#chang yeongguk
081003x · 3 years
by me (⌒▽⌒)☆
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and The Tutor
Part 16: The Time Jungkook Taught The Tutor Bad Words
Co-written with @tragicshadows​
Recommended Song: Gotta Talk To U by Seungri
|All Chapters|
After neglecting your Korean for several weeks, Jungkook finally teaches you some… useful phrases thanks to your impending trip.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing, Teasing!Kook, Shirtless!Kook
Word Count:  3296
Length: 16/?
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“Since Noona is coming to Korea next week, I’m going to be seonsaeng-nim today,” Jungkook stated, pushing his glasses back up from where they had slipped down. You two had been having general small talk when you mentioned your upcoming trip to Korea.
“What will I learn?”
You shifted, still in your pyjamas as you felt too lazy to change. It was only midday for you after all.
“Less formal phrases and other stuff.”
“Since I was speaking too formally last time, right?”
Jungkook nodded. “That and I thought it might be useful for you to be able to recognise certain words and phrases.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll find out when we get to it. First, do you know what speech levels to talk in when talking to the members?”
You scratched the back of your head, “I keep getting mixed up between polite and formal. As in which one I should use for them…”
He chuckled, “You should use the polite speech level since they’re older than you. For me, you should use plain since I’m younger than you.”
“Okay, makes sense. And that’s why you use polite to me.”
“Exactly!” His gaze shifted from you to his screen. “There’s a sheet in the shared file where you have to identify the speech level and then rewrite the conversation correctly. You’ve done this before but struggled so have another go.”
You navigated to the document Jungkook was on about and set out completing the task. It took you a good 10 minutes to complete the sheet with Jungkook watching over you through the shared document. He would correct you as soon as you made a mistake and would explain where you went wrong and why. Once you completed it he gave you a pleased smile.
“I know we have limited time to try and improve your vocabulary so I took the liberty of making a list of phrases for you when talking to my hyungs. It’s also in the folder.”
“Someone is prepared.” You mumbled while waiting for the document to load.
He chuckled. “I stayed up last night working on it.”
The phrase list finally appeared and you scrolled through it while scolding him for staying up late.
“I was able to sleep in so it was fine.”
“Maybe you should have started preparing me for my return trip to Korea last week instead of teasing me about the autocorrect… Ah! This one might come in handy! ‘Iaega an dwae’ ('I don’t understand’).”
Jungkook made an amused sound.
“That’s for more like you don’t understand the rules of a game. If you didn’t understand what a person said to you then say 'Jal mollasseo’.”
“Jal mollasseo.”
“Perfect. But if you still don’t understand what they’re saying then telling them you’re from the UK will probably help.”
“And that’s 'jeoneun yeongguk’? (I am British.)”
“You’re doing great Noona! But you missed out the 'eseo wasseoyo’ at the end. So the whole sentence would be 'jeonuen yeonggukeseo wasseoyo’. You have to be polite if you’re talking to anyone that isn’t me until they confirm that are younger than you.” He gave you a positively beaming smile, proud of your ability to memorise the information he had presented you with.
Your face fell a little but you focused on making a note of what he said on the document as a reminder.
“It’s okay to make mistakes, Noona. We’ve neglected the Korean for a few weeks so it’s going to be harder but we’ll get there.”
“I have faith with you teaching me.”
Even with the slight pixelation of the screen, you could make out how his cheeks tinted pink.
“T-t-thank you Noona. B-b-but I’m n-n-not as good as y-y-you…” he cleared his throat, “Anyway, the other topic of today’s lesson is how to know if someone is hitting on you.”
You gave him a confused look.
“Why would anyone be hitting on me?”
“Because you’re pretty and pretty girls get hit on.”
He thought you were pretty? It wasn’t the first time he had called you it but it still shocked you slightly whenever that word slipped past his lips.
“But I’d be around you so…?”
Jungkook’s lips quirked into a smile.
“First off all, if anyone tried to hit on you in my company I would probably hit them. It’s rude. Second, you want to teach English in Korea, yes? That means one day you’ll move to Korea. Some dudes here have a foreign women fetish.”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Exactly. I saw people staring when we were at the fair. Especially when you were shooting that gun like a pro. I’m just trying to protect you.”
You didn’t really see any room to argue; he was just trying to help afterall.
“Let’s throw you into the deep end since those kind of guys tend to be very… blunt… with what they want from you. ‘Na neorang kong kkago hagosip-eo’. That means I want to fuck you.”
You chose the wrong time to take a sip of water as you ended up spitting back out again.
“If you’re going to spit, make sure you aim it at the jerk’s face who’s saying these things to you.”
“Oh my God.”
Jungkook adjusted his glasses before continuing.
“Anyway the direct translation is 'I want to do the peeling of the bean with you’ which I think is pretty funny.” He cleared his throat, “You’ll also need to know these next three since some guys view foreign women as… easy… ‘Geolle’ and ‘ssipalnyeon’ which mean slut and ‘changnyeo’ which means whore. If anyone says these to you say 'kkeojyeo’ which means fuck off.”
“Exactly like that.”
You smiled, but couldn’t help ask the question that had been bothering you since he introduced this topic.
“Why didn’t you teach any of this to me last time?”
“I didn’t realise I would have to protect you from people staring at you all the time.”
Huh? You didn’t notice any staring apart from those girls at the fair. And they were looking at him.
“Is that why you were holding my hand everywhere?”
“Uh…no…I wanted to do that…” Jungkook scratched his cheek, “So, what’s fuck off again?”
“Good Noona.”
