#charlotte x chevalier
aquagirl1978 · 4 months
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lorei-writes · 4 months
Both are short stories for "in the meantime".
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coochiequeens · 9 months
It's not bad enough they let works by men into a Women’s Art exhibit but they features these freaks?
By Genevieve Gluck December 30, 2023
A prestigious art museum in London has prompted backlash after featuring trans-identified males in a historical exhibition of the women’s liberation movement. The Women in Revolt! exhibit is a first of its kind project offering “a wide-ranging exploration of feminist art” made by over 100 female artists during the period between 1970 – 1990.
While the exhibit purports to amplify the work of women, some female visitors to the museum quickly noticed that a number of trans-identified males had been slipped in among the displays.
One of the most disturbing pieces include archival copies of a publication created by men with a sexual fetish for pretending to be women, including one letter from a transvestite who complains of being jealous of his wife.
“Once I had admitted my true inner self to others I felt great relief, and thereupon decided to be myself all the time and live life as it suited me and not as the way I had been committed to live since coming out of the womb,” reads the letter, written by a man identified as “Julia.”
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“Prior to this, my marriage (to a woman), had broken up and my wife was seeking a divorce together with the custody of the children because of my attitude to life, namely brought about because of my jealousy of her femininity and her ability to become pregnant and know true happiness within the straight society.”
The admission was one of several personal anecdotes contained within a magazine primarily catering to gay men called “Come Together.”
Information on the exhibit was first posted to X by women’s rights advocate @Sorelle_Arduino, who visited the exhibit yesterday and uploaded photos to her social media showing displays featuring trans-identified males.
One of the photos snapped by the user was an abstract painting by transgender artist Erica Rutherford displayed next to Monica Sjöö’s iconic piece “Wages for Housework.” In the display’s description of Rutherford’s painting, it states that he was inspired by being brought “face to face with the humiliations” of being treated as a woman.
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“No cultural womens event can happen any more without men. Art has become a simpering pile of conformist junk,” one user said in response to @Sorelle_Arduino‘s thread on the exhibit.
“It would be bigoted to talk about women without talking about the ones that are men,” another quipped sarcastically.
Other displays featured articles from newsletters produced by the Beaumont Society, a group created in order to advocate for heterosexual crossdressers to be allowed to practice their sexual fetish publicly.
Among their goals, according to the group’s website, is to “promote and assist the study of gender.” The lobby organization uses as its namesake the 18th century French nobleman Charles Chevalier d’Éon de Beaumont, who would assume the identity of a woman named Charlotte, and was officially recognized as a woman by King Louis XVI.
The Beaumont Society, which currently advocates for the medical ‘transitioning’ of minors, was founded in 1966 by four male transvestites, one of whom was a leading figure in the fetish movement in the United States. Virginia Charles Prince, born Arnold Lowman, aided in creating the organization as a branch of a secret society of transvestic fetishists, who called themselves Full Personality Expression (FPE), located in California.
Initially, the group, as well as others like it which began to spring up in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia at the time, refused membership to homosexuals, presumably on the basis that prominent transvestites did not want the practice associated with sexual motivations. In one newsletter printed by Virginia Prince, who is credited with having popularized the term ‘transgender,’ he writes: “Some of the more narrow-minded of our sister TV’s [transvestites] see nothing good in anything that homosexuals do, but personally I am all for their success and would cooperate in helping them to achieve it where I could out of pure self-interest for our group.”
Prince has also openly discussed the sexual nature of the crossdressing fetish. In 1985 he appeared in an HBO documentary titled, “What Sex am I?”, where he commented on the element of arousal involved, saying that it was a “turn on” for “almost everybody” who participates.
“You have to grow past the stage of being an erotically aroused male in a dress, which results eventually in an orgasm. But when the orgasm is over, if you continue to stay in the dress, you begin to discover there’s this other part of yourself. You cease being an erotically aroused male, and you simply become a man who becomes to recognize that, gee, there’s something nice about girlness that I’m enjoying experiencing,” Prince, a co-founder of The Beaumont Society, said.
In recent years The Beaumont Society has become increasingly influential within the government and the medical establishment. The group is listed as an advisor to the National Health Service (NHS) in England as well as in Wales.
This is not the first controversy involving the Tate Museum centering trans-identified males, with multiple incidents occurring over the past year that have raised concerns amongst women’s rights advocates.
In June, a trans activist known for staging protests involving human urine was invited to read poetry during the Queer and Now LGBTQIA+ art festival. Jamie Cottle was dressed in women’s lingerie during the reading, wearing white panties that had the words “Sugar Money” embroidered into the crotch.
Though Cottle’s presentation was said to be for ages 16 and up, there were even younger children in attendance in the nearby area, with no boundaries set up to prevent minors from entering.
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lorei-wrote · 29 days
Original Characters
Masterlist of active OCs.
Treasures [Gifts]
Ikemen Sengoku
Hana (Yuzuki Fukuzawa)
OC Chart: Hana
Winter Flower [Series Masterlist Link]
Ikemen Prince
Viva Dubois
OC Chart: Viva
Various Works: Viva x Leon
Esther Materna
OC Chart: Esther
Various Works: Esther x Chevalier
Ikemen Villains
Charlotte Verity Howard
OC Chart: Charlotte
Various Works: Charlotte x William
Charles Howard
[Under construction]
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driftwork · 1 year
names, most surnames (2)
Allow me to apologize again for this partial list of names in the library,  titles available on request…
amis, acker kathy, ackroyd peter, abbey edward, aldiss brian, alcott louisa, m. anonymous, aldiss brian editor, ackroyd peter, allende isabel, acker kathy, adair gilbert, adams richard, asimov isaac, alcott louisa m., austen jane, azhayev vasili, asimov isaac, austen jane, ableman paul, amis martin, atwood marga,ret adams richard, abish walter, burroughs edgar rice, benn melissa, butler samuel, blyton enid, beckett samuel, beckett samuel, blyton enid, billington rachel, burnford. sheila, burroughs edgar r,ice bentley phyllis, burney francis, burroughs edgar rice, burroughs edgar rice, compton-burnett ivy, bryant arthur, burchard johann, bryant arthur, brame charlotte, bryant arthur, boll heinrich, buckeridge ant,hony boston l.m., buchan john, brightwen mrs illustrated by f carruthers gold, bronte charlotte, bradbury ray, banks lynne reid, barr pat, betto fre,i baxter stephen, banks iain, bronte charlotte, bryant arthur, banks iain m illustrated by nick day, bradbury malcolm, bell adrian, ballantyne r,.m. balzac honore de, benson e.f, barth richard, barrie j.m, bainbridge beryl, bronte emily, ballard j.g, bronte charl,otte borden mary, black lionel , bellow saul, introduced b,y j. michael walton wilde oscar, salgado gamini, ready stuart, besier rudolf, salgado gamini, euripides, euripides, williams t,ennessee sophocles, ionesco. eugene, ibsen henrick, marillier chri,stabel jonson ben, bennett alan, ionesco eugene, brenton. howard, stoppard tom, pinter harold, aristophanes, arnold mathew, daisenberger j.a., stoppard tom, eliot t.s., creeley rob,ert chaucer geoffrey - edited by walter w. skeat, cronin a. j., carr j. l., cooper edmu,nd colette, chevalier tracy, cosse laurence, christopher joh,n chatwin bruce, collingwood h, cather willa, cattieuchlan, crane stephen, calvino italo, collier eric, cela camilo c,ela crichton micheal, carpino f. brancaccio di, comrie margaret s., chabon michael, crofts freeman wills, carre john le, crace jim, michael co,x and r. a. gilbert cheever john, cardetti raphael, coolidge clark, chevallier gabr,ial coxe harmon george, cronin a. j., cheyney peter, conway hugh, cullum ridgwell, christian catherine, crace jim, crace jim, dickens charles, dickens charles, dunn nell, defoe dani,el bernheim emmanuele, doctorow e.l., chesterton g. k., donleavy j.p., bronte charlotte, duggan alfred, delany samuel r. - petaja emil, durrell gerald, dallek robert, dickens charles, dickens charles, dalby richard ed,. dickens charles, chang jung, delacorta, dickens ch,arles dickens charles, conan-doyle arthur, du maurier daphne, dostoyevsky f.m, durrant valentine, durrant valentine, donoso jose, delillo don, delillo don, defoe daniel, defoe daniel, duke neville, colette, camus albert, cheever john, egan frank, eastwood helen, england barry, duke of windsor, eden emily, egan greg, edwardson ake, franken rose, fowles john, frzer douglas, fielding henry, frankau gilbert, featherstone don,ald fyson j.g., fitzgerald f. scott, fyfield francis, fletcher h.l.v., ford madox ford, fuentes carlos, fuentes carlos, fossum karin, fielding henry, fielding henry, fox gardner f., forester c.s., flaubert gustave, forsyth frederick, fitchett w.h., faulkner willi,am gallico paul, garfeld leon, galsworthy john, gaskin catherine, goldring douglas, greene graham, fletcher j. s., goldsmith olive,r grey zane, faulkner william, grisham john, greene graham, green f.l., delany samuel r, fenn george manville, gide andre, grimwood jon courtenay , gordimer nadine, grisham john, greene graham, greene graham, grass gunter, galsworthy john, gray malcolm, gou xiaolu, goldsmith oliver, greene graham, harsch rick, hill weldon, hall radclyffe, hibbert christopher, hanley james, hemingway ernest, hardy thomas, horvath odon von, conan-doyle arthu,r scott-giles c.w., kollings ken, herbert a.p., houellebecq m,ichel hawes james, holt anne, hopkins r. thurston, huxley aldous, hawkins paula, holwell william, indridason arnaldur, inoue yasushi, ishiguro kazuo, houellebecq michel, hesse hermann, hemingway erne,st hamilton peter f., howard cecil, hyland ann, jewett sara,h orne - with a preface by willa cather joinville & villehardouin, jelinek elfriede, james m. r., jonke gert, moyle j.b.  (translator) - justinian, johns capt. w.e., jerome jerome k, jenkins elizabet,h jenkins elizabeth, james m. r., kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kerr j. lennox, kipling rudyard, kilvert rev francis, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kent nora, kipling rudyard, king stephen, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, khadra yasmina, khadra yasmina, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, lovell ann, koontz dean, lucas-philli,ps c.e. kafka franz, leyner marx, linklater eric, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kennard mrs. edward, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, kipling rudyard, leskov nikolai, leyner mark, lewis norman, carre john le, lee laurie, kilver francis - edited william plover, leyner mark, laver james, lear edward, lever charles, laing e.t., carre john le, longmate norma,n lane jane, lewycka marina, baker margaret, llwelyn davis w,eeks forestier-walker and bor wenstrom o. edmund and harlock walter e., rensschler eric, st. claire byrne muriel, day mabel  (edited by), linklater eric, linklater eric, linklater eric, martel yann, lewis c. s., lee laurie, longford elizabeth, lewis c. s., mason a.e.w, maupassant guy de, maclean alistair, masters john, reich-ranicki marcel, melwood mary, mathews basil, mackenzie fait,h compton maxwell  w. b., macleod m kathleen, mcwilliam candia, mee arthur, marquez gabriel garcia mendoza plinio apuleyo, maurois andre, maclean alistair, mankowitz wolf, masefield john, marryat captain, macnamara brinsley, morris william, murdoch iris, mandelstam. osip, morris william, murdoch iris, mustoe anne, morris william, morris william, bradbury ray, gifford barry, miller henry, maturin charles, millet lydia, mitchison naomi, michener james, mcewan ian, miln lousie, jordan mitford mary russell, menglong feng, munthe. alex, moran lord, nicholl charles, new yorker the editors, oppenheim e.phillips, o'neill jamie, oppenheim e.phillips, nin anais, nairne a, hughes-pa,rry