#character: kent (fe7)
dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
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lumeha · 17 days
@eiriee (a beautiful new post for you)
My confusion did indeed come from the fact that the very simply titled Fire Emblem on the GBA is FE7, and more comonly referred to as Fire Emblem Blazing Blade now (thanks to FE Heroes, the mobile game). And, uh, Fire Emblem First Of Its Name (Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) is (was ?) also available on Switch and somehow my brain went "yeah of course this is totally about FE1", having apparently forgotten that FE7 is. just. named. Fire Emblem. in the West
'cause it's the first game we ever got !
And it was also my first ever Fire Emblem !
With this out of the way...
Do you like strategy ? Do you like cool pixel art ? Do you like a story that is a lot more personal in scope than the usual fantasy story ? If yes, then Fire Emblem is the game for YOU !
... More seriously, Fire Emblem GBA was my first introduction to Fire Emblem as games, and despite some potential criticism of the changes to Lyn's Story, it makes for a great introduction to the game and how it works. In the Western version, the game forces you to go through Lyn's Story as an easy mode tutorial, to teach you the ropes through her personal quest after she finds you, tactician, just. yeah. you were out there. She had to help you. And you decide to help her when you get attacked by bandits.
And that tutorial does give you all the tools you will need to play the game, when, once you are done with Lyn's story, you get introduced to Eliwood, main Lord of the game. And once you've done that, you can go through the story from another point of view, with Hector's mode. Which is a huge plus for me - Hector's mode is harder than Eliwood's, but they didn't just decide to give you the same old, same old - there are a lot of scenes that reveal more of what happened in the story, things you didn't get to see during Eliwood's side of the game.
So you get one really well made tutorial, especially if you don't know how Fire Emblem works as a game (only downside is that it's not skippable for people who know how that all works), and then you get two versions of the same story, from different point of views, with a cool difficulty slide. I like that personally ! that really grabbed me !
An interesting thing about Fire Emblem Blazing Blade, to me, and something that absolutely grabbed me as a teen, is that while the story does end up having beats of saving the world... it is not as grandiose as most of these stories. It starts about a son searching for his father, and it always stays somewhat in the shadows, partly because FE7 is the prequel to FE6 and its much more open war. People just kind of. Don't know what happened. And I think that's compelling.
Another cool feature you can enjoy with FE7 : having so many little guys and gals to pick from and become obsessed with. While most characters don't get a lot of dialogue, you can and will find Your Special Boy Or Guy (mine's Kent he's a boring stick in the mud and yet I love him <3 but also shout out to Renault and Vaida). Fire Emblem is often known for its support system, that allows unit to build relations and let you get fun dialogue between those units, and it has always been one of my favourite feature ! and I really like the FE7 cast and the supports ! Having so many guys and gals to pick from is just a plus for me :D
And finally : ... a bit like the point I made about NES FE, I have to say, but... it's worth checking FE7 just for the pixel art. I find myself loving it, not only because it's really pretty, and I think there's a lot of reason why people make GBA FE Style pixel art, but also because it's a genuine asset for the game as a strategy game. I always find it really easy to read and a really solid asset for the gameplay : the maps can be large, but it's usually easy to spot ennemy units VS your own, and get a sense of what's going on where !
... and yes, the game makes the calculations before combat for you, unlike FE1, which definitely makes it easier to play and find your own favoured strategy :D
So... I hope I've sold you on it ?
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fire-emblem-poll · 7 months
FE forgotten polls (prelims)
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Propaganda for Kent:
“Due to people just not liking FE7 in general, combined with having to invest extra in him if you skip Lyn mode, a really great character and decent combat unit gets ignored a lot. His counterpart Sain is remembered a decent amount due to his high strength and a caricatured flirtatiousness, but the reliability and personality of Kent mean he doesn't seem to stick out to people, which is a shame, because I think he's my favorite GBA cavalier.”
Propaganda for Noire:
“one of two awakening playable characters to not have a normal version in feh. she’s been stuck in seasonal hell the longest out of any seasonal hell character. also lots of ppl don’t marry off tharja and thus never see noire. she is my babygirl with the DID and wlw representation also she kicks ASS. Bernie before Bernie. alcryst before alcryst.”
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mannatea · 1 year
Luck of the Draw, a Fire Emblem 7 ‘fic
Words: 4,949 words Summary: They all ended up dying anyway. Pairing/Character: Mark, Fargus, Oswin, Hector, Lyn, Kent, Fiora, Farina, Dorcas, Raven, Wil, mention of others. Extra Info: This was originally written and posted sometime around 5/11/2012. This fic is told in reverse chronological order! Rating: T Genre: Gen, character study-ish, bit of friendship.
The title is the link to Ao3. Comments welcome as always. <3
Notes under a cut.
This was one of my least popular Fire Emblem 7 fics, garnering very little attention when it was posted and confusing all four people who were brave enough to read through to the end of the story. This was my own fault; I failed to mention at any point that it was a story told in reverse chronological order. 🙄
Huge shout-out to Sentury from the old days though, who was pretty much the only person who seemed to genuinely like the concept of the story. Re-reading their old review motivated me to do this rewrite the most.
I will always use the default name of Mark for the FE7 tactician. I'm very attached to it.
I'm certain this story was born in part thanks to a rewatch I did of The Irresponsible Captain Tylor that year + the memory of the 'fic Famed Genius (which, if you haven't read as an FE7 fan, I would highly recommend).
2011 and 2012 were weird FE7 years wherein a good number of people tried to make sense of the tactician's role in the story. Famed Genius is the one I remember best for using the concept of control over time to marry the fourth wall to the other three. How else could there be no casualties? There was something truly genius about explaining the player's constant resetting to prevent any permanent death with the actual story/character of the tactician.
Luck is what this 'fic tries to explore, or at least the concept of luck as being more than just coincidence.
I wanted to start this story off with the end already solidified: everyone has died but Mark and he wonders what good his luck or careful planning did anyone when they all ended up dying anyway. Sure, they had longer lives this way, but to survive a fight with a dragon only to learn later that many of his old companions died of mundane bullshit feels pretty bad.
