#characters from other stuff are added to fortnite?
sometipsygnostalgic · 13 days
Bit of thought and discussion last night over what makes a competent, effective movie vs a deep or interesting movie with Star Wars as our target.
So to highlight it in the most obvious way: George Lucas's movies are complex with deep plots, but are not well-written and fun to watch. So the prequels gained this reputation for being a bit of a slog because no matter how much Lucas loved this story he crafted, the way it was presented was lacklustre.
Meanwhile Disney tries to make a "competent" and entertaining movie with every attempt. Every marvel movie... before Endgame... was very entertaining and well-directed, regardless of if there was anything worth thinking about later.
When it came to Star Wars, Disney really struggled with this.
The Force Awakens is definitely a competent movie that hits all the beats they wanted it to. It has those good Classic Star Wars feelings, weighty lightsaber combat, a core cast that you love watching interact, and an emotional centre. It does the job it's supposed to, perfectly, whereas not taking a SINGLE risk with the franchise. It desperately doesn't want to be associated with Lucas's "boring power bloaty" prequels.
Of course the film recieves criticism for this, because it's just copying A New Hope without adding any new dna to the franchise. Every critic can see what Disney was doing, making a nostalgic star wars theme park, and they say they want Disney to deliver in the next movie.
Then comes The Last Jedi, where Disney's lack of direction became incredibly obvious. Rian Johnson took the Force Awakens critique FAR TOO MUCH to heart and made The Last Jedi the complete opposite - Everything TFA did, TLJ did in the opposite way. So instead of being a hero in waiting, Luke Skywalker is disappointing to Rey, he's ran away and fallen into squalor and he immediately throws away the lightsaber that brought him to tears at the end of the first film. And instead of leaning on the new trio everyone was excited about, Johnson splits them up permanently, with no interaction at all in the movie.
The Last Jedi tries to make itself more interesting by forcing threads into places that do not fit. Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy isn't a messy dark character, he's a starry eyed optimist, but this movie takes the easiest and cheapest route possible to turn him into something he's not because the author wants a darker more questionable story and has only got this one film to make it that way. The movie also leans hard into everything Disney was trying to avoid with the first one, long boring segments of whacky hijinks.
As a result a lot of writers have respect for Johnson's attempts to diverge from Disney tradition of super safe movies, his attempts to add stuff to Star Wars and make a unique film, but it completely fails as a competent movie and it fails as a competent story because there are too many authors clearly fighting with each other.
Movie 3... I've not seen it. I do know a lot about it, and Abrams spends the whole thing once again undoing everything Johnson did and trying to return to a safe Star Wars. TOO safe. To the extent that the plot completely lacks any comprehension because it needs to warp the story so much to return to the beaten path.
Somehow, Palpatine returned!! What the fuck!!! And why was this revealed in Fortnite???
Why are they puppeting Carrie Fisher's corpse?
Rise of Skywalker is disney at its worst because they have gone from being super safe to trying to return something adventurous to the safe path, without any degree of originality or creativity. I don't think a single actual writer worked on that film. It was all just direction to make epic setpieces, the pursuit of a "competent and entertaining" film instead of the ninth part of a story.
They are also repeatedly having to do this with Marvel. They have the lost the ability to do their own stuff with Marvel and are following a variety of comic plots, because that's "safe", right? But no, the comic goes to all sorts of crazy places, which gets in the way of making a competent and cohesive film. So theyre trying to get rid of some of that complexity, enough to make the writing bad, but not enough for Marvel to become coherent because that would require actually creating new stories and not following the basic, highly profitable guidelines of Marvel comics.
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biolizardboils · 8 months
so heads up! im popping a LOT of Prime Season 3 posts into the queue--they'll start coming out one week from now, on January 22nd! if you can see this post and haven't watched it yet, here's some tags to block: #prime spoilers, #sonic prime spoilers, #sonic prime s3 spoilers, #sonic prime season 3 spoilers.
got all that? great! here's my final unorganized little rambles about the show:
shoutout to Rusty Rose's Birdie, who only appears in the very first and very last eps for some reason 😭 her speech about it not being her power source came outta nowhere too, but i loved the message behind it
when everyone arrives at the Grim, just before the ep ends, Nine starts breathing heavily and it. instantly reminded me of Movie!Tails when the bar was calling them freaks. fuck. its a nice reminder of where Nine's coming from
speaking of Nine his poses getting more unhinged over time!! hell yeah
i love that the final fight(s) felt like a kid smashing 3 different Lego sets together, real Robot Pirate Island shit
i laughed a little too hard when the Grim's dome started closing in cus Nine's citadel-thing already reminded me of a thing that happened in Fortnite once, but hell naw they had to add The Storm too sdfghj
METAL BIG DESTROYED ME LJKHGFDV im SO glad i wasnt spoiled about it!!! a while in i started finding it creepy instead of funny, which is an added bonus
i was spoiled about the Advance flashback and its clashing sprites though. the utter whiplash of seeing that without warning mightve made me choke on my hot cheeto puffs. someone's already remade it btw, check it out
i fistpumped at the small reprise of "me beauty" gfhjk ill miss you so much Dread
we're four years into the 2020's and Sonic has nearly died an agonizingly slow death 3 times in 3 different continuities! and dare i say it was delicious every time >:)
unless Word of God says otherwise I'm gonna assume that the giant shadow at the end was The Return Of Metal Big lpoihgfds
So... Twitter, huh? My spoiler filters there had some leaks, and I saw some discussion out of context that... actually made me kinda scared to finish the show. But then I did, and had fun with it just like the other two seasons, and I remembered that Twitter gets high-strung about things that don't matter so much, and that giving it sway over how much I enjoy things is silly lol.
Yes, I think the last season could've been paced differently so it wasn't 5 episodes of the same Final Boss Fight. Yes, I think the writing switches jarringly between gearing for a young new audience and for a seasoned old one. Yes, I think the 2D flashbacks look and move worse than what fans constantly make for free. Yes, I think the final episode doesn't do nearly as much housekeeping as it should (does the Shatterverse still exist or not??). Yes, I think declaring the show is canon to the games or whatever they said probably wasn't the best idea. And yes, I think Black Rose should've had a shoulder-parrot!Birdie to match the other Amys. All valid critiques! All sensible things to think when you've been around the Sonic bush!
But I swear to god, people on Twitter act like these things spoil the whole package. Where's the nuance? Why does every opinion there become an absolute worth tearing others down for? Is it the character limit? I bet it's the character limit.
There's so much I love about this show that were infeasible for the Sonic brand just 3-4 years ago. Externalizing the characters' facets to explore them in-depth. Said exploration spanning multiple episodes instead of being one-and-done. The sheer amount of genuine Sonadow food (and I don't actively do shipping, so me adding it here should hold a lot of weight). The snappy, playful, yet blistering fight scenes that, dare I say, feel like a successful TV-budget Spider-Verse. It was all so much fun!
But I guess stuff like Green Hill being the gang's "home" is a big deal-breaker?? Like?? I thought that was silly too, but not worth ratio'ing people with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over? Get well soon, I guess??
Rambling over, shout-out to the entire country of Canada for giving me the most fun I've had with a Sonic show since X! I'm gonna go figure out how to address all this as The End lol
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faint-kitten · 5 months
This battle pass looks fucking terrible.
I don't like any of these rewards. They just gave everyone the same white and black outfit and slathered the same goop on one side. I don't know enough about design to tell you why, but nothing here looks good. These skins are fucking aweful.
