#charmed confections.
mielmoto · 3 months
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I don't want to get too annoying about my exposition in any given thread, so I'm going to compile some references here of "how you should (roughly) picture Charmed Confections," by sharing a couple of the inspirations which are constantly bouncing around in my brain. beginning with, (to almost noone's surprise if you've ever looked into french confections for 0.5 seconds), La Maison Méert of Lille, France.
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It truly does look like something out of a fairytale, with all the densely crowded treats lining each neatly-curated surface in sight: from baked goods to chocolates and caramels, to ornate sugar pieces and cakes, pies, and tarts of all sizes... and, most importantly, the coloring and material of it all feels a bit more homey, more lived-in and warm than the hyper-modern or surreally 'plasticky' modern candy shops with their bright splotches of color and stark white walls, floors, counters.
Honey's shoppe, no matter the iteration, is built on a base of warm-colored woods. In terms of the display surfaces, themselves, she avoids getting too carried away with any paint or solid decor-details, because the focus should always be on the products, themselves; which are usually more than colorful and ornate enough to carry the aesthetic weight. The main check-out counter, though, would get a little bit of extra flair, somewhere in the realm of the moulding and trim seen here:
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Though the color palette would more reflect what she's known for: the gold filigree and details can stay, but it'd be gentler hues of purple, pink, and natural wood grains, with the occasional tiny highlight of white for additional softening and contrast.
A feature Meert lacks which I virtually always imagine in my mind's eye is captured well in Seoul's Hyoja Bakery, and that's the simple concept of a middle/island area posited into the center of the storefront, guiding the natural progression through the space as 'making a round' of the options, rather than touring up one side of treats then doubling back down the other side.
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I also really appreciate some of the presentation being in baskets, not so distantly removed, so that people can pick up and admire a loaf of neatly wrapped bread or individually posited pastries. Sure, some delicacies remain behind the counter, and others need to be in a refrigerated/chilled cabinet, regardless, but avoiding pretention is very important to Honey.
Hers is supposed to be the kind of place where people feel comfortable and welcome to indulge themselves, not some pinnacle of luxury where everything has to be gawked at from afar like an art piece... but the colors and presentation at Hyoja err a bit too rustic. A bit too cottagecore/farmcore, rather than capturing some of the fairytale romance which is so core to her brand.
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eoghankidney · 1 year
Wagashi in Japanese
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Need a sweet escape? Indulge in the delicate and intricate flavors of Japanese wagashi; these charming confections are a treat for both the eyes and the palate. wagashi, Japanese, wagashi, Japanese, lovers
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Summer Loving
Ft. Bruce, Dick, Jason, Roy, & Tim.
AN: Have a lot of lengthy and/or smutty wips on the go atm and I can feel them bogging me down a bit, so I decided to take a break and work on some short summer themed slice of life/domestic fluff to cleanse my palate. I feel I must apologise for my gratuitous and obvious Roy Harper thirst but I wont, enjoy!
CWs: Some are more suggestive than others, reader discretion advised. Minor swearing and minors swearing, mentions of alcohol. GN! Reader
Bruce: Tan Lines
It’s moments like these where you wish Bruce didn’t have to spend his nights on the endless pursuit of justice. You knew what you’d signed up for, but you’d missed him all day and god, the feel of his strong fingers massaging after sun into your skin was euphoric. Would you be such a bad guy for trying to convince him to stay home?
“I like this.” His hum pulls you from your train of thought, and you look down to see his fingers trailing against the tan line your shorts had caused. He spares you a quick suggestive glance, the look a wolf might give a rabbit it’s particularly fond of before dipping down to replace his hands with his mouth.
“Ohhh, stay home tonight Brucie?” The look he gives you this time maintains its warmth but there’s an air of warning to it. Despite his simmering combativeness, you add a charming “Please?”
To that he lifts his head, just far enough to deny you of his lips, but close enough that his low voice still seems to reverberate through your body as he speaks. “Crime doesn’t take the night off, neither can I.”
“I know.” You sigh, admitting defeat before the battle has even begun, and he rewards you by assuming his barrage of kisses to your lower body.
“Just don’t go out too early.” You advise, trailing the tip of your finger from ear to ear, estimating the line where his Batman cowl ends. “Don’t want to get any tan lines of your own.”
“Trust me.” There’s humour in his tone now as he works his way upwards, ghosting his 5 o'clock shadow along the skin of your stomach as he prowls closer. “The evening is young, and I have plans for you yet.”
Dick: A/C
The A/C is broken. Again. To combat the heat the whole household has resorted to wearing nothing but their underwear, except of course for Haley who is always naked. Lucky dog.
Additionally, all the windows are open in an attempt to let the cool night air circulate the humid apartment but all it’s really doing is letting in the ambient sound of Blüdhavens boisterous nightlife and countless flies.
“Want one?” Dick asks from the kitchen spaces as he digs into his second ice pop since dinner, you joke about envying his metabolism despite knowing damn well that’s not the real reason for his physique. Although between the food and the heat-induced skipped workout, he’s bloating, just a little bit; the tiniest, most delicious bit of plumpness and you can’t take your eyes off of it. “Are you checking me out?”
“Always.” You reply with a brazen smile, continuing your laser-focused stare even as he begins approaching your spot on the couch.
“How about you stop looking and start touching, huh baby?”
“No.” You finally cease your objectification of his stomach to look him in the eyes. The intended sternness in your tone is stifled by the way his icy confection has turned his lips blue. “I already told you, no sex in this heat until the air con is fixed.”
Despite your posturing, you don’t fight his closing proximity, nor do you stop him from dragging his cool-raspberry-stained tongue along the length of your throat, it’s still cold from the half-eaten lolly and the sensation sends a welcome chill through your body. As inefficient as it may be, you much prefer this method of cooling down to an A/C.
Jason: Sunrise
The metal grate of your fire escape is surprisingly cool against your bare feet. It’s early, pre-sunrise early but the air is still thick, a combination of the arid summer heat and steam of the cities underground. Despite the unpleasant temperature, you settle onto the grill, with nothing but a pillow for comfort and two ice-cold glasses of lemonade.   
When 15 minutes pass, and you start to notice a growing tinge of orangeness in the sky, you start to worry you’re being stood up, or worse; something awful has happened. Something that would prevent him from coming home, but then you hear it; The heavy steps of Jason’s steel-toed boots approaching from your apartment’s rooftop.
You glance up just in time to see him dropping down. A loud clang rings out as he hits the floor, causing the whole structure to vibrate and you wonder if he does that every night, surely not, there’s no way you could sleep through it or that your neighbours wouldn’t complain.
“Aren’t you sweating balls?” You ask, taking in his gear as he sits down beside you. The boots, the cargo pants, turtleneck, jacket, gloves, and the full-face mask.
“Nah.” His voice is muffled by the headpiece until he takes it off, shaking his head to support his answer. “It’s weird but I’ve kinda run cold ever since I died, you know?”
Obviously you don’t know, in fact having felt his searing, naked skin pressed to yours on multiple occasions, you highly doubt him, but you nod regardless and hand him his drink. Unlike a man on the chilly side, he chugs half of the icy drink in one go and you wonder if he’ll ever stop jumping from buildings and telling white lies to impress you.
“Want some help warming up?” Before he can respond you lean up, brushing your nose against his and watching as his lids flutter closed in anticipation, his breath is cool on your lips and when you finally press into them you can taste nothing but the tartness of the lemonade. Regardless, it’s heavenly; soft and tender. Every kiss with Jason makes your heart flutter in the same way it had the first time.
When he pulls away you chase after him, eyes only opening to meet his heterochromatic irises when your pursuit for more becomes an abundant failure.
He’s grinning as he tells you; “We’re missing the sunrise.”
“I don’t care.” You answer, trying again, and this time succeeding in drawing him in for another kiss.
Roy: Paddling Pool
If ever anybody asked you to describe a moment of pure domestic bliss, this moment would be a strong contender. Your lower body is submerged in a paddling pool as you bask in the sun, enjoying the occasional splash of water caused by Lian’s uncoordinated but enthusiastic dancing beside you. She too is basking, but hers is under an endless stream of hose water being directed by her father; Roy, who is watching the two of you from a sun lounger, hosepipe in one hand and a non-alcoholic beer in the other.
He's quite the vision, no shoes, no shirt, just tastefully tacky swim trunks and his iconically worn-out grey baseball cap that may be protecting his head, but is doing little to tame his mop of fiery hair. From this angle, you’ve got a great shot of some of his lesser-seen tattoos, but every time you look over at him you find yourself far more smitten with the countless freckles that adorn his chest and shoulders, made darker and more noticeable by the recent heatwave.   
“How’s the Heineken?” You ask, genuinely curious how he’s enjoying his first taste of alcohol-free booze.
“Crap.” He replies, lips briefly curving into a self-amused smirk before dropping to woefully panicked as you both turn to look at Lian. Luckily, she doesn’t seem to have been listening in, content in her own toddler babblings. Relieved, he turns his attention back to you and corrects himself. “Um, not good babe.”
“That sucks. I’m sorry.” You offer your condolences, but he seems completely unbothered.
Instead, he turns the glass bottle around in his hands a few times before chucking it over his shoulder. It sails through the air before seamlessly landing in the open bin by your backdoor. Your concern about it leaking into the rest of the recycling is seconded by how impressed you are. It doesn’t seem to matter how many times his trick-shot hit, you’re always at least a little bit captivated by his impeccable aim.    
“It’s cool, hon.” He shrugs and leans back into the lounger. His eyes flicker back and forth between you and his child, a slow, contented smile spreading across his face. “Got everything I need right here.”  
Hours later, you’re sorting through the soggy contents of the recycling as Roy scoops Lian up in his arms and takes her sleepy frame inside. The sun is still high and bright, but it’s past her bedtime, and it’s been a long, exciting day for her. He dries her with the softest towel he can find, careful to pat down every pruned finger and toe before putting her to bed.
“How was your day, sweetie?” He asks, strong fingers petting her soft hair to help soothe her to sleep.
Tim: Ice Cream
Tim is still sleeping off a rough, muggy night of crime fighting as you circumnavigate the boat's sad excuse for a kitchen. The bags under his eyes had been growing darker each day under the stress of hunting down a mysterious new bank robber. You’d hoped to lift his spirits by surprising him with a tub of homemade ice cream, but so far all you’d managed to make is a mess.
After having a falling out with the thrifted ice cream maker you’d stuffed in the back of a cupboard months ago, you settled for hand mixing. By the time you put the concoction in the freezer to set, your wrists are aching, and Tim has begun to stir. You’re just finishing up the dishes you’d created when he finally emerges from the bedroom in shorts, flip-flops, and a not-so-summer-appropriate hoodie.
Before you can offer a ‘good morning, Timmybear’ his arms are around your waist, pulling you close from behind and settling the weight of his sleepy head on your shoulder.
“What’s this?” He asks and then he’s licking what you can only assume is a stray splash of the mixture from your cheek with the bravery only a man raised by Batman could possess. It could have been literally anything. “Banana?”
“Chunky monkey actually.” Goddamn. Surprise ruined in less than a minute. Oh well, at least you can give him something to look forward to. “Don’t worry, I didn’t get ice cream without you, I made it for you.”
“I figured.” He hums, sounding so very drowsy despite the ease with which he manoeuvres your body against the kitchen counter so he can keep you close while brewing his morning tea, occasionally planting soft kisses to the side of your neck as his hands move absentmindedly. “You’re the best, you know that? Can’t wait to try it.”
“You figured? How did you figure?” You skip right past the justified praise; he’d been practically comatose since 4 AM, how could he have figured?
“It’s on the ceiling.” He’s right, you look up to see a cream-soaked walnut lodged above you and let out a dramatic sigh as you fall deeper into Tim's arms.
Taglist: @wandalfnation
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
tw - unhealthy relationships, non/con, mentions of overstimulation, dehumanization, semi-public sex, and abuse.
[commissioned piece. donate to palestinians in gaza here.]
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If Arlecchino had it her way, you think you’d be more of a doll than a person.
Not that it would make much of a difference when it comes to how she treats you. To her, all the world might as well be pieces of a chessboard; playthings to pose and position as she deems fit. Knights are sent into righteous battles, pawns are burnt to ash on first line of fire, and you’re made to watch it all from your place on a glass-enclosed pedestal, where the cruelties of the world are visible, but at a distance. That’s a flaw in her little world that Arlecchino hasn’t realized, yet – your eyes, unlike those of the delicate figurines she favors, are not only painted on.
You suppose you should count yourself lucky, when compared to the rest of her unfortunate collection. Most of her pieces are chipped and scarred, sharpened into fine, deadly points only to be discarded when they begin to dull. You, on the other hand, have proved yourself worthy of her maintenance. Your wardrobe is curated to her particular tastes, every style of bow and pattern of lace hand-selected to suit her preferred aesthetics, and she spends each morning running comb after comb through your hair, brushing rouge onto your cheeks, taking leisurely minutes to decide if she’d rather see you in blue or pink or lilac – always light colors, always gentle. You think, sometimes, that you must look like a groomed dog next to her, pastel and ridiculous next to her monotone elegance. Often, you try not to think about how little of a difference it would make if she added a leash and collar to your daily ensemble.
She rarely lets you leave her sight. Of course, obligation does draw her away from you from time to time (a rarity she laments as often as you pray for), but whenever possible, she has you sitting pretty by her side or, better yet, perched in her lap, straddling her waist and sobbing quietly into her chest as her clever fingers bring you to the brink of climax for the nth time in the past hour. The company she keeps rarely makes a difference when it comes to how or when she touches you – although, you do try not to remember how many of her colleagues have seen you with teary eyes and open legs. A doll’s owner rarely questions the way they choose to handle their toy, and so, she’s content not to think about how she handles you. Her only acknowledgement of your suffering is a quick kiss to the cheek as she coaxes you onto your own feet, a muttered comment about the new stain on the dark fabric of her pants. It’s a miracle that you can bear the humiliation of it, but your endurance is a convenience, not a necessity. There’s no reality in which your limitations alone would be enough to stop her.
Arlecchino does, at least, make the occasional effort to pretend she thinks of you as a partner, rather than a plaything. She’s made it clear that, in her ideal world, you’d happily accept the total loss of your autonomy and thank her for each and every second you spend under the torment of her obsession, but she settles for the occasional, trembling smile when she presents you with a gift or confection you lingered on while passing by an especially charming shop, the tender intimacy of your head resting on her shoulder when yet another meeting proves to be more long-lasting than your attention span. On her best days, she’ll even respond to your timid requests to please not leave another bruise on your neck, another fang shaped indentation on your collarbone with a breath of a laugh and a hushed explanation of why she has to, rather than just an outright, wordless dismissal. You wouldn’t quite say she listens to you, but it’s as close as she comes.
Dolls, after all, are incapable of requesting to be played with in a certain way, or asking their owners to treat them more gently, or speaking up about anything at all.
A doll, Arlecchino’s ideal doll, can only watch with a smile as it’s broken apart.
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holylulusworld · 8 months
Dinner for three
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Summary: You and your husband eat together to celebrate something special  
Pairing: AU!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, pregnant reader
Catch up here: Dinner for two
Dinner for … masterlist
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“The usual?” The hostess chuckles at the insider joke. “Your table is ready, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes.” She guides you toward your table. “I hope you’ll like our new menu. We have a few new desserts.”
“New desserts,” you hum. “Maybe I’ll try something new tonight. What do you recommend?” 
Bucky chuckles next to you. He knows you’ve got a sweet tooth when it comes to desserts. 
“Oh, I’d recommend the new tiramisu with cherries. Not everyone likes it, but it tastes like heaven. It’s alcohol-free too if you do not like your tiramisu with alcohol.” 
Bucky pulls the chair for you, still smiling as you keep on talking to the hostess. He pecks your cheek and whispers something only you can hear.
“I love cherries,” you exclaim. “And it’s a plus that the dessert is alcohol-free. I do not like alcohol in a dessert.”
“We already decided on the dessert then,” he says and sits down to have a look at the menu. “What about the main course, doll? Salmon maybe or lasagna?”
