#chang'e are you watching
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egguv · 2 years ago
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[Touhou + Final Fantasy] Junko More designs: | Reimu & Sanae | Marisa |
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yoku-yukihime · 6 months ago
Im incredibly happy that my "i am junko from touhou" propaganda is working on this site too.
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haliaiii · 2 years ago
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Lmk sketches I did !!
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eleemosynecdoche · 2 years ago
Mythological context to Junko that doesn't tend to get brought up- the mother of the sun crows killed by Houyi (the god) is a goddess known as Xihe, one of two wives of the obscure ruling god Di Jun, the other being Changxi, mother of twelve moons. Changxi would later become conflated with Chang'e, which would make her presumably an active participant in the murder of Xihe's children along with Houyi.
So there's some complicated possibilities here, and I think perhaps a degree of the confusion between semihistorical and mythological figures may be a product of Junko's abilities purifying away a clear identity for her.
But it's also possible that Chang'e is Junko's ex. I might even say "likely" given some of her dialogue with Reimu.
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raijinhasverybigpecs · 2 years ago
something about getting more healing from lifesteal than healing abilities feels like salt in the wound
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starrclown · 10 months ago
Exept it's easy to tell who my favorite is.
Pure silly addition! No angst here!
It's pride month yall so it's gay monkie time.
Showing his BF a new crayon color:
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Wukong doesn't like thunderstorms. They scare the monkies and the unpredictably and sound make him uncomfortable. He's also not that big of a fan of water. Macaque doesn't mind storms, he doesn't like how loud they are but he's fine with them. Macaque uses his hearing to let Wukong know when thunder is coming so he can cover his ears.
Wukong hides most parts about him using glamors. He hides his eyes, his head scar, his height, and other things he sees as imperfections. Macaque would kill to see Wukong's features again cause he always loved those parts about him and he doesn't want Wukong to hide them.
Macaque just stays in Wukongs house. Like he just lives there and let's himself be know sometimes.
They have drawing sessions together.
Macaque HATES having his hair long. It's inconvenient, it gets stuck in his shadows, it makes him hotter because it warms his neck along with his scarf. If it gets even a INCH past his neck he has Wukong cut it immediately.
Wukong is a little spoon. Sometimes he's a big spoon but Macaque likes to hold him in his sleep so he just stays the little spoon.
They do that thing where one of them has one headphone in their ear and the other headphone is in the others ear. They love listening to music together.
They buy each other presents all the time. Wukong makes homemade presents with his art skills while Macaque steals from stores and malls to get Wukong expensive presents.
Macaque knows the basics of cooking and could make a decent meal but he pretends to be stupid so Wukong will make him his cooking.
Macaque has SO many pet names for Wukong while Wukong has like two. (Refrencing my art don't worry about that.)
Macaque loves the cold while Wukong can't STAND it.
Wukong is really good with kids and is a amazing babysitter. Macaque isn't bad with kids but when he tries to play with them he ends up scaring them.
If Macaque makes Wukong mad Wukong forces him to sleep on the couch.
Wukong hates scary movies because of the jump scares and the stupid decisions the characters make. Macaque LOVES scary movies but won't watch them if Wukong is in the room.
Macaque is super clingy and has at least one hand on Wukong at all times. It started as a nervous habit but then Macaque started doing it more when he started taking being Wukongs warrior seriously.
Their favorite shared food is fruit salad. They make them together alot.
Wukong has a walk in closet filled with clothes that he has either been gifted or he bought or made himself. Macaque owns like 4 shirts and 2 pairs of pants.
Macaque has a very dead tone so it sounds like he's being serious when he's joking. Wukong used to think Macaque didn't like him because he would say things in such a depressing tone it made Wukong think he was dead serious.
Macaque bought a blender specifically to make Wukong peach smoothies.
Wukong really likes to wear gold so Macaque will wear silver to match him.
Wukong has two pairs of moon earrings. A blue pair for Chang'e and a purple pair for Macaque.
Macaque hates his naturally white hair because he thinks it makes him look less scary. Wukong lives it cause it reminds him of clouds and snow.
Macaque loves when Wukong is blonde cause it means he's super happy.
Macaque has counted the freckles on Wukong's face so many time he can tell you the exact number he has.
Wukong steals Macaques scarf when it gets too cold out. He often forgets to give it back resulting in Macaque having tos each hours for it.