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Like I'm genuinely considering not purchasing this battle pass and I have free coins. Like, did they burn up all their ideas last season? Last season was killer. Like did they put a lot of work into their cosmetics to make up for not having a new legend? I was okay with it. But so far this season is not impressing me... Something I came to realize playing fortnite last week was that I will always have that addictive dopamine rush of unlocking a new thing just to keep a game fresh, but once I get it I'll realize: oh I only really like using X Y or Z. I unfavorited a lot of skins in apex because I just don't like them and I'm very wary of buying new ones in fortnite because once the rush is over I just keep using the same 3 or 4 I like. Maybe I'm reaching that point where I just have one GOOD skin for every character in apex, and I'm privledged? But I don't think I'd use any of these. Everything I have is better. Which sucks because Seer's been needing a weird new skin, all of his stuff looks the same. I just. I look at these, and I see a mess. Like a Michael bay transformer, these look like a mess. For contrast: here's the skins we were given for free, in the battle pass, event stores, or that I unlocked last season (though some aren't season specific)
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I might be slightly off on the timing of some of these, but like... These are all skins where you can fucking clearly see a design, an intent, a goal, the colors work well together, you can tell what the fucking character is. These new skins are nothing. (I'll also grant that the lifeline and bloodhound skins are old re-works but I only got them last season) My point is, looking at these new skins they're fucking nothing. There's nothing there. I am excited for Apex to have it's very own Juri Han from SF or Jinx from League of Legends type girl, A lot of characters get the same basic apex pack skins and you get some characters like Catalyst, or Wraith, or Valk, or Lifeline where the colors are placed well and look good on a character. Conduit's overall scheme changes and pops based on even the basic skins. You kind of need to find a balance of colors and a space where the familiar stuff like "Arachnophobia" and "alpha royal" textures can dramatically alter the skin, and the texture can pop. Sometimes you get Ballistic, or Wattson where it's either too small, or it's paired with Wattson's weird grey scheme so they stuff doesn't work together. I do think some of Alter's stuff pops pretty well in the rare tier: I've never liked either of these, but they look phenominal with her hair and sort of head shadow.
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But her common skins are kinda nothing. Idk my big takeaway as I get older are developers struggling with deadlines have to choose what to invest their time into and I feel the more I play things like Fortnite, Apex, Starfield, MMO's I'm starting to recognize 'where the budget' (not just money, but resources and time) went. And I feel like Last season they just blew their whole load, and behind the scenes they were working on a new character, and by the time they finished her and blew all those other crazy skins out they maybe just didn't have any good ideas left? I dunno. I guess it's thematic but this...this season...these rewards...they're nothing. Also I'm not liking the look of yet another fucking currency added to the game. I know about as much as anyone else does about exotic shards, but until I have enough in a quantity that matters, or they lock something I want behind them I'm just gonna have the stance of "I don't completely get them, but after burning through almost all my level ups to get what might be my one and only heirloom I'm lowkey kinda pissed you're introducing something ELSE I could get into my apex packs."
----- Edit: Since initially posting this, I've tried solo's and ngl I kinda love it. As someone who's never cared about winning and feels like looting is taking too long in this game, the idea of just "KILL KILL KILL KILL *die* QUEU UP AGAIN! KILL KILL KILL!" is a lot of fun.
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catalyst-fortnite · 3 months
The name's Catalyst (She/Her), funniest and coolest member of the fox clan (dont let the others tell you otherwise they're just jealous >:3)
Before we go anywhere further theres some ground rules I gotta place (Lame ikik)
I dont wanna be seein any explicitly NSFW stuff. Suggestive jokes n stuff is fine, but know the line and dont cross it
Usual DNIs apply here. No proshippers, Homophobes, Transphones, Antis, etc. This blog is NOT a place for hate.
As much as I love so see what different people think of me, Please don't force any personal headcanons onto me, this is my blog, not yours
I will add to this list as needed, but lets hope I wont have to too much
Feel free to talk to me through the ask box, though remember there is in fact a fox and/or cat picture tax... sorry i dont make the rules
(not rlly but they are GREATLY appreciated)
#Cataclymic postin - Posts from my own mind
#Cat-Asks - Ask box responses
#Cat-Reblogs - Pretty self-explanitory! Might have some comments from me
#Fortnite tumblrverse - [a general fortnite rp blog tag, feel free to use for your own rp blog! Mainly so I dont clog the main fortnite tag]
@pea-bois @drift-fortnite , @montague-fortnite , @sunspot-star-boy , @king-midas-fortnite , @nitro-master-raz , @hope-cool-epic-girl-xd , @the-nitro-lord420 , @nisha-fortnite, @fortnite-machinist, @the-dons-waste , @agent-jonesy, @ringmaster-scarr, @valeria-fortnite
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Admin uses He/They
I'll use blue text when speaking out-of-character, as well as adding #ooc as a tag
Dividers by @𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘺
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adaru32 · 2 months
The Red Devil's Chronicles: Devil May Cry April - August 2024 News Updates: Collabs, Netflix, etc.
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Hey, how's it going? Hope you're all having a good and safe summer. I meant to share these updates last month, but things got real busy. Here are the Devil May Cry updates I've gathered these past few months:
1. Capcom voting session gives results for what fans voted for. b) Devil May Cry V and Dante hit #1 on most popular things from Capcom.
2. Speaking of DMCV, it has reached over 8 million copies sold!
3. Another Devil May Cry event at the Capcom Cafe. b) More info.
4. Dante trending greatly again on Twitter/X.
5. Capcom making changes to their localization policies. b) And they have no plans of getting rid of physical media.
6. More Peak of Combat troubles. b) And more. c) Trish added to Peak of Combat.
7. Devil May Cry cast reunion.
8. Teppen gets another card pack update, featuring Nero.
9. New Street Fighter Duel X DMCV mobile game.
10. Rumours of Devil May Cry appearing in Fortnite still continue.
11. Either a new trailer or Season 1 of the Devil May Cry Netflix series will be airing this September.
My Thoughts On These Updates: 1. Really cool how one of my most favourite games, along with my most favourite fictional character make it to the top. 2. Big congratz to Capcom for having DMCV sell over 8 million.
3. Really wish that the west can have cafe events like Japan does.
4. Awesome to see Dante temporarily trending again.
5. I understand that Capcom's trying to appeal to certain audiences when it comes to cutural differences, but they need to realize that it's not what their fans want at all. If anything, it just ruins the charm of whatever they've created from the start. On the plus side, it's great that they're not gonna get rid of their physical media. I'd rather physically have (and collect) games from my favourite series.
6. Just when things couldn't get any worse for Peak of Combat.... Congrats to Suzie for voicing as Trish, but I really worry for her. Every voice actor that's participated in Peak of Combat have been scammed. And what bothers me and other Devil May Cry fans as well are those that keep getting sucked into some gambling scheme, and are oblivious to what sick and twisted things are happening behind the scenes. It's strange how people lose their minds over how Ninja Theory treated their fans in a disrespectful manner while no one bats an eye on what Nebula Joy's been doing. It's also strange how Capcom was quick to take action on the old vocalist for Dante's Subhuman song, but they're not doing anything about whatever Nebula Joy's doing. Good news is that they are doing an investigation, so hopefully this whole mess will finally be put to a halt.
7. Cool to see the cast together.
8. Interesting how Teppen keeps updating with more Devil May Cry stuff. And a nice twist to add some Dead Rising characters in there as a way of celebrating their remaster.
9. Another mobile card game with Devil May Cry characters? Oh, my.
10. I'm not really a fan of Fortnite, but it's cool to see all these random characters become available. As cool as it would be to see Dante or any other Devil May Cry character in this game, at the same time I just find it strange and....cringe....Apologies for sounding negative, but I just don't really care for Fortnite.
11. I was wondering when we'd get more stuff happening with the Netflix series!
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astralaerial · 6 months
i know i know! its been a hot minute since i posted, but i SWEAR ive been drawing. in fact, i can post 4 DRAWINGS TODAY! i was inspired by fortnite of all things to make OCs loosely based off of ancient greek gods. feel free to not read the rest of the yappity text unless you care about my thought process, you can just look at the spilly pictures
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this was my first one and it was based loosely around hermes. at this point i havent really figured out what i wanted to do so i kinda just made a design i thought looked neat and drew it. i did intentionally give him an extra pair of small wings on his legs for extra speed. also they have a sentient bag, i thought that would be fun and also messenger)
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so this one is based off of eros. you might be able to tell by now a pattern of me kinda wanting to make a more 'modern' clothing style for the OCs, and yes thats kind of intentional. i later on decided i wanted to have a mix of what could be considered more stereotypically ancient greek styles(like that golden shoulder pad thing and the white robe/cape) but also other clothing styles i felt fit and that i liked. i felt the red hair fit because that kind of dark red evokes feelings of romance to me, and the tied up hair kinda looks like love hearts if you squint hard enough.
