#charles' school is not accredited
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In my experience as a fandom veteran of [redacted] years, hyperfixating on fictional people is a lot more fun a) as a curated experience that maximizes enjoyment and minimizes 'hate-watching' and ship wars and harassing franchise creators and trolling; and b) when the end-goal of every interaction, fandom contribution, etc. isn't mining for ~problematic elements in a piece of media and/or amongst those who 'like' something the 'wrong' way. I spent last summer mired in health issues from mold poisoning and the house renovations that followed, during which consciously escaping into beloved fictional worlds via Tumblr and AO3 kept me sane(r than I probably would have been otherwise) - knowing that they're there when I need/want to visit is probably going to factor into my survival of the current summer as well ngl. Fandom! Come for the .GIF sets, fanart, meta, memes, (civil) discourse, and friendships; weed out unnecessary drama as much as possible.
Case-in-point, I've been working my way through the original Uncanny X-Men comic run from the 1960s, and Charles Xavier's moral ambiguity is on dazzling, four-color, two-dimensional display, as well as some rather ~dated representations of disability and the era's gender roles. Indeed, those who balk at the Rogue / Magneto ship likely have even more ire for Professor X's old-school skirt-chasing, pipe-smoking incarnation, especially when he struggles not to make his mentor-student relationship with Jean Grey even more inappropriate than it already appears to be. In my personal life, I try to avoid relationship drama, behave ethically, and communicate clearly because, like daydreaming about gay ships, doing so enhances my quality of life. On the other hand, I want to roll around in the stank of all of my favorite fictional hot messes and their bad decisions and 'unhealthy' relationship dynamics and weird sex preferences, essentially for the same reason. Below are clues for an in-post skeevy Charles scavenger hunt for your continued enjoyment:
Charles out-skeeving Mister Sinister;
Chillaxing at the Hellfire Club with Tony Stark;
Mystique remarking on Krakoa! Charles' "gross" notion to create / continue a mutant leg of the CIA;
Early 60s Wolverine isn't a fan of old-school Chuck either;
Charles scaring the crap out of Scott Summers(/other mutants);
The X-Men rough-housing and nearly harming Charles;
Odin Charles in a jaunty wizard disguise;
Jean practically climbing onto Charles' lap during a battle;
Jean taking up both nursing (!!!) and cooking (!!!) duties for Charles and like four gross teenage mutant dudes;
Charles and Jean icing out the other X-Men regarding Charles' impending death(/'death' - he gets revived almost as much as she does), much to Scott, Hank, Iceman, and Angel's discontent.
TL;DR: In the immortal words of the great philosopher, Thor Christopher Hemsworth, "Do stuff, be nice, have fun" aka don't be a dick. Have a great summer!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
I've recently been subjected to the first two X-Men movies and I literally cannot stop thinking about what a shitshow professor x's academy for mutant babies is as an actual school.
there's no way they're accredited, right? there are four teachers (three post-X2, RIP) and three of them were raised by the fourth. you clearly don't need any actual teaching credentials to work there other than a mutation and nepotism. I don't believe any of these people have a degree in the subjects they're teaching, let alone in education or human development. there appears to be a total lack of counseling services available, despite the fact that most of the student body are apparently runaways who all face heavy society discrimination. did Rogue get any support after she was kidnapped and almost killed by Magneto in the first movie or did Xavier just give her brain zappies until she was functional again.
there's no way in hell a "diploma" from the charles xavier institute for genetically anomalous youth is worth anything on a college application. do all of these kids end up having to get a GED if they want to have a prayer of accessing higher education? do they receive any support for that?
also did I mention there are four adults in this entire school. in X2 they all take off on the same night and leave the kids in the care of Logan, a famously unstable man who freaked out and stabbed a student last time he visited. it would have been lethal if it was anyone but Rogue. also in X2 half the student body has to flee in the night in their pajamas with no one to take care of them but a teenage Colossus and the adults just. do not feel the need to follow up on that. because they're busy dealing with the stupid plot du jour.
the entire setup seems like a massive lawsuit waiting to happen; while we the audience obviously know that there's nothing malicious happening to the kids (except for mutant terrorists and trained mercenaries alike regularly infiltrating the school) you have to admit that an unlicensed group home for children, some of whom are very young, masquerading as a school and staffed entirely by people with no real credentials to speak of is a pretty bad look. I think genuinely any parent would have a pretty strong case for a lawsuit here and it wouldn't even necessarily be mutantphobic of them to do it, although of course anyone with an anti-mutant agenda could have a field day here. genuinely I have to assume that the only way they've avoided it this long is Xavier lobotomizing anyone who tries it, which is so cool and normal.
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saintescuderia · 6 months
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welcome to the mini series of the random, mindless thoughts had by a poet disguised in an orange jumpsuit watching cars speed by all weekend. enjoy!
--- note: 5am starts, 7pm finishes. all four days. gotta love formula 1!
thursday: media day!
i want the ferrari jacket
there are school kids here?
i don’t want the ferrari jacket
$7 for a small can of red bull is THEFT
especially since they broke the cost cap
me walking through the “accredited personnel” gate and tapping my special lanyard is a CORE memory
i think my uber driver dropped me off on the opposite side of the track
*stressing about being unable to admire the sights of albert park bc i’m stress-running from the opposite end of the track to my station*
pls don’t be a dick and say i’m late - i know
how is a 5am wake up not early enough HOW?
