#char: Clint Barton
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excelsiorfics · 1 year ago
(sometimes goodbye is a) second chance
Date: March 25, 2024 Author: mattmurderock Rating: General Word Count/Status: 8,606, complete Dynamic: Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff & Erik Lehnsherr, Pietro Maximoff/Clint Barton Characters: Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Janet van Dyne, various other Avengers Tags: Family Dynamics, Daddy Issues, Angst,
Summary: In the wake of Magneto's stunning revelation, Pietro Maximoff tries to cope with his past, his present, and his future.
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marveltrumpshate · 4 days ago
onJames "Bucky" Barnes/Jason Todd
My fill for @marveltrumpshate winner @oper1895
This was a dream to work on and I’m so very proud of how it turned out.
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innkeepercore · 1 year ago
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someone had the brilliant idea of putting Clint in Christmas lights… he doesn’t hate it
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sunshiny-rants · 2 years ago
Clint Barton Ella Enchanted AU. for no reason. I just love them both and wanna see him suffer from an obedience curse.
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red1culous · 2 years ago
No Place But the Water
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“Good God what is that smell?” She says and your eyes grow as big as dinner plates. Just then the smoke detector in the kitchen starts a deafening screech. 
“Oh shit!” you curse and run off in its direction. Nat follows after you and sees you disappear into a plume of smoke. She hears you cough several times before she jumps into action and helps by cracking open the windows.
“Here” you say throwing a kitchen towel in her direction. She watches with amusement as you grab a broom and swing it around using the handle end to give the smoke detector a solid whack. It gives out one final bleat, then falls silent. 
“You burned dinner?” she says a smile plastered on her face. 
“I think so” you answer sheepishly. You never burn dinner. This wasn’t something you did. “In my defence it’s kinda your fault” you quickly add punching the exhaust fan to full speed. 
“Me?” she says pointing to herself with a chuckle carrying her words.
“Yes you” you tsk playfully. “You interrupted my cooking time” you say grabbing the pot holders and pulling out the smoking charred remains of something unrecognisable from the oven. You set it on the stovetop and grab a pair of tongs which you use to pick apart the sizzling dish. With each pull and prod smokey bits of overcooked food flake off like charcoal. You sigh inwardly and curse her perfect timing. 
You both exchange a look before bursting into a fit of laughter. And then, because you were looking at her with a look of complete softness, she realises that something probably needed to be said. She goes with the safest option. “I’m sorry?”
“It’s fine. I wasn’t that hungry anyway” you lie tipping the spoiled food into the bin. You drop the pan into the sink and wipe your hands on your apron. Natasha watches you throughout as if she wanted to ask you something but is purposely holding back. “Can I offer you something to drink?” you say when you don’t know what more you can do with your hands.
“Oh no” she blinks a few times, “I just came to drop these off”. She holds up a box of cookies with a small smile. You take the white box from her and break the seal to peer inside. 
“They’re from my favourite bakery.”
You already had a cookie in between your thumb and index finger. You were studying the enormous chunks of chocolate studding its surface liberally. 
“It’s hard to eat just one” Nat adds watching you with a gentle smile on her face.
You take an experimental bite, chewing for a moment before unexpectedly moaning at the explosion of flavours in your mouth. Nat makes a mental note to never forget that sound.
You wipe the crumbs from your mouth before setting the box down on the counter and facing Natasha. “You didn’t have to come all this way just for that.”
You both fall silent standing across from one another. It was awkward but not uncomfortably so. 
“I wanted to. Plus it’s not out of my way” she says with a rueful smile that lifts the corner of her mouth a little. 
You chuckle softly at her sad attempt at a lie. Tilting your head to the side and suck in a breath. “Nat, it’s an hour from the Compound.”
The lift of Nat’s mouth becomes a full smile. She ducks her head in embarrassment at being caught out. “Righttt..” she breathes, “I should probably go now” she motions to the door and starts to walk backwards out of the kitchen. 
“Thank you for the cookies” you say before she’s completely gone. You hear her respond something with a laugh just before the front door shuts. 
I do have a taglist. To join click here.