j. powell anthony, ponsonby d.a., price anthony, pangborn edgar, pollard velma, priestley j.b, barry n. malzberg & bill pronzini, powell anthony, nabokov vladimir, porter sheena, peacock thomas love, pratchett terry ian ,stewart and jack cohen powell anthony, percy w. s., needham violet, raymond diana, russo richard, rice margery spring, rabelais, reed thom,as baines russ joanna, remarque erich maria, pearson hesketh, rezzori gregor v,on rolfe fr- frederick baron corvo, sayers dorothy l. sayers  (translator), renault mary, raphael frede,ric phillips adam, robertson e.arnot, pavic milorad, robinson heath, rendell ruth, read miss, robinson heath, rice elmer, rackham arthur, rutley c. bernard, renault mary, steinbeck joh,n smith alexander mccall, spyris johanna, sabatini rafael, spalding francis, stables gordon, camus albert, sinclair upton, stowe harriet b,eecher shem samuel, sienkiewicz henryk, swift jonathan, samuel maurice, scott sir walter, scott paul, stowe harriet beecher, scott sir walter, skinner john, sterne laurence, sewell anna, stevenson d.,e. sitwell edith, strang herbert, surtees r. s., sidney sir phi,llip stout william, sigurdardottir yrsa, solzhenitsyn alexander, scott sir walter, stephenson neil, self will, styron william, scott sir walte,r scott sir walter, scott sir walter, slavicsek bill, sebold alice, smith f seymour, slaughter frank, seth vkram, trollope jo,anna henry fielding, trevelyan g. m., thelwell normal, trevor elleston, thompson flora, thompson flora, tey josephine, tyler j.e.a., tutton diana, tuchman barbara, tolkien j.r.r, duke of windso,r wheatley dennis, wilkinson gerald, wells h.g, rawnsley c,.f. and wright robert white patrick, winchester simon, waugh evelyn, wodehouse p.g,. walsh j. m., welles orson, wood mrs henry, wren p.c, waugh auberon, white. t. h., white t. h., westo kjell, webster jason, wain john, quin b. g., westall rob,ert white t.h, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, westerfield sc,ott wodehouse p.g, zweig stefan, wodehouse p.g, urquhart r.e., wyndham john, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, waugh evelyn, wallace edgar, vine barbara, white patrick, virgil, vesaas tarjei, varesi valerio, vine barbara, updike john, young francis brett, vaizey george, wilde oscar, verne jules, wheatley dennis, updike john, markham mrs, vine barbara, vine barbara, kilvert rev francis, kilvert rev francis, new towns act 1946 -, leyser henrietta, perry anderson malcolm bull jan breman rob lucas david simpson rachel malik alexander zevin marco d'eramo, shaw george bernard, shaw george bernard, shakespeare william, shaw george bernard, shakespeare william, shaw george bernard, shaw bernard, shakespeare william, shaw bernard, shakespeare w,illiam shaw george bernard, shaw bernard, shaw george bernard, shaw george bernard, shaw bernard, sturgess keith (edited), euripides, matsumoto ,seicho lewis naomi, lang andrew, goethe, aristop,hanes pevsner nicholas, alvarez a., de la mare walter, larkin phillip, townsend sue, kyd thomas, euripides, lawrence d,. h. anderson w.e.k., marvell andrew, allan c.f., de la mare ,walter illustrated by edward ardizzone mitchell tony, plath sylvia, hobbs jack and hobbs margaret, spender stephen, whittier john greenleaf, millay edna st. vincent, bridges robert, steakley james , arkell reginald, thompson francis, arkell reginald, townsend sue, stamp l. dudley, keats john, farmer john s. , gollancz sir isr,ael and  day mabel and serjeantson mary s hood thomas, milton john, walsh michae,l (editor) barkow al, british sociological association, burgess tyrrell, bentley michael, braudel fernand, de botton alain, ardrey robert, barrow r. h., bennett joan, aylward j. d., albert marvin h., alford violet, ali ayaan hirsi, cookson mrs. nesfield, cecil david, cudlipp hugh, conway gregory j., ccta, beard patten, clarke mike, deighton k, doyle clare, cottrell leonard, the ecologist, ellis chri, furmston m.p. and simpson a.w.b, elton lord, arellano ro,bert williams reese, brandys kazimierz, rich adrienne, lee laurie, khorsandi shappi, midgley mary, blackburn robin , butler samuel, butler samuel, burroughs william s, brooke nichlas, d.s.pugh d.j.hi,ckman c.r.hinings moliere, hamilton ronald, hill christopher, hackforth-jones g,ilbert hartley john, hervey h.e., kynaston david, herrmann paul, gregory otto, clay a.j. mackenzie, gombrick e.h. and kris k, kingsmill hugh, lloyd christopher, jarvns matt, labour party research department, jacob e. f., krake ken, longmate norman, golding louis, jackson major ,donovan james philip, lethbridge t. c., liechti elaine, ladurie emmanue,l le roy morris desmond, malina f.j, p.m., mundy, john h. carroll noel , middleton john , perniola mario, maxton james, paz octavio, menzies gavin, plaskitt harold and jrdan percy, woodward c. vann, rowntree b.seebohm and lavers g.r., weill herman n., wellman paul i, victor weybrigh,t and henry blackman sell scruton roger, smith j.c., taylor g. rattray, the times, thompson james westfall, taylor arthur, kulke hermann and rothermund dietmar, thomas mary, diamond jared, bacigalupi paolo, johnston william r., woods william, woodward sir llewellyn, shaw josephine, williams christopher, sidebotham helen m., williamson james a., tuchman barbara, smith wm. dr. (on the plan of), tafuri manfredo, bussi michel, rose richard , rawlinson george, rayner robert m., tisserand robert, ibsen henrick, ackroyd peter, powys t. f., sansom william, byatt a.s., bertrand a. and guillaumin a., bryant arthur, palgrave francis t., trewin j.c, morton a. l., mathews hazel, c. johnson a. h., gregory e. w., brogan d.w, tuchman bar,bara howard elizabeth jane, howard elizabeth jane, kerr philip , burton mauric,e borman tracy, kumar manjit, bryant arthur, moers ellen, simpson jacqueline, longmate norman, leasor james, piggott derek, lewycka marina, duncan f. martin and duncan  l.t., armstrong karen, rankin nicholas, catton eleanor, harrison harry and stover leon e., prose francine, jacob naomi, lovell terry, webb marion st.john, sheppard elizabeth sara, dickinson g. lowes, king laurie r, hawthorne james, levy yank, ley wilfre,d rooke kelman janet harvey and rev theodore wood, agar winifred and others, blom eric, house rich,ard field robert, van loon hendrick, hayward gallery, eitlinger l.d. a,nd holloway r.g. fougasse and mccullough, davison philip, turnbull agnes sligh, harrison sidney, ashley maurice, oakeshott w. ewart, steingarten jeffrey, linna vaino, brecht bertholt, benni stefano, winbolt s. e., plumb j. h., bryson bill, prebble john, knight margeret, quarrie bruce, spry constance, squires patricia, smith ali, hadley tes,sa eng tan twan, virno paolo, wilson sloan, campbell alan, cumming charles, pedly robin, clegg alec and megson barbara, holt john, laurie peter, motley john lothrop, beumarchais repertoire general du theatre francais, de la mare walter. mackenzie compton. farjeon  elea,nor lord dunsany  blackwood  algernon etc... betz, bjork samuel, campbell alan, archer thomas ,and amelia hutchinson stirling dollimore jonathan and sinfield alan, deegan denise, holdsworth r.v., durband alan, douglas lloyd c., ash william, dyer gillian and baehr helen, lindop audrey erskine, percival maciver, bellamy h.s., robbe-grillet alain, frith henry, barnett richard, bumpus t. francis, bartholomews, harrow school, martin george, hayward gallery, ducros louis, defrates joan,na ali tariq, lowry malcom (edited by harver briet and margerie bonner lowry), colour, robinso,n francis benton dr micheal j., rankin robert, leonard. jonathan norton, edey maitland a., trippet frank, norton-taylor  duncan, hamblin dora jane, edey maitland a., hicks jim, knauth. percy, dancona p and aeschlimann e, urwin e.c., joyce graham, leslie doris, oakeshott w. ewart, department of scial, and administrative studies oxford university grossman vasily, sinclair andrew, quennell marjorie and c.h.b, smith alexander mccall, crispen edmund, kipling rudyard, oscar wilde mervyn peake, proust marcel illustrated, by phillipe julian proust marcel, chesterton g. k., kipling rudyard, ardrey robert, pakenham elizabeth, bradford ernle, kohn george childs, mcmahon katherine, introduced by j. michael walton, allegro j.m., leakey richard e. lewin roger, sobel dava, lancaster john, ferguson neil, westlake mike, proust marcel ,illustrated by phillipe julian euripides, corvo frederick baron, ambler eric (editor), peacock thomas love, hamilton edward, schiller eric, rabelais, barnes ju,lian manchetter jean-patrick, indridason arnaldur, macculloch j.a., holwe w.v. and p,ountney m.t. burnell r.d., symons julian, kipling rudyard and balestier wolcott, farmer bernard j., macaulay rose, fisher h.a.l., winston richard, eliot george, cairncross alec, disraeli benjamin, litvinoff emanuel, cotterell arthur , peynet raymond, mitchison naomi , trevelyan g. m., ibsen henrick, euripides, thayer george, white patrick, froissart, muir anne ross, acton lord, fisher h.a.l., innes arthur d,. innes hammond, acton lord, trevelyan g. m., stein gertrude, minister of health and the secretary of state for scotland, royal commission on local government in england, committee on the management of local government, committee on the management of local government, committee on the management of local government, soros george, ullman james ramsey, girls own paper, girls own paper, fowles john and horvat frank, moore gerald, whyte william, h. taylor a. j.p., whitelock dorothy, zdenek marilee, valentine c. w., walker kenneth, thompson e. p., ward barbara and dubos rene, wedgewood c.v., robertson alec and stevens denis, ackroyd peter, aira cesar, aira cesar, skinner paul , johnson samuel, drinkwater john, wilson daniel h, stross charles, ackroyd peter, hoeg peter, aylett stev,e oman carola, jelinek elfriede, rohan zina, roberts ada,m vandermeer jeff, vandermeer jeff, vandermeer jeff, miske karim, russell sarah, naipal v.s., carrington neil. brodies notes, freeman anthony, corvo frederick baron, aylett steve, lovegrove james, baudouin charles, green miranda, gilliland alan, gll anton, hendy phil,lip kunstler junger, toulouse-lautrec henri (t.w. earp and g.w. stonier (translated into english by).), jefferson alan, richardson joy, lyons lewis, mathews john and mathews caitlin, pratchett terry, pratchett terry ,and baxter stephen robbe-grillet alain, west paul, pratchett terry and briggs stephen, mccaffery juliet, robert marcel and parmeggiani luigi - ilo-, storr vernon f., pratchett terry, mann philip, morris mary and o'conner larry , pratchett terry and baxter stephen, mcphee john, kightly char,les reeves compton, picard gilbert charles(editor), strong roy, clifton-tay,lor alex rupp gordon, tullii marci, goldsmith oliver, pinnow hermann, millington mal, atwood margaret, dickens charles, sterne laurence, everyman, caeser caius julius, wells h.g, kempis tho,mas a wynne pamela, pepys samuel, sterne laurence, scott sir walter, balzac honore de, jones edmund d., du maurier daphne, hutchinson lucy, weyman stanley j., browning robert, shakespeare william, chesterton cecil, stevenson r.l, trollope anthony, conan-doyle arthur, osborne charles, bresson robert, chalres pictet de geneva, lambourne nigel and renoir, parker steve, thomas graham  stuart, watkin david, hill ian, hlasko ma,rek lee harper, kureishi hanif, boyle t. coraghessan, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, gombrowicz witold, montergueil g., liu ken, robbe-grillet alain, banks iain, hobb robin, murphy derv,la gooch steve, dallek robert, giordano mario, tourtellot arth,ur bernon mcewan ian, orton joe, stoppard tom, stoppard tom, dorfman ariel, clifforfd leech, gerlech lynne, mishima. yukio, kurkov andrey, sante luc, robbe-grillet alain, heinlein robert, shute nevil, benacquista tonino, carofiglio gianrico, powers richard, steer john, johnson b.s., edgeworth maria, lowry malcolm, lowry malcolm, willis roy , le queux william, committee on the ,management of local government delillo don, perry sarah, expenditure committee (trade and industry sub-committee), pratchett terry, jencks charles, ewing julia horatia, vandermeer jeff, carpentier alejo, acker kathy, sudjic deyan, lindsey martin, reitz deneys, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, tolkien j.r.r, eggers dave, yurick sol, emecheta buchi, bryson bill, bryson bill, smollet tobi,as kapitanial thomas, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, stengers isabelle, browning. robert, walbank f. alan (,ed1ted and arranged by) roberts adam, kipling rudyard, ruskin john,
