#chaosfay wishlist
anotherdayforchaosfay · 10 months
It's wishlist sharing season, so here's mine. I use Throne because I can add things from other websites and not use Amazon as the the only option. If you're a creator, consider setting up a wishlist.
I have mostly quilt supplies on mine, but there's also tea, teacup/mugs (I collect them), watercolor paint (because mine were in tubes and solidified, making them useless), clothes, some food, books, and some fairly random items, and a new game console. That last item is a pipe dream, but it would make me sooooooooo happy.
The budget ranges from $7 USD to just over $500 USD.
In order of preference for what I would like most:
XBox Series X
Watercolor Paints
Books (not including quilt books)
Quilt Books
Throne takes care of the mailing address and all that other stuff. If you happen to have my mailing address and want to send me something not on the list, go right ahead.
If y'all would rather give me money, I strongly suggest doing so by way of a purchase from my shop. You get something, be it a digital download or a quilt (I make them as small as 1.5x1.5 inches and up to queen size), I get money, and I free up precious space for new things.
Thank you!
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
My husband's 50th birthday is in August, and I would really love to get him something nice. That something is an XBox Series X.
To do this, I must first reach my Ko-Fi goal. Neither of us can justify doing any major spending until that's covered. Purchasing my work will help tremendously; frees up space and pays the debt.
There's also the option of purchasing it for me. I have it on my wishlist here.
If you purchase one or both of the XBoxes, I will make a quilt for you up to the amount spent on the XBox(es).
Please help me achieve my goal so I may give my husband a wonderful birthday. He deserves nice things.
My work below:
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Witchy Wishlist 2022
🌵Arizona, USA
🎄 Share your fave crochet pattern(s) (bonus if they’re no-sew!) or favorite holiday craft to do!
🎅🏻 Send me a small rock or other non-perishable nature find from your area (literally just whatever you pick up off the ground)!
⭐️ Any kind of ancestor reading with the divination tool of your choice!
🦌 Send me a pic of your favorite local animal or plant!
⛸ Any bi-pride trinkets/friendship bracelets, stickers, etc.
🕯Extra holy cards or saint medals!
🪆Tell me about your favorite folk magic saint petition technique
🧤 Little zines! (I can print them out myself if need be!)
🎁 Check out any of my friends’ pages/shops:
*DM me for my address if needed. Thank you for looking and have a fantastic holiday season!
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ravenbara · 5 years
I just found the $50 item that just went on my wishlist..... I didn’t even know that you can get art (from the amazing @tothesolarium no less) printed on a sherpa blanket..... I have been wanting to try a sherpa blanket for my sensitivity to touched textures aaaand also my tiny scruffy cuddly parrot who loves to cuddle in thee super plush fleece blanket i have might really like this!
So.... if anyone out there felt like gifting me art. I have an ever growing wishlist of gorgeous artist’s work (like @tothesolarium such as above as well as @pomsdoodlefort 
Their work here
who i always adore) as well as handmade art and crafts (the wonderful @creations-by-chaosfay 
Her work here
coming most to mind)   Supporting friends’ creativity is something i am always for.  So check them out! 
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If you would like to receive a free quilt and also make me squeal and cry with joy, purchase one of the two XBox Series X consoles from my wishlist. I have two listed, one being for my husband and the other for me. You'll receive a quilt of equal or lesser value from my shop or custom made, it's entirely up to you, but you can't order the things from my wishlist anonymously if you want a quilt. Look over my commission menu as well as my shop to get an idea of what $500 USD will get you. All money I receive is used for paying off the debt, not for fun stuff.
Any gift over $75 on the wishlist will earn you a quilt, btw. I just really want the game console. Purchasing Dragon Age on release day is ideal for me, not pre-ordering, and I'll be able to play it after I have a console.
Don't bother sending me asks or messaging me with a lecture about money or anything like that. I'll simply block you. I'm spending money responsibly by paying off debts, bills, and necessities. It would simply be nice to have fun things. Life should not be about work work work. There has to be joy in there. We are not made to suffer; that's capitalism talking. As for why we have that much debt, our water heater broke last year, and we had to purchase a new one and hire someone to install it. That's not cheap. We had to pull out a loan in order to do so because we didn't have the money on hand to cover the cost. Save your lecture for someone else.
Here are examples of my work. Look over them to see if my style is what you like:
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 8 months
Plans for today involved playing Sims 4, which I did...but only for two hours because my wrist stiffens tf up and then pain settles in. I have one of those nifty booby mouse pads on my list, in case anyone feels like snatching it up for me. My current support is a folded washcloth. None of the office supply stores in my area carry the booby style mouse pads, hence why I haven't gotten one yet.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 10 months
Fancy helping me surprise my husband with a fantastic gift?
His XBox One is no longer reading discs. It also likes to randomly disconnect from the internet. The machine is old, and getting it repaired costs more than getting a new one. Thing is, we don't wanna buy a new XBox One when an XBox Series X is available ($500 USD). Series X has a disc drive, Series S does not.
