#chapter 328 spoilers
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if you're not up to chapter 325 turn away now... also if you're not down for swearing cause I'm Australian and I've gotta rant and the two go hand in mf hand
Holy motherfucking shit I fucking knew William was gonna die. One because it's the only way to push John to take action by his own will rather than reacting because that's what he thinks is safe for him to do and two because.. well actually just one but one is one to fucking one hundred because oh my fucking god is John gonna lose his absolute shit
But, but I think he's not gonna go all wild ham on people this time. No I think he's for sure learnt his lesson and is gonna just smash shit to pieces with a plan this time. He's got a good fucking network to support him which appeared after his worst mental break down ever, his uncle is gonna get involved and finally meet John and he'll at least not be asshole enough to throw him away because John's powerful but he might disregard him cause he's a child and might assume John's takes after William if he does no research... honestly the guy doesn't fill me with a lot of faith and I t think he's going to be a bad influence on John or at least get him in some deep, deep shit it'll take Arlo to get him out of if he's not been 'reeducated' by his aunt which is beginning to look like a strong possibility
also Arlo needs a fucking nap. Arlo almost deserves a fucking nap too. Poor little idiot doesn't realise he's being taken for a ride by his aunt which I feel like he might have if he didn't look two minutes from keeling over.
John was doing so fucking well too. ugh this is gonna be like five giant steps backward if he were fifty feet tall and two steps behind him was a bottomless ravine. Please let my optimistic guess be right in that he stays with his people and they stay with him, he fucking needs them in two chapters more than ever (cause I don't think they'll reveal it to John in the next one, drag out the suspension)
Fucking loved Arlo and John's interactions in the last few chapters, fav ship for sure out the series but John's starting to get regular friendly with him again and that's so cute and fluffy I can't even handle it. There's Arlo angsting his way down the hall noticing everyone else bitching about him and then John appears out of nowhere all happy to see him and concerned of this wellbeing.
Kind of says something about his character though too, that he notices the mob instead of the individual with power.
but also I fucking knew everything was about to go to shit when they got a seemingly big win. With William gone it's the end of the line for John staying as out of things as he can and well, despite his methods he does get shit done rather efficiently. All we can hope is that Arlo comes to his senses and joins John before John has to break him out of reeducation prison which would be an amazing arc for John finally overcoming his trauma and ideally murdering Keon
probably though Sera will get caught and sent to reeducation, Arlo will lose faith in his family and the system, confess to John who has likely just heard about the murder of this father or is just about to hear about it and John will spiral wildly out of control and take everyone and everything down with him as he does and somehow it will work itself out but with people actively trying to help him
side note, I did also love John's interaction with Remi, Blyke and Isen. Isen's face when John tells them his dad wrote UnOrdinary is like 'everything I learn about you makes it worse please stop I'll go to jail for knowing anything more'
#unordinary#unordinary john#unordinary arlo#unordinary isen#unordinary remi#unordinary blyke#Rant#spoilers for chapter 324 - 328
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book 7 chapter 13 part 2 (book 7 finale!!) thoughts
This (finally) conclude book 7!!
Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that roughly unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
We open with a scene of the final confrontation against Malleus (like one of Yuu’s dreams/visions).
Everyone is slowly waking up. UHHH it’s not a pretty sight though, Malleus has grown into his full dragon form and crashed through the ceiling. His voice is becoming distorted. (No live 2D sprite, only a blacked out version of his OB form.)
Mob students panic and almost trample themselves to escape. Us first years brace for impact but suddenly…?! CROWLEY saves us?! YEEEEEEAAH DAD CAME BACK WITH THE MILK LET'S GO 🥛
Crowley commands the staff and dorm leadership to help the students get away. Crewel and Trein use ice magic but it’s instantly melted. (Sam tends to their wounds!) Vargas is knocked back trying to protect students with his body. (Kalim flies him to safety!)
The dorm leaders command their vices to lead their students out. Some notable ones: Jade leads, Floyd is in the back chasing them. Jamil takes charge and tells Kalim to guide people on the magic carpet. Because Ignihyde has no dorm leader, Ortho tells some of their students to be the leaders for the others. Ruggie leads Savanaclaw.
UUHHHHHHH the only person that has not woken up is Lilia. He’s still sleeping at dragon!Malleus’s feet. Silver is freaking tf out OTL calling out to Lilia, trying to wake him, but it doesn’t work.
Sebek is terrified and claims he can’t fight Malleus, he is just too powerful! Chevfowrgwiwj ADEUCE KICK HIM AND SEBEK’s SO inSuLTED HE DECIDeS TO JOIN THE FiGHT AGAIN
Malleus is sending thorns after us to “capture the humans”. ASDHHKAHDLA The tone of voice he takes on is scary, it's like we're farm animals that escaped a pen and he's trying to toss us back in there.
We cut to Ignihyde xjsvsjkw IT’/s A PlOT POiNT THAT iDIA iS OUT OF ShApE, he’s struggling to reach the meetup point to collect the sword, shield, and armor to fight Malleus with. Igni mobs A, B, and C run support and provide him with a magical wheel, which Idia happily accepts.
LOL his mom says he looks cool, just like a prince!! (EW WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT MRS. SHROUD... DON'T MAKE ME THINK IDIA IS COOL.)
The vice dorm leaders (minus Jamil) have led the mobs to main street. There, they collide with Idia.
The dorm leaders (excluding Kalim) are staying behind to stave off Malleus. Us first years ignore evacuation orders and come back.
LILIA FINALLY WAKES UP (not sure why he took longer than everyone else; I thought he wouldn't wake at all and Malleus was keeping him asleep as his "most precious" thing to protect???) 😭 but his magic is so weak he cannot even summon a flame. Begins to cut through the briar instead.