You grin. “The usual please, Clarice,” you say before Bucky gets the chance to decide on what to eat. I’ll take the chicken parmesan and my husband will take the usual.”
“You know me so well,” he grins and closes the menu. Bucky gently grabs your hand to bring it to his lips. “It’s been five years since we first met here. I can’t believe I met the love of my life by chance at my favorite restaurant after I got stood up.”
“Mr. Barnes are you trying to seduce me with your charm and pretty smile,” you chuckle. “You know we are already married, right?”
“This doesn’t mean that I’ll stop complimenting you, Y/N,” he flashes you a smile. “I got a surprise for you too, baby doll. I want to celebrate our anniversary.”
“I want to celebrate something too, baby. It’s a surprise,” you return his smile and bat your eyelashes. “I think this is the perfect moment. But let’s eat first. I’m starving.”
“What? No…you can’t just do things like that and leave me hanging, Y/N,” he pouts, making your resolve crumble. “Please tell me.” Bucky is giddy like a child when you refuse to tell him about the surprise.
You will take your time and wait for the perfect moment. For now, you are damn hungry and want to enjoy dinner with the man you love.
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“…and then you just sat down and had dinner with me and my bear,” you giggle at the memory. “If you think about it, I should’ve thanked my unfaithful ex for cheating on me. If he wasn’t such a horrid person, we’d never met.”
“I’ll send him a gift hamper,” Bucky smirks and dips his head to watch you get something out of your bag, “but instead of confect or wine, he’ll get a turd, so he knows he’s a piece of shit.” He whispers the last part. 
“James Buchanan Barnes!” You raise your index finger. “You won’t poop into a gift hamper. That’s not…” You struggle not to laugh. “We should stop talking about my ex. I have a surprise I wanted to share with you.”
“Before dessert?” He asks. 
You open your hand to reveal a business card with his name on it. Bucky cocks a brow when you place the card on the table and shove it toward him. “What’s this?”
“I made your new business cards,” you casually say. “Why don’t you read it? I chose a nice font, and the paper is eco-friendly. Maybe you should read your new title first.”
“New font, huh?” Bucky wonders aloud as he looks at the business card. “Hmm…James Buchanan Barnes, best soon-to-be dad in the world.” He swallows audibly. “Is this real?”
“I got to know this morning,” You get a tiny shirt saying Daddy luvs me out. “I didn’t feel well over the last days, and I was overdue.” You lick your lips. Bucky and you talked about having children, but now you are a little nervous. “I was seeing my gynecologist and they confirmed that I’m five weeks pregnant.”
“I-“ he looks at the tiny shirt. “Really?” Bucky hiccups. “You are not joking?” He jumps up, knocking his chair over to pounce on you. Bucky wraps you in his arms and whispers your name.
“Buck, are you happy? I know this is sudden and—” Bucky cups your face and presses his lips.
“More than happy, baby doll,” he smiles, and tears are in his eyes. “I guess this means we are having dinner for three soon.”
“We already have dinner for three, baby. They are with us, and enjoyed every bite,” he laughs and kisses you again.
“Dinner for three,” he whispers. “I can’t wait to tell them our story…”
Part 4
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doumadono · 8 months
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Itto would morph into a blushing tomato before he could muster the guts to ask for a kiss from you. His usual carefree swagger would crumble into a nervous wreck, and his words would stumble out like they were trying to navigate a maze of shyness. It looked as if his hand might quake with the sheer force of his own bashfulness.
“Y/N, can I...” he'd falter, the hesitation hanging in the air like a dramatic pause in a play.
“What's on your mind, Arataki?” you would inquire, catching on to his internal struggle.
Despite his attempts to play it cool, Itto's infatuation would be practically screaming. His eyes would linger on the curve of your lips, and the subtle, unintentional act of moistening his own would give away the unspoken desire within him.
But when the kiss finally happened, it would be nothing short of a tender delight. Itto would revel in the simplicity of a soft peck, as if it could light up his entire existence. The shy encounter would be etched into his memory, a moment frozen in time, but now, he'd carry it like a cocky badge of honor.
As the sweet exchange concluded, Arataki, now brimming with newfound swagger, would seize the moment to intertwine his fingers with yours, as if to say, "Well, that wasn't so tough, now was it?"
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Wriothesley, being the smooth gentleman he is, always manages to charm you into saying yes when he craves a little pick-me-up kiss. He's got this super sweet approach, especially when the weight of work stress is bearing down on him.
Sometimes, he'll straight-up ask, all sweet and innocent, "Y/N, my little sweetpie, could you give me a kiss?"
But then there are those times when subtlety is thrown out the window. Wriothesley would casually grab you by the waist when there's even a hint of an opportunity, pulling you close against his broad chest with a confident whisper, "Come and kiss daddy, babygirl."
And oh, those kisses! They're like an addiction you willingly succumb to. Sometimes, he's in the mood for a bit of teasing – a swift lick of your bottom lip, a taste that's enough to recharge his energy, leaving you slightly breathless and craving more.
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You remain appreciative that he confines these moments to the privacy of our home or when solitude envelops you.
Whenever the inclination to kiss strikes, his approach is marked by a profound passion, and the duration extends beyond mere seconds. It's as though he seeks to savor every nuance of your being.
When he needs it, he'll watch you intently for a while, whether engaged in scrutinizing others or engrossed in a case. Then, with a politeness that conceals a subtle demand, he would utter, "Kiss me, my love."
His lips, when they meet yours, carry the faint taste of candy. It leads you to ponder whether he perennially indulges in this confection, given the persistently sweet flavor that lingers in his mouth.
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Zhongli, unapologetically, never shies away from asserting his desires, regardless of the setting. His kisses, a blend of demand and tenderness, are a testament to the assertive nature of the Geo Archon. In moments when he craves proximity, he doesn't hesitate to make his intentions known.
"Y/N, I want a kiss from you," he commands, the weight of his voice carrying a subtle dominance, a declaration of his desires that brooks no opposition. His hands, steady and firm, find their place at your waist, claiming it as if sculpting the very essence of intimacy.
Zhongli's kisses unfold with deliberate slowness, a deliberate dance that brushes his lips against yours in unhurried motions. The demand in his kiss, paired with the gentle exploration, creates a harmonious balance that reflects both his dominance and the depth of his affection.
Your compliance to his requests is wholehearted, a testament to your fondness for each and every one of his kisses. The unspoken understanding between you two only deepens the connection, allowing the echoes of Zhongli's dominance to resonate in the intimate moments you share.
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With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Kaveh beckons you with a sing-song voice, his lips playfully pouting as he calls, "Baby, come give me a kissy kissy, yeah?" Persistent and unyielding, he brushes off any attempt to decline, challenging you with a raised eyebrow and a daring smirk.
Refusing him is not an option, for Kaveh always presses on. He questions your love for him, provocatively asking if he's lost his touch as a kisser.
When it comes to stealing sweet moments, Kaveh doesn't shy away. He's not afraid to snatch a taste of any candy you hold between your lips. And as he leans back, a sassy smirk plays on his face, leaving no doubt about the intensity and seriousness he invests in each stolen kiss. "Mmm, sweetie, that was the sweetest kiss you've ever offered me!"
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slyvieselkie · 3 months
Sweet As Bonbon - Aizawa Shouta
Check out my masterlist for more!
⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°🍰♡ ༘*.゚⋆˚✿˖°
Bonbon is an adorable nickname, everyone can agree, not many believe it should be associated with a man like him. When everyone ask who 'Bonbon' is, you show them your favourite photo with a bright grin. They expect the most charming, handsome, young man that has the sweetest smile...only to find Aizawa Shouta.
Smiles freeze as they take in the man on the tiny screen. A man that seems much older than you, with long messy hair, exhausted dull eyes, and an unkempt stubble. Well, that was definitely a surprise. Especially since the photo you show is one of his insane smiles, psycho adjacent. But no one has the heart to wipe the giddiness you show, so they smile respectfully.
You can tell he's not what they expected, nothing about this man is sugar and chocolate. Even his colleagues laugh at the nickname thinking you were just teasing Shouta, until they stop because the two of you aren't. Everyone grows seriously concerned that you're actually serious. The blonde man, Hizashi, glances between you and a pissed Shouta, "...You're definitely getting cat-fished, run girl-". Hizashi gets cut off by the cloths wrapping around his throat and everybody panics. Later that night you ask Shouta, what was that about? The black haired man waves your worries away, "Nothing, he's just chronically stupid."
But even the man himself can't help but wonder, all the time. He thinks about it a few times a day. Like when he decides to sneak into the shower with you, you'll squeal "Bonbon~!" at him before making room for his surprisingly large form. Or when you bring his forgotten lunch to U.A. He'll finish a class and return to the teachers' office to find everyone passing your sweet note with cute bonbon faces. Shouta despises how the word haunts his life and mind. He hates how everyone makes a big deal out of it and wishes the word never existed. But the man would also hate it if you stop calling him that, because you say it with so much love and affection. The day he stops being "Bonbon"...is the day you stop loving him.
He finally gets his wish on a random Sunday when he returns from his morning run. After stopping by the fridge for some cold water, Shouta makes his way for the bedroom when he hears your voice and someone else on the phone.
"Bonbon, whose that?"
Seated at your dressing table, you gasp and pause your makeup, "Oh my gosh girl, have I not told you about Bonbon?!", "No!", "Shit where do I start?".
Your friend on the other side snort, "Uhh maybe on how Bonbon came about?", you give a dreamy sigh and turn to look at the beautiful weather, "Well..."
Bonbon is a small chocolate confection, with a hollow inside where fillings can be hidden. These include sweet alcoholic ingredients, creamy ganache, fruit purees, and so much more. The sky is truly the limit when it comes to Bonbon and their combinations. And the best part of it, is the surprise. From a simple chocolatey treat to a galaxy of flavours. That is the best way to describe Aizawa Shouta.
At first, he reminded me of the marshmallow bonbon my patisserie used to sell.
You and Shouta met during your part-time employment at a patisserie near U.A. From the moment he first walked in, the man had caught your eye. The lanky customer stumbled in like he had just returned from war, or stepped out of the trash. All of the other customers also noticed him and their discomfort showed through how they cleared the pathway like he was Moses.
Your coworkers also eyed the man, wondering what a man like him was doing here. You also had your questions, like why on earth would he buy a liquorice loaf out of everything here? The disgusting thing was an item your boss had put on to please a niche audience consisting of herself. The patisserie would literally make one loaf a week because no one would buy it.
"This one please", he spoke in a gruff voice and you chirped, "Of course, that'll be $7.50 for today."
After returning his change, you placed the item in a small paper bag and smiled, "Thank you so much, have a good day!"
He nodded and left. As the door slowly shut, you felt the atmosphere lighten up and heard the whispers. Regardless of how you felt, it wasn't your place to step in so you just left to clean up. He was just a customer, and most likely a one time buyer.
Until he kept coming in and in. The man had a routine now, and it somehow always lines up with the days you would be working at the front. Monday afternoons, Wednesday mornings, and Fridays just before closing. And he would always walk around the whole store, tricking you to believe he'd buy something new, before picking the liquorice loaf. You two would repeat the same dialogue, no small talk or extra fluff. At some point, he became a part of you. A thing you had to check off the list to ensure that your day was complete.
Until he didn't come for the whole week, and it made you...different. You weren't right, weren't thinking straight or doing anything properly. It made you so distracted that you burnt yourself while melting sugar. The injury was small but you had to immediately leave for the hospital and was told to rest for two or three days. With that, you missed the black haired man another week. During that time, the ache in your chest grew unbearable.
You feared that you fell in a love with a stranger. A much older man who you know nothing about and speak a total of twenty words to him. However, there was something that drew you to him. Something that forced your eyes to follow him and every movement of his. A curiosity to discover what he contained inside that plain shell. A wonder to what other flavours he held.
It was nearly three weeks later on Friday when you met him again. You had finally gotten used to not seeing him...almost. That was until the bell rang signalling a customer and turned around to greet them, only to find him. Freezing for a moment, you stutter a welcome before scurrying off to the kitchen. You hid your face in your palms, your resolve to ignore the tightness in your chest had vanished. A sweetness rushed in, just from seeing him. What hell was wrong with you? Before you knew it, he was already at the register with his item. Why was he so fast today?
After taking a deep breath, you walked down and went through the steps on the routine. Say the amount, take his money, return the change, place his item in the bag, say your farewells, and wait for the next time.
"Welcome back, I missed you", your mind with blank hearing those words.
It wasn't in his usual grunt. It was a deep voice coated in sugar chocolatey richness, with an airy tone. And you felt your soul shatter into pieces. Oh gosh, everything was bursting out. Rushing out like a flood.
"Y-You can't say that", your voice and body trembled while he raised an eyebrow, "I can't, why?"
Opening your tightly shut eyes, you finally looked up at him and whisper terrified, "Because now I can't hide that I like you."
And his eyes widened while you escaped to the kitchen. But of course you couldn't hide from him forever, couldn't hide from his rejection. You knew what he'd say, that you were a foolish young girl who fell in love with a fantasy. Juvenile emotions, he'd scoff and walk away leaving your broken feelings to seep into the cracks of the ground. At some point you wished that he'd just walk off never to be seen again, so that you can remember him with a bitter sweetness. But you had a feeling he wasn't that type of guy.
You were right. When the lights were turned off, doors locked, and everyone walking seperate ways...he was waiting there for you with a blank face. Say it, you begged him in your mind. That you were a happy-go-lucky girl, that someone like you wouldn't know what love was. Because maybe he was right, maybe he wasn't, you were fine with that.
Except he only approached you, one step at a time at a slow pace. And you allowed him into your space, to stand in front and tower over. For his hand to land on your cheek and caress it so sweetly with a light touch. You gulped and bit your lip to void yourself, in case he woke up from whatever spell had been casted and ran off.
Until the black haired man gave a small smile, "Are you okay?", and you squeak out, "Aren't you supposed to reject me now?"
He blinked before chuckling, and you felt yourself drown in a sea of cocoa, "Is that how confessions go these days, I have to reject you?", "W-Well, I just assumed that would happen! I mean, you probably just see me as a kid!"
The twinkle in his eyes grow even more vibrant and he answered, so softly you thought it would be carried away by the wind, "Only assholes would think that. Regardless of age, your feelings are real and I should respect that."
You were thankful to the breeze for cooling your cheeks, because without it you might faint of overheating. Amused he leaned down and asked if you really wanted him to reject you.
"G-Give me a moment", you turn to the side and hold up your arms to block his sight.
Then you squeak feeling a bounce against your inner wrist, you pull them away only for the man to find your nose as a replacement. You whine again and he fits you against his body, breathy laughter tickling your ear like a cloudy marshmallow.
"Alright, we can take it slow."
But of course, Shouta had other flavours to him...possessive like lemon cheesecake.
Many people view Shouta as a tired man who couldn't be bothered to lift a hand outside of work. And all of his friends, family, and colleagues would agree. But you disagree with that. Whenever it came to you, Shouta was always 100. Including his mission to keep the 'wolves in sheep clothing' away from you. AKA the guys at your university.
You always assured Shouta that he was the one you wanted and the guys don't really chase after you, but your boyfriends begs to differ. During his intel collecting mission, stalking you, the pro-hero lost count of how many eyes followed you. He grew sour as a lemon seeing some think about approaching you. All the while, you innocently skipped along thinking about your classes. Unforgivable, death to all of them.
That day when your classes were finished, he texted you that he'll be there to pick you up. Confused, you sent a heart anyways and forgot about it for the rest of the day.
"Damn, what's with the crowd of girls?", your male classmate noticed as the two of you walked down to the gates.
You watched as groups of giggling girls with hearts in their eyes running past with their phones out. Thinking it was some kind of idol, you shrugged it off. That was until you reached the mess and your jaws dropped. Because in the eye of the cyclone was your man. Your man who wore a black button up, rolled up to his thick biceps, with matching dress pants and shoes. Not only that, he had cleaned up his appearance.
You huffed seeing girls ask if they could touch his ponytail.
"No, My girlfriend will be here soon so you should leave", the girls pouted, "Come on, it's just a touch~ Is she that possessive she won't let you have any girlfriends?"