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this one is based off of athena and probably the design i put the most thought into. first of all, owl mask and theming on the helmet: apparently according to my 5 minutes of wikipedia research that is a common athena symbol, so i added those here. the purple kind of sash thing and the blue scarf/tie thing around her neck is based around what judges wear. so athena from what i know is described as someone able to make logical decisions and someone knowledgeable, so i thought making her a judge kind of character makes sense. that said, the helmet and armour still nods to her being a badass godess of war, but in my imagination she would be more of a war strategist/planner now instead of being on the front lines. you might notice by her appearance that she takes a lot of similarities from a hazbin hotel character: yes, this is intentional. sera was a big inspiration for this design.
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apheno is based off of apollo. i made this one just today but im not so sure about it so idk i might update it. first of all, the blue hair and fur on the shoes/coat: because apollo is associated with and god of the sun, i thought giving him a kind of sky theme by making the fur and hair look like clouds would fit. this sun ordeal also inspires the orangeness of the coat and that spiky yellow design on it, which is supposed to be like a rising sun. there is also the bow which isnt too special but an inclusion i thought neccesary since apollo is also known as the god of archery.
okay im done! i might make more of these, but for now these are the four i have made. ive also been designing lore and stuff for these but its far from being anything solid so no sharing for now! this is my first big post like this so i dont know how to sign these off, uhhhh lmao!
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koopakaper · 1 year
mudae is fucked up bro what the fuck has it done to me
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random person rolling THE SPOT at 3 AM while I’m outside smoking
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I’m gonna expose the whole system
If you don’t know how the game works, basically you can roll random characters that you can claim for yourself. You can roll 10 an hour, but can only claim once every 3 hours or so. I think that they purposefully drip feed you characters to get you addicted. There’s an algorithm. It tracks what characters are popular, and what characters it knows you like. It knows when you use the bot so it purposefully rolls characters it thinks you want based on your pattern and gives it to you like a fish goes for bait or something analogyesque
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I’m checking my disablelist which lets you disable certain groups of characters with a low limit. You can optimally disable a perfect amount of characters to get the best odds at rolling a wish (A character that gets pinged if rolled and can “boost the chance” of it rolling (probably still an active detriment to you rolling because of course the algorithm doesn’t actually want you to get a like 250% bonus chance when you get max upgrades to actually be a pure random roll you’d get them all the time if they were TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY PERCENT MORE LIKELY TO HAPPEN.)) 
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I try to disable this random company’s roster but it doesn’t work because I forgor
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disabling the most fucking random ass shit I could find with higher than average wg (Waifu Game (It’s cringe because this bot was made by weebs but whatever). Category where you only roll women from games. The alternatives being Husbando (fuck whoever came up with ‘husbando’) Game (hg), but also Waifu Animanga (wa) (Everything that’s not game) and husbando (seriously Fuck that guy) Animanga (ha). I was on wg because I basically completed my ha wishlist which left me with the most random characters. I was on ha for like a YEAR AND A HALF getting all the characters I wanted it took soooo long, and since ha is most of the characters I want anyway (with other people rolling wa so I can get those characters too) I basically mained that category and decided to go on break for new characters to get added (happens once in a blue moon because the mods are lazy as fuck and take like 6 weeks to sort through something that could be done in a Google Form. (jk idc about the time)) so I was about to go back to the years long struggle of completing ha
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(The characters on there with the check mark are characters I was trying to get keys with. Keys are just extra rewards that give you bonus, sometimes helpful stuff if you roll a character you already own. Of course owning characters that would give high reward makes them NEVER roll so you get a bunch of shit rewards from the lowest worth card in your “harem” (more cringe).) 
(The ones with nothing next to them are ones I haven’t got yet. Of course having them on here probably decreases their chance. Well no. It does help, but the point is, is that before the boost, the % chance is in the negatives. Putting it at a very low chance which sucks.)
(And the one with the X next to it is the reason I swapped to wg in the first place. I wanted to set up my perfect disablelist and wishlist to get Meow Skulls but... I lost to my literal arch nemesis who took my wish (THEY ROLLED THE SPOT)
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Meow Skulls in question (from Fortnite)
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I try to swap back to my other disablelist but I can’t remember the command
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The DM I got
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Mudae commands aren’t done with ! you fucking IDIOT gotem qs2 my balls lol
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I finally figure out how to save my currect wishlists and disablelists so I can come back to wg later
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I try to clear my wishlists and disablelists to get a blank slate by loading an empty slot but that’s NOT HOW IT WORKS IDIOT
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I finally manage to find the commands
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I clear it all out
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I’m checking my work. Finally doing what I was trying to do. But that’s where I fucked up also because why the fuck would I ever think to do this
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I became self aware quickly
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I remembered what I was actually trying to do
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my rolls:
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random thing no one cares about
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random shit no one cares about
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random shit no one cares about
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random shit one cares about
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Awesome Face (had to claim that lol epic)
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Random shit no one cares about
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Random shit no one cares about
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Random shit no one cares about
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Eduardo. Nice key and I got some good kakera (the currency, commonly known as kak)
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it actually kinda sucked (white ones usually give more but because the white one breaks down into multiple, you essentially get multiple kak per kak
The colors are as follows:
Purple: like 100 kak
Blue: like 150-200
Light Blue: 250-350
Yellow: 400-650
Orange: 700- 950
Red: 1050-1300
White: starts out as 3, sometimes 4 random kak crystals, upgrades to 5, sometimes 6 kak crystals (and beyond?). 
Just estimates, idk the exact number
The worst roll I could get from the white is 5 purples, but blue are most common, and are 2nd worst. So basically I got 4 2nd worsts and one 3rd worst
There’s also RAINBOW kak which gives like 3.5k per grab but it’s super rare.
 I’ve actually gotten it most out of everyone in my server, being FIVE
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Random shit no one cares about
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Random shit no one cares about
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Random shit no one cares about
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Random shit no one cares about
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Random shit no one cares about
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Random shit no one cares about
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Cool, another key
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Random shit no one cares about
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And fucking Earle Schmerle
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Wait hold on let me explain
Everytime you claim a character, a message gets sent
You can customize this message.
By default it’s like “username has married charname”
But everyone moved it away from being romantic in that way, so I thought “Wouldn’t it be funny if I did the exact opposite?” and that has been my claim message to this day, which has led to some interesting screenshots
So yeah I rolled shit all
Thank Mudae algorithm
so yeah Mudae is a gambling addiction and I genuinely think it drains my mental health i hope you enjoy my journey
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mettic · 2 years
Talking about multiplayer games 2022
Hi, I don’t really talk about this much because I mostly do it on twitter, but for the past two years or so I got active on backloggd because I enjoy writing in depth about video games but wont pretend that I have the speech ability to start a video game essay youtube. Feel free to read some of those if you want, I put more time into them than I should
However those who did click it might've noticed that I don’t really put stuff out on multiplayer based games. It’s not that I don’t play them; I play a lot really, but I have a hard time leaving a permanent review on multiplayer games just because of how the modern multiplayer games are; if you game is not actively updated it dies and is left in the dust. Every multiplayer game, even if it doesn’t call itself one, is a live service game, and live service games have to be iterated on constantly, it’s just the nature of the beast. How do you put a review on something that might radically change in a year from now? 
But I do want to talk about multiplayer games i put a decent amount of time into; but backloggd doesn’t have liek an individual journel entry thing i think and twitter doesn’t have the character limit for it, so I wanted to talk about multiplayer focused games I put time into this year  in this post. check it out under the cut
Lets just peel the Bandaid off real quick
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fuck me. 
I think everyone has a character that fortnite will put into the game and it’ll break the camel’s back and you go “alright, i gotta see whats going on” and install it. for me it was vegeta.
It’s all an elaborate bait. They lure you in with truly outrageous crossovers; like shonens? we got DBZ, naruto and now MHA. Your favorite game characters? we got a lot of them; and god help us if they managed to make a deal with nintendo. You like marvel? cuz baby we Got Marvel. And the trap they lure you into with the bait? it’s that... fortnite is a good game?
Fortnite just hits a wonderful level of casual while still being a game where you can solo queue. The game just loves adding or rotating in weird stuff and it conjoins into a truly unique experience, while still having solid gunplay and honest 1v1s.