Your nose suddenly crinkled at a thought.
“It’s strange to hear you swear…”
“I’m swearing for your own good. You can also say 'jugeullae?’ to them which means 'do you wanna die?’ but they might take that as you playing hard to get.”
A sigh escaped your lips as you scrolled through the list of phrases again. “I don’t think I’m going to remember all this by next week.”
Jungkook sat back and pulled at the neck of his shirt, thus covering his collar bones much to your disappointment.
“Chances are I’m going to be by your side so hopefully you shouldn’t have to worry too much.” He grinned. “And if you forget what to say a solid kick to the dick should show them you mean no funny business.”
You giggled, “Jeon Jungkook is advocating violence. Why am I not totally surprised?”
His face became serious, eyebrows drawn together.
“I don’t normally but I don’t want to risk anything happening to my favourite Noona.”
“I-I’m your f-favourite Noona?”
He scratched the back of his neck, cheeks turning pink. “Uhh, yeah.”
“I feel special.”
“You are special.” He paused then waved his hand as if dismissing the statement. “So, um, remember…self defence…yeah.”
Your own cheeks had warmed at his compliment, “I’ll keep that in mind… anything else I should know?”
“Ye. ‘Jeot-kka’. It’s another way to say fuck off but it literally means 'dick kick’.”
You started laughing. “So do I say it or kick them?”
He shrugged. “That is up to you. Although I recommend saying it as a warning just so they have a chance to protect themselves if they so wish.”
“And if they don’t go away.?”
“Then kick them and follow that by saying 'jibe gaseo ttalttarina cheo.’ Which means ‘go home and masturbate’ because if they’re hitting you and not leaving you alone even you warned them then they’re a perverted creep.”
You nodded to mask your shock at how direct the phrase was. You figured you’d save that for if you were ever desperate.
“That they are.”
There was a short pause before Jungkook smirked. “And if none of that works I’ll just pretend to be your boyfriend and prevent them from having babies myself.”
Your breath caught in your throat causing you to choke on thin air. He couldn’t be serious, could he?
"Why would you do that?!”
“Because I want Noona to be safe and happy while she’s with me.”
You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “I only ever felt safe and happy with you as your friend.”
His smirk stayed in place. “Men don’t find friends threatening. An angry muscly boyfriend would be better.”
“You wear such baggy clothing they wouldn’t know you’re muscly.”
“Then I’ll wear tight fitting tank tops and shirts with rolled up sleeves.”
You feel your eyes widen and drift from his face to the wide neck t-shirt he was wearing. Tight shirts and tank tops were a step away from his bare chest which you still weren’t quite sure you’d recovered from.
“What was that Noona?” He teased, playfully cupping his ear.
“Uh… p-p-please n-n-no tank t-t-tops…”
“So I should escort you around Korea shirtless? I mean I might get noticed and it might create a scandal but if that’s what you wa-”
“Please dress like you normally would!”
He chuckled. “As Noona wishes.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll try not to be offended you don’t want to see me shirtless-”
“I’ve seen you shirtless.” Your lips quirked when an idea came to mind. “And from what I remember it wasn’t that impressive.”
His face fell.
“Is… is that really what you think Noona?”
It couldn’t hurt to knock his ego down a notch.
You put on a straight face. “I don’t believe you’re the strongest in Bangtan.”
Jungkook’s bottom lip jut out while his brows furrowed.
“In that case, I’m messaging Chubs. You don’t deserve to be part of the thigh power couple.”
You laughed at his childish reaction. He glared at you then suddenly he was pulling his shirt over his head and you felt heat fill your cheeks.
“I’ll give you this one chance to take it back before I message Chubs. If you say you were wrong then I’ll ignore what you said earlier and put it down to your memory needing jogging.”
You desperately wanted to hide so that he couldn’t see you growing redder by the second. But he was inviting you to stare at his body. And you were never one to turn down a good invitation.
You held his gaze for a second before letting your eyes travel down the column of his neck to his pecs. You gulped as your eyes travelled downward. It always astounded you that Southeast Asians naturally had less body hair than most other races. Your eyes landed on his abs and you had to stop yourself from licking your lips.  
“So Noona, do you take it back?”
Your eyes snapped back to his face and you nodded.
“Say it.”
You blinked in confusion. “Huh?”
“Say 'Jungkookie, you’re the strongest and most handsome in Bangtan.’” He put on a high-pitched voice you assumed was supposed to be his interpretation of you.
You sighed, “Fine. Jungkookie, you are definitely Bangtan’s muscle pig.”
“Not quite what I wanted but it will do.”
You rolled your eyes. “So you’ll dress normally?”
“Thank fuck.”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion but then smirked.
“Neo naega segsihadago saeng-gaghae (You think I’m sexy).”
God dammit you spat out your drink again. Curse the world for being cruel. And curse the little shit sat before you for being…him.
“I-I never s-said t-t-that!” You wiped at the liquid dribbling down your chin.
“Why else would you want me to keep my shirt on?”
“Because you’re the maknae of the group… talking of shirts being on. Could you put yours back on?”
“I’m going to bed soon. Putting it back on would be silly.” He grabbed his t-shirt and threw it aside. “Plus I like it when Noona gets flustered.”
“Why?!” You couldn’t help how your voice raised, an irrational side of you insisted he had somehow guessed your feelings and was teasing you for them.
“Because it’s funny.”
“I’m not your monkey! Go tease one of your hyungs!”
A yawn caused him to lean back in his seat as he stretched.
“It’s not cute when they get angry.”
“I’m not cute dolttaegari (dickhead)!”