After a few seconds he smirked down at them, "Is that really what you think?", one of them scooted up to him until their hips bumped, "What else~?"
Instantly Shouta cringed up like he just ate something tart, "It's more that I don't find you that attractive. You should see how much better she is than you, especially with the way she respects people's space and relationships."
Everyone froze including you at his response.
Then Shouta found you and his face softened, "There she is...with a guy", and Mr Lemon was back.
He flashed in front of you, enveloping you into a tight hug greeting you so sweetly. All the while glaring down the fool who dared to compete with him. The poor boy shrunk away and didn't bother to say goodbye before running off.
You didn't even care, nuzzling into his chest with the brightest grin. Only you could bring out the sugar within this man, the cake like richness that he saved only for you. Noticing this, he smiled and pecked your temple. What a terrible duo.
It only got worse from there, for everyone else. Shouta upgraded his wardrobe and tried his best to pick you up from university as much as possible. Regardless of his new status as the campus eye candy, whether those wolves still lusted after you, all of it would vanish when you stepped through those gates. Because Shouta's sour barrier kept them away while you ate up all that he had to give.
And very rarely does he become as bitter as dark chocolate and cherry liqueur.
It's a side that Shouta rarely shows to you. A cold, blunt, and apathetic version of himself that is only reserved for everyone else but you. The version called Eraserhead. Shouta tries to keep Eraserhead and you seperate, but the overlap is inevitable.
Like the time he forgot some paperwork at home so you had to bring it to U.A, only to find him grilling a student with fury radiating out in purple waves. Or when you get to see him in action, rescuing civilians and arresting villains. He's aggressive, dangerous, and icy. And the most memorable was the night you two were invited to a hero celebration party hosted by the government.
Shouta never attends those, he finds it boring and meaningless. However, his mind was changed when he was sent an series of photo from Nemuri. It was of you, dolled up the prettiest gowns with the cutest grin on your face. He sent back a message 'Buy all of them' with his card details, and accepted the invite. All the while unaware that he had started humming, and terrifying the rest of the office.
The night itself started off better than ever. You were bursting with excitement and greeting his colleagues so brightly, there wasn't a single person who wasn't charmed. But of course there will always be some bad apples, even amongst heroes.
As Shouta spoke to the few assemblymen, you had been whisked away by a few female proheroes.
You smiled shyly at their compliments, "Oh aren't you just the most cutest~?", "No wonder Eraserhead immediately snatched you up!", "I mean, who wouldn't want a young and sweet girl! Look, she doesn't even have a callous or bruise on her hand!"
Your smile faltered at the odd...compliment? Was it one?
"Wow, I bet you've never been in a fight before huh?", they giggled to themselves, "Come on, her?! I doubt she would even raise her voice at someone!", "Maybe that's why he likes her, easier to you know!"
The air suddenly felt hostile and you laughed uncomfortably, eyes scanning the room to hopefully find Shouta. After a few seconds, you found him with a few teachers from U.A and sighed in relief, time to escape.
That was until, "Look it's Ms Joke!", and you watched as a woman with sea green hair approach the group.
As you watched her lean in towards him with a teasing smile, whispers from behind echoed in your mind, "Have you met her yet? The two of them are quite close", "Yeah, everyone used to think they were dating!", "It's hard not to when she constantly jokes about it~"
"Joke about what?", a gruff voice spoke up and all of you turn around to find the black haired prohero.
The ominous and bitter look in his eyes made the women around you tense up, "I asked, joke about what?"
No one said a thing and his eyes flickered over to yours, softening but still brewing with abyssal darkness like the liqueur, "Tell me."
You choked up, feeling a child before him about to tattletale. It was so painful, how they were absolutely right. You'll always be a child compared to him, hiding behind his money and authority with a deep well of immature thoughts and feelings. It becomes stuffy in your chest, realising that everything you are and have now is an extension of him.
The hurt on your face was enough to tell him everything, but someone else joins in, "What happened? You all looked so happy humiliating her before?"
Eraserhead turns to the woman beside him, "M-Mirko, what are you saying?", the prohero laughed casually, "What, you thought no one else heard you? Joking that Eraserhead chose her because she's young and docile so he could control her better?"
Your eyes fell to the ground in order to avoid his, shame slowly seeped out through the stinging in your irises.
"Or distort his relationship with Ms Joke, implying something more than friendship?", your body curled noticing the increasing attention.
As the voices grew louder and harsher, you begged the heavens to just vanish into thin air. Suddenly, there were hands covering your ears. You look up to find Eraserhead, mouth shaped into an acrid scowl as his eyes narrow similar to the feeling of sharp alcohol.
He was saying so much, you assume it was very acerbic through everyone else's expression. None of it could you hear, was it someone's quirk? Maybe it was a good thing because in seconds, the situation grows physical. It looked like a bar fight with the way Mirko flies through the air, not a government party filled with proheroes.
The two of you escape the mess and into one of the chauffer cars. It's silent as the two of you collect your thoughts, you could see the driver pray a fight wouldn't start in the car. Then a force pushes your head onto the man's shoulder and your eyes well up again.
"I...I feel so stupid, so n-naive!", your voice cracks and lips lean down to catch your tears.
You feel him return, feel Shouta next to you, the dimensional change from Eraserhead to your sweet man. Sweet like the subtle, fruity, aftertaste of the cherry liqueur. And you cry even harder.
As much as he is proud of his heroism and work ethics, this makes Shouta hope that you and Eraserhead stay in different worlds. Because its a sign, that if Eraserhead is close...then you are in pain.
Your smile softens as you continue.
"He treats me as a normal person, always capable of learning more, but not hopeless and defenseless. He teaches me things I don't know patiently, let me figure things out on my own, allow me to be emotional. Because in his words, You should spend your youth free and limitless, reach the skies and if it gets too high...I'll be there to bring you back down".
On the other side of the door, Shouta has the brightest grin on his face. He's giddy, wondering how he should celebrate hearing this. Take you to a nice restaurant? Holiday across Europe? Ideas flood his mind as he walks away, humming softly.
"That's why I call him Bonbon, my Bonbon."
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Hi Lovelies, long time no see!
Soz if Aizawa was a bit ooc for you, but that's the beauty of a tsundere! This one was actually very difficult to write because the initial word I had in mind was butterscotch but there wasn't much to write about and everything I could write sounded weird. So yeah, tough time for me.
Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed this one and I'll see you another time ✮⋆˙💋メ𝟶メ𝟶💋⋆。° ✮
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sometimesanalice · 9 months
Make You Mine This Season
Summary: It’s your second Christmas with Bradley and the holidays are always better with him by your side. After the perfect day out, you come home with a new accessory- just not the one you were hoping for.
Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Female Reader
Length: 8K
Warnings: so much fluff and some allusions to smut and a cast that looks like a candy cane.
(Author’s Note: set in the Oh, Christmas Tree universe, can be read on its own)
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You can’t fight the smile on your face as you watch Bradley studiously stare at the Christmas tree with a delicate glass icicle ornament dangling from his long finger.
“I think it need to go a little to the left, Roos,” you say, watching the way the little golden thread attached to it gleams from the many strands of white lights he had spun around it earlier in the afternoon.
The contrast between your handsome Naval aviator boyfriend and the very large, very fluffy pink Christmas tree he had bought for you would never not thoroughly charm you. 
“Here?” he asks, moving the dainty icicle to the left per your suggestion.
“Maybe just a bit up?”
Bradley moves it and holds it up to a spot near the little glass Hawaiian shirt ornament you’d gotten for him. He was so amused by it that he’d given it what he called a place of honor on the tree.
“Hmm, no. I think back to the right and down a smidge.”
He turns and shoots you a smirk over his broad shoulder, “Ok, now you’re just messing with me.” 
And then he hangs it on the tree with a flourish.
You laugh when he steps back and gives a dramatic sweep of the hand that would put Vanna White to shame.
Ever the showman.
He had been so excited when he’d found the ornaments in the storage locker he’d kept in Virginia earlier in the summer when the two of you had taken a quick trip to there to pack up the remaining things he’d left behind and bring them home.
The sleeves on the flannel plaid shirt he is wearing are rolled up highlighting his forearms and that snug fitting tank and the ridges of his abs on full display. You’d taken the liberties to sneak in a few glances as he’d bent over to grab ornaments out of the large plastic storage container you keep them in.
It’s an easy choice to abandon the silvery glittery Fa-la-la-la garland that you had been working on hanging on that tricky bit of wall space beneath the stairs to come stand next to him by the tree.
Plus, you know that you can get Bradley to put it up for you- even though he hates the feeling of glitter on his hands- if you offer to make him an Old Fashioned in exchange.
He drapes his arm over your shoulders and drops a kiss to the top of your head as you wrap your arms around his waist, the two of you taking a moment to admire the pretty twinkling tree in front of you with Bob Hope crooning softly on the background.
You love this tree.
And not because it is the most wonderfully ostentatious thing you’ve ever seen. Or because he’d surprised you with it when he asked you to move in with him the year before. But because it was one of the many ways he showed you just how important you were to him, just how much he paid attention to you.
Bradley kept asking what you wanted for Christmas this year, but you’d been avoiding giving him an answer.
Because he was the only thing on your list this year.
You would gladly never have a real tree again as long as it meant that Bradley got to be yours forever.
His allergy to pine trees had taken both of you by surprise last year. Before that chaotic afternoon last December, he had never had a real tree before, but it didn’t take long until his normally sunkissed skin has been covered in angry red hives.
And that gorgeous seven-foot Noble Fir that you had selected from the Christmas tree lot had quickly become Jake’s gorgeous seven-foot Noble Fir.
But you’ll never forget that magical moment when you had walked into his cozy living room to see that candy colored confection of a tree for the first time and how proud Bradley had been to be the one to make your dreams of a pink tree Christmas come true.
It was something you had only ever mentioned once in passing, but that’s who Bradley Bradshaw is. The type of man who goes above and beyond for the people he loves.
Last year, the two of you had just picked up a couple boxes of basic multicolored bobbles to hang on the tree. But this year, your pretty pink tree has some new decorations that you’d collected along the way since then.
The sparkling frosty mug was something he’d found at the airport on the way back from when you’d taken him home to meet your parents for the first time. To no one’s surprise, they’d loved him. He’d had a lot of fun at the breweries you’d taken him to and you liked getting to see a tipsy and pink cheeked Bradley Bradshaw.
There was a blue miniature model toy Bronco with a bottle-brush Christmas tree hanging out the back was one you’d recently found at a Christmas market you went to with Nat and Bob the previous weekend. You’ve never handed over your credit card for something so quickly before in your life.
There was even a shiny shamrock that Jake had picked up to commemorate your first- and last- Leprechaun Run.
It was a promise you were coerced into making in exchange for Jake’s help and the use of his truck to move your things into Bradley’s place the weekend after you happily agreed to live in with him. You were planning on waiting until after the beginning of the New Year, but Rooster wouldn’t hear of it. You were able to hold off for a few days, but he’d made some rather compelling points with his mouth that had swayed your mind pretty quickly.
That New Year’s Eve, he’d kissed you properly and thoroughly surrounded by a dozen half-unpacked brown cardboard boxes.
You thought Hangman would have forgotten about it, but it turns out the only person that had forgot was a you, because you’d nearly spit out your beer mid-sip when he’d slapped down the race bib in front of you at the Hard Deck one evening in March.
It was just as terrible as you’d imagined it would be and worse. Not even the four-leaf clover bobble headband you’d worn had cheered you up even the slightest.
The term fun run was an oxymoron and you were willing to die on that a hill.
And of course, there was also a copy of the house key dangling on a pretty pink velvet ribbon. The one he’d originally given you was a permanent fixture on your key ring.
“So what’s the verdict, sweetheart? How did I do? Is it fluffed enough?” he asks, pulling back to look down at you.
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever seen,” you say grinning up at him.
You’ve loved his homey Craftsman since the first time you’d stepped inside it with all of its warm wooden paneling around the entryways and ceiling beams. The hand tiled fireplace was mostly for aesthetics rather than functionality. You’d filled it with a display of tall pillar candles, but there’d been a couple of occasions where the two of you had stacked it with wood picked up from the grocery store and had the sounds of its crackles and pops serving as the soundtrack to your cozy night in.
You loved it even more now that your books were mixed in with his on the bookshelf. On top of his upright piano there were framed pictures of you and him and of all your friends and family. On the mantle of that fireplace were ivory knit stockings embroidered with your name and his.
This was your home now too, pink Christmas tree and all.
“The best thing, huh?” he says, amused.
“Maybe second best,” you muse, sliding your hand into the back pocket of his snug jeans, “Those Danny Zuko shorts you wore last Halloween still live rent free in my head.”
“I’ve still got those short-shorts, you just say the word and I’ll go put them on for you anytime.”
You snort a laugh and pull him down for a kiss.
The two of you have been together for almost a year and a half, but the way Bradley kisses you still sets off butterflies in your stomach and makes your heart flutter.
Soft kisses. Passionate kisses. Hello kisses. See you soon- never goodbye- kisses. Just because kisses. There you are kisses. Never stop kissing me kisses. All of them turn you upside down just like a snow globe.
He pulls away first, looking to the tree again contemplatively, “You know, the more I look at this the I feel like something is missing.”
You skim over the tree with its warm glow from the many strands of lights, the sparkling ornaments, the glinting icicles, and the delicate bejeweled snowflake tree topper. Short of tying on a few bows for the fun of it, there’s nothing more you think this tree needs.
“I might have tucked a little something in the piano bench,” Rooster says with a nod towards his well-loved upright, “Why don’t you take a look.”
You try and fail to ignore the swoop in your stomach as you walk up to the bench. You already know that you want to be his forever and the two of you are on the same page about it, but you don’t want to get your hopes up. You’re trying to be practical, realistic.
But the heart wants what the heart wants, and your heart wants him.
The seat creaks open as you lift the lid open with a not-so-steady hand, and sitting inside a small box filled with iridescent filler are the prettiest pair of ceramic ice skates you’ve ever seen. You lift the dainty ornament from the box to see that they dangle from a couple ribbons that have been tied together in a lovely bow at the top. They even have a little white fluff lining the rims of boot.
It was one of the things you missed most about home, your town had a little outdoor rink that was set up every year. You weren’t the greatest skater and it had been a few years since you’d laced up a pair of boots, but it had always been one of your favorite traditions growing up.
“Oh Bradley, they’re so lovely,” you say with a dreamy sigh, “I love it, thank you!”
You admire them for another moment taking in all their little details before hanging them up on the pink tree near his little Hawaiian shirt ornament in a place of honor on the tree.
“I have another surprise for you,” he says with a grin, looking very proud of himself.
“Oh? When did you become such a man of mystery?” you tease.
“Gotta keep my girl on her toes,” Rooster winks, sliding a finger through your belt loop to pull you closer before wrapping his arms around you. “You know how Hotel del Coronado has that ice-skating rink set up now?”
Of course you did.
The tickets went on sale a little over seven weeks ago and time slots had sold out in five minutes. You’d even signed up early to try and get a spot in the queue and it still had kicked you out with empty hands.
“Yeah,” you say slowly, drawing out the word, looking up at him skeptically.
Bradley has been on a training detachment at the time, so there was no way Mr. One Percent could have gotten them when you couldn’t. There’s just no way.
You must say that part out loud or think it loud enough for him to hear you because that gorgeous smile of his gets devastatingly self-satisfied.
“I sure did, sweetheart-”
You jump up and cut him off with a kiss, he is quick to get his hands underneath you for support while your legs wrap around him.
“Oh my god, Bradley, how?” you ask excitedly between peppering kiss across his nose and cheeks.
“Ok, I can’t take full credit. I had some help,” he admits, clearly happy with your reaction, “Nat has, and I quote, ‘fast fingers’.”
You make a little squeal in delight as you throw your arms around his neck to hug him and he laughs. It’s the best sound in the world to you.
“What do you say, want to make a day of it? I might have a few things in mind for our San Diego Christmas. We’re a couple weeks early, but I’m feeling festive.”
You get too distracted by his smiling mouth to give him your answer then and there, but you remember to officially accept later that night in bed after your heart finally stops racing.