ellis john, hinton michael, chamoiseau patrick, martinez guillermo, willis connie, nemirovsky irene, rhys jean, joyce james, delillo don, mantel hilary, parker k. j., parker k. j., parker k. j., wilhelm richard, topol jachym, perez-reverte arturo, mcevoy j.p. and zarat,e oscar atwood margaret, sloterdijk peter, unit for research on the urban environment, perry steve, anderson kevin j, zahn timothy, hambly barbara, massey d, tucker paul hayes, anderson kevin j., smith p. robert, semprun jorge, crace jim, reynolds ingrid and nicholson charles, reynolds ingrid and nicholson charles bell ann, carre john le, grossman lev, tallis frank, hornby nick, tallis frank, newberry linda, coelho paulo, bryson bill, harris joann,e bond terance james, hopkins gerard manley, haviaras stratis, hoban russell, benson peter, pears iain, gray robert, wiggins todd, price richard, perez-reverte arturo, hoeg peter, flaubert gu,stave ivan illich irving k zola john mcknight, runyon damon, frei max, chaponnie,re paul fischer tibor, reynolds alastair, asher neal, vallois g. ,n. morton h.v., kalweit holger, gibbons stanley, brookmyre christ,opher holt anne, hemingway ernest, surtees r. s., reeves-stevens, judith and garfield kipling rudyard, gane chriss and sarson trish, hodgson joan, saadawi ahmed, barnes julian, hadley tessa, pratchett terry and baxter stephen, hijuelos oscar, johnson kenneth and lsbeth marguerite, phillips jayne anne, aylett steve, kube-mcdowell, michael p. tyers kathy, daley brian, wolverton dave, allen roger mac,bride mcintyre vonda, anderson kevin j, smith l. neil, zahn timothy, zahn timothy, zahn timothy, hamilton peter f., wells h.g, waugh evelyn, hughes roberts, earnshaw brian, confucius alfre,dd doeblin bates h.e, leuchenburg william e., gibson william, gibson william, twining william and miers david, terence morris and angus stewart, tolkien j.r.r, stewart. mary, corvo frederick baron, aldiss brian editor, perez-reverte arturo, king ronald, harris sam, harris sam, harris sam and hawaz maajid, klein richard, nabokov vladimir, lowell robert, euripides, harris sam, maugham w.somerset, pynchon thomas, nabokov vladimir, chand meira, jardine lisa, jardine lisa, reynolds alaistair, sartre jean-paul, gifford barry, de teran lisa st aubin, lanchester john, chen da, kafka franz, frei max, lefebrve noemi, mcewan ian, gray john, gray john, clowes daniel, foucault miche,l gray john, kant immanuel, ferrante elena, chambers becky, levy roger, claudel phillippe, dick philip k, wray j. jackso,n pratchett terry and baxter stephen, chambers becky, fiske john and hartley john, hebdige dick, maitland f.w., dick philip k, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, murdoch iris, murdoch iris, murdoch iris, pratchett terry and baxter stephen, glass rodge, de chirico george, hornby nick, lethem jonathan, coetzee j. m., millar martin, stallman richa,rd m. parrinder patrick, gombrowicz witold, hornby nick, hornby nick, gee maggie, dixey anne, hawes james, maconie  stu,art hornby nick, hornby nick, roberts adam, roberts adam,de teran lisa st aubin, ocampo silvina, lewis oscar, delillo don, perri francesco, gass william, hennessy peter, cumming charles, maconie  stuart, twain mark, cleeves ann, corbett thig,pen & hervey cleckley milner gamaliel, sobel dava, hornby nick, hornby nick, leon donna, gardner helen , williams reese, nesser hakan, simon nicholson and sikina jinnah , sterling bruce, o'brien martin, sciascia leonardo, housing monitoring team, melville herman, thompson hunter s., roberts adam, helgason hallgrimur, malouf david, delillo don, chabon micha,el solomons natasha, marriott edward, holt tom, holt anne, whitehouse david, taylor mildred d., sillitoe sir percy, miller john, dostoevsky fyodaor, denny norman (compiled by), roberts adam and verne jules, coe jonathan, barker nicola, junger sebastian, conan-doyle arthur, khoo thwe pascal, heller joseph, cortvriend. v.v., bryson bill, took barry, gifford barry, murphy c. e., charlesworth monique, kingston maxine hong, kingston maxine hong, coover robert, harrison colin, sharp margery, mailer norman, liu cixin, liu cixin, liu cixin, russo richard paul, vandermeer jeff, pears iain, vandermeer ,jeff ryman geoff, dick philip k, holt anne, stephenson, neil stephenson neil, ogilvy audrey a, finighan w. r., department of t,he environment  grimwood jon courtenay, asher neal, asher neal, asher neal, du maupassant guy, reynolds alaistair, asher neal, burroughs w,illiam s harkaway nick, satie erik, beethoven, koontz dea,n atwood margaret, kimhi rabbi david, garrison jim, austen jane, harkaway nick, dawson r.f.f, department of employment, department of employment, department of employment, economis commission for europe inland transport committee, jones tobias, shriver lione,l baxter stephen, macleod ken, powell anthony, asher neal, cheek mavis, montalban manuel vazquez, hughes bettany, bach rachel, mcdevitt jack, reynolds alastair, asher neil, atkins will,iam levin ira, meynell alice, strugatski arkady and boris, bach rachel, leduc violette, paretsky sara, eastland sam, eastland sam, bechdel alison, fitzgerald conor, hart miranda, higashno keig,o marshall michael, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, wodehouse p.g, rohmer sax, runcie james, fleming peter, bellow saul, mccullers carson, defoe daniel, greene graham, lawrence d. h., faulkner william, faulkener william, o'brien edna, o'brien edna, spark muriel, spark muriel, doyle lynn, camus alber,t allingham margery, allingham margery, allingham margery, rhys jean, newson john and elizabeth, mann thomas, allingham margery, allingham margery, o'brien edna, leonard elmore, evans ifor, spark murie,l webster john, moravia alberto, spark muriel, pym denis (ed,ited by) trevor elleston, bronte charlotte, homer, geoffr,ey of monmouth gaskall elizabeth, heilpern john, joyce james, peter cheyne,y spark muriel, rushdie salman, mitford nancy, hardy thomas, moore john, wells h.g, hardy thomas, lawrence d. h,. murdoch iris, walpole hugh - beckford william - shelley mary, orwell george, hyland stanley, christie agatha, sayers dorothy l., haggard william, wells h.g, cervantes miguel de, target g. w., donleavy j.p., mitford nancy, taylor a. j. p., wodehouse p.g, dolley christopher edits, thompson hunter s., fitzgerald f. scott, doyle a.conan, thurber james, allingham marg,ery garnett richard, peake mervyn, prebble john, gough richard, smith stevie, peake mervyn, liu cixin, orwell geo,rge belloc hilaire, beerbohm max, bowles jane, tacitus, hemingway ernest, theroux paul, thirkell angela, waugh evelyn, wilson angus, wilson angus, lawrence d. h., lawrence d. h., lawrence d. h., orwell george, perelman s. j., green f.l., hill susan, greene graham, forester c.s., mccarthy mary, esslin. martrin, o'brien flann, le carre john, stribling t.s., lawrence d. h., durrell gerald, sagan francoise, chevalier gabrie,l anstey f., graves robert, doyle lynn, joyce james, thompson flora, delacorta, lawrence d. h., donleavy j.p., hrabal bohumil, briggs asa, colette, gaskall ,elizabeth landolfi tommaso, france anatole, christie agatha, bone david w., hawkes jacquetta, hammett dashiell, de teran lisa st aubin, bates h.e, isherwood christopher, hemingway ernest, brahms caryl and simon s.j, duffy maureen, kilworth garry, berger john, fielding henry, miliband ralph ,and saville john wilder thornton, achebe chinua, mascaro juan (new translation by), schnabel jim, braine john, james henry, waugh evelyn, waugh evelyn, peake mervyn, williams tennessee, sagan francoise, hughes richard, weldon fay, waugh evelyn, buchan john, graves rober,t boll heinrich, weldon fay, wodehouse p.g, tillyard e. m., w. lee laurie, lessing doris, updike john, amis martin, hardy thomas, chandler raymond, wodehouse p.g, manning olivia, lessing doris, spark muriel, masters john, o'brien edna, mann thomas, traven b., pevsner nicholas, dickens charles, white t. h., shakespeare william, douglas norman, woolf virgina, murdoch iris, blackwood algernon, lawrence d. h., gide andre, edward albee jack richardson murray schisgal athur miller, iwamoto kaoru, arenas reinaldo, andrzejewski jer,zy joyce james, de botton alain, mauriac francois, simenon georges, lawrence d. h., texier catherine, forster e. m, allingham mar,gery allingham margery, allingham margery, allingham margery, crofts freeman wil,ls hoskins w. g., sebald w.g, macleod ken, amis kingsle,y cain james m, wodehouse p.g, o'brien edna, allingham mar,gery mccullers carson, harrison harry, cheyney peter, christie agath,a cheyney peter, chandler raymond, crystal david, shaw george be,rnard sophocles, haggard william, colette, borges j,orge luis borges jorge luis, borges jorge luis, lowry malcolm, lowry malcolm, dostoyevsky f.m, schnitzler arthur, drabble margaret, boll heinrich, aristotle, heyer georgette, chandler raymond, douglas alfred, ackroyd peter, ackroyd peter, basho, steinb,eck john wodehouse p.g, gaskall elizabeth, mottram v.h, walker kenne,th davis hugh sykes, evans ifor, evans ifor, harrison g., b. sayers dorothy l., innes michael, womack jack, thubron coli,n wodehouse p.g, leonard elmore, innes michael, innes michael, innes michael, innes michael, innes michael, du maurier dap,hne gardner erle stanley, gaskall elizabeth, greene graham, sartre jean-pa,ul lodge david, gaskall elizabeth, farmer philip jose, austen jane, rabelais francois, ekelof gunnar, karolyi otto, sartre jean-p,aul cabell james branch, didion joan, borges jorge luis, de monfried henry, doyle a.conan, chandler raymond, miller arthur, merriman henry, seton gaiman neil, innes michael, innes michael, drabble margar,et harrison g. b., kawabata yasunari, west john anthiony, buchan john, highsmith patricia, pineda cecile, nabokov vladimir, spark muriel, needleman jacob, grayling a.c., lurie alison, hay ian, thubron colin, cameron james, stein gertrude, dickens charles, linklater eric, plato, plato, plato, plato, yalom irvin d., jungstedt mari, plato, stagg guy, mcdonald ed, knausgaard karl ove, knausgaard karl ove, harvey graham and hardman charlotte, pope dudley, james henry, woolrych aus,tin conrad joseph, pollard tony, dyer geoff, chaing ted, marquez gabriel garcia, colette, bennett robert jackson, nesser hakan, mootoo shani, coe jonathan, higson charlie, marquez gabriel, garcia banks iain , brown alan, schine cathleen, christopher adam, fesperman dan, rohmer sax, michaels anne, saunders john, lessing doris, becker jurek, krabbe. tim, shaw bernard, anthony piers, hunt stephen, gurdjieff, gibson wil,liam gaarder jostein, pears iain, euripides, shepard lu,cius prawer jhabvala r, bach rachel, coover robert, westerfield sc,ott brookmyre christopher, craig amanda, bacigalupi paolo, okri ben, buffett jimmy, milligan spike and antrobus john, shakespeare william, o'hara john, trevor elleston, leonard elmore, ageyev m., hill susan, robbe-grillet alain, rinaldi patrizia, adiga aravind, feist raymond, mankowitz wolf, miller arthur, mccarthy mary, rowling j. k., wilson robert, corey james a., corey james a., runyon damon, shakespeare william, shakespeare william, shaffer peter, davidson robyn, lethem jonathan, chekov anton, esposito roberto, gardner john, palmer philip, barnes john, mcmahon thomas, robinson kim st,anley mankell henning, grazier james, grass gunter, hamilton pete,r f. hardy thomas, jack albert, coupland douglas, parris s. j., ozeki ruth, reynolds alaistair, mason zachary, mason zachary, delacorta, kerr phillip, coupland douglas, betjeman john, parker john, cortazar julio, lewis sinclair, du maurier daph,ne mcewan ian, fowles john, troyes chretien de, lethem jonathan, eggers dave, aristotle horace longinus, bolano roberto, giuttari michel,e bernard st, baudrillard jean, schrader helena p., frayn michael, chomsky noam, min anchee, morrison toni, von arnim eliz,abeth lethem jonathan, calvino italo, calvino italo, roberts michel,le hardy thomas, mccarthy mary, murdoch iris, symons a. j. ,a. connolly joseph, connolly joseph, lethem jonathan, scott-wilson sio,n flint shamini, tejpal tarun j., camilleri andrea, safranski rudiger, agamben giorgio, vichi marco, moers walter, bennett arnol,d heyer georgette, euripides, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, butler samuel, miloszewski  z,ygmunt hoban russell, lewycka marina, lewycka marina, lethem jonathan, rankin ian, rankin ian, fraser george macdonald, fraser george macdonald, del rey lester, neville kris, longmate norman, greenwood duncan, and king robert mortenson greg and relin david oliver, farmer philip jose, asimov isaac, harding d. e., ferris joshua, gill a. a., smith ali, lawrence d,. h. fletcher martin, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, corey james a., corey james a., corey james a., rankin robert, tilley patrick, tilley patrick, turner george, hedquarters library department of the environment, george woodford kirstine williams nancy hill deper,tment of the environment general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, frayn michael, general regist,er office general register office, general register office, general register office, general register office, haddon celia , catling b, delillo don, fitzgerald c,onor murdoch iris, garcia-roza luiz alfredo, carofiglio gianrico, vichi marco, williams jen, ramirez david, eastland sam, roberston al, lyotard jean-francois, catling b, williams jen, carter angela, townsend sue, bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, mcauley paul j., bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, shaw john h., simmonds posy, cochrane james, (edited by) barth john, jeter k. w., dunn euan , lynch richa,rd warwick christopher , fraser george macdonald, barnes djuna, neuvel sylvai,n kepler lars, durrell lawrence, durrell lawrence, durrell lawrence, durrell lawrence, shakespeare william, waugh evelyn, puig manuel, crais robert, houellebecq michel, durrell lawrence, grant morrison, p,hil jimenez, steve yeowell eriksson kjell, jordan robert, slavnikova olga, story jack trevo,r boll heinrich, crussi f. gonzalez, dick philip k, ackerman diane, perec georges, stross charles, ashman howard, rosen michael, mcllwraith a. k., packer nigel, haasen carl, hesse herman,n hesse hermann, lewis norman, ballard j. g., maupassant guy, de perry sarah, dickey james, friedman kinky, friedman kinky, durrell lawrence, ings simon, jones diana wynne, forrest katherine ,v.  weldon fay, sophocles, mitchison naomi, kermode frank, firestone shulamith, webster john, gosse edmund - introduction by, conrad joseph, palmer frank, trollope anthony, bronte charlotte, durrell lawrence, prose francine, murphy devla, lyall gavin, fraser georg,e macdonald fo dario, fleming peter, disch thomas m. and sladek john t., marlowe christoher, rosewicz tadeusz, nunez raul, shakespeare william, webster john, poliakoff stephen, murakami ryu, neuvel sylvain, eliot t. s., fitzgerald penelope, fergusson francis, curie ewa, geoff dyer, (contributor) lila azam zanganeh (contributor) leanne shapton (contributor) alain de botton (contributor) alice rawsthorn (contributor) swann ingo, le carre john, nabokov vladimir, evans julian, ahndoril alexander, gonzales tony, chu wesley, gentle mary, solnit rebecca, barnes john, fitzgerald penelope, hamilton geoff, jordan robert, sterbenz carol endler, mcnaughton colin, david peter, innes clive, banks lynne reid, miller henry, hartley l. p., smith e. e. 