrutiny.
The WF-4830 printed our common serif and sans-serif sample font pages with crisp, well-shaped, and highly legible characters down to what I could make out without magnification, or about 6 points. The several not-so-common decorative, headline, and theme fonts we test looked good, too. And the colorful and complex business graphics, charts, graphs, and embedded photographs I printed were more than attractive enough for both internal and external business use.
However, it did struggle with a few PowerPoint handouts that contain gradients from light to dark black and from green to black. In some of them, instead of flowing evenly from one color to the next, the gradient stepped, banding perceptibly from shade to shade. The result wasn't awful, but it was obviously not the intended effect.
The photo prints from the WF-4830 were not quite as vibrant as you'd get from an Epson or Canon consumer-grade photo printer (the Editors' Choice–winning Epson XP-7100 comes to mind), but its photo output is good enough for most business applications and even for family photos.
Expensive Per-Page Output
Without some kind of discounted-ink incentive, consumer-grade printers like this one, especially if you push them close to their suggested maximum volume, cost a lot to use. When you buy Epson's so-called high-yield ink cartridges for this printer, monochrome pages will cost you about 3.6 cents each and color prints will run around 11.7 cents each. The more you print, the more you'll care about running costs that are 1 or 2 cents higher per page than those of comparable printers.
For example, let's say that you print 1,600 pages each month (the WF-4830's suggested maximum volume) on a machine with a 1-cent monochrome page cost. Printing 1,600 pages will save you $41 each month, $499 each year, and $2,496 over the expected five-year lifespan of the printer.
I'm comparing this printer to more expensive ones in part because their lower running costs lead to a comparable lifetime cost. The ET-5850 Pro, a bulk-ink EcoTank machine that lists for $900, delivers running costs of 2 cents for both monochrome and color prints. (Note that most of the other EcoTank models, the ones without the "EcoTank Pro" in their names, cost even less to use: 0.3 cent per black page and 0.9 cent for color.) Obviously, you have to print and copy a lot to save enough to make up the difference in purchase price, but when you factor in Epson's current offer of free ink for the first two years you own the ET-5850, the lifetime value math is worth doing.
Both the OfficeJets discussed here are eligible for HP's Instant Ink subscription program, for which the printers monitor ink levels and order more as needed. Subscribing to the $19.99 option gives you your first 700 prints each month for 2.9 cents each and charges $1 for every subsequent 20 pages. If this doesn't sound like an impressive value, keep in mind that we're talking 2.9 cents for every page, even letter-size borderless photos with 100 percent coverage—a fantastic boon if you print a lot of color documents and photos. I should also point out HP is currently offering two free years of its 300-page, $9.99-per-month subscription for Premier owners. Brother's MFC-J5945DW, an INKvestment Tank model, delivers running costs of 0.9 cent per monochrome page and 4.7 cents for color, which isn't bad either.
Finally, Canon's Pixma TR8620, which doesn't offer a bulk-ink incentive, prints monochrome pages for a painful 7 cents and color for 11.7 cents each. However, the Canon Pixma G4210, a bulk-ink AIO, will run you just 0.3 cent for monochrome and 0.9 cent for color.
A Solid and Durable Low-Volume Solution
The WF-4830 is loaded with productivity and convenience features designed to save time and maximize efficiency. It sports valuable improvements over the WF-4820. It's difficult to find a machine with two big paper drawers and a 50-sheet auto-duplexing ADF for under $200. However, this AIO costs more to use than several others in its class, making it less of a value if your print and copy load is more than a few hundred pages each month. If your output volume is modest or you don't mind paying a premium for ink, this sturdy machine will serve you well for several years.
0 notes
tech-battery · 4 years
Samsung Odyssey G7 32-inch 1000R Curved Monitor Review: Extreme in Every Way
Samsung’s 32-inch Odyssey G7 is all about extremes, and that’s what makes it one of the best gaming monitors. The 32" Samsung Odyssey G7, the C32G75T, packs 240 Hz, Adaptive-Sync, DisplayHDR 600 and extended color into a 2K, VA panel with a 1000R curvature, the tightest curve we’ve seen yet. Most monitors at the top of the speed charts are 25-inch flat panels, but Samsung’s breaking the mold with the 32-inch G, going for $750-$800 as of writing. Samsung has truly pulled out all the stops here.
We’ve talked about what makes gaming monitors different from rank-and-file enterprise displays. More refresh rate, more resolution, more color, more features, more size -- the key word is more. Gamers no longer have to settle for 22 inches and 60 Hz when 27-inch 144 Hz panels are commonplace. And IT managers aren’t going to buy 34-inch ultrawide curved monitors for their office staff.