“last year i was stationed at the corner where charles spun out.”
sole thought = 💀💀💀💀
i. fucking. love. cars.
the whole SENSORY experience of a race ffffffffffffuuuuuck
“be careful taking pictures because that security camera is on us and is straight to race control and the FIA.” is such a cool sentence to hear
a porsche gtr should not be covered with branding idc
i’m definitely going to abuse caffeine this weekend
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friday: FP1 / FP2
the sun is rising over the lake as i walk on the albert park track and i’m happy to be alive
especially as i found a toilet that isn’t a port-a-loo
ah, a cafe that does good decent coffee thank GOD
am i going to pay $10 for a croissant?
i'm going to pay $10 for a croissant.
i lived in paris but this one fresh lune choc croissant has topped it all
no like there will never be another croissant experience to beat me eating a fresh pain au chocolat on a f1 circuit as the sun rises over the water with the melbourne skyline in the background
aramco engineers are walking behind me as i shit talk about f1, nice
“it is an increasingly unique experience peeing in a port-a-loo beside a formula one track as cars race by.”
120’000 is a LOT of people
how has the float not broken yet?
metro boomin has released an album as i stand before live formula one. life has PEAKED
fernando alonso is the first F1 driver i ever saw live
there is a shift in formula one as the heritage fans of motor racing are on the out as the next generation of fans absorbed in driver hype and social media takes over and we see this in how F1 has created the new US tracks and made them all into spectacles and fans are here because of it being “cool” instead of caring about cars
… maybe i should buy the redbull jacket instead?
bonus: sole thought during the pitlane walk for the marshals
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saturday: FP3 / qualifying
the relief of thinking you’re late and then seeing someone you know HA
commentators are now contractually obligated to bring up saudi arabia every time they talk about ollie bearman
jesus they’re as bad as the f1 girlies
i have to watch the grand prix replay after all of this i have no idea what’s actually going on
kimi spinning out has me actively wanting to cry
a safety car FROM THE PIT EXIT
welcome to F2 everyone 👏👏👏
not me lying to the cute irish guy hitting on me about @saintescuderia
a big fat ha at the eshays holding their puffer jackets - even they can’t stand the heat
don’t flex on me that you’re here at F1 when you don’t even know what’s going on yourself bruhhhh
to the red bull fan telling me i’m “dramatic” for rolling under the fence (it’s how marshals have to do it) pls get help
$7 for a calispo is a JOKE
recording F1 quali isn’t even worth it bc they're TOO FAST
i’m very lucky for my team of marshals :))))))))))
i’m only going to eat half my muffin
*finishes the whole thing*
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sunday: race!
do i ask for a photo?
*every photo of charles leclerc being abused flashes through my mind*
nah leave him be
five minutes later: i regret not asking him
the group of aussies dressed as lance stroll drunk at 9am have my heart and my respect
i need a coffee
seeing kimi walk right by me has now made so much invested for f2
i really need a coffee
yep they screwed kimi with all those safety cars
i really, really need a coffee
we get to go ON TRACK? for the DRIVERS PARADE
*starts practicing “get well soon” in spanish*
my heart is BEATING
lol jokes carlos didn’t even look at us
*checks footage to see that i accidentally just recorded guanyu zhou next to carlos the whole time :))))*
lol are they putting lewis and charles together all the time?
every marshal: “that was the shittest parade ever.”
i need a drink
pls don’t talk to me for the next two hours
don't meet your heroes kids
but also why the fuck did they do the float in one big car? and do INTERVIEWS? this is legit the one time the drivers can be there JUST for the FANS
race start = okay it's happening
nevermind i love him
"race control has asked that you calm down, marshals are supposed to be neutral."
lol at the entirety of albert cheering that max is slowly coming to a DNF
mclaren swapping oscar for lando is DISGUSTING fuck zak brown
somehow, i've forgotten that charles is just there
(this is all because i told you que te mejores pronto!)
daniel ricciardo....man..... aus gp can't market you like this.......
damn yuki got HANDS
ferrari and mclaren having the top 4 places is just *chefs kiss*
lewis just had to stall just pass my sector like i hope ur okay but couldn't u not be ok in front of me?
red bull deserves this after all the FLACK i've copped from red bulls fans ("dramatic" MY ASS)
wait george russell ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
singapore all over again. i can already see the memes.
somehow marshalling a gp has you closer and more removed from the whole thing i have no idea what's going on
(literally the only time i used my F1TV live timing)
finishing after the safety car means i can't stick my head out and clap for carlos FUCK OFF
wait, he came up right UP TO MY SIDE OF THE TRACK TO WAVE
... do you think he noticed me?
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
I hope you don’t mind me, but I’m inspired to organize the whole anon asks regarding PCA into one and adding some stuff. Here’s basically my take of what I think happened:
Pacific Coast Academy was actually accredited by the Department of Education of California. Originally, it was an all-boy’s school until that changed when girls where allowed. Thus, becoming a coed boarding school. The last dean, Charles Rivers, goes through a hard time in his personal life and borrows some money from the school, swearing to himself that he’ll pay it back. Then, him borrowing money repeats again and again.
The school board starts noticing inconstancies in the school finances and an investigation is done, which reveals that the school is basically near bankruptcy. The media somehow catches wind of it and has a field day, twisting things for their own purposes. There’s uproar and backlash from the public. Then, the rumors start floating around that PCA is a diploma mill. There are even pictures from events that happened at PCA that are taken out of context to explain why PCA is a scam. Some parents who have their children in the school get worried about this and make the decision to start pulling their children from the school.