The OB boys are close to irl OB and cannot hold off Malleus for much longer. LMAO. Rowley is crying at the amount of physical damage to the school vjsbfiwhfhskdmd
When all hope is about to be lost, HERE COMES THE MOTORCYCLE REVVING SOUNDS— Holding out for a hero moment fr 💀
The armor made of mystium changes form depending on the pilot… Silver assumes the Dawn Knight’s armor and Sebek takes on the same armor his grandfather gifted him in Lilia’s dream.
Malleus scoffs at them and says he will melt Sebek’s shield—but Sebek says there’s no way, because this was something made with the strength if both fae and humans!! Malleus feels betrayed learning that even his grandmother stands against him.
Sebek corrects his liege. They are all standing WITH Malleus. Silver agrees. To prevent Malleus from completely losing himself and becoming the “ruler of evil”, they MUST stop him here and now.
Man. This really is mirroring the Dawn Knight and Maleanor battle. (Believe even the dragon sprite used for Malleus is the same form his mother takes.)
Malleus blows away Sebek’s shield and Silver rushes to protect him. DBHLsiflaiyDSLBI THEY'RE REENACTING THE EVETSN OF THE PAST
In the moment of surprise, Idia uses technomancy to control Silver’s sword to hit Malleus’s horns.
Malleus post-OB flashback!
Ahhhh, so it begins with the senators blessing him with mighty powers. Then we see some memories of him growing up.
Malleus has a maid doing his hair but he gets hurt by the teeth of the comb or something?? His anger strikes the maid with lightning and he apologizes, but another servant (or was it a senator, I forgot) tells him don't apologize, it was the maid's fault. Maid is escorted out.
Next is Lilia coming to visit Malleus; Malleus is so happy and laughs really loud. This shatters nearby windows and lodges glass in Lilia's ears. Malleus panics, but Lilia reassures him it's fine.
Last memory is of him on his birthday; Malleus sees fireworks outside but isn't allowed to go out. His grandma is away on royal duties, so he has to eat a big dinner by himself. He's so sad he instantly freezes all the food and makes the servants super cold.
His black and white lament allows him to express that he was born with mighty powers, but what he really wanted all this time was to be able to express himself, to be with other people. "I just wanted to get angry. I wanted to laugh. I wanted to cry." One line I found particularly poignant was this: “At the table where everyone shares their joy and their sadness… There is no seat for me.”
And… he calls his blessing(s) a curse. This is a parallel to Idia, who realized that what he thought was his own curse was actually a blessing that allows him to be “powered up” by blot!!
"I have to go soon, too."
"Lilia? Where are you going?"
"Don't worry about it. Like you said, 1000 years will pass in the blink of an eye."
Malleus finally wakes up from his OB. Idia stops the Ferrymen from advancing to attacking Malleus with their oars (the same ones they used to neutralize the other OB boys in book 6).
LILIA DIED (like these sick fucking devs played a heart rate monitor FLATLINING) and Silver’s hair going back to blonde is proof his blessing is gone 💦💦
Malleus crying sprite, but at what cost… (Surprisingly is able to cry without summoning a storm??)
Malleus, Silver, and Sebek cry (Idia pulls us away to give them alone time 💦 guess he is socially aware enough to understand this.) Malleus tries to use his magic to revive Lilia.
There’s glowing from Malleus’s broken off horn and Silver’s ring???? Magic comes from a strong wish, so he and Malleus wish for Lilia to return. Malleus states “I love you” to Lilia and that’s what does it.
We skip to a few days later. Mobs are chatting about the extent of Malleus’s magic; Maleficia, Ambrose, and Crowley did a press conference appearance about the catastrophe.
Ace mentions there is now a Fairy Dream Life Association made up of Malleus fans who sdjlbblsaiadbsi actually preferred the dream worlds to their realities???? (IT GIVES ME KINDA CULT VIBES) We learn that it will take Malleus's horns 100-200 years to grow back and he cannot use his UM or other disaster-level magic during this time.
Dorm leader meeting!!
Idia lets everyone know that S.T.Y.X. created a new classification a few days ago specifically for Malleus. He is now being considered the same as a natural disaster, and they've developed a safety protocol + policy for what to do in the case of Malleus again. Basically, he should be treated LIKE a natural disaster (earthquake, hurricane, tornado, etc.). In other words, don't engage or try to fight, just hunker down and wait it out. This label cannot be erased, appealed, etc.
Okay, WHAT 🤡 I know that we were desperate to stop the spread of Malleus's magic + aiming to limit the damage he does, but apparently there were NO deaths at all, NO damage (beyond NRC, I believe), and only SOME NRC students got injured. That's... all OTL REALLY???? ?? ? ??????? ??NOTHING ELSE??? ? ?? ???? ???? Sounds kinda like bullshit to me, but okay.
Silver and Sebek are currently hospitalized, but they're supposedly recovering well and should return to class soon. (Really???? In only a few days' time??? Magic must really speed up the recovery process.)
Damage to Diasomnia dorm was quickly fixed up with fae magic. Maleficia donated a bunch of rare Briar Valley literature and technology to NRC for free as an apology for the trouble Malleus caused.
aASDIUBADBOIAFFIA WOW apparently Lilia is reenrolling??? He somehow recovered some of his magic. Riddle explains it as being similar to medical cases in which a patient spontaneously recovers for no discernable reason.
IULADFBFIYOAAFAFID Crowley drops the bomb that Malleus is also returning to school, which freaks the other dorm leaders out. Idia reveals it's likely because Crowley wants funding from the International Magical Security Organization (IMSO), which has promised to give money to support whatever area houses Malleus during his rehabilitation period or something. asfihloadbyfasyafsi IMAGINE NOT WANTING MALLEUS SO BAD THE GOVT HAS TO GIVE MONETARY INCENTIVE TO HAVE HIM IN TYOUR VICINITY
Crowley excuses this by saying the teachers agree Malleus should return. After all, as along as you wish to learn, NRC will not turn away a student. He also says that this is important for promoting diversity and enhancing the understanding between humans and fae. adihbabilfaifasi SCROWLEY'S ALSO PLEASED BECASE HE;S BEEN GETITNG A LOT FO GOOD PUBLICITY, NRC IS EEING HAILED AS HEROES.