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Convincing you to move in with him might be the best thing Bradley’s ever done.
Those cool Winter nights last year had tasted like bourbon and were spent wrapped up together on the couch and under the covers.
Your first big fight had been over whose Super Bowl team was going to win. There had been a lot of trash talk that night, but eventually a peace had been brokered. And really, no one was a loser when it came to orgasms.
In the Spring, he had built you a bunch of raised garden beds in the backyard for you to grow whatever you wanted. He’d learned that he had a bit of a green thumb when it came to zucchinis, a fact that irked you to no end because you could never get them to produce anything. He didn’t know sunshine had a scent until he could smell it on your skin with your hands covered in dirt and a smile on your facec.
And he was not surprised to learn that he was also very much a fan of your sundress collection.
The golden Summer days were spent at the beach and taking road trips to nowhere in the Bronco then the long way home. Rooster burned more often than he cared to admit, but you started keeping a container of aloe in the fridge for him. He’d never say no to have your soft hands on his body, your touch more soothing than the cooling gel could ever be.
That Fall he’d finally been able to go home with you for Thanksgiving. He’d met your family earlier in the year, but you’d been so proud to show him off at the official family gathering as you’d sipped on your cranberry mimosa. And after a year of planning, the two of you had finally been able to enact your Stealthy Soufflé Scheme.
He had been determined to get his girl that closely guarded recipe no matter what.
Your Aunt Christine had been putty in his hands with all of his yes, ma’ams and no, ma’ams and charming smiles and All-American golden boy aviator thing. You’d primed him on what things she was interested in and he had fully leaned into it, sweet talk and all. It didn’t hurt that she had been a big fan of the expensive bottles Syrah the two of you had brought with you.
You and your mom had been thrilled when he’d presented you with the handwritten copy of the coveted recipe. He had been happy to do it, but he didn’t mind the way you showed him your thanks later that night in your childhood bedroom.
He was the first boyfriend you’d ever had in there, and if he has his way, he’d also be the last.
Victory- and that not-so-secret-anymore corn soufflé recipe- never tasted so good. 
The two of you had had a great first Christmas together last year, excluding the slight hiccup with the whole hives thing. And he knows he’s a bit of a perfectionist, but he wants to make this one even better.
He had let you sleep in as long as he could, but he was excited for all the festive things he had arranged for today.
“C’mon, sleepy girl. We’ve got plans,” he says, skimming a few soft kisses along your shoulder.
“Do those plans involve coffee?” you mumble sleepily into your pillow.
He chuckles and brushes back a few of the hairs that are stuck against your forehead, “Of course, it’ll be the first stop after.”
You peek up at him from under your silk eye mask, he’s always liked a slightly fussy girl. You’d even got him one for his deployments to help him sleep better on the carrier.
“After what, Roos,” you ask skeptically.
“You seemed to enjoy that Leprechaun Run you did with Jake and I saw that there was an Ugly Sweater Fun Run today and I signed us up, we have to be there in an hour.”
“Bradley, you didn’t,” you say with a gasp, sitting up like you’ve been struck by lightning.
You look so alarmed, clutching the top sheet to your chest, that he can’t help but throw his head back and laugh.
“No, I didn’t. I promise,” he says, trying to pull you into his chest.
You shove lightly at his shoulder, “That was so rude of you, Bradley Peter Bradshaw.”
“Not the government name,” he smirks, leaning down to trail a couple kisses along your neck. He likes the way you always shiver when his mustache grazes that ticklish spot under your ear.
“Oh my god, I swear I just had a war flashback to that second mile when Jake tried to make me keep up with him,” you huff, leaning your head to the side to let him continue apologizing with his mouth, “You’re so lucky I’m even talking to you right now.”
“I am very lucky to have such a pretty, smart, and forgiving girlfriend. One who appreciates over the top Christmas decorations and brunch with themed cocktails.”
That piques your interest and you seem much more awake now for someone who usually needs at least two cups of coffee before becoming a fully functional human being, “Themed cocktails, you say?”
“Mhmm, they even have a Ho-Ho-Hot and Spicy Bloody Merry, spelled m-e-r-r-y,” he says with a smile, running a finger down the bridge of your nose. “But to get one, we have to get out of this bed and into the shower.”
“Sounds like it would be more efficient if we took one together, huh?” you grin, wrapping your arms around his neck, “Plus I’m all about preserving the planet’s natural resources.”
The two of you were a little late getting out of the house, having worked up an appetite, but still manage to make it in time for the reservations he had made.
The restaurant had been swathed in miles of frosted evergreen garlands with so many oversized ornaments dangling and ribbons woven throughout that he wasn’t sure how it hadn’t come crashing down off the ceiling. Not an inch of it was left undecorated, it was all stands of lights and shiny wreaths and giant cellophane covered candies.
Brunch had been complete with a couple of those Bloody Merry’s he’d heard about from Coyote, as well as an order of Santa pancakes topped with a hat of strawberries tossed with orange zest infused syrup.
The Christmas radio station was playing all of your favorites and you were singing along as he zipped along the highway to the next stop.
The Ocean Beach Christmas tree was beloved for being San Diego’s unofficial response to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Bob had told him he’d stumbled upon it on accident one day last year when he had been exploring his new city and learned about the tree’s forty-year history and had enthusiastically recommended that Rooster added it to his festive agenda.
Bradley loved the way your face lit up at the sight of it. The top of the massive tree was leaning to the right and looked straight out of Whoville the way it decorated with all kinds of blow up pool toys. There were beach balls galore, traditional ones and ones that looked like disco balls, a few parrots, and even one shaped like an electric guitar.
“Oh my god, look!” He looks up from the text message he was replying to and follows the line of your arm to where your finger is directing his gaze, “Another bird defying the laws of physics.”
And there tucked away up in the tree next to a blow-up globe is an inflatable rooster.
On the way back into town, two of you stopped by Mission Bay to grab some more coffee and walk around the marina to check out some of the decorated boats docked for the Parade of Lights. He’d heard about it from Penny, who had even participated in the event herself a few years ago.
You’d both agreed the one that had turned the tall mast of the sailing boat into a glowing Christmas tree was the clear winner.
The next stop was something Bradley knew you’d be really excited about.
He’d found out about the Christmas centerpiece floral arrangement class from Nat who had a crush on the florist who ran the little shop.
The class was filled with mostly women, but there were a couple other men scattered around. They’d greeting him with that head nod that only men seem to exchange, like you got roped into this too, huh?, but what they didn’t know was that being there had been his idea.
Rooster was slipping his phone back into his pocket when you returned back to your little round table with an arm full of various flowers and different greens, with not a pine frond in sight. He’d even called in advance to make sure that there wouldn’t be any involved, just in case.
You were divvying up the things that you’d gathered from the long farmhouse tables in the front between the two of you when his phone pings again.
“Rooster, is everything ok? I feel like your phone is going off a ton this afternoon,” you asked, putting down the white berry looking things to look at him, a little crease there between your eyebrows.
“Yeah, of course,” he’d said, rubbing the back of his neck, “Fanboy decided to invite chaos into the group chat by asking if a hot dog was a sandwich or not. It’s getting pretty contentious.”
You give him a look but go back to dividing the pile in front of you, moving on from the berry things to some small roses.
“Also, for the record, a hot dog is definitely a category of its own. You don’t call a hamburger a sandwich,” you’d replied, not missing a beat.
“You won’t hear me arguing with that logic.”
“Good. Because facts are facts, Bradley.”
He pulled out his phone again to give it one last quick skim before turning the volume down, before noticing what flowers you’d just set in front of him, “Hey, are those dahlias?”
You hold up a stem with a large deep burgundy flower for him, giving it a spin between your fingers, “They are! It’s a little late in the season for them, so I’m surprised to see them here. Aren’t they pretty?”
“Those were my mom’s favorites,” he’d said fondly, remembering a backyard from decades ago that was lined with around the edges with the flowers.
“Were they? Well, I’m glad I grabbed them then,” you said with a soft smile, before handing him a few more to work with.
By the end of class, he knows his ears are pink because of how much you’re showering him with praise and gushing over his arrangement. He’d even gotten a few supportive thumbs ups from some of the other people in class.
“Seriously, Bradley. It’s so lovely! I mean, look at those pinecones you tucked in it. I can’t wait to put it on the dining table!”
You wanted to swing by Mav and Penny’s place to drop yours off for them, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he managed to convince you that it could wait until tomorrow.
He couldn’t wait for the next part of your day together.
Bradley jogs around the front of the Bronco to open your door for you after he parks at the Hotel del Coronado. He gives you his hand to help you down from the car, instead you reach and pull his face to yours.
The kiss is like spun sugar, airy and sweet. He could taste the lingering peppermint from your latte earlier.
“What was that for,” he murmurs against you lips.
“I just really love you,” you sigh, nudging his nose with yours, “Today has been so perfect. I feel like I’m in one of my Christmas movies, except I know you’re not going to ask me to leave my job in the big city to help you run your grandmother’s failing bakery to only get paid in gingerbread and Christmas spirit.”
“Lucky for you, my grandma could barely make toast, so you’re spared from such a fate. You wouldn’t need that little Mini Cooper of yours in a town that only has one stoplight.”
You press a quick kiss to his cheek, “Well thank goodness for small miracles.”
“We’ve still got one more thing on the list. You ready for this?” Bradley asks, holding his hand out.
You slip your hand in his with a grin, “Virtue and Moir better watch out.”
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You can’t say you’ve ever expected to see an ice rink set up with a display of white sand and sparkling blue ocean behind it. But it was easily one of the most magical things you’ve ever seen.
The sunset has painted the skies a beautiful display of cool blues, soft pinks, and dusky purples. The palm trees lining the rink have been done up in strands of white lights that crisscross over it above your heads. The mixture of happy laughter, Christmas songs piped over the sound system, and waves crashing served as the soundtrack to the moment.
And you’re trying desperately not to fall and make a fool of yourself.
It was more than a little humbling stepping onto the rink after having not had a pair of ice skates on for more than a decade. It had been awhile since your family had indulged in this particular tradition, but you figured it would be like riding a bike.
It’s almost laughable now how wrong you were.
“How are you so good at this?” you jokingly accuse as you wobble on your skates, yet again. Luckily, Bradley’s sturdy grasp on your hand keeps you from falling.
He laughs, “I thought you said you did this all the time growing up?”
“I did! I just never said I was good at it.” A kid whizzes past you- a little too close, a little too fast- and Bradley shoots a disgruntled look at his swiftly retreating figure. “You come from a snow state, it’s in your blood. You automatically have the advantage.”
“Are you thinking of the other V-state? Vermont?” he teases, easily gliding around you swapping spots so that you’re closer to the edge of the rink rather than the middle.
“It snows in Virginia, I googled it.”
“I mean, yeah, but not a ton,” he says, “But it wasn’t like I was hitting up the indoor rinks either.”
“So you’re telling me you’re just a natural?” You roll your eyes affectionately at him.
He winks at you, “You said it not me, sweetheart.”
You’d nearly melted on the sight when Rooster had knelt down in front of you and looked up at you with such a boyishly charming smile as he’d tied the laces of your rented ice skates.
It took a moment to get your hummingbird heart back under control after that.
After a few more laps around, you’re starting to feel like you’re falling into the rhythm of it. You’re still keeping an eye out for people and the older kid who had earned himself more than one glare from people trying to enjoy their time on the rink as he erratically bobbed and wove his way through them. But your strides are getting longer and the shifting motion from side to side is getting smoother. You could almost claim to be gliding.
You’d forgotten how much fun it was, but then again, Bradley always made everything better and brighter.
Your cheeks ache in the best way from how much smiling you’ve been doing today.
And if you faked a couple wobbles so that he’d put his arm around you, it was worth the sacrifice of trying to look graceful. He’s already seen you at your best and at your worst, so you didn’t think your lack of skill standing on a quarter of an inch of metal was going to scare him away.
Rooster is a few feet ahead of you showing off some of his fancy footwork and maybe if you hadn’t been so distracted by his smile you would have heard the aggressive woosh of the kid’s skates as he sped up behind you.
It had only been a matter of time.
He collides with you but keeps his balance and propels himself forward, not slowing his pace in the slightest before taking off again. Your feet slip out for beneath you and before you know it you’re extending your right arm down to try and break your fall.
You meet the ice hard.
You feel pop.
A rush of warmth.
And then throbbing.
The next five hours pass in a twinkling blur of heavy guilt and aching pain.
Bradley had gone through so much effort planning such a perfect day for you and you feel terrible about how it ended.
The wait at the hospital had been miserable. The lights were too glaring and the noises too loud. The garish green and red garland draped on the desk seemed to mock you as you’d gone through the motions of getting checked in.
Your wrist had been killing you and you hated being the reason that Rooster’s leg hand been bouncing anxiously next to you in the uncomfortable plastic chairs. He’d tried to hide it, but you’d seen that deep furrow between his brows. You’d almost cried when he started stroking the back your pain-free hand with this thumb. It wasn’t until they’d brought you back for X-rays and had given you a light dose of painkillers that the world had shifted back into the dreamy soft focus it had been like earlier in the day with Bradley when he’d taken you on all those perfect dates.
You didn’t know if he had planned anything else, all you knew is that everything had unraveled so quickly.
It’s an odd feeling like you could float away at any moment. The painkillers made you feel buoyant and light, yet you can feel the weight on your shoulders just the way you feel the weight of the cast on your wrist.
Even now as the candy-colored lights that he’d put up along the front of the house bounce off of his still perfect curls, he’s wearing the softest of smiles for you as he works to open the front door. His dreamy brown eyes are reflecting nothing back at you other than warmth and affection and care.
Your wonderful, loving, perfect boyfriend. Your perfect Bradley.
You know it’s not entirely the drugs fault the way you’re struck by just how pretty he is. You’ve always thought so, but here and now you’re simply mesmerized by him under the glow of the Christmas lights.
“I don’t think I’ve been called pretty before, sweetheart. But thank you,” Bradley says with a little amused chuckle.
“Well you are. And your hair. Bradley, it’s not fair.” The words are tumbling out of your loose lips.
“My hair isn’t fair?” he asks with a tilt of his head, holding open the front door for you.
“No, it’s not! You just wash it and it dries like that?” He takes your purse from you and sets it on the entry table before helping to ease off the heavier sweater jacket you were wearing from your shoulders. “I don’t think you get it. You’re pretty, but you’re so handsome too.”
He squats down in front of you and smiles up at you before helping to slip off your shoes, “I’ll take handsome too if it’s on the table, sounds like a nice combo.”
“Please, you sound like Jake now,” you giggle.
“Oh no, we can’t have that now can we,” he grins, “But at least I’m pretty and handsome, hopefully that’ll cushion the blow.”
And you just love him.
You love him for the way he loves you and takes care of you and tries to make you laugh when he knows you’re feeling down. You reach up to pull his face to yours when you are distracted by the thick cast on your arm.
“This wasn’t the accessory I was hoping for for Christmas,” you say with a sigh.
The panic that electrifies your body is immediate as your spine goes ramrod straight. Oh no oh no oh no oh no. You can almost see the words swirl and twirl around him, and you know there’s no way you can snatch them back from the way they hang in the air.
“Ohmygod. Oh my god, I didn’t mean to say that.” You’re so flustered now, so embarrassed. “Please pretend you didn’t hear that.”
But Bradley is looking at you with his eyes crinkled around the corners and his lips pressed together like he is trying to hold back a laugh with the way his cheeks are pulling up.
“Oh, did you want a pair of earrings?” he teases, cupping your face in his hand.
“Bradley,” you whine.
“C’mere, baby,” he laughs and pulls you into his chest. You wrap your arms around him and wonder briefly if he can feel the hard plaster of your cast pressed against his back. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, “You know you never did tell me what you wanted for Christmas.”
“Don’t need anything,” you murmur into the warmth of him.
He’s already all you’ve ever wanted.
As you make your way up the stairs, glow from your pretty pink tree seems brighter than usual. Normally, you’d take one last peek back at it before going to bed, but you’re still a bit wobbly on your feet. It’ll still be there waiting for you in the morning.
“Oh shit,” you hear him mutter from behind you.