Wukong has A BUNCH of pillows and random covers. Macaque has to FIGHT to find a cheap space on their bed because of how many pillows and blankets their is.
Macaque loves grooming and running his hands through Wukongs hair cause he loves the cloud like texture.
Macaque doesn't like doing his makeup but if Wukong wants him to match with him he'll try his best to do it and make it look good.
Macaque intentionally makes himself look more unapproching and scary when he's out in public with Wukong so that people won't want to talk to him or Wukong.
They aren't legally married but Macaque gave Wukong a ring so long ago and he always wears it so he just calls Macaque his husband.
It is 1 am where I am and I should really stop defying sleep (I will be defying sleep).
Feel free to drop your SILLY headcannons cause I cannot be dealing with angst headcannons right now. Only sillyness.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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amphibiahawks321 · 15 days ago
[Chang'e resting her head on her palms, leaning forward on the table, eyes sparkling with excitement as she watches Y/N taking a bite from her baked soufflé]
Chang'e : Soooo, sweetheart, how is it!✨
M!Reader : ....Oh
[Y/N legit freezes mid-chew, his expression changing from excited curiosity to pure... Amazement...]
Chang'e : Oho! What's this silence I'm feeling, has my masterpiece made you speechless?
[Her smiles grow wider, shortly jumping up and down in anticipation]
M!Reader : Chang'e... This is... This is beyond incredible! This is the best thing I've ever eaten! And it's just a dessert!
Chang'e : Uh DUH! Of course it is! Only the finest for my favourite taste tester!–.... U-Uhh... are you okay dumpling?
[Chang'e sees Y/N tearing up a bit as she immediately fetch and gave him a tissue, she giggles at his overwhelmed reaction]
M!Reader : S-Seriously... You’re trying to make me fall even harder for you, aren’t you?
Chang'e : Is it-Uhh...Working?
M!Reader : is it-YES IT IS!
[in an instant, Chang'e immediately starts tearing up herself as she begins to kiss Y/N's repeatedly leaving a bunch blue lipstick marks, her bubbly demeanor showing making Y/N fell inlove with her harder now, leaving him smiling in bliss from her overwhelming kisses]
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 month ago
shadowpeach Valentine’s Day headcannons!!….please.
(It can be for any AU or cannon)
Better late than never!
Wukong has been aware of modern romantic holidays & traditions like Valentine's Day, White Day, and even the lovey side of Xmas ever since they reached China. He doesn't have much of an emotional conection to them as the traditional holidays like Qixi (Magpie-Crossing Festival) or the Mid-Autumn Festival - but he finds it sweet! Humans finding new occassions to openly show affection for eachother!!
Macaque had no idea about the modern festivals until he wandered past a shop selling love hearts and roses. He got very confused. He doesn't really celebrate the traditional festivals, other than spending Mid-Autumn with his sister Chang'e, so it was interesting for him to discover new holidays.
Wukong LOVES big gaudy shows of affection - give this man all the flowers, fruits, and goofy cards he could ever want!
Macaque's tastes in gifts are more refined; wine, expensive toiletries, rose petals leading to the nest... he still goes red like a schoolgirl if Wukong gives him a card with a silly joke in it though.
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They are no strangers to date nights. Wukong dislikes being the centre of attention, but can enjoy himself at public events where he can blend in with the crowd. Cinema and sporting events are always great choice for him! Macaque on the otherhand, is perfectly happy to keep his Peaches all for himself; whether at home watching tv, at the island's hot springs, or walking through the garden.
Once romance is established/re-established; these monkeys about to get arrested for excess PDA. They can't keep their hands off of eachother most days! Not even for naughty reasons, Wukong is just a cuddly guy, and Macaque likes combing through his fur.
If they got kids, don't expect them to tone it down. Perhaps it even gets worse! Catch them whispering praises into eachother's ears and nuzzling eachother's necks as their cubs cover their eyes with mortification.
Macaque leaves bite marks. Wukong leaves claw marks. Both bruise up the other's neck like heck. They do spend some after time tending to these wounds. You know why. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wukong becomes mortified whenever Macaque tries serenading him in public, mainly because of all the attention gets shifted to him. So as a adaptation, Macaque has thrown his love a glance/wink during a ballad-filled moment in his plays, ensuring that even in the crowd Wukong knows Mac's words of love are only for him.