'doc', smith e. e. 'doc', silitoe alan, bonnot  xavie,r-marie pratchett terry, lessing doris, bowen elizabeth, allen woody, hamilton peter f., hamilton peter f., millar martin, barker howard, barker howard, steinbeck john, hardy thomas, smith zadie, johnson air vice marshall j.e., lewis sinclair, gentle mary, izzo jean-cl,aude forster e.m, webb beatrice, kiefer anselm, harkaway nick, cheever john, cordell aleander, plener pytan, council for c,hildren's welfare lovecraft h. p., harrison harry, mah adeline yen, heinlein robert, smith e. e. 'doc', knausgaard karl ove, bartlett jamie, feist raymond, osbourne lawrence, renoir jean, paasilinna arto, thirlwell adam, trollope anthony, twain mark, bataille georges, bataille georges, bataille georges, bataille georges, emily morris kevin pask marco déramo  kristen surak wolfgang streeck frederic jameson hung ho-fung, gaston sean, shannon samantha, nash ogden, st john madelaine, hill susan, de botton alain, reynolds alaistair, reynolds alaistair, fine. anne, rushdie salman, allingham margery, grimwood jon courtenay, welsh itvine, melville-ross antony, swift graham, hiaasen carl, beeton mrs, mcguane thomas, cheever john, crisp quentin, klossowski pie,rre barker george, rankin ian, mayne andrew and shuttleworth john, wainwright gordon, ivor noel-hume and audrey noel- hume, heller joseph, wilson barbara, reynolds peter, newman ernest, pickering kenneth, rankin ian, van horn er,ica tchaikovsky adrian, leon donna, lerner ben, brantenberg, gerd martinez guillermo, musil robert, baxter stephen, markaris petros, gaiman neil, deren maya, virilio paul, ballard j. g., heller joseph, sahgal nayantara, marshall bruce, chadbourn mark, nesser hakan, glade merton, shepard lucius, theilkuhl wolfg,ang sawyer robert j., moore christopher, glendinning victoria, vesey-fitzgerald bria,n bennett vanora, smith alexander mccall, allingham margery, allingham margery, e.c.bentley and h. warner allen, allingham margery, simenon georges, gide andre, walker martin, iyer lars, ings simon, allingham m,argery friedmann john , marcus ben, marcus ben, southam b. ,c. enright anne, drinkwater olive, asher neal, asher neal, sullivan caitlin and bornstein kate, bradley a c, lahiri jhumpa, hiaasen carl, westerfield scott, johnson diane, cheek mavis, faulks sebas,tion asimov isaac, edwards ruth dudley, lackey mercedes, blunden edmund, mckinley robin, duffy stella, steinbeck john, davies andrew, donoghue emma, asher neal, grimwood jon courtenay, villalobos juan pablo, asher neal, asimov isaac, berlins marcel and wansall geoffrey, leonard elmore, proulx e. anne, tennyson alfred, dyer geoff, reynolds al,aistair reynolds alaistair, reynolds alaistair, roig jose miguel, yevtushenko yevge,ny livio mario, hardy thomas, head bessie, mill j.s, tanizaki junichiro, pinborough sarah, pinborough sarah, williams nigel, jonathan ross and tommy lee edwards, tor krevor andre singer thomas piketty goran therborn teri reynolds perry anderson josh berson  william davies marcus verhagen, robin blackburn perry anderson wang lixiong jacques ranciere micheal hardt  geoffrey ingham  terry eagleton peter lagerquist timothy bewes gunter grass pierre boudieu, n. e. thing enterprises , donoghue emma, coupland douglas, mankell henning, fred halliday er,nest mandel  heather  maroney riccardo parboni satyajit ray
pablo iglesias mike davis francis mulhern joann wypijewwski joshua rahtz emma  fajgenbaum  r taggart murphy, evgeny morozov gopal balakrishnan wang chaohua  mauricio velasquez franco moretti jeffrey r. webber anders stephanson barry schwabsky, joshua wong frederic jameson joetrapido emilie bickerton sebastian veg  adam tooze achin vanaik franco moretti, gopal balakrishnan bhaskar sunkara  daniel finn francesco fiorentino  enrica villari  micheae denning blair ogd,en  vivek chibber susan watkins ching kwan lee neil davidson nancy ettlinger alex niven timothy brennan joshua rahtz emilie bickerton,mike davis giovanni arright, g tamas peter nolan koza yamamura asef bayat  benedict anderson tariq ali ian birchill kheya bag  regis debray, dark horse comics, dark horse comics, warren ellis lee bermejo david baron, warren ellis lee bermejo david baron, warren ellis lee bermejo david baron, damon hurd with pedro camello, brian wood /  becky cloonan, chris claremont jim lee scott williams, dark horse comics, jeph loen carlos pachego jesus merino, morrison grant, morrison grant, morrison grant, morrison grant, amis martin, mike carey sonny liew marc hempel, groening matt, jenkins johnson faucher, dark horse comics, damon hurd rick smith, damon hurd rick smith, brian wood becky cloonan, brian wood becky cloonan, brian wood becky cloonan, grant morrison frank quit,ely *, mike carey sonny liew marc hempel, grant morrison philip bond d'israeli daniel vozzo, bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, brian wood becky cloonan, damon hurd with pedro camello, mike carey sonny liew marc hempel, brian wood becky cloonan, jim valentino chance wolf dan davis, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, mckelvie gillen, veitch and  baikie, pienkowski jan, berenstain stan and jan, martin ruth, jones terry, palmer jessi,ca williams ursula moray, pratchett terry, farmer penelope, hunter norman, dahl roald, cresswell helen, rumble adrian (collected by), norton andre and madlee dorth,y bond micheal, brennan j. h., gibson andrew, hall willis, ridley philip, hutchins pat, wright ralph, clarke arthur, cross gillian, lowry lois, wright ralph, king-smth dic,k piserchia doris, proysen alf, priest graham, blackburn simo,n buckeridge anthony, steed ben, wilson forrest, norriss andrew, deary terry, cresswell helen, jacques brian, webber collin, snell gordon, rodgers mary, kastner erich, ordnance surve,y schmidt arno, garner alan, dahl roald, wilson davi,d henry lindgren astrid, kemp gene, art thibert and pamela thibert, bennett arnold illustrated by m,orten sale pynchon thomas, burgess anthony, huxley aldous, dahl roald, boll heinrich, herr micheal, dibden michael, o'connell jack, greenland colin, gifford barry, gifford barry, russell leigh, dahl roald, shakespeare william, marivaux, rodgers m,ary lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), lucasfilm bob woods (editor), mcfarlane todd, jim valentino chance wolf dan davis, jim valentino chance wolf dan davis, mckillip patricia a., du maurier daphne, elgin suzanne haden, de teran lisa st aub,in collingwood r. g., winterson jeanette, carmody isobelle, perry steve, egan doris, moorcock michael, gaiman neil, gilden mel, larry niven jerry pounelle micheal flynn, eddings david, cooper louise, weaver micheal, claremont chris, hamilton laurell k., kepler lars, nothomb amel,ie staig laurence, wood anthony, murrary linda, kaveney roz di,tor plato, cumming elizabeth and kaplan wendy, reiss johanna, glover jonatha,n goodman nelson, plato, carmody isobelle, wilson robert cha,rles wilson robert charles, wilson robert charles, johnson george, kepler lars, brookmyre christopher, jordan robert, kinsella sophie, jewell lisa, parent gail, gibson williams, kinsella sophie, carofiglio gianr,ico hesse hermann, nesbo jo, duane diane, higginson wi,lliam j. ferguson margaret.  salter mary jo. stallworthy jon, evanovich janet, evanovich janet, bennett alan, blaylock james p., aylett steve, roffey monique, chambers clare, sedaris david, warner alan, cross amanda, lee harper, brookmyre christopher, lawrence louise, levi primo, coupland do,uglas homesa. m., wesley mary, nicholson geoff, chambers clare, chambers clare, lee chang-rae, ahmed rollo, gowdy barbar,a suri manil, brickell christopher (editor), adelson warren et al, ishiguro kazuo, curley marianne, miller alexander, macleod ken, diamond jare,d persson leif g.w., littell robert, anderson poul, hamilton laure,ll k. nicoll andrew, miller mark and mcniven steve, wells h.g., xing jan, robinson kim stanley, dahl roald, chandler arthur, breznik melitta, jordan robert, cherryh c.j., sayers dorothy l., dow kristin and do,wning thomas e. mccaffery anne, brent-dyer elinor m., jordan robert, crichton miche,al evanovich janet, williams john, schlosser eric, murphy pat, trollope joanna, mcintyre vonda n., lackey mercedes and dixon larry, lackey mercedes, duane diane and morwood peter, lewis jon e., mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, jewell lisa, holden wendy, binchy maeve, duane diane, mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, lovelock james, eddings david, besher alexander, mccaffery anne, barnes john, briggs ian, leon donna, mcdonagh martine, stackpole micheal a, blake william, nassib selim, rankin robert, child lincoln, goudge elizabe,th de teran lisa st aubin, beukes lauren, ridge antonia, greenland coli,n palmer stephen, crais robert, kirstein rosemary, duane diane, lawrence sara, bronte charlotte, plater alan, jones j. v., norriss andrew, girling brough, jordan robert, jones j. v., jones j. v., konwicki  tadeusz, bateman colin, erpenbeck jenn,y scarpa tiziano, lisick beth, warner alan, evanovich ja,net dalby liza, warner alan, adler-olsen  jussi, alcott louisa m., dickinson peter, hicyilmaz gaye, lindgren astrid, lucas george, davies russell t., bendis brian micheal and  maleev alex, bawden nina, gross philip, foster alan dean, anderson kevin j, lucas george, glut donald, kahn james, cadigan pat, murakami haruki, bodlian library, zizek slavoj, tucker andrew, and kingswell tamsin davidson alan, cadigan pat, ashton charles, brookmyre chris,topher brookmyre christopher, brookmyre christopher, evanovich janet, david peter, leon donna, brookmyre christopher, brookmyre christopher, simon anne, scamander newt, whisp kenilworthy, davies pete, blyton enid, blyton enid, walsh helen, bradley marion, steve pike and ,paul fisher travers p.l., lively penelope, vinge joan, jacques bri,an aiken joan, fisk nicholas, o'keeffe linda, deegan denise, clarke stephen, franken al, blyton enid, blyton enid, mankell henning, smith alexander mccall, jones diana wynne, norton andre, ullmann linn, jones vanessa, pinborough sarah, kafka franz, anderson kevin j. (edited by), rankin robert, rankin robert, mccaffery anne, evanovich janet, mccaffery anne, yoshimto ray - clamp nanase ohkawa, brookmyre christopher, allen roger macbride, pratchett terry, anderson kevin j. (edited by), connolly joseph, cherryh c.j., cadigan pat, mccaffery anne, divakaruni chit,ra banerjee zappa moon unit, vernadsky vladimir i, mackesy serena, waterhose keith, hines barry, golding william, keenan joe, ironside vi,rginia cullimore claudine, kawabata yasunari, motter dean and lark michael, mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, mccaffery anne, packard vance, moore gerald, furey maggie, furey maggie, mccaffery anne, duane diane, gaiman neil, brown dan, furey maggie, lindsay dougl,as scott-giles c. w., modesitt jr  l. e., bronte charlotte, murdoch iris, streatfield noel, leiris michel, bronte emily, williams ursu,la moray ecke wolfgang, pratchett terry, mclean lenny, edwards-jones, imogen nesser hakan, mcintyre vonda, fisk nicholas, evanovich jane,t tey josephine, robbe-grillet alain, aeschylus, baudrillar,d jean baudrillard jean, pagels heinz r., sen amartya, sen amartya, caputo john d., rossini, corey james a., holt tom, kube-mcdowell michael p., sweterlitsch tom, wolfe tom, cadigan pa,t murdoch iris, bronte anne, dyer geoff, spinoza  