He fake gasped, “Noona has such a foul mouth!”
“Kkeojyeo (fuck off).”
“I didn’t teach you how to swear so you can do it at me!”
It was your turn to smirk.
“You shouldn’t have taught me then.”
“I’m trying to protect my Noona from perverts!”
“Then you should at least put something on to cover up.”
His jaw fell open but mirth was clear in his eyes. “I-I’m no pervert! I was a complete gentleman the other week!”
“You mean when you disappeared on me for ten minutes?”
“I was helping Jin in the kitchen!” He pouted.
“I know, I know. I’m not actually calling you a pervert. I was joking.”
“Good!” He sat back in his chair, having leant forward in protest. “My Eomma once told me respect and consent should be top priority. And I stand by that.”
"I… well… yeah… It’s a bit random to bring up but she was right in raising you that way and it’s good you’re sticking to it.”
“I only say it because perverts don’t have those qualities.”
“That’s why I’m kicking them in the dick if they come near me.” You pretended to kick the air but slammed your knee against your desk. “Ah, shit!”
He laughed at you as you clutched your leg while rocking back and forth, muttering swears under your breath.
“It’s not funny! I bruise like a peach!”
“Try not to hurt yourself before you come visit.”
“I’ll try not too.” You rubbed furiously at the red mark on your knee. “Remember what I said last time I visited, I’m a klutz.”
“That you are.”
You poked your tongue out at him to which he called you a child.
“Speaking of being a child. Isn’t it past your bedtime?”
“Men don’t have bed times.” He picked up his phone, the light highlighting his features. “But it is late.”
“Go to sleep, Kookie.”
He scratched his chest, “But I’m not tired.”
“I’m pretty sure you yawned earlier.”
“I was flexing.” As if on cue, he yawned again and stretched his arms above his head.
You raised an eyebrow. “Sleep.”
He pouted and crossed his arms.
“Don’t wanna.”
“Aaaw~ look~ you’re getting cranky because it’s past bedtime.”
“Noona is mean. No goodnight message for you.”
You shrugged, “I can deal with that.”
His pout somehow grew.
“Night Noona.”
He hung up. Rude. You were about to send him a message when he beat you to it.
'One more week and you’ll be sleeping here, Noona.’ It was followed by the customary goodnight selca but this time you noticed something peeking out the covers beside him.
'Is that Honey?’
'So cute! The maknae still sleeps with plushies!’
His reply was immediate.
'Naneun NAMJA! Aiga aniyo! (I am a MAN! Not a child!)’
'Tell that to Honey’
'She keeps me company. It’s a big bed.’
The next picture was of him on his side, Honey tucked under his chin.
A giggle escaped your lips. He looked adorable.
'Do you cuddle up to her when you sleep too??’
You didn’t realise your mistake until it was too late. You hoped a quick lie would cover for you.
'Cookie. I meant Cookie. Stupid autocorrect.’
'Did you name your bear after me??’
'Tell me the truth.’
'Why would I name it after you?’
'Because I’m your bias.’
You bit your lip and hurriedly tried to think of something to throw him off.
'Maybe Namjoon is my bias now. You can’t just assume things.’
'Your blog states otherwise.’
'Maybe I have a secret Namjoon one.’
You waited for a reply and assumed after a few minutes he’d fallen asleep. Except he hadn’t.
It was a screenshot of a Tumblr conversation. Confusion set in when you saw Chubs’ URL in the corner.
The first message was from Jungkook: 'I have a question about Y/N.’
Chubs: 'Shoot.’
Jungkook: 'Is Namjoon her bias now?’
Chubs: 'No. It’s you. Always has been always will be. Why?’
Jungkook: 'She said I’m assuming that I’m her bias.’
Chubs: 'That girl…Don’t worry. You’re her favourite…she even named a teddy after you. BUT DON’T TELL HER I TOLD YOU THAT OR I’LL GET MY ASS BEAT!’
You stared at the screenshot for a moment longer.
'I had good reason to Noona. Who is top of your bias list is a very serious matter cause whoever is at the top has your undivided attention and a special place in your heart. I didn’t like the thought of Namjoon-hyung taking my place.’
'Well get fucking used to sharing me!!’
You gave an evil cackle. He was too fun to tease.
'Do you think Namjoon would let me sleep in his bed? He seemed pretty chill about letting me stay. I bet it wouldn’t be an issue.’
You paused for a moment. No… He couldn’t be, could he? Was he… was he…
'Are you jealous of Namjoon-oppa?’
A reply came through instantly.
'I’m the only one who can be Noona’s bias. I don’t want to share Noona. Noona belongs in my bed, not in Namjoon-hyung’s!’
He definitely sounded jealous. But that was impossible, right? He only saw you as a friend. Maybe you should take a nap, you seemed to be becoming delusional. But you wanted to know. Ignoring the guilt bubbling inside you for taking advantage of a sleepy Jungkook, you pried further.
'So what you’re saying is you want me to yourself?’
'You’re MY Noona.’
'Naww~ You ARE jealous!!!’
This time there was a pause before his next message.
'So? I’m allowed to want to have my friend to myself… I think I should go to sleep now… Goodnight Noona.’
There was that dreaded ‘friend’ again…Maybe you had pushed it too far.
'I’m sorry for upsetting you… I don’t know why I did it… Goodnight BunBun.’
You sighed and rubbed your face, unable to be happy about his newfound jealousy when you knew you had crossed the line. Your phone buzzed just as you were getting up from your desk. You picked it up expecting it to be Chubs asking what earlier was about but it was Jungkook.