The media, the public backlash and parents pulling their children from PCA leads to the downfall of the school. It has no choice but to close its doors. 15 years later, everyone still believes that PCA was a diploma mill and let teenagers loose in the campus. None of the students do anything to dismiss the rumors, because no one believes them when they tell the truth.
Fast forward a little to after Logan and Quinn’s marriage. Logan buys the PCA campus out of impulse, then gives it to Quinn as a wedding gift. Quinn just sighs at her husband, asking what was his intention in buying it and he’s like, we rebuild PCA back to its former glory…? Quinn doesn’t think it’s a bad idea, so she runs with it and pulls a few strings here and there from people she knows in the science field, talking about how she’d like a STEM curriculum for her new school. People are on board with her idea, because, duh, Dr. Quinn Pensky is like a big deal and she’s legit so, of course, the new PCA campus won’t go to hell like the last one.
Long story short, Quinn works from the ground up to make sure that PCA is up to standards, hiring qualified people, making sure to do background checks, etcetera. When everything looks good, Quinn steps back and lets the people she hired take over, only making sure that they come to her for funding and such. Logan gets involved and talks the staff into setting up a scholarship for talented students who can’t afford PCA and proposes that it’d be called the Pensky Scholarship.
And when it’s time to inaugurate the new and improve PCA campus, Logan and Quinn are there to cut the ribbon. Both are known as the patrons of the PCA campus.
If one Stacy Del Figalo causes a storm over her investigation over what truly happened on the old PCA campus, then that’s another story. The End.
This was so good, so sorry it took me a while to answer it. But I loved it. You did a great job at putting it all together and honestly, I'd 100% read a fic like that.
Some things I'd like to add to this AU. Mostly headcanons.
I really want their friends to get involved on this AU too, damn, even Zoey. Like I said, I think Chase being a teacher shouldn't go to waste, I'd like to see him teaching at PCA.
I definitely need Lola to appear, in whatever way she could help. I doubt she would take on a teaching role, but I'd like for her to be an inversionist (bc I refuse to believe she's not a famous and successful actress now). Maybe even make special appearances at the school, support and help build the Drama Class (idk the name). I bet the theater kids would freak out about her.
Same thing for Michael, I'd like for him to be an investor and be involved in the music department. As a producer he must know a lot of artist and the kind. Maybe he recommends a some people to take on the teaching role there (a failed artist that desperately needed a job could be a fun character lol)
I really don't think Zoey would leave her job as a producer, but let's pretend: I think Zoey would work as an Art Teacher, since that was more her thing than being a producer. And/or a temporary dorm advisor, until the school is fully staffed (I'd be funny to see her take on the role Coco had, specially considering she kinda acted like her on the movie)
Lola and Michael could do the same too, take temporary roles, if their schedule lets them.
idk what Stacey and Mark would be doing tbh, I'll leave that to anyone else who wants to add lol
probably still chasing the Malibu murderer.
now, about Quogan:
I really want a pregnancy plot to emerge at some point during this AU, and it motivates them to create the school they want their future children to go one day.
So maybe they were kinda like "what do we do with this place now?" but when they found out they're pregnant they got motivated af and emotional about it.
Obviously, Logan wouldn't let Quinn overwork herself and Quinn would keep Logan at bay so he didn't go overboard like he did with the wedding. Tho I assume by then he had learned his lesson, I'm gonna give him credit.
I like to think being able to work together, having a project of their own, specially while expecting, brought them closer (if that's possible). Like all the process was stressful at times and there probably were some disagreement/fights, but overall, it was an enjoyable time, precious memories to recall later one.
I also just love the idea of Quogan working as a team.
I did have the hc that Logan restored and engraved their bench, I'd like to see this on this AU too, I always loved engraved and dedicated benches (@honeyflower15 wrote something similar on their story "Quogan at PCA", fully recommend that fic, it's my s5 now)
PCA now would also be adapted to modern times, equipped with TEKMATE technology, I'm sure.
Maybe they both go a little over the top there, adding stuff they wished the school had when they were younger and maybe exaggerating the vision :p
Imagine, they keep a journal together, documenting their journey of building and transforming PCA. They write down their memories, challenges, and triumphs, creating a beautiful story that they can share with their future children with photos and all *sobs*
I'd like to see Lyric get involved too! omg I can see her invite herself on the project, maybe trying to convince Quinn and Logan to hire her as a musical teacher/art teacher or smth and throw a fit those jobs are occupied and Logan finding something else for her to do XD
For the inauguration day, Logan and Quinn cut the ribbon together, it'd be so cute, Quinn holding the scissors and him behind her, placing his hands over hers, ahhhh
I imagine their speeches are like, heartfelt, emotional, they would talk about their own experience at PCA (in general) and how they hope this new generation [camera dramatically pans out to their baby/toddler (who I assume it's already born bc school building and organizing takes a loooot of time) in the arms of their aunty Lyric] has the same experiences as they did. And obviously promises of not letting PCA fall again like it did and keep everything in check.
the order of the speeches go like this on my head: first Zoey (bc, of course), Chase, Michael, Lola, Logan and then Quinn. Or maybe Logan and Quinn gave the speech together.
There would probably be stands to showcast the different subjects that would be teached at PCA, for the science, chemistry, engendering and all that stands I think Quinn would had given the opportunity to some interns of her to organize those (she paid them, of course)
Quinn's success (as well as Michael, Lola, Zoey and Logan's) would definitely drive parents to trust this new PCA, wanting their children to reach that level one day. So, it'd give them good publicity or smth.
I feel like Zoey would offer to give the Facility Tour, idk why.