“What’s wrong, Roos?”
“Ah- just stubbed my toe. C’mon, let’s get you upstairs.” The heavy tread of his footsteps is close behind you, you can almost feel the warmth of him at your back.
At you back. By your side. He’s the only person you’ll ever need.
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They’d given you some of the strong stuff and he could tell that you were still floating in that sweet spot before all the gravity settles back into your bones.
The distal radius fracture in your right wrist meant that you’d be in the cast for the next six weeks. You’d gone with a white and pink stripped candy cane inspired look to match the tree, Bradley. While he wishes it wasn’t there in the first place, he thought the pattern you’d chosen was cute.
He’d quickly and quietly kicked off his shoes before he’d followed you into the bedroom. Hoping that you wouldn’t notice them, he’d take a disinfecting wipe to the floor and stairs tomorrow.
For as well as Rooster knew you, he felt a little out of his element because he knew you were hurting but he wasn’t sure what would make you feel better in that moment. When he offered to draw you a bath he’d instantly known it was the right choice by the look on your face.
So he’d made you one with all of your favorite products. The mound of bubbles he was able to achieve was truly impressive, if he did say so himself. He even dimmed the lights and lit a few candles for you.
Bradley had carefully wrapped up your cast in plastic wrap and secured the top with a rubber band. And the dejected pout on your face when you looked at it and called it an “unattractive arm condom” had nearly sent him over edge.
He’s already looking on his phone for other options, sitting on the bathroom floor next to you as you soak in the tub, when he feels your fingers thread through his hair and he leans into your touch.
“I really am jealous of your hair, you know. I’m sure there were a few of the girls at that floral class who were too.”
Your head is leaning back against the lip of the tub as you gaze at him, your hair wet from him washing it for you. He’d noticed the moment you realized how difficult it would be for you to do it yourself for the foreseeable future. But you brought out the optimistic side of him and he’d already come up with a solution, “I guess we’ll have to take more showers together then, so I can wash your hair for you. Plus, it’ll be good for the environment”. You’d laughed, and he was happy to see some of the light returning back into your eyes.
“I don’t know why when yours is so pretty,” he says, reaching out and lightly tugging on a lock of your hair.
“Did I tell you one of them asked me if you had a brother? She was honestly so put out when I said that you didn’t that I’m pretty sure she took the last of the dahlias out of spite when she saw me reaching for them. They didn’t even match her arrangement,” you say rolling your eyes, adjusting the way your plastic wrapped candy cane cast rested against the other side of the tub. “Like sorry not sorry, I’m not going to give you my boyfriend.”
“Was it the woman in the striped sweater?”
“Yes! It was her!”
Bradley had notice her checking him out a little too closely for a man who was clearly there another woman and happily taken.
“She had crazy eyes, I wouldn’t have wanted you to give me to her anyways.”
You snicker at that, “She did have crazy eyes.”
He makes a mental note to remember to grab the arrangements from out of the back of the Bronco before he goes to bed. He didn’t want anything to happen to them, but that could until after you were tucked in bed and asleep.
“But the instructor was so sweet, Roos. I told her that the dahlias were your mom’s favorites and then she went to the back and got me a bunch. She didn’t put them on the table or anything for anyone else, just handed them over to me for us to use. It was a real girls supporting girls moment, we bonded.”
He’s struck by the fact that you’d already known about his mom’s favorite flower. That you had let him think it was happenstance when really you had grabbed them because you’d known it would mean something to him. That you wanted to make it special for him when he was trying to make it a special day for you.
He didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than he already did, but you were so good at making him fall in love with you over and over again.
“That was really nice of her, sweetheart,” he says, his throat a little thick.
“It really was. And better yet she’s single and likes women,” you say with a grin, “I got her number to get coffee, but I might see if I can play matchmaker between her and Nat. She looks like Nat’s type.”
“This was our instructor? You got all of that out of her in a few minutes of conversation?” he asks, impressed.
You give him a cheeky shrug of your shoulder, “Yeah, I’m efficient. She owns the shop too. I think I’m going to order something for Penny and Mav from her closer to Christmas.”
“You know what, I think you’re right, she does seem very much like Nat’s type,” Bradley smiles to himself, Phoenix is going to be very excited when he tells her about this.
“’m always right,” you hum.
“You sure are, sweetheart,” he says fondly.
He watches as your eyelids start to get heavy and helps you to get out of the tub, wrapping you up in the biggest, fluffiest towel he can find and sits you on the bed as he goes into the closet to find something cozy for you to wear.
“What do you want me to grab you, baby?”
“Your shirt,” you call out sleepily.
He peeks his head around the opening, “Sweetheart, you’re not going to want hospital germs in bed.”
“No, not that one,” you say, scrunching your nose, “Your henley. The soft navy one with the little white flecks. ‘s my favorite.”
You look so tired, he doesn’t like the slump of your shoulders. He knows that feeling all too well and he hates that you feel so bad about something that you had no control over. It had been such a good day up until the end. But even so, you’re the only person he wants to go through the highs and lows with.
He strips down and puts both his clothes and yours into the hamper before grabbing the shirt for you. “Arms up,” he says gently, he pulls the sleeve wide to fit over your cast before threading it down your arms and over your head.
Rooster pulls back the covers for you to crawl into bed. He climbs in after you, cradling you against him as he reaches over for the remote to turn on your favorite Christmas movie channel for you to fall asleep too.
Your cast rests heavy on his chest.
The heroine just won the cookie cook-off and he thinks you’ve fallen asleep, but then you murmur quietly into the dark room, “This is the second year in a row, Bradley, I really think we should consider skipping Christmas next year. For both of our sake’s.”
“We’ve got too much Christmas spirit for a little pine tree allergy or fractured wrist to keep us down,” he tips your head up so that you’re looking at him, “Give it time, it’ll turn around. I promise, sweetheart.”
He seals that vow with a sweet kiss against your lips and a few minutes later he feels as your breaths even out and you fall asleep tucked against him.
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You wake up the next morning feeling more than a little groggy and cotton-headed as everything from yesterday comes rushing back to you.
As does the aching in your right wrist.
You reach out for Rooster, but his side of the bed is already cold. He’s always been an early riser and once he’s awake he doesn’t know how to sit still. You wouldn’t have minded cuddling with him for a little bit, but knowing him he has probably already brewed a pot of coffee for you.
When you finally crack open your eyes, you see that he’s left out a bottle of the prescription strength ibuprofen the doctor had sent home with you on your nightstand and a note written in his slanted script reminding you to take one. Your sweetest boy.
You attempt to splash some cold water on your face with one hand, willing it to depuff your face a little bit and then try to fix up your hair so that you look and feel less bedraggled. It is one thing if Bradley is the one responsible for it, but that wasn’t the case this morning.
Before heading downstairs, you decide on a whim to change out of his shirt and into the cozy cream-colored fuzzy lounge set you’d bought on sale the other week. It takes three times longer to get dressed than it usually did, but getting yourself at least a little more put together made you feel a bit more in control. You knew the extra effort wasn’t necessary, but you felt cute and it was making you feel a little bit better about everything.
The pink and white cast was a bit of a choice looking at it in the morning light filtering through the airy curtains, but you thought you pulled it off well. It was cheerful and fun. And you weren’t going to let it affect you or your Christmas plans with your perfect boyfriend.
There is still some residual guilt you’re trying to shake off, you know it was a fluke of fate, but you’re already thinking about ways to make it up to him all the same.
You gingerly make your way down the stairs making a mental note to look up what other festive things were happening this weekend and call out to Rooster, “Please tell me there’s coffee.”
The raspy laugh that reaches your ears makes you smile for the first time that morning, “I’ve got one ready for you in the living room, sweetheart. It’s ready when you are.”
The painkillers, the coffee. The man is a saint and looks like a god. And he’s all yours.
You take those final few steps a bit faster, ready for the strong dark roast that only he seems to be able to make to just right and to thank him for taking such good care of you.
You lose all words when you walk into the living room.
It’s like you’ve walked into a dreamy pink forest straight out of a fairytale.
Your beloved very large, very fluffy, pink tree covered with all of your memories collected from the past year and Bradley’s mom’s sparkling vintage glass icicles is surrounded by two other very large, very fluffy, pink Christmas trees.
The newest additions to the living room glow with the hundreds of twinkling white lights. It’s ethereal and whimsical the way the light bounces and dapples on the walls and floors.
And there standing in front of them is Bradley, barefoot in his favorite sweatpants in your cozy living room of the home he’s made with you looking like a daydream.
You don’t think it’s the prescription strength pain medication kicking in that makes you feel like you’re floating as you walk towards him. You know it’s all him.
Bradley says your name with such adoration, such love that you swear you feel your heart reshape in your chest with his name on it.
“I envisioned this a bit differently in my mind, but the way I see it, we’re just starting the ‘in sickness and in health’ part a bit early,” he says, taking your right hand and dropping a kiss to your cast. Your eyes well up at the tender gesture.
And then you stop breathing when he sinks down onto one knee in front of you.
“I love you so much, sweetheart. I love your big heart and the way you’re so kind and generous to everyone you meet. I love the way you can light up a room with your smile. The best parts of my days are when I am with you. You’re the only person I want to wake up to, the only person I want to fall asleep with in my arms, and the only person who I want a forever with.” He reaches out and takes your shaky hand in his warm one, “Last year, you let me give you more than a drawer and it has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the best damn thing that has ever happened to me. This year, will you let me give you my last name too and marry me?”
You can almost see his heart that he is wearing on his sleeve. His pretty honey brown eyes are tracing over every inch of your face, almost like he is trying to commit every microcosm of your expression to memory.
You had imagined this moment so many times. It was the movie you’d put on in your mind on those nights when sleep felt just out for reach. And like a snowflake, no two dreams had been the same.
But nothing you’d imagined could have ever topped the reality of this moment here and now.
Because there was nothing was better than being surrounded by three pink fluffy trees and looking forward to getting to spend a lifetime with Bradley Bradshaw.
“Well it’s convenient I fractured the right one,” you say with a watery laugh as a few happy tears escape from your eyes.
“I guess that is a lucky break,” he grins.
You didn’t think it was possible to smile this wide. That you could be this happy.
“You still haven’t given me an answer yet, sweetheart,” he says, slightly squeezing your good hand.
“Haven’t I though?” you tease. There’s no what he doesn’t know what your answer is, not with the way you’re beaming.
“C’mon, let me hear you say it.”
You don’t make him wait for long.
“Yes, Bradley, yes I will marry you. It’ll always be a yes with you.”
You barely get to finish your sentence before he is shooting to his feet, pulling you into his arms and kissing you.
Your Bradley. Your fiancé.
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On Christmas morning, after all the presents are unwrapped, you find yourself sitting under your perfectly pink tree surrounded by scraps of ribbons and bits of shiny wrapping paper.
Even your striped pink and white cast looked particularly festive under the gleam of the trees.
Rooster is in the kitchen making another pot of coffee for the two of you to share. You can hear him singing along to one of the vintage crooner Christmas albums you had gotten him.
You’ll be hosting Mav, Penny, and Amelia for dinner tonight. You let yourself enjoy this quiet of the mid-morning before things get chaotic. The two of you had dressed the oval oak dining table yesterday afternoon. The centerpiece you’d ordered from Nat’s now New Year’s Eve date was stunning, there were even a few white dahlias tucked into the arrangement. Thankfully, with no pine needles in sight.
The tall pillar candles had been moved off to the side and a real fire was popping in the hearth of the tiled fireplace. And the sun streaming through the bay windows is bouncing off that sparkly silver garland that you’d gotten Bradley to hang up for you in a way that makes the shiny wooden floors look like they’ve been scattered with specks of confetti.
The swirling, sparkling, shimmering dots on the ceiling, however, were from your own ring as you move and tilt your hand admiring the way the sun illuminates it. You know the matching pair of diamond earrings that Bradley had gotten for you as you Christmas gift are shining just as bright.
He still blushes whenever anyone teases him about forgetting to pull out the engagement ring he had got for you before he’d proposed. But you wouldn’t have changed anything about that moment for the world.
The marquise diamond had belonged to his mom, but he had had it reset in gold with a halo of diamonds around it for you. He’d even bought a pink velvet box to put it in for the occasion. It was easily the prettiest thing you’d ever seen and your heart still fluttered every time you saw it on your finger.
The two new trees are still only dressed with the many strands of lights that they’d arrived with. You learned that Bradley had enlisted Jake and Natasha to help him out with that particular surprise that day a couple weeks ago when he’d taken you on what you affectionately refer to as the 12 Dates of a Christmas Proposal.
Your favorite pink tree, the one he had gotten for you last year- the one you’re sitting under now- was also in possession of a new accessory. A shiny new pink ring pop ornament Bradley had gotten to commemorate the occasion of you saying yes and was hanging in a place of honor on the tree right between the little Hawaiian shirt ornament and the dainty, dangling ice skates.
Saying yes was the easiest thing you’ve ever done.
Yes to forever. Yes to him.
This season and every season.
You couldn’t wait to see what new ornaments would fill those trees by next year.
And the one after that.
And the one after that.
And the next one after that.
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Happy Holiday's! It's been almost a year since I've posted my very first story on here. I'm so thankful that a zoom kaboom plane movie has introduced me to so many wonderful people! Thank you for reading my stories and for all the support I've received over this last year! It has meant the world to me!
This story is set in the Oh, Christmas Tree universe. If you missed the fic that started it all, you can read it here!
Many thanks to Jordan (@gretagerwigsmuse) for so, so many reasons. I hope you enjoy this, this one's for you!
You can read my other stories here!
@gretagerwigsmuse @sehnsuchts-trunken @notroosterbradshaw @tongue-like-a-razor @laracrofted @bradshawsbitch @starryeyedstories @top-hhun-main @startrekfangirl2233 @callsign-viper @teacupsandtopgun @shanimallina87 @angelbabyange @oneelleandaneye @mizzzpink @cornishkat @alana4610 @20th-centu-fairy-girl @pono-pura-vida @donttouchmycarrots @eg-dr3amer3 @whaledots-blog @a-beaverhausen @hangmanscoming @mandolin22 @theweekndhistorybook @lilpeekabooze @high-bi-imgonnacry @ahintofkiwistrawberry @ruewrote @spiderman-stilinski @jayniebop @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @imaginecrushes @keyrani @chicomonks @artemissunn @mayempress @eddiemunsonreader
331 notes · View notes
gothicminxx · 8 months
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Part 1 here
Part 2 is finally here! It took me forever to write, there’s a happy ending in this one I promise!
Satosugu x Fem! Reader
CW: Angst, mentions of death, mentions of blood, pet names (baby and angel), established relationship with Gojo, mentions of sex if you squint. A slight razzle dazzle of the Shibuya arc.
WC: 5.2k
Also do y’all like love and deadspace? Thinking of posting a Zayne one shot soon.
Late hours of the night brought the city to life, lights glittered brightly and it hid the beauty of the stars in the dark sky. Any attraction given to the charm of nature was only given to the full moon, bright and massive with a tint of blood orange to it tonight— a fitting color for Halloween night. The streets of Shibuya littered with college students and foreigners from different countries that had come down to experience a party of a lifetime. Common and unique costumes alike wandered drunkenly on the pavement, stumbling not only over their feet but words as well.
Halloween night in Shibuya was known for its array of bars, genres of music that boomed loudly in the city, and the small community of party goers that it created— a splendid environment for extroverts. It set the perfect trap for those with intentions that were the least bit pure to bait and capture the great Satoru Gojo, the man that had dampened the lives of curses the moment he was born.
The night had begun like any other, Satoru stood in the rather large kitchen with a gray towelette resting on his shoulder. He wore an apron that wrapped tightly around his slender waist as he concentrated on perfecting his tonkatsu chicken for dinner. Quietly he hummed along to a random playlist on his phone, tongue sticking out slightly from the corner of his mouth. His back muscles flexed the moment he began cutting up vegetables for dinner.