I’ve caught people filling gas with a pumpkin themed rocket launcher, turning them and the entire gas station into dust. In squads we set up a bounty, all four of us got on our own motorcycles and bows and chased them half way through the map like we were modern day mongels. I downed someone, picked them up, and had my friend with the bow that shoots poison gas shoot a cloud at my feet so I can smoke a dude out to death in my hands, which irl would likely be a for real warcrime. I can’t get this anywhere else.
other short thoughts: the game’s story setup of an island where realities crash together does wonders for the games skins. Outside of the collab stuff the skin parameters jsut being “a human body shape”  means they have full freedom to do whatever they want with skins; and this game has better original skins that most games on the market, there’s something you like in it. 
Part of the game’s success is its ability to just pump out content faster than any other game on the market, almost to the detriment of the entire gaming scene. The game rotates in new stuff almost every single week. Season 4 almost feels like a brand new game. Every other games output factor feels sluggish comapred to fortnite, which isnt fair because they make a bazillion dollars a day.
Also all of this is because of no build. Every time i’ve played gamemodes with build I find building just a straight detriment to the game. I would not of gotten into this game if I didnt get into it when no build was in the game; something that i’m pretty sure epic realizes. add no build royal rumble NOW
Fortnite unfortunately rules on multiple fronts
Gundam Evolution
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Gundam Evo is a fun game with just the most annoying progression/monetization on earth.
Gundam is fun, fast, with cool characters even though I mostly just wanted to play methus/unicorn. Coming off the OW2 beta where i played for one evening with friends and didnt feel like playing it again into evo felt like night and day. Felt more frag heavy, far less CC/shield shooting, everyone’s got dashes, far less dependant on mmo tank/healer/dps focus in shooting game for some reason lead fora very fun time.
It still had overwatch problems; sometimes a team pops 3 ults at the same time and you just gotta give it up, lower skill team mates makes the game extremely hard and lop sided, ect ect but I still greatly enjoyed it more than OW2 and is one of the funner games in terms of pure shooting
however, the F2P aspect of the game basically killed it for me. The currency to buy units (and loot boxes) is limited to just rewards from the battlepass; of which giving how the first two went will require you to reach almost the end of the BP to get enough currency to buy a unit. Given the plan seemingly to add 1 unit a season, there’s no way to acquire every unit free to play (there’s 5 locked from the beginning, 6 now with Nu) , and if you fall off for a season the stuff you cant get just piles up. Along with that the daily/weekly system is frustrating; all quests are also locked to randomly selected choices of units, an idea perhaps made to force variation but often leads to you just not playing what you want so you dont fall behind on the BP. 
This all came to a head for me when i finished the S1 BP, took a break from the game, returned to S2 to see that every weekly/daily i had was for units I don’t want to play and had all interest in playing get sucked out of me.
Gundam evo is a fun game just dragged into the mud with the infuriating f2p design choices.
Multiple Different Fighting Games
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I have a complication relationship with fighting games. I like them, and buy them, but just cant commit myself to them. I hate playing online, part of it being how ladder experience in most fighting games and also i’m not good at them so I get angry if I’m not playing with my friends, and sometimes i still get mad when i’m playing with friends. I’ll keep buying them and there’s plenty I do want to put more time into, but I had hitting discords with @everyone games? so a lot of them are doomed to be low on play time. here’s a quick rundown for them anyways
KOF 2002UM: picked up for the rollback update. I already kinda knew it but I played a decent amount of KOF this year and I really enjoy this franchise, hitting a nice middle ground between games like SF and faster anime fighters for me. This game is very fun and I had a blast. I also picked up 98 but i didnt play enough of it to make a real opinion.
Melty Blood Type Lumina: I really wanted to like this, and returned with the 2.0 update, and just still can’t get into it. it’s really disappointing because i LOVE MBAACC, which I would say is one of my favorite fighting games. Just never hit otuside of very early days; I still dont like shield and changes just feels like a bandaid and I never found a charater i was in love with like I was with C Wara, and seeing how this game is now half tsukihime and half FGO i guess im just not gonna get it.
KOF XV: similiar to 2002um, I really like this game and wish I had it in me to put more hours into it. I just think KOF is fun. Really hate how Billy ended up in this game because that’s my dude but terry and kukri are still cool and Shigo is on the way as well. We’ll see.
Not Traditional Fighters:
Nick all stars brawl: I’m a huge fan of Slapcity so I was onboard with this but honestly was just a flop for me. people understand that half the fun of melee is that the game is fast but games dont really understand WHY or HOW Melee is fast. Their solution is just to give people a million air dashes. The game feels mashy; even playing against people who knew more about what they were doing felt like tons of just air dashing and mashing out the safe airs, and if you’re really a gamer you knew jablock combos.  The psuedo 2.0 update helped the game on a small scale with voice acting and kinda fun items for castuals but I just wasnt having fun when playing this game. I liked Shredder tho
Multiversus: I still hop on this game a bit but I think I have similar issues with this game that I have with nick brawl, although i think MV is just better overall than NASB. Similarly just replaces movement related techs by giving people fast air dodges with long ranges and multiple uses. Still, it’s pretty fun, I think the 2v2 emphasis is a cool angle and there’s some cool characters. I still get a very It’s Mashy And Air Dashy feel from it but miles better than how it was in NASB, the F2P systems are fine and I hop on every once in a while. Also I can play Lebron and hes actually fun.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
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not necessarily a pure multiplayer game, but hey i like playing with friends
I like MH, and I think Rise and it’s systems are all great, and I wanted to actually play it which was unlike how i felt after a few hours in Iceborne. But as i’ve said before, the modern game content implementations is the worst thing that’s happened in the Monster Hunter. I hate MH drip feed. I dont want to play MH a little bit every few months, I want to just go extremely hard for like 2-3 months. But that’s not good for Engagement Numbers. Of course with drip feeding a few monsters every few months is fucking up the gear game; because they want you to not just kill a monster once and close the game the gear from new monsters has to be worth grinding out, so every patch the previous tier of weapons and armors have to be put back for the new hotness... which also makes the grinding kind of worthless because the elemental set of SAs i grind out with afflicted is about to have multiple pieces of it get outdated and needed to regrind.
Still, the game is fun, switch skills and wirebug is fun as hell. This is one of my favorite interpretations of my already favorite weapon in rise SA. I just hate that the drip feed is the fate of this franchise now because I really cant stand it, but hey when this game gets its last update i’ll dive back in.
Yu-gi-oh Master Duel 
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I did write a review about this game on backloggd so i’ll keep it short. YGO is a fun but devisie game, and the game’s Balls To The Wall At All Times gameplay is 100% not for everyone, but going balls to the walls also can rule. 
MD as a client is pretty good, and is especially generous compared to most TCG clients, but the games lack of formats is painful. YGO is a particularly brutal BO1 game, and a lack of BO3 with sideboarding leads to frustrating laddering experience. Along with that, the game’s card list being multiple sets behind both TCG and OCG, and having a strange banlist that’s a combination of TCG/OCG and some half hearted BO1 hits leads the game to not really feel like an actual simulator for either of the games. 
I don’t hate MD but BO1 no sideboarding has lead to constant utterly miserable metas where you fight floodgates or 45 step bazillion endboard negate combos which burned me after, you know, a solid 200 hours.
Marvel Snap
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It’s honestly remarkable that this game is good. I see most Brand: The Card Game! games to feel like just quick cash  grabs that never go anywhere, but they actually tried with this game, although i continue to lament on how games simply feast on the corpse of Artifact.
But yeah it’s fun. The power of the location cards alone do great to stop people from autopiloting turns, which would be a problem with this game if they didnt exist. It does lead to games sometimes being crapshoots and sometimes you just gotta take an L when X Mansion gives you quicksilver and your opponent infinianut, but all games being short and under 5 minutes makes it hard to get really mad when you get fucked. It does make the game’s signature Snap system, which lets you effectively gamble rank points, a very strange edition when location RNG can just fuck you over.
The game’s card collecting system is... weird but it is fairly F2P friendly ( even though ive bought all of the season passes lol). A lack of a way to just craft a card I want is frustrating, especially when you see a deck that’s cool and you’re just gonna have to wait forever to play it because you dont have like 3 of the cards needed for it, or just lack a strong lynchpin in an archetype (i STILL dont have Death man), and once you hit collection 4 opening like 3 crates without getting a new card is going to start getting really annoying.  Variants are a great way to do alt card art and there’s many that are pretty, although i mostly just spend my gold on new dailies for more chances at cards anyways.
it’s fun. god i really want more fucking cards man cmon.
