#chaos incoming
landonor · 1 year
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viric-dreams · 5 months
So a bit of timeline for the first months in London (1899):
Roberts, post-scientist interference, cannot remember what his mission was, but is trying his best to revitalise many of the severed or deteriorated ties between Grand Geode and London and fix whichever types of issues he comes across. In the course of this, he ends up meeting Beverley and lends his assistance on his quest to retrieve a briefcase of utmost importance.
Nite is worming his way deeper and deeper with the revolutionaries, becoming their darling. As time goes on, he attracts the attention of a handful of particular members, who feel that he may be suited for a goal that's far less palatable to those of weaker constitution. His recruitment begins.
And this whole time, there's a group of extremely alarmed scientists desperately trying to locate the test subject they lost. They have no idea of the potential success or failure of their efforts, and need get him back to find out. It's to their benefit that neither Roberts nor Nite remember the incident, for if they did, every scientist involved would be in an incredible amount of danger.
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so today’s result has EIGHT people within 3.5 seconds how are they going to manage the start at the pursuit?!
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howdyricciardo · 1 year
Theres so much rain already wtff
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Becoming obsessed with making these (you'll never guess who my favorite character is)
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swan2swan · 5 days
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snakes-writing-corner · 9 months
Recently been obsessed with Undertale Yellow, and I am very much in love with a certain star cowboy. Long story short I need to get this idea out of my head before I forget.
Hear me out.
North Star x Bandit Reader
You heard about this little town growing in popularity in the Wild East. A little place in the Dunes where monsters can get a taste of the surface, with some interesting characters to make the area more appealing.
The main attraction, of course, being “The Feisty Five” as they call themselves. Just a group of human-interested friends wanting to have a little fun, and bring hope to the other monsters trapped in this hellhole.
The Feisty Five are indeed… an interesting group. Not particularly threatening, but a good group to hang around with if you’re looking to have some fun. Most you’d have to look out for is Mooch, who ironically, has a nasty stealing habit.
Oh but what caught your eye the most? The self-proclaimed sheriff of the Wild East.
“North Star” is the name he goes by, and boy is he quite the charmer!
Initially you came by the Wild East looking for a bit of excitement. A place where you could have a bit of fun and mess with the residents before moving along to the next unfortunate destination.
Oh but this? This was a lot more fun than you ever thought it would be!
The Feisty Five despite being the “protectors” of this town were, quite frankly, terrible at the protecting part. Just a gaggle of monsters living out some sort of human-based fantasy.
Unfortunately for them, you had a streak of causing trouble wherever you went, and to this day you’d never been caught for it.
Living in the underground got… boring after a while. Everyone living in a zombie-like state of hopelessness and despair was a bit too… depressing for your taste.
Call it morally wrong, but you wanted monsters to feel, well, anything! So you resorted to becoming a… well North Star would call it a “bandit” if he knew.
During what monsters considered night-time, you’d don on your trusty cloak and mask and cause a bit of mischief. Breaking and entering, stealing, blowing things up, occasionally scaring any poor monster who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? All were fair game to you!
You weren’t a completely terrible monster however! Any damages caused would end with the owner of the property mysteriously ending up with the gold to fix it, and stolen items would always be returned by the next night. It was simply just to stir up a bit of chaos and have some fun! That and it got monsters feeling something other than hopelessness!
Which leads us to the situation at hand.
You started living in the Wild East for a little while. A few months at least, getting time to know the locals so when the chaos ensued… well you wouldn’t necessarily get blamed if the town trusted you right?
In that time you grew a bond with the Feisty Five. Honestly who wouldn’t! They all had their quirks that made them fun to be around!
Ed despite being the muscle of the group had a heart of gold, and was very fun to mess around with. You still remember his face when you snuck that little fizzy tablet into his drink, and it exploded all over his face. His reaction was priceless!
Moray was always a chill monster to be around. You enjoyed how you two seemed to be able to talk about anything, and admired their skills with a sword. Truthfully, you had a bit too much respect for them to pull a prank… yet.