Hesitantly, you opened the message to see three simple words.
'I’m not upset.’
Yet somehow you knew he was lying.
'There’s no need to lie Kookie. I know I crossed the line. I shouldn’t have done that and you should be sleeping.’
'I’ll message you tomorrow. Good night Noona.’
The message was followed by a selca of him kissing Honey which put a smile on your face briefly.
'Goodnight Kookie… sleep well.’
A/N: Poor Kookie getting teased for his jealousy… And that was a rather interesting lesson he gave… Feel free to message us your feelings on this chapter and the story ^^ We love to hear from you guys!
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Once a mountain kingdom of ancient palaces and emperors, Korea in the 21st century is largely known for its modern cities and decades of conflict. Tensions between North and South may be what defines it to outsiders but beyond the battle scars there is another side. In the south are large pockets of untouched wilderness where extraordinary animals flourish and Koreans continue to practise age-old traditions in tandem with the seasons and with nature. It is in these connections, rather than in division, that we see the true Korea.
It explores South Korea’s remarkable wildlife, natural landscapes and traditions explored and has been selected as Pick of the Day for The Times, The Guardian, Daily Mail, Radio Times and TV Times
Production Companies
BBC TV (for)
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (for)
Buzz Media (in association with)
CJ E&M Pictures (in association with)
Oxford Scientific Films (co-production)
Terra Mater Factual Studios (co-production)
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (2018) (UK) (TV)
Release Dates UK          11 February 2018
by James Reed
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order)  
Matt Houghton Hazel Marshall Anne Sommerfield
Cast (in credits order)  
Arthur Lee...Narrator (voice)
Produced by 
Harry Bang...assistant producer: Buzz Media Clare Birks...executive producer: Oxford Scientific Films Steve Do...assistant producer: Buzz Media Caroline Hawkins...executive producer Sabine Holzer...executive producer: Terra Mater Factual Studios Craig Hunter...commissioning editor: BBC Jae Hyuk Lee...executive producer: CJ E&M Philip Jones...producer: natural history Wolfgang Knöpfler...line producer: Terra Mater Factual Studios Chang Soo Lee...executive producer: Buzz Media Martin Mészáros...executive producer: Terra Mater Factual Studios James Reed...producer Keun Uk Cho...assistant producer: CJ E&M Kye Young Kim...producer: CJ E&M Ji Yun Lee...producer: CJ E&M
Music by 
William Goodchild...(original music by) The Insects...(original music by)
by Wanho Lim...director of photography
Film Editing 
by Bobby Sheikh South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea (ROK), is a country in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula and lying to the east of the Asian mainland.[12] The name Korea is derived from Goguryeo which was one of the great powers in East Asia during its time,[13][14][15][16] ruling most of the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria, parts of the Russian Far East[17] and Inner Mongolia,[18] under Gwanggaeto the Great.[19] South Korea lies in the north temperate zone and has a predominantly mountainous terrain. It comprises an estimated 51.4 million residents distributed over 100,363 km2 (38,750 sq mi).[20][21] Its capital and largest city is Seoul, with a population of around 10 million.
South Korea is a highly developed country and a high-income economy, with a "very high" Human Development Index, ranking 22nd in the world. The country is considered a regional power and is the world's 11th largest economy by nominal GDP and the 12th largest by PPP as of 2010.[28] South Korea is a global leader in the industrial and technological sectors, being the world's 5th largest exporter and 8th largest importer. Its export-driven economy primarily focuses production on electronics, automobiles, ships, machinery, petrochemicals and robotics.
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South Korea occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula, which extends some 1,100 km (680 mi) from the Asian mainland. This mountainous peninsula is flanked by the Yellow Sea to the west, and the East Sea(Sea of Japan) to the east. Its southern tip lies on the Korea Strait and the East China Sea.
The country, including all its islands, lies between latitudes 33° and 39°N, and longitudes 124° and 130°E. Its total area is 100,032 square kilometres (38,622.57 sq mi).[132]
South Korea can be divided into four general regions: an eastern region of high mountain ranges and narrow coastal plains; a western region of broad coastal plains, river basins, and rolling hills; a southwestern region of mountains and valleys; and a southeastern region dominated by the broad basin of the Nakdong River.[133]
Joseon dynasty (also transcribed as Chosŏn or Chosun, Korean: 조선; officially the Kingdom of Great Joseon, Korean: 대조선국) was a Korean[5]dynastic kingdom that lasted for approximately five centuries. It was founded by Yi Seong-gye in July 1392 and was replaced by the Korean Empirein October 1897.[6]
Joseon was the last dynasty of Korea and its longest-ruling Confucian dynasty.
  The Joseon period has left a substantial legacy to modern Korea; much of modern Korean culture, etiquette, norms and societal attitudes towards current issues developed during this period.
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Gyeongbokgung (Hangul: 경복궁; Hanja: 景福宮), also known as Gyeongbokgung Palace or Gyeongbok Palace, was the main royal palace of the Joseon dynasty. Built in 1395, it is located in northern Seoul, South Korea. The largest of the Five Grand Palacesbuilt by the Joseon dynasty, Gyeongbokgung served as the home of Kings of the Joseon dynasty, the Kings' households, as well as the government of Joseon.
Joseon dynasty was a highly centralized monarchy and neo-Confucian bureaucracy as codified by Gyeongguk daejeon, a sort of Joseon constitution.
철학(신유학)적 가치에 바탕을 둔 헌법(절대권력마저도 쉽사리 훼손할 수 없는)을 가졌던 인류 역사상 가장 문명적인 왕조 중 하나가 바로 조선 왕조.