@arcturusseer @readings-stuff @blackwidow-3 @justyourwritter69 @cutelittleakira @jareguiromanoff @sk1nnyftt @official-clint-barton @nattysredhair @black-kittycat18 @owloftheshadows
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
hi! 21+ rper searching for 18+ writer searching for the following rare / toxic ships. most of these ships are dead dove themed, so please be aware of this. bolded char is who i’d write:
yennefer of vengerberg x tissaia de vries (the witcher)
cirilla of cintra x emhyr (the witcher)
jj x aaron hotchner (criminal minds)
jj x emily prentiss
alicia clark x victor strand (fear the walking dead)
beth greene x daryl dixon (the walking dead)
tris prior x jeanine matthews (divergent)
katniss everdeen x alma coin (hunger games)
bella swan x aro volturi (twilight)
abigail hobbs x will graham (hannibal)
emma swan x regina mills (ouat)
hermione granger x severus snape hermione x lucius malfoy (harry potter)
sam winchester x chuck shurley (supernatural)
sam winchester x dean winchester
sabrina spellman x lucifer (chilling adventures of sabrina)
sabrina spellman x chuck shurley
female oc x albert shaw (the black phone)
clara oswald x 10/12/13th doctor (doctor who)
padme obidala x obi-wan kenobi (star wars)
harley quinn x batfleck (dc)
wanda maximoff x stephen strange (marvel)
kate bishop x clint barton
peter parker x quentin beck
natasha romanoff x bruce banner
carol danvers x yon-rogg
irene adler (megan fox fc) x sherlock holmes
female oc x john watson (bbc sherlock)
daenerys targaryen x jorah mormont (got)
sansa stark x brienne of tarth
daenerys targaryen x thranduil/or elrond (got x lotr crossover)
alison cameron/female oc x dr. house/dr. wilson (house md)
i have more but this is getting long lol. i don’t do doubles. i love smut but am looking for smut with plot and a bit of angst. i prefer to write bratty / power bottoms. i’m a novella writer (around 3-5 paras at a min.) and a slow replier, sometimes i get 3-5 replies a week, sometimes 1 or none for a few days, i'm looking for someone who is patient as i am very chill with reply pace.
will ask for a writing sample as well as i want to make sure i’m finding the right partners. pls like this and i’ll reach out ❤️
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petriichvrs · 2 years ago
𝙰𝙽𝙾𝙽𝚈𝙼𝙾𝚄𝚂  𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳  :   17 / 39 / 26
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17. DO YOU USE DICTIONARIES OR THESAURUSES OFTEN WHEN WRITING?  :  you know. i sort’ve do. it’s not like i’m breaking them out at every opportunity but i am very forgetful and i will often google a word just to make sure i’m right in its meaning and sometimes a different word will be right on the tip of my tongue but i won’t be able to think of it, so i always comb through synonyms of the words i do remember to try and find it. i don’t like to go too crazy but i def do shop around a bit for the best sounding words when i’m trying to put my best foot forward in a reply. 
39. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS THE BEST FACECLAIM DECISION YOU’VE EVER MADE?  :  oh. oh i have a few. and they are not all nox specific. alex fitzalan as edward cullen. oscar isaac as charlie swan. boyd holbrook as clint barton. gemma chan as jean grey. i was also THE trendsetter in the hp rpc in terms of the fcs people started using for certain chars so i give you - jessica barden as ginny weasley, chella man as neville longbottom, kedar williams stirling as dean thomas, sandra oh as sybill trelawney, keira knightley / winona ryder as bellatrix black, felix mallard as sirius black, even lorenzo zurzolo as peter pettigrew... like i have never missed. my hubris is showing. but i enjoy casting these guys SO much. 
26. WHO WAS YOUR VERY FIRST MUSE? WOULD YOU CONSIDER WRITING THEM NOW?  :  absolutely NOT. i’ve been thinking on this for hours because i think i’ve forgotten the name of my actual first muse, but i’m pretty sure my second just had two buffy the vampire slayer names just MASHED together and she had a buffy fc too, back when like. well. on forum they weren’t really fcs and we didn’t really care about them as much as we do here, so i just used a random buffy actress to like. give the general vibe. i don’t remember a single thing about her other than these facts and i think she should stay gone. actually. i will admit it here, since it’s in the interest of this meme night event - one fun fact about me is that for my first full year of rp i used to only use people who appeared on buffy as fcs, which meant i had the entire main cast claimed but i ALSO had like. random extra #1, #2 and #3. 
𝙼𝚄𝙽  𝙳𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙿𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃  𝚀𝚄𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂  »  currently  not  accepting  !
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marveltrumpshate · 1 year ago
Bruce Banner & Tony Stark, Jane Foster & Tony Stark, Jane Foster/Thor, Jane Foster & Thor, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor, Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bruce Banner & Tony Stark, Jane Foster & Tony Stark, Jane Foster/Thor, Jane Foster & Thor, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner & Clint Barton & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark & Thor, Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark Characters: Jane Foster, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Nick Fury, Maria Hill, James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Darcy Lewis, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel) Additional Tags: Science Bros, But now with added Jane to make it even more epic, Tony/Pepper and Thor/Jane are background, Marvel Trumps Hate 2022 Summary:
“Doctor Banner is only here to track the cube,” Nick Fury said, entering the room with something that reminded Jane of a school principle. But… more deadly. “I was hoping you might join him. I did not, however, invite Doctor Foster.”
Jane raised her eyebrows under Fury’s pinning stare, refusing to be intimidated. Refusing to react as every other eye in the room quickly swivelled to find her. Refused to look at Thor as he let out a sharp little cry of surprise that was almost her name.
“I brought her along. I need her,” Tony said without missing a beat. “She’s my emotional support astrophysicist. I have a doctor’s note and everything.”
From his pocket, he pulled out the crumpled piece of paper that Darcy had scrawled on, cackling at their joke as she used the car hood as a desk.
~~~ What if Jane Foster had been (sort of) invited to the Helicarrier to help track the Tesseract? A slightly different look at the events of The Avengers.