You stood in the kitchen with your husband, preparing a sweet cream that would accompany the matcha swiss rolls you were working hard on. Satoru, being a greedy man, adored having sweet pastries after dinner made by his lovely wife. He constantly begged you for a delicious confection, coaxing you with a much needed massage, or even a bath for two which always ended in a moment of tangled moans. You never complained when it came to indulging his addiction to sugar, it was a mere excuse to spend time together in the kitchen for a couple of hours, even if you already spent a lot of time with him.
Satoru grabbed plates from the cupboard to assemble your dinner as you popped your tasty dessert in the oven. Sauntering over to the small dining table you began to set everything up, allowing Satoru to pull a chair out for you before setting your dinner in front of you. Together you savored the flavors of each item of food, sharing in conversation about mundane things that held no importance at the time.
As dessert cooled down from the oven both of you sat on the cozy sectional couch in your living room, sitting on his lap to feed him dessert. Giggling as he threw compliments your way like a love sick puppy dog after each bite. Even if you had been married to Satoru for three years now the two of you acted like teenagers in love.
You laid snuggled up in his side with his arms wrapped tightly around you, watching a movie, slowly dozing off. Before a perfect night could conclude, Satoru’s phone rang loudly, begging for attention obnoxiously snapping you out of a sleepy haze. Groaning loudly he reached for his phone, pressing the green accept button with a roll of his eyes, “What is it now, Nanami?”
The deep gentle voice of Nanami flowed through his phone as he pressed it to his ear, furrowing his brows as he listened along. Being the nosy person you were, you tried your hardest to listen to the conversation but his voice was muffled. Whatever Nanami was telling Satoru it appeared to be serious, his body stiffened underneath you, “Uh huh, be there soon.” Satoru’s slender finger clicked the red decline button before he tossed the mobile device to the side.
A loud groan escaped his lips, rubbing the length of his face with his hand. A sense of worry washed over you as you quickly sat up, “I'm sorry baby, but we gotta get going.” He stated, standing from the couch as he extended his hand down to help you up.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, a perplexed expression falling on your beautiful face.
“It seems a veil has been casted down in Shibuya. Non-sorcerers are trapped inside without a way out, sorcerers may move freely in certain areas, while others are blocked off.” The situation sounded grave, it was concerning to be left in the dark, nobody had any idea of who could possibly be behind it.
Leaning back against a metal pole you let out a loud heaving breath, clutching your cursed tool tightly that the white of your knuckles were visible. The head of a deformed human was held in your hand, blood spilling against the tile before you discarded it on the floor. Your lungs felt as if they were on fire after the relentless pace of bolting through the crowded subway station, slicing each deformed human that came near you. Mahito had an endless supply of these things, spitting more out from his mouth in globs that it seemed nearly impossible to kill them all.
Satoru had been separated from you for a mere second which was absolutely devastating for the powerful sorcerer, his main goal as it always has been, was to keep you safe in the confinements of his limitless technique. But Hanami and Jogo had different plans, separating him from you the moment an opportunity presented itself. You were ultimately the biggest thing he cared about, the cursed spirits had an understanding that as long as you were near Satoru, he would be reckless in his movements. Without hesitation he would hurt those that stood near as he used infinite void to destroy the cursed spirits if it meant keeping you safe. A technique that without fail would earn him victory.
Mahito had been put in charge of tiring you out, to exhaust all of your cursed energy, he doubted your abilities believing that you were a mere weakling. But as soon as his doubt came, it quickly deteriorated, the blade of your Katana burned bright red and pink resembling a wildfire. It terrified yet intrigued the patch face curse to witness first hand, he had only been warned that you were a reversed curse technique user with the special ability of bringing back the dead. The power of your cursed energy, the way you transferred it to the blade burning it, causing it to turn a lovely shade of glowing orange-- excited him, “I never knew you’d be this much fun!” Mahito giggled, twirling with his arms extended like a child.
Wiping sweat from your brow a smirk etched itself on your face, “I didn’t expect you to be this annoying.” You hissed, gripping the handle of the katana, digging your heel into the ground preparing to race towards him.
The cursed spirit had become a nuisance rather quickly that it had gotten under your skin. Your main focus was to run downstairs towards Satoru to be by his side, where you belonged. You knew better than to be worried about him, he was the strongest after all but you couldn’t help it— something was off. Digging the ball of your foot on the tile ground you lunged forward, the fiery blade coming in contact with the cursed spirit. Mahito’s eyes widened as your movements caught him off guard, piercing through his abdomen causing a choked cough to escape him. You twist the blade, listening to the squelch of his organs before pulling the Katana away, “I’m getting sick of your shit.” Your words are dripping with venom.
Another cackle stems from his lips that it only manages to enrage you more. The moment you had arrived with Satoru to Shibuya, warning bells rang in your head, the thick layers of the veil were enough to give you a clear sign. “Awe, you don’t mean that.” Mahito cooed, jutting his lips in a pout.
Igniting the katana with more cursed energy, your legs lept into another sprint, quick to dodge a blow from Mahito’s fist that stretched out like a rubber band. The fiery blade makes contact with his abdomen once more earning a groan of pain from his lips, crimson blood decorating the blade of your katana as it’s ripped away from Mahitos stomach. You could feel the familiar burn in your lungs and the ache in your muscles from exhaustion, constantly running circles around him for the last thirty minutes was draining.
Annoyingly enough for the patch face curse, exerting your physical stamina would never be enough to exhaust the cursed energy stored in your body. You were far too calculating, too aware of how much energy you needed to exude from yourself in order to take an opponent down; it was infuriating. If Mahito hadn’t been instructed to keep you alive, he would have touched the essence of your soul and morphed you into a doll he could play with.
Mahito tilted his head, clutching his fists tightly almost as if he was preparing to send another attack your way. Instead, he snickered as his gaze drifted to the stairs that led to the lower level of the subway station, “Come play some more, doll.” he licked his lips almost predatory as he sprinted toward the stairs, listening to your feet not far behind him-- it was all according to plan.
Cerulean eyes held a barbaric gaze, wild grin plastered on his face as his long legs took strides toward the volcano head curse, that coward in fear from the mere sight of him. His pale cheeks stained with crimson blood and his breath was frantic from eradicating deformed humans. The plan of separating him from you failed, ultimately he had released his infinite void domain for a tenth of a second to rid of the nuisances that were Mahito’s doing.
“You crying?” Satoru snickered as he stepped closer to Jogo, rage and adrenaline coursing through his veins; he felt like a god. His head tilted to the side in a mocking manner, dusting his blue blazer with a displeased look on his face, “I don’t take too kindly to being separated from my wife, you understand that… right, Jogo?”
Satoru had become fed up with the constant battle, the pathetic back and forth with curses that believed they could defeat him; he was a force to be reckoned with. As he stared at the trepidation in Jogo’s eyes; though it brought him satisfaction, he simply wanted to be at your side again to protect you. Reaching his large hand out, Saturo took a hold of Jogo’s arm, ripping the appendage off his body, a giggle escaping his lips. The curse let out a panicked yelp, trying his best to create distance between him and the six eyed sorcerer; he had to keep him busy for a few more minutes but it was starting to feel like an eternity to him. Being put against Satoru was pure misery for the volcano head.
He pushed through the crowd of frozen bodies that had been affected by his infinite void domain, finding joy in the chase. Jogo was quick on his feet but Satoru wasn’t too far behind, in his panic he found himself throwing balls of fire at the white haired man; bouncing off his limitless. Jogo knew it was a desperate attempt, that he would never be able to hit Gojo, his limitless too powerful.
Racing footsteps echoed throughout the lower level of the subway station, laughter bouncing off the walls; it sounded all too familiar to Jogo. His footsteps slowed down as the shadow of a figure danced along the wall, long blue hair flowing in the wind— Mahito appeared down the stairs, giggling like a maniac. The new presence halted Satoru the moment he laid eyes on you chasing after the patch face curse, your katana blazing an angry red.
His heart fluttered as relief washed over him; you were okay. His focus soon shifts towards you, the chase soon dispersing from his mind as Satoru’s feet quickly move in your direction; planning to shield you in the confinements of his limitless technique. It felt as though he had gone a lifetime separated from you, the worry had been gnawing at him. Yet he knew better, knew that you were capable of defending yourself in the face of danger, but it never made him worry any less.
Mahito raced toward Jogo, a smirk evident on his face, “Jogo, it’s time!” He exclaimed.
Milky hair came into your view, hand grasping your shoulder, pulling you into his side. His hold was firm as if to shield you from the world, hearing Mahito’s words was enough for the six eyes to sense a threat approaching. “Stay close to me.” Satoru instructed his jaw clenched tightly, you could only nod in response.
It was a late reaction as your eyes widened, feeling his firm body against yours; wanting to feel you close to him. Since the events that had perspired with Suguru a few years ago, Satoru kept you under lock and key like a guard dog protecting its home. It was rare for you to be out of his sight, never too far as the fear of losing you too stayed with him, sticking like gum. He requested the higher ups to keep you at Jujutsu High where you spent most of your days training the students and helping in the infirmary. While most of the teacher’s received missions often that required their attention, to keep you safe, he made sure you stayed busy at school. It was never that Satoru didn’t believe you to be capable of defending yourself or even that he doubted your abilities, he knew you were strong. But you were also the most precious thing in his life and he would be damned if even a tiny scratch scathed your pretty skin.
Jogo followed Mahito, a loud whistle erupting from his lips as if he were signaling something or someone. Satoru’s arms tightened around your waist as a figure appeared in the distance, responding to Jogo. Your throat felt tight as the silence was deafening, the footsteps rang loudly in your ears, the air impossibly thick. Instinctually your hand reached Satoru’s blazer to grasp it tightly, afraid to be separated from him once more.
“Satoru and Name, been awhile.” The voice was gentle, a silky melody that made your hearts drop to your stomachs. You knew that voice anywhere.
As the figure approached from the shadows of the subway tunnel, long raven hair entered your peripheral vision. Your grip on Satoru tightened, a lump forming in your throat that it felt as though it was closing up your esophagus. The face of the lover you lost to the grim reaper a few years ago now stood in front of you. Memories of his limp body falling in your arms that nearly crushed you, your wails and screams filling every crevice of your mind. Suguru’s bloody face flashed before your eyes, bringing you back to the field of the school-- begging Satoru that it didn’t have to end this way. You blinked a few times as he approached, how was a dead man walking? You looked up at Satoru as if asking for reassurance that he too was seeing the same thing as you. His jaw was clenched, his face drained of any color, and his lip quivered slightly-- he saw him too. “You’re the one behind this?” You blurted, unable to halt the words from escaping.
Suguru smirked, he appeared to be looking around him with admiration at the chaos that the curses caused. His coffee eyes soon focused on the two of you, “I guess so,” he chuckled, he took a step closer, “Didn’t you miss me?”
Satoru dug his nails inside of his palm the longer he stared at Suguru. His features were the same as if he had never died, as if he never left his lovers. He gritted his teeth preparing his red technique, to muster the courage to do it all over again-- to end it, but he couldn’t, “My six eyes keep telling me it’s Suguru Geto, but my heart and soul know otherwise!” He hissed, the agony he felt evident in his voice.
“So observant.” He cooed. Suguru tossed a metal cube in front of you, using the shock of the situation to his advantage. The cube opened, quick to entrap your wrists and Satoru’s tightly like cuffs.
The raven haired man reached up and pulled at the stitches engraved in his forehead, pulling up his scalp to reveal Kenjaku, a curse that has the ability to use the victim's body as his own. “Someone was kind enough to leave this body for me.”
Kenjaku’s words confused you. Satoru had taken you to the crematorium after Suguru’s death, a place where they laid sorcerer's to rest. It was a small place just outside Kyoto, surrounded by cherry blossom trees. Satoru had picked this crematorium for this reason. Suguru admired the pink color, the sweet aroma the flowers brought each season. At the time he picked an apartment with a cherry blossom tree in the backyard. Every spring he would pick the flowers to make mochi, sitting outside to delight in the sweet confection with the two of you. The cherry blossom tree held a special meaning for the both of you, it was Suguru.
The white haired man had taken you by the hand, leading you to a small koi pond. A marble tombstone with Suguru’s name had come into view, a few flowers already scattered on his grave. You reached out your fingertips to trace his name, tears rolling down your face as the reality had finally set in that he was gone. You remember setting down his favorite tea and Cherry blossom mochi that you and Satoru had stayed up all night to make that wasn’t nearly as good as his. It never made sense to you as to why your husband never allowed you to have an urn with Suguru’s ashes. You had begged him, pleaded with him to let you have that last piece of him but Satoru insisted he’d be better off somewhere lovely. His ashes were placed in the ground that would one day make a cherry blossom tree.
As he stood here now, you realized Satoru had never gotten rid of Suguru’s body. That when he had instructed Shoko to take him to get cremated it had never happened. The grave you had spent hours at, talking to him, dropping him gifts-- it was empty. “What?” You choked, your eyes immediately falling on your snowy haired lover.
Satoru avoided your gaze, dropping his head to the ground ashamed that a secret he had held onto for so long had finally come to light. He had planned to tell you one day, but as time passed and visits to Suguru’s ‘grave’ became more frequent-- he couldn’t. Kenjaku tsked, “What a pity, it was quite simple to retrieve this body. Surprised you would be so weak to not tell her.”
You winced at his mocking tone, each word stung deeper than a knife. Satoru had lied to you, kept you away from resurrecting the man you each had spent decades loving. You understood Suguru’s values would never match up to your own, that his existence alone was a threat to human society, and yet, none of it mattered. The love you held in your heart for him was much greater than the mistakes he had made, than the lives he had taken. You could never see him as a monster, Suguru had always been misunderstood. “Sato-”
He shook his head, cutting you off, “How much longer are you going to let it control you, Suguru?!” Satoru called out.
Suguru’s hand began to twitch, his hand lunging forward at his own throat causing Kenjaku to laugh in amusement, “I’ve never had a body fight back before. How entertaining.”
“You’re one of the strongest, don’t let it consume you, Sugu.” You added, his hand doing anything it can to choke the curse living inside of him.
Kenjaku laughed, peeling each finger off his neck with brute force, “Times up.” The cube that had surrounded you and Satoru slowly began to close, muffling the sounds of the outside world as it entrapped you inside its prison-- each surrounding going black.
The prison realm was compact, reeking of death from the various skeletons from past prisoners that surrounded you. The bones made for an uncomfortable mattress, Satoru had laid you on top of his body to provide you some form of cushion. It was silent in the metal box that imprisoned you compared to the noisy outside world that continued with or without you, it was a bleak thought. You laid your head on your husband’s chest, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to suppress your tears, the last thing you wanted was to be near him. Your heart felt heavy in your chest almost like a fifty pound weight rested there, it ached an agonizing pain that you could barely ignore it.
Satoru’s heart steadily beat against your ear, the only other sound that could be heard besides his breaths. He held you tightly, his arm around your waist and the other moved from your hair to infront of your eyes, obscuring your vision to total darkness, “Don’t think.” He murmured.
Your lips quivered, his words setting off each emotion you felt deeply, a choked sob raking your body. A few of your tears touched the palm of his hand, Satoru’s heart stung the more you gripped his hand, whimpering like an injured puppy. It pained him to see the damage his actions had caused, he swore to himself that he would tell you the truth on Suguru’s birthday. The day you had tirelessly baked a chocolate cake for hours in the kitchen, trying to perfect it just for him. Dolling yourself up in the mirror, that day you made sure to wear Suguru’s favorite dress that he had bought for you, a white one that made you appear like an angel sent from above. When you sat at his tombstone with balloons, cake, and sunflowers, lighting up candles on the cake as you and Satoru sang him happy birthday. He promised then that he would tell you, but he never did.
He kissed the top of your head, holding his hand still over your teary eyes, providing the only darkness he knew would calm you down. It was his form of silencing the world around you, allowing you to focus on the atmosphere around you-- acknowledging each emotion you felt that you often failed to discern. “Don’t think, just focus.” Satoru instructed once more.
Another wail left your lips that caused him to wince, holding you tighter as he buried his face in your hair. A tear slid down his face as he listened to you cry, he hated himself for the agony he had caused you. Holding his wrist tighter to keep his hand as a blind fold you listened to the quiet atmosphere around you, that stench of death that made your stomach churn reminding you of the prison you were in. Trying to grasp at the emotions that overwhelmed you, “How could you do this to me?” You choked out.