I really trimmed back the Fargus scene from the original because not only was the original dogshit, but it didn't really...go anywhere? This took a long time to rewrite because most of it ended up having to be scrapped.
I like the idea that Fargus believes in luck but not in good or bad luck. He feels luck is a component that factors in but cannot be blamed or held in high esteem. It is what it is.
The Davros was Fargus's ship in-game.
Mark studying strategy in Etruria is just something I made up for this story. I wanted Mark to really feel like he belonged in the world and wasn't just a player insert character.
Farina's dominant hand being her left: this is just an old headcanon. This scene is meant to imply that the loss of her fingers and therefore her ability to fight might have led in some not-insignificant way to her eventual death.
Since this story goes in reverse chronological order I wanted to cover things from the FE6 canon (loosely), including Hector's imprisonment. While the tactician's ending in FE7 suggests they are never seen or heard from again after the end of the story, I want to reiterate that I like viewing FE endings as "what the history books say (that may not necessarily be the actual truth)."
In this instance, Hector recruits Mark to lead his forces and they lose. Mark (along with Oswin and other higher-ranking survivors) end up being imprisoned here. This is the battle that ultimately claims Hector's life in FE6 (for those who do not know), so we can assume Oswin does eventually die here as well.
Regarding the deaths of the characters: I didn't want to go over every single person's death just because it felt like it would bog down the story too much; you have to kind of assume that Mark has heard of many deaths not discussed or mentioned in this story.
Serra was married to Oswin and would be the mother of Bors and Wendy (or Gwendolyn, I guess is her localized name now?) in this story. (Don't @ me, tying FE7 to FE6 in the dumbest ways was a tried-and-true tradition of ye olde FE days.)
That everyone lifts up Mark as this big-brained tactician should make sense from the characters' points of view. Like, it all seems so calculated to them! But to Mark, they were all just lucky/fortunate guesses. He couldn't have known the pillar would break or what side of it to have Rebecca stand on. He couldn't have known Kent wouldn't die in leading that charge against Lord Darin.
Speaking of Darin, I always let Kent lead the charge in that chapter because he asks for it. Here's the actual dialogue in-game for Chapter 19 Dragon's Gate:
“Mark, let me take the point. I will break through, even though it may cost my life. If something happens to me, Mark... Lady Lyndis... Please watch over her.”
While FE7 has a lot of "leader" characters (Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Marcus, Vaida, Kent) I don't think any of them can come close to understanding the burden placed on Mark to direct them better than Fiora does.
While all of these characters have been in charge of others and have had to make calls that may have lost people their lives, Fiora is the only one who understands what absolute defeat feels like. The original story did not give her a scene so I added one.
I liked the idea of her seeking a purpose in being a survivor (maybe as kind of a parallel/foil to Lyn).
I wanted to add like 10 more scenes to this story for a bunch of the other characters, but I couldn't find a place to put anything where it wouldn't feel clumsy.
Going from a scene talking about Fiora's experience on Valor all the way back to before the group reached Caelin in the prologue felt like a huge jump but I don't know that an extra scene or two in there would have helped. I'd be interested in people's thoughts on it, though.
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sexysilverstrider · 2 years
ill be honest while playing engage is fun so far the romantic narrative is. lackluster. i saw some S dialogues n even saw some of tbe cgs and it looks less romantic like how it usually does in otome games. yes i know fire emblem is not an otome game and ever since awakening they kind of amped up the romantic aspect of the game.
in my opinion 3 houses did a great job catering to the otome aspect (dimitri is still number 1 wanted by female players) and the cgs are so romantic since the male love interests has cgs cater to typical female players and female love interests has cgs cater to the male players. plus i love how 3 houses has the romantic subplots (ballroom tower n goddess tower scenes) inserted in the story without making it out of place.
of course awakening has romance as its core plot so the fact that that narrative became a hit i guess developers try to roll with it. fates is a either you hate it or love it game with the romantic narratives so well loved (mstly by eastern fandom) or so hated (mstly by western fandom). im still bitter they removed some mechanics in the jpnese game lmao
which brings me to engage. the story seems fun. seems campy. comedic even. ive seen some of the alear dialogues that hv romantic undertones w other characters and tbh the only 1 that has a natural progression is alear with alfred. i dnt mind alear not getting ALL the romantic supports but i am disappointed that they removed paired endings for all characters
now of course im not saying fe is only interesting when its an otome game. i love fe7 A Lot coz the plots so good and the romance in it fits so well and so perfect (eliwood/ninian n jaffar/nino) n even lyns support with kent still has me in a grip. matthews grief over losing leila still hurts me and to think he slowly heals with serra gives me the uwus. even fe8 and fe echoes were interesting with their paired plot (seth dealing w his feelings for eirika and berkut losing his humanity n rinea at the same time)
my point here is: im kinda annoyed at the direction engage went with. the lack of proper romantic subplot be it compulsory (fea n fe7) or optional (fe3h n fates) its like they want to cater to Everyone that it ends up not meeting any expectations. if anything it is only met in the middle
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yasmeensh · 6 years
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Hello. I've been playing fire emblem: blazing sword and I love it. The characters are fun and engaging. I've never played a tactical rpg game before (or FE at all mind you) so it's very new to me, but I'm enjoying it so far!
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barensian · 5 years
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cain archetypes.
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echoeblo · 7 years
Different Pasts, Niles and Lyn study. Lyn comes to ask Nohrian Prince Leo for advice.
The halls of the Nohrian palace are wide and cold, accented at intervals by attentive guards. Lyn walks through them with a learned confidence counter to her nervous mind, following the escort to the meeting room.
Nohr had recently been through turmoil similar to Caelin’s own, and the aftermath of succession had been similarly progressive. Under King Xander’s rule, Nohr’s relationship with neighboring kingdoms had blossomed, healing old scars and distrust at almost alarming rates.
Lyn had heard rumors of the royal line’s ability. Her meeting had not been scheduled with the current king, however - she had chased rumors of a druid prince who works in shadows. From voices in the wind, Lyn had heard of this prince’s endeavors to improve the living situation of his own citizens, and the kingdom already reflected his will. Five years after King Xander’s succession and the level of poverty had already been cut down significantly.