The most obvious extreme here is the Odyssey G7’s curvature. The radius is just 1,000mm, which is the most extreme curve we’ve seen to date. At first glance, one might question such a tiny radius with a 16:9 panel but when you see this 32-inch beauty in front of you, it makes perfect sense. There is a tremendous amount of screen area, and the extra height you get over a 34- or 35-inch 21:9 display is significant.
Speed is another extreme feature here. The Odyssey G7 tops out at a 240 Hz refresh rate, which makes it equal to many other monitors on paper. Color quality is also in the extreme category. Extended color is included to the tune of 85% DCI-P3 coverage. That by itself is not extreme but the C32G75T’s out of box accuracy certainly is, which we’ll show you shortly. It’s one of the few monitors we could not improve upon with calibration.
If you can’t have a full-array local-dimming (FALD) backlight, which helps make for the best HDR monitors, the next best way to render high contrast and effective HDR is with a VA panel and a dynamic contrast feature. The C32G75T has both of those in its core feature set. Native contrast is comfortably over 2,000:1, and Samsung includes a local dimming option in the on-screen display (OSD) that selectively modulates part of the edge array to increase contrast.
Assembly and Accessories of 32” Samsung Odyssey G7
You’ll need to get the Phillips-head screwdriver from your toolbox to assemble the 32-inch Samsung Odyssey G7.
First, attach the base to the upright with its captive bolt. Next, mate the panel with four more bolts. Then, a ring split in two pieces goes on the stand’s pivot point. It lights up when you turn the power on for a neat textured look. After you’ve made cable connections, a cover goes over the input panel, and you can hide the wires inside the upright for a super-clean look.
Bundled cables include USB and DisplayPort, and you get a large external power brick. If you want to use a monitor arm, a bolt-on adaptor comes in the box.
Product 360
Styling is game focused with two small LED lights at the front and a ring around the upright’s attachment point. Color and effect can be controlled from the OSD or you can turn it all off if you wish. The bezel is 9mm wide around the top and sides and just shy of one inch at the bottom. A tiny Samsung logo is the only other thing visible from the front. Reach up under that logo and you’ll find the OSD joystick which controls all monitor functions.
The styling continues around back with an array of smoothly flowing lines that accentuate the panels curvature. There isn’t a straight edge anywhere. The pivot ring appears to be in motion with its turbine-like texture. If you install the input cover and run your cables through the upright, the monitor presents a super-clean appearance.
The stand is substantial. There’s is a bit of wobble at the pivot point, but no more than one would expect from such a large panel. Adjustments include 4.7 inches of height, 15 degree swivel to either side, 9/13 degree tilt and a portrait mode. We’re not sure when one would use a 1000R curved monitor in portrait mode, but if you think of a reason, this is one of the only such screens that can do it.
The jack panel is a bit unusual in that it includes one HDMI 2.0 port but two DisplayPort 1.4 inputs. You also get USB 3.0; one upstream and two downstream ports. A 3.5mm audio jack accommodates headphones or powered speakers .There are no built-in speakers.
OSD Features of 32-inch Samsung Odyssey G7
Samsung has included its gaming-styled OSD in the 32-inch Odyssey G7. At the top, you can always see the Black Equalizer setting, response time (overdrive), refresh rate, Adaptive-Sync (G-Sync or FreeSync) status and low input lag setting. All options have six sub-menus.
Up first is Game, appropriately. Interestingly, when Adaptive-Sync is engaged in Windows, the overclock, overdrive, low input lag and aspect options are grayed out. No worries though. The refresh rate defaults to 240 Hz, overdrive is locked to its middle setting, where it works flawlessly, low input lag is turned on and the screen size maps each incoming pixel without overscan. If you’re having trouble seeing shadow detail, turn up the Black Equalizer. And Virtual Aim Point puts one of six different reticles on the screen, where you can move it about with the joystick.
The Picture menu has a nice set of image adjustments, which you won’t need if you choose the Custom or sRGB modes. Both are extremely accurate right out of the box. Just set brightness to taste, and you’re done. If you want to tweak though, there are nine total image presets, plus RGB sliders for color temp and three gamma options. The Black Level field sets the threshold for PC versus AV signals. DisplayPort properly defaults to PC level, but the HDMI input defaults to video, which means dynamic range is reduced. Change it from Low to Normal for sources connected via HDMI.
