#charles is a sweetheart
bethanydelleman · 5 months
Hey! Maybe you've talked about this before, but who's your favorite Austen Leading Man?
I don't think I've talked about it before. However, I haven't posted that Austen ask sheet because I am really terrible at picking favourites, so I usually just avoid it. But since you've asked...
Henry Tilney - I mean I constantly post about Henry Tilney supremacy, he's my favourite. He's witty, kind, knowledgeable about fashion, polite, honourable, has a great relationship with his sister, almost handsome. Really the only problem is your prospective in-laws.
Charles Bingley (runner up)- likes a party, outgoing, sweet, modest, handsome... and you get to choose the neighbourhood that he eventually settles in!
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
something about the fact that charles is so deeply, existentially terrified of romantic love and yet somehow manages to be so effortlessly and profoundly romantic in the moments where he thinks about it the least
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slythereen · 6 months
every time i think of the soft spot checo seems to have for charles it makes me think about that story about charles calling him after mexico 2021 to congratulate him and say how happy he was that checo had his parents there to celebrate with him and i experience immediate heartbreak all over again
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fishingforwords · 8 months
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yeah, love hurts.
susan sontag || unknown poem || haruki murakami, sputnik sweetheart || 1927 children's book, jellyfish || vincent van gogh || marina ivanova tsvetaeva, poem of the end || pablo neruda, 20 love sonnets and a song of despair || caitlin conlon, consider the hairpin turn || charles bukowski || frida kahlo
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shaylogic · 3 months
Been seeing people's fanfic headcanons of Charles' domestic hobbies
I'm into gardening so for me he gardened in the yard for the family
A way to have time to himself while still being of service
Vegetables and herbs for the kitchen
Flowers for him and his mum
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flaggersribs · 2 months
Stop these two gay ghosts are taking over my life I can't anymore
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lizablackthorn · 2 years
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i’m gonna die from his cuteness😭🥹🧸🫶🏻❄️☃️❤️
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leclercskiesahead · 7 months
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digital-roots · 2 months
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So I know that I already posted a goofy lil drawing for the anniversary of thsc, but I wanted to do something with more effort put in. So I wanted to draw something simple, but with a special meaning: the Henry Ventriloquest AU.
This game and its fandom, which at first was just a typical passing interest, has become really special for me. I feel like I've really improved as an artist because of this. I became more confident about posting my art for others to see, I've gotten better at drawing stuff that i actually want to draw instead of just fantasizing about doing so, and I actually know how to draw varied body types (ironically from a game where everyone is a stick person). But even if none of those things happened, THSC would still have a special place in my heart because it made me meet my friend Brine.
I found their og post about the hv au and got REALLY into it (im a sucker for opposite aus). I followed him as they kept posting lil tidbits about their au. Even when I initially stopped my fixation for thsc, I still followed them. Eventually, we talked and became great friends.
I could not imagine living in a world where paw isn't my friend because I really do care about our friendship so much. He's been one of the most supportive, sweetest, funniest, and passionate people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. And all of our time together was initially because of this game and their au.
@brine-in-my-eyes, I love you dude and I wanna support you throughout everything that happens. And for everyone that's reading this, PLEASE for the love of god check out the Henry Ventriloquest Au on their artblog, it's amazing and I need to not be alone in my suffering of that knowledge.
Bonus Henry Jr drawing :33333
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bow-of-aros · 2 months
All the Time in the World
Hi folks!! Dealing with a little bit of writer's block BUT I thought that this idea was cute and by god I was gonna get it on the page. Hope that y'all enjoy!! <33
Summary: Edwin's not exactly one for taking breaks. Luckily, Charles has some interesting, but sure-fire, ways of convincing him :)
“Don’t look at me like that.”
Edwin’s sat behind his desk, folder held in front of his chest like some sort of shield. He gazed at Charles who stood opposite him, trying to keep his face impassive so as not to encourage his nonsense, but the corners of his lips were already twitching upwards as a sort of giddiness unfurled within him.
Charles, on the other hand, was making no attempt to stifle the wide grin on his face, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he inched ever closer to the desk.
“Like what, mate? Aren’t I allowed to just look at my best mate? Nothing wrong with that.” His tone was innocent, too innocent.
Something was definitely up.
Edwin straightened his posture, not wanting to give Charles the satisfaction of seeing him curl up defensively, “You are plotting something, that much is obvious, and I do not care for it.”