Lyn follows the escort, eyeing him suspiciously. The sudden change in reputation is more than enough to place anyone on edge, and despite how much she wishes to improve her own home’s situation, she can’t help but want to run from this.
She jumps slightly at a hand on her shoulder, and she looks to her side to see Kent smiling reassuringly at her. She smiles back shakily, showing him the first and only crack in her façade. He squeezes her shoulder again in support before letting go, and she feels considerably more at ease knowing Kent is there with her, a constant comfort ever since she claimed her own birthright.
The escort stops and gestures for her to enter a room. She does, listening for Kent’s steps behind her, and she walks into a wide and mostly empty room aside from a round table and two other people.
Lyn freezes at the door, meeting the eyes of the sitting prince. His gaze is both expressive and guarded and from it, she can only read tiredness and thinly veiled irritation. Her blood boils slightly at his dismissive demeanor.
Her gaze only lingers on the prince for a moment before shifting to the man behind him, a retainer seemingly nothing like hers - posture lax as he leans against his lord’s shoulder, single eyebrow quirked and observing her more intensely than his casualness suggested.
Royalty and formalities had never made Lyn feel comfortable, but as much as she preferred freeness to the stiffness of formal talks, something about the man rubs her the completely wrong way.
Bandit, her first thought is, and her blood boils slightly more before Kent nudges her back, a gentle grounding gesture that reminds her to keep an open mind and remember her purpose.
She walks forward, steps quiet even as Kent’s resound behind her. She focuses on that heaviness and smiles, happy to know that her knight has never had the need to learn how to step lightly.
As she sits down, she trades small pleasantries with the prince before extending her practiced speech to him. “Prince Leo of Nohr, I am Lady Lyndis of Caelin. I have come to make a request.”
Leo leans forward, an only somewhat curious spark in his eye. “This is about my work with Nohr’s citizens, correct?”
“Indeed,” Lyn answers. “I have heard rumors of your work. In only three years, you have significantly improved Nohr’s quality of life, reducing poverty greatly.”
“If you expect me to do similar for Caelin,” Leo interrupts, “then you are sorely mistaken. I work for my home, and my home only.”
“That is not my request,” Lyn answers, biting back her distaste at his lack of compassion. “I can only ask for advice.”
Leo quirks his eyebrow, disinterested. “Advice for what, exactly?”
“For reducing poverty in Caelin. It is my home, and the less thieves roaming it, the better.”
Leo pauses for a moment before opening his mouth, but a different voice speaks up before Leo can get a word in.
“So you wish to rid your home of thieves?”
Lyn meets the eye of Leo’s retainer, fire in her veins. “Of course. The less criminals, the safer Caelin will be.”
“So you would rid your home of criminals for the sake of all the other citizens?”
At this, Lyn leans forward. “Of course. They have done nothing worthy of the trouble thieves inflict on them.”
Something flashes across the retainer’s features before he smiles and leans forward, almost tauntingly. “My, I had hoped your tongue would be good for something, Lady Lyndis. It seems it wouldn’t be worth even a rusted coin, though.”
“Niles,” Leo says quietly, a tiny admonishment.
Lyn feels disgust and anger flood her immediately. “How depraved! Are all from Nohr as poor mannered as you?!”
Kent places a hand on her shoulder, but Niles leans forward, an empty grin gracing his face. “How wonderful, so the girl has some bite after all. I love when women play rough, you know. Makes it much more interesting.”
He places his thumb against his lips and licks it, not looking away from Lyn’s gaze. Lyn slams the table and stands up, wiping Kent’s hand off of her shoulder. She turns her gaze back to the prince.
“Have you no control over your subjects?!”
Leo meets her gaze evenly, seemingly more irritated than before. “What do you plan for the thieves plaguing your home?” he asks, and Lyn nearly yells her answer at him before Kent grabs her arm and speaks for her.
“Please, Prince Leo, we only ask for advice.”
Lyn bites back her temper for only a moment. Leo stands up smoothly, eyes closed and almost serene.
“If you can’t see the petty criminals of your home as actual humans with motives, then you have no place asking me for advice,” he says simply. “If you wish for any material help, I’d advise you to have an audience with my brother instead.”
He moves to walk away and Lyn clenches her teeth before relaxing slightly at the sight of vines climbing down the prince’s chair. She regards them curiously, wondering if they were there before, before recalling a curious rumor regarding the prince of Nohr.
“... I’d heard that plants grow near you whenever you are irritated,” she says, more to herself than him. Both of the Nohrians stop and turn to face her, and small buds grew out of the ground near Leo’s feet almost immediately.
Despite everything, Lyn holds back a small laugh at the sight.
Leo sighs, the sound heavy with irritation. “It’s been a problem since I was a kid,” he answers reluctantly.
Lyn smiles lightly. “I wouldn’t say a problem,” she offers. A moment passes and she sighs, feeling more tired than she had in days. “What do you mean by “motives,” exactly?”
Niles looks away. “Exactly that,” Leo says. “Have you never stopped to consider why thieves and bandits exist?”
“Not since my family was murdered by them, no,” she answers dryly. Niles looks back at her and regards her curiously.
“Most of the time, they have no other choice. It’s either thievery or they lay down and die.”
“An honest life isn’t so simple when you aren’t handed luxuries for being born, love,” Niles chimes in, voice dripping with sweet poison. Lyn’s eye twitches.
“I’ve rarely seen bandits kill out of necessity,” she counters.
“Then your eyes are only good for decoration, it seems.”
The two leave the room and Kent rubs Lyn’s arm quietly.
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four-loose-screws · 2 years
FE7 Novelization Translation: Book 1 - Front Cover & Introductory Pages
Hello everyone and welcome to the start of yet another new Fire Emblem novelization translation! Yes, it really is that time again!
And get hype! This time, the game of choice was FE7!
I'll be translating this book set slower than normal, over the span of the remainder of this year and all of 2023, but it's a big one with about 650 pages total between both books, so there's plenty of content to keep giving everyone lots to read over all that time.
This one starts out with a pretty big spin making it stand out from the game right away. Can't wait to see everyone's thoughts on it in the coming weeks, when we start getting into the actual story!