Nuzzling his cheek against your hair, you could feel the wetness-- he was crying. Satoru held onto you as his life depended on it, petrified that if he let go that you would disappear and leave him alone in this cruel world. The person he loved with his entire being, the one he would sacrifice his own life for in a heartbeat because you were absolutely everything to him. He felt like an idiot for lying to you, the truth always came out, he was a fool for believing otherwise, “Baby, I’m sorry… I’m so sorry,” Satoru croaked, “I wanted to tell you, I was going to tell you but I…”
“Decided to be selfish and lie to me instead?”
“No, you thought I’d be reckless and bring him back,” You shoved his hand away, sitting up on him, “Didn’t you?”
Your face was flushed, sticky with tears that persisted on falling from your eyes. Your chest heaving up and down, a clear indication that you were furious at him. Satoru sat up, averting his gaze from those pretty sad eyes of yours-- he felt sick. “Look at me!” You pleaded, taking a hold of his chin to force him to look at the hurt he caused.
He placed his hands on your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze as he found the strength to muster words, “I did.”
You dropped your hand from his chin, dropping your gaze to his abdomen as you frantically wiped at your tears. He doubted you, but was he wrong? His death had affected you gravely that it took months to cope, even now you still struggled on certain days. Suguru’s birthday was the hardest date to get by, alongside the day he passed, those days you wore his clothes that had already lost his scent. You drank his favorite tea even if you preferred coffee, you just wanted to feel close to him again. Satoru clung onto you those days, he sought after your comfort-- as you did his. It was silent around your home for long periods of time, embracing each other tightly to communicate how much you missed him, to remind one another that you were still here.
Suguru’s spot in bed remained untouched, a cold spot that reminded you of the once warm body that lay there. His things never left your house, not even after you and Satoru moved to a new home, there was always a piece of him there. Thinking now, if Satoru had told you that Shoko stored his body somewhere safe you would have spent days, even months searching for it-- you’d bring him back. You had been blessed with the ability to bring those back from the dead, it didn't matter how long they were gone, if the body was well preserved you could bring them back. Playing with death would have its consequences someday, but you would have risked it for Suguru. Your husband wasn’t wrong to hide the truth from you, you couldn’t let Suguru go.
“I would have.” You chuckled bitterly, resting your forehead against Satoru’s, “I still would.”
His hand cupped your cheek, gently wiping away the fat tears that cascaded down your face, “I know.”
“I miss him, Toru.”
“Me too, baby.”
You stared up at the black sky, Kenjaku now had Suguru’s body. It was a harsh reality. While he created chaos as your deceased lover, you were locked away in a box, hoping to be rescued by the other sorcerers. The time of when you’d be free from this hell wasn’t certain nor was it definite, you relied on those outside to save you; you had faith. Once freed, it was inevitable that Satoru would fight against Kenjaku, face the reality of hurting Suguru’s body once more-- something he hadn’t forgiven himself for. “I can bring him back, once we get out… I can bring Sugu back.” You blurted.
Satoru sucked in a breath at your words, it had never left your mind to bring him back. He knew you still thought of the days where it was just the three of you, he did too. The six eyes craved to have his old life back where the raven haired man was in the picture, his gentle smile, his soft voice-- he missed it all. It sounded like a dream come true to have that life back, perhaps the old Suguru would return, at least that’s what he told himself.
His silence was deafening, “Please,” You choked, more tears fell from your eyes, “Please let me bring him back, Toru. We can eat mochi under cherry blossom trees again, just like we used to. You can drag us out of bed on snow days and I won’t complain, I promise. Then he’ll scold you for eating too many sweets and for buying candy behind his back. Please… I-” Your head fell against his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck, pleading with him over and over again.
He buried his face in your hair once more, holding the back of your head with his hand, gently rocking your bodies together. Satoru wanted that fantasy life more than anything, your promises sounded like honey. It was a life that had once been reality before Suguru disappeared to pursue his own ideals, a life that remained cherished. Satoru cried with you, biting his lip to suppress his whimpers; he knew better. Suguru had changed, too stuck in his ways, his values so engraved in his brain that it was impossible to persuade him differently. His own lovers couldn’t stray him from the society he saw fit, Suguru would return to his old ways-- Satoru would let him, neither of you would deny him that anymore and that terrified him. “We can’t.” His voice weak, the words struggled to come out almost as if he didn’t believe what he was telling you.
Your body shook with each sob that left your lips, each tear staining his navy blazer. Your husband held you tighter, silence loomed overhead as you both cried. In the end the both of you knew that your love for Suguru remained, neither of you have stopped grieving him. “I can’t let him go.” You rasped.
It was Satoru’s turn to sob, cradling your head in his hand. The rocking of your bodies pacified the emotions from causing anxiety, his body was warm— a big protective blanket that you found yourself sinking into further. A sharp pang spread through his heart as he reminisced on the past. It would be selfish to bring him back, to turn the world upside down as Satoru and you finally stood by him. He couldn’t let him go either.
Pulling back from the hug, Satoru cupped his hands on both of your cheeks, he was a selfish man. Two selfish lovers disregarding the pain of the innocent for a love unforgotten.
He had lived for others, sacrificed himself for the greater good. Satoru constantly fought tooth and nail to protect the weak, constantly worrying about you because the weak could not control their cursed energy— curses would continue to be born. But they were only human. The guilt was gnawing at him, his thoughts spiraled out of control the more he looked at his precious wife. Suguru was right, it was your turn to be happy.
“Okay, once we get out of here… let’s get our Sugu back, angel.”
Maybe it was selfish, but neither of you cared anymore. The decision had been made. When the prison realm freed you, and the battle became a gruesome bloody mess. With Kenjaku ripped from Suguru’s body, you did the only thing you knew— resurrect the man that held onto your hearts after all these years.
As he wrapped his arms around you both, holding you close. The smell of cedar wood and jasmine enveloped you like he never left, he held your dizzying body tightly that felt exhausted after using up your cursed energy for the day. Perhaps it wasn’t selfish, the long lost lover had returned, never to be separated from either of you again.
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bsdcafezine · 3 months
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🥐Preorders Open!🥐
At Stray Dogs Cafe, we aim to create a safe haven for all of our patrons, hoping that our cafe will be a sanctuary for everyone to relax, recharg—Wait. Nikolai! What are you doing to Sigma? Put that arm back right now! And why is a raccoon loose inside the cafe!?
Stray Dogs Cafe: A Bungou Stray Dogs Cafe Zine is open for business, and all of your favorite characters are making an appearance! Preorders will be open from June 21st to July 21st, so there's plenty of time to place an order to reserve your delicious confections!
📆June 21st - July 21st 28th!
Come take a look at all of our tasty treats~
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🥯Full Bundle🥯
"Affogato" will include:
☕︎ A5 Physical Zine + Digital Zine ☕︎ 2 Die-Cut Stickers ☕︎ Double-Sided Charm ☕︎ Sticker Sheet ☕︎ Print ☕︎ Washi Tape
"Affogato" is eligible for ALL stretch goals and the early bird!
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🫓Half Bundle🫓
"Caffé Latte" will include:
☕︎ A5 Physical Zine + Digital Zine ☕︎ 2 Die-Cut Stickers ☕︎ Sticker Sheet ☕︎ Print
"Caffé Latte" is eligible for our sticker sheet, notepad stretch goals, and the early bird!
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☕Zine Only Bundle☕
"Espresso" will include:
☕︎ A5 Physical Zine + Digital Zine
"Espresso" is eligible for our sticker sheet stretch goal and the early bird!
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🥧Apron Add-On🥧
"High Tea" will include:
☕︎ Apron
🥧Or you can add this apron on to any physical order for $5 less!
"High Tea" is NOT eligible for any stretch goals or the early bird!
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🍫Digital Bundle🍫
"Babyccino" will include:
☕︎ Digital Zine PDF
"Babyccino" is NOT eligible for any stretch goals or the early bird!
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too-antigonish · 4 months
How to Seduce Endeavour Morse: A Guide for the Perplexed
The ways are many and varied. Your chances of success are—unfortunately—highly dependent on factors outside of your control. You can, however, learn lessons from those who have tread this path before you.
1) The "I-Forgot-to-Tell-You-I’m-a-Killer" Approach
Comments: Used with surprising frequency given ultimately low success rate.
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Rosalind Calloway (S1E0 Pilot): First, become a world-famous opera singer. Your artistry will convince him that life is worth living. When the time comes, gently but firmly rebuff his rather innocent advances. Be unmasked as murderess and crush his will to live via the revelation of your utter lack of humanity and subsequent suicide.
Susan Fallon (S1E0 Pilot): Be at Oxford. Have snobby parents and lots of snobby friends. Be his first great love and agree to marry him. Then abandon him very publicly and with maximum cruelty for your first great love. Many years later become murderess (although Lewis will never allow him to find that out). However, still successfully crush him to pieces again by committing suicide.
Isla Fairford (S6E3 Confection): Live in a charming small village with adorable son and amiable veterinarian father. Have an appealing origin story involving cruel abandonment that reminds him of his own life experiences.  Go on intimate date where you seem to be everything he could hope for and then share a sweet but chaste kiss goodnight. Oops, murder someone…again…sort of. Suddenly transform into personification of vengeance.
2) The "It-Never-Hurts-to-Ask" Approach
Comments: Success rate zero, but very high entertainment value.
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Pamela Walters (S1E1 Girl): Like it says on the tin: Just ask. She asks, “Will you take me to bed?” Sorry sweet girl. He won’t—but he will read you a very nice bedtime story
Kay Belborough (S3E1 Ride): Play flirty name games and ask him breathlessly if he’s falling in love with you. Share a romantic kiss under fairy lights at a party.  Eventually tell him he can “have you.”  He won’t—but by then he will have saved you from a suicide attempt so I think he’s done enough really…
Annette Richardson (S3E2 Arcadia): Request help with home security. Tell him you can’t possibly undress yourself. He won’t bite—but he will come maddeningly close to nibbling on your neck and you’ll refuse to believe that he won’t come calling, ”…when he’s ready.”
Bettina Pettybon (S4E2 Canticle): Just show up at his flat looking generally bedraggled. Tell him how your mother forced you to spill the beans and get him kicked off the case. Down some hard liquor. And then—tell him you love him. When he’s gobsmacked by your revelation, assume it’s because there’s “someone else” and not because he barely knows you.
3) The "Let’s-Just-Go-to-Bed" Approach
Comments: Has an impresseive 100% success rate but never ends well.
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Alice Vexin (S1E3 Rocket): Secretly crush on him for years. Go on one quasi-date where you dissect his personality quirks in excruciating detail. Show up at his door when he’s emotionally vulnerable and then sleep with him. Promptly abandon him with maximum cruelty. Be sure to tell him, “It’s not me. It’s you,” in the form of, “You’re just not ready yet.”
Carol Thursday (S5E2 Cartouche): Be very attractive. Be suddenly, unexpectedly available. Be directly in his path. This means you can skip the date part (a drink will do). Go straight to sleeping with him. Then go straight to the realization that this might be…one of the most awkward situations you’ve ever gotten yourself into. Manage to handle it all with amazing sweetness and grace nonetheless.
Claudine (S5E3 Passenger): Be very attractive. Be suddenly, unexpectedly available. Be directly in his path. Bonus points if the woman he actually wants practically throws you into his arms. Go straight to sleeping with him. Tease him. Toy with him like a capricious child. Play games for your own amusement. Abandon him with maximum cruelty. 
4) One-Off Approaches
Comments: Technically not actual attempts at seduction so...
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School Girls (S2E2 Nocturne): Talk about how dreamy he is like we do on Tumblr. Given enough time, write “Love you” in eye liner on your eyelids as per: Indiana Jones movie. Blink very slowly during all interrogations.
Anna-Britt Clark (S4E2 Canticle): Be very attractive. Despise tan lines. Work on said tan next to swimming pool at rock-band-murder-mansion. Show him your (tan line free) naked torso. Find his very “English” discomfort perplexing but charming.
Eve Thorne (S5E1 Muse): You don’t actually *want* to seduce him. He’s a cop *and* a condescending prick. However, the seduction will happen anyway. You won’t sleep together. You won’t even touch. But the hate-flirting will be amazing.
5) The "Let's-Try-a-Normal-Relationship-Just-Once" Approach
Comments: She was too psychologically healthy for you. In the end it was for the best (...except for the murder and prison parts).
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Monica Hicks (S2E3 Sway): Find yourself recruited for some light caregiving. Be absolutely charming. After tactless date mix-up and adorable mattress incident at department store, proceed to have actual healthy relationship. Hang out listening to music, discuss your future together, buy him a cute scarf. Then wake up one morning to find out he’s in prison—and about that scarf…
6) The "This-Doesn't-Happen-in-Real-Life" Approach
Comments: It was opera—and by opera rules he actually got off pretty easy.
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Violetta Talenti** (S7E1: Oracle): Engineer improbable but spectacular first encounter—twice. Finagle one in Venice and one in Oxford. Overcome all of his valid moral objections and engage in a lengthy, passionate affair. When the moment of truth arrives, reject him with maximum possible cruelty. Die in his arms. Use your last words to ensure that he spends the rest of his life feeling conflicted and confused about the true nature of your feelings towards him.
**Also might fall into "I-Forgot-to-Tell-You-I’m-a-Killer" but we will never know for sure
7) The "We-Aren't-Explicitly-Saying-It-But-You-Know" Approach
Comments: Don't try this at home kids. It will end badly for you. Highly effective, however, when Morse and Thursday need to make up and be friends again.
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Joss Bixby (S3E1 Ride): Be the UK Great Gatsby. Invite him to your over-the-top parties. Gracefully take it in stride and allow him to appear extra-clever when he points out that your latest art purchase is a forgery. Manage to be charming and self-deprecating while flirting outrageously with him. Offer him jobs. Give him cars. Have lots of emotionally charged moments (especially on dark docks) and say incredibly poetic things. Die tragically so he can mourn you forever but also use your passing as an excuse to reconnect with his former mentor.
Ludo Talenti (S7E1 Oracle): Be evil. Come up with an evil plan. Get your wife to seduce him. Then (ha, ha) you will also seduce him. You will both succeed beyond your wildest dreams. He will be the most thoroughly seduced man ever. However, once you have rejected him with maximum possible cruelty by pretending you actually care that he was sleeping with your wife, he will discover your secret life of crime and come after you. You will die (justifiably, not tragically), after killing your wife and your death will providing yet another opportunity for our hero to reconnect with his estranged mentor.
8) The "Be-the-One-That-Got-Away" Approach
Comments: Definitely the method of choice for Morse seduction. 100% effective. Hands-down winner!
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Joan Thursday (S1E2 Fugue): Be very attractive, articulate, and idealistic. Be the daughter of his mentor/best friend/father figure/brother-in-arms. Have lots of incredibly charged emotional encounters but never say anything directly to him about your complicated feelings. Be together during highly significant moments in your lives, but don’t ever go on a real date (pedestrian!). Touch in a variety of meaningful and sometimes even affectionate ways, but never engage in anything blatent. A passionate kiss would be unthinkable. And never, ever sleep together! Still manage to abandon him with maximum cruelty. Still manage to be the love of his life. Well done you!