Despite being the one dispensing the grand guestures, Macaque is always shocked to recieve one back! ("Peaches, what do you mean you've prepared a romantic picnic for us!? Who told you to do that?")
Sometimes romance is kissing and words of affection. Sometimes its picking dirt and bugs out if eachother's fur. Sometimes it's a regularlly scheduled couple's brawl to keep your strength up.
Both are physically and emotiomally unable to romance another person. One of them may have tried to move on, but they just can't shake their feelings for the other. The other is their true other half. No attraction to anyone else. Wukong swore off romance when he thought he lost Macaque for good. Macaque attempted romance with fellow actors before, but simply couldn't stop thinking about his then-ex-mate. Both are very touched that the other stayed loyal.
They do require some couple's therapy to work out stuff that happened in the past. In Aus where they've been married many years, they still have rough patches that they have help getting through but not as bad as when they first got back together.
Hope you liked these! Reply with your ideas too!
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maeriquitecontrary · 1 month ago
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Now I've waited... As it's fated... Yes, pure hatred... I. Ask. Thee.
Chang'e, are you watching me?
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py-dreamer · 1 year ago
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So... I know I'm late...
But yea! I said I was coming back with some stickers and I kept my word! I would've hoped that I could've completed the sheet in like a day but as you can see...that didn't work out
I know I've been a bit MIA lately but burnout sucks. I do have a lot of WIPS I really want to work on but again, it seems that the ProcrastiNation hath struck my feeble mortal brain again.
But anyways:
I headcanon Aroace Mei, just a personal headcanon (disagree if you like) I also like lesbian Mei but thought I'd give some aroace appreciation
Silktea was only given 1 episode but OH BOY did it fuel our wild shipping habits. And I jumped on the bandwagon. It's a reference to that scene in She-Ra where Scorpia tells Catra she 'didn't want to do this' then wraps kitty up in the blankey and cradles her like a wee baby. And Sandy would do that for any friend, I will die on this hill
Saw a fanart where Mk had a pig nose themed pacifier and I just yoinked that idea. The pig hoodie and the pacifier seems like something Tang would do for Pigsy (also to get away with free noodles cause who can say no to that face?~)
Mac showing Wukong the lantern. What can I say, mans' fascinated by them pretty lights. Though our little performer's eyes seem to be straying from the show (^u ')
I know many people have issues with shipping with Nezha and such and I know the two had a rough history but y'know what fans do; they love to make the people who kill each other soulmates (platonic, romantic or otherwise) Even if it wasn't romantic, I still love the idea of them being buddies and just chilling, the danger noodle prince and the angy prince snuggle and watch a movie (mainly from Nezha 2019 but I also saw New Gods and can I just say, I want those two twinks to bicker then kiss awkwardly and I want Yun Xiang to BEAT. HIS. ASS) but in case anyone asks, I do perceive Nezha to be a consenting adult in general outside shipping drama and if the two are adults, it does make my heart squeal when I see these two hold hands and whatnot
HOW COULD I EVER FORGET MY SPICYBOIS, inspired by that one Ponyo kiss scene. I was actually gonna make a bigger piece but then I saw someone do it already in a much better fashion than I ever could and I just gave up on the idea but Ig here, its just like the two cakes mentality and I gave it a go. Hope I could do the concept justice
Have spider queen or scorpion queen ever interacted before? No. But they are both queens and I believe Spider Queen's confidence could rub off on Scorpion Queen and she'd appreciate the company of Spider Queen's children henchmen. Also she give yummy food so lesbian venomqueens for the win
Redraw of that moment with Peng and Azure. I normally detest that bird but these two do get some gears grinding and whatever anyone says. Neither of those two are straight. I'll tell ya that.
Toxicinsanity is another rarepair that had like 1 sec screen time. I don't think they'd ever work out in canon and had virtually no chemistry. I still love all the fluffy ship content I can find of them though and if it ever were to happen. I think the mayor would scare the sh!t out of Syntax
Let's get at least one hetero couple here, Chang'e and Hou'Yi are a couple of favorites ngl, I took most of their outfits from Over the moon cause both of them looked stunning, Chang'e especially. I've seen people ship mah girl with other people and while I do agree it's healthy to move on, in my heart she will always long for Hou'Yi
Also irl, on valentines, my mum took us out for lunch, she treated us to bubble tea and donuts. We walked home so I waited to drink mah drink in my room while I drew and I accidentally finished it all... I'm so sorry mum
f*ck I forgot ironbull. Uhh....I'll draw something later, rn I need to go to bed before I get yelled at...
click pic for less sh!ty quality!