“I’m plotting nothing!” Charles put his hands up in a mockery of surrender, laughter colouring his voice, “I just want to be closer to you. Is that so bad?”
Edwin cut him a flat look, “Charles, we have not separated for more than a day in over thirty years. If you’re going to make up an excuse for whatever this is,” he gestured vaguely at Charles’ person, who was still moving forward, mind you, “at least make it somewhat believable.”
Charles laughed at that, a sound so filled with genuine joy that Edwin couldn’t help the smile it drew out of him.
“There he is!” Charles leaned against the desk, gently prying the folder out of Edwin’s hands and setting it down, “You’ve been focusing on cases all day and, honestly mate, your face is making my face upset.”
He pulled his lips down into a dramatic frown, drawing his eyebrows together and squinting his eyes until he was peering out of little slits.
Frankly, it looked quite ridiculous.
“I do not look like that!” Mostly because Charles was making it very difficult to maintain a scowl.
“Well, not anymore, but that’s just because—Oh come on. Edwin!” Charles scoffed in exasperation.
Edwin’s finally managed to school his features into some semblance of neutrality. Pasting on his usual flat expression in an effort to hide the way his lips threaten to curl up and the way his eyes are trying to crinkle at the corners.
“Now, if you would excuse me,” Edwin said, reaching for the folder, “I would very much like to get back to work.”
But before his hand could make contact, Charles phased through the desk and stood in the very minimal space between Edwin and all the tasks he had yet to complete. For his part, Charles seems completely at ease with his current position. He leaned himself back against the desk and crossed his arms loosely in front of him, looking for all the world like he was exactly where he belonged.
Edwin raised a hand to pinch at the bridge of his nose. It’s because he’s tired of Charles’ antics, not because he needs a little extra help in smoothing out his expression.
“Charles, is this truly necessary?” Edwin was trying to keep his tone even, he really was, but Charles was making it awfully difficult with his close proximity and playful grin.
“Yes, Edwin. It truly is,” Charles smacked Edwin’s hand away from where it had been trying to sneak around him, “You need to take a break. If you keep frowning like that, it’s gonna be stuck on your face forever.”
Edwin couldn’t help rolling his eyes at that, it’s something his mother used to say when he was younger, and he would stick his tongue out at her, “That wouldn’t be so bad. At least then I wouldn’t have to worry about monitoring my facial muscles.”
“It would be so bad to me! I can’t go the rest of my afterlife without seeing you smile again now can I?”
Charles’ grin sharpened just the slightest bit, and Edwin was suddenly very nervous.
“Hey!” Charles said, snapping his fingers as though a thought had just occurred to him, “I bet that I can get you to smile and take a break! What do you think about that?”
Edwin, very conveniently forgetting that he could simply phase through his chair, held up his hands in a half-hearted defense.
“Now Charles, let’s not do anything rash he—no! Wahahait! Chahahaharles!”
Apparently, Charles didn’t feel like waiting around. Instead he shot out rapid little pokes to whatever part of Edwin’s torso was unprotected at the moment. When he speaks, he punctuates each word with a poke to the side, or to the ribs, and sometimes to the stomach.
It was very entertaining, to say the least.
“Take!” Poke “A!” Poke “Break!” Pokepokepoke.
Edwin either let out the most adorable or the most embarrassing squeaks at each attack, depending on whose perspective it was. He’d also long given up trying to school his face, his open-mouthed grin stretching his cheeks as frantic giggles escaped him.
After a particularly vicious attack on his sides that had Edwin desperately curling around Charles’ hands, he gave in.
“Okay! Okay I’ll tahahahake a break! Charles plehehease!”
And just like that, Charles’ wiggling fingers were replaced by palms smoothing up and down his sides for a moment before tugging Edwin through the desk and onto the sofa.
Charles laid down first, pulling Edwin down on top of him and wrapping him up snugly in his arms. Edwin immediately felt tension that he hadn’t even realized was there begin to drain out of him and, yeah, maybe he had needed this.
A long sigh escapes Charles, and Edwin realizes that maybe he wasn't the only one who needed a break.
“We can remain here for an hour but, after that, we really should get to work.”
He felt a soft kiss being pressed into his hair followed by a murmured, “Mhm, whatever you say, mate,” and decided that he wouldn’t be opposed to staying for a bit longer than planned.