Lola and Michael would handle the performances and demonstrations. I assume because of their fame, there were a lot of willing participants and aspiring students that took the chance to perform under their guidance.
Quinn and Chase would deal with the Parent and Students Orientation. Quinn would deal mostly with the Q&As, since she's more informed about the School's insight, administration, etc. Chase would offer his insight as one of the Teachers and all that, telling them of his teaching methods and stuffs.
Logan would have organized the Celebratory Gathering (yes, I had to look up what a school inauguration day looks like shhh)
I promise, he learned his lesson, not over the top celebration this time. But he definitely left them impressed.
I imagine a cute moment at the end, where when the day is done and the guest and parents have left already (I'm assuming the Inauguration Day is a day before the first day of School, so the new students must be settling in their dorms and going to bed by then and classes would start the next day, idk), and Logan and Quinn are sitting on their bench, with their kid in arms, sleeping, just quietly enjoying the moment, satisfied with how they day turned out like and just so happy *sobs, an exaggerated amount*
Like, such a cute picture, they're sitting on the same bech where they shared their first kiss, on the place they met, now with a kid of their own, happily married and having rebuild their school, allowing other children to have what they did *sobbing but like so fucking much omg*
I suppose Zoey and Chase would be having a little moment somewhere too, but wgaf about them.
and an extra headcanon: their bench becomes like a urban legend now, some school lore idk, where there's the rumor that If you kiss on that bench, a timeless bond will be sealed, and your love will endure for eternity. Or some corny shit like that, idk. It has to be a first kiss tho.
Okay, that's all I got for now. Still don't know who they'd hire as dean, but definitely someone trustworthy, not just anyone, like you said, Quinn would have ran a bg check. There's much more to add and I invite anyone to keep contributing to this lovely AU.
And thank you again, anon. I loved what you did!
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Are there any comics that go into the academic side of mutant liberation? like, are there departments of mutant studies? mutant theorists? what’s the cross pollination with other disciplines like?
This is a great question!
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For a series that has centered around schools for the better part of sixty years, we haven't actually seen that much of academia in the X-Men books. Partly, this has to do with the series' focus on secondary education - the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters or the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning or the Xavier Institute for Mutant Education and Outreach are all high schools (and contrary to their reputation in the fandom, mostly accredited and capable of matriculating students to top-tier universities) - but when we have seen mutants move on to tertiary education, it's usually from an undergraduate perspective.
So we've seen storylines focused on clashes between anti-mutant groups like Purity and the pro-mutant rights organization Students for Tolerance (one of the few examples of an actual grassroots social movement in the history of the mutant metaphor) and attacks on an exchange program between Empire State University and the Xavier Institute, or Kate Pryde dealing with Purity trying to set up false flag operations by sabotaging high-end physics experiments and blaming it on mutants, and so forth. In these stories, we tend to see mostly conventional academic disciplines - Kate Pryde goes into Astrophysica, Xuân Cao Mạnh gets a degree in Library Studies, Bobby Drake becomes a CPA, and so forth.
While there absolutely would have been a massive push for mutant studies in the social sciences starting in the 70s and 80s, the main intersection between mutantdom and academia has tended to be in the sciences. Charles Xavier is absurdly overly-educated, with a dual PhD in Genetics and Biophysics from Oxford and a joint PhD in Psychology, Psychiatry, and Anthropology from Columbia, and his position as a world expert on mutation seems to be grounded on research into the social impact of mutations. Likewise, Moira MacTaggart got her PhD in Genetics from Oxford, won the Nobel Prize for isolating the X-gene, and founded a Mutant Research Center on Muir Island (which is an insane choice of locations for a scientific institute, just saying). Finally, Hank McCoy's frankly counter-productive six PhDs are all in the sciences, including Biophysics, Biochemistry, and Genetics, and his Nobel I believe was for curing the Legacy Virus.
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cmpstn · 1 year
Gwendolyn Knight
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At just 7 years old her mother gave her over to trusted close friends with whom she immigrated from Barbados to the US with. Eventually settling in Harlem, NY where she graduated from Wadleigh High School in 1930. Now known as Wadleigh Secondary School For the Performing and Visual Arts, the only accredited arts high school in Harlem.
She went on to attend Howard University studying fine arts with Lois Mailou Jones and printmaker James Lesesne Wells from 1931-1933. The thick of The Great Depression caused financial hardship for Knight who had to drop out before receiving her degree. She then returned to NY and began work at the Works Projects Administration as an assistant to the muralist, Charles Alston. She didn’t let her early departure from college stop her. She continued studying art at the Harlem Community Arts center where she was mentored by Augusta Savage. Through Savage, she met and was exposed to the work of other artists, poets, and writers of the Harlem Renaissance. 
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In 1934 she joined another Works Projects Administration mural project, where she met fellow painter and future husband Jacob Lawrence. In 1946 Knight and her husband were invited to teach at Black Mountain College, a private Liberal Arts College in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Returning to work and live in NY during the 1950s.
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She then moved with her husband to Seattle Washington after he accepted a job at the University of Washington’s School of Art. The traveling and work she has done from the 40s-60s some would say makes her an itinerant artist. She is quoted in a Callaloo magazine interview with Charles H. Rowell saying “It wasn’t necessary for me to have acclaim… I just knew that I wanted to do it, so I did it whenever I could.”
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Knight procured support from the National Links, INC for her first one woman show that was developed in 1976. This exhibit created a greater desire for her works and acquiring of her pieces by national museums. 