Ace was a mysterious fellow, the most quiet out of the four for sure. You two never talked much, but you quite enjoyed the card game he used to offer you. Keyword on “used to”, he stopped doing that after you won one too many times. You got revenge about a month after that with an unfortunate loose floorboard in the saloon.
Mooch was a lot like you actually, mischievous and a pretty good thief at that! You quite like her and can’t wait for the day you can steal all the gold she’s taken from you back. Friendly competition and all that, but stealing it now would blow your cover so you wait. In the meantime some harmless pranks from time to time that can’t be traced back to you will do.
Oh and now for your favorite member of this rag-tag gang, the sheriff himself! North Star was definitely a fun guy to be around! Matched your dramatic flair almost too well honestly! His hero act was always one you enjoyed feeding into, especially considering what you had planned.
Oh right! That little plan of yours is exactly why you’ve stuck around the Wild East for so long!
You see, North Star wanted to play the dashing hero, but you can’t be a hero without a worthy adversary to face can you?
Sure the town had Vengeful Virgil, but honestly? He’s not a threat at all! There’s no stakes or genuine mystery with him! And quite frankly you’ve started to hate the staged performances.
No twists or turns? No drama or unplanned hang-ups? No no no! That won’t do for your new favorite group of monsters! I mean you’re hiding right under their gazes in plain sight! A well trained “bandit” who’s actually willing to cause actual chaos around here!
Which led to where you’re currently stationed. Mask and cloak obscuring your true identity within the night, you press a simple little button.
You smirked from your position on top of the saloon. You see earlier you had planted some little explosives around town. Not in any spots that would hurt someone, but enough to give everyone in town a scare.
You chuckled as you heard screaming and panic envelop the town. Monsters like many times before running around terrified like mice. It was always fun to watch!
A shout rang out above the others however.
“Alright settle down everyone!”
Ah there he was… North Star.
You climbed down the roof of the saloon as you quietly hid behind it and watched.
The Feisty Four we’re running around under North Star’s orders, checking to see if any damage or harm had been done, while North Star tried to calm down the increasing crowd of monsters in a panic.
You watched a little longer.
Then North Star looked up at you.
Oh this was going to be fun.
“Stop where you are!” North Star shouted.
You smiled under the mask and made a run for it, the sheriff hot on your heels trying to get you to stop.
Oh but sheriff, the chase is half the fun no?
You continued to run, but quickly dug your heels to the ground and stopped to face your pursuer.
North Star managed to stop fairly quickly in return, and you two were suddenly at the end of a cliff in a stare down.
The sheriff lifted his gun and took aim.
You tilted your head in return, purposefully deepening your voice like you’ve done so many times before.
“Aw did the sheriff not like my welcoming gift?”
North Star glared. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you made a mistake coming into this town,”
“Bandit.” He spat with venom in his voice.
You chuckled, as you took a step closer.
“Oh but North Star,”
The sheriff’s gaze grew more sharp the more steps you took forward, you stopped mere inches away from him and the barrel of his gun.
“I don’t think I did.”
North Star fired.
No bullet came out of the barrel, a result of the tampering you did earlier to prepare for this moment.
You took the opportunity to rush forward and grab the taller monster by his bandana, and seize the wrist holding the gun in his mere moments of shock.
You stood there locked in place for a few seconds. Tilting your head to the side, you watched as the sheriff seemed to be caught between emotions of his facade and what lay underneath. After all, you can always break an actor if you try hard enough.
You chuckled and broke the silence between the two of you.
“What-” North Star started, but you cut him off.
“Tell me sheriff,” You tighten your grip on his wrist. “What do you think I want hm?”
You leaned closer towards his face.
“Money? Recognition? To simply hurt others?”
North Star stiffened.
“No.” You loosened the grip on his wrist.
“You and I both are not so different ya know?” You continued. “We’re both acting to bring some life into this hell of a place.”
You let go of him completely and take a few steps back.
“We just do it for our own personal reasons right?”
North Star glared you down.
“I’m nothing like you.” He spat.
You shrugged in response.
“Maybe not, sheriff.”
You back closer to the edge of the cliff.
You stop right at the edge as North Star aims his gun at you yet again.