I have the XBox Series X pinned on my Throne wishlist. My hope is, after paying off the medical bills (done) and the Care Credit vet bill ($1300) with quilt sales, I can surprise my husband with an XBox Series X. He can play more of his games and be able to relax...and get Baldur's Gate 3 for XBox because it's something we both wanna play. My PC needs a new graphics card before I can play this game on it, and I haven't the necessary skills (nor money) to install one.
If y'all wanna help me surprise my husband with a gift, you can do so two ways:
Purchase my work and help me pay off the Care Credit bill. I'll be turning the three finished quilt tops into finished quilts over the next three months, then listing them in my shop. Commissions open in March for my members, April for everyone else.
Donate to my Throne crowd funding thing I have pinned on my list. It's specifically for the XBox. Donations to my Ko-Fi go towards the bill goal, not towards the XBox.
My website:
Ideally, I would have the funds by February. February was once the worst months of the year for me. Something traumatizing happened to me, resulting in PTSD and me, more or less, avoiding everyone and everything. That has changed over the last five years, and now it's just another month. It would be nice to celebrate it with a gift for him. Plus, there's the benefit of him being able to play more of his games.
Yes, we each have separate consoles. He also has his own room with his DnD stuff, a sofa, desk, TV, XBox, films, and games. Separate spaces is vital for us, and has made a massive difference.
After he has his gift, and I'm not telling him about this because I wanna make a surprise, I'll focus on putting all my funds towards paying off the new water heater. An XBox Series X for myself is definitely a yes, later in 2024, because I wanna play Baldur's Gate 3. Plus, other new games are coming out that will require a new console. Maybe we'll be able to get the console for my 41st bday in June? We shall see!
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 4 months
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I have leveled up after another trip around the sun!
Plans we had made for the day are mostly scrapped because it's raining, and I did a lot two days ago. We're still going to the GF bakery though. I get a free drink and a discount on a treat.
It's 5AM, I'm done sleeping (I rarely sleep more than six hours), and Bubby will be I'm bed another four hours. Looks like breakfast (in an hour because adhd med) and gaming to start my morning. I finished a mug rug top yesterday, so machine quilting that in an hour or two.
If you wanna give me a good day, please consider making a purchase from my shop. Use BDAY24 for a 25% discount on your purchase. It applies to everything, including the original paintings. If you do purchase my paintings, I will be ecstatic!!!
If a gift is something you would rather send, I have a Throne wishlist here. What I need is a printer. I also have a quilting frame there, batting, watercolor paint, books, and an XBox Series X but that thing is a gift for my husband. He turn 50 in a couple months and his console is an original XBox One. If you order anything and the total is $150+ USD, I'll apply it as a credit towards a future commission from me.
As for what we're gonna do today...I'll likely spend it it sewing. I need to finish commissions and have quite the To Do List for the summer. If we didn't need the money, I would keep commissions closed until next year. Alas, that's not a viable option until Bubby finds employment. He's been denied unemployment assistance because his former boss lied. The check he receives from the state for being my caregiver, plus my monthly SSDI payment, covers our mortgage and most of our bills. We greed-flation makes groceries expensive, plus other necessities are overpriced. I have a single pair of shoes and would like to get a second pair, I need new underwear because several of mine are getting threadbare, new pants for sleeping in because two pairs of my pajama pants are also very threadbare, and yeah...
If you would like to send money:
Mark money sent directly to my PayPal as a gift. I will otherwise need to return it because PayPal will demand a tracking number.
We will likely need around $800 to get through the month.
Thank you!
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creations-by-chaosfay · 4 months
If any of y'all wanna give me an outstanding start to the weekend, and make my birthday awesome, please consider purchasing work from my shop. Tomorrow is the farmers market, and I would really love to get some locally made or grown goods.
I have quilt tops, finished quilts of various sizes and budgets, and digital downloads. Prices start at $0 USD and everything comes with option to pay more than my listed price.
There's also the option of a gift from my Throne list!
Thank you so much!!!
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 4 months
I'm bored and feeling destructive. My choice of video games is limited because of tendonitis. No rapid movements for my left hand. Soooooo nuclear war for Civilization VI sounds like a good time.
Please, send me asks. For the ask, send thr entire question. I'm not hunting down numbers or emojis.
I consent to Dragon Age smut bombs.
Anon is available until someone gets rude. If you have something cruel or ride to say, don't be a coward. Say it with your whole chest and not behind the grey face.
My mood is craptastic. Why? Tendonitis, which means I can't do any sewing or quilting. I have no paint, which leaves me with no creative outlet. We have $700 to get through the month, which means we don't have enough to cover all our bills, good, fuel, and laundry.
If you would like to cheer me up, here are options:
Buy my work.
Donate. If using PayPal, mark it as a gift.
Purchase something from my Throne wishlist.
Thank you.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 7 months
Peopled out because someone has been here nearly everyday for a week, making home repairs for us because of thr ice storm last month. Thankfully, he was genuinely happy that I want at least three days without people here.
Seriously, this is why having a guest for more than two nights would have me snapping like an angry hyena.