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Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword ~ The Binding Blade
Turmoil in Elibe
Book 1
By Makasa Kazuyoshi
Illustrated by Kaneda Eiji
Published by Square Enix
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The continent of Elibe, where humans and dragons once lived together…
Located in its eastern region is Sacae.
Several nomadic tribes live there. The young Lyn was raised in the remote plains region as one of the Lorca Tribe.
And overlooking the seas to the west, sandwiched between the Kingdoms of Etruria and Bern, is the Lycia Alliance, a federation of territories each ruled by a Marquess.
There resides Eliwood, son of the esteemed and benevolent Elbert, Marquess of Pherae.
It is also home to Hector, the next-in-line of Lycia’s leading territory, Ostia, and pride of their armored knight regiment.
The start of their journey is also the beginning of the tale of turmoil that shocks all of Elibe.
Color Art
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Title Page
Fire Emblem
From “The Blazing Sword” to “The Binding Blade”
Turmoil in Elibe
Book 1
Table of Contents
Part 1: The Blazing Sword                               
Chapter 1: Footsteps of Fate                                             
Chapter 2: The Small Band of Mercenaries
Chapter 3: Blood of Pride
Chapter 4: Vortex of Strategy
Chapter 5: The Distant Plains
Chapter 6: Birds of a Feather
Chapter 7: Those Who Slither (“False Friends” in localization)
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Continent of Elibe
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Character Introductions
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword Book 1
(First Half: Chapter 1 - Chapter 5)
[Sacae Plains・Swordfighter of the Lorca Tribe]
The main character of the first part of this first story. She is on a journey to improve her swordsmanship skills to avenge her parents.
[Lycian League・Knight of House Caelin]
Travels to Bulgar, the capital city of Sacae, to meet Lyn.
[Lycian League・Knight of House Caelin]
Kent’s partner. He can’t help but chat up any woman he sees.
[Knights of Ilia・Pegasus Knight-in-Training]
Lyn’s friend. She chases after Lyn on her journey. She is a crybaby, and has a fear of men.
[Lycian Alliance・Traveling Archer]
A young man Lyn meets in a village of Bern. He aids Lyn to chase a group of bandits out of the village.
[The Kingdom of Bern・Powerful Axe Fighter]
A man who joined a group of bandits in order to save up money to buy his ill wife her medicine.
[Lycian Alliance・Cleric of House Ostia]
A young woman who gets herself involved in Lyn’s battles while traveling home from Bern to Lycia.
[The Kingdom of Etruria・Mage-in-Training]
A young man employed as Serra’s guard. She bosses him around.
[Sacae Plains・Bow Knight of the Kutolah Tribe]
Leader of Marquess Araphen’s guard. He aids Lyn, as they are both from nomadic tribes.
[?・Mysterious Thief]
A thief who offers to lend his skills to Lyn in Araphen. There seems to be more to him than meets the eye…
[?・Traveling Troubadour (Bard)]
A small boy who seeks help from Lyn and her allies to save his kidnapped sister. He possesses mysterious powers.
[?・Wandering Monk]
He joins Lyn’s Legion to try to help Nils after he is chased out of an inn.
[?・Traveling Dancer]
Nils’ older sister. She is being pursued by the Black Fang because she possesses the same strange powers as her younger brother.
[Lycian Alliance・Prince of House Pherae]
A young man Lyn meets in Kathelet. He knows of her lineage, and becomes a powerful ally to her.
[Lycian Alliance・General of House Caelin]
A veteran armored knight who returns to the knights to strike down the imposter princess. 
[Lycian Alliance・Knight Commander of House Caelin]
A paladin who hatches a plan to brand Lyn an imposter.
[Lycian Alliance・Duke Caelin]
Lyn’s grandfather. His life is currently being targeted by his heir, Lundgren, who is pursuing his title.
[Lycian Alliance・Heir to Duke Caelin]
Lyn’s uncle. He sends assassins after Lyn so that he will be the one to inherit the throne.
(Second Half: Chapter 6 Onwards)
[Lycian Alliance・Prince of Pherae]
The main character of the latter part of this first story. He sets out on a journey to find his missing father.
[Lycian Alliance・Knight in Service to House Pherae]
A senior knight of the Knights of Pherae. He risks his life to guard Eliwood.
[Lycian Alliance・Freshly Recruited Knight of House Pherae]
A fresh recruit of the Knights of Pherae. He is being trained personally by Marcus.
[Lycian Alliance・Archer Living in Pherae]
The daughter of the village magistrate of a village in the mountains. She came with Lowen to spread the news of the village being in danger.
[The Western Isles・Axe Fighter Who Boasts of His Strength]
Hired as a mercenary by Eliwood while staying at a village in Pherae.
[The Kingdom of Bern・Powerful Axe Fighter]
Bartre’s partner. Currently working away from home as a mercenary to save money for his wife.
[Lycian Alliance・Next-in-Line of Ostia]
The second main character of the latter half of this first story. As one of Eliwood’s friends, he rushes to his aid as much as he can.
[Lycian Alliance・Spy of House Ostia]
He conducts work from the shadows at his lord’s orders. He is working with Hector, having taken a liking to him.
[Lycian Alliance・Marquess Ostia]
The new marquess of House Ostia, Lycia’s leading power. Hector’s older brother.
[Lycian Alliance・Armor Knight of House Ostia]
A loyal retainer of Uther. He travels with Eliwood on his journey to watch over Hector.
[Lycian Alliance・Cleric of House Ostia]
Travels with Oswin as a medic. A loud and self-absorbed young woman.
[Sacae Plains・Swordfighter of the Lorca Tribe]
A young man on a journey aiming to become a swordfighter of Sacae. He is indebted to Matthew.
[The Kingdom of Etruria・Traveling Merchant]
A wealthy merchant who travels across each region of the continent. He is attacked by ruffians in Santaruz territory.
[The Kingdom of Etruria・Daughter of Count Caerleon]
A beautiful young woman who travels to Laus in search of the whereabouts of her real family.
[The Kingdom of Etruria・Mage-in-Training]
He is entrusted as Priscilla’s guard by his magic teacher, but is stopped in Laus.