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nastymensimp · 1 year
FNAF headcannons
*ascends from the gave with a platter* for my beloveds. If people enjoy this I may make a part 2. Most of these are romantic but I guess they can also be seen as platonic, at least some
OG Foxy
Possibly one of the most touch starved animatronics. All that time alone in Pirates Cove made him very lonely
Depending on what shift you work depends on how on you he will be. Night shift? You better believe he is sitting on the floor with you in his lap, doesn't matter if you actually have tasks to do one of the dayshift people can do it
But if you are on day then its a bit of a problem. With the Cove being closed Foxy can't leave his area meaning physical affection is out of the question when you aren't on break and it destroys the poor pirates heart
Any merch that comes through the door with his face you bet you get first access to. New shirt? he got it in a size bigger then you like so it wont shrink to small. An action figure? well lucky you it gets his signature as well ( though he does kind of have messy writing its still a nice gesture)
Stop by the Cove every once in a while during your shift to sneak him a kiss please
Foxy deserved a tail 100% and at the slightest mention of you its going a mile a minute, the rest of the band likes to tease the poor fox
OG Chica
THE best at hugs. Her bigger body plus soft feathers? it heaven
You guys share custody of her cupcake. If she's doing a task that requires both hands then the confection child stays by your side. It also gives her peace of mind that the two main things she cares about are keeping each other company
Calls you her little chickpea
cooking is one of her main love language, she will spend days if need be perfecting a recipe that you like
Chica's a big girl and sometimes she gets self conscious so please give her some reassurance when she feels down she will make it up to you ten fold
In a small area in the corner of the stage she has pictures of the two of you taped where only she can see them, she says you are her good luck charm
Toy Freddy
Another one on the good hug list
Yk how people will put pictures of their S/O in their hats? That's him 100%
Sit on his lap as he plays video games, its not a ploy to make you beat levels he can't how dare you assume that. Can't he just spend time with you? But there is one level in Mario he has been struggling with and if you are offering-
Likes to sing to you when he has the chance
I like to think that all the toys are big gossipers, so when he hears something about one of the parents you are the first to know
With his ego he def bought you an official Freddy Fazbear set of ears that he expects you to wear 24/7
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stellayuta · 3 months
Diamond of the Cursed Water - A JJK x Bridgerton Story
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synopsis: In the opulent ballrooms of Regency-era London, where nobility's finest waltz under glittering chandeliers, a secret world of sorcery brews beneath the surface. Enter Duke Satoru Gojo, the enigmatic, hedonistic sorcerer whose dazzling charm and unmatched power captivate society's elite, yet he remains unable to find a match that truly intrigues him. Meanwhile, Viscount Yuuta of the Okkotsu fame, a kind-hearted noble with hidden jujutsu talents, is haunted by past sorrows and is fearful of love. As whispers of curses and romance intertwine, their paths cross with a certain woman in a dance of fate, opening their hearts to possibilities neither dared dream of.
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Meet your characters:
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Satoru Gojo
Title: Duke
Affiliation: The Noble Gojo Family
Duchy: Sugawara-ku
Secret Profession: Jujutsu Sorcerer
Likes: Sweet confections, horse riding, guns, red roses, suits, exorcising special grade curses
Dislikes: Balls serving Alcohol, soirees, difficult women, people prettier than him
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Yuuta Okkotsu
Title: Viscount
Affiliation: The Noble Okkotsu Family
Duchy: Fujiwara-ku
Secret Profession: Student Jujutsu Sorcerer
Likes: handling and tending to his estate, gardening and horticulture, relaxed soirees, talking to people, smell of freshly washed fabric, yutakas
Dislikes: people who don't smile, hierarchy and titles, disingenuous people
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Coming soon....!
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simmerkate · 1 year
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Halloween Foods
Spooky Pizza
A ghoulish twist on a classic favorite, the Spooky Pizza features ghost-shaped mozzarella cheese that melts into an otherworldly delight. Perfect for your Sims' supernatural gatherings.
Mummy Dogs
These creepy-cute Mummy Dogs are sausages expertly wrapped in pastry strips, resembling ancient mummies. Your Sims will enjoy unwrapping these delectable treasures at their Halloween feasts.
Arachna Cookies
Sink your teeth into the Arachna Cookies, delicious spider-shaped treats that will send shivers down your spine. These cookies are both spooky and scrumptious, making them a must-have for your Sims' dessert table.
Pumpkin Cupcakes
No Halloween party is complete without Pumpkin Cupcakes. These delightful confections are adorned with pumpkin decorations on top, adding a touch of autumn charm to any occasion.
Public Release - 19th of October Patreon (xx) ad-free
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sleepynegress · 11 months
So, I'm Watching Dollar Tree The Gilded Age: The Buccaneers (I apologize that this is a long one folks because of ADHD Romantic Period Drama w/ ~Color~ tangents)...
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Okay... So, I have to preface this by admitting that Bridgerton never has been my great big thing. It's a cake sculpted from cotton candy.
Pretty and sweet, but not much substance. And very much leaning on the "fantasy" so everyone can enjoy the costume romance fun (but it does please me to see my marginalized players, playing well...). -Using an author's works as a base, who not only started with an all-white palette but was flippant and insulting in response to the idea of inclusion... And yet...
I'm just saying, it is something that the woman who walked away from ABC because an exec didn't respect her enough to get a Disney pass for her family, went on to make that lucrative author's uplift deal with, instead of say, Beverly Jenkins. I love underdog romances that aren't the typical het white bread. Give me the canon gays (I never got slash...but I love when it's canon, especially with color), the big girls, the dark brown skin girls, the Black couples, and the interracials, especially when both are BIPOC and there's no lag in charm/looks in the lighter half in some expertly lit, dressed, confection that makes everyone look as gorgeous as they actually are and there's all kinds of soft plotting and chemistry. Bridgerton for all its lazy ways of handling color, gave that. Everybody is hot. And the people that studios have typically just pretended either weren't "invented" yet or were all living horrible tortured lives of enslavement got to get the sweet costumed wooing, will-they-won't-they, ~romance~ treatment. But... being an obscure Black history nerd... I'm neurodivergent, so I have some deep-dive GEMS that I'll mention here that I NEED TO SEE DONE WELL, before I die. FYI I called Dido Elizabeth Belle a good 8 years before that was actually made. It is frustrating to see some of the ACTUAL interesting capacities in which some actual existing Black folks in history who did live interesting, not tragic lives, not given the big glossy budget, well-written renderings they deserve... In lieu of what has now, firmly taken hold as a trend, colorblind casting in known white works. See recent adaptations of David Copperfield, Persuasion, Tom Jones, & Great Expectations,
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and now, this The Buccaneers (which like I said, is Dollar Tree, and *worse* the colorblind cast sister Conchita is using her regular-eggular Cali accent and...is not a compelling actress & her man is a jar of mayo) and baby...them costumes are Reign-levels of anachronistic/bad. It's the lazy jump onto the trend Shonda exploded, and Mr. Malcolm's List started (yeah, that short film was put on YouTube a full year before Bridgerton debuted). So, my point... Instead of *just* doing colorblind casting in old classic white period works... I need to see these ACTUAL GREAT stories of and/or written by or about the colorful people who lived in those societies. And this is where it could get long... but I'll do my best to keep it short... EXAMPLES that were gotten right and those *I need to see adapted*: ____
Interview With The Vampire is inclusive color-AWARE casting... The showrunner went beyond and actually rewrote the narrative to make sure the inclusion wasn't lazily done, but actually improved the depth of the source IMO. And I believe the showrunner is a queer white man. It just takes empathy and effort.
Passing... is a moody slow-burn horror based upon an actual work written by a Black woman in that period, and adapted by a white-passing WOC who not only lived the theme, but rendered it expertly.
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Belle is often pointed to as a good example, but my nerd-ass knows Gugu's beyond AMAZING handling of the material elevated it.
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Too much was changed from the reality of her life (IMO), still...Most period dramas are about as "true" and yall know I was not a fan of Sam Reid's over-dramatic ass in this... (yelling in that damn carriage for what?!) but he is PERFECT in IWTV. Sanditon being made, despite the typical side-character Black character issues...really was a reset because Miss Austen had already envisioned, in her day and above her class(!) a Black heiress as a character getting the Austen treatment, w/o any modifications the salty and ignorant would prefer to think is beyond "true history". ----- I have a little hopeful part in my brain that wishes it had the power to will capable adaptions of the lives of Carlotta Stewart Lai - middle-class educated Black woman who became a teacher & lived an "Anne of Green Gables" type of Edwardian life (more interesting really) surfing, having "bathing parties," and teaching Hawaiians with her Black family, Portuguese, Hawaiian and Chinese friends on the big island... Her life was w/o the stereotypes people assume all Black Americans lived in Victorian/Edwardian "America".
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Gustav Badin, a Black man who was "Chessmaster" of the Swedish Royal Court in the 1700's...was in charge of the Royal family's secrets after the Queen's passing, really gives me intelligent queer Black man energy in his portrait and lived out a non-tragic life in a VERY white space many don't know we occupied.
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And The Hunters... Who already have a short film and I've posted about it here... but I would LOVE to see an actual rendering of their lives in the Klondike, with their gold and silver prospects and son grandson Buster and daughter Teslin in Edwardian Canada.
(that is Teslin at the highest point in the photo, named after the lake she was born at)
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(and the Hunters' grandson Buster ice-fishing)
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All this to say... Now, that I've thoroughly veered away from my review of a middling show... I WISH THESE DAMN SHOWRUNNERS used a little effort in research and imagination and gave us more "true to life" renderings of Black life (and life of color, in these romanticized spaces) that isn't tragic nor the patronizin inclusive "fantasy"... That feels like it's smirking at me while saying "we know you weren't ~really~ here, but here! have a cookie!!" These people existed.
You don't have to *just* make inclusive versions of white works with the lie that you have to do that because thee above people ~didn't exist~. Nor do you have to be lazy when you do!! (see: IWTV) Right now, for me... It feels like for the most part we're in a period of very shallow "advancement" in period rep. And I'm saying if little old me can find the actual stories that could make AMAZING true history-based media. Why can't the more powerful people do the same?? P.S.
You already know I'm fresh off being mad about that shitty Bass Reeves show...but I'm even madder because I can't even say, "just make sure its made by Black people," because Jeymes Samuel (AKA Bullitts) gave us skinny biracial StageCoach Mary!!!
---NO!! I will never stop being mad about it!!
DO BETTER!! Have the empathy and care for the material, regardless, and don't rest on "I know what I'm doing because I'm Black" That male gaze won out over truth in The Harder They Fall *smh*
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P.P.S I get the feeling the lazy adaptions are about cash-grabbing, what they see as a trend, and being all the ready to jump back into the whitewashed business as usual, that ain't true to *all* actual histories nor (as Austen proved) fictions of those eras or spaces.
P.P.P.S. On The Glided Age!! I do love that the Fellowes drama has Erica Armstrong Dunbar (known for her book and research on Ona Judge -another figure whose story needs to be adapted!!!- the Black woman who successfully escaped enslavement from George Washington's household and was doggedly pursued by him throughout her life) and Salli Richardson-Whitfield as producers... so, Denee Benton's Peggy is authentic... but as much as I like The Gilded Age, I want to combine Fellowes comfort drama... with a CENTRALIZED Black character... Why can't someone do all of it correctly?? WHY??!!!
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blouisparadise · 8 months
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Louis or Harry are bakers. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Christmas Lights In Paris | Mature | 4,671 words
Harry vividly remembered the day he was foolish enough to be blinded by pointless rage. It had been on Louis' birthday, a year ago, and Harry had bought tickets to Paris for both him and Lou. He had expected Louis to come with him to Paris for 3 years, without really talking about the plan to his lover. Everything went down hill when Louis refused. "You think your bakery is far more important than I am?" Were the exact words he had spewed and stormed off.
2) Don’t Say Yes, Run Away Now | Not Rated | 5,076 words
Louis is getting married and Harry made a promise. Plus, he has a plan. Kind of.
3) Too Nervous To Be Lovers | Mature | 6,445 words
Louis doesn't want to spend quarantine with Harry, his straight roommate, who doesn't even acknowledge his existence.
4) I Built This Bed For Two (I Built This Bed For Me and You) | Explicit | 8,942 words
Harry and Louis broke up after uni and haven't seen each other since—until they're roped into doing a Buzzfeed video together. Featuring awkward cuddling and a reunion that just needed a kick in the arse, gleefully provided by Niall.
5) Feel My Love | Explicit | 10,479 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Louis always gets things done on time, he just takes a detour along the way. The detour? Having sex with Harry. Harry never brings it up. Until he does.
6) Were We Ever This Young? | Explicit | 17,297 words
Hogwarts AU in which Harry and Louis both return to give talks to seventh years about the 'real world' with slightly varying results. Inspired by the Chilton scene between Rory and Paris in the new Gilmore Girls.
7) Heart of Sugar, Sweet Temptation of Mine | Explicit | 25,600 words
The process of courting is seriously outdated nowadays, it's not common anymore; people don’t want to go through the hassle of a proper courtship, dating is easier. Louis though, he was raised in a very traditional family, every member, down to his parents, had a courting and a mating ceremony. He grew up hearing stories about how wonderful it is, how much deeper the connection gets between a courting pair can get, and he's wanted that for himself since he was a pup, always dreaming of his alpha showing up and sweeping him off of his feet. His dreams seem to be coming true when he moves into a new building, closer to where he works, and the older alpha living in the flat in front of his own, initiates the courtship process. Everything he's ever wanted is within reach. Or is it?
8) Confections Of The Heart | Explicit | 25,877 words
Harry chuckles, smiling when Louis’ breath hitches as he reaches up to brush his thumb over Louis’ cheek. “Louis, would you like to go on a date with me?” He still worries that the date won’t go well, that Harry will get bored of him or decide it’s too complicated dating an omega with a pup, but he nods anyway, “Yes.” It feels worth it when Harry’s lips widen into a grin and the dimple that Louis finds quite charming craters into his cheek. Who knows, maybe it won’t be as awkward as you think, Louis thinks to himself and follows Harry to where Oliver is watching a chef with a loud laugh show the pup how to sculpt with chocolate. Maybe this time it’ll work out.
9) At Your Fingertips | Explicit | 27,399 words
He finds himself wrapped up in sheets in bed on Thursday night, staring at the familiar name on a new story that was posted the night before. His fingers twitch, ready to hit play and surrender to his impulses, saving the regret and turmoil for later. And still he hesitates, internally praying that he’ll somehow gain the strength to exit out within the next few moments before he inevitably loses his patience and hits the button. Three… Two… One. Play.
10) Tis the Season for...Love? | Mature | 27,920 words
Louis might just be what Harry's needed all along.
11) Short And Sweet | Explicit | 29,658 words
Louis is a shy university student in a world scarce of male omegas. He's always dreamt of having an alpha despite his sheltered upbringing, fantasizing about being loved and cared for. He's immediately smitten by the mysterious alpha with curly hair, broad shoulders, and the addictive coffee scent.
12) Welcome Home | Explicit | 49,417 words
Louis Tomlinson had to put a stop to his football career for a couple of months and he decided to go back home to rest his mind for a little bit only to find out a really weird coffee shop owner started to visit his mother on a regular basis with just as peculiar but lovely kid named Maxine.
13) Taken Over By The Feeling | Mature | 53,654 words
After almost a year of increasingly troubling behavior, Louis agrees to let his sister live with him. It's a last resort before more drastic measures are taken by their mom. Harry Styles runs Given A Chance, a program for troubled and disadvantaged teens out of the bakery he owns. He offers the kids in his program what he believes they need to start on a different and better path for their lives. Louis learns all too quickly that Harry's goodwill does not extend to him. Only because he happens to remind Harry of an ex he'd rather forget. It's not the smoothest of beginnings, but in the end Louis' own issues might be the real problem.
14) Beachwood Cafe | Mature | 63,562 words
The AU where Louis works in a cute little beachside cafe after running away from his problems and Harry is the tall handsome stranger who makes him question everything.
15) Wild Thing | Mature | 65,950 words
Harry doesn’t think love is for him, until Louis shows him just how wild love is.
16) Alpha's Sweet Omega | Not Rated | 66,133 words
Every soulmark differs from Alpha to Beta to Omega. It’s like a puzzle piece that connects you to your soulmate. Some legends from the ancient times say that when you have an aching soulmark, you’re close in finding your mate, and you’ll know that it is your mate when the scent transcends and entices you. And the pain in the mark will subside when you touch your mate. But what if you are already bounded to someone who is not your Alpha? Does social status matter? Will an Alpha fight for his rightful place and win the love of his Omega? The story of love and facing the odds. Making the impossible possible. The things you will do for Love...
17) Pinkies Never Lie | Explicit | 83,615 words
AU in which Louis hates his job and loves Harry, Harry just wants a distraction, everyone else wants them to get their shit together, and Louis learns the hard way that new beginnings are only possible when something ends.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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