“You’ve always wanted to play hero right?” You ask.
North Star continues to glare you down. “I don’t want to hear it, bandit.”
“This is your last warning.” He whips out his lasso in his free hand. “Surrender now.”
You smirk, purposefully ignoring him.
“Well sheriff. You have your villain.”
You step off of the cliff as you see the lasso at the edge of your vision.
Starlo ran over to the cliff-edge, kneeling down to look over the edge.
Where did they?
He frantically looked for the bandit, but they were gone without a trance.
Starlo huffed in annoyance, too many thoughts running through his head.
Would they actually kill someone?
Why was this monster so intent on this?
He never wanted this! This was just supposed to be for fun! He didn’t want to endanger anyone!
Starlo started internally panicking. The thought of- of this monster hurting anyone here. Would they do it? They wouldn’t right? They talked about acting so surely they wouldn’t-
The sound of paper caught his attention.
He looked down on saw a piece of paper tucked neatly into his bandana.
When did they have time to put that there?
With trembling hands he opened it.
“Howdy North Star,
Glad we finally got to meet face to face. I’ve been dying to see your reaction to when I finally make a move.
But don’t worry, I won’t hurt anyone. At least not yet.
You see I’m a bit of an actor myself, and any good actor should know you can’t have a hero without a proper villain.
So I’ll give you a warning. A heads up if you will.
I won’t hurt anyone in any truly damaging way. Unless things get boring that is, but I highly doubt that’ll happen with how entertaining you and your crew are.
I think this town needs a bit of chaos. And lucky me that you just so happened to imply you wanted a challenge when I showed up!
So tell you what. Let’s have some fun with a little game of cat and mouse. I’ll cause some trouble and you can play the charming hero as always. Besides I’m sure even you’ve grown tired of the same boring routine every day.
See if you can be the first to actually catch me sheriff. I’ll be waiting to see if you can pull it off. :)
-With hope for future fun encounters, Anarchy”
Starlo stared at the letter for much longer than he should have.
If this bandit wanted to mess around with his town?
They’ll have sure as hell a tough time doing so from now on.
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the-lady-general · 29 days
Camp Cretaceous: These are majestic animals who pose a significant threat to everyone around them, but as living creatures they nonetheless deserve our protection and respect. It's up to the people around them to make responsible decisions.
Chaos Theory: The dinosaurs have jobs now. It's murder.
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igotsnothing · 3 months
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ministerforpeas · 2 months
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Look at that chaotic gaze…
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randaccidents · 6 months
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[FOR UPDATE] Soul pre-ROE (you're here!) / Penitence Post-Apathy/ Penitence post-recovery
Soul pre-horrors! I made him so fashionable ksjdnfkj he does NOT look like this most of the AU either poor boy. Im about to yeet your fashion sense out the WINDOW.
{He gives Mind an aneurysm every day with his mish-mash style. As is his Harmonia given right.}
Fun fact! Soul is also the craft sibling hands down. He hand dyes the clothes they get for himself and he embroiders designs and patches for the three of them.
HMS are all the same height and build btw. Soul just happens to be SKINNY he is the Lord's smallest soldier.
I also had to redesign the trident to reflect his personality because all my Souls get that treatment. In this case its "I don't want to stab people, but if it comes down to it I will". Hence the sharpness while lacking the prongs of a proper trident. {Yes, he does have loop memories, who do you take me for}
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chaos-is-beautifvl · 2 years
𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝… 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠?
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(gif credits: defendingwarrior)
requested by @omgyoufoundnemostufff : I was wondering if you could do an Eddie x Henderson!reader with prompts 3, 37 and 40, where the reader has an argument with her mom and she disappears and Dustin thinks it could be something really bad seeing as his older sister hasn’t turned up for school and hasn’t returned home in what must seem like weeks, he remembers the time Will disappeared and starts to get really worried about her, that's until he finds her at Eddie’s trailer and their secret relationship is out in the open.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: eddie munson x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: dustin’s been worried about his older sister because he hasn’t heard from her since she and their mom got into a fight. worried, he turns to his friend and is met with a surprising sight
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠: fluff, tiny tiny angst, henderson!reader, secret relationships, fighting with parents, running away (not actually), dustin being slightly traumatized
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2783 (is it obvious that i am incapable of writing short stories?)