[Lycian Alliance・Marquess Pherae]
Eliwood’s father, who suddenly goes missing in the latter part of this story.
[Lycian Alliance・Marquess Laus]
A greedy marquess. He is plotting a rebellion against Ostia.
[Lycian Alliance・Prince of Laus]
Darin’s only son. He was a classmate of Eliwood and Hector’s during their school days.
[Lycian Alliance・Marquess Santaruz]
He once doted on Eliwood like a son, but gets caught up in the rebellion plot.
[?・Mysterious Man Dressed in Black]
The mastermind controlling both Santaruz and Laus from the shadows. Has golden-colored eyes.
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Part 1 - The Blazing Sword
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eliwood-eligood · 3 years
Y'know I've just realized that the recent fe7 banner was such wasted potential, we already had two of the characters in heroes, we could have had so many different new ones, and farina just irks (heh... Erk) me because I know she'd be so unnecessarily loud all the time in real life.
(Looks at Kent and Sain sadly...)
Like, I'm glad I have heath, raven is a babe, and I'd literally die for eliwood, but where is marcus, lowEN, OSWIN, ISADORA!!!! ATHOS BETTER BE THE NEXT MYTHICAL I.S. OR IM BREAKING KNEECAPS!
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roxannarambles · 4 years
Favorite Fire Emblem characters from each game?
Oooh, ok! Well, let’s see. I have yet to complete all the games, but I’ll do my best! I’ll limit it to my top six and try to list my absolute bests first.
From FE1/Mystery of the Emblem: I really need to finish playing this, I started it out but stopped after just a few chapters. 
From Gaiden/Echoes: Lukas, Luthier, Mathilda, Catria, Fernand, Clive
From Geneaology of the Holy War: Lewyn, Patty, Ayra, Arvis, Azelle, Ares
From Thracia 776: Still need to play!
From Binding Blade: Fae, Elffin, Melody, Cecilia, Cath, Narcian (aaah I can’t fit them all)
From Blazing Blade: Legault, Heath, Kent, Nino, Lyn, Sain . . . (But seriously, that list continues-- I love almost all FE7 characters so much)
From Sacred Stones: L’Arachel, Rennac, Seth, Joshua, Lyon, Myrrh
From Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn: OK so we run into trouble with Tellius, I have not played these games at all. From what I have seen on FEH, though, I like Naesala, Reyson and Titania.
From Awakening: Lucina, Inigo, Chrom, Gregor, Frederick, Anna
From Fates: Subaki, Hinata, Laslow, Silas, Kaze, Scarlet
From Three Houses: SETETH (screams <3), Claude, Felix, Ashe, Caspar, Ignatz
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convxction · 4 years
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Roleplay related mun memes! | accepting | @pieman1112
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✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
/ / since i wrote many different characters, i will try to make this brief or i will go ham haha. 
s/enel coolidge ( the old one and the newer one @ orerinesfighter )and his shenanigans with jay, reid, aria, and ines. (i cant remember an exact thing which is sad;;;)
balan (old blog @ spyritesengineer ) torturing all the alvens in this site (lang’s, Iria’s etc). literally no one was saved from this man. sharing dirty secrets with milla (not active anymore sad face) and bothering aicha’s jude lol ..the list goes on. he likes bothering people.
i wrote matthew from (fe7) and there were an amazing kent and leila and i cry about how much they developed my massu sobs. kent became the godfather of matthew’s child with leila (Twyla <3) i....cry when i remember i gave matthew a happy life haha ;;u;; 
cries in a corner at g.olden sun tiny group i had. i used to write isaac and Pi wrote Ivan and there was felix, sheba and the rest of the group coming slowly. The fondest memory of this group when we started to crack down on the lore. also when we figured out i/saac might like...explode one day and let all that dark emo side show up and welcome Izaac. funny huh lol. it was my dumb idea if you cant tell. it was so fun back then. also the whole idea of years later and adepts marrying from each other and viola you have mixed child of venus and jupter who probably looks like isaac and ivan if they had a child lmao . also i may have not started to ship isaac and roof-chan. LISTEN ROOF CHAN IS VALID DONT TALK TO ME. also scarf-chan. scarf-chan is bae. shut up. the wise one will not condemn me, frick him! also isaac meets bomb thanks to aotori and that did not end well. i just loved the thing that was building up with isaac and ivan. sobs. good boys.
cough a certain emo dad called Victor and Plum cough. listen. it was epic. epically sad and fluffy and the same time. they kind of suffered all types of angst because mudad and i were so horrible to them lololol. i just like the bat plum hiding in victor’s closet and he tries to look for him to find tiny thing curling in the corner. it was..sobs cute. and sad ofc. victor was horrible at first i am berry sorry (not really).
fondest probably when Einar (my oc @ sentofight) figured out human feelings thanks to shay’s sora. like oh. shit. i feel love and loved. sobs. he is doing his best to develop husband skills sobs. he tries his best! sora is a good wife waiting and encouraging him waaaaaaaaaaaaa ;;a;;..the day he kissed her because he wants. sobs..angels were singing up in heaven, the sky cleared, no more war in orience. i love them so much ;u;
also shay again, do not panic, but machina and deuce. the M2 content. i ...sniffles. shay saving my muses from being total jerks and dummies. deuce literally pulled that dumb machi from his ‘i am going to like backstab everyone because i wanna be strong and be recognized and like i dont wanna befriend them smh’ drama queen was lectured by miss gentlest of them all. (also he may or may not--actually he did see her pants by accidents. that white blue strips saved his life. i do not joke. please do not tell deuce which is at @/oursongofhealing that machina onagiri saw her pants. please do not. do not go carla on us or crystal help us we will...run and hide. the girl can kill with a flute guys)
heey again shay. do not @ me at this point frick off. but takako and chrom. dude. chrom realizing he may have a thing for long black hair because of taka. she unlocked that thing in him and now...i am afraid of this power. anyway. yes. taka and chrom. sobs. i love when she lets him brush her hair and braid it ;;u;; soft and cute. and that shoujou moment when she caught her jumping off a tree...still thinking about this because hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg this shit i live for fam!!!!!!!!!!!! give meeee!!!!
bro wise, i love ( @s/olitaryblade) lonqu and chrom relationship ;u; how they are trying to interact with each other but like [to or not to?] and then chrom like baa!! i will love my brother in law!!!!!!! and poor lonqu just wanna escape this hell. sorry. you married the little sister you are by default get the annoying brother as an extra lmao. 
sits in a corner. can i say i appreciate rebecca ( @/pieman1112) for leveling up chrom’s flirt game? the fondest would be hmm...all interactions. i cant pick one. but so far their first interaction with him seeing her arm and all. it was cute~ she protected him and gave him the dokis~
i wanna continue but this might get...out of hand waa;;; but know that i love and adore and cherish every interaction ;u; thank you all.
 ✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
/ / my uwus / angst giving ( @/roseuscrystallum) Shay. simply, she is out for my life and for my muses’ lol. i can’t remember a day when she does not slide that good *italian hand* content into my house. i can’t pick one memory because by now it is a fixture in my daily life lol but i do like when we talk about our shared tragic tiny fandom, type0 and how much we want to...add more angst to it. uwu. looks at einar, deuce, machina and sora. uh. yeah. very fun exciting things. we complete each other angsts hoho.
my bro ( @k/leinemeine) , mudad lang alvin because bruh. we have been in this hellsite for a long time together haha. we follow each other almost everywhere because we need to constantly bother each other lol as i mentioned above, we tend to fanboygirl at our muses and may have stayed nights plotting how to...make them happy *cough* sad*cough* what? also good times on skype, remember that? 
MEI MEI!!! @d/rylicu / @fa/ette !!!!!!!!! all hail comfy clothes and self-care! i just love when she offered tiny morgan setting things on fire, biting on swords etc to lighten up chrom’s life. every time i see a child-related post all i can see is baby morgan and chrom. this godfather is enjoying this torment lmao. also thanks for the d/ragalia lost 101 for dummies like me. i love one faeri and that is notte. also please, big morgan, let’s be friends. 
ahem. you are not escaping this group hug, chris. cries about you not blocking my ass after i give nothing but angst. but i learned that i am not the only one who can angst. chris causally drops angst in the IM and pretend he did nothing. then follows up with cute fam hours. this guy needs to be arrested for messing with my brain one cell with different emotions at the same time. MY ONE BRAIN CELL CANNOT HANDLE ANGST THEN FLUFF ME UP WITH GOOD FAM HOURS HOW DARE YOU? yes. i appreciate this human being and his muses. thanks for best waifu and best dad in law. sobs. and children. sobs....sobs.
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mannatea · 1 year
fandom nonsense words meme: FE7
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): LYN!! FARINA scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Wil is my son actually scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Wallace glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Idk mayyybe Fargus? Vaida? What counts as obscure. Ursula?? poor little meow meow (“problematic”/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Erik. DO NOT @ ME horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): If I go by the hundreds of fics I wrote uhhh I think it's Kent sorry but also LMAO for a cavalier class getting to be horse plinko eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Uther. BYE BOI
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sireneia-a · 5 years
i’m deciding to replace how i did interest calls by compiling it all in one post! i’m a multimuse with muses spanning the most of the franchise, and i totally understand if you’re just not interested in all of them or only are familiar with one game or two. i don’t hold this against you, but it’s nice to know which muses you’re here for so i understand who i can/cannot send to your inbox for things like memes and such! this post will also be added to my rules page.
simply reply to this post with which games you are open to interacting with. under the cut will be my roster separated by game with muses bullet-pointed underneath each game. do note that some characters show up in multiple games, but i won’t list them under multiple titles unless i think they have a significant presence in each / i play them significantly based upon both titles.
fire emblem gaiden (fe2):
fire emblem genealogy of the holy war (fe4):
fire emblem thracia 776 (fe5):
fire emblem binding blade (fe6):
fire emblem blazing sword (fe7):
mark (headcanon-based m!tactician)
marc (headcanon-based f!tactician)
fire emblem sacred stones (fe8):
fire emblem awakening (fe13):
fire emblem fates (fe14):
fire emblem shadows of valentia (fe15):
fire emblem three houses (fe16):
fire emblem heroes (fe:h):
fire emblem warriors:
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ace-sonofagun · 5 years
A very unrequested essay about Heath
So, one of my all time favorite fire emblem unit is Heath from fe7. Most people I know that have played the game have lukewarm opinions about him, that go from “he's an okay guy, I like him” to “he has shit joining stats” passing from “i forgot about him”. And I understand all of them, I really do, he joins late, he's underlevelled, he isn't important for the main story and doesn't really have any gimmick to him that makes him stand out (if we don't count his hair but... yeah... we are not going to count his hair).
Yet I can't help but adore him, despite him being a kind of character I usually don't really care about. So I asked myself why I keep him in such high regards.
What follows is a poorly written essay of my thoughts, so if you're not interested save the time because it's probably gonna be long, incoherent, and kind of useless.
What first draw me to the character was his class, wyvern riders are the coolest thing ever let's be honest here, but that really not enough to justify everything. So let's watch on a surface level what we know: in his joining chapter he starts as an enemy in Eubans' mercenary band, but if you talk to him with your lord he surrenders and joins your rank, stating that he wish no harm to women and children and, despite being a soldier, he is a human first. And that, I thinks, sums up pretty well his whole character.
During his supports we find out that he once served Bern, but deserted when his unit was given the order to kill innocent people just to boost a general's military career, that staged an uprising. That makes him twice a traitor, and yet he is still considered one of the most honorable character, and I agree with that. He is pretty much the polar opposite of the Camus archetype, he loves his land, but is not willing to go against his belief just to serve Bern, nor he cares about contracts when he feels like he is doing the morally wrong thing. Both time he betrayed his superiors he put himself in very dangerous situations, especially with Bern, he doesn't betray because it benefits him, he does it because it's the right thing to do, and, what's equally important, is that he doesn't think twice about it.
Fire emblem is a game filled with recruitable enemies, but most often then not you have to convince them, talk to them more than once, or simply they must be pushed over the edge again and again before they finally come to their senses. Heath on the other hand just surrenders, he makes the first move, the same with Bern, he doesn't give them a second or third chance, once they betray his code it's over, he won't stand by it. And it's really admirable to me, because I don't think I would be able to make a similar decision so quickly.