Pokemon Trading Card Game Live:
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Also did end up writing a backloggd review on this (very recently too) so i’ll keep it short: Game is fun and client is fine. Great new player onboarding due to the game just giving you the shell for a meta deck, and the other starter decks feel more reflective of the actual game as compared to the previous PTCG client. Incredibly stingy currency makes F2Ping hardly feasible, and whaling in this game involves just buying bulk codes off ebay... which is remarkably cheap honestly but still. Also teh game jsut has miserably ugly avatars, really dont know why they committed to that design. It’s fine, but if you want to F2P i can’t recommend it.
And that’s it for multiplayer games I put a lot of time into this year. fortnite is fun and i wish i could play fighting games without getting annoyed.
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emperorhyperi0n · 2 years
It's the characters or RWBY, but it's the basic presence of FNAF (night guards, spooky and shady shit happening at an entertainment venue, robots) and uh. A lot of other stuff. Expect chaos.
Featuring: Schneeamatronics, Bootleg Disney, The Orb™, and a very, very angry Ozpin.
RWBY but it's Bullet Train (2022)
It's the fun idea of "everyone meets pre-Beacon", but with the added spice of a train! And everyone on the train (mostly) is trying to kill each other. Shenanigans ensue.
Featuring: an incredibly unlucky Jaune, an incredibly tired Blake, a Train (duh), and a bird.
Here To Stay Chapter 2
Many moons (about five months) ago I made a slightly cringe fanfic about Roman and Neo waking up from a 'nightmare' of the events of the S3 Finale of RWBY. You can probably find it on AO3 after scrolling through the Roman/Neo tag a bit, but I've been agonizing over making a second chapter to this.
Featuring: criminal amounts of Fluff, mild arson, a nervous man in an ill-fitting suit, and waffles.
Fortnite C1S5
One day I woke up and decided to read about Fortnite Lore for some reason... and then the ideas floated in. It's pretty much a full "novelization" of all the events, map changes, and especially loading screens of the Season wrapped into a single cohesive story. Kinda surprised nobody's done a project this yet.
Featuring: Connections, confused foxes, DriftBomber hijinks, angry Vikings, and even angrier Enforcers.
OC Stuff
Pretty much just me publishing things about my own cringe universe that's been marinating in my brain. Not really connected to any fandoms tbh.
Featuring: Lore™, a duo of Doctors, the bootleg SCP Foundation, a sentient pocket-watch girl, absurd apartment costs, and a chill bird.
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9ballin · 10 months
Team Fortress 2 and timeless design (until Valve let people abandon the artstyle)/
Some people have looked at TF2 and wondered "why, and more importantly, how is this game still alive). The simple answer is that it was made by Valve the, you know, Half-Life guys. The long answer on the other hand...
it's too long for this post, but I can certainly bullet-point an aspect of how this game has still trudged on for almost 17 years now. That being a consistent, and memorable, artstyle and well-thought-out art direction, with the greatest example of the simple ingenuity of the people behind bringing this game to life:
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Look at this image, intently I mean, if I were to put a random dude in you would recognise him, right? If were to put Goku Fortnite in you would immediately notice, and compared to each other you are not confusing these guys for anyone or anything else.
Even getting to the second part of the heading the second Valve let its grip on the artstyle loosen and crazier cosmetics started getting added, the very core of the character design is still there. Even when you see these things:
I at least hope you can recognise the class each of them is playing. Now of course thanks to this stuff being at least somewhat allowed (the more ridiculous cosmetics are still Halloween-restricted) this line has been muddled, but there are always other aspects to recognise classes by, like their overall stance or the weapons they use, and I feel any aspiring graphic designer can get an important lesson from analysing these character designs, so keep drawing, make me proud, and hopefully help me come out of my shell somewhat.
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mediamixs · 11 months
Halloween came to Fortnite: what you need to know
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Fortnite's Halloween update for 2023 was released on October 11th. The update includes new Halloween skins, some of which have "crazy collabs". There are two new weapons in the update. The update includes a time machine that is "doing crazy stuff".There has been a "massive change" in the way Fortnite looks in the menus. The update includes new mythic items. Fortnite's Halloween updates have been a tradition since 2017, and are known as Fortnitemares. The updates usually include new skins, challenges, and limited-time game modes. In previous years, Fortnitemares has included zombies, ghosts, and other spooky elements.
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Fortnitemares 2023 is a Halloween-themed event in the popular online video game Fortnite. The event was live from October 10th to the end of the season and introduced various new features, items, and challenges for players to enjoy. Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, added new mythic items to the game for the Fortnitemares event. These items are considered to be some of the coolest additions to the game, with a new vampire hunting shotgun being one of the confirmed mythic items. The shotgun has a four-round clip size, a four-second reload time, and shoots one pellet at a time. The Fortnitemares 2023 update introduced several new creepy outfits for players to wear. One of the confirmed outfits is the Pencera Hunter, and a tentacle-headed character with a currently unknown name and a memorable face is also coming to the game. The event has a vampire theme, with players being able to use the new vampire hunting shotgun to take down vampires in the game. This theme is reflected in the new outfits and other features of the update. Fortnitemares 2023 introduced new challenges for players to complete, offering them a chance to earn rewards and experience points. These challenges added an extra layer of excitement and engagement to the event. Like previous Fortnitemares events, the 2023 edition was only available for a limited time. It started on October 10th and lasted until the end of the season, providing players with a time-limited opportunity to experience the Halloween-themed content. Fortnitemares 2023 was a highly anticipated event for Fortnite players, offering them new content, challenges, and rewards to enjoy during the Halloween season.
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apkparapc · 2 years
Best Gsmes Top 10 List
Summoners War
One of the first traditional gacha RPGs is Summoners War. Since it has been around for so long, it has developed far more than many other games in the genre. With a team of monsters at your disposal, you complete story missions, summon new ones, advance in the game, and level up. If PvP is your thing, there is also that component. Although it's free to play, the grind isn't as severe as it is in some lower quality gachas. There are a lot of free stuff that the game offers you. Even if it's not flawless, there's a good reason why this game has maintained its popularity for more than five years. Just an enjoyable game to play.
Apex Legends Mobile
In 2022, Apex Legends Mobile was released and immediately took off. It belongs to the same genre as PUBG New State and Fortnite as a battle royale shooter. However, this one was released with a lot more polish, great controls, a variety of game types, and more intriguing powers. The default battle royale mode has 20 squads made up of 60 players. Along with a team deathmatch game, there is a ranked variation as well. As you go through the game, you unlock different Legends, and each Legend has a unique set of skills. It's light since it's new, but despite that, it received over ten million downloads in its first month and is actually more enjoyable than the majority of other games in the category.
Call of Duty Mobile
We selected Call of Duty: Mobile as the top Android game of 2019. Call of Duty: Mobile is so wildly popular and has such a good rating that we added it more rapidly than normal. Normally, we wait a bit before adding a game. The game offers a 100-player battle royale mode in addition to a standard FPS online PvP mode. This places it in a unique category where it offers both traditional FPS PvP like Critical Ops or Modern Combat and battle royale like PUBG Mobile. The gaming mechanics are strong and fluid, and there is a surprisingly large amount of content to explore.
Although the game is free to play, the majority of in-game transactions are for cosmetics. If you want more choices, you can find some additional top-notch first-person shooter games or some other shooting games here.
Genshin Impact
Gacha mechanics are used in the action role-playing game Genshin Impact. We selected the match as the finest game of 2020 as well. It garnered a lot of positive reviews when it was first released for its stunning graphics and engaging gameplay. Nobody seems to mind that it resembles Zelda: Breath of the Wild in terms of appearance and gameplay. The game does have a party structure, and it uses a gacha system like other gachas to let you summon new characters. However, the game feels far less constrained than most of its kind because of the aesthetic components, gameplay mechanics, and entirely open world (which includes a glider).