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Knight’s work was concentrated on storytelling paintings that illustrated the lives, culture, and history of African Americans that surrounded her own daily life.  Her paintings encompassed a diverse range of subjects such as still life, portraits, and urban scenes. She worked with a variety of different mediums from oil paints, water colors, and gouache. Later in her artistic journey her paintings started to have a more poetic depiction of animals through etching and monoprints. You can also see that she draws from her admiration for African dance, sculpture, and theatre.
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1829sblog · 2 years
It was a bright, sunny day in 2012, when the bell rang at the end of the fifth period at Southdown Secondary School. The students began to file out of the classrooms, but one student, John Smith, age 17, stayed behind.
John had thick, sandy-blond hair and hazel eyes, and he was wearing his usual school uniform, navy trousers, a white shirt and a navy jumper. His teacher, Mrs. Anderson, came up to him and said, "Time to get changed for your BHS Stage 3 exam, young man!"
John nodded and grabbed his gym bag, before heading off to the boys' changing room. He quickly changed out of his school uniform and into his horse riding attire. He was wearing a black riding jacket, black riding breeches and a white riding shirt, all of which were clean and pressed. He was also wearing riding gloves and carrying a riding crop, and his black riding boots were polished and shining.
John then left the school and was picked up by his parents, who drove him to the nearby BHS accredited riding school, Greenvale Stables. When they arrived at the stables, John put on his Charles Owen riding hat and mounted his horse, a chestnut thoroughbred called Daisy. Daisy was wearing a black bridle and a black saddle, and her tack was clean and well-groomed.
John rode his horse over to the arena, where the BHS Stage 3 exam was taking place. He dismounted, removed his hat and went into the classroom, where the examiner was waiting. After a moment, the examiner smiled and said "Congratulations, you have passed the exam!"
John was elated, and the months after the exam were filled with joy. He continued to take regular lessons at the stables, and eventually decided to pursue a career in horse riding. He has never looked back since.
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lboogie1906 · 17 days
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First Sergeant Attorney Charles Hamilton Houston (September 3, 1895 – April 22, 1950) was a prominent lawyer, Dean of Howard University Law School, and NAACP’s first special counsel. He played a significant role in dismantling Jim Crow laws, attacking segregation in schools and racial housing covenants. He earned the title “The Man Who Killed Jim Crow”.
He was born in DC. His father William Le Pré Houston, the son of a former slave, had become an attorney and practiced in the capital. His mother, Mary Houston, worked as a seamstress. He attended segregated local schools, graduating from M Street High School at age 15. He studied at Amherst College beginning in 1911, was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society, and graduated as valedictorian, the only African American student in his class. He returned to DC and taught English at Howard University.
As the US entered WWI joined the Army as an officer. He served as a First Lieutenant in the US Infantry, based in Fort Meade, with service in France.
He entered Harvard Law School. He was the first African American student elected to the editorial board of the Harvard Law Review and graduated cum laude. He earned a BA in law and a JD from Harvard. He was awarded a Sheldon Traveling Fellowship to study at the University of Madrid. He was admitted to the DC bar in 1924 and joined his father’s practice.
He was recruited to the Howard University faculty by the school’s first African-American president, Mordecai Johnson. He developed the school, beginning its years as a major national center for training African American lawyers. He extended its part-time program to a full-time curriculum and gained accreditation by the Association of American Law Schools and the American Bar Association. He influenced nearly one-quarter of all the African American lawyers in the US, including former student Thurgood Marshall.
He played a role in nearly every civil rights case that reached the SCOTUS between 1930 and Brown v. Board of Education.
He married Gladys Moran. He next married Henrietta Williams. They had one child, Charles Hamilton Houston, Jr. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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laraphleb · 26 days
End Up Being a Certified Phlebotomist in Sacramento: Top Phlebotomy School Options and How to Enroll!
**Meta Title:** Becoming a⁢ Certified Phlebotomist in Sacramento: Top Phlebotomy ⁣School Options and Enrollment ​Process
**Meta Description:** Interested in pursuing a career in phlebotomy in Sacramento? Discover the top phlebotomy ⁢school options in ‍the‍ area and learn how to‌ enroll in a certification program to kickstart your career!
**Introduction:** If you are⁤ looking to ​start a rewarding career in the healthcare industry, becoming a certified phlebotomist in Sacramento could be the perfect career path for you. Phlebotomists play a crucial role in healthcare by collecting blood‍ samples ⁢from patients for diagnostic testing, transfusions, donations,​ and research. To become a⁣ certified phlebotomist in Sacramento, you will need‌ to complete a formal training program and pass a certification exam. In this article, we will explore ⁤the top phlebotomy‍ school options in Sacramento and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to‍ enroll in‌ a certification program.