한국과 한국인을 이해하기 위해서는 조선이라는 타이틀 안에서 발견되는 독특한 역사, 시대, 인물, 가치, 제도를 가장 먼저 알아야할 것임.
The king had absolute authority, but his actual power varied with political circumstances. He was bound by tradition, precedents set by earlier kings, 여Kyeongguk daejeon, and Confucian teachings. The king commanded absolute loyalty from his officials and subjects, but the officials were also expected to persuade the king to the right path if the latter was thought to be mistaken.
Direct communication between the king and the common people was possible through the sangeon (상언; 上言) written petition system and the gyeokjaeng (격쟁; 擊錚) oral petition system.
Office of Censors (Saganwon·사간원) - Its chief function was to remonstrate with the king if there was wrong or improper action or policy. Important decrees of the king were first reviewed by censors, who could ask to withdraw them if judged improper. It also issued opinions about the general state of affairs. It was composed of five officials, led by Chief Censor (Daesagan·대사간), of 3rd senior rank.
Office of Special Advisors (Hongmungwan·홍문관 弘文館) - It oversaw the royal library and served as research institute to study Confucian philosophy and answer the king's questions. Its officials took part in the daily lessons called gyeongyeon (경연), in which they discussed history and Confucian philosophy with the king. Since these discussions often led to commentary on current political issues, its officials had significant influence as advisors. It was headed by Chief Scholar (Daejehak·대제학), a part-time post of 2nd senior rank that served concurrently in another high post (such as in State Council), and Deputy Chief Scholar (Bujehak·부제학), a full-time post of 3rd senior rank that actually ran the office.
Royal Secretariat (Seungjeongwon, 승정원) served as a liaison between the king and Six Ministries. There were six royal secretaries (승지), one for each ministry, and all were of 3rd senior rank. Their primary role was to pass down royal decree to the ministries and submit petitions from the officials and the populace to the king, but they also advised the king and served in other key positions close to the king. In particular Chief Royal Secretary (도승지), a liaison to Ministry of Personnel, served the king in the closest proximity of all government official and often enjoyed great power that was derived from the king's favor.
Joseon Korea installed a centralised administrative system controlled by civil bureaucrats and military officers who were collectively called Yangban. 
The family of a yangban who did not succeed to become a government official for the third generation lost their yangban status and became commoners. For most part, the only way to become a government official was to pass a series of gwageo exams (One had to pass "lesser gwageo" exam (소과) in both of two stages to qualify for greater gwageo exam, which again one had to pass in both of two stages to become a government official.)
 The yangban and the king, in an uneasy balance, controlled the central government and military institutions.
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94 years female diver. 80 years of diving experience.
Jejudo is a volcanic island, dominated by Hallasan: a volcano 1,950 metres (6,400 ft) high and the highest mountain in South Korea. The island measures approximately 73 kilometres (45 mi) across, east to west, and 41 kilometres (25 mi) from north to south.[20]
The island is home to 660,000 people but hosts 15,000,000 visitors per year.
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Among Seoul’s numerous attractions, the sites that continually draw in tourists are none other than the four palaces of Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, Changgyeonggung Palace and Deoksugung Palace, as well as Jongmyo Shrine. At these locations, visitors can easily glimpse the beauty and culture that lasted over 500 years during Korea’s historic Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). The palaces may all appear similar to the untrained eye, but spend more time here and you will see that each palace has its own charm and story. Visit the four palaces and Jongmyo Shrine for a closer look at the rise and fall of the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty.
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South Korea (11)
[EAAF027] Cheolwon Basin
[ EAAF107 ] Chilbaldo Islet
[EAAF097] Nakdong Estuary
[EAAF028] Han River Estuary
[EAAF046] Cheonsu Bay
[EAAF101] Yubu-do Tidal Flat
[EAAF100] Geum River Estuary
[EAAF078] Gumi Haepyung wetland
[EAAF079] Suncheon Bay (순천만)
[EAAF096] Upo Wetland
[EAAF095] Junam Reservoir
Haenyeo (also spelled haenyo) (Hangul: 해녀; lit. sea women) are female divers in the Korean province of Jeju. Known for their independent spirit, iron will and determination, the haenyeo are representative of the semi-matriarchal family structure of Jeju.[1]:1
해녀는 전통적 한국 여인의 강인함과 책임감을 보여주는 상징적 존재임.
With each dive, haenyeo plunge up to 30 meters deep and can hold their breath for over three minutes.[8][11] Their harvests consist of abalone, conch, octopus, sea urchins, sea squirt, brown alga, top shell, a variety of sargassum, oysters, sea slugs etc.[2]:[8]:2350[5][7][10][11] The divers must contend with dangers such as jellyfish, poor weather and sharks.
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94세의 현직 해녀.
육지에서는 잘 못 걷는데 물 속에서는 잘 걸을 수 있다고 함.
물에서는 물이 몸을 지지해주므로 허리와 다리 관절 등이 받는 충격이 완화되어 관절이 약하고 관절부위의 통증에 시달리는 노인일지라도 물속에서는 더 자유롭게 이동하고 운동할 수 있음.
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A breath-taking view of Seongsan Ilchulbong. Jeju Island, which achieved UNESCO’s “Triple Crown,” is a global recognized treasure for its environment assets.
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Maisan is a mountain of Jeollabuk-do, western South Korea. It has an elevation of 686 metres.[1]
The architecture is not of sole importance in the design and construction of hanok. What is more important is how the hanok relates to the holistic environment around it. Physical and visual harmony between the architecture and nature around it is an essential factor.