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sp00kcanwrite · 1 year ago
Hear me out- i'm cooking here some idea! Like- what if Sun wukong, Macaque (separatedly) met an Reader who is an Goddess of the Moon, like, not like Chang'e but mostly THE Protector! One of the elements, like, they met her when she was humming a tune while sitting on a little moon shape floaty thing (The Design might be inspired of Moonlight Cookie From Cookie run Ovenbreak/Kingdom! So you get an idea of how to do it <33) Some Headcanons??? I'll gladly love to read it! It can be Some fluff or something about them both having a crush on The Reader (bro's gonna go wild if they found out Reader is lesbi-) (jk,jk, just an nerd joke from the moonlight x sea fairy story)
Just an fan of Moonlight Cookie here! Love your fics <33
Stay healthy and keep yourself all good
-This dumb nerd
This is my first,and (probably will always be) my favorite request ♡♡♡
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Maybe a bit OOC
Macaque never thought he'd stumble into a moon goddess but here he is!
After a fight with wukong, in wich macaque barely got away, he fled to a usually empty lake surrounded by woods .
He didn't expect the isolated area to be occupied by a women with almost glowing skin and a ethereal dress to be sitting elegantly on a Cresent moon like platform that floated 5 inches away from the water of the lake and gave off a white glow.
The woman hummed a soft tune that would put thousands of children to sleep. Though it was very quiet macaque would've been able to hear it from a mile away, he almost fell asleep as he felt the insomnia he's been plagued with for years slip away.
His black claws gripped onto the bark of a tree as he watched the lady for, he doesn't even know how long at this point.
Maybe his grip was to strong as the wood eventually let out a booming Crack and fell forward, right into the lake. The water splashed over the woman sitting in a Cresent moon.
I won't lie that man fled as soon as the wood gave out, faster then sonic i swear. Yet he found himself coming back to the same lake, to hear the same humming tune that you sung.
After awhile, I'd say 4 weeks, you'd finally introduce yourself. And boy did that shock the raven haired monkey as he thought he was being rather sneaky.
It takes a while for him to warm up to you but patience is perfection! And trust me eventually he did, and soon that friendship blossomed into something else.
He thought of you every night, everything about you intoxicated the guy. Your humming, your face, your eyes, and even how quiet you spoke.
He knew he had it bad but couldn't convince himself to confess, so what does he do? He ghosts you
For a pretty long times (cough 8 days) until you finally take actiona and burst into his dojo, your moon staff in hand, and demanded a explanation on why he was avoiding you.
After a long while of bickering he accidentally slips out a confession, you paused completely when you heard the words come out your mouth.
Oddly enough..you didn't mind it
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Ya'll know how in the books he was described to be a light weight drinker? Yeah it was true. And he's a man of bad luck to run into the same moon goddess that he treated so rudely in the past.
He was stumbling threw a forest, god knows how he got there, and ran into a glowing woman that sat sleepily on a Cresent moon. And when I say ran in I mean it, he ran full force into you by accident of course.
By the time you got up and held him by his collar the man was knocked out, he wanted to smack him over the skull buttt that wouldn't be very "elegant" for you (definitely not because you knew he was THE sun wukong)
So you dragged him to FFF mountain, all the way into the shame shack and threw him on his bed. But sadly this powerful demon had, in his sleep, gripped onto your flowing gown and pulled you onto the bed with him.
No matter how hard you wiggled or squirmed you were stuck being wukongs brand new stuffed toy for the night.
He was out like a rock, you had to summon your staff and hit him a couple of times before he even opened a eye.
But oh boy when he did you screamed louder then any siren could in all 7 seas. Not from fear, but from hangover shock.
You scoffed at his girlish scream and turned your nose up to his lazy apology. As you went to the door the great sage folded over on the ground, and started breathing heavy? Was he gagging? Why- OH CRAP
I don't think I need to say what happened next, it ended with him bent over a toilet and you helping him up. You don't know how or why but you stayed for a good 6 hours just listening to the obviously touch deprived monkey, you could tell by how he clinged on your arm, ramble on and laugh at his antics in the past. Tha antics that caused alot of trouble to the moon you protected.