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: as always, feedback is golden! feel free to send me a request, guidelines here and check out my other eddie fics here! p.s. for those who read daughter of a cop part 1 and part 2, what would you like to see for part 3?
buy me a coffee ☕️!
The day couldn’t have gone better for Dustin. When he woke up, the skies were clear, and the birds were singing. At school, he got back the Spanish quiz he had dreaded, and miraculously, he passed with flying colors. Then at lunch, the cafeteria ladies gave him two chocolate puddings instead of one, and the rest of the day went by absolutely swimmingly.
That was, of course, until he got home. He had plans to call Suzie as her dad finally ungrounded her for changing Dustin’s Spanish grade. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore with his dazzling A+ smack dab on the front of his paper.
Dustin had a pep in his step as he approached the front porch. All the world was in bright colors then he heard it - yelling.
Thinking something was afoot, he rushed into the house, tossing his backpack aside. Before he struck, he glanced around, looking for a weapon. The only thing in sight was the candlestick on the table near the front door. It wasn’t the best option, but something was better than nothing.
“Whoever’s in here, be prepared to face my wrath!”
Dustin ran into the living room with closed eyes and swinging arms. The yelling paused, and Dustin stopped, keeping his arms ready for an attack as he squinted one eye open.
Instead of a hostile force at work, it was just you and your mom. You raised an eyebrow at Dustin’s odd behavior, and your mom just pursed her lips, squinting her eyes at him.
“Dusty, sweetie,” your mom inquired as she tilted her head, “What are you doing?”
“You guys- I thought- wait, what?” He shook his head, now sharing both of your confused looks. “I heard yelling.”
“So, what, you thought a,” you glanced down at his ‘weapon’ discerningly, “candlestick would help you?“
Dustin looked at his weapon and realized you were right, but he would never admit that aloud, so he shrugged. “Better than nothing.”
“That’s beside the point. Why were you two yelling?” Dustin directed the attention back to you two, which reminded you of the previous discussion.
You wanted to tell him it was nothing, but your mom beat you to the punch and most certainly did not say that. “Your sister’s just being stubborn, Dusty.”
You groaned, planting your face in your hands. “I’m not being stubborn, Mom. I don’t see why it’s such a big deal.”
“What’s a big deal?” Dustin asked, and you, again, wanted nothing more for him to remove himself from the conversation. Both you and your mom ignored him.
“Oh, Y/N,” your mom frowned as she petted not-Mews. “Why won’t you just tell me who you’re dating?”
Your mouth fell open in shock as your widened eyes stared at her. Of all things she could have said around any person, she said those words around Dustin. You spared a look to your younger brother, and at first, he looked just as shocked as you at your mom’s choice of words. Note: at first.
You watched as his shocked expression slowly morphed into amusement and immense curiosity. Then he was grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. “You’re dating someone?!”
You internally groaned, mentally facepalming, “No, Dustin, I am not dating anyone. Mom,” you said pointedly, “is just making assumptions.”
She tilted her head with a knowing look, “Well, that’s not what Joyce told me…”
“Joyce?!” You sputtered, “Why are you talking about my love life with Mrs. Byers?!” You couldn’t believe the words that kept spewing from her mom. When your mom said she wanted to talk, you certainly weren’t expecting this kind of talk, and certainly not with your little brother around.
“So you admit it?” Dustin’s wide eyes caught your gaze, and the second choice of words you regretted of the day was yours. “You are dating someone?”
“What? No!” You huffed, pinching the bridge of your nose as if that would make the pending conversation end. “It’s nothing.”
“Doesn’t seem like nothing.” Sometimes it felt like Dustin and your mom were always teaming up on you, and this was definitely one of those times.
You couldn’t believe that for one: your mom would even bring this up or talk about it with other people. You knew that the moms around here, especially you and your friends’ moms, were nosey and gossiped like they were getting paid, but you hadn’t expected this. And two: that your mom would talk about in front of Dustin, who endlessly teases you (as a younger sibling would) and who also didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut.