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excelsiorfics · 11 months ago
Black Bolt Attends Group Therapy
Date: Nov 11, 2022 Author: thrakaboom Rating: General Word Count/Status: 660, complete Dynamic: N/A Characters: Blackagar Boltagon, Clint Barton, Matt Murdock Tags: DC Crossover, Disability, Poetry
Summary: Black Bolt goes to a support group for disabled superheroes- a poem about disability politics.
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incorrectbeginagain · 4 years ago
Clint Barton, in a jail cell: What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Natasha Romanoff, in the cell next to him: You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
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innkeepercore · 11 months ago
HII I saw that u had requests open!! Could u draw clint? He's the guy of all time 😎😎
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let’s goooooo
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beginagaininspo · 5 years ago
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“Every judge must learn to live with the fact he or she will make some mistakes; it comes with the territory. But it is something else entirely to perpetuate something we all know to be wrong only because we fear the consequences of being right.” — Justice Neil Gorsuch
@spangleddumbass  @futzingdumbass @ofromcnovas @agenthamburger @ofjamesbcrnes @sparklingdumbass @goldenavcnger
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beginagaingossip · 5 years ago
lots of hawkeyes floating around these days--what happened to the real one?
Far too many Hawkeyes, if you ask me. Just how many bow-wielding vigilantes do we need running about this city? I’m not sure where our ‘original’ Hawkeye ran off to, but I’m certainly glad he’s gone. If we’re lucky, the rest will join him --- and take that entire group of arrow lovers with them. There’s no place for archers in New York.
— To live, and die and live again, Ophelia ‘Aida’ Sarkissian, Madame Hydra
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@hawknotguy @roninorhawkeye
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findroleplay · 2 years ago
hi! 21+ rper searching for 18+ writer searching for the following rare / toxic ships. bolded char is who i’d write:
tris prior x jeanine matthews (divergent)
katniss everdeen x alma coin (hunger games)
bella swan x carlisle cullen bella swan x aro volturi (twilight)
hermione granger x severus snape hermione x remus lupin hermione x lucius malfoy (harry potter)
female sam winchester x chuck shurley fem sam x lucifer (supernatural)
sabrina spellman x lucifer (chilling adventures of sabrina) sabrina spellman x chuck shurley sabrina spellman x albert shaw (demon au)
clara oswald x 10/12/13th doctor (doctor who)
rey skywalker x luke skywalker (star wars)
padme obidala x obi-wan kenobi (star wars)
harley quinn x batfleck (dc) harley x negan (twd x dc crossover)
wanda maximoff x stephen strange (marvel) wanda x clint barton
peter parker x quentin beck (marvel)
natasha romanoff x bruce banner (marvel)
irene adler (megan fox fc) x sherlock holmes
female oc x john watson (bbc sherlock)
beth davenport x mr. grieff (inside man) OR lydia west x dracula ( bbc dracula)
daenerys targaryen x jorah mormont (got)
alison cameron/female oc x dr. house/dr. wilson (house md)
i have more but this is getting long lol. i don’t do doubles. i love smut but am looking for smut with plot and a bit of angst. i prefer to write bratty / power bottoms. i’m a novella writer (around 3-5 paras at a min.) and a slow replier, sometimes i get 3-5 replies a week, sometimes 1 or none for a few days, i'm looking for someone who is patient as i am very chill with reply pace. i’m open to ocs and discussing wanted plots and FCs. i have a lot of fcs and tropes i'd be willing to discuss!
will ask for a writing sample as well as i want to make sure i’m finding the right partners. pls like this and i’ll reach out ❤️
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dogcfwar · 5 years ago
Apparently this universe’s Frank worked for SHIELD. How the hell he had managed to swing something like that with the body count he’d wracked up, Frank had no goddamn idea, but he assumed it was something to do with the stubbornness that his mom had always commented on, that determination that his dad had been proud of as long as it wasn’t aimed towards him. He had the same DNA profile, had the same taste in passwords, which made it easy enough to get in and read through some of the files on his own – or the other guy’s – desk.
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Pretty soon, he got the feeling that he wasn’t alone. Frank looked up, spotting a guy in the doorway. “You move quiet, man,” Frank commented, moving the files into a neat pile once more. “Guessing I ain’t who you’re looking for, huh? I don’t know where the other me is. If I did, I’d deck him in the mouth for you.” At least, that was what Frank expected the other man’s reaction to him would be. Frank Castle was a name that certainly divided opinion in this universe.
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lifeinccrnate · 5 years ago
(✉ → avenger no. 3 🏹): Heard you talking (thinking) shit.
Three minutes later (✉ → avenger no. 3 🏹): Scott was right. I can’t let this sit it seems /rude/. (✉ → avenger no. 3 🏹): It’s Jean Grey. X-Men, redhead, telepath. (✉ → avenger no. 3 🏹): But also -- screw you. My head is perfectly unscorched, thank you very much. (✉ → avenger no. 3 🏹): Judge yourself, purple arrow man who apparently isn’t called Tony.
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