Turns out the great sage has some overpowering charm as you found yourself showing up to his house again
And again
And again
Until you memorized flower fruit mountain like it was the back of your hand.
The lonely great sage found himself growing fonder and fonder of you each day, he wondered why his heart beat so much, why his palm went sweaty or why he felt hot around you.
Until it hit him the day you cooked him a peach pie.
He had hearts in his eyes as he held your wrist, catching the steaming pie with his tail he looked you in the eye and said with much confidence.
"I love you!"
"I like woman-"
You stared with shock as the monkey man confessed his feelings, and as hard as a asteroid hitting the moon your lips crashed with his.
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sametsyun · 1 year ago
Alright you guys know that Moon Goddess from Over the Moon??
What if the reader was Chang'e and she and Lucifer used to go wayyy back, setting aside the whole plot of Over the Moon and changing it to god creating her as an angel to watch the moon or something bla bla bla, and Lucifer would frequently visit that moon she falls in love and so does he. And since Chang'e does wishes n' after she's been given a gift or something like that, I forgot, Lucifer would bring her like little ducks and stuff and she'd grant him every little wish she could.
And here comes the angst, Lucifer stops frequenting at the moon making the reader all sad and confused. She looks for him all over heaven but he isn't there. Why was he ignoring her? Did he not like the wish she granted him? He's probably busy right now.
And he comes back all of a sudden with a big ass smile that makes her think he was happy to see her after not visiting her for a long time only for that thought to be crushed when he simply gives her a gift with no thoughts and asks for a heavy wish
She hesitates because it was slightly against what she was only allowed to grant but still does it anyways.
Here comes Lucifer's trial, and reader is just shocked af to see him there only to realize what he truly needed that wish for and bro she Gon be hurt hurt af when she sees him with Lilith.
The angels then ask for the details and Lucifer panics and straight up snitches on reader for giving him that wish.
So long story short, they casted him down to hell with Lilith. And the reader was sentenced to a lesser sentence since she didn't know what that wish was going to do or what it was going to cause.
But she was still cast out of heaven, never able to enter those gates ever again and is thrown over to the moon alone.
She is left alone in that dark moon desert with a single green bunny that had been gifted to her by Lucifer.
The reader just cries out of heartbreak and betrayal. A tear drops on the bunny and Jade comes to life. Reader is no longer alone and is a tad bit happy she has company.
Then timeskip to a few ion years, and the moon is bustling with lights, fun and parties, just like the movie.
Then we follow Chang'e story, trying so many things to figure how to see Lucifer again.
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commanderkappa · 10 months ago
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You better be watching, Chang'e. Junko's flames of revenge burn brighter than the Sun itself!
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somewhat-insane · 11 months ago
Okay, so, I know a lot of people were discouraged after the LMK S5 trailer. The art is different, yes, but remember there are still people working behind the screen; passionate about this story they're trying to tell. To rebuild faith and re-spark hope, I'm going through the trailer frame by frame and sharing anything cool I find. (There is some (what I hope is) constructive criticism in here, but I would like to reiterate something other fans have said. DO. NOT. HARRASS. ANYONE. WORKING. ON. THE. SHOW. They're doing their best with what they have available to them. We're lucky Wildbrain decided to pick the show back up because if they hadn't, we may not have gotten the rest of the story.)
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They've been brought in front of the council to discuss their car's extended warranty. ALSO WHERE IS MK'S JACKET AND BANDANA? THEY WHOLE ASS PROBABLY SNATCHED THIS POOR BOY OUT OF HIS BED WHILE HE WAS SLEEPING
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Don't worry, babygirl, I still think you're pretty ^3^
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Okay, they gave him his clothes back, phew.
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Hehe, tiny monkies.
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At least our child is still adorable.
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Synchronized heart attack.
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He is so traumatized, lol. Someone brought up how this design for the circlet wasn't the previously established design in the show, but it COULD be based on the design used on the cover of the Journey to the West novel (as seen below)
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It's not exactly the same but the shape is similar.