We cut a few weeks later to Ramshackle, where Yuu and Grim are writing down details about their dream with Mickey. This is the only mention of Mickey in the update; Yuu going home and what Mickey is up to is NOT addressed again. Yuu just says they wonder what he's been up to/they want to see him again.
Sebek and Silver pop in for a visit!! Silver's hair is silver again. Apparently he asked Lilia to bless him a second time. Sebek makes a joke that it would be weird if his name was Silver but his hair was gold; then shouldn't his name be Gold?
Other first years arrive!!
Mmmmm... We get some lore about Sage's Island??? There was a powerful master mage that lived here 2000 years ago. But this mage had an apprentice that had trouble controlling his own magic and brought about a great disaster because of it. Instead of banishing this apprentice, the master mage scolded his student and did his best to teach him everything he could. That is why the schools on Sage's Island try to follow this philosophy of welcoming those that want to learn.
First years speculate that there must have been other incidents in the past where powerful mages got out of hand. They must have been forgiven too, right...? Like the sorcerer's apprentice was.
Silver and Sebek claim it took them 1 week to heal from their injuries. Their magic healthcare must be cracked because that recovery time is INSANE.
Suddenly?????? Invites pop up???? It's from Malleus! He's inviting his peers to a party on May 15th (Silver's birthday), to be held at Castle Wildrose (which has been reclaimed and made into an official neutral zone belonging to no country). A carriage will come and pick them up.
The carriage is pulled by a talking direbeast???? FHABFAIBA HE REFERS TO YOU, GRIM, ACE, AND DEUCE WITH -SAMA!!???!
We arrive at the venue at last, and...
WHOA, UM... MALLEUS NEW FIT??????? 😭 King look?????? Emo lookin' ass/j He looks so much like his mother here, but they don't really explain why he's wearing this??? (Up until this point, I believe he was being studied, tested, and monitored in S.T.Y.X. facilities.)
This looks SO weird, I'm not used to seeing his pale ass chest out...
Malleus asks Silver and Sebek to step forth. OFMMAFOJ;IAFLIUAFIEAF OMG ALH HERVURQ3TVOFEVYFSOIfsihadgouvaegipaf hE'S OFFICIALLLY KNIGHTING THEM??? ?? ? ??? ?
Sebek is henceforth known as the Knight of Lightning. Silver will be the Knight of Dreams.
Silver interrupts and asks if he can donate his armor to NRC and S.T.Y.X., as he feels he couldn't have saved the day without their efforts. This way, they will also have something to use in emergencies. For Silver, he says the title alone is enough.
Malleus agrees and splits up the Dawn Knght armor. He asks Silver what does he want instead?
(Silver's new look, after Malleus strips away the armor.)
They confirm that Silver is now 18 years old. So that means the official ages stated on Twst profiles are the ages they are at the start of the school year??? And they "aged up" as the main story went on?
Lilia says he was wary about it because the name Vanrouge sounds bloody + invokes the color red. It was a name given to him by the queen, he doesn't think it suits Silver. But Silver insists, so he relents. ADFLIYOAFADFYPADFAF MALLEUS OFFICIATING IT TO THE ONLOOKERS
Lilia and Malleus hold hands and helps Lilia use Far Cry Cradle?? Which revives the memories of Castle Wildrose... including the fae soliders, the Silver Owls, the guardian fairies... INCLUDING Maleanor and the Dawn Knight who once resided there.
adsbihlffuadyoadfiadf SOH???? ? ??? ? ? ? AND SILVER'S MOM, QUEEN LEAH... She looks so gentle and kind, wah... Pretty lady...
Woooow, those memes about book 7 ending on a dance party twistune/rhythmic aren't just memes anymore OTL Somehow they're able to dance with their dead parents even though I'm SURE this isn't possible, realistically speaking.
Context for Dawn Knight Silver's SSR! Malleus and Lilia playfully change the color of Silver's cape between blue and pink. They look like they're having a lot of fun with it!!
Malleus speaks tenderly to the memory of his mother, even though she cannot respond and is just a phantom of the past. Silver does the same to his parents, thanking them for loving him, protecting him, and "not taking Lilia away." I'm SO glad that we got confirmation that Silver has no ill will toward his blood family, he just doesn't have it in him to hate.
Grim grabs us and says let's dance the night away!!! ... And that's what we end on KJBFIUABUIDABIDSGIPAF tTHE FRAKING DANCE PARTY MEME OTL (No preview for what may come next!)
OKAY, that was a whirlwind of an update 😭 As much as I screamed this entire post, it was mainly from shock and not because I necessarily enjoyed everything presented. I feel like Twst got TOO ambitious and wasn't able to deliver on the follow-through because they set up so much. It definitely feels like there's tons of room to expand because there's still unanswered questions about Yuu going home, Mickey Mouse, Crowley's intentions, Grim's OB (we didn't see him eat a blot stone this update, shockingly), and the upcoming interscholastic magift/spelldrive tournament. What we got this update, considering the length of the book as a whole... It honestly felt TOO short. I know, I know, I've been complaining about the length of book 7--but the problem is that the resolution for all this build-up felt rushed, so it doesn't feel genuinely resolved. I'm sure they'll go more into the fallout and consequences next main story update (again, lots of stuff left to explore), but it's going to hurt knowing this is what we're digesting until then.