After all, he and Charles had all the time in the world.
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gointothevvater · 3 months
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Thinking about these two today! Charles is so calm and collected, and St. Cecilia is so wild, and they balance each other out so well! They've known each other for years, and post-AotD, they finally get to settle down together! 🥺🖤✨
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
payneland neighbors AU
(a.k.a. one of my million WIPs that may actually be seeing the light of day)
edwin is an Alive Boy, who has had a near-death experience being bullied while he was at school, so he can now see ghosts.
charles is a Dead Boy, who is starting a detective agency out of his new flat, which happens to be next door to edwin's.
edwin does not realize charles is a ghost at first.
they are mutually down bad and trying hard (and failing) to be normal about it.
pining and shenanigans ensue.
should be able to get this posted to Ao3 sometime later today as chapter 1/? of who knows how many because apparently payneland has made me that person with multiple multichapter WIPs, lmao ~*~*~
Edwin does not think about his new neighbor across the hall.
(Said new neighbor's name, it will turn out, is Charles.
And Edwin most certainly does not fixate on the compelling glint of Charles' single earring in the sun, or the curve of his smile so easily offered.)
The story of it is this: Edwin had held the door to their building for him one fine spring day. Simple politeness, and moreover basic human decency, both dictated this was the proper thing to do for someone carrying such an absurd quantity of unwieldy parcels.
He had not expected the stranger to look so taken aback.
(He had an honest-to-goodness crystal ball propped precariously atop a stack of antique-looking books; and those teetered on top of several cardboard boxes near buckling under the weight of whatever they held within. A cricket bat protruded from the pin-encrusted rucksack slung over his shoulder. People did insist on having such incongruous pastimes, Edwin thought; and, apparently, atrocious packing habits to go along with them.
But the titles of the volumes Edwin managed to glimpse were as intriguing as the crystal ball was misguided—and he'd found himself rather helplessly curious.
"Cheers, mate!" the person he will soon know to be Charles had said, sounding obscenely grateful as he manouevred his way inside, and had flashed Edwin a grin so radiant and wide it hurt Edwin's cheeks in sympathy just to look at it.
Still, Edwin tried to think no more on him; nor on how surprised he'd appeared to be at Edwin's tiny show of kindness—at Edwin's perceiving him at all, even. Tried being the operative word.)
He'd been aware Jenny was letting the rooms across the hall, because she asked him several weeks ago if he might know any potential tenants. Edwin had informed her he did not. His last neighbor had listened to ungraciously-loud electropop at all hours of the night and harbored a seemingly endless stream of stray cats despite Jenny's very clear policy against animals.
Edwin would far prefer the space to stay blessedly vacant and blissfully quiet for as long a stretch as possible. He deserved some sort of a reprieve, he'd thought.
it seems he is not about to get one.
Edwin is reading when he hears a muffled string of colorful swearing, the lugging of things, the scraping of furniture across hardwood floors. While he may be able to studiously avoid thinking about the beautiful boy he'd met downstairs, Edwin cannot escape the inevitable and inconvenient fact that they will now be living in proximity. The telltale commotion that can only be made by someone moving in comes right to his proverbial stoop.
Who else could it be but him?
Edwin sighs. The only thing for it, he supposes, is to go over and introduce himself.
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vastappenen · 8 months
charlie so cute for what?? so breedable for what?? for every man in his life to fuck his brains out?? including his emotional support rival?? slut.
yes, anon!! like he walks around with the SLUTTIEST little waist imaginable, those pretty pink lips, and big, glassy green eyes holding babies and smiling with those gorgeous dimples and you want to tell me he isn’t daydreaming about him finally getting a baby in his belly???
i will say, i do think his ability to completely mesmerize every man within a 30 mile radius of him needs to be studied. men meet him and within minutes are willing to leave their families and go to war for the chussy…
there’s only one man that gets it though 💕
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fishingforwords · 1 year
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it's not the same as being alone.
augusten burroughs || sylvia plath || haruki murakami, sputnik sweetheart || charles bukowski, the crunch || edward hopper, nighthawks || f. scott fitzgerald, the great gatsby || robert frost, desert places || d.h. lawrence || john steinbeck, east of eden || edward hopper, nighthawks (zoomed in)
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shaylogic · 4 months
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Charles' face right after he says "I think your face is pretty mint <3"
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