All of that, coupled with the thought of everyone knowing that you were maybe dating someone and the general shittiness of your day - because, unlike your little brother, your day could not have gone worse - sent you over the teeny, tiny edge.
“Why do you always do this?” You tried to soothe the headache that had already made its presence known. “Can’t I get a tiny ounce of privacy? And I’m not saying that I am dating someone, but that’s none of your goddamn business.”
“Y/N!” Your mom scolded, and this time, she was disappointed, but you were already upset. You felt bad for cursing at her, but she knew how she felt about privacy, yet, she was always violating it.
“It’s true. I have had a really, excuse my language, shitty day, and I didn’t want to come home and have my mom and little brother harassing me about whether or not I’m dating someone. And then,” you paced back and forth, voice raising as you ranted, “I hear that you’re talking about it with other people, and it’s like, ‘what about respecting my privacy?’ ”
“And you know what? Even if I were dating someone, I would never freaking tell you because neither of you knows how to keep a secret or, again, respect my privacy and feelings! And, it’s so frustrating, and oh my god!”
You let out a sigh of relief after getting everything you’d been dying to say aloud off your chest. You stopped pacing, pressing your hands to your face to quell the warmth that arrived during your outburst.
When you turned around to face them, they both wore ‘O’-shaped expressions. It seemed neither of them had anything to say. Neither did you, so you took that as your cue to leave. Even though you were glad to have finally voiced your grievances, you felt equally embarrassed and guilty for yelling at them.
The front door slammed shut, announcing your very warranted departure. After you left, Dustin placed the candlestick on the coffee table and turned to your mom. “I think we made her mad.”
She nodded, “I think so too, Dusty.”
After the fight, Dustin was fine. Well, he felt guilty for making you upset and also because you felt like you couldn't tell him anything. But Dustin figured you would come back the next day. When he thought about it, you always went to a friend’s anytime you needed to blow off steam or get away from everything for a little while. And when he really thought about it, he had never met this secret friend of yours.
But then, a day passed, and another and another, and Dustin began thinking something was afoot. It wasn’t like you to go this long without checking in on him.
He would only admit this if someone held him hostage, which almost happened a time or two, but you were his best friend. You were the first friend he ever had. Even now, when you both had your own friends, you would always be each other’s best friend. Naturally, he was worried about you. You were also his older sister, so worrying was totally normal. At least, that’s what he told himself.
He didn’t bring it up to his friends because he was sure they would tell him you were fine, and yeah, he wanted to believe that, but at the same time, what if you weren’t? By the fifth day, he really began to worry. You hadn’t been to school, at least to his knowledge. You always came to torment him at lunch, and you wouldn’t just stop. You were his older sister, after all.
Dustin couldn’t stand it anymore, and even though he knew that their problems from the Upside Down and all the monsters and gooey shit were over and done, he needed to talk to someone. So, he went to the one person he knew wouldn’t think he was crazy.
Eddie was setting up the VHS while he watched for the popcorn to finish popping. He didn’t read the instructions the first time, so the burnt smell was still wafting through the trailer. Nothing open windows and a candle going wouldn’t fix.
Something was wrong with the TV because all he was getting was static. His brows furrowed, and he smacked the side of the TV in frustration. The static disappeared, and he grinned. “Hah! You thought you were going to get the best of me? I’m Eddie the Banished! No one can-”
In the middle of Eddie’s monologue, the trailer door flung open. He chuckled nervously, embarrassed to have been caught. Eddie ducked down to check that all the cords were in the right place and to hide his reddening face. “Sorry, sweetheart, didn’t think you’d be back so quickly.”
“Sweetheart?” Dustin’s feet entered Eddie’s periphery, and Eddie jumped up so quickly that he whacked his head on the open cabinet above him.
“Henderson!” The brunet stared at the other brunet with widened eyes. He rubbed the sore spot on the top of his head as he leaned on the TV. “What are you doing here?”
Dustin raised his eyebrows at Eddie’s odd behavior. “Why did you call me sweetheart?”