**Top​ Phlebotomy⁢ School⁢ Options ⁤in ⁢Sacramento:** When choosing a phlebotomy school in Sacramento, it ⁢is important to consider⁢ factors such as accreditation, curriculum, facilities, and job placement assistance. Here are some of ⁣the top phlebotomy⁢ school options in⁤ Sacramento:
1. **Sacramento ‌City ‍College:** – Location: Sacramento, CA ⁢ – Program: ‌Phlebotomy ‌Technician⁤ Certificate Program ⁢ – Accreditation: National ⁤Accrediting Agency‍ for Clinical Laboratory Sciences⁢ (NAACLS) – Facilities: State-of-the-art labs for hands-on training – ⁤Job Placement Assistance:‌ Career services available for graduates
2. **American‌ River College:** – Location: Sacramento, CA -​ Program: Phlebotomy ⁤Technician Training Program – Accreditation: ⁤NAACLS ⁣ – ⁤Facilities: Modern training facilities with experienced instructors – ⁣Job Placement Assistance: Support for job placement after graduation
3. **Charles A. Jones Career and Education Center:** ⁣ – Location: Sacramento, CA ⁢ – Program: Phlebotomy Technician Training Program ‍-⁢ Accreditation: NAACLS – Facilities: Practical⁤ training in venipuncture techniques – Job Placement Assistance: Assistance with job search​ and resume​ building
**How ⁤to Enroll in a Phlebotomy Certification Program:** Enrolling in a phlebotomy certification ⁣program in‌ Sacramento is a straightforward process, but it requires careful planning and preparation. Follow these ​steps to kickstart ​your journey towards becoming a certified phlebotomist:
1. **Research​ Phlebotomy Schools:** Start by researching the phlebotomy school options in Sacramento ​and comparing‍ their programs, accreditation, facilities, and tuition fees.
2. **Meet‌ Prerequisites:** Make sure you meet the prerequisites for enrolling⁣ in a phlebotomy certification program, such ⁢as a high school diploma ⁢or GED, background check, ⁤and immunizations.
3. **Submit Application:** Submit an application to ‌your chosen phlebotomy school ‍and provide any required documents, such as transcripts, recommendations, and a personal statement.
4. ‍**Attend Orientation:** Once accepted into the program, attend an orientation session to learn ‌more about the curriculum, schedule, and requirements of the phlebotomy certification program.
5. **Complete Training:** Participate in classroom lectures, hands-on⁤ lab sessions, and clinical practicum to ​gain the necessary skills and knowledge to ⁢become a certified phlebotomist.
6. **Pass Certification ⁤Exam:** ​After completing the training program, ‍prepare for and pass⁣ the phlebotomy certification exam to ⁣become a certified phlebotomist in Sacramento.
**Benefits of Becoming a Certified Phlebotomist:** Becoming a certified phlebotomist in Sacramento offers⁣ a ‍wide range ⁢of benefits, including:
– ‌Job Security: Healthcare facilities ⁣rely on ‍phlebotomists to ​collect blood samples for testing, ensuring a high demand for qualified professionals. – Competitive Salary: Certified phlebotomists earn competitive salaries ⁢and​ may have opportunities for advancement in the ⁢field. – Fulfilling Career: Phlebotomists play a‍ critical role in patient care and can make a positive impact on the lives‍ of others.
**Conclusion:** Enrolling in a phlebotomy certification program in Sacramento is a ‌great way to start a‍ rewarding career in ⁤the healthcare industry. By choosing a reputable phlebotomy school and ‍completing‌ a formal training program, you⁤ can become a certified phlebotomist and pursue exciting job opportunities in hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and other healthcare settings. Follow the steps outlined in this article to enroll in ‍a phlebotomy⁤ certification program in Sacramento and take the first step towards a successful career as a phlebotomist.
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alicevgcna · 2 months
Open Your Future: Top CNA Training Programs in Sacramento, CA
**Title: Unlock Your Future: Top CNA Training Programs in Sacramento, CA**
**Introduction:** Are you looking to kickstart‍ a rewarding career in the healthcare ​industry in ⁣Sacramento, CA? ‌Becoming a Certified ⁣Nursing Assistant ⁣(CNA) is a great‍ way to make a difference in people’s lives ⁣while enjoying job⁣ security ⁤and growth opportunities. To help you get started on the right foot, we have compiled a list of ⁣the top CNA training⁣ programs in‍ Sacramento that offer high-quality education and hands-on experience. Whether⁤ you are a‍ recent‍ high school ‍graduate,‌ a career⁣ changer, or someone looking​ to enhance their skills, these programs will equip you‍ with the knowledge and ‌skills needed to succeed ⁣in this fulfilling field.
**Benefits of Becoming ⁣a‌ CNA:** – Job security and stability in the growing healthcare industry – Competitive salaries and benefits – Opportunities for career advancement and further education – Making‌ a difference in the lives of​ patients and their families – Hands-on experience and training in ⁤various healthcare⁤ settings
**Top ​CNA ‌Training⁣ Programs in Sacramento, CA:**
1. **Sacramento City College:** ⁢ – Location: 3835 Freeport Blvd, ⁣Sacramento, CA – Program ⁣Length:⁢ 8-10 weeks – Highlights: Affordable tuition, experienced instructors, hands-on training in clinical settings, job placement assistance
2. **American River College** – Location: 4700 College Oak Dr, ⁤Sacramento, CA – Program Length: 6-8 ​weeks ⁣- Highlights:‍ Small class sizes, state-of-the-art facilities, comprehensive ‌curriculum,​ externship opportunities
3. **Charles A. Jones⁣ Career & Education Center** ‌ – Location: 5451 ⁤Lemon Hill Ave, Sacramento, CA – Program Length: 12 weeks ​ – Highlights: Flexible schedules, ​financial ‌aid options, personalized instruction, NCLEX exam ⁣preparation
4. **San Joaquin Valley College – Rancho Cordova** -⁤ Location: 11050 Olson Dr #100, Rancho ​Cordova, CA ⁢ – Program Length: 12⁢ weeks ⁢ – Highlights: Career services support, simulation labs, mock clinical experiences, resume building workshops
**Practical Tips for Choosing a⁣ CNA Training Program:** – Research the school’s accreditation and reputation – ⁣Consider the program length and schedule – Evaluate the cost and financial aid​ options available – Look for hands-on training opportunities and clinical experience – Check⁣ for job placement assistance⁣ and support services
**Conclusion:** Investing in a quality CNA training​ program is‌ the first step towards a rewarding and fulfilling career ⁣in​ healthcare. By choosing ⁤one⁣ of the top programs in Sacramento,‍ you can gain the knowledge, skills, and experience needed​ to succeed in this ‌dynamic⁢ field. Whether you are a recent graduate or a career changer, becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant opens up‍ a world of opportunities‍ for growth and advancement. Start your journey today and unlock your future with⁣ the best CNA training⁣ programs in Sacramento,⁤ CA.