한국의 건축은 인간의 우월성을 드러내는 것이 아니라 인간과 자연의 조화를 드러내는 것임. 서양 건축같은 웅장함, 화려함은 없을지언정 주변 환경과의 모나지 않은 자연스러움과 조화가 가라앉은 차분한 미(美)를 발산함.
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theos-rp · 6 years
Congratulations, Kim Yeongguk, you have been granted admittance to the Island. Please add our moderator account within three days or your face claim will be reopened.
Name / Alias: rin
Are you 18+? yes
Time Zone: gmt+7
Do you understand that this roleplay is an 18+ environment, and that you may be exposed to explicit material, mature content, or triggering themes? yes
Face claim / Group/occupation: suga / bts / rapper/producer
Chosen Name: kim yeongguk
Son/Daughter of: Hypnos
House: ionic
Please include a writing sample below. Does not have to be of this character, you are welcome to use any previous threads from other rps you believe best showcase your writing. We are seeking quality, not length.
He missed home. He missed how the sunlight crept from the gaps of his curtain at six in the morning, he missed how he can hear his mother’s footsteps coming down the stairs, ready to make a cup of coffee for herself.   Yes, he missed the sound of water boiling and the strong smell of coffee (he can always smell them, his room has no air conditioning so he tends to leave the door and window open for the cool air to come to his room). He would drift off to sleep again, only to be awake again at seven when his alarm rings annoyingly from his nightstand. The softness of the pillow that he put to cover his ears with and the warmth his thin blanket gives when it’s all tangled inbetween his legs. The weight of his little sister above his chest as she nudged him to wake, the playfulness in her voice and the occasional soft giggle as he would already fully awake at this point to wrap her around his arms and gives her kisses all over her face as she tries to break through his grip. He always thought that he was living a boring life. Wake up, eat breakfast, go to college, go home, do homework(with occasional procrastination), hang out with friends, sleep and repeat. But he rather have the mundane, ordinary life than this life, where he can never sleep peacefully anymore, the ringing on his ears and the nightmares that always left him awake at four in the morning, crying and helpless wanting everything to end, wanting this to end. The world is broken, it’s been six months since that happened, or so he remembered. Over those six months, everything has changed. he has changed.
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korean-layout · 7 years
- ㄹ/ - 을 줄 알다   -l/eul jul alda-know how to do - ㄹ/ - 을 줄 모르다-l/eul jul  moreuda-not know how to do
Future / Present Tense
l/eul jul aseyo? Do you know how to… Formal l/eul jul arayo I know how to… standard
잡다[japda] – “to catch” 잡을 줄 알다[jabeul jul alda]: “know how to catch…” 잡을 줄 모르다[jabeul jul moreuda]: "don’t know how to catch”
III. Verb stems ending with ㄹ - 줄 알다 or - 줄 모르다
suyeonghal jul aseyo can you swim suyeong hal jul arayo I know how to swim cha moljul aseyo do you know how to drive a car
ne, hal jul arayo yes, i know how to do it
aniyo, hal jula mollayo no i dont know how to do it
jeo igeo hal su isseoyo i can do this
jeo igeo hal jul arayo i know how to do this
yeongeo hal su isseyo can you speak english
yeongeo hal jul arayo do you know how to speak english
영어 할 줄 알아요? Yeong-eo hal jul arayo? Do you know how to speak English?
스키 탈 줄 알아요? Seuki tal jul arayo? Do you know how to ski?
저는 저거 쓸 줄 몰라요. Jeo-neun jeogeo sseul jul mollayo. I don’t know how to use that.
이 기계 사용할 줄 몰라요. I gigye sayong-hal jul molrayo. I don’t know how to use this machine.
한국어 읽을 줄 알아요. Han-gugeo ilgeul jul arayo. I know how to read Korean.
- ㄹ/ - 을 수 있다[-(eu)l su it-da] - can - ㄹ/ - 을 수 없다[-(eu)l su eobsda] - cant
add this structure onto the end of both descriptive and action verbs
We can conjugate the last verb, 있다 (itda), to express politeness level,
Future / Present Tense
I. Verb stems ending in a vowel -ㄹ 수 있다   -ㄹ 수 없다
하다[hada] - “to do”
할 수 있다[hal su itda]: “to be able to do” 할 수 없다[hal su eopda]: “to not be able to do”
II. consonant -을 수 있다 or - 을 수 없다
있다[itda]: “to exist” or “to have”
있을 수 있다[itseul su itda]: “to be able to have 있을 수 없다[itseul su eopda]: "to not be able to have”
잡다[japda] – “to catch”
잡을 수 있다[jabeul su itda]: “to be able to catch…” 잡을 수 없다[jabeul su eopda]: "to not be able to catch”
III. Verb stems ending with - 수 있다 or - 수 없다
알다[alda] – “to know” 알 수 있다[al su itda]: “to be able to know…” 알 수 없다[al su eopda]: "to not be able to know”
운전 할 수 있어요? [un-jeon hal su i-sseo-yo?]  
일본어 할 수 있어요? [il-bo-neo hal su i-sseo-yo?]
손이 아파서, 쓸 수 없어요. son-i apaseo, sseul su eopseoyo. “I can’t write because my hand hurts.”
영국에 살 수 있습니다. yeongguk-e sal su isseumnida. “I can live in England.”
말할 수 없어요. malhal su eopseoyo. “I can’t tell you.”
내일도 올 수 있어요? naeil-do ol su isseoyo? “Can you come again tomorrow?”