“What?” Eddie pulled Dustin’s hat over his eyes, resulting in the boy swatting at him like a fly. “Don’t like your new nickname?”
“No. Definitely not in the mood for nicknames.” Dustin moved to sit down on the couch, tossing his bag on the floor. “We need to talk.”
“Make yourself at home,” Eddie mumbled before plopping down on the couch next to Dustin, “And what do we need to talk about, little sheep?” “I need to talk to you about Y/N.”
Eddie stared at Dustin for a few seconds in complete silence. Once he recovered from his shock, he swallowed the lump in his throat and cleared it. “You mean, Y/N, your sister, Y/N?”
Dustin rolled his eyes, “No, Eddie, I’m talking about the librarian.” Eddie breathed a sigh of relief, wiping away the imaginary sweat from his brow. “Of course, I’m talking about my sister.”
And just like that, the previous stress Eddie felt returned.
“Y/N? Why-” Eddie spotted your easily recognizable sweatshirt from Camp Know Where during the one summer you went to volunteer on the ground. He discreetly kicked it under the couch, hoping one: Dustin wouldn’t see it, and, two: the couch had no dust bunnies hiding underneath. He really didn’t want to be killed if he ruined your sweatshirt. “Why do you wanna talk about Y/N?”
Dustin didn’t see it and rested his head against the couch cushions instead. “I’ve been worried about her.” Eddie furrowed his brows, thinking that something was wrong. “She hasn’t been home for a few days, and I keep thinking something’s wrong.”
Oh, Eddie thought. Oh, indeed. Eddie hadn’t been expecting him to say that when Dustin said he wanted to talk about you.
Eddie really didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t exactly tell his young friend that while he had been worrying about his sister, his sister was hanging out with him.
As if the gods heard his cries for help - correction, they weren’t cries; they were screams - the trailer door opened for a second time.
You were juggling a few plastic bags and a pizza box. The box covered your face, making you enter the trailer blindly. That meant that you didn’t know that you weren't talking to Eddie only.
“Hey, sorry it took me so long. The pizza place gave me the wrong pizza. Who the hell eats olives with their pizza, anyway? That’s disgusting. Oh, and the store nearby didn’t have the right snacks, so I had to go to another one. Boy, am I so glad to be back.” You didn’t get a response, so you set the bags and pizza down on the table, “Eds?”
You turned around, and the shock of your life was sitting on the couch.
“What are you-” You both asked the question you were thinking simultaneously before firing accusatory looks at Eddie. Yours was because he didn’t warn you that Dustin was here, and Dustin’s was because Eddie didn’t tell him you were here.
Eddie held his hands up in defense, “I am not to blame here.”
Dustin stood up, now giving you an accusatory look. He looked so shocked that it might have been funny at a later time, but definitely not then. “Wait. I thought that a freaking Demodog ate you. And you’ve been what - frolicking with Eddie?”
“Dustin!” You buried your face in your hands, hoping that would make you disappear. Unfortunately, it did not. “We aren’t- we haven’t-”
Dustin covered his ears and shook his head, “You know what? I don’t even think I want to know.”
Eddie sunk into the couch. He wished that the floppy cushions would swallow him whole. Anything would be preferable to Dustin accusing him of “frolicking” with you. Not to say he was against the idea, but Dustin was your little brother and his friend, so the whole situation was overly mortifying.
“You’re so dramatic.” You rolled your eyes before you thought about what he said. “Wait, rewind, please. What the hell is a ‘demodog’?”
After much explaining and your general confusion about how all of the crazy things in Hawkins flew right under your nose and why Dustin never asked for your help, the three of you ate the pizza that had gone cold with Dustin’s probably exaggerated story-telling.
At first, it was a bit awkward. Dustin had caught you, his sister, and Eddie, his friend, red-handed. Correction: it wasn’t red-handed because if it were, neither you nor Eddie would be able to live it down, but it was equally embarrassing.
You and Dustin decided to head home together once the movie Eddie picked out was over, and you and the boys emptied the entire pizza box. The two of you drove home in silence, occasionally looking over at the other.