At the same time, I'm lonely because Bubby doesn't wanna spend time with me. He's now nearly two months without DnD night due to the condition of thr converted garage. We still need to paint the walls, replace the carpet, install shelves on the walls, then move the furniture that's piled up in there.
On top of that, my period started today. I don't bleed or cramp anymore because uterus cauterized and tubes tied, but my boobs swell nearly a full cup size overnight. So now my boobs hurt. Explains my grumpiness though.
I'm giving myself the next several days to recover in order to prevent burnout. The quilt top is finished, fabric and pattern are pulled for the next one, and tomorrow I'm cleaning my sewing room after I out the current quilt in a frame to work on next week.
The highlights of my week: tea arrived and it was on sale so WOOT, the Throne wishlist item someone gifted me several weeks ago arrived today (box of random GF snacks), I got wool socks from a local shop (my feet sweat when cold, so hopefully these help me stay warm) and I need to wash them, my SSDI arrived early, I finished a quilt top, and one of the walls is done and ready for chalkboard paint.
Please send asks. If you read DA smut, please send a link or two to your favs. I prefer canon/near canon DA fanfics. I write explicit smut, so explicit is absolutely okay to send me. My AO3 is Chaosfay, btw. Link is on my profile. Anon is Disabled because I was receiving harassing asks.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 4 months
Finally remembered to add the exercise stuff my doctor recommended to my wishlist.
Joint issues, asthma, heat intolerance, and a couple other things are limiting my options. She said an air walker and a squat assist/air rower are what's best for me. Currently, these are on sale, but I'm currently broke (need to make $700 last the month for bills, food, fuel, and laundry) and all money I receive from sales and donations are going towards bills.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 4 months
My birthday and wedding anniversary is in June. Feel free to send me a gift if you wish.
I would very much love it if all my physical inventory sold out before the end of June. Original paintings, digital downloads, decorative fabric magnets and pins, dining decoration, lap quilts, digital downloads start at $0 USD.
Here's my wishlist. I have a gift for my husband on there too.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 5 months
If anyone wants to have the superpower of making me weep for joy and you receive a quilt (or two) as well, purchase the Cutie Breeze quilt frame and the XBox I have listed at the top.
The frame is for me and XBox is for my husband. His is an original XBox One and on its last leg. The frame is amaaaaazing and will make it possible for me, with practice, to machine quilt with my domestic machine, but it'll work like a longarm and not take up the 8-12 feet of space those typically require. Oh, and it's not the $10k+ those cost. It's just $1k USD, but on sale as of this posting.
So if you opt for buying one or both of these, I'll make a quilt, or two), for you in exchange.
Here's a link to my work so you can see what it is I do. I have my shop, commission info, and gallery there.
Thank you!
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Chaosfay’s Birthday!!!
My birthday is in June, and like every birthday after I turned 18, it’s a good surprise. Between my mental illnesses and chronic health issues, each birthday is unexpected and something to celebrate. If you wanna treat me to a thing, here’s a list to consider.
I have an Amazon Wishlist. Yes, I know Amazon is evil, but for those of us who can’t afford the really nice places, it’s the affordable option. The items are prioritized save for the top two items. The rest are sort of organized. Mostly fabric and books.
Donating to my Ko-Fi would be grand! PayPal and debit/credit via Stripe are accepted!
There’s also the option of purchasing one of the two finished quilts I still have listed in my Ko-Fi shop. You’re more than welcome to buy both of them!
If you write fanfiction, it would delight me to no end to if you write fanfiction of my fanfiction. LOL I cry and squeal every time someone writes something for me. I haven’t really felt like writing anything new as of late, namely due to the extreme discomfort of sitting at my PC.
If you want to create fanart (or even mood boards or playlists!) for me, I have my OCs both in written and visual form, with their own pages, on my profile. Jasmine Amell is my canon DAO Grey Warden. Ghanima Lavellan is my angry elf and I associate her with volcanoes and oceans. Delylah Trevelyan is the first Inquisitor I made and I love her to bits. I also have a self-insert, but she’s still a huge work-in-progress, so no touching for now.
If we’re familiar with each other, be it long time mutuals, penpals, or we’ve sent things to each other via snail mail, let me know if you find something and wanna ship it to me. Be it something you saw on Amazon but went elsewhere to buy it (thank you for supporting businesses outside Amazon!), or something you saw and immediately felt I should have it, contact me privately via asks or messaging for my mailing address.
I collect fairies (but am really picky about the more mass produced kind and cannot stand Amy Brown’s work), hummingbirds, and peacocks, and my fav flower is the daisy and will never tire of them (my backyard is filled with wild daisies). 
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!
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I’ve put together my Amazon wishlist for anyone who wants to surprise me with a happy. It’s mostly books and fabric, but I have other goodies on there as well.
At the top I have a Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing bundle because I really wanna play. It’s cute, relaxing, and I have a lot of friends who play. It’d be nice to join in on the fun.
There are several prepaid Visa cards on the list as well for shopping somewhere not Amazon.
If you wanna buy me a thing that’s not on the list but is on Amazon, let me know. I’ll add it so you can buy it for me.
Thank you for reading this and checking out the list.
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