Some parts of this update I liked a LOT. Lilia's death, Silver finally taking on the Vanrouge surname, SEBEK SOBBING, and Idia being a badass on a magical wheel!! It was also nice seeing the staff members ADULTING for once (especially Crowley, WOW) and helping out. Same thing as previous update, I loved that each student gets a little time to shine by evacuating students or holding off Malleus.
Other parts... I did not like at ALL. I knew from the start that they weren't going to commit to TRULY killing anyone (otherwise Twst would lose a very marketable character), but it really sucked that Lilia dropped out + died for all of 5 seconds before magically being reenrolled and revived with the Power of Love. Very Disney-esque, but it still sat wrong with me. The party at the end was nice, but it confirmed all the memes about forgiving Malleus with a dance party.
My big issue with this update was how... AFRAID the narrative seemed to be to hold Malleus accountable and to have him make up for what he did. For example, they kept stressing how the damage he did was 'contained', how no one died, how only some NRC students were injured, how the buildings he damaged got patched up easily with magic, etc. What was especially offensive, however, was when they mentioned the history of Sage's Island and how there were other mages who caused disasters like Malleus did; those mages were scolded + forgiven and not exiled, so they should offer the same to him. Okay. But that... that feels like you're trying to say "It's okay that Malleus did this, because OTHER people also did this!" It sounds like you're diverting attention away from Malleus's actions by pointing out that other people did similar things. We're not talking about those other people though. We're talking about MALLEUS DRACONIA, who is responsible for the CURRENT crisis. Don't try to distract us by talking about other people 💦💦
And really, what did Malleus DO to fix things???? I get that he won't be able to use his UM for a long ass time, but what about his relations with the world at large? His grandma is getting on TV to say sorry but why isn't Malleus also doing that??? Why is he throwing a party and ONLY apologizing to NRC when he arguably endangered many more people???? Should he not also be saying sorry to S.T.Y.X., his country, and all other countries????? OTL Like, I don't think he should be thrown in jail or physically harmed as "further" punishment, but I want to know what steps he intends to take to correct what he has done. An apology to everyone is the very least Malleus can do.
I'm also leaving this update confused about how tf Lilia's UM works??? Because previously we knew he could see the memories associated with objects, right??? What object is he calling the memories from, the whole CASTLE???? Is this only possible because Malleus held his hand and boosted his magic or something??? Okay... but then why are both the fae and the humans of the past both there happily (I assume happily because those memories were able to dance with their children without issue)??? Aren't those two separate memories from two different points in time??? Because I cannot imagine a reality in which both parties were in the SAME space, at the SAME time, and NOT at each others' throats. It feels like Twst breaking its own logic and lore just because it would be cute to have this moment between parents and children. And how come we saw Silver's mom Leah but not Malleus's dad Raverne???? Surely Raverne must have bene in Castle Wildrose before, considering that's where his WIFE resides??? And during the rhythmic/twistune I also saw a Silver Owl and a Briar Land soldier dancing together… even though they wouldn’t???? So many questions...
I don't know. I just have so many mixed thoughts on this ending. I always knew in my gut that I would never be completely satisfied with it, because there are limitations with the media involved, expected tropes, an unnecessarily high amount of hype riding on this, etc. Man. What we got in the end was... okay? Okay, but still lacking in certain areas. I just hope a future main story update fills in those gaps.
I guess I don't have anything else to say but... This truly was our Twisted Wonderland 💀
#disney twisted wonderland#twst#disney twst#twisted wonderland#book 7 spoilers#book 7 chapter 13 part 2 spoilers#notes from the writing raven#Heartslabyul#Grim#Yuu#Savanaclaw#Octavinelle#Scarabia#Pomefiore#NRC Staff#Ignihyde#Diasomnia#jp spoilers#Malleus Draconia#Idia Shroud#Ortho Shroud#Lilia Vanrouge#Silver#Sebek Zigvolt#Maleanor Draconia#Dire Crowley#Dawn Knight#Leah Istvan#Maleficia Draconia#Raverne Draconia
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Ti faccio la richiesta in italiano xké sono più comoda, ma tu fai pure il post in inglese
Puoi fare uno scenario con la reazione degli alzatori (Kageyama, Suga, Oikawa, Kenma e Akaashi) quando la loro ragazza indossa la sua maglia (quella della sua squadra)? Il motivo lo puoi scegliere tu
Haikyuu!! ~Is that my jersey?~
Manga/anime: Haikyuu!!
Warnings: spoilers from chapter 328 to chapter 337 in Akaashi's part and of Oikawa and Kenma's future
(Y/N): your name
Kageyama is coming back from training in pieces, dragging his feet as he walks, his eyes struggling to stay open and the shoulder on which he rests his bag getting heavier with each step, and still scolding Hinata in his mind for forcing him to toss for him until nine in the evening.
As soon as he enters his house, ready to receive a good scolding from his sister, the boy remembers a small detail: his girlfriend (Y/N). Due to the imminent arrival of exams, and since he isn't particularly good at studying, they had arranged to meet in his room to prepare together for them. It's a shame their meeting's time has already been exceeded a long time ago.
Ignoring his furious sister, Kageyama rushes into his room, and he would fall to the floor like his bag, which he dropped as soon as he entered the house, if he didn't hold on to the door frame, because what he sees almost causes him to collapse to the ground: his girlfriend is lying on his bed, hugging his pillow and wearing his team jersey, while dozing.
The boy's face becomes the equivalent of a tomato and his body begins to tremble slightly, while he can't stop looking at the number nine on the girl's chest, which rises and falls regularly.
Walking quickly, Kageyama approaches (Y/N), fearing she's an illusion and she might disappear; he then stops to take the pillow from her arms and replace it with himself, never taking his eyes off her. His mind is in total confusion and, if Hinata saw him in that state, he would probably make fun of him, because he's red, sweaty, shaking and agitated.