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I'm realizing while doing this that Wildbrain doesn't use as many smear frames as Flying Bark did. As funny as it is to pause and see something like this in season 1-4:
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It makes the animation look a LOT smoother and more energetic. Flying Bark also seems to use more frame-by-frame while Wildbrain probably uses more tweening. I suppose it makes sense though because Wildbrain is more used to 3D animation and the 2D animation they have done in the past is more paper-doll-like and doesn't need as much bounce and action.
Back to the trailer, no need to dwell.........
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Oooh, wait, this frame actually kinda goes hard. I'm kinda hyped... I should draw this.
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You know what this makes me think of...? Did any of you guys ever play that game called "Journey"?
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It's a beautiful game with beautiful music. Y'all should play it if you haven't. Oh, and sometimes if you're playing at the same time as someone else in the world, your games will merge and you get a little play buddy :3
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Genuinely love how distressed he is here.
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Looks like we're still gonna get cool backgrounds and background character designs!!!!
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This looks like it may be some kind of storybook or memory sequence like when Chang'e was talking about how she found the ring in S3 or when LBD was talking about Macaque's death... what memory do you think we're going to be exploring this time?
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This goes pretty hard. I would paint this on a wall or something.
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Mk is flabbergasted.
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Yay!! Mk has the support he needs. ALSO MORE SANDY
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They're mortified. Probably because they just watched a giant dragon and white tiger fucking evaporate.
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Hehe bord
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I can't wait to see fanart of him. I'm so excited!
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He's thinking about kissing him, honest.
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I think he's purty
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I've run out of room for pictures, but I hope this helped get y'all all hyped again for the new season! Have hope, stay strong!
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i23kazu · 2 years ago
characters. xiao zhongli baizhu x gn!reader ; chongyun xingqiu xiangling hutao & gn!reader genre. romantic fluff / platonic fluff an. 大家,中秋节快乐! happy midautumn festival! here's the liyue men celebrating with you. | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
after much persuading and convincing from you, a reluctant xiao makes his reappearance in wangshu inn's balcony – where the two of you are greeted with verr goldet, huai'an, and smiley yanxiao – with a plethora of traditional foods spread on the table. there are elaborately designed mooncakes and sweet slices of pomelo, freshly peeled, because smiley yanxiao is still making them easier to eat for you all. xiao wants to hide himself away from the crowd, his blush evident on his face. it will be alright. let's enjoy ourselves tonight, but if you want to leave at any point in time, i'll accompany you, you whisper into his ear. it seems to alleviate the crimson hue that has invited itself onto his cheeks.
celebrating mid autumn festival was tradition for you and zhongli. he performs a simple tea ceremony when both of you arrived at the adepti's abode, with the company of moon carver, mountain shaper, cloud retainer, as well as madame ping. just for old times sake, the youthful arrive as well – xiao, shenhe, ganyu, and yanfei. the air is sweet with the sounds of embarrassed protests as the old-timers laugh and share stories, lightly teasing the younger ones of their misdeeds. shenhe bears a particularly disgruntled look on her face, before cloud retainer laughs and pours her more tea. it's like family, and you're blessed to have been accepted by them as well.
mid autumn festival in baizhu's home was always celebrated in a group of five: qiqi, yaoyao, herbalist gui, him, and yourself. gui often acted like an uncle to the younger ones, bringing them piglet biscuits and non-traditional mooncakes that were often catered towards children. yaoyao and qiqi each select a lantern that gui had stuffed into his bag – a rabbit for yaoyao, and a lotus for qiqi. you and baizhu share a kiss as you watch the fireworks blossom into the sky, hoping, and hoping, that chang'e would see it.
"(y/n), let's go! let's hurry!" xiangling grabs your hand as you finish adjusting the candle on your lantern. hu tao whizzes past the two of you, laughing and dragging chongyun along with the help of xingqiu. the five of you had planned to gather for the festival, and now, your lanterns cast a warm glow onto your faces.
after a gratifying meal made by xiangling (with chef mao's assistance – in cooking and eating), the group had decided to gather at the docks, to see the fireworks and lanterns lift off into the sky.
"they're starting!" hu tao cries, eyes fixated on the first lantern that drifts it's way up. chongyun hurriedly finishes writing a prayer of longevity on your shared sky lantern, whispering please, chang'e, make it come true one last time before lifting it up to the sky to take hold.
the lights dance across liyue's horizon. there are lanterns coming from all over liyue – you see some from wangshu inn, qingce village, guili, nantianmen – a sweet reminder that liyue exists beyond the busy harbour.