be,nedictus de  spinoza  benedictus de, haasen carl, dexter colin, moffat gwen, handke peter, handke peter, handke peter, handke peter, kavan anna, kavan anna, kavan anna, gaiman neil, nicholson william, christopher adam, lena levinas ousmane sidibe gabrial piterberg kristen surek franco moretti tom mertes jan breman emilie bickerton, tawadayoko, snow c. p., snow c. p., groening matt, claudel philip,pe leith sam, spinrad norman, russo richard paul, hamilton peter f., haldeman joe, rankin robert, musil robert, niven larry, niven larry, walsh micheal, dibden michael, anouilh jean, herbert frank, allen roger macbride, mcgraw eloise jarvis, lowery marilyn m., bruford bill (editor), bishop micheal, saraute nathalie, abbey edward, wahloo per, davies andrew, davies andrew, asimov isaac, faulks sebastian, dos passos john, egan greg, egan greg, bradley marion, rankin robert, brown eric, shakespeare, william jeter k. w., dyer geoff, beckett chris, roth philip, marshall smith michael, armesto felipe fernandez, almond david, bolano robert,o goscinny f - uderzo a, goscinny f - uderzo a, lowe helen, arnott jake, reynolds alaistair, frith r. j., lena levinas ousmane sidibe gabrial piterberg kristen surek franco moretti tom mertes jan breman emilie bickerton, anderson perry, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, higgins jack, hoban russell, rolfe fr- fred,erick baron corvo busby f.m, kepler lars, barnes julian, machiavelli ni,ccolo sebald w.g, priest christopher, martin sean, gibson gary, banks iain m, gibson gary, gibson gary, gibson gary, gibson gary, gibson gary, mclellan david, grady james, tilley patrick, van vogt a.e, boyd william, swartz richar,d bennett alan, cortazar julio, anders charlie jane, lowe helen, stagg guy, banks iain, banks iain m illustrated by nick day, banks iain m, banks iain m, flint james, larsson stieg, anthony piers, mcdevitt jack, lostetter marina j., richardson dorothy m., scott m. k. c., gaskall mrs, talbot-booth e. c., whitman walt, le carre john, shelley percy bysshe (introduction phyllis hartnoll ), holt tom, tett gillian, shepard luciu,s grimwood jon courtenay, proust marcel illustrated by phillipe julian, fenn jaine, caldecott a,ndrew caldecott andrew, harvey colin, mcauley paul j., mcdonald ian, mcdonald ian, linklater eric, pliny, nesbo ,jo mcauley paul j., brown eric, backman fedrik, de la motte and,ers galbraith robert, dahl arne, watkins susan, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, bull mccormack, badiou hart blackburn therborn sarfattio watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, susan watkins benedict anderson franco moretti, hallward collini 'retort' bickerton, jean baudrillard giovanni arrighi richard gott rgis debray, watkins susan, anderson perry, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, tom mertes peter gowan gerad dumenil & dominique levy, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn ronin, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, perry anderson darko suvin lucio magri  carlos prieto, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, watkins susan, watkins susan, anderson perry, watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, blackburn robin, blackburn robin, peter hallward t,om nairn jean baudrillard sabry hafex watkins susan, watkins susan, blackburn robin, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, watkins susan, moravia alberto, tolstoy leo, busby f.m, marquand j,ohn p. airne c. w., haldeman joe, oçonnor richard, hardy thomas, rhys jones  griff, butcher jim, harper david, larsson stieg, joslin edward c., furnival kate, eastland sam, eastland sam, kadare ismail, hertzberg max, grancsay stephen v., mcintyre vonda, kafka franz, piketty thomas, greene harris, butcher jim, ordnance survey, brodie bernard and fawn, kornbluth c. m., bull emma, seigel martin, imlah mick, thomas edward, maclean alista,ir de giovanni maurizio, banks iain m, banks iain m, banks iain, corey james a., corey james a., carver raymond, mason paul, reynolds alaistair, lagercrantz david, lagercrantz david, shakespeare willia,m brooks rosetta , brooks rosetta , grant richard, scudder bernar,d (translator) bull emma, eliot george, kadrey richard, lowry malcolm, de la motte anders, aaronovitch ben (cartmel williamson renne), dick lesley, herbert fran,k setterfield diane, lyall gavin, carr caleb, mcintyre vo,nda groening matt, groening matt, dark horse comics, groening matt, greene graham, gunn kirsty, klein rachel, bussi michel, wiltshire professor patricia, collins bridget, ford ford madox, bishop micheal, brandao ignazio de loyola, kube-mcdowell michael p., pratchett terry, anderson kevin j, mitchell david, barnes john, barnes john, marion  jean,-luc marin louis, marion  jean-luc, marion  jean-luc, horner robyn, zizek slavoj, goscinny f - uderzo a, goscinny f - uderzo a, zizek slavoj, zizek slavoj, powers richard, nietzsche, zizek slavoj,  rorty richard, marion  jean-luc, monbiot george, zizek slavoj, zizek slavoj, litvinoff emanuel, williams raymond, williams raymond, williams raymond, fabre dominique, zizek slavoj, stiegler bern,ard knight renee, painter sarah, north claire, upson nicola, wesley mary, hogan ruth, jones ruth, brookmyre c,hristopher evanovich janet, dabos christelle, greene joshua, bullmore edwar,d upson nicola, gardener graham, honeyman gail, evanovich jane,t kadrey richard, vonnegut kurt, pratt tim, thomas d. ,m. liminov eddie, liminov edward, dahl roald, banks iain, vickers sally, zahn timothy, vonnegut kurt, bassini giorgi,o eastland sam, bainbridge beryl, hill susan, golding wil,liam chen da, tey josephine, reig rafael, lawrence d. ,h. vinge vernor, brown eric, grimwood jon courtenay, stross charles, maddox tom, ellis bret easton, de teran lisa st aubin, aldiss brian, fleming jim and wilson peter lamborn, kepler lars, roslund and hellstrom, kepler lars, cartmel andrew, ripley mike, lyotard jean-francois, stross chalres, kristjansson snorri, king laurie r, powell gareth l., costantino maria, various, mosley walter, brown eric, brown eric, nespolo matias, king laurie r, le carre john, cheever john, campbell john w. , ferman edward l. , oatmeal matthew inman, le carre john, niven larry, zetford tully, ripley mike, le carre joh,n boardman tom, candlish louise, gombrich e.h., shaw george be,rnard jones diana wynne, kennedy emma, jones ruth, gardiner be,cky  wainwright martin , bates stephen , meer malik, sylvain dom,inique paolini christopher, bourdain anthony, horowitz anthony, hugo victor, hesse hermann, tolstoy leo, hawtree christopher graham greene, hilbig wolfgang, barnes julian, kundera milan, zafron carlos ruiz, grimwood jon courte,nay bellow saul, isherwood christopher, clark alan, dahl roald, lotringer sylvere, pullman phillip, galgut damon, paolini chris,topher cresswell helen, jones sadie, christie agatha, doyle a.conan, robinson geoffrey, hodges andrew, sylvain dominique, dostoevsky f.m, martin george r.r., moore christopher, hacker katerina, o'flynn catherin,e cervantes miguel de, kavenna joanna, one direction, austen jane  g,rahame-smith seth conan-doyle arthur, lessing doris, wakeman rick, conan-doyle a,rthur conan-doyle arthur, gaskall mrs, hansen essa, trapani gina, lore pittacus, upward edward, lively penelope, morrison grant, ennis garth, ellis warren, morrison grant, ennis garth, moyes jojo, simsion graeme, shea dave and holzschlag molly e., cederholm dan, martin george r.r., macdonald kyle, feist raymond, upward edward, levi primo, stross charles, sjowall maj and wahloo per, krauss  rosalind, bataille georges, queneau raymond, blackwood algernon, arnold n. scott, leckie ann, cobley michael, levy david, bywater mic,hael brennan marie, fuller steve, fuller steve, fuller steve, tom taylor , jeremy rapack , mik s miller, tom taylor , bruno redondo , ball philip, morden simon, conan-doyle a,rthur pratchett terry, lovegrove james, sartre jean-paul, simenon georges, allan nina, plato, brown eric, cumming cha,rles moore christopher, mieville china, genna  giuseppe, aldiss brian, davidson lionel, adams douglas, russell eric frank, vance jack, cobley michael, cobley michael, furst alan, judd alan, king laurie r, gaiman neil, saint-exupery antoine de, aldiss brian, acker kathy, woolf virgina, mordern s. j., meaney john, anthony piers, christie agatha, smith cordwainer, smith cordwainer, dickson gordon, brin david, davidson lionel, cottrell leonard, rushdie salman, le carre john, brown eric, sayers doro,thy l. brown eric, szerb antal, szerb antal, von schrirac,h ferdinand barthelme donald, shakespeare william, jerome jerome k, kipling rudyard, duras marguerite, pavese cesare, ackroyd peter, tilly charles, thorton tim, reynolds alaistair, von arnim elizabeth, land nick, mackay robin, gould stephen jay, gould stephen jay, mackay robin, veal damion, wolfendale peter, ball philip, castoriadis ,cornelius chomsky. noam, dyson freeman, waldrop n. mitchell, wyatt sir thomas, watson james d., macrae  donald g, larsson stieg, noon jeff, rowbotham sheila & segal lynne & wainwright hilary, carrion jorge, hilbig wolfgang, fermor patrick l,eigh parveeb adams beverly brown elizabeth cowie, parikka jussi, pelevin victor, kurkov andrey, introduced by j. michael walton, jones steve, russ joanna, bennett jane, morgan dan, hannah dolan elizabeth dowsett emma grange, judge dredd!, sayers doroth,y l. sayers  cox edward, vickers sally, nykanen harri, matheson richa,rd jenkins martin and swift jonathan, fleming ian, o'brien flann myles na gopaleen, gieysztor aleksander et al..., de beauvoir simone, sayers dorothy l., sayers dorothy l., de la mare walter, marnham patrick, cumming charles, enger thomas, sayers doroth,y l. lebor adam, dick philip k, naylor doug, amis martin, priest christopher, makine andrei, pratchett terry, carofiglio gianr,ico s. c. kaines smith, grenier jean, lessing doris, pratchett terr,y vickers sally, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, pratchett terry, akerman chantal, kevin eastman peter laird dave sim, tremain rose, hustvedt siri, evanovich janet, nesser hakan, cage john, van vogt a,.e karlsson jonas, lethem jonathan, singer peter, tuck rchard, leach edmund, floridi luciano, floridi luciano, rose mark (edito,r) skolimowski henryk, kunzru hari, sexton ed, arden kath,erine milanovic branko, helen pluckrose and james lindsey, pinker steven, brooks rosetta,  zizek slavoj, keene jogn, fox jeremy, collins jef,f myerson george, fox dominic, pallant kathryn, haggard william, haggard william, haggard william, henshaw lee, golumbia dav,id dawkins richard, dawkins richard, dawkins richard, kaplan robert, balestrini nanni and moroni primo, watkins susan, watkins susan, barry max, weir andy, kadrey richard, mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcauley paul j., mcdonald ian, mcdonald ian, mcdonald ian, cavanaugh wil,liam t. corina john, lee yoon ha, unt mati, simcox ad,am ripellino angelo maria, morgan richard, setterfield diane, morgan richard, stross chalres, garner alan, bassini giorgio, jennings luke, jennings luke, jennings luke, mordern s. j., novick naomi, novick naomi, macleod ken, reynolds alaistair, reynolds alaistair, afary janet and anderson kevin b, quignard pascal, queneau raymond, arrighi giovanni, niffenegger audrey, quignard pascal, conklin groff, gibson william, quignard pascal, quignard pascal, atkinson  anthon,y b zelazny roger, karl frederick and hamalian leo (edits), modiano patrick, foer jonathan sa,fran chekov anton, garnier pascal, thiongó ngugi wa, crussi f. gonzale,z forrest richard, delany samuel r., cadigan pat, damasio anto,nio damasio antonio, ackroyd peter, evans i. o. (editor), mcdevitt jack, van vogt a.e, stross charles, hamilton edward, pratchett terry, herbert frank, appia adolphe, king laurie r, brown eric, clifton mark and riley frank, mordern s. j., russell eric frank, kuttner henry, robson justina, tchaikovsky adrian, robson justina, mattelart armand and michelle delcourt xavier, dick philip k, cherryh c.j., pohl frederick and kornbluth c. m., graeber david, graeber david, robin blackburn, stiegler bernard, stiegler bernard and derrida jacques, llansol maria gabriela, benkler yochai, robinson kim stanley, anderson poul, jeter k. w., king lily, moorcock michael , leon donna, silverberg ,robert pratt tim, mcarthur maxine, moorcock michael , stephenson neil, carver jeffrey a., van vogt a.e, wollheim donald a. (editor), simenon georges, clarke arthur, mossman keith, okuda michea, and denise, gibson william, daly mary, sterling bruce , rankin ian, evans peter, j. coleman gabriella, edmund spencer, edmund spencer, patrick hamilit,on alexander moszkowski, jane austen, alexander moszkowski, christine brooke rose, helmuth plessner, zubrowsky
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idealuk · 6 years
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“... You’ve never said it ...”
“... I will if you will ...”
“... We--We were just-- ...”
“I know what you were doing”
“... There’s always a place for you here, Liselotte, ...”
“... Don't worry, I accepted my fate a long time ago, ...”