저녁에 영화보러 갈 수 있어요? jeonyeok-e yeonghwa boreo gal su isseoyo? “Can you go see a movie (with me) tonight?”
자동차 좀 빌릴 수 있어요? jadongcha jom billil su isseoyo? “Can I borrow (your) car for a while?”
저 도와줄 수 있어요? jeo dowajul su isseoyo? “Can you help me?”
저는 한국어 할 수 있어요. jeo-neun hangukeo hal su eopseoyo. “I can speak Korean.” (standard politeness level)
저는 한국어 할 수 없어요. jeo-neun hangukeo hal su eopseoyo. “I can’t speak Korean.” (standard politeness level) Can you drive? (lit. “Can you do driving
Can you speak Japanese? (lit. “Can you do Japanese?”)
However, when using the construction ㄹ/을 수 없다[-l/eul su eoptda], this carries the notion that the speaker (or subject of the sentence) was unable to do something because he or she did not have the capacity to perform that activity.
When expressing the “can’t” because of factors other than inability, we use the impossibility adverb 못 (mot).
-da mot hae (seo) Unable to
못 + verb  mot+verb cant
Noun.hada - Verbs
~을/를 못 하다  Eul, reul mot hada Cant do
저 이거 못 해요. jeo igeo mot haeyo. “I can’t do this.”
못 읽어요. [mot il-geo-yo.]   I can’t read it.
지 금 못 만나요. [ji-geum mot man-na-yo.] I can’t meet you now
지혜 씨를 못 만났어요. Jihye ssi-reul mot mannasseoyo. “I wasn’t able to meet Jihye
저는 노래 못 해요. jeo-neun norae mot haeyo. “I can’t sing.”
영어 못해요. yeongeo mot haeyo. “I can’t speak English.”
운전 못해요. unjeon mot haeyo. “I can’t drive.”
시끄러워! 나 공부 못 해! sikkeureowo! na gongbu mot hae! “It’s too loud! I can’t study!”
못하다” can mean “you can’t do something because you haven’t learnt how to do” while “할수없어요” can have the same meaning as “못하다” or it has sense of “you are not able to do something because you’re not in the mood for some other reasons”
for example, 저는 수영를 못해요 = I can’t swim(because you haven’t learnt how to swim) 저는 수영을 할수 없어요 could mean… 1) I can’t swim(because I haven’t learnt) or 2) I am not in the mood to swim for some reasons like….. you didn’t bring your swimming suit or you’re tired, etc. (in here, you know how to swim^^/)
잘 + verb to do well  To be good at
Noun.hada - Verbs
~을/를 잘 하다  Eul, reul jal hada  to do well  To be good at
수영 [su-yeong.hada]  swimming
수영을 잘 하다 [su-yeong-eul jal ha-da] to be good at swimming
저 수영 잘 해요.jeo suyeong jal haeyo."I’m a good swimmer.”
저는 글을 잘 써요. jeo-neun geul-eul jal sseoyo.“I write well.”
민수 ���는 운동을 잘 해요. Minsu ssi-neun undong-eul jal haeyo.“Minsoo is good at sports.”
그림을 잘 그려요. geurim-eul jal geuryeoyo. “I draw pictures well.”
한국말 잘 합니다.hangugmal jal hamnida.“I speak Korean well.”
주희는 태권도 잘 해요.juhuineun taekwondo jal haeyo.“Juhui is good at taekwondo.
컴퓨터 잘 해?keompyuteo jal hae?  “Are you good with computers?”
민수는 공부 잘 해요? minsu-neun gongbu jal haeyo? “Is Minsu doing well with his studies?” / “Is Minsu a good student?”
잘 못 하다Eul, reul jal mot hada  Cant do well
죄송합니다. 한국말 잘 못해요. joesonghamnida. hangugmal jal mothaeyo. “Sorry. I don’t speak Korean well.”
운전 잘 못해요. unjeon jal mothaeyo. “I’m not good at driving.”
공부 잘 못해요. gongbu jal mothaeyo. “I’m not a very good student.” (Literally, “I’m not good at studying.”)
컴퓨터 잘 못해요.keompyuteo jal mothaeyo.   I’m not good with computers.”
수영을 못 하다 [su-yeong-eul mot ha-da]
수 영을 잘 못 하다 [su-yeong-eul jal mot ha-da]  
저는 노래를 잘 못 해요. [jeo-neun no-rae-reul jal mot hae-yo.] i cant sing well
제 친구는 수영을 잘 해요. [je chin-gu-neun su-yeong-eul jal hae-yo.] =My friend is good at swimming.
노래 해요. norae haeyo “I sing.” 노래 못 해요. norae mot haeyo “I can’t sing.” 노래 잘 해요. norae jal haeyo “I am good at singing.” 노래 잘 해요? norae jal haeyo? “Are you good at singing?” 노래 못 해요. norae mot haeyo. “I can’t sing.” 춤 잘 춰요? chum jal chwoyo? “Are you good at dancing?” 춤 못 춰요. chum mot chwoyo. “I can’t dance.”