"happy mid autumn festival! 中秋节快乐!" the five of you cheer, lifting your lanterns up to the sky. the first of the fireworks start to beautify the night sky, the pretty colours igniting the childlike wonder that your friends still held dear to.
happy mid-autumn festival, liyue!
taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiths @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @m1shapanda @aimynx @smokipoki @adeptuscharm @diorlumx @vennnnn-diagram @ryuryuryuyurboat @yuminako @st0pthatsgay @aqualesha @sixtynintharchon @supernova25 @kunikuda-simp (send ask/comment to be added to taglist)
reblogs w/ tags & comments help me lots !!! if you liked this, consider dropping me a follow as well :-) they all go a long way!
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redson-lmk · 4 months ago
Our world? Well, we got a super long history. That's for sure, haha! And friends from different lands. Such as... Hope! He goes by hope because hes a part of the Bearers Of Unity, and his element is Hope.
Here's everyone else in his group! [presents a photo]
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[interestingly, besides their MK having blue streaks, is that everyone shares their colors in some way.]
[MK's blue streaks match the hedgehog's quills, the pony's main hair color is the same as the markings on the hedgehog. The pony's yellow streaks match the hybrid's blonde hair, and his dark brown hair streaks match MK's natural hair color.]
[... Something greater is at play with them, isn't it...?]
Anyway... I got an entire history book on this cause I know Hope loves rereading it!
Why not give us a proper refresher, then? If you got it on hand.
Okay! [pulls out book]
It was like a spark soared through the empty, limitless sky.
Nüwa created reality itself, letting her essence spawn the first beings into existence alongside her.
Time was formed, beauty was seen, and five creations were granted a time stone to watch over.
The oni, the dragon, the sun princess, the moon princess, and the paradox prism all took their stones and began to grow their worlds from the ground up.
However, it wasn't always this peaceful. Chaos and Harmony erupted into war between the lands.
Although divided, some maintained good relations with likeminded beings to them. The lands of Equestria and Ninjago stuck together, meanwhile the lands of Mobius and Megapolis chose to side.
It was only when Nüwa created the stone animals and planted them into their respective stones that the first guardians had been born.
The sun and moon had been formed, letting Princess Celestia and Princess Luna rotate them around the planet.
War unfortunately broke out between some of the guardians, forcing Prism to fracture them between reality and scatter their souls across space time.
But with peace soon restored, the first spinjitzu master was born from the oni and dragon's forbidden love. He created the sixteen realms around the one he resided in himself, deciding to pass down his power and the two time stones onto his new sons, Wu and Garmadon.
Unfortunately, a darkness overtook Garmadon one day, reawakening his dormant oni side. The brothers fought, and in the end... Wu was forced to banish his brother into the Underworld.
The darkness then reached Princess Luna, cursing her into Nightmare Moon. Celestia had no choice but to create the Elements of Harmony and use these powerful artifacts to banish her brother to the moon. The guardian of the moon, Chang'e, watched over the cursed princess to keep her from causing harm onto the Earth.
But within Megapolis, the brotherhood was formed. A group of freedom fighters going against the Jade Emperor, only to fail. The self proclaimed monkey king, Sun-Wukong, was imprisoned in the mountain for 500 years.
More kingdoms began to form within the worlds of chaos, trying to establish order. Princess Celestia even offered to help build relations between the sides of chaos, finally bridging the gap and realizing they weren't so different after all.
Wukong was soon released, being taken on a journey of redemption through the teachings of his master. As time passed, he drifted away from his old goals of destruction... Leading for him to clash with his sworn brother, Macaque. The two fought, the stone monkey and shadow monkey being evenly matched.
That is... Until the shadows grew unstable and out of control. One thing led to another, and he was dead.
Wukong quietly disappeared after that day, never to be seen again... Leaving him as only a legend.
But within these worlds and lands, a darkness remained on the horizon. Yet... Four sparks tore through the clouds one day, tying the four destined ones together. And in time, they would appear...
... Still never getting over how messily organized the book is.
Hey! This is the more abridged version of the book itself with the in-depth version right after, but that'd take too long!
Of course it is, you peasant!
Flame's right. It's confusing, but I understand at the same time.
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