Bonus (again):
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cleaetpauline60 · 2 years
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These are all of my Heroine Otome Game posts. If he misses a heroine please let me know in PM. ;) Thanks ! List #2 here : https://cleaetpauline60.tumblr.com/post/692736430000291840/these-are-all-of-my-heroine-otome-game-posts-if
Abe Kaguya [ Furue Yurayura to ]
Aigasaki Kohana [ Magic Kyun! Renaissance ]
Aika [ RE:VICE[D] ]
Aikawa Chihiro [ Clover Toshokan no Juunin-tachi ]
Aileen Olazabal [ Arabians Lost ]
Airei [ Souten no Kanata ]
Airi [ Kami-sama to Koigokoro ]
Airi [ Shiro to Kuro no Alice ]
Airis Riedel [ Lost Alice ]
Aizaki Koi [ Himehibi -Princess Days- ]
Akagami Mashiro [ Kyoukai no Shirayuki ]
Akane Rin [ Ayakashi Gohan ]
Akazawa Karen [ Mashou Megane ]
Aki Miyazu [ Kanuchi ]
Akino Minori [ Step -Futari no Kankei wa Ippo Zutsu- ]
Akitsu Shino [ Dairoku: Ayakashimori ]
Alice [ Ikemen Kakumei ]
Alice Liddell [ Heart no Kuni no Alice ]
Alicia Hildegarde [ Mahoutsukai to Goshujin-sama ]
Amahashi Miku [ Garnet Cradle ]
Amamine Mika [ DesperaDrops ]
Amane Aika [ I DOLL U ]
Amano Hina [ Blackish House ]
Amano Nanao [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 7 ]
Amasawa Akari [ Sympathy Kiss ]
Amelia [ Death Connection ]
Anastasia Lynzel [ even if TEMPEST ]
Andou Serika [ Last Escort 2 ]
Anesaki Nozomi [ Watashi no Real wa Juujitsu Shisugiteiru ]
Ange [ Angelique Etoile ]
Ange [ Angelique Luminarise ]
Angelique Collete [ Angelique Special 2 ]
Angelique [ Angelique Retour ]
Angelique [ Neo Angelique ]
Ani Inaco [ Dame x Prince ]
Anna Hiiragi [ Lucian Bee’s ]
Anzaki Kaoru [ Tsumikui ]
Applause E Randolph [ Mistonia no Kibou ]
Aqua [ Fantastic Fortune 2 ]
Arashiyama Mari [ Storm Lover 2nd ]
Aria [ Ephemeral -Miniature Garden- ]
Aria Austin [ Vinculum Hearts ]
Arisu Yurika [ Taishou x Alice ]
Aru [ Princess Arthur ]
Asagi Akira [ Scared Rider Xechs ]
Asagi Haru [ Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku ]
Asagiri Kanna [ Hanaoni ]
Asahina Yui [ Kiniro no Corda Starlight Orchestra ]
Ashe [ Under the Moon ]
Ashihara Chihiro [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 4 ]
Aspashia [ Desert Kingdom ]
Atano Rio [ Dynamic Chord ]
Awaki Kotone [ Gensou Kissa Enchanté ]
Ayase Yuki [ Sachi no Tenbin ]
Ayashi no Miya [ Ayashi no Miya ]
Ayazuki Mei [ Meiji Tokyo Renka ]
Azumi Ritsu [ Tengai ni Mau, Iki na Hana ]
Canna [ Arcana Famiglia Collezione! Piccola Amore ]
Cardia Beckford [ Code: Realize ]
Catarina Claes [ Otome Game no Hametsu Flag ]
Cecilia Falias Temirana [ Temirana Koku no Tsuiteru Hime to Tsuitenai Kishi Dan ]
Ceres [ Shuuen no Virche ]
Charlotte [ Zettai Meikyuu Himitsu no Oyayubi-hime ]
Chihiro [ Tokyo Yamanote Boys ]
Chikage [ Genji Koi Emaki ]
Chloe Sheffield [ Princess Britania ]
Chocolat Meilleure [ Sugar Sugar Rune: Koi mo Oshare mo Pick-Up! ]
Christina Ranzaad [ The Second Reproduction ]
Christine Daaé [ PersonA ~Opera Za no Kaijin~ ]
Claire Eithéa [ Orfleurs ]
Cocoro [ Re: BIRTHDAY SONG ]
Collete [ Riddle Garden ]
Crim [ Ripple no Tamago ]
Cyrus Tistella [ Steam Prison ]
D'Artagnan [ Musketeer: Le Sang des Chevaliers ]
Daisy [ Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 2nd Kiss ]
Diana el Circled [ Fantastic Fortune ]
Eleanor Vert [ Ai no Uta ]
Elise Scarlet [ 0 Ji no Kane to Cinderella ]
Emily [ Eikoku Tantei Mysteria ]
Emma [ Genso Manège ]
Emma [ Ikemen Ouji ]
Enma Rin [ Tengoku Struggle ]
Eri [ Nameless ~Dangsin-i Gieoghaeya Hal Dan Hangajiui Geos~ ]
Erica Fleur [ Mother Goose no Himitsu no Yakata ]
Erika [ Eldarya ]
Erika Arenia [ Kazeiro Surf ]
Erika Klause [ Tanbi Musou Meine Liebe ]
Eve [ Clepsydra ]
Eve [ Yuukyuu no Tierblade ]
Eve [ Yuukyuu no Tierblade ]
Éloïse [ Moonlight Lovers ]
Felicità [ Arcana Famiglia ]
Fiona Galland [ Black Wolves Saga ]
Fraulein Gilbell [ Meine Liebe II ~Hokori to Seigi to Ai~ ]
Fujieda Neri [ Zettai Kaikyuu Gakuen ]
Fujii Kanako [ Torikago no Marriage ]
Fujimori Saya [ Hiiro no Kakera - Shin Tamayorihime Denshou ]
Fujioka Haruhi [ Ouran Koukou Host Club ]
Fujisaki Futaba [ Fortissimo ]
Fujishima Nanako [ Shinobazu Seven ]
Fujishiro Mao [ Cafe Cuillere ]
Fujiwara Mei [ Fantastic Fortune ]
Fujiwara Miki [ Tsuki no Hikari, Taiyou no Kage ]
Fuka [ Ozmafia!! ]
Futaba Chitose [ Seishun Hajimemashita ]
Futami Nina [ Dynamic Chord ]
Fuyuura Megumi [ Getsuei no Kusari ]
Genjou [ S.Y.K  ]
Gerda [ Snow Bound Land ]
Gojou Saki [ Sakuragatari ]
Hairi Lalique [ Cendrillon palikA ]
Hanamaki Ichiko [ 7′scarlet ]
Hanamiya Kazuha [ Period Cube ]
Hanasaka Airi [ Star's Lover "ReaKoi" Datte, Ii Janai! ]
Hanna Ellington [ Will o’ Wisp ]
Haruno Sayuri [ Bonjour♪ Koiaji Pâtisserie ]
Hasekura Akane [ Hoshi no Furu Toki ]
Hasumi Yuki [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 5 ]
Hatanaka Tomoe [ Money Parasite ]
Hayama Haruho [ Photograph Journey ]
Hayama Tsubasa [ Kaleido-Eve ]
Henrietta Grimm [ Zettai Meikyuu Grimm ]
Heroine [ Amnesia ]
Heroine [ Doubt ~Usotsuki Otoko wa Dare?~ ]
Heroine [ Guang Yu Ye Zhi Lian ]
Heroine [ Ikemen Genjiden ]
Heroine [ Lian Yu Shen Kong ]
Heroine [ Mystic Messenger ]
Heroine [ RearPheles ]
Heroine [ Ren'ai Banchou 2 ]
Heroine [ Ren'ai Banchou! ]
Heroine [ Tokimeki Restaurant ☆☆☆ ]
Hidetomi Misawo [ Gyakuten Yoshiwara ]
Hiiragi Fuuka [ Kami-sama Nante Yondenai! ]
Hiiragi Miu [ Dynamic Chord ]
Hiiragi Noriko [ KoiGIG ]
Hijiri Futaba [ Bloody Call ]
Himeko [ Kannou Mukashibanashi ]
Himemiya Nagisa [ Royals ~Itoshi no Ouji-sama~ ]
Himeno Kyouko [ Glass Heart Princess ]
Himeoka Kokoro [ Miss Princess Miss Pri! ]
Hinagiku [ Utakata no Uchronia ]
Hinamori Amu [ Shugo Chara! Mittsu no Tamago to Koisuru Joker ]
Hinata Ema [ Brothers Conflict ]
Hino Kahoko [ Kin'iro no Corda ]
Hinohira Aoi [ Fantastic Fortune 2 ]
Hinokami Chie [ Hitofuta Kitan ]
Horikita Yuki [ Harajuku Tantei Gakuen Steel Wood ]
Hoshino Ichika [ Collar x Malice ]
Hotaru [ Geten no Hana ]
Ichi [ Hana Oboro ]
Ichigo [ Koroshiya to Strawberry ]
Ichijou Shiori [ School Wars ]
Ichikawa Tsuyuha [ Shiratsuyu no Kai ]
Igarashi Yuna [ Storm Lover ]
Ilza [ Yoiyo Mori no Hime ]
Inafune Saki [ Bakudan★Handan ]
Inori [ Side Kicks! ]
Inuzuka Shino [ Satomi Hakkenden ]
Iori Saya [ Asaki, Yumemishi ]
Isshiki Misa [ 9 R.I.P. ]
Ira [ Evergreen Avenue ]
Iris [ Eternal Wish ]
Itou Aki [ Panic Palette ]
Itou Ayako [ Diary ]
Izumi Shio [ Walpurgis no Uta ]
Izumo [ Hyakka Yakou ]
Jed [ Haitaka no Psychedelica ]
Julia [ Moujuu-tachi to Ohime-sama ]
Juliet Capulet [ Romeo vs Juliet ]
Kagurazaka Kaname [ Houkago wa Gin no Shirabe ]
Kaguya [ Jooubachi no Oubou ]
Kamikawa Nanami [ Himehibi -New Princess Days- ]
Kamiki Sakuya [ Kaminaru Kimi to ]
Kan'u [ Jyuzaengi ]
Kanna Isora [ Pandora ~Kimi no Namae o Boku wa Shiru~ ]
Kanno Hotori [ Un: BIRTHDAY SONG ]
Kanome Chisato [ Byakko Tai ]
Kanzaki Asuna [ Rakuen Danshi ~Dare mo Shiranai Mou Hitotsu no Rakuen~ ]
Kanzaki Hina [ Butterfly Lip ]
Kanzaki Mei [ Petit Four ]
Kashino Zakuro [ Sweet Clown ]
Kashiwagi Kira [ Mizu no Senritsu 2 ]
Kasuga Nozomi [ Harukanaru Toki no Naka De 3 ]
Kasuga Tamaki [ Hiiro no Kakera ]
Katagiri Kaede [ Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu ]
Katagiri Kanade [ Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi ]
Kataoka Yue [ Marginal #4 ]
Katsuki Sayu [ Enkan no Memoria ]
Kawai Marika [ Ohime-sama datte XXX Shitai!! ]
Kawana Hina [ Bad Medicine ]
Kayana Takamahara [ Kanuchi ]
Kayano Yuuna [ Arcobaleno! ]
Kayo [ Ken ga Kimi ]
Keika [ Kimi ga Tame, Koishi Midareshi Tsuki no Hana ]
Kidou Saya [ Sengoku Himeuta ]
Kim Heejung [ Dandelion ~Neoege Buneun Baram~ ]
Kinami Mizuki [ Kannagi no Mori ]
Kinoshita Tomoe [ Sangoku Rensenki Sakigake ]
Kirishima Kozue [ Urakata Hakuouki ]
Kirishita Konoha [ Dynamic Chord ]
Kisakino Emi [ Himehibi Another Princess Days ]
Kitamori Manami [ Vitamin Z ]
Kiyoha [ Gyakuten Yoshiwara ~Ougiya Hen~ ]
Kobayashi Mariko [ Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden Gaiden: Kagami no Miko ]
Koharu [ NORN9 ]
Kohinata Kanade [ Kin'iro no Corda 3 ]
Koihana Sora [ Koi no Hanasaku Hyakkaen ]
Koizumi Akane [ Gakuen Club ]
Koizumi Saki [ Jingi Naki Otome ]
Kojou Shio [ D.C. Girl’s Symphony ]
Kokura An [ Otome Ken Musashi ]
Komori Yui [ Diabolik Lovers ]
Konohana Saya [ Gakuen K ]
Kouda Saya [ Custom Drive ]
Kousaka Amane [ Teikoku Kaleido ]
Kozuki Erena [ Chouchou Jiken Rhapsodic ]
Kuga Mikoto [ NORN9 ]
Kurihara Misako [ Purelover Flavor ]
Kuromon Sumi [ Shinigami Kagyou ]
Kuronuma Sawako [ Kimi ni Todoke ~Sodateru Omoi~ ]
Kurou Nadeshiko [ Clock Zero ]
Kurumi Haruka [ Moshi, Kono Sekai ni Kami-sama ga Iru to suru Naraba ]
Kusanagi Yui [ Kamigami no Asobi ]
Kuze Tsugumi [ Nil Admirari no Tenbin ]
Lapis Idocrase [ Majestic☆Majolical ]
Latchia Fielitz [ Tokeijikake no Apocalypse ]
Lied [ Heiligenstadt no Uta ]
Liese [ Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite ]
Liliana Adornato [ Piofiore no Banshou ]
Lilith [ Beyond The Future ]
Lily [ Solomon’s Ring ]
Lisa Bernet [ Grimm the Bounty Hunter ]
Little Dracula [ Princess Nightmare ]
Liv Tresor [ Kuroyuki Hime ~Snow Black~ ]
Lucette Riella Britton [ Cinderella Phenomenon ]
Lucia Sol [ Chronostacia ]
Luciel Evlis [ Black Code ]
Lulu [ Wand of Fortune ]
Lumina [ Soshite Kono Sora ni Kirameku Kimi no Uta ]
Luna [ Shiro to Kuro no Alice ]
Lydia Greene [ Mermaid Gothic ]
Lynette Mirror [ Cupid Parasite ]
Lynn Darcy [ Amour Sucré ]
73 notes · View notes
duskoon · 2 years
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Fate Grand Order Masterlist + Characters list:
Anything related to Fate Grand Order would be listed here. Like always, If there is character not mentioned here you can always request for them. Note: Some characters are based on historical figures. So when writing for them, I write for the character themselves not their real life counterpart. Characters in bold means I am mostly invested in them, but that doesn’t mean I won’t write for the others. If there is any character not listed below, you can request for them and I'll add them (There is like 300+ servants, so I'm bound to forget some ^^’) Also, you can request for Crypters as well. Seeing I had finished playing the lostbelts.