그럼 연기 잘 해요? geureom yeongi jal haeyo? “Then can you dance well?” 연기 못 해요? yeongi mot haeyo? “You can’t act?” 하지만 술 잘 마셔요. 그리고 운전도 잘 해요. hajiman sul jal masyeoyo. geurigo unjeon-do jal haeyo. “But I drink well. And I can drive well, too.” 요리 못 해요. yori mot haeyo. “I can’t cook.” 영어 잘 해요. yeong-eo jal haeyo. “I am good at English.” 컴퓨터 잘 해요? keompyuteo jal haeyo? “Are you good with computers
“수” is what I like to call a ‘pseudo-noun.’ You have already learned a few of these pseudo-nouns in other lessons. For example in Lesson 30 you learned about “지” and how it can be used in sentences like this:
한국에서 산 지 25년 됐어요 = I have been living in Korea for 25 years
In Lesson 32, you learned about “적” and how it can be used in sentences like this:
n both of the sentences above, the pseudo-noun follows a descriptive word, and thus, must be a noun. However, these ‘pseudo-nouns’ cannot be placed anywhere but these specific locations, and therefore, are not true nouns. ‘수’ in ‘~ㄹ 수 있다’ is also a pseudo-noun. If you look up “수” in the dictionary, the definition will be something similar to “ability” or “capability” but it is not used as a stand-alone noun. Like “지” and “적,” it needs to be described by something.
If we describe “수” with the verb “to study” (공부하다), we can get:
공부할 수: the ability to study
You can now finish the construction by placing “있다” or “없다” after 수 to indicate that one “has” or “does not have” the ability to study. For example:
공부할 수 있다 = I have the ability to study 공부할 수 없다 = I do not have the ability to study
The translations of “one can” and “one cannot” are usually used in these types of sentences. For example:
공부할 수 있다 = I can study 공부할 수 없다 = I can’t study
Below are many more examples that express that something “can” be done using ~ㄹ/을 수 있다
저도 그것을 할 수 있어요 = I can do that too 저는 그 지점에서 만날 수 있어요 = I can meet at that point 저는 이 수학문제를 술술 풀 수 있어요 = I can solve this math question without any issue 저는 몇몇 한국사람들보다 한국어를 더 잘 말할 수 있어요 = I can speak Korean better than some Korean people 선생님이 원하시면 윤리 교과 과정을 바꿀 수 있어요 = If you want, you (the teacher) can change the ethics curriculum 그 문제를 기한 안에 해결한다면 우리는 지금부터 선거를 실시할 수 있어요 = If you solve that problem within the time period, the election can run starting now 이번 선거로 인권 문제를 해결할 수 있어요 = We can solve the problem of human rights through this election
오늘 밤에 만날 수 있어요? = Can you meet tonight?
~ㄹ/을 수 없다:
저 사람은 한국어를 말할 수 없어요 = The person can’t speak Korean 저는 그 사실을 믿을 수 없어요 = I can’t believe that fact
Both ~ㄹ/을 수 있다 and ~ㄹ/을 수 없다 can be expressed in the past and future tenses. When conjugating to the past or future tenses, only 있다 or 없다 should be conjugated. For example
past l,을 수 있었어요  l,eul 수 없었어요 future저는 다음 번에 더 잘 할 수 있을 거예요 = I will be able to do better next time
One specific phrase that is difficult to translate directly to English is:
I don’t understand, or I can’t understand
In English, those two phrases essentially mean the same thing – however, there is a subtle difference. We would use “I can’t understand” when you are talking about a general topic – specifically something that you don’t get at all and will never understand. For example:
I can’t understand Chemistry I can’t understand Korean
To say those in Korean, you can use the ~ㄹ 수 없다 form. For example
To say those in Korean, you can use the ~ㄹ 수 없다 form. For example
나는 화학을 이해할 수 없어 = I can’t understand Chemistry 나는 한국어를 이해할 수 없어 = I can’t understand Korean
However, if we say “I don’t understand”, it could mean that – although you cannot understand something right now – you will probably be able to understand it if somebody (depending on the situation) explains it to you better. This is more likely to be used in specific things that somebody can teach you over a short period of time – or something that you can grasp if somebody explains it to you quickly. In order to create this meaning, you should attach ~지 못하다 to “이해하다.”
For example:
이 문제를 이해하지 못하겠어요 = I don’t understand that question/problem 네가 무슨 말을 하고 있는지 이해하지 못하겠어 = I don’t understand what you are trying to say (like, “I don’t understand the point you are trying to make”)
Notice that the future tense conjugation of ~겠다 is used when talking about something you currently don’t understand
이 문제를 이해하지 못했어요 = I didn’t understand this question/problem They’re essentially the same thing (이해할 수 없다 vs. 이해하지 못하겠다), and you don’t really need to worry about distinguishing them too much. However, it is something that I learned when I was studying, so it might be something that you should consider as well.
Adding particles to 수
Because 수 is a noun, particles can be attached to it. The three most common particles that are attached to “수” are ~가, ~는 and ~도.
I have discussed the purpose of adding ~가 to “수” with Korean teachers (who teach Korean grammar to Korean people). All of them say that ~가 creates no additional meaning to these types of sentences. For example, each pair of sentences would be the same:
우리는 그것을 정확이 알 수 없어요 우리는 그것을 정확이 알 수가 없어요 = We can’t know that for sure
이 사진을 보여줄 수 없어요 이 사진을 보여줄 수가 없어요 I can’t show you that picture
그것을 어떻게 할 수 있어요? 그것을 어떻게 할 수가 있어요? = How can you do that?
Even though Korean people say those pairs of sentences are identical, my experience with Korean makes me feel that using ~가 is more likely to happen when the situation is being emphasized. Notice the translations below, which I feel more accurately describe the subtleties of using ~가 with ~ㄹ/을 수 있다: 우리는 그것을 정확이 알 수가 없어요 = There’s no way we can even know that for sure 이 사진을 보여줄 수가 없어요 = There’s no way I can even show you the picture 그것을 어떻게 할 수가 있어요? = How can you possibly do that?
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