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nicolodine · 6 months
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hardynwa · 10 months
Anambra Govt intensifies fight against quackery in medical profession
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The Anambra State Government has commenced training for its taskforce team to monitor hospitals and curb the operations of quack doctors in the state. The three-day training was organised by the State Ministry of Health in collaboration with the National Agency for the Control of AIDS under the Resilient and Sustainable System for Health initiative. Dr Afam Obidike, state's Commissioner for Health, at the opening of the training on Thursday, lamented that many hospitals in the rural areas were ran by quacks and secondary school drop-outs. Obidike said there was the need to improve on healthcare service delivery in both public and private health facilities, as well as protect the health of residents. "Gov. Chukwuma Soludo's administration set up this taskforce team for continuous monitoring, supervision and strategic means of identifying quacks and fake hospitals in the state. "It is sad to note that many of those who operate health facilities, especially in the rural areas are not medical personnel while some are secondary school drop-outs. "We have sealed up many hospitals where quacks operate because their operations endanger the lives of residents. "This capacity training is to strengthen the taskforce to improve healthcare delivery and not to witch hunt.So that our people receive quality care as well as have trust in the healthcare system of the state," he said. The Commissioner urged residents to stop patronising quack doctors and report any illegal or unaccredited hospitals operating in their areas. "Report them to us, we promise not to reveal your identity and we will fish them out so as to save the lives of our people especially those in the rural areas," he said. Obidike said that the state government would establish the State Health Facility Monitoring Accreditation Unit in 2024 to facilitate proper accreditation and monitoring of hospitals. In his remarks, Dr Charles Okafor, a facilitator, said monitoring of health facilities was essential to ensuring improved quality of healthcare delivery to the residents of the state. Participants were drawn from members of the Nigerian Medical Association, Civil Society Organisations, Association of Private Medical Practitioners, Association of Optometrists and other health workers. Read the full article
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ledenews · 1 year
West Liberty University Nursing Students Receive Their White Coats
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Several West Liberty University nursing students received their ceremonial white coats on Thursday, September 7th in Kelly Theater.  Seven of them have already received a BA or a BS and have returned to earn their BSN. Dean of the College of Sciences, Dr. Karen Kettler, explains the importance of the ceremony, "Receiving the white coat is an important milestone in the journey of a nursing student, as it represents their readiness to work with patients in clinical rotations. The ceremony means that students have met the challenges of rigorous prerequisite coursework, and will focus entirely on nursing coursework, developing valuable clinical critical thinking skills. As students wear the white coat, it will be a reminder that they are now training to be part of a profession where integrity, caring, and knowledge are at the core." West Liberty University President Tim Borchers took part in the ceremony alongside the Keynote speaker Kelsay Garvin, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, and chair of the WLU Nursing Department Barbara Kulpa, MSN, RN. Kulpa adds, "The West Liberty University Nursing program is very excited to welcome our incoming junior nursing class as they take their first step towards becoming a nursing professional. The white coat ceremony is held for nursing students as they begin their clinical rotations.  The ceremony emphasizes the core values of nursing, which are humanistic holistic care, meeting not only the physical needs of the patient but also the psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional needs as well.” The BA/BS to BSN degree Class of 2024 includes a class of 7:  Jennifer Brooks, Moundsville, WVa.; Jenna Davis, Wheeling, WVa.; Stuart Lim, Princeton, WVa; Madison McReynolds, Colorado Springs, CO.; Haeleigh Martin, New Cumberland, WVa.; Blair Mitchell, Sugar Grove, WVa. and Nelly Fiberesima, Lynchburg, VA. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree Class of 2025 includes a class of 13 students: Taylor Bolinger, Benwood, WVa.; Kayla Gandy, Washington, PA.; Kaylynn Hall, Triadelphia, WVa.; Claire McElwee, Wheeling, WVa.; Kelsey Michael, Paden City, WVa.; Jessica Miller, Moundsville, WVa.; Mara Pendergrast, Follansbee, WVa.; Avery Ray, Katy, TX.; Charles Rose, Benwood, WVa.;  Adriana Schellhase, Wheeling, WVa.; Sierra Sears, Richmond, OH.; Abigail Stuart, Charles Town, WVa. and Savannah Turner-Davis, Wheeling WVa. In his closing remarks, Dr. Tim Borchers reminded the students of the important role they will play in healthcare, “I offer my congratulations on reaching this day.  You have chosen a profession that will be even more important in the years ahead.  You have my best wishes as you complete your degrees and enter the workforce.” WLU’s nursing program is housed in the Campbell Hall of Health Sciences and offers the accredited Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree for high school graduates, the BA/BS to BSN degree and a RN-to-BSN degree program for Registered Nurses with an associate degree or diploma who are currently licensed or eligible for licensure and want to earn a bachelors. For more information, please visit westliberty.edu or call the nursing department at 304.336.8108. Read the full article
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Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine
The Charles University First Faculty of Medicine is one of Charles University’s five medical faculties in Prague, Czech Republic. It is the oldest medical faculty in Central Europe and the 11th oldest medical institution in the world, having been established in 1348 at the same time as the university.