It should continue to be wonderful for a very long time, barring any errors from the developer. Even though it takes some time to set up at initially, you can play on PC or PlayStation with the same saved data. If you want to see more, there are of course other top-notch gacha games here. Similar mechanics may be found in Tower of Fantasy on Google Play, but Genshin does it better.
5.GRID Autosport
When GRID Autosport debuted in 2019, it quickly rose to the top of the list of Android racing games. A rarity in this market, it is a premium game without in-app purchases or advertising. The game also features a ton of content to go through, a ton of cars to unlock, amazing visuals, excellent controls, hardware controller support, and a variety of racing styles.
Although the game is somewhat pricey and lacks a few minor features that racing enthusiasts usually enjoy, it is still among the best racing experiences available on the Play Store. Though not frequently enough to be ideal, it receives enough updates to remain current. Other excellent racing video games are the Asphalt series and Riptide GP. Here, you may find even more fantastic racing games, including the well-liked Asphalt series.
League of Legends:Wild Rift
A 5v5 MOBA is League of Legends: Wild Rift. There used to be a ton of these in Mobile, but a handful of them kind of faded away in recent years. Currently, League of Legends: Wild Rift is arguably the best game available. The average match lasts between 15-20 minutes, which is too long for a mobile MOBA. However, the game is enjoyable, wins cannot be purchased, and the creators are dedicated to maintaining the game's balance.
It's not flawless. It can be annoying when teams in casual games aren't balanced. But little can be done to change the situation. In a genre where nothing has been reliable for a while, this MOBA is absolutely solid. Of course, if you're interested, there are additional excellent mobile MOBAs here.
Legends of Runeterra
One of the most recent Android games on this list is Legends of Runeterra. It's an online combat game with a similar focus to Hearthstone. Players assemble decks of cards and heroes that they have collected. then engage in online combat with them. In general, the gameplay is enjoyable since the game attempts to minimize randomness. There are 24 champions in the game, several playing cards, and you can invite friends to combat with you. Hearthstone dominated this ranking for a while, but now it's time for a new leader. Here are some more fantastic card dueling games.
The same company that created Crashlands, Butterscotch Shenanigans, has released a new platformer called Levelhead. We anticipate Levelhead to stay on this list for a while, just like Crashlands was for a good two or three years. There are 90 levels in this platformer, which has controls that are surprisingly good, and it has some great humor. However, this one stands out from the competition thanks to its very top-notch custom-level construction. Levels created by players can be uploaded to the game. The most well-liked ones wind up in the famous vault of the game after being downloaded by other players.
Additionally, the game includes speedrunning elements and level-specific leaderboards (even the custom ones). Finally, the game has cloud saves and is cross-platform. It fulfills every need for a mobile platformer. This game is really that excellent. If you utilize Google Play Pass, it's also cost-free. Although this is undoubtedly the finest in its category, you should also check out these other excellent platformers.
The game Minecraft is well-liked by players of all ages throughout the world. If you've never played, Minecraft immerses you in a vast world where you may create things, fight off enemies, mine things, and pretty much do whatever you want. There is a survival mode where you must gather your own food and resources, as well as a creative mode where you have full access to everything. Numerous new options and information have been added thanks to frequent upgrades.
The game pretty much stands shoulder to shoulder with its PC and console counterparts. Actually, you can engage in multiplayer gaming with users of those platforms. There are in-app purchases, but they are only for things like skin packs that allow for personalization. It's one of the best survival games on Android in addition to being the best sandbox game.
10.Nintendo games
Nintendo has a substantial amount of Android games, and they are all of a high quality. Super Mario Run is their only premium title. Many viewed it as an excessive price. Mechanically, though, it is one of the best mobile platformers. Fire Emblem Heroes (strategy RPG) and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp are among the free-to-play games offered by Nintendo (simulation). Nintendo introduced Dragalia Lost and Dr. Mario World to its catalog in September 2018 and 2019 respectively. Lastly, Mario Kart Tour is the second most popular mobile game of all time, second only to Call of Duty: Mobile. Occasionally, Nintendo's games can be a little rough around the edges, but they all give enjoyable and robust experiences.
All Apps Free Download
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houseofwolves-v1 · 3 years
i know literally nothing about fortnite BUT i do know that the naruto fandom is absolutely thriving rn from this content
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petite-rambles · 4 years
Tag Team
Pairing: Kirishima x reader, Bakugo x reader
Genre: smut :)
Warnings: swearing, NSFW content, 18+
A/N: I know no one asked for this but it’s been living in my head rent free since August, as I dissociated while driving to Newport for 2 hours and thought about nothing but this haha oops. Obviously the characters are aged up
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You laid in Kirishima’s bed playing on your phone, looking over at him every so often when he made some sort of sound. The two of you had been hanging out when Kirishima received a text in the groupchat telling him it was time to play. You knew this meant your boyfriend was going to be preoccupied for a bit, but you didn’t mind watching him play.
“Kaminari, I’m not going to play fortnite.” Kirishima grumbled into his mic, headset sitting nicely on his flat hair.
It was easy to pick up on the bickering that was going on in the chat. Kirishima was sitting on the very edge of his bed, as it gave him a good view of the tv. There wasn’t much going on, the homescreen was showing as the boys were trying to figure out what game to play next.
“Fuck fortnite, you suck at it anyway dunce face.” Bakugo screeched, causing Kirishima to cringe a little.
“Bakugo.” Kaminari whined, “No one else is coming up with ideas.”
“Minecraft?” Sero piped in, Kirishima tilting his head side to side as if thinking.
“I’m good with that, we have stuff to do anyway.” Kirishima hummed as he opened up the game, “Bakugo open the realm.”
“I’m going, shut the hell up.” Bakugo snapped.
Kirishima joined the game and you could see his character in dragon skin appear where he last left off. It looked like he had been making a farm the last time he had played with the boys.
“Kiri, I love watching you play Minecraft.” You said softly, putting your phone down and crawling down the bed. You situated yourself right up against his back, wrapping your arms and your legs around him. You placed your chin on his shoulder so you had a good view of the tv.
“I’m sorry baby, I won’t play that long. We can go get food or something after this.” Kirishima said as he turned to face you slightly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Shut up shitty hair, we can all hear you.” Bakugo hissed into the mic, causing Kirishima to roll his eyes, “Besides, we have to put in serious work today.”
Kirishima sighed softly before covering his mic with his hand, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what his issue is today.”
“It’s fine, you can play for as long as you want. I really don’t mind.” You said quietly, cuddling into his neck.
Kirishima glanced at you slightly before adjusting how he was sitting. He leaned into your touch as you rested your hands on his stomach.
About 20 minutes had passed when you started to get a little restless. Kirishima had fully immersed himself into the game at this point, every so often mumbling something into the mic. He was really just setting up his farm, gathering animals and planting different crops. He was making decent progress with minimal interruptions from the other boys.
You moved your head a little to place gentle kisses along the side of Kirishima’s neck. He let out a soft sign before turning his head again to look at you. You just gave him an innocent look and decided to stay silent. He pursed his lips slightly and turned back to face the tv, going back to what he was doing.
You left a few more kisses on his neck before gently removing yourself from Kirishima, resulting in a soft whine falling from his lips. His cheeks immediately began to turn red as you heard the chirps from the boys quickly coming from his headset.
“Guys, stoooop.” Kirishima whined, stomping his feet a little.
You giggled to yourself as you got off of his bed. Kirishima was no longer paying attention to his game, you could see his eyes tracking your every movement. You smiled to yourself as you stood in front of him. Kirishima looked up at you questionably before you settled on your knees in front of him.
You could see the expression on Kirishima’s face shift from confused, to enlightened, to worry. You moved yourself closer so you were comfortable situated in between Kirishima’s legs. You put one hand on his knee and the other on his upper thigh. He tensed slightly as he looked down at you.
“No.” Kirishima mumbled, taking his hand off his controller to reach for your hand.
“What’s going on?” Sero asked.
“Are you dying? Can I have your dog? Or you cat? I’ll take good care of them.” Kaminari badgered quickly.
“Sorry no. You know it doesn’t work like that.” Kirishima retorted, putting his hand back on to the controller.
Kirishima looked at you silently before giving you a slight nod. You smiled happily as he stood up and quickly pushed his underwear and sweatpants down his thigh. You made quick work of the rest until they pooled around his ankles. Kirishima sat himself back down and gently placed a finger against his lips, signaling you to keep quiet.