Samsung hides the local dimming and dynamic contrast options in the System menu. Setting Local Dimming to Auto means it will only be used for HDR signals. Turning it on leaves it engaged for all content. If you prefer, you can use Dynamic Brightness which modulates the entire backlight where local dimming selectively dims just parts of it. That is the better option and it works very well.
In this menu, you can also adjust headphone volume, set a power-off timer and control the lighting effects. You can also set the USB ports to remain active when the power’s off to charge devices.
Recommended Calibration Settings
The C32G75T comes set to its Custom picture mode, where all image controls are available. Despite our efforts, we could not improve upon the already excellent picture quality and accuracy. The only thing we changed was the sharpness slider, which needed to be reduced to 56 to remove a slight ringing effect. In HDR mode, you can adjust brightness; we maxed it and set Local Dimming to Auto for an excellent HDR image.
Gaming and Hands-on with 32-inch Samsung Odyssey G7
The C32G75T’s extreme curve is a real asset, not only for gaming, but for general use too. While a 21:9 or 32:9 screen will cover even more of a user’s peripheral vision, the height of a 32-inch monitor really draws you in while providing a more familiar shape for workday tasks. Documents can be placed center screen with utilities off to the sides. And you can see the full page in a word processor or 60 rows of a spreadsheet. These things are more difficult to accomplish on a 34-inch ultra-wide. Image distortion was never an issue.
We’ve always been fans of the 32-inch, 16:9 format. The C32G75T is just like that, only curved. You’d think a 1000mm radius would be extreme, and it is, but it doesn’t call as much attention to itself as the photos suggest. Working on documents was just as easy as if the screen were flat. At a 2 or 3-foot viewing distance, image distortion wasn’t noticeable.
In SDR mode, we were impressed with the C32G75T’s image both with and without the local dimming feature. When it’s off, the contrast ratio is still over 2,000:1, which puts it ahead of any IPS monitor. Engaged, it ups dynamic range to around 4,000:1 for a visible difference. To do this, set it to On rather than Auto. If you only want local dimming for HDR, set it to Auto. In either case, color is exemplary being both accurate and well saturated. The P3 gamut coverage is enough that you will see a significant improvement over an sRGB monitor.
Watching video is definitely more fun on a 16:9 screen like this. A cinemascope film (2.35:1) plays with narrow black bars on top and bottom. Playing the same thing on a 21:9 would put the bars on the sides. This will come down to user preference, but we like the extra height better than the extra width.
We found no fault with the 32” Odyssey G7’s gaming performance. Both AMD FreeSync and Nvidia G-Sync Compatibility worked equally well, running at 240 Hz with HDR through the DisplayPort input. Frame rates in Tomb Raider hit 200 frames per second (fps) a few times with sustained speeds around 180 fps. Coupled with super-fast panel response, this made motion and input lag completely free of artifacts or distractions. Again, that extra height really drew us into the game. We couldn’t see the pixel structure, even when sitting 2 feet away. Samsung’s excellent contrast and accurately saturated color enhanced the image details, like textures.
Engaging HDR gave us a rare treat. Samsung’s ultra-curved monitor does HDR very well with effective selective dimming. We never saw the light level change in practice, but we definitely saw the extra dynamic range. Blacks were very deep but well-detailed, and highlights popped, thanks to the 600-nit peak brightness. Frame rates in Call of Duty: WWII only dropped a little from the additional HDR processing load. We saw sustained speeds around 160 fps with peaks in the 180s.
The 32-inch Odyssey G77 is primarily a gaming monitor, but after a few days, we found it to be more versatile than the average ultrawide screen. And its extreme curve only enhanced -- never detracted from -- the experience.
Uncalibrated – Maximum Backlight Level
In addition to the Odyssey G7, we have two other 32-inch VA displays in our database: the Gigabyte G32QC and Dell S3220DGF. Samsung also brings speedy operation with its 27-Inch CRG5 240 Hz monitor. We also threw in our two most recently reviewed speed demons, the 360 Hz Asus ROG Swift PG259QN and 280 Hz Asus TUF VG259QM.
Samsung rates the 32” Odyssey G7 as hitting 320 nits brightness for SDR signals, but our sample was comfortably over 380 nits. That much light from such a large screen is enough to illuminate a small room. Bigger screens don’t need to exceed 400 nits in SDR mode to provide enough output for a good picture.