The final blow comes when the girl holds him close and rests her head on his chest, rubbing against it like a cat, and the boy almost forgets how to breathe, paralyzing himself like a wooden board. His mind is about to short circuit and only three concepts repeat in it: (Y/N), my jersey and pretty.
It goes without saying, but he won't sleep at all that night: all he'll have on his mind will be how extremely adorable (Y/N) looks in his jersey.
It isn't even eight in the morning and (Y/N)'s day is already horrible: not only she woke up late because her alarm didn't go off and missed the bus she always takes with her boyfriend Sugawara, but she also spilled her juice on her school uniform, which is now all sticky.
For these reasons, the girl is in the locker room of the volleyball team: her boyfriend, who had been waiting for her in front of the school and found her in that state, has proposed to lend her his team jersey while he goes to look for Kiyoko to ask her if she has an extra uniform, so that (Y/N) doesn't remain wet and sticky.
"(Y/N) -After about ten minutes, the boy comes back into the room holding a clean uniform- Shimizu didn't have a uniform, but Yachi did. I hope it fits yo-"
He can't even finish the sentence, and he freezes: I'm seeing an angel, he thinks. That angel is a very embarrassed (Y/N), who tries to pull down her boyfriend's jersey, which reaches just below her thighs, as much as possible.
Sugawara's face turns all red and his eyes can't leave her, while he swallows the saliva which has accumulated in his mouth.
"Are you okay, Koushi?" The girl's words seem to awaken the boy from the trance he was in, so much so he almost drops Yachi's clothes.
"Y-yeah… yeah… You're just… so pretty…" The more he talks, the softer his voice becomes, until it's just a whisper, and his blush pushes Sugawara to cover his face with his hand.
"Awwwww, thanks, Koushi!" (Y/N) runs to hug him, burying her face in his chest, while he does the same but in her neck, trying not to think anymore about his girlfriend's body dressed only in his jersey against his.
After a grueling afternoon of training with his team, Oikawa can finally go home to his girlfriend (Y/N).
"Tadaima (I'm home)!" He exclaims, entering the house, happy and ready for a cuddle session with his girlfriend.
"Okaeri (Welcome back)." The man hears her voice from the kitchen, and so he goes to her.
"Awwwww, did you miss me that much, cutie?" Oikawa coos at the beauty of (Y/N), whose back is turned while she's cooking, and who is wearing his old jersey of Aoba Johsai.
In fact, while sorting out their old things that day, the woman found her boyfriend's jersey neatly folded along with the other high school items, so she decided to wear it to surprise him, and then she went to cook.
"How am I?" (Y/N) does a pirouette, showing her face to Oikawa, who doesn't even answer: he only takes a photo of her.
"Tooru! Did you just take a picture of me?!"
"You're too cute like this. I'm sending it to Iwa-chan!"
"Noooo!" The woman tries to take the phone from the man, but she finds herself with her head against his chest and then picked up and thrown on their sofa hugging him.
"Tooru, let me go!" Oikawa refuses, holding (Y/N) tighter to him.
"No! I worked so hard today, and then I found you dressed like this, so I deserve my cuddles -His voice then becomes lower- and next time, if you don't want an even greater reaction, let me know you'll wear my jersey again." Indeed, the man didn't show it much, but he internally screamed as soon as he saw the woman dressed like that, and he really wanted to be welcomed by her like that every day of his life.
In fact, while holding his girlfriend, Oikawa thinks only about one thing: perhaps it's time to contact the jewelry; Oikawa (Y/N) doesn't sound that bad…
(Y/N) was alone in her and her boyfriend Kenma's bed. He was in his studio finishing a live, despite her numerous requests to sleep with her.
Time passes and passes, but the woman still can't fall asleep, both because she misses her boyfriend and because she sees too much light in the corridor due to his computer being turned on, so she decides to go to call him again.
"Kenma, can you come to bed with me? It's late and I can't sleep..."
"I'm almost done, I just have to get through a few levels and then defeat the final boss. You can come here near me, I'm not on video."
The woman approaches the man and sits next to him, resting her head on his shoulder and snuggling into his side, but without preventing him from being able to move.
After a few minutes, Kenma stops the game to look at her softly, but his gaze soon turns to total amazement: his eyes widen slightly, his body paralyzes for a few seconds and his heart seems to jump out of his chest because of how hard it's beating.
"Sorry guys, but it's time to end the live. I'll resume the game tomorrow."
(Y/N), who had been dozing off on his shoulder, immediately wakes up at those words, letting out a small scream when he picks her up like a bride and carries her to the bedroom.
Meanwhile, the man had only one image in his mind: his beautiful girlfriend dressed in his old team jersey, which is loose and allows him to see one of her shoulders, and cute socks with kittens, all sleepy while she pushes her face against the his chest.
"Kenma!" The woman exclaims, after Kenma drops her on their bed and then positions himself astride her, supporting himself on his arms to prevent all his weight from falling on her.
"You look cute… in my jersey…" He murmurs, looking away from her.
Fukurodani is losing the first set against Mujinazaka and Akaashi is on the bench, after losing his composure.
Meanwhile, his girlfriend was in the stands supporting him but, worried about him, she has headed to where he was. Quickly descending, she approaches him and finds him sitting with his head in his hands looking desperate.
"Keiji…" The boy looks up at his girlfriend, and he swears he almost faints: his girlfriend should be arrested for the crime of being too cute, since she's wearing his spare team jersey. The fabric runs down to her knees, covered by a black legging, and the number five is located just below her heart.
"W-what -Akaashi needs to take a few seconds to clear his throat- what are you wearing?"
"Your shirt… I put it on to support you… Bokuto-san said you would like it."