Moving on from that, I also love all his little contradictions. Like, he was part of one of the strongest knights in the land, in his support with both Priscilla and Vaida we see that he was trained to be ferocious and attack the enemy without mercy, without caring about his own wounds, he is the kind of guy that goes to work with a killer fever and just shrugs it off because it will pass eventually. And yet, outside the battlefield, he is this really sweet dude that doesn't want to bother people with his problems, worries way too much and tries to be a gentlemen with every woman not because he thinks them inferior, but because he genuinely believes it's his duty as a knight. He is extremely polite and respectful of hierarchy, again, not trait that you would think to find in a twice deserter.
Just... he is not what you would expect from a elite knight that fights on top of a dragon and betrayed his superiors twice. He is so very human and ordinary in his everyday life, he's just very simple. And I think that's the point. His simplicity, or, quoting Vaida's support: Heath...you... ...are stupider than wyvern feed. Now, she says that with affect, but she is still right, he is dumbly honest, he doesn't make things complicated, and expects other people to do the same, here's why he is often called dumb by other characters, and yes, he is clearly not the smartest crayon in the box, he is not made for reading between the lines, when he is said something he just accepts that as the truth, but at the same time he is not stupid. Like, he knows that following Vaida after finishing the game will probably get him killed, but it's the right thing, so fuck it.
Another aspect that I find extremely reletable it that, despite his strong sense of justice, he doesn't have a cause to fight for. Every main lord in the series has an objective he fights with all his strength to achieve, but Heath doesn't have that, in his support with Kent we see that he is just looking for a just cause to serve, someone deserving of his loyalty, he is not this unapproachable figure, he just wants to find a place and a purpose.
… and I should probably stop here. There are still some things I haven't touched upon (like his support with Legault, but I tried to be professional and don't include any headcanon or ship), but i'm already over reading stuff and i'm not to happy with the way it turned out. Anyway, I don't think I will ever be able to explain how I want why I think Heath is an amazing, yet subtle, character and why I love him so much despite being so unimportant to the main plot. So if you managed to finish whatever that is congrats, and hope you enjoyed it at least a tiny bit.
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crystalelemental · 5 years
While I’m busy annoying fans of Genealogy with my general disinterest in its cast, here are some other characters I have strong opinions about:
Sigurd’s not nearly as interesting as people make him out to be.  The main action leading to him being branded a traitor was super avoidable and his squire even points out that he’s making a mistake.  His “romance” with Deirdre is one of the most shallow things the series has produced, and literally none of the awful events of Act 2 would’ve happened if he had just kept it in his pants.  His actions during the war are made with good intentions that often lead to further conflict, but most of the critical actions that cause disaster were super avoidable and complete his fault.  Good job, moron.
Arvis is also a putz.  Look, I get it.  His entire point is that he’s trying to build the world for the better, but is highly questionable in his means.  Cool concept!  Problem is we spend like no time with him, and the only indications of this are his discussions with Manfroy, where he talks about how he’s not going to persecute them like in ages past, but he’s also definitely not going to let them revive the baby eating god they worship.  Okay, solid.  The issue is, he knows full well he carries Loptyr blood, and that’s why Manfroy is sticking around.  And suddenly, Manfroy appears with some lady with amnesia, and is oddly insistent on you fucking this woman and having kids.  Did...did you never think about who this woman was, or why Manfroy’s so invested in her sex life?  This is not a difficult conclusion to reach, buddy.
I mentioned Eldigan, but it bears repeating: I hate the Camus archetype, and he’s one of the most annoying.  “I am honor-bound to follow my lord’s every command, I cannot join you and must instead try to get them to see reason.”  Yeah, and you know who else had this exact dilemma like two chapters ago?  Jamke.  Guess who’s on our side now, after realizing how fucked up his king was?  Jamke.  There’s no reason you couldn’t do this too.  Honestly, every time the Camus archetype shows up for a leader who is a complete buffoon, I always think of Wallace’s supports with Kent in FE7.  How his king ordered him to capture his daughter and bring her back from the plains, no matter what.  But when Wallace saw the love she shared with the man from the plains, he let her go, because he knew his king would never forgive himself if he tore Lyn’s parents apart.  Wallace put what was best for his king ahead of the order, and the entire moral is that, even if you’re punished for it, your duty is not to the title, but to the person, and you must act in the best interests of the people you serve, not blindly follow a command that would cause everyone harm.  So yeah, I don’t care to hear about the honor-bound idiots who are given plenty of chances to do the right thing but insist on staying with a sinking ship that’s also on fire.
Deirdre is a non-entity, so there’s really no point in talking about her.  Seriously, she exists almost entirely to produce the children that will be plot-critical in Act 2, but otherwise has effectively zero agency.  She shows up and immediately wants to fuck Sigurd, spends one chapter helping, and is immediately kidnapped afterward to be brainwashed and become Arvis’ wife.  Then she dies off-screen before the events of Act 2.  But she and Sigurd just loved each other so much!  They just saw each other and had such an overwhelming desire to fuck, it must have been love!  At least Deirdre’s excuse is being secluded away from men all her life and not knowing how to handle these feelings; what’s Sigurd’s excuse?
Quan and Ethlyn are actually wonderful.  No complaints.  But I do have another for Sigurd.  Hey, remember when they died?  Remember when Sigurd is told that people were ambushed in the desert and everyone’s dead, and he pieces together that it was his sister and his best friend?  Remember how that comment is all we get for his reaction to their loss, how it’s never brought up a single time ever again, and how Sigurd shows absolutely nothing about the devastation of this loss?  Yeah, but hey, it’s fine, you don’t need more dialogue to make a compelling story.  It just would’ve been nice for Genealogy to be a compelling story by having characters actually matter more than they apparently do.