The four VA panels have less than half the black level luminance of the two IPS monitors from Asus. The C32G75T has the highest black level of that four, but it’s still lower than any IPS or TN display can muster. Resulting contrast is a little low for a VA monitor, 2220.8:1. That figure rises to around 4,000:1 if you turn the local dimming on for SDR signals. There is no downside to this option, so we recommend using it.
After Calibration to 200 nits
Our calibrated black level and contrast measurements are taken with local dimming turned off to show the panel’s native response. The top three VA monitors still beat the Odyssey G7 by a smidge, but the Samsung still delivers a deep and dimensional image with saturated color and true blacks.
ANSI contrast is a respectable 1,921.4:1. Although other VA monitors can do better, this is not a deal-breaker. The 32” Odyssey G7 has many other virtues which make this a non-issue.
The Odyssey G7 defaults to its Custom picture mode, and that’s where it should stay for best results. Though all calibration controls are available, there is no need or benefit to adjustment. It has one of the most accurate default images we’ve come across.
Grayscale and Gamma Tracking
Only a few professional monitors can match the accuracy of our review focus. It’s one of the best we’ve measured. Grayscale errors are completely invisible with only 10 and 20% reading higher than 1 Delta E (dE). Gamma is also visually perfect. The tiny aberration at 90% represents only 2 nits, which is almost nothing.
If you prefer the smaller sRGB color gamut for SDR gaming and video, Samsung provides a usable mode that includes near-perfect grayscale and gamma tracking. Its red is a little over-saturated, as you’ll see in the next section, but it is still very functional.
Though we were able to adjust the C32G75T’s Custom picture mode, we could not make the grayscale tracking any better. By default, it’s as close to perfect as we’ve seen. The sRGB mode’s 0.82dE value is also impressive. Gamma deviates from 2.2 by only 1.36% with a tight 0.05 range of values. It doesn’t get much better than this.
Color Gamut Accuracy
Measuring the Odyssey G7 against the P3 spec shows a little under-saturation of the green primary, but all other targets are spot-on. The average error of 1.45dE is extremely low for any monitor and especially impressive for a gaming display.
The sRGB mode is also nearly error-free, but the red primary is visibly over-saturated. You’ll notice slightly ruddier flesh tones and more brilliant sun and fire textures. There is a slight magenta hue error as well.
0.93dE represents the C32G75T’s native P3 color gamut. Our sRGB average error was just 1.80dE. You can see that Samsung takes accuracy seriously because our review subject was bested only by the Samsung 27” CRG5. Of course, all the monitors here put up impressive color numbers with accurate and vivid saturation of all hues.
We’ve tested a few monitors that surpass 90% coverage of P3, but our review focus covered a little more than the competition. The bottom three screens in our Color Gamut Volume chart above are sRGB-native screens, so their results are appropriate. In the Odyssey G7’s case, you’ll want to use a software profile when working with color-critical apps in the sRGB or P3 gamuts.
The question to ask about any HDR monitor is, “How well does it do HDR?” There are three categories, FALD, edge-lit with dynamic contrast and edge-lit without dynamic contrast. The 32” Odyssey G7 falls in the middle. It’s edge-lit but has a terrific selective dimming function that answers the aforementioned question with, “Very well, thank you!”
HDR Brightness and Contrast
The C32G75T tops its DisplayHDR 600 spec with over 618 nits peak brightness in HDR mode. We measured this using a window pattern. Full field rasters produced a peak of around 460 nits. This indicates the use of selective dimming, which is very effective in producing a convincing HDR effect. You can see how low the Samsung and Dell black levels are because they both use this feature. Resulting contrast is far greater than the rest, and it shows in the image. The Odyssey G7 does HDR justice.
Grayscale, EOTF and Color
This monitor’s HDR prowess extends to its grayscale, luminance and color accuracy. There are no color adjustments available for HDR signals, but you can change brightness; we recommend maxing it. Grayscale tracking shows a barely visible greet tint above 65%. We could see it in test patterns but not in games or videos. The EOTF curve transitions a tad early and runs slightly dark above 65% brightness, but again, this is not visible in actual content.
Gamut accuracy is among the best we’ve seen from any monitor. The 32” Odyssey G7 easily keeps pace with reference-class and expensive professional monitors like the Acer ConceptD CP7271K or Asus ProArt PA32UCX. This level of accuracy goes a long way to justifying this monitor’s HDR capability. It’s one of the best we’ve seen.
Viewing Angles
VA is not the best choice of panel for off-axis viewing, but the Odyssey G7’s curvature means it’s unlikely to be shared. A single user sitting at a comfortable distance will see no issues. At 45 degrees, there is a slight purple tint and a 40% brightness reduction. You’ll see the same dimming when viewing the monitor from the top with a shift to green and red. In either case, detail remains visible at all brightness levels, but the image looks a little washed out.