Mashu Kyrielight
Artoria Pendragon
Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
Nero Claudius
Chevalier d’Eon
Okita Soji
Ryōgi Shiki
Elizabeth Bàthory
Miyamoto Musashi
Arthur Pendragon (Prototype)
Suzuka Gozen
Queen Medb
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
Lanling Wang
Tomoe Gozen
Saitō Hajime
Watanabe no Tsuna
Ibuki Dōji
Senji Muramasa
Gilgamesh(Archer + Caster)
Robin Hood
Nikola Tesla
Tawara Tōta
Chloe von Einzbern
James Moriarty (Archer / Ruler)
EMIYA (Alter)
Asagami Fujino
Calamity Jane
Super Orion
Sei Shōnagon
Baobhan Sith
Jeanne D’ Arc (Ruler)
Minamoto no Tametomo
Cú Chulainn(Lancer + Caster)
Musashibō Benkei
Leonidas I
Fionn mac Cumhail
Tamamo no Mae (Caster / Lancer / Berserker)
Vlad III
Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) 
Minamoto no Raikō 
Qin Liangyu
Nagao Kagetora
Mysterious Alter Ego Λ
Utsumi Erice
Consort Yu
Sakamoto Ryōma 
Francis Drake
Sakata Kintoki
Ivan the terrible
Leonardo Da Vinci 
Tai Gong Wang
Dobrynya Nikitich
Constantine XI
Kyokutei Bakin
Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II aka reliable waver )
Paracelsus von Hohenheim
Irisviel (Dress of Heaven)
Xuanzang Sanzang
Queen of Sheba
Shuten Dōji
Murasaki Shikibi
Miss Crane
Charlotte Corday 
The Old Man of the Mountain
Charles-Henri Sanson
EMIYA (Assassin)
Fūma Kotarō
Henry Jekyll & Hyde
Jing Ke
Katō Danzō
Kiichi Hōgen
Koyanskaya of Light
• Koyanskaya of Dark
Li Shuwen (Assassin/Lancer)
Mysterious Heroine X
Okada Izō
Phantom of the Opera
Sasaki Kojirō
Yan Qing
Lu Bu Fengxian
Cú Chulainn (Alter)
Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)
Hijikata Toshizō
Atalanta (Alter)
Arjuna (Alter)
Mori Nagayoshi
Kijyo Kōyō
Brynhildr (Berserker / Lancer)
Morgan Le Fay
Amakusa Shirō
Sherlock Holmes
Shi Huang Di
Edmond Dantès
Angra Mainyu
Antonio Salieri
Demon King Nobunaga
Kama (Avenger/Assassin)
Sesshōin Kiara (Alter Ego /Moon Cancer)
Archetype: Earth
Okita Sōji (Alter)
Ashiya Dōman- Blurb
Manannán mac Lir (Bazett)
Mysterious Heroine XX
Yang Guifei
Oberon Vortigern
Beast III/R
Kadoc Zemlupus
Ophelia Phamrsolone
Scandinavia Peperoncino aka Chad™️.
Kirschtaria Wodime
Beryl Guts
Daybit Sem Void
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daisydezem · 4 years
✧ — song shuffle tag
Rule: Put your playlist on shuffle and tell us the first 10 songs. Then tag 10 people.
Aaah thanks for tagging me @simmeronnie and @poisonfireleafs!! I love doing these! Let’s see what will pop up this time! For earlier times I did this you can check it here: 🎼 🎵 🎶
B.Y.O.B - Sytem of a Down
Hit the Road Jack - Ray Charles
Hey Mama - Black Eyed Peas
Nachtmerrie (op hol) - Doe Maar
The Bitter End - Sum 41
Don’t Wake Me - Skillet
Keep your hands off My Girl - Good Charlotte
The Lonely - Christina Perri
Some Say - Sum 41
Shadow of the Day - Linkin Park
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Also thought I put a lovely Wolfgang listening to them right here :)
And I wanna know the songs of @geeky-simz, @fataleromeo, @pink-chevalier, @kissalopa, @asimofmanyhats, @coliemoon4sims4, @nebula-x, @flethro, @gardenbats and @kbeesims​! (But feel free to ignore!)
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101flavoursofweird · 4 years
My Rhythm Thief Secret Santa 2020 for @wivesbeforelives! They asked for a scenario with the Rhythm Thief characters hanging out with platonic found family, playful bickering and some Raphael x Marie! Thank you to @Regu for organising everything again. Merry Christmas!
Spoilers: For The Emperor���s Treasure.
Set: After The Emperor’s Treasure.
Warnings: Minor references to Jean-François' horrible parenting skills. French translations under the cut if anyone wants to know!
Fast Food Getaway
“Hey, can we get a McDonald's?”
Inspector Paul Vergier gripped the steering wheel between his fingers. He tried to retract the vein throbbing in his forehead. He inhaled through his nose— though it felt like he was inhaling through mustard— counted to ten and slowly exhaled.
“No,” he responded flatly.
“Awww... Why not?” Phantom R whined from behind Paul.
Barring his teeth, Paul said, “Because—“
“Because,” Charlie interrupted, “you have just been arrested...” Charlie shifted in the passenger seat. She glared at Phantom R in the back of the police car. “...And we are taking you to the station.”
Phantom R rattled his handcuffs and protested, “Don’t I get one last meal  before you lock me up forever?”
“We have food at the station,” Paul dismissed. (Emma, donne-moi ta force...)
“I’m allergic to prison food!”
“What a shame your dog isn’t here to share it,” Charlie snorted. “Where did he run off to again...?”
Paul listened closely, but Phantom R didn’t rise to Charlie’s bait. He would never reveal the location of his canine accomplice, or his secret hideout where he kept all of his stolen artworks.
After a beat of silence, Phantom R wondered, “What about Marie?”
“What about her?” Charlie said.
Both Charlie and Phantom R turned to Marie, who was sitting quietly beside Phantom R. Marie, unlike Phantom R, wasn’t handcuffed, for she wasn’t under arrest. Apparently, Marie had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time when they apprehended Phantom R at the Louvre.
Paul wanted to believe Marie was an innocent bystander, but her association with Phantom R was obvious.
Even if they were to question Marie, however, Duchess Elizabeth would never let them accuse her of anything. Paul would rather not incite the duchess’ wrath upon the Constabulary.
So, he would simply drop Marie home with a ‘warning’. From now on, she would only be able to visit Phantom R in a cell.
Paul didn’t think this would deter Phantom R at all. Phantom R was like ‘a dog with a bone’ as Emma would have put it.
“Do  you want a McDonald's, Marie?” Phantom R persisted.
Charlie scoffed. “I’m sure Marie’s tastes are far superior to yours—“
“Zip it, Charlotte. The adults are talking.”
Charlie’s shout almost made Paul slam the break down. Paul shot her a scornful look.
“A-actually...” Marie spoke up. “I’d love to try a McFlurry— if it’s not too much trouble...”
Phantom R gasped loudly. “Are you saying you’ve never had a McFlurry?”
“I’ve never had a McDonald's...”
“Seriously?” Charlie and Phantom R said together.
“It was J... just that I was never allowed them... before,” Marie mumbled. A hush settled over the car for a few moments, with Marie gazing out of the window.
Paul cleared his throat. “I... suppose we could stop at the nearest drive-through.”
“Really?” Marie exclaimed. “Are you sure that’s alright?” (The duchess’ daughter, asking for his permission...)
Paul nodded. He turned left at the next traffic light, mentally adding seventeen years on to Jean-François’ prison sentence.
“Nooo...” Charlie groaned when they saw the huge queue for the McDonald's drive-through. She hissed to Paul, “With every passing moment, Phantom could be planning his escape...”
She had a point. Paul frowned at Phantom R in the rear-view mirror. Phantom R’s hands— still cuffed in front of him— were resting in his lap. He was smiling at Marie. There was no way he would abandon her... would he?
Paul pulled up in the McDonald’s car park. “Why don’t you go inside and get the order?” Paul suggested to Charlie. “Then we won’t have to wait so long.”
“And leave you alone with Phantom R?” Charlie drawled.
“I’m perfectly capable—“
“You would never catch him.”
“She’s right,” Phantom R agreed, poking his head between the front seats.
Charlie shoved his head away. “Shut up.”
Marie stammered, “We... we can leave if it’s too much hassle...”
Paul, Charlie and Phantom R exchanged glances with each other. A temporary detente passed between the three of them. They turned to Marie determinedly.
“We’re getting you that McFlurry,” Charlie declared.
“I won’t try to escape while Charlie’s gone,” Phantom R vowed. “Phantom’s honour.”
Paul handed Charlie his wallet.
“Do you want anything?” Charlie asked him.
“A single black coffee.”
Charlie stuck her tongue out in disgust.
Phantom R begged, “Can I get some fries and chicken nuggets—“
Charlie opened the car door and hopped out.
“—in a Happy Meal? PLEASE, CHARLIE!”
Before Charlie could leave, Marie hollered, “Charlie, please can I also have a Happy Meal with fries and chicken nuggets?”
“...For you, yes,” Charlie called. She slammed the door and strode into the McDonald’s.
“Phew...” Phantom R chuckled. “Thanks, Marie.”
Paul turned in his seat, his brow furrowing at Phantom R. “You do realise the severity of your situation, don’t you?” Paul informed him. “You will need to stand trial from your crimes and you could face a prison sentence of up to three years minimum.”
Marie was watching Phantom R sadly. No doubt, she and Duchess Elizabeth would vouch for Phantom R. They would probably pay a reputable lawyer to defend him...
The trial could end in his favour.
Phantom R was young— about Charlie’s age, by the looks of it. He had won the hearts of many Parisians when he destroyed the Hanging Gardens and helped defeat the Chevaliers Diabolique. He could be so much more than a wanted thief...
“Why?” Paul sighed. “Why must you steal?”
Phantom R met Paul’s gaze with surprise. Then he shrugged.
Marie opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she shook her head.
Why was the duchess’ daughter so attached to this delinquent boy? There had to be something she saw in him... Something that connected them both...
“Open the door, will you?” Charlie had returned, up to her arms in McDonald's paper bags. She kicked the car door until Paul let her in.
“This is a police car,” Paul growled as Charlie shuffled inside. “If I find any damages—“
She dropped a paper cup into the cup holder between their seats. “Drink your coffee, old man.”
Charlie presented Marie with a blue paper tub and a plastic spoon. “Here’s your McFlurry.”
“Th-thank you...” Marie breathed. The others watched as she dug the spoon in and took her first bite of ice cream. She smiled with pure bliss. “It’s amazing,” she said.
“You deserve it,” Phantom R told her. He turned to Charlie. “Did you get the Happy Meal—?” Charlie chucked a red Happy Meal box at him. “Thanks!”
“I’d better not find any crumbs back there,” Paul warned, sipping his coffee.
“No, Sir,” Phantom R said. He struggled to open the Happy Meal box with his handcuffs. Marie helped him.
Phantom R pulled something out of the box. “Cool— they’re doing Spongebob toys!”
“Who did you get?” Charlie asked in a deliberately disinterested voice.
Phantom R held up a plastic pink starfish. “Patrick Star!”
“I’ll have to confiscate that,” Charlie said quickly.
“But he’s, like, my favourite character!” (The most infamous thief in Paris, pining over a kids’ toy...)
Charlie scowled at Phantom R for a moment. Phantom R stuck out his bottom lip.
“Fine…” Charlie conceded with a huff. “I guess you’ll need something to keep you busy when you’re behind bars.”
“Thanks, Charlie!” Phantom R hugged the starfish to his chest. Marie beamed and continued eating her McFlurry.
Folding her arms, Charlie slumped in her seat.
“Why didn’t you get anything for yourself?” Paul murmured to her. Charlie shrugged. Paul rolled his eyes. (Impertinent child...) “If you want a Happy Meal that much, I’ll buy you one.”
Charlie gaped at him. “But—“
“I’d rather that than dealing with your sulking.”
He took another drink of coffee and ducked out of the car. He didn’t think to lock the car behind him.
Barely had he taken five steps before Charlie started shouting. Paul spun around. Phantom R was already out of the car— freed from his handcuffs.
Paul’s eyes widened. “How?” he demanded.
Phantom R flashed him a grin and vaulted over the roof of the police car— over to Marie’s side. He opened Marie’s door and lifted her out, bridal style.
“Oh,” Marie gasped, but she didn’t resist Phantom R.
Charlie’s door flew open. “We had a deal, Phantom!” she roared, stumbling out of the car.
Phantom R hummed. “I swore I wouldn’t try to escape while you were gone—“ Charlie lunged at him and he leapt back, still carrying Marie. “—Show’s over, guys! Au revoir!”
“Thanks again for the McDonald's!” Marie sang as Phantom R shot off with her.
“Father!” Charlie yelled. “Don’t just stand there! We need to catch him!”
Paul gaped as the pair got further and further away. “How?” he repeated, scratching his head. “How did he escape from his handcuffs?”
“By using that stupid starfish to pick the lock!” Charlie grunted. She crouched on the ground and grabbed the toy Phantom R had dropped. She threw it into the car. “ Allons-y!  If we’re quick, we can cut them off—“
“—After I’ve finished my coffee,” Paul sighed, returning to the car. He sank into the driver’s seat and picked up his coffee cup. (It hadn’t gone cold, thankfully.)
“Pas maintenant, Charlie.”
The line about Vergier “inhaling through mustard” is a reference to a French idiom “Avoir la moutarde qui monte au nez”, which means “to have mustard going up your nose”. This can mean to lose your temper. “Donne-moi ta force…” translates to, “Give me strength…” “Pas maintenant…” translates to, “Not now…” I think “Like a dog with a bone” is mainly a British expression. I headcanon that Charlie’s mother Emma was originally from Britain, resulting in Charlie’s British accent in the English dub of the game.
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crowswritingblog · 4 years
Fandoms list
Main fandoms
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Fate/Grand Order (Only ENG server characters!!)
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Mashu Kyrielight, Chevalier d'Eon,  Miyamoto Musashi, Bedivere,  Robin Hood,  Oda Nobunaga,  Kid Gil, Billy the Kid, Ishtar, James Moriarty, Elizabeth Báthory, Enkidu, Ereshkigal, Medusa, Marie Antoinette, Astolfo, Quetzalcoatl, Hans Christian Andersen, Zhuge Liang/Waver Velvet (Lord El-Melloi II),  Medea (Lily),  Leonardo Da Vinci, Gilgamesh (Only Caster),  Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, Stheno, Charles-Henri Sanson, Jack the Ripper, Fūma Kotarō, Hassan of the Serenity, Heracles, Kiyohime, Frankenstein, Jeanne d'Arc, Jeanne d'Arc (Alter), Meltlilith, Abigail Williams, Romani Archaman.
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Twisted Wonderland
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Ruggie, Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Azul, Kalim, Epel.
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Bang Dream (Bandori)
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Aoba Moca, Okusawa Misaki, Satou Masuki, Tamade Chiyu, Wakana Rei, Matsubara Kanon, Kokoro Tsurumaki.