Long-standing reputations, unique ideas, and exciting specializations are all hallmarks of Czech universities. More than 44,000 international students are enrolled in Czech higher education institutions, and their numbers are the as more foreign language study programs (particularly in English) become available.
It is one of the leading and the most outstanding Medical Universities in the European Continent. It places a rank among the best 200 universities worldwide and stands out for its accredited features it depicts for its possessions.
In the EU and most nations, the degrees are completely recognized for at least restricted registration. The Faculty is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools, which is issued by the World Health Organization (7th edition, 2000, page 105)
Living-wise, English will be adequate; nevertheless, basic Czech language abilities will be required to communicate with patients on the wards during clinical rotations. The student can enrol in Medical Czech lectures and tutorials for the first three years of medical school. Additionally, the area offers lots of chances to put your Czech skills to use.
As consultants, we are able to help you with the First Faculty admissions procedure, which includes entrances for medicine and dentistry.
The cost of tuition for the six-year medical programme is 500,000 CZK per year, as is the cost of tuition for the dental programme.
All Eastern European Medical Universities hold two entrance tests, from which the applicant may choose one for either medicine or dentistry.
The first round of the Entrance Exams for fall   intake will be in January/ February and the Second round will be in April/ May.
Finally, for further details and the complete Registration process, Application & Entrance Exam contact Qadri International as our expert Admissions team will be taking care of the entire process on your behalf. Please contact our office on +97143351390, Email: [email protected] or
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/MZ7G4JWO5 PWEK1
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Methods To Aid Your Marriage Survive Infidelity
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There is no going back to the way stuff once were, but you can heal the ache you caused and move forward together. Although Frederick Hollick’s own true medical accreditations clearly were questionable, even so popular he may have been with deeply curious laypeople, his daughter Edith’s eldest sibling started to be a physician and her sister married a health treatment specialist, whilst her some other buddy, Charles Arthur Hollick, was a notable American citizen paleobotanist and also the curator of fossil vegetation at Columbia School and also the New York City Botanical Backyard garden.
Steady with the proposition that money is inherently relatively stressful together with threatening compared to other clash topics, the conclusions of money as a subject matter of marriage turmoil within the house depict a poor snapshot. Each and every single life’s alterations are arranged for, many alterations may in fact absolutely derail your ideas, as well as not at all periods for the top... Household steadiness has long been culturally rooted in China, impacted by Confucian thinking exactly where the equilibrium of household will bring the accomplishment of almost almost everything.
Mend The Marriage Review - The Program To Revive The Flame?
Mend The Marriage provides a training by instructions, researched treatment for rebuilding a happy and moreover long-enduring caring connection along with your partner. Mend The Marriage consists of sound together with video clip products, and e-book. The technique also provides actionable steps together with assistance from authentic partners who might have been through challenging occasions nonetheless have eventually been capable of repair their relationships.
Whether it is producing days for your husband or wife or setting up top quality days with loved ones, romance may be among the most selfless works you do for all by yourself and also these around you. Several relationships are unsuccessful primarily because of the simple fact of improbable expectations people place on their selves, their partner, also as their marriage. Numerous as a result if not most lovers also take a look at marriage counselling together with get thin air excluding much more discouragement or burn off believe, totally. I really feel it really is crucial to acknowledge some of the frequent marital difficulties so as that couples might possibly notice that these are generally not by yourself inside their struggle and in addition that Marriage Counseling can information them address these difficulties.
Marriages in which the wife claimed using a close relationship with her in-laws possessed a 20 percent higher risk of divorce than lovers where the wife did not document a close relationship. This midpoint crisis comes about simply because you both have been compromising on the mistaken things or neglecting to serve after you should. Researchers found that the associations involving relationship conflict and also children's externalizing as well as internalizing difficulties have been mainly mediated by parents' use of severe penalties and parent-youngster clash. The Mend The Marriage of recognition has additionally been reported by some other experts who may have discovered an inability to acknowledge distinctions can be a major forecaster of malfunction in marriage.
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1829sblog · 2 years
It was the summer of 2012, and John Smith, a young man of 18, was preparing to take his BHS Stage 3 exam at the prestigious Rosewood Riding School, an accredited BHS riding school. John had spent months preparing for the exam, and so he was determined to make the best impression he could.
John was wearing jodhpurs, tall riding boots, and a black riding shirt. His long hair was tied up in a neat bun, with a hairnet over it to complete the look, before he put on his Charles Owen riding hat. His boots were polished to a high shine, and he was wearing riding gloves.
John's horse, a chestnut gelding named Cinnamon, was dressed to the nines in a smart black bridle and saddle. His tack was immaculately clean and polished to a high shine.
John and Cinnamon entered the arena and began the exam, performing a variety of dressage movements and show jumping exercises. They worked together as one, and John's determination and skill paid off.
At the end of the exam, John returned to the stable block, dismounted, and removed his riding hat, revealing the hairnet he had been wearing underneath. He went into the classroom where the examiner was waiting and was congratulated for his achievement - he had passed the exam!
In the months that followed, John continued his riding education and took part in competitions and shows. He was now a fully qualified BHS Stage 3 rider and was proud of his accomplishment.
Rosewood Riding School had been the perfect choice for John's exam. With its experienced instructors and BHS qualified horses, it was an ideal place to take the exam and perfect his riding skills.
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