You eagerly fixed yourself between his legs and lightly took his semi-hard cock in your hands. You began to pump slightly, feeling Kirishima begin to get harder underneath your touch. You could see him bite his lip and throw his head back a little. You had one hand resting on his thigh and Kirishima, shakily, kept his hands on his controller. If he had the chance he would use his hands to get a solid grip on your hair to guide you right to where he wanted you most.
Once his cock was hard, you moved yourself closer to lick a gentle stripe up the underneath of his shaft. Kirishima’s eyes widened as you took the head into your mouth, using your tongue to trace around the top. Kirishima hummed softly before letting out a soft sigh.
“Shitty hair, give me your coordinates. I need bread and meat.” Bakugo grunted suddenly.
“790, 69, 800.” Kirishima mumbled as he tried to go about what he was doing before.
“Haha, 69.” Kaminari laughed, making Kirishima roll his eyes. You took this opportunity to take as much of his cock that would fit into your mouth. Kirishima shut his eyes tightly and bit back a moan.
“Why the fuck are you so far away.” Bakugo grumbled.
Kirishima made no attempt to respond. You began to slowly bob your head, using your hand on his thigh to rub small circles. His hand quickly moved to cover his mic, letting a soft moan fall out of his mouth.
“(y/n), this isn’t fair.” Kirishima panted softly, bucking his hips slightly to try and make you go faster. You removed your mouth with a slight smile, returning to slowly stroking his cock. Kirishima pouted down at you.
“Can’t you take a break? I want you.” You whispered, resting your head on his other thigh. Your eyes flickered between his hard cock and his face. You could see the internal conflict going on in his head.
“Fuck it.” Kirishima mumbled, quickly pulling off his head set and tossing it, along with the controller on the floor away from the two of you. You smiled as Kirishima’s hand gently weaved itself into your hair.
He gave a quick tug which made you sit up again. You removed your hand from his cock and stood up, removing your bottoms so you were left in your panties. Kirishima moved his hand to your hip and guided you closer to him. You carefully straddled his lap, making sure to line yourself up with his cock.
“Well, you won’t be needing this anymore.” Kirishima hummed softly, moving to take off your shirt.
“I’ve been waiting so long, Kiri, get naked.” You whined softly, clawing at Kirishima’s still clothed chest. He smiled at you before making quick work at the remaining articles, leaving you in just your damp panties.
You began to gently grind down on him, he placed his hands on your hips with a tight grip. You wrapped your arms around his neck and quickly connected your lips. Kirishima moaned against your lips, giving you access to his mouth. You made quick work, moaning softly yourself when one of his hands moved to firmly grasp your ass.
Kirishima removed his lips from your own, moving them down your chin and to your neck. You let out a breathy moan as he settled on a spot on your neck. Kirishima gently sucked and nip, using his hands to guide your hips against his. Once he was satisfied with his work, Kirishima went back to kissing down your neck to get to your chest. He took one nipple in his mouth as one of his hands began to wander.
You gasped softly as Kirishima rubbed gently against your covered slit. He looked up at you quietly as he slowly pushed the fabric to the side. He switched to the other nipple as one finger gently traced your slit, gathering some of your juices, before pushing inside.
“Kirishima.” You moaned softly, your head falling into his shoulder.
“Does that feel good baby?” Kirishima whispered, slowly working his finger inside you.
“Yeah yeah but more.” You whined softly.
Kirishima took the hint and pushed another finger inside of you. You gasped softly at the feeling and found yourself grinding yourself down on his fingers. He kept the pace relatively slow, adding his thumb to rub small circles against your clit. You threw your head back at the feeling, trying to reach down for Kirishima’s cock. He nudged your hand away and quickened his pace.
“Are you ready for me?” Kirishima asked softly, removing his mouth from your chest.
“God yes Kiri, please.” You moaned softly, bucking your hips slightly.
Kirishima smiled slightly before removing his hand from underneath you. You whined at the loss and Kirishima gently lifted you off of him. The two of you both stood up and he took the time to look up and down your body. You rolled your eyes before he gently pushed you onto the bed. You looked up at him with a smile.
“How about doggy today?” Kirishima asked softly, grabbing your calf as he stood over you.
“Yeah sounds good to me.” You whispered back, shaking off his hand. You moved to your hands and knees and gently wiggled your ass at Kirishima. He smiled at you before giving you a playful spank.
You let out a soft gasp as you turned to look back at him. He moved to his bedside table quickly to grab a condom. He ripped it open and rolled it on before moving himself behind you. You watched him shuffle closer, placing his hands on your hips. Kirishima aligned himself up with your cunt before gently pushing inside of you.
You moaned softly, placing your head down on his mattress. Kirishima started off with a slow pace, keeping a tight grip on your hips. It almost felt tight enough to bruise. Kirishima let out a soft moan as you arched your back a little more.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” Kirishima purred, spreading your legs just a little more.
You moaned in response, digging your nails into the sheets. Kirishima gave you another playful spank, causing you to let out a soft gasp. He threw his head back a little bit as he slightly increased his pace.
Though the two of you were having a good time, you completely missed what was going on in the headset. How you didn’t hear Bakugo screaming over the mic about Kirishima’s dead body is a mystery. You also missed the part where Bakugo was practically growling about how he was going to kill Kirishima. What you didn’t miss, however, was the sound of the door.
All of a sudden Kirishima’s door flung open to reveal a blood thirsty Bakugo. Kirishima jumped slightly as his thrusts came to a halt. He turned and looked at the door and locked eyes with Bakugo. Bakugo’s eyes looked like they were so wide that they were going to pop out of his head. He took a slight step inside the room before shutting the door.
“You decided to just go AFK to fuck your girlfriend?? What the fuck Kirishima.” Bakugo grumbled, struggling to find a place he could look. You could see the red growing rapidly on his cheeks. He let out a huff before crossing his arms, settling on looking at the floor right in front of him.
You turned your head to look up at Kirishima, who turned his gaze from Bakugo down to you. He raised an eyebrow which caused you to give him a slight nod. A slight smirk spread across his face before he turned back to Bakugo.
“Quit being so mad Bakugo. You know (y/n) and I talked about it, why don’t you join us?” Kirishima asked as he rubbed gentle circles into your hips.
“Join you?” Bakugo questioned, his gaze snapping from the floor to Kirishima.
Kirishima gave him a slight shrug, “Yeah join us.”
Bakugo looked between you and Kirishima, tapping his finger on his arm. You could tell he was thinking hard about the proposition. His gaze moved back to the floor in front of him before letting out a soft sigh.
“Tch, only if you want me to.” He responded before looking back up at the two of you. You released your tight grip on the sheets to gently pat the bed in front of you. Bakugo watched you intently before uncrossing his arms and making his way over to the bed.
“Well take your clothes off.” You mumbled as he made an attempt to sit at the head of the bed. He gave you a slight glare before stripping down to his underwear before sitting on the bed in front of you.
Kirishima looked between the two of you before thrusting into you again, causing you to let out a soft moan. You looked up and locked eyes with Bakugo, as Kirishima resumed his previous pace.
Kirishima leaned down and gently wrapped his hand around your throat, giving it a quick squeeze. You gasped at the contact before he roughly pulled your body up. Your back was pressed against his chest so your whole body was on display to Bakugo. Bakugo was quick to check out your body, biting his lip in the process. His eyes focused on the bounce of your tits, starting to palm himself through his underwear.
Kirishima tightened his grip around your throat and used his other hand to grab your hip, steadying your body. He increased his pace a bit, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder. Soft pants fell from your mouth as he increased and decreased his grip on your throat. You could tell Kirishima was beginning to get close as his thrusts were starting to get a little sloppy.
You felt his hand drift from your hip to your clit, rubbing tight circles. You could feel the heat starting to pool in your stomach.
“I want you to cum for me, princess.” Kirishima whispered in your ear, before leaning down slightly to press soft kisses on to your shoulder.
“Make me.” You moaned in response. He smirked against your shoulder and increased his pace on your clit. You could feel the heat beginning to grow before it was too much. You cried out Kirishima’s name as you came, clenching hard around him. This sent him over the edge, causing him to moan out your name as he filled up the condom.