"Sorry… You came all this way, and we're losing because of me."
"Don't apologise. Keiji -(Y/N) murmurs, approaching him- I came because I wanted to give you all my support and I wore your jersey because, if someone had asked me who was my favorite player, I would have pointed to it and said you're my number one. So you don't need to worry, okay? Go and win!"
With that, the girl smiles sweetly, and a light dusting of red spreads across the boy's cheeks: she's too cute.
Screams mixed with happiness and disappointment spread throughout the gym, and Akaashi realizes what happened: Fukurodani lost the first set.
"Akaashi, do you feel up to it now?" The coach asks him, and he nods.
However, before taking the field, he mutters, without letting (Y/N) see his red face: "If we win, will you wear my jersey again?"
He'll definitely have to thank Bokuto after their victory.
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
#haikyuu#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!! x reader#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu x reader fluff#kageyama tobio#kageyama x reader#kageyama fluff#kageyama x reader fluff#kageyama x you#sugawara koushi#sugawara x reader#sugawara fluff#sugawara x reader fluff#sugawara x you#oikawa tooru#oikawa x reader#oikawa fluff#oikawa x reader fluff#oikawa x you#kozume kenma#kenma x reader#kenma fluff#kenma x reader fluff#kenma x you#akaashi keiji#akaashi x reader#akaashi fluff#akaashi x reader fluff#akaashi x you
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(Spoilers for Iruma-kun chapter 328)
Haunted house arc.
Bro Iruma you say things like this wearing a face like that. And i'm getting reminded of how cool it would have been if Salivan just turned him into a demon. Like come on.... He already broke like 2-3 Taboos to buy off Iruma.
#manga#iruma manga#iruma kun spoilers#marimashita iruma kun#mairimashita! iruma kun#mairuma spoilers#welcome to demon school iruma kun#low quality image
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Skip Beat chapter 266, 282, and 285 Spoilers (minor 328 spoiler): So we know Ren's fans would have freaked out about Ren's necklace disappearing after he gave it to Kyoko if Yashiro hadn't gotten the replica; but, that makes me wonder if fans freaked out about the ring Sho left at Kyoko's. I wonder if Sho got that ring in the picture at the end of 328 to cover up that it was lost. I imagine fans are likely to believe it if he tells them he just lost a ring; that's pretty easy to do, but would he actually say that since he wants to keep his cool image?
Can you imagine if someone found out Kyoko is in possession of jewelry from 2 different famous celebrities??? They would all want to murder her, not just for having the jewelry, but for somehow thinking she deserved both or couldn't choose between the 2 men. And no way would anyone believe Sho just happened to forget his ring with Kyoko right before he went on a trip abroad if they found out, they'd take it as "even though I can't be at your side, keep this with you so a part of me is close despite the distance" type gesture.
#skip beat#kyoko mogami#sho fuwa#ren tsuruga#spoilers#random thoughts#its so funny that she got jewlry from both men so close to each other#even if sho's was an accident#though....was it??#was it an attempt to make her think of him?#or an excuse to see her as soon as he gets back????
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Water 7 Arc: Luffy and Usopp (Manga and Anime Comparison) [Part 1]
Spoiler alert: Don't keep reading if you haven't reached Water 7 Arc (Manga Chapter 333 or Anime Episode 236)
I've decided to start with this scene in particular because it shows a lot of changes that are absolutely core in the characters personalities in my opinion.
Please let me know your opinion about it or if you wish to add anything ^^ (and remember to have mercy on my English xD)
There is a lot to unpack, so I will be going page by page and directly comparing it with the Anime. 14 pages of manga compared to Anime.
(Manga reads from right to left, but the Anime screenshots are organized to read from left to right ^^U)
Before starting the comparison, a little reminder of what we are dealing with:
Luffy was informed by Galley-La shipwrights that the Going Merry could not sail anymore, and that he has to change ships. He strongly and emotionally refused to believe it and also refused to leave Merry behind, as it would be like leaving a companion... until Iceberg cuts the conversation short by doubting his capabilities as a Captain, and Luffy takes that comment to heart. (Manga Chapter 328)
On the other side, Usopp has been beaten twice by Franky's men, one while being robbed and another one while trying to recover the money he was robbed. He feels extremely guilty and like he can not face the others.
Luffy and the others found Usopp badly hurt, and broke Franky's Lair to the ground in the rage caused by seeing the poor Usopp hurt.
Luffy ends up deciding that leaving the Merry is the most responsible thing to do to protect the others. Then they all go back home.
Of course everyone is very emotional at this moment when Usopp finally wakes up, but they are trying to lift the spirits:

Now let's start the comparisons.
Luffy wants Usopp to not feel responsible for the decision he has to make (because he is not, obviously), and tries to treat the subject with positivity and cheer Usopp up. But it's still Luffy, and he is not the best with words, even if he never has ill intention, and he is also still emotional about it. But he is trying his best to maintain the smile.
Usopp is having probably one of the worst days of his life, and he is waking up to one big fear of him being a reality.
For the first 2 or 3 panels we get this (which already doesn't feel the same):
Then suddenly, we get the reactions of the others with absolute silence. The problem is... the Anime just chooses which reactions they have, because the Manga sure didn't show them!
Everyone looks tense or displeased. Specially, Nami looks dissappointed with Luffy's way of treating the subject, and Chopper seems about to start crying.
In my opinion, these reactions of the rest of the crew are completely out of character for this moment. Let's understand that they already talked about the subject and agreed with Luffy, not only because he is the Captain, but also because it's the logical thing to do.
But we are just getting started with this page.
For some reason, they decided to show Usopp making jokes about the subject, and the others just... let him talk and talk. (the reason is filler, I know)
In the Manga, Usopp tries to understand the situation as fast as possible, because it's no joke to him. He understands that something is happening or Luffy wouldn't even think about something like that. He immediately blames himself for the problem, shaking and panicking.