“I’m sorry,” you said as you took a left turn. “I didn’t mean to make you worry or anything. I just,” you sighed as you approached a stop sign. “Sometimes I want my privacy, and Mom doesn't always get that, which isn’t the greatest. But I shouldn’t have taken that out on you, and I should have checked in. So yeah, I’m sorry.”
Dustin nodded. “Thanks for apologizing, and I’m sorry too. If I had known it was Eddie, I would’ve understood why you didn’t want to talk about it.”
“I totally meant to talk to you about it, though. But at first, it was nothing, so I didn’t want to bring it up, and then it was something, and I guess I just wanted to keep it for myself, you know?”
“Right… but don’t you want to know how I feel?” Dustin asked. He was looking out the window, which meant you couldn’t get a read on his true feelings.
You hesitated before asking, “How do you feel?”
“I mean, to be honest,” he turned to you with a slight frown, “I kind of hate it.”
“Oh…” was all you said because what can you say when your little brother tells you that he hates you and his friend being in a relationship?
You made it to the house before you even realized it. And then, you really wished you had run away. You sighed, nodding your head. “If you don’t want us together, then that’s final because don’t let this get to your head, but you’re right most of the time and-”
“Y/N?” Dustin interrupted, to which you acknowledged with a hum. “I’m just kidding. If you’re happy, then so am I.”
You smiled at him and ruffled his hair as best you could with his cap still on. “I’m glad. I really like him, and he makes me pretty happy, so it would suck to break up.”
“Yeah, yeah. But I seriously don’t want to catch you guys frolicking again.”
i hope you enjoyed reading! let me know what you think! - chaos ♥️
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ghost4ghosts · 4 days
i wrote down my live reaction to jurassic world: chaos theory s1 for you🫵 to read it, under the cut
darius baby boy!!!
NOOOO BROOKLYNN😭😭😭 i knew her voice was recast but i never expected that
ben being a redditor is so funny and believable
i never participated in the fandom outside of posting a couple fics but i ship ben/darius, they're so cute!!!! does anyone else see my vision
poor sammy😭😭😭😭
give my guy darius a rest, he's been going through it 24/7 since he was like 14 (<-i do not know their canon ages)
someone give the writers a firm handshake and slap on the back bc i LOVE the character interactions so so much. i think they talk really realistically for teens
okay my guess isssss the dpw are somehow in on it
kenji #relatable asian american representation (including the shitty dad)
sammy🫶💖💖💖 i just love her
me the whole time during the end of ep5:
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who tf is that guy
the flashbacks😭😭😭😭
i'm having as much fun trying to guess the dinosaurs🦖
oh yaz🥺
mateo whistleblower?
is he filipino lol. new headcanon
dude this is wild oh my god
secret home?
so my guess is brooklynn was working undercover to expose the dino trafficking but got caught and they killed her
god i LOOOVE road trip stories
that awkward moment when your dead friend's ex wants to look through her phone but you spent like the past year blowing up her notifs because you miss her and aLSO YOU'RE IN LVOE WITH HER?!
😭😭they're bros😭😭
this guy's hat is so big lmfao
are those dinos brainwashed or sedated or something??
glowy eyes
ahh they're all together now
bumpy dead? bumpy sick? bumpy... pregnant?!
that woman is genuinely offputting, i LOVE her character design
dino fight!!!
so many people dying offscreen jfc
oh my god this is a lot
NO HAND?!/!?!
wait lol brooklynn still dyes her hair
all in all: GREAT television, feeds into my love of jurassic park, these kids need a BREAKKKK. i really like the art style+animation, it's so pretty!! they have glow in the dark dinos!!! i would genuinely recommend this and jurassic world: camp cretaceous if you also like dinosaurs and are interested in seeing 6 teenagers going through the wringer. its second season is coming out in a couple weeks and i'm EXCITED. i hope this story can be seen all the way through🤞
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nopenototdaysatan · 3 months
Thank you so much Bre! CX This was such a wonderful message to get today.
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mattastr0phic · 2 years
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We’re planning our upcoming Breaking of Rule 36.
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I'm back from the Dead and ready to fucking yap
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