He gradually came to a stop, releasing your throat from his grip. You heard a soft moan fall from Bakugo’s lips, turning your attention to his hard cock in his hand. He was pumping himself at a steady pace, pulling his attention away from your body and back up at your face.
“My turn?” He asked with a cocky smirk, Kirishima pulling out from behind you.
“All yours Bakugo.” Kirishima hummed softly, placing himself on the bed next to Bakugo.
“How do you want me?” You asked, crawling up the bed as Bakugo kicked off his underwear completely. He watched your movements closely as you straddled his lap, grinding yourself against his hard cock. He licked his lips as he placed his hands on your hips, tightly.
Kirishima cleared his throat, causing the two of you to look at him. He was holding up a condom before Bakugo snatched it out of his hand. He ripped it open and pushed up back slightly, quickly rolling the condom on.
“You can start by riding my fat cock.” Bakugo almost purred, using his hands to guide his cock towards your entrance. You almost gasped at his words, lifting your hips up to line yourself up with him. He sat up a bit as you lowered yourself on to him, taking it slow because of the stretch. He was indeed thicker than Kirishima.
“Oh my god.” You mumbled, as you bottomed out. He was quick to connect your lips, kissing you roughly. His hands quickly made their way along your body, one hand settling on your ass the other pinching your nipple. You let out a whine at the rough touch, giving his tongue access to your mouth.
You slowly rolled your hips, causing Bakugo to buck his hips a little, “You like that, (y/n)?”
You let out a soft whimper in response as he began to kiss down your neck instead. He settled on a spot on your neck before biting down, causing you to let out a gasp. He moved both hands to your hips and began to thrust up into you. You threw your head back at the feeling, Bakugo making sure to keep a firm grip with his teeth.
He was much rougher than Kirishima had ever been but this difference was so exciting. You could already feel the heat beginning to pool in your stomach again. Bakugo squeezed your hips tightly, almost hard enough to leave a bruise. A strangled moan fell from his mouth before he removed his mouth from your neck. You almost whimpered at the loss before his mouth began to make its way down your chest, latching on to one of your nipples.
His mouth was rough, sucking and nipping at your nipple. You couldn’t help the soft moans that were continuously falling from your mouth, he was making you feel so good. He continued his abuse to your other nipple before his mouth returned to yours, teeth almost clashing.
You felt him squeeze your hips again before he lifted you off his cock. You whined at the loss before he pushed you down on the bed, crawling over you with a smirk.
“You’re really enjoying my cock, aren’t you?” He teased as he lined his cock up with you again.
“Yeah I am.” You mumbled back, using this time to wrap your arms around his neck.
“Don’t be afraid to mark up my back.” He hummed as he began to push back into you, “I have a feeling you’re going to.”
You heard Kirishima snicker slightly but you could only focus on Bakugo in this moment. His cock filled you up so good. He was quick to get back at it, starting off at a decent pace. His hands were placed by your head to brace himself. He let out a soft grunt as he got into a good rhythm of snapping his hips roughly against yours.
His pace was rough but his strokes were really deep, hitting all the right places. You found your hands had a mind of their own, your nails finding grip in the skin of Bakugo’s back. He let out a slight hiss at the feeling of your nails clawing down his back slightly but looked down at you with a smirk.
He leaned down and roughly pressed his lips against yours, letting his breathy sounds fall into your mouth. Bakugo reached one hand down to grab the back of your knee, pulling it more towards your chest while also spreading your legs open more to give him better access. A loud moan fell from your lips but it was swallowed by Bakugo’s mouth on yours.
You could feel yourself begin to clench around his cock, still being sensitive from your first orgasm. He could tell, as his thrusts began to speed up as well.
“I’m gunna cum.” You panted against his lips. He pulled away from you a bit before pressing his body tightly against yours, getting his cock in even deeper.
“You better cum.” He mumbled in response, deciding to kiss down your neck again.
It was only a matter of time before the feeling in your stomach became too much, crying out Bakugo’s name as you threw your head back. He smirked at the feeling, continuing his rough pace to reach his own high. It didn’t take long for him either, your name falling softly from his lips as he filled the condom.
He slowly came to a stop, lifting himself off of you. He looked down at you before pulling out and settling back at the top off the bed next to Kirishima.
“How was she?” Kirishima asked softly as you sat up, your body sore from the abuse from the two boys.
“That was really great, thanks.” Bakugo mumbled as he cleaned himself up.
“I know, she’s really something else. I’m a lucky guy.”
You laughed softly as Bakugo rolled his eyes, both boys smiling widely. You looked at the two and returned the smile before falling back onto the bed.
“Could you at least warn us when you two decide to fuck?” Bakugo asked, putting his hands behind his head to get comfortable.
“No way.” You mumbled, lifting your head to look at the two boys, “Not if it means this could happen again.”
Bakugo looked at you a little surprised before looking at Kirishima, who was sporting a playful smirk on his lips with a slight blush, “That can be arranged.”
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nitewrighter · 3 years
This was a thing I started writing when I got that “What are your thoughts on Overwatch 2″ ask.
So to preface this, I have a lot of complicated feelings about like... "Overwatch... Now With Plot!" because when Overwatch first came out, I was really into the concept of the game itself being just a fun goofy PvP clusterfuck and the actual plot of the world being in outside media and players/fans could more or less choose how much they wanted to engage with the plot and characters. My lore-hungry ass was eating up every new comic, short story, novel, and cinematic, of course. I grew up with Jonny Quest, this kind of optimistic futuristic globetrotting world was very much in my wheelhouse, but I liked the idea that like... you could have different layers of engagement based on your own ideas about the characters--your favorite character could be the main character as far as you were concerned. And fans could basically flesh out the Overwatch universe from other fans’ combinations of cultural experiences and narrative satisfaction. Between canon and fan-made content, it could be the ultimate “Choose your own adventure” story. Or if you were a hardcore gamer, you could not give a shit and just game.
...Then the comics stopped coming, and plot-relevant content for the game slowed to a trickle. I stuck with it though, because by this point my interest was pretty much self-perpetuating with the new followers I was getting and all the fic prompts I was answering. It was fun. It was like paint-by-numbers. A solid chunk of players were trickling over to Apex and (barf) Fortnite but the battle royale and art style didn't appeal to me as much. Then the Blitzchung incident happened and Blizzard righteously hemorrhaged players. New characters were brought into the game that raised more questions than they answered. DPS's were added to a roster that's already choked with them. More players were leaving. So now Blizzard, in the midst of a PR nightmare of massive layoffs and supporting police brutality in Hong Kong, in a desperate bid, put out the preview for Overwatch 2 in 2019. And then there's months with pretty much no followup. Any hype that Blizzcon may have generated quickly withered on the vine as the pandemic severely impacted how Blizzard could work. And here I was. With a story and characters I cared so much about, and I was stuck holding 500K+ words of fanfic while I’m watching Blizzard shuffle game directors, and preview the same damn maps they previewed a couple months ago at Blizzcon for a game they can’t give us the release date for.
At this point, as a writer, and as someone who really cares about these characters, these narratives, and my own followers and what these narratives mean to both me and them, I’m willing to keep writing this stuff because I care about the story that much on its own.
As far as what Blizzard might put out though? I’m not getting my hopes up.
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betweenlands · 3 years
yeah literally. i cannot emphasize enough to non-cosmere fans that kelsier is the funniest character from the cosmere that ever could’ve been added to fortnite. you can’t walk an inch on his wiki without running into 50 spoiler warnings. he’s a father. he pulled a heist on god. he kills nobles for sport. and above all, he is absolutely insufferable about it. /lh where r u in the mistborn books btw :]?
he's got bisexual swag. he's a dead wife guy. he's starting a religion. the heavy spoiler warning on the coppermind wiki is literally named after a quote from him. he'd be a villain in any other context except for possibly today's political climate. i love kelsier so fucking MUCH
we're up to date, iirc? okay, well, that's... questionable. we've read all of era 1, probably all of era 2 unless another wax&wayne book came out and we missed it somehow, and we've read the kelsier short story in Secret History. that said, we're not up to date on the cosmere as a whole, so technically we're missing some stuff -- and also it's been a good three or four years since we've read any of it, so we also don't remember as much as we could!
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