Also, Luffy's expression in the Anime? Why do they make him look angry at Usopp? Why would he look at his panicking dear friend with such a severe and angry look?
Finally we can go to the 2nd page:
Things start to heat up.
As you can see, all the conversation in the Manga is fast, without them stopping to look "judgingly" at one another. What the rest is doing is trying to calm them down.
Luffy hurries and tries to explain the money has nothing to do with their problem, but is getting frustrated that Usopp is pulling his tongue to say the whole truth or he won't stop blaming himself for it.
Luffy doesn't want to say out loud that Merry can't be repaired (because for him saying something out loud is making it a reality). But he also doesn't want Usopp to feel responsible when he is not, so he has to choose... and he chooses to free Usopp from guilt.
Let's remember Luffy is a very mature guy in many ways, but is also very emotional and empathetic. He feels the pain of the others and his own, and is probably overwhelmed, so he explodes.
Also, we can see how Sanji and Chopper are physically trying to stop them from escalating the situation. Sanji holds Luffy's shoulder, not only stopping him, but also grounding him so he can calm down. Chopper tries to make Usopp sit back and rest.
You can see how they don't think any of them is wrong right now, they just want them to stop fighting and talk calmly.
Now let's look at what the Anime does with this page:
We get angry faces of Zoro and Sanji for some reason, when they are clearly not angry, just worried...
Luffy and Usopp's expressions are also way more angry and violent than what they should be.
The scene keeps escalating and none of the others is really getting in the middle...
For some reason, Usopp is disrespecting not only Luffy and his position as Captain verbally and physically, but also Choppers medical advice... completely out of character.
And then we start a really stressful and completely fabricated scene:
Usopp screaming over and over demandingly until he makes Luffy angry enough he explodes... from anger.
Luffy didn't explode from anger in the Manga. He just wanted to end the problem. He is not angry at Usopp at all, he is stressed.
And also, Usopp wouldn't do any of this to Luffy.
And we never saw Sanji and Chopper getting in the middle. Why?
3rd page:
The problem seems to have stopped. Usopp is shocked by the revelation, but seems to have calmed down.
Luffy had to recognize out loud what he didn't want to say, but he assumes the problem is going to be over. They all do.
We can still see how Sanji was trying to calm Luffy down by contact, but stops when he sees he calmed down. He is very involved in all the interaction, even if he has been silent until now.
Sanji, Nami and Chopper look shaken by how out of hand things had gone for a second (because in the Manga it is fast).
Then Usopp insists.
Zoro doesn't seem pleased that Usopp talks back again.
Going back to the Anime's adaptation:
Again, Luffy looks angry and not desperate to solve the problem they are having. He looks down on Usopp, still in a defensive position.
Actually, none of the expressions are correct. They have all gone from surprised or shaken to just frown.
Was it that difficult to respect their expressions? They fill everything else with random content, but now that they had specific panels with their expressions, they decided to not put them.
Any semblance of closeness between Sanji and Luffy is completely erased.
4th page:
Usopp starts to be clearly illogical, and he knows it. But it's not out of malice, it's just his insecurities making him talk like this.
Luffy can't understand why he won't let it go now that he has the whole information, and tries to explain the situation again, in case he didn't get it. Again: he is not mad with Usopp, he is stressed.
But Usopp is too affected by everything he experienced in that horrible day to try to be rational, and it's normal and human to do so.
In the Anime:
Again, the facial expressions are completely exaggerated in the worst way possible, or straight up wrong.
At this point I'm begging the Anime to stop making them look at each other with hate.
5th page:
They all know he is saying nonsense, and start to notice there's a lot more behind everything he is saying.
Let's remember Merry is a gift to Luffy from Kaya. Also he saw the Klabautermann of the ship and believes Merry has a soul... But not only that. Usopp feels inadequate in the group. He feels like he's not enough for them, and is probably thinking that the ship, with which he shares so much, is receiving the treatment he "deserves" to receive.
The rest of the crew just don't seem to know how to aboard the problem.
In the Anime:
Again with the expressions and positions completely wrong.
Luffy and Zoro just look angry.
Sanji has lost his concerned look for a serious one and also gives his back to the whole situation. We can't see Nami's face. Chopper is not attending Usopp as urgently...
6th Page:
Luffy has sat down and is not discussing this as a friends quarrel anymore, he is starting to act like a Captain. He is not angry, he is firm.
He points out that what Usopp is saying is illogical, in a strong tone. Nami (probably) is surprised by the change of tone of Luffy. Usopp still doesn't want to listen, starting to really disrespect his Captain by giving him his back and ignoring what he says.
Sanji calls Usopp out, with his hands on his hips, clearly showing support for his Captain and disapproval of Usopp's attitude.
This is one of the first times Luffy has to put his foot down as a Captain. He usually doesn't need to. And Usopp is practically disobeying orders.
In the Anime:
Luffy's expression is completely wrong again. They keep showing him angry, not firm.
Also he is not sitting, which adds to them completely missing the change in Luffy's attitude.
The composition is also showing a weird tension, in which Usopp looks almost like a victim of a bully.
Sanji calls Usopp even softly for what we are used to hear from him, like he is trying to support him more than scold him.
And again... Luffy's expression is a complete miss.
Not only does he look like an angry child more than an adult that is discussing something serious, they also changed his nervous sweat for angry veins.