Screen Uniformity
Considering the C32G75T’s extreme curve, one might expect some glow or bleed, but our sample showed none. We measured a small hot spot in the upper left corner, but that was all. No other color or tonal uniformity issues were visible.
Pixel Response and Input Lag
Our comparison chart clearly shows the differences and benefit of different refresh rates. A 240 Hz screen like the C32G75T will draw a full frame in 5ms. 280 Hz lops off 1ms, and the 360 Hz PG259QN takes only 3ms to cover the screen. Any of these monitors will appear to have no motion blur, but a 5ms response time definitely looks better to the eye than 7ms.
The Odyssey G7 also delivers super-low input lag with a total time of 20ms. Interestingly, the 240 Hz CRG5 matched the 360 Hz Asus in this test, which measures the time from control input to full-frame render. The results presented above are impressive. In practice, any of the top four displays will satisfy gamers of all skill levels.
Most gaming monitor categories are well-stocked with choices. If you’re looking for a 27-inch flat panel, a 25-inch super-speed display or a 34-inch ultrawide, you can choose from dozens of different products at a wide range of prices. Truly unique displays are more rare, but Samsung has managed to create something we haven’t seen before. The 32-inch Samsung Odyssey G7 combines the best parts of all categories into a singularly functional, high-performance monitor.
If you’re looking for a large screen, the Odyssey G7’s 32-inch 16:9 panel will easily fill your view. Its 1000R curve and grand height immerses you in the gaming environment, and 1440p resolution brings plenty of detail and high frame rates. With 240 Hz refresh, blur is a non-issue. Flawless FreeSync and G-Sync operation, along with perfect overdrive means motion resolution stays smooth at all speeds.
A VA panel delivers good native contrast and makes effective use of local dimming, even though it relies on an edge backlight. Our HDR test measured over 17,000:1 contrast, putting the 32” Odyssey G7 in an elite group of monitors that render excellent HDR. With 85% DCI-P3 coverage, there is plenty of color to go around, along with deep blacks and bright highlights. And that color is extremely accurate. Calibration is completely unnecessary -- just turn it on and go.
Though Samsung lists the monitor for $800, we found it on the street for around $750. For what you get, that’s a decent price. With performance that nearly equals the fastest monitors we’ve tested and image accuracy that rivals premium professional monitors, the 32” Odyssey G7 is in a class by itself. It is indeed a product of extremes, but the most important fact is that it is an extremely good monitor in all respects.
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123designsrq · 3 years
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blockpaths · 4 years
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Sources: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/trading/07/rising_wedge.asp https://www.tradingview.com/
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source https://blockpaths.com/commentaries/warning-ethereum-danger-signal-dump-incoming-eth-ta/
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bloggerjoedoe · 4 years
Maximum Football 2020
Canuck Play Inc. & Spear Interactive.
Get it now
Football gaming powered by the community! Doug Flutie’s Maximum Football continues to provide the ultimate simulation football sandbox. Overhauled Game play Experience – Enhanced game performance, lighting system, player movement, object avoidance, and custom receiver animations. We have also improved linemen interaction, expanded defensive AI and overhauled the passing game (including more tipped passes, aggressive DBs, faster QB animations). Play Designer – Full play designer for offense and defense. Implement standard playbook strategies with receiver route trees, read progressions, play action, run types, man and zone coverage, blitz packages, QB spy, and even set player motion. Dynasty Mode 2.0 – Player awards, conference championships, player transfers, new Bowl games, updated depth chart screen, faster simulation engine, diverse play calling (giving each team a new identity), enhanced accuracy in recruit generation (including height and weight), detailed recruit commitments and player suspensions, and much more! More Customization – College teams added to Play Now, new 32 team league added to Play Now and Season Mode, brand new customization hub, easy color picker based upon team’s primary and secondary colors, and additional stock logos. Custom Controls – Map your own buttons! Customize your on-field game controls to get a familiar feel or a brand new one. Multiple Rule Sets, Field Sizes and Ball Types! Play the type of football you want - select between US Pro, College and Canadian Football options.
  Product Info:
Developer: Canuck Play Inc.
Publisher: Canuck Play Inc., Spear Interactive
Website: Maximum Football 2020
Twitter: @spearinteractiv / @CanuckGS / @MaxFootballGame
Source: Xbox Live Major Nelson
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