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Your Turn to Die (Kimi ga shine)
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters: 
Shin Tsukimi, Ranmaru Kageyama.
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Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) [Only anime!!]
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters: 
Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma.
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Ensemble stars (Enstars)
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Arashi Narukami (especify pronouns), Hajime Shino, Hinata Aoi, Ibara Saegusa, Kanata Shinkai, Makoto Yuuki, Midori Takamine, Mitsuru Tenma, Nazuna Nito, Shinobu Sengoku, Subaru Akehoshi, Tori Himemiya, Yuta Aoi.
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Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters: 
Minamoto Kou, Hanako, Mitsuba Sousuke.
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Witch's heart
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters: 
Noel Levine, Ashe Bradley, Wilardo Adler, Sirius Gibson.
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Identity V (IDV)
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters: 
Mechanic (Tracy Reznik), "Prisoner" (Luca Balsa), Postman (Victor Grantz).
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Shall we date? Obey me!
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters: 
Leviathan, Mammon, Beel, Luke.
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A3! Act! Addict! Actors! [Only Arc 1!!]
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Yuki Rurikawa, Muku Sakisaka, Misumi Ikaruga, Taichi Nanao.
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22/7 (Nananiji)
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Miu Takigawa, Sakura Fujima.
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The Arcana
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Julian, Asra, Muriel, Portia.
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Danganronpa (1, 2 , 3, V3) 
Most likely characters to be written / my favorite characters:
Makoto Naegi, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hajime Hinata, Nagito Komaeda, Gundham Tanaka, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Chiaki Nanami, Sonia Nevermind, Kokichi Oma, K1-B0 (Keebo), Ryota Mitarai.
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Other fandoms
(fandoms I'm into and love to talk about but forget about)
Kujira no kora Nanbaka Harvest moon + Rune factory Hello Charlotte Madoka Magica/Magia Record Pokemon (only will about human characters) Ansatsu kyonshitsu Durarara Boku no hero academia Ouran high host club 3-gatsu no Lion Hunter x hunter Yakusoku no neverland Magi Akatsuki no Yona
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aquagirl1978 · 4 months
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Meet my OC: Charlotte (IkePri)
Name: Charlotte Lelouch Paired with: Chevalier Michel Relationship: romantic Age: 27 Hair Color: dark red Eye Color: hazel green Birth Sign: Aquarius
Early Life
Charlotte came to live at the Palace in Rhodolite at an early age. Her mother, Clavis' sister, passed away when Charlotte was very young. With her father not in the picture, the now orphaned Charlotte moved into the palace to live with her aunt Leticia and cousin Clavis. Clavis and Charlotte were the best of friends, with Charlotte following her older cousin around and getting into trouble with him.
Incredibly intelligent and kind hearted, Charlotte was much like her cousin down to the matching birthmarks below their mouths. The one glaring area where the two differed was on their relationship with Chevalier.
Charlotte often acted as a buffer between the brothers. Clavis, never wanting to be alone with Chevalier, brought Charlotte along with him to make things more bearable. Chevalier, who tolerated so few people, allowed Charlotte to remain as, in his words, she, unlike her fool cousin, knew when to stay quiet.
After the death of the former queen and her aunt, Charlotte's future was unknown, until Sariel agreed to let her stay. He reasoned that it would be detrimental to her to remove her from her closest living family member.
Childhood Friends
When they were young, Charlotte had a somewhat distant, but respectful, relationship with Chevalier. She would remain (mostly) quiet in exchange for borrowing books from his library. They would sometimes read together, with minimal words exchanged. She was in awe of Chevalier - his genius, his grace, and as she got older, his looks. She never understood why Clavis hated him so much, and perhaps a part of her tried to get closer to Chevalier to improve their relationship.
There came a time in Charlotte's education when she, to put it nicely, outsmarted the palace teachers. Sariel was at a loss as to what to do with her - being the hellcat's cousin, no one wanted her as a student. That is, until the second prince agreed to be her tutor.
From that day on, they would spend time in each other's room studying together. Chevalier was impressed with her intellect, and found her thirst for knowledge refreshing. Unlike her cousin, she was not obsessed with besting him and was therefore able to focus her attention where it mattered.
It was during these study sessions when Chevalier first noticed he was experiencing strange feelings. They weren't unpleasant, a bit bothersome if anything. Over time, he grew accustomed to them, so much so that he even enjoyed these new feelings. He knew then it was time for him to stop being Charlotte's tutor.
Dating Chevalier
Now we get to the anti-climatic part of this story. I don't want to put anything here, because this is where it gets fun - flirting and kissing and teasing and more - and I have fic ideas planned for their dating journey. I'm gonna kinda just end it here, if I don't I'll ramble on until I can't write anymore words on this post. Charlotte has lived in my head for close to three years now, and I have a lot of stories in my head. Some I might share, some I won't.
On that note, I do welcome any and all asks about her, about her relationship with Chevalier and Clavis and anyone else in the palace. I will be reblogging OC ask games moving forward - always feel free to ask about her. I also have a modern AU for Charlotte and Chevalier which deviates greatly from canon. I might actually be more invested in that one, as I have far greater creativity there.
I also had so much fun working on this for Charlotte, that I have created another OC, this one for Ikemen Villains, and I hope to have her page up soon.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Groupe Couleur to Manage Rugby World Cup 2023 Official Travel Agent Selection Process
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World Rugby and the France 2023 organising committee have appointed Groupe Couleur as exclusive global rights holder for the Rugby World Cup 2023 Official Travel Programme. As such, Groupe Couleur will manage the official travel agent appointment process which kicks off with agents around the world invited to register their interest from now until 31 March, 2020. Rugby World Cup 2023 Official Travel Agents will be appointed in September 2020, marking a major milestone for fans planning on attending rugby’s showcase event.
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Ticket-inclusive packages sales will be launched in early-2021. France 2023 Organising Committee CEO, Claude Atcher, said, “After a very successful Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan, France is determined to perform at its absolute best and has already proudly shown its willingness to deliver a gigantic and memorable festival of rugby, friendship and culture. To achieve our goals, the France 2023 organising committee is committed to taking an innovative and new approach to major programmes, including the Official Travel Programme.” Groupe Couleur will manage all operational responsibilities of the official travel programme, from appointing the official travel agents to delivering the tickets and ensuring all marketing guidelines are executed and monitored according to the objectives of the tournament under the auspices of the France 2023 Organising Committee and World Rugby. David Chevalier, Groupe Couleur Founder and President, said: “My team and I are extremely proud of benefiting from World Rugby and the France 2023 organising committee’s full trust to contribute to this 10th edition’s success. We will deliver high quality services and a memorable experience to fans from around the world and share with them an authentic taste of French rugby and conviviality." Rugby pictures: Pictures from 2019 Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, Pictures from 2018 Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, Pictures from 2017 Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, Pictures from 2016 Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, Pictures of Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2015, Pictures of the Asia Rugby Sevens Olympic Games Qualifier in Hong Kong, Pictures of Singha Thailand Sevens 2015, Pictures from the 2013 British & Irish Lions Tour in Hong Kong, Pictures of Hong Kong Sevens 2014, Pictures of Hong Kong Sevens 2013, Pictures of Chartis Cup 2012 and Pictures of Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2012. See latest Travel News, Interviews, Podcasts and other news regarding: Rugby, Sport Tourism, France. 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lorei-wrote · 29 days
OC Treasures: Gifts & Works by Other Creators
Gifts & Works created by amazingly generous people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ;--; <3 The sad part about organising this so late is that I struggled to find links to the things I've saved and can't share everything. I wish I could keep on gushing about all of those properly. ;--; You guys are beyond sweet to me and I can only hope to give at least a fraction of that back.
Letter from Chevalier to Esther by @/olivermorningstar
Astrological Headcanons by @/keithsandwich
Kiss Headcanons by @/violettduchess
Esther in a ballgown by @/chandeliermichel
Esther - portrait by @/chandeliermichel
Esther the assistant by @/floydsteeth
Esther x Chevalier, Howl's Moving Castle AU by @/spoopy-fish-writes
Esther x Chevalier chibis by @/bicayaya
Esther x Chevalier, embrace by @/keithsandwich
Esther x Chevalier, kiss by @/keithsandwich
Esther x Chevalier, Chevalier reading to ill Esther by @/olivermorningstar
Illustration to Library Quiet by @/olivermorningstar
Illustration to Decade in Lilies by @/wordycheeseblob
Esther, as in Lost Nightingale by @/wordycheeseblob
Esther & Chevalier, working, sketch by @/drewadoodle
Begonia - Beware by @/m-mmiy
Festa Junina by @/dododrawsstuff
Esther & Tala by @/m-mmiy
Portrait by @/ikedoll
Esther x Chevalier by @/dicenete
Instagram Stories #1 by @/keithsandwich
Instagram Stories #2 by @/keithsandwich
Instagram Stories #3 by @/bicayaya
Character Playlists: Esther & Viva by @/olivermorningstar
Moodboard by @/inkys-garden
Astrological Headcanons by @/keithsandwich
Kiss Headcanons by @/violettduchess
Character Playlists: Esther & Viva by @/olivermorningstar
Moodboard by @/inkys-garden
Moodboard by @/inkys-garden
Charlotte & Charles by @/rinaririr
Charlotte by @/wordycheeseblob
Moodboard by @/inkys-garden
Anna (Anushka)
φιλία means soul connection by @/iphigeniainaulis
Kiss by @/spoopy-fish-writes
0 notes
paintingdiary · 8 years
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Images from top to bottom: 
Guy Yanai’s studio,Tel Aviv. © Photo Karl Hab. // Detail of ‘Club Med Serre Chevalier’, 2017 - oil on linen, 150 x 180 cm // ‘Club Med Serre Chevalier’, 2017 - oil on linen, 150 x 180 cm
GUY YANAI Love of Beginnings March 16 — April 29, 2017
Galerie Derouillon, Paris
-Excerpt of text by Charlotte Jansen
Beginnings have a personal resonance for Yanai. He has spent his life starting over, moving between continents and across countries --new friends, new home-- finally coming full circle and settling where his journey first began, in Israël, the land of the displaced.
But even there he remains a foreigner, ensconced in his studio on a shady street in south Tel Aviv, rootless and moveable as the potted plants he often likes to paint. Far from disorienting, this outsider’s gaze is the perfect position for a painter who loves to look.
Love of Beginnings is Yanai’s second solo exhibition at Galerie Derouillon. At the centre of the show are three oil paintings, arranged in no particular order or sequence. Club Med Serre Chevalier (2017) depicts a resort in France, based on photographs taken by tourists and posted to Tripadvisor. Kitchen (2016/17) is a view of the artist’s apartment in Tel Aviv. The Piano Lesson (2017) is Yanai’s transcription of Matisse’s painting of the same title from exactly 100 years ago.
Read more at: http://www.galeriederouillon.com/
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osobypostacieludzie · 7 years
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Karol Edward Stuart ( Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Silvester Severino Maria Stuart, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Śliczny Książę Karolek, Młodszy Pretendent, Karol III, Charles Edward Stuart, Charles Edward Louis John Casimir Sylvester Severino Maria Stuart, The Young Pretender, The Young Chevalier, Charles III, Charles X ) - Był synem Jakuba Stuarta i Marii Klementyny Sobieskiej, wnukiem obalonego Jakuba II, króla Szkocji, Anglii i Irlandii oraz prawnukiem Jana III Sobieskiego, króla Polski. Zwolennicy jego ojca zwani jakobitami bezskutecznie próbowali go osadzić na tronie brytyjskim. W 1745 Karol Edward wywołał w Szkocji powstanie, które po początkowych sukcesach zakończyło się krwawą klęską - książę zdołał uciec w przebraniu kobiety. Jego ucieczka stała się kanwą romantycznej szkockiej legendy i popularnej pieśni ludowej (śpiewanej do dzisiaj jako kołysanka) pt. "Skye Boat Song". W 1766 zmarł ojciec Karola Edwarda, a jakobici obwołali Karola Edwarda nowym pretendentem do tronu jako Karol III. Papież Klemens XIII, który wspierał poprzedniego pretendenta, nie poparł pretensji Karola Edwarda.28 marca 1772, w Paryżu 52-letni Karol Edward poślubił per procura 20-letnią księżniczkę Ludwikę Stolberg-Gedern. Swoją żonę poznał 14 kwietnia 1772, we włoskim mieście Macerata, kiedy ceremonię zaślubin powtórzono w obecności obojga nowożeńców. Para zamieszkała w Rzymie, ale w 1774 przeniosła się do Florencji – wtedy Karol Edward zaczął używać tytułu hrabiego Albany. W 1780 Ludwika zostawiła męża, tłumacząc, że ten znęcał się nad nią psychicznie. Opinia publiczna uwierzyła Ludwice, a przymknęła oka na fakt, że Ludwika od dłuższego czasu żyła w związku z włoskim poetą – hrabią Vittorio Alfieri. Karol Edward nie doczekał się potomstwa ze swoją żoną, ale jego kochanka Clementina Walkinshaw urodziła córkę. W 1783 Karol Edward legitymizował córkę i nadał jej tytuł księżnej Albany oraz Jej królewskiej wysokości. Tytuły te nie dały Charlotte praw odziedziczenia po ojcu jego pretensji do tronu Anglii. Przez kolejne pięć lata córka mieszkała z ojcem we Florencji. Karol Edward zmarł w 1788 i został pochowany w bazylice katedralnej we Frascati, gdzie jego brat był biskupem. Po śmierci brata w 1807, ich prochy zostały razem pochowane w Bazylice św. Piotra na Watykanie, razem z prochami ich rodziców.
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