And this are all the images I can put in a post, so this will continue in Part 2 ^^
#water 7 arc#one piece manga#one piece anime#monkey d. luffy#usopp#going merry#roronoa zoro#nami#tony tony chopper#sanji#black leg sanji#vinsmoke sanji#comparison
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Skip Beat! Chapter 328 *Spoilers*
*Skimming and mildly mind-translating the raws"
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read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/S8pyAhD by Christmaslandbeautiful Bruce misses him. Words: 328, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Bruce Wayne, Jeremiah Valeska Relationships: Bruce Wayne/ Jeremiah Valeska Additional Tags: spoiler - Freeform, Sad, going for a walk, Missing, former friend. read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/S8pyAhD
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Hello angel. I feel bc embarrassed asking this, but I have no knowledge of manga, or the chapters. So I have no clue if Dabi’s and Shigaraki’s soulmate chapters have spoilers for me, watching just the show? I know you have it at the beginning of the chapters, but I have no clue if the show has covered those manga chapters, would you mind telling me? So sorry to bother 💖
(Also I misspelled Shigaraki, and spelt Wigaraki, and I’m exhausted and it made me cackle. Like imagine Shigaraki stalking UA students with a terrible wig)
OOF okay. short answer: yes, spoilers if you're an anime-only.
longer answer: the anime has so far covered up to chapter 328 of the manga, and touya's route goes up to 390.
the biggest spoiler for touya has to do with the physical state of his body. and shigaraki's.........gosh. i don't talk about any of the specific events that were happening, but i do echo ways that characters are still currently talking about shigaraki--specifically in the way they're talking about him as a villain/person/object. so perhaps shig's would be okay to read, but, like, i make shigaraki's route overlap a lot with touya's.
the definition of "heavy" spoilers varies from person, so i suppose i would say that if you are hesitating, then hesistate and put off reading them. and thanks for checking in!!! i hope you've enjoyed the fic so far!!!
(also lol at wigaraki. with how much his hair changes, it'd be hilarious if at least one version were one)
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Chapter 328 spoilers
Shit hit the fan. Sansa joined the Tired Club! Other members are Tsukauchi, Aizawa and possibly Yagi.
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#im out peace 🚶♀️✌#mha#mha spoilers#boku no hero academia#bnha spoilers#my hero academia#chapter 328 spoilers#war arc
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While yall were busy freaking out over the news about Shigaraki’s body being finished soon, I was trying to process how fucking cute this little shit is, look at him, baby
#mha#my hero academia#my hero academia spoilers#my hero academia manga#my hero academia manga spoilers#mha spoilers#mha manga#mha manga spoilers#bnha#boku no hero academia#boku no hero academia spoilers#boku no hero academia manga spoilers#boku no hero academia manga#bnha spoilers#bnha manga#bnha manga spoilers#chapter 328#chapter 328 spoilers#manga spoilers#sansa#sansa mha#sansa bnha#just look at the pure baby energy
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here are my theories about izuku’s dear old dad. *pulls out shouto’s theory board*
there will be manga spoilers from chapter 328 under the cut
this man. this man shows up, completely obscured by shadow. what do we know about him? we know that he works in america, has some major part in the US’s version of the hero commission (or is at least some part of the government there), and not much else. but the way he’s presented shows me that he will most likely have some part in the plot.
now this could just be because star and stripe has some very evident plot relevance, and he should be the man behind the scenes controlling her. but do i think that’s it?
No. I think that this man is izuku’s father, midoriya hisashi.
you may think i’m just grasping at straws here (and i kinda am) but bear with me.
while we don’t know much about hisashi, we know that he works abroad, and it has been heavily hinted by the way that izuku acts, that he is absent for a good part of izuku’s life. what reason would hisashi have to be so absent in izuku’s life? divorce maybe, but the family still share the same name, and there doesn’t seem to be much tension going on... more so just an absence. plus when izuku found out about the todoroki household, his reactions showed he was unfamiliar with such abuse. so a job would be more likely. and if hisashi had a position high enough that he’s practically discussing the fate of america among many other countries around the world, and has strong connections with the number one hero in america, then he certainly wouldn’t have much time to spend with his family.
on top of this, horikoshi did say that hisashi would have some part to play in this manga, and while i absolutely love dad for one theories, i definitely don’t think it’s canon. i also want to point out hisashi’s name. many people in the my hero universe, have a name that either holds meaning, is a physical or quirk description, or is a pun. hisashi’s name essentially means ‘it’s been a while since i’ve seen you’ this could simply be referring to his absence in izuku’s life, but it could also be hinting towards his absence in the manga itself. after all, it has been a while since we’ve heard of him, chapter one in fact.
so i believe that this man has a very high possibility of being izuku’s dad
anyway it’s late and this theory has been put together with absolutely no research, so feel free to add to it or point out anything incorrect. i have many opinions about the recent chapters and plenty of theories, but this is theory i was most excited about so here it is.
#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#midoriya izuku#midoriya hisashi#bnha theory#theories#chapter 328#bnha spoilers#chapter 328 spoilers#bnha chap 238
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#bnha chapter 328 spoilers#bnha chapter 328#allmight#shirakumo oboro#loud cloud#toshinori yagi#bnha 328#izuku midoriya#katsuki bakugou#kirishima ejirou#ochako uraraka#tenya iida#uraraka ochako#shoto torodoki#bnha memes#mha#mha memes#bnha comic#bnha spoilers#my hero academia
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Ms America, going off on her own with a fleet is so fucking on brand for the US
#my hero academia#bnha#manga spoilers#my hero academia spoilers#bnha spoilers#chapter 328#curious @ leaks#star and stripe#all might#foreign pro heroes#I fucking love this
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Another panel in color!! This one is from BNHA chapter 328! I didn’t do the whole panel because it was basically a two page spread and it had a slanted border, but she’s here.
#art#digital art#digitalart#fan art#anime#comic#manga#i only colored this#colored manga#my hero academia spoilers#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#boku no hero spoilers#僕のヒーローアカデミア#ヒロアカ#star and stripe#mha chapter 328#bnha chapter 328#spoilers#mha fanart
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