Ayra’s cool, but her brother’s an idiot.  In her conversation with Quan, she mentioned that Quan’s suspicion is correct, and that the king was not responsible for the deaths of those from Grannvale.  A random lord took action without consent, so the king had that lord executed, and went to make peace with Grannvale, only to be assassinated along the way.  So what does her brother do?  “We gotta go to war.”  Uh...you know you’ll be slaughtered, right?  “Yeah, but my honor, though.”  Gen 1 was mostly a bunch of morons given political power and asked to play intelligently.  They all fucked up.
Lewyn...okay, I don’t like Lewyn.  I get his whole thing is running from responsibility, and being tired of the in-fighting over the crown, but his solution of just leaving is petty and childish.  It’s not that there isn’t some level of understanding there.  He’s just not doing it for me.  I do, however, appreciate how self-loathing he is in Gen 2.
No one else in Gen 1 really matters at all to anything substantial, so boy, it’d have been nice to have support conversations to flesh out everyone else a bit more.  But hey, maybe the sequel, right?
Seliph is pretty cool.  I don’t have a ton to say, but his story kinda allows him to take an easier route to power, with a more clear antagonist and the world at large being more united in his cause of overthrowing the empire.  Not particularly compelling, but not doing anything stupid or uninteresting.
Leif inherits being awesome from both of his parents, who were also awesome.  His sister, Altena, is also really cool.  Altena in particular actually gets a lot.  Having been taken in by the man who killed her parents, she’s grown up thinking that he is her true father.  Her character is in a position to act more as a bridge between two smaller nations that have constantly been at war, having the bloodline connection to Leif and to Leonster, while having her upbringing in Thracia and feeling a family connection to Arion, the true son of Travant.  She’s one of the better characters in this game, I think.
Ares is actually one of my favorites in this entire game.  He and Lene have great supports, but more importantly, you know what sets Ares apart?  Having a brain cell.  As soon as he realizes the corrupt lord he works for sent him out to the front lines and has likely taken Lene captive, he immediately turns coat, intent on killing everyone in his way to save her.  Thank you, Ares.  Thank you for being better than your father, who would’ve meekly decided he can’t disobey orders because he’s totally too honorable and not a fucking coward for letting his sister almost get killed.
Julia...oh my god, I have so much to say on Julia.  Has anyone following me noticed I kinda like the Eirika archetypes?  The female characters that are mostly really collected and quiet, occasionally have a showing of fire, and are ultimately either heavily under-utilized and ignored by the plot or given a story that’s really not very good despite how strong their character could’ve been if the story weren’t...the way that it is?  That’s Julia.  I adore Julia.  She spends most of the game not doing much, mostly being silent and also an amnesiac.  She gets like two conversations with Seliph, and they’re...they’re okay.  Nothing exceptional, just...okay.  But hysterically, once she’s kidnapped, she starts to show the makings of a really great character.  She’s compassionate and understanding to her father, who’s realized what a dingus he was, but pushes back against Julius/Loptyr and is pretty up-front about how willing she is now to kill her brother if it means stopping evil from being unleashed in the world.  She refuses to go quietly, and claims she’ll fight them to the end.  And, you know...is promptly brainwashed and spends the entire chapter as an enemy until Seliph kills Manfroy and lets her snap out of it.  Not even just talks to her, that won’t work unless Manfroy’s dead.  She doesn’t even get enough agency to break free of control under her own will.  This is the issue with Julia.  She should be fantastic.  She’s a character who carries the blood of both Naga and Loptyr, the greatest good and the greatest evil of this world.  Within her is a very concrete expression of the good/evil dichotomy that all humans face, and through her actions she chooses to do good for the world, yet acknowledges the potential for evil within her and struggles against it.  That’s super compelling!  Hell, that’s the most compelling character narrative in this entire game!  And what does it amount to?  Jack fucking shit, because her declaration of intent is immediately sidelined for her to be controlled by another for the entire chapter and made to do evil, until the male hero breaks the spell for her.  Only then is she allowed to confront her brother and actually show agency.  Her character arc should’ve been the diamond in the rough, and all the agency and development she brings to the table is immediately undermined.  Julia, sweetie, you deserved so much better than this.
Ugh, that one hurt to complain about.  But since we’re on the topic, Julius.  We’re supposed to be sad about how he’s completely taken over by Loptyr and needs to be stopped.  But...we never really know anything about Julius.  At all.  Julia talks a bit about how he used to be kind, but that’s...that’s it.  There’s no effort to have her and Arvis share stories about what the family used to be like, or give any indication of how close they were aside from saying it was the case once or twice.  So the plight of Julius, the boy who’s possessed, is completely lost on us, and as a result, Julia’s decision to fight against and kill her brother if that’s what it takes, feels a little less impactful, because you just...don’t have any emotional attachment to what’s being lost.
Ishtar is another Camus archetype, but a rare one where I kinda like her?  Kinda.  She’s come far enough to recognize that Julius is killing people and it’s a problem, and does her utmost to circumvent his violent tendencies and save people.  So why doesn’t she just leave?  Well even that’s pretty taken care of.  She was the betrothed of Julius.  She loved him.  Which means she’s another character who could’ve had meaningful dialogue about who he used to be to build up tension, but we’re not talking about that now.  She stays in part because of that love, but also because he’s violent, and seems to have his eye on her at all times.  She’s effectively stuck in an abusive relationship, unable to make a move for fear of what retaliation he might exact on her or the people she’s trying to keep safe.  That’s a way more compelling reason for a character to stick with an awful ruler.  It sucks, but at least it’s ultimately understandable, unlike Eldigan over here.
Oifey and Shanan I feel like should be more interesting characters, but they don’t really get enough time to be much else.  And if those two, who are meant to be prominent, got very little, you can kinda guess that the rest of the cast has basically nothing going for them.
Honestly, a lot of the events of Genealogy at large feel super avoidable, and largely created by idiots being allowed to make decisions.  But on the smaller level, and especially within Gen 2, I feel like all the game needs is support conversations and maybe more dialogue that didn’t focus so heavily on bloodlines.  The history is interesting, but it comes at the expense of most character development, and that’s really not a good trade.  I know people hate when I bring it up, but maybe if the maps were actually chunked and made into several smaller chapters, we could use wind-up and conclusion to castles being taken as a means to fill in more character moments, instead of just having quick exposition dumps and moving on.
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